What does morally tired mean? Signs of moral exhaustion


If you have to perform monotonous and little interesting work, a person, being in a state of indifference, can gradually feel irritation from the monotony of life and the absence bright events. Moral fatigue manifests itself in discontent current position affairs and irritation to everything around.

With prolonged intensive work and the lack of appropriate rest, a person gets tired not only physically, but also morally. accumulated fatigue and frantic rhythm life leads to nervous exhaustion, which is expressed in the absence of any emotions and desires. The only need arises - to be away from civilization, and the person feels empty, exhausted.

Constant personal problems and worries can lead to disappointment and the conclusion that there is no happiness in life. A morally tired person feels driven into a corner: nothing can be changed, and life events consist of overcoming difficulties. Life goes on in struggle and worries about the future.

Frequent stressful situations at work force a person to be constantly in a state of combat readiness, and nervous tension leads to the fact that the person begins to look for a catch in everything and perceive others as a source of threat. There is moral fatigue and negative attitude to people and life.

With a long misunderstanding in communicating with loved ones or unsuccessful attempts to achieve a sincere relationship, moral fatigue sets in, which is expressed in humility. The person finally realizes that all attempts are unsuccessful and deletes from his life the one with whom he did not find mutual language. He is morally tired of contact with specific person.

When a person is forced to act in favor of other people's interests and circumstances and go against his principles, he begins to feel his insignificance. The individual loses self-confidence and experiences heartache from what cannot be itself. A person is forced to play a role, he is morally depressed.

Global reassessment of values, disappointment in one's beliefs, abilities, and lack of successful performance results in a depressive state. The person becomes sad and apathetic and sees no way out of the situation. Moral fatigue is indifference to everything, and first of all to your life.

Feelings of loneliness, lack of love and truly sincere relationships can lead to moral fatigue. A person feels that he is not interesting to anyone and is not needed in this world. He has no one to get help and support in Hard time so there is a deep sadness.

Unlike physical overstrain, moral fatigue does not manifest itself as pain in the muscles or any other parts of the body. It can be compared with nervous exhaustion, mental stress. A morally tired person is easy to identify by characteristic outward signs: drooping shoulders, dead eyes, quiet speech, sometimes there may be excessive emotionality, aggressiveness, tearfulness, etc. He may be tormented by some internal contradictions, unresolved conflicts, problems of self-realization, social maladaptation etc.

Moral fatigue can result in various vegetative disorders of the central nervous system, neurosis, psychosis, asthenia, etc. A long stay in a depressed, depressed state can also lead to functional disorders of cardio-vascular system, to reduce immunity, weaken the entire body as a whole.

As noted above, the causes of moral fatigue can ...

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Re: How to get rid of moral fatigue?

It’s better to know only you and, probably, a specialist, but I’ll say it myself too, then depression or an increase in strength, in general, from longing and “I don’t want anything” helps to indulge your desires for a couple of weeks. Everyone (except, of course, global types divorce, dismissal (although what the hell is not joking), etc.)

I wanted to go into the forest - go away, turn off the phone, don't talk a lot, eat what you want, sleep as much as you want, at work you can "get sick" in the end. We went out on the street and go where it goes, think less, let the body go with the flow. Spontaneous purchases - if there is a penchant for shopping..

Of course this recipe works. certain type people who, after these two weeks, are able to return to the stream, and such prophylaxis is enough for at least six months (I have enough for ...

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We have a lot of thoughts in our head, there is simply no diary free space, and so many things to do every day! Therefore, it is absolutely not surprising that in the evening we simply fall down from fatigue. But the problem is that this fatigue affects not only our mental abilities, but also our motor ones.

But fortunately, there is a way out: from our today's article you will learn how you can cope with physical and moral fatigue with the help of natural remedies, which is as natural as possible.

Am I really tired? Physical or mental fatigue?

Daily overwork is very harmful, it can cause serious damage to our body. And the feeling that we do not have enough energy, or the desire to spend the whole day without getting out of bed, may already be the first warning signs.

The situation becomes worse when, even after a long sleep, we get up as if “broken” and still continue to feel lethargic and ...

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Constant feeling depression, rapid physical and moral fatigue and bad mood may be symptomatic of the syndrome. chronic fatigue. We have collected 5 better ways treatment of chronic fatigue, which will help you quickly and easily get rid of this disease.

How to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome

Of course, the best treatment of any disease is its prevention, but what to do when chronic fatigue syndrome has already developed? There is only one solution - you need to quickly increase immunity and strengthen the nervous system.

Treating chronic fatigue can be enjoyable and even delicious. This proves the first recipe for "medicine".
1. Grind a glass of peeled walnuts with a mortar or blender and mix it with a glass of liquid honey, then add chopped lemon. Store this mixture in the refrigerator, taking 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for two weeks.

2. Also an excellent medicine in the treatment of chronic ...

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Why do we get tired? Everything seems to be the same as always, the same things, the same workloads, it even happens that you do something even less, you have more time to rest, but you feel overwhelmed, there is no energy at all, apathy, etc. Let's look at a few reasons for this state of affairs.

But first, let's think about what, on the contrary, gives us strength, energy, good mood to do something, to do some things easily, naturally? Of course, we can say with confidence that if a person does what he loves, then everything “burns” with him, the work “argues”, as the people say. It's true, it's a great happiness, luck, if a person finds something to his liking, which coincides with his inner feeling when the person is in their place. And, of course, the first advice to all the "tired" will be this: Find yourself favourite hobby, an occupation "to your liking."

And immediately a provocative example. A young guy, a high school student complains of constant fatigue, physical...

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Situations when, due to moral devastation or fatigue, people cannot fully cope with everyday problems are not uncommon today. In this regard, psychologists have identified a number of recommendations that will help a person overcome this syndrome.

Firstly, experts advise to change the attitude to work, or rather to the assessment of their results. Often people look at their activities through the prism of significant achievements. Not seeking specific purpose, a person considers himself a failure, because he has put serious efforts and means into this activity. Experts suggest celebrating the achievement of minor results more, and they, in turn, will lead to big victories.

Secondly, experts suggest paying attention to the burden of one's responsibility and passion for one's occupation. "The most best job is a well-paid hobby,” the words attributed to Henry Ford accurately describe the meaning of this recommendation. Need to treat labor activity,...

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Asks: Ruslan (2010-11-20 20:38:24)

I will describe the situation. Over the past few years, there has been a big psychological load. After college, about a year later, I got a job in a retail and trade company. If you do not know, then I will tell you that of the most difficult stressful areas in the private sphere, the most stressful area is trading. And the most stressful area in retail is retail. So, having come to this area, in five years I rose from a small position to the position of director of the company. To make such a breakthrough in my career in five years of work, I had to work under extreme stress loads. I worked, I got high results at work, increased the company's profits up to tenfold. I felt like armored, while others morally poured in and worried, I purposefully walked towards my goal. Partly aspired to a big position to protect myself from the poverty that accompanied me. most of my life....

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It happens that there is a family, friends, favorite work or study, the usual rhythm of life, but at some point a person begins to feel tired. Hands drop, the desire to do something disappears, the joy of life fades, there is a feeling that you are running in a vicious circle, routine and boring. In general, fatigue.

What should a person do in this case? So many tips have already been written on the topic: “Fatigue and how to get rid of it that you don’t want to repeat it,” so I’ll try not to repeat it.

Perhaps, the most important thing is to understand where your fatigue “legs grow from”? No need to immediately torment yourself with questions about how to get rid of chronic fatigue, improve your mood and begin to feel the joy of life?

Tell yourself STOP first! Realize what exactly worries you, why strength and joy flow away somewhere?

There are several main reasons:

physical fatigue,

emotional fatigue,

It's time to change something in life.


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AT recent times Have you had so many events and impressions that now you feel completely overwhelmed? You may be emotionally tired.

A person cannot always be at the peak emotional experiences. Sooner or later, the body hints: it's time to rest. We get tired of the burden of responsibility, from constant voltage, from the need to morally support and inspire someone. Even if you are doing interesting business and surrounded by loved ones, you may be seized by apathy and a desire to quit.

Consequences of emotional fatigue

If you ignore such a state and, having taken your will into a fist, continue to follow the crazy rhythm of life, you are at risk!

Sores can suddenly appear from nowhere - from migraines and osteochondrosis to chronic bronchitis. These illnesses will be of a psychosomatic nature, and you will not be able to cope with them with medicines alone.

You can break into hysterics and ruin relationships with a loved one whom you ...

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Sometimes we get very tired mentally. I want to turn everything off and do nothing, and outgoing calls were only pizza delivery, because I don’t even have the strength to cook. Moral fatigue is a very bad symptom, in literally hands begin to drop. It is impossible to allow moral fatigue, it can cause Negative consequences which are even more difficult to get rid of.

Such fatigue is caused by routine and monotony, lack of vacation, and when on weekends you have to work out instead of rest different things. And it happens that something does not work out at work, and we begin to fixate on this problem. Tired morally, a person becomes irritable, gloomy and angry. Nothing causes joy and a desire develops to drop everything and hide in some secluded place.

If you feel one of the above symptoms, then you need to take immediate action. Change the environment, take a day off from work. Go to good restaurant or to the cinema. You can do it at home too...

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Situations when, due to moral devastation or fatigue, people cannot fully cope with everyday problems are not uncommon today. In this regard, psychologists have identified a number of recommendations that will help a person overcome this syndrome.

Firstly, experts advise to change the attitude to work, or rather to the assessment of their results. Often people look at their activities through the prism of significant achievements. Not achieving a certain goal, a person considers himself a failure, because he has put serious efforts and means into this activity. Experts suggest celebrating the achievement of minor results more, and they, in turn, will lead to big victories.
Secondly, experts suggest paying attention to the burden of one's responsibility and passion for one's occupation. “The best job is a well-paid hobby,” the words attributed to Henry Ford accurately describe the meaning of this recommendation. You need to treat your work as...

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I will describe the situation. Over the past few years, there has been a great psychological burden. After college, about a year later, I got a job in a retail and trade company. If you do not know, then I will tell you that of the most difficult stressful areas in the private sphere, the most stressful area is trading. And the most stressful area in retail is retail. So, having come to this area, in five years I rose from a small position to the position of director of the company. To make such a breakthrough in my career in five years of work, I had to work under extreme stress loads. I worked, achieved high results in my work, increased the company's profit up to tenfold. I felt like armored, while others morally poured in and worried, I purposefully walked towards my goal. Partly aspired to a big position in order to protect myself from the poverty that accompanied me most of my life. Despite all the grins of my relatives and friends that I won’t be able to save up for a car, I manage to save up for a car within two years, learn to drive and drive my own car bought by savings wages. By the fourth year of work, I got married. But by that time, my father had left for another at the age of fifty and started another family, my mother had gone into a deep depression. It turned out that my sister organized the wedding, and I took care of all the financial issues. The father was present in the role of a wedding general and, having collected all the money received as gifts, went to another city and spent everything there on another wedding. And I spent another year and a half paying off the loan he took for the wedding expenses. Father has practically disappeared from our lives, having gone into his own cares. After the wedding, my wife became pregnant with twins. Since my mother was in a state of depression and did not leave the room, watching serials from morning to evening, all the worries about my wife's pregnancy fell on me. The pregnancy turned out to be problematic, one of the twins died inside at the sixth month, the second lived and was born prematurely. But 18 hours after birth, he died. My wife spent almost the entire pregnancy in hospitals and maternity hospitals. In the morning I was at work, after work almost every day I went to the hospital to my wife to support her. Mother was mentally incompetent to give us support, so food, attention and financial question was on me. When the children died during this pregnancy, I experienced it very much. Outwardly, I did not show it to anyone, because no one provided support. The mother is depressed, the father retired. I tried to support my wife. A year later, problems began at work. This is the wife of the founder, he began to tactlessly interfere in my decisions, stuffing his relatives everywhere and speaking in an orderly tone. I did not want to obey in the mode of humiliation, and quit. Fortunately, there were savings, thanks to which, in the year of the financial crisis, I calmly sat at home and looked for work, having the opportunity to choose. Despite the fact that my mother practically earned a penny, my wife was unemployed, and I was unemployed. The family did not need anything thanks to the accumulated savings. Five months later, I found a job. Since the situation has stabilized, my wife and I decided to try again. And she got pregnant. As well as in last time, at any threat, I laid out a lot of money, if only the pregnancy went well. I also ran almost all of her pregnancy after work to the hospital where she was in custody. This summer, she gave birth to a baby girl. The resentment of how dirty they treated me at my previous job, as well as the pain of losing twins during my first pregnancy, began to gradually fade away. The baby began to revive the dead cells of my soul. But then my wife and mother itch, who swear every day. Because of these quarrels, my wife and I begin to swear. My wife calls her mother, who comes and takes her to another country. A week later, I'm going to another country and taking my wife and child back. After that, my respect for my wife decreases very much, because at the moment of crisis family life she chose to listen to her mother and leave the country, instead of waiting for me and settling the matter with me. But now my daughter is three months old, she is admitted to the hospital with a complicated allergy. The allergy became more complicated due to the poor qualifications of the local district doctor, who until the last said that everything was in order. And when my wife didn’t believe me and went to the allergy center to check, they gasped and was immediately sent to the hospital. I was given antibiotics for a week to get rid of the pustules. And at the end of last week, we decided to take blood from a finger for analysis. And then it turned out that the blood from the finger flows and does not stop. No lotions helped. She was immediately transferred to the hematology department. An intrauterine infection is suspected. I drop everything, fly out of work. Then the next day I take time off from work and go in the morning to donate my daughter's blood for analysis to the laboratory. Now we are waiting for the test results. The expected week in the hospital has already stretched into two weeks. And again I (now at lunchtime mom, in the evening I) run every day after work to the hospital carrying medicines, diapers, and diet food. And inside, moral fatigue is growing in me from the load that has fallen over all these years, I am annoyed by the fact that I am going to the hospital again and again standing near the windows of the hospital. In fact, all these years I took on all the moral burden and silently carried it, realizing that no one but me would do it. And now I have accumulated a huge moral fatigue. I want to send everyone away. I often think about divorce so that I can marry a healthy woman, with whom I will not have to hang around in hospitals all the time. When the negative from the mother begins, you just want to move out. Now I've had enough. It pisses me off going to the hospital loaded with bags of "orders." I want to send everyone and say deal with it yourself or take it in vain to solve the whole issue by suicide, because I take on all the moral, mental, financial burden, I can’t afford to relax, and there are more and more problems. I don't see an end to them. How to survive it, the most annoying thing is that I am dragging everything alone, the rest prefer to be on the sidelines or play the role of the weak. I'm tired, I want to finish everything at once. How to be?

Ruslan, good afternoon.

I read your letter and it feels like I am running a 42 km marathon. And I didn't even think about running away. And somehow it happened that I ran. I have no strength, but I run. I understand that I will die at the final, but I run. I don’t want anything anymore, but I still run.

Heavy feeling. I really want to stop and do something else. Or at least take a break.

Ruslan, you have an exaggerated sense of responsibility. You do not allow yourself to relax and unwind. I want to take you by the hand and bring you to a psychologist. Do not spare yourself time and, again, finances. Spend it on yourself. Allow yourself to be helped. there is individual consultations, there is group therapy.

Sincerely, T.Sh.

Good answer 3 bad answer 2

Hello Ruslan.

I clearly "see" your movements in getting money..., in "doing" good deeds..., I see your relatives and friends..., your experiences that are only with you...,

your fatigue...

Your endless despair...

It's very difficult to answer your question...

... "I'm tired, I want to finish everything at once. How to be?..."

I don't think you need advice.

Rather - in the "illumination" of everything where you are - and then you yourself will choose your future path.

In this regard, I remember the words from the book of books, from the Bible -

"save yourself, and then they will be saved around you ..,"

I can't vouch for the accuracy of the presentation, but that's the gist of it.

How? How to save yourself?

I'm afraid I can't convey - in words - in a letter.

I'm afraid that I can only convey the path that I know myself, and it is suitable only for me.

Rather - I can help you see -

Himself - from the side,

Life - from other points of view,

Meanings are not only those that you have,

Situation - view from the side,

Feelings are different

Experiences are different

The possibilities are different.

I think you can make your own choice.

Not one to finish everything at once - there is no such choice, this is not a choice, but a defeat.

Which you don't deserve.


G. Idrisov.

Good answer 6 bad answer 0

Hello Ruslan!

The number and severity of the trials that have fallen to your lot is impressive. I sincerely sympathize with you. There is such a common "popular" opinion that every person has exactly as many trials and shocks as he can endure, and not a drop more. You know, I don't really like the so-called " folk wisdom", since it often contains a lot of stereotypes, templates and standardized programs, but here I still agree. A person can endure a lot, and before the start of the test he does not even suspect how much. For some reason it seems to me that you are very responsible and faithful man, and you can’t just take and leave those who depend on you. And for that I respect you very much. But you do need to take care of yourself. Stress (or rather distress, as in your case) is an insidious and destructive thing, you need to keep your eyes peeled for it. Stress should be prevented as much as possible, and if it has already "hit", then minimize it. harmful effects for the psyche and physical health (because the consequences of distress often become psychosomatic disorders). Since you are not a poor person, I think you should spend part of the money earned with such hard work on yourself, on maintaining your psychological state. You can work with the effects of stress and reduce them Negative influence, you can competently and effectively live through crises and losses (and there were many losses in your life, and it is not clear to me from the letter how you lived them). Therefore, I recommend that you regularly (according to at least, in crisis period) go to a psychologist, to the one with whom you will establish best contact, mutual understanding and trust. All the best, Elena.

Good answer 5 bad answer 1

Hello Ruslan! It is very sad to realize that the path that we have - we consciously or unconsciously choose ourselves ... This makes it even harder, since breaking out of the vicious run in a circle is not only impossible, but also scary, since the experience of another is simply No! You can, of course, give up on everything and go to the Canary Islands, but it won’t even cross your mind, and if you think about it, then in fact it’s not a way out of the situation ... From this, longing and hopelessness are not human ... C awareness of the fact that it was created with my own hands and thoughts..?! It is useful to be aware of your feelings in connection with what is happening now in your life, to get to know them, to recognize, to accept, in order to then live and let go .. in order to cleanse yourself internally and reconsider your life - with the value that "The best, what I can do for my loved ones is to become happy myself!!!" This is where I suggest you start! And for starters, answer these questions for yourself in order to see your situation more clearly and distinctly: How do I feel about myself? What am I ignoring and avoiding about myself? What am I afraid of? Do I know my own limits? Am I changing myself? And if "yes", then what? Am I working not to be poor? Or, in order to become rich and financially successful? To whom and what do I owe? Do others owe me? And if "yes", then what? And if not, do I owe myself anything? Etc. By answering these questions - and living through the feelings that arise - you can get out of "this debt hole" and start living with a new energy potential and a new vision of what is happening in your life! The help of a psychologist will be just what you need! Moral and physical rest for at least a week will be able to restore your strength in order to better understand yourself! And at your leisure, just for yourself - I recommend you read in my article "Awareness in Gestalt Therapy", at the end - life philosophy Gestalt, written in the original nine commandments of K. Naranjo! I think it will help you! All the best. Sincerely, Ludmila K.

Good answer 2 bad answer 1

Irina Grachikova-Grishaeva

How to deal with mental fatigue

One day, walking down the street, I heard a conversation between two women. One of them was persuading the other, who was retired but looked very youthful, to go to work. She categorically refused, repeating only one phrase "I am very morally tired." I remember those words then. After some time, I heard them from a young woman who was not yet thirty years old, and then suddenly I myself realized that I, too, had signs of moral fatigue. I wondered why. Of course, times are tough right now. There is a lot of injustice and cruelty around. People have to constantly fight for a place in the sun. And so day after day, year after year. The soul does not rest. But such a long state of affairs is very dangerous, because moral fatigue leads to the fact that absolutely everything becomes indifferent. Your health, your appearance, relatives, friends - everything fades into the background. Alexei Tolstoy has a phrase in his novel "Walking Through the Torments" that accurately describes this state. "It's hard to wake up, it's hard to walk, it's hard to think, to meet people; you can't wait - when you can go to bed, and you go to bed exhausted, one joy - to fall asleep, to forget." That is, it turned out that a person, and specifically me, simply had no desire to live, and this is already quite bad. No, something had to be done immediately! But what? Going over in my head possible options treatment, I stopped my attention on three - vodka, Eternity, and Infinity. Vodka is a serious subject, so we will not touch it here. But it's worth talking about Eternity and Infinity. That is, I had one goal - to somehow pull myself out of this oppressive state, so that I would want to raise my eyes to the sky and whisper, thank you, Lord, for the fact that I live in this world, in order to realize such simple thing that suffering and trials are also life. But I perfectly understood that no one could help me, because only the person himself can pull himself out of this addictive swamp of indifference to everything. The attempts of others to lend a helping hand to me, most likely, would only annoy me, because my thoughts are only mine, and the truth is mine, it is also only mine. What I think, no one but me knows. Therefore, it turned out that only I could help myself. But let us return again to Eternity and Infinity. As I thought, I needed to somehow realize that I was just a grain of sand in this world that was before me and will be after. If life is given to you, then live. As the St. Petersburg poet Alexander Kushner wrote, "Times are not chosen, they live and die in them," and as it was written on the ring of Tsar Solomon, "All is vanity of vanities, this too shall pass!" The best thing, of course, that could be done was to fly to Antarctica. This is exactly where Eternity and Infinity are present and where, undoubtedly, one can feel the frailty of being. But since I did not have such an opportunity, I had to try other options. First I dealt with Infinity. The very first thing that came to my mind was, of course, the sky. You can watch it at any time. Do not run home in the evening with full bags, lowering your eyes to the ground, but stop, look up and finally see the distant twinkling stars. By the way, over time, I even found out where the Big and Little dipper roam there in heaven, and the famous polar Star. Of course, I had to strain my memory and remember what I was taught at school, and it didn’t work out for me the first time, but it worked out. I also really enjoyed looking at the clouds. Remember the famous children's song "Clouds are white-maned horses ... Clouds, why are you rushing without looking back?" Beauty is! Here it is infinity - near! Or, for example, the same sea, it can be viewed for hours. Or the river that flows next to the house, especially if you pay attention to it in winter and see how amazing it looks completely covered in snow. real white plain! Or, if you live in a village or travel somewhere, you can always see our boundless Russian expanses - forests, fields and meadows. Something, but there is plenty of space in our country! In a word, I found several such beautiful distant vistas in the city, photographed them and tried to look at them as often as possible. So I took it and imagined that I was transported there to the farthest point in space and I was there far, far from all the problems that surrounded me here. And so several times in a row. By the way, the stars are also a journey into Eternity. They shine for millions of years, and if we are mentally transported to it, it means that we automatically leave behind these millions. Can you imagine? What can be said about the surrounding troubles? Likewise, for example, with a river or sea. That cliff has been standing here for a long time, and, probably, will stand for more than one century. So let's take it and go back to that distant time, and stay there a little. How good! Mentally, one can even imagine some prehistoric birds and animals that galloped along these cliffs. Also in such a state of moral exhaustion, I thought that they could help me history books, or rather, books in which a long past time would be described in a fascinating way. It is so interesting that I would like to be transported there and mentally live there. Or you could try reading philosophical books which make you think, no matter how strange it sounds in our time, about the meaning of life. For example, I began to re-read the novels of Goncharov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, so undeservedly forgotten now. And Shakespeare's Hamlet different translations. This is truly a great play! For centuries! I also tried to look at old paintings, I had some of them on postcards, I downloaded images of others from the Internet. I tried to notice the smallest details on them and think about why they are depicted this way and not otherwise. Or else looked at the buildings that were built before the revolution. How beautiful they are! And also to the monuments standing in the squares, and to those whose photos I downloaded again from the Internet. There she is real story! Or good music Also a journey into the past. Or poetry. "Reluctantly you will remember the time of the past, you will remember the faces long forgotten" - time! and the person was transported back many years. Everything has already been in this world, gentlemen! Everything has already happened, comrades! By the way, romances are a great thing, even Russian ones, even gypsy ones! Try to hum them, and you will immediately feel better. Or arias from operettas, now, unfortunately, completely unpopular. "Do you remember how happiness smiled at us?" Yes, there are romances and arias! Try to sing a normal folk song, and the soul of the people, enclosed in it, will definitely help you. Personally, I sang everything listed above, shutting myself in the bathroom, and my cat and dog howled under the door, it was so obvious that I suffered heartfeltly, but still I sang! But speaking seriously, when thinking about Eternity, one cannot help but think about religion. This is certainly an instant flight through the ages, even if you only look at the icons or read books about holy people. In a word, I had to learn to make such journeys, alternating Eternity and Infinity or combining them. At first, of course, it seemed that nothing had changed in my life, but after a while there was a strange feeling that I was returning from such wanderings rested, as if from a vacation. Where did that come from! Suddenly I realized that many, many years ago, people also lived, suffered, suffered, solved their problems. Sometimes it seemed to them that everything - life stopped. But no, everything somehow developed, and people continued to live on. Yes, of course, I had to spend some time on all these thoughts and actions, take it away from family problems but it was worth it. Yes, and there was nothing to choose from! Somehow I had to pull myself together and return to normal life. And now I want to give a few quotes. It seems to me that they are directly related to everything written above. "Oh, there are unique words, whoever said them - spent too much. Only the blue of heaven and the mercy of God are inexhaustible." Anna Akhmatova "The whole sea needs the whole sky, The whole heart needs the whole God." Marina Tsvetaeva "Only two things strike me: the starry sky above me and the moral law within me." Immanuel Kant

If a person is mentally tired, how to relax?

    You have to go in for sports and physical activity. I occasionally do swimming, yoga, a very pleasant feeling comes physical relaxation. You also need to normalize sleep, walk more in the fresh air.

    If you are mentally tired, I think that you need to direct yourself to the knowledge of another area of ​​\u200b\u200blife (like visiting museums - read those stories), sports are very distracting and give a surge of vigor.

    It wouldn’t hurt me morally, psychologically, as it still happens there, but take a break from everyone, so that no one bothers me at all ... now I’m half resting from everyone ... alone, no one, lonely, something I want to, but ... yes, turn on the music for yourself, that's how I am now and relax ....

    In order to get restquot ;, full-fledged psychological relaxation, you need to be alone, in solitude, at least for some time.

    But, in that position, there is no specific rule or method that would fit any person and would be a perfect pattern of behavior or specific actions. Each person has his own method, his own individual perception and reaction to this or that. But, it is necessary to behave as you personally wish, no matter what, at that very moment, at that moment, whether drinking a little wine, listening to your favorite music, or thinking about or drawing up some kind of action plan to implement it in in the future, it is possible to simply dream, to remember any bright and joyful moments from your life, or you can do it all at once. But all of the above is not the date of the rest itself, it is just a date of temporary relaxation, stress relief, but which, undoubtedly, is useful and necessary, but still does not solve the main thing, the main thing that there is no date to fully relax. And what to get real vacation, it’s already much more difficult here, since it is necessary to realize that you found a exitquot ;, saw clearancequot ;, and are sure that your situation will change in the direction you want, that you can find yourself, or get help from a side that will accompany you and change your life in such a way that it will renew it to such an extent that it will lead you into a certain freedom, where you will be able and able to fulfill your life purpose by realizing and bringing to life the most important and important thing for you, what is still in the stage of desires and dreams. Until this somethingquot ; appears, until such an awareness occurs, there will be no rest as such, but only temporary psychological relaxation and stress relief. Such relaxation can also be obtained by a trip to the sea or to some other resort, and only by finding or receiving means to change your position to the result you want, and realizing that this has happened or is about to happen, but you are completely sure of what , can give a real rest, even if you arrive at that time far from a resort place. And in principle, in any.

    I won’t give too long an answer, unlike the Analostanka I respect. I will limit myself to a modest recommendation - drink a little vodka or schnapps, and life will sparkle in all its variety of colors.)))

    If the dose turned out to be small for immersion in nirvana, you can increase it.

    I think that a person is morally tired when does not live his own lifequot ;. Does not do what you want, but what you need. Of course, we all do what we need, but in a relationship I want and I need to; there must be harmony. And you are clearly dominated by must. Try to balance this relationship by indulging yourself in giving up unnecessary obligations. Do not rush to iron the shoelaces of your son, wrap sandwiches for your husband and comfort your daughter, who again nothing to wear to a disco or to school. Don't be discouraged by the fact that the boss ordered the project to be completed, and at work no one but you thinks about it, and only you are worried about the quality of the work done. You are probably characterized by hyper-responsibility with self-sacrifice, and, as a result, increased anxiety. You don't have to do the sun! Delegate authority: let your men take care of shoelaces and sandwiches on their own. Do not worry about your daughter over trifles - this is how energy is pulled out of you. Better tell your daughter: You know, dear, I haven’t bought new clothes for a long time either, I’ll go shopping. And buy a new thing for YOURSELF!, at least cheap tights, but for YOURSELF, and no one else! Distribute part homework between households, and tell them that you will not remind them of the timely fulfillment of their duties, they also live here and are responsible for the house in equally. We didn’t have time to complete the project at work - well, to hell with it, it’s not you who are responsible for it, but the entire department. So don’t worry - there is a boss for this. You gotta learn (rebuild internal installations) to be free. Remember how Cinderella said in the Soviet film: "After all, it's so harmful not to get what you want and deserve." And if you want to cross-stitch right now, but you need to cook dinner, sit down and embroider. Let the daughter just peel and boil the potatoes for the purchased herring, and everyone will be full without delicacies. And you will cook delicacies when YOU want.

    Sorry for the long answer, it just seems like I understand you.

    If you are mentally tired, then I would advise you to spend the evening in good company and go somewhere to the sauna, bowling, etc.

    For me, the best moral rest is in nature, hunting or fishing. in good company, of course with vodka and for a few days. after such a rest, he was born again, ready for any exploits. In nature, you can also relax alone.

    If you are mentally tired and want to rest, then you need to get tired physically and do such work that is brought to automatism so that you don’t have to think with your head. And then lie down and fall asleep without memory.

    I think it's important to switch. Go to forest, with a new company, to an unfamiliar place. Sometimes it helped me to switch going to a concert. When it was bad, I took tickets to the circus)) It got easier ... In general, you need something that you don’t do every day and haven’t seen for a long time, I immediately remembered the New Year holiday, you need a fairy tale, that’s what ! Or go to a sanatorium for the weekend, get distracted. go to poetry club and listen ... - thoughts fly away - who cares!

    If you are mentally tired

    but not weak financially,

    then quickly to Mallorca!

    It's warm there, but here, what's the point!

    If money is not enough -

    difficult to go abroad

    you go, then to the river,

    you can safely take a first aid kit.

    Maybe even nicer here.

    get away from the hustle and bustle!

    All its here! Everything is clearer!

    Carp, dogs, fleas!...

    Moral fatigue appears as a result of many reasons: problems in the family and at work, lack of sleep and much more. I would recommend outdoor recreation. Go fishing, hunting, take with you those people with whom you enjoy spending time and relaxing. It is better not to take the phone with you or turn it off so that no one bothers. Spend time not thinking about your problems. If it happens in the summer, then you can even spend the night in a tent, light a fire, cook food on fire. Unity with nature is very relaxing and gives a lot of strength. A good but more expensive option would be a trip somewhere: to the sea, on an excursion. To get started, try a simpler option - jogging, hiking in gym or any other physical activity. When playing sports, a person develops specific elements, thanks to which the body feels better and mentally rested.

    I don’t really understand the meaning of the expression - I’m tired of morallyquot ;. Apparently, it does not mean simple physical fatigue from walking, running, or hard work, but from intellectual effort? We have to switch. For the same physical work, for example. Physical education, no matter how trite it sounds. I don’t have time for either fitness or exercise, so I walk to and from work. One and a half hours a day is obtained, no less. During this time I am discharged, I get a lot of impressions. In the evening I like to sit at the computer, have a tasty snack - now I chew danissimo cottage cheese. Reading the Internet, being distracted by other people's problems is also an option. Your moral fatigue no longer seems so unbearable.

    Tired mentally? Accordingly, fatigue and physical will appear! My advice is judging by my own experience sign up for a gym, a pool, take care of yourself with sports !!