Adjectives that do not form a short form. Short form of the adjective, spelling examples

Majority quality adjectives form a short form. Short adjectives answer the questions “what?”, “what?”, “what?”, “what?”.

*Pay attention!
After sizzling short adjectives male L is not written: the day is good_, the wind is fresh_, the flower is fragrant_

Some adjectives in the short form have a vowel o or e (ё) in the root. This makes it easier to pronounce the word:

low - low
bright - bright
narrow - narrow
bitter - bitter
poor - poor
smart - smart

Some adjectives form two short forms at once (on enen and -en):
immoral - immoral, immoral
courageous - courageous, courageous
responsible - responsible, responsible
characteristic - characteristic, characteristic

Short adjectives do not change by case (they can only be in the form of I.p.), but they change by gender (in the singular) and numbers. Sometimes in set expressions you can find short adjectives not in the nominative case:
on bare feet, in broad daylight


long form = short form long form ~ short form (according to the text) long form ≠ short form
unyielding character - character is unyielding full f. stands for constant feature, cr.f. - temporary: They have a cheerful, healthy boy. (=always) Are you healthy? (=in this moment)

For polysemantic words there is not always a kr.f .:

The weather was clear. (=solar, cr.f no) The purpose of the attack was clear. (=understandable, full form no)

Pushkin is a great Russian poet and writer. Great and mighty is the Russian language! (=outstanding) The suit is too big for him. (=big (about clothes), no cr.f.)

Have you bought tickets for a performance at the Maly Theatre? This year the sweater is too small for me. (=small (about clothes), no cr.f.)

cr.f. indicates an excess of the manifestation of the trait: An old grandmother is sitting on the bench. Grandma is too old for long walks. (=very, too old) cr.f. denotes a sign in relation to something: Tight jeans are back in fashion. Jeans in this size are too tight for me Adjectives glad, must, are used only in kr.f.

Some qualitative adjectives do not form a short form:

  • names of derived colors: brown, lilac, orange
  • animal colors: bay (horse), brown (bear)
  • verbal adjectives with suffix -l-: past, tired, obsolete
  • adjectives with suffixes -sk-, -esk-: fraternal, friendly, enemy, infernal, comic
  • adjectives with the suffix -ov-: advanced, business, combat (about character), circular
  • adjectives subjective assessment: hefty, thin, tiny, enormous, unpleasant

Adjective, we know from primary school. But how it is written in some cases is already forgotten. Let's remember this, and at the same time the semantic, morphological and syntactic principles of writing.

Adjective as a part of speech

An adjective is not a simple part of speech: it indicates the properties of an object, its qualities, describes what events and states can be. Moreover, the text, if present, becomes bright and saturated.

The change occurs in gender, number and case, depending on the name of the noun to which it refers. For example, "big table": in this case, the masculine noun "table" is used in the nominative case and singular; "large" has the same characteristics.


There is a full and short form of the adjective. The possessive adjective has only full form. A short adjective answers the question: what? what? what is it? what are A quality adjective has both forms. It is noteworthy that since ancient times Slavic languages only short ones were used. It was from them that the complete modern forms parts of speech. At present, the use of the full form of the word in Russian is neutral. A short one is mainly used in literary vocabulary.

The short form of the adjective changes in the singular by gender and number. Take, for example, the word "beautiful". In the masculine gender, he has zero ending. With a certain change, the following words are obtained:

  • beautiful - feminine singular;
  • Beautiful - neuter gender singular;
  • beautiful is plural.

The short form of the adjective does not change by case. Only some words in this form have case changes in phraseological units. An example of such a change would be expressions such as "on bare feet"; lines from the songs: "Green wine ordered to pour." From point of view syntactic function in sentences, a short adjective is included in the compound nominal predicate and is his nominal part. For example: he is slender, he is kind.

In this case, we are talking only about a qualitative adjective. Relative in summary do not meet. You can try to make relative words like "copper" or "washing" shorter. Nothing will work.

Possessive adjectives with the suffixes -in-, -yn-, -ij are usually in the short form in the singular nominative case(daddy, daddy's spring). In these cases, the ending coincides with a similar part of the word for nouns (spring is a noun, it has an ending -a; daddy - possessive adjective also ending in -a).

In order to accurately know where it is necessary or not at all necessary to put a soft sign, one should only determine the form of the adjective. But in short form after a hissing consonant soft sign it is not written: "burning - burning, hot - hot."

The short form of the adjective is very often confused with the adverb. In such cases, it is necessary to determine what the word agrees with. If it agrees with a noun, then it is an adjective. And if it refers to the verb - in this case, there is an adverb. For example: "a heavy burden" and "breathed heavily." The question of which adjective is characterized by a short form can be answered as follows: qualitative with a zero ending, if it is masculine singular, the same words that have the endings -а/-я and -о/-е in the feminine and neuter singular.

Use in text

They are used in the text in cases where the author needs a certain amount of categoricalness, since it is this connotation that adjectives in a short form have. This quality is not characteristic of full adjectives, since they significantly soften any quality of the subject. For example, they say about a person that "he is brave." This sounds assertive, but very mild. But the phrase "the guy dared" does not tolerate absolutely no objections.

Short forms of adjectives are formed from the full form. In the masculine gender, a zero ending is added, for example, in the word "deaf" only the stem should be left, the masculine gender is obtained - "deaf" ("When I eat, I am deaf and dumb").


The full and short forms of adjectives are different from each other: shades of meanings, emotional coloring, ways of formation. Some of them have a fluent vowel o-e. You can compare "low" and "low" derived from it. A similar example: "terrible" - "terrible".

Which adjective "proper" (short form) refers to was discussed above, but which of them do not have this form, it is worth considering. So, there are no short forms for adjectives denoting the suit of animals (black, bay, gray) and colors (blue, brown, orange, etc.); verbal words with the suffix -l- (obsolete - obsolete), with the suffixes -sk- and -ov- (soldier, combat).

The short form of the adjective "peculiar" will have such forms. Singular: inherent, peculiar, peculiar; plural: inherent.


Adjectives have a number of differences and features. The full form determines constancy in the attribute, and the short one expresses only the attribute that appears at a particular moment, besides, they have no case and declension. Two phrases can be compared: a sick child, a sick child.

The full and short forms of adjectives have significant differences in their function in the sentence.

  • Complete - agreed definitions.
  • Brief - part of the predicate.

Difficulties in using adjectives are associated with the formation of a short form and the formation of degrees of comparison.

1. A short form can only be formed from quality adjectives. The short form is formed from the basis of the adjective and endings: zero, -a (-ya), -o (-e), -s (-i).

For example, cheerful. Oar base. Short form of cheerful, merry, merry, merry.

If there is a combination of consonants with K or N at the end of the stem, then a fluent vowel appears during the formation of masculine forms: full - full, bitter - bitter.

Adjectives with a basis in -enn (painful, artificial) in the masculine form are truncated N. For example, painful - painful (painful); Artificial - artificial (artificial); Limited - limited (limited).

Only in some cases is the correct form in -enn: sincere - sincere, base - low, frank - frank.

Some adjectives are used only in a short form: glad, much, must, need.

Some quality adjectives do not have a corresponding short form: adjectives with the suffixes -sk-, -n-, -ov-, -l- (comradely, efficient, advanced, skillful), denoting color (blue, lilac), animal color (crow, bay), a high degree sign (tiny, fat), adjectives that are part of the terminological names (deep rear, fast train).

2. Qualitative adjectives have comparative and superlative degrees of comparison (Table 2).

The comparative degree shows that in this or that subject the sign is manifested in a greater or lesser degree. lesser degree than in others, for example:

Conversations became louder, more incoherent, more cheerful. Comparative degree education:

Table 2.

The initial form of the adjective from which comparative. Means of education comparative degree. Comparative adjectives.
Sharp Interesting Pointless simple form-her (-her-) Sharper (-s) More interesting (s) Senseless (s)
Adjectives with a basis on g, k, x, d, t, st hot, quiet, expensive, young, cool, fat -e- + stem final consonant alternation hotter, quieter, more expensive, younger, cooler, fatter
Adjectives with suffixes -k-, -ok- (-ek-) low, high, long, thin -е- + truncation of suffixes k-, -ok-(-ek-) lower, higher, longer, thinner
Tall, big Po- + -she-(-e-) higher, more
Good, bad, small from other bases better, worse, less
hard, weak, sweet COMPOSITE FORM Words more, less Harder, less weak, more sweet

The superlative degree shows that one or another subject is superior to other subjects in some way, for example: Labor is the best, most radical medicine (Table 3).

Education superlatives adjectives.

Table 3

The initial form of the adjective from which the superlative degree is formed. Educational means of superlatives Adjectives in the superlative form.
Strict, short, quiet, high SIMPLE FORM -aysh- + alternating final consonant stem The strictest, the shortest, the quietest, the highest
Brave, wonderful -eysh- Brave, wonderful
Tall, handsome Nai- + -sh- (truncation of the suffix -ok) nai- + -eysh- Highest Most beautiful
Good, bad, small From other bases Best, worst, least
Solid, approachable, loyal, funny, sad, smart, interesting COMPOSITE FORM The word most of the word is the most, least comparative degree of the adjective + Genitive pronouns all - all The hardest, the most accessible, the most faithful, the least cheerful, the saddest of all, the smartest of all, the most interesting of all

In the formation of short forms of adjectives from full ones (only qualitative ones), only the main accentological tendencies can be outlined, because strict regularities are not established here, fluctuations are often observed at the place of stress. The stress of the full and short forms in polysyllabic adjectives with unstressed ending-th (as well as parts of two-syllable adjectives) is identical, and in the paradigm of changing short adjectives by gender and number remains fixed on the main one (as in the paradigm of changing full forms). The formation of short forms from adjectives with a one-syllable and two-syllable stem (more often non-derivative) is accompanied by the mobility of stress both in word-formation and inflectional plans. In stems with full vowels, the stress in the short form moves to the first syllable. full vowel combination. In short forms of the middle gender, stress for the most part coincides with the masculine gender, although there are exceptions (dead - dead, light - easy, dark - dark, smart - smart, black - black, etc.). word forms plural always similar in stress to neuter word forms. The greatest stress shifts occur in word forms female.

Thus, in the formation of short adjectives with a monosyllabic or disyllabic stem, there is a tendency to move the stress of the full form to the initial syllable of the stem in the masculine word form and to the ending in the feminine word form.

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Formation of short forms of adjectives

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Only qualitative adjectives have a short form. Short adjectives differ from full adjectives in definite morphological features(they do not change by case, they have only the form of gender and number) and syntactic role(in a sentence they are predicates).

For example: Molchalin used to be so stupid! (Gr.). Short adjectives act as definitions only in certain phraseological turns(in broad daylight; on bare feet; in broad daylight, etc.) or in works of oral folk art(good fellow, red girl).

Short adjectives, having lost the ability to change in cases and acting, as a rule, in the role of a predicate, sometimes acquire a new lexical meaning that is different from the meanings of full adjectives.

Adjectives prominent and visible, right and right, able and capable, etc. can become different in meaning. Moreover, such adjectives as much, necessary, glad, and some others are used only in a short form: Hello, Balda-man, what quitrent do you need? (P.), But is the handsome Lel really good at songs? (A. Ostr.).

The adjective must in separate phraseological turns is used in the full form: to the right extent, properly, etc., but has a different meaning.

In modern Russian, short adjectives are formed from full ones. In the singular generic endings are: for the masculine - zero ending (strong - strong, new - new, skinny - skinny, etc.); for the feminine, the ending is -a (strong, new, skinny); for the middle gender - the ending -o, -e (strong, new, skinny). There are no gender differences in the plural: all short adjectives end in -s, -i (strong, new, skinny).

If the basis full adjective has two consonants at the end, then when short masculine adjectives are formed, a fluent vowel o or e sometimes appears between them (sharp - sharp, eternal - eternal, etc.). Short forms are also formed from full adjectives into -ny and -ny (-enny, -anny). In the masculine gender, they end in -en or -nen (red - red, honest - honest, muddy - muddy, hungry - hungry and modern - modern, fragrant - fragrant).

If the short form of adjectives is formed from passive participles on -ny, then it ends in -en (-en, -yan) (confident - sure, second-hand - second-hand).

There are fluctuations in the use of these forms. For example, along with the -en form, the -enen forms are also used (natural and natural, related and related). The -en forms are more productive for the modern Russian language.

In modern Russian, they do not have short forms:

1. Qualitative adjectives that are relative in origin, as evidenced by their word-building connections with nouns: fraternal, tragic, comradely, enemy, friendly, blood, whole, efficient, slanderous, gift, combat, draft, advanced, etc.

2. Adjectives that are part of terminological names of a qualitative nature: deep rear, fast train, urgent mail, etc.

3. Some polysemantic adjectives in their individual meanings. For example: glorious in the meaning of "pleasant, good": Nice song, matchmaker! (G.); round in the meaning of "full": The second misfortune of the prince was his round loneliness (Ch.); bitter in the meaning of "unfortunate": Nothing, Fields, you are laughing at your happiness, bitter widow (Trenev); poor in the meaning of "unfortunate": Oh, poor Snow Maiden, savage, come to me, I will love you (A. Ostr.) and some others. The same adjectives, acting in a different meaning, can also have a short form. For example, glorious in the meaning of “famous, worthy of glory”: Kochubey is rich and glorious ... (P.); round in the meaning of "having the shape of a ball": She [Olga] is round, red-faced ... (P.); bitter in the meaning of "sharply unpleasant in taste": Without me, jumble begins in the house: that is not so; the other is not for you; either the coffee is bitter, or the dinner is late ... (A. Ostr.); poor in the sense of "having a lack of something": Low voice her [Gorchakova] was deaf and poor in shades (Shol.); poor in the meaning of "inexpensive, miserable": The candle is dull and somehow blindly illuminates the room. Its environment is poor and bare... (S.-Shch.).

4. Adjectives with the suffix -l-, formed from verbs and retaining a connection with them: experienced, emaciated, backward, skillful, etc. The short forms of such adjectives would coincide with the forms of the past tense of the verb: I used to, grew thin, lagged behind, knew how. When the connection with verbs is lost, adjectives get the opportunity to form short forms: flabby - flabby, dull - dull, etc.

5. Separate adjectives that receive the value of an enhanced degree of quality (without changing the main lexical meaning), with prefixes pre- and times- and with suffixes -usch-, -yusch-, -enn-: kind, clever, cheerful, thin, hefty and others.

Short forms of qualitative adjectives differ from truncated adjectives, i.e. those formed by cutting off the final vowel of the full form. Compare, for example: The fields were covered with a gloomy night (Lom.). - My soul is gloomy (L.). The first adjective is truncated, the stress in it falls on the stem, in the sentence it performs the function of a definition (like all truncated adjectives in general). The second adjective is short, the stress falls on the ending, and it acts as a predicate.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • give the concepts of full and short adjectives;
  • to promote the development of being able to distinguish between full and short adjectives;
  • learn the importance of short adjectives in sentences;
  • learn the rules for writing short adjectives.

Lesson type:

Educational and educational.

Qualitative adjectives come in two forms: full and brief(kind - kind, wise - wise, beautiful - beautiful, bold - bold, white - white).

Full adjectives can vary by gender (singular), numbers and cases. Example: cheerful person, a cheerful girl, cheerful guys, a cheerful milkman.

Free, useful, indifferent, poor, difficult, necessary, important, gentle, terrible, ordinary, frank, sincere, confident, subtle, sonorous, sweet, funny, full, rich, fair, cowardly, married, empty, rude, fresh, light, close, low, soft, bitter, cunning, sharp, intelligent, strong, pleasant, hot, friendly, neat.

Watch two video stories: "Vasya's dad is strong in mathematics" and "Sweet berry". Pay attention in the romance "Sweet berry" to the full and short forms of the adjectives "sweet" and "bitter", name them. In the video story, honestly answer the question "Is your dad strong in mathematics?". Think of a short form of adjectives that describe your dad.

The basis of short adjectives male fully corresponds to the basis of the full adjective. Example: young - young; mighty - mighty;

female the singular is added with the ending -а (-я). Example: young, beautiful, powerful.

And to the basis of short adjectives neuter the singular is joined by the ending -о (-е). Example: nice, young.

To the basis of short adjectives plural the ending -ы (-и) is attached. Example: beautiful, smart, powerful.

In offers full names adjectives can be definition Definition ( Example: A beautiful wooden mill stood on the bank of a river) or predicate Predicate_and_its_basic_types (Example: the hind legs of the kangaroo are strong and strong).

Short adjectives in a sentence play a role predicates. (Example: The lieutenant is handsome, smart and cheerful. The hare is cowardly and timid).

In modern Russian in colloquial speech the short form of the adjective is rarely used, and the long form is preferred. However, in case of agreement with the pronoun "You" as part of forms of politeness, the use of short adjectives is mandatory. Example: Please. Be kind. How careful you are.

Need to remember- short masculine adjectives with a stem ending in sizzling are written without “b” at the end: hot, skinny, fresh, good.

An exercise. Find short names adjectives, write them down, write the full form of adjectives with a hyphen.

1. Our collective farm is young and rich.

2. Good, hot collective farm work.

3. Spring ice is thick and simple; autumn - thin, but tenacious.

4. How fresh and green our garden is!

5. A rebellious horse is formidable and stubborn. ("Sled".)

An exercise. Find short adjectives. Make three new sentences with them, write them down.

1. A ruddy dawn covered the east. In the east, the sky is ruddy.

2. Silent night. The night is quiet.

3. How good, how fresh were the roses! The gardener made a bouquet of good fresh roses.

4. We admire clean, cool air. The mountain air is clean and cool.

It is very important to understand meaning names of adjectives of full and short forms in a sentence, since they may differ in their meaning.

For example: He is deaf from birth (does not hear from birth); he is deaf to requests (an indifferent, callous person). Our baby is very alive active child); our neighbor is still alive (still lives). This method is very good (suitable, valid); this young man is handsome (handsome, well built)

Full adjectives usually denote constant attribute of an object(persons), and short - temporary sign, short-lived state.

Example: His mother is ill (constantly ill), Ivan Vasilyevich is ill (fell ill and did not go to work) Her movements are calm (she moves calmly and smoothly), his face is calm and confident (during a conversation).

An exercise. Use the full or short form of the adjective, depending on whether it expresses temporary or permanent.

1) My brother is .... Today he is especially... (strict).

2) Father..., he is retired. Nikolay... he won't go to work today. (sick).

3) Today he is ..., ... and, probably, ... . (cheerful, talkative, happy).

4) She ..., always sings, jokes, laughs; it's not boring with her. (happy).

5) Maksim Maksimych was there that evening ... and ..., although he tried to hide it. (sad, angry).

6) At night, the streets of the city ... . The forests in this region ..., only occasionally you can meet a hare or a wild boar in them. (deserted).

7) Be ..., there is ice on the street. Always and in everything ..., this time he acted boldly and decisively (cautious).

Subjects > Russian language > Russian language grade 6