Normative use of words and phraseological units. Variant forms of the numeral


The concept of the language norm

The language norm (literary norm) is the rules for using speech means in certain period development literary language, i.e., the rules of pronunciation, word usage, the use of traditionally established grammatical, stylistic and other linguistic means adopted in social and linguistic practice. This is a uniform, exemplary, generally recognized use of language elements (words, phrases, sentences).

The norm is obligatory for both oral and writing and covers all aspects of the language. There are orthoepic, spelling, lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, punctuation norms.

Language norms are not invented by scientists. They reflect regular processes and phenomena occurring in the language, and are supported by speech practice. The main sources of the language norm include the works of classical writers and contemporary writers, means language mass media, common modern usage, ...
data from live and questionnaire surveys, Scientific research linguists.

Norms help the literary language to maintain its integrity and general intelligibility. They protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional slang, and vernacular. This allows the literary language to fulfill its main function.

The literary norm depends on the conditions in which speech is carried out. Language tools, relevant in one situation ( everyday communication), may turn out to be ridiculous in another (official business communication). The norm does not divide the means of language into good and bad, but points to their communicative expediency.

Language norms are a historical phenomenon. The change in literary norms is due constant development language. What was the norm in the last century and even 15-20 years ago may become a deviation from it today. For example, in the 1930s and 1940s, the words graduate student and student were used to express the same concept: "A student doing a thesis." Word graduate student It was colloquial version the words student. AT literary norm 50-60s there was a distinction in the use of these words: the former colloquial graduate student now denotes a student, a student in the period of protection thesis, obtaining a diploma. Word student they began to name mainly the winners of competitions, prize-winners of reviews, competitions awarded with a diploma (for example, Diploma winner of the All-Union Piano Competition, Diploma Winner International Competition vocalists).

The competition between the old, original norm (A) and the new one (B) takes place in four stages.

At the first stage, the only form A dominates, its variant B is outside the literary language and is considered incorrect. At the second stage, option B already penetrates the literary language, is considered acceptable (mark additional) and, depending on the degree of its distribution, qualifies as colloquial (mark colloquial) in relation to norm A or equal to it (litter AND). At the third stage, the older norm A loses its dominant role, finally gives way to the younger norm B and passes into the category of obsolete norms. At the fourth stage, B becomes the only norm of the literary language.

The sources of changes in the norms of the literary language are different: live, colloquial speech; local dialects; vernacular; professional jargons; other languages.

The change of norms is preceded by the appearance of their variants that really exist in the language at a certain stage of its development, are actively used by its speakers. Variants of norms are reflected in the dictionaries of the modern literary language.

The indicators of various normative dictionaries give grounds to speak of three degrees of normativity:

norm 1 degree - strict, rigid, not allowing options;

the norm of the 2nd degree is neutral, it allows equivalent options;

the norm of the 3rd degree is more mobile, allows the use of colloquial, as well as obsolete forms.

The historical change in the norms of the literary language is a natural, objective phenomenon. It does not depend on the will and desire of individual native speakers. The development of society, the change in the social way of life, the emergence of new traditions, the improvement of relationships between people, the functioning of literature and art lead to a constant renewal of the literary language and its norms.

According to scientists, the process of change language norms especially intensified in recent decades.

Lexical norms

Lexical norms , i.e., the rules for the use of words in speech require special attention. The word should be used in the meaning (literal or figurative) that it has and which is recorded in the dictionaries of the Russian language. Violation lexical norms leads to a distortion of the meaning of the statement.

For correct use words in speech is not enough to know their exact meaning, it is also necessary to take into account the features lexical compatibility, that is, their ability to connect with each other. So, "similar" adjectives long, lengthy, lengthy, lengthy, lengthy combined with nouns in different ways: a long period, long period(but not long, long, long term); long way, a long way; long-term fees, long-term credit. Often words with the same value may have different lexical combinability (true friend- original document).

Combining words into phrases can lead to different kind restrictions. Firstly, words may not be combined due to their semantic incompatibility. Can't say purple orange, leaned back, the water is burning. Secondly, the combination of words into a phrase can be excluded due to their grammatical nature. (my- swim close- cheerful). Thirdly, the combination of words may be hindered by their lexical features. Yes, it is customary to say cause grief, trouble, but you can't say bring joy, pleasure.

Violation of lexical compatibility can be dictated by the conscious desire of the speaker (writer) to surprise listeners (readers) with an unusual combination of words, which often leads to a comic effect.

Violation of lexical norms may be due to the fact that speakers mix words that are similar in sound but different in meaning.

To clarify the lexical norms of the modern literary language, it is recommended to use explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, special reference literature.

The main types of lexical errors are presented in the table

1. The use of a word in an unusual sense We were shocked by the wonderful performance of the actors. The thought develops on the continuation of the entire text.
2. Non-distinguishing of paronyms My attitude to this problem has not changed. Effective measures have been taken.
3. Indistinguishing synonyms In the final sentence, the author uses gradation
4. Inappropriate use of words and phraseological units of a different stylistic coloring The author, addressing this problem, is trying to send people into a slightly different rut. Astafiev now and then resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.
5. Unjustified use of colloquial words Such people always manage to fool others.
6. Violation of lexical compatibility The author enhances the impression. The author uses artistic features.
7. The use of unnecessary words, incl. pleonasm The author conveyed the beauty of the landscape to us with the help of artistic techniques. A very handsome young man...

Correct use of phraseological units

Particular attention should be paid to the use of phraseological units in speech, that is, linguistic units that are complex in composition and have a stable character. (puzzle, exaggerate, the cat cried, upside down).

For phraseological units, the constancy of the composition is characteristic, which implies the prevention of the replacement of any. elements. Phraseology cannot be replaced the cat cried the expression "the cat cried" spread your mind- "scatter with the mind" or "scatter the head."

Most phraseological units do not allow the inclusion of new components. So, it is impossible to distribute phraseological units lower your head, lower your eyes: lower your head low, lower your sad gaze even lower.

Phraseological units are inherent in the stability of the grammatical structure, they usually do not change the form of the components. Can't say beat the bucket, grind the lyas, replacing forms plural baklush, lyas forms singular.

Most phraseological units have a strictly fixed word order. For example, you cannot swap words in expressions neither light nor dawn; everything flows, everything changes, although at first glance the value would remain unchanged.

The main condition for the correctness of speech is the use of phraseological units in accordance with their exact value. Distortion of the meaning of stable combinations is unacceptable: Today we escort to last way their older comrades...

Phraseologisms, as a rule, are used in a figurative sense, however, in some cases, the content of speech suggests their incorrect (literal) interpretation, for example: This year Aeroflot succeeded keep the flow of passengers high level ; Aviators on their wings always on time come to the rescue (walk on wings?).

Speakers and authors who are inattentive to their speech most often distort the composition of phraseological units. At the same time, they are mistakenly inserted into stable combinations unnecessary words, For example: The writer goes to one keep up with your time; chief The highlight of the evening's program was the magician's performance. Mixing (contamination) of phraseological units is unacceptable, for example: Gathered here narrow circle of limited people (narrow circle, limited circle of people); His caught on parole (caught on the word, honestly).

The reduction of phraseological units cannot be justified, however, sometimes they are given inaccurately, omitting one or another word. For example, they say: this is an aggravating circumstance(instead of aggravating guilt circumstance). Erroneously truncated phraseological units lose their meaning, their use in speech can lead to the absurdity of the statement: The success of this student wishes the best(instead of leave wish for the best); Coach Williamson made a good face (omitted: bad game).

Often there is distortion vocabulary phraseological units: Without philosophizing for a long time (instead of slyly). False associations sometimes give rise to funny and ridiculous mistakes: Let's see which one of them hides an ax in his bosom(holds a stone in his bosom); The farther into the forest the more chips fly; This business not worth a penny.

A change in the composition of a phraseological unit can be caused by updating grammatical forms, for example: Children killed the worms and have fun(you can not use the plural instead of the singular in phraseology freeze the worm); her head whitened with gray hair (instead of gray hairs); He was not from the timid ten(timid ten).

As part of phraseological units, distortion of prepositions should not be allowed: He never thought that these words would come true in his destiny with full measure (instead of fully). Available incorrect choice case forms and prepositions in phraseological units: reluctantly, those holding power, a tablecloth for him on the road, in head goes around. To avoid such mistakes, you should refer to phraseological dictionaries

Phraseological units are stable combinations of words that are similar in lexical meaning one word.

The Russian language is unusually rich in phraseological phrases. They make our speech figurative, emotional and colorful.

Most Russian phraseological units originated in the Russian language itself or inherited the Russian language from the language - the ancestor (came from antiquity).

Each craft in Russia left its mark in Russian phraseology. From carpenters, “clumsy work” originates, from furriers “the sky is like a sheepskin”. New professions gave new phraseological units. From the speech of railroad workers, Russian phraseology took the expression "green street". The successes of our country in space contribute to the emergence of the phraseologism "go into orbit".

Other phraseological units are borrowed from other languages. For example: unbelieving Thomas, salt of the earth, carry your cross.

Most of the phraseological units reflect the deeply folk, original nature of the Russian language. The original meaning of many phraseological units is associated with the history of our Motherland, with some of the customs of our ancestors, their work. For example: to beat the buckets - to mess around arose on the basis of direct meaning“to split a block or buckwheat (chocks for making spoons), i.e. do an easy job.

Many phraseological combinations created on the basis of proverbs and sayings. For example: hunger is not an aunt, the hand washes the hand.

Some expressions came into the language from myths, folklore, literary works. For example: Achilles' heel, a fairy tale about a white bull, a broken trough, monkey labor.

Phraseologisms are bright and expressive means of language. They often occur in speech. For example: a free Cossack is free, a wet chicken is a slob, a klutz.

At phraseological units There are synonyms and antonyms. For example: two boots - a pair and one field of a berry (synonyms); roll up your sleeves and after your sleeves, brew porridge and disentangle porridge (antonyms).

Phraseological units exist in the language in close connection with vocabulary. Their study helps to better understand the history and character of our people. In Russian phraseological units reflected historical events expressed the people's attitude towards them. Phraseology reflects different sides the life of the people.

It is difficult to establish the time and place of occurrence of many phraseological units, therefore there is only an assumption about where they originated and how.

Writers see in Russian phraseology magnificent examples of figurative expression of the phenomena of reality. They are attracted by the accuracy with which a phraseological unit can characterize a phenomenon.

The figurativeness of speech through the use of phraseological units makes you experience what was said more strongly. For example: A document that does not have any power (filkin's letter), get a lot, earn money (row with a shovel), a short person (two inches from a pot), a person who cannot be deceived (grated kalach), make confusion, confuse (muddy water) other.

The study of phraseology helps the development of human speech and increase speech culture. The study of phraseology is important for the knowledge of the language itself. Phraseological dictionaries are used for in-depth study.

When using phraseological units, the following errors are possible:

The use of phraseological units without taking into account their semantics,

Distortion of the grammatical form of the phraseological phrase component,

Replacement of a component of a phraseological unit or its omission,

Contamination of phraseological turnover.

For phraseological units, the constancy of the composition is characteristic. No one would think of instead the cat cried say "the cat cried" instead of spreading the mind- "scatter with the mind" or "scatter the head."

Most phraseological units do not allow the inclusion of new words. Yes, there are phraseological units lower your head, lower your eyes but you can't say: lower your head low, lower your sad gaze even lower.

Phraseologisms are inherent in the stability of the grammatical structure, they usually do not change the forms of words. Can't say beat the bucket, grind the lyas, replacing plural forms baklush, lyas singular forms.

Most phraseological units have a strictly fixed word order. For example, you cannot swap words in expressions neither light nor dawn; everything flows, everything changes, although the meaning would not seem to be affected if we said: Everything changes, everything flows.

The main condition for the correctness of speech is the use of phraseological units in accordance with their exact meaning. Distortion of the meaning of stable combinations is unacceptable. Such mistakes are made by bad speakers. For example, on the traditional holiday last call At one institute, a freshman began his speech rather strangely: Today we escort to the last journey my older comrades... And talking about fun graduation party The young man remarked: We sang our swan song and danced for a long time.

Phraseologisms, as a rule, are used in a figurative sense, however, in some cases, the content of speech suggests their incorrect interpretation, for example: This year Aeroflot succeeded keep the flow of passengers at a high level; Aviators on their wings always on time come to the rescue (walk on wings?).

Speakers and authors who are inattentive to their speech most often distort the composition of phraseological units. At the same time, extra words are mistakenly inserted into stable combinations, for example: The writer goes to one keep up with your time; chief The highlight of the evening's program was the magician's performance. Mixing (contamination) of phraseological units is unacceptable, for example: Gathered here narrow circle of limited people (narrow circle, limited circle of people); His caught on parole (caught on the word, honestly). We observe the contamination of phraseological turns, for example, in the phrase: "distributing honors, the chairman began to measure everyone with one size fits all" (it is necessary: ​​either "cut one size fits all", or "measure by one arshin").

The reduction of phraseological units cannot be justified, however, sometimes they are given inaccurately, omitting one or another word. For example, they say: this is an aggravating circumstance(instead of aggravating guilt circumstance). Erroneously truncated phraseological units lose their meaning, their use in speech can lead to the absurdity of the statement: The success of this student wishes the best(instead of leave wish for the best); Coach Williamson made a good face (omitted: bad game).

Often there is a distortion of the lexical composition of phraseological units: Without philosophizing for a long time (instead of slyly). False associations sometimes give rise to funny and ridiculous errors: Let's see which one of them hides an ax in his bosom(holds a stone in his bosom); The farther into the forest the more chips fly; This business not worth a penny.

A change in the composition of a phraseological unit can be caused by updating grammatical forms, for example: Children killed the worms and have fun(you can not use the plural instead of the singular in phraseology freeze the worm); her head whitened with gray hair (instead of gray hairs); He was not from the timid ten(timid ten).

As part of phraseological units, distortion of prepositions should not be allowed: He never thought that these words would come true in his destiny with full measure (instead of fully). Some phraseological units are “unlucky” - they are replaced by prepositions every now and then: dot on and (instead of over and); seven spans on the forehead(in the forehead). The wrong choice of case forms and prepositions in phraseological units gives rise to such "strange" errors: reluctantly, those holding power, a tablecloth for him on the road, his head is spinning. To avoid such mistakes, it is necessary to refer to phraseological dictionaries more often.

Phraseologisms should be distinguished from free phrases. To understand their fundamental differences, let us dwell on the features of the use of phraseological units in speech.

The most important feature phraseological units is their reproducibility. They are not created in the process of speech (like phrases), but are used as they are fixed in the language.

Phraseologisms, like other words, serve to convey thoughts, to reflect the phenomena of reality. Their main meaning is to give emotional coloring expression to enhance its meaning. If they are used correctly, they will help to add special expressiveness, accuracy and imagery to speech.

However, not all phraseological units are figurative. They do not characterize the phenomenon, but only name it. Some terminological phraseological units sometimes begin to be used in figurative meaning and in this case they acquire figurativeness. So, the marine phraseological unit to make ends meet - “to sail away from the coast” began to be used in the meaning of “to die”.

Phraseological units are inherent in the stability of the grammatical structure, they usually do not change the grammatical forms of words. So, it is impossible to say beat a buck, grind a lyas, replacing the plural forms of a buck, lyas with singular forms, or use a full adjective instead of a short one in a phraseological unit on a bare foot. However, in special occasions variations of grammatical forms in phraseological units are possible (cf .: warm your hand - warm your hands, whether you heard a thing - whether you heard a thing).

Most phraseological units have a strictly fixed word order. For example, it is impossible to swap words in expressions neither light nor dawn; beaten unbeaten lucky; everything flows, everything changes; although the meaning would not seem to be affected if we said: "Everything changes, everything flows."

At the same time, in some phraseological units, a change in word order is possible (cf .: take water in your mouth - take water in your mouth, do not leave a stone on a stone - do not leave a stone on a stone). The rearrangement of components is usually allowed in phraseological units consisting of a verb and nominal forms that depend on it.

Some phraseological units are the only ones for expressing the phenomena they denote, because there are no words or other phraseological units in the language that can convey the same meaning.

Other phraseological units have synonyms. For example, if you need to say about something that is very small, then people say: “the cat cried” or “a drop in the ocean”. However, not in any case it is possible to use these phraseological units.

Mistakes in spoken language are quite common.

These include:

1. The use of a phraseological unit in an unusual meaning: Vasya beautifully, like a chicken paw, wrote the title.

2. Replacement of words in the composition of a phraseological unit: “talk wide open” instead of “soul wide open”.

3. The use of phraseology in a style unusual for him (for example, colloquial phraseological units in business papers).

Thus, we see that in colloquial speech, along with the correct use, there is misuse phraseological units. AT fiction phraseological units are sometimes transformed to create figurativeness.

Guess a few poetic riddles about phraseological turns:

You will not find friendlier than these two guys in the world.
They are usually referred to as water...

We walked the town literally along and …
And we were so tired on the road that we barely ...

Your friend asks furtively
Copy the answers from your notebook.
No need! After all, you will give this to a friend ...

They are out of tune, they confuse words, someone sings in the forest, ...
The kids won't listen to them.
From this song, ears ...
Conclusion. Sometimes there are cases when a phraseological unit has no equal expression and in order to accurately convey a particular phenomenon, it is necessary to use it. Phraseological units are used both in ordinary colloquial speech and in fiction. This makes our speech brighter and more figurative. Some phraseological units become obsolete over time, “go out of the language”, but they are always replaced by others that are associated with the events of our lives.

Lexical norms regulate the rules for the use of words, i.e. the accuracy of the choice of the word in accordance with the meaning of the statement and the appropriateness of its use in the social meaning and generally accepted combinations. When determining lexical norms, one should take into account changes in the vocabulary of the language: the polysemy of the word, the phenomena of synonymy, antonymy, stylistic consideration of vocabulary, the concept of active and passive vocabulary, the social sphere of the use of vocabulary, the need for a justified choice of a word in a particular speech situation and many others.

Changes in the vocabulary of the Russian language occur in parallel with changes in the life of society; to designate new phenomena in social life, a new word can either be created using word-building means existing in the language, or a foreign word is borrowed, or a complex, compound name is formed, or, finally, a word is adapted that already exists in the language, which in this case modifies its meaning in a certain way (and often at the same time stylistic coloring).

ambiguity the presence of a word with several (two or more) meanings is called. The consequences of a careless attitude to polysemantic words are the ambiguity and ambiguity of the expression, as well as the unlawful, excessive expansion of the meanings of known words.

Homonymy should be distinguished from ambiguity. Homonyms- these are words that coincide in sound, the same in form, but the meanings of which are in no way connected with each other, i.e. do not contain any common elements meaning. Allocate lexical homonyms(words that match in all grammatical forms), homophones(words that are spelled differently but pronounced the same, e.g.: meadow - bow), homoforms(words that sound the same in any grammatical form, For example: clear glassroof glass) and homographs(words that have the same shape, but different sounding, for example: locklock). Reduces the accuracy of speech ignorance of existence in the language paronyms- words that are close, similar in sound and spelling, but different in meaning (for example: excavatorescalator).

Synonymy is the opposite of polysemy and homonymy. With synonymy different shape expresses the same (or similar) content. Synonyms- these are words that sound differently, but are the same or very close in meaning. They are conceptual(close, not exactly identical in meaning) and stylistic(identical in meaning, but having a different stylistic coloring). The presence of synonyms ensures the expressiveness of speech and at the same time obliges all speakers and writers to be attentive to the choice of a word from a number of close, similar ones.

Antonyms are words from opposite meaning. They have long been used as a technique for creating contrasting patterns, for a sharp contrast between signs and phenomena.

Whole line words provided in explanatory dictionaries litters “high”, “book”, on the one hand, and “colloquial”, “colloquial” - on the other. These marks indicate the stylistic stratification of vocabulary. The main part of the vocabulary fund is the so-called “ neutral” vocabulary, against the background of which expressive possibilities stylistically colored words, the use of which in speech requires a developed linguistic instinct and aesthetic taste.

Vocabulary can be viewed in terms of active and passive vocabulary. Passive vocabulary includes obsolete words: archaisms(obsolete synonyms modern words) and historicisms(obsolete words denoting former concepts that do not exist now), as well as new words (neologisms). Separate obsolete words “return” to the active fund of the dictionary, sometimes acquiring new meanings, for example: thought, governor, banker, goalkeeper.

From point of view social sphere use of all the words of the Russian language can be divided into vocabulary not limited scope usage and vocabulary of the limited sphere of usage, which includes professionalism(words and expressions used in oral speech people of the same profession) dialectisms(elements of territorial dialects used by native speakers of the literary language), terms(exact designations certain concepts any special field of science, technology, art), jargon(elements of various social dialects in literary speech). The words limited use may eventually be included in the lexical composition of the literary language. At the same time, regional words lose their dialect coloring (for example: outskirts, plow, stubble), and the terms are determinologized (for example: public reaction , Wednesday, atmosphere).

The clarity and intelligibility of speech depends on the correct use of borrowed (foreign language) words in it. Errors in their use are associated primarily with ignorance of the exact meaning of the word, which often leads to pleonasm (speech redundancy), For example: first debut, memorable souvenirs. Pleonasm is a type tautology- the use of adjacent single-root words in speech.

Phraseological norms- these are the rules for the use of phraseological units, non-free combinations of words that are not produced in speech, but are reproduced in it. Phraseologisms are distinguished by a stable ratio of semantic content, lexical composition and grammatical structure, therefore any changes in the composition and structure of these expressions lead to speech errors.


2. Describe the vocabulary of the Russian language in terms of the scope of its use.

3. What is the richness of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language?

4. Give a description of lexical speech errors associated with a violation of the requirement of a justified choice of a word in a certain speech situation.

5. What are the features of phraseological norms? Describe the main types of phraseological speech errors.


Exercise 1. Determine the value following words. Make up some sentences with them.

Appeal, concentrate, apogee, arrangement, acoustics, subscription, run, balance, vernissage, stained glass, gravity, size, gamma, hypothesis, vacuum, lawn, roasting, gourmet, degradation, decade, range, detector, dessert, jumble, ordinary, ideogram, illusion, instinct, intonation, cavalcade, cinematography, creed, lobbies, conflict, lexicon, leitmotif, mannequin, memoirs, matrix, meridian, meager, ignorant, outskirts, ornament, pleiad, claim, prosody, fiction, aesthetics, title.

Task 2. Write out single-valued words first, then polysemantic ones. Motivate your answer.

B. Admiral, diver, year, rook, university, run, Tuesday, trainee, lampshade.

V. Fugitive, harp, biologist, dawn, thing, hero, go, soil, fire, house.

Task 3. Determine which of the underlined words are used in a figurative sense.

1. So burning with self-will, grumbled youth daring. (A. Pushkin.). 2. I want to breathe near warm body art.(M. Svetlov). 3. Furious the wind pushed traveler in the back. (M. Matusovsky). 4. The book is spiritual testament one generation to another. (A. Herzen) 5. Had favorite words and their grandfather let them out in an hour. (N. Nekrasov).

Task 4. Eliminate errors associated with the use of words without regard to their semantics.

1. One act of Chatsky led me into confusion. 2. Now many writers are closely involved in politics. 3. The students listened intently to the artist's performance. 4. But before using the material and lightly vibrating it, I want to state my thoughts about Bazarov. 5. The idea of ​​this work is to call on the Russian princes to be embodied in single principality and stand up for the Russian land. 6. All this draws the idea of ​​"The Tale of Igor's Campaign". 7. Sketches also help the reader understand the text better. This is a wayward explanation. 8. Students themselves can put questions to the speaker. nine. " Garnet bracelet"- one of the most confirming works of Kuprin.

Task 5. Indicate the errors associated with the violation of the lexical compatibility of words.

1. The students listened twice to the conversation about the work of I. Bunin. 2. The story "Duel" by Kuprin was prepared by a whole galaxy of stories dedicated to the life of the army. 3. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" will be understood by every person who truly loves his homeland. 4. A peculiar cult of Pushkin came from Bunin's mother. 5. Many were unable to solve problems and ended up on the edge of poverty. 6. In the image of Igor, selfless courage and military fervor are distinguished. 7. Tell me what time it is. 8. Each student expressed his credo.

Task 6. Determine the meaning of the following words of paronyms. Explain what causes errors in their use.

Subscriber - subscription, dress - put on, diplomat - student, romantic - romantic, reason - justification, weighty - weighty, careful - thrifty, addressee - addresser, courtier - feigned, serf - serf owner, statute - status.

Task 7. Distribute the synonyms into groups: 1) semantic, 2) stylistic.

Calm, calm, calm, calm; applaud, applaud, clap; take out, take out; pale, dim, faded, dull; duty, obligation; love, falling in love, passion, passion; break, respite, change, smoke break; poet, poet, piit, bard, singer; gray, smoky, ashen, mouse.

Task 8. Determine which words given in brackets can be combined with members of one synonymous series. Specify what other words they can be combined with.

A. Silent, silent, mute (recognition, forest, grief, man); big, large, healthy (child, grain, oak, city, sum, wrestler); overseas, overseas, foreign (product, language, events); refined, refined (manner, food).

B. Personal, individual, personal (transport, car, freedom, right); incredible, unimaginable, inconceivable, unbelievable (laziness, noise, tension, container); lively, lively, lively (street, conversation, trade, game); unpleasant, annoying, offensive (error, omission, oversight, slip, incident).

Task 9. Read following examples from the works of M.Yu. Lermontov. Write down their antonyms. Determine what part of speech they belong to stylistic function perform in artistic text. Are there contextual antonyms among the given examples??

1. But for a long time this heart withered, and peace be upon him! - in a single moment it stopped loving and hating: not everyone is destined for such happiness! 2. No! persecution has never been able to cool love; She is her own good and evil! 3. Look where the abusive smoke is redder, where the dust is thicker and the cry of death is stronger, where the dead and the living are covered with blood ... 4. Dark bushes hang to the right, touching their hats ... to the left - the abyss; along the edges a row of red stones, here and there always ready to collapse . 5. And you will not wash away the righteous blood with your black blood of a poet.

Task 10. Highlight archaic words. Explain how they differ from historicisms. Determine the role played by obsolete words in speech.

1. Caftan, falconer, altyn, velmi.

2. Charm, magical, kissing, fiery.

3. March, erect, speak, inspire.

4. Battle, oprichnina, squad, division.

5. Gymnasium student, serf, knight, maiden.

6. Bailiff, bursa, bulldozer, especially (especially).

Task 11. Analyze the underlined words and indicate which lexical group in terms of the scope of its use, they include: 1) the word of the national language; 2) dialectism; 3) jargon; 4) professionalism.

1. How much in his youth he was disliked, unfinished (A. Surkov). 2. The regiment went variable gait, and the horses were noticeably sweaty (M. Sholokhov). 3. Treasures music inexhaustible (D. Shostakovich) 4. A cap of blond curls swayed on his big head(M. Gorky). 5. Panting, Andrey pulls the reins, introduces on the bases a horse staggering from fatigue (M. Sholokhov). 6. Falcon peregrine falcon a flying flock of ducks beats from above (N. Przhevalsky). 7. The steamer departed to land on landing stage(K. Fedin). 8. The swan answers the prince: "The light about the squirrel is true beats"(A. Pushkin) 9. Fight - fight is not a toy; even though the face burns with fire, even though the German is red yushka decorated like an egg (A. Tvardovsky).

Task 12. Find out for what purpose professional terminological vocabulary is used in the given examples: 1) to describe technical processes; 2) as a means of figurative characteristics.

1. Pokrovsky plant sends us plowshares tractor plows, harrow teeth(P. Proskurin). 2. His face is ugly, but very inviting. The nostrils are fleshy, mobile, and the eyes like two traffic light(G. Nikolaeva). 3. crop rotations approved, sitting on the nose (G. Nikolaeva). 4. In pine forest the wind started. Clearly transit the wind that came here from another continent (I. Petrov). 5. Inner cavity valve isolated from external environment bellows device. 6. Fast acting integral regulator power has a strong stabilizing effect on the power distribution control system. 7. Martins, bloomings, caissons behold the tribe of thy idols. You lived physically sleeplessly, but morally cowardly asleep (E. Yevtushenko). 8. I am a troubadour turbogenerators(A. Voznesensky). ten. Hydraulic turbines they are built only stationary and used at hydroelectric power plants to drive hydrogenerators.

Task 13. Make up sentences with the following foreign-language words. Specify for each of them the source language, using the information from the Dictionary of Foreign Words.

Compasses, fantasy, despot, vacancy, assault, pate, patriot, barbecue, prestige, tunnel, officer, conservative, trend, guard, talent, cosmopolitan, bazaar, piano, screen, aroma.

Task 14. Find clericalisms, edit sentences.

1. Due to the lack of discipline, the class did not go to the theater. 2. All students should be aware of the changes in the class schedule. 3. The above students did not come to school. 4. It is necessary to bring to the attention of all students about the conduct general meeting. 5. The question of discipline was acute at the meeting.

Task 15. Correct errors related to verbosity, determine their type.

1. I already talked about my autobiography in the introductory article. 2. The Institute has developed new methods and developments on this issue. 3. The patient was immediately admitted to the hospital. 4. The firm announced a vacancy for the position of chief accountant. 5. It is still unknown who is the creator of this unique creation. 6. Already at the beginning of it creative way the writer identified strong and weak sides. 7. There is no longer a significant difference between nature and man. 8. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" is one of the most difficult Pushkin's works. 9. She had very huge eyes. 10. The president of the firm called on everyone to work together. 11. It is necessary to realistically and without illusions weigh our economic chances. 12. The princes did not want to understand that the unification of their troops in united army necessary.

Task 16. Explain the meaning of borrowed words. Assess the appropriateness of their use.

1. My friend recently bought a bike. 2. For an artist, bucks and bucks were not the main thing in life. 3. The foreigner paid fifteen clean American greens for the painting. 4. One of the features of a non-market economy is the shortage of goods and services. 5. The task of the government is to curb inflation. 6. The hero of the day was presented with a fashionable case. 7. After much debate, the meeting reached a consensus. 8. It is necessary to give the protest a legitimate form. 9. When you buy imported item Be sure to study the label (label) 10. The organizers of theatrical performances, all kinds of shows strive to get not only profit, but also publicity.

Task 17. Give a stylistic characterization of the given phraseological expressions.

Achilles' heel, White crow, wash your hands, puppet government, fool around, knee-deep sea, first swallow, get into trouble, in broad daylight, lead by the nose, fall for the bait, the cat cried, set a bath.

Task 18.Using dictionaries, determine the meaning of phraseological units and the scope of their use. Choose phraseological units-synonyms for them.

Rub glasses, one or two, and miscalculated, in openwork, in full swing, wash your hands, under your boot, a drop in the ocean, too tough, climb on the rampage, the trail caught a cold, a little light, cut with one comb.

Lesson 4

Morphological norms

Terminological apparatus: phraseology, phraseological unit (phraseological unit), phraseological norm phraseological error.

A special place in the language system is occupied by phraseological units - lexically indivisible, stable in their composition and structure, combinations of words that are integral in meaning, reproduced in the form of a ready-made speech unit (go with the flow, Keep your nose in the wind, circle your finger, take a word, provide support and t.

Such units are studied in the section of linguistics called "Phraseology". As an independent linguistic discipline phraseology arose relatively recently, and therefore, not all questions related to the features of this language unit have received a complete 32



At BROAD UNDERSTANDING PHRASEOLOGY IT INCLUDES PROVERBS, SAYINGS, APHORISMS (“Man - it sounds proud!” A. M. GORKY); Prepositional-nominal combinations (in moderation, on the go); TERMINOLOGICAL COMBINATIONS (railway, Ministry of Education, tax office); FORMULA SPEECH ETIQUETTE (good morning, be kind). In this case, the criteria for phraseologism as a linguistic unit are blurred, since the components of the phrase units retain the quality of the word, and the value of the phraseologicalism is no different from the value, which is transmitted by a free phrase or proposal.


VARIABILITY IS UNDERSTANDING such a modification of a phraseological unit, in which it is not allowed to distort its meaning, stylistic characteristics and syntactic function. FOR EXAMPLE, a copper (broken) penny is not worth it; the heart went to the heels (heart in the heels); Went to the backyard (Went back down).



1) ILLEGAL REPLACEMENT OF THE COMPONENT FE (The leadership of the region itself should not sit idly by: not sleeves, but hands);

2) truncating the composition of PU (All this is fraught: it is necessary to add consequences);

3) INCLUDING AN EXTRA COMPONENT INTO THE FE (vote “for” with both of your hands: you must remove it with your own);

4) CHANGING THE FORM OF PU (They were above the heads of everyone who competed in the competition: you need to replace Genitive on the accusative - to be head and shoulders above everyone).

5) contamination, which is understood as an association-based erroneous combination of two different phraseological units as part of one (This story has long sunk into mite: CONNECTION OF PHRASEOLOGISMS to sink into oblivion and contribute).


IF THE PHRASEOLOGISM INCLUDES ROUGH WORDS, then they refer to colloquial phraseology: to turn the shafts, the lip is not a fool, to fight like a Sidor's goat.

BELONGING TO A STYLE IS DETERMINED TO A LOT BY THE ORIGIN OF PHRASEOLOGISMS. SO, PHRASEOLOGISMS, COMING FROM OTHER LANGUAGES, are, as a rule, related to the book style. This is especially true of the Old Slavonic language: for the coming dream, a sign of the times, Foundation stone, Babylonian pandemonium.


MANY PHRASEOLOGISMS COME TO THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE FROM PROFESSIONAL SPEECH: confuse - FROM THE SPEECH OF THE RAILWAY workers, a teaspoon per hour - FROM THE SPEECH OF MEDICAL DOCTORS, the game is not worth the candle - FROM THE SPEECH OF FURNIERS, a second wind - FROM THE SPEECH OF athletes, etc. PROFESSIONAL SPEECH Generates, as a rule, phraseologisms of a colloquial nature.

TO STYLISTICALLY NEUTRAL PHRASEOLOGISMS include phraseologisms that perform a nominative function: they name objects, actions and phenomena without their evaluation. For example, keep your word, at least from time to time, year after year.

Phraseological units are classified according to their origin. Most are primordially Russian phraseological units, the smaller one is borrowed. Borrowed stable turns in the original in the letter are transmitted in Latin, the most famous - in the letters of the Russian alphabet (post factum - “after done” and Latin post factum).

Stable combinations formed by word-for-word translation are called phraseological tracing papers ( Railway- fr. chemin de fer). In some cases, tracing turns include words that are used in Russian as borrowings (adopt a resolution - French prendre une resolution). Otherwise, such units are called semicalcs.

It should be remembered that the expressive possibilities of phraseology are great. The use of phraseological units in speech creates imagery, brightness, indicates, as a rule, about good level language training speaker. However, the problem lies in the fact that not every native speaker is able to use set expressions accurately, so phraseologisms can be used only if they have a clear understanding of their meaning.

Tasks for self-control

5.1. Prepare a message on the topic “V.V. Vinogradov and his classification of phraseological units according to the degree of semantic fusion. Special attention pay attention to the possibilities of using phraseological units in different communicative situations.

5.2. Correct the mistakes, taking into account the norms of lexical and phraseological compatibility; explain the nature of the errors.

Option 1. 1. High bow to you! 2. She fulfilled all our requests and comments. 3. All set goals have been achieved. 4. The appearance of Nikolai Baskov puts a certain trail on this problem. 5. I will vote “for” with all my two hands. 6. I asked you in black and white. 7. Dmitriev left, Ruslan picked up the palm. 8. They were above the heads of everyone who competed in the competition. 9. The leadership of the region itself should not sit idly by. 10. The speaker is indignant about the sale of the monastery: "In fact, it's too late to wave." 11. Reading science fiction novels instilled in young men a love of travel, dreams of conquering space. 12. Special assistance and personal participation in the conduct of the Spartakiad was provided by the head of the Depot and the chairman of the trade union committee. 13. How old is the day with a lantern the country is looking for national idea, but it turns out to be on the surface. 14. I hear what is being said. 15. How to stop these Sisyphean torments?16. Now, on the last kilometers, she needs to clench her teeth into a fist and run.

Option 2. 1. My mouth even drooped in surprise. 2. There is an improvement in the patient's condition, he stretches his legs on his own. 3. Our troops made a crushing blow, the enemy was defeated. 4. Well, who else has hosted us? ( we are talking about participating in the Olympics). 5. The first lump of pancake. 6. Azazello in the novel is Woland's first hand. 7. good leader should show an example to his subordinates in everything. 8. Their strong friendship was noticed by many. 9. Yesterday I was sad.10. The police fired batons, tear gas grenades at the youth, firearms. 11. I did not consider it possible to fulfill this order. 12. This story has long sunk into mite. 13. Crime has fallen to critical limits. 14. He wedged himself into his confidence. 15. He wanted to express resentment, but his tongue was dumbfounded.

5.3. Divide the examples into two groups: 1) with a violation of the form of the phraseological unit component, 2) with an illegal replacement of the phraseological unit component.

Money - the cat cried; the lion's share of the profit; play a role in the development of the enterprise; play the main violin in a criminal case; succeed in major competitions; waste the nerves of your relatives; cheese-boron was brewed; praise to smithereens; take the cow by the horns; bring to the clean side; don't look a gift horse in the ear; everything is back to normal; beat with bucks; all cats are black at night; roosters are counted in autumn; as if he had taken cold water into his mouth; stunned me like snow in the head; did not want to hit the face in the dirt; ask slanderous questions; turned up at hand.