Poland is the official name of the country. Clubs and bars

Poland is a state (republic) in Central Europe.

In the north, Poland borders on Russia (Kalinik-Gradskaya region), in the east - on Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, in the south - on the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in the west Poland borders on Germany. In the north it is washed by the Baltic Sea. The area of ​​Poland is 312,677 km2.

Although Poland is mostly flat country without much difference in altitude average height above sea level about 175 m), the Rysy mountain in the High Tatras in the south rises to a height of 2499 m. Poland is divided into several physical and geographical regions located from east to west. However, the most striking contrast exists between the northern two-thirds of Poland and the southern third.

The northern zone of the Republic of Poland is a vast region of plains and low hills: the Central Polish Upland, the Baltic Upland and the Coastal Plain. central plain Republic of Poland stretches from east to west and is crossed by several rivers and valleys, to the north of the Central Upland is the Baltic Upland, covered with numerous lakes. A narrow coastal plain with a width of 40 to 100 kilometers stretches along the entire length of the Baltic coast. Southern zone Republic of Poland is more mountainous: on far south and southwest there are several mountain systems: Western Carpathians, High Tatras and Beskids. In the southwest are the Sudetes, whose height reaches 1602 m. To the north of the mountain ranges lies the Silesian plain. Almost all rivers in Poland flow into the Baltic Sea. The main rivers of the country are the Vistula and the Oder (Odra). In Poland, there are about 9,300 lakes with an area of ​​more than 1 hectare. They are mainly concentrated on the Baltic Upland and the Coastal Plain.

The population of the country (estimated for 1998) is about 38,606,900 people, average density population of about 123 people per km2. Most densely populated southern part Republics of Poland, the least dense - northwestern and northeastern. ethnic groups: Poles - 97.6%, Germans - 1.3%, Ukrainians - 0.6%, Belarusians - 0.5%, Slovaks, Czechs, Lithuanians, Gypsies, Jews. Language of the Republic of Poland: Polish (state), there are also several dialects based on the Polish language. Religion in Poland: Catholics - 95% ( Catholic Church plays big role in the life of the country), Orthodox (about 570,000 believers), Lutherans (about 100,000 believers), Jehovah's Witnesses (about 100,000 believers); Before World War II, about 3.5 million Jews lived in Poland; now there are about 1,000 Jews in the country. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. Largest cities Poland: Warsaw (2,316,000 people), Lodz (842,300 people), Krakow (751,500 people), Wroclaw (644,000 people), Poznan (589,000 people), Gdansk (466,700 people), Szczecin (414,900 people), Katowice (366,200 people), Bydgoszcz (354,000 people), Lublin (352,100 people). State structure- Republic of Poland. Currency unit- zloty. Average duration life in Poland (for 1998): 67 years - men, 76 years - women. The birth rate (per 1,000 people) is 9.8. Mortality rate (per 1000 people) - 9.8.

The first state of Poland was formed around 840 with legendary king Piast, founder of the Piast dynasty. In the tenth century, King Mieszko converted to Christianity, and under his son Boleslav Christian church already had a strong position in the country. In 1025, Bolesław was recognized as king by the Pope. In the middle of the XIII century, the Teutonic knights came to the north of modern Poland, carrying out a brutal colonization of the Baltic lands. Founded the second dynasty of kings of Poland Grand Duke Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) Jagiello. In 1386 he married Queen Jadwiga of Poland and was crowned as Władysław II Jagiello. In 1410, the combined troops of Poland and the GDL defeated the Teutonic Knights in the historic Battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg). During the reign of the Jagiellonian dynasty, Poland reached greatest flourishing. In the XVIII century, three partitions of Poland took place, as a result of which most of the state was under the rule of Russian Empire. In the 19th century, Poland, through the uprisings of 1830-1831, tried to achieve independence, but only after 1917 did it get a real chance for the revival of statehood. In November 1918, an independent Polish state was proclaimed. 20 years later, on September 1, 1939, Poland was occupied German troops and released in early 1945. After 35 years of communist rule in Poland, the independent Solidarity trade union demanded free elections. The Polish government introduced martial law, and General Wojciech Jaruzelski became the head of the country. On April 5, 1989, an agreement was reached between the government and the opposition to hold free elections, which took place on June 4. The Communists of Poland were actually removed from power, the leader of the Solidarity trade union, Lech Walesa, was elected president of the country. As a result of the 1995 elections, leftist forces came to power in Poland, but they did not abandon the reforms of their predecessors. Poland is a member of the UN, GATT, WHO, Council of Europe, an associate member of the EU.

Poland's climate is both temperate and continental. The climate of the coast of Poland can be described as temperate maritime, in the eastern part of the country - temperate continental. The average January temperature in different regions of the Republic of Poland ranges from -1°C to -5°C. In summer, the average temperature ranges from 20°C in the southeast to 17°C in the Baltic. Forests cover about 28% of the territory of Poland, about 80% of all forests are coniferous. In the north-east of Poland, rare species of trees grow: dwarf birch and Lappa willow. One of the best preserved wild forests is national park Belovezha on the border with Belarus. Among the representatives of the fauna of the Republic of Poland, the lynx, wild cat, elk, wild boar, deer and bison, or the European bison, are especially distinguished. Deer and elk are found in Masuria. AT mountainous areas- wolves and brown bear.

Poland has a large number of museums, among which in Warsaw (the capital of Poland - National Museum with the richest collection of Polish and Western European paintings, a magnificent collection of exhibits from antiquity and times ancient egypt, a special hall of Pharos frescoes from one of the first Christian temples of Pharos; Museum natural history; Technical Museum; Museum of the Polish Army; State Archaeological Museum; museum the Royal Castle. The National Museum of Poland and the State Wawel Art Collection in Krakow. Museum of Archeology and Ethnography in Lodz. Polish maritime museum in Gdansk. memorial museum memory of the victims of fascism on the territory of the infamous to the whole world concentration camp Auschwitz (Auschwitz), in which several million people died. Other Polish attractions in Warsaw include the Renaissance and Baroque Old Town; Barbican - medieval walls and towers surrounding the Old City; Lazienki - summer palace King Stanislaus II August (XVIII century), in the Lazienki park there is a monument to Chopin and a magnificent rose garden; gothic cathedral of st. Yana (XIV century); Church of the Holy Cross (XVI century); in addition to the above, there are about 30 more museums; zoo. In Bialystok - magnificent samples modern architecture Poland - White Church and Orthodox Cathedral. In Torun - the Old Town in the Gothic style; town hall XIII-XIV centuries; remains of the castle of the Teutonic Knights (1231); a large number of Gothic and Baroque mansions. In Gdansk, the Church of St. Mary (1343-1505), which houses the famous painting by Hans Memling " Last Judgment"; the town hall in the Gothic style; the stock exchange building, built in 1379; the Old Town. In Poznań - a Gothic cathedral; the town hall of the 16th century; the Old Town. In Szczecin there are several magnificent churches, among which the Church of St. Peter and Paul (1124) stands out ) In Wroclaw - the Church of St. John the Baptist (1158), the Church of St. Elizabeth (XIII century), the Church of the Holy Cross (XIII-XIV centuries), the Church of the Virgin (XIV century), the Gothic Town Hall of the XIII century, the former royal palace. Gliwice - church of the XIII century, Chopin Park. In Czestochowa - the famous shrine of Catholics Jasna Gora, in the monastery there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Czestochowa, also called the "Black Madonna". In Krakow (the former capital of the Kingdom of Poland) - Wawel Castle of the XIII century; Stanisław Church (1359), where many Polish kings were crowned and where the tombs of King Jan III Sobieski, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, Adam Mickiewicz, Jozef Piłsudski are located, St. the greatest master Byte Stos; the legendary "Dragon's Cave", where the most famous dragon of Poland lived. In Lublin - the Old Town in the Baroque style; Lublin itself is famous for the fact that the Union was signed there, which secured the unification of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

In addition, many tourists in Poland are attracted by the magnificent sandy beaches of the Baltic coast, and in the south of the country by ski resorts, most of which are located near the town of Bielsko-Biala.

All this interesting country Poland.

The Republic of Poland is located on mainland Europe, according to some official sources it is in Central Europe, according to others - in Eastern Europe. It has a rich history, where peoples have been living for more than 2000 years. Now it is an industrial state with a developing economy, which was once a socialist country, and today is a democratic parliamentary republic.

General information

Poland, official name- The Republic of Poland, located in Europe and covers an area of ​​312,679 km². It borders with countries: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia and Lithuania. with Russia has land border with the Kaliningrad region, and in the north it is washed by the Baltic Sea. Thirty-sixth place in terms of population and sixty-ninth place in terms of territory is occupied by the Republic of Poland. The official language is Polish, and most of the population is Polish.

Poland is a unitary state with a parliamentary republic and a developing economy. The entire territory is divided into voivodships, which, in turn, are divided into parts and subparts. The head of the board is the President of the Republic of Poland, currently held by Andrzej Duda. Poland is one of the most religious countries, where 87% profess Catholicism.


Even 2000 years ago, the tribes of the Skirs and Lugis lived on the modern territory, but gradually this area began to be inhabited by the tribes of the Polyans, who gave the name to the country. By 890, the tribes formed more than 20 principalities, the largest of which was considered Polish principality. Christianity was adopted in 966 and became a Kingdom in 1025.

For several centuries, Poland has become major principality, which in the XIV century annexed Galicia-Volyn principality, in the XV century tried to annex the Russian lands, which were weakened by Tatar-Mongol yoke, and in 1569 merged with Lithuanian principality and a new state of the Commonwealth was formed.

In 1610, Poland managed to subjugate Moscow, which swore allegiance to King Vladislav. But in 1612, under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky, there was a complete uprising when they managed to expel the Poles from Moscow, and only in 1634 did the Poles renounce all claims and sign the Polish Peace Treaty.

Until 1648, there was a peaceful and stable life in Poland, which ended after they attacked Ukrainian Cossacks and peasants, the war with Russia began, the Swedes occupied most of it, I had to abandon East Prussia and then from Kyiv.

The 18th and 19th centuries were overshadowed by uprisings, the division of territory between Austria, Russia, and France. During the First World War, the territory was occupied by Germany and Austria-Hungary, and during the war with Russia (1919-1921), part of the Belarusian and Ukrainian lands passed to Poland. In the 1920s, a nationalist regime was established, and in 1939 Germany invaded its territory. Only in 1945 the Republic of Poland was liberated by the Red Army.

A little later, the Communist Party comes to power. In the 1980s, the country experienced a socio-economic decline and Wojciech Jaruzelski came to power. It joined NATO in 1997 and joined the European Union in 2004.


The capital of Poland is Warsaw, which has actually become it since 1596, when the residence of the king was moved after the fire of the Wawel Castle. Although metropolitan status was confirmed only in 1791. During the Second World War, the city was badly damaged, but it was restored, although not all buildings were restored in their historical, original form.

The main symbol of the city is the Warsaw Mermaid, which is installed on the market square and is depicted on the coat of arms. The population in 2006 was 1 million 700 thousand people.

Capital of Poland - cultural and Education Centre, and the share in the economy is only 15%. Every year this city is visited by millions of tourists who go to see the National Museum, numerous churches, the Warsaw Alexander Citadel, the Bolshoi Theater and much more.

Political structure and administrative division

Poland is now a republic and a member European Union, where the main legislative body is National Assembly consisting of the Senate and the Seimas. The head of government is the president.

In 2005, elections were held, where Lech Kaczynski and Donald Tusk fought for the right to become head of state. But in the end, Lech Kaczynski won, for whom 54% of voters voted.

Unfortunately, in 2010, everyone learned how the President of Poland died when the plane, heading to Smolensk, crashed, killing all passengers, crew members, including the President and his wife.

Poland is divided into 16 voivodships, they are divided into powiats, and those, in turn, into gminas. Such a division was introduced in 1999, and before that it happened more than 10 times historical division, which changed due to the change of the state and its name.

Poland has political parties, some of which are parliamentary, the other part - not parliamentary.


Before describing what economic condition the Republic of Poland is located, it is worth saying that at one time it was a socialist country and political changes in the 90s of the last century had a serious impact.

Therefore, today Poland is an agro-industrial country that is not located on higher levels development, like many Western European countries.

The country produces minerals such as stone and brown coal, gas, salt, iron ore, nickel, silver and zinc. The leading industries are mechanical engineering, chemical, textile, clothing, as well as the production of porcelain, faience, and furniture.

The legislation of the Republic of Poland does not help much in the development Agriculture, and investments in this direction are not enough. Crop production predominates, grain crops are grown. It is a major producer of potatoes, sugar beet and cabbage, and also various berries are grown in the country (strawberries, currants, raspberries), a large share which are sent for export.

In animal husbandry, pig breeding, poultry farming and beekeeping are mainly developing, it is a major supplier of eggs in Europe.

In Poland, there are a number of resorts that also bring a certain share of income to the treasury: Rabka-Zdroj, Jedlina-Zdrój, Nalenczów, Kołobrzeg and others.

Republic of Poland: population and religion

According to the 2008 census, the population was 38 million and 116 thousand people. Poland is multinational state, where not only Poles live, although their share is 93%, but also Ukrainians, Russians, Silesians, Belarusians, Germans, Lemkos, Kashubians and others. The Republic of Poland ranks eighth in terms of population in Europe, with a population density of 122 people per m².

AT last years the number is decreasing due to the fact that the birth rate is falling, and also due to the fact that citizens move to Western European countries in search of a better life and work.

Significant place in public life occupied by religion, the most influential of which is Christianity, and above all Catholicism. Each religion has its own rights, as stated in the constitution, and this is important for a country like the Republic of Poland. The population (80%) is a believer, and the majority are Catholics (about 86%). There are also Orthodox Christians, just over 1%, Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses - less than 1%, and the rest.


The cultural heritage of each country lies in the people who created and will create certain things. For example, Polish citizen Janusz Leon Wisniewski is today a popular author whose books are published in millions of copies, translated into dozens of languages ​​and known all over the world. Also among the world-famous writers are Stanisław Lem, Wisława Szymborska and Joanna Chmielewska.

Everyone knows Frederic Chopin, who is a key figure musical direction in Poland.

Poland is a very religious country, and therefore many holidays that are not working days are connected with religion. For example, in Poland everyone does not work on the first and second days of Christmas, as well as on the first and second days of Easter.

Poland is a country with rich history, and no matter what city you are in (Warsaw, Lublin, Gdansk, Krakow, Wroclaw), you can always see a lot of interesting things that will tell you about this country as a whole and about cities in particular.

But before you go to this country, it is worth visiting the embassy of the Republic of Poland to get an entry visa, as it is part of the European Union.

The city of Lublin - appeared in the XII century as a defensive structure, which then gradually grew into a city. The main attractions are the Lublin Fortress - the residence, which was founded in 1520, was rebuilt several times until it acquired a modern Gothic look. Krakow Gate, through which the entrance to Old city from the side former capital- Krakow. Museum of the Lublin Village, located under open sky, which preserved the objects of wooden architecture and various items folk culture.

The city of Krakow, officially known as the Capital Royal City, is located on the Vistula River. It was the capital of Poland from 1038 to 1596. There are many historical monuments that are included in the UNESCO world heritage. The city has many chapels, monasteries, museums and cathedrals. The most popular cathedral is the Cathedral of St. Stanislaus and Wenceslas. The church of St. Mary, the museum of Matejko and Czartoryski are popular. In the city center you can see the Krakow Meadow, which was a pasture in the past, and today is a monument of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship.

City of Gdansk - historical city and one of the main ports of the state on the coast Baltic Sea. The city is divided into two parts, in the old city is represented architectural complex which belongs to the 13th-18th centuries. You should definitely visit the Church of the Holy Virgin Mary, the second largest in Europe and the largest brick church. Interesting place- Dlugy Targ Square, where the monuments of the Renaissance (City Hall, Neptune Fountain, Golden House) are presented. There are many museums and art galleries in Gdansk, the most popular being the Archaeological Museum and the Maritime Museum.

One of the oldest and largest cities is Wroclaw, the mention of which dates back to 98. Walking around the city, you can see many historical buildings, such as the Centenary Hall (which is a monument world heritage), built at the beginning of the last century. It will be impossible to pass by the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist and Wroclaw Cathedral.

Climate and nature

The Republic of Poland is located in Eastern Europe, where only in the north the shores are washed by the Baltic Sea. The climate is not stable and dry weather can change abruptly to cloudy and rainy weather. Despite the fact that the average temperature in January does not exceed -10 °, winter is considered cold due to the winds due to the proximity to north sea. In summer the temperature fluctuates from +16° in the north to 21° in the south.

In the central part and along the Baltic coast, lowlands prevail, but in the south there are uplands and mountain ranges. The highest point is Mount Snezhka, whose height is 1603 meters, as well as the Carpathians, where central part- Tatras, mountains of alpine nature with the top of the Rysy 2499 meters high.

The flora is rich in deciduous forests, including maple and oak. Coniferous and mixed forests are located mainly in the eastern and northern regions, as well as along river valleys and in marshland one can find plantations of poplars, ash-trees and willows.

Poland is rich in river network, and the most major rivers are Vistula and Odra.

Belovezhsky National Park is located in the north-east of the country, and a little north of the square occupied by peat bogs and heathlands.

Unfortunately, the area of ​​the state is not so large, and most of the territory is used for agriculture, so some part of the wild nature could not be preserved. In the forests you can meet deer, wolves and foxes, wild boars, hares, in the river valley - beavers. Of the birds, partridges, capercaillie and black grouse are considered the most common.

Can be seen throughout the country National parks, where they try to preserve nature in its original form, but most of it is located in the southeastern mountainous regions.

One of largest cities in Poland is Czestochowa, which is considered the main place religious cult where Catholics gather. In the city there is the Yasnogorsk Monastery, where the icon of the Mother of God is located, which was called the “Black Madonna”, because the Virgin Mary is depicted with a face of a dark shade.

In the 15th century, Renaissance art penetrated Poland very interesting way and thanks to Sigismund I, who invited masters who worked in this direction. He was able to rebuild the Wawel Castle and St. Stanislaus Cathedral.

It is also interesting that it is in Poland that the oldest beer house, opened in 1275, is located, although tourists often go to taste the foamy drink in completely different countries.

Tourists can enjoy a variety of places, because a large historical heritage has the Republic of Poland. Sights can be seen in every city and in many villages, and if you come to this country in early May, you can go to the Golyub-Dobrzyn castle, where the International Knights Tournament takes place, gathering tens of thousands of spectators.

P olsha, the Republic of Poland is a state in Eastern (Central) Europe. It is washed in the north by the Baltic Sea. It has a land border with Russia (Kaliningrad region), Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Germany. Unitary state, parliamentary republic. The capital is Warsaw.

The climate is temperate, transitional from maritime to continental. The average temperature in January is from -1ºС to -5ºС (up to -6ºС in the mountains), in July - from +16ºС to +19ºС, while in central regions always a little warmer and drier than in the west and north. On the Baltic coast, the weather is more unstable and strongly depends on the nature of the weather. air masses. As you move westward, the climate becomes warmer and wetter.

The country has all the conditions for outdoor activities and sports. The region of the Baltic and Pomerania is over 500 km. sandy sea beaches with a belt of coastal dunes, amber deposits, excellent conditions for aquatic species sports, hundreds of lakes (Lebsko, Gardno, Zharnovetske, Vitsko, Bukovo, Yamno, etc.), clean rivers, rich forests and picturesque hills. There are many resort towns on the seashore - Darluvko, Dzvvizhino, Kolobrzeg, Krynica Morska, Leba, Miedzyzdroje, Nechozhe, Reval, Swinoujscie, Ustka, Yaroslavets and many national parks. Poland is the "Country of Churches", an attractive region for tourists. She's different rich nature, valuable architectural and historical monuments. One of the largest palace and park ensembles in Europe - Lazienki in Warsaw. Many consider the church to be the largest and most beautiful church in the world. of the Blessed Virgin Mary (height 105 m) in Gdansk.

A report about Poland in geography is presented in this article.

Message about Poland

Polish people's republic is a country located in Central Europe. Poland borders Germany in the west, the Czech Republic in the south, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Lithuania in the east. The total length of the borders is 3496 km.

Capital of Poland— Warsaw.

Large cities of Poland– Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Lodz, Poznan, Gdansk, Szczecin

Population of Poland- 38 432 99 people (2017). Urban population- 64%, rural - 36%.

Form of government of Poland- parliamentary republic

Relief of Poland

Lowlands are located in the west and north of Poland. They occupy more than ¾ of the country's territory. In the southeast and south, they pass into the Silesian-Małopolska Upland with low mountains and a flat upland. To the south are located the ridges of the Carpathians and Sudetenland.

The territory of Poland is crossed by such rivers as Vistula, Oder, Danube and Dniester, Neman.

The coast of Poland is washed by the Baltic Sea, where three main port cities- Szczecin, Gdynia and Gdansk.

Physiographic regions

  • Sudetenland - in the southwest
  • Carpathians - in the south
  • Silesia - in the north
  • Lesser Poland - in the north
  • Central Poland
  • Greater Poland
  • Mazovia

Natural resources of Poland

  • Rivers

The largest rivers in Poland are the Vistula and the Odra. The port of Szczecin is located on the shore of the Baltic Sea at the mouth of the Odra. Main river republic - the Vistula, on which the capital of Poland - Warsaw is located. Almost all rivers have a heavily silty bottom, so navigation is supported by frequent clearing of the channel.

  • The soil

The soil in Poland is predominantly infertile, but varied.

In the north of Poland, podzolic and sandy soils are common, which require the application of fertilizers for agricultural use. Near the river valleys there are peat bogs containing humus.

Soils rich in humus are found in the south in Silesia. The soils in the mountains are infertile, since the humus layer in them is thin.

  • Vegetation

In Poland, deciduous trees are common. Oak, beech, birch, maple grow in middle lane countries. Along the river wet valleys - willow, poplar and ash. On marshy and podzolic soils - birch.

Coniferous and mixed forests form large tracts, especially in areas of poor sandy soils in the north and east of the country.

Poland is the main producer of apples in Europe.

  • Fauna

Since the area of ​​Poland has been plowed up and mastered by man, only an insignificant part of the natural, wild fauna has been preserved here. In the forests you can meet a deer and a wolf, near the rivers - a beaver, and in the Carpathian Mountains - a bear, in Belovezhskaya Pushcha - bison. Such birds as black grouse, capercaillie, partridge are common here. In the waters of the Baltic Sea, cod and herring are found, which are of industrial importance.

Climate of Poland

The country is characterized by east-west transfer of air masses, unstable weather conditions. Cloudy and wet periods often give way to clear and dry ones. Snow lies for three months of the year. Rivers in cold weather freeze up to 4 months. In the northern regions of Poland, the wettest time of the year is summer, and in the south, winter

In the sectoral structure of the Polish industry, the fuel and energy complex, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemical, light and food industry. The basis of the fuel and energy complex is coal. In terms of its production, Poland is one of the European leaders.

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Republic of Poland(Rzeczpospolita Polska, RP) - the ninth largest European state(312.7 thousand km²), which is home to over 38.5 million people. These are mostly Poles (97%), representatives of other nationalities are less than 1% each, these are Germans, Ukrainians, Belarusians, gypsies, etc. Capital— Warsaw. Currency unit- Polish zloty.

Poland is located in the center of Europe and borders on 7 states: Russian Federation (Kaliningrad region), Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Germany. The natural border in the north is the Baltic Sea, and the south passes along the mountain ranges (Sudet, Carpathians). The climate can be described as temperate continental, intermediate between mild maritime climate Western Europe and continental Eastern Europe.

Poland is not Greece, but it also has everything: beautiful sandy beaches and dunes of the Baltic, the most picturesque Masurian lakes, centuries-old pine forests- a paradise for "hunters" with a video camera, Bialowieza Forest- perhaps the only virgin forest in Europe, wooded Beskids with rare species flora, rocky Sudetes with ski resorts, healing water and ethnographic originality of local villages. The country has more than 20 national parks, dozens of nature reserves and many places that have preserved their original beauty. The most demanding of tourists can easily create an interesting route according to their own taste, and for any time of the year.

The largest Polish cities - these are Warsaw (the capital of the Republic of Poland, about 1.7 million inhabitants), Lodz, Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznan, Gdansk. There is also something to see here. Historical monuments in these and other cities keep memories of more than thousand years of history Polish state, about the periods of its heyday in late Middle Ages and during the Renaissance, when Poland was the strongest state in Europe. Warsaw, rebuilt after World War II - modern European city. Of the architectural monuments, one can single out the Old Town complex (Stare Miasto), the Royal Castle, palace and park ensembles in Lazeiki (Łazienki) and in the former royal residence in Wilanów (Wilanów). It is worth visiting the ancient Polish capital of Krakow (Gniezno is considered the first capital of Poland): in Wawel royal castle thirteenth century (Królewski na Wawelu) and in the Gothic St. Mary's Church (Kościół Mariacki) of the same time with the world-famous carved altar of Wit Stwosz. Nearby is the unique Wieliczka, in the salt mines of which there is a sanatorium and an underground museum. The seaside Gdańsk, which owes its charm to the Poles and Germans, the Dutch and the French, looks different, but no less attractive. Be sure to visit Malbork, where the impressive castle-fortress, which belonged to Teutonic Order. Poland is a Catholic country, so every city has a lot of churches, many of which are wonderful architectural monuments. The most famous Catholic shrine in Poland can be seen in the monastery on Jasna Gora in Częstochowa. Pilgrims from all over the world flock here to bow to the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa (Obraz Najświętszej Marii Panny).

Polish coat of arms- a white eagle with a crown on his head on a red background.

Flag of Poland- white and red horizontal stripes.

Polish anthem- the song of the Polish legions (beginning of the 19th century), the so-called Dąbrowski's Mazurka (Mazurek Dąbrowskiego):

Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, Poland has not yet died,
Kiedy my zyjemy. If we are alive.
Co nam obca przemoc wzięła, All that is taken away by the enemy force,
Szablą odbierzemy. We will return the sword.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski... March, march, Dombrowski...
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski, From Italian land to Poland.
Za twoim przewodem Under your guidance
Złączym się z narodem. Let's connect with the people.
Przejdziem Wisłę, przejdziem Wartę, We will cross the Vistula, we will cross the Warta,
Będziem Polakami, Let's be Poles.
Dał nam przykład Bonaparte, Bonaparte gave us an example
Jak zwyciężać mamy. How should we win.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski... March, march, Dombrowski...
Jak Czarniecki do Poznania Like Czarniecki to Poznan,
Po szwedzkim zaborze, After the Swedish occupation,
Dla ojczyzny ratowania To save the motherland
Wrocim się przez morze. Let's go back across the sea.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski... March, march, Dombrowski...
Już tam ojciec do swej Basi Already there the father of his Basho,
Mowi zaplakany: Tearful says:
"Sluchaj jeno, pono nasi "Listen, it looks like our
Biją w tarabany.” They beat the drums."
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski... March, march, Dombrowski...

head of state Poland has a president who is popularly elected for a term of 5 years, legislative power belongs to a bicameral parliament, the parliamentary majority forms the government, and judiciary carried out by independent courts.