Folder for self-education on the topic of children's experimentation. Self-education plan Topic: "Search and research activities of preschool children

Self-education work plan:

« cognitive development older children preschool age through environmental education »


a week

Work with children

Working with parents

Work on self-education



Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature


Presentation on theme: "What is around us? »


Non-traditional drawing "Beautiful flowers for a bee"

Review-competition of autumn bouquets of flowers

Matskevich M. Enter the world of art: the program of aesthetic education. // preschool education. – 1998-№ 4 - p. 16-22


Conversation on the topic “Amazing Forest” D / and “Whose trace? "," Whose tail? ".

Recommendation "Joint work of the preschool educational institution and the family on the environmental education of preschool children."

Kornilova Valentina

"Environmental window" on kindergarten: Guidelines, 2013


Presentation on theme: "What is around us? »Observations of living and inanimate nature.

Wind experimentation.

Kireeva L.G.

Formation of ecological culture of preschoolers. Planning, class notes, 2008


Drafting descriptive story on the topic "Autumn" Reading art literature: A. Blok "Bunny",

Consultation "How to learn poems with a child"

Komarova I.A.

Story games in the environmental education of preschoolers. Game learning situations with toys different type, 2013


Conversation "In the garden, whether in the garden"


Reading: A. Blok "Bunny",

I. Bunin "Leaf fall", riddles about animals.

Crafts from natural material on the theme " Autumn forest».

Nikolaeva S.N. "Young Ecologist" Mosaic- Synthesis, 2004


Conversation on the topic "Birds native land» Examination of illustrations about birds. Bird watching on a walk.


P / and “I catch birds on the fly”, “Birds in a cage”, “Pigeons and a cat”. Listening to the audio recording of "Voices of Birds".

Folder-slider " Interesting Facts from the life of birds"

Ryzhova N.A. "Environmental Education in Kindergarten". Ed. House "Karapuz", 2001


Reading: S. Alekseev "Native Nature" (crossbill, I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Spring in the Forest", V. Bianchi "Whose nose is better?", M. Zverev "Forest Doctors".

"Corner of nature in kindergarten", Markovskaya, Moscow, 1984, "Enlightenment"


D / and “Bird Lotto”, “Whose beak? ”, “Make a bird”, “Wintering and migratory”.

Recommendation "Use didactic games in the process of familiarizing preschoolers with nature "


Conversations on the topic “How do animals winter in the forest? "," What is a reserve? ".

Khabarova T.V.

Planning classes on ecology and pedagogical diagnostics ecological education


D / and “Who lives where? ”, “Birds, animals, fish”, “Who flew to the feeder? ".

Folder-slider "Interesting facts from the life of animals"


Compilation of a descriptive story on the topic “Winter” Reading: G. Skrebitsky “Four Artists”, D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Grey Neck”, E. Blaginina “Fly away, flew away”.

Vakulenko Yu.A. "Educating love for nature in preschoolers." Volgograd. Publishing house "Teacher", 2008.


NOD "Forest dwellers in winter". (Speech development)

Review competition "New Year's fantasy" crafts made from natural materials

“We create, we change, we transform”, O. Dybina. Moscow, "Creative Center", 2002.


Conversation on the topic " river fish »

Di. “Guess who is in the lake”, “Describe what kind of fish? ".

Recommendation "Familiarization of preschoolers with nature in winter"


P / and "Kite and mother hen", "Fishermen and fish".

Kondratieva N.N. "We" Children's environmental education program. St. Petersburg "Childhood-press", 2001


Conversation on the topic: " Safe Behavior on ponds in winter


D / and "Collect the fish"

Maslennikova O.M.

Ecological projects in kindergarten, 2013


Entertainment on ecology "Feast of young nature lovers"

Recommendation for parents "Education careful attitude to nature in preschool children "


P / and "Badgers and raccoons", "King of animals".

Serebryakova T.A. Ecological education at preschool age. - M., 2006


Conversation on the topic: "Spring is red"


NOD "Spring Tree" (Application)

Aleksakhin N. Acquaintance with the culture of color in the classroom fine arts// Preschool education. - 1998 3 - p. 23-27


Riddles about spring.

Advice for parents Green World on the window"


Reading: V. Bianchi "Stories about nature", N. N. Pavlov "Mysteries of flowers".

Nikolaeva S.N. Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood. - M., 1995


Drawing up a story on the topic: "Indoor plants"


D / and “I was born a gardener”, “Tell me which flower? ".

Consultation "Education of love for native nature in family"

Kravchenko I.V. Walks in kindergarten. “T.Ts. Sphere", 2009


Transplantation indoor plants.

Shishkina V.A. "Walking in Nature" Teaching aid for preschool teachers.


Conversation "The benefits of indoor plants"




Final GCD "Our home is planet Earth"

Participation in the action "Young Ecologist" (planting trees, flower seedlings on the territory of the kindergarten).

Voronkevich O.A. "Welcome to ecology!". St. Petersburg, "Childhood-Press" 2006


Report on the work done for the academic year.

Nikolaeva S.N. "Education of the beginnings of ecological culture in preschool childhood". M. New school, 1995

Diagnostics of children's knowledge in the preparatory group


Self-education plan
Topic: "Development of cognitive activity in children early age through experimentation.
Topic: "The development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age through experimentation."
Goal: increase professional level knowledge, professional excellence and competence on the topic of the development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age through experimentation.
Analyze scientifically - methodical literature and practical experience on this topic.
Reveal the importance of children's experimentation in the system of cognitive development of children.
Make a card file of elementary experiments for children of primary preschool age.
Prepare written information for parents on this topic.
Prepare a report on the work done.
Expected result:
Level up professional competence.
To arouse interest in experimentation in children of primary preschool age.
Building relationships with parents.
Involvement of parents in the educational process of pupils.
Stages of self-education
№ Stages Tasks Direction of activity Period
1 Information and preparatory
Raising the general cultural level.
Studying the status of the selected topic. Selection and study of methodological literature on this topic.
Search for addresses of best practices for educators (via Internet resources). September -
2 Practical
Embed in pedagogical system experimental activities Prepare a consultation for educators.
Make a file of experiments.
Organize open viewing for educators.
Work with pupils.
Inform parents on the topic "Development cognitive interest in children of primary preschool age through experimentation. November December
January – April
3 Final Develop a methodological recommendation on this topic. Write a report on this topic.
Providing experience on the topic. May
Stage. Information and preparatory.
Introduction to the new normative documents on preschool education.
The study of educational and scientific - methodological literature.
The study of new pedagogical technologies.
No. Event Period
1 Selection and study of scientific and methodological literature:
MBDOU program "Kindergarten No. 35".

Internet resources September
2 Development and selection of experiments for the cognitive activity of children
Material preparation.
Drawing up a file of experiments. October
Stage. Practical.
No. Event Period
1 Working with children
Joint experimentation of children and the teacher with water, sand, sound, color, shape.
Experiments with water, sand:
Let's find out what kind of water.
What's in the package?
Float or sink?
Poured - poured.
Colored ice cubes.
Experiments with color, shape:
Magic brush.
High Low.
Wide narrow.
Conducting experiments and experiments with sound:
Guess whose voice?
November December
January - April
2 Working with parents
Written information:
"Organization of children's experimentation at home"
"Snow Experience"
"Creating conditions for children to experiment at home"
"Experimenting with children at home (snow, water)"
Thematic photo exhibitions:
"We are experimenting"
Involving parents in the selection of material on the topic:
"Developing cognitive interest in young children through experimentation".
Project presentation:
"Developing cognitive interest in young children through experimentation" October - December
January – April
3 Organizational and pedagogical work
Continuation of the study of methodological literature on the topic of self-education.
Organize an open review of the card index for colleagues for the purpose of familiarization.
Project presentation:
"Properties of Water"
January – April
Stage. Final.
No. Event Period
1 Report on the topic of self-education at the teachers' council No. 4 201 - 2014 school year. May
The experience gained on this issue helped me to achieve concrete results:
children's speech became active, expressive;
children have developed cognitive - research and productive activities;
children gained a certain confidence in themselves, in their experimental abilities.
It should be noted that positive dynamics in children was achieved thanks to joint work with parents.
Prokhorova L. N., Balakshina TA. Children's experimentation - the way of knowing the world around // "Formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of preschoolers (from the experience of kindergarten No. 15 "Sunflowers" in Vladimir) / Edited by L. N. Prokhorova. - Vladimir. VOIUU, 2001.
Ryzhova P. Experiments with sand and clay // Hoop, 1998. - No. 2.
Dybina O. Into the Unexplored nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers /Text/ O. V. Dybina, N. P. Rakhmanova, V. V. Shchetinina. -M. : TC "Sphere", 2005.
Ryzhova N. A. Sorceress - water / Text / N. A. Ryzhova. - M. : Linka-Press. 1997
Dybina O. V. Rakhmanova N. P. Shchetina V. V. “Unexplored nearby: entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers” / Ed. O. V. Dybina. - M. : TC Sphere, 2004. - 64 p.
Solovieva E. "How to organize the search activity of children" // Preschool education. 2005. No. 1.
Internet resources:

Attached files

Elena Khavshabo
Plan for self-education "Research activities of children middle group»

MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 29"




Khavshabo Elena Ivanovna


Topic: « Research activities in children of the middle group»

Explanatory note

“The world surrounding the child is, first of all, the world of nature, with an unlimited wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here in nature eternal source children's mind"

V. Sukhomlinsky.

Of particular importance for the development of the personality of a preschooler is the assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the ways of practical interaction with the environment environment provides the formation of the worldview of the child, his personal growth. essential role in this direction plays a search-cognitive preschool activities proceeding in the form of experimental actions.

The purpose of the work is to develop a sustainable cognitive interest of preschoolers in the search and research activities the ability to understand and love the world and nature.

To achieve this goal, a number of tasks:

Formation middle school children age of dialectical thinking.

Development of own cognitive experience in a generalized form with the help of visual funds(standards, symbols, conditional substitutes, models);

Expanding the prospects for the development of experimental research activities of children by incorporating them into thoughtful, modeling and transformative actions;

Education of emotional and valuable attitude to the natural environment. Maintaining children's initiative, ingenuity, inquisitiveness, criticality, independence.

Form of work with children: group.

Methods and techniques for working with children: practical, problem-search.

Teacher's work:

The study of scientific and pedagogical literature;

Development of promising plans, abstracts of educational related activities;

Creation of a modern subject-developing group environments;

Carrying out diagnostics on the assimilation of the program in this section;

Acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience;

Speech with a report on the experience of work at the teachers' council, participation in seminars, consultations;

Active participation in work methodical association district;

Participation in competitions pedagogical excellence in the preschool educational institution, district, in all-Russian Internet competitions;

Training in advanced training courses;

Generalization of work experience on self-education. Expected result of work on the topic self-education.

I, as a teacher-educator will form: fundamentals of pedagogical skill:

Ability to analyze scientific and methodological literature;

Ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice;

Activate creativity and promote your achievements.

Children will learn: on one's own identify and pose the problem that needs to be solved;

Offer possible options solutions;

research objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, using the methods of search activities

Stages of creating a system work:

1. Preparatory stage.

Creating conditions for children's experimentation

(research centers, gaming centers activities, etc..).

2. Analytical and diagnostic.

Diagnosing a problem (children, teachers, parents)

3. Main stage.

Development of a promising planning an experimental

activities with children.

4. Reflective stage.

Final diagnosis of the degree of stability of the child's cognitive interest.

Working with parents

Advice for parents on Topics:

"Organization of children's experimentation."

"Teach your child to love nature".

Individual consultations on interesting topics of experimentation.

Thematic photo exhibitions:

-"Rules of conduct in the forest"

-"My family in the country"

- "Good deeds"

Joint event with children and parents on topic: "Laboratory-wizard".

Questionnaire for parents:

Target: to reveal the attitude of parents to the search engine research activity of children.

Working with teachers

For teachers were offered consultations:

"Development research activities in children of the middle group»;

"Requirements for conducting observations".

Open display of GCD "Amazing nearby".

Questionnaire for teachers:

Target: to study the state of organization of children's experimentation in practice work of preschool educational institution, to reveal the role of the teacher in the development of the search activity of preschoolers.

Plan implementation of the program for self-education

Plan implementation terms Form of work Content

Preparatory. 1. Studying the problem in scientific and methodological work.

2. Creation of a subject development environments.

September October

Using the technique "Choice activities» L. N. Prokhorova, aimed at studying the motivation of children's experimentation. 1. Studying the place of children's experimentation.

2. Creation of mini-laboratories with inanimate objects.

Analytical and diagnostic. Diagnosing a problem (children, teachers, parents). November 7 questions on the study of the conditions and forms of organization of children's experimentation Study pedagogical competence parents and educators in the development of children's experimentation.


Using experience in practice (methods, techniques, technologies) November - April activities

middle group children Implementation in educational process corrected during the first two stages, the system of classes on experimental - experimental activities

Final. practical outputs

(open views, exhibition of works) May June "Round table"

"Step by step"

"Want to know everything"

"These amazing stones"

"My Tree" Generalization of experience on innovative technologies in the educational process.

Creation "piggy banks of experiences and experiments".

Folder-slider for parents and children.

(Search interesting information about natural phenomena).

Creation of a mini-museum of stones

Creation of a herbarium collection.

For the implementation of experimental activities of children in our group organized a mini-laboratory "Why". It contains didactic material, necessary tools for experimentation: special utensils, junk and natural material(pebbles, sand, seeds, recycled material (wire, feathers, sponges, etc., instruments for experiments (magnifier, microscope, flashlight, etc., a corner is made out) "Garden on the windowsill" made didactic materials.

When setting up an experimentation area, consider the following: requirements:

1. safety for life and health children;

2. sufficiency;

3. location availability.

Organization work in progress on three interconnected directions:

1. Wildlife

2. Inanimate nature

3. Man.

Entertaining experiments, experiments encourage children to independent search reasons, ways of action, manifestation of creativity. Didactic material provides the development of two types of children activity:

The child's own activity, completely determined by him

Activities stimulated by an adult.

The identified two types of children's activity underlie two interrelated and, at the same time, fundamentally different lines. mental development child- preschooler: personality development and mental development.


Based on the analysis of the work carried out, it can be concluded that children's experimentation has a huge developmental potential. The main advantage of children's experimentation is that it gives children real ideas about different sides the object under study, about its relationship with other objects and habitat.

We conclude that children's experimentation is good. means intellectual development preschoolers, provides positive influence on the emotional sphere child; for development creativity to improve health by increasing general level motor activity.

The results of the work performed showed that the use of experimentation had an impact on the:

increasing the level of development of curiosity; research skills of children(see and define a problem, accept and set a goal, solve problems, analyze an object or phenomenon, highlight essential features and connections, compare various facts, put forward various hypotheses, select means and materials for independent activity , to carry out an experiment, to draw certain conclusions and conclusions);

raising the level of development cognitive processes; speech development(enrichment vocabulary children various terms, strengthening the ability to grammatically correctly build your answers to questions, the ability to ask questions, follow the logic of your statement, the ability to build evidence-based speech);

personal characteristics (appearance of initiative, independence, the ability to cooperate with others, the need to defend one's point of view, to coordinate it with others, etc.); knowledge children about inanimate nature;

increasing the competence of parents in organizing work to develop the cognitive activity of older preschoolers in the process of experimenting at home.

Thus, it is traced positive dynamics development of cognitive processes in children senior preschool age, which was carried out systematic work on research activities and experimentation at home; increasing the competence of parents in the organization of this activities.

Experimentation is the most successful way of getting to know children with the world of living and inanimate nature surrounding them. In the process of experimentation, the preschooler gets the opportunity to satisfy his inherent curiosity, to feel like a scientist, researcher, a pioneer.


1. Nikolaeva S. N. Yuny ecologist: The program of ecological education of preschool children / S. N. Nikolaeva - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2002. - 128 p.

2. Prokhorova L. N., Balakshina TA. “Children's experimentation is a way of knowing the world around. Formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of preschoolers, ed. L. N. Prokhorova. - Vladimir, VOIUU, 2001 Zubkova N. M. Carriage and a small cart miracles: - M; Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009. - 79p.

3. Organization activities of children on a walk. Middle group / car. - comp. T. G. Kobzeva, I. A. Kholodova, G. S. Alexandrova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 330 p.

4. L. N. Prokhorova “Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers". Guidelines - publishing house Arches 2005.

5. Program "Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, A. A. Moscow 2012

6. O. V. Dybina, N. P. Rakhmanova, V. V. Shchetinina "Unknown near"- publishing house of the shopping center Sphere, 2010.

7. G. P. Tugusheva, A. E. Chistyakova "Experimental activity» ed. "Childhood Press", 2007


Moskvicheva Svetlana Mikhailovna 2-qualification category; work experience Academic year: 2013-2014 School preparatory group

Relevance of the topic:

The kid is a natural explorer of the world around him. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal sensations, actions, experiences.

"How more baby saw, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more large quantity he disposes of the elements of reality in his experience, the more significant and productive he is with other equal conditions will be his creative, research activity, ”wrote the classic of the national psychological science Lev Semyonovich Vygodsky.

The development of the cognitive interests of preschoolers is one of the actual problems pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement. It is experimentation that is the leading activity in young children: “The fundamental fact is that the activity of experimentation permeates all spheres of children's life, all children's activities, including play.”

The development of cognitive activity in preschool children is especially relevant in present stage, as it develops children's curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind and forms on their basis sustainable cognitive interests through research activities.

The preschooler is characterized by an increased interest in everything that happens around. Every day, children learn more and more new objects, strive to learn not only their names, but also similarities, think about the simplest causes of the observed phenomena. Supporting children's interest, you need to lead them from acquaintance with nature to its understanding.

Help to reveal to children wonderful world experimentation, develop cognitive abilities;

Study the methodological literature on this topic;

To help the child in mastering the appropriate vocabulary, in the ability to accurately and clearly express his judgments and assumptions;

Generalization of knowledge on the topic.

  • Creation of conditions for the research activity of children;
  • Organization individual activities comprehension and elaboration of the given material;
  • The study of methods, technologies for search and research activities.


1. Vinogradova N.F. "Mystery stories about nature", "Ventana-Graf", 2007

2. Preschool education No. 2, 2000

3. Dybina O.V. et al. A Child in a World of Search: A Program for Organizing search activity preschool children. Moscow: Sfera 2005

4. Dybina O.V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. M., 2005.

5. Ivanova A.I. Organization methodology environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten. M.: Sphere, 2004

6. Ryzhova N. Games with water and sand. // Hoop, 1997. - No. 2

7. Smirnov Yu.I. Air: A book for talented children and caring parents. SPb., 1998.

8. Experimental activities of children 4-6 years old: from work experience / ed.-comp. L.N. Megnshchikov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 130 p.

practical way out


Selection and study of literature on the topic;

Reminders for parents "I know the world"

"Step by step"

Creation of a "piggy bank of experiences and experiments"

Consultation for teachers of the preschool educational institution "The importance of search and research activities in the development of the child."

November December

Creation of a subject-developing environment

Studying the conditions of the organization experimental activities children in a group, the creation of mini laboratories with objects of inanimate nature;

Advice for parents on:

"Creation of conditions for conducting search and research activities."

7 questions for studying the conditions and forms of organization of children's experimentation

Study of the pedagogical competence of parents and educators in the development of children's experimentation.

Questionnaires for parents and caregivers.

"Assistant devices"

Acquisition of skills in working with research instruments (loupes, microscope ...)

Thematic lesson "Magic glass"

Innovative technologies-TRIZ

The use of TRIZ elements in experiments

Thematic lesson “What is water like” (liquid, solid, gaseous state)

Media library for search and research activities in the educational space

Selection of DVD discs on the topics studied

Use of DVD discs in and out of class

"What? What for? Why?"

Studying the method of game problem learning

Creation of diverse problem situations and ways to solve them.

"Experimental and experimental activities with young children"



  1. Increasing the professional competence of teachers on the issue of "children's experimentation".
  2. Establishing links and dependencies between objects and phenomena.
  3. Formation of ways of cognition in young children (sensory analysis).


  1. Reveal the importance of children's experimentation in the system of raising children.
  2. Development of sensory culture.
  3. Development of cognitive research and productive activities.
  4. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children.


  1. The child's ability to independent decision available cognitive tasks.
  2. Ability to use different ways and learning methods.
  3. Interest in experimentation in young children.
  4. Readiness for logical knowledge.


Undoubtedly, today the topic is very relevant.

Cognitive research activity of preschool children is one of the types of cultural practices through which a child learns about the world around him. Supervision of the demonstration of experiments and practical exercise in their reproduction allows children to become pioneers, researchers of the world that surrounds them. Preschoolers tend to be oriented toward learning about the world around them and experimenting with objects and phenomena of reality. Younger preschoolers, getting acquainted with the world around them, strive not only to examine the object, but also to touch it with their hands, tongue, sniff, knock on it, etc. At the age of “why?” children think about such physical phenomena as water freezing in winter, sound propagation in air and water, the difference between objects of the surrounding reality in color and the ability to achieve the desired color on their own, etc. Experiments carried out independently by children contribute to the creation of a model of the phenomenon under study and the generalization of the results obtained in an effective way. Create conditions for the opportunity to draw independent conclusions about the value significance physical phenomena for man and himself.

Work plan 2016-2017







1. Selection of material on the topic: "Experimental and experimental activities with young children";

2. Setting goals and objectives for this topic.

Involving parents in the selection of material on the topic: "Experimental and experimental activities with young children."


1. Studying the topic: "Organization of a mini-laboratory in kindergarten."

2. Drawing up an exemplary algorithm for conducting a lesson-experimentation.

Consultation: "Creating conditions for experimentation of children at home."


1. Studying the topic: "The development of cognitive interest in young children through experimentation in inanimate nature."

2. Selection of instruments and equipment for a mini-laboratory.

Experiments with water, sand, air:

1. Find out what kind of water.

2. What's in the package?

3. We are wizards.

4. Will it float or sink?

1. Consultation: "The role of experimentation in the development of cognitive activity in young children."

2. Involving parents in the creation of a mini-laboratory in the group.


1. Studying the topic: "The development of cognitive interest in young children through sensory."

2. Replenishment of the card file of experiments and experiments in inanimate nature.

Experiments with water, snow:

1. Snowman.

2. Poured - poured.

3. Ships.

4. Colored ice cubes.

Consultation: "Experimenting with children at home (snow, water)".


Experiments with color, shape:

Magic brush.

High Low.

Wide narrow.

Creating a memo for parents: "Experimenting with children at home."


Replenishment of the card file of experiments and experiments in the section "Sensorics".

Conducting experiments and experiments with sound and heat:

Hot - cold.

Create a photo album:

"We are experimenting."


Studying the topic: "Development of cognitive interest in young children through experimentation" in a man-made world.

Conducting experiments and experiments: "The life-giving property of water."

Consultation: "Educating diligence, obedience and responsibility through experimentation"


Replenishment of the card index "Development of cognitive interest in young children through experimentation" in the man-made world.

Conducting experiments and experiments with wood, paper, fabric.

Self-analysis of the self-education plan

Joint experimentation of children and the teacher with water, sand, sound, paper and cloth.

Project presentation: "Experimental activities with young children"