Material on the topic: Professional competence of a teacher of distance learning. Report "Pedagogical competencies of a modern teacher


1 Competence and competencies of the teacher

2 Competence-based approach Competence-based approach is an approach in education, for which the priority goal educational process is the formation of competencies.

3 What are the competencies and competencies of a teacher? What is the difference? How are they related?

4 Teacher Competence Competence is an integrative personal resource, which ensures successful activity due to learned effective strategies Competence consists of competencies, is provided by competencies and is found in competencies. What competencies, such and competence.

5 The competencies of a teacher are: the ability to act subject to restrictions and regulations, knowledge, abilities, skills, methods and techniques, effective application knowledge and skills, value orientations, motives, attitudes, knowledge and experience in a particular area,

6 The main components of the competence of pedagogical workers Professional Competence This is the quality of the employee's actions, providing: effective solution professionally- pedagogical problems and typical professional tasks arising in real situations pedagogical activity, using life experience, existing qualifications, generally recognized values; possession of modern educational technologies, technologies pedagogical diagnostics(surveys, individual and group interviews), psychological and pedagogical correction, stress relief, etc., methods, pedagogical means and their continuous improvement; use of methodological ideas, new literature and other sources of information in the field of competence and teaching methods for building modern classes with students (pupils, children), the implementation of evaluative and value reflection.

7 The main components of the competence of pedagogical workers Information competence is: the quality of the employee's actions that ensure the effective search, structuring of information, its adaptation to the peculiarities of the pedagogical process and didactic requirements formulation learning problem various information and communication methods qualified work with various information resources, professional tools, ready-made software and methodological complexes that allow you to design a solution to pedagogical problems and practical tasks, the use of automated teacher workstations in the educational process regular independent cognitive activity, readiness to conduct distance educational activities, the use of computer and multimedia technologies, digital educational resources in the educational process, maintaining school documentation for

8 The main components of the competence of pedagogical workers Communicative competence is the quality of the employee's actions, providing: effective construction of direct and feedback with another person, establishing contact with students (pupils, children) of different ages, parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; the ability to develop a strategy, tactics and technique of interaction with people, to organize their joint activities to achieve certain socially significant goals the ability to convince, argue their position possession of oratory, oral and writing, public presentation of the results of their work, selection adequate forms and presentation methods.

9 The main components of the competence of pedagogical workers Legal Competence is the quality of the employee's actions that ensure: effective use in professional activity legislative and other regulatory legal documents authorities to solve relevant professional tasks

10 Competence and Competence Knowledge (Competence Theory and Practice) Competence Standards Products and performance

11 Teacher's competencies Competences are specific strategies for successful activity that ensure the solution of problems, overcoming obstacles and achieving the goal. Competence consists of competencies, is provided by competencies and is found in competencies. What competencies, such and competence.

12 Teacher competencies Competence is the ability of a teacher to solve professional problems and receive required results(a criterion for what must be done). Competence is the ability of a teacher to follow certain standards of behavior (a criterion for how work, activity should be performed). Competencies reflect complex result activities and include not only knowledge and skills (competencies), but also personal characteristics of a person.

13 What are competencies? Key, subject and special competencies ensure the professionalism of the teacher. The key competencies of a teacher are universal, they ensure successful pedagogical activity in general. The subject competencies of a teacher are specific, they ensure the successful teaching of a particular subject. academic discipline. The special competencies of the teacher are narrowly focused, they provide a solution to related pedagogical problems.

14 Key competencies Key competencies are broader than the scope of one subject, they ensure the success of the learning activity as a whole. Key competencies include: successful application of general didactic methods (demonstration, explanation, training, research, assessment). successful ownership information technology(a computer, multimedia, Internet), successful communicative activity(contact, information, relationships).

15 Core competencies Versatile, applicable to various life situations Every member of society should have them; this is the key to successful life of a person in society These are universal ways social activities Elementary key competencies: Information - willingness to work with information; Communicative - readiness to communicate with other people, is formed on the basis of information Cooperative - readiness to cooperate with other people, is formed on the basis of the previous two; Problematic - readiness to solve problems, is formed on the basis of the previous three;

16 Key competencies of teacher and student Formative formation and acquisition of knowledge. Research critical thinking. Test quality assurance and self-control. Search, information search necessary information. Systematizing structuring of knowledge. Project-based creation of new knowledge. Interactive business interaction. Empathic emotional contact. Leading contest of initiatives.

17 Teacher's key competencies The use of didactic methods requires the following competencies: formative, research, test. Information technologies require the following competencies: search, systematization, design. Professional communication requires the following competencies: interactive, empathic and leading.

18 Possession of modern information technologies For teachers and students Search for information (texts, images, sources). Systematization of information (database, editing, spreadsheets). Project (web pages, conferences, presentations). For the teacher Organization of e-learning multimedia environment For students Integration in the multimedia community.

19 Interactive competence For the teacher Strategies for interaction with students. Strategies for autonomous learning opportunities. Strategies in the "zone of proximal development of students" For students Strategies for autonomous acquisition of knowledge. Strategies for autonomous self-control of knowledge. Strategies for educational interaction (with a teacher, students, project team).

20 Subject competencies Subject competencies are essential for teaching specific subject. Subject competencies provide the implementation of the teaching method with the help of effective technologies. Subject competencies allow the teacher to create their own teaching materials. Subject competencies include the performance of a role with professional pedagogical functions (training, education, management).

21 The content of subject competencies Teaching a subject requires the following competencies: communicative, technological, controlling. Application educational materials requires the following competencies: user, developer, reviewer. Pedagogical communication requires the following competencies: facilitating, interpersonal, humanistic.

22 Special competencies Program mastery of the training program. Profile mastery of the content about / teaching. Interdisciplinary integration of knowledge of subjects. social awareness social characteristics. Diagnostic awareness of individuality. Developing the search for personal reserves. Creative identification of inclinations and talents. Organizational group dynamics. Encouraging involvement in activities.

23 Special competencies Work in profile classes requires the following competencies: program, profile, interdisciplinary. Working with "difficult students" requires the following competencies: social, diagnostic, developmental. Create your own didactic materials requires the following competencies: authoring, editing, piloting.

24 A competency-based task is one that has not only educational, but also life justification and does not cause the thinking student to answer the unanswered question “Why are we doing this?”

25 The results of the teacher's work are: key competencies good breeding health and closely related mental condition students The competence of the teacher is manifested only in unity with the competence of students

26 Pedagogical criteria for teacher competence The work of a teacher is judged by the final result, therefore the first criterion is the level of education of our students, the level of formation of students' competencies. The second criterion is the level of formation of general educational skills and abilities (OUUN). These are: Educational and informational skills Educational and logical skills Educational and managerial skills The third criterion is innovative activity, which allows you to carry out the educational process at a higher, modern level. We will talk about these innovations a little later.

27 Literature Vvedensky V.N. Modeling the professional competence of a teacher // Pedagogy S. Lukyanova M.I. Psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher // Pedagogy S Sorokina T.M. Development professional competence Future Primary School Teachers: Monograph / T.M. Sorokin; Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. N. Novgorod: NGPU, p. Sorokina T.M. Development of professional competence of the future teacher by means of integrated educational content // Primary school S Khutorskoy A.V. Key competencies as a component of the personality-oriented paradigm // public education With

TEACHER COMPETENCES THE BASIS FOR SUCCESSFUL DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT COMPETENCES 1 PROLOGUE Dunno: “What is “competence?” Know-it-all: “Competence is when you know everything!”. Dunno: "That's it, what is it?" Know-It-All: "What

KEY COMPETENCES OF A TEACHER AS THE BASIS FOR THE FORMATION OF A NEW QUALITY OF EDUCATION THE CONCEPT "COMPETENCE" of knowledge is a set of facts required to perform work. Knowledge is a broader concept than skills.

Approved in 20. Director of MBOU SOSH 6: / Toboleva V. I. / JOB INSTRUCTION teacher 1. General provisions. The teacher is appointed and dismissed by the principal of the school. For holidays and temporary

ON THE. Kopylova, VA Urgapov 1 COMPETENCE-BASED APPROACH IN EDUCATION AS A BASIS FOR IMPROVING THE ACTIVITIES OF A MODERN TEACHER Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of a competent approach in education.

I approve the Principal &.M. Poletaikin Order t / 5 b From 30.08. 2014 JOB DESCRIPTION 7 ENGLISH TEACHER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This job description of an English teacher

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AGREED. I APPROVE. Chairman of the PC MOU Director of MOU "Volosovskaya secondary school 1" "Volosovskaya secondary school 1" T. L. Nesterova N. V. Simakova (Protocol of the PC dated 09.2011) (Order dated 09.09.2011) Job description

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imperative system professional qualities, which determine the success of pedagogical activity, was presented in the 20th century by our outstanding scientists A.S. Makarenko, Yu.P. Azarov, Yu.A. Babansky, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky and was largely identified, focused in the concept of "pedagogical excellence". “Everything is in our pedagogical business,” Yu.P. Azarov, - in the end, skill decides. But how difficult and long the path to mastery usually is for teachers.”

Master is deep theoretical training. This is a perfect mastery of the methods of training and education, pedagogical technique. It is a fusion of personal culture, knowledge and outlook. This is the art of communicating with children.

And as a synonym for the concepts professional excellence”, “professionalism” in the 90s of the twentieth century, the concept of “professional competence” entered the pedagogical terminology. It should be noted right away that most scientists separate these concepts, emphasizing the special context of the use of the concept of "competence" and considering it as the basis of pedagogical skill.

The analysis of works devoted to the problem of pedagogical professional competence testifies to the complexity of this phenomenon, the breadth and diversity of its interpretations (T.G. Brazhe, S.G. Vershlovsky, E.P. Tonkonogaya, N.N. Lobanova, A.K. Markova , S. G. Molchanov, V. Yu. Krichevsky, N. V. Nemova, S. S. Tatarchenkova, V. M. Shepel, etc.).

So what is meant by competence? Let's turn to the basic definition given in the dictionary foreign words. Competence: 1) possession of competence; 2) knowledge, information in a certain area. Competent: 1) having competence; 2) knowledgeable, versed in a particular area.

EM. Nikitin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, was one of the first to propose a definition of pedagogical competence. According to the scientist, competence as an integral professional and personal characteristic of a teacher is determined by his readiness and ability to perform professional and pedagogical functions in accordance with the norms and standards accepted in society at the moment. The scientist identified the main characteristics of the teacher's competence. This is:

  • personal and humanistic orientation;
  • the ability to act systematically in a professional-pedagogical situation;
  • orientation in the subject area;
  • possession of modern pedagogical technologies;
  • interaction with information and transfer of educational information;
  • creativity in the professional field;
  • the presence of a reflective culture;
  • empathy;
  • tolerance.

In modern domestic science exist different approaches to the definition of the concept of "professional competence".

E.P. Tonkonogaya considers professional competence as an integral professional and personal characteristic that determines the readiness and ability to perform pedagogical and managerial functions in the new conditions in accordance with the official status.

Professor S.G. Vershlovsky argues that professional and pedagogical competence can be characterized as the ability of a teacher to quickly solve emerging problems and tasks based on knowledge and experience acquired in the process of cognition. Competence, in his opinion, means a stable ability to act with knowledge of the matter.

In the works of A.V. Khutorsky, the concept of "competence" is considered as the possession of appropriate competencies: value-semantic, general cultural, educational, cognitive, informational, communicative, social and labor and personal improvement.

In the conceptual documents on the modernization of education, in the recommendations of the Council of Europe, the concept of "competence" is associated with the performance of complex practical tasks and is considered as a synthesis of cognitive, informational, ethical, social and communicative components, thereby emphasizing its integration, over-subject role in education.

Some scientists define competence on the basis of the structural foundations of professional and pedagogical activity.

So, S.S. Tatarchenkova identifies four interrelated components in the structure of professional and pedagogical activity:

  • professional and personal, reflecting the ability to pedagogical activity, value orientations, professional attitudes, motives that determine the creative activity of the teacher;
  • educational, including professional knowledge on the basics of science: subject-scientific, psychological-pedagogical, methodological, general cultural and other information about the relevant practical experience;
  • conceptual, indicating the skills of designing the teacher's activity;
  • active, which includes practical skills and skills that ensure the implementation of the ideas and projects of the teacher.

An interesting interpretation of the concepts of "competence" and "competence" is given by scientists V.V. Nesterov, A.S. Belkin. They propose to consider competencies as “the totality of what a person has”, and competence as “the totality of what he owns”. AT pedagogically competence is considered by these authors as "a set of professional powers, functions that create the necessary conditions for effective activity in the educational process", and professional and pedagogical competence is presented as "a set of professional, personal qualities that ensure the effective implementation of competencies”. The authors identify several key competencies that are components of professional and pedagogical competence:

  • cognitive (professional and pedagogical erudition);
  • psychological (emotional culture and psychological vigilance);
  • communicative (culture of communication and pedagogical tact);
  • rhetorical ( professional culture speech);
  • vocational;
  • professional information (monitoring culture).

V.G. Vorontsova, G.D. Vorontsov emphasize that, despite the different set of key competencies for a specialist, including a teacher, three components are common to all options:

  • knowledge (the degree of mastery of scientific and professional information and the ability to use it in practice);
  • personal and professional position (value-semantic, moral and ideological orientations);
  • professional culture (as a synthesis value orientations and creative activity, including on the basis of new information technologies).

Professional competence of a teacher of distance learning

  1. The concept of pedagogical competence.
  2. The content and structure of the professional competence of a teacher of distance education;

Main components;

Directions of professional competence of a teacher of distance education;

Qualities and character traits necessary for the success of a DL teacher;

Principles professional success pedagogical activity;

Steps to successful activity;

Pedagogical skills as a disclosure of the structure of the teacher's professional competence.


  1. The concept of pedagogical competence

Development modern society dictates special conditions organization of preschool education, intensive introduction of innovations, new technologies and methods of working with children. In this situation, professional competence is especially important, the basis of which is personal and Professional Development teachers.

Competence (from lat. competentio from competo I achieve, I correspond, I approach)- this is the personal ability of the teacher to solve a certain class of professional tasks.

Scientists A.S. Belkin and V.V. Nesterov believe: "In pedagogical terms, competence is a set of professional powers, functions that create the necessary conditions for effective activity in the educational space."

Competence in relation to vocational education is the ability to apply knowledge, skills and practical experience for successful work.

The professional competence of a modern preschool teacher is defined as a set of universal and specific professional attitudes that allow him to cope with a given program and special ones that arise in the psychological and pedagogical process preschool, situations, resolving which, he contributes to the clarification, improvement, practical implementation of development tasks, his general and special abilities.

The concept of a teacher's competence is understood as a value-semantic attitude to the goals and results of pedagogical activity, expressed in the conscious performance of professional functions. And this is especially valuable, given that such a position of the educator is not innate quality, it is formed under the influence of the entire educational environment, including in the process of additional professional education aimed at changing inner world, which determines the awareness of the actions of the kindergarten teacher.

In accordance with the definition of the concept of "professional competence", it is proposed to assess the level of professional competence of teaching staff using three criteria:

1. Possession of modern pedagogical technologies and their application in professional activities.

2. Willingness to solve professional subject tasks.

3. The ability to control their activities in accordance with accepted rules and norms.

One of the most important components of professional competence is the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as to use them in practice.

  1. The content and structure of the professional competence of a teacher of distance learning

The main content of the teacher's activity is communication, the subjects of which in preschool educational institution are teachers, parents, children. The professional competence of a teacher in the field of communication with the parents of pupils characterizes the ability of the teacher to effectively organize the process of communication with parents, taking into account the current educational needs and interests of parents, modern forms and methods of organizing communication.

The main components of the professional competence of a teacher include:

For the qualitative formation of the competence of the educator, it is necessary basic knowledge, skills, abilities that will be improved in the process of self-education.

Modern society makes new demands on the competence of the teacher. He must be competent in the organization and content of activities for the following directions:

Upbringing - educational;

Educational - methodical;


Educational - educational activities assumes the following criteria of competence: the implementation of a holistic pedagogical process; creation of a developing environment; ensuring the protection of life and health of children. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of the teacher's competence: knowledge of the goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods and means of teaching and educating preschoolers; the ability to effectively form knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the educational program.

Educational - methodical activity the educator assumes the following criteria of competence: planning of educational work; designing pedagogical activity based on analysis results achieved. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of competence: knowledge of the educational program and methodology for the development of various types of children's activities; ability to design, plan and implement pedagogical process; knowledge of research technologies, pedagogical monitoring, upbringing and education of children.

In addition, having the right to choose both the main and partial programs and benefits, the educator must skillfully combine them, enriching and expanding the content of each direction, avoiding "mosaic", forming the integrity of the child's perception. In other words, a competent teacher should be able to competently integrate the content of education, ensure the interconnection of all classes, activities, and events based on the tasks of educating and developing the child.

Socio-pedagogical activityThe educator assumes the following competence criteria: advisory assistance parents; creation of conditions for the socialization of children; protection of interests and rights. These criteria are supported by the following indicators: knowledge of the basic documents on the rights of the child and the obligations of adults towards children; the ability to conduct explanatory pedagogical work with parents, specialists of preschool educational institutions.

Based on modern requirements, it is possible to determine the main ways of developing the professional competence of a teacher:

Work in methodical associations, creative groups;

Research, experimental activities;

Innovative activity, development of new pedagogical technologies;

Various forms of pedagogical support;

Active participation in pedagogical competitions, master - classes;

Generalization of own pedagogical experience.

Qualities and character traitsnecessary for the success of a teacher

To determine the prospects for the success of a teacher of distance learning, it is necessary to determine the main basis and prerequisites. These aspects can be expressed in the form of requirements and a certain standard of the profession:

  • Good knowledge of human nature and interpersonal relationships;
  • nobility of spirit;
  • Sense of humor;
  • acute observation;
  • Interest and attention to others;
  • Infectious enthusiasm for preschool childhood;
  • Rich imagination;
  • Energy;
  • Tolerance;
  • Curiosity;
  • Professional readiness and understanding of how a child develops;
  • The ability to compose individual programs education and training for age groups or individual children;
  • Understanding the process of integration of educational areas, private methods of distance learning, specific types of children's activities.

Based on the above grounds, it is possible to single out the components of the success of a DL teacher.

Below are the main principles implemented in organizational pedagogical activity in terms of success (Table 1).

Table 1

Principles of professional success of pedagogical activity


Pedagogical intent

"Firework Principle":

Reveal yourself!

All teachers are stars: near and far, big and small, equally beautiful. Each star chooses its own flight path: for some it is long, while for others ....

The main thing is the desire to shine!

"Principle of weights":

Find yourself!

Your choice is your opportunity!

Not common truths, they are born in a dispute. A hurricane is raging around social contradictions. It is important to be independent in the world. Libra-swing is a symbol of constant search, the desire to develop one's point of view.

Win! Try! Plan!

Each has its own development program, goals and objectives. Everyone chooses the path of movement to success according to their strength and manifests itself in different life situations.

"Success Principle":

Realize yourself!

Creating a situation of success. The main thing is to feel the taste of victory. The teacher is an equal partner, taking into account the interests of the child, individual abilities and needs.

Steps to Success

From a pedagogical point of view, success is such a purposeful, organized combination of conditions under which it is possible to achieve significant results in the activities of both a single individual and a quantity as a whole.

Let us designate several accompanying steps to the successful activity of the teacher.

  1. The prospect of activity and business.
  2. Stimulation.
  3. Gratitude.
  4. Help and support.
  5. Tact.
  6. Responsibility.
  7. Creation.
  8. Ability to admit and correct mistakes.
  9. "Living Participation"
  10. Constructive criticism.

Ways to involve educators in the process of activities that contribute to success:

  • Design;
  • Solving pedagogical situations;
  • Active - game methods;
  • Workshops and trainings;
  • professional competitions;
  • Individual and microgroup pedagogical research;
  • Documentary analysis;
  • Writing creative works;
  • Portfolio design;
  • Keeping an analytical diary;
  • Debating club;
  • Hours of interested information exchange;
  • Visiting types of children's activities with colleagues with subsequent analysis;
  • Development and implementation of professional programs.

The main subjective sources for determining the success of a teacher are:

  • The opinion of the administration;
  • Analysis and opinion of methodologists, members of GMOs and expert groups;
  • The prevailing idea among colleagues, parents;
  • Demonstrative activity of the teacher, the desire to speak, to appear, to participate, to lead.

The main sources of determining the success of a teacher:

  • The results of upbringing, education of children in different types activities;
  • Number of children successfully enrolled in primary school;
  • Successfully conducted pedagogical activities;
  • Generalization of advanced professional experience;
  • Publications in the local press, mass media.

Only activities that bring success and high satisfaction become a development factor for the individual.

The structure of the teacher's professional competence can be revealed through pedagogical skills. It is advisable to build a model of professional readiness from the most general to particular skills. So the most general skill is the ability to think and act pedagogically, closely related to the ability to expose facts and phenomena theoretical analysis. Combines these two extremely important skills that they are based on a process of transition from the concrete to the abstract, which can take place at the intuitive, empirical and theoretical levels. Bringing skill to theoretical level analysis is one of critical tasks training of future teachers teaching skills. Ideally, the full compliance of the preschool educational institution teacher with the requirements of the qualification characteristic means the formation of the ability to think and act pedagogically, integrating the entire set of pedagogical skills.

Regardless of the level of generalization of the pedagogical task, the complete cycle of its solution is reduced to the triad "think - act - think" and coincides with the components of pedagogical activity and the skills corresponding to them. As a result, the model of professional competence of the educator acts as a unity of his theoretical and practical readiness. Pedagogical skills here are grouped into four groups:

1. The ability to "translate" the content of the objective process of education into specific pedagogical tasks: the study of the individual and the team to determine the level of their preparedness for the active mastery of new knowledge and designing on this basis the development of the team and individual pupils; allocation of a complex of educational, upbringing and developing tasks, their concretization and determination of the dominant task.

2. Ability to build and set in motion a logically complete pedagogical system: integrated planning educational tasks; reasonable selection of the content of the educational process; optimal choice of forms, methods and means of its organization.

3. The ability to identify and establish relationships between the components and factors of education, to put them into action: the creation of the necessary conditions (material, moral-psychological, organizational, hygienic, etc.); activation of the personality of a preschooler, the development of his activity, which turns him from an object into a subject of education; organization and development joint activities; ensuring communication of the preschool educational institution with the environment, regulation of external non-programmed influences.

4. Skills for accounting and evaluating the results of pedagogical activity: introspection and analysis of the educational process and the results of the teacher's activity; definition of a new set of dominant and subordinate pedagogical tasks.

But none of the above will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. To do this, it is necessary to create the conditions in which the teacher independently realizes the need to improve the level of their own professional qualities. The analysis of one's own pedagogical experience activates the professional self-development of the teacher, as a result of which skills are developed. research activities which are then integrated into pedagogical activity.

The most important thing, in my opinion, in the profession of a preschool teacher is to love your work and your students. I really like the words of L. N. Tolstoy:“If a teacher has only love for the job, he will be a good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, a mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for the work or for the students. If the teacher combineslove to the cause and to the students, he is a perfect teacher.

The current situation in education requires special training of specialists. Preparing children for change can only be the teacher who is ready for change himself, who develops personally in the profession, who has high level knowledge and skills, reflection, developed ability to design activities, that is, a professionally competent teacher.


1.Zakharash, T. Modern update content of teacher training // Preschool education - 2011

2.Psychology and pedagogy: Tutorial. O. B. Betina. 2006

3. Svatalova, T. Tools for assessing the professional competence of teachers // Preschool education - 2011

4. Slastenin V.A. etc. Pedagogy: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002

5. Khokhlova, O.A. Formation of professional competence of teachers // Handbook of the senior educator - 2010

ATmodel "Russian Education - 2020", it is noted that "cardinal personnel changes should take place in the education system. Traditional teacher (monopoly in the transmission and interpretation necessary knowledge) leaves the stage. A new image of a teacher is emerging: a researcher, educator, consultant, project manager.

Increasingly, one has to think about what the modern image of a teacher is, what competencies a teacher should have in order to transform the educational process, build it in accordance with new requirements, i.e. improve the quality of school education.

It's no secret that competencies are formed as a result of the vigorous activity of participants in the educational process. Therefore, the teacher should be involved as much as possible in the work. The teaching staff of the school are not just outside observers of seminars, workshops, round tables, conferences, they take Active participation in their preparation, develop problem situations, formulate pedagogical tasks, find the necessary information.

The value of teachers' councils, seminars, conferences, methodological workshops, I see subject decades, first of all, in preparatory work. How much material you have to re-read, analyze your experience, compare with the experience of others, update and replenish your methodological piggy bank in order to prepare public lesson or performance. Competitions of professional skills are also a means of increasing the competence of teachers.

An important role in the development of professional competence is played by self-education, purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the personality itself. Having determined the trajectory of their own development, the teacher needs to develop certain competencies independently.

A teacher will be able to form or develop value-semantic competencies in a child if he/she is sufficiently proficient in social, communicative, reflective and ICT competencies, because he has to model training sessions in such a way as to teach the child to see a holistic picture of the world, determine his place in it, analyze, be able to solve problem situations, draw conclusions based on his own experience and on the value orientations that he needs to help determine. A positive result can be achieved only by involving the student in an active activity that will be interesting to him.

At present, the teacher should not become a carrier and translator of information, but teach the child to work with information: extract it, analyze it, criticize it, highlight the main thing. AT this case the teacher himself must be perfectly able to use various technical means and information technologies, i.e. the teacher needs to develop the competence of ICT, communicative and reflective competence.

No wonder there is an opinion that those who do not possess communicative competence are threatened social isolation. The teacher will have to figure out a rather complicated, but solvable task: to teach children to communicate, build statements, draw conclusions and conclusions. At the same time, the teacher acts as a skillful "conductor", guide, mentor, interlocutor, ally. In this he will be helped by communicative, reflective and ICT skills.

In order to lay the foundation of social and labor competence in a child, the teacher must skillfully lead the student to an independent conclusion about the need to work hard to achieve the goals set, teach them to build perspectives, determine ways to solve problems, and reflect. Therefore, it is very important that the teacher could independently, taking into account the situation, the age characteristics of the students, model pedagogical task, build a logical chain problematic issues, possess sufficient information in the field of civil and social activities, economic policy. This will become possible if the teacher has sufficiently developed social, communicative, reflective competencies and ICT skills.

A teacher who has the competence of self-improvement, i.e. ability to learn throughout life, able to make the right choice, sociable, literate in information technology, politics, having clear ideas about the world in which he lives, is able to organize the learning process in such a way that the child wants to deal with the issue of his own self-improvement for many years , sought to know the unknown, to arouse interest in the world around him and the desire to determine the place of the child in this space.

Considering the foregoing, a list of key competencies of a teacher has been defined, the mastery of which will fully help him become a highly qualified specialist in the field of education. These are reflexive, communicative, social competences, ICT competence and self-improvement competence.

Professional self-education, self-education and self-expression are the main conditions for the formation of the teacher's authority. I understand that in new school, as at all times, the person most responsible for the quality of education is a teacher - a model of behavior, imitation for children, a master who is able to teach his wards to find the necessary knowledge in the boundless ocean of modern sciences, to gain experience in self-education. He must inspire his students to learn.

The work of the school must be organized in such a way that everyone is interested in achieving the final result - improving the quality of education.

What do I mean by this concept? This is not only an increase in the quality of knowledge, moreover, subject knowledge. This is, first of all, the satisfaction of the needs of parents, students, the state. It is important that every child can “find himself” at school, feel significant, and be able to fulfill himself.

The teacher, in turn, must become a skillful guide along the trajectory of the child's development. The school should turn into a place where every participant in the educational process will be comfortable.