Disclosure of the creative flow through the manifestation of the human soul.

Strength of the Family. We attract flows of love, money, health and good luck Menshikova Ksenia Evgenievna

Chapter 14 The Flow of Creativity

Chapter 14 Flow creativity

There is a well-known saying that ideas are in the air… But how to extract this idea from the air? How to catch from the entire flow of information that one “bright thought” that can turn your whole life, and possibly the lives of many other people? The secret lies in the flow of power, which is called Creative.

The creative flow is the carrier of ideas. An idea is a thought that this World forms and throws it, like a ball, into the reality around you. Who will catch him?

There are cases in history when the same idea came to mind different people, on the different continents, but at the same time.

A.S. Popov and G. Marconi simultaneously invented the radio, and in 1839 Louis Daguerre in Paris and Henry Fox Talbot in London independently demonstrated the invented photographic apparatus. In 1840, James Joule and Emil Lenz, independently of each other, discovered the Joule-Lenz law, oddly enough. And there are many such examples.

Here is the story told in one interview by the favorite composer of many generations, Gennady Gladkov.

In the late 70s (of the last century), he came to his favorite director Mark Zakharov with the idea of ​​writing a musical about cats. Zakharov, apparently, was not up to it, and he did not listen to Gladkov's idea. And two years later, Andrew Lloyd Webber's debut production of "Cats" took place on the stage of the New London Theater.

An idea cannot be invented, but it can be allowed to come. It sounds the same to everyone, but only a few hear it.

An idea can only come with a creative flow. And this means that your consciousness should be absolutely open to everything new, surprising and unknown. There should be no fear in you, your picture of the world should not be rigid and finally formed. Your beliefs must allow for the thought and belief that anything can be in this world, and not just what you know.

The creative flow comes into the life of only that person who already owns the Stream of Desire.

It is desire, unbridled, crazy, irrational desire that can attract a creative flow, and with it an idea. The idea is able to attract a stream of good luck and luck.

Everything in this world is interconnected: health goes hand in hand with luck, and creativity with desire. To one degree or another, they help each other, strengthening and multiplying the flows of forces that are so necessary for every person living in this World.

The strength of your Family can help you attract a stream of creativity into your life, a stream of ideas, if you need it. As said by A. Conan Doyle through his mouth famous character Sherlock Holmes: “My grandmother was the sister of the painter Vernier. And when artistry is in the blood, it sometimes takes on completely bizarre forms.

Look at yours again family tree: maybe you have in your ancestors creative people that to some extent changed this World? Scientists, artists, entertainers, writers, innovators, progressive thinkers and reformers - they are all artists, virtuosos of their craft, thought generators and "idea catchers". Their blood flows in you too, you enter the same Genus with them, which means that the information data bank, which has replenished life achievements your ancestors may be available to you.

Open up to this flow creative power, mentally uniting with that outstanding ancestor who was not afraid to change the world by changing himself. Feel like one with him and - go for it! Because ideas are in the air...

From the book The Mystery of Christ author Argive Thales

Epilogue. The Spirit of Sorrowful Creativity... I have been standing near you for a long time, I see how you rush about, exhausted, and in vain you call deceptive visions of Sleep, my crafty brother. Here I will cover you with the edge of my cloak, touch your eyelids and give you for a moment what people loudly call

From the book The Amazing Power of Conscious Intention (teachings of Abraham) by Hicks Esther

Chapter 23. Balance of Energies is the joy of creativity The diversity of the surrounding world is of great value to you, since it is from this source that your desires and preferences come into being. You - great creator and create with the power of your attention.

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Chapter 6 Local cash flow: a closed place We talked about the magic of double and round, now let's talk about how money comes to our house. In times of crisis, very important topic. For it is at this time that they come badly and slowly, but they leave very quickly

From the book Teaching of Life author Roerich Elena Ivanovna

Chapter 7 Local Cash Flow: An Open Place There is another place in your home where energy cash flows into your home. Do you have any idea what an "open place" is? And this is your

From the book Teaching of Life author Roerich Elena Ivanovna

[“The Chalice” is the source of creativity] The Higher Beings create with psychic energy, the power of which is based on the kindling of the fires of the heart. The “chalice” is the source of creativity, while psychic energy embodies creative

From the book of Kryon. 11 challenges to let the light in author Schmidt Tamara

From the book Feng Shui. Practical Tips on every day author Khorsand Diana Valerievna

[The meaning of creativity] Great beauty lies in the realization of boundless life, boundless evolution, in the realization of unity in the diversity of all things and, therefore, the basic equality of mankind. But there is no less beauty in the representation of boundless power

From the book The Power of the Family. We attract flows of love, money, health and good luck author Menshikova Ksenia Evgenievna

Each of you has been given the gift of creativity Dear ones, Kryon welcomes you! It is a great honor for us to be by your side. We love you very much and are proud of you - the Spirit will never get tired of repeating these words. I want you to learn to appreciate yourself. I want you to learn

From the book Playing in the Void. Carnival of Mad Wisdom author Demchog Vadim Viktorovich

Aromas of creativity Grapefruit awakens inspiration and creative energy. Jasmine stimulates creative activity, contributes to the emergence of original ideas. Lotus concentrates on the main thing, allows you to see the problem from a different angle. Rosemary

From the book you are a clairvoyant! How to open the third eye the author Muratova Olga

Chapter 11 The Health Stream The health and disease streams are completely different in taste and feel, and you need to learn how to feel and distinguish between them. This study is best done in places where healthy and sick people congregate, such as a gym and a hospital. These two streams

From the book 2012 is a long-awaited milestone on the Path author Klimkevich Svetlana Titovna

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Chapter IV Secrets of Destiny and Cash Flow Telecast "Ghost Territory" on NTV We know that money is a colossal energy that can both give us well-being, luck, even happiness, and destroy us. And if a person has a very small

From the book The Miraculous Power of the Universe by Joseph Murphy

We unite for creativity 534 = Close auras unite for creativity = Universal ocean of potential possibilities = Cosmic fire expressed by Human-Angel = School Stargate is the galactic family = "Numeric Codes". Book 2. Kryon Hierarchy August 16, 2012

From the book Wisdom [Skill System of Further Energy-Informational Development. Stage V, second stage, parts 1 and 2] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

The Law of Creativity This is where the essence of the principle “Ask and you will receive” is hidden. The Law of Creativity confirms the fact that we are all creators and that our thoughts are perceived by the rest of the universe. Everything we have learned in this book about the creation of your life is the result of

From the author's book

Chapter 2 How Cosmic Energy Can Bring an Endless Stream of Wealth into Your Life

Research topic "Manifestation of the Soul in the energy of Creativity"

Research by Elena Kolesova, 2nd year participant of the Academy "Man-Creator"

Main stages of the study

1. The location of the creative source - where it is located in the human body. The composition of the energy of creativity

2. The meaning of creativity for the Soul

3. What does the conscious blocking of the creative impulse lead to?

4. What blocks the energy of creativity

5. What contributes to the development of creativity

6. The manifestation of creativity in the harmonious connection of all aspects of a person

7. Reflection of the energy of creativity in subtle bodies human

9. How do ideas and inspiration come to creative people?

10. Summary of the study

11. Algorithm for activating the source of creativity

Diploma hearing and discussion of the topic

Creation is the desire to bring something beautiful into the world, made at the behest of the Soul.

It can be poetry, and music, and painting, and various crafts ...

The main thing is the desire to create and give this creativity to people.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thanks for that
for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Think outside the box, find something new in the ordinary, give out ideas - skills that are now indispensable. They say, talented people are born, but specialists in the field creative thinking argue the opposite, believing that anyone can develop these skills.

website offers a selection effective exercises for training creativity which will be useful in any creative activity.

1. Morning Pages

The ability to generate ideas is inseparable from the ability to clearly and quickly formulate one's thoughts. To develop it, Julia Cameron, one of the most famous experts in the field of creative development, recommends the Morning Pages exercise. Every morning before breakfast, write down your thoughts and experiences on three pages. You need to write everything that comes to mind at that very moment.

The technique allows you to get rid of mental "garbage". Unloaded thoughts on paper make room in the head for new ideas. In the process of writing, there may be a plan for solving a case for which there was not enough time for a long time.

It is important not to reread what is written and not to let anyone else read it. It is better to immediately fold it into an envelope and put it away. According to Julia Cameron, this practice allows you to turn off the internal censor and critic, allowing the creative flow to continue.

2. Change the habit

Every day, performing the same actions, following the same routes, we put the brain on auto mode, blocking the entrance to new ideas. To start thinking, try changing your usual route to work, cook for dinner unusual dish listen to new music.

Even the use of a "non-dominant" hand contributes to greater activation of both hemispheres of the brain.. Art therapist Lucia Capaccione, in her book The Power of the Other Hand, notes that when a dialogue occurs between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, thoughts and emotions become more pronounced and understandable.

3. Create your rituals

It is useful to change habits in everyday affairs, but at the moment of creativity - drafting a project, creating a picture or writing an article - you should stick to the usual actions.

Stephen King, in his autobiographical novel How to Write Books, emphasizes the importance of routine and rules in creative process. The brain remembers environment during their creative activity and in once more will connect the imagination at the right time for you. The writer notes that patience is needed: if it does not work out the 1st time, then it will definitely work out the 10th.

4. Creative date

Julia Cameron, in her book The Artist's Way, offers the Creative Date exercise. Devote time to your favorite activities once a week. Start by making a list of things that bring you joy. Roller skating, baking pies, reading poetry - anything you usually can't find time for.

It is important that on such a date you are alone with yourself. You can go to a fabric store or a flower shop, mount a mini-movie from a family shoot, or take a walk around the city with a camera.

The point of a creative date is to find something new and inspiring for yourself.

5. More physical activity

Aerobic exercises "pull out" best ideas and thoughts from the depths of our brain. According to research, during physical activity thinking becomes wider, the mood rises significantly. best example in confirmation of the research is Albert Einstein, who came up with the idea of ​​the theory of relativity while riding a bicycle.

Running, swimming, walking, skating - choose what you like.

6. Temporarily Limit Reading

Julia Cameron proposes to fight creative stagnation with the help of a week of abstaining from reading. When the flow of information attacks our brain every second, this is a rather difficult task. But, according to the writer, having stopped wasting time on nonsense, we return to the world of feelings. By limiting the flow that is let in from books and the Internet, as a reward, we will receive an internal flow in the form of our own thoughts, feelings and ideas.

It is better to turn off the Internet for this period, so as not to open the news feed out of habit. At this time, you can do household chores, of which there are always a lot: transplant a flower, wash windows or sort out things in cabinets.

7. Associations

An exercise that does not require any special tools to perform it. While in your room or office, look around and select any item. Next, come up with 5 suitable adjectives for it. For example, cosmetics. Fabric, red, small, comfortable, bright. If you come up with more, it's only a plus.

Now it's a little harder: come up with 5 adjectives that don't fit the subject. For example, a cosmetic bag is delicious, mysterious, salty, wooden, computer. If there are more adjectives, do not stop the fantasy.

8. Method "6 hats"

British psychologist and writer, expert in the field creative thinking Edward de Bono, in his 6 Hats methodology, offers parallel thinking as a way to solve creative problems.

All hats are multi-colored, and each color has its own meaning. So when we try on the white hat, we focus on the information we have at our disposal. We are trying to understand what data is missing, where to find it, how to use it already known facts and conclusions to solve the problem. The red hat includes intuition and feelings. In a black hat, you need to become a pessimist, predicting a bad outcome. The yellow hat, on the contrary, implies a positive view of the problem. The green hat is in charge of searching unusual ideas and extraordinary views. Blue - leader's hat.

Many creative people in moments of crisis refer to the lack of inspiration and muse. However, Stephen King, author of dozens of successful novels, is always of the opinion that you should not wait for the muse, and she will certainly come in the process.

Instead of worrying about the success or failure of your idea, take action.

What methods do you use to develop creative thinking? Share in the comments!

T creative flow - what is it? Have you noticed the state when you completely immerse yourself in your favorite business and forget about everything in the world? There is only the object of your activity and you, and soon even this division disappears and only the creative process remains, filled with delight, happiness, the discovery of something new. You and joy merge into one. For me, these moments in my activity are very valuable and significant, they allow me to experience the greatest inspiration, happiness and harmony. The mind calms down, and you can connect with your inner world and bring something new, pure and bright into this world from there, create something, manifest from a different side. Probably, such moments can be compared with one of the stages of yoga - Dharana, Pratyahara or Dhyana. But to feel this state creative flow and it is not so long to act through it and it is not so easy to repeat it. How to constantly be in this creative flow, to be a creator in life, to learn how to purposefully include this process in your activity? This question has been bothering me for over two years now. I reason and periodically write down my thoughts in a diary. Now it's time to do small conclusions and sum it all up.

In general, the search for answers to this question began a long time ago, when there was an interest in the life of great people. And after I found out that they literally work all day long and do not get tired, I was very surprised, but at the same time inspired. Inside there was an understanding that behind this there is a very great strength such people. They have found their place on this planet, in this life. They are really doing what inspires them.

What was done after that? I began to work inspiredly in the same way. At that time, it was an activity on the club's video portal: designing various educational films, series, uploading them to the portal and YouTube, releasing them in our group. I was filled with inner happiness and joy from this process, as it was really worth the invested energy. Many thanks for this opportunity to Anton Chudin and the whole club in general. Months passed, years, probably three years passed, all this time I happily worked as an editor, a content filler for the video portal, YouTube. But over time, the feeling of novelty, joy, and creativity from this activity disappeared. Actions have grown into more formal and automatic. It began, as psychologists would say, burnout.

But this period did not last so long, it was smoothed out by other projects of the club, which also gave a sense of novelty and at the same time the opportunity to feel the creative process and, accordingly, joy.

After that, the period of mounting lectures of the club's teachers began. What was my happiness, from this lesson! For the first month, I literally did not get up because of the computer, I was only engaged in editing, studying programs, editing rules.

Delight, joy, inspiration from this process filled the heart and inner world. I remember that in 3 months we edited 12 lectures. It was not so easy, but the excitement at the completion of such a project knew no bounds. But also months and years passed, and gradually this activity turned into a routine. It was then that the pattern appeared that every project has such an enthusiastic beginning, a climax and a slight decline. After that, growth should occur and exit to new level project if you understand how to do it. At that moment, the question arose: “How do great personalities do it, how do they constantly draw novelty and joy from their activities, experience inspiration?”

But if we go even further, we will see that this applies not only to projects and individual cases. Relationships, communication with friends, the performance of ordinary everyday activities - all this eventually ceases to please us, turns into automatic actions. Probably, everyone in childhood felt delight and joy only from the fact that they just walked with friends in the rain or found a new friend. With age, from such seemingly ordinary events, it is already very difficult to receive the inner joy and happiness that filled us before.

So, the search for answers to the questions began: “How to live fully and inspired to the maximum, experience joy from everyday affairs, be in a creative flow and draw inspiration throughout the entire project, activity?”.

Probably, examples of individuals who really overcame themselves, surpassed their fears and other facets of personality that fettered them like a prisoner's shackles, not allowing even a step to step out of their prison cell, can be considered a source of inspiration. But this prisoner is we, if we go deeper, do not lie to ourselves and face our fears. Each of us has our own limitations, and something fetters us, and does not allow us to live a full and complete life. rich life filled with creativity and inspiration. The source of strength and inspiration can be completely different things, and it is very important to look for them.

For me, this is an ongoing search for ways to develop, to resolve a particular situation, to overcome oneself and the opportunity to take action by showing one's bright side as much as possible. This allows you to gradually break the chains in which Samsara has shackled us according to our own karma.

It can be useful just to take a walk, feeling every movement and processes taking place in the body and in the mind. Concentration on breathing makes it possible to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts that fill the mind, leaving a feeling of lightness and calmness, a feeling of fullness and inspiration, which are so lacking.

The ability to observe the world and the events taking place around. They say God is in the details. It is in every detail of our existence that there is a hidden message through which, perhaps, the Universe wants to convey something to us and say when we close the road to a deeper knowledge of ourselves and understand the world around us. It is these details, subsequently combined into a single picture, that can help to experience a sense of delight and joy.

Performing those actions that were not performed due to their own limitations. If there is fear of the situation, then, having shown determination and courage, the soul begins to grow, and, as a result, inspiration appears for new goals and opportunities - in a word, spiritual growth. It is also necessary to look at ongoing events and actions performed from different angles and from different angles. different parties, this will help to learn about new opportunities and goals that were not noticed before, to see the potential for developments.

Not so long ago I noticed that I often put on different masks and labels that do not correspond to me at all. Trying to adapt to the people and situations around us, we involuntarily put on a mask that matches the external, but does not reflect the real us. And when you come home and take off this veil, it becomes inexpressibly sad and painful, because before that we did not live, and the events and feelings experienced did not happen to us. Growth in this situation is minimal, and accordingly, there is no development. Only by becoming ourselves - as open, sincere and truthful in relation to the world as possible and without pretending, one can live with inspiration and creativity.

In addition to personal experience I would like to quote a few stories from a recently read book by one famous psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihaly "Flow". It allowed me to draw some conclusions and generalize my reasoning. In his book, Mihai talks about the results of research on many people who were in the process of labor activity. This article will periodically quote from his book.

In my experience, I tried only some of the described methods and really got the result, other methods were simply retold for possible application and familiarization.

1. If we do not improve our skills, sooner or later the activity we are engaged in will get boring and turn into a routine. That is why it is necessary to improve, acquire new knowledge. Thanks to this, it will be more interesting for us to do our job. So, the feeling of joy in the creative process is characterized by a feeling of novelty, moving forward, obtaining new knowledge.

Here is a passage from the mountaineer Mihai cites in his work: “ It is terribly inspiring - to reach new heights in self-discipline. You put your body to work, everything hurts, and then you look back and you are delighted with yourself, with what you have done. It causes ecstasy. If you win enough battles with yourself, it becomes easier to win in the world as well.».

Mihai also gives an example from other studies: “Another participant in our study, worker Rico Medellin, often experiences this feeling (feeling of joy) while working. The task he has to perform takes exactly 43 seconds, and this operation is repeated almost 600 times during the working day. Most people would find such work extremely tiring, but for five years now, Rico has been a source of joy and pleasure. The fact is that he treats his task like an Olympian to competitions, that is, he constantly tries to beat his own record. Like a runner who trains for years to improve his performance by a couple of seconds, Riko is constantly working to get faster and faster at this small operation on the assembly line. With the care of an experienced surgeon, he created own plan rationalization of all their movements. After five years of training best result was 28 seconds per detail. Despite the fact that he is not averse to receiving an award for Good work and win the approval of his superiors, most of the time Rico doesn't draw anyone's attention to his success. It is enough for him to know that he can do it, because when he works according to his plan, his actions become so coordinated that the thought of stopping almost causes him pain. “It's the best,” he says. “Much better than watching TV.” Riko knows that soon he will reach the limit, after which it will no longer be possible to work faster. So twice a week he goes to electronics courses. When he receives his diploma, he will be able to apply for more hard work which will allow him to improve further.

For Pam Davis, achieving the same harmonious state in work is much easier than for Rico. As a young partner in a small law firm, she already has the opportunity to participate in complex processes. She sits in the library for hours, studying literature and analyzing possible options business development to help senior partners. Sometimes work absorbs her so much that she forgets to have lunch and realizes that she is hungry only in the evening. When Pam is immersed in work, she is aware of everything to the smallest detail; even when something causes her difficulty, she always knows what exactly has become an obstacle, and has no doubt that, in the end, she will be able to overcome it.

Thus, from the above passages, we can conclude that the improvement of skills in their activities and their filigree implementation allow people to experience the creative flow and, to some extent, the joy of the process itself. From my own experience, I can say that when I began to study in more detail the area in which I work, the activity became more interesting and exciting, which also contributed to immersion in the process and getting inspiration. When mastering new asanas and honing your skills in performing them, you also get to experience this feeling of inspiration. Time after time, day after day, the performance of asanas is getting better and better, and inside there is joy from the process itself - this inspires you to reach new heights.

2. Don't depend on approval or disapproval. Perform activities for the sake of the process itself. The Buddha quote comes to mind in this connection: "Happiness is the way".

“The following words, spoken by a man who combines a passion for poetry and mountaineering, summarize the thousands of interviews we have collected over the years:

The secret of climbing lies in climbing itself; having risen to the top, you are glad that you got there, but in fact you would be happy if the upward movement continued indefinitely. The essence of climbing is in itself, just as the meaning of poetry is in poetry itself; in neither case do you get anything but the feelings and thoughts that are born inside ... Composing poetry substantiates the existence of poetry. It's the same with mountaineering: it's like you turn into a stream. The purpose of the flow is to keep flowing, not to reach peaks, not to reach utopias, but simply to stay in the flow. You move so that the flow does not stop. There is no reason to go climbing other than the process of reaching the top. This is communication with yourself.“.

Paradoxically, we develop and outgrow ourselves precisely when we act freely, for the sake of the activity itself, and not guided by external urges. If we have chosen a goal and concentrated all our psychic energy on it, everything that we will do will bring us joy.

You probably noticed when no one stimulates you to work, such as at work with a salary, and you do your work only because you like it and are interested, then at these moments inspiration is born, a creative flow that allows you to achieve great results in their work and at the same time experience inner joy from the process, and not from the goal.

3. The task that is set before us must be achievable and feasible for us. Because if we take a task that is too difficult to complete, then there will be no activity and no opportunity for development. As in yoga there is a principle from simple to complex, so in everything we need to choose a task that will be possible for us to perform. An example would be a person who decides to practice yoga, but who does not have flexibility and is a beginner in this discipline. For example, he went to a yoga class advanced level, of course, that most he will not be able to perform asanas, and as a result, he will leave disappointed, without experiencing any feeling of delight and happiness from the process, because the complexity of his day was overestimated. Therefore, it is so important to choose an activity that matches our skills and abilities and gradually improve in it, which will allow us to grow and develop.

4. Must be able to concentrate on their activities. Time after time it gets better and better. Yoga can also help with this. The study and development of Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana. Performing techniques such as Trataka and concentration on the image.

Here's what the climber says about it: “It's a feeling like Zen meditation. Consciousness acquires one-pointedness. At first, your ego interferes with the ascent, but as the movements become automatic, it seems to disappear. Somehow you make right action without even thinking about them... They just happen. At the same time, you are very focused.” The well-known sea ​​traveler: « You forget yourself, you forget about everything, you see only the play of the boat with the sea and the play of the sea around, and everything insignificant turns out to be far, far away.…».

5. Look at your activity every time under different angle looking for new development opportunities. Highly good example Mihai cites in his book on this subject. The example of Serafina, who every day is looking for something new in her work, brings novelty.

Serafina Vignon, a resident of the small village of Pont Trentaz in the Val d'Aosta region of the Italian Alps, is seventy-six years old, but she still gets up at five in the morning to milk her cows. After that, she prepares a hearty breakfast, cleans the house and - depending on the weather and season - either drives the cattle to the nearby meadows at the foot of the glacier, or tends to the garden, or carding wool.

In the summer, she mows the grass in the high meadows for weeks, and then carries huge armfuls on her head to the barn, located several miles below, while deliberately choosing more a long way detour paths to save the slopes from erosion. In the evenings she reads, tells fairy tales to her great-grandchildren or plays the accordion for the neighbors who regularly gather in her house. Serafina knows every tree, every hillock, every path in the mountains, as if they were her old friends. family history her ancestors are inextricably linked with these places. Back in 1473, when the terrible epidemic plague, on this very stone bridge the last surviving woman of her village with a torch in her hand met with the last surviving man from a neighboring village. They helped each other, then got married, marking the beginning of the Serafina family. In these thickets of raspberries, her grandmother once got lost, then she was still very small. On these cliffs, in the harsh winter of 1924, Uncle Andrew was taken by surprise by a fierce snowstorm. When asked what gives her the greatest pleasure, she, without hesitation, answers: “Milking cows, taking them to pasture, working in the garden, combing wool.” That is, everything that makes up the daily circle of her activities. “It brings me great satisfaction. Going out, talking to people, taking care of animals... I talk to everyone - plants, birds, flowers, all living beings. Everything around is alive, and you see how they grow and change every day... I feel light and happy. It's a shame when you get very tired and you have to return home... Even if the work is hard, it's still great.

When asked what she would wish for herself if she suddenly had a lot of money and free time at her disposal, Serafina laughed and again listed all the things that make up her usual working day: milking cows, driving them to pasture, caring for a garden, comb wool. Serafina knows there is another city ​​life. She sometimes watches TV, reads magazines, many of her younger relatives live in big cities, have modern apartments, cars, travel to exotic countries. But this lifestyle does not appeal to her, she is completely satisfied with the place that she occupies in the world.

6. There must be clear goals and feedback.

“The state of flow allows you to achieve this degree of involvement because, as a rule, the subject faces clear goals, and it is possible to immediately receive feedback. A tennis player always knows what to do: he must hit the ball to the opponent's side. And after each hit on the ball, he realizes how well he did. The goals of the chess player are no less obvious - to checkmate the opponent's king. With each new move, he can appreciate how much closer he has become to victory. The goals of a climber climbing a sheer wall are very simple - to reach the top without falling. As the ascent continues, he receives information every second about the approach to the goal.

As an example, let's take the story of an elderly peasant woman living in one of the remote villages in the Italian Alps: “I get great pleasure from caring for plants. Day after day, month after month, I like to watch how they grow, how the fruits are filled with juice. That's very beautiful".

One of the legendary travelers describes this state in these words: I... felt a sense of satisfaction, mixed with some surprise. Watching over distant sun and using the simplest tables, I crossed the ocean and managed to find a small island!» And again: «Each time this new earth, which seems to have been created by me and for me, I feel a mixture of surprise, love and pride.

Any, even the most elementary action can bring a lot of pleasure if it is properly modified. As we remember critical steps in this direction are: a) setting main goal and the maximum possible number of intermediate goals associated with it; b) feedback; c) maintaining the utmost concentration on what is happening and increasingly finer differentiation of requirements for activity; d) improving the skills necessary to interact with expanding opportunities; e) increasing the complexity of the task as the activity starts to get boring.

An ordinary walk in the park is a good example. From a seemingly simple walk, it can turn into the practice of Conscious Walking, which is used in yoga and self-knowledge. Being here and now, completely immersed in the sensations of the body during movements, trying to concentrate on breathing, we experience a feeling of joy. Gradually, we can complicate our goal, for example, to concentrate on the breath and at the same time on the sensations in the body. We can set intermediate goals and weed them out. We can receive feedback by observing our condition at the end of the walk. Well, gradually improve your skills in everyday activities. And in this way you can approach any area of ​​life: family (for example, to communicate with your child not as usual and automatically, but to introduce some new component: try to develop the skill to understand your child, maintaining concentration and then receiving feedback), relationships with friends, at work, in studies, spending leisure time, etc. If we improve our skills and develop, this will give us a feeling of happiness and joy.

Summing up the entire article, we can conclude that the source of inspiration and creative life, undoubtedly in global sense are development and yoga. Overcoming oneself, finding new opportunities in development, observation, concentration and other factors that allow us to live more fully and creatively, bringing into this world that piece of light and goodness that is in each of us.

January 27, 2015

How to add creativity and pleasure to your work?

Flow is a state highest efficiency. When you are in the flow, you are completely immersed in your business, you are on a wave, you dissolve in what is happening here and now, you get maximum results with ease and at the same time developing at a fast pace.

“You are fully involved in the activity for its own sake… Time flies. Each action, movement, thought follows from the previous one, as if playing jazz. Your whole being is involved and you use your skills to the limit.”

What fascinates me about this whole topic is that you can enter the stream by own will. You can call "a rain of inspiration."

You can turn those things that are now causing boredom, apathy, nervousness, tension, into streaming things.

Can learn to feel the great tide creative inspiration where before that there was only a lifeless desert of everyday life, and groundhog day was repeated.

What is in the flow state?

    total concentration. Full concentration, intuitive, quick decision-making and a feeling of complete control over what is happening. Your response to what is happening is spontaneous, immediate and precise.

    Maximum efficiency. In flow, you create the best you can. According to a McKinsey study, a person's efficiency in the state of flow is 5 times higher than in ordinary states of consciousness.

    Relaxed focus. The matter is done naturally and easily, as if by itself. Entering the flow may require conscious concentration of attention, but then the wave picks you up and you move without tension.

    Altered perception of time. You lose the sense of time. It happens that it flies unnoticed, and sometimes, especially in extreme situations Minutes and hours pass in a few seconds.

    “Sometimes you fail, but sometimes the opposite happens in time, everything is fast, and the feeling of incredible fullness and volume of what happened.” Antonina

    “It happened when you slip and almost fall. And the world around freezes, and you can have time to make those optimal movements so as not to fall. Olga

    Contact with something big. You have done something in the flow state. They ask you how you did it, and you honestly say - I don’t know, it just happened, as if it wasn’t me who did it, it came through me. Many scientists, artists, and athletes describe their deepest flow states in this way.

    Maximum development speed. There is no forced attempt to figure something out in the flow, you just absorb information with your whole body. You learn without even noticing it, and without making any effort.

    Creative inspiration. The flow is healing for the psyche, it gives energy, fills you with strength. At the end of a busy day, you feel like a squeezed lemon. In a flowing day, it’s like you are dancing with dozens of tasks and situations, you are aware of every movement, you have time to admire what is happening around. And in the evening - a feeling as if you did not work, the state is upbeat, there is satisfaction and a lot of energy.

    Lack of emotion. You just don't have the free attention span you need to be aware of your emotions. You are completely focused on what is happening here and now. Emotions and evaluations come later.

    Contagiousness. When you are in the flow, you involve other people in it. Best Executives, speakers, coaches, negotiators communicate in a state of flow.

    The experience of flow states

    You surely have own experience residence of flow states. It's good to remember them. If you know when and how you enter the flow, you have a chance to understand what your talents are and learn to enter the flow at will, transferring the strategies for entering flow states from one activity to another. Gather your collection of states to figure out where your thread state lives.

    According to the feedback of our webinar participants, streaming states visit them:

    • During sports activities - running, cycling, skiing, training in the gym, football, basketball ...
    • When we communicate with a person and get on the same wavelength with him. Several hours can pass in one breath. A heart-to-heart conversation, deep, trusting communication…
    • When you write something - an article, a book, poetry or your diary. Full immersion. And the thought went. The main thing is to have time to write. A burst of creative inspiration.
    • Communication with the audience. You seem to be breathing in sync. And your listeners get into the flow too.
    • When you listen to music - at a concert, at home or with headphones, you perform it or sing your favorite songs. Painting lessons. Dance. Theatre.

      "Painting without it is an empty business." Natalia.

    • When you observe a beautiful bewitching view, you completely dissolve in this picture. Or when you swim in the sea, merging with it. As if you are not there, you disappear, there is only this experience of direct contact with a miracle.

      “I look at the sky and completely open myself to them !!!” Evgeny

      “In observing nature, when I go into the water on the lake .... slowly, gently ...” Tatyana

      "In the mountains, where you can see the horizon" Mariya

    • Driving by car
    • Meditation, yoga, prayer.
    • extreme situations.

      “When I saved a person from behind a window, I didn’t weigh anything at all, although I pulled him out alone” Valeria

      "AT emergency situations by car, time slows down, and you think through many options” Tatyana

      “When I flew from a bicycle over the asphalt” Olga

      "When you provide first aid for injuries" Anna

      “When I jump with a parachute and it seems that I flew into free fall for a very long time…” Lyubov

    • Communication with a loved one.
    • Good book, good movie.
    • Learning something new and finding a solution to a difficult problem.
    • Doing things you love, hobbies

      “When you do what you love, flow is inevitable.” Ekaterina

      “Consciously - it doesn’t work out, just doing a pleasant thing, I find myself there.” Olga

    Some activities, such as painting, coaching, and driving, are very often accompanied by flow states. And how do you make it so that you enter the flow in the case that you need to do, and it does not automatically cause the state of the flow?

    How to enter the flow of your own free will?

    Highly simple idea. The flow is the wave. You catch it and ride it. To ride the waves of the flow, you need to master three points, three skills, three elements of flow practices - entering the flow (first point), staying in the flow (second), exiting the flow (third).

    Stream Entry Point

    How to learn to enter the stream, catch it in different situations, including stress, panic, laziness, apathy, when you don’t want anything?

    The flow is special condition consciousness. Entering the flow requires concentration. Flow theory author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi talks about the "barrier" that must be overcome in order to enter the flow.

    different people in different professions develop their own ways of focusing attention and entering the stream. A good professional is strong by what he has great experience entering the flow in situations where other people do not get into it.

    What helps a lot to get into a state of flow:

    • Focus on your state, sensations in the body, on breathing.

      "Switch focus to internal state- emotions, thoughts, tension in the body, recognize that they are and let go. And already from this state to switch attention to the right thing" Ekaterina

      “Through the body. Through concentration on sensations, on sounds. Denis

      “Figuratively: stop before entering, clear your throat, straighten your shoulders, take a step forward.” Anna

      “To enter the stream, I put on a blindfold (a blindfold from an airplane) - it helps!”. Denis

    • Focus on outside world, or at a point in space.

      “At some point, I push everything. There is only one thing left to focus on. Then CLAP - and the state goes down. Antonina

      "I begin to breathe consciously and listen with concentration to the sounds around me." Albina

    • In communication, the focus is on the interlocutor. What and how does he say? What is happening to him? What is behind the way he says it?
    • Through metaphor, through the image of the activity that you are going to do. There is internal installations- ritual phrases that a person can pronounce for himself. If you find "your" image, "your" phrase, it gives an instant change of state, the fuss dissolves and the miracle of the flow occurs.
    • Through the "hundred meters". In difficult big things, for example, in writing articles or preparing presentations, setting a specific short task for 15-20 minutes, this technique, helps a lot to get into the flow.
    • Rush effect. When you can no longer choose what to do, full concentration and a state of flow turn on. I often bring it to the last, so that later I can do everything simply, quickly and easily.
    • Maximum attention. Flow occurs when you put maximum attention into the matter.

      “I go in - I try to switch off, even if with close people, I concentrate on the task, thoughts on a certain topic and as if I follow them, and do not generate them.” Irina

    • Setting for the day. A glass of water, exercise, meditation, music, gratitude, rereading your goal, planning for the day, morning verse... Anything that allows you to tune in to the day in flow.

      “Each morning, opening the “cycle of activities of the day”, I begin with an activity that introduces me to the flow, and until the end of the day I maintain this state, regardless of the situations that pass during the day. The feeling of flow is not in situations, but in me” Marina

      “Practice - “forget everything and devote yourself half an hour of time in the morning” is one of the keys to good condition. Sergey

      “The approach to the desktop is also a ritual. I throw out yesterday's crumpled papers "Olga

    • Three stupid things. To enter the flow from a state of apathy, one must first achieve resource state, to overcome the barrier of entry into business. If you don't feel like doing anything at all, do 3 simple useful action. Water the flowers, make a call, put a reminder on your calendar. The secret is that every little thing adds energy. When you have already got involved in the working rhythm, it is easier to take on something big.

    Stay in the flow

    How do you catch a wave and stay on it? How to slide on the rink and not slip? How to juggle and not drop the balls?

    • Prepare a stream "container"- context, time, space - everything that helps to focus and not be distracted. Remove all unnecessary from the table. Turn off the phone. Go to a cafe where no one will distract you.

      “Until the timer rings, the rest is not important” Sergey

    • Keep intention and attention on what you are doing.

      “Be in the business. Inside". Natalia

      "Focusing. Shift your attention to what you are doing right now. Concentration". Antonina

    • Recognize and let go of distractions. I am aware of my thoughts and feelings, I imagine that they, like clouds, are moving across the sky from left to right, I meet them, and with gratitude I let them go further.

      “When distracted, we keep the focus within ourselves. Distractions disappear." Sergey

    • Include distractions as part of the game. What distracts you can be included in the activity as another element of rhythm. Only the drum was playing, beating the rhythm, and now the lute has entered - it will only fill your dance with additional energy.
    • Focus on the critical variable. Pick something that you can easily observe, something that interests you, and follow it.

    Stream exit point

    Trying to "grab" the state of flow and constantly be in it leads to tension and exit from the flow. You can think of flow like waves. One wave came... and passed. And here comes another. To be in the flow, you need to learn to let it go and rest.

    The best masters are world champions in relaxation. They value rest. They create their own special rituals of relaxation. Structured, built-in ways to relax and de-stress every day.

    The flow is very inertial. It is difficult to get out of it on your own. Therefore, to exit the flow state, it is recommended to use a timer, allocating a limited period of time to the task.

    When exiting a stream, it is important to put a "dot" or "comma". This will clear the space from the "open working windows" of various cases. To put a "point" means to complete the matter, and not return to it anymore. “Comma” is when the case is not finished, but the time is indicated and recorded when you return to it.

    The flow state can be trained. It can be used consciously, in those matters that are important to you now. In cases that bring you as close as possible to the goal.

    By applying flow practices, you will increase the speed of your movement and development several times over. And get much more pleasure from the process.