Chronic laziness and fatigue. How to overcome laziness and apathy at home on your own

Probably everyone knows what laziness is. It can be difficult for all of us to force ourselves to get down to business, our hands drop, and our eyes close by themselves. This state must be fought, but only competently and correctly.

Laziness is a formidable scourge huge amount of people. It poisons life, destroys all plans and generally spoils the mood.

The lazy get little done, and the day-to-day things are postponed until later. And yet, it is possible to defeat this disease. You just need to know a few secrets that can really help.

Good or bad

No matter how they call this state, no matter how they try to position it, still laziness is laziness. It does not allow to realize the majority of the planned plans, slows down business and development, and simply spoils life, causing us self-doubt.

When a person has done a good job, he is happy and satisfied, feeling a sense of pride in himself. And on the other hand, if part of the plan did not have to be fulfilled, because hated laziness took it apart, we begin to feel inner dissatisfaction.

And, in the end, we inevitably come face to face with apathy. That is why it is necessary to fight laziness in oneself and kill it in the bud so that it does not grow.

But still there are situations when it is simply impossible to do without this condition. For example, if the body is too overworked, it automatically switches to laziness mode in order to be able to rest.

It is also very useful idleness during pregnancy. It should not be forgotten here how difficult period for a woman, and rest is simply vital. And finally, laziness, as a way to completely relax, is very good on vacation.

But not at work. Therefore, we will learn effectively and deal with it.

How to overcome laziness

So, you suddenly become lazy and absolutely do not want to do anything. Well, a state familiar to everyone. It can and should be destroyed. And here are a few tricks for this.

Wake up cheerfully

It is very important that the day starts cheerfully, cheerfully and always on a positive note.

It is not for nothing that there is a saying among the people about how the day begins, so it will be spent. And it’s not for nothing that Monday is considered difficult, because it sets the tone for the whole week. And morning is all day long.

Therefore, accustom yourself to getting up early in order to have time to say hello to the rising sun. To slowly take a morning contrast shower and drink a cup of coffee. Alternating cold and warm water- this is great way cheer up and get in shape instantly.

It's great if you turn on light charging in the daily mode. This will be useful not only for general health, but also for raising your mood.

And, on the contrary, if the morning is spent crumpled and in a hurry, then the whole day will also fly by. Most bad option is to lie in bed last moment, because it is a provocation of laziness and sets the whole organism to sleepy inactivity.

Change activity

Very often, laziness appears as a result of the fact that a person is forced to do the same thing for a very long time. Monotony kills any initiative and introduces into a sleepy stupor.

In order to overcome laziness and apathy, you need to learn how to change activities:

  1. Even if you have a sedentary job, implying no motor activity learn to switch. You can stop and do light gymnastics for the hands (as in school, remember: “we wrote, we wrote ...”).
  2. Can you do eye exercises?: look from a distant object to a close one, rotate the pupils, close and open the eyes. This will help, firstly, to relax, and secondly, it will simply distract from the main occupation.
  3. It is also important to take the opportunity to walk, for example, to the water cooler or go to the toilet. All this is distracting. Having returned, the person already with renewed vigor enters work or study.

take a break

Many people prefer not to stop until they finish what they started. On the one hand, this is true. On the other hand, if the lesson is long (this applies to study or office work), then interest in it can quickly be lost and, as a result, laziness will come.

To prevent this from happening, you need to pause and break. But even here everything is not so simple. How many minutes should such a break last and how often should it be arranged? In fact, there is no exact answer.

Psychology says that the most optimal thing is to interrupt for 20 minutes every 2 hours.

But in real life this is not always possible. Focus on yourself and your circumstances.

If you feel like you need a break, stop and take it. Set clear boundaries so you don't waste precious time.

And remember one simple but very true truth: it is better to take a break in the midst of work than, without rest, to fall down in exhaustion later. Or just get lazy.

Divide into parts

In psychology, it is advised to divide a big deal into fractional parts and go to it through small steps.

To achieve any goal, even if it seems impossible, the path to its accomplishment must be divided into smaller tasks. So, solving each sequentially, you are inexorably approaching the goal.

The same should be true at work. If you have a large amount of work in front of you, which by all means needs to be done, divide it into several small parts. When you complete the first, take a break and proceed to the second.

Use the stick and stick

In another way, this is called the method of encouragement and punishment.

Completed the task set for yourself - reward yourself with something, even just praise. This will be an incentive for further work.

And vice versa, if you didn’t do what was planned, introduce a system of punishments. Limit yourself in purchases, blame. Here everyone decides for himself how to punish himself, but in practice, such techniques are very effective.

We often scold or encourage our own children and for some reason forget that the same exact measures can be applied to ourselves.

If you clearly and firmly adhere to them: sincerely rejoice at what you have done and scold yourself for what you have not done, you can increase the productivity of your own work at times.

How to cope with depression and start living fully

If a person is completely lazy and does not systematically perform necessary work is the inevitable path to depression. Consciously or subconsciously, but such people blame and condemn themselves, deep inner dissatisfaction grows in them.

In the end, it necessarily results in a rolling apathy, and then into depression. To avoid this or get out of the already existing state, some measures are necessary.

Depression is terribly afraid of cheerful people, full strength and positive.

And such people are always active, fit and well-read. Therefore, in order to get out of depression and defeat your own fatigue, you need to start the following.

Do sport

Sport is a powerful ally in the fight against apathy. In order to start doing it, you need to gain strength - and start right away. Don't put off until tomorrow, or Monday, or anything else.

As soon as you understand that you need physical activity, pull yourself together and start. It is best to immediately go to the fitness room, take a subscription and start going to regular classes.

Lose weight

Many women are going to lose weight, but never lose weight. Every day they put off diets for tomorrow and swear to themselves that this is the last piece of boiled sausage. By the way, many men behave the same way too.

If you decide to lose weight, immediately throw out everything harmful from the refrigerator so that there is no temptation. And without delay, start monitoring nutrition and the general regime of the day.

To study

Education is development, movement forward, knowledge. Without it, there are no successful and happy people.

Sign up for courses that interest you, read good books. All this feeds the brain and brings real satisfaction.

Without self-education, it will not work to get out of a state of apathy or, even worse, depression. Conversely, if there is study, then depression will disappear very quickly.

How to get rid of children's laziness and apathy

Children, no less than adults, are prone to states of laziness and apathy. Fear of exams, a big workload at school, subjects that the child does not understand - and please, he becomes reluctant to do anything.

It is possible to get rid of laziness in a teenager, but it will be a little more difficult to achieve this than in an adult.

The child always experiences everything much deeper. He feels the same way as an adult, only he still does not understand much and cannot get out of it himself. given state. Just because of the small age and even more small life experience.

In order to develop in a child the ability to resist laziness and apathy, parents will have to try:

Remember: depression is not forever, and you can get out of it only if there is trust and mutual understanding.

To get out of the state of all-consuming laziness, psychologists advise the following:

  1. Set yourself a goal. Learn to set a goal and be sure to achieve it by breaking it down into smaller tasks.
  2. Take away your workplace . Order in the workplace is a reflection of order in the head and soul.
  3. Leave time for rest. Do not work hard without a break, be able to allocate time for your own rest.
  4. Make up daily plan . To get started, create a daily action plan for yourself and stick to it.

That's all the secrets, knowing which, you will certainly be able to develop a sense of purpose in yourself, defeat the very first sprouts of laziness.

People who adhere to the routine, confident in their abilities and successful never fall into depression. They are active life position and confidently go on the chosen path.

Apathy and fatigue are now inseparable companions of life modern man. Great employment, frequent worries about certain life circumstances create conditions for the formation of an unsightly picture. Stress creates emotional stress, contributes to the fact that a person has muscle weakness. Often there is constant irritation, irascibility, apathy, drowsiness. The general condition is such that nothing is wanted, a feeling of fatigue visits. Sometimes there is no energy to do anything at all. Constant fatigue creates a feeling of irritation. The causes of fatigue, drowsiness and apathy can be completely different.

Dissatisfaction with life

This is the most main reason which develops apathy and drowsiness. A person should at least intuitively feel why he lives. The effort you put in must be determined by something. Symptoms and signs of dissatisfaction with life are known to everyone, they cannot be confused with anything else. Gradually, emotional lethargy appears, I don’t want to do anything, I just don’t have the strength. Muscle weakness and irritability are due to the internal state. Dissatisfaction with life appears when a person is unable to realize the potential inherent in himself. Everyone can be happy only when he understands that his life can really be considered meaningful and useful.

Emotional turmoil

Anything can happen in life. It is only important not to lose your presence of mind, not to become limp and not to aggravate your situation. Emotional upheavals include the death of loved ones, the loss of animals, divorce or the breakup of a relationship. But you never know what troubles can happen in life! You won't be able to save yourself from everything. But for accommodation certain events may need additional time. During this difficult period, you must definitely try to look for some meaning. Otherwise, depression may develop. Any emotional shock you just need to worry, not trying to get rid of it. Mental pain will definitely dull, it cannot last forever.

Lack of help

Everyone needs support at some point in their life. But for one reason or another, not everyone gets it exactly when they most urgently need it. It is not always easy for loved ones to understand what feelings they are experiencing. native person. Absence psychological support at the moment when it is most needed, can cause significant damage to the psyche. Such a person does not just begin to worry and get nervous a lot. He is completely immersed in his own thoughts and therefore cannot for a long time to accept right decision. This is how a depressive disorder, apathy, indifference to life is formed. Increased fatigue occurs, there is no strength to do anything, lethargy, laziness are observed. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating muscle weakness and reducing feelings of anxiety, suspiciousness, and general nervousness. It should also be remembered that symptoms of constant fatigue can occur in different periods life. In this case, it does not hurt to drink a course of vitamins to support yourself from the inside.

Weakness of character

This feature of a person often causes sudden drowsiness. Apathy may also be present. With a weakness of character, a person, as a rule, avoids taking responsibility. She wants some support from others, to feel the help of loved ones. They like to draw on the experience of others and want to feel almost round-the-clock attention in relation to themselves. The more such a person dwells on failures, the more they haunt him. Weakness of character is not a pathology, but a personality trait. With the desire and sufficient work on yourself, you can change the situation. Only it will take more than one day to overcome difficulties. Effective work over himself will help to cope with almost any situation.

physical fatigue

Physical exhaustion is not surprising. Human resources, unfortunately, are not infinite. If a person spends the world a lot of emotions, works 12-15 hours a day, there is nothing surprising in what arises physical fatigue. How to get rid of it? To overcome excessive fatigue, it is necessary to resort to some kind of treatment. Lethargy, as well as other symptoms of fatigue, indicate that the body is at the limit of its capabilities. Man in without fail needs rest. You can not try to ignore the manifestations of apathy, as it is fraught with its unpredictable consequences.

physical ailments

Prolonged illness can lead to depression. This is a reason that really deserves attention, it cannot be ignored. Not everyone knows how to get rid of apathy. In case of incurable disease often it turns out that she eats everything internal resources man, undermines his moral strength. There is weakness, excessive fatigue, lethargy, no strength to perform habitual actions. Naturally, every daily routine of a person is violated, priorities change. He begins to focus only on his own experiences and often does not notice the good that is happening around. It is necessary to try to switch your attention, to concentrate on something interesting, which truly brings joy and great satisfaction. It would be absolutely superfluous to drink a course of special vitamins. Vitamins will help you recover, find peace of mind and begin treatment.


The use of certain drugs can lead to a state of weakened muscle tone. In some cases, people are completely at a loss as to how to deal with apathy. Fatigue can be so strong that it prevents not only making informed decisions, but also thinking and reflecting. If treatment is really necessary, then care must be taken to select another drug. For advice, you should only contact specialists. It is hardly possible to get by with vitamins alone. Apathy, fatigue and depression are constant companions of those who do not know how to properly organize their lives. People sometimes place too much hope in others and too little hope in own forces. This cannot be allowed. You should always try to take responsibility for everything that happens. After all, it is impossible in life to be ready for everything at once, but you can adapt to almost any situation.

sleep deprivation

Many people are forced to wake up early in the morning and rush to work. Otherwise, they risk being reprimanded or fired. Unfortunately, in this case, lack of sleep is simply guaranteed. And from lack of sleep, the appearance of fatigue, apathy is quite natural. Sometimes there is even a loss of interest in everything that happens. Of course, this state of affairs cannot be ignored. You need to give your body a chance to recover. It is best to take a weekend or day off to fully relax. Don't donate and annual leave. In order to fully recover, sometimes it may take quite a long period time.

chronic stress

Currently rare person does not experience the destructive effects of stress. Numerous experiences, unforeseen circumstances, shocks greatly deplete the nervous system, make the person constantly be in fears, anxieties and doubts. Chronic stress is dangerous because it adversely affects overall health and psychological condition in particular. People who want to restore their peace of mind, you need to start paying attention to your feelings. There is no shame in allowing yourself to cry when you feel like it. So it's necessary to splash out heartache. People in most cases do not want to reveal their suffering to others, especially to strangers. They believe that in this way they will necessarily consider them weak and indecisive. Actually it is not. And every person has the moral right to express everything that he really feels.

Lack of goals in life

Every person has to strive for something in order to feel satisfied. Self-sufficiency as personal characteristic is a consequence productive work above itself, it does not appear in one moment. Lack of goals in life creates an energy vacuum. A person ceases to understand the meaning of his stay on earth, he does not feel that he can be somehow useful to others. It turns out that energy is wasted in vain, because a person does not do anything useful either for himself or for others.

Thus, the causes of apathy, depression and fatigue can be completely different, but in any case they relate to a person’s life, affect his personality. Everyone is free to decide how to work on himself, what efforts to make.

AT Ancient Greece apathy was equated with illness, and this is not surprising. Philosophers of the time characterized the general depression as insensitivity. A person prone to apathy is characterized by increased indifference to the world and others. He is not interested in career and personal growth, apathetic people are suicidal. If laziness and depression are noticed at an early stage, you can try to fix the problem on your own.

Method number 1. Start your morning right

  1. It is important to start the morning right, otherwise the whole day will be dull. The same goes for Monday: how you meet him is how you spend the whole working week.
  2. Each person has his own biorhythm, which must be followed. Some people are used to waking up at 7 am, others prefer to sleep until noon. Come from individual features organism.
  3. Try to start the morning with your favorite drink and dessert, turn on cheerful music, recharge with positive. Do not forget about breakfast, it will tell the body that it's time to wake up.
  4. Often people are lazy due to insufficient saturation of the body. For this reason, dieting girls are advised to include daily diet vitamin complexes. They improve mood and normalize the psycho-emotional background.
  5. If for some reason you need to wake up early, take a contrast shower in the morning and drink a cup of coffee with sugar. Next, do a fifteen-minute exercise to come to combat readiness faster.
  6. If the morning passes in a hurry, the whole day will be the same. Try not to argue with people public transport greet colleagues with a smile. Try to love what you don't like, you will notice how life will be filled with new colors.

Method number 2. Change the scenery

  1. Don't think of yourself as negative person. Find joy in everyday things. If a this opportunity missing, proceed to radical methods.
  2. Change your place of residence or make repairs in the apartment. Rearrange the interior items in places, hang bright pictures on the walls and family photos. Re-paste wallpaper, buy new furniture, lay soft carpets. It is important to create your own "light" corner in which you will feel comfortable.
  3. If there is no desire and opportunity to deal with housing, go on a tour abroad. It is not necessary to buy expensive tours, limit yourself to a three- or five-day tour. by the most the best option considered a beach or mountain vacation with many excursions.
  4. In cases where the material condition does not allow traveling, go to friends or relatives in a neighboring city. You can also take a field trip every weekend.

Method number 3. go in for sports

  1. Sports are considered to be the most effective way combat laziness and apathy. Physical activity accelerates blood circulation, makes the heart muscle work at an accelerated pace.
  2. Doing sports helps to get rid of negative thoughts, loads suppress stress and have a beneficial effect on general condition health.
  3. Experts conducted research and found that people who play sports are much less likely to become depressed. Also, such activities are shown to girls and women conducting long time at home (non-working category of citizens).
  4. Of course, you need to rest after have a hard day, but it is better to combine lying on the couch with light loads. Rock your abs or buttocks, squat, jump rope.
  5. Yoga is considered an excellent option, it helps to focus on internal state and fight chronic fatigue. You can also consider breathing exercises(Pilates), stretching (stretching), water aerobics, swimming.
  6. Sports activities include intensive walking. Give her at least half an hour a day in the evening. As a result of such manipulations, sleep is normalized, the morning will begin with a positive wave. Avoid the elevator if possible, walk instead of taking the bus (2-3 stops).

Method number 4. Make the most of your working time

  1. If by the nature of your service you are forced to spend 5-6 days a week at work, do not perceive your activity as hard labor. Since you need to earn money, try to bring the working rhythm into a more life-line.
  2. Do not live from one weekend to another, learn to enjoy every day, despite the grumbling of the authorities, a small salary or a boring team.
  3. Chat with colleagues, start the day with a pleasant compliment and friendly gatherings over a cup of tea. You will learn a lot from these people, maybe even make new friends.
  4. In any job, you need to find time to relax. Try to cut out a short break every 2 hours. Visit the dining room or go to the park for a walk, lie on the couch, drink tea with cake, sit on social networks.
  5. Try to make sure your work schedule is correct. Start the morning with difficult tasks, do them as they come, do not try to do everything at once. At the end of the working time, leave petty things that do not take up a lot of mental or physical resources.
  6. Try to make your workplace as comfortable as possible. Place frames with photos of children, relatives and friends near the computer. Equip the space with figurines and other little things. Bring your favorite mug from home, set aside a drawer for cosmetics.
  7. Many people can afford to do useless things at work, like watching YouTube videos or reading stupid quotes. Do not be like them, read a book, start learning English, develop in any convenient way.

Method number 5. Set goals and objectives

  1. Properly prioritized will help short term overcome apathy. If possible, get a notebook, paint in it every day. Specify which primary and secondary tasks you need to complete.
  2. if you have global goals mark them in red. Desires are highlighted in blue with the mark “I want”. If the goal is too big, break it down into smaller sections.
  3. For example, you dream of a house with large windows and a terrace. First you need to buy a plot, then build a foundation, etc. It is advisable to stipulate a specific section in terms so as not to stretch the goal for many years.
  4. As you complete small tasks, you will want more similar move provide additional incentive. Instead of lying on the couch, you will start thinking about how to achieve this or that goal.
  5. To achieve a specific dream, make it concrete. If you wish to next year buy a new car, imagine how you eat while driving. Visualization will stimulate you and make you work.
  6. When it comes to self-improvement, set a goal to learn spoken English/Spanish/Chinese by the New Year. In the case of sports, make a bet with your friends that in 5 months you will pump up the press or lose weight.
  7. Do not set yourself impossible goals, act wisely. Remember to move slowly but surely. Otherwise, while you are standing still, others take a step forward, thereby leaving you behind.

Method number 6. Get rid of unnecessary things

  1. Try to timely get rid of old things that are fraught with negative memories. These could be gifts. ex boyfriend or old things associated with sad moments.
  2. Regularly sort out your wardrobe, take out everything that you do not wear to the dump. No need to store old things "just in case", a cluttered space is depressing.
  3. Once a week, clean the apartment, if possible, keep only the necessary things on the shelves. Get rid of figurines that collect dust.
  4. Try on all the shoes you have. Surely you will find never worn shoes that are tight in the toe / heel. Offer good shoes to friends, and take the old ones to the trash.
  5. It is also worth getting rid of electrical appliances that were left "before repair". If a man does not take on an unbearable burden, there is no need to save up a box of trash. Replace old dishes with new ones without chips or cracks.
  6. The above actions will revive you. One has only to try to throw out one or more old things, as the mood immediately improves. You will start updating your wardrobe as needed, nothing will relieve apathy better than shopping.

Method number 7. Learn to rest

  1. The modern rhythm of life leaves its mark on society. Everything more people plunge into work entirely, depriving themselves of precious rest. It is important to remember forever that you will not earn all the money in the world, learn to relax.
  2. After completing your daily plan, allow yourself to sit back and read a book. Immerse yourself in favourite hobby watch your favorite series or take a hot bath.
  3. Massage and relaxation are considered an excellent option for relaxation. Give the body the opportunity to recuperate, otherwise apathy will develop into depression.
  4. Active people relax by traveling or having fun. Passive ones spend hours watching TV, it all depends on personal preferences. Do what makes you happy.
  5. Observe the regime of work and rest, try to return from work on time, you do not need to work until victorious. It has been scientifically proven that workaholics are more easily apathetic than people who lead a measured lifestyle.

Method number 8. Get rid of monotony

  1. In most cases, people do not become lazy because they do not want to do something. Such behavior is justified by monotony, which obliges you to do the same thing every day.
  2. To get rid of sleep stupor, try to make a variety of everyday life. For example, if your job is tedious paperwork, set aside 5 minutes per hour for exercise.
  3. You can also drink tea, go for a walk, talk on the phone with friends. With this, you need to move away from the PC without performing several tasks at the same time.
  4. Do exercises for your hands and eyes, look for any opportunity to take a walk. Go to the water cooler, consult with colleagues at the next table. At this time, the brain will rest a little, you will have the strength for new achievements.

Change the scenery, go on a trip or rearrange your apartment. Avoid monotony, communicate more with work colleagues, learn to relax, play sports. Set tasks and goals, get rid of unnecessary things, start the morning right.

Video: what to do if you don't feel like doing anything

In fact, laziness, apathy and fatigue are natural phenomena, and there is no need to fight them, because this is a kind of defensive reaction body to fatigue. The body, together with the nervous system, signal: “That's it! You need to relax and be lazy!” Besides, nervous system- piece goods. Yes, and the body will not give another.

Therefore, “rest and be lazy”, periodically, of course, is one of the ways to deal with these annoying phenomena. A timely reboot will warn them in the future.

However, it also happens that you desperately need to complete some business, and only be lazy later, which means that the phenomena need to be stopped. Where to begin? You need to start with laziness, because in it, to be completely honest, the root of apathy and fatigue, and it is she who slows down all plans. It is she who is a global concept and her main hallmark is the lack of industriousness.

How to overcome laziness?

Probably, 9 out of 10 people at least once set themselves a “task” (yes, yes, in quotation marks!): “From Monday I will start morning jogging, I will work hard, I will strive to ....” Well, and so on, the list threatens to become endless! But Monday comes, and things are still there! A person comes up with “noble” pretexts: the weather is bad, health is not something for working to wear out, and so on and so forth ... But there is only one reason - laziness!

Often a copywriter, setting himself a goal, makes a reservation: “I’ll start earning as much as I can afford, then ...” Yes, only those who think like that usually do nothing in order to “earn so much”!

There are two ways to get rid of laziness. First way radical - here and now! Start acting and get involved in the process, finding pleasant sides in it: running in the fresh air in the morning is such a drive, writing and watching how income grows - and what else does a person need? Performing all actions, present the result. Thus, a person is drawn into the process and forgets about laziness. What laziness when to live and engage in interesting and useful thing- it's so cool?!

Second way- get rid of gradually. Start small. The fact is that when setting a goal to change life for the better, a person sets several tasks for himself (“I’ll quit smoking, start running, do cosmetic procedures every evening, do spring cleaning every week”) and don’t know in the end what to grab onto. It seems that they are not complicated, but the amount at the subconscious level of a person confuses and slows down all undertakings. Therefore, you should start with one thing, gradually introducing other planned plans.

Create an entourage and incentive for yourself: after a run, prepare a delicious breakfast with aromatic tea or coffee, for good earnings reward yourself with a beautiful trinket or a more serious purchase. Over time, laziness will simply become an inappropriate concept.

How to overcome apathy?

If laziness is the absence of industriousness, then apathy is the absence of ... everything, but only for a certain moment. A person wants absolutely nothing, including wanting. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that apathy is characteristic only of the lazy. Nothing like this!

Apathy is a kind of flip switch of efficiency and emotions. And this is normal and useful. After all, man is not perpetual motion machine, but the energy is wasted. Therefore, by and large, there is no need to fight apathy, otherwise it will be violence against one’s own psyche and health.

Sometimes apathy occurs as a result of serious treatment. Here, even more so, the struggle is inappropriate - this is one of the stages of recovery. The most that a person can afford is to watch kind and calm films in order to awaken emotions over time, but otherwise it is a matter of time. In this case, spurring the psyche can even be dangerous.

If apathy is a consequence of fatigue, then you just need to fully relax, sleep well. If a person really wants to get rid of it, he will not neglect communication with people, sincere friends will eventually be able to stir him up.

How to overcome fatigue?

Sometimes it happens: in the evening after a working day, a meeting or a party is scheduled, and such fatigue has piled up that the only desire is to collapse into bed and fall asleep for 12 hours. Ideally, you can and should be led by fatigue.

But if this is not possible, the portal site recommends trying:

  • take a warm bath with herbs and drink coffee a little above the average strength. You don’t need to drink the strongest, such an artificial spurring of the body is harmful to the heart and central nervous system;
  • turn on your favorite music and start collecting. Music often makes you forget about fatigue.

Lie down on the sofa, even "take a nap for a minute" is not worth it. Where there is a minute, there is another. The main thing is not to succumb to fatigue, but also not to push yourself like a workhorse. And for the future - give yourself a rest even at the slightest hint of fatigue.

Ideally, one should rationally ALTERNATE work and rest, not forgetting about proper nutrition. And then neither laziness, nor apathy, nor fatigue will visit at the most inopportune moment!

Hello everyone, this is Olga Ryshkova. What is laziness? Is it a hereditary property or a condition that occurs as a result of some kind of disease? If so, is there a cure for laziness?

No one blames a cat lying for hours for laziness. For her, as for other animals, laziness is a way to save energy. This is especially true for animals that eat low-calorie plant foods.

Human laziness promotes our progress - we are transported by cars, washing machines are washed for us, conveyors and forklifts work in factories. But here we are talking about talented inventors. And our desire for idleness, which beckons us to the sofa, where does it come from?

If a person has slept for 8-9 hours, wakes up broken and after 2-3 hours he has drowsiness and apathy again, this should make him wary. Everyone experiences bouts of laziness, but few people think about its sources. There are a few medical reasons, which in everyday life are called in simple words"laziness", but in fact they have a scientific justification.

Reason 1. Thyroid hormones.

They affect function. human body and, in particular, the speed biochemical reactions and energy exchange between cells. What we perceive as laziness can turn out to be dysfunctional. thyroid gland. If it synthesizes insufficient hormones, metabolism slows down. This is called hypothyroidism - an underactive thyroid gland. A blood test and ultrasound will help to detect it.

Reason 2. Adrenal hormones.

The so-called laziness, lack of interest in life and pleasure from things that previously pleased a person can be somatic signs of stressful conditions.

Catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine) and cortisol are stress hormones that we need to adapt to any situation. They are produced by the adrenal glands.

during times of stress or intensive work their blood levels rise. The more often and stronger stress, the more adrenal hormones in the blood. it internal mechanism protection from severe physiological stress.

But only if hormonal system works correctly. If a person lives in a state of constant, chronic stress, when the adrenal glands are forced to drive stress hormones into the blood for months and years, these glands become depleted.

The adrenal glands can no longer respond with the release of hormones if necessary. Plus, tissue receptors adapt to them and stop responding to them. The person becomes lethargic, lethargic, tired. What? That's right, lazy.

This is the kind of situation that calls for lifestyle adjustments or even professional medical help to deal with stress ailments and get on with life.

Reason 3. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

If a person is psychologically tired (for example, in stressful situation), it worsens mental capacity. Outwardly, CFS may look like simple overwork, but it is accompanied by a deterioration in immune defense and impaired oxygen delivery to tissues. Scientists consider the herpes virus to be the cause of the development of CFS (its forms are the Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus), I wrote about this in detail in the article “ Herpes virus is the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome».

CFS is not the usual periodic short-term fatigue depending on the intensity of work. This state continues for a long period of time, six months or more without any enlightenment with a constant feeling of fatigue, memory impairment, irritability. Syndrome chronic fatigue and its companion laziness can be infected like the flu.

Reason 4. Defense mechanisms of the psyche.

Such mechanisms are connected when a person needs protection from mental and emotional overstrain and when the subconscious mind does not want to do what a person is doing consciously. This is a common situation when a person looks lazy, not hardworking enough, but this is not due to the fact that he does not want to do anything, but to the fact that what he does is not very interesting to him. This is a normal resistance that should not be fought. It is better to find out what is really interesting to this person.

Behind laziness, there may simply be a lack of desire, a lack of motivation, goals, unclear prospects for the future, or an avoidance of failure may be hidden. Such problems will help to identify communication with a psychotherapist.

Reason 5. Protective mechanisms of the nervous system.

Such mechanisms are triggered in violation of the regime of work and rest, as well as during prolonged intense work of the brain. The body turns on the mechanism of laziness to protect itself from nervous exhaustion.

Working late and at night quite often leads to disruption of circadian or circadian rhythms. The sleep-wake cycle must be observed and if a person continues to be awake at night, the body does not accept this, he must sleep at night.

If, due to the specifics of work, night activity becomes the norm for a long time, the body adapts to chronic stress and loses the ability to rest normally. Physical endurance is impaired.

The accumulated situation with sleep disturbance leads to the depletion of compensatory capabilities and fatigue and weakness quickly increase. You can defeat lethargy and laziness if you change your lifestyle. It is recommended to reduce the load at least a little, review the rest cycles and mandatory implementation active species recreation, including exercise.

Reason 6. Genes.

We agree that, in addition to the above reasons, someone has an ordinary predisposition to idleness. Scientists have found that out of the 17,000 genes we have, 36 are related to a character trait called laziness and these genes are inherited.

But if you didn’t find lazy people in your pedigree, and it haunts you, think about the fact that the body can signal laziness about its problems.

But if doctors don't find medical reasons for your laziness, then it's time to take on yourself.