Topics for the exam in biology. How to Prepare for Biology Tests

The exam in biology 2018 is an elective exam, it is completely optional. In the same time given subject takes 5th place after the obligatory Russian language and mathematics, followed by social science and physics. 5th place - for biology (it is chosen by about 18% of graduates).

Where is biology useful?

Biology is taken in many universities:

  1. medical;
  2. universities of biological profile;
  3. in the pedagogical specialty "Teacher of Biology";
  4. in agricultural;
  5. veterinary;
  6. at the Faculty of Physical Education;
  7. psychological;
  8. ecological;
  9. at the Faculty of Garden Design;
  10. on the Faculty of Biology in technical universities where biology is studied at the junction with physics.

There are a lot of professions related to biology:

  • an engineer who models problems related to human life;
  • a doctor who will treat diseases that are possible in the future;
  • an ecologist who cares about the health of the whole country. The task of the ecologist is to create conditions in which humanity will drink clean water, breathe clean air;
  • psychologist;
  • sportsman.

These are the people who make a person's life more complete and meaningful and, moreover, prolong this life.

Required documents

The FIPI website contains the following documents needed to prepare for the exam in history:

  1. Specification (description of work, listed Required documents, the structure of the exam in biology is reflected, a plan for the KIM variant is given).
  2. Codifier (list of skills and topics that are tested for the exam in biology).
  3. Demo version of the exam in biology (one version of the exam in biology), with which you need to start preparing for state exam by history.

Features of the structure of the exam in biology

Total 28 tasks
1 part 2 part
21 short answer tasks 7 long answer tasks

The time to complete the entire work is 3 hours 30 minutes (210 minutes).
Maximum primary score – 59.
The established minimum test score on the exam in biology is 36 points.

How are the key tasks of the 1st part of the work structured?

Task #1 first appeared in 2017. Each student, preparing for the exam, reads the text, underlines keywords, then finds keywords and links between them. These connections make it possible to build dependency. Thus, the text is structured, it contains links between concepts. In this task, a certain fragment from biology is presented, where it is required to show these connections.

Task number 3 is interesting in that the usual simple tasks, where it is required to perform a solution, knowing biology:

  • count the number of chromosomes
  • indicate the number of cells that are formed during various processes etc.

Task No. 4 requires you to select two statements that match the description of the object that is presented.
Task number 6 on genetics. These are tasks for monohybrid crossing, where you need to write a specific number, a ratio of numbers.
Task number 8 on the ratio of examples and phenomena. This is the first job example. Proposed and alternative example this task, where a blind drawing is given (without signatures), and you need to find positions where there are numbers 1 and 2. And only after that, having decided on the position, select the correct answers.
In task No. 9, examples should be found from the proposed text that correspond to the concept of "stability", "microscopicity" and "pathogenicity".
Task number 15 on knowledge of species properties. In biology, the concept of "species" is a key concept around which all biology is built. Given text. It is necessary to select only those criteria that correspond to the task set in the text.

Task number 20. New (since 2017), original assignment, which makes it possible to check several very important ones at once using one example, key concepts in biology.

  • Example 1 tests understanding of speciation.

Example 2 involves filling in free columns in the table and finding some relationships between the structure, object and function.

Task number 21.

  • Example 1. Shaping science literacy and research skills is possible only when a person is able to work with the information presented in various types. In biology, for example, such information is a table where a scientist, while observing, fixes the data, writes them down, making some calculation. The applicant needs to read what is noted here, as a biologist reads it, who selects key numbers from a palisade and draws conclusions on this basis. It is necessary to choose only 2 statements that strictly correspond to the given conditions.
  • Example 2 requires you to choose statements that can be formulated based on the analysis of the histogram. For example, you need to find species, see what they eat, encrypt this species (as if to depersonalize) and suggest the ratio of food preferences of this species. And then it is necessary to evaluate this species, based on its food preferences or some other qualities.
  • Example 3 is graphic representation. It tests the ability to read a chart and understand why the curve moves up or down.

A few words about part 2

These are tasks in open form, where the graduate will have to answer the question and demonstrate deep knowledge subject. Particular attention should be paid to the language of the presentation of the answer. A 11th grade student must be proficient in a certain conceptual apparatus, biological terms used in the answers to the tasks.

What will help to effectively help pass the exam in biology?

Of course, the textbooks used in schools. It could be textbooks. different authors that can be combined.

Clear planning of your activities in preparation for the Unified State Examination in Biology 2018.

Deep interest of the student in studying and passing the subject on high score.

You need to be motivated, you need to want to study the subject of biology, and then the result will not keep you waiting.

the date conducting the exam in biology will be known in January 2018.

O USE results in biology in 2018 can be found in your educational organization or on the official website of the exam.

If the Ministry of Education decides to make any changes to KIMS Unified State Examination in biology, you need to be ready for anything, not waste time and start preparing now!

The exam in biology is taken at the choice of a student who plans to enter a higher educational institution with a certain specialization. In terms of popularity, this item ranks 5-6th every year.places, about 18% of schoolchildren pass it. Which universities offer biology? This subject is taken in educational institutions of the following direction: medicine, biology, pedagogy in the specialty "Teacher of Biology", Agriculture, veterinary medicine, Physical Culture, psychology, garden design, ecology, technical specialties where biology meets physics. Professions: psychologist, ecologist, athlete, engineer, doctor.

The work consists of tasks, which are conditionally divided into two parts. In 2018, there were 28 tasks: 21 - tests, you need to choose an option from the proposed ones, 7 - increased complexity, you need to give a detailed answer.

210 minutes are given for work - the student decides on his own how to allocate time for answers.

The threshold score for admission to various universities depends on the requirements of a particular educational institution- This information needs to be clarified at the university.

  • The first part contains tasks for knowledge of the theory and the ability to use this knowledge. Types of tasks of the first part: for multiple choice (may be accompanied by a picture), for establishing a logical sequence, for solving problems, supplementing data in a table, for analyzing data.
  • The second part aims to identify the features and depth of knowledge of the subject. The purpose of such tasks is to test the ability to establish causal relationships, draw conclusions, use theory in practice, justify one's position, and think logically. It is this part of the test that is key in the process of selecting potential university students.

The first part is checked automatically by a computer. The second is analyzed by experts.

How difficult is the biology exam?

  • The main difficulty lies in the significant amount of information that needs to be repeated. The school course begins in grades 5-6, so you will have to "dig deep" in preparation.
  • Difficulties are also related to the structure of the exam. Not necessarily high quality theoretical knowledge guarantee a successful passing the exam- you need to learn how to complete tasks certain types. This can be learned with the help of a professional tutor or by being tested in online mode. Every year, tasks of a new type are introduced into the structure - you need to be prepared for this.
  • The most difficult topics are: photosynthesis, DNA, energy metabolism. With these sections and assignments on this topic it is better to contact a tutor.

How to effectively prepare for the exam?

  • The main thing is to listen carefully in class and study textbooks. This will become a solid base for successful delivery exam.
  • Planning: systematic training requires a stable and thorough study of the material of the USE program.
  • Self-education: read manuals, on one's own.
  • Take an online test.

Main advantage online testing- the ability to work out the ability to solve tasks to automatism different type and level of difficulty, correctly allocate time on the exam. With a teacher or tutor, it is recommended to prepare for the second part.

While preparing for the USE 2019 in biology, take great attention the study of theory. The difficulty of the exam is large volume verifiable knowledge. Unlike tests in other subjects, the exam in biology may come across a question that was studied in grades 6-7, therefore, without repeating the theory for the entire course school curriculum not enough.

Self-preparation for the exam in biology

To get a high score, it is better to contact a tutor or take specialized courses. The teacher in the learning process monitors your individual progress, controls the level of mastering the material, gives valuable advice. This approach is more efficient and saves a lot of time. But if for some reason you are unable to professional educators You can study the subject on your own. We present to you short plan step by step training to the exam in biology.

  • Check out the CIM demo, specification and coding. It is important to use CIMs early period current year. Their structure, number of questions, level of difficulty are identical to those that will be used on a real test. AT demo versions there are answers that will help assess the current level of knowledge and determine the topics that need to be repeated Special attention. A complete list of content elements that will be checked at the state exam is indicated in the codifier.
  • To prepare for the exam in biology from scratch and study the theory, you can use the manuals of Pimenov, Lerner or Solovkov. They cover sections from school course, examples of test tasks with answers and explanations are given.
  • If you need to refresh your existing knowledge, use the following materials: A. A. Kirilenko's manual, as well as the “USE. Biology in tables and diagrams.

Preparing for the Unified State Examination in Biology 2019: theory and practice in online courses from Novisse

Do you want to quickly learn the theory of biology? We invite you to the training center "Novisse". With the knowledge gained from us, you will pass the exam with excellent marks and easily enter the university. At the same time, you can study anywhere, the main thing is Internet access and a desire to learn.

The theory can be studied in the format of video lessons or webinars.

Webinars - full course preparation for the exam. Classes are held in real time according to the principle regular lesson. You can ask questions to the teacher. At the end of each lesson you get homework- the teacher checks it, gives recommendations.

If there is very little time left, try our express preparation course for the exam. These informative video tutorials contain all necessary minimum. To test knowledge and consolidate the material covered in short course It is suggested to take tests after each section.

The biology exam is one of the selective ones and those who are confident in their knowledge will take it. USE in biology is considered difficult subject, as the knowledge accumulated over the years of study is checked.

USE assignments in biology, diverse types were selected, for their solution, confident knowledge of the main topics of the school biology course is required. On the basis of the teachers developed over 10 test tasks for each topic.

See the topics that you need to study when completing assignments from FIPI. For each task, its own algorithm of actions is prescribed, which will help in solving problems.

Changes in KIM USE 2019 in biology:

  • The task model in line 2 has been changed. Instead of a task with multiple choice for 2 points, a task for working with a table for 1 point has been included.
  • The maximum primary score decreased by 1 and amounted to 58 points.

The structure of the USE tasks in biology:

  • Part 1- these are tasks from 1 to 21 with a short answer, up to about 5 minutes are allotted for completion.

Advice: Read the wording of the questions carefully.

  • Part 2- these are tasks from 22 to 28 with a detailed answer, approximately 10-20 minutes are allotted for completion.

Advice: express your thoughts in a literary way, answer the question in detail and comprehensively, give a definition biological terms, even if it is not required in tasks. The answer should have a plan, not write in solid text, but highlight points.

What is required of the student in the exam?

  • Ability to work with graphic information (diagrams, graphs, tables) - its analysis and use;
  • Multiple choice;
  • Establishing compliance;
  • Sequencing.

Points for each task in USE biology

To receive you need to the highest rating in biology, you need to dial 58 primary points, which will be converted to one hundred on the scale.

  • 1 point - for 1, 2, 3, 6 tasks.
  • 2 points - 4, 5, 7-22.
  • 3 points - 23-28.

How to Prepare for Biology Tests

  1. repetition of the theory.
  2. Correct distribution time for each task.
  3. Solution practical tasks several times.
  4. Checking the level of knowledge by solving tests online.

Register, study and get a high score!

Training options for the exam in biology

After thematic assignments in biology, start practicing. Since for demonstration high level knowledge, it is necessary to confidently work with diagrams, tables and graphs. Explain biological processes with graphic information.

First of all, download FIPI, which is a sample and gives an idea of ​​the structure and form of complexity of future assignments for the exam.

Based on the new demo developed 10 training options, register and track the level of knowledge in personal account.

Identify, analyze mistakes and train again. Your success is permanent solution options while preparing!

The USE test in biology 2019 includes 28 tasks.

  • Part 1 contains 21 tasks with a short answer (a sequence of numbers, a number, a word or a phrase)
  • Part 2 contains 7 tasks with a detailed answer (give a complete answer: explanation, description or justification; express and argue your own opinion).

The variant is thematically grouped.

  1. The first part contains 21 tasks, which are grouped according to the content blocks presented in:
    • For multiple choice;
    • To establish correspondence;
    • To establish the sequence of processes or phenomena;
    • Tasks in cytology and genetics;
    • To complement the drawings;
    • Analysis of a schema or table.
  2. The second part contains 7 tasks. For successful solution which the student is required to thoroughly master the conceptual apparatus and competently operate with biological terms.

A short analysis of the conditions of some tasks

Tasks from the block of the first ticket:

  • - presented biological fragment, requiring the establishment of links between concepts;
  • - count the number of chromosomes and establish the number of cells formed during various processes;
  • - find examples in the text that correspond to the concepts;
  • - to test knowledge of species properties - select criteria from the test that correspond to the species.

Assessment of tests in biology USE

Per first part ticket maximum - 38 points.
For problem solving second part - 20 points.

The points received for correctly completed tasks are summed up.

Converting points to grades

  • 0-35 points - 2,
  • 36-54 points - 3,
  • 55-71 points - 4,
  • 72 and above points - 5;

For admission to budget place in prestigious university you need to score more than 84 points.

Decide! Dare! Strive for the best!