Characteristics of programmed learning. Programmed learning concept

This is a teaching method put forward by Professor B.F. Skinner in 1954 and developed in the works of specialists from many countries, including domestic scientists.

N.F. participated in the development of certain provisions of the concept. Talyzina, P.Ya. Galperin, A.M. Matyushkin and others.

The purpose of programmed learning: in an effort to improve the efficiency of managing the learning process based on the cybernetic approach.

Programmed learning involves independent and individual training according to a pre-designed training program using special teaching aids (programmed textbook, computer or PC), which provides each student with the opportunity to carry out the process of learning and learning in accordance with certain individual characteristics(individual pace of learning, in a special way mastery of educational material depending on the level of education).

Characteristics of programmed learning:

Individual learning pace

Full assimilation of educational material

Step control

High level of independence

The training program consists of a sequence of steps, each of which is a micro-stage (step) for the trainee to master a certain unit of knowledge or actions. Each program step usually consists of 3 blocks:

1. informational - which gives necessary information about the knowledge or action being studied;

2. control - in the form of a task for independent implementation;

3. manager - in which the student checks his solution to the task and, based on the results of the check, receives an indication of the transition to some next step.

Depending on the nature of the program steps, there are:

Linear Programmed Learning System- originally developed American psychologist B. Skinner in the early 1960s.

Trainees go through all the steps of the training program sequentially in the order in which they are given in the program. The tasks in each step are to fill in a gap in the informational text with one or more words. After that, the student must check his solution with the correct one, which had previously been closed in some way. If the student's answer is correct, then he should proceed to the next step. If his answer does not match the correct one, then he must complete the task again.

The main principles of the linear system of programmed learning:

teaching, driving force which is the fear of punishment, ridicule from the teacher and comrades, bad grades does not give good results.

The material that the student must learn in the course of his own cognitive activity must be divided into minimal parts (steps, portions) and immediately reinforce each correct reaction (answer) with the help of appropriate rewards.

The feeling of success, the consciousness of successfully overcoming the difficulties encountered in the work contributes to the student's interest in learning. Therefore, the programmed text should not contain difficult "steps" dangerous making mistakes by the student, as this negatively affects his attitude to work.

Teaching, according to B. Skinner, is the process of developing new ways of behavior in the student or modifying already established ones with repeated repetition.

Teaching people requires activating factors. The desire to satisfy cognitive needs can be used as driving force due to the placement of students in problem situations. Particularly effective, according to Skinner, from this point of view is the Socratic method, since it requires continuous activity from the student, forcing him, after each step forward, to again give an answer to the next question.

Thus, instrumental teaching, according to Skinner, forms students' interest in learning, activates them, provides everyone with the opportunity to work at an optimal pace for it, as a result of which the atmosphere of fear and coercion, passivity and boredom, a template and lack of incentives for efforts, is eliminated. , the existing system is radically changed pedagogical influences on students.

Principles of a linear system of programmed learning:

1. The principle of small steps. According to this principle, educational material should be divided into possibly small parts (steps, micro-information), because they are easier for students to master than large ones.

2. The principle of immediate confirmation of the answer.

3. The principle of individualization of the pace of learning.

4. The principle of a gradual increase in difficulty. The consequence of its observance is that a significant number of so-called leading indications in the first framework, which make it easier for students to fill in the gaps in the text, gradually decreases, as a result of which the degree of difficulty of the program increases.

5. The principle of differentiated consolidation of knowledge. With regard to this principle, each generalization that is present in the text of the program must be repeated several times in various meaningful contexts and illustrated with a sufficient number of carefully selected examples.

According to this system, students go through all the steps of the training program sequentially in the order in which they are given in the program. The tasks in each step are to fill in a gap with one or more words. informational text. After that, the student must check his solution with the correct one, which had previously been closed in some way. If the student's answer is correct, then he should move on to the next step. If his answer does not match the correct one, then he must complete the task again.

In this way, linear system programmed learning is based on the principle of learning, involving error-free execution assignments. Therefore, the steps of the program and tasks are designed for the weakest student.

That. the linear system of programmed learning is based on the principle of learning, which implies error-free execution of tasks.

Forked Program- the founder of the American teacher N. A. Crowder.

Criticism of the linear system of programmed learning.

Objections and criticisms have been raised against Skinner's requirement for the division into blocks of "microinformation" of educational material. A student who is doomed to advance towards the goal in extremely small steps and, as a result, is deprived of the opportunity to reach the goal in a jump, quickly gets tired and falls into boredom, which adversely affects the results of the study. The principle of small steps, according to critics, has another bad side that it does not allow to individualize the content of education, adapting to the possibilities of individual students only the pace of this process.

The postulate of Skinner's linear programming about constructing a response by students. The authors of these criticisms, and above all N. A. Crowder, believe that in comparison with filling in the gaps in the text, it is more effective to recognize the answer, to choose it. A student who has chosen the correct answer among several incorrect or incomplete ones, according to Crowder, spends more intellectual effort and is more independent in his work than the one who only selects the answers “prompted” to him by the author of the program.

Characteristics of a branched program.

Control tasks in the steps of this system consist of a problem or a question and a set of several answers, among which usually one is correct, and the rest are incorrect, containing typical mistakes. The student must choose one answer from this set. If he chose the correct answer, he receives reinforcement in the form of confirmation of the correctness of the answer and an indication of the transition to the next step of the program. If he chose an erroneous answer, he is explained the nature of the error, and he is instructed to return to some of the previous steps of the program or go to some subroutine.

Branching Program Principles:

The educational material should be divided into parts (portions, steps), the sizes of which correspond to the volume of the minimum subtopics of traditional texts, because the student must be able to realize the goal that he must achieve during the teaching, and this can only be provided by an extensive text that is not divided into artificially separated from each other "shreds of information".

Each dose of information should be followed by a question that challenges the student to self-selection correct answer among several erroneous or incomplete ones. At the same time, questions about which in question should ensure the implementation of the following didactic functions:

To serve as a test of how well the student understood and mastered the material placed in this framework of the program;

Refer to the appropriate correction box in case of incorrect indication of the correct answer placed in the text;

To force the student to actively work with the text and thereby eliminate mechanical memorization based on repeated meaningless repetition of the same content;

Immediately after indicating the answer chosen by the student, it is necessary to check the correctness of his choice. In this regard, the program should inform the student about the result of each choice, and in case of an error, send him to the starting point in order to retry choosing the correct answer or to the appropriate corrective box explaining the reasons.

The level of complexity of the educational material covered by the program should increase, and the principle "from simple to complex" applies in the preparation of both questions and related answers.

Mixed Program

The desire to combine linear programs with branched programs led to the emergence of the so-called mixed programming, which was developed by British psychologists from the University of Sheffield. It is characterized by the following features:

The training material is divided into parts of different volume (portions, steps). decisive grounds in this case, the divisions are a didactic goal that should be achieved through the study of this fragment of the programmed text, taking into account the age of the students and characteristic features Topics.

The student gives answers, both by choosing them, and in the course of filling in the gaps in the text.

The student cannot move on to the next frame of the program until he has a good grasp of the content of the previous one. This provision is common to all variants of didactic programming, however, in mixed programming it is given special importance, since the authors of mixed programs foresee the possibility of not only individual, but also group work with programmed text.

The most important thing in programmed learning is the text (program) developed in accordance with the requirements discussed in the previous paragraph. To achieve didactic goals, the program can be presented in two ways: with the help of programmed textbooks or with the help of machines.

Programmed learning is learning according to a pre-designed program, which provides for the actions of both students and the teacher (or the learning machine that replaces him).

The idea of ​​programmed learning was proposed in the 50s. 20th century American psychologist B. Skinner to improve the efficiency of managing the learning process using achievements experimental psychology and technology. Objectively programmed learning reflects, in relation to the field of education, a close connection between science and practice, the transfer of certain human actions to machines, and the growing role of management functions in all areas. social activities. To improve the efficiency of managing the learning process, it is necessary to use the achievements of all sciences related to this process, and above all cybernetics - the science of general laws management. Therefore, the development of the ideas of programmed learning turned out to be associated with the achievements of cybernetics, which sets General requirements to the management of the learning process. The implementation of these requirements in training programs is based on the data of the psychological and pedagogical sciences that study specific features educational process. However, when developing this type of training, some specialists rely on the achievements of only psychological science(unilateral psychological direction), others - only on the experience of cybernetics (unilateral cybernetic). In teaching practice, a typically empirical direction in which the development of training programs is based on practical experience, and only separate data are taken from cybernetics and psychology.

The basis general theory programmed learning is based on the programming of the process of assimilation of the material. This approach to learning involves the study of cognitive information in certain doses, which are logically complete, convenient and accessible for holistic perception.

Today, programmed learning refers to the controlled assimilation of programmed educational material with the help of a learning device (computer, programmed textbook, movie simulator, etc.).

Programmed material is a series of relatively small chunks educational information("frames", files, "steps"), served in a certain logical sequence.

In programmed learning, learning is carried out as a well-controlled process, as the material being studied is broken down into small, easily digestible doses. They are sequentially presented to the student for assimilation. After studying each dose, an assimilation check should be made. Dose learned - move on to the next. This is the "step" of learning: presentation, assimilation, verification.

Usually, when compiling training programs, from cybernetic requirements only the need for systematic feedback was taken into account, from psychological requirements - individualization of the learning process. There was no sequence of implementation of a certain model of the assimilation process. The most famous concept of B. Skinner, based on the behavioral theory of learning, according to which there is no significant difference between human learning and animal learning. In accordance with behavioral theory, training programs should solve the problem of obtaining and reinforcing the correct response. To develop the correct reaction, the principle of breaking down the process into small steps and the principle of a hint system are used. When splitting the process, the programmed complex behavior is divided into the simplest elements (steps), each of which the student could complete without error. When a prompting system is included in the training program, the required reaction is first given in ready-made(maximum hint degree), then with the omission of individual elements (decaying hints), at the end of training, it is required to completely independent execution reactions (removal of the hint). An example is the memorization of a poem: at first, the quatrain is given in full, then with the omission of one word, two words and a whole line. At the end of memorization, the student, having received four lines of dots instead of a quatrain, must reproduce the poem on his own.

To consolidate the reaction, the principle of immediate reinforcement (using verbal encouragement, giving a sample to make sure the answer is correct, etc.) is used for each correct step, as well as the principle of repeated repetition of reactions.

Types of training programs

Training programs built on a behavioral basis are divided into:

  • a) linear, developed by Skinner, and
  • b) branched programs of N. Crowder.
  • 1. A linear system of programmed learning, originally developed by the American psychologist B. Skinner in the early 60s. 20th century based on the behavioral trend in psychology.

He put forward the following requirements for the organization of training:

In teaching, the student must go through a sequence of carefully chosen and placed "steps".

Training should be structured in such a way that the student is "businesslike and busy" all the time, so that he not only perceives the educational material, but also operates with it.

Before proceeding to the study of subsequent material, the student must master the previous one well.

The student needs to be helped by dividing the material into small portions ("steps" of the program), by prompting, prompting, etc.

Each student's correct answer must be reinforced using feedback, - not only for the formation certain behavior but also to maintain interest in learning.

According to this system, students go through all the steps of the training program sequentially, in the order in which they are given in the program. The tasks in each step are to fill in a gap in the informational text with one or more words. After that, the student must check his solution with the correct one, which had previously been closed in some way. If the student's answer was correct, then he should proceed to the next step; if his answer does not match the correct one, then he must complete the task again. Thus, the linear system of programmed learning is based on the principle of learning, which implies error-free execution of tasks. Therefore, the steps of the program and tasks are designed for the weakest student. According to B. Skinner, the trainee learns mainly by completing tasks, and confirmation of the correctness of the assignment serves as a reinforcement to stimulate the trainee's further activity.

Linear programs are designed for the error-free steps of all students, i.e. should correspond to the capabilities of the weakest of them. Because of this, the program correction is not provided: all students receive the same sequence of frames (tasks) and must do the same steps, i.e. move along the same line (hence the name of the programs - linear).

2. An extensive programmed learning program. Its founder is the American teacher N. Crowder. These programs, which have become widespread, in addition to the main program designed for strong students, provide additional programs(auxiliary branches), to one of which the student is sent in case of difficulty. Branched programs provide individualization (adaptation) of training not only in terms of the pace of progress, but also in terms of the level of difficulty. In addition, these programs offer greater opportunities for shaping rational species cognitive activity than linear, limiting cognitive activity mainly perception and memory.

Control tasks in the steps of this system consist of a problem or a question and a set of several answers, among which usually one is correct, and the rest are incorrect, containing typical errors. The student must choose one answer from this set. If he chose the correct answer, he receives reinforcement in the form of confirmation of the correctness of the answer and an indication of the transition to the next step of the program. If he chose an erroneous answer, he is explained the nature of the error, and he is instructed to return to some of the previous steps of the program or go to some subroutine.

In addition to these two main systems of programmed learning, many others have been developed that, to one degree or another, use the linear or branching principle, or both of these principles, to build a sequence of steps in the training program.

A common drawback of programs built on a behavioral basis is the impossibility of managing the internal, mental activity students, control over which is limited to registration end result(answer). From a cybernetic point of view, these programs exercise control according to the "black box" principle, which is unproductive in relation to human learning, since the main objective during training consists in the formation rational methods cognitive activity. This means that not only the answers must be controlled, but also the paths leading to them. The practice of programmed learning has shown the unsuitability of linear and insufficient productivity of branched programs. Further improvements to the training programs within the framework of the behavioral learning model did not lead to a significant improvement in the results.

The development of programmed learning in domestic science and practice

In domestic science theoretical basis of programmed learning were actively studied, as well as achievements were introduced into practice in the 70s. 20th century One of the leading specialists is Nina Fedorovna Talyzina, professor at Moscow University. In the domestic version, this type of training is based on the so-called theory of phased formation mental actions and concepts P.Ya. Galperin and the theory of cybernetics. The implementation of programmed learning involves the allocation of specific and logical tricks thinking, indication of rational ways of cognitive activity in general. Only after this is it possible to draw up training programs that are aimed at the formation of these types of cognitive activity, and through them the knowledge that constitutes the content of this academic subject.

Benefits of Programmed Learning

Programming training has a number of advantages: small doses are easily absorbed, the rate of assimilation is chosen by the student, a high result is provided, rational ways mental actions, the ability to think logically is brought up. However, it also has a number of disadvantages, for example:

does not fully contribute to the development of independence in learning;

requires a lot of time;

applicable only for algorithmically solvable cognitive problems;

ensures the acquisition of knowledge inherent in the algorithm and does not contribute to the acquisition of new ones. At the same time, excessive algorithmization of learning hinders the formation of productive cognitive activity.

Disadvantages of programmed learning

During the years of greatest enthusiasm for programmed learning - 60-70s. 20th century - A number of programming systems and many different teaching machines and devices have been developed. But at the same time, critics of programmed learning also emerged. E. Laban summed up all the objections programmed learning is not against programmed learning: it does not use positive sides group learning; contributes to the development of student initiative, since the program, as it were, with the help of programmed learning, leads him by the hand all the time; theory can be taught only simple material at the level of cramming; reinforcement based learning is worse than assertion based intellectual gymnastics; some American researchers- programmed learning is not revolutionary, but conservative, since it is bookish and verbal; programmed learning ignores the achievements of psychology, which has been studying the structure of brain activity and the dynamics of assimilation for more than 20 years; programmed learning does not provide an opportunity to get a complete picture of the subject being studied and is "learning by crumbs"

A lot of confusion arises when using concepts such as programmed learning and programming learning. The first is technology, the second is the study of programming languages. You can see that both expressions sound very similar, but have a different categorical base. And if the process of learning and using programming languages ​​does not raise questions among the majority of the population, then the emergence and functions of programmed learning are not clear to everyone.

Programmed learning concept

Officially accepted to consider programmed learning as a new modern stage development of pedagogical thought and practice. It is well known that any pedagogical experience(from the point of view of science) “should have sufficient validity based on the research of scientists”, be reflective and, since we are talking about technology, lead to a consistently positive result when applied. What is the technology of programmed learning based on?

It all started with the American psychologist and inventor Burres Frederick Skinner, who owns the patent for the so-called "Skinner box". Professor, known as the author of the theory (was created as a kind of answer, with the difference that conditioned reflex is formed not on the basis of a stimulus, but on the basis of reinforcement of a "spontaneously" emerging reaction), took part in the "race" to study the personality of a person and manage it (was conducted between the USSR, USA, Great Britain, Germany). As one of the by-products of research and study, the concept and then (in the 1960s) the technology of programmed learning by Burres Frederick Skinner appeared in 1954.

It is worth noting that the comparison of Skinner's technology with Socrates' dialogues about calculating the area of ​​a quadrilateral is at least unreasonable and does not give the professor's work more weight and significance. With the same success, one can compare the Tula Russian harmonica tunes (the main dance genre at gatherings in tsarist Russia) with modern rock. But really general characteristics a lot - this is both rhythm and assertiveness of delivery musical material, and even the content of the text in some cases. But rock is musical genre, which arose with the advent of electronic instruments, amplifiers, so to say that great-great-grandfathers had fun under "harmonica rock", according to at least, unethical.

As for the theory of B. F. Skinner, the name of the technology of programmed learning is borrowed from the technocratic dictionary (from the word “program”) and also denotes a system of methods, teaching aids, control, algorithmization, which ensures the achievement of certain planned results. Socrates, by definition, cannot be technology and is not similar to it, if only because the ancient thinkers taught and educated students "in their own image and likeness." As the classic of pedagogical thought stated Soviet Union: "Only a personality can educate a personality."

The role of the development of computer technologies in the formation of a new pedagogical concept

December 1969 was marked by the launch of the Network, which linked four leading American universities and was the prototype modern network Internet. And in 1973, Great Britain and Norway were connected to the Network with the help, which automatically transferred it to international status. Computer technologies are developing by leaps and bounds. It is worth noting that the computer acquired its current look and functions only in 1986 (then they began to produce machines with multimedia capabilities). Up to this point, information machines have been used as an indispensable assistant to the accountant and secretary. Using new technology it becomes possible to quickly process and transfer large volumes information, which greatly facilitates the work in the study. It is natural that in 1996 the use information technologies is declared a strategic resource of education. For many years (1960-1996), work was carried out to improve the technology of programmed learning, which made it possible to master new work algorithms and identify "weak" points. Ultimately, the pedagogical community recognized that this development cannot claim to be universal and is applicable in certain areas that can be algorithmized.

Methodology or technology

It is worth paying attention to some confusions that arise in modern pedagogy. Often the term "technology" is replaced by the term "method", which cannot be considered legitimate.

Initially, the term "technology" migrated to pedagogical space from manufactories. In the 19th and 20th centuries, education was carried out only in certain strata of society and had individual character. But with the advent of the idea of ​​“universal education”, the question arose of how to simultaneously teach a large number of students, while achieving ultimate goal (educated person). Probably, for the first time the question arose about the control of acquired knowledge and skills. And since human brain used to "shit by analogy", the solution was the technology used in the manufacture of the product at the factory. Of course, pedagogical technology by “product” she meant a trained person who can apply knowledge according to the situation. However, it is still undeniable that handmade masters appreciated more expensive than that the same product from the manufactory (we will not delve into the wilds of the economy, but consider only the practical component of this issue). Another question is that the state considers education in classes of 30 people economically feasible. Therefore, technology is the choice of the "lesser evil", a system focused on the learning process (for example, the main feature of programmed learning was the automation of the process of studying, consolidating and controlling knowledge).

The methodology, with the variability of the learning process and an individual approach, is mainly focused on the result (masterwork). But the application of the technique in an audience of 30 people is problematic.

Based on the above data, we can conclude that the term "technology" is applicable to programmed learning.

New Learning Tools

Particular attention should be paid to the learning process itself (the end justifies the means) and its equipment. Initially, the methods of programmed learning were designed to maximally formalize the communication between the teacher and the student (the less the teacher has an impact on the student, the more correctly the technology algorithm is executed). And in the "age computer technology» Programmed learning tools are replenished with each new invention (be it a program or a new simulator). One can argue for and against the use of a computer and information technology in the learning process for a long time, but the fact that only the personality of a teacher has an impact on the formation of a student's personality is an indisputable fact (in primary school what the teacher says weighs more than the statements of the most authoritative parents). Thus, the teacher takes on the function of controlling the psychosomatic state of the listener and mastering the stages of the training program.

On practice this technology often comes down to automating the control and assessment of students' knowledge, while the learning process itself is missed.

Meanwhile, teaching aids are school textbooks compiled according to the requirements of technology and machine. The most important and developed factor in programmed learning is the text (training programs for children). Textbooks are divided into three types according to the learning algorithm (linear, branched or mixed). But the machines are different: information, examiners and tutors, training and polyfunctional. Some universal machines able to adapt to the user's learning pace.

The choice between textbooks and machines will probably never be resolved unambiguously, since it is easier to “copy” from a textbook, it costs less, but machines always signal the pupils’ “cheating tendencies”.

Learning management or collaboration

Based on all of the above, it can be argued that during a lesson using programmed learning technology, it is not cooperation that takes place, but management of the passage of the planned stages of educational material. Moreover, partly the control function is assigned to the machine, in the case of using a computer, and partly to the teacher. When working with textbooks, the control function lies entirely with the teacher.

What is the essence of management? Initially, this impact on the constituent components of the system with purpose. In control theory, two types are distinguished: open-loop and cyclic. If you make a choice in favor of a control system that provides feedback and regulation of the controlled process, then this is a cyclic type (it is also the most effective). Its components fit well into the "program" (or educational material) of the technology of education, providing:

Definition of the goal (end result) of training;

Analysis of the actual state of the managed object (initially, the technology did not pay any attention to the initial state at all, but over time, turning to this area became relevant);

Interaction program (or educational material, divided into parts according to the requirements of the technology algorithm);

Managed system status monitoring ( this stage in work with computers is completely in the control of the machine);

Feedback and adjustment of impacts based on the current situation.

Management of the educational process according to this scheme, taking into account the specifics educational space, will effectively achieve the final result.

Linear learning algorithm

An algorithm is instructions for performing certain operations in a given sequence. The well-known linear algorithm model was proposed by B. F. Skinner with the definition of the basic principles:

The division of educational material into small parts, since this approach excluded overwork and satiety with the material;

Enough low level the complexity of parts of the material (this allowed to reduce the proportion of incorrect answers, which, according to Skinner, allows you to set in motion "positive reinforcement");

Usage open questions in the system of control and consolidation of knowledge (text input, not a choice from the list);

Observing the basics of positive reinforcement, confirm the correctness (or erroneousness) of the answer immediately after its presentation;

The ability to work at a pace convenient for the student (a kind of individualization);

Fixing the material on the most various examples excluding mechanical repetition;

One-way passage of the “program” (the abilities of students are not taken into account, it is assumed that everyone will master the same program, but for a different period of time).

It should be noted that linear algorithm repeatedly (and not without reason) was criticized by teachers. And, as mentioned above, it cannot claim to be universal.

Branched learning algorithm

Somewhat later, a different algorithm for presenting educational material was developed, but by Norman Allison Crowder. The difference between the branched algorithm and the linear one was the introduction of a peculiar individual approach to the process. The path through the program depends on the answers of the student. N. A. Crowder's branched algorithm is based on the following principles:

Presentation of material according to the principle from complex to simple (the program is served in large pieces, if the student does not cope with the given level of complexity, then it is automatically transferred to a simpler level);

The use of closed questions (choosing the correct answer from the options presented);

Each answer (both correct and incorrect) is provided with explanations;

The multivariance of the passage of the program (it all depends on the preparedness of the student).

Opponents of this version of the algorithm argue that to form a whole and system view about the material being studied is problematic. Yes, and the learning process itself is artificial and ugly simplified, does not embody such a complex and multifaceted type of activity as learning.

Mixed Learning Algorithm

Combining the two previous algorithms led to the emergence of the third. The mixed learning algorithm is represented by Sheffield (developed by psychologists in England) and block technologies.

Basic principles English algorithm learning:

  • when dividing the material into parts or steps, the maximum amount factors (features of the topic, the age of the child, the purpose of studying this fragment, etc.);
  • the form of responses is mixed (selection and filling in the gaps), determined by the purpose of the “program”;
  • passing the next stage is possible only with the successful development of the previous one;
  • individual approach to the content and pace of studying the program (it all depends on the abilities of students and the degree of knowledge of this subject).

The block technology of programmed learning consists of a program that takes into account all the variety of actions when studying the material in order to solve the tasks. Naturally, school textbooks of the block system will qualitatively differ from analogues of previous technologies. Placed at the forefront problem block, the solution of which requires the student to mobilize knowledge, ingenuity, and will.

Programmed learning in modern education

The pros and cons of the technology under consideration allow us to draw the following conclusions:

Accustoming the student to diligence, accuracy of actions, it slows down the formation of skills such as finding new ways to solve a problem, creative thinking, advancement of own hypotheses;

Programmed learning is not universal method problem solving and requires conscious application;

How helper method this technology is good for solving many problems (acquaintance with information, consolidating knowledge, monitoring and evaluating learning, etc.);

As practice has shown, the automation of the learning process works only if it is used by a teacher who is well prepared to use it in the classroom.

Unified State Exam

Whatever one may say, but the exam is test form programmed learning. Many copies have been broken in the dispute about the usefulness and harm of this product, but today it is one of the ways to quickly and with a sufficient degree of certainty conduct a mass control of knowledge.

However, it should be borne in mind that most gifted children do not show high results on the exam due to different objective reasons. Therefore, overestimation and underestimation of the technology of programmed learning is fraught with consequences.

Programmed learning- controlled assimilation of educational material, carried out according to a specially designed step-by-step training program, implemented using training devices or programmed textbooks.

The programmed educational material is a series of relatively small portions of educational information (frames, files, steps) presented in a certain logical sequence (G. M. Kodzhaspirova).

Principles of programmed learning (V. P. Bespalko)

    definite hierarchy control devices, i.e., the stepwise subordination of parts in the system with the relative independence of these parts;

    providing feedback, i.e., the transfer of information about the required course of action from the control object to the managed one (feed-forward) and the transfer of information about the state of the managed object to the manager (feedback);

    implementation of a step-by-step technological process when disclosing and submitting educational material;

    individual pace of advancement and management in learning, creating conditions for successful study material by all students, but at the individually necessary time for each individual student;

    use of special technical means or benefits.

Types of training programs

Linear programs- successively changing small blocks of educational information with control task, most often of a test nature with a choice of answers. (If the answer is wrong, you must return to the first stage.) (B. Skinner).

Linear program

information exercise control

Correct answer


Forked Program- in case of an incorrect answer, the student is provided with additional educational information until he can give the correct answer to the control question (or complete the task) and continue working with a new portion of the material. (N. Crowder).

Adaptive program- selects or provides the learner with the opportunity to choose the level of complexity of the new educational material, change it as it is mastered, refer to electronic reference books, dictionaries and manuals, etc. (Mainly possible when using a computer). In a fully adaptive program, the diagnosis of a student's knowledge is a multi-step process, at each step of which the results of the previous ones are taken into account.

Benefits of Programmed Learning

    the use of algorithmic prescriptions helps students find the right solutions to a certain range of problems in the shortest way;

    development of methods of rational mental actions, logic of thinking;

    introduction to the use of modern information technologies in teaching;

    individualization of the educational process;

    security effective organization and management of the educational process;

    possible training of any categories of trainees (up to children with mental or speech limitations according to special programs).


1. The essence of programmed learning………………………………………4

2. Types of training programs…………………………………………………...7

3. Means of presenting programs……………………………………………..10

4. Overall score programmed learning……………………………..12




The information explosion has given rise to many problems, the most important of which is the problem of learning. In pedagogy, the concept of informatization of education has appeared.

Under the informatization of education in modern didactics most commonly understood as the use computer science and related information technologies in the learning process as a means of managing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren and providing the teacher and student with the necessary textual and visual information that complements the content of education.

As a trend, the informatization of education has become most widespread in recent decades associated with the emergence in the 1970s personal computers, which have become by now relatively cheap, accessible in the education system and easy to manage type of computer technology.

The theory of programmed learning began to develop in the 40-50s. 20th century in the USA, then in Europe. It gave impetus to the development of teaching technology, to the development of the theory and practice of technically complex teaching systems. Programmed learning is a relatively independent and individual assimilation of knowledge and skills in a training program with the help of computer facilities learning. AT traditional education student usually reads full text textbook and reproduces it, while its work on reproduction is almost not controlled in any way, not regulated. main idea programmed learning is the management of learning, learning activities learner with the help of the training program.

This work presents material related to programmed learning, its types, principles, means, and capabilities.

1. The essence of programmed learning

Programmed learning is learning according to a pre-designed program, which provides for the actions of both students and the teacher (or the learning machine that replaces him). The idea of ​​programmed learning was proposed in the 50s. 20th century by the American psychologist B. Skinner to improve the efficiency of managing the learning process using the achievements of experimental psychology and technology. Objectively programmed learning reflects, in relation to the field of education, a close connection between science and practice, the transfer of certain human actions to machines, and the growing role of managerial functions in all spheres of social activity. To increase the effectiveness of the management of the learning process, it is necessary to use the achievements of all sciences related to this process, and above all cybernetics - the science of general laws of control. Therefore, the development of the ideas of programmed learning turned out to be connected with the achievements of cybernetics, which sets the general requirements for managing the learning process. The implementation of these requirements in training programs is based on the data of the psychological and pedagogical sciences that study the specific features of the educational process. However, when developing this type of training, some specialists rely on the achievements of only psychological science (one-sided psychological direction), while others rely only on the experience of cybernetics (one-sided cybernetic). In the practice of teaching, this is a typically empirical direction, in which the development of training programs is based on practical experience, and only separate data are taken from cybernetics and psychology.

The general theory of programmed learning is based on the programming of the process of mastering the material. This approach to learning involves the study of cognitive information in certain doses, which are logically complete, convenient and accessible for holistic perception.

Today, programmed learning refers to the controlled assimilation of programmed educational material with the help of a learning device (computer, programmed textbook, movie simulator, etc.). The programmed material is a series of relatively small portions of educational information ("frames", files, "steps"), presented in a certain logical sequence.

In programmed learning, learning is carried out as a well-controlled process, as the material being studied is broken down into small, easily digestible doses. They are sequentially presented to the student for assimilation. After studying each dose, an assimilation check should be made. Dose learned - move on to the next. This is the "step" of learning: presentation, assimilation, verification.

Usually, when compiling training programs, from cybernetic requirements only the need for systematic feedback was taken into account, from psychological requirements - individualization of the learning process. There was no sequence of implementation of a certain model of the assimilation process. The most famous concept of B. Skinner, based on the behavioral theory of learning, according to which there is no significant difference between human learning and animal learning. In accordance with behavioral theory, training programs should solve the problem of obtaining and reinforcing the correct response. To develop the correct reaction, the principle of breaking down the process into small steps and the principle of a hint system are used. When the process is broken down, the programmed complex behavior is divided into the simplest elements (steps), each of which the student could perform without error. When a system of prompts is included in the training program, the required reaction is first given in finished form (the maximum degree of prompt), then with the omission of individual elements (fading prompts), at the end of the training, a completely independent reaction is required (removal of the prompt). An example is the memorization of a poem: at first, the quatrain is given in full, then with the omission of one word, two words and a whole line. At the end of memorization, the student, having received four lines of dots instead of a quatrain, must reproduce the poem on his own.

To consolidate the reaction, the principle of immediate reinforcement (using verbal encouragement, giving a sample to make sure the answer is correct, etc.) is used for each correct step, as well as the principle of repeated repetition of reactions.

2. Types of training programs

Educational programs built on a behavioral basis are divided into: a) linear, developed by Skinner, and b) branched programs by N. Crowder.

1. A linear system of programmed learning, originally developed by the American psychologist B. Skinner in the early 60s. 20th century based on the behavioral trend in psychology.

He put forward the following requirements for the organization of training:

In teaching, the student must go through a sequence of carefully chosen and placed "steps".

Training should be structured in such a way that the student is "businesslike and busy" all the time, so that he not only perceives the educational material, but also operates with it.

Before proceeding to the study of subsequent material, the student must master the previous one well.

The student needs to be helped by dividing the material into small portions ("steps" of the program), by prompting, prompting, etc.

Each correct answer of the student must be reinforced, using feedback for this, not only to form a certain behavior, but also to maintain interest in learning.

According to this system, students go through all the steps of the training program sequentially, in the order in which they are given in the program. The tasks in each step are to fill in a gap in the informational text with one or more words. After that, the student must check his solution with the correct one, which had previously been closed in some way. If the student's answer was correct, then he should proceed to the next step; if his answer does not match the correct one, then he must complete the task again. Thus, the linear system of programmed learning is based on the principle of learning, which implies error-free execution of tasks. Therefore, the steps of the program and tasks are designed for the weakest student. According to B. Skinner, the trainee learns mainly by completing tasks, and confirmation of the correctness of the assignment serves as a reinforcement to stimulate the trainee's further activity.

Linear programs are designed for the error-free steps of all students, i.e. should correspond to the capabilities of the weakest of them. Because of this, the program correction is not provided: all students receive the same sequence of frames (tasks) and must do the same steps, i.e. move along the same line (hence the name of the programs - linear).

2. An extensive programmed learning program. Its founder is the American teacher N. Crowder. In these programs, which have become widespread, in addition to the main program, designed for strong students, additional programs (auxiliary branches) are provided, to one of which the student is sent in case of difficulties. Branched programs provide individualization (adaptation) of training not only in terms of the pace of progress, but also in terms of the level of difficulty. In addition, these programs open great opportunities for the formation of rational types of cognitive activity than linear ones, limiting cognitive activity mainly by perception and memory.