The working program of the psychologist dow according to veraksa. With a physical education instructor

Alexey Alekseevich Tokarev
An exemplary educational program for a teacher-psychologist in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Part 1

Target Section

1.1. Explanatory note.

working program determines the content and structure of activities teacher-psychologist directions: psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychological counseling and support for the activities of a preschool institution in work with children from 3 to 7 years old, parents of pupils and preschool teachers. working program includes the organization of psychological support for the activities of a preschool institution in the main areas - social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development, ensures the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the process education. The priority is to ensure a single comprehensive development of the individual through the child's awareness of his needs, capabilities and abilities.

Taking into account the specifics of professional activity teacher- a psychologist in a preschool institution, a significant place is given to targeted activities for the prevention, maintenance and correction of developmental disorders in children. The content of the working programs implemented taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

The program is compiled in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation"About education» (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, Federal State Standard for Preschool education(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155, Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work of preschool educational organizations (approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26).

This program developed on the basis of the main "Birth to School" ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

In order to provide comprehensive support to this category of children, in addition to the main educational program of preschool education the following partials are used programs: E. O. Smirnova, "The best educational games"; I. N. Narevskaya, N. G. Sabirova, N. A. KKuraova, N. S. Nurmukhametova, “Prevention of violations in behavior preschoolers: Materials for diagnostic and corrective work in the preschool educational institution "; L. V. Cheremoshkina, "Development of children's memory"; G. G. Galkina, T. I. Dubinina, “Fingers help speak: Correctional classes development fine motor skills in children"; L. S. Mikhailova, “How to prepare a child for school: A guide for parents and kindergarten teachers. Exercises, tasks, games, tests”; O. M. Dyachenko, N. S. Denisenkova, “Introduction to program"Development"; L. V. Cheremoshkina, "Development of children's attention", Boryakova N. Yu. "Steps of Development"; Titar A. I. “Game developmental classes in the sensory room: A practical guide for preschool educational institutions "; G. G. Koloss, “Sensory room in the preschool institution: Practical recommendations”; Berezhnaya N. F. “The use of the sandbox in the correction of the emotional-volitional and social spheres of preschool children”; Grabenko T. M. "Games with sand, or sand therapy"; M. V. Kuznetsova, "Correction of shyness and self-doubt".

Theoretical basis programs are provisions, developed in domestic psychology by L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin, V. V. Davydov, A. V. Zaporozhets, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin and other scientists, about the generality of the basic laws of mental development in normal and pathological conditions, about sensitive ages, about ratio correction and development, about the actual and potential levels of development (zone of proximal development, about correlation of training and development, about the role of preschool childhood in the process of socialization, about the significance of activity in development, about the role of the sign in "cultural" child development.

Relevance programs.

At preschool age in modern social conditions there are many cases of children with speech disorders, increased anxiety, aggressiveness, isolation. This can affect the mental development of children in the intellectual, emotional, behavioral spheres, that is, in the comprehensive development of the personality.

To a greater extent, the basis of mental development disorders is pedagogical neglect and disturbed parent-child relationships.

Integrated psychological pedagogical task preschool education is to ensure the assimilation of not only the totality of specific knowledge in preschool disciplines, but also to form pupils' ideas about generalized techniques and methods for performing various actions, which, in turn, will ensure the assimilation of specific subject-educational content. (Elkonin D. B. Psychology of the game. - M., 1978.)

Recently, educators have noted an increase in the number of children with difficulties in mastering new material, created by an insufficient level of their cognitive and personal development. Therefore, the provision of effective psychological assistance in the development of preschool children is now becoming a particularly urgent task. (V. V. Lebedinsky. Violation of mental development in childhood.)

In creating conditions for overcoming problems in the comprehensive development of children, the main role is played by the interaction of all parties. educational process : teacher - psychologist, teachers - speech therapist, educator, parents as special assistance to the child in the process of his education and upbringing.

Target programs: implementation of correctional and developmental work with children in the context of integrated learning for the further full-fledged comprehensive development of the child's personality.


Development visually- figurative thinking, abstract thinking, logical thinking, verbal-logical thinking;

Development speech activity child;

The development of arbitrariness mental activity and behavior;

Expanding the scope of self-awareness and increasing confidence in one's abilities;

Development of motor functions;

Contribute to the development of the child's communication skills through joint play activities;

To develop tactile sensitivity as the basis for the emancipation of the consciousness of children;

The development of the emotional sphere.

Implementation conditions programs:

The basis for successful development work on program is an regular and attendance by children of classes, accounting individual characteristics, identification at the initial stages of diagnosis of mental development and personal sphere, physical health of children. When conducting classes, it is important that children understand the instructions. Children should be given more independence, the facilitator should only guide and explain. Joint discussion of children's answers is important.

Methodological basis programs built on the implementation of the principle of systemic differentiation, which is the leading mechanism of mental development. (Elkonin D. B., Lebedinsky V. V.)

Systematic - activity approach - methodological basis GEF.

The priority direction of the initial general education the formation of general educational skills and abilities is determined, the level of development of which largely determines the success of further education. Main result education is considered on the basis of the activity approach as the achievement by students of new levels of development on the basis of their mastery of both universal methods of action and methods specific to the subjects studied. Currently educational the process requires its new organization based on the planning of joint activities of students and teachers.

Maximum number participants: 4 to 8 people.

Age: 4 to 7 years.

Construction principles programs.

1. Consistency of corrective, preventive and developmental tasks.

2. Unity of diagnostics and correction.

3. Accounting for the age, psychological and individual characteristics of the child.

4. Complexity of methods of psychological influence.

5. Increasing complexity.

6. Accounting for volume and degree material diversity.

1.2. Targets

As a result of corrective work, a child at 4-5 years:

Shows interest in the information received in the process of communication;

Emotionally responds, understands and uses in his speech words denoting emotional states, ethical qualities, aesthetic characteristics;

decides contentious issues through speech;

Uses polite words in communication with an adult and knows how to express his request in words;

Unites with children for joint games and distributes roles in the game, plan their action;

Counts up to 5, compares objects by size, quantity and shape, position in space;

Possesses basic self-service skills.

Child 5-6 years old:

Uses various sources of information;

Shows a steady interest and owns various types of children's activities, including research;

Uses speech as the main means of communication, knows how to negotiate;

Uses everything parts of speech, actively engaged in word creation;

Complies with generally accepted norms of behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street;

Possesses self-control and self-esteem;

Orientates in the surrounding space, establishes a sequence of events and plans his activities, knows how to count up to 10, compare two groups of sets of objects;

Owns the universal prerequisites for educational activities: memorizes short poems, knows how to coherently tell a small text, keep instructions in memory;

Possesses self-service skills, has ideas about healthy lifestyle.

Child 6-7 years old:

Shows a steady interest in the new, the unknown, asks questions, experiments;

Shows an emotional attitude towards close adults and peers, expresses his attitude towards the heroes of literary works;

Knows how to communicate and how to interact with adults and peers (verbal and non-verbal);

Apply acquired knowledge and methods of activity for solving new problems under the guidance of an adult and independently.

Has primary ideas about himself, about family, society, state, world and nature;

Owns the universal prerequisites for educational activities, knows how to work according to the rule and according to exemplary, listen to an adult, hold and follow the instructions;

Orientates in the surrounding space, establishes a sequence of events and plans his activities, knows how to count up to 10 and beyond, compare and equalize two groups of sets of objects, correlates number and quantity, composes and solves simple problems in one action;

Freely communicates with adults and peers, parents;

Has ideas about sounds, syllables, words, ideas, determines the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

1.3. Results evaluation system

In order to successfully achieve the intended targets, it is necessary to monitor competencies at intervals of two times per training period. year: at first school year (first two weeks of September) and at the end of the school year (first two weeks of May). (See Attachment)




Projective Methods


Relevance the work program of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution is due to the need to preserve and strengthen the mental health of children who are pupils of this institution, which is defined as a priority task in the development of modern preschool education. It should be noted that professional modern educational psychologist Preschool education is focused on creating conditions for the comprehensive development of a child at preschool age and the realization of his capabilities at this stage of development, as well as psychological support for the formation of psychological neoplasms, which will be the basis for the further development of a person in subsequent periods of development.

The preschool period is important enough for the formation of the personality, in which the prerequisites are formed personal qualities, develops the responsibility of the child and his ability to make a free choice, respect and understand the people around him. Based on what, modern preschool education aims not only to form the amount of knowledge among pupils, but also to develop the basic competencies of the individual, in particular, social and cultural skills, as well as a healthy lifestyle.

Occurred in last years changes in the system of preschool education associated with the introduction of federal state standards for this type institutions, their employees and pupils, contributed to the active development of psychological support for the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

object The professional activity of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution is the inner life of a child up to 7 years old.

Subject- mental health of the child. In the process of its development, the child learns social rules through interaction with adults.

When developing the work program of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution, we relied on the Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" of 2014, Federal State Educational Standards of Education Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1155 of October 17, 2013, the provisions of the Federal State Requirements SanPiN -thirteen; Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, normative legal acts regulating the professional activities of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution. The program is based on the concept of an exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" (under the editorship of N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva).

The work program is implemented during the entire period of the children's stay in the preschool educational institution and is aimed at the versatile development of children from 3 to 7 years old, taking into account their age and individual characteristics and consists of three sections: target, content and organizational.

The work program (hereinafter referred to as the Program) determines the content and structure of the activity of a teacher-psychologist in the following areas: prevention, diagnosis, correction, counseling and psychological support for the activities of a preschool educational institution in work with children of early and preschool age, as well as with all participants in the educational process of a preschool educational institution.

Within the framework of this work program, an annual and advanced planning activities, taking into account the specific educational situation in the preschool educational institution.

The work program is focused on providing psychological support for educational areas: physical, social-personal, cognitive-verbal and artistic-aesthetic.

Working structure preschool programs reflects all areas of activity of a teacher-psychologist.


The aim of the program is the creation of favorable conditions for the child to fully live preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of his personality, the comprehensive mental and physical development of the child, based on his age and individual characteristics and needs, preparing him for life in modern society, as well as to the learning process at school.

Tasks activities of a teacher-psychologist:

- to diagnose the individual psychological characteristics and educational needs of children;

- to prevent difficulties in the development of the child;

- to help a preschooler with permission actual tasks development, training and socialization;

- to conduct psychological and pedagogical education of parents of pupils and teachers;

- create conditions for the effective assimilation of educational areas by pupils of preschool educational institutions;

- provide psychological support for the development and implementation of educational programs and the development of preschool educational institutions.


The main principles of the formation of the program of a teacher-psychologist:

  1. The principle of developing education (landmark - "zone of proximal development" of the child).
  2. The principle of scientific validity and practical applicability (correspondence of theory and practice).
  3. The principle of unity of educational, developing and teaching goals and objectives.
  4. Complex-thematic principle of building the learning process.
  5. The principle of variability for personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child in the educational process.
  6. The principle of integration of educational areas (the inclusion of different types of activities, forms of organizing the process of teaching children).
  7. The principle of openness of the system of preschool education for enrichment with cultural components.
  8. The principle of taking into account age characteristics in the construction of the educational process (the leading activity of preschool children is the game).


Federal state standards impose the following requirements on the system for monitoring the achievement of the planned results of the development of the Program by children:

— the monitoring system makes it possible to ensure the implementation of an integrated approach in evaluating the final and intermediate results of the development of the Program;

- monitoring is carried out to assess the dynamics of children's achievements;

— a mandatory requirement — a description of the forms, object, frequency and content of monitoring.

The implementation of these requirements is possible within the competence of a teacher-psychologist in the following areas of monitoring - the intellectual, physical, personal qualities of the child, as well as the corresponding indicators within a specific educational area.

The main methods used are: observation of the child, conversations and expert assessments. It is also possible to conduct a study using criteria-oriented methods of a non-test type, criterion-oriented testing, screening tests, etc. The monitoring system combines low formalized (observation, conversation, peer review, etc.) and highly formalized (tests, samples) etc.) methods to ensure the objectivity and accuracy of the data obtained.

Twice a year, a study of the achievement of the planned intermediate results of the development of the program is carried out. When monitoring, it is recommended to use methods that allow you to get a large amount of information in the optimal time.

In system monitoring the participation of a teacher-psychologist in the development and implementation of a system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main general education program in educational institution, primarily in terms of providing an integrated approach to assessing the results of mastering the main educational program, which makes it possible to evaluate, among other things, personal results.


Targets are social and normative age characteristics of the child's likely success at the end of preschool education.

They are not evaluated in any way and cannot be the real achievements of the child, the basis for an objective assessment of compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of children. Mastering the program is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of pupils.

Targets affect administrative decisions on certification of teachers, assessment of educational productivity, final or intermediate assessment of the level of development of children, assessment of the implementation of a municipal (state) task, distribution of the stimulating payroll fund for employees of an institution.

They represent the basis for the continuity of preschool and primary general education, that is, the implementation of the program involves the formation of preschoolers prerequisites for learning activities at the stage of completion of preschool education.

During a diagnostic examination of preschool children, a teacher-psychologist conducts a psychological diagnosis of the cognitive processes of children, personal qualities and psychological and motivational readiness for schooling.

The zone of professional competence of a teacher-psychologist when monitoring in a preschool educational institution is carried out within the framework of the following parameters:

  • younger age (3-4 years): play, behavior (relationships with adults and peers), drawing (desire to draw, having an idea, the ability to hold a pencil, etc.);
  • average age (4-5 years): visual perception(recognition of black and white images), analysis of productive activities - drawing, modeling, application, word creation, etc., fine motor skills, social skills - communication with adults and peers, game - level of play, the predominant type of communication;
  • senior age (5-6 years): game activity, analysis of activity products, communication skills;
  • group preparatory to school (6-7 years old): visual-motor coordination, drawing up a plot story based on a series of paintings, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, understanding logical and grammatical structures, orientation on a sheet of paper.

The targets of preschool education include the following characteristics of the child's possible achievements:

  1. Targets in the period of completion of preschool education.

- the child learns the basic cultural ways activities, demonstrates initiative, independence in such activities as communication, play, cognitive research activities, design, etc.; can choose for himself the occupation of interest to him, as well as participants for the implementation of joint activities;

- the child has a positive attitude in relation to the world, to various types of labor, to the people around him, as well as in relation to himself, has a sense of his own dignity; interacts quite actively with peers and adults, takes part in joint games. Can already negotiate, taking into account the interests and feelings of others, show empathy for failures and joy for the successes of others, shows his feelings adequately, even a sense of faith in himself, is aimed at resolving emerging conflicts;

- the child has a well-developed imagination, which manifests itself in a variety of activities, primarily in the game; child has stock different forms and types of play, is able to distinguish between conditional and real situations, is able to obey different rules and social norms;

- the child speaks at a fairly good level, is able to express his thoughts, feelings and desires in a communication situation, is able to distinguish sounds in words, the prerequisites for literacy begin to form in the child;

- the child has developed large and fine motor skills; he is quite mobile, has endurance, masters the basic movements, is able to control his actions and manage them;

- the child may show volitional efforts, comply with social norms of behavior and rules in various activities, when interacting with peers and adults, is able to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and safe behavior;

- the child is quite inquisitive, asks a lot of questions to adults and peers, tries to find out cause-and-effect relationships, tries to find an explanation for the causes of natural phenomena and people's actions; capable of observing and even experimenting. It has basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world where he lives; he is already familiar with works of children's literature, has elementary knowledge of wildlife, history, mathematics, natural science, etc .; child can take own solutions, based on their own knowledge and skills in various activities



Age 3 to 4 years

The leading type of activity is the game, the main feature of which is its conditionality: the performance of some actions with some objects implies their relation to other actions with other objects. Actions with toys and substitute objects constitute the main content of the play of children of younger preschool age.

At a younger preschool age, mental processes continue to develop: perception (up to 5 or more shapes of objects, up to 7 or more colors, they can distinguish objects by size, navigate in the space of a preschool institution), memory and attention (they can remember 3-4 words and 5- 6 names of objects at the request of an adult, by the age of 4 they can remember quite large passages from their favorite works), thinking (visual and effective, they can already establish minor hidden connections and relationships between objects), imagination. Active interaction between children are not yet observed, but stable selective relationships can be found. Conflict situations in children are largely associated with toys. It is the opinion of the educator that influences the determination of the position of the child in the peer group. During this period, self-esteem begins to form, as well as gender identification.

Age 4 to 5 years

In the game, you can observe role-playing interaction. Children are able to draw basic geometric figures, stick images on paper, cut with scissors, etc. The skills of planning a sequence of actions are laid. Children can separate objects according to sensory characteristics (size, color); select parameters such as height, length and width. The development of cognitive processes is carried out in the following direction: voluntary attention is formed, imaginative thinking (they are able to build according to a scheme, solve labyrinth problems), attention stability increases (can concentrate attention for 15–20 minutes), arbitrary memory is laid down (can memorize a simple condition), Speech is the subject of children's activity. The cognitive motive becomes dominant in the process of communication between a child and an adult. Possible manifestation of increased resentment. In interaction with other children, they become more selective, there are constant partners in the game. In communication with peers, selectivity is observed, regular play partners begin to appear. Leaders appear, and with them competitiveness, competitiveness.

Age 5 to 6 years

In many ways, games are role-playing in nature, there is an assimilation of social relations, an understanding of the subordination of positions in various types of adult activities. Conflicts can appear in the distribution of role behavior. This is a period of active drawing, which is of a plot nature; analysis of a person's drawing allows us to draw a conclusion about his gender and emotional state. Construction begins to appear in the process of joint activity. The development of cognitive processes continues: the perception of color, their shades, the shapes of rectangles, ovals, triangles, the size of objects is improving, they are already able to arrange objects in ascending or descending order (up to 10); the development of figurative thinking continues (generalization is being improved, leading to the development of verbal-logical thinking, mastering by mental means is taking place); the development of the imagination occurs only when working to activate it; attention moves from involuntary to voluntary; speech improves, coherent speech develops (children are able to retell, tell from a picture, conveying details).

The main feature of this period is that in the game there is a structuring of the space for the game, the distribution of roles, the development of visual activity, the use of a generalized method of examining the sample in the design; mastering generalized ways of depicting objects the same shape.

Age 6 to 7 years

In the preparatory group for school, the playing space becomes more complicated, children learn the rules of human interaction. Drawings of a man in boys and girls have serious differences between themselves, they become more detailed and proportional. Under certain pedagogical conditions children develop artistic and creative abilities in relation to visual activity. Older preschoolers are able to generalize, analyze not only the main design features various parts, but also to determine their shape, based on the experience of collision with voluminous objects. There is a development of perception, but they are not always able to immediately take into account several different signs. Figurative thinking develops, its manifestations are the skills of generalization and reasoning, which manifest themselves in a limitation associated with the perception of visual signs of the situation. There is a development of voluntary attention of preschoolers. The development of dialogic and some variants of monologue speech occurs due to special educational conditions.

Preschool age ends with the assimilation of the world of things as objects of human culture, the development of gender identification, the assimilation of positive forms of communication with people, the formation of the position of the student. Cognitive and personal development achieved in this period determines the success of schooling.


2.2.1 Direction "Psychological diagnostics"

Purpose: obtaining information about the individual psychological characteristics of the development of children for the construction of individual educational routes.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool education can study the development of children, its dynamics, measure their personal educational results, which is carried out by a teacher-psychologist together with a teacher as part of psychological diagnostics. It is necessary to connect the results of studying children with the evaluation of effectiveness pedagogical actions while building further planning of educational activities.

For the implementation of psychological diagnostics (monitoring) in preschool pupils the written consent of the parents (or legal representatives) is required.

The results of psychological diagnostics (monitoring) can only be used to solve educational problems: individualization of education (support for the child, building an educational trajectory, psychological correction development features); optimization of work with a group of children.

The teacher-psychologist organizes psychological diagnostics to study personal characteristics, the level of development of children's cognitive processes, their psychological and motivational readiness of children to study at school.

The monitoring results are recorded in the individual diagnostic card of the child, the analysis of which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program and the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

2.2.2 Direction "Developmental work and psychological correction"

Within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, the developing activities of a teacher-psychologist are focused on changes in the internal, psychological, sphere of pupils.

Psychocorrective activity is aimed at developing in children ways of self-regulation in various educational situations, which will contribute to their success, achieving the required level of development of the educational program, which will lead to positive changes in the development of his personality.

The technological content of the implementation of this direction in the professional activity of a teacher-psychologist involves the use of various types of games, problem situations, creative tasks, sketches. When choosing a specific form, technology and content of work within this area, the definition of the target group of pupils should be based on the results of psychological diagnostics (monitoring). The main principle in the selection psychological tools the principle of a holistic impact on the personality of the child.

2.2.3 Direction "Psychological counseling"

The purpose of psychological counseling is to help a person in resolving his problem, provided that he is aware of its existence. In the preschool educational institution, the teacher-psychologist provides age-related psychological counseling - counseling on the mental development of the child.

The tasks of psychological counseling in a preschool educational institution are:

- in case of difficulties arising in the educational process, psychological assistance is provided;

- optimization of the individual and age development of the child;

- learning the techniques of self-regulation, self-knowledge, the use of one's own resources to get out of problem situations;

— psychological assistance for the development of effective life strategies within difficult educational situations;

- the formation of a mindset for self-solving the problem.

2.2.4 Direction "Psychological prevention and psychological education"

Psychological prevention in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is a priority area of ​​activity for a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution, implemented, in particular, through psychological education

The purpose of psychological prevention is to ensure the disclosure of the possibilities of age, reduce the impact of risks on the development of the child, prevent violations in the development of the child, create favorable psychohygienic conditions in preschool educational institutions (psychological informing the subjects of the educational process about possible difficulties).

Assistance to teachers in designing a psychologically safe environment is expressed in the planning of an optimal developmental space, reliance on play activities as a leading one in preschool age, and the formation of a favorable psychological climate in preschool education, prevention and timely resolution of conflicts in preschool education, psychological examination of software and methodological support.

Psychological education is a professional activity of a teacher-psychologist to improve psychological competence educators and parents, which is a kind of means of psychological prevention.


Categories The content of the work Groups Timing


Psychological diagnostics
Work with children 1. Diagnosis of the neuropsychic development of children.

2. Diagnosis of personal characteristics of children (Self-assessment by O.V. Khukhlaeva).

3. The study of the psychological readiness of children for schooling (Kern-Jerasik test, method of M. Semago).

4. Study of the emotional sphere (Methodology of L.P. Strelkova).

5. The study of psychological characteristics using techniques such as observation, testing, questioning, questioning, conversation and others.

2nd junior

preparatory, senior


senior, preparatory

At the request of parents, teachers

September -

During a year

During a year

Working with teachers 1. Sheet for assessing the professional activity and personality of the educator.

2. Questionnaire " Psychological condition in a collective".

3. The study of the personality of the teacher.

4. The study of the teaching staff.

Teaching staff

All employees

On request

At the request of the administration


During a year

During a year

Working with parents 1. Questioning of parents, newly arrived children.

2. Questionnaire "Is your child ready for school?".

3. Questioning "Are you satisfied with the work of the preschool educational institution."

4. Psychological diagnostics.

2nd junior


All groups

At the request of parents, teachers, administration


During a year

Developmental work and psychological correction
Work with children 1. Psychological support during the period of adaptation to preschool education (A. S. Ronzhina).

2. Correction-developing classes for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere (program "World of emotions").

3. Individual developmental classes with "difficult" children, in the field

2nd junior

senior, preparatory


During a year

During a year

1 time per week

communication and behavior (R.R. Kalinina).

4. Fairy tale and sand therapy with children with problems in personal development (T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, O.Yu. Yepanchintseva)

5. Individual developmental activities with children


At the request of parents, teachers.

During the year, according to the cyclogram

During the year, according to the cyclogram

During a year

Working with teachers 1. Training sessions for the development of reflection. All employees During a year
Working with parents 1. A course of classes with parents of the preparatory group "School of parents of first graders", in the form of a business game: "What is psychological readiness for school?", "Motivational readiness", "Intellectual readiness". December
Psychological counseling
Working with teachers 1. Consultations on the problems of children's adaptation to kindergarten.

2. Consultations based on the results of a psychodiagnostic study.

3. "Emotional safety of a child in kindergarten"

5. "Visual forms of work with parents"

6. Consultations on the problems of education, upbringing, development of children and personal issues.

On request

All employees

All employees

All employees


During a year

During a year

During a year

Working with parents 1. Conversations-consultations with parents of newly admitted children.

2. Group consultation "Parents in the period of adaptation to kindergarten."

3. Consultation "Basic

activities of adults in

family” (cognitive development).

4. Individual consultations of parents upon request.

5. Consultations with parents on the results of diagnostics of the individual development of the child.


2nd junior

information stand



July August

During a year


During a year

During a year

Advice point for parents whose children do not attend kindergarten "Psychological and pedagogical assistance in raising children." individually During a year
Psychoprophylaxis and psychological education
Working with teachers 1. Discussion "Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the professional activity of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions"

2. Training for the development of communication skills.

3. Seminar "Ways out of conflict with parents, colleagues"

4. Relaxation classes to relieve tension among teachers.

5. Participation in seminars, pedagogical councils held at the DOW.

6. Registration of an information and educational folder for educators of all groups "Psychologist's Page".

7. Issuance of psychological library books (upon request).

All teachers

All employees

All teachers

All employees

All employees



According to the annual plan of the DOW

During a year

During a year

Working with parents Parent lecture:

1. "Psychological characteristics of preschoolers."

2. "Child and kindergarten: the first days" (the problem of adaptation).

4. "Psychological readiness for school."

5. Design of the “Psychologist's Tips” stand and group parental corners in groups by topic:

· “How to help a child adapt to kindergarten? How should parents behave?

"One hundred things to do with a child's tantrum"

How to properly encourage a child

“Child and TV: practical advice»

“If your child is shy…”

"Child with Hyperactivity Syndrome"

"Children's Aggression"

«Psychological features of the crisis of 3 and 7 years»

“Getting ready for school.”

6. Drawing up and distribution of memos and recommendations.

In all age groups Oh

2nd junior

2nd junior


All groups

On request


During a year

During a year

2.4. Interaction of a teacher-psychologist with specialists of a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

2.4.1. With the head of the DOE

  1. Based on the current educational objectives of the institution, together with the administration plans their professional activities for successful implementation realizable directions.
  2. Clarifies the expectations from the psychological support of the educational process, its forms and methods of work, contributing to the effectiveness of this institution.
  3. Carries out prevention and participates in resolving debatable or conflict situations in the teaching staff.
  4. Prepares and submits reports.
  5. Provides individual psychological consultations (upon request).
  6. Participates in the recruitment of groups based on individual psychological indicators children.
  7. Recommends the administration, if necessary, to send a pupil with developmental disabilities to the city PMPK.
  8. Provides the creation of conditions for the psychological comfort of all participants in the educational process.
  9. In emergency and emergency situations provides emergency psychological assistance.

2.4.2 With caregiver

  1. Carries out the formation of a bank of developing games, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the pupils of the group.
  2. Participates in the organization and holding of various festive events.
  3. At the end of the year, it monitors the formation of the prerequisites for readiness for educational activities among preschoolers.
  4. Provides advisory assistance and gives practical recommendations to educators in various areas of their professional activities.
  5. Draws up psychological and pedagogical conclusions based on the results of research work and informs educators about the difficulties of the personal and social development of pupils.
  6. Organizes and provides consultations (individual, group, thematic, problem) on the development of children, as well as psychological education to solve applied problems.
  7. Participates in the construction of an individual educational route for a preschooler.
  8. Organizes counseling for educators on the prevention and correction of emotional and cognitive problems in children.
  9. Provides psychological support for the educational activities of the educator.
  10. Provides psychological support to educators in self-education.
  11. Provides psychological preventive work with emotional burnout among educators.
  12. Organizes training of educators in ways of a conflict-free way out of controversial situations (work in pairs).
  13. Contributes to the growth of the cultural level of communication between the educator and parents (legal representatives).
  14. Organizes psychoprophylactic measures to reduce emotional stress at pupils.
  15. Participates in the implementation of health-saving technologies.
  16. Participates in the organization of activities for the development of universal prerequisites for educational activities (activation of attention and memory), organizes educational activities in this area.

2.4.3 With music director

  1. Assists in creating an emotional mood in the classroom, in increasing the attention of pupils.
  2. They jointly organize classes with preschoolers to develop their psychological emancipation, creative imagination and fantasy.
  3. It contributes to the development in children of the ability to analyze, define, label their own experiences, feelings, which is aimed at their emotional development. This is carried out during complex classes while listening to musical works.
  4. Organizes psychological support in organized educational activities and at the stage of preparing holidays and leisure activities. The development of memory, attention, coordination of movements contributes to successful activities and preparation for school.
  5. Organizes music therapy.
  6. Provides psychological security during mass celebrations.

2.4.4 With a physical education instructor

  1. Takes part in setting the annual tasks of the kindergarten for physical development and planning their implementation.
  2. Forms an understanding of "health" and "healthy lifestyle" among the participants in the educational process of the preschool educational institution.
  3. Carries out the selection of gaming exercises, outdoor and sports games, based on the age and psychophysiological manifestations of children, indicators of their development and health status.
  4. Promotes the development of fine motor and basic movements.
  5. Contributes to the need for motor activity and physical development.
  6. Provides psychological assistance in organizing the interaction of groups of different ages (for example, in organizing competitions between the senior and preparatory groups).
  7. Systematizes the results of diagnostics for setting further tasks for physical development.
  8. Promotes the implementation of health-saving technologies.
  9. Contributes to the formation of strong-willed and personal qualities in children (the mood to win, lose in relay races, etc.).


3.1. Psychological and pedagogical conditions

The program contributes to the creation of the following psychological and pedagogical conditions that will allow to achieve the maximum level of development of the child in a preschool institution:

1) joint activities of adults with children, involving the creation of such situations in which the child will have the opportunity to choose an activity, partner, means, etc.;

2) the formation of the game as an important condition for the development of the child at preschool age;

3) the use of both reproductive and productive activities of children, the organization of activities for the assimilation of cultural forms and patterns through research, creative activity children; the use of joint and independent, mobile and static forms of activity;

4) formation of a developing educational environment that contributes to the physical, cognitive, socio-communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic development of the child and the preservation of his individuality;

5) respect by adults for the human dignity of children;

6) the use in upbringing and educational activities of forms and methods of working with children, based on their age and individual characteristics and needs (inappropriateness of artificial acceleration or artificial slowdown of development);

7) support by adults of a benevolent, positive attitude of children among themselves and in the process of their interaction in various activities;

8) support for the manifestation of initiative and independence of pupils in their characteristic activities;

9) the inclusion of the family in the educational process of the preschool educational institution of the family as important factor full development of the child of preschool age;

10) comparing the current and previous achievements of the child, stimulating his self-esteem;

11) systematic professional development of teaching staff.

3.2 Financial technical equipment and equipment

The management of the implementation of the Program in the preschool educational institution is provided through administrative control, the results of monitoring and psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

The interior of the preschool institution meets the sanitary requirements and the requirements of modern design and aesthetics.

The work program of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution is implemented in conditions that ensure the full development of the personality of pupils against the background of their emotional comfort and positive attitude towards the world, themselves and the people around them.

The implementation of psychological and pedagogical support in the preschool educational institution is carried out with professional growth pedagogical and managerial employees, including on the condition that they receive additional professional education. They are provided with advisory assistance, as well as parents (legal representatives) of pupils on education and health protection of children, including inclusive education. Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of the work program is being carried out.

educational dow environment, including the office of a teacher-psychologist, created to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, create their psycho-emotional well-being, create conditions for professional development teachers, the implementation of variable preschool education, ensuring the openness of preschool education, to ensure the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities.

The workplace of a specialist has the appropriate technical equipment, which allows saving and maximizing the use of working time. Technical means allow the teacher-psychologist to conduct individual and group classes with children, process and systematize the results diagnostic studies, create a bank with psychological data, carefully prepare and carry out diagnostic and correctional and developmental work, etc.

In the office there is a specialist’s desk, cabinets for manuals, documentation, a children’s table and chairs, a computer, a tape recorder, a projector, an interactive whiteboard, methodological kits for diagnosing, developing and correcting children, educational toys, etc., which contributes to the implementation of all areas of activity of a teacher-psychologist and to realize their own creative potential in their work.

The office of a teacher-psychologist, one might say, is divided into three zones, emanating from three main functions: diagnostic, correctional-developing and relaxation.

Diagnostic zone is a children's table and chairs, methodological kits for diagnostics, toys, that is, everything that contributes to psychological comfort child. The zone for conducting correctional and developmental individual and group classes includes children's tables and chairs, a magnetic board, as well as a backlit sandbox.

Advisory zone is a desktop of a teacher-psychologist, a cabinet for storing documents, legal documentation regulating the activities of a teacher-psychologist, a set of diagnostic techniques, stimulus material for diagnostics.

For relaxation exercises with children there is a comfortable small-sized sofa and two armchairs.

At the disposal of the teacher-psychologist there is a dark sensory room, which allows you to get the necessary light, color, sound, tactile stimuli that contribute to a calming, relaxing, tonic, stimulating, restoring effect. In it, the child can remove mental stress, get new ideas about the world, new sensations.

The sensory room is equipped with a bundle of fiber-optic fibers with a side glow "Multi-colored thunderstorm", a mirror corner with a bubble column, an ottoman-chair "Pear", a projector, a mirror ball, a dry pool with illumination, a wall developing panel. Being in it restores and maintains the psycho-emotional balance of the child, stimulates mental development.

3.3 Criteria for the performance of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution

- psychological and pedagogical support for the continuity of the content and forms of organization of the educational process at different age stages;

- ensuring that the specifics of the age-related psychophysical development of pupils are taken into account in the implementation of the main general educational program;

- achieving the required level of psychological and pedagogical competence of pedagogical and administrative workers, the parent community;

- the formation of value attitudes for a healthy and safe lifestyle among pupils in determining final results;

— ensuring differentiated and individualized education, including the implementation of individual educational routes and psychological support of the educational process;

– functioning of the system for monitoring the abilities and abilities of pupils, identifying and supporting gifted children, children with special educational needs;

— formation of communicative skills of pupils;

- variability of levels and forms of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process (prevention, diagnostics, counseling, correctional, developmental work, education, expertise).


The developed work program of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution contributes to the creation of conditions, taking into account the "zone of proximal development" of pupils of a preschool institution in the implementation of educational and educational activities with them, productively developing mental processes and assisting in overcoming adverse conditions for child development in various activities.

The educational and thematic planning reflects the professional activities of a teacher-psychologist, aimed at creating favorable conditions for harmonious development the personality of the child, ensuring his emotional comfort, helping the preschooler in the productive realization of his capabilities.

To achieve the basic goal - the protection and strengthening of the mental health of children, the educational psychologist is included in the educational process, in all forms of work of the teaching staff, and establishes productive relationships with educators and parents.


  1. S.I. Semenak "Social adaptation of the child in society" Program and correctional and developmental classes for children 6-7 years old. M. ed. ARCTI 2016
  2. L.V. Kolomiichenko, G.I. Chugaeva, L. I. Yugova "Classes for children 6-7 years old on social and communicative development" M. ed. Shopping center "Sphere" 2015
  3. L.V. Kolomiychenko, G.I. Chugaeva, L. I. Yugova "Classes for children 5-6 years old on social and communicative development" M. ed. Shopping center "Sphere" 2015
  4. N.V. Sokolovskaya "Adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten" Volgograd Ed. "Teacher" 2015
  5. T.V. Ananyeva "The program of psychological support for a preschooler in preparation for schooling" St. Petersburg, ed. "Childhood-press" 2014
  6. S.V. Ryabtseva, I.V. Spiridonov "Formation of psychological readiness for school". M ed. "Scriptorium" 2015
  7. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva Program "From birth to school" M., ed., "Mosaic-Synthesis" 2015
  8. O.V. Khukhlaeva, O.E. Khukhlaev, IM. Pervushina "Path to my Self" M., ed. "Genesis" 2015
  9. S.V. Kryukova, N.P. Slobodianik The program “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing” M., ed. "Genesis" 2014
  10. T.P. Kolodyazhnaya, I.A. Markaryan, N.V. Sogomonyan "Family education of children with different levels of health and development" M.,

ed. "Perspective" 2015

  1. E.A. Chaus, G.P. Popova "Determining the readiness of children to study at school" Volgograd 2016
  2. IS HE. Saranskaya Psychological training for preschoolers "Let's be friends!" M., ed. "National Book Center" 2015
  3. I.L. Artsishevskaya "I'm learning to be friends!" M., ed. "National Book Center" 2015
  4. T.A. Andreenko, O.V. Alekinova "Development of emotional responsiveness of older preschoolers" St. Petersburg, ed. "Childhood-Press" 2014
  5. T.A. Krylova, A.G. Sumarokova "All kinds of feelings are needed, all kinds of feelings are important" Program of emotional and volitional development of children 4-5 years old St. Petersburg, ed. "Rech", shopping center "Sphere" 2014
  6. L.D. Postoeva G.A. Lukin "Integrated developmental activities for preschoolers" M. ed. "National Book Center" 2015
  7. N.Yu. Kurazheva, N.V. Varaeva, A.S. Tuzaeva "The program of psychological studies with children of preschool age" ed. "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik" 2014
  8. GO.N. Istratova "Psychological testing of children" Rostov-on-Don ed. "Phoenix" 2014
  9. Y. Vies "Testing your child's abilities" Minsk, ed. Popuri LLC 2014
  10. R. Baron, D. Richardson "Aggression" St. Petersburg, ed. "Peter" 2013
  11. I.V. Voznyak, I.M. Uzyanov, V. M. Komandirova "Diary of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution" V., ed. "Teacher" 2014
  12. T. A. Emtseva "Psychological and medical pedagogical work" V., ed. "Teacher" 2013
  13. K.N. Polivanova “Six-year-olds. Diagnosis of readiness for school "M. ed. "Eksmo" 2013
  14. P. Skiller, D. Rossano "750 developmental exercises for preschool children" Minsk, ed. LLC "Popuri" 2011
  15. L.G. Rudenko, N.N. Pavlova "Diagnostics - Express" M., ed. "Genesis" 2014

Working programm

psychologist teacher

municipal budgetary

preschool educational institution




The work program of the teacher-psychologist MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 16069" was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"; Federal state educational standards ( Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 N 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education"); with the requirements of SanPin ("Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"); regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of a teacher-psychologist of an educational institution. The program was compiled in accordance with the main general educational program of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 160", developed on the basis of an exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" (under the editorship of N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. .Vasilyeva), local acts of the institution.

The work program determines the content and structure of the activity of a teacher-psychologist in the main activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution:

    Psychological education - the formation of the need for psychological knowledge among pupils and their parents (legal representatives), among teachers and the head of the educational institution, the desire to use them in the interests of own development; creation of conditions for the full-fledged personal development of pupils at each age stage, as well as timely warning possible violations in the formation of personality and the development of intelligence.

    Psychological prevention - prevention of occurrence of phenomena of maladaptation of pupils in an educational institution, the development of specific recommendations for teaching staff, parents (legal representatives) to provide assistance in matters of education and development.

    Psychological diagnostics

    Psychological correction and development - active influence on the process of personality formation in childhood and the preservation of its individuality, carried out on the basis of the joint activities of a teacher - psychologist, and other specialists.

    Advisory activities - assistance to pupils, their parents (legal representatives), teachers and other participants in the educational process in matters of development, education and training through psychological counseling.

Consultations are conducted by a psychologist, both in group form and individually.

Protecting and strengthening the mental health of children is one of the priorities development of MBDOU and is considered as a condition for the implementation of the main general educational program of a preschool institution.

The object of the professional activity of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution is the phenomena of the inner life of a child under the age of 7 years. And the subject is the protection and strengthening of the psychological health of the child in the preschool in the types of activities corresponding to preschool age (game, visual activity, design, perception of a fairy tale, etc.).

The purpose of the activity of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution, implemented in this work program, is the protection and strengthening of the mental health of children based on the creation of psychological conditions for their achievement of personal educational results in the process of mastering educational areas.

The tasks of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution:

Determination of individual educational needs of children;

Prevention and overcoming of difficulties in the development of preschoolers;

Creation of appropriate psychological conditions for the successful development of educational areas by preschoolers.

The conceptual foundations of the program are the principles defined by the GEF DO:

Childhood diversity support;

Preservation of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person;

Full living by the child of all stages of preschool childhood, amplification (enrichment) of child development;

Creation of a favorable social situation for the development of each child in accordance with his age and individual characteristics and inclinations;

Assistance and cooperation of children and adults in the process of children's development and their interaction with people, culture and the world around them;

Introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state;

Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child through his inclusion in various activities;

Accounting for the ethno-cultural and social situation of children's development.

Respect of teachers for the human dignity of pupils, the formation and support of their positive self-esteem, confidence in their own abilities and abilities;

The use in the educational process of forms and methods of working with children that correspond to their psychological age and individual characteristics (inadmissibility of both artificial acceleration and artificial slowdown in the development of children);

Building an educational process based on the interaction of adults with children, focused on the interests and capabilities of each child and taking into account the social situation of his development;

Support by teachers of a positive, friendly attitude of children to each other and the interaction of children in various activities;

Support for the initiative and independence of children in activities specific to them;

Opportunity for children to choose materials, types of activities, participants in joint activities and communication;

Protection of children from all forms of physical and mental violence (Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", art. 34, p. 1.9);

Building interaction with the families of pupils in order to implement the full development of each child, involving pupils directly in the educational process.

    Age features and neoplasms of preschool childhood

Preschool age is a period of intensive formation of the psyche based on the prerequisites that have developed in early childhood.

Neoplasms arise along all lines of mental development. varying degrees expressions characterized by new properties and structural features. They occur due to such factors as speech and communication with adults and peers, various forms of cognition and inclusion in various types of activities (playing, productive, household).

Along with neoplasms, in the development of psychophysiological functions, complex social forms of the psyche arise, such as personality and its structural elements(character, interests, etc.), subjects of communication, cognition and activity and their main components - abilities and inclinations. At the same time, the further development and socialization of the child takes place, most pronounced at the psychophysiological level, in cognitive functions and psychomotor. New levels of mental functions are formed, which become inherent in new properties that allow the child to adapt to social conditions and the requirements of life.

With the participation of adults who organize, control and evaluate the behavior and activities of the child, act as a source of diverse information, the child is included in social forms of life, in the processes of cognition and communication, in various activities, including play and initial forms of labor. Adults, parents, educators largely determine the originality and complexity of the mental development of a preschooler, since they include the child in different spheres of life, correcting the process of his development. The development of the mental organization of the preschooler as a whole at all its levels and in its various forms creates psychological readiness for the subsequent - school - period of development.

Age 3 to 4 years Young children learn the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street. They show attempts to pity their peers, Age 5 to 6 years

Children of the senior group can assign roles before the start of the game and build their behavior, adhering to the role. The speech that accompanies real relationship children, is different from role-playing speech. Children continue to learn social relations and understand the subordination of positions in various activities of adults. When distributing roles, conflicts may arise related to the subordination of role behavior.

This is the age of the most active drawing. The drawings acquire a plot character; the picture can be used to judge the gender and emotional state of the depicted person.

Constructive activities can be carried out on the basis of a scheme, by design and by conditions. Design appears in the course of joint activity.

The perception of color and their shades continues to improve, but also intermediate color shades; the shape of rectangles, ovals, triangles. Perceive the size of objects, easily line up - in ascending or descending order - up to 10 different objects.

Perception presents certain difficulties for preschool children, especially if they must simultaneously take into account several different and at the same time opposite signs.

At the senior preschool age figurative thinking continues to develop. Generalizations continue to improve, which is the basis of verbal logical thinking.

Imagination will to develop actively only if special work is carried out to activate it.

The transition from involuntary to voluntary attention begins.

Speech continues to improve, including its sound side.

Connected speech develops. Children can retell, tell from the picture, conveying not only the main thing, but also the details.

Achievements of this age are characterized by the distribution of roles in play activities; structuring the playing space; further development visual activity, characterized by high productivity; application in the design of a generalized method for examining a sample; the assimilation of generalized ways of depicting objects of the same shape.

Perception at this age is characterized by the analysis of complex forms of objects; the development of thinking is accompanied by the development of mental means (schematized representations, complex representations, ideas about the cyclical nature of changes); the ability to generalize, causal thinking, imagination, voluntary attention, speech, the image of the Self develop.

Age 6 to 7 years

Preschool children begin to master the complex interactions of people. The playing space is getting more complex. Children can comment on the performance of a role by one or another participant in the game.

The differences between the drawings of boys and girls become more pronounced. The image of a person becomes even more detailed and proportional.

With the right pedagogical approach, children develop artistic and creative abilities in visual activity.

They are fluent in generalized ways of analyzing both images and buildings; not only analyze the main design features of various parts, but also determine their shape based on the similarity with familiar three-dimensional objects.

Children continue to develop perception, but they cannot always take into account several different signs at the same time.

Figurative thinking develops, but the reproduction of metric relations is difficult. Generalization and reasoning skills continue to develop, but they are still largely limited to visual signs of the situation.

The attention of preschoolers continues to develop, it becomes arbitrary.

As a result of properly organized educational work, preschoolers develop dialogic and some types of monologue speech.

In the preparatory school group, the preschool age is completed. His main achievements are related to the development of the world of things as objects of human culture; mastering forms of positive communication with people; the development of gender identification, the formation of the position of the student.

By the end of preschool age, the child has a high level of cognitive and personal development, which allows him to successfully study at school in the future.


Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process ensures the implementation of the Main educational program of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 269", based on the exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" ("The program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by N.E. Veraksa , T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, 2012, 2nd edition, revised and supplemented; Moscow, Mosaic-Synthesis. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

      The main activities of a teacher-psychologist

The main directions of the implementation of the educational program and the activities of a teacher-psychologist are psychological education, psychological prevention, psychological diagnostics, developmental and psycho-correctional work, psychological counseling. The proposed content of the activity of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution is specified in two planes - mandatory activities and additional.

Note: Each of the directions is built taking into account the age capabilities of children, the leading type of activity, is based on gaming technologies and techniques.

Direction "Psychological diagnostics"

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, VDOE assesses the development of children, its dynamics, including the measurement of their personal educational results. The teacher-psychologist assists teachers in the selection of diagnostic complexes and in conducting individual procedures within the framework of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics (or monitoring).

Participation of a child in psychological and pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) is allowed only with the consent of his parents (legal representatives). The results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) can be used exclusively for solving educational problems, namely:

Individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the features of his development);

Optimization of work with a group of children.

Psychological diagnostics - in-depth psychological and pedagogical study of pupils, determining the individual characteristics and inclinations of the individual, its potential in the process of education in a preschool educational institution, as well as identifying the causes and mechanisms of developmental disorders, social adaptation.

Psychological diagnostics is carried out by a psychologist both individually and with a group of pupils of the preschool educational institution.


    Diagnosis of pupils within the framework of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) of the preschool educational institution, in accordance with the regulation on PMPk.

    Diagnosis of psychological readiness for schooling of children of the preparatory group.


    Diagnosis of pupils of senior preschool age in order to determine the level of communicative and emotional development for organizing and coordinating work.

    At the request of parents, educators, the administration of the preschool educational institution and personal observations, the psychologist conducts an in-depth diagnosis of the development of the child, children's, pedagogical, parental teams in order to identify and specify the problems of participants in the educational process.

Diagnostic complex*:



Social situation of development

Drawings Sociometry


"Learning motivation of schoolchildren" Ginzburg M.R., Drawing "What I like at school"

Conversations of Ginzburg M.R., Nezhnova T.A.

Questionnaire Bozhovich L.S., Gutkina N.I.


"Sticks and dashes" by Ul'enkova


The pace of activity

Corrective samples

Features of perception

Method of T.N. Golovina (Draw the figures)

Cubes of Koos. Segen board.

Pyramids. Split pictures

Kern-Jerasek test (I, II subtests)

Features of the development of attention

Bourdon test, Pieron-Ruzon test, Correction tests, Labyrinths, "Reproducing the arrangement of figures"

Memory Features

"10 words" A.R. Luria, Vygotsky's method of semantic memory

Methodology "Memorizing pictures" (Yasyukova L.A.)

Features of thinking

Classification. Nonsense. Non-verbal tests of Veksler 4th extra (5th extra).

Raven test.

Simple analogies. complex analogy.


Wexler verbal tests.,

"Test for diagnosing a child's awareness of the social environment" (S.A. Matveeva, O.L. Razumovskaya), "Picture-dictionary test" (Razumovskaya O.L., Chirkov V.I.)

Features of constructive activity, graphic activity, drawing

Koos CubesDrawing Manipulation with Objects "Graphic Dictation" by Elkonin Kern Test - Jerasek

Features of the emotional sphere

observation. Projective drawing techniques (Non-existent animal, House - tree - man, Me and school, Cactus)

"Ladder" (Shchur V.G.), "Test of anxiety" (R.Temml, M.Dorki, V.Amen)

Battery of methods for the study of self-esteem Belopolskaya N.A.
CAT, CAT, Lineogram

Features of the volitional sphere


"Sticks and dashes" by Ul'enkova, Diagnostic games for arbitrariness (action according to instructions), "House" by Gutkina N.I.


Ravenna test, Elkonin's Graphic Dictation

Method "Beads" (Arginskaya I.I.)

Working diagnostic complex

    A.A.Osipova, L.I.Malashinskaya Diagnosis and correction of attention

    D. Veksler Methods of researching intelligence

    Raven's intellectual-perceptual test

    D.B.Elkonin Graphic dictation

    The fourth extra

    Kern-Jerasek test

    N.I. Gutkina House

    Methodology "Personification of motives"

    Diagnosis of ADHD

    Anxiety test R.Temml, M.Dorki, F.Amen

    Graphic technique "Cactus" modification M.A. Panfilova

    Test "Fears in the houses" modification by M.A. Panfilova

    Test "Non-existent animal"

    Test "Family Drawing"

    Method "Ladder"

    U.V.Ulyenkova Diagnostics intellectual activity preschooler

* The choice of tools for conducting psychodiagnostics is carried out by the psychologist independently, depending on the level of professional competence and the range of developmental tasks to be solved in accordance with Federal Law N 636 of October 22, 1999 « REGULATIONS ON THE SERVICE OF PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION»

Direction "Psychoprophylaxisand Psychological education»

Psychoprophylaxis in the context of the ideas of the Federal State Educational Standard, DO acts as a priority area for the activity of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution (Burlakova I.A., Yaglovskaya E.K.).

Target: ensuring the disclosure of age opportunities, reducing the impact of risks on the development of the child, his personality (inclinations, interests, preferences), preventing violations in the development of personal and intellectual spheres through the creation of favorable psychohygienic conditions in the educational institution. Psychohygiene involves providing all participants in the educational process with psychological information to prevent possible problems.

In connection with the increase in the number of children with borderline and pronounced problems in mental development, the psychological service faces the task of promoting primary prevention and integration of these children into society.

For this, it is provided:


1. Work to adapt the subjects of the educational process (children, teachers, parents) to the conditions of the new social environment:

Analysis medical records(card "History of the development of the child") of newly arriving children to obtain information about the development and health of the child, identify children at risk, requiring heightened attention psychologist;

Group and individual consultations for parents of newly arrived children;

Informing teachers about the identified features of the child and the family, in order to optimize the interaction of participants in the educational process.

Observation of regime moments, mass events in order to prevent deviations in behavior, identify pupils in need of psychological support.

2. Identification of cases of psychological distress of teachers and development, together with the administration, of ways to eliminate the causes of this condition in working situation.


    Promoting a favorable socio-psychological climate in the preschool educational institution.

    Prevention of professional burnout in the teaching staff.

    Joint activities with newly arrived children in case of a threat of a severe degree of adaptation - adaptation games, finger gymnastics;

Psychological education

Target: creating conditions for improving the psychological competence of teachers, the administration of the preschool educational institution and parents, namely:

Increasing the level of psychological knowledge;

Inclusion of existing knowledge in the structure of activities .

Psychological education of teachers and parents is based on the results of studying the specific features of this preschool educational institution, taking into account traditions and local conditions, qualifications and characteristics of the teaching staff, the originality of the contingent of children and parents.


    teachers in the form of seminars, conferences, workshops by topic:

1. Psychophysiological characteristics of children of each age group.

2. Features of the teacher's work with problem children.

3. Styles of pedagogical communication, professional self-regulation.

4. Psychological foundations interaction with family.

    Conducting systematic psychological education parents in the form of parent meetings, round tables, etc. with the obligatory consideration of the age of children and the relevance of the topics for parents in the subject by topic:

1. Adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution.

2. Crisis 6-7 years.

3. The most typical mistakes of family education.

4. Prevention unfavorable development the personality of the child: infantilism, demonstrativeness, verbalism, avoidance of activities, and so on.

5. Education of arbitrariness of behavior and controllability.

6. Psychological readiness for learning.


    Update text information in group information corners; on information stands "Psychologist's Page"; on the DOU website.

Direction "Developmental work and psychological correction".

In the context of the Federal State Educational Standard, the activity of a teacher-psychologist is aimed at changing the internal psychological sphere pupils and is considered as developing. Developing classes are aimed at correcting certain shortcomings in the mental development of children. Psychocorrective technologies are included in the context of developmental work with preschoolers.

The subject of the activity of a teacher-psychologist in this area is not the correction of shortcomings in pupils, but the development of ways for them to self-regulate in a variety of educational situations that will help them become successful, achieve the required level of development of the educational program and, as a result, lead to positive changes in the field of existing developmental difficulties.

Target: creating conditions for the disclosure of the child's potential, correction of deviations in mental development, harmonization of the child's personality.

In the process of individual support of the child and psychological support of a group of children of senior preschool age, the teacher-psychologist is guided by the Regulations on the Service of Practical Psychology in the Education System of the Russian Federation. In implementation practical direction activity is based on the section V. Item 20.: "Plans and programs of developmental and psycho-correctional work are developed taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, determined in the course of psychodiagnostic studies, and are strictly individual specific."

Corrective and developmental work is planned and carried out according to thematic plans (approved by the methodological council of the MBU DO PPMS-center, taking into account the specifics of the children's team (group) and the individual child.

In correctional work, the teacher-psychologist relies on the standards of mental development described in child, developmental and pedagogical psychology. Developmental work provides for an orientation towards middle-age developmental norms to create conditions in which the child can rise to the optimal level of development for him, which can be either above or below the average.

The object of correctional and developmental work is problems in the cognitive, emotional, motivational, volitional, behavioral spheres that ultimately affect the formation of life competencies in preschoolers and the development of the child as a whole. This work is carried out with children who have development within the age norm. If the identified deviations are expressed to a large extent, the child is sent for a consultation to the specialists of the city psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (MBOU TsKiK) based on the decision of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council of MKDOU. Further correctional and developmental work with these children is based on individual educational programs based on the conclusion and recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the Central Children's and Children's Committee.


    Conducting correctional and developmental classes with children of the preparatory group, in order to form the prerequisites for educational activities (taking into account the results of intermediate diagnostics at the beginning of the school year).

    lining up individual trajectory development of the child in the process of counseling.

    Psychological support of educational work

    Joint activities with children of older groups in order to form and develop communication skills and the emotional sphere.

The system of developing activities is based on the sensitivity of personal development at each age stage.


Features of the development of each age of preschool childhood

The system of work with pupils includes 5 main stages

    creation of a safe environment, unification, emotional rapprochement of children;

    development of speech skills by training interhemispheric connections, fine motor skills;

    development of the perception system;

    development of social emotions and awareness of them at the bodily level;

    development of social skills.

The system of developing activities is aimed at strengthening the child's self-confidence, understanding of their personal characteristics and opportunities in communicating with peers. Classes serve as a kind of psychological support and help the child in acquiring a positive experience of living together.

Tasks are realized through the play and creative activities of children. The game serves universal remedy prevention and compensation of psycho-emotional problems of the child.

During joint activities with a psychologist, the child:

    models relationships in a visual-effective form, begins to better navigate them;

    overcomes personal egocentrism, begins to become more aware of himself, he develops self-confidence and the ability to act in communicative situations;

    acquires positive experience joint action;

    gradually masters new ways of behavior in problem situations, assimilates them.

The system of developing activities of a teacher-psychologist is based on the methodological development of Tarasova N.V. "Psychological preparation for children's school", programs of intellectual development classes Grigoryeva M.R.

The purpose of the program is to create conditions for the intellectual development of preschool children, the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of preschool children.

Duration joint work:

5-6 years - 20 minutes

6-7 years - 30 minutes

Direction " Psychological Counseling»

Target: optimization of the interaction of participants in the educational process and the provision of psychological assistance to them in building and implementing an individual program for the upbringing and development of the child.

Providing assistance in resolving the problem, when the person himself realized its existence. In the conditions of the preschool educational institution, the teacher-psychologist provides age-related psychological counseling - counseling on the mental development of the child. The subject of the consultations is determined by the scope of professional competence of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution. If necessary, the pedagogue-psychologist directs the counseled person to receive psychological assistance in the services of the city on the topic of the request.


    Advice on issues related to the optimization of the educational process in the preschool educational institution and the family in the interests of the child.

    Advising on the upbringing of children with special educational needs and children with disabilities.


    The psychologist can initiate group and individual consultations of teachers and parents.

    The psychologist may initiate other forms of work with the staff of the institution for the purpose of personal and professional growth.

Forms and methods of psychological and pedagogical support - see Appendix.

Each of these areas is built taking into account the age capabilities of children, the leading type of activity and relies mainly on gaming technologies and techniques.


2.1. Interaction of a teacher-psychologist with specialists of a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

With the head of the DOE

    Participates in the discussion of current areas of work of the educational institution, together with the administration plans its activities in order to achieve the goals and objectives set by the teaching staff.

    Clarifies the request for psychological support of the educational process, for the forms and methods of work that will be effective for this educational institution.

    Provides support in resolving disputes and conflict situations in the team.

    Takes part in the placement of personnel, taking into account the psychological characteristics of teachers .

    Provides reporting documentation.

    Conducts individual psychological counseling (upon request).

    Provides psychological safety all participants in the educational process.

    Provides emergency psychological assistance in emergency and emergency situations.


    Participates in the development of the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Analyzes psychological component in the organization of educational work in the institution and makes proposals for improving the effective psychological support of the educational process.

    Participates in the development of methodological and information materials on psychological and pedagogical issues.

    Develops programs to improve the psychological competence of participants in the educational process (teaching staff, parents).

    Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, psychological and pedagogical consultations, creative groups.

    Makes suggestions for improving the educational process in a preschool institution in terms of creating psychological comfort in it.

    Acts as a consultant on the creation of a subject-developing environment.

    Provides support in the development of ICT.

    Represents the documentation of the established form (work plan, analytical references, analysis of work for the year).

    Participates in the implementation and adaptation of new programs of work (FSES, multimedia technologies, ICT technologies)

With a tutor

    Organizes and conducts consultations (individual, group, thematic, problem) on the development of children, as well as the practical application of psychology to solve pedagogical problems, thereby increasing their socio-psychological competence.

    Provides assistance to educators in the development of an individual educational route for a preschooler.

    Provides counseling to educators on the prevention and correction of deviations and disorders in the emotional and cognitive spheres in children.

    Provides psychological support for the educational activities of the educator.

    Participates in activities for the psychological preparation of children for school - educates educators on this topic.

With music director 1. Provides psychological support for children at holidays, during entertainment and leisure 2. Teaches children to identify, analyze and label their experiences, working on their emotional development, while listening to various musical works as part of developmental, preventive activities. 3. Provides advisory assistance in the development of scenarios, holidays, entertainment and leisure programs, distribution of roles.

2.2. Interaction with families of pupils

When analyzing the results of monitoring the contingent of families, it was revealed that children of MKDOU are brought up in families of different social status, with different level education. These data are taken into account when organizing the interaction of a teacher-psychologist with the parents of pupils, which is aimed at creating a benevolent, psychologically comfortable atmosphere in the preschool educational institution, establishing mutual understanding and creating conditions for cooperation with parents.

The main forms of interaction with the family

Getting to know the family: questioning, consulting

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process: individual and group consultations, parent meetings, master classes, design of information stands, website of the preschool educational institution, production of memos, booklets.

The content of the areas of work with the family in educational areas

educational area "Physical development"

    Explain to parents how the lifestyle of the family affects the psychomotor development of the child (consultation, memos).

    Educate parents about factors affecting a child's mental health. Help parents to maintain and strengthen the mental health of the child (consultations, speeches at meetings).

    Orient parents to read together with the child literature on the preservation and promotion of health, watching relevant feature films and animated films (site of the preschool educational institution).

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

    To acquaint parents with the achievements and difficulties of public education in kindergarten (individual consultations). To draw the attention of parents to the possibilities of developing the communicative sphere of the child in the family and kindergarten.

    Show parents the importance of mother, father, as well as grandparents, caregivers, children (peers, younger and older children) in the development of the child's interaction with society, understanding of social norms of behavior. Emphasize the value of each child for society, regardless of their individual characteristics and ethnicity (reminders).

    To interest parents in the development of children's play activities, which ensure successful socialization, the assimilation of gender behavior (memos, information in group corners, the site of the preschool educational institution).

    Support the family in building a child's interaction with unfamiliar adults and children in kindergarten (for example, at the stage of mastering a new subject-developing environment of a kindergarten, groups - when entering a kindergarten, moving to new group, change of educators and other situations - individual consultations).

    To show parents the value of dialogic communication with the child, which opens up the opportunity for learning about the world around them, exchanging information and emotions. Develop communication skills in parents by using elements in meetings communication training. Encourage parents to help the child establish relationships with peers, younger children; to suggest how it is easier to resolve a conflict (controversial) situation (parent-teacher meetings, individual consultations).

Educational area "Cognitive development"

    To draw the attention of parents to the possibilities of the intellectual development of the child in the family and kindergarten (reminders with educational games).

    Orient parents on the development of the child's need for knowledge, communication with adults and peers. Draw their attention to the value of children's questions. (individual consultations, DOW website).

Educational area " Speech development»

    Getting to know the possibilities of use finger games and gymnastics in the development of the child's speech (reminders, individual consultations, parent meetings, website).

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

    To reveal the possibilities of music as a means of beneficial effects on the mental health of the child. On the example of the best examples of family education, show parents the influence family leisure(holidays, concerts, home music making, etc.) on the development of the child's personality, child-parent relationships (information stands, the site of the preschool educational institution).

3.2. The main directions of corrective work

The main task of correctional and pedagogical work is to create conditions for the comprehensive development of a child with disabilities in order to enrich his social experience and harmonious inclusion in a team of peers.

The most productive main psycho-corrective tasks are solved in a specially organized activities in a psychological office, where the interior and environment contribute to development and correction through lighting, design, games and manuals.

The cycle of classes "The ABC of emotions" (emotional development).

To ensure the optimal entry of children with SAD into the society of peers and adults, successful socialization, it is important to form positive emotional experience and constructive behavior skills in pupils of compensating groups. Therefore, with children of older groups of compensatory orientation, we consider it appropriate to conduct a cycle of classes on emotional development.

The purpose of the classes is to expand children's ideas about emotions, strengthen the emotional state of pupils, and form communication skills.

    To teach children to understand their own emotional state, express their feelings and recognize the feelings of other people.

    To develop expressive movements of children, facial expressions, gestures, understanding of intonation.

    Create conditions for development communication skills preschoolers.

    To acquaint children with ways of self-regulation, relaxation.

Cycle of classes "Development" (psychological preparation for school)

In the preparatory group, preschoolers need to develop the main components of school readiness, which is successfully implemented in developmental classes with the help of games, exercises and studies.

The purpose of the classes is to form the psychological readiness of children for successful learning at school.

    Form motives for learning activities.

    To develop cognitive activity, to form the prerequisites for educational activities.

    Improve the emotional and volitional sphere.

    To promote the development of self-regulation.

    Develop personal readiness.

    Develop fine motor skills of the hand.

Thematic planning of the correctional and developmental work of a teacher-psychologist with pupils of compensatory groups, see Appendix.



    psychological and pedagogical support continuity content and forms of organization of the educational process at different age stages;

    ensuring that the specifics of the age-related psychophysical development of pupils are taken into account in the implementation of the main general educational program;

    achieving the required level of psychological and pedagogical competence of pedagogical and administrative workers, the parent community;

    the formation of pupils' value attitudes towards a healthy and safe lifestyle in determining the final results;

    providing differentiated and individualized education, including the implementation of individual educational routes and psychological support of the educational process;

    functioning of the system for monitoring the abilities and abilities of pupils, identifying and supporting gifted children, children with special educational needs;

    formation of communicative skills of pupils;

    variability of levels and forms of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process (prevention, diagnostics, counseling, correctional, developmental work, education, expertise).


List of programs and technologies

- "Program for preparing children for the school of children 5-7" Fedosova N.A. 2012

Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Fairy tale therapy training, 2002

Tarasova N.V. Psychological preparation for school of children with general underdevelopment of speech, Phoenix, 2014

List of benefits

"General psychology" Maklakov A.G.

"Innovative processes in modern preschool education" Pyatkova L.P., Ushakova S.V.

Educational program MBDOU No. 269

"The path to my self" Khukhlaeva O.V., Khukhlaev O.E., Pervushina I.M.

“Getting ready for school” Lokalova N.P., Lokalova D.P.

"Formation of the prerequisites for educational activities in older preschoolers" Nikolaeva E.P.

"Exercises for every day: Logic for preschoolers" Tikhomirova L.F.

"Learning to sympathize, empathize" Semenaka S.I.

"Intellectual-developing classes with older preschoolers" Grigorieva M.R.

"Scenarios for classes with preschoolers" Ul'eva E.A.

"Development of children's creative thinking" Simanovsky A.E.

"Development of children's logical thinking" Tikhomirova L.F., Basov A.V.

"Education with a fairy tale" Fesyukova L.B.

"Diagnosis of early childhood autism" Lebedinskaya K.S., Nikolskaya

"Games-activities with the baby" Pilyugina E.G.

“If you have a child with a motor” Fesenko E.V., Fesenko

"Tests. Is your child ready for school? Ilyina M.N., Paramonova L.G., Golovneva N.Ya.

"Development of perception in children: shape, color, sound" Bashaeva T.V.

"Development of children's attention" Cheremoshkina L.V.

"Classes for children with mental retardation" Rotar N.V., Kartseva T.V.

"Psychological preparation of children for school with general underdevelopment of speech" Tarasova N.V.

"Working with parents" Shitova E.V.

"Psycho-gymnastics" Chistyakova M.I.

"Whims and stubbornness" Pogudkina I.S.

"Practical psychodiagnostics" Raygorodsky D.Ya

Development of sensorimotor skills in children of senior preschool age” Lebedeva A.N.

"Six-year-old children" Ulyenkova U.V.

"Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" Sirotonyuk A.L. 2003

"Is your child ready for school?" Vinogradova N.F., Zhurova L.E.1992

"A fairy tale in the sandbox" Chernyshova I.N., Kaushkal O.N. 2014

"Psychological club for parents" Rogalev N.A. 2010

"Game sessions with children and parent-child couples" by Gala N.Yu.

"Game therapy of communication" Panfilova M.A.2000

"The program for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere" Chernyaeva A.V. 2013

“I want to know everything” Sevostyanova E.O. 2005

"Developing games-activities with children" Pavlova L.N. 2010

"Visiting Cinderella" Kalinina R.R. 2010

"12 exercises for a positive mood" Khazieva R.K.2011

"Development of cognitive activity in children" Konovalenko S.V. 1998

"Child Development" Ilyin M.N. 2004

"Development of imagination in children" Subbotina L.Yu.1997

"I don't want to go to school" Balysheva E.N. 2011

"Prevention school difficulties» Stepanova O.A.2003

"Development of fine motor skills of hands" Yanushko E.A. 2011

"Emotional tales" Alyabyeva E.A. 2015

"Physical holidays in kindergarten" Shebenko V.N., Ermak N.N. 2000

"Correction of the development of the intellect of preschoolers" Sirotonyuk A.L. 2001

"Psychological games for children" Svetlanova I.A..2015

"Mathematics before school" Smolentseva A.A., Pustovoi O.V. 1996

"Logic and mathematics for preschoolers" Nepomnyashchaya R.L., Nosova E.A. 1997

"Training of independence in children" Sartan G.N. 1999

"Let's get acquainted" Pazukhina I.A. 2008

“Learning to understand each other” Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina N.L. 2001

The work program of a teacher-psychologist

Leading goals of the general education program- creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, for schooling, ensuring the safety of the life of a preschooler.

The humanistic goal of modern preschool education is to maximize the potential of the child's personality, to promote his full development in personal and cognitive terms, to create conditions for the full and maximum manifestation of the positive aspects of the child's individuality, the conditions for the maximum possible and effective amplification (enrichment) of his educational influences. Therefore, the support of a preschooler, as one of the priorities of the educational psychologist, should ensure the protection of the rights of children to development and education, to the preservation of psychological health.

Preserving and strengthening the health of pupils of preschool educational institutions is the main task of preschool institutions. In the Concept of preschool education, the solution of problems related to the protection and strengthening of the health of children is given a leading place. The importance of creating conditions that ensure both the physical and mental health of the child is emphasized.

Regulatory legal support activities of a teacher-psychologist.

  • International acts in the field of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child.
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated January 13, 1996 No. 12 FZ.
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On the education of persons with handicapped health (special education)” dated 02.06. 1999
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" dated July 24, 1998 No. 124-F3 (as amended on July 20, 2000).
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Regulations on the service of practical psychology in the system of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" No. 636 dated 10/22/1999.
  • Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1 dated September 27, 1996 “On Approval of the Regulations on Vocational Guidance and Psychological Support for the Population in the Russian Federation”.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 612 of June 26, 1995 “On Approval of the Model Regulations on an Educational Institution for Children in Need of Psychological, Pedagogical and Medical social assistance».
  • Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 70/23-16 of 04/07/1999 "On the practice of diagnosing the development of a child in the system of preschool education."
  • Letter No. 20-58-07 IN / 20-4 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 1998 “On speech therapists and educational psychologists”.
  • Instructional letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 29 / 1886-6 of December 24, 2001 “On the use of the working time of a teacher-psychologist of an educational institution”.


The main ethical principles of the activity of a psychologist

Ethical principles are designed to ensure:

  • solving professional problems in accordance with ethical standards;
  • protection of the legal rights of people with whom psychologists enter into professional interaction: students, pupils, students, teachers, supervisors, research participants, and other persons with whom the psychologist works;
  • maintaining trust between the psychologist and the client;
  • strengthening the authority of the psychological service of education among students, pupils, parents and the pedagogical community.

The main ethical principles are:

1. The principle of confidentiality.

2. The principle of competence.

3. The principle of responsibility.

4. The principle of ethical and legal competence.

5. The principle of qualified psychology propaganda.

6. The principle of client welfare.

7. The principle of professional cooperation.

8. The principle of informing the client about the goals and results of the survey.

These principles are consistent with professional standards accepted in the work of psychologists in the international community.

1. The principle of confidentiality

1. Information obtained by a psychologist in the course of work is not subject to conscious or accidental disclosure, and in a situation where it is necessary to transfer it to third parties, it must be presented in a form that excludes its use against the interests of clients.

2. Persons participating in psychological research, training and other activities should be aware of the scope and nature of information that may be communicated to other interested persons and (or) institutions.

3. The participation of students, pupils, parents, teachers in psychological procedures (diagnostics, counseling, correction, etc.) must be conscious and voluntary.

4. If the information received from the client is requested by the experts (to resolve the issue of the competence of the psychologist during his attestation), it must be provided in a form that excludes the identification of the client by the experts. To do this, all customer information is recorded and stored with strict confidentiality.

5. Reports on professional activities, research results and publications must be drawn up in a form that excludes the identification of the client's identity by people around him who are not included in the circle of specialists working with this client.

6. The presence of third parties during diagnostics or counseling requires the prior consent of the client or persons responsible for him (in case the client is under 14 years of age).

7. The administration of the educational authority or educational institution, on the instructions of which a psychological examination is carried out, must be warned that it is subject to the obligation to maintain professional secrecy. In informing the administration of the results of the survey and his conclusion, the psychologist must refrain from communicating information that is harmful to the client and is not related to the educational situation.

2. The principle of competence

1. The psychologist clearly defines and takes into account the boundaries of his own competence.

2. The psychologist is responsible for choosing the procedure and methods of working with the client.

3. The principle of responsibility

1. The psychologist is aware of his professional and personal responsibility to the client and society for his professional activities.

2. In conducting research, the psychologist cares, first of all, about the well-being of people and does not use the results of the work to their detriment.

3. The psychologist is responsible for the observance of this Code of Ethics, regardless of whether he conducts psychological work himself or she goes under his direction.

4. The psychologist bears professional responsibility for his own statements on psychological topics made in the media. mass media and in public speaking.

5. A psychologist in public speaking has no right to use unverified information, to mislead people about his education and competence.

6. The psychologist may not inform the client about true purposes psychological procedures only in cases where alternative routes these goals are impossible to achieve.

7. When deciding on the provision of psychological assistance to incapacitated persons (minors, persons in an acute stress state, patients who at the time of treatment have a diagnosis of a mental disorder known to the psychologist, etc.), the psychologist is responsible for the consequences of the chosen and used them intervention.

4. The principle of ethical and legal competence

1. A psychologist plans and conducts research in accordance with the current legislation and professional requirements for the conduct of psychological activities.

2. In case of discrepancy between the norms of this Code and the duties assigned to him by the administration of the educational institution, the psychologist shall be guided by the norms of this Code. Such cases are brought to the attention of the administration of the institution where the psychologist works, and the professional psychological community (methodological association) or the regional scientific and methodological council of the practical psychology service.

3. The norms of this Code apply only to the professional relations of a psychologist with a client and other subjects of the educational process.

4. A psychologist may perform his duties as an official expert in accordance with the law. However, it is fully covered by the provisions of this Code.

5. The principle of qualified psychology propaganda

1. In any messages intended for people who do not have a psychological education, redundant information that reveals the essence should be avoided. professional methods his works. Such information is possible only in messages for specialists.

2. In all reports, the psychologist must reflect the possibilities of the methods of practical psychology in accordance with real situation affairs. You should refrain from any statements that may lead to unjustified expectations from the psychologist.

W . The psychologist is obliged to promote the achievements of psychology professionally and accurately in accordance with the actual state of science at the moment.

6. The principle of customer well-being

1. In his professional activities, the psychologist focuses on well-being and takes into account the rights of all subjects of the educational process. In cases where the duties of a psychologist conflict with ethical standards, the psychologist resolves these conflicts, guided by the principle of "do no harm".

2. A psychologist in the course of his professional activity should not allow discrimination (restriction of constitutional rights and freedoms of the individual) by social status, age, gender, nationality, religion, intelligence and any other differences.

3. In the professional activity of an educational psychologist, the rights and interests of the child as the main subject of the educational process are declared priority.

4. The psychologist adheres to a benevolent and non-judgmental attitude towards the client.

7. The principle of professional cooperation

1. The work of a psychologist is based on the right and duty to show respect for other specialists and their methods of work, regardless of their own theoretical and methodological preferences.

2. The psychologist refrains from public assessments and comments about the means and methods of work of colleagues in the presence of clients and examined persons.

3. If the ethical violation cannot be eliminated in an informal way, the psychologist can bring the problem to the discussion of the methodological association (MO), in conflict situations - to the ethics commission of the regional scientific and methodological council of the service of practical psychology of education.

8. The principle of informing the client

about the purpose and results of the survey

1. The psychologist informs the client about the goals and content of the psychological work carried out with him, the methods used and ways of obtaining information, so that the client can decide to participate in this work. In cases where a psychological procedure is carried out with children under 14 years of age, consent for the participation of the child in it must be given by the parents or persons replacing them.

2. In the process of professional activity, the psychologist expresses his own judgments and evaluates various aspects of the situation in a form that excludes the restriction of the client's freedom in making an independent decision. In the course of work on the provision of psychological assistance, the principle of voluntariness on the part of the client must be strictly observed.

3. The psychologist must inform the participants in psychological work about those aspects of the activity that may affect their decision to participate (or not participate) in the work ahead: physical risk, discomfort, unpleasant emotional experience, etc.

4. In order to obtain the consent of the client for psychological work with him, the psychologist must use understandable terminology and language that the client can understand.

5. The conclusion based on the results of the survey should not be categorical, it can be offered to the client only in the form of recommendations. Recommendations should be clear and not contain obviously unrealistic conditions.

6. During the examination, the psychologist should identify and emphasize the abilities and capabilities of the client.

Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

The purpose of psychological and pedagogical support in MKDOU d / s No. 4 "Alyonushka" is due to state order on the results of educational work in preschool educational institutions in the context of the introduction of federal state requirements (FGT) and the needs of all subjects of the educational process. The needs of the individual in the process of psychological and pedagogical support are studied by the methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. Based on the data obtained, the purpose and objectives of psychological and pedagogical support are specified.

Achieving the goals ensures the solution of the following tasks:

  • Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;
  • Creation in groups of an atmosphere of a humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils, which allows them to grow up sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;
  • To develop in children the ability to feel and understand other people: peers and adults.
  • To deepen the content of work on self-disclosure and self-realization of teachers.
  • Establish equal, partnership relations with the families of pupils.
  • Maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;
  • Creative organization (creativity) of the educational process;
  • The variability of the use of educational material, which allows developing creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;
  • Respect for the results of children's creativity;
  • The unity of approaches to the upbringing of children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution and the family;
  • Compliance with the work of the kindergarten and primary school continuity;
  • Following the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;
  • Compliance with the complex-thematic principle of building the educational process;
  • Solving program educational tasks in the joint activities of an adult and children and independent activity preschoolers not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;
  • Building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with preschoolers and the leading type of their activity is the game.

The position of a psychologist, teachers in accordance with these principles, allows you to be close to the child in difficult, critical periods, sensitively respond to problems, taking into account changes.

The main subjects of psychological influence:

  • children;
  • teachers;
  • parents;

Realization of the goal of psychological and pedagogical support is achieved by the main functions: informational, guiding and developing.

Accompanying information functionconsists in a wide notification of all interested parties about the forms and methods of support. First of all, this concerns teachers, educators, the administration of the kindergarten and the parents of pupils participating in the program of psychological support. The information function ensures the openness of the maintenance process, which is consistent with the principles open education and, in turn, makes all stakeholders active participants (employees).

Guiding escort functionensures the coordination of all subjects of the educational process interested in accompanying in order to ensure the coordination of their actions in the interests of the child. At the same time, the guiding function provides that the leading (guiding) figure in these actions, due to his professional competence, becomes the teacher-psychologist of the kindergarten.

Developmental support functionsets the main vector for the actions of all services participating in the support system, which become services for the development of the child's personality. The developing function is provided by the activities of teachers, a teacher-psychologist, and other kindergarten specialists.

Functions of psychological and pedagogical supportIt is provided with support components, among which professional-psychological and organizational-educational ones stand out.

Professional psychological support component- represented by the systemic activity of a teacher-psychologist, who uses the principle of the relationship between diagnostic and correctional and developmental activities. AT practical activities teacher-psychologist, the personality of the child is studied only for the purpose of providing psychological assistance. In this position, the most important imperative of humanistic psychology is realized: The child cannot be a means - he is always the goal of psychological support.

Organizational and educational componentprovides a single information field for all participants in psychological support, as well as its analysis and current assessment. This component is implemented in the activities of a teacher-psychologist, through the implementation of educational work with parents, teachers and the administration of the kindergarten, while using various forms of active semi-subjective interaction of all participants. Analysis and evaluation existing system maintenance makes it possible to develop and improve the system, providing its most important characteristics - openness and developing character (synergy).

Principles of the model of psychological and pedagogical support:

  • The principle of an individual approach to a child of any ageon the basis of unconditional recognition of its uniqueness and value.
  • The principle of humanism, involves the selection and use of humane, person-oriented, based on universal values methods psychological interaction. This principle is based on the idea of ​​pedocentrism, which implies putting the psychological support of the child at the forefront, its full acceptance and the position of facilitation of the teacher and psychologist.
  • The principle of prevention: ensuring the transition from the principle of "first aid" (responding to problems that have already arisen) to preventing the occurrence of problem situations.
  • Scientific principlereflects the most important choice practical psychologists in favor of modern scientific methods diagnostics, correction of the development of the personality of the child. The implementation of this principle involves the participation of subjects of psychological support in experimental work, as well as in the creation and testing of self-created diagnostic and correction methods.
  • The principle of complexityimplies the co-organization of various specialists, all participants in the educational process in solving the problems of support: educator, teacher-psychologist, social pedagogue, speech therapist teacher, administration and other specialists;
  • The principle of "on the side of the child": the interests of the child are put at the forefront, the protection of his rights is ensured, taking into account the positions of other participants in the educational process;
  • The principle of the active position of the childin which the main thing is not to solve problems for the child, but to teach him to solve problems on his own, to create abilities for the formation of the child's ability to self-development;
  • Principles of collegiality and dialogue interactiondetermine the joint activity of the subjects of psychological support within the framework of unified system values ​​based on mutual respect and collegial discussion of problems arising in the course of program implementation.
  • The principle of consistencyassumes that psychological support is continuous and is built as a systemic activity, which is based on internal consistency, reliance on modern achievements in the field of social sciences, the relationship and interdependence of individual components.
  • Principle of rationalityunderlies the use of forms and methods of psychological interaction and necessitates their selection, taking into account the optimal complexity, informativeness and benefit for the child.

Levels of psychological and pedagogical support:

  • individual;
  • group;
  • at the kindergarten level.

Accompanying forms:

  • counseling;
  • diagnostics;
  • correctional and developmental work;
  • prevention;
  • education;

Areas of activity of a psychologist:

  1. Psychological education.

Psychological education refers to the familiarization of adults (caregivers, parents) and children with psychological knowledge. Psychological knowledge is not widely spread in society, psychological culture is not always expressed, which implies interest in another person, respect for the characteristics of his personality, the ability and desire to understand his own own relations, feelings, actions. In pedagogical teams, as well as in families, conflicts are possible, which are based on the psychological deafness of adults, the inability and unwillingness to listen to each other, understand, forgive, give in, etc. Therefore, it is important for a practical psychologist to raise the level of psychological culture of those people who work with children. The main meaning of psychological education is to acquaint educators, parents with the basic laws and conditions for the favorable mental development of the child, to popularize and explain the results. psychological research, to form the need for psychological knowledge and the desire to use it in working with a child or in the interests of developing one's own personality, as well as to achieve an understanding of the need for practical psychology and the work of a psychologist in kindergarten and other educational institutions. Psychological education can take the form of lectures, discussions, seminars.

  1. Psychological prevention.

It is aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing the psychological health of children at all stages of preschool childhood. Unfortunately, this side of the activity of a practical psychologist has not been developed in our country yet. But this does not diminish her role. Psychological prevention implies responsibility for the observance in the kindergarten (and other children's institutions) of the psychological conditions necessary for a full-fledged psychological development and the formation of the personality of the child at each age stage. Also, psychological prevention involves the timely identification of such features of the child, which can lead to certain difficulties, deviations in intellectual and emotional development, in his behavior and relationships.

3.Psychological diagnostics.

Psychological diagnostics is a psychological and pedagogical study of the individual characteristics of a person with the aim of:

  1. identifying the causes of problems in learning and development;
  2. determining the strengths of the personality, its reserve capabilities, which can be relied upon in the course of corrective work;
  3. early detection of professional and cognitive interests;
  4. determining the individual style of cognitive activity, etc.

It is carried out in the form of scheduled diagnostics or diagnostics at the request of ... administration, teachers, parents and is considered as important preparatory stage individual and group counseling, psychological and pedagogical council, teachers' council...

Psychological diagnostics of professional behavior ... is carried out by a psychologist either within the framework of a strategy of his own professional activity developed by him, or upon request ... and is performed in the form of a multi-positional analysis ... based on observations, video filming or other recording ...

4. Corrective work.

It is aimed at identifying the special educational needs of children with disabilities due to shortcomings in their physical and (or) mental development; implementation of individually oriented psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission); institution.

Directions of psychological and pedagogical support.

  • Psychological and pedagogical support of the process of adaptation of young children.
  • Psychological pedagogical diagnostics children of early development.
  • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of level determination mental development children.
  • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the personal and emotional-volitional sphere of children.
  • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of school maturity.
  • Psychoprophylactic work with teachers and parents.

Psychological and pedagogical support includes:

  • differentiated conditions ( optimal mode loads on children);
  • psychological and pedagogical conditions (correctional and developmental orientation of the educational process; taking into account the individual characteristics of the child; compliance with a comfortable psycho-emotional regime);
  • specialized conditions (promotion of a set of special learning tasks focused on the special educational needs of children with disabilities; a comprehensive impact on children, carried out in individual and group correctional and developmental classes);
  • health-saving conditions (improving and protective regime, strengthening physical and mental health, prevention of physical, mental and psychological overload of children, compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and norms).

Subjects of the system of psychological support and their characteristics.

The subjects of psychological support are understood as specialists, various services and the children themselves, actively interacting in the process of implementing the functions of psychological support within the framework of achieving common purpose activities. Given the active position of children in the process of accompaniment, they are also given a subjective function.

Brief description of the subjects of psychological support and their function in the field of support:

Kindergarten Administration.

The head of the kindergarten provides direct guidance in the system of psychological support:

  • approves the plans, programs of the support system, normative documents regulating the activities of the subjects of the support system;
  • controls the activity of the support system;
  • provides material and moral incentives for support subjects based on the results of work;
  • coordinates the interaction of all subjects of the support system;
  • distributes responsibilities between the subjects of the support system.

Also involved in planning the activities of the support system are social teacher, teacher-psychologist.

Deputy Head of OIA:

  • management of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council;
  • organization of the conditions of the educational process (distribution of the load, drawing up the regulations for educational activities, etc.);
  • implementation of control over the RPE (attendance at classes, individual consultations with teachers, monitoring of development, etc.);
  • organization of production meetings, MO meetings, training seminars, etc.


All activities within the support system are carried out in accordance with the official duties and areas of activity:

  • counseling
  • education;
  • prevention;
  • correctional and developmental activities;
  • diagnostics;
  • expertise.

1. Psychological - pedagogical examination children of early age.

  • Determining the degree of adaptation of children.


A scale for determining the emotional profile of preschoolers during adaptation in a kindergarten - M.I. Studenikin, Yu.A. Makarenko A.I. Barkan.

"Children of early age in preschool institutions." M., "Enlightenment", 1986. K.L. Pechera, L.G. Golubeva, G.V. Pantyukhin

Adaptation sheet (Appendix No. 1)

  • Carrying out diagnostics - determining the level of neuropsychic development of children.

"Children of early age in preschool institutions." M., "Enlightenment", 1986. K.L. Pechera,

L.G. Golubeva, G.V. Pantyukhin

Diagnosis of neuropsychic development - K.L. Pechera, G.V. Pantyukhin map of the development of the child by epicrisis terms (Appendix No. 2)

  • Presentation of results at pedagogical councils, meetings.

2. Psychological and pedagogical examination of the level of mental development of children.

  • Carrying out diagnostics.


"Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children" / edited by E.A. Strebeleva. - 3rd ed. - M .: Education, 2007.

"Problem children: the basics of diagnostic and correctional work of a psychologist" / N.Ya. Semago, M.M. Semago.-M.2003.

"Diagnosis of the development of conceptual forms of thinking" / V.M. Astapov - M .: ARKTI, 2000.

Protocol for the examination of the child "Children's anxiety test" (Appendix No. 3)

Protocol for the examination of a child to the Methodology "Color Sociometry"

(Appendix No. 4)

(Appendix No. 5) Conclusion based on the results of a psychological examination

  • Study of the features of cognitive activity and features of motor function.
  • Acquaintance with the results of the administration, teachers, parents.
  • Organization and implementation of corrective and developmental activities.
  • Educational and consulting activities with teachers and parents.

3. Psychological - pedagogical examination of the personal and emotional - volitional sphere of children.

  • Carrying out diagnostics.


Methodology “Family Drawing” Homentauskas G.T.

“Anxiety test” R.Temml, M.Dorki, V.Amen

Methodology “Fears in houses” modification by Panfilova M.A.(deep diagnostics)

Questionnaire "Criteria for determining anxiety in a child" P. Baker, M. Alvord

Questionnaire for identifying anxiety in a child G.P. Lavrentieva and T.M. Titarenko

Methodology of “Emotional-color analogy” A. Lutoshkin(deep diagnostics)(Appendix No. 4)

  • The study of the personal characteristics of students and the system of relationships.
  • Acquaintance with the results of the administration, teachers, parents.
  • Conducting remedial and developmental classes.
  • Educational and consulting activities with teachers and parents.

4. Psychological and pedagogical examination of school maturity.

  • Carrying out diagnostics.

"Diagnostics of a child's readiness for school" / Under the editorship of N.E. Veraksa.-M .:, 2007.

Psychodiagnostic examination (Methodology of L.A. Yasyukova)

Self-assessment technique "Tree" (J. and D. Lampen, modification by L.P. Ponomarenko)

Determining your emotional level about estimates (A.V. Zakharova)

Conversation about school (modified method of T.A. Nezhnova, A.L. Venger, D.B. Elkonin)

Visual-motor gestalt test L. Bender (Appendix No. 5)

  • Study of the features of cognitive activity.
  • Diagnostics of school motivation.
  • Acquaintance with the results of the administration, teachers, parents.
  • Organization and conduct of correctional and developmental classes.
  • Educational and consulting activities with teachers and parents.

5. Educational and psychoprophylactic work with teachers and parents.

  • Organization "Club for Parents".
  • Organization of a permanent seminar for teachers on issues of modern pedagogical psychology.
  • Maintaining an Internet blog, Internet pages for parents on education.

5.1.Psychoprophylactic work

It is aimed at the development of communication skills and social adaptation of children, the development of cognitive and creative abilities in children, the development of the emotional sphere.

Work with children is carried out in the form of training exercises, group games are preferred.

Group psychoprophylactic classes:

Junior groups:

  • adaptation of children;
  • the child's awareness of his "I", the development of positive ideas about his appearance;
  • development of general and fine motor skills, memory, imagination, spatial representations.

Middle groups:

  • development of the emotional sphere, mental processes, motility;
  • friendly attitude towards peers, a sense of belonging to a group;
  • development of general and fine motor skills, memory, imagination, spatial representations;

Senior groups:

  • communication skills;
  • creative and cognitive abilities;
  • emotional sphere (acquaintance with basic feelings);
  • ability to differentiate emotional states.

Preparatory groups:

  • readiness for school (personal and motivational);
  • communication skills and social adaptation of children;
  • ability to differentiate emotional states;
  • creativity and improvement of cognitive processes.

Work with teachers is aimed at prevention emotional burnout, increasing efficiency in working with children and parents, professional and personal growth. It is planned and carried out in the form of consultations, trainings, joint meetings with parents and children.

Working with parents involves the prevention of maladaptive behavior in the family, the formation of benevolent trusting relationships with the child, and the focus on the formation of a full-fledged personality.

Psychological education

a teacher-psychologist takes part in parent-teacher meetings in order to discuss the specifics of teaching children in preparatory preschool group, age characteristics of children 6-7 years old, parameters of the child's psychological readiness for schooling, informing about the program of work of a teacher-psychologist in a group. At the final parent meeting, the results of the screening examination are discussed, recommendations are made to parents of future students.

Conversations with educators based on the results of diagnostic examinations contain recommendations for working with children in the development group.

During the academic year, psycho-educational work with parents is carried out through the design of poster material in the form of brochures and information sheets.

Expert work

1. Investigate the nature of the influence of the social situation of development on the characteristics of the child's psyche.

2. Participate in the development of a regulatory, legal and documentation base for the creation of a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission on the basis of a preschool educational institution to accompany children with special educational needs.

3. Participate in a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical examination of the professional activities of specialists from educational institutions, educational programs and projects, teaching aids, carried out at the initiative of educational authorities or individual educational institutions.

4. To study the effectiveness of the assimilation of the educational program by children. Make an analysis according to psychological characteristics child, to give recommendations for optimizing the pedagogical process.

5. Participate in the formation of a subject-environment that meets the requirementszones of proximal development and current level of developmentchild (including young children).

6. Monitor compliance with preventive measures that help relieve psycho-emotional stress in children and staff - correction of household processes (organization of sleep, nutrition, optimization of motor activity, training of the body's thermoregulatory system).

7. Participate, together with educational authorities and teaching staff of educational institutions, in the preparation and creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for continuity in the process of lifelong education.

Criteria for the effectiveness of the implementation of the model of psychological and pedagogical support.

The effectiveness of psychological support is determined in the process of monitoring the development of the personality of children and the formation of their skills.

The criteria for the effectiveness of support are:

Pedagogical efficiency, which is associated with the correspondence of the child's personality and the level of his achievements to the set pedagogical tasks in the context of the introduction of FGT. The following are considered and diagnosed as pedagogical tasks:

  • active participation of children in the life of the preschool educational institution, initiative, creativity;
  • conflict-free interaction with peers;
  • no conflicts with teachers.

Psychological effectiveness:

  • children's subjective feeling of comfort and confidence in preschool;
  • adequate self-esteem;
  • the formation of I - the concept of personality;
  • optimal development of his abilities.

Enumeration of programs, technologies, benefits.




Special programs

"From birth to school". Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education / ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.-M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.

"Problem children: the basics of diagnostic and correctional work of a psychologist" / N.Ya. Semago, M.M. Semago.-M.2003

Basic teaching aids

"Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children" / edited by E.A. Strebeleva. - 3rd ed. - M .: Education, 2007.

"Diagnostics of a child's readiness for school" / Under the editorship of N.E. Veraksa.-M .:, 2007.

"Practical psychologist in kindergarten" / A.N. Veraksa, M.F. Gutorova.-M.:, 2011

Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Elimination of OHP in preschool children.–M., 2005

"Special psychology" / edited by V.I. Lubovsky. M. 2005.

Lyutova E.K. Monina G.B. "Psychocorrectional work". M.2000.

Ilyina M.N. "Preparation for school". Petersburg, 2007.

"Diagnosis in kindergarten." Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2004.

Drobinskaya A.O. "Child with mental retardation". M.: School press, 2005.

Panfilova M.A. "Game therapy of communication". M.2000.

Alyabyeva E.A. "Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten". M .: TC Sphere, 2003.

Tkach R.M. "Fairytale therapy of children's problems". St. Petersburg. 2008

Khukhlaeva O.V. Khukhlaev O.E. "Path to my Self" M.2005

"Psychologist in a preschool institution" / edited by T.V. Lavrentieva.M.

Obraztsova T.N. "Psychological games for children" M.2005

Artsishevskaya I.L. "The work of a psychologist with hyperactive children"

Kataeva L.I. "The work of a psychologist with shy children" M.2005

Sharokhina V.L. "K / R classes in the younger group" M. 2007

Sharokhina V.L. "K / R classes in the middle group" M.2004

Sharokhina "K / R classes in senior group» M.2005

Kataev L.I. "K / R classes in the preparatory group" M.2005

Pgudkina I.S. "The work of a psychologist with problem preschoolers" M.2007

Ilyina M.V. "Development of verbal imagination" M.2005

Galanov A.S. "Mental and physical development of a child from 1 year to 3 years" M.2006

Galanov A.S. "Mental and physical development of a child from 3 to 5 years" M.2006

Shirokova G.A. "Handbook of a preschool psychologist" M. 2006

Shirokova G.A. "Workshop for child psychologist» Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2006

Rogaleva N.A. "Psychological club for parents in kindergarten" М.2010

Belova E.S. "The giftedness of the baby: to reveal, understand, support" M.2004

Didactic materials

technical material

Card file of games for hyperactive children.

Card file of games for the rallying of the children's team.

Card file of games - greetings for a good mood.

Card file of games for the development of self-confidence.

The ABC of the development of the emotions of the child.

Board games for the development of cognitive processes.

Stimulus material for diagnostic and corrective methods and tests in accordance with age differentiation

Questionnaire forms, questionnaire forms. Printed material.

Technical means

Record player

A computer



Teachers - psychologists working in educational institutions of various types and types, an educational institution for children, keep records of the work carried out in the following forms:

1. Work plan of a teacher-psychologist of an educational institution.

2. Conclusion based on the results of the conducted psychodiagnostic study.

3. Journal of psychologist consultations.

4. Journal of group forms of work.

5. Card of psychological - medical - social assistance to the child.

6. The program of work of a teacher - a psychologist with a group.

7. Corrective work.

8. The program of correctional and developmental classes.

10. Analytical report on the work of a teacher - psychologist.

Participation of a teacher-psychologist in the educational process

forms, methods of corrective work




Observation and analysis of adaptive capabilities

Diagnostics of the neuropsychic development of children of early and younger preschool age

Diagnosis of age and individual characteristics at the request of parents, educators

Organization of correctional and developmental work

Conducting diagnostics to determine readiness for schooling

Conducting developmental classes

Organization of intellectual games "Field of Miracles", "Fairytale KVN"

Creation in groups of a psychologically comfortable subject-developing environment

Participation in the work of problematic microgroups “One year before school”, “Steps of development”

Participation in teachers' councils, PMPK, medical and pedagogical meetings

Rendering psychological support in research on self-education topics

Developing and Participating in Integrated Lessons

Providing assistance during the period of certification, competitions of educational skills.

Organization and participation in the work of the clubs "Soon to school", "School of young parents"

Participation in thematic meetings in Parents' living rooms

Providing support to parents with children with developmental problems


Exploring Family Parenting Style

Organization of joint parent-child activities, holidays.

List of corrective measures:

  • examination of pupils;
  • study of documents of medical specialists, collection of anamnesis;
  • filling speech cards and survey cards;
  • survey of parents;
  • diagnosis of children;
  • choice of educational route;
  • subgroup and individual work;
  • parental counseling, individual interviews;
  • counseling, seminars, master classes for teachers, a week of pedagogical excellence;
  • meeting of the correctional service of the preschool educational institution;
  • PMPK meeting;

Psychological and pedagogical support is organized from the moment the child enters kindergarten, he passes through the process of social adaptation. An interview is conducted with the mother of the child, the features of early development and upbringing in the family and possible risk factors in the anamnesis are revealed. The psychologist, together with educators of early age groups, analyzes the results of the diagnosis of neuropsychic development and develops recommendations for further developmental work with children.

Providing psychological support to preschool children of the following age groups consists of the following stages:

Observation of children in play, learning and free independent activities, diagnosis of the formation of age indicators of development

Holding individual research personal characteristics of children at the request of parents and educators

Inclusion of older preschoolers in group classes with a preventive psychologist

Formation of children's psychological readiness for schooling.

In diagnostic and correctional work, the most typical problems of preschool children are highlighted, and the wishes of educators and parents are also taken into account. As the practice of the work of psychologists in kindergartens shows, these include:

1. Adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution.

2. Diagnosis of the correspondence of the level of mental (mental) development of the child to the age norm.

3. Violation of behavior, personal development of some children (timidity, aggressiveness, tearfulness, etc.), communication problems.

4. Disorganization of children, violations of arbitrariness, inability to evaluate their actions.

5. Readiness of the child for school.

State of the artchildren junior group it is advisable to determine mainly in children with cognitive impairments at the beginning and end of the school year, and in the middle to carry out correctional and developmental work. (If work with younger children is included in the work of a psychologist by the administration of the preschool educational institution).

In the middle groupwork is carried out with children who have significant and partial impairments in the cognitive and personal spheres. If necessary, you can plan a series of developmental activities with children to prevent the occurrence of typical disorders at an older age: the development of graphic skills, spontaneity, creative imagination, communication skills, and the child's self-confidence.

In senior and preparatoryto the school group, the psychologist tests children for readiness for school. After the diagnostics in these groups, corrective work is carried out with the involvement of parents, who are given appropriate recommendations. The result of corrective measures does not appear immediately, but after about 3 months or more, if the work is carried out regularly (1-2 times a week).

In the preparatory group for school, Parent meeting, where parents need to be introduced to the concept of the child's psychological readiness for school, to be set up to provide constructive assistance to the child in case of difficulties and to follow the recommendations of the psychologist and educator. Diagnosis is carried out twice a year (September-October and March-April) and in the presence of parents, which allows them to better understand the essence of the child's difficulties, helps to understand the child and provide him with the necessary assistance.



Filling in individual cards

Educational psychologist

Examination of children during the transition to a new age stage

Luscher color test

Toulouse-Pieron test.



Filling out PMPK protocols

Educational psychologist

Determination of the level of adaptability of early and younger age to the conditions of the preschool educational institution

Ronzhina A.S. Psychologist's classes with children 2-4 years old in the period of adaptation to remote control. – M.: Knigolyub, 2003.


Protocol of observations. Filling out help. Recommendations

Educational psychologist

Diagnosis of anxiety and the study of self-esteem and the level of claims of pupils

R. Temml, M. Dorki, V. Amen - M., 2002.

"Ladder" V.G. Shchur.


Mental health monitoring

Educational psychologist

The study of the components of the educational activities of preparatory groups

N.E. Veraksa

Diagnosis of readiness of children for school-M.2007



Educational psychologist

Identification of the dynamics of development of pupils of certain mental functions

Astapov V.M. Diagnostics of the development of conceptual forms of thinking. – M.: ARKTI, 2000.

A.S. Galanov Psychodiagnostics of children. - M .: TC Sphere, 2002.

Rowena color matrices.