Business and the Bible. Is a business career acceptable for a Christian? Russian GDP group etiquette

Wild capitalism?

For entrepreneurs in the post-Soviet space, it sometimes takes a titanic effort to succeed. Competition, inherited mentality, when many are used to living only at the expense of the state, permits, lack of experience, education and leadership qualities, strategic mistakes in doing business, loans with high interest rates, the financial crisis - this and much more leads to the fact that nine out of ten new firms “burn out” in private business.

A logical question arises before young people: how to realize themselves in the professional field, if everything is so complicated and uncertain? What to do? Not from the Bible, in fact, to take the principles of a successful business?! How can this “book for religious old women” help?, some will say. Nevertheless, it would still be worth paying attention to two religious groups of people who traditionally succeed, among other things, in the field of business. These are Jews and Protestants who draw their life principles from the teachings of the Bible.

Jews and Protestants

Judaism is more than two thousand years old, Protestantism is almost five hundred. Both of them found themselves in difficult conditions, when they experienced public pressure for centuries. The Jews did not have their own statehood between 70 and 1948 AD. They were repeatedly outlawed and deported with confiscation of property. And those Protestants who were supporters of the radical Reformation abandoned their attempts to claim the state religion of any countries and turned into champions of freedom of conscience.

These and other reasons closed access to representatives of these two movements in countries where they were in a legal position, to public spheres: political power, art, higher education ... It remained for them, in anticipation of better times, to direct their feet into the business sphere, often associated with agriculture.

The results of this step were not long in coming. Let's say period religious tolerance in the Commonwealth * served to ensure that the Jews who fled there from persecution from other countries subsequently enriched this state economically and culturally. And with liberation European countries From the control of the state church, the Jews made such a civilizational breakthrough that now few people doubt their colossal achievements, in particular, in the professional sphere. They are more envious. Jews also lead among representatives of other nationalities in the number of Nobel laureates.

As for the Protestants - followers of the Reformation, their enterprise and hard work formed the basis for the economic recovery of the main countries of the "First World" - primarily Germany, Britain and the United States.

From the Protestant worldview, in particular, American authors take their outlandish ideas popular in the Russian-speaking space. motivational books for entrepreneurs. Many of the appeals of these millionaires simply do not fit in your head: “Give a tenth of your income to the church and to charity”, “Be honest and kind to your subordinates”, and so on.

If these strange principles still work, it is worth going further - turning to their source - the Bible.

* Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1569-1795)


Biblical teaching, which includes the principles of work, business, management of finances and other resources, is extremely extensive. But there are two extremes in looking at it. The first extreme sounds like this: The Creator condemns wealth. The second says: a person who is pleasing to God must be rich. In reality, the Bible teaches neither. Let us pay attention to the seven basic principles that she teaches.

Principle 1: Hard work

Work - an integral part of decent life. This is any systematic activity that has a goal and is aimed at achieving some benefit. The Bible says, "Six days (per week. - Auth.) Work"; or: "the hard-working gain wealth" (Exodus 20:9; Proverbs 11:16).

Hard work is the key to success in any business. It `s naturally. They say there are no unattainable goals, there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of perseverance and large stock excuses. History is full of destinies famous people with modest starting conditions. Mikhail Lomonosov, peasant son, walked from Arkhangelsk to St. Petersburg and became the creator Russian science. Nobel laureate Albert Einstein was "limping" in most subjects at school. Inventor Thomas Edison developed one of the first commercial successful options electric lamp incandescent, having previously carried out thousands of unsuccessful experiments.


According to the Bible, a person is obliged to work. Unemployment is a destructive social vice. Because of idleness and boredom, at any age, and especially young people, they are drawn to “exploits”. One of the rabbis said: "If a man does not teach his son a craft, he teaches him to steal."**

** Talmud "Kiddushin", 29a (93, p. 171)


The Bible condemns laziness: "A lazy hand makes poor, but a diligent hand makes rich" (Proverbs 10:4). A lazy person cannot be a real man. How can a lazy person be a leader, a specialist, the head of a family and an authority for someone?

The man shows himself in action. Labor fills a person's life, makes it rich, bringing useful fruits. Work brings the necessary experience, educates character, forms personality, brings a sense of confidence.

Principle 2: There are no mediocre people

The Bible says that God endows all believers with spiritual gifts - talents that they can use to benefit others, fulfilling God's plans. Life also shows that other people are not without talents from God. It's just that many either do not use and do not develop them, or use them not for the benefit of themselves and people.

Any person, applying his talents, can change his life and others for the better. The only way to truly discover your abilities is by acting.

Quality work

Everyone is talented, albeit in different ways. Therefore, the Bible does not divide professions into "prestigious" and "non-prestigious". Any work done with a soul is a value in God's eyes: “Have you seen a man agile in his work? He will stand before the kings, he will not stand before the simple." (Bible. Proverbs 22:29). For the author of this quote, King Solomon, the type of activity (if it is honest and useful) on the path to success does not matter. If you are really good - whether you bake pies or fly into space - connoisseurs of your services will be found, and with them "the medal will find a hero."

In all areas of life, we will find people who have created profitable production. Although it seems to gossips that this is all “out of thin air”. In any thing or service that surrounds us, someone was the first to suggest doing it that way.

A lot of demand - there is work

Unfortunately, unemployment has become the norm. modern society. You can be afraid of it, but you can look at it as a new opportunity. Why are they unemployed? Here are just two of the identified reasons:

1) The enormous growth of the world's population. As a result, “there is not enough, but there are many of everyone, therefore, everything is not enough for everyone.” But perhaps there is some positive in overpopulation? After all, when more people- more needs, and similar ones. Whoever satisfies them will help others and get rich himself.

2) The labor market is becoming more dynamic: some professions appear, while demand for others disappears. It has always been like this, but nowadays it happens several times in one generation. What's positive here? There are more and more professions, which means that there are more chances to find something according to your abilities, temperament and aspirations.

Principle 3: Head work

“The main thing is wisdom “Get wisdom, and with all your possessions get understanding” (Bible. Proverbs 4:7).

The Bible speaks of wisdom as the ability to skillfully and harmoniously apply the acquired knowledge in practice. For example, by sharpening an ax, a person with less effort will prepare more firewood. (See Ecclesiastes 10:10). Wisdom fills those who are ready to learn all their lives, thirst for knowledge and strive for it. the best way apply.


A person can become wiser through their observations, which helps to learn from life itself. To do this, it is enough to keep open eyes and ears. It is strategically important for a business person to see the needs of the people around him in order to know how to satisfy them.


Observation is of no use without reflection. Reflection means comparing new experiences and knowledge with existing ones. Our brain works according to the associative principle. First of all, he determines whether what he perceives now is familiar. Familiar - assimilates, unfamiliar - rejects. In a similar way, the so-called " personal opinion". What we learned on a certain topic first of all becomes our belief. Let's say, at the age of twelve, Misha heard in the yard from Petka that "everyone does it" - and now try to convince Misha after many years.

The habit of thinking is like keeping a room in order. New thoughts, impressions and knowledge must be put in the mind in the right "place" or discarded as harmful, or they replace the old beliefs.


It's impossible to be wise influential person without diligent reading.

Internet habitues know a series of humorous posters: “Start with small texts and gradually increase the load,” advises “coach” Alexander Pushkin. Anton Chekhov in a blue suit with a seagull emblem and a stopwatch in his hand promises: "Three sets of seven pages daily, and the result will be noticeable in a week." Leo Tolstoy in a suit with the inscription "War and Peace" says: "Do not give up, on the five hundredth page a second wind will open." This joke is to be taken literally. good books- simulators for inner world a person, like a horizontal bar and a barbell for bodily muscles. If the brain, like muscles, is left without constant work, it degrades. Besides, standing book ennobles the reader. Its reading should require mental and spiritual effort. Other books are either empty or you have outgrown them.


“Without advice, enterprises will fail, but with many advisers they will succeed,” says the Book of Books. (Bible. Proverbs 15:22). This means that another path to wisdom is communication with specialists. It is equally important to listen to the recommendations of experts in your industry. We can evaluate their way of life as a whole, and not rely only on the impression they want to make on us. For example, Jean-Jacques Rousseau is famous for the novel Emile, or On Education (1762). The thoughts there are interesting. Yes, only Mr. Rousseau has not raised a single child in his life. The hotel maid bore him five children (he married her twenty years after the start of the relationship), and they were all sent to an orphanage. As they say, "it was smooth on paper..." The main test - the author's pedagogical experience - Rousseau's text did not pass.

A successful person will seek communication with the best minds of his time. But God has the most incomprehensible and perfect Mind, and His Word written in Holy Scripture- The Bible is called His wisdom. Therefore, one of the leaders and leaders of the ancient numerous people The Lord commanded Joshua to constantly exercise in practical training this book: “Let not this book of the law depart from thy mouth; but study in it day and night, so that you can do everything that is written in it exactly: then you will be successful in your ways and you will act prudently ” (Bible. Joshua 1:8). Also, the psalmist King David experienced the amazing result of his own experience of thinking about the wisdom of the Creator: “I have become more intelligent than all my teachers, for I meditate on Your revelations” (Bible. Psalter 119:99).

Principle 4: Honesty in everything

The God of the Bible is so confident in the necessity and possibility of honest business that he devoted the third part of His Ten Words Law (Ten Commandments) to this topic. Honesty should be in everything - in actions: "Do not steal"; in the words: "Do not bear false witness against your neighbor"; and in thoughts: “Do not desire ... anything that your neighbor has” (Bible Exodus 20:15-17). Dishonesty in business relations and agreements are condemned by the Righteous Judge, from whose gaze nothing can be hidden: “An abomination before the Lord is unequal weights, and unfaithful scales are not good”; “Do not offend a hireling, a poor and a beggar, from your brothers or from your strangers who are in your land, in your dwellings; on the same day give his wages, so that the sun does not set before that, for he is poor, and his soul waits for her; so that he does not cry out to the Lord against you, and there is no sin on you" (Bible. Proverbs 20:23; Deuteronomy 24:14-15).

Every business person stresses the importance of honesty, first of all towards himself, of course. What about partners? With what bitterness deceived businessmen confess that they have repeatedly become victims of fraud by partners. You can't do business with someone you can't trust. I apologize for the voluminous quote: “But capitalism requires at least a minimum of honesty for any normal functioning, but there is none. And not only capitalism - the market, which will be older than capitalism for many millennia, is impossible without honesty. And it started like this...

... Junks appear from behind the horizon, locals at first they hide - you never know what. But there seems to be nothing to be afraid of - some products are unloaded from the junks, left on the coastal sand and a little sail away from the shore. After some time, the natives overcome their fear and approach the abandoned goods. They like him, they like him. They put local gifts of nature or handicrafts nearby and again hide in the thickets. The aliens are coming ashore again. If the goods offered for exchange suit them, they take them away and sail away, while the natives again go out and become full owners of the brought goods. If they do not fit, the aliens, without taking their goods, again sail away from the coast. This is a signal: "Not enough, add more." The natives either add or take away their goods. In the first case, the procedure is repeated, in the second case, the aliens also take their goods - the transaction did not take place. Sometimes it goes on several times, sometimes the deal is done all at once.”

How often does it happen with us? The author continues: “…God ​​forbid to leave the goods unattended, like this “on the shore” - they will immediately drag him “into the jungle”, leaving nothing in return, and they will rejoice - “lucky!” Simple practice: take money and not give goods or take goods and not give money for it. It's called quitting, and it happens every day to just about anyone in business." There are well-known stories about the most heinous acts of "business" people: bribery, different kind fraud, attempts to put a competitor in jail in order to hide or shift their own offenses to him, intimidate, beat, or even kill, and much more.

What to do? Start with yourself. The main rule of biblical ethics is well known: "how you want people to do to you, so you do to them" (Gospel of Luke 6:31).

Business honesty brings moral rightness. Makes a subordinate an authoritative employee, gives weight to the words of the leader. A well-deserved reprimand will be easier to accept when there is no way to excuse your negligence with a common phrase: “And yourself ?! Let him take care of himself!” Honesty creates the loyalty of subordinates. Gives confidence in communicating with inspection services. The main manifestation of honesty in the professional sphere is the ability to fulfill one's duties in business relations, which, first of all, means paying the bills. Pay taxes, give back the promised to suppliers, partners, employees. It is necessary to fight ruthlessly with the desire to keep “more (or better) everything” for yourself. This is not business success, but its false illusion.

Principle 5: The danger of getting rich quick

The Bible says: “He who hurries to get rich will not go unpunished.” (Proverbs 28:20).

As you know, noticeable success in any business comes slowly and is rarely permanent. It is like waiting for an exotic cactus to bloom, which may not happen every year. This requires "iron" compliance with the necessary conditions. However, there are no absolute guarantees of success.

The calculation of rapid colossal enrichment is unreliable. A person inadequately evaluates himself and circumstances, and then desperately fights for a naive goal. “The desire to get rich quickly,” experts say, “leads to three main mistakes: 1) you get involved in an enterprise in which you understand nothing; 2) you risk money that you have no right to lose (most often borrowed); 3) you make rash decisions. Each of these mistakes violates one of several biblical principles... And together they all lead to the sin of greed. (…) One of the ways to avoid the bonds that business can bind us is to make realistic plans in business and personal life.

So, the reasons for such expectations are excessive self-confidence and greed. In what ways does a businessman usually strive for quick money?:

1) Makes hasty decisions due to lack of analysis, experience, consultations. Forcing events either because of impatience, or because of amateurish, insufficient deadlines. Unwillingness to pay the price. Forceful, manual control: bribes for speeding up business, lowering the quality of goods (under-dried wood, unsqueezed cottage cheese, a bucket of water placed next to a bag of sugar for the night so that the sugar becomes damp and the same volume is sold at a higher price), entering the market with an unfinished product.

2) He takes a loan secured by collateral - unearned money, about which they say: "You take someone else's, you give your own," and does not wisely dispose of it.

3) Adventures and scams: Ostap Bender “went through in his head all four hundred honest ways to take money, and although among them there were such pearls as organizing a joint-stock company to raise a ship sunk in the Crimean war with a cargo of gold, or a big Shrovetide festivities in favor of prisoners of capital, or concession to take down shop signs, none of them suited the situation. And Ostap came up with the four hundred and first method ”(I. Ilf and E. Petrov,“ The Golden Calf ”). Such unfortunate entrepreneurs do not rely on hard work, but, as a rule, unsuccessfully expect a short acceleration at any cost and - a lifetime of resting on the laurels of luxury.

Principle 6: Tithing

“And every tithe on the earth, from the seeds of the earth and from the fruits of the tree, belongs to the Lord: it is the holiness of the Lord. (...) And every tithe from cattle and small livestock, from everything that passes under the rod, the tenth, should be dedicated to the Lord ” (Bible. Leviticus 27:30, 32).

According to the Bible, God is the Creator and ruler of the universe. He owns everything, including any material resources. Anyone who wants to manage their affairs with the support of the rich personality in the Universe - God, are invited to recognize His authority over the business and financial sphere. As you know, "faith without works is dead" (Bible. James 2:20). Whoever believes that God, by His assurance, blesses those who are faithful to Him and helps people to receive 100% of the profit, can show this faith by returning to the Creator a tithe - a tenth of this profit. No profit, no tithe. There is a profit - return to again receive blessings in business (See Bible Malachi 3:10-12).

Why does God need your money? To tame your greed. To admit supreme power Creator. Learning to love God and neighbor is more than luxury and self-pleasing. It's no secret that financial success, especially quick success, often ruins the life of an entrepreneur and his loved ones. Such a businessman decides that he doesn’t care about anything, indulges in ever greater risks, thoughtlessly spends on external gloss, and develops unhealthy habits. BUT adultery and divorces often become almost " calling card» recent wealthy.

Where to return to God a tenth of the income? The believer understands: to the church, which he considers to be God's. “But I don’t believe priests and pastors!” - one of the readers will blurt out. An unconditional principle operates here - by giving to the church, you fulfill the direct requirement of God, and not the clergy.

And if there is a priest in the church whom you don’t trust for some reason, then God is his judge, the main thing is that you be faithful and honest, because the one who does not return to God a tenth of his income, God Himself calls a thief who robs Him (See Bible, Malachi 3:8, 9).

"Blessed is the helper of God..." (Bible. Psalm 145:5).

Principle 7: Support others

Work is a means of improving one’s own and other people’s lives: “Work hard, doing something useful with your own hands, so that there is something to give to the needy” (Bible Ephesians 4:28).

He who has learned to work has taken a big step towards true freedom - the ability to manage his life. He is able to put in a lot of hard work. Knows his strengths and weak sides. He sees people's needs and offers solutions. Scripture asks this entrepreneur new questions: Whose life can you improve with your success? Who, having risen to the top, can you pull up? Who can be effectively helped? The Bible speaks of this principle: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35).

Improvement is worth in many directions. First of all, take into account the interests of customers, superiors and subordinates. But there is a category of people whom the Bible constantly calls to take care of. These are socially unprotected persons: orphans, homeless children, migrants, widows, the poor ... Throwing a ten to a beggar is quick and not expensive. But God offers those who are not indifferent to help change the lives of disadvantaged people. And this requires a completely different investment of time, effort, knowledge and money. You can’t do this in passing, without interrupting the conversation on the smartphone. Such an occupation is not for those who want to amuse their vanity.

Where to begin? From prayer. Prayerfully ask God to reveal the purpose of your life. Reflect. Sit down and describe your abilities. This is your starting capital. Having determined its scope, proceed to the first principle.

  1. Property, resources, opportunities.
  2. Igor Podberezsky. God. Faith. Society. Personality. Opinion of a Russian Baptist. - St. Petersburg: Bible for everyone, 2004. - S. 234-235.
  3. Larry Burkett. Book business. A guide to applying biblical principles in the workplace. - K .: Light Star, 2008. - S. 64.
  4. "Passes under the rod" - is counted.
  5. Happier, better, more pleasant, more useful, more profitable.

3. Secrets financial success Individuals and families: financial discipline.

4.4. Ban on cruel treatment with subordinates

1. What are the reasons for the economic prosperity of the West?

  • The Russian Tsar Peter I went to the Netherlands to learn the mind from the Dutch Calvinist Protestants, but he could not understand main reason Prosperity of the West - Calvinism?
  • Why has capitalism existed in the West since the 16th century, creates stability in society and leads to the prosperity of the peoples of the West, but in Russia it’s the other way around - in 1861-1917, Russian capitalism led to a communist revolution, when the Russian people called Orthodoxy an opium for the people?
  • Why did Communism lose out to Protestant America first in the economy and then in the Cold War?
  • Why even now, after 1991, despite the fact that Russia adopted both capitalism and democracy from the West, there is still absolutely wild, gangster capitalism in Russia?
    WHY ?! The answer to this age-old Russian question “Who is to blame?” / “What to do?” lies in the difference in mentality and religion:

Orthodox Christians live in Russia who deliberately ignore the Old Testament and the Economic Code of the Bible written in it (see below in this article), believing that the Old Testament has been canceled (although Jesus Christ has repeatedly refuted this heresy) and therefore Orthodox believe that money is a little Is it not evil and sin. As a result, people who are far from the Christian faith and who therefore do not want to do good to their neighbors often go into Russian business. So it was before 1917 and after 1991. And in response to the complaints of the Russian people about the oppression of the poor, the Orthodox tsar shot at peaceful demonstrations, and the Orthodox Church taught humility with this evil, i.e. masochism. Hence all the centuries economic problems Russia. As a result, the Russian people rebelled, overthrew the tsar and called Orthodoxy an opium for the people. The reasons for the revolution of 1917 are rooted precisely in the conscious rejection of Orthodoxy from the Economic Code of the Bible, contained in Old Testament(Bible, Deuteronomy 28:15-68). The communists lost to Protestant America for the same reason that the Orthodox - both reject the Old Testament of the Bible, which contains obviously successful economic, political and family laws!

And in the West, there are biblical Christians—Calvinist Protestants—who follow the Economic Code of the Bible (see later in this article) and therefore believe that the sale of high-quality goods and services is a good deed, followed by a reward for righteous works - wealth (Deuteronomy 28). Calvinists believe that they are predestined for good works: “He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him in love, predestinating us to adopt Himself through Jesus Christ, ... for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared for us to do.” (Ephesians 1:4-5; 2:10). Calvinists embrace such biblical values ​​as rationalism, frugality, economy, diligence, respect for the individual, and condemn wastefulness, alcoholism, and gambling and teach them to do good deeds. Even the very word "economy" comes from the Calvinist principle of economy, frugality. American Calvinists taught the Japanese and South Koreans about high quality goods and services.

The Economic Code of the Bible brought prosperity to all those countries in which it was applied. It is its observance that explains the colossal economic success of any Protestant country, even if it has practically no natural resources- whether tropical desert Australia or Alaska in the Far North, Switzerland deprived of natural resources or the Netherlands forced to reclaim land from the sea - in ANY conditions, the Economic Code of the Bible used by Protestant Calvinists inevitably leads to economic success. At the same time, in countries with colossal natural resources, such as Russia and India, the majority of the people live in impenetrable poverty. Because they do not know and violate the economic commandments of the Bible.

The Economic Code of the Bible represents the commandments given by God to business and the state to create a competitive business, the economic prosperity of both one Christian family and the Christian nation as a whole, and to protect both businessmen and employees. There is a direct logical relationship between the commandments of the economic code of the Bible and the economic prosperity of the Protestant countries of the West.

Because the Bible is a textbook of building happy life in every way.

2. Money is not a sin. Private property and capitalist relations

Capitalism originated in one of the first Calvinist countries, the Netherlands, and then developed in the UK, the US and around the world. Why did capitalism originate in a Calvinist country (the Netherlands)? And why did it arise there immediately after and as a result of the Protestant Reformation?

Because Calvinism is biblical Christianity and, unlike Orthodoxy, does not say that money and material goods are a sin. The Bible often describes trading, which is not condemned in any way, but on the contrary, in the Bible, wealth is considered a blessing, and poverty is a curse (Deuteronomy 28).

The communists who destroyed Christianity, and then inevitably lost in the political and economic arena to the protestants of the NATO countries, now began to scream about “Christian communism”. Of course, communists have always had a pathological lack of conscience and common sense. But their new PR term "Christian communism" is even more blatant absurdity - after all, communism / atheism has always been sworn enemy Christian church - the communists exterminated Orthodoxy in Russia, destroying 40 million Russians, and prepared an atomic bomb to exterminate Protestants and Catholics, who make up the majority of the population of Western countries. And although God protected the Protestant countries of the West, i.e. only those who fulfilled His commandments, and did not protect the Orthodox from the communists, but here it is important that the communist ideology is doctrinally opposed to the Christian one, because the Bible teaches “do not kill and do not steal”, and the Communist Party - “kill and rob”. Therefore, their term “Christian communism” is the same deliberate nonsense as the words “hot frost”. The question of why Orthodoxy lost to Communism in 1917 and NATO Calvinists defeated Communism in 1991 is discussed here and also in this article.

But in fact, Christian morality is fundamentally diametrically opposed to communist "morality." Christian morality forms the concept of private property and protects capitalist relations through the commandment “do not steal” (Bible, Exodus 20:15), while communist “morality” denies it in principle. The Almighty commandment “do not steal” (Bible, Exodus 20:15) fundamentally condemns communism and such blatant violations of the commandment “do not steal” by the communists as dispossession, collectivism in the 1920s, privatization of natural resources and other NATIONAL property into the private hands of people who did not build it in the 1990s, as well as such obvious fruits of communist education as racketeering and raiding. Communism / atheism is based on the denial of the Law of God and therefore inevitably leads to theft and banditry, communism is the ideology of state banditry that destroyed 40 million Russians. And if you consider that fascism destroyed 20 million Russians, then communism is much more dangerous than even fascism.

It is because of this fundamental contradiction that the cold war between the Christian peoples of the NATO countries and the atheistic USSR, in which, naturally, the Christians of the West won, and the atheists lost. How could it be otherwise, because God is with us!

The communist ideology of “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” not only leads the party to believe that it has more needs than the people, which the party robs the people, but also encourages laziness in people, and therefore inevitably leads to poverty. This Soviet slogan is fundamentally the opposite Christian morality, for laziness is condemned in the Bible precisely on the grounds that the Bible motivates a person with wealth:

“A lazy hand makes poor, but a diligent hand ENRICHES” (Bible, Proverbs 10:4)

“From all labor there is PROFIT, but from idle talk only damage” (Proverbs 14:23)

“He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread, but he who imitates the idle will be satisfied with POVERTY” (Proverbs 28:19)

Because the wealth gained by fair trade and other righteous labor, just encouraged in the Bible: “to remember the Lord your God, for He gives you power to acquire WEALTH” (Bible, Deuteronomy 8:18)
“those who work hard gain wealth” (Bible, Proverbs 11:16)

The Bible encourages trade and private business and communism forbids. That is why the Protestant countries of the West created a prosperous economy, and communism brought the USSR to poverty and collapse.

3. Secrets of the financial success of the individual and family: financial discipline
3.1. Savings, frugality, a ban on extravagance and alcoholism

In English, the word economy sounds like economia, i.e. the economy begins with economy, frugality. Therefore, the wasteful lifestyle of a spoiled person will lead him to poverty:

“Whoever loves fun will become poorer; but whoever loves wine and fat will not get rich” (Bible, Proverbs 21:17)

“Do not be among those who drink wine, between those who are satiated with meat: for the drunkard and the sated will become poor, and sleepiness will put on sackcloth” (Bible, Proverbs 23:20-21)

“Wine is mocking, strong drink is violent; and everyone who is carried away by them is foolish.” (Bible, Proverbs 20:1)

Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs not only represent a significant expense item that worsens the financial situation of the family, but they also greatly impair health, provoking a lot of diseases, which also negatively affects working capacity. Moreover, alcohol destroys brain cells and therefore prevents beer lovers from coming up with fundamentally new ideas. That is why all the great scientists were strictly teetotalers who did not drink even on holidays.
3.2. Consumer lending ban

Today, the consumer lending market is developing strongly - people take loans and credit cards and learn to be capricious in purchases and live beyond their means - on credit, which leads to poverty, and therefore is condemned in the Bible:

“The rich rule over the poor, and the debtor becomes the lender’s slave” (Bible, Proverbs 22:7)

“If your brother becomes poor and falls into decay with you, then support him ... DO NOT TAKE GROWTH AND PROFIT FROM HIM, and fear your God; that your brother may live with you; DO NOT GIVE YOUR SILVER TO HIM IN GROWTH, and do not give your bread to him for profit.” (Bible, Leviticus 25:35-37)

“Thou shalt not lend to your brother at interest silver or bread or anything else that can be loaned at interest” (Bible, Deuteronomy 23:19)

"God! Who can dwell in Your dwelling? Who can dwell on Your holy mountain? He who walks blamelessly and does what is right, and speaks the truth in his heart... WHO DOES NOT GIVE HIS SILVER IN GROWTH and does not accept gifts against the innocent. He who does this will never be shaken.” (Bible, Psalm 14:1-5)

Today, casinos and lotteries are developing strongly throughout Russia. People are drawn to casinos by the vice of greed, and they lose their money and bring fabulous profits to casino owners. Do not believe the fables that you can win something there - otherwise the casinos would not exist. They exist because their clients always lose. A person comes to a casino and pays money to get a negative emotion - a loss. He wants to win and gets involved - he plays again and again, and, of course, he loses. The question is: why pay for receiving negative emotions?

However, in the Protestant countries of the West, the attitude towards such a vice as casinos and lotteries is negative, because this is seen as a violation of the commandment “Do not steal” (Bible, Exodus 20:15), i.e. if a person loses his money in a casino, he robs himself; in any case, both the player and the owner of the casino violate the commandment “do not steal” (Bible, Exodus 20:15).

Therefore, in most Western countries, casinos and lotteries are prohibited. There are only 2 in the US small towns, where casinos are allowed - Las Vegas and Atlantic City, and throughout the rest of the United States, casinos are prohibited for the reason that they make people beggars. But in Russia, casinos are allowed everywhere, and this is fundamentally wrong.

Thus, the causes of impoverishment of people are extravagance, alcoholism, casinos and life on credit, and all this is condemned in the Bible, i.e. all of these are sins. Your financial discipline is the rejection of the sins of extravagance, alcoholism, loans and credit cards is the first step towards your financial freedom. Thus, by reducing your expenses, as well as increasing your income through hard work, you will be able to accumulate seed capital, which you can then invest in building your business.

4. Secrets of financial success of business and economy

4.1. Respect for competitors is the key to the success of the national economy

The economy of the Christian West thrives because it is based on a respectful Christian attitude towards competitors based on love of neighbor:

“Do not offend your neighbor and do not plunder. The mercenary's wages must not remain with you until morning.

Do not slander the deaf, and do not put anything before the blind to stumble him; fear thy God. I am the Lord.

Do not lie in judgment; do not be partial to the poor and do not please the face of the great; judge thy neighbor with righteousness.

Do not go as a carrier among your people and do not rebel against the life of your neighbor. I am the Lord.

Do not be at enmity with your brother in your heart; Reprove your neighbor, and you will bear no sin for him.

Do not take revenge and do not bear malice against the sons of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.” (Bible, Old Testament, Leviticus 19:13-18)

Jesus Christ taught that this command to “love thy neighbor as thyself” (Leviticus 19:13-18) is one of the greatest commandments in the Law of God, along with the commandment to love God (Matthew 22:36-40). It is for this reason that business in the West is well protected by the state - racketeers, raiders, counterfeiters and other thieves are quickly punished by the state. Therefore, in the West, only honest business, striving for high quality, survives. Such a policy leads to the formation of a competitive national economy, which, in turn, is able to survive in the world market. Therefore, when in 1945 the Americans came to Japan and gave them this basic law of the Christian economy (punishment of those who hate competitors), then Japan flourished under these Christian laws. Yes, it is the punishment of those who hate competitors that contributes to the formation of a prosperous competitive economy.

But in godless Russia, due to the sin of selfishness/atheism, a bandit attitude towards competitors prevails - the destruction of competitors, racketeering, etc. As a result, Russia is not able to produce and supply competitive products to the world market. Russia will not be able to survive in the world market until the biblical laws are established in Russia - justice and justice, and the death penalty for racketeering, raiding and other robbery against competitors and for the murder of competitors.
4.2. Competitiveness - honesty and high quality of goods and services

Do you want your business to be competitive? Be honest with your customers, employees, business partners. Sell ​​high quality products and services – i.e. do good to people, and your good will return to you with large incomes and a stable competitive business. Therefore, for the benefit of both businessmen and customers, the God of the Bible commands high quality goods and services and honest attitude to clients and prohibits deceitful ways of enrichment:

“The wicked one does work that is not sure, but he who sows righteousness has a sure reward” (Proverbs 11:18)

“The acquisition of treasure with a lying tongue is a fleeting breath of those who seek death.” (Proverbs 21:6)

“Do not do wrong in judgment, in measure, in weight, and in measure; let there be right balances, right weights” (Leviticus 19:35-36)

“do not steal” (Exodus 20), “do not steal, do not lie, and do not deceive one another” (Leviticus 19:11)

“There should not be double weights, larger and smaller… you must have an accurate and correct weight… so that your days may be long on the land that the Lord your God is giving you, for everyone who does a lie is abominable before the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 25:13-16)

“Uneven weights are an abomination to the Lord, and unfaithful balances are not good.” (Proverbs 20:23)

4.3. Prohibition on delaying wages for an employee
In Russia, especially in the early post-Soviet years, there was widespread wage arrears. According to the Bible, delaying wages is a sin:
“Do not offend your neighbor and do not plunder. The wages of a hired hand shall not remain with you until morning” (Leviticus 19:13)

“Behold, the wages you withheld from the laborers who reaped your fields are crying out, and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord” (James 5:4)
For the observance of this commandment, the Christian countries of the West were saved from such a monstrous evil as communism, and Russia, on the contrary, for violating this commandment through blatant mockery of its subordinates, played out until God's punishment for its sins - communism, because it provoked the people to revolution.

In Russia, the authorities usually abuse their power over their subordinates - this is hazing in the army, and uncomfortable working conditions at work, etc. The bullying of superiors over subordinates was especially pronounced in Russia before the revolution, which led to the communist revolution of 1917, when the Russian people declared Orthodoxy an opium for the people. But the communists also began to mock the long-suffering Russian people - they deprived people of their biblical rights - the freedom of biblical preaching, trade and constructive criticism of the government, which led to the inevitable collapse of communism and the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

But the Bible forbids such bullying and the cruel domination of superiors over subordinates:

“Do not rule over him with cruelty” (Leviticus 25:43)

“Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged” (Colossians 3:21)

“Fathers, do not provoke your children, but bring them up in the teaching and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)

“Everyone who is angry with his brother in vain will be subject to judgment” (Gospel of Matthew 5:21-22)

Therefore, it is in Protestant countries that decent wages and the care of superiors for subordinates are still practiced. That is why communism simply physically could not triumph there. Precisely the prevalence biblical christianity- Calvinism - saved the countries of the West from such a monstrous evil as communism. The peoples of the West could not call their religion an opium for the people, because they understood that keeping the commandments of the Bible solves their problems, and breaking the commandments creates problems throughout the country. But the Russian people called Orthodoxy an opium for the people because it did not solve their problems, but rather created it, because Orthodox priests only stood up for the wicked - the oppressors of the people, instead of hanging them, as the Calvinists did in the West, who in the USA created even a lynching (lynching) - to execute murderers and bandits in the then as yet undeveloped western territories of the United States, where there was a low population density. And the US still has the death penalty.
4.5. Limitation of working hours and the right to rest

The God of the Bible Commanded Limitation working week by prohibiting work on the 7th day of the week, which is called the day of rest. In Hebrew, the word for “peace” sounds like “Shabbat”, from which Russian word Saturday. The Day of Rest command says:

“Observe the day of rest (Shabbat) to keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you; work for six days and do all your work, but on the seventh day, rest (Shabbat) for the Lord your God. You shall not do any work in it, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maidservant ... that your servant, and your maidservant, as well as you ”(Deuteronomy 5:12-14)

“Remember the day of rest (Shabbat) to keep it holy; work for six days and do all your work, but on the seventh day, rest to the Lord your God: do not do any work on it, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your maidservant, nor your livestock ... for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the day of rest and hallowed it.” (Exodus 20:8-11)

Christians moved the day of rest from Saturday to Sunday, since on this day Christ rose from the dead, and appeared to the disciples on Sundays (Gospel of John 20:19). Jesus taught: “rest is for man, not man for the day of rest” (Mark 2:27).

5. Conclusion: “Seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all this will be added to you”!

The conclusion from the above is obvious. There is a saying in Protestant America:

“South America was founded by people who searched for gold,
and North America was founded by people who searched for God.”

those. “ South America(Catholic Latin America) was founded by people looking for gold (Spanish conquistadors), and North America (Protestant USA and Canada) was founded by people looking for God” (the first States were theocratic states). Because Protestants since the 16th century have lived according to the commandment:

“do not worry and do not say: what shall we eat? or what to drink? Or what to wear? because the Gentiles are looking for all this, and because your Heavenly Father knows that you need all this. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you.” (Gospel of Matthew 6:31-33)

European and American Calvinists were looking for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness - they taught people to keep the commandments of the Law of God, they built theocratic states in which bandits were hanged - and therefore they did not have racketeering and raiding, which are only in atheistic Russia. European and American Calvinists were looking for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and God richly blessed them and even gave the Americans gold-bearing Alaska. Seek also you the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you!

Ustin Valerievich Chashchikhin

Survival in a crisis economy - difficult task for any business. Overcoming the obstacles of the past few years has at times seemed almost impossible, and sometimes even unbelievable. But everything is possible for a believer, and what is impossible for a man is possible for God. Praise Him for the time-tested, Bible-based truths that can save us just like many of our predecessors. Keep them and they will protect you during the economic trials.

1. Living within your means. How Joseph in the Old Testament Helped to Survive whole country in the seven years of famine, saving during the fat years (Gen. 41), so we must plan our life and business within our means. Although business owners are experienced in their field, they are often unable to plan their activities, finances, and administrative functions. All this is not the bloodstream for business, such as sales. However, without addressing these issues, the best sales will eventually fail. An owner who anticipates the needs of the business will be better prepared for the unexpected. Accordingly, the owner who manages other tasks, in addition to sales, will prosper. The daily risks that arise in business require an instant solution. Long term strategic decisions such as opening a new office or starting a new business must be carefully weighed in terms of finance, workforce and market conditions. Smart business management and living within your means will help you survive in any market conditions.

2. Record keeping. Onion. 14:28-30 “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost, whether he has what it takes to complete it, so that when he has laid the foundation and is unable to complete it, all who see it should not laugh at him, saying : this man started building and could not finish? Efficient accounting of business operations and data management will help prepare monthly and quarterly financial estimates. By adding financial wisdom to your activities, you will be able to interpret financial results, including day-to-day activities, tax cuts, development trends, income and expense analysis, and gain opportunities for future improvement.

3. Debt testing. Rome. 13.8 "Don't owe anything to anyone except mutual love; for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.” While many times you are offered a financial solution that feels like the deal of a lifetime, it often turns out to be the worst option for you and your business in the long run. You need to learn on your own or with the help of a professional to determine which plan is best and make sure you don't "bite off more than you can chew." One thing is certain: there have been and will continue to be ups and downs throughout your life. Avoiding loans where possible is the best guarantee of survival in an economic downturn.

4. Understanding indicators. Gen. 2:15 "And the Lord God took the man [whom he had made] and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it." God gave us some things to take care of. He did it for a reason, and He expects us to treat that which is entrusted to us with wisdom, understanding, and responsibility. Whether your business generates a billion dollars in revenue or it's a start-up in your basement, learning to read the numbers, the statistics of its functioning is vital to its profitability and even its very existence. Financial indicators act as a wake-up call for an entrepreneur, alerting them to trends, deviations, failures, and success. An owner who is good at compiling and reading financial statements will always be head and shoulders above someone who cannot. Understanding labor costs, cost of goods sold, pricing and market performance are important components of sound management.


5. Consultations. Prov. 19:20-21 “Listen to advice and accept reproof, so that you may become wise later on. There are many plans in the heart of man, but only what is determined by the Lord will take place. Of the many specialists who provide consulting services, it is difficult for a business owner to find the one who will best suit his needs. After working with consultants for some time, you will understand that they, like doctors or lawyers, are very different, each has its own characteristics, education, experience and specialization. How to find right doctor when you have chest pains is important for your health, and finding the right consultant to fill the financial gaps is also important for the success of your business.

John Dillard
Christian consultant and accountant

Source -

The topic that we will talk about today is very extensive and it is very difficult to put it all in 30-40 minutes.

My goal today is not just to teach, but to inspire to believe! In the big picture, what I'm going to be preaching about today is the worship of God. About how to honor Him properly, the worship that He, our Great, Almighty God, truly deserves. And, of course, we are just people and our conception and our faith are very limited, but we are called to grow in our faith, in our reverence for God, in our worship of Him!


28 That is why we, who are given to possess an unshakable Kingdom, should be thankful to God and in gratitude worship Him in a way that pleases Him, with reverence and fear.

There are other passages in the Bible, Rom 12:1-2, Psalms, the book of Revelation, books about worship and the greatness of God. And the purpose of our meetings is, of course, communication, this, of course, is the study of the Bible, but also the opportunity to touch the greatness of God for all of us! An opportunity to glorify Him together!

It's great that we are growing in this, that we have music bands service, worship, but there is different forms worship. Not only in singing, not only in personal prayer, not only in our Bible study, not only when we get together and study the Bible together, or when we sing together in our meetings. There are other forms of worship, for example: fasting is also worship of God, it is also part of our relationship with God. And today I will talk about one rather narrow, but in fact very large and important topic- Worship God in finance!

We think more about collections, about donations, about needs, about goals, about plans, about the multiplicity of our donations, but the most we need to think about is why we are doing it, To whom, because of what, for what reason! Because, in fact, we do not just live together with you, and we have a common piggy bank, cash desk, we, donating finances, worship God. And this is what we need to believe with you!

What is our God, how to present Him, how to believe in Him, how to worship Him, what can we do for Him, how great is He, what can we human beings give to Him? We have received everything from Him, everything belongs to Him! But God looks at our hearts and we always have a choice: how and for what, to live, for what reasons, with what attitude.

How can we imagine 300 billion galaxies in our universe? When we talk about finances, we usually we are talking some numbers! Let's talk about the numbers of God! 300 billion galaxies He created, in each of these galaxies there are approximately 300 billion stars such as our Sun! The scale of the universe is simply shocking... The explored universe is 14 billion light years. In reality, God is so huge, and we, with our needs, with our pennies, we are just, well, almost nothing! But somehow God cares about us, our needs, our families, our budgets, our kitchens and refrigerators and wardrobes, and so on. God has a business: He clothes, He feeds, He cares, He provides for us with everything. This is who our God is!

It amazes me that 7 billion people live on earth ... 4 billion of them are below the extreme poverty line - they live on 60 rubles. per day, 1800 per month… I don't think there are any of us in this room with such an income… Understand that you are not in these 4 billion. You live a more prosperous life! We are really enough wealthy people God takes care of everything in our lives!

If athinkaboutvolume,whathumanbodyconsistsfrom 100 thousandbillionvariouscells.WhichGreatourGod!Weevennotcame up withsuchwords,numbers,toto attemptexplainallhiscreations!

What worship, what attitude, what reverence does He truly deserve? Are we giving it to Him? Do we serve him with such a heart? Are we looking for it? Are we striving for it? Are we growing in it?

This is, in fact, what we need to talk about and what to think about!

How are we to honor and worship Him? What exactly does this mean? And of course, as Jesus said in brand 12:30 . In fact, you will not be mistaken if you say: feelings, spirit, heart, body - with your whole being. All that you have, with all this you must honor God and serve him!

And, you know what this means: it means that our financial part of life, our material part of life, is not something that has no influence or something that does not need to be given our attention, that we should not expect anything, but we need to to deal with! This is something that should also be dedicated to God and belong to Him!

How about this? How not only with your Quiet Time, Bible study, with your righteousness, holiness, purity, how we sing, we grow, in this, etc. And how do we grow in our reverence for God in the area of ​​finance? In the material side of life? Is there any idea In a similar way serve God?

Here I will take a short break...

We are doing today's lesson not because we do not have enough money, not in order for you to give more money, not because we have big plans for the future: we are starting to think about who we will send, to which cities. I'm talking about finances, not because we have big plans... The first thing we should think about today is to learn to honor God, to worship Him as we should! I join in the gratitude, it's for sure that we feel that God has blessed us incredibly as a Church financially!

Previously, going financial council, we thought: how to make sure that there is enough for everything, now we are thinking: what to do with this money now? Now we are learning how to manage big money so that greatest benefit for the Church from it!

Finance is the part in which we must worship God and honor Him properly!

As it should or how it will turn out?


22 Divide a tithe from all the produce of your seed that comes from [your] field every year,

23 and eat before the Lord your God, in the place which he chooses, that his name may dwell there; a tithe of your grain, your wine, and your oil, and the firstborn of your herds and your flocks, that you may learn to fear the Lord your God all the days.

24 But if the road is long for you, so that you cannot bear it, because the place that the Lord your God will choose to put his name is far from you, and the Lord your God has blessed you,

25 then exchange it for silver, and take the silver in your hand, and come to the place which the Lord your God will choose;

26 And buy with this silver whatever your soul desires, oxen, sheep, wine, strong drink, and whatever your soul desires of you; and eat there before the Lord your God, and be glad you and your family.

27 And leave not the Levite that is in your dwellings, for he has no part or inheritance with you.

You think the Bible is about faith, it's about love, actually it's also about money, about donations, about collections, about finances, it's just permeated with it! It was permeated from life, attitudes, people of the Old and New Testaments as well. And I believe: in this part we must be righteous, open and convinced Christians!

It says here that the tithe was an offering to thank and honor God. Moses, inspired by the Holy Spirit, says here: This will help you to fear and honor the Lord. People who could not bring their own donations in kind: drive cattle, bring all this: wine, oil, etc., had to be exchanged for money, come to the place of worship, and already on the spot buy what is needed for the offering! Then they had such a way of the economy, now everything is different with us, our income is most of all in money, of course. But there are other passages in Scripture that say that if you cannot bring your tithing in kind, you need to sell it and add another 20% on top of that and then bring this money to the temple!

People lived it, people thought, people understood, and Moses warned them: “Just don’t forget, when you come to your land, don’t forget to honor God!” And he says: “In fact, you will forget, you will sin, turn away, etc. etc. but I will teach you ... "

Always in the history of Israel, their spiritual rebirth of the people was accompanied by their return to the sacrifice, including the financial sacrifice… To the offerings…

Our giving is part of our relationship with God, like fasting, praying, studying the Bible, praising God in the congregation with singing... And that's what I encourage you to start believing in today!

let'slet's see,storyAbrahamwhenAbrahamreturnedaftervictoriesabovefivekings,becausewhathisnephewlotaWithfamilycapturedincaptivity. (Being 14:12-20). Hewent,won backthem,captureda lot ofmilitarymining.AND,whenhewas returningto himtowards,fromcitiesSalima,came outMelchizedekhigh priestGodthe Almightyandhesaid:"fromGodyoursvictory!"AndthenAbrahamtooktenthparthismilitarymining,andgaveMelchizedekinsignthanksandreverence(notMelchizedek)GodWhich thegaveto himthisvictory,Which thegaveto himpossibilityconquerthisprey,this iswealth!

ThenhisdescendantJacobconcludedWithGodagreement,setstone,howmonument,forTogo,tothis isIt wasreminderandto him(infirstturn)aboutvolume,whathesaid:"God,ifYoumebless,tenthpartTotal,whatatmewill be,Iwillgive awayYou".Andmind youthis isIt happenedmorebeforeTogo,howwereadWithyou,lawMoses.Peoplewerepromptedfrom within,fromhisheartsdothesedonations!

Jewsdonatedon thetemple.interestingthing(need,maybeto be,betterunderstandWiththis,butherewhatIunderstood)whaton thehimselfdeedatthemIt was:notonetithe,athree.onetithetheydonatedon theLevitesanothertithe,whichtheydonatedcalled"shrine"andthirdtitheatthemwasforthe poor.Andweretheirspecialritualsforeachfromthem.For example:forthe poortheymustwereon thethesemoneybuyfood,andWiththe poorhereat,somewhereperoutsidecities.AND,you knowalwayssaidinjoyandinfun.Neverthis isnotIt wasoncoercionnevernotIt wasthis ismade,becausewhatyoumust,butbecausewhatyoucan!

TsarHezekiahhefoundscrolls,restoredfirstserviceintemple,afterofferingsintemple,toLevitesnotservedsomewherethere,on thefields,awerefullydevotedserviceGod!

ATMalachiGodHe speaks- tryme,bringto mealltithesandyouyou will seehowIyoubless...


Why am I talking to you about this today? Because it's Scripture! And today we believe in Scripture. dilapidated, New Testament is Scripture. These examples are given to us as an example, as an example of our faith, so that we understand how God works in our lives!

And so that there is something special in our donations, in our offerings, he did not just count and pass. It is important to keep the heart, the attitude with which we do this.

The Bible, the Word of God, clearly and clearly teaches us about our finances and all material goods - this is from God, not to tie our hearts to them, to depend on and receive joy from spiritual things more than from worldly wealth ... And in the end we must trust God that God will take care of everything in our lives and all our needs are known to Him and we have nothing to worry and worry about, unlike the pagans who do not know God ...

Yes, but as far as we are concerned, you might say...

There are at least three things that prevent us from being committed to giving, being committed to tithing, and worshiping God as we should...

  1. Greed

I don't know what feelings and thoughts can be in our hearts now!


8 Can a person rob God? And you are robbing me. You will say, “How do we rob you?” Tithes and offerings.

9 You are cursed with a curse, because you, all the people, rob me.

10 Bring all the tithes to the house of storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and although in this test me, says the Lord of hosts: shall I not open the windows of heaven for you, and pour out blessings upon you to excess?

11 For your sake I will rebuke the devourers from destroying the fruits of the earth from you, and vine your field will not be deprived of its fruit, says the Lord of hosts.

12 And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a desirable land, says the Lord of hosts.

Where can we be greedy? Well, if we just don't think what our fields are! Someone has their own business, work is your garden, these are your beds, these are your fields! And the Bible says: everything that the fields have brought you, separate the tenth part first of all and give it to God, because it is God who has blessed you so that you have everything that you have!

Let's be in council and discussion on these issues! Because if we are discussing our marriage, and even some intimate issues in marriage with each other, if we are discussing our children, how best to raise them, turn them to Christ, if we are talking about relationships at work, if we are talking about our relationships with God, about temptations, etc. What keeps us from being open about this part of life? Religiosity - let left hand doesn't know what the right one is doing? Friends, this is not the correct understanding of this passage. If this prevents you from being open, seek advice on how much and how you should tithe God!

How does God feel if we have not given what is due: you are robbing Me! And we are robbing ourselves because we do not see God's blessings as much as He has prepared them for us. Let's trust God, be faithful in this, no matter what! This is our heart, we need to deal with it and be open!

The Bible says to honor God from the firstfruits of all gains. What is profit? The difference from the sale of apartments, cars, houses, land and other property is your income, this is a profit from your fields!!! The difference between the selling and buying price is profit. Apartment, car, etc. is our income. Let's think about it, talk about it, meditate on it!

We need faith in it! Let's be righteous in these matters! Trust God so that, God forbid, greed does not become the cause of death, so that we do not lose God's blessing!

Businessmen, how much did your fields bring in this year? Only your salaries? Or everything that you removed, took, took out of your case ...

How was last year? And the year before? Maybe you owe God? Give him His tithes!

There are questions that I do not have an answer to today, for example: travel allowances, inheritance, gifts in monetary terms, there are many questions related to this, and there are no unambiguous answers! But we must talk about it, share, ask, and not just take advantage of it by default! But it's all from God, everything in our life is from God! This is what you need to believe strongly!

The main thing is the heart, the search for advice and openness in these matters, and let's also show our faith and our spirituality in this!

  1. Mess

Prov. 3:9, 13:24,1-Corinth 16:1-2

9 Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your gains,

10 And your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your winepress will overflow with new wine.

24 There is a lot of bread also in the field of the poor; but some perish from disorder.

1 Now about raising money for the people of God. What I commanded the communities of Galatia to do, you also do. 2 On the first day of the week, let each of you save as much as you can at home, according to what you have earned, so that you do not have to do the collection when I come.

AtGoditsaccounting,How manyonceIinthissense,experiencedGodtried toaccumulateandlost...Godwants,toIfromHimrejoicedmore,howfromsomematerialof things!at first90sPolovnikovssoldmyapartment,madecollectionandboughttelevision,moneyare over!On thehimselfdeedGodblessesPolovnikovs,Iperthemgladon thehimselfdeed,lifesomehowsettles downand,gloryGod!Godreturns!AtGoditsaccounting, heknowsallinhistime! Belanovs- notforof moneyborn,futuristD.Belanov…

Leaders were always an example in sacrifice! God takes care of everything, God knows everything, all our needs! If we honor Him, we are looking for Him, and not our own, we will be fine!

Plan to collect, save - teenagers and students, those whose income is relatively low, let's still be faithful because of God, not because the Church will become poor, no, because of God, before God!

  1. Hypocrisy, loss of heart!

Luke 18:12

12 I fast twice a week and pay tithes on everything I get.

If you think about this idea: from everything that I get ... Everything that he received, he gave a tithe from it - this is a defiant standard! But you know what, he left the temple not righteous! He did it, but it was not pleasing to God! Because his heart wasn't what God wants it to be: kind, loving, humble, like that tax collector who said, God! I am sinful! But have pity on me!

Luke 11:42

42 Woe to you Pharisees! You pay tithes on mint, rue and other herbs, but you forgot about justice and love for God! That's what you need to do, and do not forget about the other!

Jesus does not cancel donations! Jesus does not cancel tithing! But He says with what attitude to do it! Do you do it with joy? Are you doing this in faith? Are you doing this for God? Do you worship Him? Is it part of your relationship? Do you give to God with gratitude and in the hope that He will bless you in the future?! Or is it just - fuck off! Come on, let go! With what attitude? God calls to righteousness, to holiness, to purity, to spirituality, to continue to give to God.

Giving to God with joy, without cunning and trying to get away from tithing, but looking for opportunities to serve more.

I have a question for those who have covered all the needs in their family - why do you earn even more? Can't stop??? Let's look for spiritual motives for this! We have so many needs: to serve God, to serve the Church and not hide behind these motives and explanations, but really do it for God, for his Kingdom!

From the author. I began studying biblical business principles shortly after I converted to Christianity in 1970. My Special attention attracted by the fact that a Christian should not owe anyone. Unfortunately, most Christians were debtors and didn't see anything wrong with that.

A Christian friend of mine who is a car dealer said, "It is impossible and pointless to live without debt. I buy cars on installments at 6% per annum and have a 12% resale profit."

My friend has made the same mistake as many other Christians who think that if our logic doesn't match the logic of God's Word, then God's Word has simply been misinterpreted. Several years later, when interest rate increased to 22%, my friend realized that God's Word should be understood as it is written.

Between 1950 and 1970, the cost of labor increased by 50% and government spending by 40%. Accordingly, prices have risen, which has given green light foreign competition. Opening a new profitable business has become much more difficult due to the fact that capital - the most important factor to create a new business - taxed heavily. The cost of labor, taxes, and the rate of credit meant the end of the market dominance of many American companies. Deprived state support, many of those left in the market were unable to compete and make a profit.

Over the next 10 years, labor costs and taxes rose another 10%. The government became - almost literally - a business partner. Through countless decrees, the government regulated business life and received income from it, doing practically nothing for the business.

Larry Burkett - Business and the Bible

Per. from English. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Evangelical Missionary Society "Credo", 1998. - 320 p.

ISBN 5-89254-017-0

Larry Burkett - Business and the Bible - Table of Contents

Part 1 Bible Business

  • 1. A radical approach to the issue of governance
  • 2. Basic biblical principles
  • 3. Captured by business
  • 4. Personal goals
  • 5. Biblical business goals
  • 6. Fulfillment of vows
  • 7. Tip for tomorrow
  • 8. Business and your spouse

Part 2 Making Responsible Decisions

  • 9. Hiring
  • 10. Getting fired
  • 11. Choice of managers
  • 12. Remuneration of employees
  • 13. Borrow money
  • 14. Providing a loan
  • 15. Providing discounts

Part 3 You and your business

  • 16. Corporations and partnerships
  • 17. Tithing in business
  • 18. Retirement
  • 19. The embodiment of God's plan


Larry Burkett - Business and the Bible - Business Yesterday and Today

I was not the first to discover that God's Word contains business principles. In America, the Bible has been used for hundreds of years as a kind of textbook for business people.

If you opened a textbook on the business of the last century, you would be quite surprised. First, most of the companies of that time were in sole private ownership; secondly, the expansion of the business occurred only at the expense of profits or the sale of shares in the enterprise, and taxes were so small that they occupied one of the most insignificant columns in the annual financial report.

The principles on which the business was based were also different. Most schools of economics taught honesty, ethics, and moral values. The professors emphasized the company's responsibility to its employees, customers and creditors.

Why? Because until the twentieth century, business teaching, and business schools themselves, were based on biblical principles. Moreover, it is even incorrect to call them "business schools": in fact, they were bible schools who trained business leaders.

Soon after civil war the situation began to change little by little. federal government strengthened its position in the private sector. Politicians, under pressure from the big industrialists who had profited from the war, began to issue decrees that stifled free competition; monopolies arose in such industries as the railroad, steel, oil, and municipal industries. Corporate owners, wanting even greater benefits, began to pass laws against workers who advocated a minimum wage, a fixed work week, greater safety at work, a ban on child labor. While pretending to protect workers, Congress and the courts actually used the law to protect businesses and control the labor movement.

Before the First World War, America remained essentially an isolated country, despite the fact that some companies were able to amass huge capital in developing countries. But by the end of the First World War, America had become a world power, perhaps the most powerful.

A Radical Approach to Governance America was gripped by rapid growth. American goods became a model for the rest of the world, and the dollar became the world's currency.

But there are clouds on the horizon. The Bible says that a man reaps what he sows, and the leaders of the American economy began to reap the fruits of years of mistrust between workers and company management. When circumstances changed and the unions gained real strength, company leaders began to reap the destructive fruits of unionism. The government had to deal with the antagonism between hourly workers and management.

In other words, the business had to fork out. For the first time in history, taxes have taken a significant chunk of the profits.

In the 30s - 50s, the state share in profits increased to 20%. At the same time, unions continued to gain strength, and Congress began to pass labor laws contrary to those of several previous decades. But America still had its solid niche in the world market, mainly because we were the most industrialized and entrepreneurial nation in the world. In the 1960s, "Made in the USA" was still a sign of quality.

After the Second World War, the clouds began to thicken for real. Their name is duty. Before the Great Depression, we were a nation of shareholders, that is, the business developed as a whole by selling a share in the business. But the Great Depression created distrust in the stock market, and after the Second World War, the share of debt in business exceeded that of equity. Most companies found it much easier to borrow than raise funds by selling their shares.

In the next two decades - the 50s - 70s - the debt in America grew at a tremendous pace. The loan has become the main way of development of production.

We realized the true cost of such development only in the mid-1970s. Too much a large number of"cheap" money, in the end, provokes inflation, which is nothing more than an excess of "cheap" money in the hands of the buyer. This inevitably leads to higher prices for goods and services. Credit is like opium: it intoxicates the minds of those who use it.