City of Kobrin: population, location and history of the city, sights, historical facts. What to see in Kobrin? Attractions and interesting places


Kobrin is located in the West of Polissia, fifty kilometers from Brest on the Mukhavets River. More than 52 thousand people. In 2017 Kobrin will celebrate his 730th anniversary.

Cobras have never crawled along the streets of the fourth largest city in the Brest region. However, the city of Kobrin has a magnetic attraction and the mysterious nature of snakes. It attracts thousands of tourists here. In addition, there is a nunnery here.

Kobrin: the mystery of the name

Where the toponym "Kobrin" came from is a mystery. But what is not from a poisonous snake is a fact. Otherwise, historians and philologists disagree.

  • The name of the city is associated with the Celts and the Celtic name Cobrunus. A connection with the nomadic people Obra (Avars) is also possible.
  • With the name of the Slavic leader of the fishing community, who was allegedly called Cobr.
  • Derived from obsolete word"Brnie", which meant "swamp", "dirt".
  • From the Old Slavic verbs "kobrit" (hide, hide) and "kobrit" (live alone). By the way, if we talk about the word "cobra", then in Dahl's dictionary it means "handful", "folded palms".

Founding Father and his wife

The founding father of Kobrin is considered famous prince Vladimir Volynsky(Vasilkovich), who bequeathed the city to his wife Olga in 1287(record in the Ipatiev Chronicle). This year is considered the date of foundation, although it is clear that the settlement in the place where Kobrinka flows into Mukhavets appeared earlier.

Be that as it may, the townspeople honor the founder Kobrin and immortalized his memory in a sculptural composition: Vladimir proudly points Olga to the built city.

Kobrin - Suvorov city

Many believe that Kobrin's business card is places historically associated with the life and work of the Russian commander Alexandra Suvorova, who played an ambiguous role in Belarusian history.

In 1795, for the suppression of the Kosciuszko uprising, Field Marshal Suvorov was granted "in perpetual possession" estate "Kobrin key". Suvorov lived in the estate for three years. Since 1946, the building has been operating military history museum named after Alexander Suvorov.

big park, which was broken in front of the Kobrin key in 1768, now bears the name of the Russian commander (by the way, like the local hotel). This is one of the oldest and most beautiful city parks in Belarus. By the way, it has a water park.

6 milestones in the history of Kobrin

  • 1497 - the construction of the Spassky Monastery in the city. The convent of the All-Merciful Savior operates in Kobrin today.
  • 1540 - opening of the canal of Queen Bona - the first reclamation facility in Belarus.
  • 1589 - Kobrin received the Magdeburg right. On the coat of arms of the city - St. Anna and the Mother of God with a baby. In the same year, a town hall appeared in Kobrin (unfortunately, it has not been preserved).
  • 1706 - city occupied swedish king Charles XII. Walked North War. Kobrin was plundered.
  • 1812 - this year, on June 15, Russian troops under the leadership of Tormasov won the first victory over Napoleon (Renier's Saxon brigade). In 1912, in honor of this victory, a monument to Russian soldiers was erected in Kobrin, which is located near the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.
  • 1864 - Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was erected in the city. Now it is a cathedral. Interestingly, the construction of the cathedral was timed to coincide with the abolition of serfdom in Russian Empire.

Modern city

Kobrin is clean and green City Belarusian Polissya. Here, for example, such exotic plants as the bilobed ginkgo and the silver willow (vitellina) grow.

In Kobrin it is easy to breathe and rest. No wonder the city attracted not only generals, but also poets. The author of the immortal comedy "Woe from Wit" once served here. Alexander Griboyedov, and for some time the creator of "Vasily Terkin" lived Alexander Tvardovsky.

But if without lyrics, then the city is famous for its "Kobrin cheeses" and children's toys.

Useful information for tourists about Kobrin in Belarus - geographical position, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Kobrin is a city in the Brest region of Belarus, founded at the confluence of the Kobrinka River into the Mukhovets River in the 11th-12th centuries by the descendants of Prince Izyaslav. So they say old legends.

The first mention of the city of Kobrin in the Vladimir-Volyn principality was recorded in the Ipatiev Chronicle in 1287. In the XIV century Kobrin entered the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Three Polish queens in turn owned the Kobrin principality: Bonna, Anna Jagiellonka and Constance of Austria.

Magdeburg Law (freedoms and tax benefits for cities with reliable self-government and order) was received by Kobrin in 1589, but the city experienced many troubles: devastating wars, fires, epidemics, fell into complete decline and in 1766 was deprived of the privileges of Magdeburg Law.

Glorious pages in the history of Kobrin are associated with the name of the famous Russian commander A.V. Suvorov, who had a country estate "Kobrin Klyuch" here. Order and prosperity in the city were eventually restored. In the 19th century, the city hall was erected in Kobrin as a symbol of city self-government.

Bitter times for the city came during the Second World War, when almost 7 thousand civilians but the people were not broken by tyranny Nazi German invaders and bravely fought partisan detachments.

Modern Kobrin is a beautiful prosperous city, surrounded by greenery. Architectural monuments are carefully preserved here and they are proud of their history.

Be sure to visit the Kobrin Military History Museum named after A.V. Suvorov. Here you can visit the house-museum of the famous Russian commander, and in a newly built separate building, see an interesting unique exposition dedicated to the history and development of military affairs. The most interesting exhibits are waiting for you: weapons from ancient times to the present day, knightly chain mail and armor, flags and banners, expositions dedicated to famous generals and commanders.

You can relax with the whole family and admire nature in the city park named after A.V. Suvorov. Here you will find a well-groomed park, beautiful ponds, with the opportunity to ride a boat, and in the evening admire the dancing fountains, the silence of shady paths and many interesting park entertainments.

There are many temples of various Christian denominations in Kobrin: Orthodox Cathedral St. Alexander Nevsky, Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Peter and Paul and St. George Churches, Spassky Monastery; Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary; House of Prayer for Evangelical Baptist Christians.

Have you already been in and now you think that's enough? Do not do it this way! We have prepared for you an excellent guide to the two most interesting cities near Brest - Kobrin and Kamenets. Drive to each for a day and feel the life of the western provinces!

Kobrin is a nice and cozy city just 40 km from Brest. A large green park, colorful houses of the 18th-19th centuries and a water park, ancient churches and monasteries, the large Suvorov Museum and the place of detention of Napoleon Orda, pleasant cafes and a leisurely atmosphere are waiting for you in the city.

On site ancient center city ​​and market square now - historical part cities. Once upon a time, there was no crowding near the shopping malls; a gostiny dvor, banks, pharmacies, residential buildings and public buildings stretched along the street. Today, boutiques with clothes, cafes, travel agencies and offices of various enterprises have settled in the same place.


It still remains a mystery where the name "Kobrin" came from. According to one version, the city was named after the son of Prince Izyaslav Kobra, who founded the city, according to another version, once lived here nomadic tribes Turks who called themselves "obry". The first mention of the city - in 1287, along with the names of Princess Olga and Prince Vladimir Vasilkovich. In 1589, Kobrin received the Magdeburg right and began to flourish, in the center there was a town hall - a symbol of an independent city. Alas, it has not survived to this day, as well as the Lower and Upper Castles.

There is a night train from Minsk to Kobrin Vitebsk - Brest, you will arrive early in the morning for only BYN 9.13 (€ 4) for a reserved seat. To get to the center, hop on the number 3 or number 9 bus - or take a walk, it's only a 20-minute walk.

If you prefer buses, then several times a day a couple of buses leave from the bus station to Brest, which, if necessary, drop into Kobrin. Prices from BYN 13 (€ 5.8). Bus number 3 will bring you from the bus station to the city.

Not the most convenient option for lack of much choice, but you might be able to find someone suitable on Blablacar. Prices on the site from BYN 10 (€ 4.5)

If you are going to visit Kobrin residents from Brest, then they will be happy to take you here by diesel train - this is the cheapest way to get to the city, a ticket will cost you only BYN 0.87 (€ 0.4)

For the sake of which the Brest residents attack the city on weekends - aquapark (St. Gastello, 15) with slides, a swimming pool and various saunas. Splashing enough will cost from BYN 5.4 per hour.

A network of excellent restaurants operates in Kobrin Discovery (Lenin St., 4 and in the central market) where you can drink coffee with fresh pastries or have lunch. The emphasis is on traditional cuisine but pizza is also available. Pleased with the interior design, everything is made of wood, simple and tasteful. Prices from BYN 4 (€ 1.8) per dish.

Tripadvisor claims the best in town is cafe "Veranda" (Dzerzhinsky street, 45a) - you can check for own experience. If you get there during lunch, you will pay up to BYN 9 (€ 4) for the complex.

No provincial town can do without a place with a classic Soviet entourage - and here it is restaurant "Kobrin" (Lenin St., 11) which is located right in the center of the city. For the first, second and compote with a bun you will pay no more than BYN 6 (€ 2.7) - plunge into childhood!

The best pastries and coffee in the city are offered by the chain cafe "Lakomka" (at the corner of Lenin St. and Sovetskaya St.) . They didn’t really try with the decor here, and the cafes look like ordinary eateries, but what is the “ice latte” with whipped cream and ice cream worth! And their magnificent pies with carrots and eggs! And all this is very cheap.

Kobrin is famous for its ice cream. In the central market, ask the stall of the Kobrin dairy plant - there are always queues for half an hour, but believe me, people come here for a reason.

The next day, go to Kamenetz - beautiful city on the Lesnaya River, where the famous Belaya Vezha is located. A dozen years ago, the town, where only 8 thousand inhabitants live, was rather dull, but after a series of “Dozhinki” it changed noticeably.


For the first time, the city is remembered in the Galicia-Volyn Chronicle, where an entry from 1276 says that Prince Vladimir Vasilkovich decided to rebuild new town to strengthen northern borders principality: "And then God put a good thought in the heart of Prince Vladimir, he thought, in order to put a city somewhere beyond Berestye." In order for the process to go as it should, the prince invites the famous architect Alex, who rebuilds here the defensive structure "stone pillar", which we know as the White Tower. In the Middle Ages, the city developed rapidly, although the crusaders burned it well. In 1366, Kamenets became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and after several decades became the center of the povet. In 1503 he received the Magdeburg rights and became independent. Then the city had to change its citizenship a couple of times: in 1795 it moved to Russia, and from 1921 to Poland.

Kamenets is only 45 km from Kobrin, but getting to it from here is not so easy: buses run only 4 times a day, and even not every one.

But getting from Brest is already easier. Unfortunately, it will not work by train (there was no railway network to the city), but minibuses and buses depart from the central bus station almost every hour. The bus will deliver in 70-80 minutes and BYN 2.8 (€ 1.2), and the minibus in 50 minutes and a couple of kopecks more expensive. On weekends, as you know, minibuses get crowded first of all, so it's better to buy a ticket in advance. And do not forget about the same “Kobrin! Kamenets!” uncle.

Agriturismo Kamenets calm (2nd lane Dzerzhinsky, 3) has a garden with a barbecue area and a sauna, the homestead is just a few steps from the center, so if you want to spend the night in a quiet and cozy place- you here. Prices from BYN 43 (€ 19) for a double room.

Feel like in Italy at the hotel Empire (Industrialnaya st., 7) . The owner of the hotel is from the birthplace of pizza, so in the restaurant on site you can taste authentic Italian cuisine. The rooms are spacious and comfortable, you can rent a bike and ride along the forest or around the city. A large room with a hot tub will cost BYN 65 (€ 29) for two.

If you are not going to stop in Kamenets and move to Belovezhskaya Pushcha, then The best option for overnight stay will be the hotel complex "Kamenyuki" (village Kamenyuki) : enclosures with bison are just a couple of steps away, a restaurant with national cuisine, you can play table tennis or stir up kebabs. Rooms cost from BYN 60 (€ 26.7) per person, a rich breakfast is included.

Even those who have never been to Kamenets know about the main attraction of the city - Belaya Vezha(Which isn't white, by the way.) Images of the tower are used on posters, candy and bottle wrappers are decorated with it, and even placed on a BYN 5 bill. Alexa was not a freeloader, so he rebuilt the tower to last. The main problem was the swampy soil, and an unusual foundation became the solution: smaller stones were poured into the gap between the stones and did not hold the structure together. This gave the tower the ability to maneuver and adapt to the shrinkage of the soil. If not for such a trick, we would have our own leaning tower of pisa! Vezha witnessed many bloody events: crusaders surrounded it, encroached on it Polish prince Mazowiecki, Rzeczpospolita and Moscow State. The entrance to the 30-meter tower was located at a height of 13 meters, so it was not easy to get here (especially when molten tin and lead are poured on top of you). However, in the 18th century, the tower surrendered under the pressure of marauders - they began to pull it apart into bricks. After that, the tower was restored and even painted with white paint, hence the name. By the way, Vezha has its own ghost - the girl Galya, who grabs the hands of everyone who wants to steal a piece of the tower as a keepsake. Apparently, the girl does not like such a squandering of property.

Today in Vezha there is a local history museum with excellent artifacts, and next to it there are several wooden figures of famous Belarusian figures. The entrance costs only BYN 2.2 if you want to climb to the very top with the best view to the city, then for a group of 10 people you need to pay BYN 7 (team up with someone).

The building is right next to it. Kamenets gymnasium(Lenin St., 1) , which was commissioned in July 1930. It was a seven-year Polish school, which was called "povshekhna", saying plain language - comprehensive school. The first students were only 30 children: 9 Belarusians, 3 Poles and 18 Jews. During the reconstruction of the building, the builders found a message in a bottle under the roof, which had lain there for 72 years: "We leave our names and addresses to our descendants in the future." According to rumors, the steps of the gymnasium were made of slabs from the old Jewish cemetery.

Situated on a high hill St. Simeon Church- an example of pseudo-Russian architecture. The history of the iconostasis of this church is unusual: it was made of bog oak in Warsaw in early XIX century, and the iconostasis was brought here from the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral on Saxony Square, which was blown up in 1926.

Opposite the church there is a large monument to the founder of the city- Vladimir Vasilkovich (many believe that this is a monument to Alexa, but this is not so). In his hands, the prince holds a scroll with an excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle: “... cut down the city on empty place, called Lestna, and named his name Kamenets, for the earth was not a stone. A pillar of stones 17 sazhens high was created in it, like a surprise to all seeing nan.

If you need to hang out in the city for some more time, and all the places have been examined, you can drive to the cult cinema "Mir"(Brestskaya st., 32) , prices start from BYN 1 for a regular film and BYN 1.5 for 3D. There is a great chance that you will be alone in the hall, but you will watch some old movie.

In the owl cafe in store "Department store" (Brestskaya st., 26) you can intercept a seagull with pies. Everything is simple and extremely cheap.

Not so long ago, a pizzeria opened in the city Vergnano 1882 (Lenin St., 1) - this is the only place in the city where you can eat pizza and sit well. So the locals just love it. The chef, by the way, studied his skills in Italy. Located in the same courtyard bar "Vlad".

A set lunch from BYN 4 (€ 1.8) is waiting for you at restaurant "Belaya Vezha" (Brestskaya St., 36) . There is a legend about him in the city that one of the guests got lost in the corridors of the restaurant and accidentally went into the kitchen. What he saw there - history is silent, but his appetite was gone. Apparently, one of the competitors came up with such an unflattering legend, because the food here is just fine!

Photo - Andrey Dmitriev,,

Kobrin is a city in Belarus, in the Brest region. This city ranks fourth in terms of the number of inhabitants. Tourists can see famous sights revealing interesting pages history of Belarus.

In addition, in Kobrin there is an old and truly beautiful park where you can enjoy wonderful walks. The excursion part of the rest can include a walk through the historical center and the local embankment, visits to museum complexes.

Suvorov Park is a park complex in Kobrin, which is famous monument nature of republican significance. The object is named after the famous commander Alexander Suvorov, who owned the Kobrinsky Key estate here.

The park complex was founded in 1768. Until 1939, only private individuals owned the object, after which it was possible to carry out nationalization. After 9 years, a modern attraction was founded on the site of the old park.

Dozens of species of trees and shrubs grow in the park. In addition, there is an amphitheater, various attractions, a dance floor, a bust of Suvorov. The compositional axis is the central alley, which is a continuation of the pedestrian street. At the very end is a pond.

Location: Suvorov street.

The museum center was founded in 1946, and initially the object was local history, and then its profile was changed to military history. The first exposition was opened on May 1, 1948.

In the modern exhibition you can see uniforms, weapons, items life XVIII centuries and even antique carved furniture. Among the valuable exhibits are the following objects:

  • Personal belongings of Emperors Paul I, Peter III, Prince Konstantin Pavlovich.
  • Award and commemorative blade weapons.
  • Portraits of the 18th century.

Visitors can appreciate the authentic things that give a special charm to the entire exposition.

Location: Suvorov street - 14.

The sculpture dedicated to the boatswain is considered a landmark of Kobrin. The sculpture represents a pot-bellied and mustachioed uncle with a parrot on his shoulder. Such an original object is located right on the city pier, where ships regularly arrive on holidays.

Many people stole the chain and copper pipe from the boatswain. Of course, the city authorities tried various ways to prevent recurrence. They even screwed the tube with screws, but this turned out to be useless. Now the boatswain's chain has been replaced with a simple lace.

Location: embankment of the Mukhavets river.

The farm is located in the village of Kozische, which is about half an hour drive from Kobrin. However, this trip will be remembered for a long time.

Today, the farm lives about 250 birds. At the same time, it was possible to fully establish the breeding of the black African ostrich, which can live up to 70-75 years. All birds live in special houses, divided into several parts according to their needs. It should be noted that a walk on the farm is only possible with an experienced guide.

Unfortunately, ostriches are raised primarily for slaughter. After that, they are allowed to eat meat. However, this sad fact did not prevent the farm from becoming a real attraction.

There is a cafe next to the farm where you can taste ostrich meat dishes. In the souvenir shop you can buy natural cosmetics and even handicrafts, which are also made from ostrich feathers, fat, skin or shells.

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was erected in 1864-1868. The religious monastery appeared as a sign of the abolition of serfdom on the spot mass grave Russian soldiers who died during the Kobrin battle on July 15, 1812. This is evidenced by a memorial plaque on the cathedral, which is considered one of the most significant historical and cultural objects and is an important Cathedral Russian Orthodox Church.

During the Soviet years, the temple was closed. The Orthodox community received a religious monastery only in 1989, and the consecration was carried out only on September 12, 1990.

Near the cathedral there is a monument in honor of the victory of Russian troops in the battle near the Belarusian city of Kobrin in 1812.

Location: Lenin street - 18.

St. Peter and Paul Church was built in the XV century. The mention of a religious object is found in documents dated 1465.

The church is forever associated with the Russian commander Alexander Suvorov. Near his house stood an old church, which Suvorov visited daily. Eyewitnesses testify that great commander climbed the bell tower or sang on the kliros in the choir, showing his worthy bass and earning the respect of the parishioners.

In 1862-1864, a new church was built on the same site, which differed from the previous religious site. When carrying out construction activities, materials from a dilapidated church were partially used. old church was more ascetic, the new one pleased with a worthy design. The consecration was held on November 28th in honor of the apostles Peter and Paul. For some reason they forgot about the commander.

Suvorov was remembered only in 1900, when the centenary of his death was celebrated. At the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to Emperor Nicholas II, a large and pompous temple was built on the site of the Peter and Paul Church, which was called Peter and Paul and Suvorov. At the same time, they decided to move the small church further. Donations were collected all over the country. In 1913, the Peter and Paul Church was nevertheless transferred to Pinskaya Street, closer to the cemetery. For transportation, the church was put on logs and simply rolled along the street, and at that time only interior decoration and decor details were removed. However, the stone temple could not be built due to the First World War and the revolution.

The Church is forever connected with famous commander. In addition, his name saved the religious site from closure and ruin. The temple successfully worked even in the Soviet years.

In 1989, a large-scale restoration was carried out. At this time, it was possible to build a kristiln and a new gatehouse.

Location: Sverdlov street - 2.

The water park is an amazing entertainment center. In addition, the complex includes a health center with a hydropathic and mud baths.

The water park was built in 2009 near the Suvorov Park. Since then, it has been operating year-round.

Visitors have to pay only for the time spent, and an electronic bracelet is used for control. Children and adults can enjoy a variety of attractions, a hydromassage waterfall, a jacuzzi, a Russian bath and a Finnish sauna, a large swimming pool.

In the cafeteria you can try pastries, natural juices, aromatic coffee or elite tea.

Location: Gastello street - 15.

The House of Prayer for Evangelical Christian Baptists was built in 1989-1993. Donations from believers were used to carry out construction activities. However, the construction was nevertheless carried out on pure enthusiasm, and at the very beginning the final project was not even ready. As a result, mistakes were made that had to be corrected.

The House of Prayer is considered one of the largest. Interestingly, 1,400 seats for parishioners have been created here.

A friendly community of Christian Baptists lives in Kobrin, so they conduct active educational, educational, missionary and charitable activities. Baptists consider music and singing very important, so concerts are regularly held in the house of worship.

Location: Zheleznodorozhnaya street - 23.

Kobrin is small, but attractive city in Belarus, which plays an important cultural and religious role for the whole country.

The territory of the Brest region covers an area of ​​23,790 km². Of these, 2040 km² belongs to the Kobrin district. Its center is the city of Kobrin, the history of which will be discussed in our article. It is located on the banks of the Mukhavets River (right tributary


We have already found out where Kobrin is. We will compose a description of it and consider the history of its occurrence further. There are several assumptions about the formation of the name of the city. The most reliable version is considered to be the version of the Belarusian toponymist Vadim Zhuchkevich. It says that the name of the city came from the name of the nomadic Obra people, who inhabited this territory, who disappeared for unknown reasons.

Then they moved to central part Europe. There, in the 6th century, the state of the Avar Khaganate was created. The exact date Historians could not find the formation of the city in historical documents.

A legend that has survived to this day says that the future regional center was founded by a descendant of Kyiv prince Izyaslav in the XI century on the site of a fishing village, which was located on the Kobrinka River.

For the first time, Kobrin is found in the Old Russian Ipatiev Chronicle of 1287. In those days, this territory belonged to the Vladimir-Volyn principality. From 1404 and for 115 years the city was the center of the Kobrin principality.

In 1589, the city received a coat of arms in the form of a shield with the image of St. Anna and the right to elect a self-government body (Magdeburg). Since 1795, Kobrin has been part of the Russian Empire and has become a provincial town of the Grodno province, where the construction of urban infrastructure began, typical for county towns of tsarist Russia.

In 1915, Kobrin, the sights of which we will consider below, was captured by the forces of the Kaiser's army, and four years later - by the troops of Poland. In 1920, the city was liberated by the Red Army, but a year later, according to the Riga Treaty, Western part Belarus began to belong to Poland, and the city became the center of the Polesye province. In 1939, after the unification of the Western part of Belarus with the BSSR, the settlement finally became part of the Brest region.

Economic development of the city

Before naming the population of the city of Kobrin, let's talk about the economy of this settlement. Now this city, which covers an area of ​​3150 hectares, is considered a developed industrial city. Kobrin is a southern and northern regions divided by where the main operating enterprises are located.

This is a hydraulic engineering plant (Gidroprom). Joint production for the production of children's toys and various household products (JV Polesie). Production Association "Flexopak", producing polyethylene packaging.

Several factories also operate in the industrial area. light industry and firms specializing in the production of food and dairy products, and other manufacturing institutions.

Dynamics of the number of inhabitants in the city

The first census of the population of the city of Kobrin was carried out 22 years after the city became part of the Russian Empire (1817). Then there lived 1427 people.

Over the next 80 years, the number of the indigenous population of Kobrin increased by 8,980 people (10,408). In connection with economic difficulties region began emigration to the United States and other European countries.

During this period, 1655 people left Kobrin. By 1907, according to the census, 8,753 people lived in the city. From the second half of the 20th century, the development of the city's economy began. By 1991, the population of Kobrin, compared with 1907, increased by 40,647 people.

There are now 53,177 indigenous people living in the city. And if we talk not only about the population of Kobrin, but also about the region, then in total there are more numbers. 88,037 people live in Kobrin district.

Tourism development

AT last years the city administration gives great attention development of tourism, as the tourism business increases the potential of the city budget. The city has two travel companies: BMMT (International Youth Tourism Bureau) "Sputnik", located on Freedom Square, and tourist agency"Atlant" (Dzerzhinsky street).

The main activity of these institutions is the organization of eight tourist routes. The most popular route is "Ancient and legendary Kobrin", where lovers of history and travel will be introduced to the main sights of the city.

Spassky Monastery

We have already found out what the population of the city of Kobrin was and has become. Now let's talk about sights this city. In the 16th century, the Spassky Monastery was built by Prince John Kobrinsky. The monastery was a stone residential and service building. Until our time, the original building has not retained its appearance, since during its existence it was rebuilt several times.

In 1596 was signed Union of Brest(union of catholic and Orthodox churches), and the monastery began to own all the estates and villages surrounding the monastery.

During the hostilities of 1812, the monastery territory was used as a paramilitary fortification of Russian units under the command of cavalry general Count Alexander Tormasov.

In 1939, the union ceased to exist, and the monastery was closed. After some time, a county spiritual and educational institution was opened in the former monastery monastery.

At the beginning of the 20th century Polish authorities in the main building of the monastery, restoration work was carried out, after which the premises were used for the Kobrin city court.

After the city was liberated from German occupation here was district office militia. In 2010, the territory of the Spassky Monastery was returned to the Kobrin diocese, which revived monastic life.

Now in the former male monastery there is a women's monastery. Tourists can see the main monastery relic - a list with the venerated icon of the Mother of God "Quick Hearer".

Now we will tell you about another sight of Kobrin, a photo with a description of it will be presented below. On the central street of the city (Lenin Street) there is a cathedral built in 1864 in the name of Prince Alexander Nevsky.

The temple building was erected at the burial place of Russian soldiers who died in the first victory over Napoleon's troops in the Kobrin battle on July 15, 1812.

Gold-plated crosses were installed on five cathedral domes, made in the workshops of St. Petersburg under the guidance of the jeweler Sokolov. The consecration of the temple dates back to 1867. In 1961, due to the fault of the assistant archpriest, a fire broke out, which was the reason for the closure of the temple.

The city leadership then decided to open a city planetarium in a church building, then a museum of atheism was opened here, then the temple building was used as a city archive.

After 28 years, the cathedral was transferred to the Kobrin diocese, archival documents were moved to another city building and restoration work began, after which the church was re-consecrated.

Now the temple is active, where a youth religious brotherhood has been created since 2006. The cathedral also has a pilgrimage department, the purpose of which is to organize trips to the holy places of Belarus.

Kobrin Assumption Church

On Pinskaya street modern name- Pervomaiskaya) in 1513 the first wooden Catholic church of the Assumption was built of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For more than three centuries, the temple burned repeatedly and was rebuilt after restoration.

In 1940, due to the dilapidation of the building, it was decided to build a new stone church on this site, which was consecrated in 1943. In 1962, the church was closed, but was not destroyed.

The reason for the preservation of the religious building is that the interior of the temple in 1864 was decorated with paintings by the famous Belarusian artist Napoleon Orda.

In 1990, by numerous requests Catholics, the church was returned to the diocese. Restoration work was carried out by the building Kobrin organization "Energopol", after which the cathedral was re-consecrated.

Now tourists can visit the only functioning church in Kobryn, attend the service, see the restored paintings of the Horde and the main shrine - the miraculous image of Jesus Christ.

St. Nicholas Church

A monument of wooden church architecture is the church building of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The first St. Nicholas Church was built around the 15th century.

In 1835, during a city fire, the church burned down and it became necessary to purchase a new church, since during the spring flood of the Mukhavets River, residents could not get to the nearby church.

In this regard, the Orthodox community of this area received permission to move the building, which was located on the territory former monastery in the village of Novoselki, and install it in the place where it is now (Nikolskaya Street).

In 1961, the temple was closed, and for 28 years there was a food warehouse in it. In 1989, the church was transferred to the management of the Kobrin diocese. At the end of the 20th century, a bell tower was built next to the temple, which announced the beginning of the service.

In 1889, St. George's Church was erected on the territory of the Christian cemetery. This is another famous sight of Kobrin (photo below).

On the graveyard, which was then located on the outskirts of the city, people of different faiths were originally buried. After the construction of the church, consecrated in honor of George the Victorious, they began to bury only Christians of the Orthodox faith.

After revolutionary events In 1917, the church was closed, and it housed various city warehouses. Now in St. George's Church, which, after repair and restoration, has become its former form, was consecrated in 2005, services are being held. Tourists can visit the temple and see the shrine, the symbol of invincibility. Orthodox warriors George the Victorious, with particles of his relics.

Manor "Kobrin key" in the city of Kobrin. History and description of the Military Historical Museum

In 1795, after the third partition of the Commonwealth (a federation of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania), Kobrin became part of the Russian Empire.

In the same year, Empress Catherine II presented the Kobrin Key princely estate, which included Kobrin, Dobuchin (Pruzhany) and Gorodets, to Field Marshal of the Russian Empire Alexander Suvorov in gratitude for the suppression of Polish uprising in 1794 under the leadership of Andrzej Kosciuszko.

In his estate the founder military theory first arrived in 1797. Two months later, Suvorov was forced to leave Kobrin, as Emperor Paul I (son of Catherine II), fearing a secret agreement against his personality, ordered to move to the Konchanskoye estate (Novgorod province).

In 1800, Suvorov visited his estate for the second time, returning from a Swiss campaign, where he was historical transition through the Alpine mountains. At that time, the 69-year-old commander's health deteriorated, and he moved to St. Petersburg, where he died two weeks later. After his death, the estate was sold by the son of the commander to Lieutenant General Gustav Gelwig.

Then Helwig's heirs sold this territory younger brother Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz to Alexander Mickiewicz. Now on the territory of the estate there is a city park, which is named after the national hero of Russia Alexander Suvorov.

The Kobrin Key included a one-story house-estate, which has survived to our time and stands in the city center on Suvorov Street. It is the main attraction of Kobrin.

In 1941, during the Second World War, the house was destroyed, but in 1946 it was restored, and it was decided to create Military History Museum named after A. Suvorov, the opening of which took place two years after the restoration work.

Now tourists can visit the historic estate, where in 1950 a bronze bust Suvorov and original cannons of 1812. The pride of the museum management is the only original in Belarus of a complete set of knightly armor of the 16th century and fully restored Personal Area Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov.

St. Peter and Paul Church

The history of the St. Peter and Paul Church, which was built in the 15th century, is associated with Field Marshal A. Suvorov. During Suvorov's stay in Kobrin, the temple was located near his house, which now houses the exhibits of the Military History Museum.

The commander was a religious person and in this temple sang in church choir and read a collection of prayers to God (psalter). When visiting the church, tourists can look at the psalter, which says: "Suvorov sang and read from this psalter."

At the beginning of the 20th, by order of Emperor Nicholas II, it was decided to build a new temple complex and the church visited by Suvorov was moved to the outskirts of the city and re-consecrated in 1912.

An interesting fact: the temple, for the sake of which the historical relic was transferred, was never built. Thanks to the name of the Russian commander, St. Peter and Paul Church in Soviet times was not closed, and the service continues to this day.

Kobrin water park

On Gastello Street, not far from the park named after Suvorov, in 2009 an entertaining water park "Kobrin Aquapark" was built, which was included in the list of city attractions.

For outdoor enthusiasts, there are four waterslides with various configurations, designed for adults and children different ages. Hydromassage waterfalls are in great demand - a means for shoulder and neck massage.

A hydropathic facility has been created in the water complex, where you can visit international standards various medical procedures. On the territory there are several cafes and a special cafeteria with a children's kitchen. The work of the management is aimed at ensuring that the water park is not only entertaining, but also health center Kobrin region.

Famous people of Kobrin

We found out the population of Kobrin. And now I would like to talk about prominent people from this city. In 1866, the Belarusian artist Napoleon Orda was arrested and imprisoned in the Kobrin prison for participating in the January uprising against the Russian Empire (1863-1854), after which he left for Paris.

In 1898, the poet Dmitry Falkovsky was born in the village of Bolshiye Lepesy (4 km from Kobrin). Kobrin is the birthplace of the world-famous mathematician of the 20th century, the author of algebraic geometers (a section of mathematics that combines algebra and geometry) Oscar Zariski.

The personal architect of Emperor Nicholas II, Semyon Sidorchuk, was born in 1882 in the Kobrin district. From 1813 to 1816 passed in Kobrin military service future author of "Woe from Wit" Alexander Griboyedov.