Psychological tourism as a method of working with a personality. Socio-psychological features of customer service in a travel company

Modern man in a society where competition reigns various rules, habits, stereotypes, striving for leadership and ideal, unfortunately, there is so little spontaneity.

Spontaneity helps to be free, to manifest and express oneself in creativity and hobbies.

Spontaneity reveals internal resources and helps to cope with difficulties.

Spontaneity promotes creativity and emancipation. It's just very important to try and be able to find yourself in different types activities, then choose to...

Needs and evolution
Every person as a spiritual being has the main goals of life: to know himself, to know the world and to find his place in the world. (Here "find" means not only to discover, but also to occupy.) In this case, the world is understood not as a static, but as a dynamic object located in evolutionary development. Each object has its own role in evolutionary process; and, in particular, a certain role is provided for each person, including constant improvisations (personal ...

I don’t know why, but I want that in this difficult and harsh world be as creative as possible gifted individuals and as few as possible unable to fully reveal their potential, unfortunate and embittered by everything losers.

It was this desire that prompted me to take up my pen and write a book on the causes that lead to transformation. ordinary person into a unique creative personality. How well I managed to decide for you - Dear Reader.

I hope that...

I was inspired to write this article by Steve Jobs' speech to the graduates of Stanford University. In it he gave advice that we have heard a thousand times:

“You have to find what you love. And this is true for your work as well as for your loved ones.

Your work will fill most your life, and there is only one way to experience true satisfaction, and that is to do what you believe is really a worthwhile cause. And there's only one way to do great work, and that's to love what...

Also in old times the discoverers of uncharted lands noticed that the locals, who are absolutely unfamiliar with the mores and manners of the newcomers, have, in general, the same methods of expressing feelings. In Madagascar and Tierra del Fuego, in Polynesia and Patagonia, it is customary to nod in agreement, frown with discontent and smile with joy.

It would seem that all representatives of the species Homo sapiens the same feelings and manners of expressing them are characteristic.

However, this only applies to a few...

Ultimately, we all strive for it! It's probably nice when whole empires are built and destroyed from one of your words, families are created, deals are made and destinies change. And, even casually telling a completely unfamiliar, doubting aunt in a store to buy or not to buy a fashionable bag is nice. That's nice and all.

At the same time, our success in the fair of life depends on the ability to influence. And personal happiness. And a career. And a lot more.

Basically, we are all...

It wants to know what human requests it serves given type figurative representation and what properties allow photography to solve its problem. For his own purposes, the researcher regards this remedy as being in the most favored nation regime. What the photograph promises excites him much more than registering all real achievements which, in turn, makes him be optimistic and tolerant, as in the situation with children receiving a loan against their future ...

In the circle of German businessmen, more and more questions about business etiquette arise: how to behave in negotiations and is it necessary to kiss a lady's hand at a business meeting? This perplexity resembles an attempt to isolate oneself from a much more serious problems: unemployment has been at 10% for many months, the pace economic growth small, and many companies are threatening to move jobs abroad.

Problem good manners has been widely discussed in German society for several years now. Suddenly a big...

Structurally, the psyche can be represented as the unity of its three components - consciousness, subconsciousness and motor skills. Whatever a person does, his activity acts as a manifestation of these components. This means that in order to induce the interlocutor to activity, it is necessary to influence his consciousness, subconsciousness (mainly emotions) and include them in the corresponding activity.

Appeal only to consciousness does not exhaust all the possibilities of persuasion. Only those stimulating efforts reach the goal which...

The task of the author of this article is to acquaint the reader with the fear of death. It is this hidden and deep feeling of anxiety, lurking in the depths of the soul, that makes a person a person. A person begins to live a true life, only consciously accepting the inevitability of death. Having freely and dignifiedly renounced resistance, he gains the opportunity to live in real world. We will follow how people give up on themselves, how they try to escape from reality, but we will also see how, having accepted this fear, curb...

Psychological tourism (psitourism) is a completely new direction of tourism that is gaining popularity. This type of tourism appeared in response to the ever-increasing pace of life and the level of stress in people living in megacities. People have forgotten how to have a good rest and recuperate, and constant stress at work, noise and haste - all this has a detrimental effect on our well-being and health. Weekends for a good rest in such conditions are not enough. Therefore, psitourism appeared and began to develop, which will appeal to those who want to relax at sea, and at the same time have time to pay attention to their self-development and self-improvement.

What is psitourism?

Psychological tourism is aimed at physical and state of mind a person exhausted by the stresses and problems typical of city dwellers, careerists. Many residents of megacities suffer from depression, mental disorders. To get out of such a "swamp" it is best to make an "emotional reset". The ideal option for such a reboot is a trip, new acquaintances, everything that “pulls out” from ordinary reality, where you can forget about everything that is left at home. Such a vacation is the perfect combination of educational excursions and new knowledge in some interesting area of ​​\u200b\u200bself-development.

If you just go on vacation, then upon returning all the problems return in any case, but after training in self-development or time management, or communication, or motivation and goal setting, or meditation and relaxation, people return not only rested and inspired, but and armed with specific skills and knowledge that will help solve some problems, or even direct life in a fundamentally new direction.

To date, there are different directions psychological tourism:

  • a trip to another country or city to undergo some kind of training, which includes interesting excursions,
  • ecotourism (most often this happens in nature, participants live in tents, learn the world and acquire some useful skills)
  • hike with a psychologist and a guide, etc.

Effective psychological tourism includes a psychological "reboot", gaining new skills, quality relaxation, unlocking one's potential and self-development. Such a vacation should be combined with the knowledge of other cultures, meeting new people and self-development.

Tourist program

As a rule, the trip is devoted to a specific topic, based on which the most suitable place to stay, seminars and excursions are selected. The most optimal number of participants is from 10-12 to 15 people. Usually such a group is accompanied by a trainer-psychologist, who draws up the training program itself, and also helps all participants to relax and achieve harmony. Also, such a group is usually accompanied by people responsible for organizing comfortable conditions for participants.

If the program is selected correctly, then the participants return physically and morally restored and full of fresh ideas.

You have to try to understand if this type of tourism is suitable, but this direction is steadily gaining more and more fans.

A tourist is a citizen who visits the country (or place) of temporary residence for certain purposes, without engaging in paid activities in the host country and spending at least one overnight stay in this country. According to international standards, the period of stay cannot exceed 12 months in a row, according to national standards 6 months. Senin, B.C. Organization of international tourism / V.S. Senin. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. - P.372.

Attitudes towards rest have changed gradually from century to century. So, the work week has been significantly reduced. In the 50s XIX years in. average duration the working week was 70 hours. It was longer even for those who were employed in agriculture. By 1920, the workweek was reduced to 50 hours. This trend can be partly explained by the decline in the number of people employed in agriculture.

The length of the average working day has also decreased from 12 to 8 hours a day. The number of working days has been reduced from 7 to 5. The social psychology of consumers is constantly undergoing significant changes. In the 5070s, when the economy was ready to produce more and the consumer to consume more, work was perceived as the main component of human existence, and rest as a means of restoring strength for further work. Now people consider the right to rest as the most significant aspect of life. Life should give pleasure, rest is an opportunity for self-realization of the individual, and work is a necessary means of maintaining an appropriate standard of living.

The new consumer seeks, as before, to consume more, but now as the primary needs are met. He focuses more on impressions, knowledge, pleasure, self-expression and in lesser degree for material values.

The Russian market has formed new type a consumer who is distinguished by the following psychological and behavioral characteristics:

high level of awareness;

high demands on comfort and quality of services;


ecologism of consciousness (awareness of the fragility environment and its inseparable unity with man);

spontaneity of decisions;


physical and mental activity on vacation;

the desire to receive a kaleidoscope of impressions from life.

The new Russian consumer of travel services, most of whom have already been abroad and have an idea of ​​quality service, sophisticated, more informed, demanding, critical of the goods and services offered to him, spoiled by foreign abundance, thirsting for a variety of experiences and pleasures, active, independent, changes his behavior in the tourism market.

The above changes in the public psychology of consumption have influenced the stereotypes of consumer behavior in the market tourism services. AT Western countries over the past 30 years rapid development tourism, and in Russia literally last decade major changes have taken place in the stereotypes of tourist behavior.

1. The influence of active forms rest and there is a deepening of its segmentation.

The process of dividing the market into homogeneous groups of consumers,

to which different goods (services, works, ideas) and different marketing efforts (individualized marketing mixes) should be addressed is called market segmentation. Golubkov, E.P. Fundamentals of Marketing: Textbook / E.P. Golubkov. - M: Finpress, 2000. - S. 264.

2. In the 5080s, trips within the country prevailed, and only a few had the opportunity to go on a business trip or on vacation on trade union vouchers, and mainly to the countries of the former socialist camp or countries of the near abroad. Since the beginning of the 90s, the geography of tourist trips has a pronounced trend towards the expansion of outbound tourism and a reduction in demand for tours within the country. Inside outbound tourism, there is an increase in demand in the “long-distance trips” segment of tours to exotic countries South-East Asia, Indonesia, Japan, to the countries of Eastern and Southern Europe.

3. An emerging trend is an increase in the number of tourist trips, including short-term ones for the purpose of recreation. Some tourists are beginning to give preference to short but frequent trips on the weekend or in holidays New Year's, Easter, May holidays, etc. Short, but frequent trips meet such requirements of the consumer of travel services as the spontaneity of the choice of the tourist center, intensive, intense vacation. A short but intensive holiday differs from the main holiday by a higher level of expenses per day of stay in the tourist center, high activity and mobility of tourists.

Changing the lifestyle of people. The way of life is the established forms of a person's being in the world, which find their expression in his activities, interests and beliefs. Lifestyle is a comprehensive portrait of a person in his actions and interaction with the environment. It is more than the fact of belonging to a certain social class or personality type. Knowing that a person belongs to a particular social class, one can draw certain conclusions about his intended behavior, but one cannot represent him as an individual.

The personality of a person makes its own adjustments to the choice of the buyer. Personality is understood as distinctive psychological characteristics that determine individual and relatively stable reactions person to the environment. Personal characteristics can be used in the analysis of preferences given by consumers to certain types of goods (certain services). Yankevich, V. S., Bezrukova N. L. Marketing in the hotel industry and tourism / V.S. Yankevich. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. - S. 172.

Having information about the type of personality of a person, we can draw conclusions about its distinctive psychological characteristics, but you can not learn about his activities, interests and beliefs. When developing a marketing strategy for a product (service), managers seek to uncover the relationship between a product (service) and a certain lifestyle.

People are attracted to adventurous travel, new sensations, healthy recreation, etc. They are interested in self-expression and self-satisfaction, experiencing new lifestyles and learning new types of recreation. On vacation, they devote time to getting to know themselves. And modern society supports this individualism, the thirst for self-respect and self-expression.

Experiments with lifestyles, weekend vacations, gender equality, women's emancipation have given tourism new consumer groups. Fashion, customs, habits, traditions also pay attention to the behavior of consumers of travel services and, accordingly, to demand. Kvartalnov, V.A. Tourism / V.A. Quarterly. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. - P.238.

Psychographic segmentation of travel agency customers combines a whole range of consumer characteristics. In general, it is expressed by the concept of "way of life". The latter is a life model of a line, which is determined by hobbies, actions, interests, opinions, type of relationships with other people, etc. Durovich, A.P. Marketing in tourism / A.P. Durovich. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2001. - S. 219.

Psychographics combines methods of quantitative measurement of personality traits, values, lifestyle of the consumer. Personality is called the unique reactions of a person to environmental stimuli, which reflect his personality. Angel, D. Consumer Behavior / D. Angel. - St. Petersburg: PiterKom, 2000. - P.327.

Psychographic analysis (lifestyle analysis) allows managers to understand what lifestyles their buyers of their products adhere to, and this in turn makes it possible to communicate more effectively with representatives of different segments. At the same time, you can figure out how to position a new or existing product, how best to “communicate” it to consumers who adhere to a certain lifestyle (probably, the efficiency here is higher than using demographic indicators alone). The main idea of ​​the method is to look beyond standard variables, present the product in accordance with the actions, hopes, fears and dreams of the target audience. Psychographic segmentation of consumers of various goods and services based on K-TGI data. Access mode .

Psychographic, or psycho-behavioral, criteria of tourist behavior: the motive of the trip; psychological picture tourist; seasonality, organization and form of travel (group or individual); used vehicles; accommodation facilities; remoteness of the turkey; duration of the trip (is of great importance for tourism service providers, since it is observed that tourists undertaking short tours are ready for more expenses and tend to be more intensive excursion program). These criteria also include sources of travel financing (social tourism recreation for low-income segments of the population, which is subsidized by the social insurance system; incentive tours, incentive trips for company employees and their families, financed by the company); consultants and intermediaries in making a decision on making a tour (travel agent, tour operator). With psychological-behavioral segmentation, consumers are divided into groups according to lifestyle characteristics and goals regarding their free time, according to personality characteristics and behavioral characteristics, as well as stereotypes regarding the consumption of a tourist product.

Depending on the motivation of the tourist trip (the purpose of the trip), the following segments of tourism are distinguished: business, sports, resort, health, adventure, entertainment, educational, educational, exotic, hobby tours.

Many of them are divided into smaller sub-segments, for example, in recreational tourism, these are holiday tourism and tourism for the purpose of treatment. It is often difficult to draw a clear line between the individual segments in terms of motivation: business tourism can be combined with educational, sports with recreation.

Attempts are being made to generalize certain needs and characteristics of consumers of travel services and to identify types of travelers by combining a set of homogeneous features. The data of typologies created on the basis of a set of criteria are always conditional, but in the marketing of a company, when conducting market segmentation and determining target groups, they can be rationally used to train personnel, when choosing the media for an advertising campaign, and also when determining marketing goals.

Segments obtained by dividing the tourism market on the basis of people's lifestyles can provide answers to questions about the behavior, interests, beliefs, perceptions, values ​​and needs of representatives of each such segment. For example, consumer groups have been identified: the self-absorbed seeker of pleasure; active and purposeful person; a representative of the business community, the so-called "blue collar"; traditional homebody.

Self-absorbed seeker of pleasure. A young man doing monotonous, uninteresting work seeks satisfaction from real and imagined outdoor activities. He likes to go fishing and hunting, play basketball, and is fond of expensive sports cars. He has a decent income, but all purchase decisions are made by him spontaneously. This person does not plan life for the long term. He is a regular viewer of sports, adventure and other active programs on TV.

Active and purposeful person. Uses all his abilities and energy to achieve promotion, has a great interest in his work, liberal, with modern views on many aspects of life, self-confident. similar personality is in constant search for new sensations, vigorous activity such as skiing, sailing, traveling abroad. This person reads magazines to keep abreast of all the events and the latest trends in modern culture. He watches sports television programs, entertainment shows and breaking news.

Business personality. Has more free Money to buy a second home and an expensive vacation, in contrast to an active, purposeful person. But she prefers to travel short distances and is less mobile, as she has a permanent place of residence and a well-formed family. She is a reader of business magazines, newspapers, news briefs, television specials on travel and nature.

"Blue Collars". Live in small towns or on the outskirts major cities, have firm convictions about social values, such as a sense of patriotism, morality, and the need for hard work. They consider rest with a family in tents (camping) to be an excellent rest. They love hunting and fishing. Of all television sports programs, they prefer bowling or football.

Traditional homebody. His main problem is the inability to keep up with the rapidly changing world. He admits that he is a follower of the old traditions and expects the same from other people. He tries to extract maximum benefit out of every ruble he spends. A homebody avoids anything that involves risk and will never shop on credit. He is a viewer of television comedies. The main source of information about recent events in the world for him are news broadcasts on television.

All these segments give surface characteristic consumers. When dividing the tourism market according to generalized characteristics, the segments obtained by the lifestyle criterion represent groups of consumers with completely different needs and values. Each segment represents a major market for which a specific tourism product is being developed. Socio-demographic data reveals the physical and financial abilities and limitations of each segment. The lifestyle description gives an idea of ​​the needs and demands of each segment. Usage data for each segment mass media show by what means it is possible to conduct an advertising campaign in order to inform this segment.

The segmentation of tourist demand tends to infinity, this is due to such factors as the complexity of the structure of human needs, the growing importance of recreation and tourism in society.

The complication of the structure of tourist needs leads to the emergence of not only new segments in tourist demand, but also mixed forms of tourism. Kvartalnov, V.A. Tourism / V.A. Quarterly. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. - P.244.

By classifying its customers, the travel agency is able to offer a more customized package of products with related and additional services. A more correct choice is made about the need for customer loyalty, the possibility of error is minimized, and the profitability of the enterprise is increased. By identifying a group of unprofitable customers, you can throw off the negative ballast and transfer part of the funds to retain existing profitable customers.

The concept of “psychological tourism” (Fri) has only just begun to be encountered, and first of all as practical direction activities of travel companies, some psychological centers and event companies. its meaning is interpreted quite differently, while, as a rule, without affecting the conceptual side, without laying any foundation for this type of practice, but only describing the content side.

Clear in meaning, the term "psychological tourism" can be interpreted as a direction of tourism, as a direction of psychological practice, as a certain symbiosis of these two directions. at the same time, the uniqueness and specificity of psychological tourism, its methodological foundations, mechanisms corrective work place in psychological practice.

In this article, we will try to operationalize the phenomenon of "psychological tourism" as a practical direction of group psychological support for a person and give some theoretical basis from the position of an integrative approach in psychology.

An analysis of sources (mainly Internet resources) made it possible to identify several interpretations of psychological tourism.

On the portal of the consulting company "el-consul" (Barnaul) (http://l-konsul.biz1), the following understanding is given: “psychological tourism is a relatively new direction in the field of psychological services for Russia. someone considers it as a traditional trip with psychological techniques, like trainings by the evening fire, someone - as traveling to places of power with an exotic bias, for someone psychological tourism is a trip to a conference on psychology, and for someone - just another buzzword in the travel business. the main idea of ​​Fri is to combine outdoor recreation, travel to interesting places and knowledge of the world of your soul, acquaintance with the power within us. psychological tourism is a journey not only through the expanses of the earth, but also through the expanses of the soul ... psychological tourism is a vacation (70%) + psychological support, unloading, rebooting, green and desirable change in your life (30%)."

On the website of the psychological center “revival” (, the idea of ​​fri is revealed as follows: “we travel to new places not only to get new impressions from the trip, but also to learn yourself ... through the prism of a new place, through contact with the energies of the area and the natural elements, in order to get out of the circle of fuss, make a stop of calm and look at your life and your actions with a new look.

“blog about happiness and personal effectiveness” M. Heinz gives the following interpretation ( “psychological tourism (psy-tourism) is a new and rapidly developing direction modern tourism. its appearance is due to the intense rhythm of human life ... to help those who want not only to relax, but also to improve themselves, psychological tourism has appeared. psychological tourism is a specially developed technology for the restoration and maintenance of mental health person in modern world… …a combination of an interesting holiday with the acquisition of useful psychological skills and skills is psychological tourism.

On the portal of a private psychological office, Krichenko E.V. (Rostov-on-Don), (ttp://, Fri is considered as “rest of a fundamentally different quality”, suggesting the possibility: “to get a short time a vacation that will stay with you for a long time. fill your life vivid memories. learn useful tricks rest and self-regulation, which you can use at home on your own ... get new strength and be inspired to implement new plans. chat with interesting people and visit waterfalls, caves, walk in the forest, breathe fresh air, look at the starry sky and snowy mountains ... "

In addition to the term “psychological tourism”, there are concepts similar in content in the sources: “travels to places of power”, “spiritual tourism” or “spiritual wanderings”, “psychic tours”, “yoga tours”, “training tours”, “ eco-tourism", "eco-psychological tourism", "trainings in places of power", "training-travel" and more. nevertheless, the main ideas of such projects are the combination of recreation with the use of natural resources and work on oneself, self-knowledge, or training. that is, the combination (symbiosis) of tourism and psychological (either spiritual, or esoteric, or business) information and practice. much less often are references to recreation or psychological practice of a different quality. it is another new quality acquired in the integration of travel, recreation, self-exploration and personal practice that is significant for us.

Taking into account the existing interpretations and understanding of Fri, we propose to single out psychological tourism as a science-based holistic direction practical psychology in an integrative approach based on a number of fundamental positions:

Integration is the process by which parts come together into a whole, when all the constituent elements act in concert as a whole. at the level of the individual and the group, integration forms resources, relationships, self-regulatory mechanisms.

An integrative approach involves combining the subject of study and influence, and means (approaches, methods and technologies). So, Lavrova O.V. argues that one of the types of integration consists in “incorporating psychotherapeutic knowledge into general scientific knowledge by combining it with other sciences that study the same class of phenomena in their subject area. manifestations of integration of an interdisciplinary type should also include tendencies towards convergence of natural science and humanitarian knowledge, theoretical and empirical knowledge, medical and non-medical sciences in the field of psychotherapeutic practice. Another manifestation of the process of integration can be considered the association of several psychotherapeutic approaches with each other on the basis of common theoretical premises. this unification takes place in stages from the eclectic to the integrative level.

An integrative approach involves active interaction and the integration of man with the environment (the world), taking into account his bio-psycho-socio-spiritual nature. yes, f. Perls, developing the direction of Gestalt therapy, spoke of the body as a "whole, immersed in the environment"; integrative therapy h. petzold's more focused on establishing human relations with the world; personality-oriented (reconstructive) psychotherapy by b.d. karvasarsky, g.l. isurina, v.a.

The integrative approach is described in more detail in our article "An integrative concept in group and individual counseling".

The concept of psychological tourism appears to us as an integration of theoretical and practical knowledge such fundamental sciences like history, cultural studies, psychology, geography, biology, ecology, and application areas knowledge, such as tourism and psychological (psychotherapeutic) practice. the directly psychological component of the concept is based on such areas as environmental psychology or environmental psychology, spiritual and transpersonal psychology, ethno-psychology, and as a generalization top level- integrative psychology. applied specific psychological areas actively used in psychological tourism are landscape psychotherapy, animal therapy, art therapy, integrative psychotechnologies and other areas that depend on the specifics of the content of psychological tourism.

Regardless of the format of the program (i.e. route and goal), Fri always involves a developmental interaction between a person and the environment. Since the 70s of the last century, the psychology of the environment (environmental psychology) has been studying this interaction, which also includes consideration of the influence of factors of material reality on a person. The concept of "environment" is interpreted broadly and includes both natural objects, and having a material embodiment social education, material structures created by man himself, information objects, etc. are spatial, geographical, social, cultural components, organically included in life and serving an important factor regulation of behavior and social interaction.

the psychology of the environment is fixed on the problems of ecological consciousness and motivation. revealing the patterns of interaction between the individual and the environment, it becomes possible to design and change the environment in such a way that it stimulates the socially acceptable behavior of the individual or would allow predicting the most likely models of her behavior.

The interaction of man and the environment involves the integration (through the mechanisms of assimilation, introjection and projection) of the bio-geo-socio-cultural space of the external environment and the bio-psycho-socio-cultural space of the individual. as a result of this integration, a developing space is formed, controlled by context-mediated psychotechnologies. This idea is described in detail in our article “Developing space as practical concept Integrative Psychology". psychological tourism can be based only on the natural aspect of the environment (these are the so-called "open-air" formats in full contact with nature") or on the entire spectrum of the environment: natural, social, cultural (these are the so-called trips to the "world places of power" in the centers world tradition). in both cases, an integrative developing space will be formed in which personal psychological and group socio-psychological resources and human relations with the world are formed.

Thus, psychological tourism is a direction of practical psychological work that involves the integration of socio-cultural (including history, architecture, art, mentality, traditions, religion) and natural (including landscape, flora and fauna, elements) environments based on contextual -mediated psychotechnologies, forming an integrative developing space of the individual and the group.

Psychological tourism involves not just combining tourism (travel, recreation and learning) with psychological work through psychotechnologies, socio-psychological training, psychotherapy and counseling, but building a holistic contextual space in which personal and group development is conditioned by environmental factors for the implementation of PT (socio-cultural and natural). such conditionality is manifested in the formation of the program, the subject and direction of work, methods and technologies. Thus, the Vedic Hindu tradition contributes, in particular, to the development of aspects of awareness, and the Buddhist one promotes tolerance and acceptance. in both contexts, the use of directional visualizations is relevant, breathing practices transpersonal psychology, body-oriented relaxation practices.

The reverse logic also works: a client request, personal history, actual phenomenology and state can determine the choice of place, route and environment in general for psychological tourism.

Some conducted programs of psychological tourism within the framework of the concept of an integrative developing space of the studio of integrative practices of psychology and yoga "terra" in 2011-12. (author and presenter M. Faerman):

1. Group of personal development and integration "place of power - development: in full contact with nature" ("open-air" format in full contact with nature, tent tourism).

Context: “a place of power is not where healing energy or secrets of ancestors are hidden, but where your resource energy awakens, and where you reveal your own secrets of self-knowledge!”

Psychological group of personal development "" place of power - development "- these are intensive psychotechnologies in the open space (nature) mode, activating resources, expanding behavior, creating integrity and awareness of conflicts, which ultimately leads to the desired psychological reality in the field of close relationships, personal accomplishments, perception of the world and the meaning of life, self-regulation, solving difficult situations, own actual goals.

The content of the work: activation of space, consciousness, body, personality, group through rituals, group dynamics, training; free process bound breathing in open space: full immersion in 5 contextual sessions; background individual awareness training: inner silence, inner light and etc.; energy accumulation through relaxation, dynamic meditations, dance-movement dramas, fire; playing life scenarios and significant situations through psychodrama, the creation of maps of reality; integration of the gained experience and accumulation of the effect through pronunciations, pictorial reflection.

Technologies: breathing and bodily practices, energy massage, individual training, rationalization, psychodrama, art and dance-movement techniques, spiritual rituals, attunements, meditation, biosynthesis, discussion, reflection…

2. Personal development group "flow of power: integrative flow" (format "open air" in full contact with nature, tent tourism, rafting).

Context: "in line with personal change." rafting on wooden rafts along the river. kotorosl and parking in secluded picturesque glades. psychological practices integrity and resourcefulness of the individual. romance of a fire, and tents.

The changeable river and secret camps along the banks will saturate psychological practices with dynamics, development, smoothness of the flow; romance, fantasy open nature. here it is most vivid: the past, present and future are realized for harmonization and development; a map of personal changes is being built - the embodiment of the desired; the picture of the world is saturated - the fullness of life is created; resources are formed: Vital energy, inspiration, insights, stress-resistance.

3. Personal development group (deep psychological practices, harmonious yoga practice) - "India - the heart of the world: the pulsation of life" (format "journey through world places of power", integration psychological group and yoga practices). co-leader, yoga teacher alekseeva o.

Context: a unique journey into the world of ancient culture, rich nature. self-knowledge. disclosure. cleansing. saturation with energy. appeasement. the wisdom of Hindu philosophy; feeling in the pulsation of life; development of personal potential; expansion of consciousness, behavior, ideas about the world, emotional expression, discovery of new physical abilities; spiritual and bodily freedom; accumulation of forces long time; as well as exoticism, beauty, harmony ...

Kerala - a state on the ocean - "the country of gods and magic"; concentration of the elements of water, air, fire, earth; the birthplace of Ayurveda, a unique nature reserve with many clean rivers and lakes (“Indian Venice”), wild sandy beaches, rice plantations and rolling jungles – the heart of the planet!

The content of the work. technologies: free holotropic breathing, body-oriented and dance-movement practices, holistic palsing, creative technologies, dynamic meditations, relaxation, rituals. yoga practices: kriyas (cleansing), static and dynamic pranayama (breathing), asanas (poses), mudras and bandhas (energy gestures and locks), elements of paired yoga, pratyahara practice (work with the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation).

Uniqueness: firstly, here are harmoniously combined psychological work and the practice of yoga, aimed at returning the integral nature of man. secondly, mentoring is provided by two qualified specialists in the field of integrative psychology and classical hatha yoga. Thirdly, the venue was not chosen by chance: Indian state kerala is well equipped to provide the richest natural context: diversity natural resources, "living" culture and tradition, ethnoscience, architecture, privacy. fourthly, psychological and spiritual tourism provides the fullness of external and internal life, voluminous accommodation, tangible and conscious results and impressions of the trip, which is interesting for both seasoned travelers and those for whom the personal and physical development! fifthly, aspects of comfort, organization of life, and the fascination and richness of the stay are organizationally taken into account.

Psychological tourism is a new interesting and popular type of tourism. The emergence of this type of tourism is associated with the need to take a break from the fast pace of life in cities, recover from stress, acquire new knowledge and skills, the ability to combine travel and self-development.

What is psychological tourism?

Modern pace of life frequent stress, fuss leads to a rapid waste of energy, and the inability to rest properly and the lack of time for rest aggravate the situation: human health is deteriorating. Psychological tourism can help to recover, the purpose of which is to harmonize the human condition, self-development and self-improvement. Psiturism allows you to take a break in life and identify the reserves of the individual for recovery.

It is known that a person gets tired both physically and emotionally. negative emotions(anger, fear) drain nervous system making her more vulnerable and sensitive to stress. Over time, performance decreases, and you have to make more efforts to complete tasks, as the body gets tired and needs rest. permanent emotional stress deduces from peace of mind and can lead to depression or other mental disorders such as phobic anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, panic attacks and etc.

Psychological tourism promotes emotional "reboot", getting rid of negative experiences. This is an interesting trip, where you can get new emotions, exciting experiences, acquire valuable knowledge and skills. Such tourism combines the pleasant and the useful: rest and the acquisition of psychological skills of self-regulation, relaxation, the development of the ability to manage personal time, effective communication. Usually the trip lasts 1-2 weeks.

Varieties of psychological tourism:

  • hike with a coach-psychologist and guide,
  • a trip abroad with the passage of trainings on self-development,
  • trip to Big city with excursions, trainings,
  • eco-tourism: knowledge of the surrounding world + self-knowledge and acquisition of new psychological skills. Most often, such tourists live in tents in nature.

The components of psitourism are: new knowledge, disclosure of personal potential, emotional "reboot", self-development, relaxation. The psitourism program is a combination of travel, outdoor recreation with personal development, self-knowledge.

This type of tourism allows you to leave your worries and your usual way of life for a while and engage in the knowledge of your soul and restoration in nature. Finding himself in a new environment, a person develops new adaptation strategies, meets new people, learns a new useful information from a psychologist. All this contributes to emotional unloading, it becomes possible to look at the world in a new way and master previously unknown horizons.

Psychological tourism as a rest for body and soul

In each journey, a main theme is chosen. It is closely intertwined with the choice of place of residence, excursions, sightseeing, etc. The topic of the trip is known in advance, the psychologist can slightly adjust the topic if there is a request from the group.

Usually the group consists of 12-14 tourists (this is the optimal number) and a coach-psychologist. He makes a program psychological trainings. The psychologist also works with each participant of the developmental journey in order to teach them to get rid of bad and negative thoughts, to master the skills of self-regulation and meditation. The organizers of the trip often travel with the group to make the trip more comfortable and well planned.

What is included in the program of psychological tourism?

The basis of psychological tourism is the basic provisions of Gestalt therapy. The main purpose of this type of recreation is to acquire inner harmony and psychological integrity, self-acceptance, filling life with meaningfulness, harmonization of relations with the world with the help of a specially organized psychological help, trainings and activities. Many interesting techniques are used in psiturism, such as photo and video therapy, etc.

The program of psychological tourism often includes:

What is psychological tourism for and what does it give a person?

Thus, psychological tourism is a new and effective way of recreation. It helps to get rid of psychological stress and restoration of human performance, expands the horizons of personal development, forms the ability to take responsibility for the organization of one's life and way of thinking, contributes to the acquisition of new effective coping strategies and skills to cope with stressful situations. This is a great opportunity to relax, develop and know yourself.