Personal life two children from different marriages. The physical development of children will also be different


We, as you know, do not live in an ideal world. People in it get divorced, as a rule, the father leaves the family, and for the child this is always a blow that is almost impossible to avoid. But if a son or daughter is born in a new father's family, then it is in our power to make sure that the children find close people in each other.

We are all living people, and we are overwhelmed different feelings. But you must admit: when on the other side of the scale is the opportunity for a child to gain another native person and keep the relationship with his father, it's worth our effort.

If the divorce happened not so long ago, was not amicable for both parties and the wounds are still fresh, then the mother, releasing the child to meet with the father, often puts iron condition: not to see each other in the presence of a new passion. A variety of feelings can push for this: jealousy, and a subconscious fear that a strange woman from now on claims not only her love ex-husband but also a child.

If post-divorce stress has not subsided, do not force things. In this situation, it is often really better if the father meets the child alone for the first time. After all, for the child, the understandable and well-established order of life collapsed. And he needs to gradually get used to the new. If the father’s “half” does not immediately enter the life of the baby and he first adapts to the already changed state of affairs, this will only reduce stress.

It is important to allow all experiences to subside. If the mother cannot cope with her emotions and starts asking the baby about a new companion, then the child, perfectly feeling the tension that reigns between adults, finds himself in a difficult position. He is left with no choice: he must either lie that "Aunt is bad" or tell the truth, causing mother's displeasure. But this state of affairs is temporary, and the child will need to be introduced to a new home.

If a son or daughter, for one reason or another, is fenced off from the father's family for a long time, then the inability to form their own idea of ​​​​the new life of the parent, about what and how is happening in his house, traumatizes the child and causes thoughts that he is a stranger there. Excessive control on the part of the mother will in the end only lead to alienation between her and the child. After all, if meetings in the presence of the father’s new wife still take place, then the baby will have to hide them. It is not easy in this situation for a man. If it only occurs on no man's land, then the new wife may eventually begin to be jealous of the influence of the child and put forward some conditions for her part. Not all fathers will be ready to go literally between Scylla and Charybdis, someone cannot stand the double pressure and begins to avoid meetings. As a result, due to the fact that the mother does not find the strength to allow the child to fully enter the life of the father, children suffer.

But life does not stand still. And one day the plot is enriched with another hero - a brother or sister who is born in my father's new family. The appearance of a new baby is happy, but also enough difficult moment and for complete family. And it is important that the child is gradually prepared for this event. Ideally, both the mother of the child, and the father, and his new wife should take part in this. Future mother it is important to remember that the baby she is expecting already has a brother or sister, that is, a person close to him. And her attitude to the older child in many ways lays the foundation of children's friendship. If the baby is very small, she can draw his attention to what is in her tummy little brother or sister, to whom you can already say hello. And with whom in the future they will certainly play together.

“I specially prepared Nastya, my husband's three-year-old daughter, for the fact that her little brother would soon live with us,” says Anna. - I showed her babies in pictures and in other people's strollers, told how we would bathe, dress and rock the baby together. In parallel, we discussed what she wants to do herself. And we agreed that she would smear him with cream, teach him to smile, laugh, run and jump. I explained to her that the born brother still does not know how to walk, much less walk, and therefore he will be carried in his arms. And, of course, they will also wear it, but how. Only this is how unlucky the baby is - he still cannot run and play. And Nastya can, that's how great!

Talking as much as possible about a new family member long before his appearance, helping the child internally adapt this idea, is absolutely the right decision. And it's great that the future brother figured as an exceptionally positive character.

"We immediately liked each other"

Liza, 16 years old: “We study at the same school and often meet there. And so - I come to them every week, or we just go somewhere together, with dad and mom. I used to see Sonya at school, but we didn't know each other. And then we met and immediately liked each other. We are very good friends and often see each other after school or call each other to talk. I also have a brother and a sister on my father's side and a brother on my mother's side with whom I live. We are all very friendly, both parents and children.

Sonya, 13 years old: “We have a very good relationship close, rather like sisters. From the first day we met, we immediately became friends. Liza and I talk about everything: about books, about mutual acquaintances, about everything that comes to mind. Very often Lisa stays with us to spend the night. Once we were left alone with her, my parents stayed at a party, and we began to watch a thriller. It was very scary and great!”

Sonya, 13 years old "Lisa is my closest friend"

Liza, 16 years old “We have a lot of fun together, with Sonya I can talk about everything”

“I tell everyone that Rita is my sister, although in fact she is the daughter of my father's new wife. At first, I didn’t really like that she now lives with us, but then I got used to it,” says 6-year-old Yulia about her 8-year-old half-sister. “Consolidated” are those who are not related by blood ties, but as a result of a new marriage of parents, they become part of the same family. At first, they may experience conflicting feelings for each other: new circumstances overturn everything that until now seemed unshakable. And the task of adults is to help children cope with the new life situation, contribute to the emergence between them of a real kinship, relations of warmth and mutual support.

Create Relationships

Is it possible true friendship between stepbrothers and sisters? “It occurs only if children spend a lot of time together,” says child psychologist Elena Moskaleva. - How more events and personal stories unites them, the smaller the difference in age, the more fraternal, trusting relationship established between them.

Relationships can be trusting, friendly. But also neutral, competitive and avoidant too. Of course, they change over time and are not always mutual. Be that as it may, for every child, the restructuring of the family is difficult process leading to new emotional connections.

Pin Roles

What kind of relationship will develop between children depends largely on their interests, on the attention of parents to them, as well as on family history every child. The place that the child will take in the new family hierarchy is important: the eldest can suddenly become the middle or the youngest, and vice versa, which often provokes conflict and resentment. As an older sister, 8-year-old Lena always defended the younger Yegor. But when their mother remarried, the stepfather's daughter, 13-year-old Larisa, appeared in the family. So Lena was overthrown from her throne. “Quarrels between girls happened more and more often,” recalls Lena's mother, 47-year-old Natalya. - At some point, I realized that I should secure the role of the older sister of her brother for my daughter. The clear demarcation of territories allowed all of us to breathe a sigh of relief.”

“At 4-5 years old, children get used to new role, - says Elena Moskaleva. - But for junior schoolchildren and adolescents, changing status often proves to be a serious test. Persistent attempts by a stepfather or stepmother to become a new parent reinforce negative emotions adolescent and can cause him to actively reject the new family member. Therefore, adults should start building relationships from a friendly position, and not from subordinating the younger to the older. “This will help children feel trust in the new parent and gradually recognize his authority,” says Elena Moskaleva. “It is important to preserve the value system that operated in the biological family of the child,” adds Anzhela Paramonova, a child psychoanalyst. It helps the child to identify himself. Exactly on family values, as on a foundation, his sense of security rests. And the new family should in no case cross out the old one from his life.

“We are friends, but we can argue”

Mikha, 9 years old: “We knew each other before, we visited each other. Therefore, when they began to live together, in general, everything was normal at once. It even became more convenient. We normally play, most often in board games, in "Munchkin" or Lego. I still play chess, but Misha used to play it before. But we rarely play chess with him. Sometimes we argue about some things. But, in general, we are friends. When people ask me if I have brothers or sisters, I answer that I have two brothers and another cousin.”

Misha, 11 years old: “We are very good friends with Mikha. We play, collect Lego. It’s a little more difficult to communicate with Lesha, but I’m great with Miha. We can tinker all together or think of something else. But we have very little free time. Lots of clubs and activities. If someone offended Mikha, I would, of course, intercede for him. But he is engaged in wrestling, he has an orange belt. So, most likely, he will cope on his own. ”

Deal with jealousy

Competing for the love of their parents, half-siblings stand up for themselves, but at the same time they suffer greatly. Everyone wants to get more love. “The child wages a constant war for the attention of“ his ”parent, and the most heated disputes flare up when comparing a stepfather with a father or a stepmother with a mother,” confirms Elena Moskaleva. “Each of the children believes that his parent is better.” The cause of disagreements between children may be unresolved contradictions between former spouses. “It is easier for children to transfer their internal discord to relations with half-brothers and sisters than to admit that one of the parents is wrong,” says Angela Paramonova. - The situation is even more complicated if one of the adults resists too much close friendship your child with new relatives.

Shadow of incest

It happens that friendly relations between “almost brothers and sisters” turn into something more. It is, of course, about love. “I was 16 and Zhenya 18 when our parents got married,” recalls Maria, 30. - Our sympathy very quickly grew into love. When Zhenya told them that we had been dating for a long time, they were shocked.” Eugene and Maria got married, despite the obvious disapproval of their parents.

Most of our experts believe love relationship between stepbrother and sister incest. And they say that the creation of a new couple by parents leads to a ban on love relationships between children from their past marriages, even though there is no biological relationship between them. “Regardless of the age at which children become members of the same family, sexual relations between them are destructive to their personality,” explains Anzhela Paramonova. - Unconscious reasons for such love may be the Oedipus complex, and rivalry with the "new" parent. Jealousy, envy, vindictiveness lead to suffering. Parents should prohibit any manifestation of sexuality between stepchildren.

"Deep love feelings between step-brothers and sisters can only arise when new marriage parents falls on the adolescence of children, - Elena Moskaleva clarifies. - They can no longer recognize a stranger as a brother or sister, for them this is just an acquaintance with a peer. The meeting of children becomes a mirror repetition love meeting parents. And since the most significant adolescence are relationships with the opposite sex, it is extremely easy to fall in love with someone who is nearby. If parents see that love relationships are developing between teenagers, it is necessary to clearly outline the boundaries of what is permitted.

New kids in a new family

Birth in a new family common child can be a real challenge for older children. The feeling of jealousy of the elder in relation to the younger is complicated here by the feeling of belonging to another, “dark” period in the life of the parents. Envy appears - after all, a baby, unlike them, has both a mother and a father at home. Psychotherapist Marcel Rufo advises parents, both “real” and “not real”, to find time and discuss the new situation with older children, so that it would be easier for them to experience this complex cocktail of emotions, and see positive sides brotherhood. Marcel Rufo "Brothers and sisters, the disease of love" (U-Factoria, 2006).

Time to get used to each other

Do children in a new family have to be friends? “This is another illusion of many parents,” our experts say. Parents need to realize that the creation of a new family is their desire, which does not necessarily coincide with the desire of children. Therefore, adults should clearly state the rule: everyone should respect the other, and the rest - friendship, affection - as it will. The feeling of belonging to a new family always arises gradually. “The behavior of adults determines how comfortable children will be in new circumstances,” emphasizes family therapist Marcel Rufo. - They should unite them, realizing that the desire to get to know each other better can arise only when the children see each other often. New parents should think about how best to organize vacations, trips, meetings that are completely dedicated to children.

But every child needs his own space and one-on-one communication with his own father or mother. Otherwise, he may have a feeling of loss, loneliness and uselessness in a new family. 16-year-old Marina would not exchange for anything in the world the week that she and her mother spend only together during the holidays: “Do not be like this - ours and no one else's! - days, I would be jealous of her and the new husband, and his daughters.

But even outwardly smooth relations continue to be fragile. Children from different marriages appear together, but do not "merge". And conflicts between them can arise at any time. Concerted action by parents and fair treatment of children will help build friendly family and make children closer friend to friend. The experience gained together, common successes, the same level of education - all this strengthens the brotherhood of children with different characters, each of whom lived their own life story before meeting their parents.

The calculation of alimony maintenance for children from different marriages raises many questions, both for their legal representatives and payers.

The calculation of alimony for children from one marriage is quite transparent and is based on legal norms. The logic of the document assumes that the content is distributed evenly, regardless of whether children are born in the same marriage or in different ones.

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In practice, things are different. Due to various factors and when using the opportunities provided by the second paragraph of the same article of the Code, the maintenance allowance for children from different marriages is often assigned unequal.

What does the new law say

The state guarantees children maintenance from the parent who has ceased cohabitation with them. According to legal norms, maintenance is an obligation that the parent is subject to until the child reaches. It is also necessary to provide for those children who, regardless of age, are disabled for health reasons.

Amendments in 2019 threaten an even greater burden on alimony payers for children from one or more marriages:

The first thing that will change is the age of minors in need of maintenance According to the new amendments, maintenance payments can be extended until the child reaches the age 24 years old. To do this, he must study at a specialized secondary or higher educational institution at the eye department.
The second important addition to the family code is housing alimony. They will be appointed by a court decision if the parent with whom the child was left cannot provide him with housing due to material or other problems. The alimony payer will be charged additional obligation create decent living conditions for the child.
Changes to Fixed Support Amounts It is supposed to appoint minimum threshold amounts. Most likely, this threshold will be equal to 15000 rubles.
The conditions for paying child support for the unemployed will change Calculations will now be based not on the minimum wage, but on the average for the region. As a result, the amount will increase significantly.

These amendments to the Family Code are still under discussion. But even now it can be predicted that many of them will soon enter the new law about alimony.

The legislative framework

When considering cases involving alimony for children from different marriages, they are based on three basic documents:

  • code of laws family affairs- Family code;
  • a decision explaining the type of income from which the payer is obliged to deduct maintenance to children;
  • an order protecting the rights of the payer.

The main law according to which alimony is assigned is the Family Code. It defines the principles for calculating the amount of alimony, the methods and procedure for payment. On the basis of this set of laws, all legal issues associated with the need to increase or decrease payments. The fifth chapter of the Code is devoted to the provisions on maintenance obligations.

The next document that is used to ensure the fulfillment of alimony obligations is Government Decree No. 841. This decree underlies the assessment of income, which should be the basis for the payment of alimony.

To put it briefly, alimony must be deducted from any income, whether it is permanent or periodic. Alimony is also paid from one-time income from the sale or exchange of property.

Despite the fact that it is the duty of the person burdened with alimony to deduct a share of any income, in practice, collection occurs only from the official wages, as payers try to hide other incomes.

The federal law that determines from the income of the payer in favor of children is number 229. The document guarantees the payer a minimum material support necessary to maintain own level life. It is legally prohibited to deduct more than 70% of all income received by the payer as alimony.

What determines child support from different marriages

Legal difficulties in alimony cases do not arise if the spouses separated by mutual agreement, have no claims against each other and agreed on the joint maintenance of the child. If at the same time both agree with, and the minor is provided with a decent standard of living, then often the agreements are not even drawn up, but are oral. Unfortunately, such arrangements are either rare or short-lived.

Often the rivalry between ex-wives one man continues after the dissolution of marriages and is reflected in the maintenance of children.

General formalities

Based on the Family Code, the payment of alimony can be assigned as part of the payer's income, a fixed amount, in a mixed way:

Share of income of the payer Formally, when using this form of deduction, alimony should be calculated according to the following scheme:
  • amount to a quarter of the payer's salary;
  • on - a third (for 1/6 parts) of earnings;
  • on - half (1/6 parts) of earnings;

If there are more children, then half of the payer's earnings are divided by the number of children. There was at the same time one marriage or several does not matter.

Fixed amount the name is nominal, since its value changes periodically. This form of alimony can be chosen by the payer with the voluntary agreement of the parties.

A fixed sum of money may be awarded by the court when:

  • the payer's income is not constant;
  • the payer works unofficially;
  • the parent receives a salary in kind or currency.

The determination of the amount is calculated based on the share of the minimum wage in the region (SMIC) and the cost of living in the country. With this form of payment, the amount of alimony is periodically indexed, depending on changes in the size of the minimum wage and the cost of the food basket.

mixed way
  • The mixed payment option is used when the official income level of the payer does not allow the child to receive decent support. In this case, a fixed percentage is deducted from the parent's earnings and an additional payment to alimony in the form of a fixed amount is additionally assigned.
  • However, any distribution scheme will only work if all former spouses filed alimony claims with the payer at the same time and on the same terms.
  • Since this is not possible, formal approaches to the calculation of alimony are adjusted by the circumstances in which the decision on the amount of support is made.

Collection conditions

The law allows you to demand the establishment of maintenance for a minor from the father or mother directly in marriage, after its termination and even when it was not concluded:

Alimony in marriage Separate norms of the Family Code allow you to receive maintenance without dissolving the marriage. Most often, such a recovery condition is applied if the marriage exists only on paper, the spouses do not general economy. But it is possible to determine maintenance payments even if one of the spouses fully entrusts the maintenance of the family or common children to the second, he himself evades these duties.

When a man already pays alimony to children from a previous marriage, the official spouse can apply for alimony:

  • at it and before reaching ;
  • when caring for a child with disabilities;
  • in case of disability;
  • if she or the child needs expensive treatment.

In order to receive alimony in marriage, it is necessary to prove that the one who insists on maintenance is materially in need and is not able to support himself on his own.

Alimony without marriage Parents are responsible for the maintenance of their children, whether they are married or not. It is on this legal norm that the opportunity to apply for alimony is based.

In order to be guaranteed alimony from the father, it is necessary to prove legally that the child is his. The easiest way is if the children are recognized as the father and the data on the civil husband is entered in their Birth Certificates.

Otherwise, the fact of paternity will have to be proven in court. You will need evidence of cohabitation, witnesses of family relationships.

Documents that may litigation on the maintenance case to confirm the relationship of children with parents:

  • birth certificate, where the payer is listed as one of the parents;
  • a certificate from the registry office or a court decision that confirms the establishment of paternity;
  • certificate of adoption of a minor or disabled child.

Genetic testing can help prove paternity.

Alimony upon divorce In the absence of a voluntary settlement agreement on the payment of alimony, you can sue for their determination as soon as the marriage is dissolved and within three subsequent years. The law allows you to claim material maintenance for the entire period.
Features of the accrual process
  • In the case of children from different marriages, the easiest situation is when the mother has children from different fathers. If at the same time men have no other maintenance obligations, the mother will receive 25% of the salary of each father.
  • It is more difficult to calculate payments if a man has several children from different marriages. This is due to the fact that the maintenance of children is assigned sequentially, often with a large interval of time.
  • As a rule, 25% of the salary is assigned to the first child. Each consideration of the maintenance case for subsequent children should theoretically reduce the content of the previous ones, according to the law.
  • In order for this theory to be put into practice, when assigning alimony, a man must each time inform the court about the presence of other children and about how much interest he already deducts for alimony. If this is not done, you will have to pay 25% of the salary for each child. Usually the judge makes this question mandatory when considering the case. But there are times when they forget to ask about previous children.
  • The form of alimony for children from several marriages may be different. If the first child is assigned a share of the payer's earnings, the next child may be assigned payment in the established amount of money.
  • According to the law, the date of commencement of the recovery of alimony is the date of application to the court. The reduction and their increase depends on two factors: the material and physical condition of the payer and the material and the physical state children in need of support.
  • When changing the position of the payer in better side, or the second side - for the worse - alimony can be. And vice versa, if the quality of life of the payer has worsened, or the living conditions of the child have improved, maintenance payments are possible.
  • To initiate the process of changing the amount of payments, the interested party must apply to the court.

Possible sizes and calculations

It is possible to clearly explain the procedure for calculating maintenance obligations for children born in different marriages using examples that take into account different forms payments:

Example No. 1 - allowable share of the payer's salary The defendant was issued court decisions to pay maintenance for three children from two marriages in the amount of 50% of income.

Respondent's income for the current month:

  • salary minus 13% tax, in the amount of 16,780 rubles;
  • bonus at the end of the month 2140 rubles;
  • income from renting an apartment is 10,000 rubles.

The total income will be: 16780 + 2140 + 10000 = 28920 rubles. The amount payable under maintenance obligations: 28920 x 50% = 14460 rubles.

TOTAL: Each child will receive alimony in the amount of: 14460 / 3 = 4820 rubles.

Example No. 2 - the share of the payer's salary exceeds 70% In addition to existing obligations (50% of income), he came with a requirement to deduct a child support share from a third marriage in the amount of 25%. The total income has not changed = 28920 rubles.

Moreover, if the conditions of all writ of execution, it turns out that it is necessary to deduct 50% of income = 14460 rubles for three children, and fourth child- 25% of income = 7230 rubles. In total, this will amount to 21,690 rubles, which corresponds to 75% of the payer's income. The law does not allow such actions, so payments will have to be reduced proportionally.

The maximum allowable amount for deduction will be: 28920 x 70% = 20244 rubles.

The calculation should proceed as follows:

  • The maximum allowable amount is multiplied by the amount prescribed for deduction for each child individually. The result is divided by overall value payments by court order.
  • In total, each of the three children will receive 20244x4820/21690 = 4498 rubles.
  • The fourth child will receive: 20244x7230/21690 = 6748 rubles.
  • Total debts for each of the three children will amount to 4820 - 4498 = 332 rubles, the debt for the fourth child - 7230 - 6748 = 482 rubles.

According to this example, debts will accumulate and, if they are not paid, will be collected from other sources of the payer.

Example #3 - fixed amount
  • When calculating, the court proceeded from the minimum wage in the region. If the court establishes an obligation to pay alimony in a fixed amount for two children from different marriages with a size of 33% of the minimum wage, then each child must receive 1/6 of the minimum wage.
  • For 2019, the minimum wage in the Russian Federation was 7,500 rubles. For each of the children, the payer will have to deduct: 7500 / 6 \u003d 1250 rubles, for both - 2500 rubles.
  • An increase in the minimum wage will lead to an increase in the amount of payment and vice versa. It is worth noting that from 2019, an amendment may be introduced that will establish a lower threshold for the amount of alimony for each child equal to the subsistence level.

Number in the family

The more children from different marriages the payer has left, the greater the amount payable:

  • If there are two children, one from two marriages - this is the most simple situation to calculate the amount of alimony. The first child is assigned 25% of the salary. When applying for alimony by the second ex-wife, she also expects 25% of the defendant's salary. The law allows such a deduction, because it does not exceed half of the payer's earnings.
  • If the defendant proves that he does not have sufficient income, then by law the maintenance assigned to the first child can be reduced to 1/6 of the payer's earnings. In this case, the second child will also be assigned maintenance in 1/6 of his income.
  • Thus, the court equalizes children in rights.
  • According to the law, the share of alimony for three children is half of the payer's income. Each child must receive 1/6 of the parent's income.
  • The principle of equality, according to legal norms, will be preserved. That is, the 25% of earnings assigned to the first child will be reduced to 1/6 of the share when it becomes necessary to support the second and third children. The total deductions in this case will be 50% of the parent's income.
  • If three children are born in three different marriages, the court may assign each 25% of the father's income as alimony and total amount payments will exceed the allowable 70% of earnings. In this case, the father's debt will accumulate and be collected later at the expense of additional income the payer or his property.
Four Four or more children receive maintenance on a parity basis. The more children, the less maintenance they can expect. According to the law, each of four children can receive 1/8, from five - 1/10, from six - 1/12 of the parent's income.

This is the basic principle of calculations.

The second paragraph of article 81 of the Family Code allows you to make adjustments to the determination of the amount of alimony, which will make the shares of children unequal:

Cases where an increase in the amount of payments is allowed:
  • significant changes in the quality of life of the child associated with health;
  • significant deterioration in the financial situation of the child;
  • temporary disability of the child's legal representative due to illness or serious injury;
  • the resulting disability of the parent with whom the child was left.
Cases where a reduction in the amount of payments is allowed:
  • the appearance of another child by the payer;
  • significant reduction in total income or loss of employment;
  • the emergence of additional obligations, such as maintenance or caring for close relatives dependent on the payer;
  • evidence that the minor started labor activity and able to provide for himself;
  • an increase in the child's income, for example, the appearance of property that brings more profit or inheritance.
When payments stop:
  • the child reaches the age of majority and becomes able to work or is recognized as emancipated under 18;
  • the minor is adopted;
  • one of the parties dies.

The determination of the amount of payments for each child is decided in individually and takes into account many factors, which is why payments for children in different marriages can vary

Arbitrage practice

Judicial practice shows that it is much easier to achieve an increase in child support payments than to reduce the amount with a court decision already made:

Situation 1
  • The father was assigned alimony for the first child in the amount of 25% of the first marriage and 25% of the second marriage. In his third marriage, he had a child, and the alimony payer filed a lawsuit to reduce payments.
  • The court decided to leave the amount of alimony maintenance unchanged, since the defendant could not prove that at the birth of a child, his financial situation deteriorated significantly.
  • Conclusion: despite the fact that the birth of a child may serve as a basis for reducing child support, it is necessary to prove the impossibility of maintaining children from previous marriages at the same level.
Situation 2
  • The court determined the alimony allowance for two children of the defendant from different marriages in equal shares, corresponding to 1/6 of the share of his income. One of the children was seriously injured and needed long and expensive treatment. His mother sued for an increase in child support, submitting medical documents and medical bills.
  • The court refused to increase the share of alimony payments, but appointed a fixed amount that the father must pay until the end of the child's treatment.
  • Conclusion: this is a vivid example of the fact that by proving the need to increase alimony, you can receive compensation, if not in an increase in the share, then in a fixed amount of money.
Situation 3
  • The alimony payer paid by court decision for two children from his first marriage 33% of earnings. After the dissolution of the second marriage, the last wife filed for alimony for two more children. The defendant demanded to reduce maintenance payments to 1/8 share for each child.
  • The court decided to pay the children from the second marriage 1/8 of the share - a quarter of all the father's income. The court considered it impossible to reduce the share of children from the first marriage; it remained at the level of 1/6 of the payer's income for each child.
  • Conclusion: with good financial situation it is practically impossible for the payer to reduce the share of maintenance payments.

Is it necessary to introduce children from different marriages?

Hello. I am writing in the hope of finding some thread in unraveling our problem. So I'm looking forward to the answers.

My husband has a second marriage with me. We have a 4 year old daughter together. My husband has a 7 year old son from his first marriage. Children don't know about each other. Although they are still small, I feel that they should know about each other as early as possible, then they will take it for granted, and it will not be a shock to them. But the ex-wife categorically forbids dedicating her child to these revelations, almost with a threat that she will forbid her father to see him, she is afraid for the psyche. The husband sees his son every weekend, it looks like this - his parents bring the child to their home and they meet there. The father and son have complete mutual understanding, he is an authority for the boy. The ex-wife takes revenge to some extent - her husband left her for me (it happens sometimes in life that people find each other too late) But the children grow up ...

Our friends have a similar situation, but there the child from the first marriage comes to the second family of the father. My husband really wants his situation to be the same. With ex-wife he does not communicate, everything is through his mother. And he sees no point in talking with her on this topic - he feels the result in advance.

What do you think, is it necessary for children to know that they have a sister or brother? And when and how to tell them about it, and whether it is necessary to acquaint?

P.S.We remind you - topics that concern you,can be sent privately