Why is NASA hiding the truth from us? NASA hides the truth about space and aliens. NASA hides the remains of a man-made civilization

Although Americans for decades considered NASA to be a purely civilian agency, open and making available to the public all the information obtained as a result of space exploration, they were deeply mistaken. AT recent times it became clear that due to considerations " national security“A lot (moreover, the most interesting!) Was classified, and only now the veil over some of NASA's secrets is beginning to lift.

Contact has already been made!

In 1994, Edgar Mitchell, the 6th astronaut to land on the moon, was in Russia for an event dedicated to parapsychological research. After his speech, journalists were allowed to ask him a few questions. I asked Mitchell if he had seen aliens on the moon. Smiling, he replied that he himself would be happy to meet aliens, but they were not on the moon.

Alas, Americans know how to tell a lie beautifully, remember how sincerely, with open smiles, American politicians promised the leadership of our country that they would not expand NATO, as they convincingly spoke about weapons mass destruction in Iraq... And so Mitchell, to all questions concerning UFOs and aliens, said that he had no information on these topics.

However, in the life of many people there comes a time when they are no longer afraid either for their career or even for their lives - this is old age. Therefore, it is in old age that many begin to tell the truth. More recently, 77-year-old Edgar Mitchell said in an interview that aliens have already made contact with people several times, but information about this has been hidden from the world for 60 years. He said that during his time at NASA, he knew about many UFO visits to Earth, each of which was classified and carefully hidden from the public.

According to Mitchell, the aliens are not much different from the image that in last years replicated in science fiction films and illustrations for ufological articles: they have a big head with huge eyes and a flimsy small body. They are so technologically ahead of Earthlings that "if they are hostile," Mitchell warned, "then we're lost." The conqueror of the moon touched upon the incident near Roswell in 1947. According to him, an extraterrestrial ship actually crashed there, similar accidents were in other places.

“I was lucky enough to touch the fact that our planet has been visited and that UFOs are a reality,” Mitchell said. - For the last 60 years or so, all our governments have kept this very carefully hidden, but gradually the information leaked out, and some of us were lucky enough to learn a little about it. I've spoken to members of the military and intellectual circles who know what's under the surface. mass knowledge the answer is hidden - yes, we were visited by aliens. If you read the newspapers of late, it becomes clear that this happens quite often.

It is curious that the host of the program, Nick Margerrison, listening to Mitchell's revelations, simply did not believe his ears and at first even thought "that he had stumbled upon some kind of astronaut humor", but then he realized "that aliens really live in space and this is not subject to discussion."

NASA's reaction to Mitchell's words was not long in coming, an agency spokesman said: “NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not affiliated with any information about alien life on this planet or anywhere else in space. Dr. Mitchell - great american but in this matter we do not share his opinion. Pay attention to the word “opinion”, it is appropriate for an answer to some ufologist who, based on indirect data, concluded that NASA was hiding the truth about UFOs, but in the case of Mitchell - a person who is clearly aware - one must talk about the information he voiced. And so the "opinion" in the NASA response can be interpreted as fiction, which, no doubt, is not true.

Crystal towers of the moon

In an interview, former NASA employee Richard Hoagland stated: “I believe that the Apollo project confirmed the existence of an ancient, but still human civilization on the moon. It was founded by our ancestors in scary thinking which tribe. But we were able to release only a small part of the information received by NASA that people once inhabited the entire solar system.

Isn't it a sensational statement?! It may seem unbelievable to many, but recently information has become more and more significant that history intelligent civilization on our planet is not as simple and straightforward as it seemed until quite recently. In the light of a row mysterious finds in the ancient layers of the Earth, the hypothesis of the British physicist Lyndon Meredith no longer seems crazy that an advanced terrestrial civilization that managed to go into space and get to Mars destroyed itself in a nuclear conflict 30 million years ago.

Perhaps it was this civilization that left traces of its activities on the Moon and Mars, which former NASA employees Richard S. Hoagland and Ken Johnston have been talking about in recent years at a number of press conferences and interviews. According to them, NASA has been hiding information about the discovery of traces on the moon for 40 years ancient civilization. Recently translated into Russian and published a rather impressive and very interesting book Richard S. Hoagland and Mike Bara Dark Mission. secret history NASA". In it, the authors argue that NASA almost regularly withholds or deliberately misrepresents various important information about space.

When studying photographs taken by the American manned mission "Apollo" and automatic spacecraft, Hoagland noticed unusual geometric patterns. correct education. For example, in the LO-III-84M image (Lunar Orbiter mission), the researcher discovered a mysterious "pin-shaped" structure that bulged 1.5 miles above the surface of the Moon. In this object, Hoagland found a clear geometric organization, which consisted of "repetitive complex internal crystalline forms." These were cells, although damaged, but still clearly visible. The researcher got the full impression "that this is a complex glassy artificial object of various sizes, now severely damaged during a very long meteorite bombardment."

In the same image, Hoagland was able to spot a glass 'megacube' perched atop a 'shiny glass tower'. The whole structure rose above the surface of the moon for seven miles! There were other objects that seemed to be suspended above the surface of the Earth's satellite. Hoagland had the idea that there once existed a huge artificial dome in this place, of which only fragments remain to date. The explorer named it "The Dome of the Middle Sea".

And in the Apollo 10 image AS10-32-4822, Hoagland found "an unusually regular, rectangular, convex, repeating three-dimensional pattern." The rows of lines looked like streets, all the details gave rise to the idea that in the picture ancient city, significantly destroyed by long-term meteorite bombardment. Hoagland called it "Los Angeles on the Moon". On the this moment no hypothesis can explain the formation of this "Los Angeles" in a natural way, it turns out that it is artificial and, therefore, can actually be a city.

I would like to dwell on another curious object discovered by Hoagland, the so-called "Castle". This object, somewhat reminiscent of the Schloss Neuschwansch castle built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria, is suspended above the lunar surface at an altitude of about 9 miles. "Castle" is a rather geometrically complex object, someone from Russian authors called him " Stalin skyscraper” (actually similar!).

Of course, the first question that arises is how such a colossus was suspended at such a significant height? According to Hoagland, the "Castle" is another part of the huge "Middle Sea Dome". Maybe this dome was mounted on a heavy-duty frame, which, due to its “elegance” and dark color, is simply not readable in the pictures? Perhaps it will be possible to solve this riddle only on the Moon, when humanity will again reach its night luminary.

In the course of his research, Hoagland learned that NASA retouched negatives (not photographs!), which meant one thing - the data obtained when shooting the Moon could never be reproduced in the original. He learned another outrageous fact from former NASA employee Ken Johnston. He said that he was forced to fulfill the order of his superiors and destroy all copies of the original lunar photographs - tens of thousands of photographs of the Moon! True (praise Ken!), Johnston did not destroy one set, he kept some of the pictures for himself, and secretly transferred the larger one to the University of Oklahoma. In these surviving images, Hoagland found a number of mysterious anomalies of a clearly artificial nature. They fully confirmed his assumption about the presence on the Moon of the ruins of the buildings of an ancient civilization, which, of course, was categorically denied by NASA.

Secrets of the Red Planet

For the first time about the possibility of discovering in solar system extraterrestrial artifacts started talking in 1976, when in a picture taken orbital station Viking 1, a mysterious Face has been discovered. The picture with him instantly flew around all the newspapers of the world. However, NASA at a special press conference quickly cooled the heads of optimists who were dreaming about a sensational discovery. NASA has stated that the Face is just "a play of light and shadow" and other images of the same place taken later do not show anything like it. Later it turned out that this statement was not true.

Few people know that the Viking 2 was supposed to land in Cydonia, where the Face was discovered. However, the landing site was immediately changed, this was explained by the large unevenness of the relief, established from the photographs of Sidonia. "Viking? 2" was planted on the plain of Utopia, where the relief was even worse than in Sidonia ...

At first, no one attached much importance to this, only then the researchers began to get the impression that NASA was doing everything to bring down public interest in this mysterious formation. When researchers Vince DiPietro and Greg Molenaar tried to find other pictures of the Face in 1979, including disproving its existence, they did not find anything, the pictures mysteriously disappeared ... And this is in the agency where there should be perfect order! By chance, only one "incorrectly registered" picture of the Face was found, which confirmed its existence and even made it possible to establish the presence of a second eye socket!

In addition to the Face in Cydonia, a number of other mysterious objects, which were included in the so-called "Complex of Sidonia". These were mountains, very reminiscent of pyramids, the Fortress object, which had triangular shape and two straight walls, etc. All studies concerning Cydonia met with active opposition from NASA. Researchers' articles were not published in specialized journals, but in them " green light received their critics with false arguments.

It would seem that NASA should have taken pictures of Cydonia again at the first opportunity and thus put an end to all talk about its mysteries, but the agency refused to consider photographing this section of Mars as priority task for the next missions ... It got to the point that during the flight in 1998, the Mars Global Savior, only under pressure from the public, NASA nevertheless agreed to take new pictures of the Face.

When the image of the Face was published, all enthusiasts of the existence of intelligent life on Mars in the past were bitterly disappointed - there was nothing in the photo resembling the first, which became famous, image. Numerous exposing and ironic articles appeared in the media directed against those who long years talked about artificial objects in Cydonia.

However, the researchers did not give up, but began to study the materials provided by NASA. First, it was possible to establish that the wrong image parameters were published (NASA admitted this and apologized), then the experts came to the conclusion that the original image of the Face was processed using various filters and it was changed beyond recognition ... That is, the public was provided with an almost fake picture! However, the resulting images of Sidonia still allowed Hoagland and his team to confirm the presence of a number of supposedly artificial objects and even find new ones.

Moreover, researchers and enthusiasts who joined them began to find mysterious objects in the images of other regions of Mars, these were tubular structures and even entire cities, consisting of blocks resembling destroyed buildings. Dr. M. Malin in subsequent years published several more pictures of the Face and its fragments, on one the researchers even managed to distinguish the pupil in the eye socket!

In 2001, under pressure from the Hoagland group and the NASA public, a rather nice shot Face made by MGS. At the same time, NASA carried out another campaign in the media to discredit the Hoagland group, because in the picture of the Face there were no human features. As it turned out later, this picture was pre-processed.

Meanwhile, infrared images from the Mars Odyssey showed the presence of a number of ordered rectangular shapes for which there was no geological explanation. It could only be the foundations and the remains of the walls of once erected buildings! The same thing was found below the surface of Cydonia!

During the investigation of the "sins" of NASA, it was possible to establish that all color photographs of Mars, by order of the agency's leadership, were issued to the public in red tones, although in reality the colors of the landscapes of this planet are completely different. So, one of the pictures strikingly resembled Arizona - “ blue sky, brownish-red earth and gray rocks with green blotches”… Why was it necessary to change colors? The fact is that NASA wanted to present Mars as a lifeless dead planet, and this is most likely not the case.

The Opportunity rover managed to photograph some kind of fossilized marine organism in a piece of rock, but NASA simply destroyed this find, without informing the public about it. In the images taken with the help of rovers, various researchers found different mysterious artifacts- from the "skull" of a humanoid to the "statue" of a Martian and the petrified "claw" of some sea animal. I even managed to make out something like a round coin with a diameter of about 3 cm!

Despite all the efforts of NASA, information objectionable to the agency is slowly but surely becoming known to the public. Of course, this is only a small part, and how much should be hidden in some secret archives!

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On the obelisk over the grave of our great compatriot K.E. Tsiolkovsky's words, which have become a textbook, are quoted: "Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but, in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer all the circumsolar space."

All his life, Tsiolkovsky dreamed of the space future of mankind and, with the inquisitive gaze of a scientist, peered into its fantastic horizons. He was not alone. The beginning of the 20th century was for many the discovery of the Universe, although it was visible through a prism scientific delusions of that time and the fantasies of writers. The Italian Schiaparelli opened "channels" on Mars - and mankind was convinced that there is a civilization on Mars. Burroughs and A. Tolstoy populated this imaginary Mars with human-like inhabitants, and after them hundreds of science fiction writers followed their example.

Earthlings are simply accustomed to the idea that there is life on Mars, and that this life is intelligent. Therefore, Tsiolkovsky's call to fly into space was met, if not immediately with enthusiasm, but, in any case, with approval. Only 50 years have passed since the first speeches of Tsiolkovsky, and in the country to which he dedicated and transferred all his works, the First Sputnik was launched and the First Cosmonaut flew into space.

It would seem that everything will go according to the plans of the great dreamer. Tsiolkovsky's ideas turned out to be so bright that the most famous of his followers, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, built all his plans for the development of astronautics so that even in the 20th century a human foot would set foot on Mars. Life has made its adjustments. Now we are not very sure that a manned expedition to Mars will take place at least before the end of the 21st century.

Perhaps it is not only a matter of technical difficulties and fatal circumstances. Any difficulties can be overcome by the wisdom and inquisitiveness of the human mind, if a worthy task is set before it. But there is no such task! There is a legacy of desire - to fly to Mars, but there is no clear understanding - why? If you look deeper, this question is facing all of our manned cosmonautics.

Tsiolkovsky saw in space unexplored spaces for humanity, which is becoming cramped home planet. These expanses need, of course, to be mastered, but first you need to deeply study their properties. Half a century of experience in space exploration shows that very, very much can be explored by automatic devices without risking oneself. high value universe - human lives. Half a century ago, this idea was still a topic of debate and discussion, but now, when the power of computers and the capabilities of robots are approaching human limits, these doubts are no longer a place. Over the past forty years automatic devices successfully explore the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, planetary satellites, asteroids and comets, and the American Voyagers and Pioneers have already reached the boundaries of the solar system. Although the plans of space agencies sometimes include reports on the preparation of manned missions into deep space, so far not a single one has been voiced in them. scientific task, for the solution of which the work of astronauts is absolutely necessary. So the study of the solar system can be continued automatically for a long time.

Let's get back, after all, to the problem of space exploration. When will our knowledge of the properties of outer spaces allow us to begin to inhabit them, and when will we be able to answer the question for ourselves - why?

Let us leave for now the question that there is a lot of energy in space that humanity needs, and a lot mineral resources, which may be cheaper to mine in space than on Earth. Both are still on our planet, and they are not the main value of the cosmos. The main thing in space is what is extremely difficult for us to ensure on Earth - the stability of living conditions, and, ultimately, the sustainability of the development of human civilization.

Life on Earth is constantly exposed to the risks of natural disasters. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other troubles not only cause direct damage to our economy and the well-being of the population, but require effort and expense to restore the lost. In space, we hope to get rid of these familiar threats. If we find such other lands where natural natural disasters leave us, then this will be the “promised land”, which will become a worthy new home for mankind. The logic of the development of terrestrial civilization inevitably leads to the idea that in the future, and perhaps not so distant, a person will be forced to look outside the planet Earth for a habitat that could accommodate the majority of the population and ensure the continuation of his life in stable and comfortable conditions.

This is exactly what K.E. Tsiolkovsky, when he said that humanity will not remain forever in the cradle. His inquisitive thought gave us attractive pictures of life in "ethereal settlements", that is, in large space stations with an artificial climate. The first steps in this direction have already been made: on permanently inhabited space stations, we have learned to maintain almost familiar living conditions. True, weightlessness remains an unpleasant factor for these space stations, an unusual and disastrous condition for terrestrial organisms.

Tsiolkovsky guessed that weightlessness might be undesirable, and suggested creating artificial gravity in ethereal settlements by axial rotation of the stations. In many projects of "space cities" this idea was picked up. If you look at the illustrations for the theme of "space settlements" on the Internet, you will see a variety of tori and spoked wheels, glazed on all sides like earthly greenhouses.

One can understand Tsiolkovsky, during whose time cosmic radiation was simply unknown, who proposed to create cosmic greenhouses open to sunlight. On Earth, we are protected from radiation by powerful magnetic field home planet and enough dense atmosphere. The magnetic field is practically impenetrable to the charged particles ejected by the Sun - it throws them away from the Earth, allowing only a small amount to reach the atmosphere near the magnetic poles and cause colorful auroras.

Today's inhabited space stations located in orbits located inside the radiation belts (in fact, magnetic traps), and this allows astronauts to stay at the station for years without receiving dangerous doses of radiation.

Where the earth's magnetic field no longer protects from radiation, radiation protection should be much more serious. The main obstacle to radiation is any substance in which it is absorbed. Assuming that absorption cosmic radiation in earth's atmosphere reduces its level to safe values, then in open space it is necessary to protect habitable premises with a layer of substance of the same mass, that is, each square centimeter of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises must be covered with a kilogram of substance. If we take the density of the covering substance equal to 2.5 g/cm3 (rocks), then the geometric thickness of the protection must be at least 4 meters. Glass is also a silicate substance, so glass 4 meters thick is required to protect greenhouses in outer space!

Unfortunately, not only cosmic radiation forces us to abandon tempting projects. Inside the premises, it will be necessary to create an artificial atmosphere with the usual air density, that is, with a pressure of 1 kg / cm2. When the premises are small, the strength of building structures spacecraft allows you to withstand this pressure. But huge settlements with a diameter of habitable premises of tens of meters capable of withstanding such pressure will be technically difficult to build, if not impossible. The creation of artificial gravity by rotation will also significantly increase the load on the design of the station.

In addition, the movement of any body inside the rotating “donut” will be accompanied by the action of the Coriolis force, creating great inconvenience (remember the childhood sensations on the yard carousel)! And finally, large rooms will be very vulnerable to meteorite impacts: it is enough to break one glass in a large greenhouse so that all the air comes out of it, and the organisms in it would die.

In a word, "ethereal settlements" upon closer examination turn out to be impossible dreams.

Maybe not in vain the hopes of mankind were associated with Mars? This is enough major planet with just the right gravity, Mars has an atmosphere, and even seasonal weather changes. Alas! This is only a superficial resemblance. The average temperature on the surface of Mars is -50 ° C, in winter it is so cold that it freezes even carbon dioxide, and in summer there is not enough heat to melt the water ice.

The density of the Martian atmosphere is the same as the earth's at an altitude of 30 km, where even planes cannot fly. It is clear, of course, that Mars is in no way protected from cosmic radiation. To top it off, Mars has very weak soils: either sand, which even the winds of the rarefied Martian air raise into vast storms, or the same sand frozen with ice into rock that looks strong. Only on such rock nothing can be built, and underground premises will not be an option without their reliable strengthening. If the rooms are warm (and people are not going to live in ice palaces!), the permafrost will melt and the tunnels will collapse.

Many "projects" of Martian development involve the placement of ready-made residential modules on the surface of Mars. These are very naive ideas. To protect against cosmic radiation, each room must be covered with a four-meter layer of protective ceilings. Simply put, cover all buildings with a thick layer of Martian soil, and then it will be possible to live in them. But what is it worth settling on Mars for? Indeed, on Mars there is not that desired stability of conditions, which we already lack on Earth!

Mars still excites people, although no one hopes to find beautiful Aelites on it, or at least brothers in mind. On Mars, we are primarily looking for traces of extraterrestrial life in order to understand how and in what forms life arises in the Universe. But this is a research task, and it is not at all necessary to live on Mars to solve it. And for the construction of space settlements, Mars is not a suitable place at all.

Maybe you should pay attention to the numerous asteroids? Apparently, the conditions on them are very stable. Since the Great Meteor Bombardment, which turned the surfaces of asteroids into fields of large and small meteor impact craters three and a half billion years ago, nothing has happened to the asteroids. Habitable tunnels can be built in the depths of asteroids, and each asteroid can be turned into a space city. There are few asteroids large enough for this in our solar system - about a thousand. So they will not solve the problem of creating vast habitable territories outside the Earth. At the same time, all of them will have a painful drawback: asteroids have a very low gravity. Of course, asteroids will become sources of mineral raw materials for mankind, but they are completely unsuitable for the construction of full-fledged housing.

So really endless outer space Is it the same for people as a boundless ocean without a piece of land? Are all our dreams of the wonders of space just sweet dreams?

But no, there is a place in space where fairy tales can come true, and, one might say, it is right next door. This is the Moon.

Of all the bodies in the solar system, the moon has largest number merit from the point of view of humanity seeking stability in space. The moon is large enough to have a noticeable gravity on its surface. The main rocks of the Moon are solid basalts that extend hundreds of kilometers below the surface. There is no volcanism, earthquakes and climatic instabilities on the Moon, since the Moon has neither a molten mantle in the bowels, nor air, nor water oceans. The Moon is the closest space body to the Earth, which will make it easier for colonies on the Moon to provide emergency assistance and reduce transport costs. The moon is always turned to the Earth on one side, and this circumstance can be very useful in many respects.

So, the first advantage of the Moon is its stability. It is known that on a surface illuminated by the sun the temperature rises to +120°C, and at night it drops to -160°C, but at the same time, at a depth of 2 meters, temperature drops become imperceptible. In the interior of the moon, the temperature is very stable. Since basalts have low thermal conductivity (on Earth, basalt wool is used as a very effective thermal insulation), any comfortable temperature can be maintained in underground rooms. Basalt is a gas-tight material, and it is possible to create an artificial atmosphere of any composition inside basalt structures and maintain it without much effort.

Basalt is a very durable rock. On Earth there are basalt rocks 2 kilometers high, and on the Moon, where gravity is 6 times less than on Earth, basalt walls would support their weight even at a height of 12 kilometers! Consequently, it is possible to build halls with ceiling heights of hundreds of meters in basalt subsoil without using additional fasteners. Therefore, thousands of floors of buildings for various purposes can be built in the lunar interior without using other materials than the lunar basalt itself. If we recall that the area of ​​the lunar surface is only 13.5 times smaller than the surface area of ​​the Earth, then it is easy to calculate that the area of ​​underground buildings on the Moon can be tens of times larger than the entire territory occupied by all life forms on our home planet from the depths of the oceans to the tops of mountains. ! And all these premises will not be threatened by any natural disasters for billions of years! Promising!

Of course, you need to immediately think: what to do with the soil extracted from the tunnels? To grow on the surface of the Moon kilometer-high waste heaps?

It turns out that here you can offer interesting solution. There is no atmosphere on the Moon, and the lunar day lasts half a month, so the hot sun shines continuously anywhere on the Moon for two weeks. If its rays are focused by a large concave mirror, then in the resulting spot of light the temperature will be almost the same as on the surface of the Sun - almost 5000 degrees. Almost all known materials melt at this temperature, including basalts (they melt at 1100°C). If basalt chips are slowly poured into this hot spot, then it will melt, and from it you can fuse layer after layer of walls, flights of stairs and ceilings. It is possible to create a construction robot that will do this according to the program embedded in it without human intervention at all. If such a robot is launched to the Moon today, then by the day when a manned expedition arrives on it, the astronauts will already be waiting for, if not palaces, then in any case, comfortable housing and laboratories.

The mere construction of facilities on the Moon should not be an end in itself. These premises will be needed for people to live in comfortable conditions, to accommodate agricultural and industrial enterprises, to create recreation areas, highways, schools and museums. But first you need to get all the guarantees that people and other living organisms who have moved to the Moon will not begin to degrade due to not quite familiar conditions. First of all, it is necessary to investigate how prolonged exposure to low gravity will affect organisms of a diverse terrestrial nature. These studies will be massive; it is unlikely that experiments in test tubes will be able to guarantee the biological stability of organisms for many generations. It is necessary to build large greenhouses and enclosures, and in them to conduct observations and experiments. No robots can cope with this - only the research scientists themselves will be able to notice and analyze hereditary changes in living tissues and living organisms.

Preparations for the creation of full-fledged self-sustaining colonies on the moon - that's what target, which should become a beacon for the movement of mankind to its highway sustainable development.

Today, much in the technical construction of inhabited settlements in space is not clearly understood. Energy supply in space conditions can be quite simply provided by solar stations. One square kilometer of solar panels, even with a coefficient useful action only 10% will provide a capacity of 150 MW, though only during lunar day, i.e., the average energy generation will be half as much. It seems to be a little. However, according to forecasts for 2020 of global electricity consumption (3.5 TW) and the population of the Earth (7 billion people), the average earthling gets 0.5 kilowatts of electrical power. If we proceed from the usual average daily energy supply for a city dweller, say 1.5 kW per person, then such solar power plant on the Moon will be able to meet the needs of 50 thousand people - enough for a small lunar colony.

On Earth, we spend a significant part of the electricity on lighting. On the Moon, many traditional circuits will be radically changed, in particular the lighting circuits. Underground premises on the Moon should be well lit, especially greenhouses. There is no point in producing electricity on the surface of the Moon, transmitting it to underground structures, and then again converting electricity into light. It is much more efficient to install concentrators on the surface of the Moon sunlight and illuminate fiber optic cables from them. The level of today's technology for the manufacture of light guides allows you to transmit light almost without loss for thousands of kilometers, so it should not be great difficulties from the illuminated areas of the Moon, transmit light through a system of light guides to any underground room, switching concentrators and light guides following the movement of the sun across the lunar sky.

At the first stages of the construction of a lunar colony, the Earth can be a donor of resources necessary for the arrangement of settlements. But many resources in space will be easier to extract than to deliver from Earth. Lunar basalts are half composed of metal oxides - iron, titanium, magnesium, aluminum, etc. In the process of extracting metals from basalts mined in mines and adits, oxygen for various needs and silicon for light guides will be obtained. In outer space, it is possible to intercept comets containing up to 80% water ice, and ensure the supply of settlements with water from these abundant sources (annually up to 40,000 minicomets 3 to 30 meters in size fly past the Earth no further than 1.5 million km from it).

We are sure that for the next three to five decades, research in the field of creating settlements on the Moon will become the dominant feature of the promising developments of mankind. If it becomes clear that the moon can be created comfortable conditions for the life of people, then the colonization of the Moon for several centuries will be the way of earthly civilization to ensure its sustainable development. In any case, there are no other bodies more suitable for this in the solar system.

Maybe none of this will happen for a completely different reason. Space exploration is not just its exploration. Space exploration requires the creation of efficient transport routes between the Earth and the Moon. If such a highway does not appear, then astronautics will have no future, and humanity will be doomed to remain within the boundaries of its native planet. Missile technology, which allows launching scientific equipment into space, is an expensive technology, and each rocket launch is also a huge burden on the ecology of our planet. We will need cheap and safe technology to launch payloads into space.

In this sense, the Moon is of exceptional interest to us. Since it always faces the Earth on one side, from the middle of the hemisphere facing the Earth, a space elevator cable can be stretched to our planet. Do not be afraid of its length - 360 thousand kilometers. With a cable thickness that can withstand a 5-ton cabin, its total mass will be about a thousand tons - it will all fit in several BelAZ mining dump trucks.

The material for the cable of the required strength has already been invented - this is carbon nanotubes. You just need to learn how to make it defect-free along the entire length of the fiber. Of course, the space elevator must move much faster than its terrestrial counterparts, and even much faster. high-speed trains and aircraft. To do this, the cable of the lunar elevator must be covered with a layer of superconductor, and then the elevator cabin will be able to move along it without touching the cable itself. Nothing will then prevent the cabin from moving at any speed. It will be possible to accelerate the cabin half the way, and slow it down half the way. If at the same time we apply the acceleration “1 g”, which is familiar on Earth, then the entire journey from the Earth to the Moon will take only 3.5 hours, and the cabin will be able to make three flights a day. Theoretical physicists claim that superconductivity at room temperature is not prohibited by the laws of nature, and many institutes and laboratories of the world are working on its creation. We may seem optimistic to some, but in our opinion, the lunar elevator can become a reality in half a century.

We have considered here only a few aspects of the huge problem of space colonization. An analysis of the situation in the solar system shows that only the Moon can become the only acceptable object of colonization in the coming centuries.

Although the Moon is closer to the Earth than any other bodies in space, it is imperative to have the means to reach it in order to colonize it. If they do not exist, then the moon will remain as unattainable as big land for Robinson stuck on a small island. If mankind had at its disposal a lot of time and enough resources, then there is no doubt that it would overcome any difficulties. But there are troubling signs of a different course of events.

large-scale climate change, which are changing the living conditions of people on the entire planet before our eyes, may in the very near future force us to direct all our forces and resources to elementary survival in new conditions. If the level of the world ocean rises, then it will be necessary to deal with the transfer of cities and agricultural land to undeveloped and unsuitable for management. Agriculture territory. If climate change leads to global cooling, then it will be necessary to solve the problem not only of heating housing, but also of freezing fields and pastures. All these problems can take away all the forces from mankind, and then they may simply not be enough for space exploration. And humanity will continue to live on its native planet as on its own, but the only inhabited island in the boundless ocean of space.

A.V. Bagrov, V.A. Leonov, A.V. Pavlov

AWAKENING-2017 (full movie)

The idea for the video itself came about when I discovered many hundreds of testimonials from people, and among them are respected, famous people, witnesses, high-ranking scientists, military, politicians. Secret space programs. NASA research. Secret bases on Mars. Corey Good, William Tompkins, Clifford Stone, Vladimir Kovalenok, Pavel Popovich, Georgy Grechko, Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper. FSB Colonel Vladimir Zorin and General Vasily Eremenko. Leonid Ivashov, Alexey Savin. Laura Eisenhower, Randy Kramer, Michael Salla, Steven Greer, David Wilcock, David Icke...

Be careful: Watching this movie will probably change your life forever!

So the idea came up to give the floor to the participants and eyewitnesses without empty chatter behind the scenes. And just dilute their testimonies with the words of respected researchers and scientists who have spent many decades studying these issues. They additionally clarified a lot and tied together all the evidence. All inhabitants of the Earth have the right to know the truth about aliens, contacts and secret space programs. Based on these testimonies, they have the right to insist on this. Official petitions can be created to the heads of state, as well as with the help of experienced lawyers and other legally important actions.
Everyone can, if in doubt, look for more detailed information and figure it out for themselves.

70 most powerful testimonies! This video will tell about the presence of aliens on Earth, about the bases of aliens, what aliens do on our planet, about the contacts of the military and presidents with aliens. Area 51 in the USA. The Apollo missions, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and seeing UFOs on the moon, secret military base. Mysteries of the Moon. NASA research, conference and broadcast. The moon has revealed its secrets. Secret bases on Mars. Mars is inhabited by humans and other alien races. nordic aliens, reptilians, dracos, insectoids, grace in area 51. Flights into space. Russia and America are aware of the aliens and are creating secret space programs. Corey Goode, William Tompkins, Clifford Stone, Boyd Bushman, former Canadian Defense Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister Paul Hellier, former President Bill Clinton and Barack Obama provided classified information. Ex-president Dmitry Medvedev about aliens, US President Donald Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, European Union, cosmonauts Vladimir Kovalenok, Pavel Popovich, Georgy Grechko, Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper, Scott Carpenter spoke about aliens. A story about a UFO, FSB Colonel Vladimir Zorin and General Vasily Eremenko. Military pilots, Marina Popovich. The secrets of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and Russia were told by General Nikolai Antoshkin, Leonid Ivashov, Alexei Savin, Nikolai Rogozenko. CIA secrets about Mars. What is the Pentagon hiding? attraction online. Laura Eisenhower, Corey Goode, Randy Kramer, Andrew De Basiaga, Tony Rodriguez spoke about secret secret space programs in interviews. Researcher and writer Michael Salla, Steven Greer, Milton Cooper, Timothy Good, David Wilcock, David Icke provided information in Russian (translated into Russian). Pavel Sviridov, Alexander Semenov, Vladimir Shemshuk, Valentina Sidorova, Vladimir Kolyverov. Anomalies, Atmosphere, Archeology, conjectures, Disclosure, concealment, Hypotheses, Cosmos, Science, Floods, Predictions, Sun, Element, Supernatural, Accidents, Ecology, Aliens, Reptilians, Secrets, Doomsday will not happen, Astronomy, Secret space, Dwight eisenhower , Secret World Government, World Conspiracy, Grays, Alien Mind, World Mind, Higher intelligence, Types of Aliens, Races of Aliens, Types of Aliens, Ufology, Prophecies, Technology, Exclusive, Unexplained, Forbidden, War, Secret, Deception, Moon, Missions on the Moon, Secret bases, Apollo 20, Area 51, Galaxies, Incredible, UFO shot down, Miracles.

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NASA is National Administration Aeronautics and Research outer space. Refers to federal government USA. It is believed that all his videos are published immediately and do not change in any way. But is it? Maybe for our own good they are hiding something from us?

We are in website collected the most interesting cases which the organization would very much like to forget about. It is unlikely that a rational explanation can be found here, but what do you think?

1. Interruption of broadcasts. Why?

There were cases when NASA removed the live broadcast at the moment when the screen appeared strange object. Officially, NASA explains this by saying that the signal is lost, but conspiracy theorists see this as a deliberate concealment of information. What it was - a strange coincidence or really intentional turning off the air - no one knows for sure.

2 Accidentally Deleted Moon Landing Recordings

Unfortunately, the most real records of the first steps of mankind on the moon in 1969 were lost in the archives of NASA. However, they quickly found a way out, turning to the masters from Hollywood - Lowry Digital, which had previously restored film films. Specialists have restored footage from copies of video recordings (they were handed over to television companies in 1969), and now on the official NASA website you can watch historical footage of the moon landing even in better quality than they were originally made. But, of course, historians say that it was a crime to lose the original. We cannot but agree with them.

3. Operation Paperclip

Operation Paperclip is a Control program strategic services United States to recruit scientists from the Third Reich to work in the United States of America after World War II. Which led to the creation of NASA (it turns out that space agency was created by forgiven Nazi scientists). Wow! Basically, these scientists were engaged in the creation of rockets. And by the way, information about the Paperclip is still mostly classified.

4. NASA hides the remnants of a man-made civilization?

This version was put forward by Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Alexander Nikolaevich Portnov. On November 26, 2011, NASA launched the Curiosity rover. The mission was successful, and the rover sent scientists a lot of photographs, among which there were very mysterious ones, but scientists filter the information that comes into the public domain quite strongly. According to Portnov, Curiosity had to transfer much more photos than is now known (thanks to scientific equipment the highest level), and since there is no information, or it is immediately removed from open access, this suggests that there is something to hide.

5. Could there be aliens on the moon?

The Lunar Orbiter Orbiter (LRO), launched in 2009, sent very interesting pictures back to Earth, which conspiracy theorists immediately had the X-37B mini shuttle in space without any plausible explanation? Many guesses were expressed, but there was almost no supporting information. Officially, the X-37B tested the ion engine (and this is already a sensation, it was previously believed that the ion engine cannot work at all on the Hall effect). The strange thing is that the aircraft is not mentioned in the NASA reports as a test site. The project was classified when it was handed over to the Defense Advanced Research Agency and the US Air Force.

A former employee of the NASA organization claims that back in 1979 she witnessed a unique event that reveals all the secrets of the "red planet". Mars, as it turned out, was explored a long time ago, just reliable information they hide it from us.

The woman claimed to have seen footage from the old Viking Martian rover, which showed two people in spacesuits walking on the surface of Mars and carefully examining the rover. The Viking is an American rover that served as the forerunner of the world-famous modern Curiosity.

For her own safety, the woman, who used to work for NASA, chose to hide her real name. She called herself Jackie, was monitoring the telemetry line from the Viking, the first rover to land on Mars and send data about the planet to Earth. During another shift, Jackie noticed that two people were walking on the surface of Mars in space suit. Moreover, they became interested in the rover, approached it and examined it closely. These footage was immediately classified. To this day, it is not known where they suddenly disappeared.

"Viking" filmed amazing footage that saw Jackie and 6 of her colleagues

As Jackie stated, people on Mars were not in ordinary "earthly" heavy spacesuits, but in some kind of lightweight form, which at that time was not issued to ordinary astronauts. The rover supposedly spotted two men, which Jackie deduced from their physique and height. When these unknown researchers"Red Planet" approached the rover, the broadcast to Earth was suddenly cut off.

Since then, Jackie has wondered: what did she actually see, people or aliens? As you know, the mission to Mars is still under development. How then did people end up on this planet in 1979? Why did not even the employees of such a serious organization as NASA know about this.

There is a certain "conspiracy theory" that believes that Jackie witnessed a secret mission that the United States conducted in the 1960s. As you know, at that time the United States was engaged in the landing of the Apollo research apparatus on the moon. Experts say that this "lunar mission" served as a front for a larger, sensational project, information about which they did not want to disclose. Was it possible for the American government at that time to carry out a wide exploration of our planetary system?

Former CIA officer D. Lear also talked about the fact that in 1966 NASA astronauts flew to Mars

Moreover, D. Lear believes that the astronauts were prepared for this mission for a particularly long time. They were introduced into the body some drugs that allow people to adapt to the Martian climatic conditions. Allegedly, those astronauts could breathe rarefied Martian air, so NASA had the opportunity to launch living people to the "red planet" for a little longer.

Whether to believe D. Lear, let everyone decide for himself. By the way, it should be said that this man once claimed that after death the souls of people are placed in certain containers and sent to the moon. He also talked about the fact that Venus is actually greened space body inhabited by creatures unknown to our science.

The author of the book on the study of unidentified flying vehicles, N. Watson, said the following:

Recently, there has been a suspicious increase in information leaks from agencies such as NASA, ESA and others. Most of such information is related to secret missions that have been carried out in the past and are planned now. Perhaps this indicates the beginning of a confrontation between the authorities and ordinary people who want to know everything about space.

In November 2005, the writer mentioned earlier listened to the stories of people who had worked for military intelligence States of America. They told him about the existence special program exchange of experience with representatives alien civilizations. It was the scandalous Serpo project, the results of which were described in a rather voluminous (3000 pages) report. The report was compiled in the late 70s. Among other things, it stated that alien ship, crashed in Roswell, recovered six creatures of alien origin.

Almost all of these aliens turned out to be dead, except for one, who later helped draw up a flight plan for his home planet, as well as to prepare astronauts for this flight. This mission was allegedly carried out in 1965, and its participants lived on the planet of an alien civilization until 1978. Two of the freight forwarders who had been there died literally immediately after landing on unknown planet. Two more chose not to return home to Earth. The rest, or rather most of them, died after arriving home from radiation exposure, which was obtained on an alien planet. By the way, the alien called his planet "Serpo". Therefore, the mission decided to call it the same way.