Material on the topic: Theme “Development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age. "development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age

Goals, objectives and methods of studying the coherent speech of children of the sixth year of life.

In the experimental part of our work, we set as our goal - to identify the features of coherent speech in children of older preschool age with general underdevelopment.

1. To study the coherent speech of children of the sixth year of life.

2. Determine the level of success in completing the tasks of the methodology for diagnosing the coherent speech of children.

3. To identify the features of coherent speech of children with general underdevelopment.

The study involved twenty children of the seventh year of life, of which ten children attend a correctional group with general underdevelopment of speech, and ten children with normal speech development.

The base was MDOU d / s No. 17 in Amursk.

In the experimental part of our work, we used a series of tasks for the study of coherent speech from the "Test method for diagnosing oral speech by T.A. Fotekova".

This technique is designed to identify the features of children's speech development: qualitative and quantification violations, obtaining and analyzing the structure of the defect. To assess the performance of tasks, a point-level system is used.

The study of coherent speech consisted of two tasks.

1. Task: Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures "Hedgehog" (three pictures).

The children were given the following instruction: look at these pictures, try to put them in order and make up a story.

The assessment was made according to several criteria.

1) The criterion of semantic integrity: 5 points - the story corresponds to the situation, has all the semantic links in the correct sequence; 2.5 points - slight distortion of the situation, incorrect reproduction of cause-and-effect relationships or lack of connecting links; 1 point - loss of semantic links, a significant distortion of the meaning, or the story is not completed; 0 points - there is no description of the situation.

2) Criteria for the lexical and grammatical design of the statement: 5 points - the story is grammatically correct with adequate use lexical means; 2.5 points - the story is composed without agrammatisms, but there are stereotypical grammatical arrangements, isolated cases of searching for words or inaccurate word usage; 1 point - there are agrammatisms, distant verbal substitutions, inadequate use of lexical means; 0 points - the story is not framed.

3) The criterion of independence in completing the task: 5 points - pictures are laid out independently and a story is composed; 2.5 points - the pictures are laid out with stimulating help, the story is composed independently; 1 point - unfolding pictures and compiling a story on leading questions; 0 points - failure to complete the task even with help.

2. Task: Retelling the listened text.

The children were given the following instruction: Now I will read to you short story, listen to it carefully, memorize it and get ready to retell it.

We used the short story "Fluffy Dog".

The assessment was made according to the same criteria as for the story based on a series of pictures:

1) The criterion of semantic integrity: 5 points - all the main semantic links are reproduced; 2.5 points - semantic links are reproduced with minor reductions; 1 point the retelling is incomplete, there are significant reductions, or distortions of the meaning, or the inclusion of extraneous information; 0 points - failure.

2) The criterion of lexical and grammatical design: 5 points - the retelling is made without violations of lexical and grammatical norms; 2.5 points - the retelling does not contain agrammatisms, but there are stereotypical framing of statements, search for words, separate close verbal substitutions; 1 point - agrammatisms, repetitions, inadequate use of words are noted; 0 points - retelling is not available.

3) Criterion of independent performance: 5 points - independent retelling after the first presentation; 2.5 points - retelling after minimal help (1-2 questions) or after re-reading; 1 point - retelling on questions; 0 points - retelling is not available even for questions.

In each of the two tasks, the scores for all three criteria were summed up. To obtain an overall score for the entire series, the points for the story and retelling were added up and presented as a percentage.

Analysis of the results of the study.

After analyzing the results obtained, we identified three levels of success in completing tasks, indicating the state of coherent speech in these children - high, medium and low.

Our study included two stages.

At the first stage, we carried out diagnostics of coherent speech in the experimental group, which included children with general underdevelopment of speech.

After processing the received data in accordance with the proposed criteria, the results were obtained, which are reflected in table 1.

Table 1. The state of coherent speech of children in the experimental group.

Analysis of the data obtained showed that when compiling a story based on plot pictures, 4 children are at a high level of success (40% of the total number of children), at an average level - 4 children and at a low level - 2 children, which is respectively 40% and 20%.

When retelling the text, no children with a high level were found. At the middle level there are 8 children (80%), at the low level - 2 children, which corresponds to 20%.

Conducting a qualitative analysis of the results obtained, we found that when compiling a story based on plot pictures, many children showed a slight distortion of the situation, as well as incorrect reproduction of cause-and-effect relationships. In most cases, the stories were composed without agrammatisms, but the stereotyping of the formulation of the statement was manifested. Often children were limited to listing the actions depicted in the pictures. In some cases, the children laid out the pictures incorrectly, but at the same time they logically built the plot of the story.

When retelling the text, the reproduction of semantic links with minor abbreviations was observed. In almost all cases, the children's stories are riddled with pauses, the search for suitable words. Children found it difficult to reproduce the story, so they were given help in the form of leading questions. Agrammatisms, inadequate use of words were observed in the text.

At the second stage of our experiment, we carried out diagnostics of the coherent speech of children in the control group, which included children without speech disorders.

After processing the received data in accordance with the proposed criteria, the results were obtained, which are reflected in table 2.

Table 2. The state of coherent speech of children in the control group.

The analysis of the data obtained showed that when compiling a story based on plot pictures, as well as when retelling the text, 7 children are at a high level of success, and 3 children are at an average level, which is 70% and 30%, respectively. There were no children with a low level.

Conducting a qualitative analysis, we found that the children's stories corresponded to the situation, the semantic links were arranged in the correct sequence. Paraphrases and stories based on pictures were compiled without agrammatisms, but there were isolated cases of searching for words.

The stories of children in the control group were larger than those in the experimental group. The example of Igor Sh. egg and milk. The hedgehog ate and stayed with them."

Analyzing the criterion of independence, it should be noted that children in the group with normal speech development did not need any help in constructing statements.

The results of a comparative study of connected speech of experimental and control group reflected in the diagrams.

Data from a comparative study of the level of mastery of coherent speech.

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures.

Text retelling.

As the diagram shows, when compiling a story based on plot pictures, children in the control group are mostly at a high level and at an average level, and there is no low level at all. In contrast to the experimental group, in which the indicators of the development of coherent speech are much lower. So when retelling the text in the control group, most of the children are at a high level, the rest are at an average level, there are no low indicators. And children from the experimental group are characterized by an average indicator of the formation of coherent speech, and there are also children with a low level. No high scores were found.

It should be noted that the quantitative results of the study are directly manifested in the qualitative characteristics of speech. Children with normal speech build their statements more logically, consistently. In children with general underdevelopment of speech, repetitions, pauses, and non-expanded statements are frequent. For example, Vlad S. compiled such a story based on plot pictures: "The boys found a hedgehog ... Then they carried him home ... They brought him home and began ... gave him milk."

There was a significant difference in the volume of statements of children in the experimental and control groups. So, in children with normal speech development, the volume of stories is much larger than in children with OHP.

Unlike the control group, children with general underdevelopment of speech in their stories were limited to listing the actions that were depicted in the pictures. For example, the story of Danila E.: "The boys were walking on the street ... They met a hedgehog ... They took him home and carried him ... Then they poured him milk to drink."

It should also be noted that children with normal speech development completed tasks on their own, while children with speech underdevelopment almost always needed help in the form of leading questions both in compiling a story based on plot pictures and in retelling.

Thus, the analysis of the material obtained allows us to conclude that, in terms of the level of development of coherent speech, children of preschool age with OHP are significantly behind their peers with normal speech development.

After conducting a study, we identified the following features of coherent speech of children with ONR:

Violation of coherence and sequence of presentation;

Low information content;

Poverty and stereotyping of the lexical and grammatical means of the language;

Omissions of semantic links and errors;

Repetitions of words, pauses in the text;

Incomplete semantic expression of thought;

Difficulties in the language implementation of the idea;

The need for stimulating assistance.

Based on the analysis of the data of the experimental study, we developed guidelines for educators of the correctional group for children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Methodological recommendations were developed taking into account the works of the following authors: T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, V. I. Seliverstov, E. I. Tikheeva, E. P. Korotkova and others, as well as taking into account the program of Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G.V. "Preparing for school children with OHP in a special kindergarten".

Correction of the speech and general development of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech is carried out not only by a speech therapist, but also by an educator. If a speech therapist develops and improves the speech communication of children, then the educator consolidates their speech skills acquired in speech therapy classes. The success of the formation of correct speech in preschoolers depends on the degree of productivity of the process of consolidating speech skills and abilities. The teacher of the group for children with general underdevelopment of speech faces both correctional and general educational tasks.

Consolidation of coherent utterance skills in children can occur both in frontal classes for the development of speech, and during classes in cognitive development, visual, labor development and other activities.

The teacher's mastery of the methods and techniques of teaching storytelling is one of the most important conditions for successful work on the development of the speech of preschoolers.

In the classroom, it is necessary to use such techniques as explanations, questions, speech sample, demonstration of visual material, exercises, assessment of speech activity, etc.

When conducting a particular lesson, the teacher should find the most effective options for combining various techniques in order to increase the activity and independence of children.

When working on monologue speech, in particular on retelling, in a group for children with OHP, the following should be taken into account. First, children need to be taught detailed, then selective and creative retelling.

Ш A detailed retelling brings up the skill of a consistent full presentation of thoughts. (You can use the following texts, which are selected in accordance with the lexical topics according to the program: "The cranes are flying away", "Volnushka", "Bishka", "Cow", "Mom's cup", etc.)

Ш Selective retelling forms the ability to separate a narrower topic from the text. ("Three Comrades", "Spring", "Friend and Fluff", "Bear", etc.)

Ш Creative retelling educates the imagination, teaches children to use impressions from their own life experience and determine their attitude to the topic. ("Snow fluffs are flying", "Helpers", "Lyovushka is a fisherman", "Cat", "True friend", etc.)

When selecting works for retelling, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements for them: high artistic value, ideological orientation; dynamism, conciseness and at the same time imagery of presentation; clarity and sequence of action deployment, entertaining content. In addition, it is very important to take into account the availability of the content of a literary work and its volume.

In the preparatory group for school, the following works are recommended for classes: Russian folk tales "Hare-boast", "Fear has large eyes", "The Fox and the Goat"; stories "Four desires", "Morning rays" by K. D. Ushinsky, "Bone" by L. N. Tolstoy, "Mushrooms" by V. Kataev, "Hedgehog" by M. Prishvin, "Bathing of the cubs" by V. Bianchi, "Bear" E. Charushina, "Bad" by V. Oseeva and others.

When teaching children to retell, the educator needs to use the following methods and techniques: expressive two- and three-time reading of the text, a conversation about what they have read, showing illustrations, speech exercises, instructions on the methods and quality of completing the task, assessment, etc. Their correct application will be testify to an increase from lesson to lesson in the activity and independence of children when performing speech tasks.

Any kind of retelling must be preceded by an analysis of the text from the point of view of semantic and expressive. This will help children master all the cause-and-effect relationships, without which a correct retelling is not possible. Exercises in creative retelling border on oral composition. Compositions are the upper stage in the development of coherent speech of children. Here observation, memory, creative imagination, logical and imaginative thinking, resourcefulness, the ability to see the general in the particular.

The next form of work on coherent speech is the compilation of stories based on a picture. There are the following types of classes for teaching children storytelling in a picture:

Ш Compilation of a descriptive story based on a subject picture ("Gardener", "Dishes", "Furniture", "Our apartment", "Moydodyr", etc.);

Ш Compilation of a descriptive story based on a plot picture ("Birds fly away", "Dog with puppies", "At the holiday", "Kittens", "Rooks have arrived", etc.);

Ш Compilation of a story based on a series of plot pictures ("Thunderstorm", "Hedgehog", "How we made a feeder", "Resourceful Hare", "Cunning Tuzik", etc.);

Ш Compilation of a descriptive story based on a landscape painting and a still life. ("Early Autumn", "Gifts of the Forest", "Winter Has Come", " Late spring" and etc.)

Ш Drawing up a story with elements of creativity. Children are offered the following tasks:

Make up a story about any case with a girl (boy) in the forest. For example, a picture is offered, which shows children with baskets in a forest in a clearing, looking at a hedgehog with hedgehogs. The children have to come up with their own story, using a hint of who else can be seen in the forest if you watch carefully.

Complete the story according to the finished beginning (based on the picture). aim given task is to reveal the possibilities of children in solving the set creative task, the ability to use the proposed speech and visual material when compiling a story. Children should continue the story about the hedgehog with hedgehogs, come up with an ending about what the children did after watching the family of hedgehogs.

Listen to the text and find semantic errors in it. (Autumn, wintering birds returned from hot countries - starlings, sparrows, nightingales. In the forest, children listened to the songs of songbirds - nightingales, larks, sparrows, jackdaws). After correcting semantic errors, make sentences, replacing wrong words more appropriate in meaning.

Make up a story - a description of your favorite toy or the toy you want to get on your birthday.

In the classroom using the picture, various tasks are set, depending on the content of the picture:

1) to teach children to correctly understand the content of the picture;

2) to cultivate feelings (specifically planned from the plot of the picture): love for nature, respect for this profession, etc .;

3) learn to compose a coherent story based on a picture;

4) activate and expand vocabulary (specifically, new words are planned that children need to remember, or words that need to be clarified and consolidated).

The following requirements are imposed on the stories of older preschool children: accurate transmission of the plot, independence, expediency of using language means (exact designation of actions, qualities, states, etc.). Children learn to describe events, indicating the place and time of the action; independently come up with events that preceded those depicted in the picture and subsequent ones. The ability to purposefully listen to the speeches of peers, to express elementary value judgments about their stories is encouraged.

In the process of classes, children develop the skills of joint activities: look at pictures together and make collective stories.

For collective stories it is necessary to select paintings with sufficient material: multi-figured, which depict several scenes within the same plot. In the series published for kindergartens, such paintings include "Winter Entertainment", "Summer in the Park", etc.

Various exercises for the development of coherent speech can also be included in classes on cognitive development, visual and labor activities. For example:

Exercise "Who is behind the tree?"

On a magnetic board - sprawling oak. The teacher hides a squirrel in the branches of an oak so that its tail is visible, and asks:

Whose tail is this? Who hid in the branches? Make a sentence with the words because.

Children answer:

This is a squirrel's tail, because a squirrel hid in the branches.

Exercise "Be Careful"

The teacher pronounces the names of three migratory and one wintering birds. Children listen carefully and make sentences:

An extra sparrow, because it is a wintering bird, and the rest of the birds are migratory. Etc.

One of the important tasks is to draw up riddle stories from pictures that can be used in any kind of activity. The child constructs his message in such a way that, according to the description in which the object is not named, it is possible to guess what exactly is drawn in the picture. If the students find it difficult to solve this problem, the child, at the suggestion of the teacher, makes additions to the description. Exercises for guessing and compiling riddles form in children the ability to identify the most characteristic features, properties and qualities, to distinguish the main thing from the secondary, random, and this contributes to the development of more meaningful, thoughtful, evidence-based speech.

Thus, since children with general underdevelopment of speech experience difficulties in retelling and compiling a story from a picture, the main areas of correctional work can be distinguished:

1) Drawing up proposals for two subject pictures (grandmother, armchair; girl, vase; boy, apple) with subsequent distribution homogeneous definitions, other minor members of the proposal. (The boy eats an apple. The boy eats a juicy sweet apple. A little boy in a plaid cap eats a juicy sweet apple.)

2) Restoration of various kinds of deformed sentences, when the words are broken down (lives, in, fox, forest, dense); one, or several, or all words are used in the initial grammatical forms (live, in, fox, forest, dense); there is a gap in words (Fox ... in dense forest); there is no beginning (... lives in a dense forest) or end of a sentence (A fox lives in a dense ...).

3) Drawing up proposals for "live pictures" (subject pictures are cut out along the contour) with a demonstration of actions on a flannelgraph.

4) Restoration of sentences with semantic deformation (The boy cuts paper with rubber scissors. A strong wind blew because the children put on their hats.)

5) Selection of words from those named by the teacher, and making sentences with them (Boy, girl, read, write, draw, wash, book).

Gradually, children learn to arrange sentences in a logical sequence, to find in texts key words, which is the next step to the ability to draw up a plan, and then determine the topic of the statement, highlight the main thing, consistently build your own message, which should have a beginning, continuation and end.

The proposed techniques contribute to raising the level of speech development of children, the formation of their skills of verbalization of actions performed and certain types of activities in the form of detailed coherent statements.

Galina Ovchinnikova
The development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age

My self-education topic The development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age”, I have been working on this topic for the fourth year.

Under in a connected speech understand a detailed statement, consisting of several or even very many logically related among themselves sentences united by one theme and constituting a single semantic whole. The development of coherent speech in preschool children possible only in the conditions of purposeful training. This is one of the main tasks of speech development of preschoolers in terms of preparing them for the start of schooling. Therefore, the work of educating child liaison dialogic and monologue speeches included in the kindergarten curriculum. However, the ongoing work in the kindergarten is not enough. It must be supplemented with homework with the child.

The sequence of work on coherent speech:

Cultivating Understanding coherent speech;

Education dialogic coherent speech;

Education monologue coherent speech, tricks work:

Work on compiling a story - descriptions;

Work on compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures;

Work on compiling a story based on one plot picture;

Work on the retelling;

Work on your own story.

Methods of work on the formation coherent speech.

1. Conversations with a child using colorful pictures, expressive intonation, facial expressions, gestures.

2. Reading stories or fairy tales, after which you should look at the pictures. If the child understood the story, then at the request of an adult, he can show the characters depicted on it, the actions they perform, etc.

An adult can ask questions about the content of the story to clarify the child's understanding of causal connections(Why did this happen? Who is to blame for this? Did he do the right thing? Etc.) About understanding the meaning of the story testifies also the ability to retell it in your own words.

3. It is necessary to teach the child to participate in the conversation (dialog). In a conversation, the vocabulary expands, the grammatical structure of the sentence is formed. You can chat on various topics: about books, films, excursions, and it can also be conversations based on pictures. The child must be taught to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, to follow the course of his thought.

In a conversation, an adult's questions should become more complicated gradually, as well as answers. children. We start with specific questions that can be answered with one short answer, gradually complicating the questions, and requiring more detailed answers. This is done with the aim of a gradual and imperceptible for the child transition to monologue. speeches. Let's give an example "complicated" conversations. What animals do you see in this picture? - Wolf, bear and fox. - What do you know about the wolf? - He is gray evil and lives in the forest. He also howls at night. - What can you say about a bear? - He is big, brown, winters in a den. - What do you know about the fox? - She is very sly, red-haired and has a big fluffy tail. - Where did you see these animals? - In the zoo, where they live in cages. - What fairy tales do you know about a bear, a fox, a wolf? etc.

4. When compiling descriptive stories the child masters the first skills coherent presentation of thoughts"one topic", at the same time, he firmly assimilates the signs of many subjects, and, consequently, the vocabulary expands. To enrich the vocabulary, it is very important to carry out preparatory work for compiling each story-description, reminding the child of the features of the objects described or even re-acquainting him with these features. Starting with the description of single objects, you need to move on to comparative descriptions homogeneous objects - learn to compare different animals, different fruits and vegetables, different trees, etc. Let's give an example of compiling a descriptive story according to the proposed scheme.

5. Difficulty in correctly tracing the main points by the child development The easiest way to overcome the plot is to start by composing a story based on a series of plot pictures arranged in the sequence in which the events took place. The number of plot pictures in the series is gradually increasing, and the description of each picture becomes more detailed, consisting of several sentences. As a result of compiling stories according to a series of pictures, the child must learn that stories must be built in strict accordance with the sequence of pictures, and not according to the principle “Whatever comes to mind first, talk about it”. Let's give examples of consecutive pictures.

6. When compiling a story based on one plot picture, it is very important that the picture meets the following requirements: - it should be colorful, interesting and attractive for the child; - the plot itself should be clear to the child of this age; - there should be a small number of actors in the picture; - it should not be overloaded with various parts that do not have direct relation to its main content. It is necessary to invite the child to come up with a name for the picture. The child must learn to understand the very meaning of the event depicted in the picture and determine his attitude towards it. Previously, an adult should think over the content of the conversation about the picture and the nature of the questions asked to the child.

7. In the process of working on a retelling of a child develop and improve attention and memory, logical thinking, active vocabulary. The child remembers grammatically correct phrases speeches, examples of its construction. Acquaintance of the child with the information contained in the stories and fairy tales, new to him, expands the circle of his general ideas and contributes to the improvement of his monologue general speech. When working on a retelling of a specific text, you first need to expressively read or tell the child an interesting and accessible story in terms of content and then ask if he liked it. You can also ask a few clarifying questions about the content of the story. Be sure to explain to the child the meaning of unfamiliar words. It is important to pay attention to "beautiful" turns speeches. You can see the illustrations. Before reading the story again, invite the child to listen to it carefully and try to remember. Considering all of the above, invite the child to retell this tale. Before reading the fairy tale, be sure to introduce the child to the lifestyle and habitat of polar and brown bears, while looking at the pictures and answering all the questions of interest. "Polar Bear and Brown Bear" One day a forest brown bear went north to the sea. At this time, the sea polar bear walked across the ice to the south, to the land. They met at the very edge of the sea. The polar bear's fur stood on end. He said: - What are you, brown, walking on my land? Brown answered: - When did you have it, the earth? Your place is in the sea! Your land is ice! They grappled and the fight began. But they did not overcome each other. spoke first brown: - You, white, it turns out, stronger. But I am smarter, more evasive. Therefore, none of us will take over. And what should we share? After all, we are bear brothers. Polar bear said: Yes, we are brothers. And we have nothing to share. forest bear said: - Yes, my forests are huge. I have nothing to do in your ice. sea ​​bear said: - And I have nothing to do in your forests. Since then, the owner of the forest lives in the forest, and the owner of the sea lives in the sea. And no one interferes with each other.

It is important to exercise the child in other forms paraphrase:

Selective retelling. It is proposed to retell not the whole story, but only a certain part of it.

Brief summary. It is proposed, omitting less significant points and without distorting common essence story, correctly convey its main content.

Creative storytelling. The child needs to supplement the listened story with something new, add something of his own to it, while showing elements of fantasy. Most often, it is proposed to come up with a beginning or end to the story.

Retelling without relying on visualization. When evaluating the quality of children's retelling, it is important to consider following: completeness of retelling;

sequence of events, compliance with cause-and-effect connections; the use of words and turns of the author's text, but not a literal retelling of the entire text (retelling is also very important "in your own words", testifying to his intelligence); the nature of the sentences used and the correctness of their construction; no long breaks related with difficulty choosing words, constructing phrases, or the story itself.

8. The transition to self-compilation of stories should be sufficiently well prepared by all previous work, if it was carried out systematically. Most often these are stories from the personal experience of the child. A story from personal experience requires the child to be able to independently select the right words, correctly build sentences, and also determine and retain in memory the entire sequence of events. Therefore, the first small independent stories children must necessarily be connected with visual situation. This is "revive" and will supplement the child’s vocabulary necessary for compiling a story, create an appropriate inner mood in him and allow him to more easily follow the sequence in describing the events he has recently experienced.

Examples of topics for such stories are the following:

A story about a day spent in kindergarten;

A story about visiting the zoo (theater, circus, etc.);

A story about a walk in the autumn or winter forest, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to remind once again that it is in coherent speech most pronounced all speech "acquisitions" child - and the correctness of sound pronunciation, and the richness of the vocabulary, and the possession of grammatical norms speeches, and its figurativeness and expressiveness. But in order to connected the child's speech was able to acquire all the qualities necessary for it, you need to consistently go with him all that complex, interesting and quite accessible path for him.

1. Naming objects (noun) by thematic groups with and without visual aids.

Main thematic groups: - Pets; - wild animals; - poultry; - wild birds; - fish; - insects; - trees; - flowers; - mushrooms; - berries; - vegetables; - fruits; - furniture; - dishes; - instruments; - clothes; - shoes; - hats; - transport; - toys; - natural phenomena; - Food; - school supplies; - electrical appliances. It is important to know the concepts as: seasons, time of day, names of months and days of the week. You can use the following games moments: "Autumn Months" Nature falls asleep in autumn September October November S O N "The Fourth Extra" The child must determine which picture is superfluous and say why. Times of the day.

2. Selection of words-features:

By color;


The material from which the object is made;

Accessory of this item to a person or animal (mother's, father's, bear, hare, etc.) Humans and animals also differ in "characterological" features (evil, cowardly, good-natured, etc.) You can describe an object with the help of words-signs, make riddles. Red, round, sweet, garden. Orange, crispy, elongated, sweet. Round, striped, green, sweet. A game "Whose tail?" A game "Which? Which? Which? What kind?" yellow yellow yellow sour bright fluffy oval round funny

3. Selection of verbs for nouns. Most Common Groups verbs:

The actions of people; boy drawing

Ways of movement of animals, birds, insects; flying jumping crawling

Sounds made by animals, birds and insects; croaks hums

Phenomena occurring in nature. lightning flashes it's raining

4. Selection adverbs to verbs.

adverbs of manner(how? how); Slowly the river flows, The fish swims smoothly in it, The fisherman sits quietly, Deftly throwing the hook.

adverbs of place(where? where? from where) Waves rise up, rush with a roar Down, To the right - only complete darkness, To the left is a cape.

adverbs of time(when) When does it happen? winter spring summer autumn adverbs of cause and purpose: in spite of, on purpose, inadvertently, by chance, inadvertently. Such not many adverbs.

5. Comparative constructions. To prevent school difficulties, it is very important already in preschool age teach the child to compare various objects in height, width, length, thickness, etc. The water is cold in the river, It is even colder in the well. There are sour apples, Lemons are even sour. The tea in the glass is hot, but the teapot is hot. Mom's eyes are blue, daughter's are even bluer. It is necessary to explain to the child that not only trees, but also ropes, and books, and pencils can be compared in thickness. Narrow is not only a stream, but also a path, and a ribbon, and a river. Not only air can be cold, but also compote, and a coat, etc.

6. Selection of synonyms. Different parts can act as synonyms speeches: nouns, adjectives, adverbs, Verbs. for example: He is a friend, comrade, buddy. The man is brave, courageous, courageous. Alone at home - sad, dreary, sad. Outside it is cloudy and rainy. People are working, working.

7. Selection of antonyms based on clarity and without it. A game "Say the opposite" good - evil thick - thin day - night left - right joy - grief daytime - good night - evil early - late smart - stupid white - black close - far bitter - sweet low - narrow soft - hard wide - narrow liquid - thick deep - small voiced - deaf cold - hot heavy - light large - small greedy - generous

8. Formation of new words. prefix word formation. He flew - flew in, took off, flew away. Rides - will arrive, will call in, will leave, will drive in, will move out. Walked - came, left, went in, went out, etc. The game "Big small" A game "Collect a family of words" Snow - snow maiden snowflake snowman bullfinch.

As a result, the child's vocabulary is not only significantly increased, but also systematized, which is very important.

Chapter 1
1.1. Development of coherent speech of children as a scientific category, its types and mechanisms of formation
1.2. Features of the development of coherent speech in children of older preschool age
1.3. Pedagogical approaches to the development of coherent speech of older preschool children using mnemonic tables
Chapter 2
2.1. Diagnosis of the development of coherent speech in children of the senior group of MDOU d / s OV No. 7 "Sun", Tikhvin
2.2. Features of the development of speech in modern children (stating experiment)
2.3. The system of work on the development of speech in children of the senior group of MDOU d / s OV No. 7 "Sun" in Tikhvin with
using mnemotables 2.4. The effectiveness of the implementation of the system of work on the development of speech in children of senior preschool age through the use of mnemonic tables


The relevance of research. The development of a culture of speech is becoming an increasingly urgent problem in our society. The declining level of culture, the widespread dissemination of low-quality literature, poor, illiterate "speaking" from TV screens, aggressively primitive speech, implanted by television advertising, Western films and cartoons - all this contributes to the approach of a linguistic catastrophe, which is no less dangerous than ecological.

That is why a huge responsibility lies with the teachers involved in the development of the speech of the younger generation, and above all, the teachers of preschool education, who form and develop the coherent speech of the baby.

Connected speech is a detailed, complete, compositionally and grammatically designed, semantic and emotional statement, consisting of a number of logically connected sentences.

The development of coherent speech is the first and important condition for the full development of the child.

The speech of a small child is situational, expressive presentation prevails. The first coherent statements of three-year-old children consist of two or three phrases, but they must be considered precisely as a coherent presentation. Teaching colloquial speech at a younger preschool age and its further development is the basis for the formation of monologue speech.

In middle preschool age, vocabulary activation has a great influence on the development of coherent speech. Children's statements become more consistent and detailed, although the structure of speech is still imperfect. In older preschool children, coherent speech reaches a fairly high level. The child answers the questions with fairly accurate, short or detailed answers. The ability to evaluate the statements and answers of comrades, to supplement or correct them, develops. In the sixth year of life, a child can quite consistently and clearly compose descriptive and plot stories on a topic proposed to him. At older preschool age, children master the main types of monologue and dialogical speech.

In order to achieve effective results, we decided to use unconventional method work with children of senior preschool age on the development of coherent speech - mnemonics. Mnemonics is a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of memorizing verbal information. The problem of speech development in children of older preschool age is relevant in that the quality of this mental process can ensure the prevention of possible difficulties in assimilation of the necessary information. All of the above determined the choice of the topic of the diploma.

Purpose of the study: to develop and test a system of means for the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age through the use of mnemotables.

Object of study: the process of development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age.

Subject of study: pedagogical conditions for the development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age through mnemonics.

Research hypothesis: the development of coherent speech of older preschool children through mnemonics will be effective when creating the following pedagogical conditions:

- taking into account the individual characteristics of the child;

- the development of coherent speech takes place in the leading form of activity;

- visual material (mnemonic tables) should be interesting to the child (bright, colorful) and correspond to the presented topic.

Research objectives:

  1. Study the scientific literature on the topic;
  2. Consider the development of children's speech as a scientific, psychological and pedagogical category, its types and mechanisms of formation;
  3. Highlight the age-related features of the development of coherent speech in children of older preschool age;
  4. To generalize the pedagogical experience of the development of coherent speech through mnemonic tables;
  5. To select methods for diagnosing the development of coherent speech in children of older preschool age;
  6. To identify the features of the development of speech in modern children (stating experiment);
  7. To develop a system of classes for the development of speech of children of senior preschool age using mnemonics;
  8. Conduct a system of classes for the development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age using mnemonics and investigate their effectiveness;

Research methods:


  • generalization and systematization of information (theoretical, practical and methodological);
  • generalization of research results;


  • pedagogical experiment;
  • survey, conversation, observation;

Experimental research base: Children from which preschool

The experiment involved 17 children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old) with normal hearing and intelligence.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the development of coherent speech of preschool children

1.1. Development of coherent speech of children as a scientific category, its types and mechanisms of formation.

Speech is one of the communication activities a person, the use of language means to communicate with other members of the language community. Speech is understood as both the process of speaking (speech activity) and its result (speech products fixed by memory or writing).

K.D. Ushinsky said that the native word is the basis of all mental development and the treasury of all knowledge. Timely and correct mastery of speech by a child is the most important condition for full-fledged mental development and one of the directions in the pedagogical work of a preschool institution. Without well-developed speech, there is no real communication, no real progress in learning.

The development of speech is a complex, creative process, and therefore it is necessary that children master their native speech well as early as possible, speak correctly and beautifully. Therefore, the sooner (according to age characteristics) we teach the child to speak correctly, the freer he will feel in the team.

The development of speech is a purposeful and consistent pedagogical work, involving the use of an arsenal of special pedagogical methods and the child's own speech exercises.

Connected speech is understood as a semantic detailed statement (a series of logically combined sentences) that provides communication and mutual understanding. Connectivity, S. L. Rubinshtein believed, is “the adequacy of the speech design of the speaker’s or writer’s thought from the point of view of its intelligibility for the listener or reader” . Therefore, the main characteristic of coherent speech is its intelligibility for the interlocutor.

Coherent speech is a speech that reflects all the essential aspects of its subject content. Speech can be incoherent for two reasons: either because these connections are not realized and not represented in the speaker's thoughts, or these connections are not properly identified in his speech.

In the methodology, the term "coherent speech" is used in several meanings: 1) the process, the activity of the speaker; 2) product, result of this activity, text, statement; 3) the name of the section of work on the development of speech. The terms “statement”, “text” are used as synonyms. An utterance is both a speech activity and the result of this activity: a certain speech product, greater than a sentence. Its core is the meaning (T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvov and others). Connected speech is a single semantic and structural whole, including interconnected and thematically united, complete segments.

According to A. V. Tekuchev, a connected speech in the broad sense of the word should be understood as any unit of speech, the constituent language components of which (significant and functional words, phrases) are a single whole organized according to the laws of logic and grammatical structure of a given language. In accordance with this, each independent separate sentence can be considered as one of the varieties of coherent speech.

Connectivity of speech is the main condition for communication.

The following criteria for the coherence of an oral message are distinguished:

1) semantic connections between parts of the story;

2) logical and grammatical connections between sentences;

3) links between parts (members) of the proposal;

4) the completeness of the expression of the speaker's thought.

Another important characteristic of a detailed statement is the sequence of presentation. The violation of the sequence always negatively affects the coherence of the message.

The logical-semantic organization of the statement includes the subject-semantic and logical organization. An adequate reflection of the objects of reality, their connections and relations is revealed in the subject-semantic organization of the statement; the reflection of the course of presentation of the thought itself is manifested in its logical organization.

Thus, summarizing the above, the term "coherent speech" is a set of thematically united fragments of speech that are closely interconnected and represent a single semantic and structural whole. Connected speech is used in several meanings:

1) the process, activity of the speaker or writer;

2) product, result of this activity, text, statement;

3) the name of the section of work on the development of speech.

As a synonym, the term "statement" is used. Connected speech is understood as a semantic detailed statement (a series of logically combined sentences) that provides communication and mutual understanding. Therefore, the main characteristic of coherent speech is its intelligibility for the interlocutor, i.e. communication.

The main function of connected speech is communicative. It is carried out in two main forms - dialogue and monologue. Each of these forms has its own characteristics that determine the nature of the methodology for their formation.

In linguistic and psychological literature, dialogic and monologue speech are considered in terms of their opposition. They differ in their communicative orientation, linguistic and psychological nature.

S. L. Rubinshtein, V. P. Glukhov believe that dialogic speech (dialogue) is a form of speech that is primary in origin, arising from direct communication between two or more interlocutors, and consists in the main exchange of remarks. This is the main feature of the dialogue. It is important that in a dialogue the interlocutors always know what is being discussed, and do not need to expand their thoughts and statements.

Distinctive features of dialogic speech are:

- emotional contact of the speakers, their influence on each other by facial expressions, gestures, intonation and timbre of the voice;

- situationality;

- colloquial vocabulary and phraseology;

- brevity, reticence, abruptness;

Simple and complex non-union sentences;

According to L.P. Yakubinsky, the use of patterns and clichés, speech stereotypes, stable formulas of communication, habitual, often used and, as it were, attached to certain everyday situations and topics of conversation, is typical for dialogue.

Dialogic speech is a particularly vivid manifestation of the communicative function of language. Scientists call dialogue the primary natural form of linguistic communication, the classical form speech communication. The main feature of the dialogue is the alternation of the speaking of one interlocutor with listening and subsequent speaking of the other. It is important that in a dialogue the interlocutors always know what is being discussed, and do not need to expand their thoughts and statements. Oral dialogic speech takes place in a specific situation and is accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, and intonation. Hence the language design of the dialogue. The coherence of the dialogue is provided by two interlocutors. Dialogic speech is characterized by involuntary, reactive.

In preschool childhood, the child masters, first of all, dialogic speech, which has its own specific features, manifested in the use of language means that are acceptable in colloquial speech, but unacceptable in the construction of a monologue, which is built according to the laws of the literary language. Only special speech education leads the child to mastering coherent speech, which is a detailed statement consisting of several or many sentences, divided according to the functional semantic type into description, narration, reasoning. The formation of the coherence of speech, the development of skills to meaningfully and logically build a statement is one of the main tasks of the speech education of a preschooler.

Compared with dialogic speech, monologue speech (monologue) is a coherent speech of one person. The communicative purpose of a monologue is a message about any facts, phenomena of reality, which proceeds for a relatively long time and is not designed for an immediate reaction of the audience. It has a more complex structure, expresses the thought of one person, which is unknown to the listeners. Therefore, the statement contains a more complete formulation of information.

Unlike dialogue, a monologue as a long-term form of influence on the listener was first identified by L.P. Yakubinsky. As differential features of this form of communication, the author names the connectedness, due to the duration of speaking, “the mood of the speech series; one-sided nature of the statement, not designed for an immediate replica of the partner; the presence of predetermined, preliminary thinking.

All subsequent researchers of connected monologue speech, referring to the selected L.P. Yakubinsky features, focus on either the linguistic or psychological characteristics of the monologue. Taking the position of L.P. Yakubinsky about the monologue as a special form of communication, L.S. Vygotsky characterizes monologue speech as the highest form of speech, historically developing later than dialogue. The specifics of the monologue (both oral and written form) L.S. Vygotsky sees in his special structural organization, compositional complexity, the need for maximum mobilization of words.

Clarifying the thought of L.P. Yakubinsky about the presence of predetermination and preliminary thinking inherent in the monologue form of speech, L.S. Vygotsky especially emphasizes its consciousness and intentionality.

S.L. Rubinstein, developing the doctrine of monologue speech, first of all notes that it is built on the ability to reveal a thought in a coherent speech construction.

The complexity of monologue speech, noted by the researchers, the author explains by the need to "transmit in speech terms" a more or less extensive speech whole, intended for an outside listener and understandable to him.

Preferring the term “coherent speech” to the term “monologic speech”, the author emphasizes that it is the consideration of the listener that organizes it in such a way that it becomes necessary to reflect all the essential connections of the subject content in the speech plan, since “... every speech speaks about something, t .e. has some object; all speech at the same time refers to someone - to a real or possible interlocutor or listener. The author calls the representation of semantic relations in speech design a speech context, and speech that has such a quality is contextual or connected.

Thus, S.L. Rubinshtein clearly distinguishes two interrelated plans in contextual speech: mental and speech, which allows us to approach the analysis of coherent speech as a special type of speech-thinking activity.

Analyzing the process of becoming a coherent speech, S.L. Rubinstein emphasizes the fact that "the development of a dictionary and the mastery of grammatical forms are included in it as private moments" and in no way determine its psychological essence.

Indicated in the works of S.L. Rubinshtein, the idea of ​​the presence in contextual monologue speech of a cogitative (meaningful) and speech (structural) plan received its subsequent development in the works of modern psychologists.

S. L. Rubinshtein, A. A. Leontiev, the main properties of monologue speech include:

- literary vocabulary;

- expansion of the statement, completeness, logical completeness;

- the coherence of the monologue is provided by one speaker.

- the continuous nature of the statement, arbitrariness, expansion, the logical sequence of presentation, the conditionality of the content by the orientation towards the listener, the limited use of non-verbal means of transmitting information.

A. A. Leontiev also notes that, being a special type of speech activity, monologue speech is distinguished by the specifics of the performance of speech functions. It uses and generalizes such components language system, as vocabulary, ways of expressing grammatical relations, formative and word-forming, as well as syntactic means. At the same time, in monologue speech, the idea of ​​the statement is realized in a consistent, coherent, pre-planned presentation. The implementation of a coherent extended statement involves keeping in memory the compiled program for the entire period of the speech message, the involvement of all types of control over the process of speech activity based on both auditory and visual perception. Compared to dialogue, monologue speech has more context and is presented in a more complete form, with careful selection adequate lexical means and the use of a variety of syntactic constructions.

OA Nechaeva identifies a number of varieties of oral monologue speech (functional-semantic types). At preschool age, the main types are description, narration and elementary reasoning. Their essential characteristics are coherence, consistency, logical and semantic organization.

Along with the existing differences, researchers note a certain similarity and relationship between dialogic and monologic forms of speech. First of all, they are united by a common language system. In the process of communication, monologue speech is organically woven into dialogic speech, and monologue speech can acquire dialogic properties. This relationship between the two forms of speech is important to take into account in the method of teaching children connected speech.

Connected speech can be situational and contextual. Situational speech is associated with a specific visual situation and does not fully reflect thoughts in speech forms. It is understandable only when taking into account the situation that is being described. In contextual speech, unlike situational speech, its content is clear from the context itself. The complexity of contextual is that it requires the construction of an utterance without taking into account a specific situation, relying only on linguistic means.

Connected statements of children can be characterized from different points of view:

  • by function (purpose);
  • the source of the statement;
  • the leading mental process on which the child relies;

Depending on the function (purpose), four types of monologues are distinguished: description, narration, reasoning and contamination (mixed texts). At preschool age, predominantly contaminated (mixed) statements are observed, in which elements of all types can be used with a predominance of one of them. Therefore, it is necessary to know well the features of each type of texts: their purpose, structure, language means characteristic of them, as well as typical interphrase connections.

Depending on the source of the statement, monologues can be distinguished:

1) for toys and objects;

2) according to the picture;

3) from personal experience;

4) creative stories;

Depending on the leading mental process on which children's storytelling is based, it is customary to single out stories according to perception, memory, and imagination.

All researchers studying the problem of the development of coherent speech turn to the description given to it by S. L. Rubinshtein.

The development of a child's coherent speech occurs in close relationship with the development of the sound side, vocabulary, and grammatical structure of the language. An important component of the work on the development of speech is the development of figurative speech. Raising interest in artistic word, the ability to use the means of artistic expression in an independent statement leads to the development of a poetic ear in children, and on this basis, his ability to verbal creativity develops.

According to the definition of S. L. Rubinshtein, a connected person calls such speech that can be understood on the basis of its own subject content. In mastering speech, L. S. Vygotsky believes, baby goes from part to whole: from a word to a combination of two or three words, then to a simple phrase, and even later to complex sentences. The final stage is a coherent speech, consisting of a series of detailed sentences. The grammatical connections in a sentence and the connections of sentences in the text are a reflection of the connections and relations that exist in reality. By creating a text, the child models this reality by grammatical means.

The patterns of development of coherent speech of children from the moment of its occurrence are revealed in the studies of A. M. Leushina. She showed that the development of coherent speech goes from mastering situational speech to mastering contextual speech, then the process of improving these forms proceeds in parallel, the formation of coherent speech, the change in its functions depends on the content, conditions, forms of communication of the child with others, is determined by the level of his intellectual development. The development of coherent speech in preschool children and the factors of its development were also studied by E.A. Flerina, E.I. Radina, E.P. Korotkova, V.I. Loginova, N.M. Krylova, V.V. Gerbovoy, G.M. Lyamina.

Clarify and supplement the methodology of teaching monologue speech research N.G. Smolnikova on the development of the structure of a coherent statement in older preschoolers, research by E. P. Korotkova on the features of mastering various functional types of texts by preschoolers. Possession of coherent monologue speech is one of the central tasks of the speech development of preschoolers. Her successful solution depends on many conditions (speech environment, social environment, family well-being, individual personality traits, cognitive activity of the child, etc.), which should and can be taken into account in the process of educational work, targeted speech education. Methods and techniques for teaching coherent speech to preschoolers are also studied in a variety of ways: E.A. Smirnova and O.S. Ushakova reveal the possibility of using a series of plot pictures in the development of coherent speech, V.V. Gerbova, L.V. Voroshnina reveals the potential of coherent speech in terms of the development of children's creativity.

Connected speech, being independent view speech-thinking activity, at the same time performs important role in the process of raising and educating children, because it acts as a means of obtaining knowledge and a means of controlling this knowledge.

In modern psychological and methodological studies, it is noted that the skills and abilities of coherent speech with their spontaneous development do not reach the level that is necessary for the full-fledged education of a child at school. These skills and abilities need to be trained specifically. However, the ways of such learning are not clear enough, since the scientifically based theory of speech development, according to T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, is just beginning to take shape, fundamental categories and concepts have not yet been sufficiently developed in it, such as sections of work on the development of coherent speech, content, teaching aids, criteria for assessing the level of development of this type of communication.

Coherent monologue speech, representing a multifaceted problem, is the subject of study of various sciences - psychology, linguistics, psycholinguistics, social psychology, general and special methods.

At the same time, in psychological and psycholinguistic literature, connected (or monologue, or contextual) speech is considered as a complex type of verbal communication, as special kind speech-cogitative activity, which has a more complex structure than a sentence or dialogical speech. This is what determines the fact that even a well-formed phrase skill does not fully provide the ability to create coherent messages.

The development of coherent speech, namely monologue and dialogic, depends on how the child masters word formation and grammatical structure. If the child makes mistakes in word formation, the teacher should fix his attention on them in order to correct them later. suitable environment.

Work on the development of coherent speech is built taking into account the age characteristics of children, while it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the speech development of each child (emotionality, immediacy and at the same time the accuracy and correctness of the sound and grammatical design of the text).

1.2. Features of the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age

In children of senior preschool age, the development of speech reaches a high level. Most children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, can regulate the strength of the voice, the pace of speech, the intonation of the question, joy, surprise. By the senior preschool age, the child accumulates a significant vocabulary. The enrichment of vocabulary (the vocabulary of the language, the totality of words used by the child) continues, the stock of words that are similar (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms) in meaning, polysemantic words is increasing. Thus, the development of the vocabulary is characterized not only by an increase in the number of words used, but also by the child's understanding different meanings the same word (multi-valued). Movement in this regard is extremely important, since it is associated with an increasingly complete awareness of the semantics of the words that they already use. At the senior preschool age, it mostly ends milestone speech development of children - the assimilation of the grammatical system of the language. The proportion of simple common sentences, compound and complex sentences is increasing. Children develop a critical attitude to grammatical errors, the ability to control their speech. The most striking characteristic of the speech of older preschool children is the active development or construction of different types of texts (description, narration, reasoning). In the process of mastering coherent speech, children begin to actively use different types of word connections within a sentence, between sentences and between parts of a statement, observing its structure (beginning, middle, end).

At the same time, such features can be noted in the speech of older preschoolers. Some children do not pronounce correctly all the sounds of their native language, do not know how to use intonation means of expression, adjust the speed and volume of speech depending on the situation. Children also make mistakes in the formation of different grammatical forms (this is the genitive case of the plural of nouns, their agreement with adjectives, different ways of word formation). And, of course, the correct construction of complex syntactic constructions is difficult, which leads to incorrect combination of words in a sentence and the connection of sentences with each other when compiling a coherent statement.

At older preschool age, children are able to actively participate in a conversation, answer questions fully and accurately, supplement and correct the answers of others, give appropriate remarks, and formulate questions. The nature of the dialogue of children depends on the complexity of the tasks solved in joint activities. Monologue speech is also being improved: children master different types connected statements (description, narration, partly reasoning) based on visual material and without support. The syntactic structure of children's stories becomes more complicated, the number of complex and complex sentences increases. At the same time, these skills are unstable in a significant part of children. Children find it difficult to select facts for their stories, to arrange them logically, in structuring statements, in their language design. Knowledge of the specifics of coherent speech and the characteristics of its development in children makes it possible to determine the tasks and content of education. And, as we managed to find out from all of the above, at the senior preschool age, some children still have sound pronunciation disorders, errors in the formation of grammatical forms, and other speech disorders, however, we will dwell in more detail on the development of coherent speech of children.

Purposeful development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age.

The most important in the work is the principle of a communicative approach to the formation of oral coherent speech of children. At the same time, special attention is paid to teaching those types of connected statements that are primarily used in the process of assimilation of knowledge by them in the period of preparation for school and at the initial stages of schooling (detailed answers, retelling of the text, compiling a story based on visual support, statements by analogy). The communicative approach involves the widespread use of forms and methods of learning (including games), which contribute to the activation of various speech manifestations in the child.

Work on the formation of coherent speech is also built in accordance with the general didactic principles(systematism and consistency in learning, taking into account the age and individual psychological characteristics of children, the focus of training on the development of their activity and independence).

The kindergarten program provides for the teaching of dialogic and monologue speech. Work on the development of dialogic speech is aimed at developing the skills necessary for communication. Dialogue is a complex form of social interaction. Participating in a dialogue is sometimes more difficult than building a monologue. Thinking over their own remarks, questions occurs simultaneously with the perception of someone else's speech. Participation in a dialogue requires complex skills: listening and correctly understanding the thought expressed by the interlocutor; to formulate in response one's own judgment, to express it correctly by means of the language; change the topic of speech interaction following the thoughts of the interlocutor; maintain a certain emotional tone; monitor the correctness of the linguistic form in which thoughts are clothed; listen to your speech in order to control its normativity and, if necessary, make appropriate changes and amendments. In older groups, one should be taught to answer questions more accurately, to combine the remarks of comrades in a common answer, to answer the same question in different ways, briefly and widely. Strengthen the ability to participate in general conversation, listen carefully to the interlocutor, do not interrupt him, do not be distracted. Particular attention should be paid to the ability to formulate and ask questions, in accordance with what they hear, build an answer, supplement, correct the interlocutor, compare their point of view with the point of view of other people. Conversations should be encouraged about things that are not in the child's field of vision, meaningful verbal communication of children about games, books read, movies watched.

The tasks and content of teaching monologue speech are determined by the characteristics of the development of coherent speech of children and the features of a monologue statement. Any coherent monologic utterance is characterized by a number of features. The following main features are distinguished: integrity (the unity of the theme, the correspondence of all micro-themes of the main idea); structural design (beginning, middle, end); connectivity (logical connections between sentences and parts of a monologue); the volume of the statement; smoothness (lack of long pauses in the process of storytelling). To achieve the coherence of speech, a number of skills are needed, namely: the ability to understand and comprehend the topic, to determine its boundaries; select the necessary material; arrange the material in the correct sequence; use the means of the language in accordance with literary norms and tasks of the statement; construct speech intentionally and arbitrarily. In the modern methodology, the program for the development of coherent monologue speech has been significantly refined and supplemented. It provides for the formation of such skills as the ability to select content for their stories, arrange it in a certain sequence. In addition, it is important to inform children of elementary knowledge about the construction of a text and how sentences are connected.

Coherent statements of children can be characterized from different points of view: according to the function (purpose), the source of the statement, the leading mental process on which the child relies. Depending on the function (purpose), four types of monologues are distinguished: description, narration, reasoning and contamination (mixed texts). At preschool age, predominantly contaminated (mixed) statements are observed, in which elements of all types can be used with a predominance of one of them. The educator should be well aware of the features of each type of text: their purpose, structure, language means characteristic of them, as well as typical interphrase connections. Description is a characteristic of an object in statics. Narration is a coherent story about some events. Its basis is a story that unfolds over time. Reasoning is a logical presentation of the material in the form of evidence. The reasoning contains an explanation of a fact, a certain point of view is argued, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships are revealed. Retelling is a meaningful reproduction of a literary sample in oral speech. When retelling, the child conveys the author's finished content and borrows ready-made speech forms (dictionary, grammatical constructions, intratext links). A story is an independent detailed presentation by a child of a certain content. In the methodology, the term “story” is traditionally used to denote various types of monologues independently created by children (description, narration, reasoning or contamination). It is allowed here (with linguistic point view) is a terminological inaccuracy, since we can only call a story a story.

Depending on the source of the statement, monologues can be distinguished: 1) on toys and objects, 2) on the picture, 3) from experience, 4) creative stories. Creative stories are stories about fictional events. Creative storytelling in the methodology is understood as an activity, the result of which is the invention of fairy tales by children, realistic stories with self-created images, situations, logically constructed, clothed in a certain verbal form. In retelling literary works (a fairy tale or a story), children learn to coherently, consistently and expressively state the finished text without the help of an adult, conveying intonation the dialogue of the characters and characterization of the characters. In storytelling based on a picture, the ability to independently compose a descriptive or narrative story based on its content involves indicating the place and time of the action, inventing events that precede and follow the picture. Storytelling through a series of plot pictures forms in children the ability to develop a storyline, come up with a name for a story in accordance with the content, combine individual sentences and parts of a statement into a narrative text. In talking about toys (or a set of toys), children are taught to compose stories and fairy tales, observing the composition and expressive presentation of the text. Choosing the appropriate characters for storytelling, children give their description and characteristics. In the older group, teaching continues on telling from personal experience, and these can be statements of various types - descriptive, narrative, contaminated. Children develop elementary knowledge about the structure of a narrative text and the ability to use a variety of means of communication that ensure the integrity and coherence of the text. It is necessary to teach them to understand the topic of the statement, to use various beginnings of the narrative, to develop the plot in a logical sequence, to be able to complete it and title it. To consolidate ideas about the structure of the story, you can use a model: a circle divided into three parts - green (beginning), red (middle) and blue (end), according to which children compose the text on their own. While working on the text as a whole Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of control through listening to speech recorded on a tape recorder

1.3. Pedagogical approaches to the development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age using mnemonic tables

Mnemonics - translated from Greek - "the art of memorization." This is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the successful memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, knowledge about the features of natural objects, about the world around us, effective memorization of the structure of the story, and, of course, the development of speech.

With the help of mnemonics, you can solve the following tasks:

  1. Develop coherent and dialogic speech.
  2. To develop in children the ability with the help of graphic analogy, as well as with the help of substitutes, to understand and tell familiar fairy tales, poems using a mnemonic table and a collage.
  3. Teach children the correct pronunciation. Get to know letters.
  4. To develop in children mental activity, ingenuity, observation, the ability to compare, highlight significant features.
  5. To develop mental processes in children: thinking, attention, imagination, memory (various types).

Like any work, mnemonics is built from simple to complex. I started working with the simplest mnemonic squares, successively moved to mnemonic tracks, and later to mnemonic tables

Schemes serve as a kind of visual plan for creating monologues, helping children build:

- structure of the story

- story sequence

- lexical and grammatical content of the story.

Mnemotables-schemes serve as didactic material for the development of coherent speech of children. They can be used for:

- vocabulary enrichment

- teaching storytelling

- when retelling fiction,

- when guessing and guessing riddles,

- when memorizing poetry.

For example, to systematize children's knowledge about seasonal changes, you can use model diagrams, mnemonic tables for the blocks "Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn" (Appendix N1)

Mnemotables are especially effective when learning poems. The bottom line is this: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is thought up; thus, the whole poem is sketched schematically. After that, the child from memory, using a graphic image, reproduces the entire poem. At the beginning, I suggest ready plan- a scheme, and as the child learns, he is also actively involved in the process of creating his own scheme.

Descriptive story

This is the most hard kind in monologue. The description involves all mental functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking). Children do not have the knowledge that they acquire throughout life. To describe an object, it must be realized, and awareness is analysis. Which is very difficult for a child. It is important to teach the child to first highlight the signs of the subject.

Creative stories.

The offer to come up with a story or a fairy tale is usually met by children with joy. But so that the children's stories are not monotonous, logically constructed, mnemonic tables will provide significant assistance.


He has a special role in the formation of coherent speech. Here the structure of speech, its expressiveness, the ability to build sentences are improved. And if you retell with the help of mnemonic tables, when children see all the characters, then the child already concentrates his attention on correct construction sentences, on the reproduction in his speech of the necessary expressions.

Work in the classroom on mnemonic tables is built in three stages.

Stage 1: Examining the table and analyzing what is shown on it.

Stage 2: Information is recoded, i.e. transformation from abstract symbols of words into images.

Stage 3: After recoding, a retelling of a fairy tale or story is carried out according to given topic. In younger groups, with the help of an adult, in older groups, children should be able to do it on their own.

Mnemonics is multifunctional. Thinking through a variety of models with children, you only need to adhere to the following requirements:

- the model should display a generalized image of the object;

- reveal the essential in the object;

- the idea of ​​​​creating a model should be discussed with the children so that it is clear to them.

Thus, the ability to speak coherently develops only with the targeted guidance of the teacher and through systematic training in the classroom. Summing up, the following can be stated:

  • step-by-step work is needed to teach children storytelling in the classroom and in free activity in accordance with age characteristics;
  • tasks and content of work on teaching children of senior preschool age to storytelling;
  • the use of a variety of teaching methods and techniques by the educator allows teachers to improve and qualitatively improve coherent speech in older children.

Chapter 2

2.1. Diagnosis of the development of coherent speech in children of the senior group of MDOU d / s OV No. 7 "Sun", Tikhvin

After studying the theoretical experience on the problem of the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age, research work was carried out.

The purpose of this work: to identify the features of the development of coherent speech in modern children (stating experiment), as well as to develop and conduct a system of classes for the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age using mnemonics.

The study was conducted on the basis of MDOU d / s OV No. 7 "Solnyshko" in the city of Tikhvin.

The experiment involved a group of children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old) in the amount of 17 people.

The experimental study consisted of three stages: ascertaining, forming and final.

At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, a survey of coherent speech of children was carried out in order to identify the level of its development.

During the formative stage of the experiment, on the basis of the data obtained during the survey, the direction of work on the development of coherent speech of children in the older group was determined, and a system of classes for the development of coherent speech using mnemonic tables was developed and carried out.

The final stage of the experiment involved the analysis of the results of a system of work on the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age using mnemonics.

At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we used a series of tasks to study the coherent speech of children according to the examination method of O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina.

This technique is designed to identify the level of development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age. To assess the performance of tasks, a point-level system is used.

Coherent speech examination technique (older age - 5-6 years)

Purpose: the ability to describe an object (picture, toy) is revealed, to make a description without visualization. To do this, the child is first offered a doll.

Exercise 1. Describe the doll. Tell me what she is, what can be done with her, how they play with her.

Possible options for the child's story: The doll's name is Katya. She is wearing a beautiful blue dress. Her hair is blond, her eyes are blue. Red lips. You can play mother-daughter with the doll. She may be a daughter. She is small, funny and very funny. Katya loves to play with me.

1) The child independently describes the toy: This is a doll; She is beautiful, her name is Katya. You can play with Katya;

2) talks about the questions of the teacher;

3) names individual words without linking them into a sentence.

Task 2. Make a description of the ball: what is it, what is it for, what can be done with it?

Possible options for the child's story: This is a ball. He is big. Green. You can play different games with the ball. It can be thrown, caught, rolled on the floor. We play with the ball on the street and in physical education classes.

1) Child describes: This is a ball. It is round, red, rubber. It can be thrown, caught. They play with the ball;

2) lists signs (red, rubber);

3) names individual words.

Task 3. Describe the dog to me, what it is, or think up a story about it.

Possible options for the child's story: A dog is an animal. She has 4 legs, ears, tail. Likes to play. Eats bones, drinks water. I have a dog. I love her.

1) The child makes a description (story);

2) lists qualities and actions;

3) names 2-3 words.

Exercise 4. The child is offered to compose a story on any of the proposed topics: “How I play”, “My family”, “My friends”.

Possible options for the child's story: My family consists of 4 people: mom, dad, brother and me. Our family is very friendly, we often spend time together. We love to go outdoors in the summer. Walk into the forest. I love my family.

1) Compose a story on their own;

2) tells with the help of an adult;

3) answers questions in monosyllables.

Exercise 5. An adult reads the text of a story or fairy tale to the child (see the book “Speech Development Classes in Kindergarten”) and offers to retell.

Possible options for the child's story: For this, we used a fairy tale familiar to children: "Geese-swans." The text of the work was read twice, before re-reading it was set to compose a retelling. When analyzing the compiled retellings, special attention was paid to the completeness of the transmission of the content of the text, the presence of semantic omissions, repetitions, compliance with the logical sequence of presentation, as well as the presence of a semantic and syntactic connection between sentences, parts of the story.

1) The child retells independently;

2) retells with suggesting words to adults;

3) speaks single words.

Responses are evaluated as follows. If the child's answers fit #1, they get three points; if the answers correspond to No. 2 - 2 points; if the answers match #3, the child gets 1 point.

In general, if 2/3 of the children's answers are rated at 3 points, this is a high level. If 2/3 of the answers are rated at 2 points, this is a good level. If 2/3 of the answers of children receive 1 point each, this is an average (or below average) level.

Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. 3 levels of development of connected descriptive statements of children are distinguished:

I level - high. The child is active in communication, clearly and consistently expresses his thoughts, the description is complete, logical, without missing essential features, repetitions. Uses figurative speech, the accuracy of the language, develops the plot, respects the composition. The ability to express one's attitude to what is perceived. The lexical stock of the dictionary is sufficient for a given age, the coherence of a descriptive story is formed.

II level - medium. The child is able to listen and understand speech, participates in communication more often on the initiative of others, makes mistakes and slight pauses in the description, has a low lexical stock of the dictionary, more often uses unrelated phrases, trying to describe what they saw in the picture in a word, resort to learned formulas suggested by the teacher

III level - low. The child is inactive and not talkative in communication with children and the teacher, is inattentive, does not know how to consistently express his thoughts according to what has been taken away and perceived, to accurately convey their content, the child’s vocabulary is poor, they resort to learned formulas, schematic and curtailed statements.

The final evaluation of the results involves both quantitative and qualitative generalization. Quantitative analysis allowed us to identify three levels of summary indicators:

15 - 12 points - a high level of development of coherent speech

11 - 8 points - the average level of development of coherent speech

less than 7 points - a low level of development of coherent speech.

2.2. Features of the development of speech in modern children (stating experiment)

As general criterion the children's understanding of the instructions, the integrity of their perception, the performance of tasks according to the instructions acted.

The results of the ascertaining experiment, obtained by us in the process of quantitative and qualitative analysis in the experimental group, are reflected in Table 1.

Table 1. Results of the ascertaining study

As can be seen from the table, the average level of coherent speech development prevails in children - 8 children (46%), in 6 children - a high level (35%) and in 3 - a low level (19%).

We summarized the results of our study as follows:

The qualitative assessment obtained in the course of the ascertaining experiment showed the following results.

Task 1 was aimed at how the child can describe the doll, how complete his phrases are. Some children found it difficult to compose a descriptive story. They could not logically build a sentence, did not respect the word order in the sentence. Some children needed help, leading questions. Children who showed a high level were able to logically build sentences that were grammatically correct, quite informative statements. The children immediately caught the logic of the construction of the sentence, cause-and-effect relationships.

Task 2 involved writing a description of the ball. It was difficult for children with a low level to cope with this task, since they could not pick up the word “ball” the right words and make at least a couple of sentences, most often these were separate words. The description was compiled mainly with the help of separate motivating and leading questions, the story turned out to be insufficiently informative, it did not reflect the essential features of the subject. No logically determined sequence of the story-description was noted. Children who showed a high and average level were able to reflect both the characteristics of the ball and the main actions with it, in general, the description was successful.

Task 3 involved writing a story about a dog. Purpose: to identify the ability of children to compose a coherent story. To facilitate the task, the children were offered a picture of "dogs". For children who found it difficult to complete the task, the teacher pointed to the picture in order to somehow help the child, asked leading questions, prompted. Connectivity was sharply broken, there were omissions of essential moments of action. Despite the active manifestation of interest, children with a low level coped with this task very difficult. Children with a high level and an average - coped with this task.

In task 4, it was required to write a story on one of the proposed topics. All topics were close to each child. Therefore, for the most part, the children chose the topic “My Family” and successfully composed stories. Some children had grammatical errors, but the story as a whole turned out well. Among the grammatical errors in compiling the story, we identified: a) incorrect agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case; b) incorrect agreement of numerals with nouns; c) errors in the use of prepositions - omissions, substitutions, understatement; d) errors in use case forms plural.

Task 5 assumed a retelling of the text, based on the fairy tale "Geese-swans". Purpose: to reveal the ability of children to reproduce a literary text that is small in volume and simple in structure. Children could not build sentences without repetitions, omissions, cause-and-effect relationships were violated during retelling. The text turned out to be crumpled, incomplete in most children, there was a mismatch between the parts of the story, errors in the semantic and syntactic connection between objects.

Thus, the ascertaining experiment conducted to study the features of coherent speech in children made it possible to single out the following:

- children with a low level find it difficult to build sentences, the order of words in a sentence is violated;

- find it difficult to establish a logical - semantic relationship between the objects depicted in the pictures;

– noted a large number of grammatical errors when compiling a story:

a) incorrect agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case;

b) incorrect agreement of numerals with nouns;

c) errors in the use of prepositions - omissions, substitutions, understatement;

d) errors in the use of plural case forms;

e) compose a story on their own - they cannot describe, mainly with the help of separate motivating and leading questions, the story does not reflect the essential features of the subject.

Thus, the data obtained during the study indicate:

  1. A high level was shown by 35% of children.

The average level was found in 46% of children. In most cases, the content and richness of coherent speech suffered in children. The sentences used were simple but grammatically correct.

A low level was found in 19% of children. They had difficulties in retelling, while observing a logical sequence. AT more the correctness of coherent speech suffered, grammatical errors were noted.

The data obtained on the state of coherent speech in children indicate the need for corrective work.

2.3. The system of work on the development of speech in children of the senior group of MDOU d / s OV No. 7 "Sun" in Tikhvin using mnemotables

Examination of children revealed a lack of independence in compiling stories, violations of the logical sequence of presentation, difficulties in the lexical and grammatical structuring of statements, and semantic omissions. The diagnostic data helped us to decide on the development of a system of work on the development of speech using mnemotables.

Relevance selected topic:

  • Mnemonics makes it easier for children to master coherent speech;
  • The use of mnemonics, the use of generalizations allows the child to systematize his direct experience;
  • Mnemonics techniques use the natural memory mechanisms of the brain and allow you to fully control the process
    memorization, preservation and recall of information;
  • The child, relying on memory images, establishes causal relationships, draws conclusions;
  • Children who own the means of visual modeling are later able to independently develop speech in the process of communication and learning.

Target – To create conditions for increasing the speech activity of children of senior preschool age.

Tasks :

  • Arouse the desire in children to enrich vocabulary, develop coherent speech;
  • to consolidate the ability of children to work based on a mnemonic table when compiling descriptive stories, memorizing poems, etc.
  • Develop thinking, attention, imagination, verbal and auditory and visual memory;
  • Remove verbal negativism, educate children in the need for verbal communication for better adaptation in modern society;
  • Develop fine motor skills of children's hands.

Novelty The presented topic is that I have developed calendar-prospective work plans using mnemonic tables for the senior group. This allows you to optimize the process of cognitive-speech development of preschoolers.

Research stages:

Stage I - ascertaining: the study and analysis of methodological literature on this topic. Determination of the purpose, tasks, methods of experimental and search work.

Stage II - formative: development and implementation of forms and methods of working with children. At the second stage, the content material was selected and assembled; at this stage, teaching aids and a system of exercises were developed that included children in active cognitive and speech activities.

Stage III - practical: it consisted in the practical application of the selected material. At this stage, we carried out the task of speech development of children using mnemonic tables through the educational areas: cognition, communication, reading fiction, the material for which I select and systematize on my own (in the form of specially designed tasks containing cognitive and speech mnemonic tables);

Stage IV - generalizing: includes the processing and systematization of the material, the results obtained, the design of a generalization of work experience.

Expected results.

  • replenishment and activation of children's vocabulary;
  • development of logical and figurative thinking, improvement of coherent speech
  • the ability to negotiate and work in a coordinated manner;
  • the ability to address an adult with a question;
  • the child's ability to answer questions in a full sentence;
  • the ability to search for information, illustrations, materials necessary for research on a specific topic;
  • ability to process the collected material;

One of the means in teaching children these skills is classes on the development of coherent speech using visual models and graphic schemes.

The visual modeling technique can be used in working on all types of connected monologue statements:

- retelling;

- compiling stories based on a painting and a series of paintings;

- descriptive story

- creative story

It can be difficult for children to build a coherent story, even just to retell the text, although retelling is considered the simplest of the types of coherent utterance. They are distracted by minor details, they can confuse the sequence of events. The task of adults is to teach children to highlight the most important thing in the story, to consistently state the main actions.

Modeling and graphic schemes are very helpful in this, they make it possible to highlight the most significant aspects of the object.

Work on the use of graphic schemes and models is carried out in stages:

1. Familiarization with models:

Visual object model



  1. The ability to comprehend the artistic image
  2. Formation of ideas about the structure of the text (teaching "reading models")
  3. Self-compilation of stories based on the model

In the course of using the visual modeling technique, children get acquainted with graphically representation of information - model.

As models can be used:

Geometric figures

Silhouettes, contours of objects

Action Conventions

Contrasting frame, etc.

The visual model of the utterance acts as a plan that ensures the coherence and consistency of the child's stories.

The work on developing the skill of retelling is carried out in stages:

  1. To teach children the ability to identify the main characters and designate them with graphic substitutes.
  2. To form the ability to transmit events using schemes - substitutes.
  3. Transmit the sequence of episodes, correctly arranging schemes - deputies.

Graphic schemes act as a plan that children adhere to when retelling. It is more difficult for children to compose stories from a picture and a series of pictures. Children are required to: the ability to identify the main active objects, trace their relationship, think out the causes of events, the ability to combine fragments into a single plot. As model schemes, you can use pictures - fragments, silhouette images of significant objects in the picture.

When children have mastered the skill of building a coherent statement in retelling and storytelling from pictures, you can add elements of creativity - invite the child to come up with the beginning and end of the story, add new qualities to the characters, etc.

Preliminary drafting of description schemes is of great help in developing the ability to write descriptive stories about objects.

The basis of the descriptive story is the concrete knowledge of the child about the subject. The elements of the story model are qualitative and external characteristics object:

  1. magnitude
  2. the form
  3. details
  4. material
  5. how are used
  6. what you like, etc.

The most difficult for children are creative stories. But here too visual models provide indispensable assistance.

The child is offered a model of the story, and he must endow the elements of the model with their own qualities, make a coherent statement. The sequence of work on teaching creative storytelling is as follows:

  1. The child is given a character and is asked to come up with a situation that could happen to him.
  2. Specific characters are replaced by silhouette images, which allows the child to be creative in thinking through their character and appearance.
  3. The child is simply given the topic of the story.
  4. The child himself chooses the topic and characters of his story.

When offering help to children in the form of symbols-schemes, one should not be afraid that such help will make their thought processes “lazy” and their speech “stamped”. On the contrary, it will contribute to the assimilation of the child various structures language.

Gradually mastering all types of coherent statements with the help of modeling, children will learn to plan their speech.

At different age stages and depending on the individual abilities of children, various visual modeling techniques are used: pictograms, substitutes, mnemotables.

One of the methods of work is the use of pictograms. Pictogram - a symbolic image that replaces words. Pictograms are non-verbal means of communication and can be used in the following ways:

- as a means of temporary communication, when the child does not yet speak, but in the future he can master sound speech;
- as a means of constant communication for a child unable to speak in the future;
- as a means of facilitating the development of communication, speech, cognitive functions;
- as a preparatory stage for the development of writing and reading by children with developmental problems.

Thus, the system of non-verbal means of communication provides for the formation of a logical chain: the initial concept of a “sign” (pictogram) is a generalizing concept – the consolidation of the skill of independent actions with pictograms – an independent orientation in the system of signs.

Games with the use of pictograms on the example of the fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” by V. Suteeva.

The game includes icons with the image:

words-objects: mushroom, rain, sun, ant, butterfly, mouse, sparrow, hare, fox, frog;

action words: crawls, jumps, flies, walks, runs, grows, shines, show;

sign words: big, small, sad, cheerful;

preposition characters: under, behind, over, on, about, to;

Pictures with realistic images of heroes.

Game options:

  1. Pictograms of words-objects are arranged in a circle.
  • In the center is a picture depicting the hero of a fairy tale.
    Exercise: match the pictogram and the picture.
  • In the center is the "Show" icon.
    Exercise: select and show only the icon named by the adult.
  • In the center is one of the pictograms - actions.
    Exercise: name and show who (what) is walking (rain, fox);
    who is jumping, etc.;
  • Similar tasks with words - features.

The number of pictograms, their location, tasks are determined at the request of the teacher and depend on the level of preparedness of the child.

  1. Make a pair of pictograms.
  • An adult offers to find two pictograms for a sentence:
    "The sun is shining" or "The butterfly is flying" or "The merry frog"...
  • The adult offers two pictograms, and the child makes up a sentence.
  1. Correct the error.
  • An adult offers two pictograms "sparrow" and "creeps".
    The child is asked to correct the mistake and pronounce the correct sentence.
  1. Compose a spoken phrase from the pictograms.
  • “A frog is on the mushroom”, “An ant is crawling towards the mushroom”, “A butterfly is flying over the mushroom”, etc.


- this is a type of modeling in which some objects are replaced by others, real-conditional. It is convenient to use paper squares, circles, ovals, which differ in color and size, as substitutes. substitution is based on some difference between the characters.

In the first lessons, the number of deputies should match the number of characters, then you can enter extra circles or squares so that the child can choose the right ones.

It is better to start playing with the help of substitutes with Russian folk tales, because. stable stereotypes of familiar characters (an orange fox, a big and brown bear, etc.) are easily transferred to the models. Consider the option of substitutes for the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom".

At first, it is enough for the child to raise the corresponding symbol in the course of telling the fairy tale to adults, then you can proceed to acting out the fairy tale.

The technique is worked out as a result of repetitive tasks, the content of which is gradually expanding, enriched with new connections. In the future, you can invent new fairy tales with children, using ready-made substitutes or playing everyday stories. This modeling technique ensures the unity of speech and mental activity. Mnesis in Latin means memory. So the tricks mnemonics iki are designed to facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity by forming additional associations. The peculiarity of the reception is the use of not images of objects, but symbols.

Symbolism is typical for children's drawings at preschool age and does not cause difficulties in the perception of mnemotables. Mnemotables serve as didactic material in the development of coherent speech:

- memorization of poems, riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters;

- retelling of texts;

- Writing descriptive stories.

The sequence of work with mnemonic tables:

- viewing the table;

– recoding of information, transformation of the proposed material from symbols into images;

- retelling or memorization of the text.

The criteria for assimilation are: the correct reproduction of the material, the ability to independently decipher the symbols.

We want to present to you our experience of working with a fairy tale through the use of mnemonics.

  1. Retell the story.
  2. Which of the symbols are suitable for a sparrow, and which for a hare?
  3. Tell me how a fox and a hare are similar?
  4. Riddles:

Task options:

Guess a riddle, choose a riddle;

Learn a riddle using a mnemonic track;

Come up with a riddle, depict it on the track

Long-tailed babies are afraid of cats

  1. Drawing up a descriptive story by the characters of the fairy tale.

Walk along the bridge into the forest, to the fungus, tell about yourself.

  1. Poetry memorization:

Sparrow in a puddle
Jumping and spinning.
He ruffled his feathers
The tail fluffed up.
The weather is nice!
Chil, chiv, chil!
A. Barto

tricky fungus

Tricky little fungus
In a round, red hat.
He does not want to box
He plays hide and seek.
Hiding near the stump -
Call me to play!

  1. Formation of related words.
  2. Noun and numeral agreement.
  1. Agreement in gender, number and case.

I see who

I sing about whom

I will give to someone

I'm friends with whom

  1. Formation of verbs.
  1. Formation of compound words.
  1. Formation of possessive adjectives. Who did the ant want to photograph?

Calendar - thematic planning (5-6 years)


  1. Guessing mnemonic riddles.
  2. The game "Live words".
  3. Retelling of the fairy tale "Rooster and dog."


  1. Compilation of proposals for winter according to mnemonic paths.
  2. Compilation of a descriptive story about animals in winter using a mnemonic table.
  3. Final lesson on the topic "Winter".


  1. Working with a mnemonic table on the topic "Birds in spring".
  2. Retelling of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Jug" (mnemonics).
  3. Memorizing the poem "Spring is coming to us ...".

(Assignments for parents - draw a mnemonic table for memorizing a verse.)


  1. Guessing mnemonic riddles.
  2. Retelling of the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Ship"
  3. Game of explanations.


  1. Drawing up proposals for spring according to mnemonic tracks.
  2. Memorizing tongue twisters using a mnemonic table.
  3. Final lesson on the topic "I love nature."

Topics of conversation with problem situations:

- Kolobok goes to the forest;

- Preparation of vinaigrette;

– Chippolino helps to grow onions;

– Experiments with onions;

- The heroes of the fairy tale by J. Rodari talk about vegetables and fruits;

What do we know about autumn (winter, spring)

- Thumbelina talks about the basic rules for planting indoor plants;

- Pinocchio talks with children about trees;

– Visit to a livestock farm;

- Visit to the zoo.

The final stage

  1. Monitoring.
  2. Photo collage "We study nature" (May).
  3. Exhibition of children's drawings.
  4. Collective work on the release of a series of books by children using mnemonic tables "Seasons".
  5. Final event: entertainment "Four Seasons".

2.4. The effectiveness of the implementation of the system of work on the development of speech in children of senior preschool age through the use of mnemonic tables

We checked the effectiveness of the implementation of the work system using the same methods as in the ascertaining stage. After the correction work carried out, we obtained the following results, which are reflected in Table 2.

Table 2. Results of the control experiment of children of senior preschool age

Child's name 1st task 2nd task 3rd task 4th task 5th task Total points State of the art
1 Andrew B.2 2 2 2 1 9 Middle level
2 Snezhanna B.3 3 3 3 3 15 High level
3 Violetta M.3 3 2 3 3 14 High level
4 Sergey D.3 2 2 2 2 11 Middle level
5 Sasha S.2 1 2 2 1 8 Middle level
6 Dasha D.1 2 2 2 2 9 Middle level
7 Arseny E.3 2 3 2 2 12 High level
8 Katya J.3 3 3 2 3 14 High level
9 Sonya I.2 3 3 2 2 12 Middle level
10 Karina K.2 2 2 2 2 10 Middle level
11 Vova K.2 2 1 2 2 9 Middle level
12 Masha E.3 3 2 2 3 13 High level
13 Vika N.3 2 2 2 2 11 Middle level
14 Vanya S.2 2 3 3 2 12 High level
15 Katya L.3 2 2 3 2 12 High level
16 Egor G.3 2 3 3 3 14 High level
17 Kolya Sh.2 2 2 2 2 10 Middle level

As can be seen from the table, the average level of coherent speech development prevails in children - 11 children (54%) and 8 children showed a high level (46%). The low level was not detected.

With task 1, all the children did well, they were able to logically build sentences that were grammatically correct. Children who showed a low level at the ascertaining stage already made fewer mistakes when compiling a sentence, they needed less time to compose sentences. But they still needed leading questions and help in drafting proposals.

Task 2 involved writing a description of the ball. The children were able to make a couple of simple sentences, were able to reflect the characteristics of the ball, the main actions with it. Description - the story turned out to be complete, logical for most children.

Task 3 involved writing a story about a dog. When completing this task, the teacher did not present a picture of a dog, the children, without relying on visualization, were able to compose a story about a dog and cope with this task in a fairly short period of time.

In task 4, it was required to write a story on one of the proposed topics. The children completed this task. Their story was full, filled different parts speeches, all sentences were logically built. For the most part, children used simple sentences, rarely complex ones. When performing the task, the sentences of the children differed in consistency and logic.

Task 5 assumed a retelling of the text, based on the fairy tale "Geese-swans". Children could build sentences without repetitions, omissions, causal relationships were not violated during retelling. The text turned out to be complete for most of the children, consistency was noted between parts of the story, errors in the semantic and syntactic connection between objects were not observed.

So, as a result of the study of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age, we received the following data:

– With a high level of development of coherent speech in a subgroup of 8 children (46%).

– With an average level of development of coherent speech in the subgroup of 11 children (54%).

Consequently, the group is dominated by children with an average level of development of coherent speech.

Thus, during the primary processing of the results, a high level was shown by 35% of children, an average level by 46% of children and a low level by 19% of children. The parameters were formed at an insufficient level: accuracy, logical consistency, richness of speech suffered, grammatical errors were present; children could logically build a sentence, causal relationships were violated during retelling, storytelling.

The control experiment showed the following dynamics in the development of coherent speech:

  1. The parameters of all children became much better. They learned to convey the content of the finished literary text and their own story; logically build your statement; not only nouns and verbs, but also adjectives and adverbs were used in speech.
  2. Thus, the control experiment conducted to study the features of coherent speech in children made it possible to identify the following:


In the process of work, an analysis of the psychological and methodological literature on this topic was made, a characteristic of coherent speech was given and the possibilities of developing coherent speech of preschool children through mnemotables were studied, a study was conducted and the choice of methods was justified, the results of the study were analyzed and conclusions were drawn.

The results of the experimental study showed that in most of the children surveyed, the development of coherent speech is at an average level, which is characterized by the presence of errors and difficulties in compiling a story - a description, an independent retelling.

Based on the results of the study, we developed a system for the development of coherent speech through mnemonics. At the end of its implementation, we repeated the methods, as a result, we revealed in the control experiment:

A high level was shown by 46% of children. These children have all the parameters of coherent speech at a high level. They express their thoughts meaningfully, logically, accurately and consistently, using both simple and complex sentences in speech. The speech is grammatically correct.

The average level was found in 54% of children. In most cases, the content and richness of coherent speech suffered in children. The sentence used was simple, but grammatically correct.

Low levels have not been found in children.

The parameters are formed at an average level: work should continue on the correctness and richness of speech.

The result was the identification of the features of coherent speech in children with ONR:

- children can build sentences logically, but some children still have a broken sequence of words;

– children can set logically – semantic relations between the objects depicted in the pictures;

When retelling, they establish causal relationships and make sentences quite well;

– there are practically no grammatical errors;

- independently compose a story - a description.

The purpose of our study: to identify the features of the formation of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age with general underdevelopment, was achieved, since all the tasks were solved. Namely:

– the features of the development of coherent speech in ontogenesis were studied;

– the features of coherent speech in children were revealed by means of mnemonic tables;

– experimental work was carried out to identify the features of coherent speech of preschool children;

– a system of work on the development of coherent speech through mnemonic tables has been developed.

- analyzed the results of experimental work to identify the features of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age with OHP; given quantitatively - qualitative analysis of the data obtained.

Thus, we were convinced that the topic is relevant, the tasks are completed, the goal is achieved.

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Thesis on the topic “The development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age through mnemotables” updated: July 31, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

  1. Features of the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age are normal

Most pedagogical research is devoted to the problems of the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age with normal speech development. Among scientists it is necessary, first of all, to name M.M. Alekseev, A.M. Borodich, E.P. Korotkov, V.I. Yashin and others.

The development of children's speech is closely related to the nature of their activities and communication and develops in several directions. Firstly, in the course of children's communication with each other and adults, its practical use is improved. Secondly, speech is the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, an instrument of thinking.

It is important to note that under certain conditions of upbringing, by the end of preschool age, the child not only uses speech in everyday life, but is already aware of its structure, which is of no small importance for subsequent learning to read and write.

In the presence of normal maturation and functioning of the central nervous system of development, the child develops speech. But to fulfill the most important social function that speech carries, biological prerequisites alone are not enough. Its occurrence is due to the communication of the child with an adult, especially with the mother. Further life practice interaction of the child with other people forms the need for communication. The isolation of the child from the stimulating environment of the family, children's group, etc. slows down speech development.

L.S. Vygotsky was the first to put forward the thesis about the leading role of education and upbringing in the mental development of the child.

Further, this provision, according to N.S. Zhukova found its further development and confirmation in neurophysiological studies. It has been established and confirmed that the more the child's brain receives information corresponding to age, physical and mental state, the faster the functional and anatomical maturation of the central nervous system occurs. The main thing to remember is that any overload negatively affects the state of the central nervous system.

As a means of communication between the child and the world, the development of speech goes through three stages.

At the first preverbal stage, the child cannot yet understand the speech of surrounding adults, but here the conditions are laid that will ensure its mastery in the future.

At the second stage, the child begins to understand the simplest statements of adults and pronounces his first words.

The third stage is mastering different ways communication with others.

For the development of coherent speech, it is important that it be considered in the unity of content and form. It is impossible for the semantic side to be diminished, this can lead to the fact that the external, formal side (grammatically correct use of words, their agreement in a sentence, etc.) will outstrip the internal, logical side in development. In this case, the child will manifest itself in the inability to find words that are necessary in meaning, to cope with the correct use of words, to explain the meaning of individual words.

Everything is important in the development of speech, and therefore the development of the formal side of speech should not be underestimated. When receiving knowledge, ideas, a child must be able to express them correctly in speech. In the speech activity of children, connected speech is the most complex form. It has the character of a consistent systematic detailed presentation. The main function of connected speech is communicative. It is carried out in two main forms - dialogue and monologue.

As a form of speech, dialogue consists of replicas, a chain of speech reactions. Its implementation takes place either in the form of successive questions and answers, or in the form of a conversation (conversation) of two or more participants. The dialogue is based on the commonality of perception of the interlocutors, the commonality of the situation, the knowledge of what is being discussed.

Monologue speech is characterized by a coherent speech of one person, which carries a communicative goal, i.e. reporting any facts of reality. A monologue is the most complex form of speech, which serves to purposefully convey information.

Monologue speech has the following properties: it has a one-sided nature of the statement, arbitrariness, due to the orientation of the content to the listener, the use of non-verbal means is limited to transmit information, statements are arbitrary, detailed, a logical sequence of presentation is observed. A feature of this form of speech is that its content, as a rule, is predetermined and pre-planned.

These forms of coherent speech play a leading role in the process of speech development of the child. They are given a central place in the overall system of work on the development of speech in kindergarten.

For practical language acquisition, learning coherent speech can be seen as both a goal and a means. Mastering different aspects of speech is a necessary condition for the development of coherent speech, and at the same time, the development of coherent speech contributes to the child's independent use of individual words and syntactic constructions.

In children without speech pathology, the development of coherent speech occurs gradually along with the development of thinking, is associated with the development of activity and communication.

The foundations of future coherent speech are laid during direct emotional communication with an adult in the first year of life. On the basis of understanding, at first very primitive, the speech of children begins to develop.

By the second year of life, the first meaningful words are born, later they begin to serve as designations for objects. Gradually, the first proposals appear.

In the third year of life, understanding of speech develops rapidly, one's own active speech, the vocabulary increases sharply, the structure of sentences becomes more complicated. Children enjoy dialogical form speech.

More complex and varied communication of the child with adults and peers creates favorable conditions for the development of speech: its semantic content is also enriched, the vocabulary is expanding, mainly due to nouns and adjectives. In addition to size and color, children can highlight some other qualities of objects. The child acts a lot, so his speech is enriched with verbs, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions appear (the use of these parts of speech is typical for a coherent statement). The child correctly builds simple sentences using different words and their different order: Tanya will bathe; I want to go out; I don't want to eat porridge. The first subordinate clauses of time (when ...), reasons (because ...) appear.

For children of three years old, a simple form of dialogic speech (answers to questions) is available, but they are just beginning to master the ability to coherently express their thoughts. Their speech is still situational, expressive presentation prevails. Children make many mistakes when constructing sentences, determining the action, the quality of the subject. Teaching colloquial speech and its further development is the basis for the formation of monologue speech.

In the middle preschool age, the development of coherent speech is greatly influenced by the activation of the dictionary, the volume of which increases to about 2.5 thousand words. The child not only understands, but also begins to use adjectives in speech to denote a sign of an object, adverbs to denote temporal and spatial relationships. The first generalizations, conclusions, conclusions appear.

Children are more likely to use subordinate clauses, especially causal, subordinate conditions appear, additional, definitive (I hid the candy that my mother bought; If the rain stops, let's go for a walk?).

In dialogical speech, preschoolers of this age use mostly short, incomplete phrases, even when the question requires a detailed statement. Often, instead of formulating the answer on their own, they inappropriately use the wording of the question in the affirmative form. They do not always know how to correctly formulate a question, submit the necessary remark, supplement and correct the statements of a friend.

The structure of speech is also still imperfect. When using complex sentences, the main part is omitted (usually they begin with conjunctions because, what, when).

Children are gradually approaching the independent compilation of short stories from a picture, from a toy. However, their stories for the most part copy the pattern of an adult; they still cannot distinguish the main from the secondary. Situational speech remains predominant.

In children of 6-7 years of age, the development of coherent speech reaches a fairly high level.

The development of children's sentences and the formation of general concepts is the basis for improving mental activity - the ability to generalize, draw conclusions, make judgments and conclusions. In dialogical speech, children use a fairly accurate, short or detailed answer in accordance with the question. To a certain extent, the ability to formulate questions, give relevant remarks, correct and supplement the comrade's answer is manifested.

Under the influence of improving mental activity, changes occur in the content and form of children's speech. The ability to single out the most essential in an object or phenomenon is manifested. Older preschoolers are more actively involved in the conversation: they argue, argue, quite motivatedly defend their opinion, convince a friend. They are no longer limited to naming an object or phenomenon and incompletely conveying their qualities, but in most cases they single out characteristic features and properties, give a more detailed and fairly complete analysis of an object or phenomenon.

The ability to establish certain connections, dependencies and regular relationships between objects and phenomena appears, which is directly reflected in the monologue speech of children. Developing the ability to select necessary knowledge and find a more or less expedient form of their expression in a coherent narrative. Significantly reduced the number of incomplete and simple uncommon offers due to common complicated and complex.

The ability to quite consistently and clearly compose descriptive and plot stories on the proposed topic appears. However, children, especially in the older group, still need a previous teacher model. The ability to convey in a story one's emotional attitude to the objects or phenomena described is not yet sufficiently developed. At preschool age, there is a separation of speech from direct practical experience. The main feature is the emergence of the planning function of speech. It takes the form of a monologue, contextual. Children master different types of statements (description, narration, reasoning) with and without reliance on visual material, the syntactic structure of stories becomes more complicated, the number of complex and complex sentences increases.

So, by the time they enter school, coherent speech in children with normal speech development is quite well developed.

Spoken language is the simplest form of oral speech. It is situational and emotional, since the speakers perceive each other, influencing with the help of gestures, glances, facial expressions, intonation, etc. This form of speech is also simpler in syntax: unfinished sentences, exclamations, interjections are used; it consists of questions and answers, remarks and short messages.

Spoken language must be coherent, understandable, logically sustained, otherwise it will not be able to become a means of communication. Preschool children learn colloquial speech under the guidance of adults.

Monologue speech is psychologically more difficult for children than dialogic speech. It is more detailed, since it is necessary to introduce listeners into the circumstances of events, to achieve an understanding of the story, etc. A monologue requires a better memory, more focused attention to the content and form of speech. Monologic speech is based on logically more consistent thinking than in the process of dialogic speech.

Monologue speech is also more complex linguistically. In order for it to be understandable to listeners, it must use the most complete common sentences, the most accurate vocabulary.

The ability to tell plays a big role in the process of human communication. For a child, this is also a means of cognition, testing their knowledge, ideas, and assessments.

The formation of a child's speech is associated with the development of his logical thinking. In addition, the basis for the formation of monologue speech is fluency in the dictionary and grammatical structure of the language.

Psychologists attribute the appearance of monologue speech in children to five years. D.M. Elkonin writes about it this way: “Changing the child’s lifestyle, the formation of new relationships with adults and new types of activities leads to differentiation of the functions and forms of speech. New communication tasks arise, consisting in the transfer of impressions, experiences, ideas by the child to an adult. A new form of speech appears. - a message in the water of a monologue, a story about what has been experienced and seen .... " .

Children of five or six years old should master the main types of monologue speech: storytelling and retelling (in their elementary form). Between them there is both a common, typical for monologue speech, and a significant difference.

The retelling of a work of art is accessible and close to preschool children due to the fact that the child receives a ready-made sample that affects his feelings, makes him empathize and thereby causes a desire to remember and retell what he heard.

Children are exposed to authentic artistic speech, remember emotional, figurative words and phrases, learn to speak a living native language. The high artistry of the work offered for retelling, the integrity of form, composition and language teach children to clearly and consistently build a story, without getting carried away by the details and not missing the main thing, that is, they develop their speech skills.

The content of the actual story must correspond exactly to the specific case, be based on facts. In this type of stories, the child's feelings, perceptions (stories by perception) or ideas (stories from memory) can be reflected. Examples of factual stories: a description of the plant in question, a toy, some past event. This type of children's story is very valuable because it helps to identify and influence children's interests.

When compiling creative stories (stories from imagination) based on fictional material, children also use their previous experience, but the child must now unite individual information with a new situation, suggest some event.

It is known that children of seven years old can, by analogy with the fairy tales they have listened to, come up with simple fairy tales of their own composition, where the characters are endowed with fantastic qualities (animals talk, people transform, etc.).

Children of the seventh year of life gradually master the structure of a connected plot story, highlight the plot, climax, denouement in the story, use direct speech. But the content of creative stories at this age is monotonous, not always logical. The development of independent practical activity of preschool children encourages the development of the intellectual practical function of speech: reasoning, explaining methods of action, ascertaining, thinking about a plan for upcoming activities, etc.

Thus, the functions of the child's speech activity in ontogenesis develop from the sign (denoting, nominative) and communicative function of communication to the planning and regulation of their actions. A modern child by the senior preschool age must master the entire system of his native language: speak coherently; fully express your thoughts, easily building detailed complex sentences; easily retell stories and fairy tales; pronounce all sounds correctly; have a vocabulary of four to five thousand words. And as a result, by the end of preschool age, the child masters the basic forms of speech inherent in adults. A different picture is observed with a general underdevelopment of speech.


1.1 Issues of the development of coherent speech among preschoolers in the psychological and pedagogical literature………………………………………………………6

1.2 Features of the development of coherent speech in preschoolers………………11

1.3 Fiction as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers……………………………………………………………...…….14

2.1 Evaluation of the level of speech development of children in preschool…………………….23

2.2 Methodological support of work on the formation of coherent speech of preschoolers………………………………………………………………..27


At present, in the theory and practice of preschool pedagogy, the question of creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of coherent speech of preschool children is being raised. This interest is far from accidental, since practical workers - educators, methodologists - have difficulties, which are determined by the insufficient knowledge of these conditions, and the complexity of the subject itself - the ontogenesis of the language ability of a preschool child.

The main contribution to the study of this problem was made by teachers - researchers and practitioners of preschool affairs O.I. Solovieva, T.A. Markova, A. M. Borodich, V.V. Gerbova and others. In parallel, research was also carried out by psychologists - L.S. Vygotsky, V.I. Yadeshko and others. The main result of their research is the identification of the links in the mechanism of mastering coherent speech by a child. The presence of intelligence, i.e. the ability to cognize the external world through memory, presentation, imagination, thinking, and speech - this major differences human from animal. Both intellect and speech in a person appear at the stage of early childhood, intensively improved in preschool, primary school and adolescence. But intelligence appears in a child not simply because his organism grows, but only under the indispensable condition that this person masters speech. If the adults surrounding the child begin to teach him to speak correctly already from infancy, then such a child develops normally: he acquires the ability to imagine, then think and imagine; with each age step this ability is improved. In this period of time, acquaintance with native literature, with the texts of works of art, is of particular importance. This is one of the main conditions for the child to master coherent speech, a condition for its development and improvement.

Based on this position, in our work, we pay special attention to the role of fiction in the development of coherent speech of preschoolers as an important condition for its full-fledged speech and general mental development. This provision determined the theme of the work: "The development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age by means of fiction."

object research is the process of development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age in preschool.

Thing research: pedagogical conditions for the use of fiction, contributing to the formation of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age

Target of this work is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the pedagogical conditions under which fiction becomes a means of developing speech in older preschoolers.

Hypothesis research: the formation of coherent speech in older children will be successful if various events are planned and carried out with the inclusion of fiction, techniques are used aimed at analyzing fiction, involving parents in holding events using fiction.

In accordance with the purpose, object, subject and hypothesis of the study, the followingtasks :

To reveal the features of the formation of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age;

To study the forms, methods and techniques of familiarizing older preschoolers with works of fiction;

To substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the use of fiction that contribute to the formation of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age in the course of experimental work

The base of the study was MBDOU No. 17 "Squirrel", children of the senior and preparatory groups.

The study was carried out in stages, while at each stage, depending on its objectives, the appropriate research methods were used:

Theoretical Methods: Theoretical Analysis psychological and pedagogical literature;

Empirical methods: observation, questioning, experiment.

The structure of the work: the study consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.



1.1 Issues of the development of coherent speech among preschoolers in the psychological and pedagogical literature

Speech is a form of communication that has developed historically in the process of the material transforming activity of people and is mediated by language. Speech includes the processes of generation and perception of messages for the purposes of communication or (in a particular case) for the purposes of regulation and control. own activities(Inner speech, egocentric speech). Psychology is primarily interested in the place of speech in the system of higher mental functions of a person - in its relationship with thinking, consciousness, memory. emotions, etc.; at the same time, those of its features that reflect the structure of the personality and activity are especially important. Most Soviet psychologists consider speech as a speech activity, acting either as an integral act of activity (if it has a specific motivation that is not realized by other types of activity), or as speech actions included in non-speech activity. The structure of speech activity or speech action basically coincides with the structure of any action, that is, it includes the phases of orientation, planning (in the form of "internal programming"), implementation and control. Speech can be active, constructed anew each time, and reactive, which is a chain of dynamic speech stereotypes.

In the conditions of spontaneous oral speech, the conscious choice and evaluation of the language means used in it are reduced to a minimum, while in written speech and in prepared oral speech they occupy a significant place. Various types and forms of speech are built according to specific patterns (for example, colloquial speech allows significant deviations from the grammatical system of the language, a special place is occupied by logical and even more artistic speech). Speech is studied not only by the psychology of speech, but also by psycholinguistics, physiology of speech, linguistics, semiotics and other sciences.

The educator is obliged to provide the child with conditions in which this need would be fully satisfied. A person's acquaintance with the world begins with the fact that he sees what surrounds him. The child recognizes all this when he calls the word. Consequently, the native language helps the child to realize the world around him as it is: the world of real things and phenomena that exist in connections and relationships. Without the participation of speech, the child cannot comprehend the world. The psychology of cognition is such that knowledge about the surrounding world enters the human mind in a verbal (verbal) form. “Due to the fact that the reflection of reality takes on a verbal form,” writes A.P. Leontiev, - and, consequently, its content appears for a person in objective phenomena - the phenomena of language. A person not only receives impressions from objects and phenomena that affect him, but also acquires the opportunity, verbally naming objects, phenomena, to be aware of the content of his impressions. And this means that his impressions become conscious.

Thus, although conscious reflection, like any other form of reflection, arises in the brain on the basis of the influence of the surrounding objects and phenomena themselves, however, this is possible only if the influencing phenomena are, one way or another, indicated in a person’s speech. Conscious reflection of reality is carried out through language, speech.[ 16, p.85] . Consequently, the “achievement instinct” in a child can manifest itself, first of all, as a need to master the native language, which serves as an instrument for cognizing the surrounding reality.

Thus, the child has a spontaneous psychological incentive to master his native speech. The educator should only reasonably direct his speech development - make him dependent on familiarization with the environment.

The grammatical structure of speech, its semantic basis are formed, first of all, in everyday communication and in children's activities - playing, designing, fine arts.

Therefore, important pedagogical condition- competent organization of activities by adults in everyday life so that children comprehend cause-and-effect relationships through observations, experimentation with objects of inanimate and living nature.

Systematic organization, correct management of classes and daily observations is an important pedagogical condition.

A number of dependencies and relationships (temporal, spatial, subjective-objective, attributive) children master in outdoor games. Not only the health of children, but also speech development depends on how regularly and skillfully they are organized. In addition to direct, direct influence on the semantic (semantic side) of the grammatical structure, outdoor games also have an indirect effect on speech. In their course, such a significant quality as the arbitrariness of behavior is formed, which is important for both the motor and speech spheres.

"Finger" games, as well as games with pebbles, beads, mosaics, affect the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, since the exercise fine motor skills hands activates the speech areas of the brain; didactic games teach players to restrain themselves, not to prompt, not to quarrel. And this is an important aspect of the arbitrariness of speech behavior.

The development of the grammatical structure of children's speech is positively influenced by acquaintance with the environment, with nature, with fiction, classes in the development of speech, in preparation for literacy, organized games (verbal, plot-didactic, theatrical). In the process of getting acquainted with the environment, children receive systematized knowledge about cause-and-effect, temporal, spatial dependencies, learn to extract information from observations and experimentation. But in order for this knowledge and ideas to be reflected in the level of proficiency in the grammatical system, creative tasks are needed that require the application of the acquired knowledge in speech or gaming activities (composing stories, riddles, game plots).

Getting acquainted with fiction, children learn to apply grammatical skills and abilities in dialogical (answers to questions, conversations) and monologue (verbal creativity) speech, use the means of artistic expressiveness of the language and its grammatical means.

Classes in preparation for learning to read and write develop an orientation in the sound side of the word, develop sensitivity to the sound form and thereby influence the development of morphological and word-forming means of the language, their sound image.

The lesson is an effective form of teaching the native language at the senior preschool age. Their success depends not only on the form, but on the content, the methods used and the democratic style of communication between the teacher and the children. Systematic speech classes teach children to work with linguistic information, foster interest in solving speech problems, a linguistic attitude to the word.

Didactic games and exercises of grammatical content are an important means of stimulating children's language games, their search activity in the field of grammar.

At preschool age, the leading place is occupied by joint games with adults: plot-representational, mobile, musical, plastic exercises, games - dramatization, dramatization, puppet theater, elements of play and dramatization when looking at paintings, drawing, modeling, applications. Their wide general developmental effect gives rise to positive emotions in children, stimulates gaming and speech activity. This creates natural conditions for the spontaneous emergence of language games, borrowings from works of folklore and fiction.

The formation of a person's personality to a large extent depends on the pedagogical impact, on how early it begins to be exerted. The kindergarten aims at the comprehensive development of children - physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education, which is carried out in the process of teaching speech.

The main forms of speech development are:

Work on the development of children's speech in their free communication with the teacher, with all other kindergarten workers, their communication with each other;

Special classes for the development of speech.

Free speech communication of a child in kindergarten occurs:

at home;

during walks;

during games;

when getting to know others (with social life and nature in all seasons);

in the process of work;

during holidays and entertainment;

during non-speech special classes: on the formation of elementary mathematical representations, drawing, modeling, design, physical education, music.

A special lesson on the development of speech is introduced in the third year of a child's life in order to make him more capable of mastering speech in free communication, of mastering speech as a means of communication and cognition, and a means of regulating his own behavior.

Compliance with the conditions conducive to the formation of the speech of a preschooler, perhaps, will not only direct the process of speech development in the right direction, but also monitor the formation of speech and, if necessary, correct.

The conditions we analyzed represent a far from complete list of conditions necessary for the development of speech. In each specific case, with each specific child, individual approach. However, the conditions we have listed must be met in all cases.

1.2 Features of the development of coherent speech in preschoolers

Modern and full-fledged mastery of speech is the first most important condition for the formation of a full-fledged psyche in a child and its further proper development. Modern means started from the very first days after the birth of a child. Full mastery of speech means sufficient language material in terms of volume. Encouraging the child to master speech to the fullest extent of his abilities at each age level. Attention to the development of a child's coherent speech at the first age levels is especially important because at this time the child's brain grows intensively and its functions are formed. Physiologists know that the functions of the central nervous system, precisely during their natural formation, are easy to train. Without training, the development of these functions is delayed and may even stop forever. The child's speech performs three functions of connecting him with outside world: communicative, cognitive, regulatory.

The communicative function is the earliest, the first word of the child, born from modulated babbling in the ninth - twelfth month of life, performs this very function. The need to communicate with other people stimulates the improvement of the child's speech in the future. By the end of the second year, the child can express his desires and observations in words quite understandably for others, he can understand the speech of adults addressed to him.

After the age of three, the child begins to master inner speech. From this time on, speech for him ceases to be only a means of communication, it already performs other functions, primarily the function of cognition: by assimilating new words and new grammatical forms, the child expands his understanding of the world around him, of objects and phenomena of reality and their relationships.

The period from 5 to 7 years is the period of assimilation of the grammatical system of the Russian language, the development of coherent speech. At this time, the grammatical structure and the sound side of speech are being improved, the prerequisites are being created for enriching the dictionary.

In the child's coherent speech, the following are consistently improved:

the syntactic structure of the sentence (as well as the expressiveness of its intonation);

morphological arrangement of words;

sound composition words.

From the very beginning, mastering the grammatical structure of a language is creative in nature, based on the child’s amateur orienting (search) activity in the world around him and the word, on language generalizations, games, experimenting with the word, mastering the forms and rules of the language, the logic of the language in preschool childhood is carried out already in bowels of initiative productive speech, speech and verbal creativity.

The teacher implements the management of the speech development of children, primarily through joint activities, communication both with the child himself and with other children. Forms of communication also change with age. In the younger age groups, specially - organized games - classes are built as a natural interaction between an adult and children. This is an organization of activities that provides children with the opportunity to show subjectivity in communication. Therefore, the setting of didactic tasks should be relatively general, undifferentiated, and communication scenarios should be aimed at improvisation.

Speech is a set of spoken or perceived sounds that have the same meaning and the same meaning as the corresponding system of written signs.

Speech is one of the types of human communicative activity, the use of language means to communicate with other members of the language community. Speech is understood as both the process of speaking (speech activity) and its result (speech products fixed by memory or writing).

Thanks to coherent speech as a means of communication, the individual consciousness of a person, not limited to personal experience, is generalized by the experience of other people, and to a much greater extent than observation and other processes of non-verbal, direct cognition, carried out through the senses: perception, attention, imagination, memory and thinking.

Through speech, the psychology and experience of one person become available to other people, enrich them, and contribute to their development.

The more actively students improve oral, written and other types of speech, replenish their vocabulary, the higher the level of their cognitive abilities and culture.

At older preschool age, the child's speech becomes more coherent and takes the form of a dialogue. The situational nature of speech, characteristic of young children, here gives way to contextual speech, the understanding of which does not require correlation of the statement with the situation. In a preschooler, in comparison with a young child, a more complex, independent form of speech appears and develops - a detailed monologue statement. At preschool age, the development of speech "to oneself" and inner speech is noted.

Thus, the process of speech development of a preschool child is a complex and multifaceted process, and for its successful implementation, a combination of all components that affect the quality and content of speech is necessary. One such medium is literature.

1.3 Fiction as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers

The speech of a preschooler develops in spontaneous conditions (in the family, on the street, with the help of mass media). Of great importance is the creation of special psychological and pedagogical conditions conducive to its development.

The communicative function of language as a means of communication makes it a powerful tool for the development of thought, and, in turn, the development of thinking entails the development of oral and written speech of students, improves their speech culture.

The entire learning process, if it is properly organized and carried out in a strict system, should at the same time be a process of developing students' logical thinking and speech.

Speech helps the child not only to communicate with other people, but also to learn about the world. Mastering speech is a way of knowing reality. The richness, accuracy, content of speech depend on the enrichment of the child's consciousness various views and concepts, from the life experience of the student, from the volume and dynamism of his knowledge. In other words, speech, developing, needs not only linguistic, but also factual material.

There is also inverse relationship: the more fully the riches of the language are assimilated, the more freely a person uses them, the better he learns complex connections in nature and in society. For a child, good speech is a guarantee successful learning and development. Who does not know that children with poorly developed speech often turn out to be unsuccessful in various subjects.

At preschool age, and partly at school, the language is assimilated by the child spontaneously, in communication, in speech activity. But this is not enough: spontaneously acquired speech is primitive and not always correct:

assimilation of the literary language, subject to the norm,

ability to distinguish literary language from non-literary, from vernacular, dialects, jargons.

a huge amount of material, many hundreds of new words and new meanings of previously learned words,

many such combinations, syntactic constructions, which children did not use at all in their oral preschool speech practice.

It happens that adults and even teachers misunderstand how extensive this material is, and believe that it can be assimilated by a child in passing, in everyday communication with adults and with a book. But this is not enough: a system of enrichment and development of children's speech is needed.

We need systematic work, clearly and definitely dosing material - a dictionary, syntactic constructions, types of speech, skills in compiling a coherent text

As noted above, the use of works of fiction in the process of speech development of a preschool child contributes to the development of correct and complete speech in a preschool child.

Initially, the educator should begin by examining the role of fiction in the comprehensive education of children. It should be especially emphasized its importance for the formation moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior, education of aesthetic perception and aesthetic feelings, poetry, musicality. (14; c.235)

In order to fully realize the educational possibilities of literature, it is necessary to know the psychological characteristics and possibilities of perception of this type of art by preschoolers.

Features of the perception of fiction in the process of speech development by preschoolers are studied in the works of L. S. Vygotsky, A. V. Zaporozhets, O. I. Nikiforova, E. A. Flerina, N. S. Karpinskaya, L. M. Gurovich, T. A. Repina and others.

In addition to the general features of the perception of fiction, it is necessary to study the age-related features of this process. They are summarized by L.M. Gurovich.

Essential in preparing for classes is the definition of the tasks of literary education in kindergarten.

The purpose of introducing preschoolers to fiction, according to the definition of S. Ya. Marshak, is the formation of a future great "talented reader", a culturally educated person.

It is recommended to carefully study specific tasks by age groups, reveal the content of the principles for selecting fiction, determine the circle of children's reading and trace the lines of complication in the selection of literature by age groups.

Studying the method of familiarization with the book in the classroom, you should carefully study the literature, paying attention to the following questions:

preparation of the educator and children for a lesson in reading and telling fiction;

presentation of the work to children;

repetition of reading;

a combination of several works in one lesson;

the structure of the lesson on familiarization with a literary work;

conversations related to reading;

time and place of reading;

reading and storytelling techniques

When considering the methodology of memorizing poems, one must proceed from the fact that a poetic work has two sides: the content of the artistic image and poetic form. Memorizing a poem includes the perception of a poetic text and its artistic reproduction, which allows you to use further epithets in your own speech, which contributes to its development.

The following factors influence the memorization and reproduction of verses:

psychological age-related features of assimilation and memorization of material;

the content and form of the poem;

quality of expressive reading of adults;

techniques used in the classroom;

individual characteristics of children [ 3 , c.87]

It is necessary to fill these provisions with content by studying the relevant literature. It is important to imagine the structure of the lesson and the features of the methodology for memorizing poetry, depending on the age of the children.

To understand the problem of familiarizing children with book illustration in order to develop the speech of a preschooler, it is necessary to select illustrations from several artists working in this genre. To give an analysis of them from the point of view of the peculiarities of solving artistic and pedagogical problems by an illustrator. Think about how to look at illustrations.

The analysis of speech products, exemplary texts teaches preschoolers to see the manifestation of general group patterns in the construction of specific texts, to observe how they reflect the specifics of the type of speech, style and genre. The text analysis is based on a concept or a set of concepts.

Concept-oriented analysis of works of art contributes to the identification of features of the concept of "text", common features in various texts the same type or style of speech. It helps the educator to organize the work of teaching preschoolers to see the general in the separate, to parse a specific text as one of such texts. With the help of concept-oriented analysis, the educator forms an idea of ​​the structure of the text, the general structure of such texts, which they can use when creating their own text related to the same group.

In accordance with what concept is being worked on to assimilate it, three types of analysis are distinguished:

content-compositional (the leading concept of the text is its theme, main idea, micro-theme, paragraph, plan);

stylistic (the leading concept of functional style is its genre varieties, stylistic resources);

typological (the leading concept is a functional-semantic type of speech, or a typical fragment of a text - its structure, "given" and "new").

Approximate text analysis content:

I. Determination of the task of speech: painted a picture, conveying his attitude to what he saw, or reported accurate information.

II. Clarification of the main idea of ​​the text, identification of the author's attitude to the content of the speech [specify the title of the text so that it reflects not only the topic, but also the main idea; what headings can you come up with for this text, which of the headings you suggested is more accurate, how it differs from the author's heading, etc.).

III. Determining the type of speech. Analysis of the content and means of the language.

Sample questions:

1) What type of speech does the author refer to, revealing the topic and the main idea reflected in the title?

Why specifically to the narrative (description, reasoning)?

2) What actions of the hero does the writer show by drawing his behavior?

What features characterizes the author, describing the named subject?

What question does he solve by giving examples from his life?

3) Imagine that the author would describe the actions of the hero not in detail and precisely, but in a generalized way. Do this experiment.

Do we see the picture in this case as clearly as in the author's text? Why?

Why exactly these details of the described subject are characterized by the author? Imagine that the author only named the subject and did not give a description of its features. Do this experiment: remove all adjectives and adverbs from the text (words that answer the question “how?”).

IV. Text structure analysis. It includes, first of all, the division of the topic into micro-themes, the selection of the relevant paragraphs and their table of contents, i.e., drawing up a plan. In addition, children find out the role of each part of speech in the organization of the text.

In a literary text, words and their combinations acquire additional meanings, create vivid images. The visual means of the label language are emotional, they enliven speech, develop thinking, and improve the vocabulary of children.

It is necessary to use all the possibilities in working on the visual means of the language of works of art:

the main types of tropes (comparison, epithet, metaphor, metonymy, paraphrase, hyperbole),

stylistic figures (gradation of synonyms, antithesis and antonyms, rhetorical appeals and questions, exclamations).

Literary and artistic texts in books for reading provide numerous examples, samples that allow preschoolers to get acquainted with the stylistic richness of the Russian language.

The kindergarten does not set itself the goal of giving preschoolers theoretical information about the means of figurative expressiveness of the language. All work is practical in nature and is subject to the system of development of thinking and speech.

Summarizing what has been said, we will name the main methods of working on the visual means of the language in the process of speech development:

a] detection of "figurative" words in the text;

b] an explanation of the meanings of words and turns of speech found in the text by the children themselves or indicated by the educator;

c] illustration, verbal drawing, re-creation of the image on the question of the teacher: what picture do you imagine?

d] the use of analyzed and understood images in retelling, in one's own story, in a written essay or presentation;

e] development of intonation, preparation for expressive reading of literary texts;

e] special exercises for the selection of comparisons, epithets, making riddles, etc.

The language of works of art serves as an excellent model for children: on the basis of reading, analysis, and memorization of passages, students' speech is formed, their linguistic instinct and taste develop.

However, we must not forget that excessive attention to the details of the language can destroy general impression from a work of art. Therefore, the analysis artistic means language, with all the interest in it, should not turn into the main type of work in the process of speech development. One should strive to ensure that work on the visual means of the language is organically woven into the system of ideological and artistic analysis of works, emphasizing their ideological content.

Work on the visual means of the language brings up attention to the word, sensitivity, understanding of the shades of its meaning, its hidden, allegorical meaning, its emotional colors. The preschooler thus joins the style of artistic speech, he himself masters its simplest means. The same goals, in essence, are served by other areas in the general system of vocabulary work: drawing the attention of children to synonyms, antonyms, catchwords (phraseology), polysemy of words; exercises for their use in speech, story, in your own story; working out intonation, preparation for expressive reading of literary texts; special exercises for the selection of comparisons, epithets, making riddles, etc. .

Thus, we note that the use of various kinds of works of art in modern speech determines the possibility of effective and fruitful development of the speech of preschoolers, contributes to the replenishment of the vocabulary of the latter, thereby forming the communicative culture of a preschooler.

The development of coherent speech as one of the components of the process of preparing a preschool child to study at school is one of the activities of a teacher in this program. The basis of this direction is the development of coherent speech by means of developing the perception of works artistic culture, means of organizing interaction between various participants in the educational process.

Thus, the analysis of the literature led to the following conclusion: the comprehensive development of the child is carried out on the basis of the assimilation of the centuries-old experience of mankind only through the communication of the child with adults. Adults are the keepers of the experience of mankind, its knowledge, skills and culture. This experience cannot be conveyed except through language. Language - essential tool human communication.

Among many important tasks upbringing and education of preschool children in kindergarten, teaching the native language, developing speech, speech communication is one of the main ones. One of the most important conditions for the development of the speech of a preschool child is the use of this process artistic works.

The formation of a child's speech communication in the process of familiarization with works of fiction begins with emotional communication. It is the core, the main content of the relationship between an adult and a child in the preparatory period of speech development. He seems to be infected by the emotional state of the work. He lives the life of heroes, learns new vocabulary, replenishes the content of his active dictionary. This is precisely emotional communication, and not verbal, but it lays the foundations for future speech, future communication with the help of meaningfully pronounced words.

The teacher should not consider the work on the development of the speech of preschool children as a solution to the problem of preventing and correcting grammatical errors in their speech, “hardening” individual “difficult” grammatical forms. We are talking about creating conditions for the full assimilation of the grammatical structure of the language by the child on the basis of spontaneous indicative, search activity in the field of grammar, the use of language tools in different forms communication in the process of acquaintance with works of artistic culture.


2.1 Assessment of the level of speech development of children in preschool

The base of the study was MBDOU No. 17 "Squirrel", children of the senior and preparatory groups.

Groups are trained according to the program "Education and education in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva.

The program holistically defines the content and nature of the modern pedagogical process, aimed at the comprehensive development of the child's personality, his abilities (cognitive, communicative, creative, regulatory). It implements the most important principle humanistic pedagogy- dialogue between an adult and a child, children among themselves, teachers with each other, a teacher with parents.

The main goal of this program is the development of the mental and artistic abilities of the child, as well as specific types of his activities. The basis of the organization of the educational process is a complex-thematic principle withleading gaming activity, and the solution of program tasks is carried out in various forms of joint activities of adults and children, as well as in independent activity children. Priority activities of the kindergarten - the cognitive and speech development of children determines the need to use the program "From Birth to School" in educational work with children. The program is built in accordance with the didactic principles of education, training and development of preschool children. For each age stage in the program, four leading lines of development are identified: physical development, social - personal development, cognitive - speech development, artistic and aesthetic development .. Playing activities, as the main one in the development of the personality of a child of preschool age, are given a special place in the program. The game pervades everything structural components program and its content in general.

A special place in the program is occupied by familiarization of children with fiction as an art.

Fiction contributes to the development of aesthetic and moral feelings, speech, intellect, lays a positive attitude towards the world. In the structure of the program, fiction as a means comprehensive development the child occupies a place between moral, labor and artistic and aesthetic education.

In the preparatory group, a pedagogical examination to determine the level of speech development was carried out using tests by V.V. Gerbov "Learning to speak." During the experiment, the study was carried out 4 times - a stating section, 2 intermediate sections and a control one. The data obtained during the processing of the results are presented in Table 1 and in the Appendix.

Table 1

Pedagogical examination of the level of development of coherent speech of children of the preparatory group

The conducted research made it possible to determine that the work carried out in the classroom in the process of getting acquainted with works of fiction, in describing paintings and compiling plot stories, has a positive effect in the preparatory group of MBDOU.

Let's visualize the data in Diagram 1.

Diagram 1. Dynamics of the level of development of coherent speech of children in the preparatory group

In the older group, the examination was carried out 2 times: on the ascertaining and control sections.

table 2

Pedagogical examination of the level of development of coherent speech of children of the senior group

AT this case we can also talk about a positive effect in the organization of work on the formation of coherent speech in preschoolers.

Let's visualize the data in Diagram 2.

Diagram 2. Dynamics of the level of development of coherent speech in children of the older group

Thus, we can conclude that it is necessary, effective and significant to work on the formation of coherent speech of preschoolers using artistic and figurative means.

2.2 Methodological support of work on the formation of coherent speech of preschoolers

As a methodological accompaniment, we present summaries of 2 classes, in which, using the example of artistic means, the development of coherent speech of preschoolers takes place.

Lesson notes

Topic of the lesson: The Tale of G.Kh. Andersen "Thumbelina" (senior group)


educational: to consolidate the ability of children to use epithets that characterize heroes in speech, to compose short descriptive stories about animals, to use dialogues in speech, to stage works;

educational: the formation of kindness, responsiveness, the ability to come to the aid of those who need it (Swallow - Thumbelina, Thumbelina - Field Mouse).


costumes of fairy tale characters;

fake flower for a girl - Thumbelina;

swamp”, decorated with water lilies, reeds, etc.

fake chamomile flower for girls - Thumbelina;

flowers: daisies, cornflowers, bluebells.

Lesson progress

Educator. Today we are going to visit Thumbelina.

Music sounds, the Swallow appears, all the children are with her.

Educator. Hello Swallow! You are not alone today, with the guys. You are all so unusual (children dressed as fairy tale characters). What fairy tale are you from? ("Thumbelina"). And who wrote this tale? (Danish storyteller - Hans Christian Andersen). Let's remember the beginning of this tale.

The children are talking.

In a distant country, by the blue sea, there lived a kind Storyteller. He understood the language of animals and birds. They told him different stories. One such story was told to him by the sharp-winged Swallow: “Once upon a time there was a lonely woman, she had no children, and she went to a good sorceress…”.

A girl dressed as a good fairy appears.

Kind fairy: “I gave a good woman a grain of barley. She planted this seed in a flower pot, and a wonderful flower grew from it. Suddenly, something clicked in him, he opened up and a wonderful girl came out of him, she called her Thumbelina ”(Thumbelina comes out of a fake flower).


Why was the girl named Thumbelina? (her height is 2.5 cm - inch)

What was she like? (small, tiny, tiny, small, tiny, etc.)

A toad appears from behind a flower.

Toad. Qua-qua-qua. What a nice girl. She will be a great wife to my son. Let's go to the swamp.

Thumbelina. I will not go with you.

Toad. I will show you to my son, so he will be delighted. [calling son]. Son, here's your bride.

Toad son. Kvaks-kvaks, breekeks. What a lovely, beautiful girl. She is very sweet.

Toad. I'll tie you tighter to the water lily so you don't run away. We will come now, you wait.

[This is an exemplary dialogue that follows the plot of a fairy tale in free form].

We need to save Thumbelina from the swamp. Who came to her aid? (Butterfly).

Moth appears to the music, offers Thumbelina his help, saves her, they “fly away” from the swamp.

Chenille all around Thumbelina...


Ringing nearby...


And look, it's turning pink...

clover, porridge.

And the whole glade turns white from ...


Children pick up flowers and dance “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky. There is a physical break.

Educator. The warm summer has passed. Cold autumn has come. The girl went to seek shelter for the winter. In the field she saw a mink, where the Field Mouse lived.

Educator. Did you like Field Mouse? What is she? (kind, affectionate, sympathetic, friendly, not greedy, etc.).

Educator. In the meantime, it got really cold. Here are the first snowflakes. The birds have flown to warmer climes. And here is the Swallow. Why didn't she fly away?

The children watch the pantomimic story of the Swallow about how she could not fly to warmer climes [non-verbal method is used]. After watching the pantomime, the children talk about the experiences of the Swallow.

Educator. Meanwhile, in the mink of the Field Mouse, an important guest was waiting.

Field Mouse sings (music by A. Krylov):

I'm waiting for my neighbor

Mole scientist, important.

He is such a beautiful groom

He is such a lovely fiance.

You will be his wife.

Educator. Soon the neighbor will come - the Mole. How do you imagine it?

Children give a short descriptive story.

The Mole is larger than the Mouse, he has a wide nose, sharp teeth, blind eyes, his coat is black, beautiful, shiny, like velvet, he is important.

The Mole invites Thumbelina and Field Mouse to visit. Thumbelina on the way sees a frozen Swallow.

Thumbelina. Poor bird! She is completely frozen, I will warm you, you will flutter again, as before, and sing wonderful songs. (Covering the bird.)

Educator. Guys! And what would you do in Thumbelina's place? (Children give their answers. They approach the Swallow, try to cover her, warm her, feed her).

Martin. Twi-twit, twi-twit, twi-twit! Thanks Thumbelina. You saved my life, I will repay you with kindness. Thanks also to you guys, it's good to have friends who will not leave you in trouble.

Children sing the song “Strong Friendship Will Not Break…” to the music of Y. Chichkov and “fly away” with the Swallow.

Lesson 2

Abstract of a comprehensive lesson on the development of speech and literacy for children of senior preschool age


to consolidate children's knowledge of the development of speech and literacy;

improve skills independently, expressively convey the content of a fairy tale using modeling;

continue to teach how to conduct sound analysis of words;

exercise in drawing up proposals according to schemes;

contribute to the replenishment, clarification and activation of vocabulary;

educate children in curiosity, mutual assistance, independence.

Lesson: Snow Maiden (preparatory group)

Preliminary work: reading the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”, observing on a walk, conversations about spring, didactic games: “Think up a fairy tale”, “Make a sentence”, “Vowel - consonant”.


doll - Snow Maiden,

geometric shapes - models,

mini flannelographs,

envelopes with chips for each child,

sentence schemes, subject pictures.

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to play the finger game "Flower":

Early in the morning it is closed (hands closed)

But closer to noon (palms move away from each other)

Opens the petals

I see their beauty (fingers smoothly diverge)

By evening the flower again

Closes the whisk (fingers closed)

And now he will sleep (initial position of the hands)

Until the morning like a chick (imitation of sleep).

Educator: And now the flowers have woken up, and we smiled at each other. And on this spring morning, I hope everyone is in a good mood. My mood today is like a snow-white light cloud on a quiet, calm, blue sky. What is your mood like?

Game “What is your mood like?” (with a ball).

Children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other. The one with the ball describes his mood.

Educator: Well done, I am very glad that everyone is in a good, cheerful mood.

This is how we start our lesson.

The teacher spends with the children articulation gymnastics: “Finally, the end of winter - the starling messenger is flying!” (children pronounce the tongue twister at a different pace and with different voice strengths).

Game "Choose the word".

Children stand in a circle, teacher in the center. The teacher calls the words masculine, feminine, neuter and throws the ball to the children. The one who catches the ball must name the appropriate nouns for this adjective. For example, spring (snow), spring (drops), spring (sun), etc.

(crying is heard)

Educator: Guys, hear someone crying. I'll go and see (brings a doll - the Snow Maiden).

Educator: What happened, Snow Maiden, why are you crying?

Snow Maiden: I got lost ....

Teacher: Lost? Don't worry, Snow Maiden, we will try to help you.

Educator: Look, what a beautiful basket (shows a basket decorated with snowdrops). This basket is not simple, it contains words. Snow Maiden, we want to give you a basket with spring words.

Game "Say the word"

The teacher passes the basket to the children in a circle, the children name any word that fits the theme “Spring”. For example, snowdrop, drops, starling, thawed patch, etc.

Educator: We will give the Snow Maiden a full basket with spring words.

(children sit at the tables).

Educator: And now we will help the Snow Maiden return to her fairy tale. Maybe you are from such a fairy tale?

Retelling a fairy tale (children using models - geometric shapes different colors, characters of a fairy tale, indicated by any geometric figure, are laid out on a flannelgraph).

Educator: In this fairy tale, the Snow Maiden melted. It's OK! After all, the Snow Maiden turned into a cloud, and it will rain from the cloud and the Snow Maiden will return home again. Really, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden: Thank you guys! I remembered my story. For your kindness, for your help, I invite you to the spring forest!

Physical education minute

Leaves are blooming, (palms folded together “open” to the right and left sides)

Flowers appear, (sit down and slowly get up)

Head nod (nod head)

The sun is met (raise your hands up, show the sun)

Educator: Snow Maiden, and we also know how to make proposals according to schemes. Watch how our kids do it. (The teacher offers two schemes, pays attention to the number of words in sentences and reminds that sentences must contain the word “Snow Maiden”).

Educator: Let's remember what chip we designate a vowel (hard and soft consonants) sound? (children's answers).

Game "Make no mistake!".

The teacher calls the sound, the children raise the desired chip: the red chip is a vowel sound, the blue chip is a hard consonant sound, the green chip is a soft consonant sound.

Educator: The Snow Maiden does not know sounds and letters at all. Guys, what is the difference between a letter and a sound? (children's answers).

Educator: Let's conduct a sound analysis of words. Each of you has a subject picture. You must independently designate the sounds in the word (chips).

The teacher conducts individual work with children. Each child has an envelope with red, blue, green chips, mini-flannelographs and a subject picture. (For example: table, wolf, house, car, etc.).

Educator: You guys are great! You taught the Snow Maiden not only to make sentences, but also helped her find her own fairy tale.


Mastery of the native language, the development of speech is one of the most important acquisitions of the child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as the general basis for the upbringing and education of children. Studies by domestic psychologists and teachers have shown that mastering speech does not just add something to the development of the child, but rebuilds his entire psyche, all activities, therefore, speech development of children is of great importance in the pedagogical process of a preschool institution.

In the work on the development of the speech of children of primary preschool age, not only the formation of the phonetic and grammatical aspects of speech, but also the formation of the child's vocabulary, on the basis of which work is carried out to develop correct oral speech, is of leading importance.

Artistic works combine a specific area of ​​creativity, combining the world of children and the world of adults, including a whole system of poetic and musical and poetic genres.

From what is described in the work, we can conclude that the formation of children's speech is impossible without fiction. Preschool children are most receptive to poetry. Children are especially interested in works in which the main characters are children, animals, game and everyday situations are described.

The child plays with pleasure the plots of fairy tales, works of art together with the adult.

The child acutely experiences events, listens to the fairy tale he likes many times. Joyfully recognizes its heroes in illustrations and toys, follows the usual sequence of plot actions, each time re-experiencing the happy ending of a fairy tale or story.

With the help of fiction, preschool children develop:

1. emotional responsiveness to works, interest in them;

2. develops the ability to listen to the text and actively respond to its content;

3. the ability to listen together with a group of peers is developed when the teacher tells;

4. children learn to perform game actions that contribute to the text of familiar works, fairy tales;

5. children recognize works and their characters with repeated storytelling;

6. the child develops the ability to repeat individual words and expressions from fairy tales, stories, poems;

7. children learn to look at illustrations, recognize the heroes of works in them and answer elementary questions about the content of illustrations

8. preschool children learn to follow the development of action in short stories, fairy tales with visual accompaniment (pictures, toys), and then without it.

The tasks set in the study were solved:

The psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of using works of art for the development of the speech of preschoolers has been studied.

The use of works of art, fairy tales, for the development of coherent speech of children in the classroom and in everyday life was practically tested.

The system of classes with the use of works of art for the development of the speech of preschool children is described.

Analyzing the obtained results, it is necessary to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the program proposed by us.

There are positive results, albeit small ones. The disadvantages are the small amount of time allotted for individual lessons, the inability to control the implementation of the proposed recommendations at home. But, despite these shortcomings, positive trends were identified in the children of the experimental group. We assume that further work on the use of works of art that contribute to the formation of coherent speech in preschoolers will give clearer positive results.

The theoretical study of the research problem and the results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed the correctness of the hypothesis put forward and made it possible to formulate the following conclusion: the purposeful and systematic use of fiction in working with children of primary preschool age contributes to the most effective development of their coherent speech, which confirms the hypothesis of the work.



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Appendix 1

Exercises for the development of speech

Hearing development.

If a child weakly distinguishes sounds by ear, pronounces them distortedly or replaces them with others, then he will not be able to clearly imagine the sound image of the word itself. In this case, the following group of exercises will come in handy.

Exercise number 1. "Name the words" (for the development of auditory differentiation).

Task number 1.

"Call me how you can more words that start with the sound A "(T, O, P, K, etc.).

Task number 2.

"Name as many words as possible that end in the sound P" (I, O, S, L, etc.).

Task number 3.

"Name as many words as possible, in the middle of which there is a sound L" (N, E, G, B, F, etc.).

Exercise number 2. "Clap-clap" (learning the sound analysis of the word).

This exercise also has several task options.

1. "Now I will call you words, and as soon as you hear a word that begins with the sound C (B, O, G, D, W, etc.), you will immediately clap your hands."

2. Option: the child must "catch" the sound at which the word ends, or the sound in the middle of the word.

3. Dacha, cat, hat, fox, road, beetle, window, lump, plate, bread, rain, linden, lamp, river, hair, etc.

2. "Now I will call you words, and as soon as you hear a word that has a sound K, clap your hands 1 time. If you hear the sound G in a word, clap 2 times"

It is better to start the exercise in slow pace by gradually increasing the speed.

Cow, jelly, mountain, mink, guitar, boot, bough, hand, caught up, pushed, etc.

This exercise will also help you check how the child is doing with the reaction.

Exercise number 3. "Playing with the word" (learning the sound image of the word).

Task number 1.

"Come up with a word that begins / ends with the same sound as in the word" frog "," flag "," table ", etc."

Task number 2.

"Name the first / last sound in the word "beam", "strength", "sofa", etc.

Task number 3.

"Name all the sounds in order in the word "sky", "cloud", "roof", etc.

Task number 4.

"What sound in the word" fish "is the second, fourth, first, third? (chair, carpet, shell, cloud), etc."

Exercise number 4. "Confusion".

"Listen carefully to the poem.

Who is sitting on the tree?


Who swims in the ocean?


What grows in the garden?


Who lives under water?


Messed up words!

I command "one-two"

And I command you

Put everyone in their place."

Ask the child: "What words are mixed up? Why? How are these words similar to each other? How are they different?"

You can give a little hint to the child, but the main thing is to lead him to the idea that one sound can completely change the meaning of a word.

Exercise number 5. "Make up a new word."

Assignment: "Now I will tell you a word, and you try to change the second sound in it so that you get a new word. Here, for example: house - smoke."

Words for change: sleep, juice, drank, chalk.

Words for changing the first sound: dot, bow, varnish, day, pedal, layout.

Words for changing the last sound: cheese, sleep, bitch, poppy, stop.

Exercise number 6. "Circle".

It will come in handy if your child can't write.

Task: "Now we will write down a few words, but not with letters, but with circles. How many sounds in a word, so many circles you will draw. Say the word" poppy ". How many circles do you need to draw? Three"

Sample: MAC - 000

Attention: when choosing words for the exercise, try to match the number of sounds in them with the number of letters. So, in the word "horse" there are 4 letters, and three sounds - [k - o - n "]. Such words can cause difficulties for the child.

Words for dictation: grass, paper, pen, roll, stick, camomile, star, pine, phone, tablet.

Appendix 2

Games for the development of speech

1. Game "Interview".

First, introduce the children to the new words.

Interview - a conversation intended to be broadcast on radio, television or in a newspaper.

The reporter - one who asks questions.

Respondent - one who answers questions.

We need to teach children to speak boldly into the microphone. To do this, ask the children to take turns saying something into the microphone, at least count to 10 forward and backward. Then the roles are distributed among the children. Possible topics are discussed. The tape recorder is set up.

Reporters start asking questions. Then the conversation is collectively listened to and discussed.

Possible themes: discussion of a trip to the theater and a play viewed; discussion of a holiday, an exhibition of drawings, an interesting book, the most interesting event of the week.

Game options: 1) the teacher interviews the children, 2) the children interview the teacher, 3) the parents interview the child, 4) the child interviews the parents.

2. The game "Pictures-riddles".

One leader is selected from a group of children, the rest sit on chairs, they must guess. The teacher has a large box containing small pictures depicting various objects (you can use pictures from the children's loto).

The driver approaches the teacher and takes one of the pictures. Without showing it to the other children, he describes the object drawn on it. Children offer their versions.

The next driver is the one who first guessed the correct answer.

3. The game "Define a toy."

Each child brings a toy. One leader is selected from the group. For 3-5 minutes he goes out the door. In his absence, the teacher and the children come up with some kind of story in which the main character is one of the brought toys.

All toys, including the selected game character, are placed on tables or chairs. Leading child is welcome. The guys from the group take turns telling him an invented story, not naming the main character, but replacing his name with the pronoun "he" or "she". The story is told within 3-5 minutes. The driver must show the toy, which is the main character of the story told.

If the guess is correct, another driver is chosen and the game is repeated. If the answer is wrong, the guys supplement the story told in such a way as to help the driver with new details, without naming the intended toy.

4. The game "Compose a sentence."

The teacher offers the group 2 cards from the children's loto, which depict objects. The group sits in a semicircle, and in turn, each child comes up with a sentence that contains the names of two conceived objects. Then two other objects are shown, and again in a circle the children come up with new sentences.


1. Stimulate in children the desire to compose non-standard, original sentences.

2. If the children can easily come up with sentences for two given words, next time give them three words to make up sentences.

Note: Parents can also use this game for individual lessons with their child, competing to come up with the most sentences. Naturally, the child must win.

5. Game "Opposite".

The facilitator shows a group of children one picture. The task is to name a word denoting the opposite object. For example, the host shows the item "cup". Children can name the following items: "board" (the cup is convex, and the board is straight), "sun" (the cup is made by a person, and the sun is part of nature), "water" (water is the filler, and the cup is the shape) etc.

Each child in turn offers his answer and be sure to explain why he chose such a subject.

6. Game "Bridge".

The facilitator shows one card on which the object is drawn, then another. The task of the game is to come up with a word that is between two conceived objects and serves as a "transitional bridge" between them. Each participant answers in turn. The answer must be justified.

For example, two words are given: "goose" and "tree". "Crossing bridges" can be the following words: "fly" (the goose flew up to the tree), "cut" (the goose was cut out of the tree), "hide" (the goose hid behind the tree), etc.

Note: the game is also suitable for individual lessons with a child.

7. "What does the expression mean?" or "Proverbs".

To know the secrets of the language, its richness and expressiveness is impossible without understanding the meanings of stable phrases: phraseological units, proverbs, sayings.

The sources of phraseological units are different. Some arose as a result of human observation of social and natural phenomena, others are associated with real historical events, others came from mythology, fairy tales, literary works.

The peculiarity of these expressions is that in our speech they are used in a constant, as if forever frozen form. As a rule, they have an invariable word order; a new component cannot be introduced into them.

Phraseologisms are used in a figurative sense. However, children often perceive such expressions in their own way, replacing words with synonyms. The meaning of expressions does not change with such replacements, but its so-called internal form is lost.

The child said: Adults say:

go for a fix go for a fix

where the eyes see where the eyes look

the soul has gone to the soles the soul has gone to the heels

free bird free bird

discover Africa discover America

count in your head count in your mind

eye fell on a book eye fell on something

with a fresh mind with a fresh mind

nerves are brawling nerves are naughty

not good for heels not good for soles

Understanding phraseological units in the literal sense leads to funny incidents. For example, the boy was very excited when he heard that his cat was sleeping without hind legs. He woke up the cat, counted his paws, and, reassured, returned. The mother, who declared that she had a lot of worries in her mouth, was advised to spit them out quickly. Three-year-old Irochka does not want to put on a new suit, she cries because she heard one of the adults remark: "She will drown in it."

Completion of the task "What does the expression mean?" will help the child to use phraseological units correctly in his own speech.


1. "The work of the master is afraid."

2. "Every master in his own way."

3. "Jack of all trades".

4. "The tailor will spoil - the iron will make amends."

5. "The potato is ripe - get down to business."

6. "Without labor, there is no fruit in the garden."

7. "What is the care, such is the fruit."

8. "More action - less words."

9. "Every person is known by the work."

10. "There is grief - grieve, there is work - work."

11. "To live without discipline is not good."

12. "Earned bread is sweet."

13. "He who has skill, he acts cleverly."

14. "Without a beginning there is no end."

15. "Without order, there is no sense."

16. "You can't buy gingerbread without work."

17. "The eyes are afraid - the hands are doing."

18. "In order not to make a mistake, do not rush."

19. "Without labor there is no good."

20. "Work is the best medicine."

21. "Patience and work will grind everything."

22. "If you read books, you will know everything."

23. "A house without a book, that without windows."

24. "Bread nourishes the body, but the book nourishes the mind."

25. "Where there is learning, there is skill."

26. "Learning and work live together."

27. "Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness."

28. "Respect the teacher as a parent."

8. Game "Steps. (Who will get to ...)"

With the help of this simple game with elements of competition, you can work with your child to expand his vocabulary and develop speech in general.

Players get close, agree on where the finish will be (at a distance of 8-10 steps). And they discuss the theme of the steps. For example "Polite words". Each child can take a step only by naming some polite word. We give a minute to think and "Start!"

Other topics: "Everything is round", "everything is hot", "everything is wet". " Sweet words for mom". "Words of consolation", etc.

Option: Children stand in pairs opposite each other and take steps towards. The conditions of the game are the same: a step can be made only by saying the right word.