The program of self-development of personality sample. Self-development plan: we draw up an effective program for changing ourselves

Elena Vetshtein

Planning in personal growth, or what you need to know to create good plan

So, you are on the threshold of a new life. You firmly decided that you yourself are the main scriptwriter of your own destiny and take personal control and responsibility for everything that happens in your life.

Do you want the changes that happen to you to be desirable and manageable?

Then you should learn how to plan them and learn the basic principles of building a self-development plan.

For many, planning is a futile and tedious job that can be avoided by taking immediate action.

Planning is often presented as an essential function large systems(enterprises and organizations), processes (design, research). In relation to a person, planning is identified with a to-do list. This is not quite the right approach.

In fact, a person is very complex system with a constant need for growth and development. Applying planning for organized and purposeful development helps reduce the time to achieve results. In the planning process, the most optimal ways to achieve goals are selected.

I often hear questions that go like this: “How can I plan something if I don’t know what might happen tomorrow?” or “I planned something, but later I realized that it was not mine and changed my mind…”

How to make planning your assistant, and not a useless exercise?

Let's look at it schematically.

The basis of the scheme is our thinking. Here our idea of ​​the world around us is born, our attitudes and our desires are formed. In the picture of the world, we allow or do not allow the possibility of realizing our own goals.
A goal is a mental projection of a result. Setting goals in relation to personal development begins with an understanding of how we want to see ourselves, what we want to get.

When you clearly understand the result to which you need to come, there is next question: "How?"

The answer to the question "How to reach the goal (result)?" - it's your strategic plan. Its function is to answer:

  1. Where are we at given time? it the starting point. Stage objective evaluation your location.
  2. Where do we want to go? The question helps to identify planning tasks. Tasks are step by step solution goals, where steps are waypoints as you move towards the result.
  3. How are we going to do it? It is a matter of choosing methods and means to achieve the result.

Strategy development or strategic planning is characterized by inclusiveness, a global vision of the subordination of the process and the result. The strategy achieves the main goal through operational planning or the solution of intermediate tactical tasks, which serves as a tool for implementing the strategy.

Strategic planning is characterized by a problem orientation (aimed at solving a problem), while operational planning is characterized by a temporal orientation.

Strategic planning implies an enlarged study (general vision) of the main directions of development, operational - detailed.

Strategic planning is an element of control, operational planning is regulation.

operational planning affects small time ranges, it is flexible, easily adjusted with changing conditions. Operational planning is subordinate to strategic planning.

When there is common understanding what you want to achieve and how to achieve it (strategy), your daily plan actions are not just a to-do list. Your daily (weekly) activities are working towards a strategic plan.

For example, one of the directions of your strategic plan is to bring your body to a certain physical shape. (your goal is to have a toned body with certain numerical parameters in three years). To implement (one of the means) of this direction, you have chosen a daily morning run.

Winter has come (conditions have changed), and you decided to improve your physical fitness every evening in the gym. Your strategic plan has not changed. You are still working towards improving your body, trying to achieve a certain physical form. But the tactics of resolving the issue have changed, you have changed the way to achieve the goal (running to squats with a barbell).

For three years, you can repeatedly change tactics, choosing from all the tried means gives best result, increasing the load, changing the way of eating and so on.

It is absolutely normal and even necessary to adjust the methods and speed of achieving results in short time periods, while not changing the global vision (strategy).

Next important detail, without which it is impossible to achieve the result - these are actions. Plans without action remain plans.
Any human achievement is determined by the ability to act.

A plan is a kind of algorithm, but without real action it will remain words on paper. Having a cake recipe will not let you feel its taste. A plan is a recipe, and to get a cake, you need to work hard. Agree, if you have a recipe, the process of making a cake is more obvious. You know what ingredients and how much you need, you can estimate the time and effort required.

If you have a plan, you can see small steps to achieve a result, which removes the favorite question of finding motivation in our time. It works simply. Seeing a big deal, we are horrified to approach it and begin to think about where to get motivation. Simple Tasks at the level of actions are more understandable and no longer frighten us with the fact that we will not be able to do such backbreaking work with high quality. Having started to do, we are included in the process, and then this process is already difficult to stop. Motivation comes into play.

I often hear excuses that any business requires thorough consideration. I agree only in part. Any business requires the development of an execution plan, starting with an understanding of the result, and consistent actions to achieve it. When immersed in activities, we better understand the essence of the problem, our understanding of some methods of work changes, new knowledge, people and other events appear that bring us closer to the result. This does not happen if you think about it without taking action.

If we are visited interesting idea, without implementation, it lies in the mind in the form of another formulation with a mental postscript “it would be nice to think about / try it”. Inevitably, in the process of solving problems, they are corrected. More immersed in the problem, we begin to see previously not obvious ways to solve it (we grow and develop). In other words, tactics change with the same understanding of the result and the strategy for achieving it.

There is one more important detail. When you exercise control over your life, it automatically improves your results.

In personal growth, it is important to understand that when moving towards specific purposes we live life, therefore, when choosing methods and means to achieve results, you need to focus on getting pleasure from the process. Note that happiness never comes final destination, we feel happy only in the movement towards the goal, overcoming ourselves (developing). We get pleasure from the cake in the process of eating. Having finished eating, we experience satiety. Which state is more pleasant?

I'll give you an example. You can lose 5 kilograms of weight different ways. You can go on a strict diet and overstrain in the gym. This is one of the options. You can gradually change the nutrition system and increase regular physical exercise by translating these skills into a lifestyle. Evaluate which way is more pleasant? Which one is faster? Which one is better for the body in the long run? I hope everyone draws their own conclusion.

Summing up

Life is more pleasant when you understand what (s) you want to achieve. It is more harmonious if you develop comprehensively. You manage to realize your plans if you have a clear vision of how to achieve your goals () and act in accordance with this vision, responding flexibly to changing conditions (tactics).

Many of us think about self-development at a certain stage of our lives, but for all that we do not know at all what is the best way to start our own change. To avoid such confusion, at the very beginning of the journey personal growth, you must first of all create a self-development plan that will help you calculate your own capabilities, as well as think over necessary strategy achieving a result.

Where to begin? Your first steps

Before you create a plan for self-development, you first need to carefully analyze your life now: all its aspects, from work to personal life. This analysis helps to identify all the "holes" in your life, and among other things, shows what needs to be changed in the near future. After such a "medical examination" - proceed to draw up your plan.

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There is only one advice here - a self-development plan is a purely individual thing, which the individual himself must draw up without anyone's help. This does not mean that you cannot use individual fragments, but you should not copy it completely. Do not forget, you adjust it to yourself, taking into account all the features of your character, as well as other features of your personality.

When creating a self-development program for yourself, first of all, do not be afraid to experiment - decide on something new. It is not necessary to change everything at once radically, but it is necessary to build a phased change. When creating a personal development plan for the year, do not forget to also pay great attention to your creative development- this will greatly facilitate your withdrawal period, which will begin to appear some time after the change in behavior.

Do not get hung up on one thing - develop comprehensively - let your knowledge deepen into various areas activities with the same progress - thus, you will have a significant advantage over other people.

Ten must-haves

Any individual plan self-development should include tasks below that will help a person in his quest to become better. At first glance, these rules are simple, and their implementation does not carry any semantic load, but nevertheless, these ten whales will help deliver your "planet" to the desired destination, making a sphere out of its pie shape.

1. Desperate situation

Remember that the most terrible, mortal enemy for any representative of humanity is himself. Your secrets, past, past mistakes - all this will lie on your shoulders, creating an enormous burden on yourself. Release everything! Throw away everything that happened before, leaving for yourself only bright memories that will bring you nothing but joy, and then plunge headlong into the abyss of any work that interests you: it doesn’t matter if it’s a simple hobby or another hobby, the main thing is to occupy yourself with it and soon you will you will see that all the problems that previously gave you trouble are simply forgotten;

2. Always say yes!

Of course, within reason. Remember the hilarious movie where Jim Carrey’s character chose a similar behavior strategy for himself – he only said “yes” to all requests. Leading such a life policy, each of us can experience a lot of new, exciting things, because any plan of self-development is aimed at this. Go to another city for a picnic - yes! Walk in the rain in rubber boots with funny ducks - yes! You will see, your life will sparkle with new, bright colors that will help you from your complexes along with shyness. The only thing, but - always stick to the limits of reason, not allowing yourself to be drawn into dangerous games or machinations;

3. There was a minus, but it became a plus

Personal self-development plan includes the ability to turn any shortcomings into the most expressive positive features. Do not be afraid to admit to yourself that you are not perfect or not perfect. Ideal people does not exist - this is a myth, but why should not each of us aspire to it?

If you understand that too angry- Welcome to gym where your anger will serve as a great source additional energy during lessons. love to gossip- write a book in which you can pour out your soul without fear for your reputation. Most importantly, try to direct yourself to right direction, becoming a self-sufficient person;

4. Pavlov's method

Absolutely any self-development plan is based on developing habits that will help you not even think about this or that action in the future. Develop habits in yourself that will help you achieve any set goals, while the automaticity of their action will help you open your mind to everything new, because you don’t have to dwell on the old anymore;

5. Renunciation

Forget about negativity forever. If certain situations or actions cause you to negative emotions, then eradicate them, and if this is not within your power yet, then try to avoid it.

A self-development plan is that necessary therapy that will teach you to see in everything only positive traits. It is important not to confuse with the worldview in rose-colored glasses - these are completely different things. A person will see the situation as it is, but at the same time, he will seek to seek in it positive points or lessons that will be useful in his life;

6. Look in the mirror

Imagine yourself as the person you would like to be. Let it be illusory ideal - it all depends on the flight of human imagination. After seeing the picture, try to start behaving like this, at least for several hours a day, gradually increasing the time. You will see how the attitude of people towards you, and yours towards yourself, will change. Gradually, a person will begin to believe in certain features of a fictitious character, bringing him closer and closer to that ideal of aspiration;

7. Imagination is your main weapon

The plan of self-development requires, first of all, the ability to abstract from life, giving free rein to your imagination. Dream of changing yourself, strive for it - dream of how you will change, and then the result will not keep you waiting, because all thoughts materialize. Do not be shy about your flight of fancy - after all, in the soul, each of us remains a child who dreams of recognition, success, and also praise;

8. Failure

Only a certain stage - any example of a plan for self-development requires the acceptance of one's own failures as a necessary stepping stone to success. Let there be failures life lesson which will help you avoid mistakes in the future. If you are mocked, then let these barbs only harden you - use them as your own armor, so you will become invulnerable to insults, as well as defeats;

9. Catch a Wave

Try to tune in to their thought waves while talking with other people. During a conversation, put yourself in the place of your interlocutor, make his thoughts your own, his beliefs - thus, a person trying on the “suit” of another, you can take a lot of useful things for yourself from the personal qualities of the interlocutor;

10. Calculate your strength

Do not take on too much, do not try to shoulder the entire load at once. Dose the load on yourself - increasing them gradually, giving yourself time to rest - leave a few hours for yourself when you are not striving for self-development, but just relaxing. If enough time is not given to rest, then severe fatigue will appear, which will bring all your efforts to zero.

All these rules, or rather advice, will help any person who wants to change his life to carefully consider a strategy for self-development in such a way as to avoid failures or at least minimize their damage. Thus, it will become an excellent tool to achieve the desired goal.

"Make your flaws your name, and then no one will ever be able to offend you"

Tyrion Lannister

What to avoid when writing a development plan

When drawing up a plan for self-development of a person, first of all, avoid imaginary goals, those that are not really your goal specifically, but just the desire to please just others. Remember, this is only your life, it cannot be paused, and then just press continue or put on rewind. Do not listen to the advice of others about where to strive - each of us knows much better what he needs, unlike the rest.

Listen to those who respect your choice, sincerely believing in you, as well as your strength. Surround yourself only with such people, and not with false masks instead of faces. Give up activities that do not allow you to move on, but on the contrary, pull you back. It could be unloved job, the circle of your communication - all this will nullify, any plan for self-development, any of your aspirations for the best. Avoid slanderous criticism from those who sit still all the time, not moving forward. They are an extra ballast, which, apart from sadness with anger, will not bring you anything new. the main objective such personalities is to prevent someone from becoming better than them, because then they will be behind everyone.

Self-development plan for a year - four seasons to become better

No need to paint detailed plans development for each month and day - you have to do it yourself, but now your attention will be presented with a layout plan for personal growth, which is based on the four seasons of the year. Winter, spring, summer and autumn - these are the main blocks into which an individual self-development plan will be divided.

Why this choice of timing? Everything is very simple - the rhythm of life of each person is purely individual, which means it may differ from the rest - simply, he may not have time to do everything in one month, but at the same time he can easily catch up with another. With all this, it is necessary to realize that everything indicated in this article is just a template. Everyone is free to change it for themselves as it suits them. There is no need to completely copy the work, it is only necessary to take its idea. Take your idea by attaching it to this template, add more detailed steps - the perfect development plan is ready, all you need to do is just follow it, do not give up under any circumstances.

So, your plan for the next year, thanks to which the change will begin to take place, is as follows:
  • Winter- preparation of oneself, search for like-minded people to search for a destination, summing up;
  • Spring– change and organization of personal space, both at work and at home;
  • Summer- the goal is to change yourself, to become better;
  • Autumn- It's time to study, as well as self-education.

Let's now look at each block individually.


The first - winter - includes at the same time an analysis of oneself, one's life (successes or failures), but at the same time also summing up the results in December. Don't be embarrassed that this quarter has been broken for a while - your main goal now is to understand yourself: your desires, ideas and fears, in order to then find like-minded people with whom you will begin to move up the curve. Society is also necessary so that there is no feeling of loneliness, loss, feeling which hands begin to fall and the fire in the eyes goes out.


The second quarter - spring - a change in the surrounding space. The self-development plan will bring results much faster if the environment you are used to is changed. Do a little facelift or just buy new cushions. It does not matter what and how, but you must change not only your inner, but also those around you. real world. Throw away old things (just throw it away, don’t take it to the dacha) - by this method, a person subconsciously lets go of all his negativity, anger - remember, everything is in your power, the main thing is to want.


The third period - summer - the transformation of oneself. Do in these three months what you have been wanting for so long - change the color of your hair, haircut or style of clothing. Don't be afraid of dramatic changes - remember that everything can always be returned to First stage. Express yourself with clothes - wear what you want and in the style that you like. Become more confident in yourself, in your abilities. The only moment- in the desire to surprise everyone, do not turn into a jester whose goal is simply to stand out with the method of expressiveness. Just be yourself: do not change your aspirations and desires.


The fourth period - autumn - all training begins during this period. The self-development program involves attending various seminars, trainings - where trainers share their experience that can help others in overcoming difficulties. By attending such training events, each of you can discover something new for yourself: different ways and tools for achieving results.

This distribution is very convenient, because, as mentioned earlier, there are no specific instructions in it - just the direction in which direction it is best to move now. In this case, you choose the sequence of actions yourself, the main condition is not to go beyond the time frame this stage. Everyone independently chooses how to achieve the result and in what way, while not wasting extra time on the distribution of the main time throughout the year.


In conclusion of the article, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that specific and effective methods building a plan personal development- there are only tips on how to compile it. You should also not be afraid that you will have failures - this is normal. It will also be normal that at first you will not cope on time. Realize that such a self-development program is not a one-time stage, but a cyclic training that must be repeated regularly if you do not want to stop developing.

Do not wait instant results- learn to rejoice even in insignificant, but still successes, because if not you, then who will believe in you? Get rid of the oppression of minor problems, various ordinary things - they are not worth your attention, as well as your nerves. No technique will bring the desired success if a person constantly loses strength of mind from failures and criticism. Think about yourself, about why you started it all. . Strive for something new, study yourself, in the end, accept yourself as you are - all this is the key to a successful, self-confident person who has overcome internal fears and complexes.

Hello dear friends!

On New Year's Eve, we always make wishes. In the new year, we want to realize the planned benefits and realize our potential.

Although there are only a few months left before the cherished holiday, I suggest that you draw up a plan for personal self-development for whole year right now!

What is it for? Firstly, understanding where and why to go, it is always easier to carry a backpack. Secondly, you do not need to wait for the holidays in order to make your desires come true!

The plan includes a clear and reasoned number of steps that need to be taken to achieve the goal. It helps to expand horizons, analyze resources, be patient and unshakable.

Of course, each of you will have your own unique and inimitable path of development and aspirations, but I can provide you general idea, as well as the concept, using which you can achieve success.

A lot of people are afraid to take the first step towards improvements because they simply do not know what to grab onto. But you want everything at once! And so tomorrow.

Friends, there are only five main stages that form a harmonious plan of self-education. I will talk about each of them in order.

1. True awareness of the need

Before you start the process of improvement lively and with enthusiastic cries, you need to understand why you need it? What real reason change request? Will they help you feel happier?

Understanding and acceptance of the situation, as well as motivation, play at this point leading role. It is not so important, the reason is connected with the desire to get rich or become healthier, what matters is the intention, great desire and perseverance!

Are you ready to challenge yourself? If you want to get out of your boring and familiar comfort zone, then feel free to move on to the next item.

2. Analysis of needs and requests

At this stage, Pandora's doors to the warehouses of desires and dreams will open for you. Think about what specifically you want to change in your environment and life? Perhaps you want to organize a professional promotion for?

Or are you striving for the full-scale development of a family nest? Perhaps you are thinking of your creative way through life? Do you dream of creating a group and going far, far away?

Depends on what exactly you define. further action. Answer this simple question honestly: What do I want? And what should I change in order to wake up with a smile on my face every day?»

Do you need to clearly and meaningfully understand what goals you want to achieve? How relevant and true are they? Is it your desire or social?

I think that planning, as well as priorities, will help you distinguish the fundamental goals from the secondary ones. It seems to me that this will protect the body from possible stresses.

We set the bar - we got it! We moved on to the next one, etc. Thinking ahead and realizing that the winter will be eventful specific cases and tasks, in the summer - you go on vacation, in the spring - you hand over an important project, and in the fall you go to the country, it helps not to get lost in the perspective of hectic days.

The pipeline for the production of tasks for the year, implies a breakdown important dates on the long term and short term. Thus, you can clearly and in advance understand where you are behind the schedule, and where there is time for an extra hour to sleep or fool around with the child. Only systems approach and sanity!

3. What's going on in your soul?

After the goals are set, you have to do the most interesting -. The foundations of deep acquaintance with yourself are built on understanding the true picture of yourself: with pluses and minuses.

Think about which character traits you think are positive, and which bring significant damage? Turn on critical thinking and discarding the extra ones, truthfully answer the question in a notebook.

Determine the advantages that deserve a medal and the shortcomings that require adjustment and work. I advise you to resort to the help of close people so that they comment on the veracity of your explanations or, conversely, refute some of the invented items on the list.

This method will speed up the creation right conditions for the laborious process of shaping oneself renewed. Self-development is building a house. Brick by brick, you lay out the solid walls of your soul, providing for a stable and unshakable foundation.

4. Considering a path strategy

So, ladies and gentlemen, you have already been able to determine your goals, have decided to develop and move forward in order to successfully complete the entire next year! Now open to you important mission- determination of the strategy of the actions taken.

That is, how exactly will you complete the tasks? What do you need for this? What, etc. In fact, it is at this point that the advice of strangers may look like plastic, because they have not gone through life in your shoes!

And at the same time, I can note some aspects that affect final result. Make a real plan for real effort.

Don't overestimate own forces and strive big goals, break into small ones for more detailed study. Be sure to consider the deadline, how the goals are adjusted among themselves and with global goal. And is it a long-term plan or is it implemented in 3 months?

5. Specific actions without reservations!

When you have a super plan ready for implementation, procrastination is a completely stupid idea. , Ghost Monday is not an option for you.

Start change today! For example, reading books on relevant topics helps to draw deeper conclusions and understand the mechanics of moving forward. I advise you to read the book by R. Kiyosaki " Rich dad, poor dad», « Get out of your comfort zone" B. Tracy, and " Seven Habits highly effective people » B. Gates.

Throw aside all the worries and fears, you have everything ready and a beautiful plan is already hanging in a conspicuous place. Take a step towards something new. Don't forget to do your research and record the results of the week in your success diary for future reference and method adjustments.

On this point.

See you on the blog, bye bye!

It is necessary to plan not only the affairs for every day or the great milestones of your life. You also need to have a clear self-development program so that there is no chaos in your life. And your personality change should be in line with your aspirations and goals.

In your personal program, you must definitely include the processing of those qualities and skills that you need to achieve your goals. Any person, first of all, acquires for himself necessary tools, and then begins to master some kind of skill. And his training consists of a series of successive steps of gradual skill development.

How is your life different from working environment? Is it only the fact that money is paid for the work, and you develop for yourself. People turn into, because there is always not enough money. Their work sucks all their strength and energy, becomes a constant companion of life. They have no time to think about how to engage in personal growth and self-development. They should sleep at least sometime.

But after all, in the process of self-development there is a fee, only invisible. And the highest currency here - your happiness. We develop in order to live happily. Is it really worth less than any currency?

What does mission mean

Moreover, work on yourself does not require much time. You just need to do something regularly. Much harder to get started. Although this is not so difficult to do if a person understands his Purpose or Mission on Earth. When he realizes this, then it remains only for him to follow this path.

Mission- very high concept, which reflects the purpose for which man appeared on Earth. Sometimes it takes not even years, but decades to find it.

But there are two points that can bring a person closer to the realization of his Mission.

  • First, purpose is always connected with what you Like do. Therefore, if you go this way and start doing what you love, then sooner or later you will find your Mission.
  • Second, your work should bring benefit other people.

Where to find the time

When people say they don't have time for anything, it only means one thing - they can't manage it. Not a single person has a “shaggy paw” somewhere up there and no one will add an extra hour to him. Only some people can rationally use their time and they have enough for all their affairs. Others are just wasting their time.

To get out of the endless bustle and find the way to your Mission, start just with the development of time management skills. First, work on the three biggest ones: interrupts, time traps, and time pockets. Do not immediately set an impossible task for yourself - to remove all this from your life. The first your step– to cut the time it takes for them exactly in half.

Personal program

It is necessary to work on the Personal Growth Program in writing. It may take you a few days to realize important issues and putting your thoughts in order.

We begin the work with an analysis of what we already have on this moment. You should have a list of what you already have: knowledge, skills, work, connections, property ...

The next step- fulfillment of desires. You need to understand and write down what you want most now. Write everything, regardless of the possibility or illusory nature of your dream. The main thing is that all this is yours, and not imposed from outside, and that it would give you real pleasure.

Third step- building a chain of steps that could lead you to your goal. You should end up with a thread that connects what you want with what you already have.

Fourth step- deep self-digging. There is a standard set of qualities that usually prevent people from achieving their goals: fear, insecurity, timidity, low self-esteem, and so on. Your task is to reveal all your fears that arise inside you as soon as you start thinking about what is missing to achieve your dreams. Each fear must be written on a separate sheet of paper. For example, you do not have enough money. There may be the following fears - I'm afraid:

Fifth step- determine the quality (character trait) that is hidden behind each fear. For example:

  • I'm afraid to demand an increase in salary - I'm shy;
  • I'm afraid to change jobs - I'm indecisive;
  • I'm afraid to start my own business - I lack self-confidence.

So you got your first list of those traits (qualities) that you need to develop. Write them down on a separate list and review it again to see if you missed anything. As a rule, for most people, the stumbling block is low self-esteem. Many do not know their talents and do not know how to be proud of themselves. BUT real success always starts with a confident "I".

sixth step already more difficult. You need to combine the compiled list the right qualities with your chain that you made in Step Three. So you will immediately see the trait with the development of which you need to start.

seventh step- write your first action, your first step in self-development. Be sure to indicate what result you expect. Set yourself deadlines. So the first version of your Self-Development Program is ready. The rest you will figure out later.

Let's hit the road

Very important start doing your program as soon as possible. There is known effect 72 hours - if you do nothing during this time, the probability of achieving the goal drops sharply.

When you begin to work on yourself, you will have new challenges, because the boundaries of your perception will expand and your way of thinking will change.

Therefore, over time, you will see your mistakes more clearly and will be able to reduce their number. Remove the restriction immediately. that it's wrong to be wrong. Give yourself the right to make a mistake, the main thing is that you do it correct conclusions and moved on again.

I can immediately say that one of the most common mistakes is too high goals. Learn to break them down small steps so you can better see how to achieve them.

Be sure to develop yourself. No great peak can be conquered for one moment. Most best example perseverance in achieving your dreams is perhaps history. Take an example from such people and no problems can interfere with you.

Feel free to reach out to others with questions and for help. When you ask questions, you get to the bottom of things better. And people often dream of helping someone.

Will support you very much. Just write down in it not only all your achievements, but also those qualities that helped you achieve this. And then you can achieve the most lofty goals because you will be worthy of them!

Did you like this Self-Development Program? Share in the comments what you think about this.

How interesting life is: each of us in different time comes to understanding and realization that the time has come to change something in himself, in his life, in his professional activity.

I am glad for those who begin to worry about these issues at an “early” age. And it also happens that after having lived a long and difficult life, people find the strength to look back, stop and take a step towards something interesting and exciting. New and unknown.

Many questions have accumulated? Excellent! It is with them that we must begin. Answer to a simple question "Where to start self-development?" lies on the surface - from the moment of our readiness. Readiness can be measured by the number of questions that arise in certain moments our life.

Most of us - the people living on Earth - are dissatisfied with our lives. Someone is not satisfied with material well-being, someone is dissatisfied with their appearance, someone’s career is not going uphill ... As soon as the degree of discontent becomes critical, they immediately set in motion various processes that encourage us to take various activities. I think you will agree that in some cases, the inaction of some is also a kind of action. It still needs to be done, too.

Let's talk better about us, those for whom the words of John Newman will be key:

“Do not be afraid that your life will soon end. Be afraid that it will never start.”

Words are wonderful, and they have great sense. In our imperfect world, it becomes impossible to live without “special” preparation. It remains possible only to go with the flow - where it will take.

“Special” preparation is what we have to do additionally, on our own. Starting the process of change with yourself. It's no secret that this process can take quite a while. long time Not days, not months, but years. Perhaps a lifetime. The more interesting it becomes to live, you see.

How to do self-development?

Where, then, to begin the process of self-development? Naturally, from drawing up a plan for yourself, from setting goals. It is impossible to work on oneself without knowing what the result should be. Therefore, at first, your self-development program will look something like this.

  1. The desire for self-development is excellent, but you won’t go far on it alone, you need to evaluate your own achievements, your strengths and weaknesses. Missed opportunities are almost always the result of the “work” of our shortcomings: laziness, excessive (insufficient) self-confidence, etc. The same is true for your personal life - you are doing something wrong (you think that since feelings pass, you don’t need to pay attention to them, you try to calculate everything), so she doesn’t want to settle down. First of all, we need to talk about the spiritual side of the problem. Yes, without money, nowhere, and we all want to be successful business women. But think, if you go to your goal "over your head", betraying friends and forgetting about loved ones and, in the end, achieving what you want, will it make you happy? If so, and top food chain- this is the ultimate dream, and you don’t care about feelings and emotions, then you really don’t care about any spiritual self-development no need to think. Attend business trainings, learn how to skillfully bypass obstacles and betray with ease. In all other cases, you need a self-development plan that will include ways to achieve success in professional field, and methods to achieve peace of mind
  2. Where to start self-development? Taking care of your beloved. Have you already looked at the list of your good and bad qualities able to understand the reasons for your failures. Now it's time to work with each negative trait, do not grab everything at once, let the path to the top be gradual, climbing too fast will exhaust you. What is the concern here? Well, you will do everything for yourself. And besides, tell me, have you noted fatigue and unpresentable in the reasons for your own failures? appearance, and among the shortcomings is the neglect of own health and body? It was so? Then you, like no one else, need to take care of yourself, this will be the beginning of your self-development. The spiritual side is necessary, but if you do not take enough care of your body, do not pay attention to its needs, then there can be no talk of any self-development, you simply do not have enough strength for it.
  3. Often we fail to focus on some process, fragments of thoughts scurry around in our heads, setting them in a non-working mood, unreasonable fears interfere with an objective vision of the situation. You need to get rid of all this, learn to concentrate on the problem, set priorities correctly, clear your thoughts. In the last good helper meditation will become - it will save your information field from the “husk” and give you a boost of energy necessary to move forward. In Eastern practices, meditation should be done in a quiet room, at dawn. But modern conditions this is not always allowed, so choose a time that is convenient for you.
  4. Food for the mind must also come regularly, do not let the brain starve, otherwise it will turn into an anorexic young lady, fainting from the slightest overexertion. Choose a direction that interests you (except for your own profession) and study it. Read books, not statuses in social networks, see good films, not soap operas, look for knowledgeable interlocutors.
  5. Self-development of a woman should include physical activity. No need to sigh heavily - little by little, but you have to do it. Firstly, it is self-discipline, and secondly, a beautiful soul needs a healthy and beautiful shell.
  6. Learn to love (yourself, friends, a man who is next to you, people in general), understand that happiness is impossible without love and peace of mind. It is love (in higher sense of this word) is a balancing principle and a source of strength for new achievements.

Video for self-development

detailed plan

For example, let's make one action plan. For example, you decide to become better by gaining new skills and decide financial questions of my life by finding new job. The problem lies in the lack of knowledge, inability to concentrate and poor productivity.

What can and should be done to achieve this?

  1. Complete advanced training courses;
  2. Learn to focus on things;
  3. Learn to plan your time, attend a training about it or read a book;
  4. Write a resume, sending it to all places where you would like to get a job

One of the main problems of self-development is that the results are not immediately visible. You may not even feel like you are getting better. Positive changes accumulate, and they can be detected only after a decent period of time or if you purposefully pay attention to it.

It is only necessary to clearly carry out what has been outlined. Let it seem to you that this is not producing results, but continue in good faith to do what you decide. You just wake up one morning and realize how much you have changed. This is the first step on the path to self-development.