Personal development and its stages. Personal development is the way to success! Attitude towards the present and future

Personal development of a person occurs throughout life. Personality is one of those phenomena that are rarely interpreted in the same way by two different authors. All definitions of personality are somehow conditioned by two opposing views on its development. From the point of view of some, each personality is formed and develops in accordance with its innate qualities and abilities, and social environment it plays a very small role.

Representatives of another point of view completely reject the innate internal traits and abilities of the individual, believing that the personality is a kind of product that is completely formed in the course of social experience. Obviously, these are extreme points of view of the process of personality formation.

Despite numerous conceptual and other differences, almost all psychological theories of personality existing between them are united in one thing: a person, it is stated in them, is not born, but becomes in the process of his life. This actually means the recognition that the personal qualities and properties of a person are acquired not by genetic means, but as a result of learning, that is, they are formed and developed.

The formation of personality is, as a rule, the initial stage in the formation of a person's personal properties. Personal growth is due to many external and internal factors. The external ones include: an individual's belonging to a particular culture, socioeconomic class, and unique family environment for each. On the other hand, internal determinants include genetic, biological and physical factors.

The experience of the social isolation of the human individual proves that the personality develops not simply through the automatic deployment of natural inclinations.

The word "personality" is used only in relation to a person, and, moreover, starting only from a certain stage of his development. We don't say "personality of the newborn". In fact, each of them is already an individual ... But not yet a person! A person becomes a person, and is not born as one. We do not seriously talk about the personality of even a two-year-old child, although he has acquired a lot from the social environment.

Development process

The process of development is carried out as the improvement of a person - a biological being.

First of all, biological development, and development in general, determines the factor of heredity.

A newborn carries a complex of genes not only of his parents, but also of their distant ancestors, that is, he has his own rich hereditary fund inherent only to him or a hereditarily predetermined biological program, thanks to which his individual qualities arise and develop. This program is naturally and harmoniously implemented if, on the one hand, biological processes are based on sufficiently high-quality hereditary factors, and on the other hand, the external environment provides the growing organism with everything necessary for the implementation of the hereditary principle.

Skills and properties acquired during life are not inherited, science has not revealed any special genes for giftedness, however, each child born has a huge arsenal of inclinations, early development and the formation of which depends on social structure society, from the conditions of education and training, the cares and efforts of parents and the desire of the smallest person.

The traits of the biological heritage are complemented by the innate needs of the human being, which include the needs for air, food, water, activity, sleep, security, and the absence of pain. If social experience explains mostly similar, common features that a person possesses, then biological heredity largely explains individuality. personality, its initial difference from other members of society. However, group differences can no longer be explained by biological heredity. Here we are talking about a unique social experience, about a unique subculture. Therefore, biological heredity cannot completely create a person, since neither culture nor social experience is transmitted with genes.

However, the biological factor must be taken into account, since, firstly, it creates restrictions for social communities (the helplessness of the child, the inability to stay under water for a long time, the presence of biological needs, etc.), and secondly, thanks to the biological factor, an infinite variety is created temperaments, characters, abilities that make individuality out of each human personality, i.e. unrepeatable, unique creation.

Heredity is manifested in the fact that the main biological characteristics of a person (the ability to talk, work with a hand) are transmitted to a person. With the help of heredity, an anatomical and physiological structure, the nature of metabolism, a number of reflexes, and a type of higher nervous activity are transmitted to a person from parents.

Biological factors include the innate characteristics of a person. These are the features that the child receives in the process of intrauterine development, due to a number of external and internal reasons.

The mother is the first earthly universe of the child, so everything she goes through, the fetus also experiences. The mother's emotions are transmitted to him, having either a positive or negative effect on his psyche. It is the mother’s wrong behavior, her excessive emotional reactions to stress that our hard and stressful life is full of, that cause a huge number of postpartum complications such as neurosis, anxiety, lagging behind in mental development and many other pathological conditions. However, it should be emphasized that all difficulties are completely surmountable if the expectant mother realizes that only she serves as a means of absolute protection for the child, for which her love gives inexhaustible energy.

A very important role belongs to the father. The attitude towards the wife, her pregnancy and, of course, the expected child is one of the main factors that form the feeling of happiness and strength in the unborn child, which are transmitted to him through a self-confident and calm mother.

After the birth of a child, the process of its development is characterized by three successive stages: absorption of information, imitation and personal experience. In the period of intrauterine development, experience and imitation are absent. As for the absorption of information, it is maximal and proceeds at the cellular level. At no point in my later life a person does not develop as intensively as in the prenatal period, starting from a cell and turning in just a few months into a perfect being, possessing amazing abilities and an unquenchable desire for knowledge.

The newborn has already lived for nine months, which to a large extent formed the basis for its further development.

Prenatal development is based on the idea of ​​the need to provide the embryo and then the fetus with the most the best materials and conditions. This should become part of the natural process of developing all the potential, all the abilities, originally incorporated in the egg.

There is the following pattern: everything that the mother goes through, the child also experiences. Mother is the first universe of the child, his "living raw material base from both material and mental points of view. The mother is also an intermediary between the outside world and the child. The emerging human being does not perceive this world directly. However, it continuously captures the sensations and feelings it evokes in the mother. the world. This being registers the first information, capable of coloring the future personality in a certain way, in cell tissues, in organic memory and at the level of the nascent psyche.

The concept of personality development characterizes the sequence and progress of changes occurring in the consciousness and behavior of the individual. Education is associated with subjective activity, with the development in a person of a certain idea about the world around him. Although education "takes into account the influence of the external environment, it basically embodies the efforts that social institutions make.

Socialization is a process of becoming a person, the gradual assimilation of the requirements of society, the acquisition of socially significant characteristics of consciousness and behavior that regulate its relationship with society. The socialization of the individual begins from the first years of life and ends by the period of civil maturity of a person, although, of course, the powers, rights and obligations acquired by him do not mean that the process of socialization is completely completed: in some aspects it continues all life. It is in this sense that we speak of the need to increase pedagogical culture parents, on the fulfillment of civic duties by a person, on compliance with the rules interpersonal communication. Otherwise, socialization means a process of constant knowledge, consolidation and creative assimilation by a person of the rules and norms of behavior dictated to him by society.

A person receives the first elementary information in the family, which lays the foundations for both consciousness and behavior. In sociology, attention is drawn to the fact that the value of the family as a social institution has not been sufficiently taken into account for a long time. Moreover, the responsibility for educating the future citizen in certain periods They tried to remove Soviet history from the family, shifting it to the school, the labor collective, and public organizations. The belittling of the role of the family brought great losses, mainly of a moral nature, which subsequently turned into large costs in labor and social and political life.

The school takes the baton of socialization of the individual. As they grow older and prepare to fulfill their civic duty, the body of knowledge acquired by a young person becomes more complex. However, not all of them acquire the character of consistency and completeness. So, in childhood, the child receives the first ideas about the Motherland, in general terms, begins to form his own idea of ​​​​the society in which he lives, about the principles of building life.

Means are a powerful tool for the socialization of the individual. mass media- press, radio, television. They carry out intensive processing of public opinion, its formation. At the same time, the implementation of both constructive and destructive tasks is equally possible.

The socialization of the individual organically includes the transfer of the social experience of mankind, therefore, continuity, preservation and assimilation of traditions are inseparable from the daily life of people. Through them, new generations are involved in solving the economic, social, political and spiritual problems of society.

Thus, the socialization of the individual is, in fact, a specific form of appropriation by a person of those civil relations that exist in all spheres of public life.

Characteristics of adolescence as a stage of personality development.

Every age is important for human development. But still adolescence takes special place in psychology. Adolescence is the most difficult and difficult of all childhood ages, which is a period of personality formation.

The main content of adolescence is its transition from childhood to adulthood. All aspects of development undergo a qualitative restructuring, new psychological neoplasms arise and form, the foundations are laid conscious behavior, social attitudes are formed. This process of transformation determines all the main features of the personality of adolescent children. Having considered these features, using the data of domestic psychology, in the works of L.I. Bozhovich., V.V. Davydova, T.V. Dragunova, I.V. Durovina, A.N. Markova. DI. Feldstein, D.B. Elkonin and dr.

The central and specific neoplasm in the personality of a teenager is the emergence in him of the idea that he is no longer a child (a sense of adulthood); the effective side of this idea is manifested in the desire to be and be considered an adult. The specific social activity of a teenager lies in the great susceptibility to assimilate the norms, values ​​and behaviors that exist in the world of adults and in their relationships.

home new trait, which appears in the psychology of a teenager compared to a child of primary school age, is a higher level of self-awareness, the need to realize oneself as a person. L.S. Vygodsky believes that the formation of self-consciousness is the main result of the transitional age.

personal development human bears the imprint...

Personal development of a person occurs throughout life. Personality is one of those phenomena that are rarely interpreted in the same way by two by different authors. All definitions of personality are somehow conditioned by two opposing views on its development. From the point of view of some, each personality is formed and develops in accordance with its innate qualities and abilities, while the social environment plays a very insignificant role.

Representatives of another point of view completely reject the innate internal traits and abilities of the individual, believing that the individual is a product that is completely formed in the course of social experience. Obviously, these are extreme points of view of the process of personality formation.

Despite numerous conceptual and other differences, almost all psychological theories of personality existing between them are united in one thing: a person, it is stated in them, is not born, but becomes in the process of his life. In fact, this means recognizing that personal qualities and human properties are not acquired genetically, but as a result of learning, that is, they are formed and developed.

Personality development is usually First stage formation of personal properties of a person. Personal growth is due to many external and internal factors. The external ones include: an individual's belonging to a particular culture, socioeconomic class, and unique family environment for each. On the other hand, internal determinants include genetic, biological and physical factors.

The experience of the social isolation of the human individual proves that the personality develops not simply through the automatic deployment of natural inclinations.

The word "personality" is used only in relation to a person, and, moreover, starting only from a certain stage of his development. We don't say "personality of the newborn". In fact, each of them is already an individual ... But not yet a person! A person becomes a person, and is not born as one. We do not seriously talk about the personality of even a two-year-old child, although he has acquired a lot from the social environment.

Development process

The process of development is carried out as the improvement of a person - a biological being.

First of all, biological development, and development in general, determines the factor of heredity.

A newborn carries a complex of genes not only of his parents, but also of their distant ancestors, that is, he has his own rich hereditary fund inherent only to him or a hereditarily predetermined biological program, thanks to which his individual qualities arise and develop. This program is naturally and harmoniously implemented if, on the one hand, biological processes are based on sufficiently high-quality hereditary factors, and on the other hand, the external environment provides the growing organism with everything necessary for the implementation of the hereditary principle.

Skills and properties acquired during life are not inherited, science has not identified any special genes for giftedness, however, each born child has a huge arsenal of inclinations, the early development and formation of which depends on the social structure of society, on the conditions of upbringing and education, the cares and efforts of parents and desires of the smallest person.

The traits of the biological heritage are complemented by the innate needs of the human being, which include the needs for air, food, water, activity, sleep, security, and the absence of pain. If social experience explains mostly similar, common features that a person possesses, then biological heredity largely explains individuality. personality, its initial difference from other members of society. However, group differences can no longer be explained by biological heredity. Here we are talking about a unique social experience, a unique subculture. Therefore, biological heredity cannot completely create a person, since neither culture nor social experience is transmitted with genes.

However, the biological factor must be taken into account, since, firstly, it creates restrictions for social communities (the helplessness of the child, the inability to stay under water for a long time, the presence of biological needs, etc.), and secondly, thanks to the biological factor, an infinite variety is created temperaments, characters, abilities that make individuality out of each human personality, i.e. unrepeatable, unique creation.

Heredity is manifested in the fact that the main biological characteristics of a person (the ability to talk, work with a hand) are transmitted to a person. With the help of heredity, an anatomical and physiological structure, the nature of metabolism, a number of reflexes, and a type of higher nervous activity are transmitted to a person from parents.

Biological factors include the innate characteristics of a person. These are the features that the child receives in the process of intrauterine development, due to a number of external and internal reasons.

The mother is the first earthly universe of the child, so everything she goes through, the fetus also experiences. The mother's emotions are transmitted to him, having either a positive or negative effect on his psyche. It is the mother’s wrong behavior, her excessive emotional reactions to stress that our hard and stressful life is full of, that cause a huge number of postpartum complications such as neurosis, anxiety, mental retardation and many other pathological conditions. However, it should be emphasized that all difficulties are completely surmountable if the expectant mother realizes that only she serves as a means of absolute protection for the child, for which her love gives inexhaustible energy.

A very important role belongs to the father. The attitude towards the wife, her pregnancy and, of course, the expected child is one of the main factors that form the feeling of happiness and strength in the unborn child, which are transmitted to him through a self-confident and calm mother.

After the birth of a child, the process of its development is characterized by three successive stages: absorption of information, imitation and personal experience. In the period of intrauterine development, experience and imitation are absent. As for the absorption of information, it is maximal and proceeds on cellular level. At no time in his later life does a person develop as intensively as in the prenatal period, starting from a cell and turning in just a few months into a perfect being with amazing abilities and an unquenchable desire for knowledge.

The newborn has already lived for nine months, which to a large extent formed the basis for its further development.

Prenatal development is based on the idea of ​​providing the embryo and then the fetus with the best materials and conditions. This should become part of the natural process of developing all the potential, all the abilities, originally incorporated in the egg.

There is the following pattern: everything that the mother goes through, the child also experiences. The mother is the first universe of the child, his "living resource base" both from the material and mental points of view. The mother is also an intermediary between the outside world and the child. The emerging human being does not perceive this world directly. However, it continuously captures the sensations and feelings that the world around the mother evokes. This being registers the first information, capable of coloring the future personality in a certain way, in cell tissues, in organic memory and at the level of the nascent psyche.

The concept of personality development characterizes the sequence and progress of changes occurring in the consciousness and behavior of the individual. Education is associated with subjective activity, with the development in a person of a certain idea about the world around him. Although education "takes into account the influence of the external environment, it basically embodies the efforts that social institutions make.

Socialization is the process of becoming a person, the gradual assimilation of the requirements of society, the acquisition of social significant characteristics consciousness and behavior that regulate its relationship with society. The socialization of the individual begins from the first years of life and ends by the period of civil maturity of a person, although, of course, the powers, rights and obligations acquired by him do not mean that the process of socialization is completely completed: in some aspects it continues all life. It is in this sense that we are talking about the need to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, about the fulfillment of civic duties by a person, about observing the rules of interpersonal communication. Otherwise, socialization means a process of constant knowledge, consolidation and creative assimilation by a person of the rules and norms of behavior dictated to him by society.

A person receives the first elementary information in the family, which lays the foundations for both consciousness and behavior. In sociology, attention is drawn to the fact that the value of the family as a social institution has not been sufficiently taken into account for a long time. Moreover, in certain periods of Soviet history, they tried to remove responsibility for the upbringing of the future citizen from the family, shifting it to the school, labor collective, public organizations. The belittling of the role of the family brought great losses, mainly of a moral nature, which subsequently turned into large costs in labor and social and political life.

The school takes the baton of socialization of the individual. As they grow older and prepare to fulfill their civic duty, the body of knowledge acquired by a young person becomes more complex. However, not all of them acquire the character of consistency and completeness. So, in childhood, the child receives the first ideas about the Motherland, in general terms, begins to form his own idea of ​​​​the society in which he lives, about the principles of building life.

A powerful tool for the socialization of the individual is the mass media - print, radio, television. They carry out intensive processing of public opinion, its formation. At the same time, the implementation of both constructive and destructive tasks is equally possible.

The socialization of the individual organically includes the transfer of the social experience of mankind, therefore, continuity, preservation and assimilation of traditions are inseparable from the daily life of people. Through them, new generations are involved in solving the economic, social, political and spiritual problems of society.

Thus, the socialization of the individual is, in fact, a specific form of appropriation by a person of those civil relations that exist in all spheres of public life.

Characteristics of adolescence as a stage of personality development.

Every age is important for human development. Yet adolescence occupies a special place in psychology. Adolescence is the most difficult and difficult of all childhood ages, which is a period of personality formation.

The main content of adolescence is its transition from childhood to adulthood. All aspects of development undergo a qualitative restructuring, new psychological formations arise and form, the foundations of conscious behavior are laid, and social attitudes are formed. This process of transformation determines all the main features of the personality of adolescent children. Having considered these features, using the data of domestic psychology, in the works of L.I. Bozhovich., V.V. Davydova, T.V. Dragunova, I.V. Durovina, A.N. Markova. DI. Feldstein, D.B. Elkonin and dr.

The central and specific neoplasm in the personality of a teenager is the emergence in him of the idea that he is no longer a child (a sense of adulthood); the effective side of this idea is manifested in the desire to be and be considered an adult. specific social activity the adolescent lies in a great receptivity in learning the norms, values ​​and ways of behavior that exist in the world of adults and in their relationships.

The main new feature that appears in the psychology of a teenager compared to a child of primary school age is a higher level of self-awareness, the need to recognize oneself as a person. L.S. Vygodsky believes that the formation of self-consciousness is the main result of the transitional age.

A teenager begins to peer into himself, as if discovering his “I”, strives to know the strong and weak sides of his personality. He has an interest in himself, in qualities self, the need to compare oneself with other people, the need for self-esteem. Representations on the basis of which self-esteem criteria are formed in adolescents are acquired in the course of a special activity - self-knowledge. The main form of self-knowledge of adolescents, according to L.M. Fridman and I.Yu. Kulagina, is comparing yourself with other people: adults, peers.

The behavior of a teenager is regulated by his self-esteem, and self-esteem is formed in the course of communication with other people, and, above all, with peers. Peer orientation is associated with the need to be accepted and recognized in a group, team, with the need to have a friend, in addition, with the perception of a peer as a model that is closer, more understandable, more accessible compared to an adult. Thus, the development of a teenager's self-esteem is influenced by relationships with peers, with a classroom team.

As a rule, the public assessment of the class team means more to the teenager than the opinion of teachers or parents, and he usually reacts very sensitively to the influence of the group of comrades. The acquired experience of collective relationships directly affects the development of his personality, which means that making demands through the team is one of the ways in which the personality of a teenager is formed.

At this age, good conditions are created for the formation of organizational skills, efficiency, enterprise and other useful personal qualities associated with people's relationships, including the ability to establish business contacts, agree on joint affairs, distribute duties among themselves, etc. Such personal qualities can develop in almost all areas of activity in which a teenager is involved and which can be organized on a group basis: teaching, work, play.

Formation in adolescents of a cognitive attitude to the environment.

I dwell in more detail on the characteristics of the process of mastering knowledge in the middle grades of the school, since this is important not only for the development of thinking of adolescents and their cognitive interests, but also for the formation of their personality as a whole. Learning at school always takes place on the basis of the knowledge already available to the child, which he has acquired in the course of his life experience. At the same time, the child's knowledge acquired before training is not a simple sum of impressions, images, ideas and concepts. They constitute some meaningful whole, internally connected with the characteristic given age ways of thinking of the child, with the peculiarities of his attitude to reality, with his personality as a whole.

From all that has been said, it follows that the assimilation of knowledge at school is not limited to the quantitative accumulation, expansion and deepening of what the child knew before learning. New knowledge not only replaces the old, it changes and restructures it; they also reconstruct the old ways children's thinking. As a result, children develop new personality traits, which are expressed in a new motivation, a new attitude to reality, to practice, and to knowledge itself.

A scrupulous experimental study of the process of assimilation of knowledge makes it possible to trace exactly how and under what conditions school knowledge, as if growing into the consciousness of the student, changes the whole structure of his thinking and personality.

Schematically, this process can be represented as a path from perception and understanding educational material to its active processing in the minds of students and to the transformation of acquired knowledge into the personal property of the student, i.e., into his convictions. From this it is clear that the true assimilation of knowledge is completed only when the student's knowledge turns into a fact of his worldview, i.e., changes the student's views on the surrounding reality and attitude towards it.

From this understanding of the assimilation process school knowledge It follows that this assimilation is not only a process of education, but also difficult process education, directly related to the formation of the student's personality.

That is why it is so important to understand the specifics of the assimilation of knowledge in the middle grades of school in order to find out the influence that it has on the formation of a teenager's personality.

The development of the moral side of the personality and the formation moral ideals at middle school age.

Interest in moral character people, the norms of their behavior, their relationships with each other, their moral deeds leads in middle school age to the formation of moral ideals embodied in the spiritual image of a person. The moral and psychological ideal of a teenager is not only an objective ethical category known to him, it is emotionally colored, internally adopted by a teenager an image that becomes a regulator of his own behavior and a criterion for evaluating the behavior of other people.

The ideal of a person perceived or created by the child, whom he wants to imitate and whose traits the child seeks to educate in himself, at the same time means that he has a constantly acting moral motive.

And this, in the light of the data obtained in our studies, in particular, and in the just described study by E. S. Makhlakh, is the most important condition for the formation of the moral stability of the adolescent personality.

Observations and psychological analysis educational process, they show that the emergence of positive moral ideals in a teenager is a necessary, and perhaps even a decisive condition for education in general. And, on the contrary, the emergence of alien ideals in children creates serious obstacles to education, since in these cases the demands of adults will not be accepted by adolescents, since they diverge from his own requirements for himself, based on his ideal.

Despite such a great importance of ideals in the development of the student's personality, the issue of their active formation in pedagogy is not given, as it seems to us, due importance. The process of forming ideals is not studied enough in psychology either.

The development of self-esteem and its role in shaping the personality of a teenager.

Only the presence of a positive assessment creates an experience of emotional well-being in children, which is a necessary condition for the normal formation of personality.

It is clear why these phenomena in adolescents are expressed especially intensely, these experiences are associated with a whole range of features characteristic of this particular age: with the intensive development of self-esteem, the level of claims, the presence of a desire for self-affirmation; and these are the components that give rise to affective conflict and the affect of inadequacy that we have described.

The significance and role of self-esteem in adolescence is further enhanced by the fact that acute affective experiences decisively influence the formation of character.

However, the described cases of antagonistic contradiction between the child's self-esteem and the level of aspirations, on the one hand, and his capabilities, on the other, are by no means typical of personality formation even in adolescence. On the contrary, the emergence of a stable self-esteem, as well as stable ideals, in which the claims of schoolchildren are embodied, in relation to the moral sphere and qualities of their personality, become the most important factors in their development by the end of adolescence. And this means that during this period they begin to acquire more and more greater value internal development factors that determine new type relationship between the child and the environment: a teenager is already becoming capable of independent development through self-education and self-improvement. The establishment of this type of development prepares the adolescent's transition to a new age stage, to senior school age, where internal factors of development become dominant.

Basic principles for studying the individual characteristics of children?

The study of the personality of the child through his activity is one of the essential principles to be followed by the teacher. Many personality traits are revealed directly in the classroom, others - in the work at home.

The individualization of the teaching presupposes that each student has his own measure of difficulty, its lower limit, which each student, by virtue of his increasing abilities, strives to overcome.

Individualization of teaching in primary school is to see not only the shortcomings of preparing the child for school, but also the features of his psychophysiological development and build studying proccess based on these features and capabilities.

What are the main ways and means of working with children?

The re-education of adolescents and older students should be carried out in accordance with the following fundamental provisions:

Firstly, since deformations in development are due to a complex of reasons:

a). The negative impact of adverse family conditions.

b). Failures at school, separation from school life and the school team.

in). asocial environment.

Then the general strategy of educational influence should take into account both the family, and the school, and the inner circle. It is necessary to compare, as far as possible, to influence parents, to encourage them to restructure the nature of internal relations, to pay more attention to difficult child, advise parents a number of specific measures in relation to him, together determine the line of conduct. It is necessary that the school also change its attitude towards a difficult student, stop considering him incorrigible, find ways of an individual approach to him, involve him in the common affairs of the team. Moreover, if the discord in the family has gone so far, then significant changes there are impossible, the school must compensate for the shortcomings family education. Finally, one should also influence the inner circle of a difficult student and try to restructure the direction of his company, to attract it to the public useful deeds, and if this fails, then distract the student from the company, protect him from bad influence.

Secondly, to eliminate pedagogical neglect. It is impossible to correct the personality by the forces of teachers alone, by the forces of the school alone. In this work, in addition to the school, the family, children's organizations, out-of-school institutions, active classes, public organizations. And under all conditions, you just need to rely on a healthy children's team, act together with it, through it. Only by joint efforts, with the unity of educational influences, it is possible to solve this problem.

Thirdly, the main means of re-education should be the correct organization of the life and activities of a difficult child. It must be remembered that moralizing, notation is not a very effective means of educating a pedagogically neglected child, since he has long developed a prejudice, distrustful attitude and skepticism in relation to the words of the educator. This does not exclude the fact that an intimate conversation in an atmosphere of sincerity, trust and benevolence can be of great benefit.

Fourthly, re-education cannot be understood only as the elimination of the eradication of something, the fight against shortcomings and vices. Re-education is also the formation of the development of positive habits, traits and qualities, the careful cultivation of healthy moral tendencies.

Fifthly, it is necessary to involve the difficult student in the process of self-education, to organize his own struggle with his own shortcomings.

An individual approach and education in a team, through a team, do not contradict each other. A.S. Makarenko, calling for the construction of educational work taking into account the individual characteristics of students, spoke about the pedagogy of "individual action", designed for each specific person with all his individual originality. At the same time, he emphasized that an individual approach is not “pair pedagogy”, not chamber education, not “scattered fuss with each pupil”. An individual approach is carried out in a team and with the help of a team, and in this sense harmoniously complements the overall educational process.

The teacher, first of all, needs to know the children well, to see in each of them individual, peculiar features. The better the educator understands the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, the more correctly he can organize the educational process, applying educational measures in accordance with the individuality of the pupils.

An individual approach involves, first of all, knowledge and consideration of individual, specific conditions that influenced the formation of a particular personality trait. You need to know this because only by understanding the nature of this or that personal manifestation, you can correctly respond to it.

When implementing an individual approach, it should be remembered that rewards affect students in different ways. It is useful to praise one student, as this strengthens his faith in his own strength; in relation to another, it is better to refrain from praise, so as not to lead him to complacency, self-confidence. Equally, emphasizing the student's shortcomings can play a negative role in relation to an insecure child and a positive one if the student is too self-confident and not self-critical.

An individual approach is also expressed in the application of measures and forms of punishment. Some schoolchildren are affected by simple condemnation, while others are not impressed by such forms of condemnation and are perceived as condescension or gentleness of the educator. In relation to such students, more severe penalties should be applied. However, there needs to be a clear rationale for this. high measure penalties (so that schoolchildren do not have an opinion about the inconsistency and injustice of the teacher).

Three points are of particular importance in working with students:

1) in communicating with them, a warm, cordial, benevolent attitude is very important. Anger, suspicion, distrust of a teenager must be countered with kindness, warmth and gentleness;

2) the educator must be able to identify the positive that is in the personality of every student, even the most difficult, the most pedagogically neglected, and try to rely on this positive in the work of his re-education. On the need for pedagogical optimism (which allows you to see something good in anyone bad student) and reliance on the “positive personality fund”

It is not always easy to identify and use the positive that is in the personality of any difficult teenager, but this method of education is very effective and will fully reward the teacher for the work expended. The psychological effect of this technique is two-sided. Firstly, a difficult student is often sincerely convinced that he is bad, that nothing good will come of him. The consciousness of his incorrigibility and inferiority negatively affects his behavior. When, with the help of adults, a child discovers something positive and good in himself, this consciousness has a beneficial effect on his actions. Seeing something good in yourself, you no longer want to continue doing bad things. Secondly positive sides the personality of a difficult student opens up the possibility of involving him in the corresponding activity of interest to him, and this leaves him neither time nor desire to engage in reprehensible activities;

3) often good results are obtained by an openly expressed trust in the moral forces of difficult adolescents. Teenagers really appreciate the fact that they are trusted, despite their bad fame, bad reputation, they trust them, whom no one has trusted anything yet! However, suspicious teenagers sometimes find it hard to believe that they are really trusted, that this trust is sincere. They treat the given trust with caution, as another attempt to influence them, the next educational reception. And if a troubled teenager has already formed an attitude to oppose any kind of upbringing, then trust is subject to the same fate.

The problem of personality formation is an immense, significant and complex problem, covering a huge field of research.

During theoretical analysis pedagogical and psychological literature on the topic of this work, I realized that a personality is something unique, which is connected, firstly, with its hereditary characteristics and, secondly, with the unique conditions of the microenvironment in which it is nurtured. Every baby that's born has a brain voice box, but he can learn to think and talk only in society. Of course, the continuous unity of biological and social qualities shows that man is a biological and social being. Evolving out human society, a being with a human brain will never even become a semblance of a person.

Working on the topic: “The problem of an individual approach in teaching children”, I found that the main means pedagogical correction development disharmony, emotional instability, underdevelopment of arbitrariness of behavior, is understanding, sympathy on the part of the teacher, stress relief, rationalization of the educational process, equalization of the cultural and educational opportunities of children. And at the same time, the method of personal perspective plays an important role, creating in the child faith in his abilities. Trust in the child, the formation of really conscious and really acting motives for his behavior, analysis conflict situations which he often falls into, the personal example of the teacher, the further positive impact of the teacher with his authority on the relationship of the child with peers, helps to correct the high anxiety of neglected children, overcome communication difficulties, inappropriate behavior and thereby increases social status child.

In the arsenal of the teacher must be such corrective methods as visual supports in learning, commented management, phased formation of mental actions, anticipatory counseling on difficult topics. Due to the features learning activities neglected students need learning situations with elements of novelty, entertainment, reliance on life experience children, as well as a gentle study load.

The decisive role belongs to the method of expecting tomorrow's joy, which is used by many experienced teachers.

I believe that education should be based on individuality as much as possible. An individual approach consists in managing a person based on a deep knowledge of his personality traits and his life. When we talk about an individual approach, we mean not the adaptation of goals and the main content and education to an individual student, but the adaptation of forms and methods. pedagogical impact to individual characteristics in order to ensure the projected level of personality development. An individual approach creates the most favorable opportunities for the development of cognitive forces, activity, inclinations and talents of each student. “Difficult” pupils, low-grade schoolchildren, as well as children with a pronounced developmental delay are especially in need of an individual approach.

1. Bozhovich L. I. "Personality and its formation in childhood"M. Enlightenment, 1968.

2. "Age and individual characteristics younger teenagers" edited by Elkonin D. B., Dragunova T. V.-M. Enlightenment, 1967.

3. Lisina M.I. "Problems of general, age and educational psychology", M, 1978.

“Personal growth” is an expression from the category of psychology and is currently quite widely used in various psychophysiological areas. The concept of personal growth based on positive perception human nature and opportunities for developing intra-personal potential (personal effectiveness).

Personal development of a person

Personal development of a person (or the same personal growth) - it is first of all the desire to believe in yourself and in your strengths, as well as a constant, strong and stubborn movement towards your desire. In general, as for me, constant movement forward and overcoming all the obstacles that arise on the way to the goal - this, according to its principle, is personal growth in pure form , but nevertheless, for the full and uniform development of a versatile and effective personality there are more functional formulas. We will now consider one of them. This formula was written and used by Napoleon Hill. He constantly re-read it in order to inspire and develop everything in himself. necessary qualities successful people.

Personal development formula from Napoleon Hill

1) I know that I am able to achieve my life goal, so I allow myself calm confidence and positive attitude, which will definitely lead me to the desired result. I also demand from myself persistent, continuous efforts towards the realization of my desires. Here and now I promise to do everything in my power and even more to make my dream come true.

2) I am aware that the thoughts that prevail in my mind will always be reproduced in external actions and gradually become reality. So for thirty minutes a day, I focus on creating the kind of person I want to be by drawing a clear mental image in my mind.

3) I know that whatever I persistently cultivate in my mind will eventually find expression in the practical means of its implementation. Therefore, I devote ten minutes every day to strengthening confidence in myself and in my abilities.

4) I have clearly formulated the main goal of my life and will not leave efforts until I achieve the self-confidence necessary to achieve it.

5) I am fully aware that neither wealth nor position in society can be durable if they are not based on truth and justice. Therefore, I will not burden my conscience with transactions that will not benefit all of its participants. I will achieve my goal by drawing on the forces that I would like to use and cooperating with other people. I will try to convince them to help by demonstrating my willingness to help them. I will suppress my hatred, envy, suspicion, callousness and cynicism, perfecting my love for all people, because I know that negative attitude to others will never bring success. I will make people believe in me because I believe in myself and in people. I will subscribe to this formula, memorize it and repeat it once a day with the absolute conviction that it will influence my thoughts and actions, and I I will become an independent, successful and self-confident person.

And so, using this formula, we can increase and strengthen greater self-confidence. Now we need to find out what is "successful personality"? What is this combination of character traits that almost invariably lead a person to success?

What is a successful person

At one time, one of the institutes studied the deep sources of success. To do this, it was necessary to analyze the positions and character traits of 1500 famous people, randomly selected from the Who's Who of America. The study made it possible to identify a number of common features that were found in the most successful participants in the survey. Here are some of the most important ones:

- Common sense

This is the most common quality among the respondents. 61% say they common sense- very important factor them success. For most, this means the ability to make optimal and concrete judgments about day-to-day affairs. And for this you need to discard all extraneous thoughts and look at the root of this or that event. The question arises what is the origin of common sense. Is a person born with this quality or do we need to do something to manifest it? According to one of the respondents, it can certainly be developed in oneself. One way is to learn from other people's experiences as well as your own mistakes.

- Knowing your business

This is the second after common sense common feature respondents. The vice president of an industrial company said: “Nothing helps success like a deep knowledge of what you do. This reduces risk and acts as an insurance policy for your abilities. Professional knowledge cannot be taken for granted. The learning process continues even after reaching the highest high altitudes. To achieve success, you have to want it,” explains the vice president. - And, having achieved, try to stay on the conquered positions.

- And again, self-confidence

Well, what is it??? Well, you can't go anywhere without this confidence! This is something like a passport, which we must have in order to be residents of a country called "Success".=))
People who have achieved the most success, rely mainly on their own reserves and abilities. This confidence means this case rather than realizing how good you are, but having the determination to take bold action. It also implies willpower and the ability to set clear goals.
The chartered public accountant who created one of the largest accounting firms in the northwest of the United States said, “My line of work is not only the pride in what I do, but also the courage, the endurance, to serve all the hours needed to achieve goals.”

- High overall level of development

This is a necessary condition outstanding achievements . Important in this regard is the ability to quickly comprehend complex concepts and subject them to rapid and clear analysis.
As a result of the study, it was found that the general level of development of survey participants is affected by at least three elements: rich vocabulary, good reading and writing ability. In the year prior to the survey, each read an average of 19 books, including 10 non-fiction books.

- Ability to get things done

Approximately 3/4 of successful people consider themselves "very active" in completing tasks. They all agree that three important qualities helped them to become such: organizational talent, good work skills and diligence.
The physics professor sums up his formula for success as follows: "Hard hard work + the ability to establish for yourself the rhythm of this work." He admits that he works 100 hours a week.

In addition to the five listed, there are other success factors:

The ability to lead
creative potential,
relationships with colleagues
and, of course, good luck.
But common sense, knowledge of the matter, self-confidence, a high level of development and the ability to bring things to the end play the most important role. If you develop these traits in yourself, you will have the opportunity to achieve success!

Personality is not an innate and genetically predetermined characteristic of a person. A child is born as a biological individual who is yet to become a personality. However, this can only happen under certain conditions.

The initial and natural condition for the formation of personality is the normal (without pathological abnormalities) biological nature (individual organization) of the child. The presence of corresponding deviations either hinders or makes the development of the personality impossible. This is especially true of the brain and sensory organs. For example, with a congenital or previously acquired brain anomaly, a child may experience such mental illness like oligophrenia. It is expressed in underdevelopment (mental retardation) and personality as a whole. With deep oligophrenia (in the stage of idiocy), the child cannot become a person at all, even under the most favorable conditions. He is doomed to an individual (animal) existence.

Congenital anomalies of vision (blindness) or hearing (deafness) also significantly complicate the process of educating a person.

To overcome and compensate for such deviations, it is necessary to use special remedial training, development and education. In general, the individual properties and characteristics of a person act as factors that facilitate or hinder the development of certain personal formations: interests, character traits, self-esteem, etc. Therefore, they must be well known and taken into account when developing a strategy and tactics of education. It must be said that they are not well studied. These questions are the subject of such a branch of psychology as.

Personal development is active process assimilation by the child social norms and their respective behaviors. He demands from him enormous efforts aimed at mastering his own biological entity, to overcome immediate natural desires and opportunities (to behave as I want and as I can) and subordinating them social necessity(how to). For example, a child does not want to collect his toys, but he must master the ability to overcome this immediate impulse and follow the appropriate social norm. Therefore, another basic condition for the formation of personality is the presence social environment, that is specific people- carriers and translators of social norms. These are people with whom the child is associated with significant relationships: parents, family members, relatives, educators, teachers, peers, neighbors, heroes. works of art and films, historical figures, clergy, etc. The lack of a social environment makes it impossible for the development of the individual. This is evidenced numerous cases"education" of children among animals.

In its own way psychological essence they were like their "tutors" and had nothing personal. All possible anomalies and defects in the social environment lead to corresponding personality defects in children brought up in such conditions. An example of these are children who grew up in dysfunctional families, orphanages, penal colonies etc.

The process of transferring social norms to a child is called education. It can be purposeful or spontaneous. Purposeful education is a specially organized and ordered pedagogical process, consisting of such pedagogical acts as familiarization with social norms, demonstration of standard behaviors, organization of exercises, control, encouragement and punishment, etc. Spontaneous education is, as it were, built into the real daily life of the educator and pupil . It consists of the same pedagogical acts, although it does not pursue special pedagogical goals. So getting some educational results is most likely by-product other actions.

Education should not be understood as a one-sided process of educators. Social norms and the ways of behavior corresponding to them are not “invested” in the child, but are assimilated (assigned) by him on the basis of his own active activity and communication. Other people (parents, educators, etc.) only contribute to this with varying degrees of success. For example, in order to instill a responsible attitude to learning in a first grader, parents and teachers can take many methods of pedagogical influence: explanation, demonstration good examples, organization of activities, encouragement, punishment, etc. However, they cannot fulfill that system of specific learning activities which form and on the basis of which a responsible attitude to learning is formed. This is daily homework, writing in a diary, folding the necessary textbooks and things, etc. Each of them requires the child to certain skills, and most importantly - the ability to overcome one's own individual essence, which can be expressed in the natural lack of desire to do this.

So the following is extremely important condition Personal development is an active activity of the child, aimed at the assimilation of social norms and ways of behavior. It can be regarded as a kind of tool for the assimilation of social experience. In order for activity (existential activity) to have a developing effect, it must meet certain requirements. First of all, this concerns its substantive compliance with assimilated social norms. For example, one cannot cultivate courage (bold behavior) outside of situations of overcoming danger. There are also many other psychological conditions for the organization of being (communication and activity), under which it becomes possible to effectively assimilate social norms and form stable personal formations. This includes the factor of conformity of upbringing to age terms, the number of exercises, the nature of motivation, etc.

Patterns of human personality development. Personal development is not random or chaotic, but in many ways natural process. He obeys certain rules which are called psychological laws of development. They record the most general and essential properties of personal development, the knowledge of which allows a deeper understanding of this phenomenon.

The first of the laws we are considering answers the question of the causes, sources and driving forces personality development. In other words, what makes the child develop and where is the source of development. Psychological studies show that the child initially has the ability to develop. The source of development is its needs, the need to satisfy which stimulates the development of relevant psychological possibilities and means: abilities, character traits, volitional qualities etc. The development of psychological capabilities, in turn, leads to the emergence of new needs and motives, and so on. These cycles of development continuously follow each other, raising the child to ever higher levels of personal development. Thus, the source of personal development is in the child himself. the people around him or life circumstances can only speed up or slow down this process, but they are not able to stop it. It does not at all follow from this that mental development personality is carried out on the basis of biological maturation. Developability (ability to develop) is only a potential opportunity to become a person. This can happen only under certain conditions.

The development of a person's personality is not smooth, but spasmodic.. Relatively long (up to several years) periods of fairly calm and even development are replaced by rather short (up to several months) periods of sharp and significant personal changes. They are very important in their psychological consequences and importance to the individual. It is no coincidence that they are called critical moments of development, or age-related crises. They are pretty hard on subjective level which is also reflected in the child's behavior and in his relationships with other people. Age crises form a kind psychological boundaries between age periods. Throughout personal development, there are several age-related crises. They occur most clearly in the following periods: 1 year, 3 years, 6-7 years and 11-14 years.

The development of a person's personality is carried out in stages and sequentially. Each age period naturally follows from the previous one and creates the prerequisites and conditions for the next one. Each of them is absolutely necessary and obligatory for the full development of a person's personality, since it provides especially favorable conditions for the formation of certain mental functions and personality traits. This feature of age periods is called sensitivity. In domestic psychology, it is customary to distinguish six periods of age development:
1) infancy (from birth to one year);
2) early before school age(from 1 to 3 years);
3) junior and middle preschool age(from 4-5 to 6-7 years);
4) primary school age (from 6-7 to 10-11 years old);
5) adolescence (from 10-11 to 13-14 years old);
6) early adolescence (from 13-14 to 16-17 years).

By this time, the person reaches a sufficiently high level of personal maturity, which does not mean the cessation of mental development.

The following is very important property development lies in its irreversibility. This excludes any possibility of repeating some age period again. Each period of life is unique and unrepeatable in its own way. Formed personal substructures and qualities are either impossible or almost impossible to change, just as it is impossible to fully compensate for what was not formed in a timely manner. This imposes a huge responsibility on people involved in education and upbringing.

Personal development, or as it is also called - personal growth, is a process that should not stop for a second. Many successful businessmen say that they never stopped learning, and even at an age far beyond retirement, they try to find something new, learn, learn, learn and develop. Today we will talk about personal development, because it is very important element the overall success of an independent, successful, wealthy person, and that's how you see yourself, isn't it?

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So, today we will focus not so much on the concepts of personal development, but on more about the mistakes that a lot of people make in the process of becoming themselves. This is not the first time we have been practicing this form of laying out the material, and as past experience shows, this system is very efficient. As they say, you need to learn from mistakes, and it is very convenient when these mistakes are pointed out, and even they tell in detail how to avoid them.

Personal Development Mistakes: Set Goals

The lack of clearly formulated goals is the most common and common mistake that not only slows down, but stops the development of you as a person. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here, I set a goal for myself, outlined the ways and methods of achieving it, and that's it, go ahead for orders. Goal setting comes first in many business books, but why do so few people follow this advice? What is the reason?
Let's do a little experiment. Name 3 of yours right now cherished desires what you want… Don't think quickly, clearly, concisely. Happened? Do you know exactly what you are looking for? If it didn't work out, then don't be discouraged. According to statistics, more than 90% of people cannot clearly define what they want, and are limited only to vague concepts and general words. If you don't know what you want, then you won't get anything.
What to do?

First of all, take a piece of paper, a pen, gather your thoughts and write down everything, everything, everything you dream about. If you want your own house, then describe in detail which one, what size, think through everything to the details, imagine what paths and lawn you will have. If you want to travel, then describe which countries you want to visit, what to see, what to learn. The main secret- this is specificity, detailing every little thing.

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Mistakes in Personal Development: Doubt and Fears

Another obstacle to personal development are doubts and fears. Most people do not get down to business, because they already model a negative outcome for themselves in advance, do not believe in their own strengths, the strengths of the team and those people with whom they will have to work. As soon as it appears interesting idea, then immediately there are fears. And why? How do you know that right now nothing will work out, that this very thing will end in failure? That's right, you don't know, you can only guess, but your guesses are nothing more than a projection of past failures and fears.
What to do?
You won’t know for sure whether an idea is worthy or not, if you don’t take it and try to implement it. And now, many of you can say that I have already tried dozens of times, and in all cases the result is the same. Well, what can I say, it means they did something wrong. After all, others succeed, someone implements similar ideas, brings them to mind, develops and earns, and you have only excuses. Collect your thoughts, and before launching the next project, think about what you did wrong in the past, where you rushed, what you didn’t pay attention to, what you let down on abum.

Mistakes in personal development: not having a plan

Without clear planning, it will be very difficult to fulfill your goals. Scientists from the USA conducted an experiment - 20 people were selected, who were given the same tasks. One group of 10 people received a clear plan for completing the task, which outlined the stages, execution time, time for rest and entertainment, and the second group itself had to determine how and what to perform. The result was amazing. The first group, which had a clear plan, was able to complete all the tasks, relax, have fun, spend time usefully, and by the end of the day was mentally and physically fresh, but the second one was the opposite. Most could not clearly define their plan of action, they did everything last, and several tasks did not have time to complete.
What is the conclusion? Plan your day. I am not saying that you need to plan a month, a quarter or whole year, but the next day, or the next week is a must. This will teach you discipline, you will stop wasting time, sitting it in in social networks, updating unnecessary sites, or looking out the window.

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Mistakes in Personal Development: Lack of Action

This is the fourth mistake that hinders the personal development of a person. You can clearly define your desires, set goals, paint a plan and ... and that's it. Then you need to start acting, but it is with this that a lot of problems arise for most of our compatriots. As the Chinese proverb says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step."
What to do?
Do not wait for help, do not rely on someone, do not waste time. Everything you need, you already have, start acting. I once read an interview with Sergiy Brin (the founder of Google), where he said: “While you are thinking, your competitors are acting, while you are developing a strategy, they are creating a beta version of the project, while you are calculating the risks - they are attracting investors while you are in doubt and more once everything is rechecked, they enter new markets. You think they work, you think they work. I think you understand me."
Of course, you also need to think, but this can also be done in the process of developing and establishing your project.

Mistakes in personal development: the opinion of other people

The opinions of other people are another obstacle to personal development. If you do something, then get ready for the fact that many will begin to dissuade you from this “bad idea”, and the argument will be simply gorgeous: “I already saw / read / tried it, and nothing happened.” Public opinion- this is what you need to spit on from a big mountain. Do you believe in what you do, do you like it, do you want to be successful? If yes, then you should not listen to the opinions of losers who could not do anything themselves. Maybe it's rude, maybe a little harsh, but that's the way it is. A couple of years ago I watched an interview with Carlos Slim in which he said one interesting phrase: Do you want to be successful? Surround yourself with successful people." Draw your own conclusions.

Mistakes in Personal Development: Lack of Perseverance

Here, here's another one Foundation stone, capable of nullifying all your efforts, dreams and desires. You must always be persistent last day, minutes, seconds, until you reach your goal. And again, Chinese wisdom, well done Chinese, they know what to say, says: "The desire to surrender is especially great a second before victory."
What to do?
Do not be afraid, believe and go to the end. Of course, you can give up everything, lose faith in yourself and your strengths, and then hate yourself for half your life for such a weakness of spirit and a rash decision.

Related article:

Mistakes in personal development: not having a mentor

Of course, this can be called a mistake with a stretch, because many people achieve everything without problems on their own, without additional help and stimulation. But how long does it take? Sometimes years, sometimes decades. You will make mistakes, fill bumps, fall, get up, fall again, but confidently go far. In the end, you will come to your plan, but what effort can it cost? Don't be proud, don't be afraid to ask for advice, learn from more experienced people about them life path, about their mistakes, the difficulties they faced, and how to solve these difficulties.

Mistakes in Personal Development: Wrong Environment

I have already said above that if you want to develop (no matter in what area), then you need to surround yourself with like-minded people, people who understand your life goals, foundations, share your aspirations and desires. To be honest, you should not do it abruptly, you should not break all contacts in an instant and try to find those who understand you. If you start to change inside, change your thoughts, attitude towards the world, towards yourself and your goals, then necessary people they themselves will reach out to you, and those who are far away will smoothly leave. It seems unrealistic, but it is true, because more than once I experienced a similar effect on myself.

Mistakes in personal development: lack of training

At the very beginning of the article, I already noted that many successful people focus their attention on the need to study, to learn something new, to master areas of knowledge unknown to date. Believe me, the world is developing very rapidly, and what you knew 10 years ago may no longer be relevant today, with such knowledge you will not go far. Why, 10 years, here what he taught in the 1st year of the institute, upon graduation, no longer has any practical force. So think about what you have learned lately, what book you have read, what field of knowledge you have begun to understand. Someone may say: “why should I know this, because I already work successfully and earn money with the knowledge that I have.” And give yourself an answer, are you sure what will happen in a year, that your profession will be in demand, that the conditions will not change and they will not require anything additional from you? Of course not. Therefore, it is impossible to know in advance what knowledge you will need.

Mistakes in personal development: inability to rest

I specifically put this error at the end. Of course, learning, developing, learning new things is good, but you should not get hung up on personal growth. Know how to relax, abstract from everything, just stay alone with yourself and your thoughts. Proper rest This is as important as good training.