Greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions while promoting economic development

When we think of industry, we think of the smoke from factory chimneys, the black smog that hangs over the entire city. This is all, of course, the real pollutant. environment. Thousand tons annually carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere due to human activities. However, all people, in particular each of us, are also part of this problem. If you know how much carbon dioxide your family produces, you will know how to deal with it and become part of the solution to the problem of air pollution.

Carbon dioxide is total greenhouse gases caused indirectly and directly by the person himself. Carbon dioxide has its own units of measurement. It is a heavy, colorless, odorless gas. Once you know how much carbon dioxide is being produced, you can immediately consider a strategy to reduce it.

Our homes, habits and lifestyle in general all have an impact on the environment, contributing to the release of carbon dioxide, to global warming. Houses and habits refer to how much fuel is used for heating and the distance that we cover with a car. All this affects the atmosphere, and the cause of pollution is you personally.

Today, people who are interested in reducing the amount of CO2 that enters the atmosphere in large quantities understand the seriousness of the problem and do everything necessary to solve the problem. To understand how to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, it is necessary to know how much carbon dioxide a person personally produces. Making changes to your lifestyle knowing the amount of gas you are producing is very easy. Alternatively, you can contribute to greening the environment.

There are many resources on the Internet that are devoted to environmental issues. Many sites even have online calculators, with which you can calculate the amount of carbon dioxide you produce in tons. The calculations in these calculators are based on where you live, the size of your home, the size of your family, and the model of car you drive. Also, the energy consumption of your family is taken into account in the calculations.

In these calculators, you can see tips that will help reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Some of these tips are: use fluorescent lights, they will save energy, turn off the lights when you don't need them, unplug electrical appliances, unplug the chargers of your smartphones and other devices. Also, it would be nice to install a programmable thermostat, so that he himself regulates the temperature in the house. So it will be much more economical to use electricity. Eliminate gaps in doors and windows.

showerheads, programmable thermostats, or install additional attic insulation.

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A greenhouse gas is a mixture of several transparent atmospheric gases, which practically do not pass thermal radiation Earth. The growth of their concentration leads to global and irreversible climate change. There are several types of major greenhouse gases. The concentration in the atmosphere of each of them affects the thermal effect in its own way.

Main types

There are several types gaseous substances related to the most significant greenhouse gases:

  • water vapor;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • nitrous oxide;
  • methane;
  • freons;
  • PFCs (perfluorocarbons);
  • HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons);
  • SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride).

About 30 leading to the greenhouse effect have been identified. Influence at thermal processes Earth substances have depending on the amount and strength of the impact on one molecule. According to the nature of their occurrence in the atmosphere, greenhouse gases are divided into natural and anthropogenic.

water vapor

A common greenhouse gas is its amount in the Earth's atmosphere that exceeds the concentration of carbon dioxide. Water vapor has natural origin: external factors unable to influence its increase in the environment. The temperature of the oceans and air regulates the number of molecules of water evaporation.

An important characteristic of the properties of water vapor is a positive feedback with carbon dioxide. It has been established that the greenhouse effect provoked by the emission is approximately doubled due to the effect of water evaporation molecules.

Thus, water vapor as a greenhouse gas is a powerful catalyst for anthropogenic climate warming. It is worth considering its effect on greenhouse processes only in conjunction with the properties of a positive relationship with carbon dioxide. By itself, water vapor does not lead to such global changes.

Carbon dioxide

It occupies a leading position among greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin. It has been found that about 65% global warming due to the increased release of carbon dioxide into the Earth's atmosphere. The main factor in increasing the concentration of gas is, of course, the production and technical activities of man.

Fuel combustion ranks first (86% of the total carbon dioxide emissions) among the sources of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Other reasons include the burning of biological mass - mainly forest areas- and production emissions.

Carbon dioxide greenhouse gas is the most efficient driving force global warming. After entering the atmosphere, carbon dioxide travels a long way through all its layers. The time it takes to remove 65% of carbon dioxide from air shell, called effective period stay. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide persist for 50-200 years. It is the high duration of the presence of carbon dioxide in the environment that plays a significant role in the processes greenhouse effect.


It enters the atmosphere in a natural and anthropogenic way. Although its concentration is much lower than the amount of carbon dioxide, methane acts as a more significant greenhouse gas. 1 molecule of methane is estimated to be 25 times stronger in the mechanism of the greenhouse effect than a molecule of carbon dioxide.

The atmosphere currently contains about 20% methane (out of 100% greenhouse gases). Artificially, methane enters the air due to industrial emissions. The natural mechanism of gas formation is considered to be excessive decay of organic matter and excessive combustion of forest biomass.

Nitric oxide (I)

Nitrous oxide is regarded as the third most important greenhouse gas. This is a substance that negative action on the ozone layer. It has been established that about 6% of the greenhouse effect is due to monovalent nitric oxide. The compound is 250 times stronger than carbon dioxide.

Dianitrogen monoxide occurs naturally in the Earth's atmosphere. It has a positive relationship with the ozone layer: the greater the concentration of oxide, the greater the degree of destruction. On the one hand, a decrease in ozone reduces the processes of the greenhouse effect. In the same time radiation much more dangerous for the planet. The role of ozone in the processes of global warming is being studied, and the opinions of experts on this matter are divided.

PFCs and HFCs

Hydrocarbons with partial substitution of fluorine in the structure of the molecule are greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin. Influence similar substances on the processes of global warming in the aggregate is about 6%.

PFCs are emitted to the atmosphere from the production of aluminum, electrical appliances and solvents various substances. HFCs are compounds in which hydrogen is partially replaced by halogens. Used in manufacturing and in aerosols to replace ozone depleting substances. Have high potential global warming, but safer for the Earth's atmosphere.

Sulfur hexafluoride

It is used as an insulating substance in the electric power industry. Connection is inherent long time persist in the layers of the atmosphere, which causes long-term and extensive absorption infrared rays. Even a small amount will significantly affect the state of the climate in the future.

the greenhouse effect

The process can be observed not only on Earth, but also on neighboring Venus. Her atmosphere in this moment It is composed entirely of carbon dioxide, which led to an increase in surface temperature up to 475 degrees. Experts are sure that the oceans helped the Earth avoid the same fate: by partially absorbing carbon dioxide, they help to remove it from the surrounding air.

Emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere block access to heat rays, which leads to an increase in the temperature on Earth. Global warming is fraught with serious consequences in the form of an increase in the area of ​​the World Ocean, an increase in natural disasters and precipitation. The existence of species is threatened coastal zones and islands.

In 1997, the UN adopted the Kyoto Protocol, which was created in order to control the amount of emissions in the territory of each of the states. Ecologists are confident that it will not be possible to completely solve the problem of global warming, but it remains possible to significantly mitigate the ongoing processes.

Limitation Methods

Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by following a few rules:

  • eliminate inefficient use of electricity;
  • raise the coefficient useful action natural resources;
  • increase the number of forests, prevent forest fires in time;
  • use environmentally friendly technologies in production;
  • introduce the use of renewable or non-carbon energy sources.

Greenhouse gases in Russia are emitted due to extensive electricity generation, mining and industrial development.

The main task of science is the invention and implementation of ecologically clean look fuel, development of a new approach to the processing of waste materials. Gradual reform of production standards, tight control of the technical field and careful attitude each to the environment can significantly reduce Global warming can no longer be avoided, but the process is still manageable.

A greenhouse gas is a gas that is characterized by transparency, which makes it invisible, and a high degree absorption in the infrared range. The release of such substances into the environment causes the greenhouse effect.

Where do greenhouse gases come from?

Greenhouse gases are present in the atmospheres of all planets solar system. A high concentration of these substances causes the occurrence of the phenomenon of the same name. It's about the greenhouse effect. To begin with, it is worth talking about positive side. It is thanks to this phenomenon that the Earth is supported optimum temperature to create and maintain various forms life. However, when the concentration of greenhouse gases is too high, we can talk about a serious environmental problem.

Greenhouse gases were originally caused by natural processes. So, the first of them were formed as a result of the heating of the Earth by the sun's rays. Thus, part of the thermal energy did not go into space, but was reflected by the gases. The result was a heating effect similar to that which occurs in greenhouses.

At that moment, when the Earth's climate was just being formed, a significant proportion of greenhouse gases were produced by volcanoes. At that time, water vapor and carbon dioxide in huge quantities released into the atmosphere and concentrated in it. Then the greenhouse effect was so strong that the oceans literally boiled. And only with the advent of the green biosphere (plants) on the planet, the situation stabilized.

Today, the problem of the greenhouse effect is particularly relevant. It is largely due to the development of industry, as well as an irresponsible attitude towards natural resources. Oddly enough, not only industrial production causes environmental degradation. Even such a seemingly harmless industry as agriculture is also a danger. The most destructive is animal husbandry (namely, the waste products of large livestock), as well as the use of chemical fertilizers. Rice cultivation also adversely affects the atmosphere.

water vapor

Water vapor is a naturally occurring greenhouse gas. Despite the fact that it looks harmless, it is responsible for 60% of the greenhouse effect, which is the cause of global warming. Considering that the air temperature is constantly rising, the value of the concentration of water vapor in the air is getting higher, and therefore there is reason to talk about a closed circuit.

The positive side of water evaporation can be considered the so-called anti-greenhouse effect. This phenomenon is the formation of a large mass of clouds. They, in turn, to some extent protect the atmosphere from overheating through sunlight. Some balance is maintained.

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is one of the most abundant greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Its source can be volcanic emissions, as well as the life process of the biosphere (and especially man). Of course, some of the carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants. However, through the process of putrefaction, they release a similar amount given substance. Scientists say that a subsequent increase in the concentration of gas in the atmosphere can lead to catastrophic consequences Therefore, research is constantly being carried out on ways to purify the air.


Methane is a greenhouse gas that lives in the atmosphere for about 10 years. Given that this period is relatively short, this substance has the greatest potential to reverse the effects of global warming. Despite this, the greenhouse potential of methane is more than 25 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide.

Source of greenhouse gases (if we are talking about methane) is the waste products of livestock, rice cultivation, as well as the combustion process. The highest concentration of this substance was observed in the first millennium, when agriculture and pastoralism were the main activities. By 1700, this figure had dropped significantly. For several recent centuries methane concentration began to rise again, which is due to large quantity combusted fuel, as well as the development of coal deposits. On the this moment there is a record amount of methane in the atmosphere. However, over the past decade, the growth rate of this indicator has slowed down slightly.


Without such a gas as ozone, life on Earth would be impossible, because it acts as a barrier against aggressive sunlight. But only stratospheric gas performs a protective function. If we talk about the tropospheric, then it is toxic. If we take into account this greenhouse gas in terms of carbon dioxide, then it accounts for 25% of the global warming effect.

The lifetime of harmful ozone is about 22 days. It is removed from the atmosphere by being bound in the soil and then degraded by ultraviolet light. It is noted that the ozone content can vary significantly geographically.

Nitrous oxide

About 40% of nitrous oxide enters the atmosphere due to the use of fertilizers and development chemical industry. The largest number This gas is produced in tropical regions. Up to 70% of the substance is emitted here.

New gas?

Canadian scientists recently announced that they have discovered a new greenhouse gas. Its name is perfluorotributylamine. Since the middle of the twentieth century, it has been used in the field of electrical engineering. This substance does not occur in nature. Scientists have found that PFTBA warms the atmosphere 7,000 times more than carbon dioxide. However, at the moment the concentration of this substance is negligible and does not pose a threat to the environment.

At the moment, the task of researchers is to control the amount of this gas in the atmosphere. If there is an increase in the indicator, this can lead to a significant change climatic conditions and radiation background. At the moment, there is no reason to take any measures to reorganize the production process.

A little about the greenhouse effect

In order to fully appreciate destructive force greenhouse effect, it is worth paying attention to the planet Venus. Due to the fact that its atmosphere is almost entirely composed of carbon dioxide, the air temperature at the surface reaches 500 degrees. Given the emissions of greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere, scientists do not exclude a similar development of events in the future. at the same time, the planet is largely saved by the oceans, which contribute to the partial purification of the air.

Greenhouse gases form a kind of barrier that disrupts the circulation of heat in the atmosphere. This is what causes the greenhouse effect. This phenomenon is accompanied by a significant increase in the average annual air temperature, as well as an increase in natural disasters (especially in coastal zones). This is fraught with the extinction of many species of animals and plants. At the moment, the situation is so serious that it is no longer possible to completely solve the problem of the greenhouse effect. However, it is still possible to control this process and mitigate its consequences.

Possible consequences

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are the main cause of climate change towards warming. The consequences may be as follows:

  • An increase in climate humidity due to an increase in precipitation. However, this is true only for those regions that are already constantly suffering from abnormal downpours and snowfalls. And in dry areas, the situation will become even more deplorable, leading to shortages drinking water.
  • Rising sea level. This can lead to the flooding of part of the territories of island and coastal states.
  • Disappearance of up to 40% of plant and animal species. This is direct consequence habitat and growth changes.
  • Decrease in the area of ​​glaciers, as well as the melting of snow on mountain peaks. This is dangerous not only in terms of the disappearance of species of flora and fauna, but also in terms of avalanches, mudflows and landslides.
  • Performance degradation Agriculture in countries with arid climates. Where conditions can be considered moderate, there is a possibility of increasing crop yields, but this will not save the population from starvation.
  • Lack of drinking water, which is associated with desiccation underground sources. This phenomenon can be associated not only with the overheating of the Earth, but also with the melting of glaciers.
  • Deterioration of human health. This is due not only to deteriorating air quality and increased radiation, but also to a reduction in the amount of food.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

It is no secret that the state of the Earth's ecology is deteriorating every year. The calculation of greenhouse gases leads to disappointing conclusions, and therefore the adoption of measures to reduce the amount of emissions becomes relevant. This can be achieved in the following way:

  • increasing the efficiency of production in order to reduce the amount of energy resources used;
  • protection and increase in the number of plants that act as sinks of greenhouse gases (rationalization of management forestry);
  • encouraging and supporting the development of forms of agriculture that do not harm the environment;
  • development of financial incentives, as well as tax cuts for enterprises that operate in accordance with the concept of environmental responsibility;
  • taking measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles;
  • increase in penalties for environmental pollution.

Greenhouse Gas Calculation

All business entities are required to regularly calculate the damage caused to the environment and submit reporting documentation to the relevant authorities. So, quantitation greenhouse gas emissions are carried out as follows:

  • identifying the amount of fuel that is burned during the year;
  • multiplying the obtained indicator by the emission factor for each type of gas;
  • the amount of emissions of each substance is converted into carbon dioxide equivalent.

Emission sources associated with fuel combustion

Development scientific and technological progress, of course, makes life easier for a person, but causes irreparable harm to the environment. Much of this has to do with fuel consumption. In this regard, sources of greenhouse gases can be the following:

  • Energy industry. This includes power plants that supply industrial enterprises and residential facilities with resources.
  • Industry and construction. This category includes enterprises of all industries. Accounting is carried out for the fuel used in the production process, as well as for auxiliary needs.
  • Transport. Harmful substances not only cars emit into the atmosphere, but also air means movement, trains, water transport and pipelines. Only the fuel used for the direct movement of goods or passengers is taken into account. Energy costs for domestic economic transportation are not included here.
  • Communal sector. This is the service sector and housing and communal services. What matters is the amount of fuel that was spent to ensure the final energy consumption.

The problem of greenhouse gases in Russia

The mass of greenhouse gas emissions in Russia is increasing every year. If we consider the structure of pollution by sectors, the picture will be as follows:

  • energy industry - 71%;
  • fuel extraction - 16%;
  • industrial production and construction - 13%.

Thus, priority in the work to reduce emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere is precisely the energy sector. The indicator of resource use by domestic consumers is more than 2 times higher than the world indicator and 3 times higher than the European one. The potential for reducing energy consumption is up to 47%.


Greenhouse gas pollution is global problem and treated at the highest international level. However, it applies to every single person. Thus, there must be a sense of personal responsibility for the state of the environment. The minimum contribution of each person is the planting of green spaces, compliance with fire safety rules in forests, as well as the use of safe products and goods in everyday life. If we talk about the future, we can talk about the transition to electric vehicles and safe heating of residential buildings. Huge contribution propaganda and educational activities are called upon to contribute to the preservation of the environment.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is urgent task, the solution of which is necessary for sustainable development human civilization. Therefore, there is already a need to develop theoretical approaches and environmental programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

World practice has developed possible ways solutions to this problem.

1. Traditional destinations:

development of technologies that ensure a reduction in the specific consumption of primary energy carriers per unit of produced clean energy;

· development of energy-saving technologies in the transmission of energy and the use of power units.

2. Non-traditional destinations:

development of technologies for the utilization of carbon dioxide through chemical transformations to obtain products organic chemistry;

· development of CO 2 absorption ("binding") technologies using various types of adsorbents.

3. Alternative destinations:

· diversification of the fuel and energy balance of the countries concerned;

· increasing the share of hydropower, wind power, biomass and other non-traditional sources.

However, in addition to the listed technical, technological and organizational measures to reduce the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, there are also fundamentally new approaches.

1. The idea of ​​conservation of produced greenhouse gases in underground storages.

The essence of the idea is that as the reserves of mineral raw materials are exhausted, we will be able to effectively use the underground space to solve environmental issues.

As a result of the research work it was concluded that the following main types of underground facilities can be used as carbon dioxide storage facilities:

b exhausted oil and gas fields;

b natural traps with the necessary collector and shielding properties;

b underground workings of a number of depleted mineral deposits;

b identified but not used backup storages natural gas.

The considered idea of ​​conservation of carbon dioxide in the underground space has a certain number of important environmental, technological and economic advantages.

The most significant of them are the following.

First, it becomes possible to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, regardless of changes in its production, which is especially valuable in the context of growing industrial production and energy consumption.

Secondly, it reduces the risk of adverse environmental impact production of carbon dioxide, since its conservation in underground reservoirs is not associated with any negative consequences for the environment, in particular for groundwater.

Thirdly, this is the secondary use of engineering and mining facilities, which practically does not require additional investments.

To date the Russian Federation has a large number of underground facilities that can be used as carbon dioxide storage tanks. This potential opens up wide opportunities for finding and implementing the most effective solutions.

The largest economic effect can be obtained by using exhausted natural gas fields as the indicated reservoirs, as well as unproductive geological objects identified in the process of oil and gas exploration, which have the necessary screening properties.

Thus, as exhaustion mineral resource base countries, the carbon dioxide conservation program can become an alternative direction for the integrated use of subsoil resources and support in strategic readiness sustainable development mining industry in Russia.

2. Carbon removed from the atmosphere can be stored in the soil.

In order to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, scientists suggest that plant residues that are formed as waste from the forest industry and agriculture should not be burned, but turned into charcoal, which can then be applied to the soil. Being very stable, it will remain there for centuries. The meaning of this operation is to remove the carbon removed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis for a long time from the usual cycle.

The burning of fossil fuels inevitably leads to an increase in the content of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) in the atmosphere, and this, in turn, is fraught with further development global warming and rising sea levels.

Increasingly, there are works that talk about the need for large-scale sequestration of atmospheric carbon (CO 2) and its removal from global circulation for the time measured by at least, centuries and millennia.

Ecologists are looking for simple ways sequestration of atmospheric carbon and, if possible, long-term retention of it in a form that would be due to natural processes did not turn back into CO 2 . Cultivation of forests and, in general, the restoration of natural vegetation cover, of course, contributes to the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the accumulation of carbon in plant tissues and in soil organic matter. However, as soon as forests and other plant communities reach their maturity, the absorption of CO 2 during photosynthesis is balanced by the release of this gas as a result of respiration - both of the plants themselves and, most importantly, decomposers (fungi and bacteria) that decompose dead plant residues. . Accordingly, in order to prevent the return of CO 2 to the atmosphere, it is necessary to make carbon organic matter inaccessible to reducers. The resulting organic matter of plants is subjected to heating under conditions of oxygen deficiency (pyrolysis process) and charcoal is obtained. The carbon content in charcoal is about two times higher than directly in the mass of plant residues, but bacteria and fungi cannot use it for their needs. Therefore, being introduced into the soil, charcoal can be stored there for quite a long time - centuries, and possibly millennia (at least, naturally formed charcoal is known of this age).

The possibilities of this form of carbon storage are discussed in a recent Science article by Johannes Lehmann of the Faculty of Grain and Agriculture at Cornell University (Ithaca, USA). The scheme of the proposed technology is shown in fig. 3.

Rice. 3.

During the normal circulation of substances in natural ecosystems CO 2 carbon is bound during photosynthesis, after which about half of it is spent on the respiration of the plants themselves, and half in the form of organic matter of plant residues enters the soil surface, where it is decomposed by fungi and bacteria into simple components. All CO 2 released during the respiration of both plants and decomposers is returned to the atmosphere. It is possible, of course, to collect plant residues and put them into processing, having obtained "biofuel" from it. This, in general, is not bad, since fossil fuels are saved, but in relation to carbon in the atmosphere in the form of CO 2, this technology neutral: when biofuels are burned, all the CO 2 that was once bound during photosynthesis is released back into the atmosphere.

Much better, according to the author of the article, is the technology of converting plant residues into charcoal (which is also shown in the diagram), especially if the gases released during the pyrolysis process are captured and used as biofuel. The resulting charcoal is applied to the soil, for example, mixed with manure or mineral fertilizers.

Based on the calculations, Leman believes that the technology of sequestering atmospheric carbon in charcoal can be widely used in three cases. Firstly, it is the pyrolysis of tree residues during industrial logging. Secondly, the pyrolysis of rapidly growing vegetation on abandoned agricultural land. Third, pyrolysis of crop residues.

In all cases, it is assumed that the charcoal is applied to the soil and not burned. Obviously, the strategy of carbon sequestration in charcoal is justified only where there is in large numbers stocks of cheap biomass. Implementation this method into practice is determined by how much more profitable it will be to keep charcoal in the soil compared to burning it.

Since the early 1990s, addressing the issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions has become one of the priorities the world community. First practical step the Kyoto Protocol, signed in December 1997, is considered to be its decision. Its goal is to reduce by 2008-2012 the developed countries' total emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 5.2% compared to 1990 emissions.

The Kyoto Protocol is the first joint effort by the states of the Earth to regulate the climate. The binding nature of the Protocol makes it necessary to take development seriously alternative sources energy, such as solar, thermonuclear and its other types. The Kyoto Protocol obliges the transition to energy-saving technologies and requires developed countries transfer of these technologies to developing countries.

Reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is an urgent task. Therefore, there is a need to develop theoretical approaches and environmental programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, which include traditional, non-traditional and alternative directions.

Of course, it is no less important to apply fundamentally new approaches to reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. For example, the idea of ​​conserving produced greenhouse gases in underground storage facilities. The essence of which is that as the mineral reserves are exhausted, we will be able to effectively use the underground space to solve environmental problems. Or, in order to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, scientists propose that plant residues, which are formed as waste from the forest industry and agriculture, should not be burned, but turned into charcoal, which can then be applied to the soil.

Climate change on earth in recent decades becomes more and more noticeable. In light of this, the questions are particularly relevant: what are the types of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, how to achieve their reduction, and also what are the prospects for the climate on earth.

What are greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect?

Many people know how a conventional garden greenhouse works. Sun rays pass through the transparent walls and roof, which leads to heating of the soil and an increase in the internal temperature. High temperature indicators inside the greenhouse are maintained due to the retention of heat inside the garden room by the material of the structure.

If a garden greenhouse, this effect is very useful, because it allows you to effectively grow different kinds plants (sometimes not even intended for our latitudes), then the globe temperature rise is extremely dangerous.

If we talk about global climate change, then the so-called greenhouse gases serve as holding obstacles to the heat coming from the Earth. These are substances that pass infrared radiation from the sun and at the same time retain heat (the same radiation) reflected from earth's surface, which leads to an increase in the temperature of the near-Earth atmosphere.

Types of greenhouse gases

The most significant greenhouse gases include the following chemical compounds:

Carbon dioxide;
Nitrous oxide;
water vapor;
Other gases (hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, and so on, more than 30 types in total).

Obviously, by the nature of the appearance, all of the above chemical substances can be divided into two groups:

Gases of natural origin;
anthropogenic substances.

The former are formed as a result of natural earth processes, for example, water vapor, the origin of the latter is due to the activity of the person himself.

Main sources of greenhouse gases

There are many sources of greenhouse gases. In the first place, all experts in this field clearly put the processes of processing and consumption of fossil fuels. The share of this type of air pollution different sources 82 to 88 percent of all greenhouse gases are removed.

This category includes most industrial enterprises, the production cycle of which is associated with the heating of one or another type of raw material. In addition, we should not forget about vehicles in whose engines combustion of gasoline and diesel fuel occurs, which leads to the appearance of a significant amount of exhaust gases.

In second place is the burning of biomass, resulting from deforestation, primarily tropical. This process is closely related to the formation of a significant amount of carbon dioxide. This type of air pollution accounts for 10 to 12 percent of all greenhouse gases.

The emergence of other sources of greenhouse gases is mainly associated with the functioning of industrial enterprises: the production of metals, cement, polymeric materials, and so on. In total, all such industries emit about 2 percent of all pollution.

Kyoto protocol

The Kyoto Protocol is supplementary agreement to the UN convection, adopted in 1997 in the city of Kyoto (Japan), obliging all countries with economies in transition to reduce or at least stabilize greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

According to the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol, which is valid until the beginning of 2020, all EU countries together must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 8 percent, the USA - 7%, Japan - 6%, Russia and Ukraine were obliged to stabilize industrial production and prevent an increase in harmful emissions.

Ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The Kyoto Protocol mentioned above defines the main directions for reducing the pollution of the earth's atmosphere. The main way to reduce the production of greenhouse gases is to modernize and increase the efficiency of industrial production.

Secondly, the agreement obliges all countries that have signed it to improve the quality of greenhouse gas reservoirs and accumulators, increase the volume of forestry, and stimulate reforestation.

Thirdly, all participating states are obliged to stimulate any research in the field of renewable energy sources and carbon dioxide absorption technologies. In light of this provision, all energy-saving technologies are of particular relevance.

States are obliged to provide tax incentives and relief to those industrial taxpayers who are actively implementing the transition to environmentally friendly technologies, stimulate reforestation, and so on.

Fourth, you should take necessary measures aimed at limiting carbon dioxide emissions in transport: stimulating the production and consumption of electric vehicles, switching to gas motor fuel (more environmentally friendly).

Of course, the Kyoto Protocol with its provisions does oblige many states to restructure their own industries. But, nevertheless, we should not forget that each of us can make a contribution to this important cause. I will give below general recommendations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions:

Contain vehicle in technically sound condition;
If possible, choose public transport;
Always unplug the power plug from the socket for all electrical appliances that must not be operated in around the clock;
Use energy saving technologies;
Strive to obtain a reduction in water consumption;
Start growing your own food or give preference to local producers.