What races inhabit the globe. What races of people inhabit the Earth? Mongoloid race: signs and resettlement

Human Origins. The most important stage in development geographical envelope The earth was the emergence of man. Bee humanity belongs to species Homo sapiens (reasonable man), a member of the family of hominids, order of primates, class of mammals. Other members of the hominin family are the ancestors of modern humans and are known only in the fossil state. The closest relatives of man in the animal world are modern great apes.
The order of primates, according to the most common point of view, includes three suborders - lemur-like (lemurs), tarsier-like (tarsiers) and human-like, that is, all higher and lower, monkeys and humans. The most ancient representatives of primates - lemurs and tarsiers - appeared in the fauna of the globe already in the first half of the Paleogene and widely settled on its surface. At the end of the Paleogene, monkeys began to appear on the continents of the Old World, and already in the Oligocene deposits the remains of higher narrow-nosed monkeys were found, from which the ancestors of modern man - hominids, and also the ancestors of modern anthropoid apes - anthropomorphic monkeys subsequently emerged.
On the continents of the New World, monkeys also appeared in the Paleogene, but there they were represented by a special branch of humanoids - the lower broad-nosed monkeys. The narrow-nosed apes as a whole, and hence the great apes, are absent from both the fossil and modern fauna of America.
The fauna of Australia lacked not only all primates, but almost all higher mammals in general.
Particularly widespread and great variety great apes reached in the Miocene and Pliocene, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir settlement covered Europe, a significant part of Africa and western Asia up to North India. Obviously, most of them led an arboreal lifestyle, like all other primates, but it is possible that even then there were certain types monkeys living on earth.
At the beginning of the Quaternary period, anthropoid apes were still very widespread, and in the structure of some of them there is a great similarity with humans and with modern anthropomorphic apes.
In open treeless spaces South Africa, obviously, lived upright bipedal monkeys, which were distinguished by a particularly great resemblance to modern man. These fossil African apes, who lived in herds, are united in the Australopithecus subfamily. Their essential features were upright posture, the presence of pelvic bones, hips and the arrangement of teeth, very much reminiscent of human ones. Australopithecus can be considered the ancestors of hominids, and therefore of modern humans.
The transition of certain groups of great apes from an arboreal lifestyle to a terrestrial existence and bipedal walking contributed to the liberation of the forelimbs and the expansion of their functions, i.e. the appearance of hands and the transition to upright walking, as well as the herd lifestyle of our ancestors, creating the possibility collective defense and mutual support. In the process of the struggle for existence, Australopithecus developed the beginnings of labor activity, which in turn led to the development and improvement of the whole organism of our ancestors.
It was labor, as was proved by F. Engels in his famous work “The role of labor in the process of turning a monkey into a man”, that was the main driving force evolution from apes to humans. In the process of labor and close communication of our ancestors with each other, the most important means of communication appeared - speech, with the development of which the brain and consciousness improved.
The transition of human ancestors to the manufacture of tools, i.e., to conscious labor activity, contributes to the transformation of the primitive herd of anthropoid apes into human society, the development of which takes place in the future not only according to biological laws, but also according to new, social laws.
The appearance of the first hominids - the oldest people or ape-people (proto- or archanthropes) - should be attributed to the very beginning of the Pleistocene (or the very end of the Neogene, according to other classifications). Findings of bone remains on the island of Java (Pithecanthropus), in northern China (Synanthropus), near Heidelberg in Germany (Heidelberg Man), etc., belong to different stages development of archanthropes and testify to their very wide distribution across the continents of the Old World from the Yellow River basin to the islands of the Malay Archipelago and from Western Europe to South Africa.
In many structural features, the most ancient people were still very close to anthropomorphic monkeys, but at the same time they were much closer to modern man than their ancestors, the Australopithecus. There is evidence that the earliest people used fire, although they did not know how to produce it.
The next stage of human evolution were ancient people (paleoanthropes), or, as they were originally called, Neanderthals (after the Neandertal valley near Düsseldorf, where the bone remains of human ancestors of this stage of development were first found).
Neanderthals lived between 200-300 millennia and 40-50 millennia BC, i.e., in the first half of the Pleistocene (the Lower Paleolithic era). They were widely distributed throughout Eurasia and Africa. Their bone remains were found on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, in the Crimea, on the island of Java, in Palestine, in the area of ​​Lake. Victoria in Africa.
Neanderthals made tools not only from stone, but also from bone, knew how to make fire artificially, lived in caves, and obtained food by gathering and hunting. Time greatest flourishing Neanderthals coincides with the time of maximum glaciation, so the climate of most of the inhabited area was harsh, the animal world included a mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, cave bear and other large animals, the fight against which was difficult and dangerous.
In the course of work and mutual communication there was a development of articulate speech, which in turn contributed to the rapid improvement of the brain. “First work, and then, along with it, articulate speech, were the two most important stimuli, under the influence of which the brain of a monkey gradually turned into human brain...". brain development and brain activity entailed the improvement of ways of obtaining food and protection from enemies, as well as the change and improvement of the whole organism ancient man. The Neanderthals were replaced by modern humans. By the name of the village of Cro-Magnon (Central Massif of France), where the main finds of fossil people were discovered modern type They are often referred to as Cro-Magnons. Currently, the term "neoanthrope" has become widespread.
The first finds of bone remains of modern humans date back to the beginning of the 19th century. in Western Europe. These remains, found in the deposits of the end ice age(Pleistocene) on the border between the Lower and Upper Paleolithic, indicate high development Cro-Magnons, about significant differences in their structure from paleoanthropes and almost complete similarity with modern people. At the same time, it should be noted that people of the neoanthrope stage who lived in different areas of the globe, had fairly pronounced racial differences.
Ancestral home of man. polycentrism and monocentrism. At present, most anthropologists recognize that humanity belongs to one biological species and its origin from one species of animal ancestors.
He also causes controversy and the fact that a person could appear only on the continents of the Old World.
Neither America nor Australia, which did not have the closest relatives and ancestors of man in their animal world, could be the ancestral home of mankind. Also excluded is the north of Eurasia, covered continental ice just in the period during which the formation of a modern type of man took place. Consequently, the areas of human origin could only be located in southern half Eurasia or Africa.
However, there is still no consensus on the question of whether this entire territory was the scene of the emergence of man through the gradual evolution of all groups settled in it, or whether man arose from any one group of paleoanthropes, within a limited area.
The first theory - the theory of polycentrism - is popular in the West and is also supported by some Soviet anthropologists. The majority Soviet researchers belongs to the number of supporters of monocentrism, i.e., the theory of the emergence of man within one limited area. The location of this area is still controversial. Many data give reason to believe that it was located in the southern half of Africa. However, there are suggestions in favor of Central and South Asia.
human races. Within a single biological species to which all mankind belongs, there are pronounced physical differences.
People inhabiting different regions of the globe differ from each other in the color of their skin, hair and eyes, in the features of the structure of the skull, soft parts face and many other physical traits that are inherited and called racial traits. Historically formed groups of people united by a common origin, expressed in a common hereditary traits body structures are called human races.
Formation racial differences occurred at the early stages of the formation and development of man under the influence of various natural conditions and the isolation of large groups of people from each other. The beginning of the formation of modern races dates back to the Upper Paleolithic. Findings of bone remains of people of a modern species in the deposits of that time in different parts of the globe indicate the existence of pronounced physical differences among them.
In the course of development human society there was a spread of large groups of people around the globe and their adaptation to natural conditions. At present, racial traits have lost their adaptive significance and have survived only as hereditary traits. It is customary to distinguish three main, so-called large races: Mongoloid, Caucasoid and Equatorial, or Negro-Australoid.
The characteristic features of the Mongoloid race are the yellowish skin color (therefore they used to say the “yellow” race), black straight hard hair, protruding cheekbones, and a somewhat oblique slit of the eyes. The upper eyelid of many Mongoloids extends beyond the lower, forming a special fold (epicanthus) that protects the eyes from strong wind and dust. This sign developed among the Mongoloids because this race was formed in the desert and steppe regions of Asia with a dry climate, strong winds and dusty air.
For most representatives of the Caucasoid ("white") race, whitish skin is characteristic. Ho people living in warmer countries, the skin is swarthy. The hair is light, dark and even black, straight or wavy, the nose is straight, the face is narrow.
A characteristic feature of people of the equatorial race is a dark (sometimes almost black) skin color. On this basis, earlier this race was called "black". The dark color of the skin depends on the content of a special coloring matter in it - melanin, which weakens the effect of sunlight (especially ultraviolet) rays on the human body. The equatorial race was formed in the hottest regions of the globe, located close to the equator. In addition to dark skin, representatives of the equatorial race are characterized by black wavy or curly hair, a wide nose, and thick lips.
Branches are distinguished within the large races, and within them so-called small races.
Part of the Mongoloids 25-30 thousand years ago moved through the northeast of Asia to America, forming the American branch, which, in a number of physical features, is close to the Caucasoid race.
Within the Asian branch of the Mongoloid race, in turn, a number of small races stand out: Northern Mongoloids, Eastern Mongoloids, etc.
The large equatorial race, in the process of its formation, was divided into two branches - the Oceanian and the African. Races are distinguished in each branch: in the Oceanian - Australian, Vedoid, Melanesian, etc.; in African - Negro, Bushman-Hotentot and Negril.
Into two branches - northern and southern - is also subdivided large caucasian race.
In the process of the development of human society and its settlement on the continents, the geographical isolation of individual groups of people gradually disappeared, and communication between races increased. As a result of this, a process of mixing of races took place, the result of which are transitional and mixed anthropological types.
In modern racial classifications, mixed forms are distinguished ancient origin, then mixed forms formed in the Middle Ages and modern times.
The first category of transitional and mixed races was formed in the early stages of human history mainly as a result of contacts between large races. This category includes, for example, the Dravidian race, formed as a result of contacts between Caucasoids and Australoids, the Ethiopian race - in the area of ​​​​contacts between Negroids and Caucasoids, etc.
In the Middle Ages, some anthropological types of Asia were formed (for example, Central Asian, South Siberian), Africa (Sudanese), etc.
To mixed types The new time includes the mestizo population, which was formed as a result of the resettlement of representatives of Caucasians on the continents of the Western Hemisphere. These mixed types include the mestizos and mulattoes of North and South America, the "colored" population of South Africa, and some others.
At present, not all peoples can be fully attributed by their physical type to any one big race. As part of one nation, you can meet representatives different races and anthropological types, and some physical types only with with great difficulty can be attributed to one race or another.
Equivalence of races and criticism of racism. Detailed study features physical structure of a person in general and the structural features of representatives of various human races confirms the fact that all mankind belongs to one biological species and its emergence in one center. According to the main, most essential features body structures of all races of man are very close to each other and in the same degree differ significantly from their original form - the anthropomorphic monkey. Similar features common to all representatives species Homo sapiens are, firstly, those that provide upright walking - the length of the foot in relation to the length of the thigh, the structure of the foot, the structure of the muscles of the legs, etc. Further, the structure of the hand, larynx and brain belongs to the category of similar signs. All of the listed signs of body structure are associated with the social labor activity of people and are the most essential features of a person that distinguish him from his ape-like ancestor and monkeys.
In addition, all human races are similar to each other in many other, less significant ways. All this points to the same level of development of all races, to their biological equivalence and to the same adaptation to labor activity.
The differences that exist between races (color of the skin, hair and eyes, hair shape, height, structure of the skull and soft parts of the face, etc.) belong to minor, insignificant features of a person and are not included in the category of features that distinguish a person from monkey. Therefore, belonging to one or another race cannot be considered as evidence of a more or less high level of development, more or less closeness to the ape-like ancestor of man. It has also been established that all races also have features similar to monkeys, and that these features are more or less evenly distributed among all races. All these data serve as a refutation of pseudoscientific theories about the unequal value of races and about the superiority of some races over others, propagated by some representatives of bourgeois science. In an effort to justify the imperialist policy of oppression of some peoples by others, reactionary bourgeois scientists preach the biological superiority of the "higher" (Caucasoid) race over the "lower" (Mongoloid and Equatorial). Proclaiming the thesis about the "inferiority" of the equatorial and Mongoloid races, about the inability of the peoples belonging to these races to independent comprehensive development, they point to the supposedly great biological proximity of these races to monkeys, and also argue that different races descended from different ancestors. It is characteristic that at present there are almost no supporters of racism among bourgeois anthropologists.
Soviet science is on the point of view that all human races are equally capable of progress and that the inequality in the level of development of different peoples that exists to this day is due to the uneven development of human society and does not in the least depend on the racial affiliation of this or that people. . The backwardness of many peoples of Asia and Africa is explained by their difficult colonial past.
Language. Racial characteristics, although they are a consequence public history, in modern society are only of secondary importance.
the most important distinctive feature Man in comparison with animals is the language - the main means of communication between people. "Being brought to life by the needs of people's communication in the process of labor, language arises and develops along with thinking, penetrating into all aspects of the activity of human society."
The similarity of the language is the most important condition for the formation of tribes, nationalities, nations, i.e. those ethnic communities, into which it is subdivided modern population Earth.
By common origin from one language, the main modern languages are combined into groups, and related groups - into linguistic families. At the same time, the linguistic kinship of peoples does not reveal organic connection with the division of mankind into races, although in some cases there is a coincidence of the distribution areas of some racial types and certain language families and groups.
Due to the fact that language is of great all-round importance in the formation of ethnic communities, the basis modern classification of the peoples of the world in Soviet enthography, a linguistic, i.e., linguistic, affiliation is assumed, and all peoples are united in families and groups corresponding to language families and groups.
The most common are the 10 languages ​​of the world, which are spoken by almost 60% of all mankind: Chinese (690 million people), English (270 million people), Russian (150 million people), Spanish (150 million people). ), Hindi and Urdu (150-180 million people), Japanese (95 million people), German (90 million people), Arabic (85 million people), Portuguese (85 million people) , French (60 million people).
Number, distribution and population density. As of the beginning of 1965, approximately 3,200 million people live on the globe. Throughout human history, not only the population has changed, but also the rate of its growth.
According to available scientific data, at the beginning of the Neolithic (10-15 thousand years ago), only a few million people lived on the globe and the population increased very slowly. By the beginning of our era, the population of the Earth was approximately 200 million people, in 1000 - 300 million people.
With the growth of productive forces and the decrease in the dependence of human society on nature, the rate of population growth increased more and more. In 1500, the world's population was already about 500 million people, in 1800 - more than 900 million, and by the beginning of the 20th century. - more than 1600 million people. Over the past century and a half, the rate of population growth, despite devastating wars, has been particularly rapid. To date, compared with 1900, the world population has doubled. Recently, the world's population has been increasing by an average of 60 million a year.
The rapid increase in population growth rates is associated with the development of productive forces, economic and cultural progress, first of all in Europe, and then in other parts of the world. The development of health care and the fight against epidemics led to a sharp reduction in mortality, first in Europe, and in recent decades in developing countries Asia and Africa. While maintaining a high birth rate, especially characteristic of the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, the population growth rate is continuously increasing, and, according to the calculations of the UN demographic service, by the year 2000 the world population should exceed 6 billion people.
English reactionary economist Malthus ( early XIX c.) argued that the population of the world tends to grow faster than the means of subsistence, and that this must inevitably lead to an absolute overpopulation of the world. Some modern bourgeois followers of Malthus are trying to prove that the rapid growth of the population, allegedly obeying only biological laws, is the main cause of the plight of the working people, especially in economically backward countries, and will inevitably lead to a shortage of means of consumption to provide for the population of the whole world. By this they, by the way, seek to justify imperialist wars that reduce population growth. However, the classics of Marxism-Leninism proved that population growth does not depend on the laws of nature, but on the laws of the development of society. Under the conditions of an advanced socialist system, the level of development of the productive forces is so high that the growth of social production outstrips the growth of the population and must fully ensure a high standard of living for the people.
The distribution of population across the globe is extremely uneven. Over 85% live in the Eastern Hemisphere, with more than 2,400 million people in Eurasia, i.e. 77% of the total population of the globe, more than 260 million people in Africa, and 17 million people in Australia and Oceania. About 420 million people live on both American continents.
With an average population density of inhabited continents of 24 people per 1 sq. km. km average density in overseas Europe per 1 sq. km - 86, in Asia (without Russia) - 67, in Russia - 10, in America - 10, Africa - 9, Australia and Oceania - about 2 people per 1 sq. km. km.
About 10% of the land is completely devoid of a permanent population. Such territories include Antarctica, the polar islands of America and Asia, some desert areas Central Asia and Africa.
The distribution of the population within the inhabited land also has great differences, depending on the interaction of a number of factors: natural conditions and related types economic activity people, prescription of settlement of this or that territory and level community development people within a given country.
In the fertile lowlands ancient centers agricultural culture, on the coasts of the seas and oceans, where important trade routes, or in areas with the most highly developed industry, the population density is sometimes tens of times higher than the average population density of inhabited land, reaching 500, 600 and even 1000 people per 1 sq. km. km. On the other hand, areas that have only recently begun to be settled or backward in economic terms, unfavorable in their natural features for development - tundra, dry steppes and deserts, taiga or rainforests have a low population density, barely reaching 1 person per 1 sq. km or even less.

The totality of people who live on the entire planet Earth is called the population, or, more simply, the population of the globe. The population refers to the object of study of many sciences, among which special emphasis is placed on demography (a word of Greek origin that means “description of the people”), a science that studies the processes of formation of the composition and size of the population, as well as the features of its distribution.


On the this moment There is no universal opinion regarding the time of the appearance of man on Earth. Nevertheless, according to many demographers, the ancestors of man appeared about two million years ago, and the evolved man - about forty thousand years ago. According to the "statutes" modern science, the first people did appear in Africa. From here, the population of the globe settled on all continents, excluding Antarctica.

Occupying certain areas individual groups people for a long time under the influence of natural and climatic conditions changed, forming their own traditions, appearance, temperament, character and other features. Thus, the main groups of people - races - appeared on the planet. In total, four races are distinguished: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Australoid and Negroid. According to some scientists, it would be worthwhile to combine Australoids and Negroids into a common equatorial race.


The Caucasoid race was formed by the indigenous peoples of the Middle East, Europe, North Africa. In ancient times, the European race populated the Middle and South Asia, later - Australia and America. Caucasians are distinguished by predominantly light skin color, soft straight or slightly wavy hair, a narrow nose and thin lips. This race makes up half of the world's human population. The Caucasoid race includes all Slavs.


Mongoloid race formed in the vast Asian spaces and settled in South and North America, on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. This includes almost 40% of the world's population. Anthropometric characteristics of this race include the following external features: yellowish skin tone, straight black hair, wide nose, narrow eyes, flat face.


The Negroid race was formed by equatorial African peoples. This race is different dark color skin, black curly hair, dark brown eyes, thick lips and a wide nose. On the body - underdeveloped hairline.


Unlike Negroids, the Australoid race is distinguished by light eye color and wavy hair. This race is made up of Indigenous Australians and Island Aborigines. If we consider the population of the globe in general, we can see that it is not widespread and is practically in danger of extinction.


After the resettlement of representatives of various races outside the native areas, mixed and transitional races appeared. Scientists have long proved the equality of all races. Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay, who devoted his life to studying the peoples of the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean, made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of racial equality. In 1870-1883. he lived among the Papuans in New Guinea. Naturally, cultural development Papuans significantly differed from European standards.

Wild natives lived in conditions of the Stone Age. As a result of studying their way of life, Nikolai came to the conclusion that these peoples are capable of the same mental development, art and learning as any representative of the world's population. The backwardness of these peoples is explained primarily by the considerable remoteness of their cells from the centers of civilization.


According to some assumptions, for about fifteen thousand years the world's population was only three million people. The beginning of our era was marked by a powerful increase in population - the population of the planet amounted to 250 million people. According to the history of the ancient world, even in ancient times, tribal unions formed the first peoples who began to inhabit slave states Eurasia and Africa. To date, the planet is inhabited by approximately two thousand different peoples. The Chinese are recognized as the largest people - their number is over one billion. At the same time, there are peoples with fewer than a hundred representatives. No need to go far - in Ukraine, for example, there is one such people called Krymchaks.

The population density of the world is increasing every year. The rate of human growth accelerated with the onset of the second millennium of our era. If for the first millennium the population was 25 million people, then the second millennium has increased dramatically to 6 billion people. Such drastic changes explained by the fact that man has learned to produce required amount food, use medicine to overcome many diseases and create Better conditions for living. All these factors, coupled with the introduction of new, more humane laws, led to an increase in life expectancy, a decrease in infant mortality and, accordingly, an increase in the population.

The population has grown at a particularly rapid pace since the 1950s. the last century. For half a century there was a so-called population explosion. Surprisingly, it took only forty years for humanity to double its population. It is noteworthy that such rapid population growth is explained by an increase in the number of inhabitants in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In these countries, living conditions have improved, and this has allowed them to support the national tradition of conservation large family.

Most of the world's population is made up of a cavalcade of the 20 largest peoples in the world, whose number exceeds 50 million. First of all, they include the Chinese, Americans, Brazilians, Bengalis, Russians, Japanese, Turks, Vietnamese, Iranians, French, British, Italians.

What is the population of the world now?

At the beginning of 2018, the population of our planet exceeds the number of 7.3 billion, but it is unevenly distributed according to various natural, climatic and historical factors.

Most people live in the southeast and south of Asia, as well as in Central and Western Europe. These areas make up about 70 percent of the world's population. In this case, how many people are there for two numerous states- China and India? These giants include about one third of all earthlings. There is only one territory on Earth that has not had and does not have a permanent population - Antarctica. Extremely harsh natural conditions do not give a person the opportunity to occupy these lands, therefore only employees of research stations are temporarily in Antarctica.


According to the UN forecast, by 2050 the world's population could reach 9.7 billion, and by 2100 it should presumably exceed 11 billion. Population began to grow at this rate only in the last few decades, so it is impossible to rely on any historical examples similar in forecasting possible consequences such an increase.

In other words, if the assumption of 11 billion is justified, the current level of knowledge will not allow us now to say what precedents humanity can expect in the future.

Formulation of the problem

The problem, in principle, is not in the size of the Earth's population, but in what will be the number of consumers, in the scale and nature of the consumption of resources from non-renewable sources.

According to David Satterwaite, most of the demographic growth over the next two decades will occur in countries where the income level of the population is estimated to be medium or low.

At first glance, an increase in the number of inhabitants in megacities, even if by several billion, should not have serious consequences if we consider the problem on a global scale. History shows that this is because city dwellers living in low- and middle-income countries are more low level consumption.

Inhabitants of more prosperous countries pollute the environment to a much greater extent, if we compare their way of life with the life of inhabitants of poor countries.

According to scientists, if you look at the lifestyle of a single person, then the difference between the poor and rich categories of the population will be even more significant.

Looking to the future, we must beware of jumping to conclusions. Only time will tell how critical population growth will be for our planet.

Geography lesson grade 5.

Humanity on Earth.

The number and density of the population. Changes in population over historical time, the causes of these changes. Placement of the population. The most populated areas of the world. Human races, equality of races.

Lesson Objectives:

1. Begin the formation of schoolchildren's ideas and knowledge about the population of the Earth.

2. Contribute to the formation of ideas about racial composition and racial issues.

3. Show students the fallacy of theories about the superiority of one race over another.

4. To form ideas about the dynamics of changes in the world population, about the features of the distribution of the world's population and its density.

5. Show influence of conditions environment on humanity.

6. Continue developing the ability to work with contemporary sources information.

7. To form the ability to work in a group.

8. Form knowledge aboutbstudies of N.N.Miklukho-Maclay.

9.Educate tolerant attitude to the people around.

Equipment: textbook, atlas, multimedia presentation, computers, travel diary, world map, signal cards.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Technical assistance: laboratory assistant

Lesson structure:

1.Organizational moment-1min.

2. Motivation learning activities- 3 min.

3. Actualization of basic knowledge - 2 min.

4. Learning new material - 29 min.

Human Origins

Population of the Earth

Population density


Race equality

5. Consolidation of the studied material - 5 min.

6. The result of the lesson - 2 minutes.

7. Reflection - 2 min.

8. Homework - 1 min.


The ticking of the clock is heard in the silence. Guys, what do you hear? What do the clocks count? Hear how fast time goes by, one might say, runs and even rolls! And, moving in a circle, the hands of the clock began to count the time of our lesson.

The topic of the lesson is announced. Students with the help of the teacher formulate the objectives of the lesson.

“Walking in a shady grove, the Greek sage was talking with his student. “Tell me,” the young man asked, “why do you often have doubts?” you lived long life, wiser with experience and studied with the great Hellenes. How is it that so many unclear questions remain for you?in thoughtthe philosopher drew with a staff in front of him 2 circles: a small and a large one.

Your knowledge is a small circle, mine is a large one. But all that's leftin notthese circles are unknown. The small circle has little contact with the unknown. The larger the circle of knowledge, the greater its border with the unknown. And henceforth, the more you learn new things, the more unclear questions you will have.

Today's lesson will expand the circle of your knowledge and perhaps there will be more questions than answers. And this is good. Since it is up to you to decide these questions. In the lesson we will travel through timeandwe will try to unravel the mystery of the origin of people on Earth, get acquainted with different people that inhabit our planet, with the human races. During the trip we will keep a diary. On your desks you have diaries of travelers,

sign them. And so, we begin our mysterious journey into the depths of centuries. And help us with this, Ibragimova Dinara, who will tell about the origin of man. Let's listen to it carefully and fill in the traveler's diary along the way. (presentation No. 1 The origin of man)

Population of the Earth

Now we will consider the question of the size and distribution of the population of the Earth. Do not forget to fill in the travel diary during the teacher's explanation.

Hundreds of different peoples and nationalities live on the globe. They speak different languages. The most common are the 10 languages ​​of the world, which are spoken by 60% of all mankind. If there are 10 main languages, then there are a lot of adverbs and dialects (in Africa, for example, there are about 1000 of them, in India about 200). Every nation has its own customs, its own national clothes, their songs, their the National dish. The most common surname in the world comes from the word "blacksmith". The Ukrainians have Kovalchuk, Kovalenko (“Koval” is a blacksmith). The Russians have Kuznetsov, the Poles have Kovalevsky, Kovalsky, the British have Smith, in Germany and Austria Schmidt.

long time The world's population has increased very slowly. Man depended on natural conditions: he died from diseases, natural Disasters, hunger, wild animals. In 6 thousand BC. with the advent of agriculture, the population of the Earth reached 10 million people. (this is 2 times less than the population of modern Tokyo). Most people lived in the valleys major rivers, on the coasts of warm seas, on flat territories With favorable climate. 2000 thousand years ago at the beginning of our era, 230 million people lived on the planet (this is less than the population of the United States in our time). Gradually, the dependence of man on nature decreased, and the population increased accordingly. Question for students. AT what

century, the population began to grow at a rapid pace? . (slide - Changes in the population of the Earth) And where does the information about the population come from? (Students answer. - from censuses that are carried out in each country approximately 1 time in 10 years) Now the family of peoples of the world has more than 7 billion people. Is it a lot? If you put the entire population of the planet in a line, then it would encircle the Earth along the equator approximately 100 times. Are you wondering how many people live in our village?

In the village Nizhnegorsk is home to 9564 people. (and in 1805 - 48 people slide) Question to students. Do people live on all continents of the Earth?

People live on all continents except Antarctica. They did not spread evenly on Earth. About 70% of the population lives in 7% of the world. Moreover, half of the world's population lives in 6 countries: China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil and Russia. Question for students. Gwhere there are no permanent settlements on Earth? Where are the least people living? There are no permanent settlements in places with harsh living conditions (deserts, mountains, etc.)

Look at the world population density and distribution map. Which continent has the most people?

Most of the population is in Eurasia. The territories in the East, South and South-West of Asia, as well as in Western and Central Europe are especially densely populated.

Population density is the average number of inhabitants per 1 km²territory. Average density population in the world - 40 people\km². In Russia - 8 people / km², Bangladesh - more than 1000 people / km². , and in Australia - (3 people \ km²). (See map "density and distribution of world population") Today every 10 s. The population of the Earth is increasing by 27 people. In one min. – 60 sec., lesson duration – 45 min. Thus, during the lesson (2700 sec.) The population of the planet will increase by 7290 people.

Population growth is driven primarily by countriesAfrica, Asia and South America. Most populated part of the world Asia . (slide). In Russia, the population is 146 million people. AT

More than 120 nationalities live in our country. All together - this is the Russian people.


We continue our journey through countries and continents.

People living on Earth are very different from each other. They have different languages, religions, traditions, customs and, of course, appearance. Why do people differ so much in skin color, hair, facial features, and many other features?

The answer to this question is simple and does not cause controversy among scientists. main reason is nature, or rather the natural conditions in which people lived, settling around the planet. Let's find out how it happened. As a result of centuries of adaptation to a particular environment, various external signs.

Since then, external signs are inherited.

from parents to children, from generation to generation, regardless of where they live. What characteristics are racial?

Body structure.

Skin color, hair, eyes.

The shape and size of the nose, lips.


Define "race"

RaceThis is a group of people with similar external features.

According to external signs, scientists - ethnographers distinguish 4 main human races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid (Equatorial) and Australoid.

And so, we found out what race and racial characteristics are, and identified the main human races. Now we will work in groups on computers.4 groups s3 people. Each group receives individual task. (route sheet). With the help of Wikipedia, you need to find information.

Group 1 - Caucasoid race

Group 2 - Negroid race

3 group - Mongoloid

Group 4 - Australoid. (2 people from the group work on computers, and the 3rd person with an atlas map finds areas of compact residence of a given race and then, using special chips, shows them on a wall map). The remaining students work through the text of the textbook and the map in the atlas and find information about mixed races.

Route sheet


External signs

Adaptations to certain environmental conditions

Areas of compact residence

Group progress report.

Race equality

Guys, what qualities do we appreciate in people? Are they racial? But it was not always so. Let's listen to Tyurina Karina, who will tell us about the equality of races and about the outstanding scientist who proved the equality of races. (presentation about N.N. Miklukho-Maclay).

Consolidation of the studied material

    "Catch the mistake!" - "Traffic light" (see slide)

For a long time, the population of the Earth increased very slowly. This is due to the lack of television, mobile communications and cars at that time. The population began to grow at a particularly rapid pace in the 20th century. Today it is more than 10 billion people. In order not to interfere with each other, the population of the Earth is distributed evenly. The average population density in the world is 44 people.\km². In Russia high density population.

The order of the letters in the suggested words has been changed. You need to parse the keywords of the topic that is being studied.














    Please review the list of words provided. Choose from it the excess, in your opinion.

Tsunami, mongoloid, river, sambo, coordinates, caucasoid, meteorite, mulatto, thermometer, magma, azimuth, negroid, chalk, mestizo, map.


Tsunami, river, coordinates, meteorite, thermometer, magma, azimuth, chalk, map.

Summary of the lesson.

Reflection. (see slide)

Homework . Name the people you know prominent personalities past and present, who belonged to different races.

Read paragraph 18.

Anwser the questions. Prepare a report on the peoples of the world.

Traveler's Diary

Full name of the student:_______________

Task number 1

Hypotheses for the origin of life:

1. Divine



This is science, which deals with issues related to the origin and development of man.

- "Homo sapiens" translated from Latin __________

A person's homeland is _______

Human ancestors are __________

Task number 2

For a long time, the population of the Earth increased by _________.

Gradually, the dependence of a person on ___________ decreased, respectively, ____________ population.

Currently, ______ billion people live on Earth.

People usually live on all continents except _____

They settled on Earth _______

About ______% of the world's population lives on _______% of the globe.

Most of the population in ______

Half of the world's population lives in 6 countries: China, _________, USA, Indonesia, _______, _______.

Task number 3

Population density is the average number of inhabitants in a _______ area.

The average population density in the world is _______.

The average population density in Russia is _______.

Population growth occurs at the expense of African countries, _______ and _______.

In Russia, the population is _________ million people.

Task number 4

A race is a group of people with similar _______________ traits.

Racial characteristics are: body structure, skin color, _______, _______, shape and size of the nose, _______.

According to external signs, __ main human races are distinguished: Caucasoid, ____________, Negroid, _________.

External signs are transmitted by ________ from parents to children, from generation to generation, regardless of the place __________.

Mixed Races: Mestizos (Europeans and _________), Mulattos (Europeans and _________), Sambos (Indians and _________)

Representatives of the Caucasian race __________

or dark skin, ___________ nose, hair _________ or straight. The peoplein,who live in the north of Europe have blond hair, and those who live in the south have __________.

They inhabit the territory of Europe, part of __________, North and _________ America, Australia. Representatives negroid race have _________ skin color, curly coarse hair, __________ nose, __________ lips. On the face and body, the hairline is developed _________.

Black people live in Africa and _________.

Mongoloids have _________ skin color. Black straight hair, ________ eyes, face ________, nose ________. This race includes the Mongols, the Japanese, ________, __________, as well as the Indians - indigenous people America.

Representatives australoid race _______ skin color, hair, eyes. Hair is developed on the face of _______, the nose is _______ and flat. They live in the northeast of Australia and in the east of the island of ________.

An outstanding scientist who proved the equality of races was our compatriot __________.

People of the modern type appeared on Earth about 40 thousand years ago. Due to the peculiarities of the natural and geographical conditions in appearance human differences. For example, dark skin color protects against solar radiation. Curly hair forms an air cushion on the head and protects from overheating.

Where people with a yellowish skin tone live, there are often winds, dust and sand storms. Therefore, the eyes of those people look like a narrow slit with a leather fold covering inner corner eyes. People different continents, countries differ in body structure, skin color, hair, eyes, shape and size of the nose, lips, etc. These signs are called racial. They were formed over a long historical period and are passed down from generation to generation.

human races - this is large groups people connected by a common origin and external signs.

According to external signs, they distinguish four main races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid(or equatorial) and australoid.

To the Caucasian race includes almost half of the planet's humanity. The name itself suggests that most of the peoples of this race live in Europe. With the discovery of America and Australia, Caucasians settled all over the world. They have fair skin, soft straight or slightly wavy hair, a narrow nose, thin lips eye color may vary. In addition to Europeans, Indians, Tajiks, Armenians, and Arabs belong to this race. All Slavs, including Ukrainians, are Caucasians.

People live in Africa and America negroid race. The peoples of this race live in equatorial regions. They have dark skin, hair and eyes, hair is curly or wavy, the hair on the face and body is poorly developed, most of them have a wide nose, the upper jaw protrudes forward, and the lips are thick.

To Mongoloid race belongs to almost 40% of the world's population. The peoples of the Mongoloid race settled in the vast expanses of Asia, the islands of the Pacific Ocean and on both continents of America. The Mongoloids have a yellowish skin color, black straight hair, eyes as narrow as slits, a flat face, a wide nose, thin, slightly thickened lips. This race includes the Mongols, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and other peoples of Asia, as well as the Indians - the indigenous population of America.

Representatives australoid race inhabit the northeast of the Australian mainland and eastern part about. New Guinea. This race is characterized by dark skin, hair, eyes. The hairline is well developed on the face, the nose is wide and flat.

With the growth of the population of the Earth, peoples different races communicated with each other more and more. So there were mixed race mulattos(descendants of blacks and Europeans), mestizos(then-ki Indians and Europeans), sambo(descendants of Indians and Negroes). material from the site

For a long time, Europeans did not recognize the equality of races. Representatives of the Mongoloid race, and especially the Negroid, were considered to be at the lowest stage of development and incapable of creating their own civilization. One of the first to refute this erroneous and inherently racist theory was the world-famous scientist, great-grandson of the Zaporizhzhya Cossack Makhlai N. N. Miklukho-Maclay. He was a famous traveler, lived for many years among the Papuans of New Guinea and proved that they are in no way inferior to Europeans in their mental development. He argued that all people, regardless of place of residence, skin color, hair and other external signs, are the same in their biological characteristics. The Papuans considered Nikolai Nikolaevich their friend. On the coast of New Guinea has a territory named after him Maclay coast.

On this page, material on the topics:

  • Caucasoid race, continents, countries

  • Caucasian race lifestyle in Africa

  • Negroid race biology report

  • Geography grade 7 message about the australoid race

  • Mongoloid race peoples abstract brief

Questions about this item:

The population of our planet today exceeds 7 billion people. This figure is increasing every day.

Population of the Earth

Scientists have determined that in just a decade, the number of people on Earth will increase by 1 billion people. However, such dynamics of the demographic picture was not always so high.

A few centuries ago, the number of people increased slowly. People died from adverse weather conditions and diseases at an early age, since the development of science and technology was at a low level.

To date, the largest countries in terms of population are Japan, China and India. The population of these three countries becomes half of the world's population.

The smallest number of people live in countries whose territory covers equatorial forests, tundra and taiga zones, as well as mountain ranges. The bulk of the world's population lives in the Northern Hemisphere (about 90%).


All mankind is divided into races. Races are organized groups people who are united by common external features - body structure, face shape, skin color, hair structure.

Such external signs were formed as a result of adaptation human physiology to the conditions external environment. There are three major races: Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid.

The most numerous is the Caucasoid race, it includes about 45% of the world's population. Caucasoids inhabit the territory of Europe, part of Asia, South and North America and Australia.

The second largest is the Mongoloid race. The Mongoloid race includes people living in Asia, as well as natives North America- Indians.

The Negroid race ranks third in terms of numbers. Representatives of this race live in Africa. After the slaveholding period, representatives of the Negroid race remained to live in South and North America.


Large races are formed by representatives of many peoples. Most of the world's population belongs to the 20 large nations, their number exceeds 50 million people.

Peoples are communities of people who lived in the same territory for long periods of time. historical periods and united by cultural heritage.

AT modern world there are about 1500 peoples. The geography of their settlement is the most diverse. Some of them are settled all over the planet, some are around within the limits of the settlement.