What happened two thousand years ago? Islamic State: as it was over a thousand years ago.

Shemshuk V.A. - scientist, ecologist, who devoted his life to studying ancient history believes that on Earth there have repeatedly occurred nuclear wars. Studying the humus layer of modern soils, Shemshuk provides strong evidence that the humus layer has repeatedly burned out as a result of nuclear fires.

Shemshuk analyzes our history in great detail, starting from the Hyperborean civilization. He writes: “It can be assumed that there was a civilization the highest level development - Hyperborean. Its center was located in Arctida. apparently essential role, incomprehensible to us, had Mount Meru, located in the center of Arctida. Maybe functionally it was a harmonizer of space. Borean civilization was territorially located on the spot modern Russia. After the cataclysms (pole shift) that occurred, living there became impossible. Obviously, the climate on Earth has changed a lot.”

Pursuing scientific work Shemshuk found that the ocean contains 60 times more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere. The scientist suggested that there was a colossal fire on earth, as a result of which carbon dioxide was “washed out” into the oceans. Calculations showed that to get this amount of carbon dioxide, you need to burn the amount of carbon 20,000 times. Moreover, which is contained in modern biosphere. Shimshuk writes: “I could not believe in such a fantastic result, because if all the water were released from such a huge biosphere, then the level of the World Ocean would rise by 70 meters. Imagine my surprise when it suddenly turned out that just such an amount of water is in the polar caps of the Earth's poles. Amazing match! There was no doubt that all this water was previously contained in the organisms of animals and plants of the dead biosphere. It turned out that the ancient biosphere was 20,000 times larger in mass than ours.

That is why huge ancient riverbeds remained on Earth, which are dozens of times larger than modern ones. And in the Gobi desert, a grandiose dried-up water system has been preserved. Along the ancient shores deep rivers multi-tiered forests grew, in which mastodons, megateria, glyptodonts, saber-toothed tigers and other giants were found. Simple calculations show that with a biosphere 20,000 times larger than ours, Atmosphere pressure should be 8-9 atmospheres. And then there was another confirmation. The researchers decided to determine gas composition in air bubbles, which are often found in amber - the petrified resin of ancient trees, and measure the pressure in them. The oxygen content in the air turned out to be 28% (in the modern atmosphere - 21%), and the pressure - 8 atmospheres! With such a density of the atmosphere, the air element was thoroughly mastered by life, and the flight was normal. One could swim in Air like in water. Many people have dreams in which they fly. This is a manifestation of deep memory about amazing abilities fly.

In ancient times, there were huge sequoias, reaching a height of 100 meters, eucalyptus - 150 meters. The modern forest has a height of only 15-20 meters. Now 70% of the Earth's territory are deserts, semi-deserts and sparsely populated spaces.
Thus, it can be argued that our planet could have a biosphere 20,000 times larger than the modern one. dense air was more thermally conductive, so the subtropical climate spread from the equator to the poles, where there was no ice shell. The reality that Antarctica was ice-free confirmed American expedition Admiral Beyerd in 1946-47, who discovered muddy deposits on the ocean floor near Antarctica. So, in ancient times, rivers flowed in Antarctica. Frozen trees have also been found on the mainland. Piri Reis maps from the 16th century also show an ice-free Antarctica known to have been discovered in the 18th century. According to a number of researchers, these maps were redrawn from ancient sources stored in the Library of Alexandria (finally burned during the Muslim conquest), and they depict the surface of Antarctica as it was before the glaciation.
high density atmosphere allowed people to live high in the mountains, where the air pressure was reduced to one atmosphere. The now lifeless ancient Indian city of Tiahuanaco, built at an altitude of 5000 meters, was once really inhabited.

The fertile soil layer is now from 20 cm to 1 meter in different regions Earth. In all places on Earth, multi-meter deposits of red and yellow clays are found. In the past, these clays were red and yellow soils, from which organic remains were washed out by the waters of the flood. The multi-meter layer of ancient soils gave strength to the powerful biosphere. The trees reached a height of up to 400-600 meters. Gigantism was also observed in herbaceous plants. The gigantism of most animal species in the past is confirmed by paleontological finds. In our biosphere today, biologists count only 1,000,000 animal species and 500,000 plant species. According to the Padma Purana, describing antediluvian times, 900,000 species of fish and invertebrates lived in the water, 1,100,000 species of insects, 1,000,000 species of birds, 3,000,000 species of animals and about 400,000 anthropomorphic species lived on land. total 6.4 million animal species. There were 2,000,000 species of plants.”
During this most favorable period, all living things flourished on Earth. Asuras also had gigantic proportions. Shimshuk in his book "Our Ancestors" reports the discovery of a giant fragment of a human skull. UP also reports similar finds in North America. Mirolyubov, making a reservation, it is true that the scientists did not know what species these gigantic human bones belonged to. Shemshuk writes: “Huge skeletons and skulls of asuras were also found on the territory of the USSR, but where they later disappeared, and why these finds were not made public, will be discussed further. I will only note that in psychology there is a phenomenon that if a person does not recognize an object and cannot compare it with anything, then he simply does not see it.

According to many researchers of antiquity, whom it is fashionable to call the best representatives of mankind, such as Blavatsky, Roerich, Muldashev, asuras and Atlanteans created on Earth the country of sages Shambhala, hidden from human eyes. According to many, this country is located in Tibet, in the region of Mount Kailash, underground. E. Muldashev specially organized an expedition to Tibet to Kailash in search of Shambhala. He described the results of his expedition in his wonderful books. Muldashev believes that Mount Kailash is also a man-made pyramid, the embodiment of Mount Meru.
A whole galaxy of foreign and domestic researchers (Blavatsky, Muldashev, Shimshuk, etc.) in their works prove the existence of a civilization 30,000 - 7,000 years BC, which inherited the culture of asuras and Atlanteans. Shemshuk claims that it was a Borean civilization. From it come the roots of such nationalities as modern Slavic, Greek. The civilization of the Boreans had a single planetary culture and was not divided into nationalities. Many facts point to this.
. The commonality of all religions is the same understanding of the essence of the universe, the truth of which was confirmed only with the discovery quantum theory and field theory.
. The doctrine of the existence of the Soul exists in all religions.
. The same musical instruments all nationalities (plucked, wind and drums).
. Distribution of pyramids and ring-shaped megaliths around the world.
These and other facts indicate that about 10,000 years ago a single people lived on earth, with common culture and common language.
Shemshuk, conducting very serious studies of cultures and religions different peoples comes to the conclusion that it is the Slavic culture and Slavic languages(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian) are the most ancient and descended from ancient language Boreans of Devanagari. On the territory of Russia and Ukraine, the god Ra was the main god. This is proven by these words:
. Russia - Ra-siya (Ra shining)
. Time - y - Ra - me (Ra has my I)
. Tomorrow is the precept of Ra
. Faith - to know Ra
Main river Russia - Volga. It used to be called Ra.
There are many more Russian words with the root Ra: dawn, joy, holiday, rainbow.
Many words with a prefix denoted the divinity of action, i.e. this action joint with the god Ra: dream, consider, meditate


A thousand years ago is an awful long time ago.

There is not a single thing in my room older than fifty years. In Leningrad there is not a single house older than two hundred and seventy-five years.

A thousand years ago there was neither Leningrad nor Moscow. People then lived very differently.

If I can read the papyrus, I will know how a person lived, what a person did. over a thousand years ago.

What was he thinking about as he sat at his desk writing this papyrus?

Or maybe there were no tables then?

And what did he write about: were the pens then the same as ours, and was the ink similar to ours? And when did he write: in what year? winter or summer? daytime or evening? And if in the evening, then by a lamp or by a candle? Were there lamps and candles then? And who was he himself: a craftsman or a commander, a merchant or a teacher, an office worker or a priest? What language did you speak? Did he live in a village or in a city? What did you like to eat? How old was he? What was his name?

I thought: I will learn something when I read the papyrus.

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Stephen Oppenheimer, British physician, formerly of population genetics and DNA genealogy, and then switched to history prehistoric period, - together with the Bradshaw Foundation, drew a map of the early migrations of mankind, which clearly showed how climate change have influenced the movement of people for thousands of years. Arzamas translated the map and asked him to explain why the dates he gives differ from those suggested by Oppenheimer.

Over 160 thousand years ago

Modern man - Homo sapiens appeared in Africa. The oldest known to archaeologists certificates of mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome found in East Africa.

160–135 thousand years ago

Four groups of hunters and gatherers formed, three of which went south to the Cape Good Hope, southwest to the Congo Basin and west to the Shore Ivory, carrying with it the first generation of the mitochondrial DNA haplogroup L1 gene.

135–115 thousand years ago

One group of people 125 thousand years ago passed through the green Sahara along northern route to the Nile and the Levant.

115–90 thousand years ago

The branch that reached the Levant died out about 90 thousand years ago. global cooling turned this area and all of Africa into a harsh desert. Later this territory was mastered by Neanderthals.

90–85 thousand years ago

85 thousand years ago, one of the groups crossed the Red Sea in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait (called the "Gate of Tears"), migrating along south coast Arabian Peninsula towards India and eating food collected along the coast. All non-African peoples came out of this group.

85–75 thousand years ago

From Sri Lanka they continued to move along the coast indian ocean to Western Indonesia, then to the Asian part of the land. Still adhering to the coast, they bypassed Borneo and moved towards South China.

74 thousand years ago

Volcano Toba

The eruption of the supervolcano Toba (Sumatra) led to nuclear winter, which lasted 6 years, instantly began a thousand-year ice age and a sharp reduction in the population to 10 thousand adults. Volcanic ash covered the territory of modern India and Pakistan with a layer of up to five meters.

74–65 thousand years ago

After the devastation of the Indian subcontinent, it was repopulated. on boats individual groups people sailed from Timor to Australia and from Borneo to New Guinea. In the north, during the early pleniglacial period, there were severe colds.

65–52 thousand years ago

A sharp increase in temperature 52 thousand years ago allowed separate groups of people to finally rise north to the Fertile Crescent and return to the Levant. From there, about 50 thousand years ago, through the Bosphorus, they began to rise to Europe.

52–45 thousand years ago

Little Ice Age. The Aurignacian culture of the Upper Paleolithic period moved from Turkey to Bulgaria and Europe. Stone tools of a new type began to be found all the way up the Danube, in Hungary and Austria.

45–40 thousand years ago

Groups of people with east coast Asia began to move west along the steppes Central Asia. From Pakistan they went to Central Asia, and from Indochina to the Tibetan Plateau.

40–25 thousand years ago

Central Asians moved westward towards of Eastern Europe, north to North polar circle and join the residents East Asia, spreading across North-Eastern Eurasia. During this period, stunning works of art appeared, such as paintings in the Chauvet cave (France).

25–22 thousand years ago

The ancestors of the Native Americans who crossed the Bering Isthmus, which connects Siberia and Alaska, from the last glacial maximum reached Meadowcroft either through an ice-free corridor or along the coast.

22–19 thousand years ago

During the last ice age, the population Northern Europe, Asia and North America decreased; there were separate surviving groups of people locked in their refugia. In North America, an ice-free corridor was closed, and the path along the coast also froze.


Places where species or groups of species experience unfavorable periods of geological time - in this case places where people experienced the last ice age.

19–15 thousand years ago

The last glacial maximum 18 thousand years ago. In North America, on southern border glaciations, individual groups continued to develop a diversity of language, culture and genes, moving into South America. Australian rock painting— Mural Bradshaw.

15–12.5 thousand years ago

Continued improvement global climate led to renewed migration along the coast. Radiocarbon analysis confirmed the presence of people in the settlements of Monte Verde (Chile) from 11,790 to 13,565 years ago. Simple stone tools were found here - flint flakes and cobblestones.

12.5–10 thousand years ago

The re-exploration of North America 12.5 thousand years ago from the south, following the retreating ice to the north. 11.5 thousand years ago in the Subarctic, people left the Bering Refugium, becoming representatives of the Eskimo-Aleutian language family and Na-Dene languages.

10–8 thousand years ago

Final termination ice age laid the foundation for agriculture. The Sahara was green, as evidenced by images of giraffes in life size on petroglyphs in Niger. Recolonization of Britain and Scandinavia.

The places where Agriculture

55th parallel

Since ancient times, the Arabian Peninsula has been inhabited nomadic tribes pastoralists. The founder of Islam, Muhammad, managed to rally them together. The state he created in just a hundred years managed to turn into one of the strongest powers in the world.

How did the Arab Caliphate begin?

Around the 630s, the Arabs began to arrange regular sorties outside their native Arabian Peninsula. The reason is simple - the young state needed resources and new territories.

By subjugating other lands, the Arab nobility gained access to the “horn of plenty”: slaves, captives, who could be returned for a rich ransom, and most importantly, tribute collected from all captured peoples.

At the very beginning, the Arabs were quite loyal to the population and the structure of the countries they captured. They did not interfere with local traditions, did not arrange mass migration of peoples and were distinguished by religious tolerance. Moreover, they even adopted some elements of the cult from conquered strangers.

But later the situation began to change. In all the conquered states, the process of Arabization was launched local population. Most quickly and relatively painlessly, this took place where, even before the formation of the caliphate, numerous Arab communities lived. For example, in Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia and Egypt. Approximately the same was observed with the spread of Islam.

Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism in the subordinate territories began to gradually fade away, although the Arabs did not persecute representatives of other religions.

True, the Gentiles were severely limited in their rights.

Such a rapid transformation of the Caliphate into a major power is still called a phenomenon by many historians. The fact is that on their way to greatness, the Arabs faced two of the most powerful states of that time - Byzantium and Sasanian Persia. But people from the Arabian Peninsula were lucky. Both of these empires were in decline due to years of confrontation with each other and internal crisis. The Arabs took advantage of the weakness of their formidable rivals, which resulted in three waves of aggressive campaigns.

First wave

From the very beginning, the Arabs were lucky. They managed to conquer the Levant from Byzantium, and rich and fertile Mesopotamia from Persia. And in 633, the Caliphate invaded the borders of the Sassanid Empire itself. The confrontation lasted nineteen years and ended with the complete victory of the Arabs.

The Sassanid dynasty ceased to exist, the territory of Persia went to the caliphate, and Islam replaced Zoroastrianism.

While the war with the Persians was going on, the Arab commander Amr ibn al-As in just a year (641-642) managed to annex Egypt to the territory of the Caliphate. Five years later, the Arabs organized the first invasion of North Africa two armies, total strength about forty thousand people. At the head of this army was Sheikh Abdullah ibn Saad.

The results of this invasion were not so impressive. Only Carthage fell under the influence of the Caliphate. After spending more than a year in exhausting campaigns in the deserts, the sheikh returned with an army to Egypt.

In 656, a fire broke out within the state Civil War provoked by the assassination of Caliph Usman. The throne was occupied by Ali ibn Abu Talib, but a few years later he also died.

Despite the confusion, the Arabs managed to subdue the countries of Transcaucasia and Derbent. True, not for long. Already by 661, almost all of this territory had become independent of the caliphate - the help of Byzantium had an effect.

Second wave

As soon as the situation in the caliphate calmed down, the Arabs again poured into North Africa, which was under the control of Byzantium.

The fifty thousandth army under the command of Uqba ibn Nafi managed to take the city of Kairouan and turn it into the main outpost for further military advance in the shortest possible time. This fortress became the capital new area Ifriqiya, located on the territory of modern Tunisia.

The war with the nomads, who were actively supported by Byzantium, was unsuccessful for the Arabs. First, Ibn Nafi himself died in one of the battles, and then Zuheir, the commander sent in his place.

Another civil war and an uprising in Syria prevented the suppression of the uprising. The second North African campaign had to be urgently curtailed.

third wave

New military campaign began in the late 780s. First of all, the Arabs zealously took up the return lost territories Transcaucasia. Behind short term they were able to conquer three East Georgian principalities, but fully entrenched only in one of them - Kartli.

Then the caliphate sent troops to the west of Georgia, where the principality of Egrisi was located, dependent on Byzantium. The local ruler decided that it was pointless to fight the Arabs and therefore simply surrendered the city and helped the invaders drive out the Greeks.

Thus, by the year 700, almost all of Transcaucasia was under the rule of the Caliphate, with the exception of a few mountainous areas who were subject to Byzantium.

When the Transcaucasian states were finished, the Arabs sent their armies to the countries of the Maghreb (as they called the North African coast). There, of course, they were already “not welcome”. Therefore, the waxes of the caliphate had to re-capture the cities of their former province of Ifriqiya. But Byzantium was waiting for such a turn of events and arrived from Constantinople big army, which was supported by detachments from Sicily, as well as the Visigoths from Roman Spain.

At first, the Arabs decided not to get involved in an open battle, but retreated to Kairouan. But soon the opponents still had to face. The decisive battle took place near Carthage, where the Arabs defeated the Allied troops and freely entered the city.

Another battle took place near Utica. But even here the Caliphate was stronger. Two crushing defeats forced Byzantine Empire relinquish claims to the North African coast. And the Arabs continued their conquests.

In less than ten years, they managed to subjugate all the countries of the Maghreb. The only exception was the city of Ceuta, located on the coast of modern Morocco, opposite Gibraltar. By joining such vast territory, Arab Caliphate increased his "appetites" and began to look towards the delicious Iberian Peninsula.

In 711, the commander Tariq ibn Ziyad landed with his army in Spain. The war with the Visigoths lasted about three years, and ended with the destruction of their state.

While the war was going on in the Pyrenees, the Arabs in 712 managed to significantly expand their eastern borders, having conquered the region along the lower reaches of the Indus called Sindh.

This is how “historians” incorporated into church ideology want to present us with our ancient ancestors who lived 30-40 thousand years ago on the territory of present-day Russia:

According to the Church formed under the influence official history on the territory of modern Russia, almost until the baptism of Russia in 988, wild tribes lived. About any organized society that owns scientific knowledge, there was no talk.

Let's do small digression into prehistory. Completely prehistoric. However, if we talk about the Slavic ancestors of the Russians, everything that they had before the Baptism of Russia is all prehistory. Since there are currently no documented sources, except for rare artifacts. Everything pagan was carefully destroyed - and some people got the impression that this was the case (including under the influence of the Russian school history) that there was no one before the advent of Christianity in our Russian territories. The Slavs, they say, having somehow originated somewhere, having come from nowhere, came from somewhere and ran in skins through the forests with digging sticks. Animals, they say. And this suits many.

One gets the feeling that our ancestors climbed trees until the arrival of the Ruriks. But is it?

In 1879 in the village of Kostenki, Khokholsky district Voronezh region the first car park was opened primitive man. AT different time more than 26 Stone Age sites were discovered and explored. In time, they belong to a huge chronological interval: from 40,000 to 20,000 years ago.

Kostenki is recognized as the richest place in Russia where Upper Paleolithic sites - people modern type. Here on the territory of about 10 sq. km, more than 60 sites have been discovered (on a number of dwellings, sometimes very large), dating from 50 to 15 thousand years ago.
In connection with the huge area (albeit at different times) of settlement, researchers are looking for arguments in favor of recognizing Kostenki as one of the oldest proto-cities on the planet!

Under the roof of the museum, an ancient dwelling was mothballed, built of mammoth bones and surrounded by five pits-pantries for storing food supplies.

Scientists of the international archaeological expedition (Russia, USA, Great Britain and Italy), who worked at a unique complex of Late Paleolithic sites in the village of Kostenki, Voronezh Region, managed to prove that modern people settled on the Don more than 40 thousand years ago.

In 2001, a whole skeleton of a young mammoth was discovered at the same site, including the always poorly preserved skull. If this find was made in Siberia, then it would be an ordinary phenomenon. But it was in Kostenki, where archaeologists throughout the study found only individual mammoth bones brought to the sites by people in ancient times for their household needs. The found mammoth either got stuck in the swampy soil and died there, or fell into a karst funnel unnoticed by him. In the same year, the head of a human figurine from a mammoth tusk was found 35-37 thousand years ago according to the radiocarbon dating system and according to paleomagnetic data - older than 42 thousand years. This is a world sensation, since by now it is the oldest sculptural image of a person in the Paleolithic of Europe. The age of the sculptural images from Galgenberg and Vogelherd, which were previously considered the oldest, was determined at the level of about 30-32 thousand years. Thus, the age of the oldest works of art in Europe falls by 10,000 years ago!

According to the results obtained from the American laboratory in 2002, the age of the lowest cultural layer of Kostenki 12 can drop to 50,000 years instead of the traditional 40,000 years for the Upper Paleolithic! Despite a solid previous study, Kostenki today is an iceberg, most of which rests under water and waits in the wings and its researcher.

In 1955, in the Vladimir region, under construction work a Paleolithic burial known as Sungir was found, in which the remains of a man and two children were found.

Here is what we learn from the data of these archaeological studies.

The reconstruction of the clothes and appearance of the men from the Sungir-1 burial showed that our ancient ancestors dressed well 25-30 thousand years ago, very stylishly even in modern glamorous times.

The quantity and elegance of ornaments, tools and household items found here excludes common ideas about people in Upper Paleolithic as a continuous struggle for survival.
The powerful physique of a man from the Sungir-1 burial is surprising.
With a height of 180 cm, he was much stronger modern man and wider at the shoulders - the length of his collarbone was 190 mm.
His clothes were richly embroidered with exquisite mammoth tusk ornaments.
The level of technology possessed by the Sungir people is surprising - for example, they not only easily drilled bone beads and plates, but also knew how to straighten mammoth tusks to make bone spears! None modern technologies it is impossible to straighten the tusks (editor's note: there is a version of the softening of the mammoth tusk in hydrochloric acid, only at the same time the bone loses its hardness and becomes unsuitable for making a durable spear; modern people straightening the tusk while maintaining bone hardness has not yet been possible).
The reconstruction of the appearance and clothes of the buried man shows that he looked quite imposing from the point of view of modern aesthetics and could act in action films as the main positive character:

Reconstruction of the dwellings of our ancestors 25-30 thousand years ago according to archaeological excavations:

Another burial and reconstruction of the faces of people and clothes. This is the burial of two teenagers, a boy and a girl, who died at the same time, probably from some kind of illness or poisoning. Their clothes are also richly and skillfully decorated with beads.

All found remains of clothing are trimmed with a total of tens of thousands of beads.
Clothing decorated in this way speaks not only of high culture wearing it, but also about the presence a large number free time to make it.
The same situation is with found household items. They are carefully carved from mammoth bones, they have drawings on them, but the most interesting thing is that ocher was used for their coloring!
And from obtaining ocher is one step to obtaining iron, which arises as by-product when burning ocher from spherosiderite (in Russian, spherosiderite is called “bloodstone”) and swamp ore.
But even if there was something iron in use at that time, it could not have survived for 25-30 thousand years in the rather damp Vladimir land. But the holes in the bone beads clearly show that they were most likely drilled with something metallic. Only drilling with a metal tool would make it possible to produce beads in such huge quantities for abundant embroidery even of children's clothes (in total, more than 10 thousand beads were found in the local excavations, i.e. the ancients established their mass production).

These things, which were used by our ancient ancestors, who lived on modern Vladimir lands, not less than 25 thousand years:

Based on the evidence that decoration provides us, we can conclude that already 25-30 thousand years ago in the territory Vladimir region there were settlements of people who actively used the achievements of science in everyday life and organized their economy in such a way that they had time for creativity.
These are the "wild inhabitants of the trees."
Interestingly, all these artifacts are located in open access in museums and everyone can get acquainted with them. If desired.