How to believe in a dream that it will come true. The famous parable of a dream

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You have a dream and a desire to make it come true, but fears and insecurities take precedence over You? Find out one indisputable proof that you can make your wildest dream come true!

What is desire?

A wish- this is what we want to see manifested from the many options for those pictures that we see, invent, dream, feel.

As soon as a desire is formed in You, everything that contributes to its fulfillment, already present in invisible world . You only need to get in touch with the means of realizing it and believe that desire already exists.

Ask yourself right now: “If I were allowed to have and do what I want, if I was sure that it would not hurt or upset anyone, I would not feel guilty and afraid of judgment - what would I want ?

Understanding what dream you carry under your heart can be difficult if you have many fears and limitations. Many of us have been "forbidden" to say what we want, and we are used to hiding our desires even from ourselves:

"Stop dreaming"

"Come down from heaven to earth"

“What were you thinking up there? Be realistic"

“Dreams are just fleeting fantasies, you should not pay attention to them. You better get busy."

“This is unrealistic, dream of something simpler”….

Over the years of working with other people, I have witnessed many times how the scope of “possible” expands after changing limiting beliefs. An adult person seems to become a child again and begins to really dream. And it's a holiday! A celebration of freedom, self-expression and a return to one's true essence.

Listen, whatever voices are in Your head right now, and whatever they are telling You, this is yesterday's story, which You can rewrite right now. make up your mind allow yourself to wish and allow yourself to dream big. Understand that all the desires of Your heart bring with them possibilities. All.

Everything exists here and now

You can imagine and want only what already exists right now, otherwise You would not be able to dream about it. Think for yourself: You couldn't want ice cream if it didn't exist and you didn't know how it tastes.

We can only see what is. Imagination is the ability to see the invisible.

If you have a desire to achieve something, then somewhere in the space of options there is a reality in which you already have it right now. And right now You see it with your inner eye, in your imagination.

So we have two versions: You who dreams of something and You who already has it. What makes you different?

If you observe these two versions, you will surely notice that they are in different able. And do you know why? Because they have different beliefs.

For example, You want to create a happy relationship. If you want this, then there is already somewhere in the space of options you, which is already in a relationship. And the "presence" of this picture, just makes you want.

But let's get back to you. If you consciously dream about relationships, but are still lonely, then this is only because the emotion of fear turns out to be stronger than desire and suppresses it. Somewhere on deep level You associate the realization of your dream with pain, and therefore Your consciousness protects You from this.

For example, you may believe that "Men are dangerous creatures."

Or that “Something is wrong with you, since you still can’t create a relationship.”

Or “If your mother and grandmother could not build normal happy relationship with your men, then the same fate is prepared for you ... "

These and other statements I hear over and over again in individual work with your clients.

When You believe in such thoughts, what signal do You send to the Universe? That's right, contradictory!

On the one hand, consciously, "I want to be in a relationship." On the other hand, unconsciously, “Relationships can hurt me. I don't want a relationship." However, remember that unconscious desires are always stronger because they contain more energy.

Listen, whenever You desire something and the desire does not come true, know that You believe in something that prevents it from being fulfilled. Try to find yourself in the following list:

think you are unworthy

seems to be impossible to achieve

the dream seems to be real, but deep down it seems that it is too beautiful,

It always seems like it's not the right time

Do you think that you will be judged if you get what you want or that it will upset someone ...

Please understand that if you don't get what you want, it's only because the emotion of fear is stronger than desire. And in order to fulfill your dream, you must understand what unconscious thoughts suppress your desire, and then replace them with those that will contribute to its implementation.

Think what should you believe about yourself and the world to make your dream come true?

How will you be yourself feel When will your dream come true?

How will you be doing this act what actions will you do?

The whole point is that when You rise to the desired level of consciousness, Your desire will itself pave the way to You!

But what about "obstacles"?

When you realize that in order to fulfill your dream, you need to be a different person, you begin to look at obstacles as opportunities.

Each "obstacle" exists for you to "grow" to the level of your dreams. You must learn to act differently.

In order to act differently, You must feel differently. And you can feel differently only when you believe in the reality of the realization of your dreams and that you deserve it.

There are no limits in our mind! All accomplishments begin with faith!

Confidence is believing without having to look for proof. It is based on the fact that it is really worth believing. When there is such faith, the evidence comes by itself.

Evidence is irrelevant, and neither is what other people say or think. Believe it yourself and everyone else will want to believe it too. They may not take the same positions as You, but they will respect Your beliefs - especially if You do not preach your faith, but radiate it.

I remember when I was just starting to take my first steps in the Internet business, the biggest obstacle that was the hardest to overcome was disbelief and lack of support. I did not succeed right away, there were many sleepless nights and frank conversations with God. There were moments when I was ready to give up, but the desire to succeed was much higher than all these difficulties. Over the years and experience, I realized very clearly that I, and only I, must believe in myself even when the whole world doubts me. And this is 100% true. Now my truth.

What to do next?

You have two ways:

let it be as it is. After all, it is familiar, understandable and predictable. Your mind likes everything familiar, it doesn't like to step into the unknown. He likes to analyze everything through the prism of past experience. And since there was no such experience, he gives a signal - do not go there, danger.

allow yourself to dream and believe that you are worthy and able to fulfill your wildest dream. Start changing your attitudes and states in any, even the most seemingly hopeless situation. And then new opportunities will begin to open before You that will help You get what You want with all your heart.

Which one do you choose? Please let me know in the comments.

There is probably no person in the world who has not indulged in dreams at least once in his life. It all starts from childhood - in our clean heads there are thoughts about the future. Psychologists say that in this way the formation of the child's thinking takes place, the imagination of the little man develops. They also note that for the most part, the dreams of children are illusions that are unlikely to ever come true. But given fact does not bother the little ones in any way, they have a good, short memory for disappointments. Streams of thoughts are formed in their heads and what is important for them is what is happening now, in this moment. Everything else flows like a river that has no future and no past.

Adults often become the main listeners of the dreams of their beloved child - he can talk for hours on end about what he would like. Because the world of dreams, magic and all the possibilities - this is the world of the baby. In addition, they have an amazing imagination that has no limits. But as soon as years are added, a person grows up - dreams become more scarce. We only think about what is possible. And the older the person, the more impossible for him. That is, dreams fade. And in vain! Psychologists are alarmed by the pragmatism of people. They have lost the opportunity to think even about the little possible, but good.

Dreaming is not only pleasant, but also useful! And then together we will learn a number of reasons - why people should be dreamers.

You are your dreams

Everyone knows that in our dreams we create an ideal future. That is, we plan an ideal situation, without which no expected event is possible. Therefore, it is important to know what a person dreams about, what he expects from life. Not everyone, surprisingly, can decide on specific desires. This is the reason why they don't come true. Everything must be clearly defined. But don't be upset this situation you can always fix it, it's like a mirror that you just need to wipe with a clean cloth.

What gives a person dreams

Adults know perfectly well that any business must begin with clear plan, project. Dreams are the outlines by which you should build your life. Organize your thoughts, set the order of desires and achieve each of them in order of priority. If there is porridge, a pun, then nothing will be achieved. When it is easier to make plans, find resources and act.

In the course of moving towards the goal, we will learn a lot of new things, open up new opportunities. Also, even if it is a thorny path, it strengthens our faith, makes us wiser and more patient. At these moments, everyone can pay attention to what he was not interested in before. The boundaries of knowledge are expanding, experience is accumulating, new acquaintances and relationships are emerging. The person is growing healthy habits, changes its taste, becomes more elated from small victories. The once gloomy pessimist turns into an optimist. A new personality is born in it, capable of climbing the heights of luck, success, seeing the goal and achieving it. He expects miracles from heaven, and relies only on himself, his mind, logic. At the same time, it is necessary to turn off the hardened realist in yourself, for whom dreams are a waste of time.

  1. Realization of positive desires. If a person really wants something in all seriousness, then there is every chance that the dream will come true. positive type thinking makes a person act, do everything to realize it. And positive thoughts always change life for the better. There is harmony in the soul, pleasant expectations, there is no time to think about problems. Unlike losers, dreamers are always filled positive energy They are kind, witty, sensitive to other people's troubles.
  2. Don't just dream, but act. A lot of people over 30 often complain that life has not turned out the way they once dreamed. They are looking for the reason not in themselves, but in the inconsistency of reality, they say the whole world is arranged in such a way that it is unlikely that anything can be achieved honestly. They criticize everyone around, but do not think about their guilt. It’s not enough just to dream, you need to take firm steps towards your dream. You need to work on yourself, learn, achieve. A rolling stone gathers no moss!
  3. Dreams improve a person. Few people dream of bad things. There is hardly a person who thinks that in the future he will easily deceive, offend, destroy. Dreams are positive thinking and having them makes us better. We are improving, we try to correspond only to the good things that we want.
  4. The dream corrects life. A clearly defined goal is a kind of benchmark towards which dreamers go. They try to do everything so that troubles and wrong behavior do not interfere with the chosen path. Here it is important to have patience, wisdom and not to stop. Thanks to perseverance, the idols of millions have achieved what they wanted, someone has built good house, someone started big family, and someone flew into space.
  5. Dreams fill life with meaning. Empty and worthless thoughts only depress our existence, and pleasant, beautiful dream fills with special meaning, makes our life bright, rich. Thanks to the dream, we can discover new talents and opportunities. You will understand what your soul is really drawn to, what gives it true pleasure.
  6. The dreamer has better health and well-being. To achieve what you want, a person needs to live longer. So, he will be more attentive to his health. In addition, there will be no time to get sick, all thoughts and actions are directed towards the realization of a dream. According to statistics, it is pessimists who often form queues to doctors, and optimists, purposeful people at this time are on the way to their dreams. Also this positive trait allows a person to grow in his own eyes, to set even more adventurous goals.
  7. The growth of self-esteem. Dreaming, achieving his goal, a person takes on a serious responsibility. At the same time, his, therefore, self-respect grows. Also, the dreamer needs to be selective so that nothing leads astray. Therefore, he treats everything in a balanced way, accepts only right decisions on a subconscious level. This is a pledge good earnings, career growth, high reputation.
  8. Harmony in the family. Psychologists unanimously claim that families of dreamers are the most happy people. If a person respects himself, his life, the same will be projected on relatives and relatives. He has no desire to change anything, to change the character of his spouse. Dreamers think only about a bright future, which inspires confidence in tomorrow to their households.
  9. Relationships with children. Dreamers are the best parents. First, they are easy to find mutual language with their "colleagues" - dreamy children. Secondly, their house is always cozy, warm and positive. The dreamer thinks not only about his own, but also about the life of the child, strives to create all the conditions for him to make the dream of the reliability of the younger generation come true.
  10. We resist the pressure of far-fetched circumstances. All of us at least once in our lives set ourselves some kind of task, and we always faced certain circumstances. And then panic began, the fear that they could not be overcome. But as for the dreamers, for whom the goal was born from a desired dream, they endure trials steadfastly, and besiege the fortresses of circumstances. It turns out that the goal gives special forces, spiritual and psychological strength, dexterity, logical thinking thanks to which all obstacles are overwhelmed. And pessimists immediately give up and nothing goes well. And there is only one thing left for them - to blame the failures not on themselves "beloved", but on those around them.

It turns out that a dream is an engine that pushes us to feats in order to achieve them.

What to do to make dreams come true

Imagine for a moment that you are a programmer who is asked to write a program for human brain. The work must be done so that at the end you can press the Inter key and everything will work. But this program is called the Dream, which needs to be downloaded to the USB flash drive of our thinking. But it’s not enough just to write a project, you also need to make sure that you can click on Inter, that is, make your wishes come true. And what is needed for this, we will find out in detail.

  1. Imagine for a moment that your wish has come true. And look at the current situation as if from above, play it in your thoughts. Well, do you like it? Is this what you wanted? Believe me, this exercise allows everyone, without exception, to remove unnecessary dreams from the list and will allow you to focus only on the necessary and important ones. Thanks to the action, you will be able to fine-tune the aim and shoot at the target without interference. And if you scatter over trifles, think about absurdities, then there can be no question of any implementation. Because time and energy are wasted on unnecessary things.
  2. Formulate thoughts clearly. Many people build sentences incorrectly, project the future poorly. For example, if a person thinks that he wants a lot of money, then if they appear, they flow away like water. Another thinks about visiting England - also wrong. I need to think - I want to be secure, have Good work. Due to the complexity of the goal, there will be a lot of money and opportunities to realize other desires.
  3. Make an accurate calculation. If you want to achieve what you want, take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts with a strip. On the left we write the desire, on the right we write the actions that need to be carried out. This makes it possible to clearly calculate the steps, what and who needs to be involved. For example, there is a desire to take a certain position. Why do not they take - we write all this on the right side. And we start working on the bugs, step by step.
  4. We get rid of doubts. If you don't believe in anything, then nothing will come true. Wishes come true for those who believe in their dream, its realization. Also, one should not question one's desires because of age, poor income and other circumstances. Are you not familiar with amazing stories those who in an instant became a millionaire received an inheritance from an unknown person. Categorically do not allow viruses in your thoughts that can disable the program for a prosperous future.
  5. Hurry up slowly. The dream must be real, feasible. It's not about not wanting what others have, just be careful with the scale. This is necessary in order not to be upset because of an unrealizable desire and wasted efforts and efforts. In any case, the majority should not immediately expect a lot, this is possible only with a miracle, which also has a place in our lives. Hurry towards your dream with equal and slow steps. Divide the section to the desire into parts and go through each of them in turn. It's like doing ab exercises. Fitness club trainers know that long sessions and a heavy load only lead to breakdowns. Cubes occur if a person exercises for 20-30 minutes a day for a long time. Remember the Chinese proverb "The millennium begins with the first steps."

The dream is the parent of the miracle

Yes, and it's not a stipulation. All that humanity can boast of is the fruit of the dreams of those who created them. When humanity dreamed of getting rid of a number of terrible diseases, thanks to the dreams of scientists and their work, they were defeated. People wanted to get into space - the dreams of scientists and astronauts were realized. You can give a lot of examples of how a person who managed to grab his dream and realize it to the delight of others. At the same time, many discoverers heard a lot of insults, reproaches, and ridicule behind their backs. But they were persistent on the way to desires and achieved their goal.

Do dreams have negative traits

In this regard, everything depends on the nature of the dreamer. Some are so absorbed in their desires and their realization that they forget about those around them and are ready to walk, as they say, "over the corpses." And if you fail to realize them, then the meaning of life is lost. In this case, you immediately need to clarify - what did you dream about? Perhaps it is still too early or it was initially unfeasible. Or maybe they made little effort, gave up slack, missed the moment? Don't worry, try again and you'll be fine. Before proceeding with the implementation, consider whether there is at least one percent of what it will be implemented.

It's not bad to dream

Whether you want to dream or not is up to you. Psychologists say that dreams are a kind of risk. A person already believes in a good future, hopes and is completely absorbed in expectation. What if you can't achieve what you want? Or what you dreamed about turned into a negative, a disaster. Often the situation leads to complete despair. A frustrated person becomes depressed, there may be serious nervous breakdowns up to and including suicide.

Agree, it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that time has passed, the desired is impossible. These thoughts are serious psychological trauma. What to do? Experts insist that in life, in addition to dreams, there should be other interests. Otherwise, a person will be broken by failure, like a glass vessel. Also, you can’t wish for one thing, let there be at least 5 items on the list. Something will come true and will make bright adjustments to existence.

false dreams

In psychology, there is a term "false dream". It speaks of a wish that could not come true in the first place. Moreover, such a dream is simply dangerous for people. For example, a girl dreams of becoming a famous singer, but at the same time she has neither vocal nor external data. As the saying goes, "An elephant stepped on the ear." Well, does it make sense to hope for something in this situation. But problems with self-criticism, a stubborn nature and an illusory vision make such girls continue to move forward. The time spent could be devoted to another activity in which you can really show your abilities. But no - and there comes that very moment of complete disappointment and nervous breakdown. In such cases, it would be correct to say that it is not dreams that are harmful, but misconception about reality.

So, we have studied - what is a dream, what does it give and negative points associated with it. Thinking about the good, we are filled only with positive and rejoice, even if for the future. If people did not dream, then much of what we have, we would not have. The same culture, history, politics are created by dreamers. Cinema, theater, music are gifts from dreamy natures. The absence of desires would lead us along the course of a river, in the waters of which we would feel like an ordinary chip. We wouldn't make discoveries, travelers wouldn't swim across Atlantic Ocean, museums did not open, amazing skyscrapers were built, sewed beautiful clothes etc.

Without a dream, a person would not be able to believe in a great future, nothing would stimulate him to diligent work. Imagine for a moment what it means to live in which there is no place for joyful anticipation of the future. Not only discoveries, there would be no life, no civilizations.

Dream and achieve your desires. But be careful in them, think about the profitable and drive away thoughts about the unreal. Get rid of the behavior. Also get rid of viruses that form doubts. Desire regardless of age social status. Let them not become an obstacle negative situations that have developed at this moment, a ray of the sun will in any case break through the dark clouds and warm with its warmth.

And the last thing: for the dream to materialize, look at it every day. To do this, hang a photo of the desired house, car, dress, etc. on a large panel. Every morning, as soon as you open your eyes, your dream will look at you, and you will think about it. Stroking through a short time as the lucky owner of what you want, you will want to hang a picture of something else that you dream about again.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

"As you know, if you believe in a dream with all your heart, it will definitely come true", - the story of Alexander Grin "Scarlet Sails".

" My Company started with a dream. I dreamed" , Mary Kay Ash once wrote.

Mary Kay's dream was a company created for the self-realization of women. Prior to starting her company, Mary had learned a positive lesson from a mother who repeated to her daughter: " You are capable of it!".

The second lesson she learned when she started the company was that she had to do everything with a positive attitude.

Mary Kay often said: Act with enthusiasm and enthusiasm will come. Great work is impossible without enthusiasm" . She believed that every person has a purpose, otherwise — " God wouldn't waste time".

Everyone dreams: scientists, business women, ordinary housewives, and you, of course, also dream. Thoughts flow sluggishly, one replaces the other, and suddenly one day you realize that - "I want."

Who suggested this idea to you? What would you like:

  • Change the life!;
  • Read books on personal development and share knowledge with others!;
  • Create a company that brings people joy, happiness and goodness!;
  • Marry unique person, with no less unique abilities, beliefs, thoughts!;
  • To give birth to a child and educate with his own natural talents!;
  • Understand what is the purpose of life for you?

"Mary Kay knew what the purpose of her life was, and this purpose is wider than her own life.When the host of the television program "60 Minutes" suggested that Mary Kay was using the idea of ​​God to further her ambitions, Mary did not hesitate to protest that he turned everything upside down.-she sincerely believes that it is God who uses her to achieve his goals"Jim Underwood.

Everything begins with him - with a Desire or an Idea:

  • The easiest way to fulfill a dream is to decide on it!;
  • Once an idea has arisen, it means that it is already alive, do not dismiss it. Your idea has the right to be implemented;
  • Write down all your Ideas - Desires!;
  • One day you will understand and see your idea in action! One day you may realize your purpose! Own way! The main thing to remember is: Nature gives access to her ideas!

The famous parable of a dream

The peasant lived his life calmly, with dignity and "correctly." Died. Went to heaven. God leads him through the gate and shows him new life:

Here is your villa on the sea, here is your snow-white limousine, here is your wealth and comfort...

The man asks in amazement:

Lord, why didn't you give me all this when I lived on earth?

And God answered him:

Well, you yourself asked: "Lord, give me at least a penny", about all this you evendidn't dream!

Look around, what do you see?: books, TV, works of art, armchair, table, telephone? Everything that you see around you and next to you was once someone's ideas.

Maybe you have a coffee cup in front of you? Do you know who invented the first paper filter for coffee? In 1873, a Dresden housewife, Melitta Benz! She was troubled by the fact that the last sip from the cup always contained more coffee grounds than coffee. Her attempts to improve the drink were crowned with success in June 1908, when the German Royal Patent Office licensed her know-how, a micropore coffee filter for making coffee. It all started with the fact that she made a hole in the bottom of the pot and put blotting paper from school notebook her eldest son. The coffee filter was invented. In 1908, she received a patent and, together with her husband Hugo, founded the company Melitta to produce an innovation.

American inventor Josephine Cochrane (Josephine Cochrane) designed and built in 1886 the first ever mechanized dishwasher. It is worth noting that the Cochrane device was recognized as a necessary thing in the household only 40 years later. These inventions were made with minimal starting capital and women and different fate, but what united them was a dream / desire / goal. This is their creation! Pride! Motivation to achieve and contribute to the common cause!

I am sure you will be able to understand yourself, find yourself, decide on your values, goals, beliefs, and then your self-confidence will increase. Because everything that you sincerely begin to believe in will become your reality.

(Fragment from the book - "The Bottle of Happiness". Fundamentals of Positive Astropsychology Diana Dozmarova. - M .: Grifon, 2014. - 376 s)

Many people are interested in questions. How to believe in yourself? How to believe in your dream? Why believe at all?

You need to believe, first of all, to achieve success. If you do not believe in yourself, in your strength, then the path to success can increase significantly. It is very difficult to succeed if you do not believe in a positive result from the very beginning.

How to believe?

It's not enough to say, "Just believe it will happen." Often the reason we don't believe in own forces, in our possibilities, lies in the fact that we never even tried to believe in them.


Indeed, many of us, even setting goals for ourselves, often do not believe in the possibility of achieving them, in the possibility of their implementation.

But on the other hand, each person has many beliefs that were imposed from the outside. If you look at what you believe, you will see that many of your beliefs are not yours. From the cradle we are fed various kinds of beliefs.

We are fed beliefs by our parents, friends, the media.

The beliefs imposed by us can be about anything: money, relationships, politics, religion, etc….

You may have often heard that:

“Money is evil”, “Money is the root of all troubles” ( in fact, the root of all troubles is not money, but the love of money).

“If you do poorly at school / college, you will not achieve anything in life” (as if Einstein, Steve Jobs studied well).

“If you want to get a good job and earn a lot, you need to graduate from the institute.”

I remembered a joke in the subject.

Two new Russians meet. One says to the other:

Listen bro, take your son to work with you.

Not a question, of course.

I don't want to arrange it for myself. You know, I want him to grow up to be a man.

I understand, let's take your boy. Salary 20,000 dollars a month, a car with a personal driver, a personal secretary, well, everything is like people.

Yes, you understand, I want him to grow up with me as a man. Give him a $300 salary and have him plow full time.

You know, I don't have a job like that. For such work, you need a diploma and 5 years of study.

Thus, many of our beliefs are imposed on us from outside. Many of these beliefs keep us from living.

Let's look at the process of creating external beliefs. Let's take a look to understand how they are formed and how they take root in our head.

How are external beliefs? Let's take a look at some of the strongest beliefs - beliefs imposed on us from childhood by our parents.

Let's take as an example the belief: "Money is the root of all troubles."

How are external beliefs formed?

STEP 1 :Declare specific belief.

First, we are told a specific belief “Money is the root of all troubles” ( no matter what we may not believe in it from the start.)

STEP 2 : Drive belief into the head, repeated repetitions.

Hitting the head with multiple repetitions.

People didn't believe in religious teachings, political ideals, commercials in one day. Such beliefs take root through many repetitions and long period absorbing information.

If you look at our specific example, then this phrase(“Money is the root of all troubles”), we can be repeated many times. We can hear it at breakfast, while walking, anywhere.

It doesn't matter if your inner self denies this belief. Constant hammering will definitely lead you to this belief ( This is very skillfully used by politicians, through the media).

Repetition - it works, remember, at least how you were taught to write.

STEP 3 : Constantly communicate with people who share these beliefs.

If you look at how religious beliefs and political views are formed, you will be surprised to find that the process of rooting, strengthening these beliefs was “helped” by long-term communication with those who shared these views.

People do not communicate with those who do not share their views. Atheists don't associate with Christians. Muslims don't associate with Jews. Rich and self-confident people rarely communicate with pissed-off losers. People who believe in the same thing are drawn to each other. Poor people to poor people, rich people to rich people, middle class people to middle class people. It's hard to argue with that.

If you look at our example, then everything is simple here. A person who believes that “Money is the root of all troubles” will never be rich. This means that his social circle is people who share these beliefs, and, accordingly, people are not rich.

STEP 4 : Find confirmation of beliefs and beliefs in the surrounding world.

if you long time hammered into your head, and you are surrounded by people who share your views, you will very soon begin to find confirmation of your beliefs in the world around you.

Atheists, seeing the wars and suffering that occur in the world, will conclude that God does not exist ( if he existed, he would not allow all this). Christians communicate with people who share their beliefs, go to temples, and also find confirmation of their faith.

If you were inspired that “Money is the root of all troubles”, then you will also definitely find confirmation of this. You will find many stories when rich people were very unhappy, when rich people got what they deserved, for their greed and greed. You will definitely find confirmation that “Money is evil”, that “Money is the root of all troubles”. And if YOU do not find it, then these confirmations will definitely “help” find people from your environment who share these beliefs.

STEP 5 : Actions to strengthen beliefs.

You yourself begin to take action to strengthen your beliefs.

If you accepted a particular belief that was told to you, repeated it to you many times, and besides, you communicate with people who share these views and find confirmation of your beliefs in life, then over time, you begin to act. Your actions are aimed at strengthening your beliefs.

You begin to purposefully seek information that confirms your beliefs. You purposefully act to confirm your beliefs.

Considering our example. Then in this case you will act in such a way that would not make money. You will refuse some good opportunities, from offers of a new high-paying job, you may even sabotage your current job in order not to become rich.

STEP 6 A: Recognize success.

Recognize your own success. Recognize your own success to strengthen your faith.

If we look at our example (the persuasion “Money is the root of all troubles”“Money is evil”), then admit to yourself that you are poor, but proud. Admit to yourself that you are not rich, but you have not had to sell your conscience, break the law, sell your soul to the devil, or do anything else that rich people usually do. Just admit it to yourself… Congratulations! Now your belief is completely rooted in you.

Now really for you “Money is the root of all troubles”, now this is your reality.

STEP 7 : Repeat steps 2-6.

Repeat steps 2-6.

If you look carefully, you will see that all the beliefs that have been imposed on you have gone through all six steps multiple times.

The example that was discussed above (“Money is evil”, “Money is the root of all troubles”) may not be the most successful, but it shows how other people's beliefs take root in our minds, even if we ourselves do not want it.

So why not use these steps to achieve success, to achieve our goals in life (link to article how to achieve a goal)?

It's time to become a person responsible for your own beliefs.

Let's look at some example when we need to achieve something. When we need to believe in something, to believe in order to achieve the goal.

Believe in a dream or how to believe in yourself.

STEP 1 : First state a specific belief.

It doesn't matter if you believe in it or not. Just state what you want to achieve. State what you want to achieve.

Let's choose with you, for example, some belief that will not cause indignation of readers of any political views, any religion, any nationality.

Let's pick a positive belief that many people have a hard time believing.

Well, for example: “I will lose 8 kg excess weight". Good. You have taken the first step. You have created a certain belief.

You made a specific point. Yes, you may have a hard time believing in him. Perhaps you have already tried to lose weight and nothing worked for you. Forget about your past experience. Your past experience is just a reflection of your Self in the past.

You must learn to let go of your past. Many people do not pursue their dreams because they judge their abilities based on personal past experiences.

What you have had in the past is not a reflection of your abilities, it is only a reflection of your consciousness. If you had negative experience, leave it in the past. Do correct conclusions and move on.

So, you have expressed a specific belief, it's time to move on to the next step.

STEP 2 : Hammering a belief into the head by repeated repetition.

If many of our beliefs are hammered into our heads for a long time by other people, then this time things will turn out a little differently. At this time, a new belief came into your head will not hammer.

If it's really your belief, if it's what you really want, then you are responsible for getting it into your head.

Perhaps your inner self will deny the possibility of achieving your goal, perhaps it will deny your faith, your beliefs. Your inner voice(hash link turn off internal voice) will tell you that you will not succeed. It doesn't matter. The only important thing is that you firmly decided to achieve your goal, you firmly decided to achieve a result.

Keep repeating what you can. Repeat this several times a day. What needs to be done specifically, you ask? The answer has three points.

1. Write down your beliefs.

This is one of the most powerful exercises for establishing your new beliefs. Just write down your beliefs.

If we consider our example, then simply write: "I will lose 8 kg of excess weight" "I will be able to lose 8 kg of excess weight."

2. Stick your belief notes everywhere you can see them.

Stick your beliefs on the fridge, doors, monitor, table lamp, bathroom mirror. Paste leaflets with your goals everywhere.

By the way, this action can have a double effect.

Perhaps this action will help you not only believe in yourself. But it will also make you angry. The desire to reach the end. After all, as a rule, we do not live alone. And your notes, which are pasted everywhere, will be seen not only by you, but your relatives, your friends, work colleagues and other people will see. And many of them will quietly laugh at you, and perhaps not very quietly, but defiantly, making it clear that you will not succeed.

And perhaps this will be for you exactly what will not let you go astray at half the distance, this will be what will keep you on the path to achieving the goal. Anger at these people, the desire to prove something, the desire to prove that you are worth something in this world, to prove that, will allow you to move on. Even when there is a desire to quit everything, there will be a desire to give up.

3. Every day, imagine that you have achieved your goal.

Imagine that you have already got the result you want to get.


It is difficult for our brain to understand the difference between what we see with our eyes and what we draw in our imagination.

If you do these three things on a daily basis, rather than on an occasional basis, you will be able to root your belief. You will be able to believe that this is real.

STEP 3 : Keep in touch with people who share your beliefs. Keep in touch with people who share your views.

You believed in what you can do. You believed that you would achieve your goals. You really believed it!

Get started!

Get to know people who share your beliefs. If your goal is to reset overweight- visit the gym. Find like-minded people. Find someone who will train with you.

We choose our social circle, largely based on our views. After all, it is not in vain that they say that we are the arithmetic mean of five of our friends. If you take the 5 people with whom you communicate the most, then it is very likely that these people have approximately the same income, occupy the same social position, and have similar beliefs and beliefs to you.

See who are the 5 people you interact with the most. Who are these people? What have they achieved in life? Try to understand what kind of person you are becoming by interacting with these people. Do they help you grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally. Whether these relationships inspire you, whether they contribute to your development, achieve your goals, or pull you back, only hinder you. Think!

Communicate with people who have already achieved results, they will tell you what is best to do and how to do it. If your goal is to lose those extra pounds, meet people who have succeeded. They can be of great help to you.

STEP 4 : Find confirmation of your beliefs, your beliefs in the world around you.

If you really believed in something, then you will always find confirmation of this. And it doesn't really matter what you believe.

If you believe that you can lose 8 kg, learn foreign language, pump up muscles, whatever, you will find confirmation of this.

You will find information about people who have already succeeded. Do you remember your previous experience. Remember those moments when you already achieved something, overcame yourself. It doesn't matter what you believe. If you believe, then you create a certain reality around you in which you live. Think about it?

If you are driving, you Bad mood besides, you also got into a traffic jam, then it is very likely that you will begin to believe that all other drivers are sheep. And they really become these sheep. They often cut you off, do not let you into your lane .... Be careful what you believe. Be careful with bad settings.

If you believe you can, if you believe you can, reality begins to take the form of your beliefs. Reality is starting to take shape in accordance with your dreams, and this will be another sign that you are on the right track. The main thing is to believe and you will succeed.

It is also very important that beliefs carry positive charge. When you see something that confirms your beliefs, write down that fact, write down what you noticed. It can be anything. Like another person who has achieved a result, so are your small successes on the way to a big goal.

Strengthen your faith. Find stories about people who have already reached their goal. Who have proven in their experience that what you are striving for is possible.

If your goal is to lose extra pounds, look for “success stories”. Find stories of people who have already done it.

STEP 5 : Get started. Start taking action to strengthen your beliefs.

Believe in your dream and you will succeed. Believe - dreams come true, you just need to work hard.