How to become independent of the system. Avoid boring conversations

1. Quit drinking, smoking, eating meat. Not eaten in fast food outlets. In general, there is nothing to eat anywhere, it is desirable to feed yourself with live food, limit carbohydrates, exclude sugar. Do not chew gum. It is advisable to switch to tooth powder: fluoride compounds in toothpastes inhibit the pineal gland.

3. Start talking to the carcass. The body, this divine vessel, has its own voice and its own consciousness, and always says what it needs and what it doesn't need. And you have to learn to respect him. The need for low-vibration food indicates distortions in cell structure. Establish contact with the elements of the body. Make friends with them and give them tasks to clean, restore and transform the true organism. Talk to water while washing. Ask her to clear lower bodies thank her for that. Do not walk around with loose hair. Hair is antennas, they collect other people's thoughts and unnecessary information. Let your hair down only when communicating with the Highest, in meditation.

4. Every day (you can do gymnastics in the evening), any complex of calm, smooth energy exercises to meditative music. Gymnastics sometimes turns into deep meditation(but this is only later, when the vibrations are high, it all happens by itself).

5. Daily walk 2-3 hours in the air, preferably away from the matrix. Communication with nature. stop visiting shopping centers, stadiums, demonstrations, smoky pubs and glamorous establishments. Avoid unnecessary communication.

6. Go through your entire wardrobe. Leave comfortable, practical, not pretentious natural things in a free cut. Well, T-shirts with jeans, of course. Understand that there are more things than you can bear. Distribute excess. Wear less jewelry. Chains, chains, bracelets, rings, all this binds energies, blocks free current.

7. Throw out the microwave, never watch TV (throw out). Turn off unnecessary appliances in the house from the network. Remove all the intricacies of wires and not “stand under the arrow”) Do not chat on the mobile (almost throw it away), turn it off during sleep, meditation and when you are not: for example, you are in another dimension or create. Computer - well, it's hard to throw it away, I understand. But limit all nonsense, purchases from Internet sites and women's forums, games for boys. visit perfect order in the room, in the house, in the garden. Clean all the corners, throw out everything unnecessary, ruthlessly. Say goodbye to all the broken, broken, glued, not working, rubbish lying on the mezzanine. Down with rubbish. What's outside is inside. Repair whatever is needed. Faucets must not leak. Love everything that surrounds you.

8. Forgive everyone and ask everyone for forgiveness. All those who obsessively appear in your head, like an uninvited guest, and start with you internal dialogue even though you didn't invite him.

9. Communication with animals, plants and small children is very shown.

10. Then, after a couple of months, you realize that due to the painstaking excavation of distortions, costs have decreased. So, you can try to work less.

11. Stop worrying about your age. Move your body to the point in your sphere where you were most comfortable in terms of appearance. And let your body know about it.

12. Stop worrying about anything at all. Don't rush anywhere. You are in eternity. Do not ignore what seems trifling.

13. Get creative. Write, draw, glue planes, sing, dance, collect nothing. Life is a verb. Best activity - drawing in the sand)

14. Smile. Everyone and everywhere

This is a terrible concept, which in different wording say all the awakened ones, is not at all what our fearful mind takes it for. Therefore, we are constantly trying to postpone this terrible far-fetched moment of SOME GREAT ASOCIAL ACTION, with which we associate the concept of "leaving society." With which we directly connect our awakening. We put it off so much that we forget about the goal, so much so that we destroy the very hope of somehow changing our life. Horror before the IMAGINARY monumental and decisive action obscures to us all the simplicity of the true path, confuses all concepts. We end up being willing to do anything as "preparation to get on the path" so long as we don't live our lives.

But they only talk about being responsible for your life. The notorious way out of society is the rejection of crutches that society obligingly lends you, saving its adherents from being unable to take responsibility for their lives and decisions. It offers you a ready-to-death life with a set of ready-made solutions. Born, studied, married, cured, brought up, rested, went through entertainment, retired - that's it, the end. The way out of society is, in fact, a departure from the well-trodden mechanistic paths along which you used to roll. Just? Just! And incredibly difficult. You will see it, just start trying, start doing right now.

The easiest way to start moving towards yourself without pathos and hasty sacrifices of work, friendship, hobbies and comfortable life- choose for yourself any regimen compatible with your lifestyle and strictly follow it. Your life right now is a limited set of mechanistic programs. Try to take it into your own hands, place semaphores on the path of the locomotive carrying you to the grave. If you have become close to a guru, then you have probably received practices or instructions (which, by the way, you have high hopes for) - yoga, meditation, gibberish, prayer, highlighting an observer or astral body. If not, you will definitely have your daily tasks. Be diligent. Write down 3-4 simple things. Give rigid boundaries to your usual activities: the same day-to-day rise time, the time of your practice, the time of creativity, the time of eating, the time of going to bed.

Before you start, please note that you CHOSEN them YOURSELF, YOU made the decision to follow this regimen. And now try to implement your plan for YOURSELF. Already on the second or third day it will become obvious that you do not own your life, feel how deeply you are bogged down in the "society", how you are weak-willed and not free in elementary solutions. Every time there are reasons, excuses, innocent events, such as the arrival of your beloved grandmother, an important party, "a lot of work." You will see that your whole seemingly free and hitherto conscious life is crushing you with a heavy bag, just to protect you from such a reckless decision as an attempt to answer for yourself.

Don't give up, don't give up, keep doing and watching. Just monotonously follow your decision - whether it's a radical change in your entire lifestyle or simple daily inclusions in your routine. Fall down and get up again. Do not lose sight of your decision and your goal, and you will see how everything starts to change. No shining knight in shining armor makes a super determined heroic deed. The original work is completely unsuitable for inclusion in the annals of the heroes. Because this is a humiliating fuss in the mud of one's own ignorance, in a swamp of inertia, full of mistakes, weakness, despair and doubts. Until you get totally tired of it and make the final and, most importantly, very simple, quiet and invisible decision. After that it will be possible to compose legends, but you will not care at all.

What is life like in a city? Not life, but captivity!

Crowd, cops, cars, garbage piles,

Stink, racket, stress, whores, mmm,

The boss is a bastard, work is a seam, friends are Judas.

Tap water - blue vitriol,

Neighbors are creatures in the fifth generation.

Neurosis, arthrosis, thrombosis, leukemia, diarrhea -

Diseases of the urban population!

(Timur Shaov. "Village")

Why read this chapter?

Understand why people from capitals go to villages;

Find out how it makes them freer;

Appreciate the irony of the very fact that ardent individualists moved to the countryside.

My heroes, the Khalibuts from the first chapter, tired of life in the metropolis, chose between the Russian and Thai villages. They chose the latter - and do not regret it. And there are people who chose the first - and are also satisfied. They sometimes call themselves downshifters, sometimes - to get away from associations with beaches and the sea - ushers. Or even like this: aliens from consumerism - this is the “term” proposed by the former Moscow manager Mustafa Ibrahim, who moved to Chelyabinsk region.

Rat race in a squirrel wheel

A certified psychologist from Volgograd, Mustafa Ibrahim (this, as you probably already guessed, is not a real name, but an online pseudonym) moved to Moscow and started consulting. A few years later he became the head of the training department of a large American company, bought an apartment in the capital and began to lead a lifestyle corresponding to his status: he bought prestigious outfits, went on vacation abroad, hired a nanny-nurse for his poodle. It was the death of a long-sick beloved dog - almost a family member - that became one of the reasons for change: a vacuum formed, questions began to appear ... And then answers:

“The understanding came that this system of making money for me turned into an end in itself ... into a squirrel wheel and a rat race. Let me explain. If you want to get a well-paid job, you have to look and dress a certain way… You have to wear high-status clothes, go to high-status places, and so on. All this requires money. Roughly speaking, if your salary was raised from ten thousand at your previous job to thirty thousand at your new one, this does not mean that the difference of twenty can be put aside in a money-box ... If the next week after the promotion you continue to come to work in an old suit, your boss will say: “You are the face of the firm. We pay you enough, be kind, dress appropriately ... ”At some point you come to the conclusion that you earn money in order to earn money ... By the end of my Moscow life, there was only enough time for work. Weekends were spent in order to get enough sleep, gain strength - and again rush into battle. And it turned out for me too decisive factor. I decided to end this. I realized that this is not mine. This is at odds with my goals."

This is how Mustafa talked about his motives, for example, in a TV show. But if you collect information from different media, it turns out that it's not just about the poodle or money. The head of the department had enough reasons to “take and change everything”: starting from a conflict with the boss and ending with a passion for Sufism and a desire to write books in the bosom of nature. Mustafa said - Mustafa did: he sold an apartment in Moscow and went to the Chelyabinsk region, to a village not far from Arkaim (the places of ancient settlements where Mustafa once came as part of expeditions and noticed even then).

If at first the former manager generously shared his thoughts and discoveries of new worlds with correspondents and talk show hosts, then - having obviously met with irony and misunderstanding - he limited interaction with the media and "systemic journalists" and concentrated on potential and real ushers. He now talks a lot with them and willingly talks on the Internet, rejoicing when "their regiment" arrives.

In one of the interviews, Mustafa spoke about the “pain”: “We feel rejection from others. The message is this: top managers are mad with fat, these are glamorous characters who are tired of something, and they go under the palm tree to sunbathe and do nothing ... ”By the way, Mustafa fails to do nothing. Buying and equipping country house, he realized that the dwelling was too large for him, and ... opened a hotel there. In it, at first, he cooked and cleaned himself, not forgetting to write parables and enjoy nature and freedom from the office framework.

Agrotourism on the topic of the day

A psychologist with an entrepreneurial streak organized the Lapti-Tour artel, which operates in the niche of agro-tourism that is fashionable in the West, but is still completely misunderstood in Russia. This is when tourists go to rest not on the beach, but in the village. And they still work there.

WWOOF (from English. World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms or Willing Workers on Organic Farms) - special programs agritourism, in which tourism is combined with work for a farmer. Sometimes such a "tourist-laborer" pays something to the host (if the work during the "tour" is purely symbolic), but more often he lives and works for free. This program operates all over the world: as a rule, a work visa for unpaid short-term work is not required, a standard tourist set of documents and an agreement with a farmer from the area in which you want to prove yourself are enough.

According to Mustafa, at first, those around him were surprised by his tour package, which includes daily free work, but now this proposal does not shock anyone. However, PR campaigns to stimulate love for outdoor work do not prevent Mustafa from either jokingly or seriously quoting Nietzsche's words: "Everyone who cannot devote two-thirds of the day to himself should be recognized as a slave."

Where did the departed go?

Former manager appreciates comfort. He repaired and landscaped an eight-room house, installed Internet and satellite TV there. A traditional toilet in the yard and other attributes that you probably remember rural life Mustafa refers to stereotypes. Whether for this, or for some other reason, in the village they do not consider him “normal”. “Now I have become a real local lunatic. AT literally. Even now I see how, when meeting with me, the village grannies stretch their hand to their foreheads ... to cross themselves. And it’s true: what hasn’t been said about him, and it’s easy to believe - there are two tails on the head, one on the back of the head, the other on the chin, he ties up the tresses and his beard, God forgive me! Mustafa Ibrahim writes in his blog at

The attitude of the locals is understandable. Another thing is surprising: an individualist, wanting freedom from the framework, goes to the Russian village, known for conservatism and collectivism in the most diverse - including negative - senses of these words.

Even the most strong spirit corporations can only dream of such an amazing unity of thoughts and feelings. Experts try to explain this phenomenon by the fact that peasants in Hard time used to rely only on people who are nearby. No matter how you interpret this phenomenon, a society of this type will most likely be able to accept a person who refuses to adhere to the rules only as a hero, an outcast, or a madman.

By the way, there are chances to get a special status (and the opportunity not to perform socially desirable duties) in office life. For example, numerous programmers and even some high-ranking IT professionals have won the unspoken right to wear the clothes they like and wash as often as they like.

It is also not surprising that the new Russian peasants on Internet resources agitate those who remained in the city to move, offer them houses for sale in the neighborhood and help in settling in a new place. After all, an assailant who moved to forgotten by the world village, in some ways more difficult than a downshifter in India or Thailand. Firstly, abroad there is no, but there is a Russian community of those who have slowed down. Secondly, the attitude towards visitors from Russia is benevolent - as tourists spending money, and not as strangers from Moscow buying up the land of their fathers.

Thirdly, the newly minted residents of the beaches usually have no illusions that one day they will wake up as Indians or Thais - their own people.

The same Viktor Sergienko (better known online as Koshasty, who at one time promised a global crisis and moved to the countryside for complete self-sufficiency) is interested not only in moving away from the city, but also in “not being separated from the surrounding peasants.” Both he calls the main measures of "passive protection".

Settling in the village will be easier for those who, while living on the land, continue to work in the city, or for those who take positions of teachers, journalists of the district newspaper, and employees of the local administration that are understandable to the villagers.

The Arithmetic of Freedom. Exact numbers no one will call.

Koshasty, in extreme cases, offers to dig dugouts in the forest and live there. Of course, it is not necessary to dig out housing with your own hands. A more traditional house in the village can be bought, and for almost any price.

No matter how you decide on housing, you will have to spend money on shovels, seeds, the Internet and other essentials. The same Koshasty, for example, includes half a ton of salt (he has just that much), a box of matches and a box of soap. But if you don't wait global crisis and do not set as your goal complete autonomy from city life, you can focus not on his method (he posted clear instructions on the net, I will not retell), but on your ideas about the future and needs in the present.

Who is this script for?

For those who want to retire early. Or leave on time, but have an idea of ​​what to do next. It is much more pleasant to grow flowers in the village than to perform the not-so-easy functions of a metrobaby in the city.

Artists, poets and other creative people.

Plein air sketches, rural muses, the spicy aroma of local sakura and manure… Eh!

Incorrigible romantics, ready not only to dream, but also to work. They will have the hardest time.

As it happens. Chicherina works in the village

A little over a year ago, singer Yulia Chicherina and her family moved to a village near Moscow. However, she did not give up her career. Moreover, I am sure that it is more pleasant to create in the countryside. In the house of her dreams, the singer has equipped a gym and even a studio, where she now writes songs. She told the author of this book about the reasons for the move in a short interview:

"For all my hectic life I changed many apartments and, of course, lived in Moscow. But after two years in the city, I firmly decided to move to a place where there is no crazy bustle of the metropolis and polluted air. In the open, one thinks and dreams differently. Only here you can switch off and feel that you really live, see the stars and look at the sky above your head.

It is extremely difficult for a creative person to work when everything around is ringing, noisy and distracting. No wonder so many poets or musicians prefer to write at night - precisely then everything is quiet. And the advantage of the village is that there is no need to wait for the night - it is always quiet here. That is why, when the question arose about the construction of housing, we decided to build not just a house, but a studio house where you can live and create.”

Yulia spends most of her time in the village, several times a month she goes on tour in Russia and filming in Moscow. Her home is unusual shape with huge triangular windows to the floor - has become a local landmark. Grandmothers take their grandchildren to him on excursions - to look at the exotic.

Now Julia does not complain about anything, she only boasts: she says that her health has become better in nature, her mood cannot be more beautiful, and most importantly, she breathes more freely and works more productively.

The rural idyll is sometimes disturbed by the weather: for example, during construction, equipment could not pass due to rains, but even this did not stop the house from being created in a little over a month. The pastoral picture, invented and brought to life by herself, Yulia describes with pleasure:

“There was an attempt to grow a garden, but it was not so easy. All this needs to be looked after, groomed, cherished, so that something really edible grows. We grew some vegetables, but they turned out to have a very specific taste. I prefer to deal with flowers, trees.

I feel so comfortable here that I wouldn’t leave here if it wasn’t for my favorite job O. I don’t like hanging out at all, it’s a waste of time. And here everything is created for life and creativity. In addition to creativity, we are fond of construction, now we have almost completed the bathhouse. We study all technical innovations - for example, environmentally friendly devices for the home, solar panels. We are interested in everything that does not harm nature and the environment.”

Instead of output

To the village, to the wilderness, to Saratov

According to individual newspaper publications, the idea of ​​moving to ecologically clean villages took possession of the minds of bored residents of the metropolis five years ago. Fresh legend, but hard to believe. First, the simplification of Leo Tolstoy has not yet been canceled. Secondly, the Roman emperor Diocletian at one time went to cultivate a garden, and answered all calls to return to power: “If you saw what kind of cabbage I grew, you would not pester me with your senseless proposals.” But even if you do not go far into history, then I, in a sense, am a hereditary “outsider”. My parents once left a large industrial city in northern Russia, where they once went to work, for a home on “their own land” in southern Siberia. Yes, yes, it was me, either in horror, or in admiration, froze in front of thirty acres, on which they had to first bury and then dig up potatoes. This was brought to me by neighbors of rabbits that escaped from my innovative cages (experimental animal husbandry was my weakness) ... But let's return from my rabbits to our sheep.

Leaving the village is far from unambiguous. On the one hand, even the preacher of rural life, Mustafa, says: “To make money in Russia, you need to live in Moscow.” About roads, the Internet and the opportunity to get a good education in the village we will not remind. For those who have forgotten about these pastoral charms, the heroes of this book in previous chapters must have reminded them of them when they argued for their move to the beach.

On the other hand, it is difficult to disagree with the ethologist, laureate Nobel Prize Konrad Lorenz, who in his book "The Eight Deadly Sins of Civilized Mankind" castigates overcrowding of cities, devastation living space(what we usually call bad environment), racing with yourself ...

In 1974, when the word "downshifting" had not yet been invented, the scientist talked about the exhausting haste, which is driven by the fear of losing in artificially created competition, about the lack of time for reflection, about the vanished joy of being, about the fact that money is no longer perceived as a means and begin to see each other as a goal ... "All of us living in densely populated cultural countries and even more so in big cities, we no longer realize how much we lack ordinary, warm and cordial human love, ”writes Lorenz. Almost word for word, Lorentz was echoed by psychologists at a recent Moscow conference. And they even tried to come up with names for specific "urban neuroses", specifying, however, that the villagers have their own special problems.

Be that as it may, many townspeople are strongly attracted to rural paradise. According to analysts of the Real Estate Market Indicators Center, three percent of native Muscovites annually move to the regions for permanent residence. This figure does not reflect how many people buy houses in the villages and plots of land, so to speak, for the future - while still not resigning from anywhere and not moving anywhere. Some publications about this trend even glow with hope: the ushers, accustomed to civilization, will lead good routes and the Internet to the Russian outback ... For example, actor Pyotr Mamonov “made” a road in the village where he settled.


In the narcotic sense of the word.

In this text we are talking about the Russian countryside, but if you look at The Good Life by Helen and Scott Nearing (a married couple who moved from New York to the countryside during the Great Depression), you will see that these phenomena are characteristic not only of the Russian hinterland. “We came to Vermont as complete strangers. The indigenous people of these places often use the word "foreigners" ("strangers") to refer to newcomers. They are treated with suspicion, they are not in a hurry to include in the circle of acquaintances. Any community requires compliance with its laws and customs. Locals want to see among their neighbors those who were born and raised nearby. In small remote communities, this criterion is placed above any other,” the authors write.

Back in 2002, for example, the Expert magazine wrote about this (“What will neighbor Vasily think?”). For ten years, the situation may have changed a little, but cardinal transformations of consciousness are unlikely to have occurred.

Turning your life upside down is much easier than you might think. It is important to understand why you need it. And first of all, it is worth noting that the concept of "fatigue" as a cause is hardly appropriate here.

Downshifting, which is so fashionable now, has been firmly established in our open spaces for more than ten years. From English, "downshifting" can be translated as "downward movement", but it has nothing to do with degradation. A more appropriate definition would be choosing a less stressful lifestyle and shifting values ​​towards the spiritual. After all, even if you have a more than decent salary, two guaranteed vacations a year in an exotic resort and a luxury luxury car of the latest model, from time to time you are visited by the thought that you are not doing exactly what you would like to do.

By and large, there are only three criteria for the sake of which a sane self-respecting person is ready to occupy this or that position. The first is the possibility of self-realization, which, due to the operation of the rule “excellent students plow, losers manage,” seems very doubtful. Second - psychological comfort in a team, which, in the presence of meanness, rudeness and outright deceit on the part of employees, is impossible. And, finally, the third is a decent material income, which simply causes a smile when the employer is guided by the principle of "cheap and cheerful". You remember too well every banknote you earn, all your anxieties, lack of sleep, humiliation and forced cowardice. There is a limit to everything, and if funds allow, you can afford downshifting. True, it should not be confused with escapism. Yes, you can similarly lose interest in material values, position in society and under the pressure of stress, preferring the world of dreams to escape to the worlds you imagined, but downshifting, unlike escapism, involves a desire for creativity.

Having visited one of the palm resorts, you can absolutely meet compatriots who peacefully accept sunbathing and living the life of a mimosa on money from rented apartments in Kyiv, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Another thing is that none of them lay around with a true downshifter. It's all because of the lack of purpose. Vasisualy Lokhankin, who enthusiastically sawed out the outhouse with a jigsaw, had it. He fled, pale and stern, from worldly fuss to do what he loved. Leo Tolstoy, saddened by the pomposity of the count's title and the representative functions associated with it, preferred a canvas shirt and walking barefoot on the grass Yasnaya Polyana. In this he drew inspiration for writing his brilliant novels.

And you do not need to be seven spans in the forehead to understand: doing what you love, you will achieve greater success. After all, it is obvious that the bicycle was invented by a purposeful amateur, and the Titanic was invented by an unfortunate specialist.

Tired of society, people flee to the mountains, the remote taiga, India, Tibet; anywhere, just to hide from the social vulgarity that methodically clogs the brain. The famous rock musician and actor Pyotr Mamonov, having seen pernicious influence 90s, settled in Russian hinterland. Having chosen an ordinary wooden hut as his dwelling, he gladly cultivated a piece of land by hand, chopped firewood, heated a bathhouse for his young wife and children. From time to time he spat in the direction of today's youth, extolling sex without love. According to Mamonov, one cannot exist without the other, and love implies the birth of children. Occasionally, he got out into society to show the viewer composed in solitude theatrical production. Moreover, Peter always played all the roles in his performances himself, assuming the improbability of the play of other actors. Here it is appropriate to quote the statement of Nikita Mikhalkov: it is impossible to beat Mamonov. He is too naturalistic, and he does not act, his character is himself. But the list of downshifters is not limited to Mamonov either.

The successful journalist Vladimir Yakovlev once created the business newspaper Kommersant, which meets the standards of modern journalism, at the peak of the publication's popularity, he took it and sold it, hitting Buddhism. iconic character of Russian cinema, director and actor Ivan Okhlobystin at the moment of the climax of his commercial success unexpectedly accepted the priesthood and did not attend social events otherwise than in a cassock. He did not play in the movies and was engaged in creativity only within the framework permitted by the church. As for one of the richest entrepreneurs in Russia, the owner of the Alisa commodity exchange, German Sterligov, he simply retired, taking up farming. Herman was so carried away by sheep breeding that he went to troubled Afghanistan in order to buy thoroughbred sheep. Moreover, in the Moscow region, he heads the non-profit society "Register of non-drinking men."

The truth is that in order to become a downshifter, it is not at all necessary to molt in Kukuyevo, you can completely stay on the territory of your family nest. Change a rather troublesome leadership position to a more modest one, go part-time and part-time, or simply become a freelancer and live on acceptable fees. For example, in England, downshifters protect the environment, use only organic products, try to eat fruits grown on their own plots, save electricity and do not litter the planet with waste.

Remember how many times you put it off interesting activity in favor of the office routine and how long ago you spent time with your children and loved ones. For example, the impossibly magnificent actor and single father Gary Oldman practically does not accept filming offers if they are away from home. Children, in his opinion, are the best thing that happened to him in this life. Having long abandoned the pursuit of the ephemeral Oscars and other "bears", he skillfully spends his money on shooting author's films.

However, withstand isolation for a long time creative people not always feasible. You can hang in social networks for years, fruitfully write off with friends and still feel hungry for a living human communication, and the luggage of ideas needs to be put somewhere. So Mr. Yakovlev pops up with a new project "Snob", shines interesting scenarios and blogs. Ivan Okhlobystin is tired of the cassock and it never happens that he materializes in the next dizzying film project. However, in the presence of a friendly party, which includes Fedor Bondarchuk, Sergey Mazaev, Mikhail Efremov and many other charismatic persons, such a turn of events is quite natural. And the fact that, after a long absence, Peter Mamonov gave charm to such films as "Dust", "Island" and the phenomenal "Tsar", no one doubts.

But we're talking about those whose genius abilities are not discussed. As for other downshifters, many of them are not particularly enthusiastic about the change of scenery. You don't always have access to hot water and electricity, and not everyone is ready to face such a concept as unsanitary conditions. People who in the past led a yuppie lifestyle without parting with mobile phone and a laptop, even in the toilet, obviously will not like the drop in their income and position in society. The absence of the turbulent whirlpool of the metropolis and business communication with their own kind. Indeed, for many of them, cruel business frauds have long turned into exciting game. It’s not worth talking about socialites at all, for them downshifting is like a ferocious initiation - you won’t look at people, you won’t show yourself, hardly anyone will drop money on a card, and shopping is under big question. Still, it's worth a try. They say, brilliant ideas hover in the distance outstretched hand, it is enough just to free your head from social garbage.

Downshifting has a small nuance. Usually, similar image life can afford people aged about 40-45 years. By this time, a person usually satisfies his ambition and material needs, as they say, it's time to think about the soul. It is unlikely that they are guided by laziness. Rather, a sincere desire to love yourself and your personal time. BUT healthy selfishness always welcome.

And remember: only a destructive person rushes to the crowd in the thick of things, while a creative person, in order to create something extraordinary, needs solitude.

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A system is a form of organization that in action determines the order in the arrangement and relationships of something.

In our world, everything is systemic.

For the most part, relationships are determined by necessity.

Control can be determined by attachment, established boundaries, structure, community, and so on. To some extent, consistency acts as a regulator of stability, preventing disorder and chaos, but at the same time exerts pressure on the manifestation of the individualities and characteristics of some units.

Since the appearance of man on earth, from the moment the first rudiments of awareness began to appear in our minds, we have been dependent on what is happening around us (geographical, climatic, environmental features). Since the formation of social relations and the formation of the first states, all dependencies have been added and social factor(You can read more about the state as a form of government).

Each individual found himself in a position obliging social relationships, which ultimately determine his real actions. This affects, first of all, the limited possibilities of choice, behavior, and freedom.

Now, in order, let's try to figure out what the system gives us (pluses and minuses), how we get into it and whether there is a way out of it.

Let's start with the controversial pros:

  • Food.

We have virtually unlimited access to food. In this case, our material wealth determined to some extent by our social useful qualities and social status. But is this always the food that we want and should consume based on our physiological needs?

  • Conditions and place of life.

Most of the people living on earth have their own options for a place to live and certain conditions, but again the question is, what or by whom should they be defined?

  • Communication, social relationships.

We all live in a society, contacting, we have the opportunity to communicate and reproduce under certain conditions.

In general, one can say about free access all sorts of substitutes for "happiness", which include things and values ​​that give us pleasure. Such as: all kinds of entertainment, art, synthetic food, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. About their imposition in modern world do not have to speak.

The article may seem one-sided, but we will try to deal with everything that follows from the above.


  • Living in a poisoned and polluted environment.

Every day we have to breathe in polluted air, eating poisoned food, for which, as well as for the housing necessary for existence, we have to work all our lives, trying to survive.

  • Life among unconscious people.

Every living organism feels the need to live in an environment of its own kind. A person endowed with reason, there is a need personal self-realization and seeking close views. The lack of such opportunities leads to a limitation comprehensive development, emotional experience.

  • Instability.

Together with the order provided by the system, we live in an unstable situation. Worldwide wars, crime, economic instability, destruction and pollution environment can overnight destroy the life of both the whole society and each in particular.

System mechanisms. Or how do they get there?

The system has some kind of defense mechanisms that allow it to remain active, stable and self-sustaining.

The longer it has an effect and is exposed to this effect, the more difficult it is to find a way out of it.

Creation not favorable conditions environment, the destruction of habitable land, provides an endless influx of new residents to the city, in its present form, which is an indispensable attribute of systemicity. How longer man to be in the system, the more he gets used to the conditions offered to him. Forgetting how to use the natural blessings given to him by life. And thus, even being outside the system, the person himself continues to reproduce it around him.

At some point, having lost the possibility of natural access to land and food, a person agreed to replace this with fictitious values. Which manifested itself in the need to work even harder to ensure natural needs, with some additional conditions.

Additional conditions are thoughts imposed and now sitting in everyone's head.

  1. Man must pay for food and land.

Eating natural foods natural environment no need to pay for it. Whereas in urban conditions a person must work for this. We are spared the possibility of multiplying and creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of natural food. In today's world, focus Food Industry– enrichment, not reproduction and quality improvement. The city makes it possible to get food for everyone who works for it, nature - for everyone who needs it.

Living on free land, a person arranges life at his own discretion. By planting trees and plants, there is an opportunity for free life animals and people on this earth. This is our fee for being able to use it.

In the system, land is initially the property of the state. And for the opportunity to use it, everyone must pay a tax. At the same time, funding ongoing destruction and pollution.

The whole point is in the state, as an intermediary, which can live without its buyer, since the land and the food reproduced by it from the state. We will have to pay for this absence. It turns out that, only by working for an intermediary, we can ensure our existence, while nature itself provides an opportunity for life in exchange for help in its development. The instrument of interconnection with intermediaries in the form of states is money, the system is built on them and without them it collapses.

The right to life is not discussed by anyone, but there is a small clause that this right will still need to be paid. This is the paradox system interconnection the right to life, which will need to be earned in the future.

But why and to whom should we pay for what we are endowed with from birth?

And even assuming that a person refusing to live in relationship with the system, he will not be able to calmly switch to a natural way of life, as this will confront him with new obstacles.

Let's move on to the second paragraph of additional conditions.

2. A person must adapt to the conditions of life. His homeland is where he was born, close people are those who surround him.

In order to get out of the current system, you need to decide on your views on the world. Man is given a central place in nature and his goal is not destruction, but the creation of the world around him. Per long time impact, everything around us could lose its splendor, lose its former value. Therefore, we need to find something acceptable, individual for each of us.

Leaving first the limits of their home, city, country, continent, everyone is able to realize the unlimited freedom of choice given to us by life on earth. Life shouldn't be limited to molded concrete boxes, surrounded by tired and lonely beings.

Are we surrounded by those people who, under certain conditions, are considered close to us?

And it's not about our parents, but about the choice that we are given. Do we communicate with those who are truly dear and close to us? Perhaps we were divided, mixed, and now we cannot understand whether we are with those, whether we are in the right place, and who we are ourselves.

Therefore, at this stage, it would be more correct to ask yourself the question: where, with whom and how am I?

3. We cannot survive without money.

Being on this stage difficult to dispute, this provision can be changed. Money is a product of the system for which we have to work most life. But will they be so important at the stage of transition to natural relationships between people and nature? Society evaluates its own value. Money supports one activity, and in its absence, another stops. We ourselves are able to stop funding the destructive side of the system.

There are things for which to come to pay, but whether it really requires that, we have analyzed above.

4. Distribution of responsibility.

In any case, each of us recognizes responsibility for our actions that affect our lives, the lives of others and loved ones. But in most cases, a person refuses to accept this choice, leaving the system itself to dispose of the defining moments. We learn to be afraid to use the right of responsibility, shifting it to a limited circle of managers, guided by and making rules of action on paper. Proceeding from this, everyone finds himself in the place of an insignificant bolt that participates in the operation of a huge mechanism, but does not in any way affect the entire process of the operation of this mechanism as a whole. Since parts are consumables, they can always be replaced with new ones.

The distribution of responsibility should not be a manifestation of lack of independence, but should serve as a factor influencing the interest in one's own interests.

How then to log out?


Everyone must acquire their own value and significance, which they could use for good, already outside the zone of control. Those special skills, whether it be medicine, education, art, science, philosophy or something else, those knowledge and actions that can ensure the existence of a person in a society free from prejudices, aimed not at destruction, but at creation.


Understand that everyone has the right to determine where, how and with whom to live. All restrictions placed on a person are additional terms imposed by life in the system itself.


Non-mediation and mutual assistance. Money is what serves as an instrument of intermediaries. You need to learn to understand that they do not carry all the expectations placed on them. Most pleasant moments in the life of each of us, most likely had nothing to do with money. To help, to build, to feel, to appreciate everyone is capable without them. It is not worth supporting the production of "happiness stimulants" by becoming like the personalities of the consumer age.

And in conclusion, I would like to add that first of all you need to be yourself. Without succumbing to influence, fully accept all the responsibility entrusted to us for a happy future! And then everything can turn for the better!