One of the signs of the ecological crisis is. Cheat sheet: Global environmental problems


The modern ecological crisis is the result of a violation of the systemic balance between human society and Nature. Let's celebrate it characteristics.

  • « the greenhouse effect» - violation process heat balance in the biosphere (for a century, the average temperature increased by 0.9 ° C; the level of the World Ocean rose by 15 cm; glaciers in the mountains decreased by 50-70%, and the average thickness of ice in the North Arctic Ocean- by 1.2 m; glaciers of Antarctica are melting).
  • Destruction of the ozone layer of the Earth (the maximum decrease in the concentration of ozone over Antarctica is 3 times).
  • Activation of planetary geological forces (the number of natural disasters in the world increased from 17 per year in the 80s to 30 in the 90s; from 1960 to 2000, the number of earthquakes in the United States increased more than 10 times; damage from climate disasters increased over 30 years, more than 3 times and amounted to approximately $ 100 billion per year).
  • Landscape change (only about 28% of the area left unaffected by economic activity remains on the planet; over 40 years, Africa has lost 23% of the forest, and Latin America- 38%; desertification, dehydration of rivers and seas; soil poisoning and erosion).
  • Pollution of the World Ocean (12 - 15 million tons of oil per year enters annually, which leads to a total pollution of 150 million km 2 from total area ocean 361 million km 2).
  • The accelerating extinction of animal and plant species (from 1970 to 2002, the number of species of living organisms in the oceans decreased by 1/3, and in fresh water - by 55%; more than 3/4 of all bird species and 1/4 of mammals are under the threat of destruction ).

Thus, in the biosphere, significant changes steady state ecosystem links are broken. An analysis of the causes of the crisis shows that they are natural and cannot be eliminated. We single out 3 groups of causes of the crisis: scientific and technical (1), biological and psychological (2) and socio-political (3).

1.1. resource crisis. Lack of food (in Africa, about 3.6 million children die of hunger every year); a lack of drinking water(according to the UN in 2002, 2.5 billion people suffered); exhaustion mineral resources(in a century they were produced 10 times more than in the entire history; there is a shortage of platinum, gold, zinc, lead, and most of the resources will be enough for 50-150 years; oil in Russia remains for 19-35 years).

1.2. P re-production of industrial waste. With the extraction of more than 100 billion tons of minerals per year, approximately 5-10% is processed into final products; waste organic origin humanity produces 2000 times more intensively than the rest of the biosphere. The biosphere is poisoned by anthropogenic waste.

1.3. Energy-environmental crisis. The total production of thermal energy (without transport, industry, etc.) is 24 - 37 TW per year, and 155 TW is released and dissipated in the process of plant respiration (the biomass of the planet is 1.36 * 10 15 kg, 1 kg of plant biomass in the process of respiration releases 3.6 MJ / kg. year). In accordance with the laws of ecology, the excess biological systems the threshold of approximately 10% of the removal of the product from the upper level system or the release of the same amount of waste into it takes it beyond the boundaries of the possibility of stabilization and it collapses. Mankind produces more than 20% of the energy of the entire biosphere, which has led to a change in the processes in it. Not greenhouse gases, and the overproduction of energy is the cause of the crisis.

2.1. Population growth. The absolute population growth on Earth in the second half of the last century exceeded 1% per year and the number reached 6.2 billion. human species exceeded by about 12,000 times, and social (security of life resources) - by 6 times. Active ecological rule: "not enough for everyone."

2.2. Unlimited growth needs. The unlimitedness of human requests is a feature that distinguishes him from other living beings. The continuous growth of psychological, biologically unconditioned needs dictated the need for the unlimited development of industry, energy, and led to the exhaustion of resources.

2.3. Technocratic way of thinking. Man is convinced of his right to master over Nature and the possibility of solving social, environmental and economic problems through the development of new technologies.

3.1. social factor. The requirements for the environment imposed by human communities, states are many times higher than individual ones (defense costs, space, grandiose construction projects).

3.2. scale factor. Technical capabilities have made people the “new geological force”, and unwise actions are destroying ecosystems.

3.3. international politics made a decisive contribution to the pace of development ecological crisis. "Hot" and "cold" wars consumed a huge amount of resources (damage from World War II - $ 4 trillion, about 1% of the Earth's resources spent), destroyed and destroyed living and non-living things, and modern international ecopolitics is absent as an active force.


  1. Polyakov V.I. Exam for " Homo sapiens"(From ecology and macroecology ... to the WORLD). - Saransk. Publishing House of Moscow State University. 2004. 494 p.
  2. Reimers N.F. Ecology. Theories, laws, rules, principles and hypotheses. - M .: "Young Russia". 1994. 366 p.

Bibliographic link

Polyakov V.I. GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS: SIGNS AND CAUSES // Successes modern natural science. - 2004. - No. 9. - P. 62-63;
URL: (Accessed: 03/31/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The ecological crisis is a tense state of relations between humanity and nature, characterized by a discrepancy between the development of productive forces and production relations in human society resource and economic opportunities of the biosphere.

The ecological crisis can also be viewed as a conflict in the interaction species or kind with nature. In a crisis, nature, as it were, reminds us of the inviolability of its laws, those who violate these laws perish. So there was a qualitative renewal of living beings on Earth. In more broad sense The ecological crisis is understood as a phase of the development of the biosphere, in which a qualitative renewal of living matter takes place (the extinction of some species and the emergence of others).

The modern ecological crisis is called the "crisis of decomposers", i.e., its defining feature is the dangerous pollution of the biosphere due to human activities and the associated disturbance of the natural balance.

The concept of "environmental crisis" first appeared in scientific literature in the mid 1970s.

The ecological crisis is usually divided into two parts: natural and social. The natural part indicates the onset of degradation, the destruction of the environment. natural environment. social side ecological crisis lies in the inability of state and public structures to stop the degradation environment and heal her. Both sides of the ecological crisis are closely interconnected. The onset of the ecological crisis can be stopped only with a rational state policy, the presence government programs and responsible for their implementation state structures, a developed economy and the implementation of emergency measures for environmental protection.

Signs of the modern ecological crisis are:

Dangerous pollution of the biosphere;

Depletion of energy reserves;

Reducing species diversity.

Dangerous pollution of the biosphere is associated with the development of industry, agriculture, the development of transport, and urbanization. The biosphere receives a huge amount of toxic and harmful emissions economic activity. A feature of these emissions is that these compounds are not included in natural metabolic processes and accumulate in the biosphere. For example, when wood fuel is burned, carbon dioxide, which is absorbed by plants during photosynthesis, as a result of which oxygen is produced. When oil is burned, sulfur dioxide is released, which natural processes exchange does not turn on, but accumulates in the lower layers of the atmosphere, interacts with water and falls to the ground in the form of acid rain.

AT agriculture used a large number of pesticides and pesticides that accumulate in the soil, plants, animal tissues.

Dangerous pollution of the biosphere is expressed in the fact that the content of harmful and toxic substances in some of its constituent parts exceeds the maximum allowable standards. For example, in many regions of Russia, the content of a number of harmful substances(pesticides, heavy metals, phenols, dioxins) in water, air, soil exceeds the limit allowable norms 5-20 times.

According to statistics, among all sources of pollution in the first place - vehicle exhaust gases (up to 70% of all diseases in cities are caused by them), in the second - throw away 1 thermal power plants, in the third - the chemical industry. (According to Russian Academy Sciences, the nuclear industry is in 26th place.) Today, the hydrosphere is no less polluted (primarily with toxic effluents) I soil ( acid rain and sewage, including radioactive ones).

On the territory of Russia there are landfills for waste disposal, where waste is stored not only from Russian lands, but also from the territories of other former Soviet republics, as well as from the territories of those countries where nuclear power facilities have been built using Soviet technology. The doses of radiation absorbed by a person per year are shown in Fig. nine.

Depletion of energy reserves. The level of energy-to-weight ratio of human labor is growing at an unprecedented pace, never seen in many millennia of human history. The accelerated development of the power industry is connected primarily with the growth of industrial production and its power supply.

The main sources of energy used by man are: thermal energy, hydropower, atomic Energy. thermal energy obtained by burning wood, peat, coal, oil and gas. Companies that generate electricity based on chemical fuel are called thermal power plants.

Oil, coal and gas are non-renewable natural resources, and their reserves are limited. What about non-renewable reserves? energy resources planets? If we talk about fossil fuels, and today they make up 70% of all energy resources of the planet, then the situation is not very comforting.

World oil reserves in 1997 were estimated at 1016 billion barrels (162,753.04 million tons), that is, before 2020 there will be no oil left on Earth.

In 1988, 624 million tons of oil were produced in the USSR, now in Russia - about 300 million tons, and production is declining (due to low recovery, worn-out equipment and depletion of old fields). New reserves - in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk and Tomsk regions, as well as the prospects for deposits in the Caspian Sea - will not save the situation. The giant Samotlor field, which produced 146 million tons in 1990, produced only 15 million tons in 1997. The city of Nizhnevartovsk built there is doomed to extinction. Despite the decline in oil production in Russia, its export is growing.

There is much more gas on the planet than oil. World gas reserves are estimated at about 350 trillion m3 (including 136 trillion m3 of explored). With a global consumption of 3.5 trillion m3 of gas per year predicted for 2010, explored reserves will run out in 40 years, i.e., almost simultaneously with oil. Russia natural gas much richer than other countries: explored reserves of about 49 trillion m3. Over 70% of the gas produced in the country comes from the two richest deposits on the planet: Urengoyskoye and Yamburgskoye.

There is also a rich source of natural gas - gas hydrates (compounds of methane with water). They lie under the oceans and in the depths permafrost, and at ordinary pressure and temperature quickly decompose. There is much more natural gas in gas hydrates than in the free state, however, technologies for its extraction from the ocean floor or from under the permafrost layer (without serious damage to the environment) have not yet been developed.

There is much more coal on Earth than oil and gas. According to experts, its reserves can last for hundreds of years. However, coal is an environmentally dirty fuel, it contains a lot of ash, sulfur, and harmful metals. It is also possible to obtain liquid fuel for transport from hard coal (it was made in Germany during World War II), but it is very expensive ($450/ton), and now it is not produced. In Russia, plants for the production of liquid fuel from coal in Angarsk, Salavat, Novocherkassk are closed due to unprofitability.

Calorific value coal is lower than oil and gas, and its extraction is much more expensive. In many countries, including Russia, coal mines are closing because coal is too expensive and difficult to mine. Despite the fact that these forecasts are quite pessimistic, new approaches are being successfully developed to solve the problem of the energy crisis.

1. Reorientation to other types of energy. Currently, in the structure of world electricity production, 62% is accounted for by thermal power plants(TPP), 20% - for hydroelectric power plants (HPP), 17% - for nuclear power plants (NPP) and 1% - for the use alternative sources energy. This means that the leading role belongs to thermal energy, while hydroelectric power plants do not pollute the environment and do not need to use fuel. mineral, while the global hydro potential has so far been used by only 15%.

Renewable energy sources - solar energy, water energy, wind energy, etc. - are not advisable to use on Earth (in spacecraft solar energy is indispensable). "Environmentally friendly" power plants are too expensive and produce too little energy. Relying on wind energy is not justified; in the future, it is possible to rely on the energy of sea currents.

The only real source of energy today and in the foreseeable future is nuclear energy. At correct use and serious attitude nuclear energy is out of competition and, from an environmental point of view, pollutes the environment much less than the combustion of hydrocarbons. In particular, the total radioactivity of the ash hard coal much higher than the radioactivity of spent fuel from all nuclear power plants.

2. Mining at continental shelf. The development of fields on the continental shelf is now topical issue for many countries. Some countries are already successfully developing offshore fossil fuel deposits. For example, in Japan, coal deposits are being developed on the continental shelf, through which the country provides 20% of its needs for this fuel.

Reducing species diversity. In total, since 1600, 226 species and subspecies of vertebrates have disappeared, and over the past 60 years - 76 species, and about 1000 species are endangered. If it persists modern trend extermination of wildlife, then in 20 years the planet will lose 1/5 of the described species of flora and fauna, which threatens the stability of the biosphere - important condition life support of mankind.

Where conditions are unfavorable, biodiversity is low. AT tropical forest up to 1000 species of plants live in a deciduous forest temperate zone- 30-40 species, pasture - 20-30 species. Species diversity is an important factor, which ensures the stability of the ecosystem to adverse external influences. The reduction of species diversity can cause irreversible and unpredictable changes on a global scale, so this problem is being solved by the entire world community.

One way to solve this problem is to create reserves. In our country, for example, there are currently 95 reserves. Certain experience international cooperation in the conservation of natural wealth already exists: 149 countries have signed the Convention on the Conservation of Species Diversity; signed the Convention for the Protection of Wet Wetlands (1971) and the Convention on Trade rare species endangered flora and fauna (1973); since 1982 there has been an international moratorium on commercial whaling.

Lecture 2.1 Signs of an ecological crisis

Ecological crisis- this is a tense state of relations between humanity and nature, characterized by a discrepancy between the development of productive forces and production relations in human society with the resource and economic possibilities of the biosphere.

The ecological crisis can also be viewed as a conflict in the interaction of a biological species or genus with nature. In a crisis, nature, as it were, reminds us of the inviolability of its laws, those who violate these laws perish. So there was a qualitative renewal of living beings on Earth. In a broader sense, the ecological crisis is understood as a phase in the development of the biosphere, in which a qualitative renewal of living matter takes place (the extinction of some species and the emergence of others).

The modern ecological crisis is called the “crisis of decomposers”, i.e. its defining feature is the dangerous pollution of the biosphere due to human activity and the associated disturbance of the natural balance.

The concept of "environmental crisis" first appeared in the scientific literature in the mid-1970s.

The ecological crisis is usually divided into two parts: natural and social. Natural some indicate the onset of degradation, destruction of the natural environment. Social side of the ecological crisis lies in the inability of state and public structures stop environmental degradation and improve it. Both sides of the ecological crisis are closely interconnected. The onset of the ecological crisis can be stopped only with rational public policy, the existence of state programs and state structures responsible for their implementation, a developed economy and the implementation of emergency measures for environmental protection.

Signs of a Modern Ecological Crisis

· dangerous pollution of the biosphere;

· depletion of energy reserves;

· reduction in species diversity.

Dangerous pollution of the biosphere associated with the development of industry, agriculture, development of transport, urbanization. enters the biosphere great amount toxic and harmful emissions economic activity. The peculiarity of these emissions is that these compounds are not included in the natural metabolic processes and accumulate in the biosphere. For example, when burning wood fuel, carbon dioxide is released, which is absorbed by plants during photosynthesis, as a result of which oxygen is produced. When oil is burned, sulfur dioxide is released, which is not included in the natural exchange processes, but accumulates in the lower layers of the atmosphere, interacts with water and falls to the ground in the form of acid doges.

In agriculture, a large number of pesticides and pesticides are used, which accumulate in the soil, plants, and animal tissues.

Dangerous pollution of the biosphere is expressed in the fact that the content of harmful and toxic substances in its individual components exceeds the maximum allowable standards. For example, in many regions of Russia, the content of a number of harmful substances in water, air, soil exceeds the maximum allowable standards by 5-20 times.

According to statistics, among all sources of pollution on the per-

in the first place - vehicle exhaust gases (up to 70% of all diseases in cities are caused by them), in the second place - emissions from thermal power plants, in the third - chemical industry. (According to the Russian Academy of Sciences, the nuclear industry is in 26th place.) Today, the hydrosphere (primarily poisonous effluents) and soils (acid rain and waste water, including radioactive ones) are no less polluted.

On the territory of Russia there are landfills for waste disposal, where waste is stored not only from Russian lands, but also from the territories of other former union republics, as well as from the territories of those countries where nuclear power facilities were built according to Soviet technology.

Depletion of energy reserves. The level of energy

The value of human labor is growing at an unprecedented rate never seen in many millennia of human history. The accelerated development of the power industry is connected primarily with the growth of industrial production and its power supply.

The main sources of energy used by man include: thermal energy, hydropower, nuclear energy. Thermal energy is obtained by burning wood, peat, coal, oil and gas. Companies that generate electricity from chemical fuels are called thermal power plants.

Oil, coal and gas are non-renewable natural resources, and their stocks are limited. world reserves oil in 1997 were estimated at 1016 billion barrels (162,753.04 million tons), i.e. before

By 2020, there will be no oil left on Earth.

strip there is much more on the planet than oil. World gas reserves are estimated at about 350 trillion m³ (including 136 trillion m³ of explored). With global consumption forecast for 2010 of 3.55 trillion m³ of gas per year, explored reserves will run out in 40 years, i.e. almost simultaneously with oil. Russia is much richer in natural gas than other countries: explored reserves of about 49 trillion m³. Over 70% of the gas produced in the country comes from the two richest deposits on the planet: Urengoyskoye and Yamburgskoye.

hard coal There is much more to Earth than oil and gas. According to experts, its reserves can last for hundreds of years. However, coal is an environmentally dirty fuel, it contains a lot of ash, sulfur, and harmful metals. From coal it is possible to obtain liquid

fuel for transportation (it was made in Germany during World War II), but it is very expensive ($450/ton), and now it is not produced. factories in Russia liquid fuel from coal in Angarsk, Salavat, Novocherkassk are closed due to unprofitability.

Currently, new approaches to solving the problem of the energy crisis are being successfully developed.

1. Reorientation to other types of energy;

2. Mining on the continental shelf.

Reducing species diversity. AT total from 1600

226 species and subspecies of vertebrates have disappeared, and over the past 60 years - 76 species, and about 1000 species are endangered. If the current trend of extermination of wildlife continues, then in 20 years the planet will lose 1/5 of the described species of flora and fauna, which threatens the stability of the biosphere - an important condition for the life support of mankind.

Where conditions are unfavorable biodiversity small. Up to 1000 species of plants live in the tropical forest, 30-40 species in the deciduous forest of the temperate zone, and 20-30 species in the pasture. Species diversity is an important factor that ensures the stability of the ecosystem to adverse external influences. The reduction of species diversity can cause irreversible and unpredictable changes on a global scale, so this problem is being solved by the entire world community.

One way to solve this problem is to create reserves. In our country, for example, there are currently 95 reserves. Certain experience of international cooperation in conservation natural wealth already in place: 149 countries have signed the Convention on the Conservation of Species Diversity; signed the Convention on the Protection of Wetlands (1971) and the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (1973); since 1982 there has been an international moratorium on commercial whaling.

The ecological crisis is characterized a number of signs exacerbating social contradictions, which can be formulated as follows:

1. The level of disturbances in the interaction between society and nature has reached a level that is dangerous for the country's ecological systems. So, at the end of the twentieth century, the state of two-thirds water sources did not meet the standards, the process of dangerous pollution began groundwater, in 103 cities with a population of about 50 million people, the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air exceeded 10 times or more.

2. This dangerous trait endangers human life and health. For example, due to environmental pollution, already in the 80s, every tenth child in our country was born with deviations from normal development, in the 90s, the growth of allergic, oncological and other diseases doubled.

3. Irreversible changes have begun in ecological systems which affect the state of the entire ecological system of the world.

4. Signs of depletion of ecological systems appear, causing a lack of natural resources which also affects social production. For example, the widespread depletion of soil fertility makes it necessary to reorient capital investments into the production of means of production for the agro-industrial complex; depletion of water resources obliges to develop measures to save water consumption in production, etc. All of the above indicates that, unfortunately, the psychology of wasteful-consumer, predatory, criminal use of natural resources is widespread in our country.

5. There are signs of degradation of ecological systems, disruption of the ecological balance in them, and if the ecosystem is disturbed even by 1/10 of its part, it becomes unstable and at any moment can be irreversibly damaged even from a slight impact on it. Thus, pollution of water bodies with agrochemicals leads to the growth and increased reproduction of harmful algae in them, which, consuming oxygen, lead to the death of aquatic fauna.

There are two main sources of the ecological crisis:

a) irrational nature management;

b) departmental approach to nature management.

Irrational nature management is due to two main reasons: the creation and use means of production that are dangerous for the natural environment, ecological systems, and the commission of actions that violate the ecological balance.

In order to prevent the creation and commissioning of means of production and other objects hazardous to ecological systems, provisions should be made preventive measures. Thus, such technical solution, the use of which will harm the environment. Prior to the acceptance of production facilities for economic operation, an environmental impact assessment should be carried out to establish environmental safety.

If a irrational nature management can be eliminated by various environmental measures, the situation with the elimination of the departmental approach to nature management is much more complicated. For example, land users rightfully act by taking measures for the efficient use of land, but the intensification of agriculture negatively affects the state of neighboring forest areas, hunting ground takes measures to increase the populations of wild fauna, but the growth in the number of wild animals (moose, wild boars, etc.) leads to the trampling of crops by them; subsoil users develop mineral reserves to the fullest extent possible, and this often leads to disruption of the normal functioning of groundwater, to subsidence earth's surface and other anomalies.

Life safety Viktor Sergeevich Alekseev

44. Ecological crisis, its demographic and social consequences

Ecological crisis(emergency ecological situation) is an ecological problem characterized by persistent negative changes in the environment and posing a threat to human health. This is a tense state of relations between humanity and nature, due to the discrepancy between the size of human production and economic activity and the resource and environmental capabilities of the biosphere. The ecological crisis is characterized not so much by the increased impact of man on nature as by a sharp increase in the influence of nature changed by people on social development.

Ecological crisis (according to I. I. Dedy)- a situation that occurs in ecological systems (biogeocenoses) as a result of an imbalance under the influence of natural natural phenomena or as a result of exposure anthropogenic factors(human pollution of the atmosphere, hydrosphere , pedospheresoil cover, destruction natural ecosystems, natural complexes, Forest fires, regulation of rivers, deforestation, etc.). In a broader sense, the ecological crisis is a critical phase in the development of the biosphere, during which a qualitative renewal of living matter occurs (the extinction of some species and the emergence of others). The modern ecological crisis is a “crisis of decomposers” (according to many scientists), since natural decomposers no longer have time to purify the biosphere from anthropogenic waste or are potentially unable to do this due to the alien nature of the emitted synthetic substances - xenobiotics, the biosphere has lost the ability to self-repair.

The first ecological crisis of an anthropogenic nature caused a great migration of peoples. The transition to agriculture and animal husbandry was accompanied by the decomposition primitive communal system and the emergence of slavery, which was accompanied by the desertification of fertile lands in the Sahara, Central Asia and other places, exhaustion land resources and transition to feudal system. The modern ecological crisis is also anthropogenic in nature and has global scale, and the changes in the natural environment boomerang back to their root cause - man. They began to negatively affect the most different sides public life, cause all sorts of collisions social character. This is, firstly, the decline in the birth rate in the economically developed countries, secondly, increased migration from ecologically disadvantaged areas both within countries and from states, in particular from Asia and Africa to Western Europe and America. The ecological crisis was also the reason for the organization of the "green" movement - "Greenpeace" (" Green World”) and even the Green Party.

To the negative social consequences ecological crisis include: growing world food shortages:

1) an increase in the incidence of the population in cities;

2) the emergence of new diseases;

3) ecological aggression.

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