Tests for observation and attention. We speed up mental counting, NOT mental arithmetic

If you are interested in knowing how observant and attentive person I suggest you go test for observation .

1. Entering any office:

a) pay attention to the arrangement of tables and chairs;

b) pay attention to the exact location of objects;

c) look at what is hanging on the walls.

2 When you meet someone, you:

a) look him in the face;

b) imperceptibly look him from head to toe;

c) pay attention only to certain parts of the face (eyes, ears, nose ...).

3. What do you remember from the landscape you see:

c) the feeling of joy or sadness that gripped you then.

4. When you wake up in the morning, then:

a) immediately remember what you have to do;

b) remember what you dreamed about;

c) think about what happened yesterday.

5. When you sit down public transport, then:

a) walk forward without looking at anyone;

b) look at those who are standing nearby;

c) exchange a word or two with those who are closest to you.

6. On the street you:

a) watch the traffic;

b) look at the facade of houses;

c) watch the passers-by.

7. When you look at the window, then:

a) are only interested in what can be useful to you;

b) look at what you are in this moment no need;

c) look at each item carefully several times.

8. If you need to find something at home, then you:

a) focus on the place where you think you might have left this item;

b) look everywhere;

c) ask others to help you.

9. Looking at an old group photo of your loved ones, friends, you:

a) you are worried

b) it becomes funny to you;

c) you are trying to recognize those who are filmed.

10. Imagine being invited to play a game gambling which you don't know. You:

a) trying to learn how to play it and win;

b) abandon this venture after some time;

c) don't play at all.

11. You are waiting for someone in the park and:

a) pay close attention to those around you;

b) read a newspaper;

c) dreaming (thinking) about something.

12. On a starry night, you:

a) trying to see the constellations;

b) just look at the sky;

c) don't look at all.

13. By reading a book, you:

a) mark with a pencil the place you have reached;

b) leave a bookmark;

c) trust your memory.

14. Do you remember about your neighbors:

a) their first and last name;

b) their appearance;

c) neither one nor the other.

15. Once in front of the served table:

a) admire his sophistication;

b) check if everything is in place;

c) see if all the chairs are in the right position.

Calculate the results:

1. A-3; B-10; AT 5; 2. A-5; B-10; AT 3; 3. A-10; B-5; AT 3; 4. A-10; B-3; AT 5; 5. A-3; B-5; AT 10 O'CLOCK; 6. A-5; B-3; AT 10 O'CLOCK; 7. A-3; B-5; AT 10 O'CLOCK; 8. A-10; B-5; AT 3; 9. A-5; B-3; AT 10 O'CLOCK; 10. A-10; B-5; AT 3; 11. A-10; B-5; AT 3; 12. A-10; B-5; AT 3; 13. A-10; B-5; AT 3; 14. A-10; B-3; AT 5; 15. A-3; B-10; AT 5.

you passed test of attentiveness and observation, counted the points. Now you can see the result:

From 150 to 100 points. Of course, you are a very observant person. You can accurately evaluate the other person. You are also able to analyze your own actions and actions.

From 99 to 75 points. Your powers of observation are quite developed, but still, in assessing you, prejudice sometimes fails.

From 74 to 45 points. You are not very interested in what hides the appearance, manners and behavior of the people around you. Although in communication you do not have serious psychological problems.

Less than 45 points. You absolutely do not care about the innermost thoughts of the person who is next to you. You are always busy with something, you don’t have time to analyze even your own actions, let alone those of others. It's time for you to take care of developing your powers of observation (read -> Observation and Development of Observation).

Here's another one test of observation and attentiveness, whose task is to find all numbers from 1 to 90 as quickly as possible. Timed it, let's go...

If you needed to search for all numbers from 1 to 90:

Up to 10 minutes - you are an exceptionally observant and attentive person.
10 - 15 minutes - you have good attentiveness and observation.
15 - 20 minutes - you have an average observation.
Over 20 minutes - you have low powers of observation, but your patience can be envied)))

Besides that this mindfulness test gives you an idea of ​​the level of your observation and attentiveness, it also develops it. So you don't have to limit yourself to just one.

If you remember the location of the numbers in the first picture the first time, here is the second one (there are fewer numbers here, but for that they are in a different order):

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Intuition is what we used to call "coincidence" and "accident". In fact, it is the sixth sense that leads us to the very coincidence that can change the course of events. As old as the world, the game "Eagle or Tails" is a great way to test your intuition. It would seem that there is nothing difficult to guess, because the chance is extremely high - 50%! No matter how. We will make 8 throws, try to give the same number of correct answers.

The Union of Indestructible Free Republics is long gone, but this does not mean that history can be forgotten great power, which left such a bright mark in history. Today we have prepared a test consisting of questions that only a graduate can handle Soviet school because they require deep knowledge. If you think you can do it, then go ahead!

biological age- it's far from the best important indicator in life. There are much more significant numbers. For example, how old is your soul or brain. Our stream of thought is incredible a complex system, it develops and grows with us. From the point of view of psychology, certain thoughts and choices correspond to each age. Let's see if you are succeeding or lagging behind in your development.

Master of the club "What? Where? When?" scandalously suspended from the program. Now he no longer has the right to earn money, popularity and respect with his knowledge and logic. But, as they say, there should always be a captain on the ship, we suggest you try to take his place. Use your life experience, logic and ingenuity!

Work is your second home, and the whole world revolves around it? Or is work a way to survive and get what you want? How well do you work and fulfill your duties, do you deserve to be paid for it, or maybe you deserve a raise? Take our test and find out what salary you really deserve. And don't forget to show the result to your boss!

The classic set of dishes in Russia is dumplings, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, borscht and naval pasta. This menu has stuck with us since Soviet years when food choices were scarce. But it can't go on like this anymore, so we invite you to take our enlightenment test.

There is no problem in recognizing Albert Einstein or Michael Schumacher in a photo. But few people know that in all spheres of life there are women who deserve no less attention. We restore justice and introduce you to them.

Today we have prepared an extraordinary interesting test! It is unique in that it contains psychological tasks, the solution of which will require not the mind and logic, but imagination and attentiveness. If you think you can do it, then go ahead! Of course, your knowledge will help you a lot too!

The famous game "Who wants to be a millionaire?" has been gathering entire families in front of the TV for years. The excitement and excitement experienced by the participants in the game, eager to win the coveted millions, are also transmitted to viewers. And don't be upset if you haven't found yourself on the other side of the screen yet, because today you have a great opportunity to work out! Test your knowledge!

Love is a very difficult feeling. For some, a few days of acquaintance is enough to express their feelings, while others do not dare to talk about them for years, being afraid to spoil everything. Perhaps our test will tell you someone who has been awake at night for a long time, puzzling over how you like it. And who knows, it might change your life!

The craziest and inadequate people always turned out to be exemplary family men and workers. Others may not notice, but the aggression inside overwhelms their hearts. If you do not check with a specialist, then sooner or later it will come out. Our test should just help to figure it out. We will not make an exact diagnosis, but we will hint about the problem.

We are constantly short on time, even when it comes to our health. Therefore, we constantly reduce and simplify everything, including recipes. We offer you to answer a few questions, and we will tell you something tasty and quick to prepare.

Knowing everything in the world is unrealistic, but it is necessary to strive for this. Guided by this rule, someone will begin to study foreign language, or even several. But such people are an exception. It is enough for an ordinary citizen to assert himself with the words from this test.

It is very important from birth and throughout preschool age develop the child's attention. attention and good memory your child's essential helpers.

Attention and memory are necessary for every child, especially for preschoolers. Preschool children learn a lot new information both good attention and memory are simply necessary for every child, for learning, for remembering important information, for the application of information in life.

Attention tests for preschoolers

Test one

Look closely at the following picture, here are geometric figures differently. You have one minute to complete this test. Find identical geometric shapes.

If it was not possible to find the same geometric shapes in one minute, repeat the exercise.

Test two

Look closely at the following picture, here are miscellaneous items. You have one minute to complete this test. Find two extra pictures among all the pictures.

Test three

Look carefully at all four pictures, they show different objects, clothes and vegetables. For execution this test given one minute. Find an extra item in each square.

Test Four

Look closely at this test, a rectangle with a certain pattern is drawn here, but not completely. You have ten seconds to complete this test. What figure, and under what number should be inserted.

Test Five

Look closely at the following picture. Children are depicted here and letters are written. You have one minute to complete this test. Decipher the children's names using letters and say their names.

Test six

Look carefully at the following picture, here are drawn: a square, a triangle, a circle and a rhombus.

The top line contains samples by which all other geometric shapes must be filled. A checkmark is drawn in a square, a minus sign is written in a triangle, a plus sign is written in a circle, and a dot is in a rhombus. One minute is given to complete the task.

Test seven

Look carefully at the next test, here is a car and a flag that indicates the finish line. You have ten seconds to complete the task. We must bring the car to the finish line.

Test eight

Regularity test.

Test nine

Look closely at these two pictures. You have ten seconds to complete this test. Find ten differences in these pictures.

Test ten

Look carefully at the next maze, it shows a monkey and a banana. You have one minute to complete this test. Help the monkey find the banana.

Test Eleven

Regularity test.

Look carefully at the pictures, they show different objects. You have one minute to complete this test. In this test, you need to find a pattern, and draw the next or missed item.

Test twelfth

In this test, given logical task for attention. Look carefully at the top line, here a number is written under each picture. One minute is given to complete the task. It is necessary to insert a number instead of a picture and calculate what happened.

Test thirteenth

Look carefully at the pictures of this test, on the left are samples with different patterns that need to be inserted into right side Pictures. You have ten seconds to complete this test.

Test fourteen

Look carefully at the pictures of this test, on the right there are samples with different patterns that must be inserted into the left side of the picture. You have two seconds to complete this test.

Test fifteen

Look carefully at the pictures of this test, teapots with different patterns are drawn here. You have two seconds to complete this test. Find two similar teapots.

Test Sixteen

Attention test. Look at the picture of this test, a tree is drawn on it, apples grow on this tree. Apples in which the “-” sign is written must be colored in green, the rest should be colored in red. You have three minutes to complete this test.

Test Seventeen

Look at the picture of this test, vegetables, fruits, flowers, berries are drawn here and words are written. Match fruit with fruits, vegetables with vegetables, berries with berries, flowers with flowers. You have one minute to complete this test.

Test eighteenth

Look carefully at this test, different animals and foods that they like to eat are drawn here. Help each animal find its food. You have two minutes to complete this test.

Test nineteen

Look carefully at this test, here are drawn Little Red Riding Hood, a wolf and a house where grandmother lives. Help Little Red Riding Hood go to her grandmother's house so that the wolf does not eat her. You have one minute to complete this test.

Test 20

Look carefully at the next test, a flower and a pot are drawn here. You have one minute to complete this test. Find a way to the pot to plant a flower.

test twenty one

Regularity test.

Look carefully at the pictures, they show different objects. You have one minute to complete this test. In this test, you need to find a pattern, and draw the next or missed item.

Exercises for preschoolers to develop attention and memory

The first exercise "Remember and tell"

In this exercise, various objects are drawn. Look carefully at these items and memorize them. The child is given ten seconds to memorize.

Now close the picture and tell from memory what is drawn here. Older children can draw these pictures from memory.

The second exercise "Name what you see"

Talk a lot and constantly with your child, the more he listens to you, the more he will concentrate on what you are saying to him.

At home, you can show your child different objects, unusual items, for example, a figurine. Tell us what kind of figurine it is, where you got it from, what kind of figurine is big or small, who is depicted on the figurine, from what material, the child is interested in all this.

On the street at any time of the year, you can teach a child, tell what flowers bloom, describe these flowers in more detail, what birds live in your city, and show them to your child, look at beautiful houses, fountains, monuments and so on.

The child, together with you, learns the world around him, he is interested in everything that you tell and show him, he loves to listen, touch.

Then you can take one thing, for example, a leaf from a tree and examine it carefully with your child. Which leaf, from which tree, what color is the leaf, what size, and so on.

Exercise 3: Tell and Do

It is very important to teach the child to concentrate even on the most a simple task. Draw with your child. Give the child a task to draw, for example, a house, the sun and grass.

Explain to the child aloud what he should do first, correct him, pronounce every movement of the child. Communicate more with the child and comment aloud on his actions.

Teach your child to follow each step in sequence. Gradually, the child will learn to do everything consistently, independently.

The fourth exercise "Find the object"

For the development of attention and memory, the game is well suited, find the object. Think of some object that is in the room so that the child knows this object well.

For example, it could be a doll.

Describe the doll in as much detail as possible, what it is, what size and color, what can be done with this doll, what the doll is wearing, what hair, eyes it has, and so on.

If the child quickly guessed what in question, take another object and repeat the exercise.

Try to play the opposite way, let the child come up with some object and describe it in detail, and you try to guess what kind of object it is.

Fifth exercise "Let's look at each other"

The exercise will look at each other well develops the attention and memory of your child, it is very simple, interesting and fun. Your child will enjoy playing this game. This game can be played on the way to Kindergarten, on the way to the store and so on.

Let the child look at you carefully for a few seconds. Then he turns away and tells you everything he can remember about you.

For example, hair color, description of the face, what you are wearing, what color and so on. If the child could not tell much, do not scold him, play this game again. By studying you, the second time the child will be more attentive than the first time.

This game can even be played in reverse, look at your child, look away and describe what you remember. Your child will draw conclusions, he will compare yours detailed description with his description and understand what he missed in the story. You can speak these conclusions, delving into the details together.

Sixth exercise "Hinder me"

An interesting exercise disturb me. Here you can play three together father, mother and child.

The role of the pope to ask different questions the child, for example, what color is the cube, does the car have wheels, where is the ball, what is your name and so on. The child must answer questions quickly.

The role of the mother is to distract the child when he is answering questions. If your child was able to answer questions and was not distracted, reward him. Next time he will try even better.

Two people can play this game, for example, a child recites a poem or retells a fairy tale, and you distract him.

Exercise #7: Be Careful

Recently, very often in children's books they offer exercises for the development of memory. For example:

A picture is drawn, from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" the child looks and remembers what is shown on it.

After one minute, the book closes, and the child must tell what he remembered. This is a simple task, but it trains memory well.

If the child remembers little or said incorrectly, play together. You look at the picture, close it and try to tell in great detail what you remember.

The child will listen carefully to your story and remembering the next picture, he will try to remember as much as possible. Children always love it when they play interesting and educational games adults.

Eighth exercise "Try to remember"

Develop observation, attention and visual memory can different ways. Let's consider one of them. This exercise is interesting to perform with several children at the same time.

For example:

For children, we will take five different items, items can be completely different. It can be a pencil, a typewriter, a colored eraser, a doll, a jump rope.

Let the children examine all these items, then put them in a dark bag.

The child is given one minute to memorize. The guys should take turns telling what they remember. If you are playing together with a child, memorize the items in turn and tell each other.

Each next lesson, try to reduce the memorization time and increase the number of items.

Ninth exercise "Look and remember"

Look carefully at the following picture, remember what is shown on it. Ten seconds are given for memorization. Close the picture and let the child draw the same picture from memory. If the child is small, then let him tell from memory what he remembered. The child's story must contain the colors that are present in the picture.

Tenth exercise "Remember and color"

Look at the next picture. There are different kinds of animals here. They are colored in the top picture, but not in the bottom picture. Look carefully at the top picture, close it and let the child color from memory lower part Pictures.

What did the child get?

Open the picture and let the child compare whether he painted the picture correctly or not. How is the top picture different from the bottom picture?

Educational games for preschoolers

Game 1 "Find a coin"

The game "Find a coin" develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is to click on the cell and find a coin.

In this game you need to find coins. Houses are drawn on the screen, you need to find a coin in these houses, you cannot click on the same house twice in a row. If you answered correctly, you score points and continue playing.

Game 2 Pathfinder

The game "Pathfinder" develops memory.

The main essence of the game is to remember the traces of animals and repeat them.

In this game, animal tracks appear on the screen, look carefully and remember the order in which the tracks appear. Then you need to show which track appeared first and which one came second. If you answered correctly, you score points and play on.

Game 3 "Diamonds"

The game "Diamonds" develops memory.

The main essence of the game is to remember the order of the lit figures on the screen and repeat it.

Figures light up on the screen in turn, remember the order of ignition of these figures and repeat it. You can do this with the mouse or the cursor on the keyboard. If you answer correctly, you score points and play on.

Game 4 "Speed ​​comparison"

The game "Speed ​​comparison" develops memory and attention.

An object is displayed on the screen, you memorize it and compare it with next subject, if the item is the same, then answer “yes”, if different items answer “no”. If you answer three times incorrectly, then the game ends.

Game 5 "Complex high-speed traffic"

Game "Complex high-speed traffic» develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is to remember the previous item and compare it with the current one on the screen.

A drawing is displayed on the screen, you memorize it and compare it with the next object, if the object is the same, then answer “yes”, if different objects answer “no”, if the objects are similar, answer “partially the same”. This game is designed to increase speed. If you answer three times incorrectly, then the game ends.

Game 6 "Memory Matrix"

The game "Memory Matrix" develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is to reproduce the position of the shaded figures.

In each round, a playing field is shown, consisting of cells, a certain number of cells are painted over, the rest remains free. It is necessary to remember the location of these cells and repeat their position after they have disappeared from the screen. If you mark the cells correctly, you score points and move on.

Game 7 "BrainFood"

The game "BrainFood" develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game in each round is shown a set of elements, you must choose from the set one that has not yet been selected in previous rounds.

In this game, drinks and food are offered on the screen. You have to choose one. In each next round, you must choose a different dish that differs from those previously selected. We must remember and always choose different dishes and drinks. If you answer correctly, you score points and continue playing.

Game 8 Super Memory

The game "Super Memory" develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game every round a new object appears on the screen, you must specify it by clicking on it.

In this game, a round starts and a picture appears on the screen, in the next round another picture appears and the old picture is saved. You only need to click on a new picture. If you answer correctly, you score points and continue playing.

Game 9 "Submarines"

The game "Submarines" develops the child's attention.

Submarines move in the sea in the following directions: left, right, down, up. The question appears on the screen: “Where are the boats pointing?”, “Where are the boats moving?”. Look carefully at the question, at the movement of the boats and their direction. Use the arrows to answer the question correctly. For the correct answer you get points and play further. If you have three incorrect answers, the game ends.

Game 10 "Sharp eye"

The Vigilant Eye game develops attention.

The main essence of the game is to remember where the bird, ship and sun are and then indicate where they were.

A screen opens for a few seconds, a bird, a ship and the sun are drawn on it. You have to remember where they are. Then the question is displayed: "Click where the ship was." You must indicate where the ship was. Then the question is displayed: "Click where the bird was." You must indicate where the bird was. Then the question is displayed: "Click where the sun was." You must answer where the sun was and so on. If you answered correctly, then score points and play further.

Courses for the development of intelligence

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump your brain and improve intelligence, memory, thinking, concentration:

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for the development of children. In every lesson useful advice, some interesting exercises, a task for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

The secrets of brain fitness, we train memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to overclock your brain, improve its performance, pump up memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in game form and solve interesting puzzles, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you :)

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, a powerful 30-day training for the development of super-memory and brain pumping will begin for you.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games to your mail, which you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that occurred during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

Money and the mindset of a millionaire

Why are there money problems? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, consider our relationship with money from the psychological, economic and emotional points vision. From the course, you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to read interesting books, articles, mailing lists and so on very quickly.? If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, perception speed amplify many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very fast
  2. Improve focus and concentration speed reading they are extremely important
  3. Read a book a day and finish work faster

We speed up mental counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular tricks and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course, you will not only learn dozens of tricks for simplified and fast multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, calculation of percentages, but also work them out in special assignments and educational games! Mental counting also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained in solving problems. interesting tasks.


Developing attention from preschool age is very important and necessary. With a good memory and attention, the child will learn easily and remember a lot of new information. Develop your children with educational games, tests and exercises, play together. We wish you good luck.

Observation - important quality for both adults and children. She is a witness good intellect The child has.

A distinctive feature of observation is that it functions not as a result of stimuli from the outside (parents or teacher), but solely on the student's own initiative - as a manifestation of his internal mental activity. That is why the creators of the observation tests offer the task in an indirect form.

Pretty observant complex ability. The first stage of its development is sensibility - the "big sister" of mindfulness. We are talking about the ability in the process of perception to pay attention (mostly involuntarily) to the absence of a certain element in some object, or, conversely, to the presence of something unusual in it.

Observation - only those in whose long-term memory clear, detailed representations of the surrounding objects are stored. Without knowing the object in its normal form, it is impossible to notice anomalies in it. This is the first of the components of discernment.

Another lies in the understanding of the discovered features, in the ability to correctly assess their role and significance. That is, already at the level of sensitivity, observation is a synthesis of external involuntary attention, thinking and long-term memory.

Observation Tests

We will reveal the concept of observation using the example of two tests intended for students primary school. Both are done individually.

The first test is called "Rate the work of the artist"

Testing procedure.

The subject is sequentially presented with 35 cards, on each of which - separate subject or a group of items. Among these cards, 16 are test cards (see the figure above), the rest are camouflage. The peculiarity of the credits (they are indicated in the figure) is the absence or in the wrong image in the figure of a certain part. Camouflage cards are ordinary patterns without any distortion. The teacher selects them himself (it is desirable that they be completed in the same format as the tests)

In the instruction that the student receives before the start of the observation test, he is asked to carefully consider the next drawing and say whether he likes it, whether it is well done. That is, the real purpose of the test is not indicated. (If the instruction had asked directly "What is missing here?" or "What is drawn wrong?", then this would be a test of simple attentiveness.) To prevent the subject from guessing the true purpose of the test (he could not comprehend the specifics of the test cards), and apply camouflage cards.

All the objects shown in the drawings are well known to children (1 - a table without one leg; 2 - a dog without an ear; 3 - a girl without a mouth; 4 - a kitten without a left mustache; 5 - scissors without a connecting screw; 6 - little finger without a nail; 7 - number on playing card does not match the number of characters depicted on it; 8 - door without bottom hinge; 9 - jacket without buttonholes; 10 - fish without scales; 11 - fly without antennae; 12 - a screw without a slot on the cap; 13 - absence of eyebrows on the face; 14 - there are no support spikes; 15 - the cone of the thermometer is not filled with liquid; 16 - one of the hooves is not cloven).

If you do not like these pictures of the observation test, you can replace them with pictures from the D. Wexler test.

However, observation - perceptiveness will be demonstrated only by those who carefully examine these objects, comparing them (according to at least, on an intuitive level) with the corresponding representations stored in long-term memory. One to one and a half minutes is allotted for viewing one drawing. For each error indicated during the conversation, the subject is awarded one point. Therefore, the maximum score is 16 points.

Many people do not pay attention to what surrounds them. The ability to provide a person with sustained attention for the processes of remembering or recalling information can solve many psychological problems in life.

And memory has nothing to do with it.

Information is better remembered and retained longer with focused attention.

This is confirmed by the following example.

Test 1

If a person closes his eyes and asks him about the color, shape, smell, and maybe taste of an object that he has seen many times, past which he often walked, but did not pay attention, he will hardly be able to answer the question posed, despite having seen this item many times. Most people cannot answer the question of whether the Roman or Arabic numeral 6 is on their dial. mechanical watch. It often happens that it is not there at all. But the man who looked at his watch many times did not focus on this fact and in the end did not remember it.

Test 2

You have guests. Try a little experiment.

After about 30 minutes of socializing, invite your buddies to turn their backs to the nearest neighbors so that it is not possible to see them. Their task is to give correct answers to several questions about the neighbors.

1. Name the color of the neighbor's (neighbor's) clothes, describe it.

2. Does your neighbor wear a tie (or, if it is a neighbor, a neckerchief)?

3. Is he/she perfumed?

4. Describe the neighbor's (neighbor's) shoes.

5. Does he carry a borset (or handbag) with him?

6. Does he wear jewelry (if so, please describe)?

7. Describe the hair: color, type, hairstyle.

8. Describe the eyes: color, shape.

9. Does your neighbor (neighbour) smoke?

10. What does he hold in his hand?

In addition to these questions, you can ask about the decor of the room, but first ask the guests to move to another room or to the garden.

The moment you pay attention to certain information, it is entered into short-term memory.

It is necessary to clearly imagine the circumstances in which attention is prone to fall:

1) if a person is taken to hurry;

2) if we are interrupted or there are distractions;

3) if there is overwork;

4) if the body is oversaturated with drugs, alcohol;

5) if a person is in a normal environment (there is a loss of vigilance);

6) if a person is guided by feelings;

7) if we cannot understand the flow of perceived information.

While noticing the main thing, we do not pay attention to the details.

Exercise 1

Read the words:

Have you focused on typos? Read the words again with great attention.

Task 2

Try to go through the word mazes. The letter of the lower right corner is the entrance to the labyrinth (the beginning of the word).

The letter on the left upper corner, - the end of the maze, it is also the last letter of the word. You can move vertically or horizontally. Do not skip lines or letters


2 - mobility; 5 - optional;

3 - experiment; 6 - performance.

4 - manager;

It's never too late to start working on developing your attention. Any memorization will bring a greater effect if you do not memorize mechanically, but enjoy this process.

The exercises given below develop attention well, which in turn affects the processes of memorization and recall.

Exercise 1

You need to put 10 different objects in front of you and cover them with paper. The fabric will not work, because under it you can easily guess the outlines of objects. Open them, examine them for 10 seconds and close them again. Try to remember all the items.

Exercise 2

Consider the same objects again for 8 - 10 s. Then name the items in the order in which they are located.

Exercise 3

Have someone swap any two objects. Then look at all the objects for 10 seconds and try to guess which pair of objects turned out to be transferred.

Exercise 4

Regardless of the objects, name the color of each of them.

Exercise 5

Place eight objects on top of each other. For 20 seconds, examine them from bottom to top and from top to bottom. Then do the same from memory.

Exercise 6

5-6 objects need to be placed in different provisions: put on its side, move towards each other, put one on top of the other, etc. After 20 seconds, tell about the position of each object.

Exercise 7

Have someone prepare a few strips of paper on which six-digit numbers will be written in large letters. They must be composed of the same numbers, which are rearranged from one digit to another:

First you will be shown the first number. Then it must be removed. After considering the second number, say which digits are rearranged. Continue in the same way to analyze the rest of the numbers.

How to deal with distraction

The distraction is not caused bad memory people, but by a lack of attention to the multitude of things that play important role when recording information.

Attention can be of two types: arbitrary and involuntary.

involuntary attention is born in the absence of a conscious intention on the part of a person. You did not try to notice the dog that ran right at your feet, but, oddly enough, you remembered. Involuntary attention is highly dependent on changes that occur in environment. For an irritant that plays an important role, surprise and unusualness should be characteristic. On the factory floor, the thundering hammer blows cease to attract attention. But in the silence of the night, a variety of faint rustles attract attention.

Involuntary attention is completely dependent on the intuitive attitude, which is formed in a person under the influence of the events of a previous life.

To put it differently, then involuntary attention can be called attention human subconscious. Probably, at least once, but this has also happened: you walk down the street, indulge in reflections on completely and completely specific things. And suddenly you realize that your thoughts are busy with something else. Your attention has switched, and how it happened, you did not notice. In the same way, while waiting for a person you care about, you will automatically listen to footsteps in the hallway, the creak of front doors, the sound of an approaching car, even if you are currently doing a certain job.

Arbitrary psychologists call consciously created attention. Arbitrary attention has a direct connection with the activity of the second signaling system and in its “true form” is inherent only in man. People give themselves various commands: "it is necessary to study something", "try to hear what others have said", "do not miss the activation of the process", etc. These commands are given using inner speech and in the consciousness of themselves are not fixed, but final result the process discussed above can be considered conscious activity.

The organization of voluntary attention depends on the goals that a person sets for himself.

Voluntary attention is associated with more stress than arbitrary. And as a compensation for this - a significant effect. The situation becomes clearer if we take a closer look. Attention Properties:

1) stability;

3) distribution;

4) switchability.

And now in more detail about each.

Volume attention is influenced by natural qualities human body. Attention can be increased through a variety of training exercises. For example, this is important for a person who works with a personal computer.

Distribution of attention - This is the number of operations that a person is able to perform at the same time. It's no secret that every activity requires a certain amount of attention.

Julius Caesar was able to simultaneously write something, listen to someone and, in addition, talk to someone.

According to psychologists, the desire to simultaneously perform several actions is not feasible. This is due to the fact that in the cerebral cortex in full force only one focus of excitability can work.

In this case, he was rescued by attention, which quickly switched alternately from one type of activity to another. The faster and better the switching of attention proceeds, the more different types jobs can be done at the same time. There is another mechanism for the synchronous execution of various tasks.

While one of the actions is located in the very center of consciousness, the rest (brought to automatism with the help of repeated repetitions) lie, as it were, on the way, waiting for their turn. With the combination of these mechanisms for the simultaneous performance of several actions, an experienced driver has the ability to simultaneously control the machine and monitor the road.

Almost every student can simultaneously listen to the teacher, take notes of his lecture and communicate with his comrades, managing to some extent comprehend the information received. But such a skill is not given to a person from birth. If a baby holding a ball in his hand is put in any other toy, he will throw the ball, because he still does not know how to divide attention for such fairly simple actions.

The attention of a one-year-old child is involuntary and imperfect. At this age, the cells in the cerebral cortex are not yet sufficiently developed, and the second signaling system has not reached its perfection.

If your attention underdevelopment, then it is almost impossible to think about a certain problem, let alone solve it.

To train your attention, you can use special drawings. They can be found in various publications.

For example, what changed when the kitten ran away?

You need to try to remember the objects that are located on the table in 15 seconds (Fig. 2A). Look at Figure 2B and name the objects.

These exercises will help improve your focus and increase your memory capacity. But the best way to help develop attention is daily work.

In older people, memory, attention and other mental operations are getting worse. With age, attention is preserved if you train it with early years. There are many examples when famous scientists had clarity and clarity of consciousness even in old age.

Pursuing creative work, a person achieves a high concentration of his attention, and outwardly looks like an extremely absent-minded person. Many events normal life pass through it.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that bad job memory is the result of a lack of attention. BUT Attention central link in the chain of memory processes, a prerequisite that is simply necessary for the process of memorization. When your mind is occupied with something distracted, it is very difficult to maintain a sufficient level of attention.

It will be possible to judge the stability of your attention after completing the exercise developed by psychologists.

Looking at figure 3, look exactly along the line that comes out of the first square. In the cell where the line led you, put the number 1. Swipe similar work with the remaining numbers of the maze. Then follow the same steps with a pencil.

If you did not make any mistakes during the task, your attention can be considered stable.

The following exercise will help you assess the level of shifting your attention. In 4 minutes, you need to find numbers from 1 to 30 among randomly placed numbers.

Complicated option: find numbers from 1 to 90 in 9 minutes.

As training tasks, such tasks are also suitable: the figures below show objects. First, practice memorizing as best you can more items. After that, do the exercise for a while.

Most automatic actions are the basis of forgetfulness. For example, having unconsciously turned off the iron, we cannot remember whether we turned it off or not.

You can get rid of the automaticity of movements: just stop and pause.

If you decide to fight forgetfulness and distraction, neutralize the main enemy - haste.

One of the principles of attention correction is the ability to concentrate in certain time, i.e., all mental processes should be aimed at solving a specific problem, without being distracted by other problems.

The third condition is the speed of action. If there is a minor problem that requires negligible time to fix, fix it immediately or do it as soon as possible.

There are times when there is no way to concentrate. Depression can interfere with this. At this moment, the consciousness of a person is owned dark thoughts. emotional stress, extraneous sounds, fussiness - all these are accompanying depression phenomena. At this time, a person is not able to collect his thoughts and plan his actions.

If you are tired, it is better to delay working on difficult tasks and thinking serious problems until better times.

Both positive and negative emotions have a great impact on human memory. Their task is to select for a person significant, important information for him.

Those things and events that shocked the imagination, pleased or greatly upset are remembered for a long time.

The work of subconscious memory is affected by the mood of a person at the moment when the process of assimilation of information takes place.

According to many people, emotions and thinking have nothing in common; Emotions not only do not help, but even interfere with thought processes. But one can argue with these statements, because every action, every thinking process and emotions are inseparable from each other. Experienced it was found that emotional outbursts helped to find a way out of seemingly completely hopeless situations.

Sometimes in the morning, no one knows where the confidence comes from that the day will be successful. And indeed, all problems are solved by themselves.

Emotions - this is great energy! When a person, under the influence of strong emotions, commits a crime (in a state of passion), it is considered by the judge differently than the offense that was planned in advance.

Imagine yourself participating in a small experiment. Before you put chaotically scattered fragments of the mosaic.

These are parts of the same drawing. Your job is to put it together. It's actually full of unnecessary parts and one is missing.

The conditions of the experiment are such that every 2 minutes the fragments are mixed again and the subject is obliged to start work from the beginning.

After 10-15 attempts, the subject is quietly thrown the missing fragment and given the opportunity to complete the task.

When do you think the subject will feel irritated? Who will he be angry with first?

If you, as a test subject, feel how after 3 attempts the irritation begins to grow, it looks like you are a choleric, if after 7 attempts you are a sanguine.

When just on the tenth attempt you start to wonder, you are a pronounced phlegmatic.

The fact that you are angry with yourself says that you are an introvert. If you want to sprinkle these fragments on the researcher, you are an extrovert. To find out which psychotype is closer to you, fill out the table.

1. Choose positions that characterize you.

2. Count and write down the number of added pluses in the "Total" column.

If a most of pluses in the first column, then you are an extrovert, if in the second - an introvert.

It happens that the number of pluses in both columns is the same. This means that a person, depending on the circumstances, can show himself as both an extrovert and an introvert.

Extroverts are fast, superficial and widespread attention. It can also be called mobile and dynamic. At all sorts of parties, it is these people who are in the spotlight: they are pouring out of them smart quotes and jokes. Such a person gives the impression of a wit and an erudite: it all depends on the circumstances. He grasps a large number of new material on the fly and, without delay, rushes forward. Experts call this phenomenon quotation memory. Quoting a lot and to the point, reputed to be an expert on a particular issue, an extrovert may not be able to describe the problem in his own words, not know its essence.

History knows the facts when quotation memory helped a person achieve success. For example, there is a case with a young lawyer who knew all the evidence letter by letter, while understanding absolutely nothing. Nevertheless, he managed to finish his studies, and with excellent grades.

An introvert, in turn, has a narrow, deep, one might even say, thorough attention.

Children are characterized by mobile, rapid and at the same time superficial attention. For an ordinary good health a child, an adult seems to be a big bore, because an adult can talk about the same thing for an unacceptably long time - a full 5 minutes. These people in adulthood have low metabolic activity of the brain, which leads to absent-mindedness.

Due to the good stability of attention, the ability to limit its concentration, an introvert can pass for a bore. But just such a type of people is capable of discovering new laws of nature, inventing something ingenious.

For all that, this kind of attention can be compared with a viscous mud that pulls deep. To dull this feeling a little, you need to learn to look at the world easier.

Tips for extroverts

1. Work on self-discipline. Accustom yourself to practice systematically at a certain time. You will not be able to immediately perform a certain task for a long time, start with 20 minutes.

2. Do not think that you will not find anything new in this world for yourself.

3. Analyze new material.

4. Draw your conclusions and compare them with those provided.

6. Try not to be sketchy in your knowledge.

Tips for introverts

1. You have a penchant for self-flagellation. Be objective.

2. Don't work to the point of exhaustion.

3. Try to give your body a rest - it will only be grateful to you for this.

4. K big goal move in small steps, do not try to embrace the immensity.

5. Exercise control over yourself: what you remember and what you managed to forget.

6. Repetition of what has been learned should not be mechanical: the first time repeat the main points, the second time pay attention to the details.

7. Do not neglect notes, and you can fix your thoughts in the margins of the pages.

In order for the tasks and exercises given below to bring tangible results, you need to know about your strengths and weaknesses. The following table, developed by psychologists, will help with this.

Letter T correspond to people who are inherent in logic and rationality.

Letter F correspond to people with an associative type of thinking.

Tips for logicians (T-people)

1. Class time. Your perseverance and ability to concentrate will allow you to do a lot, and tense brainwork will not adversely affect the comprehension and mastery of new information.

2. Volume of material. Heed to this council: do not study paragraph by paragraph, but skim through the entire material. This will identify the main outline of the story, the key points. This is enough to get started. After the material has rested, you can work with the details.

3. Quality. Don't expect to get a snapshot of everything you've read - you don't consider yourself a "crammer"! It is better to have information of a smaller volume, but firmly seated in memory. But keep in mind that it will take more time to comprehend the semantic connections.

4. Speed. There is no need to envy those who remember quickly and by heart: they quickly remembered - they forgot even faster. Practice a little longer, and as a result, you won't have to memorize the same thing twice. You should worry about the accuracy and systematic perception, and speed should not bother you.

5. Be sure to pay attention to the development of other types of memory.

6. When you fully master the material, do not miss the emergence of new images and thoughts. You can’t remember them - do not be ashamed to write down, sketch. This will be very useful to you in the future.

Tips for Irrationalists (F-People)

1. Class time. Discipline is not your forte. Start with basic things: decide on the time of classes. It's no secret to you that you can get tired quickly. At distracted attention lessons will not go well. 20 minutes is what is needed. And here for reading fiction there are no restrictions.

2. Volume of material. There is no doubt that reading a history textbook is tantamount to reading fiction novel. In your memory are deposited only vivid images. Start reading again. You may have to work with diagrams and tables.

3. Quality. Your associative images are like a motley crowd that is trying to get into your home. Try to let in thoughts, images and associations strictly in order. To do this, it is necessary to think not only figuratively, but also logically.

4. Speed. Your emotional mood great effect on speed, speed, accuracy of memorization.

While working, do not think about extraneous things, all your thoughts should be filled only with the material being studied.

5. What types of memory need to be developed. You have a well-formed memory. Show your images in the form of drawings, poems. Taking care of your images will improve your thinking and memory.

Psychotechnical exercises

Psychotechnical games and exercises are designed to form all kinds of forms of self-regulation of a certain state of a person.

Scientific studies show that the effectiveness educational process provides a person's ability to self-regulate the state, psychological adjustment.

Psychotechnical exercises help active use memorization skills. Under psychotechnics, psychologists understand a whole range of psychotechnical exercises.

A variety of mental processes are the basis of the memorization process. All sorts of characteristics of human life depend on how well they do their job. This number can be attributed to the ability of a person to memorize.

Already at the beginning of the last century, Academician V. M. Bekhterev was engaged in the study of attention processes. They provided evidence that the subjects who were asked to perform tests to identify the quality of attention increased the percentage of memorizing information. The quality of attention was studied using various tests.

1. Within a certain time, cross out the established icons, letters, words.

2. Complete the text: insert the necessary words instead of gaps.

The observer recorded how long the exercise was completed. It was his responsibility to fix the presence of errors. Each time, the subjects needed less time to complete the tasks. The number of errors also decreased. But the quality of the exercises, on the contrary, became higher.

Around the same time, the foundation was laid for the development of psychotechnics as a science.

She played the role of practical discipline, which connected various schemes impact on human mental processes.

Since then, scientists have collected and processed a lot of various tasks and exercises. Below you will find exercises that are necessary for practicing memorization skills.

It is worth noting that when doing mnemonics, there is no need to perform psychotechnical exercises, because exercises for practicing the skills of memorizing and recalling information are quite suitable for training everyone. mental processes. It has been proven that all exercises provide the human brain with the necessary training load. But still, if it's hard for you to mentally imagine various images, experts advise to perform psychotechnical exercises on their own with all care.

Psychotechnical exercise (carried out in a group by a leader).

Sit in pairs. Everyone take a sheet of paper, fold it in half and write a page of any text inside. After carefully studying the material, put a personal signature at the bottom of the sheet.

Fold the paper and don't show it to anyone. Close your eyes. Relax for a few seconds. Feel the warmth that spreads throughout the body. Concentrate your internal energy and direct it to the interlocutor. Touch your partner's hand with yours.

Raise your hand a second time and feel elastic wave. Bring your hand to your partner’s forehead, while everyone will feel the sensation of the partner’s hand near your forehead, the radiation of this hand, an elastic wave, maybe light wind. Now your memory capacity is incredible. Exchange the leaves without unfolding them. Now, sitting next to your partner and feeling the radiation, tune in to your unlimited possibilities and check them out. You open your partner's sheet, at the first reading, remember all the words that are written there, these words displace from memory all the previous information with which you worked during this lesson.

When you close the sheet, you find that you can easily remember all the words you see. And at the same time, you wonder where the concepts that you just wrote yourself have disappeared, where have disappeared from your memory. Do this experiment with your partner. Report the result to the host. We looked at the sheet. Thank you. The sheet is closed. They took a pencil, wrote these words on a folded sheet. Now try to remember the words you wrote on your sheet where you put your signature. Discuss the results of the exercise with your partner. Game over.

Relaxation exercises

Exercise "Fingers" It is necessary to connect the hands so that the thumbs are free. You need to sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes and make a slow rotation thumbs relative to each other. Try not to think about anything. At first, movement will help you focus. It will also distract you from secondary thoughts and everyday troubles. Attention is like a watch with only one hand. This and other exercises will help you learn to consciously maintain the position of the arrow you need, which is very difficult, because attention is not distinguished by obedience. It constantly jumps from one to another. But you must kindly, but persistently show your attention that now it does not control you, but you control it.

Breathing exercise. Sit comfortably, relax and close your eyes, focusing your attention on your breathing. Breathe normally. Try to observe this process as if from the outside. Violation of the rhythm of breathing is unacceptable. Try not to think about anything. Your task at this moment is simply to observe your breathing.

Exercise "Those plo». Move the palms of your hands so that the distance between them is about 1 cm. You should feel warm. Concentrate on the feeling of warmth. At the same time, as if freeze, lay low. Try to remember this relaxation. It is a relaxed state that helps to achieve maximum concentration.

Focus exercise. You need to focus on the whole body at once. Mentally run through the body with an inner look. Try to feel a pleasant wave that passes through the body from head to toe. Concentrate on:

1) right hand;

2) forearm of the right hand;

3) hands of the right hand;

4) index finger;

5) the tip of the index finger;

6) the whole body.

Repeat the exercise for the other hand.

Following a series of relaxation tasks, move on to exercises aimed at training attention and visual thinking.

Exercise "Letters" In any newspaper or magazine, find a few paragraphs (three or four) to practice. Reading the article, count the number of letters "a" in it. Read again and count the number "c". Read the article again and note the number of words in the passage you have chosen. Record the result. Continue with one text until the number of letters counted stops changing. This exercise can be done arbitrarily: just count any letters in any text. It is advisable to additionally determine the time spent on the exercise using a stopwatch. This will help you compare your results.

Exercise "Activation of memory." Recall your yesterday, the time of rest, the recently seen movie in all its details. Your the main task- to keep attention on the process of remembering, not allowing thoughts to switch to other topics. If everything was done quite easily, take the risk of remembering the opposite, turn the time back. This will complicate the task.

Exercise "Mental drawing". Mentally draw yourself letters and numbers, various geometric shapes. Do not confuse mental drawing with ordinary image in the mind of a certain image. When performing this exercise, you need to “draw”. Draw in the same way as if you were drawing in an album with a pencil, with your finger on the misted glass. Drawings must be large. Try to feel the movement of your hand, although it should remain motionless.

Performing the following exercises allows you to achieve muscle relaxation.

Exercise 1

1. Leaning your heels on the floor, bend your toes up. Then tighten the muscles in your feet and legs. Continue for 10 seconds, then relax for 10 seconds. During this exercise, you should feel how your muscles first tense up and then warm up. It's nice to feel relaxed after the tension is gone.

2. You need to raise your legs parallel to the floor and bend your toes towards you. Now another group of muscles is included in the work - the muscles of the thighs. It is necessary to remain in this position for about 10 seconds, and then relax, allowing the legs to suddenly fall. You will experience pleasant sensations because your feet, legs and thighs will be warm.

3. Raise your legs parallel to the floor and bend your toes towards you. It is necessary to keep the legs in tension for 10 seconds, and then relax. This stage of exercise forces the muscles that are in the lower body to work. Next comes the turn of the upper part of the case.

4. It is necessary to raise your arms horizontally parallel to the floor. Clenching your fingers into a fist, make an effort to strain the entire arm. Continue for 10 seconds, after which the hands can be relaxed. This exercise should be repeated with open palms, and the fingers should be spread apart. After 10 seconds, the arms can be relaxed.

5. You need to stretch your lips forward, as if you want to pronounce the sound "O". Open your eyes wider, as if expressing surprise. But eyebrows do not need to frown. Endure 10 seconds, and then you can relax. The muscles of the neck and facial muscles it will only benefit. This simple exercise can also be done while driving a car, but only if you are waiting. green light traffic light.

6. Try to smile as wide as possible and stay in this position for 10 seconds. After that, you can relax. Thus, you came to the end of this set of exercises smiling.

The following set of exercises is borrowed from the system of exercises for yogis. Relaxing their muscles, they used it to get at the same time absolutely complete relaxation souls and bodies.

1. You need to lie on your back (on a carpet or bed) so that it is comfortable. Or you can just sit in a chair or on a sofa.

2. Close your eyes and imagine a picture of nature that will bring you peace and tranquility: sea ​​coast or a river bank, unhurried waves roll over one another. You can even hear their peaceful splashing. The following option is also possible: imagine that you are floating on an air mattress in the pool, or maybe you just dozed off in a boat that sways silently on the waves of a serene lake, or bask on the warm sand. Stop your choice on one of these pictures and draw it in your imagination clearly and distinctly.

3. Now immediately command the muscles of your body to relax, from the tips of your toes to your head. This exercise will help you release residual tension in your muscles. Relaxation of all parts of the body should take place in the order indicated. Your task is to monotonously and measuredly pronounce the following words in your mind:

I relax my feet

I relax my toes;

I relax my legs;

relax my knees

I relax my hips

I relax my stomach

I relax my chest

I relax my hands

I relax my hands;

I relax my fingers

I relax my neck

relax my face

I relax my jaw

I relax my mouth

I relax my tongue

I relax my eyes

I relax my eyelids

relax my eyebrows

I relax my cheeks;

I relax completely.

Let the tension disappear. Listen to your breathing: it should be shallow and regular. You are currently in complete harmony with yourself.