Selfless devotion. Spiritual conflict of generations (based on Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons")


Loyalty is total commitment, loyalty specific case or a person. It is this quality that nourishes the personality with inspiration, gives strength to fight when it seems that there is no way out. Commitment is the willingness to go all the way for an idea or person. But there is also an extreme one. In this case, a person is capable of crimes and terrible deeds.

What is devotion

Devotion is called steadfastness, reliability, observance of one's words, principles, oaths. A devoted man is a man of Honor. He always fulfills his duty and obligations. This quality enhances everything. better feelings, this is the basis of reliability, the ability to achieve any goals, the strength to overcome the most difficult obstacles.

Loyalty gives a person. This quality gives mutual respect and trust of people. They trust faithful and reliable people, they do serious business with them. A committed attitude is the foundation for success. This is the ability not to renounce the goal, the intended path when difficulties arise. This is the ability to overcome all problems with dignity, not to give up, not to betray the oath.

The condition of fidelity is personal qualities, the correctness of actions and the fulfillment of the rules of devotion.

Rules of devotion

There are such rules for the formation of devotion:

to strengthen and create those qualities that correspond to this character trait: responsibility, sincerity, perseverance, faith in oneself and others, reliability, desire to act and be persistent;
on outward manifestation this quality is distinguished by the courage to make promises and keep them, to make commitments, to fulfill deeds in at its best, but at the same time not to make unrealistic promises;
as for priorities, a person always knows what he is devoted to in the first place. For him there is a clear gradation of devotion and duty;
an important rule is the ability not to be betrayed negative manifestations: evil people, negative goals, etc. It's the ability to resist negative emotions and influences.

The Problem of Devotion

In today's society, there is respectful attitude to this character trait. It is customary to consider precisely a devoted attitude to business as a manifestation of high morality. devoted people compared with altruists, with those who are ready to sacrifice themselves, this is seen as a benefactor. But often the problem of loyalty to a belief or a person is that the individual has to betray his own interests and desires. And this is far from having a positive effect, even when a noble goal contributes to this.

For example, truly devoted children give up their own happiness to please their parents. They don't start a family. Such people In a similar way show gratitude, or hide guilt for their parents' sacrifices for them. But the outcome of such devotion is always sad for the individual himself.

Loyalty is closely related to personal values, because the this concept too powerful. It connects with the most significant phenomena in life. devoted man becomes his own family, beliefs, religion, ideal.

This quality makes you spend your own resources, time, emotions. But not in the name of the award, but for the sake of the idea. Fanatical adherence to the ideal in any case carries a danger. And before giving up self-interest for the sake of conviction, consider whether it is worth doing. Sometimes people do not see the boundaries when a committed attitude becomes something scary and negative.

Examples of devotion

It's worth saying that a prime example true fidelity is the hero of the popular painting "Hachiko". This is a dog that has been waiting for a deceased owner for many years. railway platform. During his lifetime, he met him every day after the service. No matter what happened, the dog sat and waited for the train that had brought the owner before.

It was there, on the platform, that the life of the dog ended. She showed own example which means true loyalty to a person. This is not a made up story. The dog from the movie the only example. In the city of Tolyatti (Russia) there is a "Monument of Devotion". It is put in the name of the dog who committed such an act.

If we talk about examples of people's devotion, then there are absolutely different situations: from or to a friend to dedication to work and your cause. An example of dedication to work is a situation where a person with incredible talents works for a company that is not able to pay him a high salary. But at the same time, he refuses truly profitable offers in order to get this company on its feet.

Another case is a devoted attitude to beliefs and an ideal. People who believed in the purpose of the revolution, in 1917, overthrew the monarchs that acted for many centuries. They destroyed the entire family of kings. Similar manifestation devotion is considered the most dangerous. On the basis of this, strife and wars often arise. People whose commitment to an idea is excessive are not always able to correctly assess own actions or take into account the opinion of society.

Is it good to be loyal

To answer the question of whether it is good to be a devotee, it is worth asking other questions and giving sincere answers to them. This is primarily important for those who are not aware of the role of fidelity.

In any religion, the lower circle of hell is reserved for traitors, there, for thousands of years, all traitors who betrayed benefactors burn. The most terrible torments await those who could betray. In creeds, betrayal is considered a terrible sin, worse than murder, and therefore the torment is supposed to be long and terrible.

So, now answer these questions: would you like to be betrayed by loved ones, left in Hard time, deceived? Would you like it if close person end up in jail because a friend betrayed him? Did you want your friends to discuss you behind your back, to conduct dark deeds against you? Would you like to live in a society where no one can be trusted, because everyone is ready to betray and set up?

Probably not. Thus, it cannot be said that a committed attitude is bad. And for an accurate conviction, it’s worth asking one more question: do you want to have a friend, relatives, friends who are not able to betray, substitute? Do you want to be confident in your friends? That they won't put a knife in their back?

Few will refuse this. But now another situation: would you like to have a reputation as a loyal and reliable person who is true to his own obligations and words, who keeps his promises? Nobody will agree otherwise.

April 1, 2014


Most good behavior one that is determined not by external recommendations, but by spiritual necessity. Spiritual necessity - it is, perhaps, especially good when it is unaccountable. It is necessary to act correctly without thinking, without thinking for a long time. The unaccountable spiritual need to do well, to do good to people is the most valuable thing in a person.

But this spiritual need is not always inherent in a person from birth. It is brought up in a person and brought up mainly by himself - his determination to live in truth, in a kind way.

We learn to ride a bicycle and first follow some simple advice from friends: turn the steering wheel in the direction you fall. And soon we drive without thinking about any rules, and we drive well and freely all our lives.

In my "letters" I also recommend simple rules"to ride a bicycle" - to live honestly, in truth. But this is only necessary to get started. You need to live intuitively “at the behest of conscience”, without hesitation, always find right decisions without looking at books. Life is much more difficult than riding a bike. Therefore, more advice needs to be given.

But here's what to pay attention to. When you first learn to ride a bike, when you think about where to turn, you spend a lot of effort. And when you have learned and do not think, you are almost tireless. And here is my advice: learn, without hesitation, to immediately find the right solutions. Life will be easy.

Therefore, you should only need my "Letters of Kindness" for a start. And then live kindly, not thinking about the "rules" that are contained in the letters. The "rules" are just a start. Strive to walk in the paths of good as simply and without hesitation as you walk in general. The paths and roads of your beautiful garden, which is called the surrounding world, are so easy, so convenient, meetings on them are so interesting, if only you have chosen the “initial data” correctly.

So, after reading, put my letters aside and find the right solutions for yourself and strive not to stumble, so that all decisions come straight from the heart.

And I'll wave after you...



We are entering an age in which education, knowledge, and professional skills will play a decisive role in a person's destiny. Without knowledge, by the way, which is becoming more and more complicated, it will simply be impossible to work, to be useful. For physical work machines and robots will take over. Even calculations will be done by computers, just like drawings, calculations, reports, planning, etc. A person will bring in new ideas, think about what a machine cannot think about. And for this, the general intelligence of a person, his ability to create something new and, of course, moral responsibility, which a machine cannot bear in any way, will be increasingly needed. Ethics, simple in previous ages, will become infinitely more complex in the age of science. It is clear.

This means that a person will face the hardest and most difficult task of being not just a person, but a man of science, a person who is morally responsible for everything that happens in the age of machines and robots. General education can create a man of the future, a creative man, a creator of everything new and morally for everything that will be created.

Teaching is what a young person needs now from a very young age. You must always learn. Until the end of his life, not only taught, but also studied all the major scientists. If you stop learning, you won't be able to teach. For knowledge is growing and becoming more complex. At the same time, it must be remembered that the most favorable time for learning is youth. It is in youth, in childhood, in adolescence, in youth, that the human mind is most receptive. Receptive to the study of languages ​​(which is extremely important), to mathematics, to the assimilation of simple knowledge and the development of aesthetic, standing next to with moral development and partly stimulating it.

Know how not to waste time on trifles, on “rest”, which sometimes tires more than the hardest work, do not fill your bright mind with muddy streams of stupid and aimless “information”. Take care of yourself for learning, for acquiring knowledge and skills that you can easily quickly master only in your youth.

And here I hear a heavy sigh young man: what kind boring life you offer our youth! Only study. And where is the rest, entertainment? What are we not to rejoice at?

No. The acquisition of skills and knowledge is the same sport. Teaching is difficult when we do not know how to find joy in it. We must be able to learn and choose smart forms of recreation and entertainment that can also teach something, develop in us some abilities that will be needed in life.

What if you don't like studying? That cannot be. It means that you simply did not discover the joy that the acquisition of knowledge and skills brings to a child, a young man, a girl.

Look at small child, - with what pleasure he begins to learn to walk, talk, delve into various mechanisms(in boys), babysit dolls (in girls). Try to continue this joy of learning new things. This largely depends on you. Don't promise: I don't like to study! And you try to love all the subjects that you study at school. If other people like them, then why might you not like them! Read standing books and not just fluff. Study history and literature. Both should be well known intelligent person. It is they who give a person a moral and aesthetic outlook that makes the world big, interesting, radiating experience and joy. If you don’t like something in some object, strain and try to find in it a source of joy - the joy of acquiring a new one.

Learn to love learning!



Memory and knowledge of the past fill the world, make it interesting, significant, spiritualized. If you do not see his past behind the world around you, it is empty for you. You are bored, you are sad, and you are ultimately lonely, because your comrades are really comrades for you when you are connected with them by some kind of common past: whether you graduated from school, college, or worked together, and the old people remember with a special tenderness of those with whom they fought, experienced some difficulties.

Let the houses we walk past, let the cities and villages in which we live, even the factory we work at, or the ships we sail on, be alive for us, that is, having a past! Life is a non-simultaneous existence.

Let us know the history - the history of everything that surrounds us on a large and small scale. This is the fourth, very important dimension of the world.

But we must not only know the history of everything that surrounds us, starting with our family, continuing with the village or city and ending with the country and the world, but also keep this history, this immense depth of the environment.

Please note: children and young people are especially fond of customs, traditional festivities. For they master the world, master it in tradition, in history. Let us more actively protect everything that makes our life meaningful, rich and spiritual.

Quoted from:

D.S. Likhachev. Good Letters. St. Petersburg: "Russian-Baltic information centre BLITZ, 1999.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Similar conditions of existence and direction of action natural selection determine the similarity of the body shape of cetacean mammals and fish.

2) The similarity of the front burrowing limbs of the mole and the bear, belonging to different types, is explained by similar conditions of existence.

3) Convergence is the process of convergence of signs of closely related groups of animals, due to similar conditions of existence.

4) Convergence - convergence of signs in animals various groups- due to the impact on these animals of similar living conditions and general direction natural selection.

5) The convergence of traits in animals of different groups (convergence) is due to similar conditions of existence and the direction of natural selection.

(1) If the conditions of existence and the direction of action of natural selection are similar in animals of different groups, then in the process of evolution they sometimes acquire similar adaptations to the environment. (2) This process is called feature convergence (convergence). (3)<…>the front burrowing limbs of the mole and the bear are very similar, although these animals belong to different types, cetaceans and fish strongly resemble each other in body shape, and the limbs of swimming animals belonging to different classes are similar.

Which of the following words or combinations of words should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write out this word.

Despite this,

For example,

Read the snippet dictionary entry, which lists the meanings of the word TYPE. Determine in what sense this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

TYPE, -a, m.

1) Form, kind of something., possessing certain characteristics, as well as a sample, which corresponds to a known group of objects, phenomena. Basic t. industrial relations. T. car.

2) The highest division in the taxonomy of animals and plants. T. arthropods. T. flowering plants.

4) A person who is different in some way. characteristic properties, positive or negative. funny t.

In which word is there a mistake in placing the stress: WRONG is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted? Write out this word.

cork up

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Fix it lexical error choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

The new approach allows you to follow the needs of the market much more quickly and EFFICIENTLY.

Until now, Kostya dreamed of Evgenia's clear, clean, TRUSTING eyes.

A new acquaintance made a DUAL impression on me: there was something pleasant and something repulsive in him.

The right to open the film festival was GRANTED to a well-known director.

A RAINY cloud rose up from the east like an almost black wall.

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

Shortest way

LIE on the sofa

a pair of shoes

HIS views


Match between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first list, select the corresponding position from the second list.

BUT) misuse case form noun with preposition

B) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

C) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

G) wrong construction adverbial sentences

D) incorrect use of nouns

AT folk art about Baikal

not only sounds great love but also something more.

The two girls walked slowly

along the alley of the park and emotionally talking about something.

3) Revealing the characters of literary heroes,

in its entirety, with all the positive and negative features.

4) Wrapped up in a warm blanket, I felt warm and comfortable.

5) Through the application of new technology

production volumes have increased significantly.

6) I was preparing for a difficult conversation

with the leadership, however, contrary to

My guess is that the conversation took place in a very friendly atmosphere.

7) None of the grandchildren could resist

in front of grandmother's freshly baked loaf.

8) Company of four young people

entered the auditorium and took a seat in the front row.

9) In the collection of stories "Notes of a hunter"

Turgenev sang of Russian nature and rural life.


Determine the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root is omitted, checked by stress. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




try .. fight

Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

pr..way (for work), pr..wing

under..took, pos..yesterday

ra .. encrypt, ra .. row

(c) about..distance, drop.. (to the yard), b..ut (on the cheek)



savvy .. shy


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.



noticed .. who

Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The tight buds of still (NOT) FLOWING roses exuded a delicate aroma.

A (NOT) LOUD but unexpected knock on the door startled Yuri.

Marusya could not be called a beauty, but she was (NOT) devoid of charm.

(NOT) WAITING for permission, Grigory resolutely entered the room.

It was (NOT) WHO other than my friend Borka.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Written language, although it is animated (ON) MINUTELY by expressions that are born in conversation, but should not renounce what it has acquired (IN) FOR centuries.

It is necessary that (WOULD) each phrase express a thought or an image, and (IN) THIS is as accurate and complete as possible.

(IN) THE CIRCLE it was SO (SAME) quiet as the day before.

(B) CONTINUED all the way through the forest Egor walked silently, noiselessly, raising (ON) ABOVE his legs, so as not to catch on to something.

From time to time a breeze swept in and pinched the face, it was (FOR) WINTER frosty, (FOR) THEN the beauty everywhere was extraordinary.

Indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) is written HH.

Prishvin's life is an example of how a person renounced everything superficial that was imposed (1) on him by the environment, and began to live only at the behest of his heart, in harmony with his inner (2) world. Prishvin's books are the endless joy of constant (3) discoveries, his prose is filled with (4) poetry.

Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Our boat sailed either past thin aspens, or near islands, or not far from willow thickets.

2) Unaccountable devotion to an idea often forces a person to abandon close people and from home and family.

3) Moscow is gardens and halls, golden heads of churches and wooden houses in old lanes.

4) Twilight thickens and falls lower and the first stars light up in the sky.

5) The wind rustles in the tops of the pines and carries strings of clouds under them.

While working on the painting, I. Levitan sometimes put down his brushes, got up (1) and (2) moving a few steps away (3) looked at his canvas (4) gradually (5) acquiring the features of artistic completeness.

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

We enter the hall.

Shining chandeliers (1)

From stress (2)

Seems to (3) tremble!

Crystal rings

And affects the senses

We enter the hall

Without any art

And here art (4)

It can be seen (5) cherish.

(N. M. Rubtsov)

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

Human tall(1) at one appearance (2) of which (3) people respectfully fell silent (4) went to the table and spoke.

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

The blind man knew (1) that the sun was looking into the room (2) and (3) that (4) if he extended his hand through the window (5) dew would fall from the bushes.

Which of the statements does not match the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Berg did not understand the meaning of the word "motherland" before he spent almost a month on a lake in the Murom forests.

2) Berg went to the Murom forests to his friend Yartsev to paint landscapes.

3) Berg's first landscape was painted in watercolor.

4) Vanya Zotov, the artist's son, brought food and mail to Berg while he was on the lake.

5) Berg's trip to the lake in the Murom forests took place in early autumn.

(1) When the word "motherland" was pronounced under Berg, he grinned. (2) I didn’t notice the beauty of nature around, I didn’t understand when the soldiers said: “(3) Here we’ll beat native land and water the horses from our native river.

- (4) Chatter! Berg said gloomily. - (5) People like us do not and cannot have a homeland.

- (6) Oh, Berg, cracker soul! - the fighters answered with heavy reproach. - (7) You do not love the earth, eccentric. (8) And also an artist!

(9) Maybe that's why Berg was not good at landscapes.

(10) A few years later, in early autumn, Berg went to the Murom forests, to the lake, where his artist friend Yartsev spent the summer, and lived there for about a month. (11) He was not going to work and did not take oil paints with him, but brought only a small box of watercolors.

(12) For whole days he lay on the still green glades and looked at flowers and herbs, collected bright red rosehip berries and fragrant junipers, long needles, aspen leaves, where black and blue spots were scattered across the lemon field, fragile lichen of a delicate ashy shade and withering cloves. (13) He carefully examined autumn leaves from the inside, where the yellowness was slightly touched by lead frost.

(14) At sunset, flocks of cranes with a cooing flew over the lake to the south, and Vanya Zotov, the son of a forester, said to Berg every time:

- (15) It seems that birds are throwing us, flying to the warm seas.

(16) Berg for the first time felt a stupid resentment: the cranes seemed to him traitors. (17) They abandoned this forested and solemn land without regret, full of nameless lakes, impassable thickets, dry foliage, the measured rumble of pines and air smelling of resin and damp marsh mosses.

(18) Once Berg woke up with a strange feeling. (19) The light shadows of the branches trembled on the clean floor, and a quiet blue shone behind the door. (20) Berg met the word "radiance" only in the books of poets, considered it pompous and devoid of a clear meaning. (21) But now he understood how accurately this word conveys that special light that comes from the September sky and the sun.

(22) Berg took paints, paper and, without even drinking tea, went to the lake. (23) Vanya took him to the far shore.

(24) Berg was in a hurry. (25) Berg wanted to give all the power of colors, all the skill of his hands, everything that was trembling somewhere in his heart, to this paper in order to depict at least a hundredth of the magnificence of these forests, dying majestically and simply. (26) Berg worked like a man possessed, sang and shouted.

... (27) Two months later, a notice was brought to Berg's house about the exhibition in which he was supposed to participate: they asked him to tell how many of his works the artist would exhibit this time. (28) Berg sat down at the table and quickly wrote: “I am exhibiting only one sketch in watercolor, made this summer, my first landscape.”

(29) After a while, Berg sat and thought. (30) He wanted to trace in what elusive ways he had a clear and joyful sense of his homeland. (31) It has matured for weeks, years, decades, but the last push was given by the forest region, autumn, the cries of cranes and Vanya Zotov.

- (32) Oh, Berg, cracker soul! - he remembered the words of the fighters.

(33) The fighters were right then. (34) Berg knew that he was now connected with

his country not only with his mind, but with all his heart, as an artist, and that love for his homeland made his smart, but dry life warm, cheerful and a hundred times more beautiful than before.

(according to K. G. Paustovsky *) *

* Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968) - Russian Soviet writer, a classic of Russian literature.

Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) In sentences 10-11, reasoning is presented.

2) Sentences 22-23 present the narrative.

3) Sentence 24 indicates the reason for what is said in sentence 25.

4) Sentence 28 provides a description.

5) Sentence 30 clarifies what is said in sentence 29.

From sentences 16-17 write out antonyms (antonymic pair).

Among sentences 18-23, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using opposing union, personal pronoun, demonstrative pronoun and lexical repetition. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

Read the review snippet. It examines language features text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“The story of K.G. Paustovsky "Watercolor paints" combines simplicity of form and depth artistic content. In the syntax of the text, it should be noted that the author uses such a technique as (A) _______ ("weeks, years, decades" in sentence 31). BUT syntactical device- (B) _______ (sentences 4, 6, 8) - adds live text human emotions. Another technique - (B) _______ ("Berg" in sentences 24-26, "everything" in sentence 25) - plays an emphasizing, amplifying role. And such a trope as (D) (proposals 19, 25), in again shows us the skill of Paustovsky as an artist of the word.

List of terms:

1) metaphor

2) metonymy

3) parceling

4) exclamatory sentences

5) gradation

6) epiphora

7) comparative turnover

8) vernacular

9) lexical repetitions

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two illustration examples from the read text that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid over-quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Justify your opinion based on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text), Not Evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev claimed that "Bazarov is his favorite brainchild." However, when careful reading novel, acquaintance with the history of its creation, it can be argued that the attitude of the author to his hero is not so unambiguous.

The personality of Bazarov interests Turgenev primarily as a hero of the time, who has absorbed distinctive features era of social change. The writer managed to show the inconsistency of a strong extraordinary nature.

The era of social restructuring gives birth to a hero who denies the old laws of human society. Turgenev is trying to understand himself and gives the reader the opportunity to understand the new ideas that Bazarov brings.

The nihilistic philosophy causes a sharp rejection in the author. The ideas of denial and annihilation are not new to mankind. The destruction of cultures and traditions was tragically experienced by many nations. Therefore, Turgenev, as a humanist and highly educated person could not accept such a theory.

Images of Kukshina and Sitnikov appear on the pages of the novel - false nihilists, whose words and actions emphasize the whole negativism of nihilistic views. Separating them from Bazarov, showing Arkady Kirsanov's initial superficial fascination with these ideas, the author convinces the reader of the inconsistency of nihilistic views. Bazarov's cynical phrases about love and women are refuted by life itself, a deep feeling seizes him, and all pseudo-theories collapse when faced with true human feelings.

Sincerely experiencing the decline of the nobility, the decline of its social position and at the same time understanding the irreversibility of the ongoing changes, Turgenev realizes the stupidity of upholding the old "principles", bowing to the former authorities.

However, the author cannot accept blind denial eternal values- Pushkin, Raphael. This builds a conflict of generations, reflected in the novel mainly in the relationship between Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov. This confrontation is of a public nature and is characterized by external manifestations.

Bazarov's internal contradictions based on external conflict are deep and dramatic. Like a subtle psychologist, Turgenev shows mental struggle, it would seem, a convinced nihilist. Proving the immorality of nihilistic views, the author endows the hero with high moral character. Ivan Sergeevich is convinced that the hero can be saved by his spiritual restlessness, unspent feelings and the height of moral principles.

The irreconcilable, it would seem, dispute between the nobleman Kirsanov and the commoner Bazarov ends with the bewilderment of the arguing. After an absurd useless duel, Pavel Petrovich and Evgeny are trying to find in each other human dignity which helps them bridge the existing gap of misunderstanding. To see a person in a person, not an enemy or a supporter of a fanatical idea. Turgenev inflicts such a blow on his hero.

Perhaps the most dramatic pages of the novel, Ivan Sergeevich devoted to the relationship between the father and son of the Bazarovs. Rejecting his parents and home, Eugene loses the connection with his origins that every person needs. By erecting a wall of misunderstanding, the hero of the novel impoverishes himself spiritually and morally. Being blinded by the ideas of nihilism, which deny feelings and affection, he dooms himself to painful suffering and a tragic outcome. Back in parental home in the second and last time, Eugene unable to restore the lost ties.

Irresponsible devotion to the idea forces a person to abandon loved ones, from home, from family. Thus, exposing his hero to the test of love, the author is forced to state Bazarov’s inability to high feelings, emotional empathy.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev ends the novel with gloomy pictures of the death of Yevgeny Bazarov. This is the last test that befell the hero. Leading him to the last life line, the author reveals to readers the unspent spiritual secrets of Eugene. He discovers true human values: love for parents, for a woman, religious truths. The scene of farewell to Anna Sergeevna Odintsova is imbued with deep lyricism.

Why is Bazarov paying such a high price for spiritual enlightenment? Why does the author not spare his hero? The senseless death from a finger cut is deeply symbolic. Turgenev emphasizes that Bazarov is doomed. Trying to help the common people, he put himself above these people and remained misunderstood. Believing in nihilism, he deprived himself of natural human feelings- love and friendship. Unable to realize himself in life, Bazarov only manifests himself fully in the face of death.

Delivering a harsh sentence different kind theories, Turgenev in the epilogue proclaims high philosophical truths: life is eternal, it does not obey abstract theories, deeply human principles triumph in it.

Master the power of suggestion! Get everything you want! Smith Sven

Selfless devotion

Selfless devotion

First and main reason explaining why recruiting techniques work is the recruiter's conviction that he is right.

Influence mindset stranger only one who is selflessly devoted to the idea that he preaches can.

As long as the recruiter has not convinced himself of the correctness of the idea, he can only recruit a person who is already completely ready for this. However, if he himself does not believe in what he says, then it happens that he repels even a person who is striving to implement this idea (for example, he will force a person who himself came to enlist in the army to run away from the recruiting station).

The recruiter must believe in the idea. To do this, he himself must go through the case in which he involves the newcomer. He must know what he is talking about.

The best agents who sell insurance policies are those who have purchased insurance themselves and have already received an insurance premium on it. You will not be able to recruit a recruit into the army if you yourself have not served in it. It is difficult to persuade a person to believe in God if you yourself do not believe in him.

An exercise


Before you can convince others, you must convince yourself. Imagine what it means not to be afraid of difficulties, to overcome obstacles, to be inspired, even if you have lost your previous usual level of comfort, to make efforts that you would not need in other circumstances.

What can make you go for it? Think carefully about the consequences. Imagine a goal that you can achieve. Evaluate if this goal is worth all your efforts? Think of dozens of challenges that you will have to overcome, and then come up with a positive for each of them (“it’s hard to run across rough terrain in heavy equipment - but only in this way can I temper myself and gain endurance”). Think of each obstacle as another stepping stone that will lead you to your goal.

When you find a solution for any (both small and large) problem, you will understand that the goal is achievable, that efforts will pay off with results. You realize that you can be proud of what you believe in. You are now ready to go and exert a hypnotic influence on others. They will believe you because you yourself consciously believe in it.

An exercise

"Love and Satisfaction"

A recruiter must love not only his job, but also people. Only this will allow him to be sure that he is acting for the good of man. Only this will give him the opportunity to feel satisfaction from a job well done. Only this will give them a sense of accomplishment.

A recruiter who does not get satisfaction from his work will not be able to succeed in his field.

Any good recruiter - be it a salesman, a politician or a teacher - must love people. He should be pleased to be among people, communicate with them, help them, take care of them.

An exercise

"Have a nice chat"

Be around people more often. Build rapport with them. Feel how great it is to communicate with different people and find with each mutual language- young and old, smart and stupid, tired and cheerful, working and resting, passive and aggressive, cheerful and sad ... Than harder task, the sweeter the victory. Learn to have fun, enjoy communication.

An exercise

"Useful communication"

Think about the person you are talking to. Can you be of any help to him? What benefit can he get from communicating with you? How can he help you? Can you express your joy that he helped you? Will he be happy that you helped him? Does your concern annoy him?

People are grateful for help if they really need it (or at least you managed to convince them that they need your help). They will miss even the most good advice if they don't need it. They will be annoyed if you insist on help they don't need.

An exercise


Mutual courtesy, in fact, is a system of barter "you - to me, I - to you."

With this simple technique, you can give the person the subconscious impression that they owe you. For this, the non-binding question “isn’t it?” is quite enough.

When someone thanks you for something you've done, just say, " My pleasure! I'm sure you would do the same for me, wouldn't you?". The interlocutor will agree with you. And on unconscious level he will have an obligation to you.

Talking about how difficult situation George helped Michael, ask the interlocutor: “ But you would do the same for me, wouldn't you?»

Imagine several situations in which you would be able to pronounce in right context: "is not it?". You need to think carefully about this possibility so that in a conversation that has right direction, you could pronounce this phrase without difficulty.

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