Natural resources of eastern Siberia. Economic assessment of natural conditions and resources of the East Siberian economic region

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in economic and social geography of Russia

Natural conditions and resources of Eastern Siberia


1. Natural resource potential of Eastern Siberia

East Siberian economic region.

The East Siberian region includes Krasnoyarsk region with the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenk Autonomous Okrugs, the Irkutsk Region with the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug, the Chita Region with the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug, the Republics of Khakassia, Tuva, Buryatia. Area 4.1 million sq. km., population 9 million people. The economic and geographical position of the region is unfavorable:

It is remote from the developed economic regions of the country and the centers for the implementation of export-import operations;

Most of its territory belongs to the regions of the Far North, as a result of which it is poorly populated and infrastructurally developed, transport routes pass through far south district;

A large part of the region is mountainous relief limiting economic use territory.

Natural conditions and resources.

Thousand-kilometer high-water rivers, endless taiga, mountains and plateaus, low-lying tundra plains - such is the diverse nature of Eastern Siberia. The territory of the district is 4.1 million km. sq.

The climate is sharply continental, with large amplitudes of temperature fluctuations (very Cold winter and hot summer).

A feature of Eastern Siberia is the exceptionally wide distribution of permafrost throughout the territory. Almost a quarter of the territory lies beyond the Arctic Circle. Natural zones are replaced in the latitudinal direction sequentially: arctic deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, taiga (most of the territory), in the south - there are sections of forest-steppes and steppes. In terms of forest reserves, the district ranks first in the country (forest surplus). Most of the territory is occupied by the East Siberian Plateau. The plain regions of Eastern Siberia in the south and east are bordered by mountains (the Yenisei Ridge, the Sayan Mountains, the Baikal Mountain country). Features of the geological structure (a combination of ancient and younger rocks) determine the diversity of minerals. Upper tier, located here Siberian platform, represented by sedimentary rocks. The formation of the largest coal basin in Siberia, the Tunguska, is associated with them.

The sedimentary rocks of the troughs on the outskirts of the Siberian Platform contain brown coal Kansk-Achinsk and Lena basins. And the formation of the Angaro-Ilimskoye and other large deposits is associated with the Precambrian rocks of the lower tier of the Siberian Platform. iron ore and gold. A large oil field was discovered in the middle reaches of the Podkamennaya Tungusska (Evenkia) river.

The natural resource potential of Eastern Siberia is inferior only to the neighboring West Siberian region in its scope.

The complex geological structure of the region determined the presence of rich and diverse minerals, but it should be noted that the level of geological exploration of Eastern Siberia remains rather low.

Combustible minerals.

Western Siberia belongs to areas with a high supply of natural resources. The leading place in the mineral resource base of Siberia is occupied by fuel and energy resources. In terms of oil and natural gas reserves, Western Siberia is in first place in the country, providing the bulk of the production of these types of resources. The oil reserves of Western Siberia amount to 13.8 billion tons, which is comparable with the reserves of Iraq (13.2), Kuwait (13.1), United United Arab Emirates(12.6) and Iran (12.1 billion tons). The region produces 3/4 Russian oil and 9/10 gas. On the territory of Western Siberia are the largest oil fields: Samotlor, Mamontovskoe, Fedorovskoe, Priobskoe. In total, about 400 oil fields, more than 30 oil and gas and oil and gas fields, and about 80 oil and gas condensate fields have been discovered in Western Siberia. Among the combustible minerals, hard and brown coals stand out with their grandiose reserves.

One of the largest coal basins in the world is the Tunguska, but difficult natural conditions and poor economic development of the territory do not currently allow the development of most of the deposits.

The main gas resource region of Western Siberia (and the whole of Russia) is located in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

According to RAO "Gazprom", the region has almost 21 trillion. m? gas, including the largest Urengoy field - 6.7 trillion. m?. Most of the fields in the Nadym-Pur-Tazovsky region have entered the stage of declining production (excl. Yamburgskoye field). An increase in gas production in Western Siberia is possible due to the commissioning of new fields on the Yamal Peninsula and those located on the shelf Kara Sea. Eastern Siberia in size forecast resources oil, natural gas and condensate ranks second in Russia after Western Siberia. Half of the hydrocarbon resources of the eastern part of the country are located on its territory. The largest oil reserves were discovered by geologists within the south of the Evenk Autonomous Okrug (Yurubcheno-Tokhomsky district). Potential production here can reach 60 million tons per year (1/5 of the current all-Russian oil production).

The largest explored gas fields in the region are Sobinskoye (Evenki Autonomous Okrug) and Kovykta (Irkutsk region). Proven gas reserves of the southern and central parts Eastern Siberia allow to ensure its production in the amount of 60 billion m? per year, sufficient for the gasification of the entire south of Eastern Siberia and the planned gas export in the amount of about 30 billion m? per year to China and other countries East Asia. There are natural gas reserves in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (the Messoyakha field on the border with the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).

In the south of Western Siberia, mainly in the Kemerovo region, there is the country's largest coal-mining basin - the Kuznetsk (Kuzbass). The total geological reserves of Kuzbass coals are 725 billion tons (up to a depth of 1800 m). Approximately one third of Kuznetsk coals are coking coals, the rest are energy coals. At present, Western Siberia provides over 70% of the total Russian production oil, 91% gas, about 30% production hard coal. Within Eastern Siberia, 26% of the country's explored coal reserves are concentrated (large coal-bearing basins: Kansko-Achinsk, Irkutsk-Cheremkhovo, Minusinsk). Coal reserves of giant basins (Tunguska, Taimyr, North Taimyr, West Side Lensky) are reserved for the long term.

Huge reserves of peat are concentrated on the territory of Western Siberia, reaching 100 billion tons (50-60% of the total Russian reserves), but they are little used. In Transbaikalia, the Krasnokamensky mine is being developed, where uranium is mined. On the other hand, the open mining of brown coals of the Kansk-Achinsk basin is extremely effective (the main deposits are Berezovskoye, Nazarovskoye, Bogotolskoye, Irsha-Borodino, Abanskoye, in the territory of the West Siberian region - Itatskoye). The basin is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and also partially in the Irkutsk and Kemerovo regions. The explored reserves of brown coal are more than 80 billion tons. Coal deposits were discovered at the end of the 18th century, and industrial mining has been carried out since 1905.

Among other basins, the Irkutsk (Cheremkhovskoye), Minusinsk (open and underground mining) and Tuva coal mines stand out, as well as the Azeiskoye lignite deposit near Tulun. Great importance has for the Norilsk industrial hub the extraction of brown coal in the Ust-Yenisei basin.

In contrast to Western Siberia, the East Siberian region is not rich in oil and natural gas reserves; deposits of the Yenisei-Anabar oil and gas province are exploited (gas of low quality). The Lena-Tunguska oil and gas province covers the Central Siberian Plateau (north and center of the Kranoyarsk Territory and north and west of the Irkutsk Region). As a result of a long search, the first deposit was discovered in 1962 - Markovskoye, by 1995 about 20 deposits were known. Currently, the development of the largest in Eastern Siberia and on Far East Kovykta gas condensate field (Irkutsk region, southeast of Ust-Kut). Oil has also been discovered in the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug. Place of Birth uranium ores are available in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (the village of Karatuzskoye, the village of Kuragino), the Irkutsk and Chita regions (the village of Chunsky and the village of Ulyoty, respectively).

Metal minerals.

Eastern Siberia is exceptionally rich in metallic minerals, among them ferrous ores (iron, manganese, tungsten, molybdenum, cobalt), non-ferrous (copper, nickel, lead-zinc, tin, mercury, aluminum, titanium), noble. The largest iron ore basin of the region is the Angaro-Pitsky (50% iron content, quarrying is possible), the Angaro-Ilimsky ore region has half the reserves (the largest exploited deposits are Korshunovskoye (open-pit mining, iron content 28%, annual production 9 million tons, the center - Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky) and Rudnogorskoye, Tagarskoye and Neryundinskoye) and Berezovskoye (in the Priargunsky district) are explored, Abagasskoye, Teyskoye and Abakanskoye deposits are being developed in Khakassia, and in the south-west of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - Irbinskoye and Krasnokamenskoye.

In the north-west of the Yenisei Ridge, a deposit of manganese ores was discovered relatively recently. In Transbaikalia there is a large number of deposits of tungsten and molybdenum ores, among them - Dzhidinskoye, Zhirekenskoye, Shakhtominskoye and Davendinskoye, a large Sorskoye deposit is located in Khakassia. In Tyva, the Khovu-Aksinskoye cobalt ore deposit is being exploited. In the region of Norilsk there is the largest group of deposits in Russia (Norilskoye, Talnakhskoye, Oktyabrskoye) of copper-nickel ores, which also contain nickel, cobalt, platinum, rare metals. The development of one of the world's largest copper ore deposits in the north of the Chita region, which is being developed, has great prospects. In the 1960s, the Gorevskoye deposit of polymetallic ores was discovered in the lower reaches of the Angara (a significant part of the deposit is located under the waters of the Angara River). The tin-ore Etykinskoye deposit is located in Eastern Transbaikalia, there are deposits of mercury ores in Tyva (Terligkhai and Chazadyr).

High-quality bauxites have been found in the Irkutsk Region (near Tulun) and in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Titanium ores have been discovered in the Chita region (Kruchinskoye deposit) and Buryatia (Arsentievskoye deposit). Eastern Siberia is an old gold mining area in Russia, the largest deposits are being developed in the Chita (Baleevskoye, Taseevskoye, Darasunskoye and Klyuchevskoye) and Irkutsk (Bodaibo, "Sukhoi Log") regions.

In addition, 76.5% of Russian nickel is mined in Siberia on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. More than 90% of Russian production is provided by the vertically integrated company OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel, which owns the developed deposits of the Norilsk district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Murmansk region.

Non-metallic minerals.

Non-metallic minerals also represent another wealth of the area. Powerful reserves of potassium salts were discovered in 1977 in the north of the Irkutsk region - the Nepa-Gazhensky potassium-bearing basin (and the forecast for the presence of potassium salts was given as early as 1938). The basin includes the world's largest Nepa field.

Transparent micas (muscovite) are mined in the Mamsko-Chuysky district in the northeast of the Irkutsk region (10 deposits, open and underground mining). In the north-west of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are Noginskoye and Kureyskoye graphite deposits, in the west of Buryatia - Bogotolskoye (developed since 1847).

Deposits of non-metallic raw materials are available in the Eastern Sayan - Ilchirskoye (asbestos), Onotskoye (talc), Savinskoye (magnesite), asbestos is mined at the Ak-Dovurakskoye deposit in Tyva. Icelandic spar deposits are located in the Lower Tunguska basin.

In Transbaikalia, deposits of fluorite (fluorspar) are common - a valuable raw material for various industries industry (Kalanguiskoye, Abagatuy mine and Solnechnoye).

In the north-east of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, chrysolite is mined at the Kugdinskoye deposit. The Sherlovogorsk field of sky-blue aquamarine is located in the Chita region.

The Malobystrinskoye deposit (reference bright blue lapis lazuli), Tuldunskoye (agate), Ospinskoye (nephrite), Usubayskoye and Bolshegremyachinskoye (rhodonite), Lilac Stone (charoite) are famous for jewelry and ornamental stones. Mammoth bone is mined on the coast of the East Siberian Sea and the Laptev Sea.

In the south of the region, in the mountains, there are huge reserves of mineral construction raw materials (buta, crushed stone, sand, gravel). In Khakassia, the Kibik-Kordon deposit of highly decorative marble is being developed - the largest in Russia.

It should also be noted that significant reserves of various minerals (oil, natural gas, coal, ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores, Icelandic spar, gems, diamonds) have been discovered on the territory of the Evenk Autonomous Okrug, but their extraction is currently not being carried out.


The area is exceptionally rich water resources. Eastern Siberia ranks first in the country in terms of hydropower resources. Lake Baikal is located here - a unique natural object, which contains about 1/5 of the world's reserves fresh water. This is the deepest lake in the world. The most deep river- Yenisei. The country's largest hydroelectric power plants (Krasnoyarskaya, Sayano-Shushenskaya, Bratskaya and others) were built on this river and on one of its tributaries, the Angara.


Also, Eastern Siberia is rich in forest resources (234,464 thousand hectares), in its forests, which occupy about half of the region, the largest timber reserves in Russia are concentrated.

Forest resources are characterized by an exceptional predominance of conifers (more than 90% of forests are larch, pine, spruce, cedar, fir), compactness of massifs, and high economic efficiency of logging.

2. The role of thermal power plants in the development of the electric power industry in Russia

The total electricity production in Russia in 2002 amounted to 886 billion kW/h. A significant role in its generation is played by thermal power plants, which use coal, gas and fuel oil as fuel - they accounted for 67.8% of all electricity generated, i.e., 583 billion kWh.

Thermal power plants are the main type of power plants in Russia. Among them, the main role is played by powerful (more than 2 million kW) GRES - state district power plants that meet the needs economic region operating in power systems. Most Russian cities are supplied with thermal power plants.

Often in cities, CHPs are used - combined heat and power plants that produce not only electricity, but also heat in the form of hot water. Such a system is rather impractical because, unlike the electric cable, the reliability of heating mains is extremely low over long distances, the efficiency of district heating is also greatly reduced during transmission. It is estimated that with a length of heating mains of more than 20 km. (a typical situation for most cities) installing an electric boiler in a detached house becomes economically viable.

The placement of thermal power plants is mainly influenced by fuel and consumer factors.

The most powerful thermal power plants are located in the places of fuel extraction. Thermal power plants that use local fuels (peat, shale, low-calorie and high-ash coals) are consumer-oriented and at the same time are located at sources of fuel resources.

Large thermal power plants are the coal fired power plant of the Kansko-Achinsk basin, Berezovskaya GRES-1 and GRES-2. Surgutskaya GRES-2, Urengoyskaya GRES (runs on gas).

Thermal power plants will remain the backbone of the electric power industry in the long term.

According to experts, their output will increase by 2020 to 850 billion kWh.

3. Large economic regions of Russia

east siberian vegetation geographic


1. Gladky Yu.N. etc. Economic and social geography Russia. - M.: Gardarika, Lit. Publishing agency "Department-M", 1999. - 752 p.

2. Placement of production forces / Edited by Kistanov V.V., Kopylov N.V. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002.

3. Regional economy: textbook for universities / T.G. Morozova, M.P. Pobedina, G.B. Polyak and others, ed. prof. T.G. Morozova. - M.: Banks and stock exchanges, UNITI, - 1995. - 304 p.

4. Regional Economics: Textbook / Ed. M.V. Stepanova. - M.: INFRA-M, Publishing House of Ros. economy acad., 2002. - 463 p. - (Series "Higher education").

5. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: KRON-PRESS, 1997. - 352 p.

6. Economic geography / V.P. Zheltikov, N.G. Kuznetsov, S.G. Tyaglov. Series "Textbooks and teaching aids". Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2001. pp. 46-48.

7. Economic geography of Russia. Yu.N. Gladky, V.A. Dobroskok, S.P. Semenov ( tutorial) // Moscow, 2001.

8. Atlas of Economic and social geography of Russia grade 8-9, with a set of contour maps - M., 2005.

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Natural resources . Eastern Siberia is called the land of the future. How true is this statement?

Availability of diverse natural resources for development modern industries economy. Favorable natural conditions for human life and economic activity. Ecologically favorable environment for people's lives.

Eastern Siberia is fabulously rich in various natural resources - mineral, energy, forestry, etc. Among the natural resources of Eastern Siberia highest value have mineral, among which the most important are fuel and energy. About 80% of the country's hard and brown coal reserves are concentrated in Eastern Siberia (Tunguska, Lena, Irkutsk-Cheremkhovo, South Yakutsk and other basins). Eastern Siberia is also rich in ore deposits; iron ore Korshunovskoye and Abakanskoye deposits, Angara-Pitek region; copper-nickel ores of Norilsk, the formation of which is associated with trap magmatism, polymetals of Altai, bauxites of the Eastern Sayan Mountains.

Large deposits of non-metallic minerals are known: mica, graphite, Icelandic spar, building materials, salts (for example, table salt in Usolye-Sibirsky).

Eastern Siberia still retains its traditional role the main supplier of gold in the country (the oldest Bodaibo deposit in Yakutia, deposits of the Minusinsk depression, Transbaikalia). Of great importance for the economy of the country are the largest diamond deposits in Yakutia, the formation of which is also associated with trap magmatism.

Rice. 130. Eastern Siberia. Sayan mountains

Eastern Siberia is generously endowed with hydropower resources. Mighty rivers, collecting their waters from territories equal in area to many European countries taken together, create good opportunities for the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The high-water Yenisei, Lena, Vilyui, Selenga, Olekma, Angara are convenient for building hydroelectric power stations and obtaining relatively cheap electricity. Hydroelectric power stations have already been built on the Yenisei (Sayano-Shushenskaya and Krasnoyarsk), on the Angara, etc.

Rivers are transport routes connecting the hinterland of the region with the Northern by sea and the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Eastern Siberia is one of the greatest forest regions the globe. About half of all forest resources our country. The main amount of wood reserves falls on valuable conifers: larch, pine, cedar, spruce, fir.

Larch, which makes up 2/3 of the East Siberian forests, is most adapted to the harsh climate. It has the same strong wood as oak, and structures made of larch are very durable. However, pine dominates in logging. This is due to such shortcomings of larch as the difficulty of rafting due to heavy wood (when mole rafting, that is, with individual logs, it sinks), and there are simply no other ways to deliver timber from the place of harvesting other than rivers; in addition, larch wood is difficult to machine.

Veliki biological resources region. The taiga has long been famous for its fur trade, special place occupies Siberian sable; picking mushrooms, berries, nuts (the most valuable of which are cedar).

Fishing is a constant trade on all major rivers of Eastern Siberia and especially on Baikal.

In the south of the region are being developed soil resources. Soils are especially fertile in hollows and areas of forest-steppe and steppe in the foothills of Altai.

The development of rich recreational resources of the territory also begins.

Rivers and lakes Eastern Siberia is not only suppliers of electricity, but also cheap transport routes, and sources of much-needed fresh water in everyday life and households. In addition, these are wonderful places for rest and treatment. Every year the number of people who come to get acquainted with the most beautiful corners of Eastern Siberia, such as Baikal, Lake Teletskoye, the Stolby nature reserve near Krasnoyarsk, and many others, is growing. The richest forests of Eastern Siberia provide not only excellent wood, but also valuable furs, nuts and berries.

harsh, harsh continental climate In Eastern Siberia, the predominance of a highly dissected relief, permafrost and low population density limit the development of agriculture, mining, and road construction.

Development of Taimyr. The indigenous peoples of Taimyr are primarily Nenets and Dolgans. The Yakuts also live here. All these peoples used to be engaged in reindeer herding and hunting, roaming the tundra in search of a fur-bearing animal. The modern life of the peoples of the Taimyr North, its economy and culture are closely connected with the development of the Northern Sea Route. As early as the beginning of the 17th century. Russians skirted the Taimyr Peninsula, reached the Laptev Sea. In the XVIII century. M. V. Lomonosov compiled a treatise “A brief description different trips on northern seas and indications of a possible passage by the Siberian Ocean to the East Indies. In 1875, A. E. Nordenskiöld sailed from Sweden to the Yenisei Bay. In 1876, at the expense of the Siberian merchant A. Sibiryakov, he repeated this journey. In 1877, the Russian captain D. I. Shvanenberg delivered by sea to St. Petersburg a cargo of Siberian goods - furs, fish, graphite, etc. The Northern Sea Route was developed for the export of Siberian timber at the beginning of the 20th century, more precisely after 1918. Sea vessels, rising from the mouth of the Yenisei to the timber exchanges of Igarka, pass by the port of Dudinka. This is not only a major port, but also the starting point of the northernmost railway in the world to Norilsk.

Norilsk is a city built almost on the 70th parallel, the youngest and most beautiful city in the Russian Arctic. Back in the 1920s. An expedition led by geologist Nikolai Nikolaevich Urvantsev discovered rich deposits of coal and copper-nickel ores here. N. N. Urvantsev was the discoverer of the unique wealth of the Norilsk region. He also predicted rich deposits of polymetallic ores in neighboring Talnakh.

AT harsh conditions Far North- long polar night, severe frosts, from which the rubber crumbles and the metal loses its strength, in conditions strong winds, permafrost, a huge plant and a completely modern city were built. Under the buildings, special blow holes are arranged, which cool the surface and keep the ground in a frozen state. Wooden covers reliably protect pipes with hot water from heat loss, and soil from thawing.

Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev (1863-1956)

V. A. Obruchev is an outstanding Russian scientist who devoted his whole life to the study of Siberia, Central and Central Asia.

In Central Asia, he discovered six new ranges, deposits of gold and other metals, and oil. V. A. Obruchev developed methods for fixing sands with the help of plants, created interesting work about the gold potential of Siberia, put forward and substantiated the theory of the origin of loess, was one of the founders of the science of permafrost. He published a three-volume "Geology of Siberia", a multi-volume edition "History geological research Siberia".

Portrait of the Yenisei

A.P. Chekhov wrote: "I have not seen a river more magnificent than the Yenisei ... A powerful, frantic hero who does not know where to put his strength and youth."

Yenisei (in Evenki Yene - big water) - the most abundant of Siberian rivers, "axis of Siberia", "brother of the ocean".

The Yenisei belongs to the basin of the Northern Arctic Ocean. The length of the Yenisei is 4102 km, the area of ​​​​its basin is 2580 thousand km 2. The river begins from the steep slopes of the Sayano-Tuva Highlands with two main sources: the Big and Small Yenisei. In the center of the Tuva Basin, near the city of Kyzyl, they join to form the Yenisei proper. The Yenisei flows into the Yenisei Gulf of the Kara Sea.

In the upper course, where the Yenisei crosses the mountains, it is a typical mountain river: with a narrow gorge, rocky shores. There are numerous rifts and rapids along the riverbed. Where the Yenisei flows through the Minusinsk Basin, the nature of the flow changes. The river valley expands sharply (up to 5-15 km), and many islands appear in the riverbed. In the lower reaches, the width of the channel increases to 2-3 km. The nutrition of the Yenisei is mixed, with a predominance of snow. Yenisei, like everyone else major rivers Siberia, flows from warmer to colder latitudes, so in the upper reaches it is ice-bound for a shorter period. In the middle of summer, the water temperature ranges from 14 to 19°C. The Yenisei freezes in the lower reaches at the end of October, in the upper reaches - in mid-November. The nature of the flow and the full flow of the Yenisei throughout the year create favorable conditions for the construction of hydroelectric power stations on it, especially in the upper reaches of the river. Here, in a narrow valley, where minimal land flooding and huge water pressure are combined, the largest hydroelectric power station, Sayano-Shushenskaya, was built. The Yenisei is the most important transport artery, shipping and timber rafting route in Siberia. Krasnoyarsk is the main crossroads of the great waterway and the great railway. In its vicinity, on the Yenisei, the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station was built.

The river is rich in fish. Predominate: salmon - nelma, taimen; whitefish - muksun, omul, vendace; sturgeon - sturgeon, sterlet.

Table 9. Natural resources of Eastern Siberia

Questions and tasks

  1. Using the data from the textbook and atlas, transfer table No. 9 to your notebook and fill it out.
  2. Based on the data in your table, draw a conclusion about what natural resources Eastern Siberia is provided with, which are not enough.
  3. What complicates the use of natural resources in Eastern Siberia?

Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, Chita Region, Taimyr, Evenk, Aginsky Buryat and Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrugs, Republics of Buryatia, Tyva and Khakassia.

Economic and geographical position

Eastern Siberia is located far from the most developed regions of the country, between the Western Siberian and Far Eastern economic regions. Only in the south are the railways (Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur) and along the Yenisei in a short navigation a connection with the Northern Sea Route is provided.

Natural conditions and resources

Thousand-kilometer high-water rivers, endless taiga, mountains and plateaus, low-lying tundra plains - such is the nature of Eastern Siberia. Territory - 5.9 million km 2.

The most significant plain is the East Siberian Plateau. The upper tier of the Siberian platform located here is represented by sedimentary rocks. The formation of the largest coal basin in Siberia, the Tunguska, is connected with them. The deposits of brown coal of the Kansk-Achinsk and Lena basins are confined to the sedimentary rocks of the troughs on the outskirts of the platform. And the formation of the Angaro-Ilimsky and other large deposits of iron ore and gold is associated with the Precambrian rocks of the lower tier of the Siberian Platform. The plains of Eastern Siberia in the south and east are bordered by mountains (the Yenisei Ridge, the Sayans, the Baikal mountain country).

The climate is sharply continental, with large amplitudes of temperature fluctuations (very cold winters and hot summers). Almost a quarter of the territory lies beyond the Arctic Circle. Natural zones change in the latitudinal direction: arctic deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, taiga (most of the territory), in the south - there are areas of forest-steppes and steppes. In terms of forest reserves, the region ranks first in the country.

Eastern Siberia has huge reserves of various minerals (coal, copper-nickel, polymetallic ores, gold, mica, graphite). The conditions for their development are extremely difficult due to the harsh climate and permafrost, the thickness of which in places exceeds 1000 m, and which is spread over almost the entire region. Lake Baikal - a unique natural object - contains about 1/5 of the world's fresh water reserves.

The hydropower resources of Eastern Siberia are enormous. The most full-flowing river is the Yenisei. The largest hydroelectric power stations in Russia are built on this river and its tributary, the Angara.


Eastern Siberia is one of the most sparsely populated regions of Russia (9.3 million people, average density - 2 people per 1 km 2, in the Evenk and Taimyr Autonomous Okrugs - 0.003-0.006 people). The population lives in the south, mainly in the strip adjacent to the Siberian railway, BAM and near Lake Baikal. The population of Cisbaikalia is higher than that of Transbaikalia. In the vast expanses of the tundra and taiga, the population is rare, it lives in "foci" along the river valleys and intermountain basins.

The majority of the population is Russian. In addition to Russians, there are Buryats, Tuvans, Khakasses, in the north - Nenets and Evenks. The urban population prevails (72%).


Branches of specialization of Eastern Siberia- electric power industry, metallurgy, chemical and timber industry.

The core of the modern economy is the electric power industry. The most powerful thermal power plants in the region are Nazarovskaya, Chitinskaya, Gusinoozerskaya GRES, Norilsk and Irkutsk thermal power plants. A number of the largest state district power stations are planned to be built on the coals of the Kansk-Achinsk basin (Berezovsky and others), which stretches for 800 km along the Trans-Siberian Mainline, starting west of Achinsk. A hundred-meter layer of brown coal lies close to the surface here; mining is carried out in large quarries in an open way. These are energy coals, which are more profitable to burn in the furnaces of large power plants than to transport them over long distances (KA-TEK - Kansk-Achinsk Fuel and Energy Complex).

Eastern Siberia is distinguished by the largest hydroelectric power plants in the country: on the Yenisei (Krasnoyarsk and Sayano-Shushensk with a capacity of over 6 million kW); on the Angara (Bratskaya, Ust-Ilimskaya, Boguchanskaya, Irkutsk hydroelectric power stations). The power plants of the region are connected by power lines and connected to the energy system of Western Siberia.

By generating cheap electricity and having a variety of raw materials, the district develops energy-intensive industries. This is, firstly, aluminum smelting (Shelekhovo, Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk). The raw material is local nepheline. Their complex processing with the associated production of cement and soda makes aluminum production in Eastern Siberia the cheapest.

Further, the extraction of gold, silver, molybdenum, tungsten, nickel, lead-zinc ore was developed. In some areas, factories are being created at the place of extraction - for example, the Norilsk Copper-Nickel Plant, where chemical products and building materials are produced along with the smelting of metals. (The city has a very difficult ecological situation).

The oil refining and chemical industries are represented by enterprises in the cities of Angarsk, Usolye-Sibirskoye and Zima. Oil refining (an oil pipeline from Western Siberia), the production of synthetic ammonia, nitric acid, saltpeter, alcohols, resins, soda, plastics, etc. have been developed there. The Krasnoyarsk complex specializes in the chemical processing of wood, the production of synthetic rubber and fibers, tires, polymers and mineral fertilizers. Thus, chemical plants operate on the waste of the pulp and paper industry, on the basis of oil refining, on local coal resources, on cheap electricity, and water is provided by the rivers of Eastern Siberia.

Large forest reserves contribute to the development of the timber and pulp and paper industries. Logging is carried out in the Yenisei and Angara basins. The timber is transported along the Yenisei to the ocean and further along the Northern Sea Route, and to the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur Mainlines for shipment to other regions. The port of Igarka with a sawmill was built beyond the Arctic Circle. The main timber industry enterprises are located in Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk. A large Selenginsky pulp and paper plant was built (on the Selenga River, which flows into Baikal). It should be noted that these enterprises cause damage to the ecological state of the Baikal region, polluting the environment with production waste.

The major enterprises in mechanical engineering are the factories in Krasnoyarsk (Sibtyazhmash, a combine harvester and a plant for heavy excavators); in Irkutsk (heavy engineering plant), car assembly in Chita, etc.

Agro-industrial complex. Agriculture is developed mainly in the south of the region and specializes in the production of meat and wool, since two-thirds of the agricultural land is hayfields and pastures. Beef cattle breeding and meat and wool sheep breeding are developed in the Chita region, Buryatia and Tuva. The leading place in agriculture belongs to grain crops. Spring wheat, oats, and barley are cultivated, fodder crops are sizable, and potato and vegetable growing are being developed.

Deer are bred in the tundra. In the taiga - hunting.

Fuel and energy complex. The electric power industry is the region's area of ​​specialization. The region has the country's largest hydroelectric power plants, state district power plants and thermal power plants using local resources. The Norilsk CHPP used to run on coal, but now it runs on natural gas from Western Siberia (through a gas pipeline from the field 150 km from Dudinka).

Transport. The development of natural resources, the development of industry is constrained by an underdeveloped transport network. The provision of transport is the lowest in the country. In the south of the East Siberian region passes the Trans-Siberian Railway, laid at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. (Krasnoyarsk - Irkutsk - Ulan-Ude - Chita). The construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (total length over 3,000 km) somewhat softened the situation. The highway originates from Ust-Kut (in the upper reaches of the Lena), approaches the northern tip of Lake Baikal (Severobaikalsk), overcomes the mountain ranges of Transbaikalia through tunnels cut into the rocks and ends in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (Far East). The highway, together with the previously constructed western (Taishet-Bratsk-Ust-Kut) and eastern sections (Komsomolsk-on-Amur-Vanino), forms a second, shorter than the Trans-Siberian, route to the Pacific Ocean.

Norilsk is connected by an electrified railway with Dudinka. The largest transport artery is the Yenisei. To the west of the mouth of the Yenisei, navigation along the Northern Sea Route is carried out even in winter. In summer, with the help of icebreakers, ships are also guided east of the Yenisei. Igarka and Dudinka are loess export ports.

Eastern Siberia - part of Siberia, including the Asian territory of Russia from the Yenisei in the west to the watershed ridges that run along Pacific Ocean in the east. The region features a harsh climate, limited flora and fauna, and incredibly rich natural resources. Consider what belongs to Eastern Siberia, where its borders are located, what are the features of the climate and wildlife.

Geographical position of Eastern Siberia

Eastern and Western Siberia occupy almost two thirds of the territory of Russia. The area of ​​Eastern Siberia is 7.2 million km. Most of it is occupied by the taiga Central Siberian Plateau, which is replaced in the north by tundra lowlands, in the south and east by the high mountain ranges of the Western and Eastern Sayans, the mountains of Transbaikalia and the Yano-Kolmyk Territory. Here flow the largest rivers of Russia - the Yenisei and the Lena.

Rice. 1. Eastern Siberia covers an impressive area

Within Eastern Siberia are Krasnoyarsk and Trans-Baikal Territory, Irkutsk region, Republics of Buryatia, Yakutia, Tuva.

The largest city in Eastern Siberia is Krasnoyarsk; big cities- Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita, Yakutsk, Norilsk.

Thanks to long distance Eastern Siberia includes several natural areas: arctic deserts, taiga, mixed forests and even dry steppes. Swampy tundra areas can also be included in this list, but there are very few of them, and they are found, as a rule, within the lowlands on flat, poorly drained interfluves.

There are three time zones on the territory of Eastern Siberia - Krasnoyarsk time, Irkutsk time and Yakut time.

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Eastern Siberia lies in the temperate and cold zones. Depending on where this or that region of Eastern Siberia is located, the following types of climate are distinguished:

  • the climate of the South of Eastern Siberia is extracontinental(Barguzinsky morphoclimatic region);
  • temperate continental(Nazarovsky and Krasnoyarsk-Kansky morphoclimatic regions);
  • sharply continental(Angara-Lena and Selenginsky morphoclimatic regions);
  • foothill steppe, steppe(Koibal and Uda morphoclimatic regions).

Precipitation is less than western regions Russia, the thickness of the snow cover is usually small, in the north permafrost is widespread.

winter in northern regions long and cold, the temperature reaches -40-50 °C. Summer is warm, hot in the south. July in Eastern Siberia is sometimes warmer than in the same latitudes of the European part of Russia, and there are more sunny days.

Rice. 2. Winter in Eastern Siberia

The amplitude of fluctuations in summer and winter temperatures reaches 40-65 °C, and in Eastern Yakutia - 100 °C.


One of the most important characteristics of Eastern Siberia is the presence of a huge amount of resources. About half of all forests in Russia are concentrated here. The main amount of wood reserves are valuable conifers: larch, spruce, Scots pine, fir, Siberian cedar.

About 70% of hard and brown coal reserves are located in Eastern Siberia. This region is rich in ore deposits:

  • iron ores of the Korshunov and Abakan deposits, Angara-Pitsky district;
  • copper-nickel ores of Norilsk;
  • polymetals of Altai;
  • bauxites of the Eastern Sayan.

In Eastern Siberia, there is the oldest Bodaibo gold deposit in the Irkutsk region. A significant amount of Russian oil is produced in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Eastern Siberia is rich in non-metallic minerals, including mica, graphite, building materials, and salts. There is also the largest diamond deposit on the border of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Yakutia.

Rice. 3. Diamonds of Yakutia

Live nature

The predominant type of vegetation is taiga. The East Siberian taiga stretches from the borders of the forest-tundra in the north to the border with Mongolia in the south, in an area of ​​about 5,000 thousand square meters. km., of which 3,455 thousand square meters. km is occupied by coniferous forests.

Soils and vegetation of the taiga zone of Eastern Siberia develop in more favorable conditions than in the tundra and forest-tundra zones. The relief is more rugged than in neighboring Western Siberia; stony, often thin soils are formed on bedrock.

To preserve nature in its original form, many reserves, national and natural parks have been opened on the territory of Eastern Siberia.

The Barguzinsky Nature Reserve is the oldest nature reserve in Russia. It was founded before the revolution of 1917 to preserve and increase the number of sable. At the time of creation, there were only 20-30 sable individuals, at present - 1-2 individuals per 1 sq. km. km.

What have we learned?

In grade 8, geography reveals a topic dedicated to Eastern Siberia. She covers incredibly large area, and its length from north to south is about 3 thousand km. Briefly about Eastern Siberia, we can say the following: it is a region with a harsh climate, not very diverse fauna and flora, and with large reserves of natural resources.

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Eastern Siberia stretches from east to west from the mountain ranges of the Pacific coast to the valley of the Ob-Yenisei interfluve, in the north it reaches the shores of the Arctic Ocean, and in the south it borders on the borders of China and Mongolia. Eastern Siberia includes the following regions: Chita and Irkutsk region, Zabaikalsky and Krasnoyarsk Territories, autonomous republics Tuva, Yakutia and Buryatia.

Natural resources of Eastern Siberia

Eastern Siberia is a territory that is famous for countless mineral springs. Due to their colossal number, most of them are untouched by human hand. It is Eastern Siberia that gives our state such valuable materials as gold and diamonds.

The subsoil of this region is also rich in other raw materials, in particular lead, tin, zinc, mica, nickel, tungsten and aluminum. Giant industrial enterprises located on the territory of Eastern Siberia provide the population of Russia synthetic rubber, paper, pulp and paper.

It is here that the equipment for the mining industry itself is produced, as well as agricultural machinery - trucks and harvesters. The richest forests of the vast Eastern Siberia are not only sources of timber, various species of representatives of the animal and plant world have found their abode in it.

Natural complexes of Eastern Siberia: flora and fauna

It is here that fur-bearing animals are found, including sable, whose fur is of particular value in industry. Due to their uniqueness, many species of flora and fauna are under legal protection. This problem is especially acute for the inhabitants of the natural complex of the taiga, which covers more than 85% of the territory of Eastern Siberia.

Rich region and its water resources. Full-flowing large rivers flow on the territory of Eastern Siberia, crystal-clear reaches of lakes are also located here, among which is the pearl of Russia - the bottomless Baikal. natural complex Baikal includes the lake itself, as well as the surrounding mountain systems, represented mainly by mountain ranges.

Powerful hydroelectric power plants have already been built on many East Siberian rivers. The beauty and virgin purity of Eastern Siberia, its endless forests and blue waters of lakes are increasingly attracting tourists. It should be noted that among the travelers who decided to touch the perfection of East Siberian nature, there are not only residents of Russia, but also guests from near and far abroad.

In order to limit the harmful effects of human actions and preserve the most unique oases of the beauty of Eastern Siberia, several reserves were created here at the beginning of the last century. The largest protected area is the Stolby complex, which is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Representatives of flora and fauna that were under threat live here. total destruction. Thanks to legislative protection and the active intervention of environmentalists, the populations of such species have been able to increase over time.