How to teach a child to speak letters correctly. Purr to health! Simple speech therapy exercises for setting the sound P

formed speech hearing and pronunciation, make sure that your speech is an example to follow. Communicate with the baby as much as possible, using every minute from birth. Common activities accompany with a leisurely, affectionate conversation: tell what you are going to do, name the objects surrounding the child. The baby will learn to concentrate, listen to the voice, respond to it.

Smile more often to the baby, sing songs. Reacting to the timbre of the voice, pitch, melody, the baby develops speech hearing. A smile, his laughter and the first reciprocal imitations will be your reward. repeat sounds that he says, and the kid will answer you again with a smile.

Remember your favorite songs from childhood: nursery rhymes, lullabies, counting rhymes. Use them in games and other situations: while eating, massage, bathing, when going to bed.

From the first life, pay attention to the development of the baby's general motor skills, the mobility of the fingers. Centers responsible for the movements of the hands and organs articulation apparatus(lips, tongue, jaws, soft palate), in the cerebral cortex are in the immediate vicinity. By improving fine motor skills, you set the stage for the development of a child's articulation.

Play finger games: “Forty-white-sided”, “Ladushki”, “A gray hare sits and moves its ears”, “There is a horned goat”. In addition to training fingers, the baby develops the ability to listen and understand the content of songs and nursery rhymes, to catch the rhythm. Very small, stroke your hands, bend and unbend your fingers.

When the child begins to pronounce, expand the vocabulary through the names of the surrounding objects. Speak clearly. You can use the so-called lightweight: - “bi-bi”, doggy - “av-av”, etc. But do not get stuck on such a speech for a long time, and along with the simplified one, let's also give the full name of the subject.

For correct pronunciation, the baby needs well-developed breathing and mobility of the articulatory apparatus. To develop breathing, blow on cotton balls: drive them into the "gates" - bubbles or boxes. Inflate Together Balloons, blow on paper boats, launching them in the pelvis. To train the articulatory apparatus in front of a mirror, perform special exercises.

Up to four or five years of age, deficiencies in pronunciation are physiological in nature. But if they persist longer, seek help from specialists. It would not be superfluous to show a speech therapist a baby of two or three years old, even if there is no cause for concern. At this age, it is possible to identify such speech disorders that do not correspond to physiological norms. The sooner you start the correction, the more successful the result will be.

speech therapy exercises. By the age of 4-5 years, the child should correctly pronounce all sounds

By the age of 4-5, the child should correctly pronounce all sounds - this is necessary for him further development, correct writing and reading. Some of our tips can help you:

1. You need to find out exactly which sounds are disturbed. To do this, invite the child to name the pictures or repeat after you the words that have the sound you are interested in at the beginning, middle, end of the word, for example [C]: sled, scales, bus; [Z]: hare, goat; [C]: chicken, cucumber, chicken; [W]: hat, mice, reeds; [W]: giraffe, skiing; [S]: brush, lizard, cloak; [H]: kettle, cloud, ball; [L]: shovel, saw, woodpecker; [R]: fish, cow, ball.

2. You need to work with each sound separately. Start with the “lightest” sound, then take on others in order of increasing complexity: k, g, x, s, s, c, w, g, u, h, d, l, p.

3. Work on each sound, start with gymnastics for the lips and tongue. They do it in front of a mirror so that the child can not only feel the work of his organs of articulation, but also see - this will positively affect the development of his phonemic hearing, and therefore, on sound pronunciation. Perform each exercise 10 times, but make sure that the child does not overwork, does it with desire. You can only achieve results if positive emotions child.

Exercises can be found in any book on speech therapy. Here is some of them.

“Proboscis - smile”: the lips either stretch out with a proboscis, like an elephant, then they smile like a frog.
“Shovel-needle”: the tongue is sometimes wide, sometimes long and narrow.

"Swing": the tip of the tongue either rises behind the upper teeth, then falls behind the lower ones. The mouth is wide open.
"Watch": the tip of the tongue, like a clock pendulum, moves from the right corner of the lips to the left and back at different speeds.
"Malyar": "paint the sky" with the "tip" of the tongue (drive only along the front of the sky).

4. First you need to achieve the pronunciation of one sound, not whole words. The best way to get the sound is by explaining to the child where and how to put the tongue and what to “make” the lips. K, d, x: raise the tongue in a “lump” to the back of the sky, the tip of the tongue is lowered, the lips are parted; c, h: tongue with a "groove" at the bottom of the mouth, lips smile, air goes in the middle of the tongue along the groove; c: the sound consists of the rapid pronunciation of two sounds - [t] and [s], at the first moment the tip of the tongue rests on the “bumps” behind the upper teeth, as with the sound [t], then bounces to the position [s]; w, g: stick out the tongue, make a cup (“so that water does not spill out”), remove the cup by the upper teeth, lips are rounded, stretched forward with a “mouthpiece”; l: the tongue rests on the bases of the upper teeth or on the teeth, stands firmly, like a “soldier on duty”, does not let in the air that goes along the sides of the tongue; p: the tongue is raised to the alveoli, trembles finely under the pressure of a strong jet of air, the lips make a "grin like a dog's", hard, tense.

5. To achieve a strong directed exhalation, come up with all sorts of games: bubble, blowing bubbles through a cocktail tube into the water, just blow hard on the water in a deep bowl, turntables, whistles, drive a “boat”, a sliver through the water, drive the ball into the goal, a cotton ball between two pencils. In all games, one condition: the cheeks must be thin (do not swell).

R is the most difficult sound. Often it is pronounced in French: the tip of the tongue is below, and its root or uvula, a small tongue, trembles. It's hard to fix, but it's possible. Try the exercises: 1) hit the alveoli with the tip of the tongue, pronouncing "d-d-d ..." (as on a drum); the lips are tense, the mouth is open. Then exhale strongly on the tip of the tongue "d-d-d-dr-r"; 2) put small pieces of paper on the tip of the tongue, quickly bring them over the upper teeth and blow them off with a strong exhalation; 3) pronounce "w-w-w" and move the tip of the tongue at the same time.

That is, when performing all these exercises, you need to ensure that the tip of the tongue is raised to the bases of the upper teeth and “trembles”. Now your child has a new sound!

6. In the next lesson (and you need to practice 15–20 minutes daily), fix sounds in syllables, for example SHO, SHU, SHA, SB, SHI, OSH, USh, ASh, ESH, ISH or TRA-TRO, DRO-DRY, ATP -ADR, OTR-ODR. When it becomes easy, start repeating words, naming pictures with these sounds.

7. Now make sure that the child pronounces the mastered sound in his free speech. This stage of automation can take a long time, even a year. Be patient.

8. Clipping in everyday speech one sound while simultaneously working on the next.

9. It happens that a child perfectly pronounces similar sounds, for example, “z” and “g”, or “s” and “sh”, or “h” and “u”, and in his speech he interchanges them. This is dangerous for future writing. The same errors may occur when writing. Moreover, the child will confuse not only these letters, but also other paired consonants (b - p, d - t, d - d, t - t), since with such a violation, not only sounds mixed in speech are affected, but also sound letter system as a whole. To avoid future mistakes, you need to consider with the child what is the difference in the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing these sounds, listen with eyes closed their sound, compare, think with the child what you hear in the sound - the squeak of a mosquito or the buzz of a bug.

Then - such a game: you call the child syllables with mixed sounds, and he determines what sound is in this syllable. Then do the same with words. And then pick up and teach how to correctly pronounce tongue twisters like “Drying on the table, cones on the pine tree” or:

The bear rides on a stick!
Squirrel on a trolley
Cracks nuts.

Or a poem by A. Barto "We did not notice the beetle."

What else, besides the correct sound pronunciation, should be in the speech of a six-year-old child? He not only generalizes in one word "vegetables" - cabbage, potatoes, beets - but also independently enumerates what applies, say, to fruits. When listing "airplanes, cars, trains, tractors," he singles out the plane and explains: "It flies, it has wings"; a six-year-old is already able to explain the differences between, say, the same plane and a bird: “She is alive, and he is iron, he has a motor” (the selection of the most essential must be tirelessly taught). In a book, picture, film, the child highlights the main thing, is able to retell the content, understands who the hero of the work is, who acts correctly and why, condemns negative characters.

A child at this age composes fairy tales, stories, understands fiction, fantasy and distinguishes them not only from reality, but also from lies, which he condemns. He is able to speak to adults with a poem, reading it expressively, conveying the mood. He learns the alphabet, composes syllables and remembers the spelling of several words, highlighting them in the text; block letters writes some words of three or four letters and his name - of course, while making monstrous mistakes; understands the plot connection of three pictures, composes a story, a fairy tale based on them.

If your preschooler has not yet achieved something, help him patiently and joyfully. And your hard work will be rewarded a hundredfold. The receptive age of your child will also help with this.

It will be interesting too

One of the most necessary skills that a baby should acquire in his first 2 years of life is to learn how to speak correctly, to speak and convey thoughts in words. It depends on whether he can find mutual language with those around you.

You do not know how to make or teach a child to speak without much difficulty? Then you should read this article.

Every parent wants their child to start talking as soon as possible. But all children are different, and the process of speaking they begin in different ways. Therefore, they think about how to teach a child to speak and help him cope with the difficulties of pronunciation of sounds and syllables.


To properly prepare your child for adult life and to teach him to verbally express his thoughts, you need to learn a lot.

The process of mastering speech signs takes place in several stages:

  • The baby begins to make the first sounds at the age of 2-3 months, it can even distinguish voices. The rest is like a pleasant melody for him.
  • At 7-9 months, the baby tries to pronounce short words, consisting of syllables - “pa-pa”, “ma-ma”, “give-give”, emotions are connected.
  • At the age of one, a little talker has a meaningful speech, his vocabulary is a few simple words.
  • After a year, the vocabulary is replenished up to 50-70 words.
  • At 2 years old, the baby uses more detailed phrases, uses 120-300 words.
  • In the third year of life, there is an increase vocabulary(up to 800 words). Here it is necessary to help develop articulation (during this period, he tends to replace complex sounds with simple “sharik-saik”).

How to teach a child to talk, which exist effective exercises and methods for developing the speech of a toddler? Many and other questions are of great interest to parents, so this topic must be approached seriously and with responsibility.


It is important for parents to know how to teach a child to talk using effective methods so that the learning process is interesting and does not tire the little one.

In order to develop logical thinking and imagination, need to use games to comprehensive development. The assimilation of new knowledge occurs best during games, using figures of different geometric shape, puzzles, origami.

develop intellectual ability will help fine motor skills hands using finger gymnastics. Applying this system of development, the child forms a connection - thinking with action.

Conversational speech actively develops in children, starting from the age of two. Parents often wonder how to teach a child to speak?

There are several methods for teaching a child to talk at 2 years old:

  • Talk to your child a lot and everywhere.
  • Introduce the child to the surrounding sounds.
  • Let the baby play with small objects: beans, beans, beads, sand.
  • Reading fairy tales, stories, poems, singing songs together.
  • Encourage the child to name the object that he asks for and mumbles, but does not name.
  • Encourage your child to interact with other children.

Small details are very important, even if you don't think they are. Books, bright pictures and loud sounds, and much more shape artistic tastes. If the baby learns to express emotions in creativity, then verbally it will not be a problem for him.

Speech therapy exercises for speech development

How to teach a child to speak at 2 years old- This issue is carefully studied by physicians. If the baby is almost 3 years old, and he is still silent, or, conversely, speaks a lot, but nothing is clear, you need to help him cope with the difficulties of sound pronunciation.

Speech therapy exercises will help you understand how to quickly teach a child to talk.

At the age of 2-4 years, it is difficult for children to pay attention to learning activities, therefore, training should be carried out in game form. Special attention devoted to preparatory exercises and articulatory gymnastics.

Preparatory exercises

Silent mothers are looking for good advice how to teach a child to talk.

Before starting staging certain sound, it is necessary to prepare and normalize:

  • Muscle tone.
  • Motility of the articulatory apparatus.
  • Speech exhalation, the development of a smooth and long exhalation.
  • Fine motor skills of the hands.

Even such details of the child's body greatly affect the pronunciation and the utterance of the first syllables and words. If you cannot help your child on your own, seek help from a speech therapist.

Articulation gymnastics

Target articulatory gymnastics consists in the development of full-fledged movements, certain positions, as well as the development of the muscles of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

To put correct pronunciation sounds, you need to follow the rules of the exercises:

  • Daily lessons.
  • It is better to perform in front of a mirror.
  • Do not perform more than 3-4 exercises at a time.
  • The child consistently repeats after the adult.

These simple tips will help caring dad and mom learn how to teach a child to speak at home.

How to teach a child to say the letter P: speech therapy exercises

Many parents are interested in the question of how to teach a child to say the letter "r". For the successful development and assimilation of the technique of setting, it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  • Graduality.
  • child's interest.
  • Regularity of lessons.

By doing them, you will achieve dramatic changes, and your baby will begin to take the first steps in pronunciation. But this is not enough, because given letter very difficult and to pronounce it, not so easy.

Effective speech therapy exercises for the sound "r", which will bring the desired result:

  • First, the sound "r" must be pronounced separately (growl).
  • Training the correct setting of the sound "r" in syllables and simple words.
  • Automation of pronunciation with the help of tongue twisters, poems and in everyday speech.

To such simple technique helped, it should be performed daily, but if the baby refuses, then you do not need to force it.

How to teach a child to say the letter S

Cases when the baby is bad, or even does not pronounce some letters of the alphabet at all, are very common. Moms are worried about how to teach the child to speak (hissing) sounds that are difficult for him. You should not worry too much about the baby's lisp, since he develops the correct pronunciation by 5-6 years.

How to teach a child to say the letter "Sh" without the help of specialists, we will now discuss. Before you start setting the letter "Sh", you need to do articulation gymnastics. A warm-up is used for the lips (tube, smile) and tongue ("tongue-cup", clatter).

Speech therapists advise first to work out the pronunciation of a single sound. You should ask the baby to say “ts-s-s”, hiding his tongue behind his teeth.

When the isolated sound "Sh" is fixed, you can pick up simple words with the letter "Sh", tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, rhymes.

How to teach a child to say the letter L

You need to know in advance how to teach a child to say the letter "L" in order to prevent the transition bad speech into a habit. After all, correcting is always more difficult than teaching.

In order to put correct articulation sound "L", you need:

  • Show clenched teeth by stretching your lips into a smile (this will make it easier to pronounce a hard sound).
  • The tip of the tongue may press on the upper teeth or on the alveoli.
  • Make sure that the tongue is not adjacent to the side teeth, thereby allowing air to pass through.

To put the correct pronunciation of this sound, you need to repeatedly train it in syllables: LO-LY-LA-LU OR AL-OL-UL-YL.

Games and tongue twisters for speech development

The development of children's speech in the game gives parents additional emotional connection, forms trusting and friendly relations. And the most fun game is learning tongue twisters together.

tongue game Help your child to learn the pronunciation of complex sounds for him. Mom needs to pronounce the selected sounds with him.

The cow grazes in the meadow - "Moo-moo-moo"

The bug is buzzing - "W-w-w"

The wind blows - "F-f-f"

Grasshopper chirps - "T-r-r-r", "T-c-s-s".

Game "Add a word" consists in adding one word to the phrase each time, while repeating the resulting phrase in full.

Tongue Twisters develop the baby's speech with the help of repetition and rearrangement, certain of the same sounds and syllables will be a great addition to children's activities.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Frightened bear cub

Hedgehog with hedgehog and hedgehog.

Four turtles have four baby turtles.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek

Pinch the brush in the corner.

The seal lies all day

And he is not too lazy to lie down.

When to start teaching your child to talk (Age)

It is important for parents to remember that nothing can be achieved by force, if your baby does not want to pronounce something, you do not need to force it. There is a time for everything, but it will not be superfluous to look after.

The speech development process can be divided into 4 stages:

  • From birth to 6 months (it is important to talk to a baby who babbles in response).
  • From six months to 1 year (reproduction of short fairy tales by the baby).
  • From 1 year to 1.5 years (name all surrounding objects).
  • From 1.5 to 3 years (setting the correct pronunciation).

The greatest attention should be paid to last step. If development is left to chance, problems with speech in the future cannot be avoided. It is necessary to follow all the above methods, and it will be easier for your child to master and develop his speech apparatus and the ability to manage it.

Young children do not always understand what their parents want from them, and sometimes you have to wait until he matures and speaks easily and without hesitation. Believe me, such a day will come, and then you will run away from annoying questions and stories.

Quite often, parents complain that children have problems pronouncing sounds that are difficult for them. As a rule, hissing sounds are the greatest difficulty for them; in particular, the questions of parents are related to how to teach a child to pronounce the letters “s”, “k” and others correctly. The development of this skill should be given due attention in childhood.

Sound C - problematic in pronunciation

Despite the fact that most parents seek speech therapy help most often when the child is already 5 years old, most pediatricians agree that work on sound pronunciation should be started much earlier.

This will not allow the incorrect pronunciation of the sound to gain a foothold. To carry out such activities, it is not at all necessary to have special skills - it is enough to learn only a few simple tricks.

Tips for pronouncing the C sound

How to conduct speech therapy classes with a child? Tips and Tricks for Parents

How to teach a child to speak hissing, including the letter c? Render simple speech therapy assistance any parent can. However, the success of the events will largely depend on how well they are carried out.

If the child does not have complex speech disorders and can pronounce most of the sounds at home remedial classes with the parent will be quite enough to bring the sound pronunciation back to normal. In this case correct setting sound will be achieved by automating pronunciation.

speech therapy classes gotta start sooner

Exercises for the development of sound pronunciation skills are useful not only for children who have certain speech problems, but also for quite healthy ones, due to the fact that they perfectly develop the articulatory apparatus, making it more mobile and flexible.

If the child has more serious violations sound pronunciation, and in speech it allows a large number of grammatical errors, to solve the problem on your own still quite risky. And, the sooner parents turn to a speech therapist for help in solving the problem, the more benefit it will bring the child. And the easier it will be to teach him pronunciation and speak correctly.

How is work on sound pronunciation built?

  • First you need to find out which particular organs of speech are involved in the pronunciation of sounds, causing problems The child has. You will need to work on them first of all with the help of articulatory gymnastics for one or another letter.
  • The stage of direct sound production.
  • The stage of sound amplification and its learning in special speech therapy verses, texts, songs, etc.

Phonetic charging for the sound C

Let us consider in more detail how to teach a child to pronounce the letter s easily and freely.

Articulation gymnastics and its features

As a rule, difficulties in pronouncing the sound “s” are associated with insufficient mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. This must be done with the help of specially organized gymnastics. What is the best way to conduct classes?

Articulation exercise in front of a mirror
  1. A strict sequence of exercises and regularity are the main principles that ensure the effectiveness of exercises for the organs of speech. It is best to use ready-made sets of exercises that teach you to pronounce certain sounds. They are selected taking into account the age and other characteristics of the child.
  2. In order for the child to more willingly participate in the lesson, it is best to teach him to speak in a playful way, supplementing him with riddles that are interesting for him. desired letter, songs, nursery rhymes and jokes
  3. Do not overload your child with exercises. It is better to do no more than 2-3 in one lesson, but with multiple repetitions - it is easier to teach a child something new.
  4. It is possible to introduce new exercises for the letter “c” only after the child has already properly mastered all the previous ones and copes with them without much effort.
  5. In order for the child to be able to see and correctly understand the technique of the exercises proposed to him and pronounce the sounds, it is best to use a mirror for classes
  6. When performing exercises, it is important to monitor the symmetry of the child's face, the accuracy and smoothness of movements, and the correct pace. Without this, the effectiveness of the exercises will be minimized.

Lessons for the pronunciation of the sound C

Useful advice: Before you start articulation gymnastics, you need to do several exercises in order to “warm up” the organs of speech: a simple smile, stretching your lips with a tube or a ring, raising your tongue will prepare them well for the exercises, and improve your student's results.

After that, you can start the articulation gymnastics itself (in this case we will consider the complex of Fomicheva M.V.). Such exercises should teach the child the correct pronunciation.

List of exercises for whistling sounds

"Push the ball into the goal"

The exercise teaches the child to direct the stream of air and pronounce hissing sounds. Improvised "gates" of cubes are installed on the table. The task of the child is to drive a cotton ball (“ball”) into them, stretching his lips forward and directing a stream of air at him. It is important that at the same time the child does not puff out his cheeks, and the action is carried out in one go.

Exercise allows you to relax the tongue, as well as form a directed air flow. Child puts tongue on lower lip and, holding his mouth slightly open and pronounces "five-five-five." It is important that the lip on which the tongue lies does not tuck, and the air flow goes as smoothly as possible, without interruptions.

Naughty tongue - description of the game

Wide tongue

The wide edge of the tongue is placed on the lower lip and held in this position for up to 5-10 seconds. In this case, the organs of the articulatory apparatus should be as relaxed as possible, and the smile should be free from tension.

Advice to parents: Be patient and try to treat these activities as an exciting game.

Remember that your baby is improving, for him this is something new, which he does for the first time in his life. Try to understand that for him this is connected with serious efforts, and the more interesting this activity will be for him, the greater your chances of a quick result.

Rhymes and riddles with the letter C for repetition

Articulatory gymnastics exercises that teach you to pronounce sounds are quite complex and unusual for a child. That is why you should not expect that he will complete them the first time and completely without errors. In order to teach a child to speak correctly, you need to think over a lesson-game plan. And in case of failure, do not scold him - it is better to support him and offer to try again. Over time, the child will learn both the letter and the corresponding sound.

Most children speak correctly by the age of 5-7. However, there are times when children come to school with not yet pure speech. Usually children distort hissing sounds and the sound "r". Deficiencies in pronunciation sometimes acquire a stable character and are difficult to correct. Therefore, follow the speech of children from the very early childhood, do not let the child go to school with the wrong pronunciation. This is especially important, as pronunciation deficiencies are sometimes the cause of poor performance in children.

Often, deficiencies in pronunciation appear as a result of improper upbringing. In some families, adults babble and lisp when talking to a baby. In this way, they reinforce the incorrect pronunciation of the child.

Always speak to your child in a calm, clear, literate language. Watch the speech of the children and stop the noticed shortcomings of pronunciation in time, since it will be much more difficult to correct them later, when they take root. Particular attention should be paid to the development of speech at preschool age, when the process is most intensive, and speech is very flexible and malleable.

Some parents think that Speaking develops independently, without the help of adults. It's not like that at all. Non-intervention in the process of formation of children's speech sometimes leads to a lag general development. Use all kinds of nursery rhymes, songs, jokes to teach your child to pronounce sounds correctly. Big influence the development of the speech of babies is influenced by the example of older children. But not for all children, simply imitating the correct speech is enough, and kids still often pronounce it incorrectly. individual sounds. Pay special attention to these guys.

Children with pronunciation deficiencies are embarrassed to speak, avoid words with difficult sounds, become irritable and reluctant to go to school. The guys have a feeling of inferiority, fear of "corrections" and ridicule. So create in the family right attitude to a child with speech impediments, do not allow them to be laughed at, mimicked. Help calmly, without embarrassment to overcome shortcomings, let the child feel, realize the importance of correct pronunciation and the need to eliminate burr or lisp, get him interested in this work.

If a child pronounces some sounds incorrectly by the age of 5-6, contact a speech therapist who will help correct the pronunciation. If this is not possible, deal with the child yourself.

There are a lot of techniques for setting the correct pronunciation. Let's take a look at some of them.

In all cases of correcting pronunciation, first try to get the sound directly by imitation. Invite the child to pronounce the sound, pointing to himself first. Then get the child to repeat everything after you. Conduct sound production classes in front of a mirror: the child will not only see his articulation, but also compare it with yours.

Keep in mind that it is not always possible to get right sound in the first lessons. This work requires patience and great perseverance. When pronouncing the sound “sh”, the lips are rounded and slightly pushed forward, the teeth are slightly ajar, the tip of the tongue is raised up and forms a gap with the sky in its front part. The sound is pronounced without a voice. Exhaled air is warm.

If the child does not burr, then you can easily teach him to pronounce the sound “sh”. Invite the child to pronounce “p” first loudly, then in a whisper, while slightly moving the tongue with a spatula (or the handle of a spoon) from the alveoli to the front of the sky, you get the sound “sh”.

The sound "g" is put in the same way. Only it is pronounced with the participation of the voice, which is easy to feel when you put your hand to the larynx.

The sound "r" is put as follows: invite the child to pronounce the sound "d" slowly at first, and then faster and faster. At the moment of pronouncing "ddddddd ..." put under the tongue forefinger child and quickly move it to the right and left. Thus, the vibration of the tip of the tongue and the correct sounding of "r" are produced.

When pronouncing the sound “s”, the lips are slightly stretched, as with a slight smile, the teeth are slightly open (1-1-1.5 mm) and slightly exposed, the tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth; a groove forms in the middle of the tongue, through which the exhaled air passes. When pronouncing the sound “s”, the exhaled stream of air is cold. This is easy to check by placing the back of your hand to your mouth.

The sound "z" is pronounced in the same way as "s", only with the participation of the voice. (Compare "sh" and "g".) It is easy to feel the vibration of the larynx by placing a hand on it.

Before you start staging the sound "l", teach your child to clearly and abruptly pronounce the sound "s". First, get him to quickly protrude a wide tongue between his lips and remove it back. Do this exercise many times. In this case, the sounds “bl-bl-bl-bl-bl…” are obtained. Then proceed to the next technique - to stick a wide tongue between the teeth, slightly biting the tip of the tongue and “lllll ... y”, “lllll ... s”. This is how the correct pronunciation of "l" is gradually developed.

After you have achieved the correct pronunciation of the sound, fix this sound in speech. For example, when fixing the sound “sh”, invite the child to pronounce “sh-sh-sh-sh” for a long time and clearly, imitating a steam locomotive releasing steam; the sound “g” is fixed when imitating the buzzing of a bee “zh-zh-zh-zh”, the sound “r” when imitating the rumble of the motor “rrrr”. Then proceed to pronouncing direct lines (“sha”, “sho”, “shu”, “shy”, “ra”, “ro”, “ru”, “ry”) and reverse; ("ash", "osh", "ush", "ysh", "ar", "or", "ur", "yr") syllables. Pick up a number of words, sentences, poems for exercises in which a fixed sound is often found and, on the contrary, there is no one that the child does not yet have.

For example, to consolidate the sound "sh" learn the poem:

"Cute bear,
nice bear,
Clumsy and funny -
All of the plush bear is sewn,
Filled with lush cotton."

To consolidate the sound "r":

Early, early we rise
Loudly call the watchman:
"Watchman, watchman, hurry up
Come out and feed the animals."

To consolidate the sound "s":

“It’s dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
One owl does not sleep, sits on a bitch.

Very often, children have difficulty not only in pronouncing sounds, but also in distinguishing and recognizing them. This will subsequently complicate the teaching of children to read and write. Therefore, with the older guys preschool age(6-7 years old) spend various exercises. When the child learns to pronounce correctly, for example, the sound “s”, invite him to select pictures with the image of objects in the names of which there is this sound (sleigh, dog, beads, mustache, nose, etc.), and pronounce the names of the pictures. Then instruct him to come up with words with this sound. Such exercises will help to consolidate the sound in speech.

It largely depends on the parents that a 7-year-old child comes to school with a completely clear pronunciation. Endurance and patience, long, painstaking work will bear fruit - children with pure correct speech will develop correctly and successfully acquire knowledge.

- N. Cheveleva, speech therapist