Human aging without disease is a myth. Ayurveda: Signs of good health

We talked about the illegally convicted, and in not so distant times, Dr. technical sciences B. V. Bolotov, who has 150 copyright certificates for inventions. In total, Boris Vasilyevich submitted about 400 of his applications to the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries. The most valuable ones, he says, are dismissed... as incredible. These are, in particular, developments that open the way to environmentally friendly and safe nuclear energy, research on the person himself, in order to make his life longer, rejuvenate the body ...

Yes, many ideas of this ascetic of science border on science fiction, but today's time "works" for people like him, and let's not rush to conclusions. Van't Hoff also noted that fantasy and scientific judgments form truth, fantasy and taste - beauty.

Recently, journalist Vera Ryabinyan met with the people's scientist. With her consent, we are publishing a recording of this conversation, published in the Zeleny Svit newspaper, No. 12.

—Boris Vasilievich, so, is it possible to live and not get sick!

- I would not want to act as a kind of expert on everything and everyone. The manuscript of my work “Immortality is Real” describes 2,000 plants, 6,000 recipes, we are talking about general ideas traditional medicine, preparation of medicines. One part is devoted to five principles - how not to get sick and not grow old. It is called "quintessence" (from the Latin "fifth" - five and "essence" - base). It covers, in particular, the issues of how to resist nitrates, radionuclides, and heavy metal damage. 300 pages of text.

- And you can briefly describe the content of the study!

- I'll try. But before defining the principles themselves, it is necessary to find out on what basis they arose.

It is clear that an organism is considered healthy if its cells are healthy. In our body, young, middle-aged and old cells coexist at the same time. Over time, their ratio changes. A child under a year old has less than one percent of old cells, and a ten-year-old has ten percent, and those over fifty have half, etc. So, the problem arises - how to ensure that there are more young cells in the body.

- How!

- The "behavior" of the cells resembles the law of the jungle - the young, stronger, deal with the old and infirm. Sometimes they do it well, sometimes they don't. And here the help of the person himself is needed.

- What should it be?

- I'll start with an example. I would like to recall how the gastrointestinal tract works in predators, say, in a wolf. This animal does not have chewing teeth. Swallows meat with bones, cartilage; all this is digested by gastric juice (pepsin-like substances, hydrochloric acid, etc.). However, even after the food is "processed", gastric juice continues to stand out. What for? It turns out that secondary excretion is necessary for the organism itself. Pepsins are carried with blood throughout the body - they contribute to the breakdown of old and new cells. In humans, this process is a little slower, because we are used to finishing lunch or breakfast with delicacies - coffee, tea, cake, sweets.

“So you propose to give up such small joys of life!”

- No, but after the sweet, you must definitely put one gram of salt on your tongue and suck (the weight of a penny coin). Salt reflexively forces the cells of the stomach to produce juices and thus adds strength to young cells. Stimulate their plants, which are called "rejuvenated". These are cabbage, clover, sorrel, lupine, araliaceae (golden root, ginseng, eleutherococcus, maral root, etc.), galangal, strawberry bushes and fruits, dill, fennel, plantain, cucumbers, tomatoes ... They, in general, over a hundred. The method of preparation is very important. Cabbage and clover, for example, should be fermented. Dry strawberries and use as tea leaves. Cucumbers and tomatoes are always with salt. Make juice from cabbage and drink salted, and the pulp that remains is also fermented and eaten like a salad. I make the “young” plants ferment in the same way as celandine: half a glass-glass of the plant, a glass of sugar per three-liter jar of whey. I repeat - you need to get it not on fire, but simply let the milk sour somewhere in a warm place. After 2 - 3 weeks, the "mash" is ready, drink to your health. (“HF” talked about the radioprotective “kvass” of Bolotov, No. 72, September 1990 - Approx. ed.)

I did spectral analysis. All these plants contain salts, and in the same proportion as sea ​​water. Then I had a suspicion, which later grew into confidence: table salt is also useful. When we take that gram of salt in our mouth after eating, the salty environment causes the stomach to produce acids that are spent not only on digesting breakfast or lunch, but also on stimulating young cells. I determined: if you are not lazy and “snack” with salt for a month, the number of young cells will increase by 10 percent, in another month - by twenty ... In six months, 10 percent of old cells will remain, like in a child. Even my wrinkles have disappeared.

- However, they say: "Salt is a white poison."

- Let them talk. They didn't experience it. And I tested. I love people who have their own opinion.

In addition, you should wipe yourself with salt after bathing. And it's been verified.

Take 4 - 5 tablespoons table salt and apply it on a still damp body, hair. Do not wipe. And when the skin is dry, shake off a little, go to bed. Try it, the results will be wonderful. You will feel more cheerful, your cheeks will become ruddy, the skin on your face will be softer.

— Cosmetologists recommend creams, masks...

- And that's good, but no one has become younger from them yet. Can rub and sea ​​salt, This is even better. Plants "young" and salt allow you to keep your body at the level of youth.

- And physical education, sports!

- Not bad at all. Connect to your routine and swimming, do morning exercises. Better yet, go to the forest, to the meadows ...

- It's not very safe. Radiation...

- It's safe with me. Get out of your head that something bad can affect you. You just need to stick to the "quintessence", young cells are not afraid of radiation, they will destroy diseased cells.

For those who live in territories contaminated with radionuclides, when irradiated with gamma rays, the amount of iodinated substances in the body decreases, functions worse thyroid., Here we must help ourselves - eat more black mountain ash, black radish, nuts, and (if possible) - persimmon, feijoa fruits.

So, the first basis of our health is salt, plants "rejuvenated".

- And the second one!?

- Cleansing the body of toxins. They are soluble and, it would seem, have been permanently registered in our body.

Is there a way to evict them?

- Undoubtedly. First, you need to wrap the slags on salts, using acids that are harmless to the body. I mean various vitamins (they are sold in pharmacies), acids - acetic, citric, oxalic, grape, milk whey (the more sour - the better), kvass (raspberry, cranberry, viburnum), pickles from sauerkraut, beets. Pour a tablespoon of 9% apple cider vinegar into a bowl of soup, add a teaspoon of it to a glass of tea.

- It won't taste good...

- As for me, it's delicious. Try it! Useful and dry wine in small doses.

In this way, part of the slag will turn into soluble salts and exit the body. But we still have hundreds of insoluble ones. They accumulate for years in the vessels, joints, gallbladder, urinary canals, kidneys, etc. These are gout, osteochondrosis, spondylosis ...

— Your third principle of health is aimed at overcoming them! What is its basic principle!

“Like dissolves into like.

(Remember, all petroleum products dissolve in kerosene). Against salts, I can recommend several such remedies.

You watched how a chicken pecks at everything on the ground — big stones, pieces of metal... But, excuse me, it goes to the toilet soft. Why? Here bile "worked". And it is useful for a person. Bitter, of course, but you can also buy tubes for bitter medicines at the pharmacy. First, one drop of bile should be put into a tube and drunk half an hour after eating. Bile "walks" along blood vessels, liver, clean them. On the second day, increase the dose by one drop, on the third - more. Feel good, swallow the pouch completely. In general, they need to be consumed five or six. After that, rather large stones will also dissolve in the bile ducts, the vessels, the gallbladder, the kidneys will be cleansed ...

The second way is to drink black radish juice. Buy her 10 kilos. There will be about one three-liter can of juice and a few - pulp. For each three-liter jar of pulp, add half a liter of honey, add whey and let it sour in a warm place for a month. And at this time you will drink juice. First, one spoonful, then a little more - up to half a glass. The dose cannot be increased quickly, because pebbles will begin to stand out from the bile ducts, and this is painful. Therefore, you need to drink a little, about an hour before meals. If the pain is tolerable, then endure it. Repeat every hour if possible. Finished the juice - start the pulp. Like a salad, 2 - 5 tablespoons each. How many you want. Until you get it all. This is a cycle. And repeat this twice a year. But you need to remember: when you drink juice, you can not use anything sour - neither kvass, nor vinegar, neither sour nor salty (herring).

And this way: collect sunflower roots, wash them, dry them. (Store twenty kilograms from autumn). Put a root weighing 50 grams in boiling water in a three-liter saucepan, cook for 5 minutes. Drink a serving a day or two, give up the soup. After two weeks, you will notice cloudiness in your urine. Further, within two weeks, the urine will be dark, and then - light. So the cleansing has taken place. During treatment, I repeat, do not eat anything sour and salty.

- And now - the fourth beginning!

- I called it "how not to get sick." In general, what is a disease? This is harmful effect microorganisms on your body. To understand its essence, I will make a brief digression.

There are two types of life on earth - vegetable and animal (flora - in Latin "blooming", and fauna - "the one that lives"). Cells plant origin photosynthesis is characteristic, as I established - the process is photonuclear, and for animal cells - betasynthesis - also a nuclear process, only by "beta" we mean electrons (it is this Greek letter they are marked). Photons give life flora, and electrons to the animal.

Photosynthesis is associated with the oxidation of the environment. As a rule, the cell is freed from oxygen, the heat necessary for the development of plants is released. In animal cells, this process is carried out under the influence of electrons. During photosynthesis, the system is tinned, and during betasynthesis, it is oxidized.

Microorganisms that cause disease in us belong to the class plant cells. And therefore, in order not to get sick, it is necessary that our living environment is always acidic. And in the human body, this does not always work out: by eating plant foods, we gradually tin it and thus create favorable conditions for the development of plant disease-causing cells.

The body may not get sick in a tinned environment, but for this it needs enzymes (also tinned) that would protect it. The immune system produces them (say, prednisol, tinned hormone).

Plants do not live in a salt-acid environment, every schoolchild knows this. Hence the result - if your body is salty and sour, microbes will not develop in it. That's why it's so important to "salt".

- You put all medicine upside down.

- If medicine does not understand the elementary ... I spent seven years in such difficult conditions, on prison food, and I never went to the doctor. On the contrary, they are for me.

Let me give you an example. The tree is rotting. Who is eating it? Creatures of animal origin. And for the tree to bloom? There is a Turkish proverb: "If you want the garden to be fragrant, bury a dog under the roots." This is how they did it in famous gardens Semiramis.

I repeat once again: ferment, salt the plants. Otherwise, you will be tinned, then you will have to transfer yourself to an acidic environment for months.

- And now - the fifth beginning.

- Good. Let's say you poisoned some of the cells in your kidneys. There are still healthy cells, but they are few. Will the body suffer? A small number of good cells are not able to remove toxins, provide homeostasis - the constancy of parameters (pressure, etc.). And the person has a headache, the temperature rises, hypertension develops. Toxic elements poison the body.

With an increase in pressure, doctors prescribe medications that dilate blood vessels. But this is a fight with consequences. Still very often, medicine does not pay attention to the cause of the disease.

I propose to cure the kidney itself, build up its healthy cells.

- How!

- Free the kidneys for a while from "work". Visit the sauna, Russian steam room. But before that (an hour before the bath) you need to eat the animal's kidney.

“I don’t understand, because everything we eat, any meat, is equally digested.

- Yes, but if you ate a kidney, there will be amino acids in your blood, silicon - organic origin(they are not in the usual chop).

15 minutes before entering the hot room of the sauna, you should drink a few glasses of diaphoretic tea or kvass. The skin takes over the functions of the kidney. And the kidney itself is resting, growing, because there are nutrients.

“I see… And in the same way, in order to heal the liver, you suggest eating some animal liver.”

- Absolutely correct. And, in addition, you should feed the body through the skin - lubricate with honey water. Carry out about ten such procedures. Within 2 - 3 months, you can restore the organ.

Recorded by Vera Ryabinina.

In a groundbreaking new book, Rules for Longevity, author Dan Buettner shares how to celebrate your 100th birthday with a clear mind and good health.

It is written based on the results of a large-scale study of the National Geographic magazine.

common people and simple stories about their healthy longevity and happy life. From the first person. In the book you will not find theories, systems, rules, instructions. There will be no talk of any experiments, aspirations and achievements. None of the heroes of the story set out to comprehend the secret of longevity, gain indestructible health, or confuse inquisitive gerontologists. It is all the more interesting to read about the lessons that will help us overcome the 100-year milestone.


Be active, but don't get hung up on it.

The oldest people on earth don't run marathons or triathlons, and don't pretend to be sports stars on Saturday mornings....

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Be healthy and live without getting sick

The publicist and critic Dmitry Pisarev believed that a prudent person should strive not to “repair and caulk his body like a fragile and leaky boat”, but to such a way of life “in which the body would come into an upset position as little as possible ". “What is required for this? - the reader will be interested. - Exercise, eat right and replace bad habits useful? Well, we know that ourselves!”

That's right, everyone hears it from childhood. But does everyone do it? “There is no time,” we dismiss, preferring to wait for an appointment in a long queue, when it is no longer possible to postpone. If you nevertheless decide to change your life (yes, that’s right, change your life, and not just part of it, because one of the books on self-development does not say in vain that “moral and moral character, social positions and connections!), you will need a few simple tips. So how do you live without getting sick?


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In order to live long and not get sick, you need to know a few simple truths. You have probably already heard them at least briefly from caring parents, strict doctors or smiling TV presenters. But since repetition is, as educators like to say, the mother of learning, let's go over these "immutable postulates" again. Believe me, living without getting sick is much easier and more real than you think.

Let's immediately put aside those factors over which we have little or no influence. Yes, bad ecology, bad heredity, low level medical care and other cataclysms adversely affect our health. However, to take control of all this, as a rule, is not possible. Therefore, it would be much wiser to concentrate your efforts on the fact that, if there is an appropriate desire, it will obey you in no time and provide health for many years to come.

1. We eat right

Food is the main source of vitamins...

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Tips for those who want not to get sick and live long.

To slow down the aging process, you need folic acid, which is found in all types of greens and in those foods that are rich in vitamin B.

Move outdoors as much as possible in summer and winter, spring and autumn, and in any weather. Oxygen enriches your cells better with active breathing, which is only possible when moving. If possible, sleep outdoors. Sleeping on the street gives a special peace and relaxation, it rejuvenates, strengthens and heals.

Listen to calm, pleasant music, try not to watch TV - everything that is shown on the news leads to internal shock, spoils nervous system and leads to despair. It is better to read an interesting book, admire nature or pray to God - believe me, this will give you health and special grace.

Many diseases are born from depression and stress. You need to learn to get away from any CONFLICTS. Avoid those people who like to squabble and...

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Nobody wants to get old. And we are not so afraid of external changes in our declining years, like illness and the suffering associated with it. Postponing old age means moving one step closer to immortality. Although many believe that death and aging are inevitable. You need to keep healthy from a young age. Whoever did not take care of him, he lives out from his youth. There is nothing to save. The experience of centenarians real stories and myths proves that you can hide from old age and for quite a long time. The basis of the diet of centenarians is five groups food products and clean fresh water or milk.

Drink more clean water and be healthy!

For strong and good health every day it is recommended to drink as much as possible more liquid. Water is not only a food product, but also a means of cleansing the body, external and internal. Water is that essential need that gives us vital energy. Water should be drunk as much as possible, even water alone can reduce the risk of a heart attack. Clean intestines, oral cavity and other parts of the body...

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What is traditionally answered in polyclinics to grandmothers in response to complaints about the heart or joints? "What do you want - age!" They answer so convincingly that grandmothers believe and thank God for those days when nothing hurts them.

But in 1993, American doctors Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman suggested: it's time to stop treating "age" and "disease" as synonymous! Loss of physical strength, weakening mental capacity, bad job heart, blood vessels, joints - satellites not of age, but of various diseases. So why not treat all of this as normal rather than age-related diseases? And even more important: why not prevent these age-related changes in advance?

Thus was born the concept of "anti-age medicine" and its three principles: to live long, be healthy and stay young. Of course, it was not easy for doctors, and even their clients, to agree with this. An anti-aging lifestyle should be led from the age of 20-30. But modern technologies can help those who are already “late”.

Step 1

The highest...

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Five colors of health. What you need to eat in order not to get sick and live long

You can strengthen the body's immunity in a simple and pleasant way - with the help of proper nutrition.

American scientists and nutritionists have developed a healthy eating system based on a combination of different colors: red, green, etc. AiF decided to figure out the pros and cons of this system and went to America, to a factory where health products are developed and produced.

Diet is a bad habit
In an effort to fit our body to the beauty standards dictated by fashion magazines, we plague ourselves with diets. And by doing so, we are doing ourselves a disservice.

Dieting is a bad habit, says Shem Ramakrishnan, MD medical sciences in the field of biology and genetics, one of the heads of the department for the development of new technologies at the Nutrilight Health Institute. - Because the exclusion of certain components from the daily diet can trigger destructive ...

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Probably, everyone would like to live up to a hundred years like that! Take a walk at the wedding of great-grandchildren, look at the colonization of Mars and master the skills of teleportation. The most trying to unravel the secret of longevity clear minds in all corners of the world, although a long healthy life is a rare gift. But it seems that longevity can be learned ...

"So simple!" shares with you the story of long-lived US heart surgeon Ellsworth Wareham, who claims to have found the key to a long and happy life.

How to live long

Dr. Ellsworth Wareham is 103 years old, half of which he follows a vegetarian diet. The famous cardiac surgeon is convinced that it is diet and a healthy lifestyle that are the reason for his amazing longevity and excellent health.

“You can say that I was naturally inclined towards a vegetarian diet. My parents were farmers, and we didn’t have a shortage of meat, I just never liked animal food. When I completely abandoned it, then at first ...

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The answer to the question - how to live long life without disease - known to all, without exaggeration. It’s just that sometimes you need to…sit down and think. About myself. What do you want to be: healthy, full of strength and joy or a decrepit, sick, faded old man beyond his years? It will be more convenient to collect your stones in full health. Both inside and outside. After all, there will come a period in life when the children grow up, a career will be built and there will be time to be with yourself. And, perhaps, we need to prepare for this moment. Rather, make it so that there is someone to talk to. Today we will try to talk about this. How to make the body bring pleasure, life pleases and butterflies in the stomach are a state of mind in life, and not the result of a hearty dinner.

Eat less, move more and clean up your mind.

This short answer could have ended this article. But we will talk a little more with you on the topic of illness and longevity. So, let's begin.

Foundation of health

Healthy longevity lies...

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To book page: Shinya Hiromi. A book about the dangers of "healthy eating", or How to live up to 100 years without getting sick.

Hiromi Shinya


or how to live up to 100 years without getting sick?

Byoukini naranai ikikata by Hiromi Shinya

© 2005 by Hiromi Shinya

Original Japanese edition published

by Sunmark Publishing, Inc., Tokyo, Japan

Russian translation rights arranged with Sunmark Publishing, Inc.,

through InterRights, Inc., Tokyo

and Sylvia Hayse Literary Agency, LLC, Bandon, OR


The secret of a healthy life

I am a doctor, I have been treating people for many years and I cooperate with leading medical institutions in Japan, the USA and Europe. I must say that in the forty years of my medical practice I have not prescribed a single (!) ...

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Centenarians. How to live long and not get sick

Probably, many will say: it is somewhere there, in the mountains. In general, they will be right. But it's not just the mountains. Scientists believe that it is possible to live without getting sick if three proportions are observed: environment, food and community, i.e. a person lives in a familiar society, according to the traditions of his ancestors, eats familiar food, lifestyle corresponds to his biological characteristics.

And a quick change in lifestyle, place of life (even to a more comfortable one) only helps us ... grow old. This is the conclusion of scientists. And what is most offensive - even good medicine (that's the blessing of civilization!) Will not help to be healthier. The real benefit is a healthy person who does not need to see a doctor, scientists say. It is known that Israeli medicine is one of the best in the world.

But Israelis are aging faster than those around them Arab population, says Valery Batsevich, deputy director of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, - Because Israel is a new country, ...

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Have you ever asked yourself the question: What is life, health, illness ... And probably did not find the answer. Correctly. There is no single answer to questions such as “What is life, illness, health, death?” What is life?


After all, life is not medical term. Physics is concerned with the vital activity of a system in nature. And if we are talking specifically about a living organism, then this is the lot of biophysicists. What is life? This is the transition of low entropy to high entropy. "Entropy is a physical indicator of the degree of deviation from the accepted norm or the degree of chaos" turn, transformation). Therefore, the higher the entropy, the closer death is for a person, the lower the entropy, the more active longevity. Therefore, in order to prolong life: human nutrition should be with low entropy and only love should reign. And what are the elements of such nutrition?

Batteries and air

The first and main element of such nutrition is air. For a person, it is ideal when it is clean, moist, and most importantly...

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We all know that bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and junk food do not lead to anything good. It is because of the careless attitude to our own body and body that we get sick, look bad and age faster. Therefore, the sooner you revise your attitude to your lifestyle and change it in better side, the more likely it is to live to 90 years of age with excellent health.

We remember what good habits must be worked out for longevity!

No. 1 Walking

On the day you need to walk at least 4 km in fresh air at a speed of about 100 steps per minute. Walking along the corridors of the office does not count, the lack of oxygen during such walking provokes an excess of harmful D-lactic acid. Make it a habit to get off the bus or metro a couple of stops earlier after work and walk this distance home on foot. By the way, for the figure and digestion, the benefits are also ...

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Lesson One: Natural Movement[edit]

Get yourself some extra exercise. Try to use a bicycle, rake, broom, snow shovel as often as possible.

Enjoy. Make a list of physical exercises that you enjoy. Lead an active lifestyle. Train your major muscle groups at least twice a week. Get into the habit of exercising for 30 minutes (ideally an hour) five times a week. It is possible, but undesirable, to break these half an hour-hour into several visits.

Walking, cycling and swimming strengthen cardiovascular system. Weightlifting keeps the muscles in good shape. Stretching exercises help maintain flexibility.

Walk. All centenarians walked and walk almost every day. Hiking is free, it doesn't put too much stress on your joints like running does, it doesn't require extra equipment, and it brings people together.

Vigorous walking...

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Current page: 1 (total book has 10 pages) [available reading excerpt: 3 pages]

Oleg Mikhalevich
How to live without getting sick and not getting old

Life is very short. And it must be lived with dignity, in health from beginning to end, so that in youth one does not get sick and in old age one does not create problems for others, on the contrary, to bring benefit and joy to loved ones.

You should always try to be cheerful and active.

I believe that there is no need to make mistakes if there is an opportunity to read, hear, learn something. Become wiser.

We need serious and versatile knowledge of anatomy, dietology, body characteristics, as well as healthy eating, great self-discipline and control. Then you will become kind, joyful, be able to benefit your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, teach them the right way lives so that they do not repeat our mistakes, be smarter and, in turn, pass on precious knowledge to the new generation.


Director of the Center, academician, doctor of biological sciences, professor V. I. Dikul

Philosophers rightly say that health outweighs all good things. I have been convinced more than once that success is ensured by both an active lifestyle and a healthy diet. At the same time, a sustainable result cannot be achieved without the right attitude. The author of the book explains how to make sure that all our efforts bring us satisfaction and strengthen faith in ourselves, and not turn into a series of obstacles on the way to health and good physical shape.

This book is a real storehouse of useful and logically structured information on most of the basic issues of a healthy lifestyle. Talking about the basics of proper nutrition, the author provides scientific data on products, indicating their calorie content, which can prevent certain diseases if consumed correctly and in sufficient quantities.

Speaking about physical exercises - the key to a healthy life, the author emphasizes the importance of special methods of health-improving gymnastics, which helps to prolong life and improve its quality. He also reminds of the benefits of hardening, Russian baths and water procedures.

It is never too late and never too early to start leading a healthy lifestyle. And children accustomed to necessary rules from an early age, it will be much easier to stick to them all your life, keeping you healthy and active for many years.

This edition is a great gift for those who are ready to adopt a healthy lifestyle, but need a good, understanding mentor.

Irina Rodnina, three-time Olympic champion, multiple world and European champion, MP State Duma Russian Federation, Member of the Faculty Council " graduate School sports and tourism industry" PRUE. G. V. Plekhanova

From the editor-in-chief

In our time, it has already become obvious that every self-respecting person should monitor their health. But in modern world with his stresses and frantic pace of life, this is becoming increasingly difficult to do. This is especially true for people who live in megacities, and besides, they are engaged in business.

Behind last years the number of product names offered to the consumer has increased significantly. Shops are filled with goods of any origin and for every taste. Hundreds of types of yoghurts and other dairy products, convenience foods, instant foods, flour products, drinks, canned food, sweets, chips, dried and salted snacks, processed and ready-to-eat cold or heated food await the buyer on supermarket shelves. Are they all so harmless to health? Does the apparent palatability and ease of consumption hide the danger of disease? Every day, people, even non-drinkers and non-smokers, literally kill themselves, paying with their health for the products of the modern food industry. In an effort to save on food for the sake of other pleasures, we switch to cheaper products.

Classes in fitness centers are becoming less accessible for most people - and expensive and there is no time for this. So is it possible to keep your body in good shape with the help of the simplest physical exercises performed daily at home? Is it possible to eat right and without spending too much?

In his book, Oleg Mikhalevich, who himself successfully got rid of a number of different ailments, testing the theory in practice, willingly shares his invaluable experience with us.

This book is much deeper than the usual treatise on healthy eating. First of all, it presents the PHILOSOPHY of the way of life that each of us should strive for, and indicates the METHOD that allows us to put it into practice. The author encourages the reader to stay young as long as possible, which is quite doable if a person really wants it, subordinating everything in his life to the achievement of this goal. Following the author's advice and starting to eat healthy food, any person can not only prolong his life, but also radically change its quality.

As a rule, everything that we achieve during our life is knowledge, skills, experience, strength and material wealth, as a result, he spends on improving his shaky health, instead of enjoying the results of his work. The author sees the meaning of life in enjoying work, communicating with people and feeling the TASTE OF LIFE, spending the money earned for the benefit of oneself, and not for “repairing” one’s body.

Have you ever noticed that there are periods in life when some invisible force seems to help us in this or that undertaking, as if “the cards fall as they should”?

May all the forces of the UNIVERSE help each of the readers of this book on his life path, may everything turn out well!

Dmitry Petrov

about the author

Everything is possible

Most often, people regret the opportunities lost over the years. The author of this book believes that the biggest omission of this book is that in childhood he was not taught to play on any musical instrument, and the whole world stayed away from him. But everything else he seems to have got in full.

Oleg Mikhalevich reached the peak of fame in September 1987, when a book miniature of the poems of the disgraced Boris Pasternak, published by the first Latvian publishing cooperative Slovo in the Soviet Union, was published. Correspondents from all over Soviet Union. The Mayak radio station was the first to report this, which Yegor Kuzmich Ligachev, the main ideologist of the country, listened to in the morning. Two hours later, a resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU was published, prohibiting private entrepreneurial activity in the publishing industry, but in the media mass media A circular was sent prohibiting public mention of the publishing house and its founder, Oleg Mikhalevich.

Ten years earlier, a similar ban on the publication of his story was organized at the initiative of the Lithuanian KGB, since the committee members considered this work to be ideologically dubious. Just in case, the author, at that time the navigator long-distance navigation, were deprived of the right to travel abroad, and all city organizations of Klaipeda, where he then lived, were forbidden to employ him. In order to survive, Oleg actively published under pseudonyms in various publications, won literary competitions, in which last moment the organizers were forced to move it to second place. It was customary to talk about the winners in detail, but how to tell about a person whose name is banned?

Undoubtedly, chaotic full of stress and nervous tension life could not but affect his health. The heart went haywire, pulling other diseases with it. For Oleg began new battle- behind own health, behind own life. He relied only on himself for this. Both then and at the time when he was recovering from severe sports injuries already in much more adulthood. In the most Hard times Oleg, like a mantra, repeated his slogan: "Everything is possible." Whatever it is in his life. Except music.

Once I asked Oleg to name the sports that he had a chance to seriously engage in. He listed almost without hesitation: boxing, bodybuilding, yoga, table tennis, volleyball, football, rowing on a six-oared yawl, middle distance running, cycling, swimming, shooting, sailing, chess, tennis, alpine skiing, kiting 1
Kiting, or kitesurfing - sliding on a board through the water with a kite (kite), refers to extreme sports sports.

Show jumping, cani-cross (cross-country running with a dog). Oleg referred to frivolous skates, hockey, badminton, basketball, squash, paintball, bowling, billiards, darts, golf, jet ski, flying in wind tunnel. His house is full of appropriate equipment, and Oleg is always ready to use it, without discounts for age.

If we recall that he managed to get a technical and humanitarian education, mastered the methods of traditional medicine and helped restore health to many people, he wrote several books different genre, judged the championships of the Soviet Union in alpine skiing, worked as a milling machine operator, drove sea ships, performed the duties of a ship's doctor, gave lectures, supervised the construction of apartment buildings and factories, founded and headed a number of newspapers and magazines, book publishers, held international conferences (including atomic energy!), has written many journalistic works, translates poetry from several languages, travels a lot, is engaged in business and is active social activities It's hard to imagine how this fits into the life of one person. All this looks like a challenge to nature, or rather to the usual idea of ​​it. But if you think about it, this is just an example of the realization of the unlimited possibilities given to us by nature, available, according to the author of the book, to everyone.

Its secret, meanwhile, is quite simple: "Everything is possible." Just read this amazing book.

Marat Kalandarov, academician, president International Association writers and publicists, Secretary of the Writers' Union of Russia

Instead of a preface

Nature has rewarded me with an average build and unenviable health. At the kindergarten age, I was registered in a tuberculosis dispensary and stood out among my peers only in height. In the first grade, I was caught between two streams of schoolchildren, one of which was rushing in and the other out, crushed by huge school doors so that it was difficult for me to breathe for many months. Injuries haunted me later. On the ski slopes, my vertebra was knocked out, after which for several years in a row I was overcome by bouts of pain, during which I could not even bring a spoon to my mouth. Another time, a large muscle was torn from the thigh. Once he flew off at full gallop from a horse that twisted his leg. When riding a kite, a gust of wind tore me out of the water, threw me into the air for ten meters and hit the shore so that I could not walk for two months. I also had many other serious injuries and illnesses. At the age of twenty-eight, I seriously suffered from a functional disorder of the heart muscle, I had to be treated for chronic gastritis and varicose veins veins, hypertensive crises and migraines. In a word, I had everything, like everyone else.

Now, when I write these lines, I am sixty, I feel great and I am in no way inferior both in terms of medical parameters and physical condition thirty years old, which I periodically confirm by participating in various running competitions for medium and long distances, swimming, skiing, etc. And the doctor, with whom I go through a comprehensive health examination every five years, states with disappointment that this time he was not able to find anything suspicious in my body, and all vital signs correspond norms for people half my age compared to me.

Official medicine has nothing to do with the metamorphosis that happened to my body. Rather, on the contrary.

In simple terms, after years studying, I learned to understand my body and developed my own system of influence on it. To mutual satisfaction.

Life brought me together with wonderful healers: some of them are widely known, while others are known only to specialists. Their advice has been instrumental in improving my health. Gradually, I began to make small notes about how, in what ways I managed to overcome specific ailments - my own or other people's. Periodically, I shared my observations and small discoveries with friends, relatives, and acquaintances. As a result, dozens of people who followed my advice got rid of a number of diseases, sometimes quite serious ones, in a very short time.

If a doctor with shortness of breath tells you about proper breathing, and another, obese, about proper nutrition, do not believe them. Because they don't trust themselves. You can't teach others what you don't follow yourself. Everything that you will read about in this book, I have tried on myself and my loved ones, and I can demonstrate at any time.


Many are obsessed with the dream of losing weight. It seems that it is worth removing the extra five, ten, someone twenty or more kilograms, and life will become different.

If something hurts us, we dream of getting rid of this pain, and life will be different.

When we are overwhelmed by problems that seem insoluble, we feel overwhelmed, irritated over trifles and angry; it seems to us that it is worth getting rid of the problem, and life will be different.

But life becomes different only when we ourselves change.

This book is not about diet, healing, strengthening the body or spirit, although it contains a lot of practical advice on how to achieve these modest goals. This book is about how to live the entire time allotted to us by nature without suffering and disease, in full harmony with the body and soul. And that means longer, staying healthy and happy.

The book will tell you about how food affects us - and you will think about what you put into your body.

This is a book about how to make your body a real source of joy.

This is a book about how to become the full owner of your thoughts and your spirit.

What did we get?

Almost everyone flies when they are young. Not on a plane or hot-air balloon and not even in the wind tunnel, but by itself - in a dream. A weightless body easily soars in the air, soars at the behest of the mind, rushes, not knowing fatigue, over forests and valleys. Then the person wakes up and for a long time cannot believe that it was only a dream. They say that such dreams are an echo of the genetic memory of our distant ancestors.

Everything else we can do. Nature has endowed us with an amazingly perfect organism that allows us to run at the speed of a car (up to 60 km per hour), jump above our own height, swim and dive to a depth of several tens of meters. We can lift weights that are several times the weight own body, withstand temperature drops of hundreds of degrees Celsius, restore damaged areas of the body and change its shape. Nature has endowed us with reason, the ability to communicate, understand ourselves and others.

Opportunities human body seem limitless. The average human brain uses no more than ten percent of its potential for its intended purpose, the rest is probably intended for future generations, and we can only guess what possibilities lie in our mind. But there is no doubt that they are embedded in us. Sometimes, in exceptional situations, phenomenal memory breaks through in people, they make discoveries far ahead of their time, they have telepathic communication, x-ray vision, magnetism, the ability to count faster than a calculator the ability to foresee the future or see the past.

We have at our disposal a magnificent and reliable mechanism worked out for centuries, capable of bringing us joy and enjoyment of life.

But nothing happens by itself. Any mechanism must be maintained in due order. Support without waiting for the unbalanced parts to creak, crumble, turn from a source of joy into a sea of ​​problems. And if the problem happened, you need to get rid of it quickly and efficiently, as it should be. Homo sapiens- A reasonable person.

If you want to enjoy life, learn to understand your body.


In the 90s of the last century, announcements of all kinds of magicians, sorcerers and miracle healers were everywhere, guaranteeing healing from any disease in a matter of days. At railway stations, diagnoses were made in one minute, in doorways they spoke of damage, in the newspapers they offered to put energy protection through which no knife or bullet can pass. And the offer found demand. Over time, the number of healers decreased, people became more careful, more vigilant, especially in relation to such a delicate area as their own health. Yes, and with money, especially with the onset of the crisis, they are in no hurry to part. But official medicine is becoming more expensive every year, increasingly forcing us to think, what are we paying for? And really, why? Why, with such rapid development of modern medicine, there are more and more people in need of treatment, and when recruiting young people, even in the tiny Latvian army, it is extremely difficult to find those whose health does not meet, believe me, the most demanding requirements military service? A healthy person becomes a rarity.

For a while I happened to be a co-owner of a small private clinic. The head physician dealt with patients and his subordinates, and we, the co-owners, to one degree or another dealt with financial and economic issues(salary, rent of premises, utility bills, repairs, purchase of new materials and equipment). There was just enough money, and the doctors knew about it, so we had a completely trusting relationship with them. It was then that I first heard about the little tricks of doctors that encourage people to choose a more expensive method of treatment or become their regular patients after a single visit. The fact is that medicine today is concerned, first of all, not with health, but with making money. Medicine is big business. And in alliance with the production of drugs - just gigantic. But business always has one task - to make more money today than yesterday, otherwise someone else will do it. The logic here is simple. And if so, then patients, from a business point of view, are customers. And the more of them, the more they need treatment and expensive medicines, the better. A healthy person is not interested in medicine at all. And when you begin to understand this, you involuntarily think - how much can you trust what you hear from a doctor, especially in determining the method of treatment?

The loudest medical scandals are associated with pharmacology, the queen of medicine, which informally controls official medicine with an iron, or rather, golden hand. In terms of profitability, pharmacology is called the third in rank - right after the arms and drug trade. And in sales methods, like representatives of these two areas, she is not too picky. The main goal is to sell more and more expensive. In other words, a giant and fabulously rich industry is working to ensure that you and I take as many drugs as possible ...

In the mid-seventies of the last century, the young doctor Burzynski managed to emigrate from Poland to the United States. In Houston, Texas, he got a job at a local clinic, and all free time devoted to work on the implementation of his idea - the creation of an effective cancer cure based on the use of amino acids and urine healthy people. The researches of the young doctor were treated with understanding, Burzynski received a grant for research, equipped the laboratory and ... achieved a positive result! The new drug was named antineoplaston. Burzynski created his own clinic, began to produce this medicine and treat patients who had finally lost any hope of recovery. took on the most difficult cases, including taking people with inoperable brain tumors. The results of the treatment were fantastic. The drug, which has no side effects, helped to completely restore the health of patients who, for medical reasons, had only a few months or a few weeks to live.

Today, the clinic of Dr. Burzynski has saved thousands of lives. And then there are dozens of lawsuits with the medical authorities of the state of Texas, in which the drug licensing board for thirty years refused to recognize antineoplaston and tried to ban its production. Fortunately for the doctor, dozens of patients he saved testified in his favor in court. As a result, the court made a Solomonic decision - to allow the production and sale of medicines within ... the state of Texas!

Of course, it was impossible to keep the drug within the state borders. And this gave rise to a powerful medical lobby to initiate new trials in order to put the obstinate doctor behind bars until the end of his days. The last of these processes ended in 2008 - and again with the victory of Burzynski. The doctor himself has no doubts - the recognition of his method means the collapse of the whole medical industry, focused on almost useless, but promising multibillion-dollar treatment methods using chemotherapy or radiation therapy. And this Dr. Burzynski will never be forgiven.

It is easy to understand how official medicine relates to traditional medicine, that is, competitive, but at the same time offering services almost for nothing.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine modern life without official medicine or to do without its help. First of all, in cases requiring surgical intervention, when it is no longer a question of treatment, but of salvation. If you have a broken bone, your doctor should treat it. If your temperature rises or rises blood pressure if you feel nauseated, you feel dizzy, if your stomach or other part of your body hurts - it is important to understand what is really happening. You can't do without a doctor, without a diagnosis. Many high-precision and irreplaceable devices are able to measure, enlighten through, look inside the body and see what only Avicenna or at least one doctor in a million can determine without the help of technology. But how to deal with the identified ailment is up to you, first of all, to decide.

A few years ago my stepfather got into the first city ​​hospital with acute heart failure. I came to visit him and saw a dying man in appalling conditions, almost without any medical attention. Outraged by this, I, being an extremely calm person in life, burst into the office of the head of the department and made a scandal. Within half an hour, my stepfather was discharged, and we went to the Stradins hospital, where he was immediately placed in the intensive care unit. The attending physician, after reading the prescriptions made in the previous hospital, was horrified. prescribed doctors should have kill stepfather for a few hours. And this should have happened not due to someone's malicious intent, but only as a result of the amazing incompetence, indifference of the doctor to patients in general. Fortunately, my intuition worked. And it worked because it became a property not so much natural as acquired.

At the age of twenty-eight, I, then a sea navigator, was unexpectedly removed from a flight, called to the personnel department and offered to quit without any explanation. Later, I learned that the local KGB regarded one of my stories as dissident, so my sea visa was closed, and all city organizations, despite the urgent need for personnel, after consultations with the KGB department, were denied employment. I had to support my family, somehow decide on the future, I was nervous. As a result, on a nervous basis, I had pains in my heart, sometimes it seized so that it was impossible to move. In the clinic, she was diagnosed with a functional disorder of the heart muscle. After prescribing a lot of drugs, the doctor explained that I should lead a calm, measured lifestyle, without stress and anxiety, avoiding physical exertion in every possible way. I obediently bought a pile of expensive, even for the Soviet era, medicines at the pharmacy and took the first portion. The taste was disgusting, and I fought back the nausea. A few hours later it was necessary to take a new portion. From that moment on, my conscious attitude to my health began.

I sat down and thought. When we enter an educational institution, submit a resume, apply for a new job, propose to a bride, or just plan a trip, we treat our choice consciously, predicting our life at least for a certain period. But isn't it logical to predict your health in the same way?

I figured that if you follow the doctor's instructions, then the body, devoid of active movement and under the side effects of drugs, it will weaken even more, which obviously will not serve to strengthen the heart muscle. As a result, I will turn into a kind of vegetable, into a semi-invalid. Do I need such a life?

It was necessary to find something completely different, as they say, either hit or miss. Thinking about it, I scooped up the medicines in a bag, threw it into the trash can and pulled out the Sport bike, which I had purchased while being a navigator, so that my legs would not atrophy at all in the limited space of a sea vessel. From that day on, my regular bike rides began, at first short, but every day longer. Of course, you could just walk, but moving on two wheels made the loads much more dynamic and tangible, focusing on movement, and not on piled problems. Swimming in the sea soon joined the walks, regardless of the weather. The heart still made itself felt, although less often, winter was approaching, and some alternative to cycling and swimming had to be found. I came across an invitation to the Carpathians to learn to ride skiing. In the late seventies of the last century, it was an absolute exotic for the Soviet Union. There were practically no lifts, the slopes were not prepared, there was no ski equipment. Very few groups of enthusiasts went downhill skiing in quite extreme conditions, the loads turned out to be huge, it was impossible to imagine a more radical test for oneself.

After two weeks of training, I was one of the first skiers in my city. For this reason, a group of skiers soon found me and invited me along. Six months after the course of treatment for my heart muscle, our group went on a hike along the Khibiny mountain range to Kola Peninsula. We had to go about two hundred kilometers with thirty-kilogram backpacks on our shoulders. Pass, spending the night in a twenty-degree frost in a tent made of parachute silk. For the first two days I was in the rearguard, having difficulty keeping up with the rest of the group. On the third day he moved to the middle. Starting from the fourth day, I went ahead, doing the hardest work - breaking through the track. Since then, I have not had to remember the heart.

Some experts argue that our lifespan is in our genes. If a person is given a hundred years, then, if there is no accident, he will die a hundred years old. As far as I understand, it has not yet been possible to verify such a statement in practice, but I fully admit that it may be true. Remember the well-known anecdote about the aksakal, who tells journalists that in his hundred years he never drank, never smoked, never hung out with women. The journalists respectfully listen to him, but then one of them asks what kind of noise is behind the wall. And this, explains the elder, my older brother is rowdy - a drunkard, a brawler, a womanizer and the whole house stinks of tobacco.

As the saying goes, there is some truth in every joke. Let's say you can live as long as allotted genetic code. But how to live? What must be abandoned, and what is more expensive for yourself?

In one of fantasy stories the hero invented the principle of maintaining the immutability of matter in a strictly defined period of time. At the age of forty, he conserved his body so that it would not grow old, while knowing for sure that death would occur when he reached his eightieth birthday, on a certain day and hour. I wonder if you would like to be in his place? I - yes!

On my mother's side, I come from a family of long-livers. My great-grandmother lived to be a hundred years old, and I remember a small, nimble old woman who desperately scolded Soviet power and actively, at any distance, moved around the city on foot, as public transport she didn't admit it. My grandmother lived the same amount, but at the same time she constantly suffered from various ailments for the second half of her life and did not get out of bed for the last ten years. My uncle is ninety, and you will not find a single wrinkle on his face, he, like the older brother from the joke, can both drink and make noise. But on holidays. And in the rest of his retirement life, he is a real folk doctor, who has collected an incredible number of folk recipes in his notebook and successfully applies them among relatives and friends. He does not recognize doctors. His wife is two years older, several years ago, according to the verdict of doctors, she was supposed to die within a month. My uncle swept away all the prescriptions, took up his potions, and now they are both alive and well. There were many examples of this kind before my eyes, and I made an unequivocal conclusion for myself: yes, I want to live as long as nature or the genetic code allotted me, but live without feeling the burden of years on my shoulders. It is this - the secret of a long and healthy life that I will gladly share with you.

How to live and not grow old: 15 secrets

Read them over
several times a day...
Perhaps your body is not in such great condition as
sometime, but it's not
prevent you from being young and strong. After all, the real
youth is courage
openness, energy and smile. It's never too late to start
generate these
quality in yourself!
Make these rules the basis of your life for at least a week.
Read them over
several times a day, so as not to forget. Imagine how
would you do if
would be young. Now you can do something too
whatever and do
this much less mistakes. Try!

1. Wrinkles don't make you look old. There are many of them in babies.
makes you old
foolish belief that all the best is behind us.
2. Age is not the reason for your despondency. The reason for the sadness
your laziness.
3. Self-hatred is unnatural. You bought it for
long years of life. Is
is it a valuable acquisition to hold on to?
4. If you were sexy when you were young, you are not now.
only sexy but
and smart.
5. Never stop dreaming. Dreams keep you on
6. If you have a complex because of excess weight remember though
would be five thin
friends who are far from beautiful. Does charm depend
from the person's weight?
7. Turn your envy into inspiration and you will never
not running out of stock
8. You become bored with life and it seems that everything is long ago.
familiar and clear?
Nonsense! It's never too late to master new profession and
live another life
like a clean slate!
9. Look fashionable. Come up with something for yourself
your habit.
For example, do not eat meat or drink only white wine,+ Or
make a chocolate mask
night. It's the little things like that that bring joy to life.
10. Love your job, love your home. Do it all around
so that it can
was to adore. Love is contagious, so start an epidemic!
11. Do it the world perfect!
Change gives a person vigor, so try
do something every day
which has not been done before. Learn to cook new dishes, study
languages, start writing
paintings or make fashionable jewelry for girlfriends+ Then
life will never bore you! Create your own world, and you
there will be no one to blame
its imperfection.
12. Express your feelings like a child.
With age, we become more restrained, and this makes us
thick skinned and
cynical. We do not say what we think, so that someone does not
offend. We try
do not get upset in public, do not make fun of those who
deserves it + A
> meanwhile, the free expression of feelings is one of the greatest
joys of life! So
why don't you start expressing your emotions openly?
13. What will you do for the rest of your life?
Wait for death? Babysitting grandchildren? Grow tomatoes on
garden? Sounds sad.
Working all our lives, we've waited so long for the time to come
moment of freedom. When
it will be possible not to worry about anything ... This moment
come, you only have left
choose what to do. Live life so full
as much as you can!
Believe that the world is very logical, and if people grow old,
then it's not just
so. Enjoy the beauty around! Visit unusual
cities, start writing
book, knit trendy scarves for sale. imperceptibly life
become more complete and
you will become an inspiration for other women.
14. Rearrange the furniture.
This will help not only clean the air in the house, but also
get rid of rubbish
morally. Take out of the house everything that prevents you from living
free and joyful. Not
keep old newspapers, shoes and clothes that you never
don't wear it anymore
old household appliances and utensils. Out! Everyone out! Clean out
medicine boxes and
cosmetics that accumulated over the years and littered the vital
space. Having cleared
house, you will make room for new people and events in
own life.
15. Draw a picture of your future youth.
It is common for young people to fantasize about a happy
tomorrow. And adults
for some reason they stop doing it. So nothing in the future
does not happen, but
it's a pity. Try to dream. Build a castle in the air
try to move to
him. Let fantasies thrill you and then
start acting. Most
the main thing is to believe that it will succeed. There are many
examples of how people
after 50 they opened firms, got married, moved to other
cities and started
new life. If it worked for someone, it will work for
Commandments for each day:
The soul has no age. You know this very well. Lead
yourself as if you
as many years as you feel.
To overcome time, you need to look into your soul.
Awaken new desires in yourself, this will open the way to
By discarding the unnecessary old, you will discover new ones for yourself.
To be happy, you need to be happy with what you have!
Keep going up and you'll never end up on a slope.
Beauty never lies on the surface, it is within us!
Feeling dignity- opposite of negative
thoughts and feelings.
Realizing that you are unique and wonderful in your own way, you
get a real
self love.
Try to get the thistle out of your head and plant it in
her beautiful garden.