The full Hubbard tone scale. Lafayette Hubbard - introspection

From the Scientologist's Handbook

Emotional Tone Scale

Based on works L. Ron Hubbard


Improving life in a hectic world.

Founded and developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology is an applied philosophy that offers a precise path by which one can reach the truth and simplicity of one's spiritual self.

Scientology is made up of specific axioms that define the basic motives and principles of existence and the limitless field of observation in the humanities, a philosophical knowledge that applies to literally all of life.

This broad knowledge has led to two applications of the subject: first, a technology by which a person can increase his spiritual awareness and achieve the freedom sought by many great philosophies; and, secondly, a huge number fundamental principles that people can use to improve their lives. In fact, in this second application, Scientology offers nothing less than practical methods to improve every aspect of our existence - a means to create a new way of life. And that's where the material you're about to read comes from.

Scientology is meant to be used. It is a practical philosophy, something to be done. Using this data, you can change the conditions of life.

Use what you read on these pages to help yourself and others so you know it works.

How often have you heard someone say, "I don't understand him?" Sometimes it seems that irrational, unforeseen actions are the norm among people. In fact, there has never been a working method for accurate prediction human behavior up to the present.

L. Ron Hubbard developed just such a method and it is applicable to all people, without exception.

With this data it is possible to accurately predict the behavior of a potential spouse, business partner, person you are hiring or friend - before you commit yourself to a relationship. Human interaction risk can be avoided or minimized when you can accurately predict how people will behave.

By understanding and using the information in this booklet, all aspects of human relationships will become more productive and more satisfying. You will know who to communicate with, who to avoid and you will be able to help those who are confused in unpleasant situations with others. Imagine that you know, after a short period of time, how people will behave in given circumstances. You can. About each and every moment of time.

tone scale

The Tone Scale is a vital tool for any aspect of life related to the people around you - it is a scale that shows the consistent emotional tones that a person can experience. By "tone" is meant a momentary or continuing emotional condition person. Emotions such as fear, anger, grief, enthusiasm and other emotions experienced by people are shown on this graduated scale.

Skillful use of this scale makes a person able to predict and understand human behavior in all its manifestations.

This scale is graphic image the downward spiral of life from full vitality and consciousness through half-life and half-consciousness down to death.

According to various life energy calculations, observation and testing, the Tone Scale is able to give levels of behavior as life wanes.

These different levels are common to all people.

When a person is almost dead, one can say of him that he is in chronic apathy. And it behaves in a certain way in relation to other things. This is 0.05 on the Tone Scale.

When a person is chronically in a state of grief about his losses, he is in grief. And he behaves in a certain way in relation to many things. It's 0.5 on the scale.

When a person is not as low as grief, but realizes that the threat of loss looms or is fixed at this level by past losses, one can say that he is in fear. It's about 1.0 on the scale.

A person who is struggling with a loss that threatens him is in anger. He exhibits other aspects of behavior. It's 1.5.

A person who simply suspects that losses may occur or is fixed at this level is outraged. It can be said about him that he is in antagonism. It's 2.0 on the scale.

Above antagonism, the situation in which a person finds himself is not so good that he is enthusiastic, but not so bad that he is outraged. He has lost some targets and cannot immediately find others. He is said to be bored or at 2.5 on the Tone Scale.

At 3.0 on the scale, the person has a conservative, cautious aspect to life, but he gets things done.

At tone 4.0, the person is enthusiastic, happy, and full of life.

There are very few people for whom tone 4.0 is natural.

A respectable average is probably in tone 2.8.

You have seen this scale in action before. Have you ever seen a child trying to get hold of, say, a coin? In the beginning he is happy, he just wants the coin. If he is refused, he then explains why he wants her. If he doesn't get it and doesn't really need it, he gets bored and leaves. But if he really needs her, he becomes hostile about it. Then he becomes evil. Then, when that doesn't help, he may lie about why he wants her. When this does not help, he falls into grief. And if he is refused again, he eventually sinks into apathy and says that he does not need her. This is denial.

A child who is in danger also goes down the scale. At first he does not realize that this is a danger to him and he is quite happy. Then the danger, let's say a dog, begins to approach him. The child sees the danger, but still does not believe that this is a danger to him, and he continues to do his job. But for a moment, his toys become "boring" for him. He becomes suspicious and feels a little insecure. Then the dog comes closer. The child is "outraged" or shows some antagonism. The dog comes even closer. The child becomes angry and makes an attempt to hurt the dog. The dog comes even closer and becomes more threatening. The child becomes scared. Fear does not help, the child cries. If the dog is still threatening him, the child may become apathetic and just wait to be bitten.

Objects, animals or people that help survival, when they become inaccessible to a person, lower him on the Tone Scale.

Objects, animals, or people that threaten survival, when they come close to a person, lower him down the Tone Scale.

This scale has chronic and acute aspects. A person can go low on the Tone Scale for ten minutes and then come back up, or they can go down the Tone Scale for ten years and not go back up.

A person who has had too much loss, too much pain, tends to become fixed at some low level on the scale and stay there with little fluctuation. And, then, its general and normal behavior will be at that level of the Tone Scale.

Just like a moment of grief 0.5 can make a child behave

according to the zone of grief for a short period of time, fixation at tone 0.5 can cause a person to act at tone 0.5 in relation to most things in life.

There is instant behavior and fixed behavior.

full tone scale

The full tone scale, as can be seen above, starts well below apathy. In other words, the person feels no emotion at all about the subject. An example of this was the American attitude towards the atomic bomb; what they should have been very concerned about was so much beyond their ability to control it and so threatening to end their existence that they were below apathy towards her. In fact, they didn't even feel it was a big problem.

Feeling apathetic about the atomic bomb would be an advance on not having any emotion at all about a subject that should have touched a person closely.

In other words, on many issues and problems, people are actually far below apathy. The tone scale starts there at full, dead zero, well below death itself.

As one rises to higher tones, one enters the levels of body death, apathy, grief, fear, anger, antagonism, boredom, enthusiasm, serenity, in that order. There are many little stops between these tones, but anyone who knows anything about people should definitely know these particular emotions. A person in apathy, when his tone improves, feels grief. A person in grief, when his tone improves, feels fear. A person in fear, when his tone improves, feels anger. A person in anger, when his tone improves, feels antagonistic. A person in antagonism feels bored when his tone improves. When a bored person improves his tone, he becomes enthusiastic. When a person improves his tone in enthusiasm, he feels serenity. In fact, the level below apathy is so low that it represents a state of mind of no affinity, no emotions, no problems, no consequences for things that are really of great importance.

full tone scale

40.0 Serenity of Being

30.0 Postulates

22.0 Games

20.0 Actions

8.0 Inspiration

6.0 Aesthetics

4.0 Enthusiasm

3.5 Joy

3.3 Strong interest

3.0 Conservatism

2.9 Moderate interest

2.8 Satisfaction

2.6 Lack of interest

2.5 Boredom

2.4 Monotonicity

2.0 Antagonism

1.9 Hostility

1.8 Pain

1.5 Anger

1.4 Hatred

1.3 Outrage

1.2 Lack of empathy

1.15 Latent indignation

1.1 Latent hostility

1.02 Anxiety

1.0 Fear

0.98 Despair

0.96 Horror

0.94 Numbness

0.9 Empathy

0.8 Appeasing

0.5 Grief

0.375 Damages

0.3 Undeserving

0.2 Self-deprecation

0.1 Victim

0.07 Hopelessness

0.05 Apathy

0.03 Futility

0.01 Dying

0.0 Body death

0.01 Failure

0.1 Pity

0.2 Shame

0.7 Guilty

1.0 Accusation

1.3 Regret

1.5 Body control

2.2 Body protection

3.0 Body possession

3.5 Approval from bodies

4.0 Necessity of bodies

5.0 Body cult

6.0 Sacrifice

8.0 Hid

10.0 Being a body

20.0 Being nothing

30.0 Cannot hide

40.0 Complete failure

Characterization on the Tone Scale

The area below apathy is an area without pain, interest, or anything else that matters to anyone, but it is an area of ​​serious danger because such a person is below the level where he is able to react to anything, and, accordingly, he can lose everything, seemingly without noticing it.

A worker who is in a very bad condition and who is actually a hindrance to the organization, may not be able to feel pain or any emotion for any reason. He is below apathy. We have seen workers who can hurt their hand and not think about it and continue to work, despite the fact that their hand was badly injured. People working in medical institutions and hospitals in working areas are sometimes amazed to find how little attention some workers pay to their own injuries. It is a rather unfortunate fact that people who do not pay attention to their injuries, and who do not even feel pain from them, are not and never will be, without some attention from a Scientologist, effective people. They will be a hindrance when they are around. They don't respond properly. If such a person operates a crane and the crane suddenly goes out of control and drops its load on a group of people, such a crane operator in subapathy will simply let the crane drop its load. In other words, he is a potential killer. It cannot stop anything, it cannot change anything, it cannot start anything, but nevertheless, on the basis of some automatic response mechanism, it manages to keep the work for a while, but when before he really gets up emergency, he most likely will not react properly and an accident will occur.

Where there are accidents at work, they are due to such people in the region of tones below apathy. Where serious mistakes are made in offices that cost firms big money, lost time and cause problems for the rest of the staff, it is found that such errors constantly arise due to these sub-apathetic people. So don't think that any of these states of not being able to feel anything, being numb, being unable to feel pain or being happy can be beneficial to anyone. This is not true. A person who is in this state cannot control things and is not really there enough to be controlled by anyone else and does strange and unpredictable things.

Just as a person can be chronically subapathetic, a person can also be chronically apathetic. This is quite dangerous, but at least pronounced. You can expect communication from the person himself, and not from some learned pattern of behavior. People can be chronically sad, chronically fearful, chronically angry or antagonistic or bored, or really "stuck in enthusiasm". A person who is truly capable is usually quite serene about various things. He can, however, show other emotions. It would be a mistake to think that complete serenity has any real value. When a situation that calls for tears cannot be wept, the person is not serene, as in a chronic tone. Serenity can be easily confused with subapathy, but of course only by a completely untrained observer. One look at physical state a person is enough to distinguish. People in subapathy are usually quite ill.

At the level of every emotion, we have a communication factor. In subapathy, the person is not really communicating at all. Some social or learned pattern or, as we say, "contour" communicates. It seems that the person himself is not present and does not really speak. Consequently, his communication is sometimes, to put it mildly, strange. He does the wrong things in wrong time. He says the wrong things at the wrong time.

Naturally, when a person is stuck in any area of ​​the Tone Scale—subapathy, apathy, grief, fear, anger, antagonism, boredom, enthusiasm, or serenity—he communicates in that emotional tone. A person who is always angry about something is stuck in anger. He is not in as bad a state as a person in subapathy, but it is still quite dangerous to be with him, because he will create problems, and a person in anger has little control over things. The communication characteristics of people at these levels are quite amazing. They say things and handle communication in a different, characteristic way for each level of the Tone Scale.

There is also a level of reality for each level of the Tone Scale. Reality is an extremely interesting subject, since it is associated mainly with relatively solid bodies. In other words, the hardness of things and the emotional tone of people are definitely related. People low on the Tone Scale cannot bear solid bodies. They cannot bear a solid object. The thing is unreal to them; it is loose or lacks weight. As they go up the scale, the same objects become more and more solid and eventually they can see them at their true level of hardness. In other words, these people have different responses to mass in various points scales. Things for them are bright or very, very vague. If you could look through the eyes of a person in subapathy, you would undoubtedly see a very blurry, loose, dreamlike, foggy, unreal world. If you were to look through the eyes of an evil person, you would see a world that was menacingly solid, where all solids represent animal force directed against him, but they still would not be hard enough or real or visible enough for a person in good condition. A person in serenity can see solids as they are, and can bear great heaviness or hardness without reacting to it. In other words, as we move up the Tone Scale from the lowest to the highest, things can become more and more solid and more and more real.

Seeing the obvious

The tone scale is extremely useful tool to help predict a person's characteristics and behavior. But to do this well, you must be able to recognize a person's position on the scale at a glance.

The Tone Scale is very easy to apply to random basis for some sharp tones. "Joe had a 1.5 seizure last night." Of course, he blushed like a beetroot and threw the book at your head. Just. Mary began to sob, grabbed a handkerchief, easily recognized as grief. But what about chronic tone? It may be hidden under a thin layer of social learning and reactions. This is called social tone. This is not a chronic or acute tone, but a reflection of the person's social education and manners adopted in order to present oneself to others. How witty and confident are you in this matter? Take a person you know. What, exactly, is his chronic tone?

There is a word "obnosis", which was formed from the phrase "observing the obvious" (English "obnosis" from "observing the obvions" - approx. translation.). The art of seeing the obvious is stubbornly neglected in our society at this time. It's a pity. it the only way, with which you see something; You are seeing the obvious. You are looking at appearances, at what is really there. Luckily for us, the ability to obnosis is in no way "innate" or mystical. But it is taught in this way by people outside of Scientology.

How do you teach someone to see what's there? Well, you put something in front of him for him to look at and ask him to tell you what he sees. The person can practice it alone or in a group, such as a class. He simply selects a person or object and observes what is there. In a class, for example, one student is asked to stand in front of the class and the others to look at him. The instructor stands nearby and asks the students:

"What do you see?"

The first responses are:

Well I can see he had great experience.

Indeed? Can you really see his experience? What do you see there?

Well, I can tell from his wrinkles around his eyes and mouth that he's had a lot of experience.

Okay, but what do you see?

Ah, I get it. I see wrinkles around his eyes and mouth.


The instructor will not accept anything that is not obviously conspicuous. The student begins to understand and says:

"Well, I can actually see that he has ears."

Okay, but from where you're sitting, can you see both ears right now as you look at him?


Good. What do you see?

I see that he has a left ear.


No guesswork, no guesswork is good enough. For example: "He has good posture."

Good posture compared to what?

Well, he stands more upright than most people I've seen.

Are they here now?

No, but I remember them.

Come on, come on. Good posture in relation to whoever you can see right now.

Well, he stands more straight than you. You slouch a little.

Right now?


Very well.

The purpose of this exercise is to bring the student to the point where he can look at another person or thing and see exactly what is there. Not conclusions about what might be there, drawn from what he actually sees there. Just what is there, visible and clear to the eye. It's so simple, it hurts.

You can get a good clue about a person's chronic tone from what they do with their eyes. In apathy, he will look as if he is staring motionless for minutes each time at some object. The only detail is that he does not see it. He is not aware of the subject at all. If you dropped the bag over his head, the focus of his eyes would probably stay the same.

Rising in a mountain, a person looks down. A person in a chronic grief tone tends to focus their eyes down towards the floor to a large extent. In the lower levels of grief, his attention will be quite fixed, as in apathy. As he begins to rise into the zone of fear, you get his focus shifting to the sides, but still pointing down.

In fear itself, the most obvious characteristic is that the person cannot look at you. People are too dangerous to look at. He is supposed to be talking to you, but he is looking behind you to the left area. Then, he glances briefly at your feet, then behind your head (you get the impression that a plane is flying over you), but now he is looking over your shoulder. One, one, one. In short, he looks anywhere but at you.

Then in the lower zone of anger, he will deliberately look away from you. He looks away from you, this is an open violation of communication. A little higher in line and he will look straight at you, but not very nice. He wants to find you - like a target.

Then in boredom, you see the eyes wander around again, but not as obsessively as in fear. Also, he won't avoid looking at you. He will include you among the items he looks at.

Equipped with these data and having gained some proficiency in obnosis of people, the person then goes out into the public to talk to strangers and mark their position on the Tone Scale. Usually, but only as a small crutch to approach people, the person doing this should have a set of questions to ask each person and tablet to jot down answers, make notes, etc. The real purpose of their conversation with people is to determine their position on the Tone Scale, chronic tone and social tone. They are given questions designed to weaken and cut through social learning and education so that the chronic tone breaks out.

Here are some sample questions used for this exercise: "What is most obvious about me?", "When do you last time cut their hair?", "Do you think people work as hard today as they did 50 years ago?"

At first, the person doing this simply notices the tone of the person they are interviewing, and the adventures that happen to them during this are many and varied! Later, when they gain some confidence in their ability to stop strangers and ask them questions, the following instructions are added: "Interview at least 15 people. With the first five, go below their chronic tone and see what happens. With the next five, take a higher tone." than them."

What can a person get from these exercises? The desire to communicate with anyone, as one example. In the beginning, a person can be very picky about the type of people he stops. Only the elderly. Nobody who looks evil. Or just people who look clean. In the end, they simply stop the next person who walks by, even if he looks like a leper or is armed to the teeth. Their ability to stand face to face with people has greatly increased and a person is just someone else to talk to. They have a desire to accurately mark the position of a person on a scale, without hesitation or indecision.

They also become quite gifted and flexible in taking on tones at will and delivering them convincingly, which is very useful in many situations and a lot of fun.

The ability to recognize the tone level of people at a glance is an ability that can give a tremendous advantage in dealing with other people. It is a skill worth the time and effort put into acquiring it.

These exercises, as well as others, as well as the study of the full Tone Scale, are part of the CSH (Competent Hubbard Scientologist) course.

Hubbard Table of Human Evaluation

The whole subject of how accurately to make judgments about the people around us is what a person has wanted to be able to do for a very long time. In Scientology we have a table that shows the way in which one can accurately assess a person's behavior and predict what a person will do.

This is the Hubbard Human Evaluation Chart, a fold-out copy of which is at the back of this booklet. This table depicts the level of ethics, responsibility, perseverance in this course, dealing with truth and other distinctive aspects of a person on various levels Tone scales.

You can view the table and when you move along it, in the cells you will find various characteristics people at these levels. The rather terrible thing is that these characteristics have been found to be constant. If you have 3.0 as your value, then you will go through the whole table in tone 3.0.

If you can find two or three characteristics along a certain level on this scale, you can look at the column of numbers corresponding to those characteristics and find the level. It might be 2.5, it might be 1.5. Wherever it is, just look at all the columns corresponding to the number you found, and you will see the rest of the characteristics.

The only mistake you can make in judging someone else on the Tone Scale is to assume that they deviate from it somewhere and are higher in one department than they are in another. The feature you object to may be disguised - but it's there.

Look at the top of the first column and you get a general picture of human behavior and physiology. Look at the second column for physical condition. Look in the third column for the most commonly expressed emotion. Continue along the various columns. Somewhere you will find data about someone or yourself that you can be sure of. Then simply look at all the other cells at the level of the data that you are sure of. This zone, be it 1.5 or 3.0, will tell you the story of the person.

Of course, since good news and bad news, happy Days and the unfortunate affect a person, there are momentary ups and downs on the Tone Scale. But, as mentioned, there is a chronic level, an average behavior for each individual.

As a person appears lower and lower on this table, so does his attention, his consciousness become lower and lower.

A person's chronic mood and relation to existence diminishes in direct proportion to how he relates to the physical universe and the organisms around him.

It would not be a complete statement to simply say that a person becomes fixed in his relation to the physical universe and the organisms around him, for there are certain ways other than consciousness that allow this to happen. The manifestation, however, is a decrease in consciousness in relation to the person's physical environment. This decline in consciousness is part of the reason for the gradual downward slide of this table, but it is illustrative enough for our purposes in this volume.

The position of the individual on this Tone Scale varies throughout the day and over the years, but is fairly stable over these periods. The position on the scale will rise with good news and decrease with bad news. This is a normal exchange with life. Everyone, however, has a chronic chart position that does not change without Scientology processing.

Scientology processing is a completely unique form of face-to-face interview that helps a person look at his own existence and improves his ability to face what he is and where he is. Processing thus raises the chronic tone of this individual.

On the other hand, on an acute basis, the level of necessity (lifting oneself "by the shoelaces" in critical situations) can lift a person high enough on this chart for short periods.

The environment also greatly affects the position on the table. Each environment has its own tone level. A person who is actually 3.0 may begin to act as 1.1 (latent hostility) in a 1.1 environment. However, 1.1 usually does no better than about 1.5 in high-pitched environments. If you live in a low-tone environment, you can expect to end up being low-tone. This is also true for marriage - a person tends to catch up in tone with a marriage partner.

The Tone Scale is also valid for the group. An enterprise or a nation can be examined for their various standard responses and this can be plotted. This will give the potential for the survival of an enterprise or a nation.

This table can also be used when hiring people or when choosing partners. This is an accurate indication of what to expect and it gives you a chance to predict what people will do before you have a lot of experience with them. It also gives you clues about what might happen to you in certain environments or around certain people because they can pull you down or lift you up.

However, do not use this table as an attempt to force someone into submission. Don't tell people where they are on it. It can destroy them. Give them the opportunity to evaluate themselves.

Tone Scale Test

Perhaps the most accurate indicator of a person's position on the Tone Scale is speech.

If a person does not speak openly and does not listen carefully, he cannot be considered very high on the Tone Scale.

In column 10 of the Hubbard Human Evaluation Chart "Speech:Speaks/Speech:Listening" there are two boxes: one is reserved for referring to how the person speaks, the other to how he listens. Maybe some people never thought that communication is both outgoing and incoming streams. Observing how a person listens and how he speaks gives an accurate indication of his position on the Tone Scale.

A person can only be raised about half a tone on the Tone Scale through dialogue.

Responding to the anger of a bored person can raise their tone.

It is interesting to note that with this column it is possible to perform what we call "two-minute psychometry" on anyone. Psychometry is the measurement of mental characteristics, abilities and processes. The way to do a two-minute psychometry is simply to start talking to the person in the highest possible tone in a constructive and constructive way, and gradually lower the tone of your speech to the point where it will get a response from the person. A person responds best in his own tone zone; and a person can only be raised half a tone through dialogue. When doing this type of "psychometry", one should not go on too long with one particular zone of dialogue for too long; no more than one or two sentences, because that will tend to slightly raise the tone of the person and thus spoil the accuracy of the test.

The two-minute psychometry is done, therefore, by first declaring something constructive and constructive and seeing if the person responds. In the same way, then starting some minor dialogue, maybe about sports, and seeing if the person responds to it. When you don't get an answer, start talking antagonistically about things the person knows about, but certainly not about the person himself, to see if he achieves an answer at that point. Then give one or two sentences of anger against some condition. Then allow yourself some incredible gossip and see if there is any response to it. If that doesn't work, then pull out some statement of hopelessness and unhappiness. Somewhere in this range, the person will agree with the type of dialogue that is offered, that is, they will respond to it in a similar way. The dialogue can then be continued in the area where the person was found and you will quickly get enough information to make a good first estimate of the person's position on the table.

This two-minute psychometry can also be applied to groups through dialogue. A speaker who wants to command his audience should not speak more than a semitone above or below the tone of the audience. If he wants to raise the tone of the audience, he needs to speak about a semitone above their general tone level. An expert speaker, using this two-minute psychometry and carefully noticing the reactions of his audience, can, in two minutes, determine the tone of the audience, and based on that, all he has to do is take the tone slightly above them.

The Tone Scale and the Human Rating Chart are the most important human behavior prediction tools ever developed. Use these tools and you will always know who you are collaborating with, who you should team up with and who you can trust.

Practical exercises I

The following exercises will help you to have this booklet and increase your ability to actually apply the knowledge it contains.

1. Using the Hubbard Human Evaluation Chart, look at five people you know and determine the chronic tone for each (don't tell the person what tone you have determined).

2. Practice obnosis. Look around at your surroundings and

practice seeing what is there. Point out things that are clearly obvious. Don't let any assumptions. Keep practicing obnosis until you're sure you can do it without making any assumptions.

3. Determine the tone level of different people. Go to a place where there are a lot of people. Select a person and note their tone level. Do this over and over again with different people. Observe people in dialogue or activity and note their tone level. Keep doing this until you are sure that you can notice the tone level of people by watching them. (However, don't tell the people you're watching what tone level you think they're on.)

4. Practice identifying people's tone levels by engaging them in dialogue. Take a tablet and paper and ask people on the street. Ask them a few model questions like "What's most obvious about me?" "When did you last get your hair cut?" "Do you think people work as hard now as they did fifty years ago?" You can use other questions of a similar type to get a response from the person. Determine the tone level of the person based on their responses. Is there a social tone sitting on his chronic tone? Repeat interviews with other people, each time noticing the person's tone level. Continue this until you can approach anyone and engage them in dialogue and determine their chronic tone level ( Important note: do not tell the person what level of tone he is according to your observations).

5. When you have gained confidence in exercise 3, ask more people. Interview at least 15 people. With the first five, be on the same tone as them once you've marked it. With the next five, go below their chronic tone and see what happens. For the last five, take a higher tone than theirs. Write down your observations from doing this. Practice this with more people until you are confident that you can notice a person's tone level and then match up with it, drop below it, or take on a tone above it.

6. Do two-minute psychometry on a human. Engage the person in a dialogue and, using the technique given in this booklet, determine what level of tone the person is responding to. Repeat this with other people until you're sure you can notice what level of tone the person will respond to.

7. Practice raising the person's tone level. Engage the person in a dialogue. Once you have determined his tone level, take a tone half to a whole tone above him. Notice what happens to his tone level. Repeat this with other people until you are sure you can move the person up the Tone Scale.


Knowledge of the Tone Scale and the ability to use communication with others that otherwise could not exist for them. It gave them the ability to predict the behavior of others and successfully deal with them, regardless of whether in apathy, grief, fear, anger, antagonism, boredom, joy, there is a person with this knowledge, the skill of raising another on the Tone Scale is easily achieved.

The service sample of people who received Scientology processing showed a significant rise in their position on the Tone Scale.

Many people have found that the actions, reactions, and behaviors of others become highly predictable when you can observe where they are on the scale. Life is less confusing and mysterious. It is also possible to predict the health, survival potential, and longevity of an individual or group. It becomes obvious how the other person will handle their property and yours.

people of various social position: Artists, entertainers, actors, executives, craftsmen and teachers all swear that using this technology puts them in the driver's seat of life. The ability to predict the behavior of others makes life a game that you can win, as shown in the following reports.

Knowing how people react to different levels tone has made a big difference in the life of the contractor. He experienced a tremendous increase in his overall competence after studying these data.

“I have always been maddened by trying to be logical with people in the lower zones of the tone scale, especially with people in antagonism. After I learned the data on the Tone Scale, I was no longer bothered by certain clients, especially antagonistic ones, to whom I had to provide services. Managing my business became easy and my personal sales stats tripled in just a few weeks. I was much more causal in dealing with people."

Frustrated when she was initially asked to take a sales course, the woman who worked for a telecommunications company in Florida was surprised that she was able to do her job successfully. She had her own idea of ​​salespeople and didn't want to be "one of those sales people who call you at the worst possible time to tell you about something you're not interested in at all." However, she was very fortunate in that she took a sales course that included data on the Emotional Tone Scale.

"I really enjoyed this course and the achievements I got from it! I had heard of the Emotional Tone Scale before, but had no idea how to really use it. And I realized that the "bad" sellers do not have this data, so do not be surprised that she is annoying! Using technology, I can get into the right tone and create a boom in my sales!"

In Denmark, the girl had problems with a friend. Something bothered him, he didn't want to talk about it. She tried to talk to him, but he still didn't say what was wrong.

His silence created a lot of disagreement between them. She decided to write him a very joyful letter, but to her surprise it had no effect on him. When she asked him about it, he told her that he couldn't even remember what it was about!

“Eventually I realized that my communication was too high for his tone level and hence it resulted in a lack of communication. So I wrote him another letter that was much closer to his tone level and surprisingly enough she was very well or understood! She started talking to me and we are friends again. If I didn't have the Tone Scale technology, I would have given up. It made me brave enough to write him another letter. Otherwise, I would have gone apathetic about it and lost very good friend. Instead, using the Tone Scale and communication, I got him up the scale and saved our friendship!"

A girl in Scandinavia has just broken up with her friend. Although she wasn't particularly happy, she had data on the Tone Scale. She decided to use this tool to turn her life around.

"I had many good friends, but not one who could be my boyfriend. A new guy joined our group of friends. Shortly after he joined our group, we started talking and I realized that we had almost identical levels of communication.He seemed very nice guy. I mentioned that something had to be done and turned around and he was busy with it. He said that we needed buns for breakfast and I was already on my way to the bakery. As soon as I mentioned something, he would say that he had just thought about it. We matched exactly on the Tone Scale. I looked at it and laughed to myself as he was in no way the type of guy I was looking for. Before that, I always looked only at the appearance, which led to the experience of trial and error. The guy however really suited me and after a few weeks we decided to get married and we did."

young man on East Coast found himself unable to communicate with some of those he encountered when he arrived in New York City. After much trial and error, he eventually found a solution with Tone Scale technology.

“When I first came to the city and got a job, I found myself in a dangerous and unfriendly situation. The job was interesting and well paid, the unfriendliness seemed so strong that after only a few months I seriously considered leaving the job.

I then attended a lecture at the Church of Scientology and learned L. Ron Hubbard's Tone Scale technology. What I understood from this was that what was happening to me was that several people I worked with were in antagonism on the Tone Scale. And not only that - I approached them in a tone of fear, which just made it worse!

From that moment on, I was able to work comfortably with others around me. And I no longer took things so personally when I encountered someone in the lower levels of tone: What a relief!

A young Alaskan man used Tone Scale technology to help an individual and increase the productivity of an entire group.

"While working with a group of a dozen people on a construction project, I noticed that one of my employees was moving slowly, making mistakes, and actually slowing down the entire project. I had recently researched information about Mr. Hubbard and the Tone Scale and decided that I to apply it.First I observed the man and talked to him a little to note where he was on the Tone Scale.After doing this,I began to talk to him and give him orders at a tone level just above him.Exactly as it was said in the book which I studied, his tone went up.He brightened up a little bit and started to work faster and worry about what he was doing.In fact, it seemed like the whole group picked up speed just by noticing that this guy was working better!It's wonderful to feel that You can change things for the better with this simple action."

Getting to know the Tone Scale helped a young Australian girl deal with a man no one else could handle. She was standing in line to buy something at the store when a rude and antagonistic bully started kicking things.

"No one controlled this person; they were just outraged by his actions, but had no idea what to do about it. I used the Tone Scale to cause the situation and just gave confirmation to the person using the correct level of the Tone Scale. He immediately ended his" introduction "! The person next to me in line was surprised and said, "I don't know what you did, but whatever it was, it handled it!"


Affinity: love, sympathy or any other emotional attitude, the degree of sympathy. The basic definition of affinity is relation to distance; good or bad.

Being: condition or state of being; Existence. Being also refers to accepting or choosing a category of individuality. Being can be accepted by oneself or given to oneself or achieved. Examples of being would be a person's name, profession, physical characteristics, and role in a game - any or all of these could be called a person's being.

To be face to face: to be face to face without evading or avoiding. The ability to be face to face is really the ability to be there comfortably and perceive.

Case: a common term for a person who is being treated or helped.

Weight: actual physical objects, things in life.

Present tense: the time that is now and that is becoming the past at the speed with which it is observed. It is a term freely applicable to the environment existing in the present.

Depreciate: point out wrong, belittle, undermine credibility, deny something that someone else considers a factor.

Obnosis: a word made up of "observing the obvious" This is an action or an object and the one who sees exactly what is there, and not the conclusions that it could be there, from what he really sees there.

Communication: exchange of ideas between two individuals across space.

Postulate: the exact sequence of instructions or sequence of actions applied to achieve the desired result.

Processing: special shape personal interview, unique in Scientology, which helps a person look at his own existence and improves his ability to be face to face with what he is and where he is. It therefore raises a person's chronic tone. Processing is a precise, carefully ordered activity with precise procedures.

Reality: what it seems to be. Reality, at its core, is consent; degree of agreement reached by people. What we agree that it is real is real.

Scientology: Applied Religious Philosophy, developed by L. Ron Hubbard, is the study and treatment of the spirit in relation to itself, universes, and other forms of life. The word "Scientology" comes from the Latin scio meaning "to know" and the Greek logos meaning "word or external form by which the inner thought is expressed and made known.” Hence Scientology means knowledge about knowledge.

Hubbard Chart Human Estimates: a table by which one can accurately assess a person's behavior and predict what a person will do. It represents the different characteristics that exist at different levels of the Tone Scale.

Theta: thought or life. The term comes from Greek letter theta, which the Greeks used to refer to thought or perhaps spirit. Something that is theta is characterized by intelligence, serenity, stability, happiness, joyful emotions, perseverance, and other factors that a person usually finds desirable.

Tone Scale: a scale that displays the sequential emotional tones a person may experience. By "tone" is meant the momentary or ongoing emotional state of a person. Emotions such as fear, anger, grief, enthusiasm and others that people experience are shown on this graduated scale.

Enturbulate: lead to a state of excitement or anxiety.

Enteta: enturbulated theta; especially in connection with communication which, based on lies and confusion, is slanderous, inconsistent, destructive in an attempt to subdue or subdue a person or group. See also enturbulate and theta in this glossary.

Ethics: actions that an individual takes on himself to correct some behavior or situation in which he is involved that is contrary to the ideals and best interests of his group. it personal item. When a person is ethical or "he has an ethics", it is done on the basis of his own determinism and by himself.

About L. Ron Hubbard

No other statement is more appropriate to characterize the life of L. Ron Hubbard than his simple statement: "I love helping people and I consider it my greatest pleasure in life to see a person freed from the shadows that darken his days." Behind these keywords is a life of service to humanity and a legacy of wisdom that enables anyone to achieve the cherished for a long time dreams of happiness and spiritual freedom.

Born in Tilden, Nebraska on March 13, 1911, his journey of discovery and dedication to people began at a very early age. "I wanted other people to be happy and didn't understand why it wasn't," he wrote of his youth; and in this lie the feelings that have long led his steps. By nineteen, he had traveled over a quarter of a million miles, exploring the cultures of Java, Japan, India, and the Philippines.

Returning to the United States in 1929, Ron resumed his formal studies and studied mathematics, engineering and then new area nuclear physics- all this provided vital tools for continuous research. To fund this research, Ron began his literary career in the early 1930s and soon became one of the most widely read authors fiction. At the same time, never lost sight of his main goal, he continued his main research through extensive travels and expeditions.

With the outbreak of World War II, he began serving as a lieutenant (junior) in the United States Navy and served as chief mate on an anti-submarine frigate. Left partially blind and crippled from battle wounds, he was diagnosed with a permanent disability in 1945. However, through the application of his theories of the mind, he was not only able to help his fellow soldiers, but also regained his health.

After another five years of intense research, Ron's findings were presented to the world in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. The first popular guide to human mind written in plain language for the man in the street, Dianetics heralded a new era of hope for humanity and a new phase of life for its author. He did not stop his research, however, when breakthrough after breakthrough was carefully codified in late 1951, the applied philosophy of Scientology was born.

Since Scientology explains all life, there is no aspect of human existence that L. Ron Hubbard's subsequent work would not address. Conducted alternately in the United States and England, his continuous research has provided solutions to such social ills as declining educational standards and the pandemic (the spread of any infectious disease to entire countries and continents, more widespread than during the epidemic) of drug use.

Taken together, L. Ron Hubbard's writings on Scientology and Dianetics amount to forty million words, recorded lectures, books, and other works. All of this constitutes the legacy of a life that ended on January 24, 1986. However, L. Ron Hubbard's departure by no means meant the end, for with a hundred million books in circulation and millions of people using his technology to improve it, one can honestly say that the world still has no better friend.

Comments ( 56 )

    (article dated September 25, 1971 "The Complete Tone Scale")
    40.0 - Serenity of being
    30.0 - Postulates
    22.0 - Games
    20.0 - Action
    8.0 - Inspiration
    6.0 - Aesthetics
    4.0 - Enthusiasm
    3.5 - Fun
    3.3 - Strong interest
    3.0 - Conservatism
    2.9 - Moderate interest
    2.8 - Satisfaction
    2.6 - Disinterest
    2.5 - Boredom
    2.4 - Monotony
    2.0 - Antagonism
    1.9 - Hostility
    1.8 - Pain
    1.5 - Anger
    1.4 - Hatred
    1.3 - Outrage
    1.2 - Lack of empathy
    1.15 - Unexpressed indignation
    1.1 - Latent hostility
    1.02 - Anxiety
    1.0 - Fear
    0.98 - Despair
    0.96 - Horror
    0.94 - Numbness
    0.9 - Empathy
    0.8 - Appeasing
    0.5 - Grief
    0.375 - Atonement
    0.3 - Undeserving
    0.2 - Self-deprecation
    0.1 - Victim
    0.07 - Hopelessness
    0.05 - Apathy
    0.03 - Futility
    0.01 - Dying
    0.0 - Death
    − 0.01 - Defeat
    − 0.1 - Pity
    − 0.2 - Shame (being other bodies)
    − 0.7 - Guilty
    − 1.0 - Accusation (punishment of other bodies)
    − 1.3 - Regret (responsibility as guilt)
    − 1.5 - Body control
    − 2.2 - Body protection
    − 3.0 - Possession of bodies
    − 3.5 - Approval from bodies
    − 4.0 - Need for bodies
    − 5.0 - Body worship
    − 6.0 - Sacrifice
    − 8.0 - Hiding
    − 10.0 - Being things
    − 20.0 - Being nothing
    − 30.0 - Cannot hide
    − 40.0 - Complete defeat


  • Nodar here a few questions. I will answer as consistently as possible.
    My perception of any teaching is different in that I can choose some detail of interest from the whole mechanism, and leave everything else unattended. This is such a feature of my perception. This is how I feel about any technique and practice of self-improvement, and even denominations.
    Besides bad habit check everything for yourself. The method with emotional tones is very simple, but in practice it has shown its full reliability. In general, it would be nice to teach such things at school as the foundations of ethics. Then there would be less unreasonable grievances and tragedies, relations between people would be more even.
    Finally, this is one more proof that a person did not appear as a result of natural selection out of chaos (then other qualities would have won, for example, love for offspring), but was really designed according to the blueprint as a biological machine.
    It's just an emotional tone scale. It is the same for all people.
    You are talking about a different mentality. This is a completely different matter. And on this score, I seem to have formed my own arguments at the Last Judgment. The fact that hypocrisy turned out to be at the heart of the whole structure that mentally glues people together is probably a crime not only against humanity, but also against the entire universe. The law of karma really works at the level of everyday life: in the morning you step on someone's foot, in the evening they will step on you. And in more difficult relationships, he broke down. Otherwise, there would be no fraud on a global scale, universal manipulation of people's minds and horrific pollution of the environment. We're talking about rewards. And he is not. They didn’t see this program in robots, but they themselves are pieces of iron (or what they are made of there)


    I am becoming more and more convinced that "karma" as a causal - investigative law does not exist at all! :-) and more and more sources confirm this.
    Even on household level- stepped on your foot - they won’t step on you if you don’t consider yourself guilty. That's all.



    Andrey, hello. I also think that they may not step on the foot in response, regardless of who you consider yourself guilty of or not.
    Well, what if you stepped on a sooo favorite corn, without knowing it?
    Depending on the situation and who you run into if you don’t stop the situation in time ...... (in general, the law of cause and effect is inexorable) :-)))))


    you know i'm in recent times every day in the subway I run into boors, and often in large numbers.
    And when they try to "twitch" I just look into their eyes with a smile :-) I "extinguish" all karma in the bud. For this, I am "trained" by a circle of contacts with loved ones .....
    So. Any reaction, even of an insane one, can be extinguished. All the same.
    So karma, like the concept of "sin", was invented by people to manipulate their own kind.


    Andrew, you are doing everything right. Put out the conflict at the root. After all, in Russia, for example, on the roads you have to think not only for yourself, but also for those drivers who drive nearby in order to dodge in time. :))))
    Further, everyone knows that it is impossible to yell in the mountains, otherwise there will be an avalanche.
    Accordingly, there is a cause (cry) and a consequence (avalanche). It is unlikely that it will be possible to repay and agree here.


    In the event of an avalanche (as well as hits dark night on an empty street nose to nose with a bully) - there is another "technique" or even technology. There is a law that like attracts like. heard? so: if you are self-confident, calm, balanced and energetically abundant - you can shout in the mountains, you can drive in the opposite direction by car, you can jump from a bridge into the river - nothing will be bad for you. Everything will be like water off a duck's back. Either you will not get into such a situation at all (where you need to shout in the mountains), or it is YOU that the avalanche will simply bypass. And it's not even a miracle, it's a fact :-)
    But if you are “shaking” from anger, or fear, or some other negativity (well, it doesn’t happen to anyone), then they will push you with the elbow in transport the most - you. And on an empty highway, the car will cut you guess who? And the avalanche will come down even if no one screams. And the one who has the psyche will suffer this moment shattered the most.


    Andrew. Turns out you and I are talking about the same thing. Like attracts like can also be called as a victim attracts a criminal. The meaning will not change. It's all the same law of cause and effect.
    You are absolutely right, you don’t need to blame yourself, and the one who, for example, got nasty, is also not to blame.
    As soon as a feeling of arrogance or other negative emotions appeared in the soul, someone or something will definitely happen to correct us. Because first of all we don't do it, but we do it. The law is simple. There is always help, if not for the body, then for the soul.
    Properly built emotions allow us to save and increase the energy that we need for life and achievements. Accordingly, the subconscious mind will be better able to detect signs of danger, and you simply won’t go where you could die without, by the way, catching it on a conscious level. If you still force yourself to go there, to help stop you, an accident may happen (for example, if you rush to a plane that will crash). Scenarios may vary. And the fact that boors meet on your way is just a consequence of the work of this law, but they could also bypass you. Everything is within our power.


  • Regarding love .... I didn’t want to upset, but recently I myself was not slightly upset .... when I got acquainted with the materials of one smart uncle .... and read books - also smart about earthly love ...
    Everything is quite simple here: if it’s interesting together, if it’s not only family or sex that connects, if you respect the partner’s right to independence (solitude), don’t press and don’t redo it, then you can love like that, and even need to ... :-)


    It remains only to clarify
    1. Is it considered according to the first point "... if it connects not only family or sex" - but for example, it also connects a common love for alcohol, or another family ... :)))))
    2. Personally, it is important for me with whom exactly my partner is going to retire :))))
    3. And on the third point - "Why can't you swear from the heart?"

    No Andrew. So you don't want to love. :)))


    Dear Olenka! :-)
    If you are interested in my opinion on this issue, then this is purely my, as they say, "IMHO" opinion. Although I rely on the learned material, confirming my innocence.
    Love for alcohol can bind only alcoholics :-)
    Love for work - workaholics :-)
    By the way, the topic in which we are discussing lively - has direct relation to questions of "love" and the choice of a partner in life.
    Here, personally, I have rather high requirements for the alleged lady of the heart:
    1. Accept me as I am, without trying to remake. (And this may well be mutual)
    2. A lady should not be boring in communication. Deciphering: the same topic about the harmfulness of a neighbor every day at 19.30 is a clear sign of looping and inconsistency with the desired "tone" on the scale above.
    3. I can also retire in the same room with a lady, seeing that she should not distract me from my "withdrawal into myself" or withdrawal into the material being studied.
    4. Of course, it is sometimes possible to quarrel, for "acuity of sensations. But the quarrel should end in reconciliation right there, regardless of the event that caused the incident.
    but in general, if a person wants to quarrel with me, it means that he is very energy deficient and I turned up under his arm. This is pure vampirism, especially if such scandals are included in the system.
    In general, it is just logic that is useful to use when choosing a partner, so that later it would not be "excruciatingly painful" for the years (or minutes) spent aimlessly in quarrels.

    Well, when a person sees for himself HOW exactly he wants to love - these are already some glimpses of logic .... :-)


    My choice was made a long time ago (or I was chosen :)))), and I am quite satisfied with it. And I have a strong opinion that for happy family a man, though not by much, but should be smarter than women. All other issues of grinding in the presence of mutual attraction and when the partner is not bored are resolved in the process life together quite successfully.
    And it is impossible to explain with logic how and what. We are all individuals and what is good for one may not be good for another.

    I try to reduce any questions to as few positions as possible. And then you can get bogged down in a large number of points. As practice suggests, it is better to focus on the main thing, and other issues are resolved by themselves in the process.

    Andrey, something we have deviated from the topic of the conference :)))


    Disagree. I just started another thread: the tone scale and its application in practice. That is, in search of a "soul mate." By the way, useful book- which I recommended above. It's good when everything in your personal life has worked out and settled down ...
    I don't have a good experience with choosing a girlfriend...
    But at least I understand why. And not only in the personal.
    Of course there are more advanced explanations, but this scale can help you understand where you are now and who is in your environment. Without illusions.
    Quite on topic in my opinion.


    Yes, Andrew. Choosing a girlfriend is not easy. There are a lot of talented smart people who are successful in many areas, they can’t understand this issue in any way. Those recommendations that are good for career success are absolutely useless for conquering a woman.
    Logic won't help here. A woman is an emotional being, not always her actions can be explained from a logical point of view.
    Here, a man should not have any illusions and expectations.
    A woman must learn to feel, and not understand with reason, and then she will be at your feet. Just love without putting forward any requirements and conditions. Learn to treat her like a child. Which we also educate, but we educate lovingly, and not judging and blaming, we do not seek to abandon the child if he does something wrong in our opinion.
    Unfortunately, men who understand women well and who know how to handle them are few.


    Yes, Olenka. Unfortunately, a man who understands women well already has his own man :-))))


    The laws can be one, only they must be applied skillfully to different spheres of life.
    The fact that everything is interconnected, I completely agree with you. Everything works out well when all aspects of life are equally important. So that you do not have to choose either business or family.
    I love the way Stephen Covey writes about this in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. There is also a table on how a person behaves in different areas of life if he chooses one thing as the main one. Very good diagnostic by the way. Judging by the behavior, one can assume how a person will behave in family life or in other areas.


  • It is also visible. This is only beginning to be seen when carefully observing a long period of events of one person.
    Now I don’t give any assessment to one single event.
    And if events repeat, then it is already possible to build some kind of hypotheses.
    And I also noticed that if you change inside, then accordingly you are already communicating with other people and with other values.
    And you already have an inner desire to communicate with other people. Marvelous. Very surprising.


    Magic is not magic, I don't know.
    And what:
    Judge not lest you be judged
    For with what judgment you judge, you will also be judged.
    That's for sure.
    If you want people to do the same to you, do the same to them.

    It's just that people don't follow it. Since there is not enough patience and attention.


    You have to build relationships on your own. I agree. But this is leveled after the awareness of the events and the root causes in oneself, which served as the occurrence of these events. In order to correctly find directions for harmonizing yourself and searching for your integrity, you need to make a correct diagnosis. And the diagnosis is all those events that have happened to a person since his birth.
    Parents are not chosen. It's clear.
    From birth and childhood upbringing, you have to start and collect yourself piece by piece.
    Since at the age of five, parents laid down all the values ​​​​of the family, NOT WITH WORDS, but "BY THEIR ACTIONS".
    It was on these actions that the values ​​of the child were formed.
    Sometimes there are extremes. Either they load it to the full, or put it on, put it on, and then it will be seen.
    Values ​​were also formed, educators in kindergarten, teachers. All this leads to either condemning everyone, like parents, or condemning themselves, also like parents.
    Everything is interconnected.


  • Nodar, according to this legend, she turned into a salt pillar, if you remember when she stopped and looked back. I don’t know why it is salt, maybe some kind of natural cataclysm, maybe an allegory.
    I want to say something else. Those that have gone far ahead in comparison with us - they look only forward. And it seems inhumane to us, we want more attention. And we are unaware that their tasks are incommensurable with ours and their implementation is associated with huge, incomparable efforts, and their path is just as hidden in a haze and requires a huge amount of attention.
    Never look back! The rule is very strict, but it seems to be the only correct one in any life situation.


    Julia, in this regard, I like the basic slogan of NLP:
    "We don't know how or why it works. But it works!"
    By the way, we have already discussed the issue with psychologists on this site regarding their attitude to NLP. It turned out that there is no relationship! Because nothing is written about it in university textbooks. And I still do not take the so-called. "induced hypnosis" - as a way of non-verbal influence without the consent and knowledge of the person. And so it turns out that classical psychology in itself, and efficient technologies are also in themselves.
    Freud does not help at all now to earn real money in the field of psychology. And other technologies, about which there is nothing in university textbooks, work effectively. And psychologists themselves have already raised the question of the death of psychology as a discipline on this site - simply because it is practically unnecessary.
    Kirill same all understood like would explained. We completely reject the mystical-manipulative doctrine of the Scientologists. But there are really cool techniques and techniques that you need to take and apply without further ado.
    I saw different scales of emotions in textbooks. But nowhere is it said how to apply it yourself in a particular reality to achieve a practical effect. And without it, everything is crap.


    The question of the independent application of any technique is a matter of skill. It’s like in surgery, there are a lot of techniques, but until you do it yourself 20 times with your own hands, you won’t understand the meaning, you’ll just stupidly repeat after the elders :)


    You have to pay for everything. He was given unique techniques. He could help a huge number of people. Instead, he imagined himself a god and created a sect.
    The mechanism of retribution is very simple. The person is simply denied support. And the artificial mental construction he created himself smears it.


    Sergei, as a teenager, was very fond of his Fantasy, then, however, these books disappeared from sale. Many years later I learned that Scientologists had rights to them and banned them from sale.
    But in vain. I don’t know what his followers, in quotes, imagined about themselves, but it seems to me that they had no right to deprive readers of his literary heritage. This is just nonsense. It seems to me that they are afraid that they might say that since he was capable of creating entire worlds in his imagination, then Scientology is the same fantasy. Or something like this...


    Yuri, I have already said here many times that I filter all the information. I definitely separate the information flow and conclusions. Very often (almost always) the right information eventually leads to a trap. Same here.
    I completely agree with what we are seeing right now. bulk process birth degeneration. I also agree that the line of confrontation is now not between nations or classes, but between normal people and degenerates. The second majority, they are always stupidly aggressive and at the same time hypocritical, as a result they create such conditions that even the most peaceful people have to take some kind of strong-willed measures. Degenerates always tend to gather in packs. Well, and so on.
    As for the conclusions, I have my own opinion. I assume that biology takes up less than 30% of overall structure person. I'm sure everything is adjusted at the field level. Therefore, there is no fatality, everyone can solve problems at any stage of the degeneration of his kind. And being born into a descending family branch can be a test.
    To be honest, in my paradigm I am moving further and further away from the state. There will never be anything good from him, so the only question is that there simply should not be too much of him. Therefore, I personally form the goal in life simply as existence in an aggressive environment, where degeneration at all levels is her natural state. Also, I encourage everyone.
    Well, and a bit of pathos. It does not matter who a person was born and was, it is important who he leaves. The concept of the warrior of the spirit provides that life is given to a person only in order to prepare for a meeting with the inevitable, looking straight at him and being full of calmness and dignity. In such a paradigm, all the nasty things of this world simply burn out.


    Sergei, very well written. And what do you think why a person degrades? What motives contribute to this? After all, everyone is born the same, with the same abilities. We are now witnessing the extinction of genera. If my grandmother had 15 children, then now, God forbid, the grandchildren have one child each. But the conditions of the grandmothers were not easier.


    Olga, I have mine inner feeling process.
    I believe that nature creates an environment in which only people with given properties will survive.
    At the same time, I am far from mystical forecasts. It is enough to take an unbiased look at such matters as the "buildup" of the climate (an amplitude of 20 degrees per day no longer surprises anyone), the increasing geomagnetic anomalies, the rarefaction of the protective ozone layer, leading to the penetration cosmic radiation. Plus, the stupidity human civilization, crowded in huge metropolitan areas and created very uncomfortable living conditions there.
    In theory, we should have already observed a band of deaths. However, the development of a huge industry of extinguishing abrupt anomalous manifestations (modern medicine and pharmacology) has changed the course of the process. Instead of a large number of births and deaths, we are seeing a gradual degeneration. It does not change the essence, the process is unstoppable.
    Only those who have changed their paradigm (assembly point) will survive. These are those who are aware of themselves in a single complex with the field, energy-information and biological components and will put it in priority (so far in priority social factors that suppress the individual and ultimately lead to his degradation)


    I have a slightly different idea of ​​refusing to evolve. Climatic anomalies have always been. There have always been differences in social levels as well. If earlier, due to the fact that it was harder to survive physically (I had to work hard physically), the physical component was oppressed, thanks to this, spiritual values ​​​​acquired more significance. People were more religious. Those. the main questions that destroy the soul, such as an increased desire to receive pleasure for the body, were blocked (after you plow in the field. no time for pampering). Accordingly, the person was more good-natured and optimistic.
    Yes, we agree that a person is a body, spirit and soul at the same time. But the priority must be the soul, in order for the other components of a person to develop normally. Because the Spirit is a derivative of the soul, and the body is a derivative of the spirit. They are interconnected, but not the same. But the priority should still be the soul. Everything starts there and everything ends there. Correctly placed accents can solve all degradation issues. While the priorities of the body and spirit are more important for many, and this is the root of aggression, because there is always a desire to protect status, power, material wealth. The point of support should be on what is not possible to take away without our desire for it, and this is the feeling of love in our soul. She doesn't need protection. She either exists or she doesn't. And then you can calmly endure the loss of power, status. material wealth, without negative emotions, which does not exclude the adoption of the necessary external measures to prevent the collapse. There will be no depression. suicide too, the desire to kill someone too, because the most important thing will always remain with us. Everything else comes and goes. More beautifully we will find and achieve.


    Yes, Olga, the priority should be the soul.
    That is, you need to learn to say not as usual: "I have a soul," but correctly: "I myself have a soul - and everything else is already a derivative of it."
    This is the center point of everything.
    When a person begins to really, and not speculatively, personify himself with a soul, a breakthrough will occur in everything. Quite literally, and not as usual contemplative.
    In general, now the most important slogan of the era: Man, know thyself!
    And that's it. It's enough. Realizing with all his gut what he is, a person will easily solve all his problems - yes, he will no longer have them, he will throw them away along with his past life.
    Well, and accordingly, the emergence of new qualities without any techniques and trainings, the very ones that we call "psychic abilities", is inevitable.
    Seek first of all the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you (Mat. 6:33) This is all about the same thing, only in other words


    As for the biology in man and the line of confrontation - here is some information for reference:
    Recently, the “Russian theme”, actively used in the political plane, has become very relevant. The press and television are full of speeches on this subject, as a rule, muddy and contradictory. Who says that the Russian people does not exist at all, who considers only the Orthodox to be Russian, who includes in this concept all those who speak Russian, and so on. Meanwhile, science has already given a completely definite answer to this question.

    The scientific data below is a terrible secret. Formally, these data are not classified, since they were obtained by American scientists outside the field of defense research, and even published in some places, but the conspiracy of silence organized around them is unprecedented. The nuclear project at its initial stage cannot even be compared, then something nevertheless leaked into the press, and in this case - nothing at all.
    What is this terrible secret, the mention of which is a worldwide taboo? This is the secret of the origin and historical path of the Russian people.

    Why information is hidden, more on that later. First, briefly about the essence of the discovery of American geneticists.
    Human DNA has 46 chromosomes, half inherited from father and half from mother. Of the 23 chromosomes received from the father, the only one - the male Y chromosome - contains a set of nucleotides that has been passed from generation to generation without any changes for thousands of years. Geneticists call this set a haplogroup. Every man living now has exactly the same haplogroup in his DNA as his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, and so on for many generations.

    The haplogroup, due to its hereditary immutability, is the same for all people of the same biological origin, that is, among men of the same people. Each biologically distinctive people has its own haplogroup, which is different from similar sets of nucleotides in other peoples, which is its genetic marker, a kind of ethnic mark. In the biblical system of concepts, one can imagine the matter in such a way that the Lord God, when He divided humanity into different nations, each of them labeled unique set nucleotides on the Y chromosome of DNA. (Women also have such marks, only in a different coordinate system - in the mitochondrial DNA rings).

    Of course, in nature there is nothing absolutely immutable, because motion is a form of existence of matter. Haplogroups also change - in biology such changes are called mutations - but very rarely, at intervals of millennia, and geneticists have learned to very accurately determine their time and place. Thus, American scientists found that one such mutation occurred four and a half thousand years ago on the Central Russian plain. A boy was born with a slightly different haplogroup than his father, to which they assigned genetic classification R1a1. The paternal R1a mutated and a new R1a1 arose.

    The mutation turned out to be very viable. The genus R1a1, which was initiated by this very boy, survived, unlike millions of other genera that disappeared when their genealogical lines were cut off, and bred over a vast area. Currently, the owners of the haplogroup R1a1 make up 70% of the total male population of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and in ancient Russian cities and villages - up to 80%. R1a1 is a biological marker of the Russian ethnic group. This set of nucleotides is "Russian" in terms of genetics.

    Thus, the Russian people in genetically modern form was born in the European part of present-day Russia about 4500 years ago. The boy with the R1a1 mutation became the direct ancestor of all men living on earth today, in whose DNA this haplogroup is present. All of them are his biological or, as they said before, blood descendants and among themselves blood relatives, together making up a single people - Russian.

    Biology is an exact science. It does not allow ambiguous interpretations, and genetic conclusions to establish kinship are accepted even by the court. Therefore, genetic and statistical analysis of the structure of the population, based on the determination of haplogroups in DNA, is much more


  • We talk all the time about preserving the identity of small peoples and almost nothing about preserving the identity of the Russian people, for that matter. It came to expressions: "The only nation that is embarrassed to be itself is the Russians." In the mid-90s, I somehow heard from the leader of the Communist Party in one small town (a submariner, reserve lieutenant colonel): Imagine, I recently learned that out of 23 members of the Revolutionary Military Council, 17 were Jews. So who made our revolution?
    And how do you like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, criticism of which even the great Henry Ford in "free" America was forced to stop?
    Yes, a very balanced approach is needed here. And maybe we should not talk about Russians, but about the Aryans - an ancient and great people, uniting a large number of modern nations? And the strings of genes had to go to America. What kind of fascism will then be grounds for talking about? And the psychological barriers between peoples can be removed by many.


    As for the hundred years of "non-Russian" rulers, you may not have calculated much: even Nosovsky wrote that the Romanovs had Prussian roots.
    And about "relationships" during the so-called yoke, very interesting fact brought. Nosovsky also writes that there was a completely different atmosphere in the state, and there was no oppression. Another thing is that it is worth looking for the reasons for the rather close cohabitation of the Slavs and Turks in this territory: this is not accidental, something should unite us. And note that once the state extends into this territory, it has great power: Russian empire, USSR. And what comes first here?
    And about the rulers: Nosovsky hypothesizes that the same ruler in Russia at that time had two names: (if I don’t confuse) Khan Batu and Ivan Kalita, for example. It is possible to quite rightly smash this provision to smithereens, but I want to talk about the direction of rethinking our joint history and future.


    As far as I understand, by artificial turf you mean rolled ones?
    Demand is high, but competition in this area is not weak. Such a project requires multimillion-dollar investments. And in the most optimistic scenario, a product ready for sale will be obtained no earlier than in 3 years (taking into account preparatory phase) + time to payback. The minimum plot area to have at least some chance to compete with the rest is 100 hectares (there is so much in Samara, and 1000 hectares is not the limit in nurseries near Moscow).
    As for sapropel, I think there are no more or less serious statistics on its use in arranging lawns.
    AT agriculture sapropel is used as an organic fertilizer. Especially effective is the use of sapropel on acidic and light sandy and sandy loamy soils to improve their water-retaining properties, as well as to increase their humus content. theoretically, use is possible (it all depends on the type of soil). Mostly it makes sense when preparing the soil before laying the lawn, it is practically not necessary during the growing process. And besides, there are cheaper alternatives to such a precious material, for example, dry sewage sludge (there is a special technology), peat, clay.
    This is in short. If you have questions, you can go to PM.


Many are familiar with the name of Ron Hubbard, the famous Scientologist. hard to give precise definition this trend - it is similar both to practical philosophy and to a kind of religion. There is a very famous element of their theory, the Hubbard tone scale. Using it, you can easily find mutual language with people and decide the most different problems predicting the behavior of others.

Ron Hubbard - tone scale

The tone scale itself includes marks from highest to lowest. It includes emotions, each of which has a certain score. On the Hubbard scale, it is easy to see that people are always near the same scale marks all the time. Everyone above 2.0 is high-tone, everyone below is low-tone. The scale itself takes into account the maximum number of emotions:

  • 40.0 Serenity of existence
  • 30.0 Postulates
  • 22.0 Games
  • 20.0 Action
  • 8.0 Rapture
  • 6.0 Aesthetics
  • 4.0 Enthusiasm
  • 3.5 Joy
  • 3.3 Strong interest
  • 3.0 Conservatism
  • 2.9 Moderate interest
  • 2.8 Satisfaction
  • 2.6 Disinterest
  • 2.5 Boredom
  • 2.4 Monotonicity
  • 2.0 Antagonism
  • 1.9 Hostility
  • 1.8 Pain
  • 1.5 Anger
  • 1.4 Hatred
  • 1.3 Outrage
  • 1.2 Lack of empathy
  • 1.15 Unspoken outrage
  • 1.1 Hidden hostility
  • 1.02 Anxiety
  • 1.0 Fear
  • 0.98 Despair
  • 0.96 Horror
  • 0.94 Numbness
  • 0.9 Empathy
  • 0.8 Appeasing
  • 0.5 Grief
  • 0.375 Atonement
  • 0.3 Undeserved
  • 0.2 Self-deprecation
  • 0.1 Victim
  • 0.07 Hopelessness
  • 0.05 Apathy
  • 0.03 Futility
  • 0.01 Dying
  • 0.0 Body death

The Ron Hubbard scale itself explains a lot and shows how we adjust from emotion to emotion, but if you learn how to use it, it can bring success both in business and in your personal life.

The Hubbard Emotional Tone Scale - Application

With long-term observation of yourself or any other person, it turns out to be a fairly simple task to find out at what point on the scale you or he is. Based on this, you can understand how to build relationships with a person, what you need to strive for yourself and, most importantly, find a common language with anyone. Consider examples of using the scale:

  1. If you see a person in an angry state, you understand that all his words are a problem with his tone and do not take them seriously. Determine what tone the person is and talk in their tone or a tone just above their own on the Hubbard emotional scale. That is, anger should be answered with boredom, grief with sympathy, etc.
  2. In order to select staff for work, choose friends or a partner for relationships, you can also refer to the scale. If a person is chronically at the mark of anger, apathy or anxiety, it will be very difficult for him.
  3. The very knowledge of the tone scale will make you think about it when you get angry or furious. This will allow you to analyze your condition and get out of it, and not give in to impulse. In addition, you will easily be able to stay on high tones - because you will strive to be completely conscious on them.
  4. Knowing about the tone scale, you have the understanding that a person who is at a low level of the scale cannot be cheered up - too high tones at such moments will not be perceived.
  5. A person who is on the same tone with you on the Hubbard tone scale will think like you and act like you, which will greatly improve mutual understanding.

The main thing that the Hubbard tone scale gives us is control over emotions. And even when you fall into anger, you realize it, understand that it is too low, and that you will have to go out through dissatisfaction, which will make you more conscious about your emotions and better understand others.

Let's look at dangerous emotions first.

Apathy (0.05)
Apathy is a disconnection from love, life, hopes, dreams and absolute pessimism. In Apathy, a person is close to feeling that he owns nothing and thinks that others should not have anything either. It allows any property to decay and deteriorate. He destroys himself in one way or another. Drug addicts, alcoholics, chronic gamblers are people in Apathy.

Making amends (0.375)

A person in the tone of making amends lives, constantly apologizing and trying to atone for some harm (even fictional). He may flatter or degrade himself in order to gain sympathy or help. AT worst case it is blind self-sacrifice and suicidal martyrs.

Grief (0.5)

Grief asks for sympathy without giving anything in return, and for help without receiving it. This is a person who is constantly dissatisfied with something, and all this is wrapped in self-pity. Often he tries to hold on to the past and holds on to his grievances.

Appeasing (0.8)
The person in Appeasing is trying to strike up a friendship, and it seems that he does not require anything in return. But in reality, Appeasing is part of the Fear range. A person in this tone is not aware of their fear. His coaxing is meant to protect oneself from negative consequences.

Empathy (0.9)
A person in chronic Empathy is obsessively "understanding" and can endlessly justify the failures of his friends, which deprives them of responsibility and kills their desire to fight. An upscale person would say, "Yes, it's a failure, but you can try again." And Empathy does not help you recover from defeat and come back to win.

Fear (1.0)

Chronic fear easily becomes tongue-tied, avoids people, jumps up and down from slamming doors. He is constantly scared, everything around is dangerous. Such a person is afraid to have things (because he can lose them). His decision is to be careful about everything in life. He talks about terrible things, real or imagined.

Hidden hostility (1.1)

This is a hidden tone, the most difficult to recognize. It sits between Fear (which is the reason for its tone) and Anger (which it must hide). At this level, we find blatant lies and hypocrisy. 1.1 pretends to be high-tone. He convinces of good intentions and manipulates people, always seeking covert control.

Lack of empathy (1.2)
A person in the absence of sympathy is cold, rude, indifferent. He seems to have no emotions. He is not concerned with other people's problems, but he will expect full understanding and forgiveness for his harmful actions. At this level, we often encounter a stubborn refusal to speak.

Wrath (1.5)
Being constantly in a state of mental disorder, a person screams, gets angry, annoyed, accuses and expresses dissatisfaction.

Pain (1.8)
Pain, in and of itself, is not an emotion, but what is meant here is emotional reaction for pain. A person cannot remain high-pitched when he is in pain. His attention is scattered, he is unrestrained, irritable and impatient.

Antagonism (2.0)
The main characteristic of Antagonism is refutation. Emotion is open hostility. This is the level of biting remarks and sarcasm. Antagonism cannot resist the challenge. If you want him to do something, ask him otherwise. Give him something to challenge and he will do it.

Obviously, communication with such low-tone people should be kept to a minimum, and if this fails, then you can use the recommendations that are given in the second part of the article.

Now consider the manifestation of high tones.

Boredom (2.5)
Chronic boredom refers to a state in which a person tries to kill time. Sometimes this state is easily confused with Apathy or Grief, but in fact, the cardinal difference is that a person in Boredom does not complain or get irritated, his constant emotion is contentment. Unfortunately, he has no purpose in life. He is carefree and not ambitious, he is a pleasant and non-confrontational person.

Conservatism (3.0)

Its only drawback is that it stifles enthusiasm and ingenuity.
He is driven by caution, balanced, restrained, patient, does not like to stand out from the crowd. Its advantages are reliability, honesty and non-conflict. He can become a very good parent.

Interest - Enthusiasm (3.5 - 4.0)

These are the best of the high-tone emotions that we will look at together, as they are very similar. People at the top emotional scale, cheerful and cheerful. (It's just that the tone 4.0 is more pronounced.) They are active and active, their interests are wide-ranging, and their ideas are positive and original. This does not mean that such a person is constantly filled with joy, but he is good-natured and can inspire others.
Such personalities effortlessly attract other people to themselves, they are popular and loved. Although they are often attacked by low-scale individuals, high-scale individuals fight off the attack and recover quickly.

The highest of the high-tone emotions must be striven for so that life is pleasant and success does not leave us.

We use knowledge for good to go through life easily and joyfully!

Do you know that the most vile things people do in a state of hidden hostility?

Each of us experiences many emotions during the day. Have you ever thought that emotions are energy?

Strong emotions are accompanied by a range of physiological changes, such as a strong heartbeat, a change in blood pressure, respiratory rate, shaking hands or feet, redness or moisture in the skin. More moderate emotions rarely cause strong physiological reactions, but something still happens in the body. It is on identifying and fixing physiological reactions based on the principle of operation of the polygraph - a lie detector.

The amplitude of fluctuations of emotions (mood changes) in different people can vary greatly. It depends on many factors - temperament, upbringing, character, nationality, etc. So, if a calm, even mood prevails in a phlegmatic person, then, unlike him, for a choleric person, a frequent sharp change of emotions is a common occurrence.

On the emotional behavior influenced by climatic conditions. We all know the emotional restraint of representatives northern peoples: restrained gestures and intonations, stingy facial expressions. After all, in a cold climate, where there is little sun, people are forced to save psychic energy. Unlike northerners, southerners have an excess solar energy warms up the blood. Representatives of southern nationalities are more impulsive, temperamental and generously splash out emotions.

Emotions are energy, and this energy is in in constant motion which, sometimes unconsciously, is captured by others. The energy of emotions affects our health and well-being, our relationships, our performance. A person who is aware of his emotions and knows how to manage them is the master of his life.

In contrast, for someone who does not know how to manage their emotional state, life is much more difficult. In some cases, such a person is not much different from a dog rushing at the owner in an impulse to protect the bone, which the owner himself threw to him.

At the beginning of the 50s of the last century American writer- science fiction writer Ron Hubbard proposed the so-called Tone Scale, where tone is an emotional position, an emotional state.

In accordance with this scale, a person's condition fluctuates regularly. Raising or lowering the tone depends on many of the most various factors- on how things are at work and in the family, on the news received, successful or unsuccessful transactions, communication with certain people, etc.

A person reacts with a change of tone to changing situations and circumstances. Sometimes abrupt change tone can cause some trifle. In addition, each person has a certain “tone” that has become the norm for him, his usual “tone” - his characteristic emotional state: for someone, the norm is constant despondency and discontent, for someone - aggression, and for someone - cheerful , major mood, someone more or less serious events cause fear and fear, and someone treats any problem with humor.

Ron Hubbard Tone Scale

40.0 Serenity of existence

30.0 Postulates

22.0 Games

20.0 Action

8.0 Rapture

6.0 Aesthetics

4.0 Enthusiasm

3.5 Joy

3.3 Strong interest

3.0 Conservatism

2.9 Moderate interest

2.8 Satisfaction

2.6 Disinterest

2.5 Boredom

2.4 Monotonicity

2.0 Antagonism

1.9 Hostility

1.8 Pain

1.5 Anger

1.4 Hatred

1.3 Outrage

1.2 Lack of empathy

1.15 Unspoken outrage

1.1 Hidden hostility

1.02 Anxiety

1.0 Fear

0.98 Despair

0.96 Horror

0.94 Numbness

0.9 Empathy

0.8 Appeasing

0.5 Grief

0.375 Atonement

0.3 Undeserved

0.2 Self-deprecation

0.1 Victim

0.07 Hopelessness

0.05 Apathy

0.03 Futility

0.01 Dying

Dead end for your future

Selectivity time