How to become a responsible person practical advice. How to show maturity in a relationship

Of course, we are more willing to communicate with responsible people. After all, an adult child is not the person you can rely on and not even the one you can trust. Sometimes, it becomes a real problem. And if we talk about career growth, then the one who can be called irresponsible almost no chance. Want to radically change your life? It's time to learn to be responsible. It is to learn, because this is not a quality with which we are born, but something that we must cultivate in ourselves.

How to learn to be responsible?

Learn to plan your time. Noticed that some people manage to do everything in work time, others fail, often fail, even if you take work home. The first step to becoming responsible is to decide to plan your day and follow that plan. Of course it happens every day non-standard situations but you know responsible people plan time for them.

Don't make promises. If you want to become responsible, learn before promising something, evaluate your capabilities, and think about whether you need it. They gave the word - do not look for excuses for yourself, fulfill the promise. Didn't plan your time? Well, you'll have to do that. what they talked about to their detriment. This, by the way, will make you think next time.

Train your memory and attention. Choose the method that suits you or just get started more attention pay attention to the little things. It's really not easy, but it's worth it. So, noticing more and remembering more, you don’t have to puzzle over whether I did something and come back to check. Become responsible person , this includes not wasting time in vain.

Write down important things and meetings so you don't forget them. Use a notepad or get an organizer. The main thing is that all your plans should be contained in one place, this, by the way, makes it very easy to plan for the day, week, etc. And by compiling it daily, you can develop a sense of responsibility. And most importantly, nothing will fall out of your attention.

Take on any organizational work. The more you practice, the better you get. At the same time, this great way learn to do everything consistently and be on time, which means become a responsible person. So, without hesitation, take on the organization of a trip, birthday, corporate party, etc.

Don't stop, no matter how hard it gets. A sense of responsibility should make you do, act, look for solutions. Even if it seems that there is no way out, go ahead, try to the last. You will see that in most cases the task is quite feasible. And the longer you follow this rule, the better and more often you will succeed.

Don't look for excuses. No if this, yes if this. A person manages his own life and everything that happens in it depends only on him. Don't forget it, follow this life position. Learning to be responsible is, first of all, taking responsibility for your life.

Don't think that you are hopeless. change, including become a responsible person, you can always. It does not depend on age or temperament. Only from your decision. Of course, just doing nothing is much easier. But, are you ready to try on what awaits you in this case.

Finally, get support. For example, support loved one Or someone who has the same problem. After all, what is not easy for one is easier to cope with together. By the way, to experience any situation is still easier with those who are familiar with it. After all, this person understands you, understands how difficult it is for you. Moreover, he can give useful advice about what helped become responsible him personally.

Any employer is looking for a responsible employee in their team. But few understand true value this word. It seems to many that behind this term lies serious attitude and purposefulness. In fact, these are completely different concepts. Today you will learn how to become a responsible person in the family, at work, how to be an example for others.

Professional activity

When applying for a job, you honestly write in the questionnaire that you consider yourself a responsible person. Is it really? In most cases this beautiful word man creates for himself more problems than he thinks. Already in the first days it will become clear whether this person is responsible or simply decided to add a few points to himself at the interview. If you do not want to get into a difficult situation, then read the tips that will help you change your attitude to work and tell you how to become a serious and responsible person.


The main and most valuable quality of any employee. You should not lie to your superiors or colleagues, even if the situation forces you to do so. Sooner or later, the deception will be revealed, and then there will be much more problems than it was originally. No one can trust you anymore, and this is a direct path to the labor exchange in the near future. Before you lie, think a hundred times whether the game is worth the candle and whether it is possible to avoid lying in this case.


Even if the authorities consider you right hand and the best employee, never allow yourself too much. Remember - this is work and there can be no friendly relations with superiors. IN free time you can spend leisure time together and celebrate holidays. But at work, you should not cross the line and treat immediate supervisor like a friend. By doing this, you will increase your authority among colleagues and will not put you in the head.


Feel free to clarify those points that you do not understand. Better to ask again than to do everything wrong. Nobody will think you are stupid. On the contrary - the bosses appreciate employees who want to know as much as possible about common cause.


Don't put off things that need to be done clearly due date. Anything can happen, and you have to blush, explaining the reasons for your unprofessional behavior. A person who once failed will never be trusted with a serious matter. No need to look for excuses for your misconduct - this will further damage your reputation.


If you do not know how to become a responsible person, then this advice should be taken into account first of all. Make a plan that you will stick to all the time. Put the most important things first and keep track of how much time you spend on certain activities. In the future, this will help not only to organize your working day correctly, but also to calculate own forces.

Unbearable burden

Never seize every opportunity to prove your indispensability. Typing great amount tasks, you may not be able to cope even with half, which will let the management down. Assess your strength and try not to work to the detriment of health. Nobody needs a sluggish and inactive employee. Even if there is a lot of merit in your past, everything can cross out one bad day.


If you think about being a responsible person, then you are aware of all your mistakes. Review your attitude to life and analyze all the failures. That way you'll know where you've made a mistake. Try to avoid repeating an unpleasant situation in the future. No need to look for someone to blame for your problems - only you are responsible for your actions!

Doubt and do not know if you are a responsible person? Remember all your achievements that you received not by chance or luck, but earned own labor. Does everything suit you in life? A responsible person never goes with the flow - he regulates it with his desires.

How to become a responsible and independent person

Main principle victory over their shortcomings - composure and organization. To accustom yourself to responsibility, you need to make commitments and be able to fulfill these promises. First of all, this concerns the family and close circle. The task is not easy, but it great incentive to further accomplishments.

Learn with early age clean up after themselves and keep in order not only personal belongings, but also environment. Washing the dishes immediately after a meal is not difficult, and putting your shoes in order after a walk will not seem like an impossible task at all. Remember how you felt when you returned to an untidy apartment. This will help drive away laziness and give a good incentive!

Do not forget that you need to do not only what is asked. Did you notice that no one took out the trash? Do not impose this duty on others - do it yourself. This also applies to other things - to cook dinner, wash things, clean the apartment.

Relatives and friends

Never wait for a request for help from your environment. Feel free to offer it, even if the situation does not require urgent intervention from the outside. One of the biggest problems modern society- Lack of time. It is not enough even for personal needs, not to mention meetings with friends or relatives. Plan your activities so that you always have a window to talk with loved ones or spend time together on a regular basis. Correspondence in in social networks will not be able to replace live communication with friends!

Do not forget about material obligations. Even if you have burning desire spend money on yourself, you always need to remember the needs of your family. Perhaps you can easily do without a purchase, and this amount will be a good addition to the family budget. Before disposing of funds, consult with your relatives and find out what they need now.

Thoughts and feelings

Before you say anything, think a few times and put yourself in the place of the interlocutor. Words can hurt more than bladed weapons. Even if the conversation is raised, there is no need to switch to insults. To stop the aggression and recover, take a few deep breaths and mentally count to ten. It will immediately become easier, and you will understand that the problem is not worth spending your energy on it and poisoning the other person with offensive words.

Do not rush to express sympathy or criticism. Perhaps the person expected a completely different reaction from you. Project the situation that has arisen onto yourself, and it will become easier to come to the right decision.

Benefit to society

Responsibility is not only obligations to colleagues, family or friends. It is important to remember that absolutely strangers and the animals need your care. Do not refuse volunteer work or participation in social events. You can help not only financially, because some are enough good word and strong spiritual care.

Remember that a responsible person always knows that if not everything, then a lot depends on his actions. He will not spend much time on entertainment and devotes every free minute the right things. No matter what you do, you must have a schedule. Follow it, and after a few months you will get used to living in such a rhythm, you will not want to return to your old way of life and think about how to become a responsible person!

The Austrian psychologist, philosopher and humanist Viktor Frankl once subtly noted that responsibility is the basis of the foundations of human existence. Indeed, for any adult, responsibility is a strictly mandatory quality, unless, of course, he wants to be independent, successful and happy. We will talk about how to become more responsible in this material.

Responsibility: why is it important?

IN modern world, many people, unfortunately, absolutely do not want to grow up. Having reached the age of majority or later, they still continue to sit on the neck of their parents, the state, or even their spouse - husband or wife. play in computer games, spend time on the Internet or in bad company on the street and completely forget that their role in life is also to find decent job get a good salary and provide for a family.

To achieve these goals, to become a respected and worthy person in all respects, only a responsible person can. A responsible person understands that in each individual situation he has great multitude choices, knows how to make decisions and knows that the time of his life is limited. Such an individual appreciates every free minute, tries to use it for his own benefit and never shifts responsibility for his actions, feelings and thoughts to other people or circumstances. He does not blame others for his failures and mistakes and knows that in order to change something, you need to start with yourself and change yourself.

Let us return to Frankl, who, by the way, developed a whole theory dedicated to the meaning of life and responsibility, calling it logotherapy (from the Greek “logos”, which means “meaning”). According to the famous Austrian doctor, responsibility is what life itself puts a person in front of and what many of us strive to avoid. He often compared responsibility to an abyss, very deep and frightening, but at the same time very majestic.

A prominent psychologist notes that our future and the future of other people depend entirely on us. After all, every second only we make a choice and make a single decision, implement or, conversely, miss the opportunity that exists in this moment time. And on what decision we make, depends not only our behavior, but also the behavior, as well as the attitude of others towards us.

About overly responsible people

But there is another extreme - excessive responsibility, which, by the way, is characteristic of quite a few people. For example, people with a shy character often suffer from it. Individuals who lack self-confidence and low self-esteem often project their fears into the future. Suppose they are often afraid to call or take the first step before meeting with interesting person, because they are pre-configured to refuse and think that a potential interlocutor will not communicate with them due to employment, unwillingness to build relationships and communicate with them. Thus, they take responsibility for the feelings, thoughts and actions of other people in advance, thereby programming themselves for failure.

If speak about excessive responsibility in general, then in essence, this is actually the same as irresponsible behavior, since a person thinks about others, but stops thinking about himself, taking care of himself and his needs.

How to become more responsible?

For those wishing to get rid of excessive responsibility and control, two books can be recommended for reading: Henry Cloud - "Barriers" and Susan Jeffers - "Fear, but act!" In the first of the proposed works, it is well explained what exactly we ourselves are responsible for, and what other people are responsible for. In particular, we are responsible to others and to ourselves. Along the way, the book will teach you to set personal boundaries, to make right choice, despite the manipulations and emerging feelings of the interlocutor, to say "No" in various life situations etc.

The second book is a popular bestseller from a specialist in the field positive psychology. The study of this creation, by the way, will be very helpful for those people who suffer from shyness, indecision and various fears.

Take responsibility for your life. In other words, realize that in every single situation you have thousands of possibilities and choices. But this choice is made by you, and not by anyone else.

Remember the finiteness of our life. Appreciate every free minute and do not forget that in every single moment you also make a choice. Some decisions are up, others are down.

Try not to shift responsibility to others or external circumstances. Many people often attribute failures to an unhappy childhood, psychological trauma and blame others (parents, spouses, etc.). This is an unconstructive position. To become more responsible, you need to gradually remove yourself from the place of a child and take the position of an adult who is responsible for everything in his life himself.

In relationships with other people, divide the responsibility in half. Remember that any relationship (business, personal, etc.) must be equal. Equal responsibility - does not mean that your companion, business partner or leader should behave the same way as you. This means that each of us has his own burden and duty to fulfill properly. You are responsible only for your side and do not climb into someone else's territory.

Get rid of the Inner Talker, which Susan Jeffers writes about in a book. The Inner Talker is that monologue that you carry on with yourself, preventing you from overcoming your fears and taking responsibility for what is happening. In other words, this negative thinking and it gradually needs to be replaced with a positive one.

Learn to say "No" to the people around you. Start small, for example, in order to refuse sellers in stores. When saying “No” to your interlocutor, it is important to remember that your interlocutor may experience negative feelings- anger, resentment, etc. They can be used as manipulation to get you to agree with the persuader. Therefore, in spite of them, firmly stand your ground. For example, when breaking up with a man who is not suitable for you, do not make contact. A person needs to endure the bitterness of loss, pain is a manifestation of love for him, since it passes with time.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility. Expand your comfort zone. Start with small tasks, then move on to larger ones. For example, sign up for training courses and get new profession. Take on a new work order and do the assigned task "100%". All of this will help you build your self-confidence.

Keep a diary. In it, mark both victories and mistakes, which you should pay attention to next time so as not to make incorrect choice. Review your notes regularly so that you don't forget what you once did.

Formulate your life goals and begin to consistently achieve them. Take responsibility for setting these goals for yourself. ABOUT correct staging purposes on our website there is a separate .

Realize the benefits that gives you loose behavior, irresponsibility. It is difficult to implement, but very important point. Many do not understand that it is beneficial for them to remain small children, get sick or avoid something, because. such behavior attracts a lot of attention in relation to oneself, sympathy and support. Over time, you must learn to act and accept independent solutions regardless of whether others approve of them or treat them negatively.

I think that many have already heard about the law of karma, in a general sense, the law is quite simple: “What you sow, you will reap”, that is, what seeds we sow (perfect deeds), we will receive such fruits. Whatever we do in relation to others, it will return to us like a boomerang. But it is difficult for many people to accept this law in their hearts, since in this case they will have to take responsibility for their lives, read the article - how to become responsible.

Many people believe in astrology, but do not believe in. When I asked those people who believe in horoscopes what astrology is based on, in response I often heard one silence, and when I started talking about karma, they often looked at me with bewilderment. Why do people believe in the phantasmagoria that is shown on TV, but do not believe in what comes from more reliable and reliable sources.

The reason for this is unwillingness to take responsibility for one's life, it’s easier for us to say that they are all like cancers and that nothing can be done about it, that it’s as if I had nothing to do with it, just some forces act like that and that’s it. Or why there is a rejection of the law of karma and reincarnation - because this means that everything that happens to me is completely fair, that it is I who is responsible for the fact that my life is exactly the way it is, that I deserved it with my actions in the past . Of course, it's easier to rely on the injustice of this world, to the fact that some are just lucky, but you are not, but thinking In a similar way we will never be able to change our lives for the better.

“In their disasters, people tend to blame fate, the gods, and everything else, but not themselves” Plato

No matter how trite it may sound, but in order to become responsible, taking responsibility for your life, you need to stop shifting responsibility to others. When we want to change the conditions of life, whom do we begin to change - our environment, and only in rare cases we look within ourselves. We are ready to push all our problems onto anyone - the government, friends, parents, husband / wife, children, but just do not admit that if anyone is to blame for what is happening, then it is ourselves. No, the philosophy of life, where the responsibility lies with us, is not liked by many.

If you ask people if they believe in God, the majority will answer that they do, then it often begs next question "Why do you live as if there is no God?". Also, when people begin to get involved in esotericism and begin to believe in the existence higher powers, many still continue to shift to others, looking for reasons outside. “Someone jinxed me, that’s why I have such a life”, or as an example with astrology has already been given, when a person refers to the fact that according to a horoscope, for example, cancer is why he is so emotional, or a person watched the movie “Secret” and decided that by starting to visualize, he would achieve everything he wanted.

There is some truth in the above, but only a fraction of the truth. We sometimes perceive many things or too cheap - that without special efforts with just one click, everything will be great, or vice versa, fatalistic - I'm a cancer and nothing can be done about it. How to become responsible for your life you need to understand that this world is not chaos, where lawlessness is happening and not a prison, where we are chained hand and foot. It really happens that thinking badly about a person can really make him feel worse, up to illness, but in this way one burns his good karma, and the other works out his bad, and this does not happen right and left.

Concentration on some goal really increases the possibility and reduces the time to achieve this goal, since, as a rule, our thoughts are chaotic and what we just do not want there. This is similar to if we took on several tasks at the same time and did not bring them to the end, or if we concentrated our energy on one task, allowing us to complete it. the best way. But when we start doing visualization, concentrating too much on some dream, then we first use the existing potential, and then we begin to take energy from other areas of life.

Indeed, there is also the influence of the planets, the planets endow us with certain inclinations in character, but this is not limited to our solar sign and does not act as some kind of fatality, become responsible for your life b. It is like the influence of the collective on the individual - if we as a person are weak, then we will hardly or not be able to resist the influence from the outside - for example, in a company where everyone drinks, we will also start drinking if we have not drunk before. In general, the level of communication acts as one of the main factors in changing our lives - communication can lead us both to the very bottom and raise us to a high level.

“The law of karma is not the highest law. The highest law is freedom of choice" Alexander Khakimov

There are children who lived in prosperous families, but grew up far from being examples of moral behavior, but there are those who grew up in difficult conditions of family strife, and grew up wonderful people and family people. God shows that freedom of choice is key, although families usually leave their mark - but this is our karma, which we deserved in the past. We often find some excuses for ourselves, just not to change our life, our character, just not to take responsibility for ourselves.

But also, you don’t need to go into depression and give up, concentrating on your shortcomings and negative traits character. Who doesn't have flaws? - everyone has them, the main thing is to learn to notice their manifestations in own life, and at the same time, to combat them, focus on their own strengths. We must become responsible for our lives, until we do this, continuing to shift it to others, our life will not improve, and no amount of manipulation will help us.

  • Analyze past experience your attempts, to what it led. If your relationship is only heating up and spoiling even more, this is a sure sign to stop nag others and start making efforts to change your own character.
  • Be attentive to the reaction of loved ones, learn to listen to others. It often seems to us that we are doing the right thing, but such behavior may not suit others at all, so it is sometimes advisable to ask loved ones about feedback regarding our behaviour.
  • To become responsible, try not to shift the responsibility for your life to the government, parents, etc. If you pay attention, then such excuses do not contribute to the improvement of our life, and in a critical mood, they completely lead us into an irritable and unsatisfied state. Do not fall into the role of a victim offended by fate, it is better to ask yourself what exactly you did to make your life better.
  • If you regret a missed chance, then you begin to blame yourself or vice versa, justify, and in both cases you hold on to the past, instead of learning a lesson and moving on.

“While no one can go back and start over, anyone can start from now and make the best finish.” Carl Bard

  • How to become responsible in life - learn to accept life circumstances and the people around you. When we begin to live consciously, we will be able to notice the lessons that life sends us. And it is thanks to the conscious volitional efforts we are capable. When we live unconsciously, we are like puppets, where our reactions are completely dependent on the pulling of various strings, which are external circumstances. In this case, we are not able to see the lessons of fate, bumping into the same rake again and again. No one says that it is easy, but if you take responsibility for your life, then it will definitely change for the better.

9 ways to increase your own responsibility - how to become a responsible person?

Responsibility- one of the most major human qualities . People endowed with this property are more likely to be hired, it is more pleasant not only to communicate with them, but in general to have at least some contact, because an irresponsible person is an adult child, you cannot wait for help from him, he is eccentric and is not able to answer for his own problems. deeds and words.

How to become a responsible person?

Having become responsible for his life, a person gains freedom, begins to build his own happiness on his own, overcomes obstacles and achieves his goals.

  • The first rule is plan your day

Many large companies carry out time management training. It allows you to effectively distribute your time in such a way that it is enough for everything.

Americans and Germans are famous workaholics, but by Friday night everyone is on the golf courses. None of them stay up late at work and take work home. And all why? Because they have sing to do everything during working hours.

The theory of time management is suitable even for a housewife. With it, any person begins to truly value his time, learn to distribute it correctly, and not waste a single minute.

  • Train your memory

Always pay attention to the little things for which your consciousness can cling. At first it will be difficult, but then you can easily remember what you ate in last Mondays and whether the iron was really turned off.

The ability to remember a large number of information is a very useful skill in life. After all good memory helps to track your mistakes in order to take them into account in the future.

  • Don't throw words to the wind

The responsible person first thinks can he complete the task? or comply the necessary conditions, and only then promises something. If you are not confident in your abilities, then you can say that you will simply try or you will not be able to guarantee 100% compliance with the conditions.

  • Write down your plans and tasks because you can't remember everything

Then you never forget oh very important meeting or serious negotiations. By the way, organizers were invented for these purposes.

  • Practice more organizational work

It does not matter what it will be - a picnic, a holiday or a school trip to another city. Take care of everything! The more events you arrange, the easier and faster you will get it, and the easier it will become for you to manage your life.

  • Never say phrases: “If it weren’t for work/weather/friends…”, “the leadership/government/doctors/oligarchs are to blame for everything…” and so on

Man is the master of his own life! He is able, if not to change his conditions of existence, then to change them. Every morning, repeat as a mantra: “I am the master of my life. I alone am responsible for what happens to me.” Believe what is said, because it is true!

  • Find a soul mate and develop with it in unison

It's easier to change together than alone. After all, even on a diet it is easier to sit if someone supports you. Share successes, recipes for overcoming difficulties, and compete in increasing your responsibility. This is the best way to motivate both of you.

In this case, it will be possible to tell a friend that yesterday you organized an excursion for 40 five-graders to the zoo, and the interlocutor will tell that she took on a complex project at work, and has almost completed it.

  • Always - act

Even in the difficult situation do not lose yourself and look for ways out of the crisis. And if you seem to have no problems and everything is going smoothly, then do not stop there, but think about the next goal. Go ahead and aim for it.

  • change

Do not think that with age it is impossible to change. Amazing transformations happen even at 70. People are changing their lives become really happy and free. Therefore, it is not necessary to attribute failures to fate. All or almost all problems are a consequence of our actions and mistakes that need to be analyzed and corrected.

Increasing responsibility means getting out of your comfort zones. And on this path, you will have to step over yourself more than once.

But it is absolutely necessary to overpower and take this step in order to reach the height of responsibility with increased responsibility. new level quality of life!

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