Origin of the Portuguese language. Mains voltage

Learning a foreign language is always about discovering something new. Even if you don't have any specific purpose regarding the language being studied (in this case, we highly recommend starting it!), the learning process is an excellent exercise for the brain, and in some cases new language may even open up new perspectives and possibilities.

When learning Portuguese, do you know all areas of life when it can be useful to you? Where is Portuguese spoken? How widespread is the Portuguese language? In what countries can you meet people, if not speaking, then at least understanding the Portuguese language? Let's find out!

To date, Portuguese has the status of an official language in 9 countries and one controlled territory. Official status does not always mean that the majority of the population speaks the language or at least understands it, but even in cases where the majority prefers to use another official language (yes, a country can have several official languages) knowing a language that has official status, it will still be easier to navigate in an unfamiliar country due to the fact that most of the official information around (tablets, signs, announcements, tickets, etc.) will be duplicated in all official languages.

So, the Portuguese language has official status in the following countries:

- Brazil
- Angola
- Cape Verde
- East Timor
- Guinea-Bissau
- Mozambique
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Equatorial Guinea
- Macau (territory controlled by China)

Despite the fact that the number of countries where the Portuguese language has an official status is quite modest, it occupies a very honorable seventh (according to some sources, eighth) place in terms of prevalence in the world. You can meet people who do not just speak Portuguese, but entire Portuguese-speaking communities in Spain, China, Andorra, Canada, Paraguay, Luxembourg, and Venezuela. Add here that in many countries (mainly in South America) Portuguese is studied at school along with (and sometimes instead of!) English language and you will clearly see how many potential opportunities and prospects the Portuguese language opens up!

And most importantly, do not forget that even if you do not yet have the opportunity to travel and truly immerse yourself in language environment, sometimes it's enough just to go outside and the Portuguese language will find you. This cute pensioner from the World Cup, who in one evening became real star on Brazilian TV the best of that confirmation :-D


Portugal, officially the Portuguese Republic, is located on the Iberian Peninsula and is the westernmost country in Europe. Also, Portugal owns the Azores and the Madeira archipelago, located in the northern part of the Atlantic. 20% of the territory is occupied by forests. From the west it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. land border has only with Spain. total area is 92151 sq. kilometer. The capital of the state is the city of Lisbon. The population is almost 11 million people. Major cities are Lisbon, Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia, Amadora, Braga.

State structure

Portugal is a parliamentary republic. The President is the head of state, elected by popular vote for a term of 5 years. Legislature belongs to the unicameral parliament (Assembly of the Republic), consisting of 220 deputies. The government is headed by the prime minister. The country is a member of a number of international organizations: the UN, the European Union, NATO, the Schengen Treaty, the OECD (Economic Cooperation Organization), the PCA (Commonwealth of Portuguese-Speaking Countries).

Main Attractions

  • Cape Cabo da Roca.
  • National Royal Palace in Sintra.
  • Monastery of Jeronimos.
  • Se Cathedral.
  • Rossio Square in Lisbon.
  • Commerce Square in Lisbon.
  • Nations Park.
  • Pena Palace.
  • Mafra Palace.
  • Belen Palace.
  • Bussaco Palace.
  • Queluz Palace.
  • Montserrate Palace.
  • Castle of Saint George.
  • Tower Torri de Belen.
  • Monument of Christ the King.
  • Monastery of Batalha.
  • Basilica da Estrela in Lisbon.
  • Monastery of Santa Maria de Alcobaça.
  • Church of Christ on Calvary.
  • Edward VII Park.
  • Marquis Park of Fronteira.
  • Arc de Triomphe in Lisbon.
  • Templar castle in Tomar.
  • Elevator Santa Justa.
  • Monument to the discoverers in Lisbon.
  • The estate of Quinta de Rigaleira in Sintra.
  • Augusta street in Lisbon.
  • Obidos Castle.
  • Osush Bone Chapel.
  • Fortress Castello dos Moros - Palace of the Moors.
  • National Pantheon.
  • Museum of port wine "Porto Calem".
  • National Carriage Museum.
  • Gardens of Santa Barbara in Braga.
  • Botanical Garden in Lisbon.


The official language of Portugal is Portuguese. This language is spoken by more than 200 million people in the world (in Europe, South America and Africa). Portuguese is closely related to Spanish, as both belong to the Ibero-Romance subgroup, the Romance languages. In addition, the status of the official language is Mirandese, which is spoken by the population of some municipalities in the north-eastern part of the country.


Almost 94% of the population is adherents of the Roman Catholic Church. In Portugal, the church is separated from the state. About 1% are Protestants. 5% consider themselves agnostic or atheist.


The currency of Portugal is the euro (EUR), which replaced the Portuguese escudo in 2002. You can exchange currency in banks and numerous exchange offices. Everywhere, any international payment is accepted bank cards. Widely developed network of ATMs.

Useful and interesting

  • The telephone code of the country is 351.
  • Emergency phone numbers - Ambulance, the fire department and the police have single number 112.
  • Portuguese is the official language in 9 countries around the world.
  • Lisbon is one of the ten richest cities in Europe.
  • The border of Portugal has not changed since 1249.
  • by the most popular view sport, in Portugal, is football. Even the smallest towns have their own football club.
  • Most long bridge Europe - Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon.
  • The city of Lisbon is over 2000 years old, many centuries older than Rome, Paris and London.
  • In Portugal, as in Spain, bullfighting is popular, but killing a bull during a performance is considered a criminal offense by law.
  • Lisbon has the oldest book store in the world. It opened in 1732.
  • Portugal is the birthplace of the world famous drink - port wine.
  • The Portuguese are very friendly, cheerful and emotional people.

Famous Natives

Petrus Rebouli Juliani(Peter of Spain) - 187 Pope John ΧΧΙ.
Vasco da Gama is world famous Portuguese navigator who discovered sea ​​route from Europe to India.
Ferdinand Magellan - the famous navigator who made the first trip around the world. Opened the strait between South America and the archipelago Tierra del Fuego named after him.
Bartolomeo Dias - Spanish and Portuguese navigator who discovered the Cape Good Hope. The first European to circumnavigate Africa from the south and enter the Indian Ocean.
Pedro Alvares Cabral Portuguese navigator who discovered Brazil.
Luis de Camões is a great Portuguese poet of the 16th century. Author of the famous poem "The Lusiads". Pushkin has known string, in one of the sonnets:
“Severe Dante did not despise the sonnet;
In it, the heat of Petrarch's love poured out;
The creator of Macbeth loved his game;
Camoens clothed the mournful thought with them.
José Saramago - writer, playwright, poet, laureate Nobel Prize on literature.
Jose Manuel Barroso- public and political figure. He was the Prime Minister of Portugal, the 12th President of the European Commission,
Cristiano Ronaldo- the greatest Portuguese footballer. Twice he was the owner of the Golden Boot and the Golden Ball. In 2013 he was recognized as the best football player in the world.

Luis Figo is another famous Portuguese football player. He was the captain of the football club - "Barcelona". For six years in a row, from 1995 to 2000, he was recognized as the best football player in Portugal. In 2001, he was recognized, according to UEFA, as the best player in the world. 4-time Italian champion and 4-time Spanish champion.
José Mourinho is one of the greatest football coaches. Today he is the coach of the London Chelsea.

Geographical position

A state in southwestern Europe, located in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. In the north and east it borders with Spain. In the west and south it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Madeira and the Azores are autonomous regions Portugal. The total area of ​​Portugal, including the Azores (2335 sq. km) and Madeira Islands (794 sq. km) is 92082 sq. km. km Portugal also owns an overseas territory - Macau in East Asia located near Hong Kong. Most of The territory of the country is mountainous, in the west and south the mountains pass into a vast coastal plain.

The highest mountain range in Portugal, Serra da Estrela, reaches a height of up to 2000 m. The country is crossed by three large rivers that originate in Spain and flow into the Atlantic Ocean: Tagus (Tajo) 1038 km, at the mouth of which Lisbon is located; Douro (Duro) 897 km. in the north of the country, and the Guadiana River is 778 km long, which forms part of eastern border countries.

Capital— Lisbon.

Official language - Portuguese, Spanish and English are also used.

Currency: From 07/01/2002 - Euro

Population of about 10 million people, including the Azores and Madeira

Religion- Catholics - 94%, Protestants of various directions

Entry rules– Portugal is one of the countries participating in the Schengen Agreement

Political system- a parliamentary republic, proclaimed October 5, 1910 after the overthrow of the monarchy. The mainland is divided into 5 administrative regions, the Azores and the island of Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean are autonomous regions.

head of state- the president.

Time- 3 hours behind Moscow.

Hospitality- one of the traits national character the Portuguese. Arriving here, you immediately feel that you are really welcome here. In addition, guests will be pleasantly surprised by the readiness local residents to help in any situation, combined with the calm dignity, politeness and restraint inherent in the style of communication of the Portuguese.

Vast sandy beaches and harsh coastal cliffs against which the waves of the Atlantic Ocean break, gently sloping hills covered with greenery, and Mountain peaks, an abundance of flowers and red earth ... Portugal is that rare land where everyone can find something for themselves: untouched landscapes, striking with amazing diversity, so atypical for a state with a small territory, and majestic monuments of the past - witnesses of eight centuries of history countries.


Portugal has a mild climate warm winters and moderately hot summers, mainly due to the proximity of the Gulf Stream. Thanks to the winds from the Atlantic, the climate in the Azores is also mild and temperate. Especially favorable conditions- in Madeira with its consistently mild climate throughout the year.

Traditional portuguese souvenir- tiles decorating the walls, leading their history from the time of Arab rule. Also interested in embroidery and lace self made, leather and wickerwork, and, of course, the most diverse ceramics (characteristic of Portugal " cabbage leaf”), and the pride of Portugal - famous wines port and Madeira.

Cuisine of Portugal

fish cooking- the main direction of Portuguese cuisine. Favorite dishes of the Portuguese are sardines, tuna (although it is too expensive for the layman), salted cod, crab croquettes and other seafood. Portuguese cuisine is rich in sauces.

In Portugal, fish dishes are more loved than meat dishes, the latter being rarely used here. But if the Portuguese hostess takes up the preparation of meat, then it turns out to be unusually tasty. This is mainly due to the use a large number herbs, garlic, onions and other spices. Of the meat dishes, beef dishes are the most common, roast lamb (borrego), or goat (cabrito), as well as an excellent dish of suckling pig prove how tasty and fragrant meat can be. The national dish is salted cod, there are more than 300 ways to cook cod in Portuguese it sounds “bacalhau”. From vegetables in Portugal, carrots, cauliflower and a little green beans, boiled and poured with oil, can be served on the table. Traditionally, inexpensive wines are served for dinner. It is especially worth trying the famous Portuguese port wine. Portugal is the birthplace of port wine, "Vinho do Porto", which brought the country worldwide fame. All wines are certified and produced only in the areas specified by law. Reds, whites, simple house wines, strong ports - they all taste very good and are not too expensive.

The Portuguese also love sweets. Thousands of products with fantastic names come out of the monastery bakeries. All these products have one thing in common: they are made from a lot of sugar and egg yolk with coconut, marzipan and cinnamon. Rice is widely used, not only as a side dish for second courses, but also as a dessert - with milk and eggs, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon or lemon peel. And the average cost of a meal in a restaurant upper class is 30 euros, you can dine in a regular restaurant for 15-20 euros, and in a self-service cafe for 8 euros.



There are international airports in Lisbon, Porto, Faro, Funchal (Madeira) and the cities of the Azores archipelago Ponta Delgada (Sao Miguel Island) and Lajes (Terceira Island). Portugalia is a private airline operating both domestic and international routes. TAP Air Portugal is the state-owned airline.

Public modes of transport

There is a wide network in the largest cities public views transport. In Lisbon, these are buses, metro, trams and several lifts. Tourist passes can be purchased at the information kiosks Carris in Lisbon and STCP in Porto, open weekdays from 8.00 to 20.00.

Taxi in Portugal

Easily recognizable by their black and green coloration and light signal. However, this color combination is already changing to beige color. In the city, the fee is charged by the meter, and outside it - by mileage, including Return trip to the point of departure. At night, from 22.00 to 6.00, the tariff increases by 20%. In addition, it is customary to tip the driver in the amount of 10% of the fare. Luggage weighing more than 30 kg is subject to a flat fee. All taxis in Portugal have a price list in two languages.


In addition to the Alfa express, linking Lisbon and Porto with a stop in Coimbra, there is an extensive network railways between different cities and regions of the country. Long-distance trains consist of cars of the 1st and 2nd classes, and in commuter and local trains all cars are of the same class. "Tourist tickets" are valid for 7, 14 and 21 days, and on the so-called "blue days" there is a discount for trips over 100 km and for those who buy a round trip ticket.

There are daily trains from Lisbon to Paris (Sud Express) (crossing the border at Vilar Formosa) and Madrid (to Marvao), as well as from Porto to Vigo, crossing the border at Valence.

Car rental in Portugal

At international airports and all major cities Portugal has car rental points without a driver. You must present an identity document (for citizens European Union- an identity card, for everyone else - a passport), and a driver's license. Mandatory European insurance on the "green card". It is advisable to insure. Persons under the age of 22 can use the rental.


It is accepted in Portugal right-hand traffic. Usually, vehicles on the right take advantage at intersections. The use of a seat belt is mandatory. Driving is prohibited for persons with a blood alcohol content of more than 0.5 g / l. Max speed in cities and other settlements Portugal usually - 50 km / h, and on main roads and motorways - 90 and 120 km / h.


Connoisseurs say that Lisbon stores are among the best in Portugal.

Kind business card Lisbon is about leather goods, namely shoes, gloves, bags, etc. If you come to Lisbon, then it’s simply a sin not to treat yourself to buying a pair of handmade shoes or a bag that everyone will look back at with envy and admiration.. .

The thing bought here certainly will not have to be thrown away because it is out of order. You will use it until you get tired of it - although this is unlikely, because things High Quality usually become the most beloved and do not want to part with them for a long time.

Shoes made in Portugal can serve long years without fear of bad weather and continuous use.
Moreover, in addition to models made according to latest fashion, in Lisbon stores you can always find classic ones that you can really wear as much as you like without fear that they have already gone out of fashion.
Therefore, those who prefer the classic style in clothes and shoes should first of all visit Lisbon shoe stores.

As for clothes, shopping in Lisbon will give you a lot of opportunities to buy something new and unusual - or, on the contrary, classic, but in both the first and second cases, good quality. In the local shops there are many things made in Portugal and models of the most famous European brands.
If you prefer to shop in large shopping centers, then in Lisbon you will certainly be impressed by Vasco da Gama and Colombo. Expensive boutiques await their customers at Bairro Alto, Avenida da Liberdade.

Jewelry in Lisbon can often be bought cheaper than anywhere else. It is best to choose in stores on Rua de Ouro - the desired combination of prices, quality and assortment can be found here.
It is useful for every tourist to know that Portugal is also famous for its ceramics. Lovers can find a charming vase for themselves or choose a wonderful souvenir as a gift to friends. Items made of linen and cotton deserve attention: tablecloths, napkins, towels. Shopping in Lisbon should by no means end before you have bought a bottle of the legendary port. There are delicacies and drinks that you must try at least once in your life - Viennese pastries, French wine, Hamburg sausages ...


Portugal is almost 1,800 kilometers of unique ocean coastline, consisting of huge amount beaches that can satisfy the most demanding clients. bathing season on the west coast lasts only three months, but even during this period, swimming is an amateur - the water temperature is about +18. Water warms up more south coast(up to +21), where the bulk of the resort towns are concentrated.

The best time for a beach holiday on the mainland of Portugal is from July to September, when the water temperature reaches +19...21

In general, the climate of Portugal is very favorable, and it can be visited at any time.

Holidays in Portugal

This people knows how and loves to celebrate and rejoice. Not to list all the good reasons for celebrations, processions and festivities, as well as newly introduced traditions, that the Portuguese saw in the ecclesiastical and secular calendar. And especially the Portuguese love family holidays and communication in the company of relatives and friends, this is how they prefer to spend free time. Any occasion to get together with family or friends, go to a club or gym, is readily used by the Portuguese. Meals are taken very seriously, it is not only eating, but also an important social event. Many, going on a weekend trip to another province or city. A joint meal involves conversation, exchange of news and enjoyment of communication no less than delicious food.


  • 1st of January New Year
  • movable date in february carnival
  • March 2 Feast of the Autonomous Region of the Azores
  • movable date in March-April Good Friday
  • April 25 Freedom Day
  • May 1 Labor Day
  • movable date in June - Spirits Day (only in the Azores)
  • June 10 National Day of Portugal: Day of Camões, Portugal and Portuguese Communities
  • movable date in June - the feast of Corpus Christi (Corpus Christi)
  • June 13 Saint Anthony's Day (Lisbon only)
  • August 15 Ascension of Our Lady
  • August 21st Funchal Day (only in Funchal on the island of Madeira)
  • October 5 Republic Day, 1910
  • November 1 All Saints Day
  • December 1 Restoration of Independence Day
  • December 8 Immaculate Conception
  • December 25 Christmas


Without a doubt, the most popular sport in Portugal is football. Every city has its own football team and stadiums where professionals and amateurs can train. The main football clubs are Benifica (Lisbon), Sporting (Lisbon) and FC (Porto). When the commands of these football clubs play with each other, the whole country freezes in front of televisions and radios. At the end of the match, the fans of the winning team take to the streets to celebrate the victory.

In 2004 Portugal hosted the European Football Championship. This raised the country's status on the world stage, several large stadiums were built, and the city's infrastructure was improved.

As for surfing, near the Guincho beach (near Estoril) and on the beach of the village of Ericeira (near Mafra), professional and amateur surfing competitions are held, as well as world and European championships in these sports. Sailing is also very popular in Portugal, yacht clubs regularly hold regattas and participate in the Olympic Games.

Most Portuguese cities have tennis courts. The resorts of the Algarve, Madeira and Estoril offer the opportunity to practice tennis while on holiday, and the annual Estoril Open Tennis Tournament attracts players and fans from all over the world.

Portuguese golf courses are considered the best in Europe. Famous golf clubs are located in the Algarve and Estoril.


Embassy of Portugal in Moscow
129010, Moscow, Botanichesky lane, 1
tel. 981-34-16
fax 981-94-16
http://www. secomunidades. pt/web/moscovo

The Consular Section:
tel. 981-34-14 from 15 to 17
fax 981-34-15
Reception days: Mon-Fri 10:15-13:00.

Embassy Russia in Lisbon
Address: Rua Visconde de Santarem, 59, 1000 Lisboa
Tel: (+351-21)846-2424, 846-2423, 846-2524
Fax: (+351-21)846-3008
http://www. embrussia. ru/ru
Email: [email protected] en
(351 is the code of Portugal, 21 is the code of Lisbon)

· Official name: Portuguese Republic

Area of ​​the country: 92,117.5 sq. km.

Climate: Subtropical, Mediterranean

Population: 10 million people

Religion: Christianity (Catholicism)

State language: Portuguese

· Political system: Presidential republic

Capital: Lisbon

Currency: Euro

In 1911, after the Portuguese Revolution, the modern Portugal flag: green color- a symbol of travel and the discovery of new lands, red - a symbol of revolution. Coat of arms of Portugal is a red and white shield in the center of which are four small shields crosswise of blue color. Along the edges of the shield are seven yellow images of the castle. The shield is depicted against the background of an armillary sphere - a symbol sea ​​voyages and emblems of Henry the Navigator.

The national anthem is "A Portuguesa".

Geographical position
A state in southwestern Europe, located in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. In the north and east it borders with Spain. In the west and south it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Madeira and the Azores are autonomous regions of Portugal. The total area of ​​Portugal, including the Azores (2335 sq. km) and Madeira Islands (794 sq. km) is 92082 sq. km Portugal also owns an overseas territory - Macau in East Asia, located near Hong Kong. Most of the country's territory is mountainous, in the west and south the mountains turn into a vast coastal plain. The highest mountain range in Portugal, Serra da Estrela, reaches a height of up to 2000 m. The country is crossed by three large rivers that originate in Spain and flow into the Atlantic Ocean: Tagus (Tajo), at the mouth of which Lisbon is located; Douro (Duero) and Guardiana, which forms part of the country's eastern border.

The Atlantic determines the climate throughout Portugal. Thanks to the cold Canary Current, the temperature here is lower than in the same latitudes of the Mediterranean, the weather here is more capricious, more precipitation falls. Almost on the entire coast of Portugal, the water temperature throughout the year is kept at 18 degrees. The exception is the southern coast - the province of Algarve, where the water temperature in summer is five degrees higher on average.

Indigenous - the Portuguese, there are emigrants from North Africa, Of Eastern Europe

Official language
Portugal is a monolingual country. The official language is Portuguese. Portuguese is spoken by about 232 million people on three continents.

History of Portugal
Throughout the history of Portugal, its territory has been conquered by both individual tribes and the armies of entire states. Initially, the lands of present-day Portugal were subject to Carthage, ancient state in northern Africa. In 15 B.C. historical area Lusitania, located in the southwest of modern Portugal, became part of the Roman Empire. The name of the country goes back to Portus Cale - this is how the Romans called the city of Porto in the north.
The Lusitanian War of 159-135 BC, which began with the uprising of local residents against the Romans, led to the liberation of the region from Roman rule. However, in the following centuries, the lands were subjected to raids by the tribes of the Vandals, Alans, Suebi and Visigoths. By 716, the territory of almost the entire Iberian Peninsula, with the exception of a small northern region, occupied by the Arabs and Berbers. The year 722 was the time of the beginning of the Reconquista - the process of reconquering the territory by the Christian population. The Reconquista ended only in 1492.
The basis of modern Portugal is the county of the same name, the first mention of which as feudal state refers to the year 868. The Kingdom of Portugal was created in 1095 and lasted until 1910. Afonso I the Great (Alfonso I) became the first king of Portugal in 1139, initiating the rule of the Burgundian dynasty, which lasted until 1383.
The period from 1279 to 1415 is called by historians the time of the strengthening of the monarchy, when not military issues, but domestic ones - social, economic and institutional ones - were at the forefront. The strengthening of the monarchy took place in spite of the resistance of the Church and the nobility. Since 1385, the Avis dynasty has been on the throne.
For almost a century, from 1415 to 1499, Portugal was gripped by a fever crusades and geographical discoveries. Brazil was discovered, a number of small states in East Africa, Madagascar, Ceylon, etc. In 1497–1498, the Portuguese Vasco da Gama was the first European to make cruise from Europe to India. In 1522, another native of Portugal, Ferdinand Magellan, made the first ever trip around the world. By 1580, Portugal becomes an empire with huge dependent territories and reaches the peak of its power.
After the death of King Sebastian of Portugal in 1578, the Spanish ruler Philip II decides to seize the Portuguese throne. Spanish army invaded Portugal, almost without resistance. For 60 years, the country became a province of Spain.
With the accession to the throne of the Bragan dynasty in 1640, the liberation of Portugal from the rule of Spain and the revival of the monarchy began. The country's transition from absolutism to constitutional monarchy preceded the Pombal reforms mid-eighteenth century. The then ruler of the country, Prime Minister Marquis de Pombal, set equal civil rights for the inhabitants of Portugal and its colonies.
In 1808, the Peninsular War begins, when the French, led by Napoleon, occupy Spain. in opposition French Empire in alliance with Spain and England, Portugal also took part.
In 1820, an explosion breaks out in Portugal. bourgeois revolution aimed at strengthening constitutional reforms. The revolution was the forerunner of the Miguelist Wars of 1823–1834 by the supporters of absolutism and constitutional monarchy. The revolution of 1910 led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the transition to republican form board.
The nationalist coup of 1926 led to the establishment of a fascist regime - the "New State" led by Oliveira Salazar, former professor political economy, and then prime minister. The regime was overthrown only in 1974 during the Red Carnation Revolution - a bloodless military coup.
Portugal joined the European Union on January 1, 1986 and adopted the euro in 2002.

Holidays and non-working days: January 1 (Feast of the Virgin Mary), Good Friday, April 25 (Liberty Day), May 1 (Labour Day), June 10 (Portugal Day), August 15 (Assumption of the Virgin), October 5 (Proclamation of the Republic), November 1 (Day of All Saints), December 1 (Restoration of Independence Day), December 8 (Immaculate Conception Day), December 25 (Christmas Day).

National features: In Portugal, it is not customary to yawn and stretch in in public places, in a conversation you should not discuss problems related to the family and especially children. And please don't question the country's historical greatness - the Portuguese are justifiably proud of their past, especially against the background of the modest place that the country occupies today. In addition, never compare the Portuguese with the Spaniards - despite the undeniable similarity of languages, customs, national cultures and characters, the Portuguese perceive this kind of comparison very painfully.

    Portugal is the westernmost country in Europe.

    Almost half of the population of Portugal lives in two cities: Lisbon and Porto - an interesting fact.

    Portuguese is spoken by about 232 million people worldwide. Portuguese is the official language in 9 countries.

    The capital of Portugal is on the 25th line of the ranking of the most livable cities in the world.

    Lisbon is one of oldest cities peace. The city is hundreds of years older than London, Paris and even Rome.

    The capital region is in the TOP-10 richest on the continent!

    Portugal is the birthplace of the world famous Port wine.

    Almost 12% of Luxembourgers and 3% of French people are of Portuguese descent.

    The word "Portugal" was first mentioned in 868. In those days, there were just wars for the liberation of lands on the Iberian Peninsula from the Moors. The country was formed around the city of Porto, which gave the name to Portugal.

Most western state Old World, Portugal is loved by tourists for a certain special charm, excellent wines, amazing features for quality surfing and varied beach holiday both on the mainland and on the islands. Portuguese has been officially adopted as the official language in Portugal. Country is a member international organization- Commonwealth of Portuguese-speaking countries. It also includes the former colonies of Portugal - Brazil, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe.
Since 1999, the Mirandese language has also been official in the country, and Galician is very widespread in the north.

Some statistics and facts

  • Portuguese speakers are called Lusophones, after the Roman province of Lusitania. It corresponded to the territory of modern Portugal and, by analogy with this, the totality of the Portuguese-speaking territories on the planet is called lusophonia.
  • The official language of Portugal is one of the most widely spoken in the world and the second largest number of speakers from the Romance group after Spanish. In total, it is spoken by about 200 million people.
  • About 80% of all speakers live in Brazil, former colony Portugal in South America.
  • European Portuguese differs from Brazilian Portuguese in terms of phonetics and vocabulary. Their grammar is almost identical.

History and modernity

In ancient times The Iberian Peninsula inhabited by Iberians, Lusitanians and Ligurians, and their languages ​​have left a mark on the modern place names of Portuguese. The Romans brought with them Latin, from which everything originated Romance languages, and the Visigoths and Moors who came to replace them brought their influence to the formation vocabulary.
The first dated document in Portuguese was the will of King Afonso II, and the heyday of Portuguese literature came at the end of the 12th century, when Provencal troubodours appeared, composing lyric songs and poems.
AT fiction The national language of Portugal is often described as "sweet, wild and beautiful".

Note to the tourist

Despite the fact that Portugal is located in the "backyards of Europe", English, French and other foreign languages its population owns quite widely. AT tourist places, in hotels and restaurants of the capital and other major cities English-speaking and Spanish-speaking staff work, and menus, maps, work schemes public transport translated into English.
In travel companies in the cities of Portugal, you can always book excursions with an English-speaking guide.