How to develop self-confidence. Training from Donald Trump: "How to develop self-confidence

There is an opinion that self-confidence is something more than just knowledge and skills. Of course, this is not entirely true, but there is a grain of truth in this thought. A self-confident person finds it easier to get what he wants, while an insecure person is characterized by doubts and procrastination.

Every day, every hour and every minute we decide how we will behave. And if we do not do it consciously, then we will only react to the circumstances and requirements of other people. Confidence is necessary in order to know what you want and do everything. possible actions in order to get what you want.

If you don't feel confident, you automatically become insecure. It may seem that calmness and measuredness are what lies between confidence and uncertainty, but in fact they are just part of confidence.

Think of confidence as a kind of desire, on the way to which there is an obstacle - external or internal. Internal may be fear or doubt. External - lack of money or experience. But even in this case, we are still talking, rather, about internal obstacles. You see a goal, but are afraid of the imaginary pain that you imagine, and come up with dozens of reasons why you can’t achieve it.

This article is a guide to confidence for anyone who wants to believe in themselves and get rid of their fears. Or at least start acting without looking back at them.

Self-esteem and self-confidence

Self-esteem is a person's idea of ​​the importance of his personality, self-assessment and own feelings and qualities, advantages and disadvantages. There are three levels of self-esteem: low, adequate and high.

With low self-esteem, a person tends to often criticize himself (and even when it is inappropriate), to perceive criticism in his address painfully, to please others in order to increase his self-esteem.

High self-esteem is the opposite of low self-esteem. Often associated with the exaltation of oneself and one's merits, inadequate assessment self-importance etc. Inflated self-esteem, if it is fueled not only by imagination, but also by real qualities and successes, is not always a negative phenomenon. A person with high self-esteem can be both self-confident (which is bad) and driving (which is good). In the latter state, he believes in his own strength so much that he receives a fair amount of motivation and even good luck, due to which he succeeds in everything, no matter what he undertakes.

Adequate self-esteem is an ideal state for professionals in their field, people who are not outrageous and who know their own worth. With this level of self-esteem, a person can learn from their mistakes, take criticism normally, and gradually move towards success.

Considering the above, it should be understood that adequate self-esteem- this is good, but the appropriate inflated self-esteem is also very helpful. Miracles happen when there is a balance between the two.

Factors that affect self-confidence

Factors that affect our self-esteem and self-confidence are also internal and external. But since they often intersect and form each other, we will consider them together.

People around

Successful, self-confident people avoid pessimists or those who constantly doubt. They, like no one else, understand that the environment affects how a person thinks. So rule number one: Surround yourself with confident people.

Lack of sleep and malnutrition

It is hard to imagine a self-confident rock man who eats poorly and does not pay attention to his health. You can do self-hypnosis as much as you like, but if the body fails you, then this will also affect.

A person who has not slept well cannot be self-confident for the reason that this requires great strength will. Willpower is an energy that must be replenished through sleep and rest.

Willpower Level

If you've ever struggled with yourself getting rid of bad habit or instilling a good one, and losing, then know that in 50% of cases this was due to a lack of willpower. It is needed in order to wake up in the morning, asking yourself the question “How confident am I in myself?” and having received the answer “Not at all sure”, you could immediately pull yourself together and start implementing the recommendations (which will be discussed later).

It turns out a vicious circle. You cannot become confident because you are not sure of yourself. Willpower training will help you get out of the vicious circle. You can instantly cheer up, feel faith in your strength, if you really want it. It's like when you lie exhausted on the bed after work, and then you get an invitation to a cool party and the forces instantly appear. The thing is, they never disappeared.

Willpower allows access to inner strength. You just have to want.

Competence/confidence loop

Psychologists have long noticed one interesting pattern. How more people engaged in any activity, the more confident it becomes. Two conclusions follow from this: good and not very good. The good thing is that confidence will come if you start gaining experience and leveling up. professional level. Not very good in that it will take time.

But in this case we are talking about the purest self-confidence. The one that becomes second nature to you.

Level of fear and doubt

Take good care of yourself. The next time you feel insecure, listen to exactly how you feel. Most likely, it will be fear or doubt. Therefore, the first step is the ability to recognize them and honestly admit to yourself that you are afraid or doubtful.

Fear and doubt are accompanied by the same thoughts or questions. For example:

  • What if they refuse me?
  • What if I don't succeed?
  • I can not.
  • Anything but this.

We are afraid of pain, often far-fetched. Ask yourself other questions, preferably in writing. Analyze why you think the way you do. Is everything really that bad?

Inner voice

What words do you say to yourself immediately after waking up? What words do you say to yourself when you go to bed? What words do you say to yourself when faced with difficulties?

stress and pressure

Failing to deal with stress and pressure can kill confidence. It is important not only to deal with them, but also to notice them in time. If it's hard to notice, then plan ahead for a mini-vacation. You can't go wrong with such things - tension will still arise.

How to increase self-confidence

With all of the above in mind, let's get down to the ways in which it will be possible to develop self-confidence.

get ready. You can rely on impromptu only in unforeseen situations, in everything else you must carefully prepare. The speaker must study his speech and work out gestures, but at the same time he must learn the mass additional information- just to increase the level of competence. A businessman must not only know how to create a company, but also understand the characteristics of the product, marketing, and sales. Confidence comes from preparation and knowing that you know enough.

Use correct language body. Google "Power Pose", go to the pictures section and practice some power poses. If some of them seem too pretentious to you, do the minimum - do not stoop, look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor, relax your body.

Pay attention to the voice. When you mumble or speak insecurely, then between you and the interlocutor there is a conversation on an intuitive level: you know that he knows that you are not confident in yourself. Which makes you even more uncomfortable. Don't be loud or quiet, don't chatter, control your voice.

develop optimism and positive thinking . This means that you must develop a certain attitude towards your failures and mistakes. Once failure stops worrying you, half the job is done. Be persistent.

Vicarial teaching. It is observing the achievements of others. This includes both working with successful people, masters of their craft, and reading biographies. Don't skimp on any of these methods. This way you can see how people cope with the difficulties that you also face.

verbal persuasion. Oddly enough, even the banal thought “Come on, you can do it” is much more effective than a train of thought that inspires fear. If you take the time to talk to yourself for at least a few minutes, the effect will be even stronger. At the same time, it is important to understand that such phrases should become a habit, and not be used occasionally.

Raise emotional intellect . A confident person will never experience inappropriate situations. He is in complete control of what he feels and does not allow negative and destructive emotions to take him by surprise.

Action, action, action. Pull yourself together and start doing something. It doesn't really matter how valuable these actions are. You can water the plants in the house and feel a huge surge of strength and energy. Have you noticed that when you do nothing, you get even more tired? When we are not confident in ourselves, we cannot get down to business and bring at least something to the end. You need things done, you need to show yourself that you can do it.

Know yourself. Before going into battle, a wise general carefully examines his enemy. You cannot defeat the enemy without knowing him. In developing your self-confidence main enemy- it's you yourself. Start listening to your thoughts. Start writing a journal about what you think, analyze the causes of negative thoughts. And then think about the good things about yourself, about what you can do better than many people, about what you like. Start reflecting on your limitations and whether they are real. .

Focus on problem solving. If you are a complainer or problem-focused, change your focus. Focusing on solutions instead of problems is one of the best things you can do for confidence.

clear away workplace . It may seem insignificant, but just do it. Uncertainty comes from confusion, don't add it to your life even on a physical level.

Features of the confidence of men and women

For men, self-confidence is the ability to act, to perform confident and measured actions, to achieve mastery in something. Men are motivated by the achievement of goals, success, it is important for them to measure it concretely.

Women increase self-confidence with the help of self-esteem, as well as an inner worldview. If it is sometimes enough for men to behave confidently and receive a surge of strength through actions and deeds, then for women it all starts from the inside.

A woman will not be able to feel confident in herself if she does not feel comfortable in the situation. Having found peace inside, she is able to believe in herself. At the same time, it is of great importance for women external factors, which are then comprehended internally: her appearance, gait, compliments received.

Talking about self-esteem as the main thing acting person female confidence in itself, it is worth saying that it is formed from many factors: addiction, social anxiety, general anxiety, shame, depression, inferiority, helplessness, perfectionism (and its consequences - procrastination).

There are several ways you can improve your self-esteem:

  • Change history. We all have a self-image that shapes our self-perception and on which our core image is based. If we want to change it, we must understand where it comes from. This is ours personal opinion? Sometimes automatic negative thoughts, such as "you're fat" or "you're lazy" can be repeated in the mind so often that a person begins to believe that they are true, even if they are not. But what do you really want to believe? Repeat this to yourself every day.
  • Be aware. We cannot change something until we admit that it needs to be changed. Simply by becoming aware of our negative self-regulation, we begin to distance ourselves from the feelings it evokes. This allows you to identify with them in lesser degree. But without this awareness, we can easily fall into the trap of believing in our limited potential, and as meditation teacher Allan Lokos burns: “Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are just thoughts."
  • Set up a new channel. Albert Einstein once said: “We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, then it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” We all have strengths and weak sides. Someone can be a brilliant musician but a terrible cook. No single quality defines your core value. Recognize what your strengths are. Ask yourself: “Have you ever been in a situation in your life where my self-esteem went up? What was/was I doing at that moment?
  • Remember that you are not a product of circumstances.. By accepting your imperfection, you create the potential for growth. With this knowledge, one can grow freely and not be afraid of failures that do not change the core value.

What books can you read

To develop self-confidence and make it a personality trait, you need to work hard on yourself. To do this, you need to not only follow these tips every day, but also analyze yourself, do not stop improving, read books on this topic. Here is some of them:

  • Dale Carnegie How to Build Self-Confidence and Influence People by Speaking in Public.
  • Robert Anthony "Secrets of Self-Confidence".
  • Alice Muir self-confidence. A book to work on yourself.
  • Amy Cuddy Presence of Spirit.
  • Malcolm Gladwell "David and Goliath"

We can also recommend you videos with Tony Robbins, which you can find on YouTube: pay attention to what he says, how he speaks and how he behaves. Robbins can be a great role model for many who want to be confident.

We wish you good luck!

The basis of a person's self-image is confidence, self-respect. It is a kind of foundation on which everything else rests. If the foundation is fragile, the personality is subject to self-destruction, its full development suffers. That is why self-development should begin with a firm belief in own forces and abilities.

Doubts appear as you grow up. little man. Constantly faced with new tasks, he just needs to fulfill them. If he doesn't do well enough, he can accumulate negative experience, reinforcing faith in their insolvency.

Defeat such misconceptions possible with some effort. This requires introspection and practical exercises.

How to develop self-confidence through introspection

Sometimes your own ideas about yourself are like false mirror. Increased demands, the habit of comparing one's own achievements with those of others lead to low self-esteem. Paradox, but true. Figure out why you are unhappy with yourself. Write down each complaint in a separate paragraph. Try to make the list as complete as possible.

When the work is completed, you will receive a list own complexes. To cope with them, imagine how you would treat a person you respect, if he had such qualities. You will be surprised to find out: most of the "terrible shortcomings" will turn out to be simple nit-picking. Now let's work on each point to fully establish the thought: " I am a strong, self-confident, strong-willed person".

To do this, learn to form thoughts correctly, avoiding accusatory forms:

  • Instead of "I didn't succeed" say: I'm still working on it. The trick is that you won't lose as long as you keep getting results. Thinking how to overcome the difficulties, the obstacles that have arisen, everyone finds ways to achieve the chosen goal.
  • "I'm doing poorly, worse than others" replace with "today turned out much better than yesterday", I'm done!

Now back to our list. Every flaw can be turned into a virtue. Important . Example:

  • Appearance flaws can be made your highlight, if they are flaws at all. This complex is easily eliminated by working on own body at the gym or even at home. A beautiful posture, which speaks of the dignity of its owner, a pure sincere smile, a harmoniously matched outfit will make anyone attractive.
  • Fears that someone will consider you unworthy of something are easily eliminated active communication. Acquire new acquaintances, communicate on an equal footing, learn from others what attracts you. Try yourself in new directions, explore your own abilities. Be sure to discover a huge rich world for yourself.
  • The habit of acting helps to establish the idea that everything is within your reach. Action aimed at obtaining a result invariably leads to it. Only a stubborn striving forward in spite of doubts and fears helps to defeat them forever.

Of course, it will be very difficult at first. Thoughts are accustomed to run along a familiar channel. Learn to block negativity. Throw away all doubtful thoughts. Control the thought flow. We are what we think we are. Think only in a good way! Focus on your strengths, hone your skills, praise yourself for every achievement.

Steps to self-confidence

Now let's look at what practical steps help develop self-confidence

  1. Get rid of dependence on third-party opinion. Stop asking what others think of your decisions. Stop worrying about this. Learn to self-assess yourself impartially. Consider the circumstances, the resource of time, the degree of preparation. Can someone else replicate my result with the same conditions?
  2. Set reasonable goals. Setting the bar too high is often the cause of self-disappointment. The gradual development of abilities, improvement of performance is the best way to develop self-confidence.
  3. Sweep away doubts. bad decision better than good inaction. Learn.
  4. Right Attitude to mistakes. Mistake is just experience to help find necessary solution. Throw away regrets, worries, self-flagellation about this. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. Extract maximum benefit: Determine what caused the failure, correct the situation and continue to act.
  5. Be more often in society. big companies, social events, daily communication With large quantity people will help get rid of the fear of finding contacts.
  6. Learn new things. Gaining additional baggage of knowledge, improving qualifications, life experience, a person becomes wiser, more successful.
  7. Get rid of unnecessary worries in stressful situation will help interesting method. Make what causes stress a normal situation. If you are afraid of publicity - look for it, learn to cope with excitement. Be afraid of the opposite sex - strive to constantly communicate with its representatives. What causes the most fear, conquer with practice.
  8. Praise yourself. Rejoice in victories. Share them with your friends. Get positive charge energy whenever you have something to praise yourself for.

When all else fails, use the practice of meditation. Repeat: "I am strong! I can do anything!". in an amazing way our thinking is created: it becomes a projection of the future. Imagine yourself strong, able to do everything.

Know how to show confidence

Not confident people often give themselves away with a quiet trembling voice, lowered eyes, nervous gestures. Take control of your body:

  • The look should be soft, calm, direct. Look into the interlocutor's eyes, do not take them away, do not hide them bashfully. But don't drill through.
  • A straight posture will tell others that its owner is confident in himself.
  • Stop fiddling with the corners of your clothes, chewing on pencils, nervously hiding your hands behind your back, hiding your smile with your hands, and dangling with your leg thrown over the other.
  • All movements should be measured, calm.
  • Speak loudly, clearly, intelligibly.

Body language can tell a lot to others. Seeing external signs confidence, people will treat you.

Act like

If you want to be happy, live as if you are already happy. If you want to become balanced, act as if you already have this quality. Maintain an image of yourself that you are happy with. Make yourself the way you want to be. Persistently, step by step, day by day, changing myself and my self-image.

Be ready to hear the praise of others who will notice positive changes. Because they deserve it!

Daily small achievements will become bricks that will build a bridge on the way to unshakable confidence: I can do everything, I am worthy of respect, attention, love.

Confidence is one of the most important factors, on which almost everything depends - what is, was and will be in your life. I'll say it again: a lot depends on confidence. After all, if you observe carefully, you will notice that self-confident individuals live much better and richer than other insecure individuals. Why this happens, I will talk about this below, and also answer the question - How to develop self-confidence?

Of course, all successful people are very self-confident people, and all - insecure people. And if you want to belong to the first group - you need to start developing self-confidence. Luckily prepared for you. Plus, you can listen. All this will be very useful for those who strongly want to develop self-confidence.

Now let's look at the characteristics of a confident person and an insecure person.

A confident person has:

An insecure person has:

I can write for a long time, but you yourself know everything. There are people who have both the traits of an insecure and confident person at the same time. For example, the ability to self and the tendency to blame others for their failures. I think you understand who owns the world.

The worst thing is that insecure people don't act. They always doubt, set themselves up for defeat, are constantly afraid of something (for example, to approach and get acquainted), they do not know how to do things. Insecure people do not show themselves, which is why they become invisible to others and the whole world. Therefore, their life becomes monotonous and not interesting. You yourself can notice this. For example, in some team there is always a person who seems to be there, and at the same time he is not. He sits somewhere on the sidelines and is silent. He is like a shadow - visible and invisible.

Self-confident people because of their activity, sociability are always in full view. They always pay attention, because it is simply impossible not to notice them. Therefore, new opportunities open up for them. They can offer something, or invite them somewhere. They live . And all because they know how to take the first steps, and in return, people and herself Life is going towards them. That's why developing self-confidence is a must.

How to develop self-confidence?

So, down with the water, it's time to learn how to develop self-confidence. Just don't think it will be very easy. After all, in order to develop self-confidence, you will constantly have to overcome your fears. This is how confidence is built. The main thing is to act gradually. Like kittens. When they are born, they cannot do anything. Later, they begin to walk around the place where they were born (for example, under the bed). Then they crawl out of this place and walk, say, all over the room, then all over the apartment, then all over the garden, then all over the city, and then all over Russia (exaggerated). In short, start small.

The first thing you can do is . As I said, insecure people do not communicate much, because they are afraid of what they themselves have invented. You also need to start slowly communicating with your surroundings. I understand that it is scary to take such a step, but then you will be very pleased after communication. Firstly, you overcame fear, and secondly, you spoke to interesting person and enjoy the conversation. By taking these steps, you will begin to develop self-confidence over and over again. Over time, you will become comfortable approaching people and starting a conversation with them.

The second thing that helps develop self-confidence is doing something new. Anything new usually makes a person feel uncomfortable (insecure). Suppose a person decides to take up fencing. He'll have to face what he's never done, plus new team, new people, and you also need to fight with swords with them. All this . Another example of leaving the comfort zone is when a person moves to another city. He is very afraid, because he does not know anything about the new place of residence, and because of this, he simply becomes scared. However Stepping out of your comfort zone builds confidence. Yes, leaving the comfort zone is accompanied by fears and doubts that need to be overcome again. But, defeating your fears and doubts, yours, and with it your confidence. Start doing something out of the ordinary for you.

Third - finally become a determined person. This main feature successful and confident people. They even when they are told: don't do it, you won't succeed, it's a stupid idea. Start taking risks. Yes, you may fail, but it's better than doing nothing. Many say that they lower a person's self-esteem. In fact, it all depends on the attitude to failure. For some people, failures give strength and motivation to act even more. Hence the confidence. That's why do not be afraid to take risks, make decisions and act quickly. This pattern of behavior is guaranteed to build confidence.

The fourth way is a metaphysical exercise (). You need thirty minutes a day to introduce yourself confident person. Many will say that contemplation alone will not achieve anything, but they are far from being right. When you dive to the alpha level, by this very contemplation you can easily change the model of your behavior. Present yourself as a confident person as often as possible.

The second mega super reception is public performance . You can enroll in a school oratory, and there you will be given such an opportunity. Yes, it will be scary, but that's exactly what we need. After a dozen performances, you will feel your strength. But this is for those who really want to build their confidence on high level. Why do I say so? Because even confident people, not everyone will be able to complete these two mega ways (constant acquaintance with the opposite sex and public speaking).

Perhaps I answered the question how to develop self confidence. Start small - and communicate. After that, it will be easier for you to move on to more complex and scary methods. If you have something to add, write in the comments. Expressing your opinion also helps to become more confident.

How to develop self-confidence


Almost always, when psychologists are approached with questions related to self-improvement and self-actualization, the recommendation is to develop self-confidence. But how do you develop self-confidence?

Without self-confidence, it is difficult to develop any skill, habit, ability, develop positive qualities personality (assertiveness, purposefulness, independence, willpower, etc.) or improve mental process(memory, thinking, attention, and so on).

Self confidence is a property of personality and the basis of successful life activity. It is necessary in any kind of activity and in all spheres of life.

Self confidence is felt as a positive experience of the correspondence of one's capabilities to the tasks that stand in life and the goals that the individual determines for himself. A person is confident when his perception self and self-esteem adequate.

Self-confidence makes a person:

  • active
  • enterprising,
  • purposeful
  • optimistic,
  • brave
  • cheerful
  • friendly
  • sociable,
  • attractive,
  • successful.

Insecure people consider themselves unworthy and incapable, so they do not put lofty goals, do not accept important decisions, pay too much attention to the opinions of others (while not having their own), waste time and effort, engage in unloved thing do not develop.

By doing any difficult task in certain form activities, or solving difficult life task, a person may experience self-doubt (this is normal and natural!), along with doubts and fear, but at the same time, overall self-confidence is maintained at an adequate level.

If a challenging tasks there is too much in life, temporary and relative self-doubt can turn into a stable quality of personality. If in all types of activity a person is given very easy tasks for him, self-confidence will be formed.

Both self-doubt and self-confidence slow down and distort the normal course mental development person. Self-confidence promotes personal growth and development.

Self confidence – « golden mean»between self-confidence (derivative of high self-esteem) and self-doubt (derivative of low self-esteem). It can fluctuate in one direction or the other, but in general it should remain adequate.

Self-confidence, like other personality traits, is formed in childhood and adolescence. Well if adulthood a person begins, already being a self-confident person. But you can correct the situation and build self-confidence at any age.

The behavioral aspect of self-improvement

You can start building self-confidence even purely mechanically (even if just by force to straighten your back and smile at yourself in the mirror), the main thing is to start, to take the first step.

Main what you need to do to build healthy self-confidence - learn to set only those goals and objectives that seem a little more complex than you would like. They need to be formulated in such a way that extraneous phenomena or another person could not significantly affect their result.

For example, you need to learn how to play the guitar. Instead of the goal “Learn to play the guitar in a month”, it is better to set this one: “During the month, one hour a day, allocate to learning to play the guitar.”

High goals, the achievement of which depends only on the individual himself, are more likely to be achieved.

At the beginning of work on oneself, doubts will arise “it will work out - it will not work out”, but they need to be discarded and just start acting stubbornly and purposefully.

Upon completion of the first experiment to achieve the goal, there will be a feeling of satisfaction and delight: “I can do what seemed impossible!”. So gradually, fixing the feeling " I can!”, you can re-educate yourself, learn not to doubt, but to confidently take more and more new “heights”.

The formation of self-confidence is built not only on re-education. This is hard work on several fronts.

To become a self-confident person, you need:

  1. Look like a confident person:
  • take care of your appearance, be clean, tidy, observe the rules of hygiene,
  • dress in accordance with age, gender, position, ethical standards;
  • keep yourself in good physical shape,
  • lead healthy lifestyle life,
  • address health issues as they arise.
  1. Act like a confident person:
  1. Build the habits of confident people:
  • keep a diary of achievements, where every day you write down your own, albeit small, but victories;
  • say positive affirmations, for example: “I love myself”, “I can become whoever I want”;
  • insert early in the morning;
  • adhere to the schedule and daily routine;
  • keep a diary, writing down plans for the day and week;
  • set short-term and long-term goals and plan to achieve them.

Internal transformation of personality

Of course, great value It has inner work above oneself. To become a confident person, it is not enough to act confident, you need to feel confident.

Helps build self-confidence:

  1. self-knowledge. People are often unsure of themselves because "everything is not right." So how should it be? It is important to know and understand what has been achieved to date and what you want to achieve in the future.

Inadequate self-esteem is a derivative of ignorance of oneself, one's goals, needs, abilities, areas of interest, and so on. You need to know your strengths and weaknesses in order to understand what to work on and how to compensate for shortcomings that cannot be corrected.

It is from ignorance of themselves and self-doubt that some people work in jobs that are not suitable for them. They either do not know at all what kind of activity suits them, or they are afraid to take a risk and leave with unloved work. But only by doing what you like, you can increase self-esteem and self-confidence. The process and result of your favorite work bring a sense of satisfaction and joy.

  1. Faith. The word "confidence" is from the noun "faith". You need to believe in yourself, be firmly convinced and not look for evidence of your limitless potential! Believe in your strengths, opportunities, success, dreams, goals, and not adopt other people's opinions and ideals. To believe in yourself means to live your life, to be glad that there is an opportunity to make it better.
  2. Awareness of uniqueness. You need to stop comparing yourself to others. This occupation, as well as the need for evaluation from the outside, is meaningless and irrational. Each person has his own life, so you can only compare yourself with yourself in the past or in the desired future, but not with someone else.
  3. Self love. Insecure people like to blame and criticize themselves, and this is the way to low self-esteem and negative perception his "I". You need to learn to calmly accept mistakes, treat them as an experience from which you can draw conclusions. For successes and achievements, one should not forget to praise and reward oneself.
  4. Ability to dwell on the past. You should not think, think out, worry in vain, constantly remember, worry and suffer about what is left in the past. The past should be easier to deal with. Sometimes it’s really worth it to just wave your hand and say to yourself: “What was, is gone. It will only get better from here on out!”
  5. Connecting with confident people. Positive, cheerful, optimistic, successful people literally glow from the inside and charge with their energy. Looking at them, you can learn to be a self-confident person. And you should not surround yourself with evil, envious, greedy and pessimistic people.

Self confidence- this is the ability to rely on one's own "I", to be responsible, decisive, persistent in achieving the goal. Self-confidence, of course, needs to be developed. That's the way it's arranged modern world that intelligence, abilities, knowledge, education, experience and other virtues are not as important for success in life as self-confidence.

Self-confident person - is this about you?

Confident behavior often becomes the reason for success in many cases. In order not to miss good opportunities because of self-doubt, it is not necessary to be a naturally confident person. Exist effective ways moreover, effective even for the most doubtful people. You should not memorize words in front of a mirror - a real feeling of calmness and one's own strength should come from within. This can be achieved in just three steps.

The first step is knowledge

The first step on the path to understanding how to gain self-confidence is to understand the reasons for your doubts. Understand what exactly awakens fear in you and deprives you of control over the situation. If you know perfectly what you are doing, are your fears justified? Identify what scares you the most and start working towards changing that situation. By developing the skills whose lack prevents you from feeling self-confident, you can become more successful. For example, an experienced driver is not afraid to drive. If driving scares you, practice driving more often. Try driving at night when you won't disturb anyone. Making sure that everything is not so difficult, you will understand how to develop confidence in yourself.

The second step is action

So, you've identified what makes you unsure. Start developing all those skills that you consider necessary for successful person. Purposeful work on self-development is one of the best ways to develop self-confidence. If you are aware of how developed and qualified you are, fears are left behind. Highlight for own development just an hour a day, and the results will not keep you waiting.

The third step is recognition

Try to determine the way in which your achievements will be confirmed. For some, it will be enough to receive praise from relatives or friends, and for some it will be more important to take prize-winning place in a talent competition. By receiving recognition, you can be convinced of your own worth.

What could be the best way how to develop self-confidence, if not the opinion of other people about your professional and human qualities.

Way to success

By following these three tips, you will learn how to value yourself more adequately and get more positive ratings from those around you. Often the opinion of other people becomes the most main reason self-respect or self-doubt. Knowing about all your virtues cannot but give strength. This step-by-step method of how to develop self-confidence is also suitable for developing other psychological skills. Determine what you want to achieve, take action, and be encouraged by others. Self-confidence will not leave you even in crisis situations. Do not rush towards the goal and do not try to set yourself impossible tasks. In one day you can not change yourself and your view of the world. It is better to act step by step and not rush anywhere, then failures will not befall you along the way. The absence of misses is another reason for self-confidence.