Specially protected natural areas are national parks. OOP are specially protected natural areas.

In conditions where environmental pollution has become an obstacle to normal life people, a mass movement of the public in environmental protection began, most economically developed and some developing countries began to conduct state environmental policy, environmental policy. Environmental laws have been adopted, systems of fines have been developed, spending on nature protection has been increased, long-term programs have been drawn up, special services environmental protection or other similar state bodies.

A special place in the state environmental policy is the creation of specially protected natural areas and water areas.

Natural specially protected territories and water areas- these are natural complexes and objects excluded in whole or in part from economic use in order to preserve them, as well as because of their special scientific, educational, aesthetic, historical and recreational value.

Specially protected natural areas include; state natural reserves, including biospheric ones; state nature reserves; National parks; natural parks; dendrological parks and botanical gardens; health-improving areas and resorts. Natural monuments are also subject to protection, as well as rare, endangered species of animals and plants listed in.

All territories and objects under special protection of the state are divided into three types:

  • administrative(military and defense facilities, sensitive areas of internal affairs bodies, suburban areas);
  • historical and cultural(monuments of history, culture, architecture, landscape art, historical and cultural reserves, etc.);
  • natural.

In addition, in our country, 35 national parks, as well as more than 12,000 natural parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments and other areas protected at the federal or regional levels.


nature reserves- these are natural complexes specially protected by law (land, subsoil, water, plant and animal world), which are completely and forever excluded from any economic use. Reserves - highest category protected areas, they serve as standards of the natural environment.

The first reserve was the Barguzinsky Reserve on Baikal, established in 1917, two months after the adoption on November 12 (October 30, old style), 1916, of Russia's first law on reserves "On the establishment of rules for hunting reserves."

home distinguishing feature nature reserve is the presence of a sign of "reserve", which means, in accordance with the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, inviolable, forbidden, cherished. Today, in accordance with Art. 26 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" and in connection with the increased social significance of protected areas and natural and climatic features, they establish more stringent standards for maximum permissible harmful emissions.
actions on the natural environment. On the territory of the reserves, economic, recreational and other activities that are contrary to the principles of conservation or that cause harm to the natural environment are prohibited: construction of industrial and agricultural enterprises, exploration and extraction of minerals, logging, collection of plants, grazing, hunting, fishing, the use of pesticides and pesticides (even near protected areas), aircraft flying below 2000 m, all forms of tourism and recreation for the population, etc.

Protected zones are created around the territory of the reserve, within which activities that adversely affect the reserve regime are prohibited.

A natural complex can be either a typical landscape of the corresponding region, or, conversely, rare for a particular area. The significance of the reserve also lies in the fact that it is a nature protection research institution, with the aim of preserving and studying the natural course natural processes and phenomena in typical and unique systems.

31 Russian nature reserves have the status biospheric, i.e., it is part of the international network of biosphere reserves that carry out global environmental monitoring. Their main difference from other reserves is the presence in the territories adjacent to them of biospheric polygons, where limited nature management is carried out (mainly traditional for the region, as well as tourism and other types of recreational activities).

The concept of a biosphere reserve was developed in 1974 by a working group of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) program. Two years later, the formation of their World Wide Web began, which today supports the exchange of information, experience and specialists between 440 reserves of the planet. They were created in 97 countries and preserve areas of slightly disturbed ecosystems of most biogeographic places on the Earth on an area of ​​at least 300 million hectares.

The first biosphere reserves in the USSR appeared in 1977. They were created on the basis of existing reserves - Prioksko-Terrasny, Caucasian, Askania-Nova (Ukraine), Repeteksky (Turkmenistan) and a number of others.

Biosphere reserves are considered as self-regulating natural systems. Therefore, they should be large enough and ecologically isolated from neighboring ecosystems and anthropogenic influence. As a rule, they include globally unique ecosystems and landscapes (for example, with the presence of rare and endangered the globe species of animals and plants), which are of particular scientific and natural value.

The scheme of biosphere reserves is as follows: in the center - protected core(absolutely protected area), around which stands out buffer zone, whose function is to reduce negative influence economic activity on the natural complex of the reserve, and after it comes buffer polygon- a zone of ordinary, but strictly rational, economic use of the territory in the interests of scientific and applied research on the profile of the reserve. The main task of biosphere reserves is to provide long-term comparative studies ecosystems, participation in global monitoring the natural environment. Biosphere reserves also include 5 national parks in Russia.


nature reserves- these are natural complexes designed to preserve or reproduce some types of natural resources in combination with a limited and coordinated use of other natural resources. According to the terminology of normative acts of the 20s of the XX century. These are "incomplete reserves".

Reserves organize when, in order to achieve the goal, it is enough to limit or prohibit the use of only some resources. Reserves are an example. medicinal plants- protected areas with a regime that prevents the depletion of stocks of certain types of medicinal plants. The collection of medicinal plants in the reserves is allowed only under strict control, within the limits that do not violate their reproduction.

Among the reserves, the most significant in terms of number and area are hunting reserves. Their task is the long-term reservation and protection of the habitats of some valuable animals. The regime of reserves provides not only a ban on hunting, but also restrictions on certain types of economic activities that can harm protected species of animals.

National and natural parks

National and natural parks- these are specially protected natural complexes withdrawn from economic use, which are important as typical or rare landscapes, the habitat of communities of wild plants and animals, places of recreation, tourism, excursions, and education of the population. National natural park - enough large territory where nature protection is combined with recreation. It consists of one or more ecological systems or natural landscapes of high aesthetic value, little or not altered by human activity, where plants, animals and landscapes are protected. According to the law Russian Federation national natural parks are formed for the purpose of nature protection (for example, traditional places residence small peoples North) combined with environmental education the population, the organization of its recreation, the development of tourism.

The entire territory of the national (natural) park is divided into several zones, each of which has its own legal regime. Most often there are four zones: protected, custom, recreational and economic. The central reserved core of the national (natural) park functions as nature reserve. It serves as the natural laboratory of the park for the implementation of tasks environmental monitoring. The custom regime zone is organized according to the principles of a nature reserve. Recreational areas are intended for tourism, recreation of visitors, placement of service facilities, information services, etc. The economic zone is usually external in relation to those listed. According to the accepted international classification the national park, unlike the natural one, is characterized by the predominance of environmental issues over recreational.

In the USA in 1872 the first world-famous Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, Montana, Idaho) was created. In total, there are more than two thousand national parks in the world today, among them such as the High Tatras (Czech Republic), Kaziranga (India), the already mentioned Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon (USA), Tsavo (Africa) and many others. For foreign countries, this form of nature conservation is traditional.

In the USSR, the functions of national parks were initially assigned to nature reserves. The first ones were created in 1983 - "Sochi" on the Black Sea coast and "Elk Island" in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Monuments of nature

Term "monument of nature" was first applied in 1819 by the German naturalist A. Humboldt (1769-1859). Individual unique natural objects and natural complexes that have relict, scientific, historical, environmental and educational significance and are in need of special protection by the state are declared natural monuments. Natural monuments include reference areas of untouched nature, geological outcrops, unique landforms, individual objects of animate and inanimate nature - waterfalls, geysers, caves, paleontological objects, individual long-lived trees, etc.

In our country and in the world, several thousand natural monuments, mostly specific objects, have been identified. Among them are the Khosta yew-boxwood grove ( Krasnodar region), rocky outcrops on the banks of the Don with relict vegetation ( Lipetsk region), individual boulders and many others.

From monument trees Especially famous are the oak in Yasnaya Polyana, the “Seven Brothers” plane tree near Ashgabat, whose fused trunks can wrap around 10 people, as well as giant sequoias in the famous Yosemite Valley (USA), whose age is more than 3 thousand years, and the height is 90 m. California is also home to the oldest tree in the world, the sequoia, which is estimated to be around 4,650 years old.

Other specially protected natural areas

Museums-reserves. These include historical and memorial, literary museums, estate museums, museums under open sky etc. Museums and reserves are of great historical and cultural value. Among the world-famous museum-reserves are Yasnaya Polyana, Polenovo, Kizhi, Vladimir-Suzdal, Abramtsevo, Kuskovo, and, of course, the Moscow Kremlin and the museums of St. Petersburg. Strictly speaking, they belong to the group of historical and cultural specially protected areas, but in most of them the natural component plays an important role.

Dendrological parks and botanical sa dy: their tasks include the creation of special collections of plants in order to preserve the diversity and enrichment of the plant world, as well as the implementation of scientific, educational and educational activities.

Therapeutic areas and resorts allocated in territories (water areas) suitable for organizing the treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as for recreation of the population and possessing natural healing resources (mineral waters, therapeutic mud, therapeutic climate, beaches, etc.).

Ecological resort region- a relatively new form of specially protected areas, which appeared in 1994 in connection with the formation of a specially protected ecological resort region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Deposits of mineral waters and therapeutic mud, nature resorts are extremely sensitive to pollution. On the territory of the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody more than 40 industrial enterprises. Their emissions are a serious problem for the region.

Specially protected natural areas(abbr. protected areas) are areas of land or water surface, which, due to their environmental and other significance, are completely or partially excluded from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established. According to the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”, these include: state nature reserves, including biosphere ones; National parks; state nature reserves; monuments of nature; dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

The share of all specially protected natural areas in Russia accounts for about 10% of the territory. In 1996, the government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution on the procedure for maintaining the state cadastre of specially protected natural areas. State cadastre is an official document that contains information about all specially protected natural areas of federal, regional and local significance. The regime of these territories is protected by law. For violation of the regime, the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes administrative and criminal liability.

State natural reserves are territories completely withdrawn from economic use. They are environmental, research and educational institutions. Their goal is to preserve and study the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, unique ecosystems and individual species and communities of plants and animals. Reserves can be comprehensive and special. In complex reserves in the same degree the entire natural complex is protected, and in special ones - any of the most specific objects. For example, in the Stolby nature reserve, located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, unique rock formations are subject to protection, many of which are shaped like pillars.

Biosphere reserves, unlike ordinary ones, have an international status and are used to monitor changes in biospheric processes. Their selection began in the mid-70s of the last century and is carried out in accordance with the UNESCO program "Man and the Biosphere". The results of observations become the property of all countries participating in the program and international organizations. In addition to observations of biological objects of ecosystems, the main indicators of the state of the atmosphere, water, soil and other objects are also constantly recorded. At present, there are more than three hundred biosphere reserves in the world, of which 38 are in Russia (Astrakhan, Baikal, Barguzinsky, Lapland, Caucasian, etc.). On the territory of the Tver region is located the Central Forest Biosphere state reserve, where work is underway to study and protect the ecosystems of the southern taiga.

National parks are vast territories (from several thousand to several million hectares), which include both completely protected areas and those intended for certain types of economic activity. The goals of creating national parks are ecological (preservation of natural ecosystems, development and implementation of methods for protecting the natural complex in conditions of mass admission of visitors) and recreational (regulated tourism and people's recreation).

There are more than 2300 national parks in the world. In Russia, the system of national parks began to form only in the 80s of the last century. Now in Russia there are 38 national parks. All of them belong to objects of federal property.

State natural reserves are territories intended for the conservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance. Within their limits, economic activity is limited in order to protect one or many species of organisms, less often - ecosystems, landscapes. They can be complex, biological, hydrological, geological, etc. There are federal and regional significance.material from the site

Monuments of nature are unique, irreplaceable, ecologically, scientifically, culturally and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of artificial or natural origin. These can be centuries-old trees, waterfalls, caves, habitats of rare and valuable plant species, etc. They can be of federal, regional and local significance. In the territories where natural monuments are located, and within the boundaries of their protected zones, any activity that entails a violation of the preservation of a natural monument is prohibited.

Dendrological parks and botanical gardens are environmental institutions whose tasks include creating a collection of plants, preserving diversity and enriching the plant world, as well as scientific, educational and educational activities. On their territories, any activity that is not related to the fulfillment of their tasks and entails a violation of the safety of floristic objects is prohibited. In dendrological parks and botanical gardens, work is also being carried out on the introduction and acclimatization of new this region plant species. Currently in Russia there are 80 botanical gardens and dendrological parks of various departmental affiliations.

Type of lesson (type of lesson): lesson-journey



  • give an idea of ​​nature reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, botanical gardens and World Heritage sites;
  • to form an idea of ​​the unity of the world, that "specially protected natural territories" are the property of all mankind.



  • to cultivate ecological culture, a sense of patriotism and responsibility for the fate of nature.

Intersubject communications:

  • ecology,
  • biology,
  • story,
  • Russian language

Ensuring the lesson.

Visual aids:

  • multimedia presentation,
  • video film

Technical training aids:

  • multimedia projector,
  • a computer,
  • screen.

During the classes

I.Organizing time.

Greetings. Checking for absentees. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II. Explanation of new material.

To the most effective forms of protection of biotic communities, as well as all natural ecosystems the state system of specially protected natural territories should be attributed. Specially protected natural territories, the law on which was adopted State Duma Feb. 15, 1995, designed to maintain ecological balance, preserve genetic diversity natural resources, the most complete reflection of the biogeocenotic diversity of the country's biomes, the study of the evolution of ecosystems and the impact on them anthropogenic factors, as well as for solving various economic and social problems.

Specially protected natural areas- areas of land, water surface and airspace above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health-improving significance, which are withdrawn by decisions of state authorities in whole or in part from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established.

Basic goals:

  • preservation of unique natural landscapes;
  • protection of the gene pool of endangered, relic species of plants and animals;
  • provision of ecological conditions for their evolution;
  • protection and protection of recreational ecosystems, etc.

According to the Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", the following main categories of these territories are distinguished:

a) state natural reserves, including biospheric ones;

b) national parks;

c) natural parks;

d) state nature reserves;

e) monuments of nature;

f) dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

g) health-improving areas and resorts.

Reserves.(Cslides 2-4, application)

Today we will get acquainted with some of them. We will start our journey through protected natural areas with reserves.

To command... Since ancient times, this word has meant in our language the desire of people to pass on to future generations in an intact, original form all the most valuable, the most beautiful, created by man or nature itself.

The history of the creation of reserves in Russia has its roots in the Middle Ages. Already from the XIII century there was a reserve Bialowieza Forest, intended for grand ducal hunting, in the XVIII century. the royal hunt "Izmailovo" was organized, and in the 19th century. - imperial hunting Kuznetsovo. From the middle of the XIX century. Count Strogonov in the Urals organized about 80 protected areas with a total area of ​​30 thousand hectares.

Modern reserves began to be organized at the beginning of the last century, in particular in 1916. "Kedrovaya Pad" (Primorsky Territory), "Barguzinsky" (Buryatia) and "Sayansky" ( Krasnoyarsk region). Over time, in our country arose whole system reserves. To date, there are about 100 reserves operating in Russia, covering an area of ​​34 thousand hectares (or 2.2% of the territory of Russia). The sizes of reserves vary greatly. The largest Big Arctic has an area of ​​4.2 million hectares, and the forest-steppe reserve "Galichya Gora", located in the Don valley, is only 231 hectares.

The reserve is a specially protected area where any economic activity (including tourism) is completely prohibited in order to preserve natural complexes, protect animals and plants, and also monitor the processes occurring in nature.

With the help of reserves, three main tasks are solved:

  • protection of flora, fauna and ecosystems;
  • conducting scientific work;
  • work on the restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals.

biosphere reserves- are part of a number of state nature reserves and are used as a background reserve-reference object in the study of biospheric processes. The world has now created a unified global network of more than 300 biosphere reserves, of which 16 are in Russia (Caucasus, Sikhote-Alin, Central Forest, etc.), which work according to the agreed program of UNESCO and conduct constant monitoring of changes in the natural environment under the influence of human anthropogenic activity.

Thus, thanks to the reserves, the "islands" are preserved wildlife, surrounded by a sea of ​​man-made landscapes, rare species of plants and animals; ecological balance is maintained.

National parks. (Cslides 5-6, application)

National natural parks- these are specially protected natural complexes withdrawn from economic use that have ecological, genetic, scientific, environmental and educational, recreational value as typical or rare landscapes, habitats for communities of wild plants and animals, places of recreation, tourism, excursions, education of the population.

The main goal of national parks is the preservation of natural complexes and objects in combination with the organization of environmental education of the population in the process of direct acquaintance with typical and unique landscapes, plants and animals. As in reserves, they protect the standards of natural complexes and the gene pool of typical and rare organisms. Like nature reserves, these parks protect the resources of the animal and plant world, valuable and unique landscapes or their individual components. But at the same time, the specific tasks of national parks, which distinguish them from other categories of protected lands, are the preservation of unique recreational resources in relatively untouched nature and the creation of conditions for educational tourism and the organization of environmental education.

In Russia on this moment there are 35 national parks with a total area of ​​about 70,000 sq. km.

The most famous natural national parks in Russia include Losiny Ostrov (a district of St. Petersburg), Sochi, Elbrus, Valdai, Russian North.

Topic: "Buzuluk forest - the pearl of the Orenburg region."

Reserves. (Cslides 7-10, application)

“Order” is a very old Russian word and means a prohibition on something. "Ordered" means "don't touch or do it wisely".

Preserves are areas of natural areas within which (permanently or temporarily) certain types and forms of economic activity in order to ensure the protection of one or more valuable objects of wildlife or scenic types of landscape.

At the same time, the economic use of other resources is allowed, but in a form that does not adversely affect the protected species or group of species.

For example, in the Tikhvinsky district of the Leningrad region, there is the Vienna Forest reserve, in which virgin spruce forests are taken under special protection, at the same time hunting and tourism are not prohibited.

There are several types of reserves. The most common:

  • Landscape (or complex), designed to preserve and restore natural complexes (natural landscapes);
  • Hydrological (sea, river, lake, swamp) designed to preserve and restore valuable water bodies and ecological systems;
  • biological (botanical, zoological); intended for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including valuable species in the economic, scientific and cultural relations; the latter can include special reserves for growing medicinal herbs, for the reproduction of cedar forests, for increasing the number of valuable fur-bearing animals, etc.

Currently, there are more than 4,000 reserves in Russia.

They can be of various purposes - federal, republican, regional, regional.

Orders are created for a specific period(in some cases permanently) to save or restorenatural complexes or their components and maintaining ecological balance. After the restoration of the population density of animal and plant species, natural landscape etc., the reserves are closed.

Monuments of nature.(Slides 11-12, appendix)

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Specially Protected Natural Territories" dated February 15, 1995, natural monuments are unique, irreplaceable, environmentally, scientifically, culturally and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin. These can be: caves, canyons, gorges, waterfalls, lagoons, geysers, ancient trees, etc.

The main purpose of declaring natural complexes and objects as natural monuments is to preserve their natural state. Sometimes reserves are created around them to preserve the most valuable natural monuments. For example, in order to preserve the most beautiful cascading waterfall Kivach on the Suna River (in Karelia), the Kivach Nature Reserve with an area of ​​102 km2 was created.

Natural monuments may have federal, regional or local meaning depending on the environmental, aesthetic and other value of protected natural complexes and objects.

The most common monuments of nature on regional level, natural monuments of federal significance - a total of 39 with a total area of ​​28.0 thousand hectares, regional significance - more than 9 thousand with a total area of ​​4.15 million hectares.

Botanical gardens and dendrological parks.(Slides 13-15, Appendix)

The state standard of Russia defines Botanical Garden as "Green area special purpose, which hosts collections of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants for research and educational purposes.

As a rule, auxiliary institutions operate at botanical gardens - greenhouses, herbariums, libraries of botanical literature, nurseries, excursion and educational departments.

The first botanical garden was founded in early XIV in. in Italy with medical school in Salerno. In Western Europe, monastic gardens laid the foundation for botanical gardens, and in Russia - "apothecary gardens". The first botanical garden in Russia was founded by Peter I in 1706 at the Moscow State University and was called the Apothecary Garden, and in 1714 - the Imperial Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg.

Botanical gardens, in which trees are mainly studied, are called dendrological parks (arboretums).

Arboretum- (from the Greek Dendron - tree) a plot of territory where woody plants (trees, shrubs, lianas) are cultivated in open ground, placed according to systematic, geographical, ecological, decorative and other features.

Arboretums have a scientific, educational, cultural and educational or experimental production purpose. The territories of dendrological parks and botanical gardens are intended only to fulfill their direct tasks, while land plots are transferred for perpetual (permanent) use either to parks or to research or educational institutions in charge of which they are located.

Direct tasks are:

  • study of plant biology and ecology under stationary conditions;
  • scientific foundations of ornamental gardening, landscape architecture;
  • introducing wild plants into cultivation;
  • breeding methods and techniques to create sustainable decorative compositions;
  • plant acclimatization.

At present, there are more than 80 botanical gardens and dendrological parks in Russia, which are managed by Russian Academy Sciences. In Russia, the richest collections of tree species are collected in the arboretum of the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), the Forest Engineering Academy (St. Petersburg), and in the Sochi Arboretum.

Now we will make a video tour of the Sochi arboretum.

Video tour of the Sochi Arboretum (fragment of the popular science film "Sochi Arboretum").

Monuments of the World Heritage.(Slides 16-18, appendix)

In 1972, the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of UNESCO adopted the International Convention.

The purpose of the convention is to create effective system collective protection of cultural and natural heritage of outstanding and universal value, organized on permanent basis and in accordance with modern scientific methods.

World Heritage Site status provides the following benefits:

  • increases the prestige of the territory and creates additional guarantees for the safety and integrity of unique natural complexes and cultural and historical sites;
  • ensures priority in attracting financial resources to support World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites, primarily from the World Heritage Fund;
  • contributes to the organization of monitoring and control over the state of conservation natural objects.

By joining the convention, each state undertakes to preserve the World Heritage sites and sites located on its territory. Thus, the preservation of such objects for future generations becomes a responsible task for both the state itself and the entire international community.

As of July 1, 2009, there are 890 objects in the World Heritage List (including 689 cultural, 176 natural and 25 mixed) in 148 countries: individual architectural structures and ensembles - Acropolis (Greece), Versailles (France), the historical center of Warsaw ( Poland) and St. Petersburg (Russia), the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square; cities of Brazil and Venice, natural: Galapagos islands, Yeluston National Park, Lake Baikal, volcanoes of Kamchatka, etc.

At present, 15 cultural and 8 natural objects have the status of a World Heritage Site in Russia: the virgin forests of Komi, Lake Baikal, the volcanoes of Kamchatka, the golden mountains of Altai, western Caucasus, Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve, Wrangel Island.

The most unique is Lake Baikal. This is one of the greatest lakes planets: the deepest (1637 m), the most ancient (about 25 million years), with the most diverse flora and fauna among fresh water bodies.

Student presentation accompanied by a slide show or multimedia presentation.

Topic: "Lake Baikal - the greatest lake on the planet."

World heritage sites included in the special list of UNESCO are of great interest to the entire population of the planet. Unique natural and cultural objects make it possible to preserve those unique corners of nature and man-made monuments that demonstrate the richness of nature and the possibilities of the human mind.

IV. Conclusion:

Nature is the greatest wonder of our planet. It is infinitely diverse and beautiful, but also vulnerable to the onslaught of a rapidly developing world. technical progress. To control the degree anthropogenic changes in nature and their consequences, it is necessary to preserve the standards (samples) of untouched territories.

Conducted scientific research and the accumulated world experience in using the status of specially protected areas - this effective form of conservation of natural ecosystems - indicate the need for a significant increase in their area in our country in the coming decades.

V. Fixing material:

In order to see how you have learned the material, we will play a game. In front of you are 12 colored buttons with numbers behind which questions are hidden. Each column is a command. A representative of each team in turn chooses a question that appears on the screen. You have 5 seconds to think about your answer. If the respondent does not know the correct answer, then the team can help him, but in this case the question is worth half a point. After the spoken answer, the correct answer is displayed on the screen, and if the answers match, the team receives a point. And the right to move is given to the next team. The maximum you can score is 4 points.

  1. A specially protected area, within which it is strictly forbidden to stay, is called ... nature reserve
  2. Which protected natural areas are transferred for perpetual use to research or educational institutions. botanical gardens
  3. What ancient and primitive cereal is of great interest in the Sochi Arboretum? Bamboo
  4. What specially protected areas are created for a certain period and closed after the restoration of the population of animals or plants? Reserve
  5. Protected areas where economic activity is not allowed, but organized recreation, tourism, excursions are allowed are called ... national parks
  6. What category of protected natural areas can be attributed to 350 year old pines located in the Buzuluk forest. To natural monuments
  7. What is the name of the organization that approved the list of World Heritage sites (monuments)? UNESCO
  8. What is the status of unique natural areas representing huge interest for the entire population of the planet? Objects (monuments) of the World Heritage.
  9. What type of protected natural areas allowed to restore the number of beaver and bison in our country? Reserve
  10. Which protected area was previously intended for the Grand Duke's hunting? Reserve
  11. Buzuluk forest is a specially protected natural area and has the status of… national park
  12. Which category of protected natural areas include geysers, waterfalls, caves? natural monuments

VI. Homework:

Using the definitions, do comparative characteristic protected natural areas

Types of specially protected natural areas

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: Types of specially protected natural areas
Rubric (thematic category) Ecology

SPNA - ϶ᴛᴏ plots of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects of special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health significance are located, which are withdrawn by decisions of state authorities in whole or in part from economic use and they are under special protection.

In Russia, the most important legislative act, regulating relations in the field of organization, protection and use of protected areas, is the Federal Law ʼʼOn Specially Protected Natural Territoriesʼʼ, adopted by the State Duma in 1995 ᴦ.

Given the dependence on the significance of protected areas, they may be in federal ownership and management, and may be regional or municipal property.

In Russia, the system of protected areas has been formed for more than 80 years. One of the first was the Barguzinsky nature reserve on Baikal. By the end of 1998, this system included 99 nature reserves, 34 national parks, about 1,600 state reserves and more than 8,000 natural monuments.

The state natural reserve (full reserve) is the most severe form of nature protection. Οʜᴎ are, firstly, territories completely withdrawn from economic use, and secondly, scientific research institutions with the goal of preserving the natural course of natural processes and phenomena. They allow only scientific, security and control activity, and in exceptional cases - the organization of educational and ecological routes. Sometimes even the cleaning of fallen and dead trees is prohibited, which violates the natural development of natural processes.

From total number reserves, biosphere reserves, included in international system biosphere reserves and carrying out global environmental monitoring. In Russia, about 20% of reserves have such an international status.

In addition to territories completely closed to the public, it is extremely important to create territories available for controlled visits. World experience says that the main thing for nature protection now is ϶ᴛᴏ education of environmentally literate people. It is important to note that for a combination of security and educational functions national parks are created, which are the main form of protected areas in the world (there are about 2 thousand of them).

national park- ϶ᴛᴏ a vast territory (from several thousand to several million hectares), including both completely protected areas and areas intended for recreation, recreation, nearby tourism, and promotion of environmental knowledge. With the right organization of services for visitors, they can give good results not only in environmental protection, but also in economic sphere partially recovering the costs of its maintenance. One of the famous national parks is Losiny Ostrov (Moscow).

total area reserves and national parks in our country at the end of the 90s reached 2% of the territory of Russia and will have to increase further.

In addition to nature reserves and national parks, there are also milder forms of conservation, such as reserves and natural monuments.

Monuments of nature - ϶ᴛᴏ individual natural objects that have scientific, aesthetic, cultural or educational value. They are an unusual spring, a waterfall, a ravine with rare species plants, very old trees that were ʼʼwitnessesʼʼ of any historical events, for example, oaks in the Kolomenskoye estate (Moscow), preserved from the time of Ivan the Terrible.

Reserve - ϶ᴛᴏ natural complex, designed to preserve some types of natural resources while limited use others. Certain types of economic activity are permanently or temporarily prohibited in the areas occupied by wildlife sanctuaries. For example, activities that disrupt the landscape are prohibited, but hunting must be allowed. Temporary hunting reserves are often created to preserve and restore the number of any species of animals.

Reserves and natural monuments, although they play a positive role in maintaining ecological balance, cannot fundamentally solve the problem. Only systemic natural aggregates can be saved, not individual components. A species without the preservation of its habitat will inevitably disappear, and will pull a chain of species interconnected with it.

Types of specially protected natural areas - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Types of specially protected natural areas" 2017, 2018.

Nature, both living and non-living, is a great value on our planet. We are in excellent conditions for life. If we look at the planets closest to us, then big difference appearance Earth and other planets is impressive. A huge volume of clean fresh and salt water of the oceans, life-giving atmosphere, fertile soils. The richness of the plant world that surrounds almost our entire planet, as well as the animal diversity, are surprising: it is impossible to study all kinds of living beings in a person's life.

However, it is precisely such diversity and such environmental conditions that are necessary for the harmonious state of the entire planet, for the balance of substances on it.

Harmony of nature

People by their activity transform nature more than any other kind of organisms. Moreover, other organisms have merged with natural environment that even help to maintain the original balance on the planet. For example, a lion hunting an antelope is likely to catch the weakest individual, thus maintaining the survival of the herbivore population. The earthworm, making numerous holes in the soil, does not spoil the fertile surface layer. It loosens the ground, so that the air will only better reach the roots of the plants.

The economic activity of Homo sapiens

Man possesses developed brain. Development of economic activity man goes more rapidly, how evolutionary processes nature. She does not have time to adapt to the changes caused by people.

Many years ago, the people of Australia herded livestock on small mainland too intense. According to this hypothesis, numerous deserts of the continent were formed precisely because of human activity.

Since ancient times, trees have been intensively cut down for the construction of houses. Nowadays, forests are shrinking just as fast: we still use wood for various purposes.

The world's population is huge and, according to scientists, will grow even faster. If people populate or use the entire area of ​​the planet in their economy, then nature, of course, will not withstand such a load.

History of protected natural areas

Already in ancient times, people kept intact certain areas the territory in which they lived. The faith of people in the gods made them tremble before sacred places. Even the protection of such sites was not required, the people themselves treated these sacred territories with care, believing in something mysterious.

In the era of feudalism, the lands of the nobility came to the fore in terms of inviolability. The property was protected. In such territories, hunting was forbidden, or even simply visiting other people's parts of the forest or other biotope was prohibited.

In the nineteenth century, the industrial revolution gave serious thought to the preservation natural resources for future generations. Protected areas are being created in Europe. Natural monuments became the first of the specially protected natural areas. Preserved ancient beech forests and some of the sights, such as unusual objects of geology.

In Russia, the first protected areas were organized at the end of the 19th century. They weren't government yet.

What is a protected area

These are areas of land or water on which the economic activity of people is partially or completely prohibited. How is the abbreviation deciphered? As "Specially Protected Natural Territories".

Types of protected areas according to IUCN

Nowadays, there are about 105,000 specially protected natural areas on the planet. For such a large number of objects, classification is necessary. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has highlighted the following types PAs:

  1. Strict natural reserve. The protection of such a territory is especially strict, all economic activities are prohibited. Visiting only with a document permitting being on the site. The nature of this territory is the most integral.
  2. National park. It is divided into areas with strict protection and areas where tourist routes are laid.
  3. Monument of nature. Protected unusual famous natural object.
  4. Managed natural reserve. The state takes care of the conservation of species of living organisms and habitats for their habitat. A person introduces activities to help in a fairly rapid reproduction and maintenance of offspring.
  5. Protected marine and territorial landscapes. Recreational facilities are preserved.
  6. Protected areas with monitoring of resource consumption. It is possible to use natural resources if the activity does not cause major changes on the site.

Types of protected areas according to the law of the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation uses a simpler classification. Types of protected areas in Russia:

  1. State natural reserve. The strictest security regime is maintained. Visit only for the purpose of work on the conservation of ecosystems or training in the territory.
  2. National park. Subdivided into ecological zones possible use of natural resources. In some areas, ecological tourism is developed. There are areas for the work of national park personnel. There may be sites for recreation of the population, as well as for the overnight stay of visitors passing the tourist route.
  3. Nature Park. Created to save ecosystems in the conditions of mass recreation of the population. New methods of nature conservation are being developed.
  4. State nature reserve. Natural resources are not only preserved, but also restored. The reserve is vigorous activity to restore the former natural wealth of the area. Ecotourism is possible.
  5. Monument of nature. Significant natural or artificial natural complex. Unique education.
  6. Dendrological parks and botanical gardens. In the territories, collections of plant species are created in order to preserve the species diversity of the planet and replenish lost species of land.

Wrangel Island

The UNESCO World Heritage Sites include 8 sites located on the territory of the Russian Federation. One of such protected areas is the Wrangel Island nature reserve.

The protected area is located in the Chukotka autonomous region. This is the northernmost of all protected natural areas in Russia. The protected area consists of two islands (Wrangel and Herald) and the adjacent water area. The area of ​​protected areas is more than two million hectares.

The reserve was organized in 1976 to preserve the typical and unique flora and fauna. Nature, due to the location of the islands remotely from the mainland and because of the harsh climate, is preserved in an almost untouched form. Scientists come to the site to study local ecosystems. Thanks to the creation of the reserve, such rare animals as polar bear, walrus. Great amount endemic species lives in this area.

The islands are inhabited by the local population. It has the right to use natural resources, but to a strictly limited extent.

Lake Baikal

The most valuable lake in the world is also a World Natural Heritage Site. The protected area data system is the largest reservoir of net fresh water.

The huge number of endemic species surprises scientists. More than half of the animals and plants growing here are found only on Lake Baikal. In total, there are about a thousand endemic species. Of these, 27 species of fish. The Baikal omul and golomyanka are well known. All nematodes living in the lake are endemic. The crustacean epishura purifies the water in Baikal, which also lives only in this lake.

It makes up 80% of the biomass of plankton of animal origin.

Baikal was included in the World Natural Heritage List in 1996. The Baikal Reserve itself was founded in 1969.

The UNESCO World Heritage Site "Lake Baikal" is 8 protected areas located directly at the famous lake. Many scientists are sure that Baikal is expanding every year, increasing the water area due to drift. lithospheric plates.

Kronotsky Reserve

Another example of protected areas is the Kronotsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Volcanoes of Kamchatka".

Moreover, this protected area is a biosphere reserve. The UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program highlights protected areas around the world that are almost untouched by human activity. The state is obliged to maintain a self-regulating natural system if the object is located on its territory.

The Kronotsky Nature Reserve is one of the earliest in Russia. In 1882, the Sable Reserve was located on this territory. Kronotsky State Reserve was established in 1934. In addition to the territory with numerous volcanoes, hot springs and geysers, the Kronotsky Reserve includes a significant area of ​​water area.

Currently, tourism is actively developing in the Kronotsky Reserve. Not at all times it was allowed to visit him.

Reserve "Kedrovaya Pad"

Another example of protected areas in Russia is the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve. This is the first reserve Far East. He is one of the oldest in Russia. The Far Eastern leopard lives here - a rare subspecies of leopards that has reduced numbers in the past. Now it is in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, has the status of "endangered".

The reserve itself was created for the conservation and research of liana coniferous-deciduous forests. Arrays are not broken anthropogenic impact. There are many endemic species here.

Elk Island National Park

One of the very first in Russia. Founded in 1983 on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region.

It includes 5 zones: reserved (access is closed), specially protected (visiting with a permit), protection of historical and cultural monuments (visiting is allowed), recreational (occupies more than half of the area, free access) and economic (ensures the operation of the park).

Legislation of the Russian Federation

The federal law on protected areas (1995) states that protected areas must have federal, regional or local significance. Reserves and national parks always have federal significance.

At any nature reserve, national park, natural park and a natural monument must have a security zone. It additionally protects the object from destructive anthropogenic influence. The boundaries of protected areas, as well as the boundaries security zone, defines the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Anyone can visit the territory of the protected zone. However, it is also protected.

The lands of protected areas are a national property. It is forbidden to build houses, roads, and cultivate land at federal facilities.

To create protected areas, the state authorities reserve new lands. Further, such lands are declared protected areas. In this case, the law prohibits further cultivation of land in this area.

Protected areas are an important component of our planet. Such territories preserve invaluable wealth for future generations. The balance of the biosphere is maintained, the gene pool of living organisms is protected. Saved and inanimate nature such territories: valuable water resources, geological formations.

Specially protected natural territories have not only environmental significance, but also scientific, as well as environmental and educational. It is on such objects that the most educational tourism for connoisseurs of nature is organized.

The world's population is growing at an ever faster pace. Mankind needs to think more actively about maintaining nature, to take a more responsible approach to the conservation of natural resources. Every person should think about this and contribute to maintaining the health of the planet.