Generalizing table feudal fragmentation preparation for the exam. Causes of feudal fragmentation in Russia

Feudal fragmentation of Russia 10 cells

1. Russia entered a period of political fragmentation in

1) XI century; 2) 30s. XII century; 3) late XIII in.; four) early XIV in.

2. Which of the princes fought for ten years Kyiv throne, three times recognized as the prince of Kyiv?

1) Yuri Dolgoruky; 2) Svyatoslav Olgovich; 3) Yaroslav Osmomysl; 4) Mstislav Vladimirovich.

3. After the collapse of Ancient Russia into principalities and lands, the first among other principalities was considered

1) Chernigov; 2) Polotsk; 3) Kiev; 4) Suzdal.

4. The decline in the role of Kyiv and the rise of new centers was not due

1) Polovtsian raids; 2) folding the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks";

3) movement of trade routes; 4) population migration to more protected areas.

5. Special Role Novgorod in Russian history was that he

1) was subjected to constant raids by the Polovtsians; 2) it housed the residence of the metropolitan;

3) it was located in the center of important trade routes; 4) was the most ancient Russian city.

6. Specify the form of government established in Novgorod in the XII century.

1) absolute monarchy; 2) parliamentary monarchy; 3) an aristocratic republic;

4) democratic republic.

7. The date of foundation of Moscow is considered

8. Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and their characteristics.

1) Yuri Dolgoruky; 2) Andrei Bogolyubsky; 3) Vsevolod Big Nest; 4) Yuri Vsevolodovich.

A) fought with his brothers for the preservation of the throne inherited from his father;

B) founded cities in the Suzdal land, fought for the throne of Kyiv;

B) was considered the most mighty prince Russia, his army "could scoop the Don with helmets";

D) moved the capital of the principality to the city of Vladimir-on-Klyazma and founded the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

9. Specify the reasons for the rise of the Vladimir-Suzdal land:

A) proximity to the steppe; B) protection from external enemies dense forests;

C) an abundance of arable fertile land;

D) exit to Baltic Sea;

E) colonization of the interfluve of the Volga and Oka.

10. Establish a correspondence between the position in Novgorod and official duties.

1) posadnik; 2) thousand; 3) archbishop; 4) prince. A) was engaged in the collection of taxes and the city militia;

B) led city ​​administration; B) was the leader of the squad;

D) dealt with questions foreign policy, disposed of the treasury, was in charge of the church court

11. Establish a correspondence between the specific manifestations of the consequences of the fragmentation of Russia and their characteristics.

A) negative B) positive.

1) the preservation of all wealth in individual principalities and lands; 2) weakening of defense capability;

3) the growth of inter-princely strife; 4)development local schools literature, architecture, iconography.

12. The following factors prevented the complete collapse of Russia:

A) the difference between natural and economic conditions in the lands; B) maintaining the authority of the great Kyiv prince; C) formation trade route"From the Varangians to the Greeks"; D) a single all-Russian church organization; E) agreements between the princes on the joint struggle against the Polovtsy.

13. Highlight three reasons for the separation of Russian lands from Kyiv:

A) the formation of the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks"; B) growth patrimonial land tenure;

C) movement of trade routes; D) urban development; D) decomposition tribal community.

14. Specify features ancient Russian culture:

A) the influence of Byzantine culture; B) the interweaving of Christian and pagan traditions;

C) the decisive influence of the steppe culture; D) the unity of the language, way of life, way of life of the people;

D) ancient heritage.

1) AGD 2) IOP 3) BVD 4) ABG

15. Establish a correspondence between terms and definitions.

1) epics 2) chronicle; 3) lives of saints; 4) walking

A) the genre of Russian epic song - legends about heroes; B) biographies of clergy and secular persons, canonized christian church; .B) instruction to children; D) weather record historical events D) genre ancient Russian literature A that represents travel descriptions.

16. Match terms and definitions

1) relief; 2) fresco; 3) mosaic; 4) icon.

A) a pictorial image of God or a saint, which is the subject of religious worship;

B) painting on wet plaster with paints diluted in water;

C) an image or pattern made of colored stones, smalt, etc.;

D) a type of sculpture in which the image is convex (or recessed) in relation to the background plane; D) the legend of the saints.

17. Who's in Novgorod Republic was the highest official?

1) volost 2) lord 3) posadnik 4) steward

18. Match Russians lands XII-XIII centuries and their characteristic features:

Lands: A) Vladimiro Suzdal land B) Kyiv land C) Galicia-Volyn land

G) Novgorod land

Character traits

1) strong cities and boyars, an abundance of minerals

2) devastation as a result of raids of the Polovtsy and civil strife, the flight of the population

3) developed trade, low fertile lands, big role

4) strong princely power, the emergence and development of new cities

19. Establish a correspondence between the rulers of Ancient Russia and their deeds:

Names A) Vsevolod III Large Nest B) Andrei Bogolyubsky C) Yuri Dolgoruky

Acts 1) accepting the crown from the pope

2) establishment in Northeast Russia cult of Our Lady

3) the foundation of Moscow 4) the adoption of the title of Grand Duke of Vladimir

20. What was one of the reasons for the prosperity of Novgorod in the 11th-13th centuries?

1) the fertility of Novgorod lands, which provided the city with stable crops

2) strong power Prince of Novgorod as a guarantee of the absence of internal strife

3) remoteness of Novgorod from Great Steppe, from the raids of nomads

4) a strong union of Novgorod with the Moscow principality

21. Compare political and economic situation in Novgorod land and in Galicia-Volyn.

1) management was carried out by officials elected by the council

2) developed plow agriculture 3) great importance had trade with European countries

4) big political and economic role played by local boyars

22. What was the consequence of feudal fragmentation?

a) development of economic and cultural life b) destruction feudal relations

c) elimination of the Polovtsian danger d) cessation of internecine wars

23. What was characteristic of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality?

a) strong princely power b) great role of the veche c) national homogeneity of the population

d) dependence on Kyiv principality

24. What is the reason for the transformation of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality into a rich and powerful one?

a) away from steppe nomads in the south b) with a neighborhood with the states of Western Europe

c) with the patronage of the Kyiv princes d) with the presence of gold and silver deposits

25. The name of Andrei Bogolyubsky is associated with the construction of:

A) Church of the Intercession on the Nerl b) St. Sophia Cathedral c) Church of the Tithes d) Golden Gate in Kyiv

FEUDAL DIVISION TESTS 1. The reasons for the feudal fragmentation of Russia do not include ... a) the emergence of patrimonial land ownership; b) the growth of cities; c) the natural character of the economy; G) Polovtsian raids. 2. The Princely Congress, which secured for specific princes the right to inherit their possessions, took place in 1097 in the city ... a) Lyubech; b) Vitichev; c) Dolobsk; d) Kyiv. 3. Rostov-Suzdal principality - a) feudal republic; b) early feudal monarchy; c) absolute monarchy; d) estate-representative monarchy. 4. The title of the Grand Duke of Vladimir was put into use ... a) Yuri Dolgoruky; b) Vsevolod III Big Nest; c) Alexander Nevsky; d) Ivan I Kalita. 5. Didn't show up Vladimir prince... a) Mstislav the Great; b) Yuri Dolgoruky; c) Andrei Bogolyubsky; d) Vsevolod III Big Nest. 6. Yuri Dolgoruky - a) the prince, in whose honor the rule of St. George's Day was introduced; b) famous student Sergius of Radonezh; c) son of Vladimir Monomakh; d) the prince who defeated the Swedes on the Neva. 7. The name of the highest administrative position in the Novgorod Republic: a) prince; b) a posadnik; c) veche; d) archbishop. 8. The duties of the prince in the Novgorod Republic included ... a) tax collection; b) issuing laws; c) border defense; d) formation of city government bodies. 9. Galicia-Volyn prince, who received from the Pope royal title: a) Yaroslav the Wise; b) Ivan Kalita; c) Daniil Romanovich; d) Simeon the Proud. 10. Alexander Nevsky had the title ... a) Novgorod posadnik; b) the Grand Duke of Vladimir; c) a king d) khan. 11. The largest cultural center in Russia in the XII - XIII centuries. was... a) Rostov-on-Don; b) Nizhny Novgorod; c) Smolensk; d) Vladimir-on-Klyazma. 12. Does not apply to the monuments of ancient Russian literature of the XII - XIII centuries. ... a) "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"; b) "Word" and "Prayer" by Daniil Zatochnik; c) "Journey beyond three seas" by A. Nikitin; d) "Word about the destruction of the Russian land". 13. In 1237, a campaign against Russia was undertaken by... a) Genghis Khan; b) Batu; c) Tokhtamysh; d) Mom. 14. The invasion of the Mongols as a whole was avoided ... a) the Vladimir-Suzdal principality; b) Chernigov Principality; c) Novgorod land; G) Ryazan principality. 15. The reasons for the defeat of Russia in the fight against the Tatar-Mongol invaders do not include ... a) the numerical superiority of the Tatar-Mongols; b) feudal fragmentation Russian lands; c) inconsistency in the actions of the Russian princes; d) Polovtsian raids. 16. Correct statement: a) as a result Tatar-Mongol invasion Russia was included in the Golden Horde; b) as a result of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, Russia became politically and economically dependent on the Golden Horde; c) as a result of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, Russia defended its independence; d) the Tatar-Mongol invasion contributed to the spread of Islam in the Russian lands. 17. The consequences of the Tatar-Mongol invasion cannot be attributed to ... a) the death of a significant part of the country's population; b) a slowdown in the development of handicrafts and trade; c) the final transfer of the political center of the Russian lands from Kyiv to Vladimir; d) the cessation of princely strife. 18. From the payment of tribute to the Mongols-Tatars was released ... a) the peasantry; b) artisans; c) the clergy; d) boyars. 19. The main reason for the uprisings in Russian cities in 1262: a) the arbitrariness of the Horde tribute collectors; b) abuses of the grand duke's administration; c) the inclusion of Russian lands in the Golden Horde; d) the death of Alexander Nevsky. 20. At the beginning of the XIV century. the right of political supremacy in North-Eastern Russia was disputed... a) Kyiv and Vladimir; b) Vladimir and Novgorod; c) Tver and Moscow; d) the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Golden Horde.

Explanatory note

This test can be used as final testing after studying the first volume of the textbook "History of Russia" edited by Arsentiev N.M. for 6th grade.

The test consists of two parts, in the first part there are mainly tasks, with answer options, according to the principle - choose the right one, each correct answer gives one point.

The second part of the test consists of two tasks, where in the first one you need to correlate the name of the ruler - the year of his accession to the princely throne - an event that occurred during his reign, in the second, determine the event from the picture and describe it below. Tasks are evaluated at three points each, however, in case of an incomplete answer, but correct wording position, it is permissible to put one point per answer.

Ancient Russia and feudalism

1. What is the name of the oldest Russian chronicle:

"The Tale of Bygone Years"

"A word about the destruction of the Russian land"

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"


2. What relates to the prerequisites of education Old Russian state:

Baptism of Russia

acceptance of "Russian Truth"

great migration of peoples

the need to repulse external enemies

3. Establishment in Ancient Russia new system the collection of tribute was the result of:

d Activities of Princess Olga

acceptance of "Russian Truth"

activities of Prince Igor

campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav

4. What was the name of the armed detachment under the prince in Ancient Russia:




5. In what century was the state of Ancient Russia formed?

in the ninth century

6. The god was the patron of women and fertility:


7. In 1097 took place Lyubech congress. What was his purpose:

ending princely strife

separation Kievan Rus into independent principalities

unification of fragmented Russia

8. Historians believe that the Mongol-Tatars turned Russia from a "country of cities" into a "country of villages." This can be explained by the fact that:

Mongol-Tatars primarily destroyed cities

trade and craft fell into decline, as masters were captured

urban population, fleeing, left the city

the Mongol-Tatars did not touch the villages

9. Determine the causes of feudal fragmentation:

weakness of economic ties under the dominance subsistence farming

the country's defense system was created, and the boyars did not need the power of the Grand Duke

cities and boyars began to invite princes to reign

all answers are correct

10. During the period of feudal fragmentation Boyar Duma represented the council at the prince:

with duma nobles and clerks

with devious and duma nobles

with senior combatants and boyars

11. During the period of feudal fragmentation in Russia, the princes had the right:

declare war and make peace

tax collection


all answers are correct

12. During the reign of Vladimir Monomakh, Russia decided one of the most important foreign policy tasks. Namely:

secured itself from the raids of the nomadic Polovtsy

concluded a peace treaty with Byzantium on favorable terms for her

defended its independence from the German-Swedish knights

13. Indicate the reason why Russia could not resist the Mongols-Tatars:

more low level development

numerical superiority of the troops and the discipline of the Mongol-Tatars

feudal fragmentation in Russia

technical equipment of the Mongol-Tatars

14. Indicate who was the founder of the dynasty of Moscow princes:

Alexander Nevskiy

Dmitry Donskoy

younger son Alexandra Nevsky Daniel

15. Russian princes fought German-Swedish knights more than once. Determine where the battles took place (choose 2 correct answers):

on the river Kalka

on the river Neva

on the river acne

on the Lake Peipus

on the river vozhe

16. Determine historical meaning Russian victories in the battle on Lake Peipus:

preservation of the unity of Russia

preservation of religious unity

17. Hiking military monastic orders in Russia pursued goals:

plant in Russia catholic faith

capture the rich lands of Novgorod and Pskov

protect their lands from the Mongol-Tatars who attacked Russia

18. Called for the unity of the princes

"Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener"

"Words about Igor's Campaign"

"Journeys beyond three seas".

19. Vladimir Monomakh, being the fourth son of Prince Izyaslav, did not have the right to the throne, but it was he who became the Grand Duke, because:

older brother died, the other two did not claim the throne

seized power using his squad

P crushed the uprising in Kyiv and seized power

20. The Baptism of Russia took place in:

21. First single Russian state was named:

Novgorod Rus

Kievan Rus

Vladimir Rus

Chernihiv Rus

22. Who were called boyars:

junior combatants of the prince

senior warriors of the prince


people's militias

23. Name Slavic tribe, which did not want to pay tribute to Kyiv and constantly rebelled against Prince Igor.



24. Polyudie is:

collecting tribute from vassals

asking for alms from people

gathering of people at the fair.

popular assembly

25. Prince, who participated in military campaigns almost all his life and died from the Pechenegs:



26. The first princely strife in Kievan Rus occurred after death:



27. The heyday of the Old Russian state is the time of reign:



Yaroslav the Wise

28. Title of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Old Russian state:



29. Wide sleeveless cloak, embroidered precious stones, called?


1. Match RULER - YEAR - EVENT, write the correct answers in the table below the task.

Write the correct answers in the table below.


2. Carefully study the picture and describe in detail the event that is depicted here.


1. The period of feudal fragmentation lasted in Russia:

a) from the 11th to the 13th centuries;

b) from the 12th to the 15th centuries;

c) from the 10th to the 14th centuries;

d) from the 9th to the 12th centuries;

e) there is no correct answer.

2. Muscovy arose:

a) in 1147;

b) in the second half of the 13th century;

c) with the collapse of Kievan Rus in 1132;

d) in 1240;

e) there is no correct answer.

3. The main military opponents of the Russian lands in the XIII century. were:

a) Swedish feudal lords and German knights;

b) Polovtsy;

c) Tatar-Mongols;

e) there is no correct answer.

4. The battle on Lake Peipus (Battle on the Ice) took place in:

a) 1240;

b) in 1242;

c) in 1223;

d) in 1236;

e) there is no correct answer.

5. Mongols are:

a) nomadic tribes Asia;

b) the Baltic peoples;

c) Transcaucasian peoples;

d) the population of the Arabian Peninsula;

e) there is no correct answer.

6. The main occupation of the Mongols in the XIII century. It was:

a) nomadic pastoralism;

b) irrigation farming;

c) arable farming;

d) craft;

e) there is no correct answer.

7. The campaign of Batu to Russia took place:

a) in 1327;

b) in 1237-1241;

c) in 1480;

d) in 1380;

e) there is no correct answer.

8. Determine the order of the reign of the Mongol khans:

a) Genghis Khan, Ogedei, Batu;

b) Tokhtomysh, Batu, Genghis Khan;

c) Ogedei, Genghis Khan, Batu;

d) Tokhtomysh, Ogedei, Batu;

e) there is no correct answer.

9. Mongolian state The Golden Horde was formed:

a) in the X century;

b) in the 9th century;

c) in the 13th century;

d) in the 11th century;

e) there is no correct answer.

10. Tatar-Mongol yoke in Russia there were:

a) from 1237 to 1380;

b) from 1223 to 1380;

c) from 1243 to 1480;

d) from 1223 to 1480;

e) there is no correct answer.

11. The seniority of Russian princes in the XIII - XV centuries was determined:

a) age;

b) a label for reigning issued by the Golden Horde Khan;

c) by decision of the congress of Russian princes;

d) "ladder" order of succession to the throne;

e) there is no correct answer.

12. Cities not destroyed Mongol invasion 1237-1241:

a) Novgorod;

b) Vladimir;

c) Kozelsk;

d) Ryazan;

e) there is no correct answer.

13. The battle on the Kulikovo field took place:

d) there is no correct answer.

14. Golden Horde yoke ended for Russia:

a) the Battle of the Kalka;

b) the Battle of Kulikovo;

c) standing on the Ugra;

d) the Neva battle;

e) there is no correct answer.

15. The collection of tribute for the Golden Horde began to be carried out by the Russian princes at:

a) Alexander Nevsky;

b) Dmitry Donskoy;
c) Ivan Kalita;

d) Vasily Temnoy;

e) there is no correct answer.

1. Feudal fragmentation is ....

2. The main ones during the period of feudal fragmentation were: ....

3. What forms of government were established in the Russian principalities during the period of feudal fragmentation?

4. Baskaki is ...

5. Moscow becomes the religious center of Russian lands in ... year in connection with ....

6. The first Moscow prince Daniel was the son of ....

1) natural stage development medieval states, characterized by the collapse of a single state territory on independent, politically and economically independent from the center of appanages (land-states); 2) feudal patrimony and peasant community; 3) monarchy and boyar republic; 4) leaders of Mongolian military detachments; 5) in 1326 in connection with the transfer of the residence of the Russian metropolitan to it from Vladimir; 6) Alexander Nevsky.

Causes of feudal fragmentation in Russia:

  1. The dominance of subsistence farming and, consequently, weak economic ties between regions of the state.
  2. Strengthening of individual principalities, the rulers of which are no longer willing to obey Kyiv prince. Constant strife.
  3. The strengthening of feudal estates and the growth of boyar separatism.
  4. The strengthening of trading cities that did not want to pay tribute to a single ruler.
  5. The absence of strong external enemies, which would require a united army led by a single ruler to fight.

The meaning of feudal fragmentation:

  1. Conditions have been created for an original socio-economic and political development individual regions of the country.
  2. There is a flourishing of cities, confirming given to Russia in Western Europe name - Gardarika - the country of cities.
  3. The formation of the three great East Slavic peoples- Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. The Old Russian language has existed since the 13th century.
  4. The defense capability of the Russian lands sharply weakened.
  5. There is an increase in princely strife.

Features of feudal fragmentation:

  1. Unlike Medieval Europe, in Russia there was no generally recognized political center(capital). The throne of Kyiv quickly fell into decay. AT early XIII century Great begin to dignify Vladimir princes.
  2. The rulers in all the lands of Russia belonged to the same dynasty.

When the process of unification of Russian lands begins, these features will lead to a tense struggle between individual principalities for the status of the capital united state. In most other European states there was no question of choosing the capital (France - Paris, England - London, etc.).

During the period of feudal fragmentation, against the backdrop of numerous, constantly diminishing destinies, several lands acquired a very special significance.

First of all, this ancient land Krivichi and Vyatichi, located in the north-east of Russia. Due to the low fertility of the lands, the colonization of these areas began only at the end of the 11th - beginning of the 12th centuries, when people moved here from the south, fleeing the raids of nomads and the oppression of the boyars-patrimonials. Late colonization also led to later enchantment (in middle of XII c.), therefore, in North-Eastern Russia, a strong boyar opposition did not have time to form by the beginning of fragmentation. In this region, the Vladimir-Suzdal (Rostov-Suzdal) state arose with a strong princely power.

1132 – 1157 gg. - the reign of the son of Vladimir Monomakh Yuri Dolgoruky. Remaining a prince of the old school, he continued the struggle for the throne of the grand duke, clearly overestimating its importance. He managed to conquer Kyiv twice in 1153 and 1155. Poisoned Kyiv boyars. In connection with his name, Tula (1146) and Moscow ( 1147 G.)

1157 – 1174 gg. - the reign of the son of Yuri Andrei Bogolyubsky. He abandoned the struggle for the throne of Kyiv and led active internecine wars. 1164 - campaign in Bulgaria. In honor of the victory and in memory of his son, he built the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Nerl ( 1165g.). In 1169, he took Kyiv, but he did not rule there, but subjected him to demonstrative ruin. Moved the capital from Suzdal to Vladimir. He was distinguished by suspicion and cruelty, for which he was killed by servants.

From 1174 to 1176 - the reign of Mikhail Yurievich.

1176 – 1212 gg. - the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky's brother Vsevolod Yuryevich Big Nest. common ancestor almost all future princes - hence the nickname. Under him, the state reached the heyday but disbanded shortly after his death. It was under Vsevolod that the throne of Vladimir acquired the status of a grand prince (1212), later the metropolitan's headquarters was transferred to Vladimir. Known for his great prestige among his contemporaries. Author of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" ( 1187 d.) wrote about Vsevolod that his squad could "scoop out the Don with helmets, and splash the Volga with oars."

In completely different conditions was the southwestern, Galicia-Volyn Rus. The mild climate and fertile lands have always attracted a mass of agricultural population here. At the same time, this flourishing land was constantly subjected to raids by neighbors - Poles, Hungarians, nomadic steppe dwellers. In addition, due to early charm, a strong boyar opposition formed early here.

Originally Galician and Volyn principality existed as independent states. In an effort to stop the boyar strife, the rulers of these lands, especially Yaroslav Osmomysl Galitsky, more than once tried to unite them. This problem has only been solved in 1199 Volyn prince Roman Mstislavich. After his death in 1205, the boyars seized power in the principality, for a long time turning it into a series of small, hostile destinies. Only in 1238 was the son and heir of Roman Daniel ( Daniel Galitsky) returned power and became one of the most powerful Russian princes - Daniel became the only prince in Russia to whom the Pope sent the royal crown.

To the north of the Vladimir-Suzdal land was the vast Novgorod land. The climate and soils here were even less suitable for agriculture than in the northeast. But ancient center of these lands - Novgorod - was located at the beginning of one of the most important trade routes of that time - "from the Varangians to the Greeks" (i.e. from Scandinavia to Byzantium). The ancient trade route went like this: from the Baltic to the Neva, then to Ladoga lake, then - along the Volkhov River (through Novgorod), - to Lake Ilmen, from there - to the Lovat River, then - by dragging, to the Dnieper, and from there - to the Black Sea. The proximity of the trade route turned Novgorod into one of the most important shopping centers Medieval Europe.

Successful trade and the absence of strong external enemies (and, therefore, the absence of the need for its own princely dynasty) led to the formation of a special political systemfeudal (aristocratic) republic. The date of the beginning of the republican period of its history is considered to be 1136 g. - the uprising of the Novgorodians against the grandson of Monomakh Vsevolod Mstislavich. The main role in this state was played by a layer of Novgorod boyars. Unlike the boyars in other lands, the Novgorod ones were not related to the squad, but were descendants of the tribal nobility of the Ilmen Slavs.

The supreme body of power in Novgorod was the veche - an assembly of the richest boyars (“three hundred golden belts”), which decided critical issues and elected higher officials: posadnik who judged and ruled Novgorod, thousandth, who headed the tax system and the militia; masters y - bishop (later - archbishop) - who led the white clergy, was in charge of the treasury and foreign policy, as well as archimandrite- the head of the black clergy. The prince was called to Novgorod. The functions of the prince were limited: the city needed him as a commander of a squad and a formal recipient of tribute from the Novgorod lands. Any attempt by the prince to interfere in the internal affairs of Novgorod inevitably ended in his exile.

Culture of the Old Russian state (IX - 3O-ies of the XII century)

Old Russian culture was the result of a complex synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic spiritual traditions. Slavic culture has its roots in the ancient pagan era. Paganism - a complex of primitive beliefs and rituals - had its own history. At first, the Slavs, obviously, animated various elements, worshiped the spirits of the forests, water sources, sun, thunderstorms, etc. Gradually great value acquired Rod - an agricultural deity, the god of fertility in general and the goddesses of fertility closely associated with him - women in childbirth. As you become public relations the cult of Perun, the princely retinue god of war, came to the fore (originally revered as the god of thunder and rain). Veles, the god of cattle breeding, and Svarog, the god of the sun and light, were also revered.

In the X-XI centuries. develops epic epic associated with becoming Kyiv state, protecting it from enemies. In the tenth century writing penetrates into Russia - the Cyrillic alphabet, created by the Byzantine missionaries Cyril and Methodius.

played an important role in Russian literature annals: in addition to weather records of major events, the annals included poetic legends and traditions: about the calling of the Varangians, the campaign of Prince Oleg against Constantinople, etc. The most significant monument is the Tale of Bygone Years, compiled around 1113 by a monk Kievo-Pechersky monastery Nestor. As Russia fragmented, chronicle writing lost its all-Russian character, breaking up into Vladimir-Suzdal, Galicia-Volyn chronicles, etc.

The adoption of Christianity gave a powerful impetus to the development of culture. The 11th century is the time of the birth of ancient Russian literature. The oldest work known to us "A Word on Law and Grace"(1049) the future Metropolitan Hilarion. In 1073, by order of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, the first Izbornik was compiled - a collection of texts of religious and secular content, intended for reading. Big role in ancient literature played the lives of the saints; Princes Boris and Gleb, the sons of Vladimir, who were killed by their half-brother Svyatopolk, were especially revered in Russia. Their lives were written by Nestor, the author of The Tale of Bygone Years. A brilliant example of secular literature was Vladimir Monomakh's "Instruction" (late XI - beginning of XII c.) - a story about his life as a wise statesman who fought for the unity of Russia. The idea of ​​uniting the forces of Russia to fight the Steppe permeates "The Word of Igor's Campaign". (1187 G.). Interesting "Prayer" Daniil Zatochnik (beginning of the 12th century), an impoverished petty feudal lord who complains to the prince about boyar arbitrariness and asks him for mercy.

Whatever genre it belongs to literary work his text was always supplied with colorful miniatures- illustrations in handwritten books.

In Kievan Rus, jewelry technologies reach their peak:

  • Filigree (finift) - finishing the product with a pattern of twisted wire, wire lace.
  • Grain - the finest pattern is formed by soldering thousands of tiny balls.
  • Niello - creating a pattern on jewelry by etching.
  • Enamel (cloisonne enamel) - obtaining a pattern by applying a glassy mass to the metal.
  • Engraving is a carved image on metal.

With the adoption of Christianity, stone, primarily church, architecture was developed. Used as the main building material plinth- A type of brick. From Byzantium as a model was borrowed cross-domed type of temple (four arches, grouped in the center of the temple, gave a cruciform structure in plan), but in Russia he received peculiar development. Yes, the greatest architectural monument Kievan Rus - the 13-domed St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv (1037) had a pronounced stepped-pyramidal composition, which, like many-domed, was unusual Byzantine churches. Somewhat simplified Kyiv Sofia Sofia Cathedrals were built in Novgorod and Polotsk (XI century). Gradually, Russian architecture receives an increasing variety of forms. In Novgorod in the XII-XIII centuries. many churches are being created - Boris and Gleb in Detinets, Spas-Nereditsa, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, etc., which, despite their small size and maximum simplicity of decoration, have amazing beauty and majesty. In the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, a peculiar type architecture, distinguished by the elegance of proportions and elegance of decor, in particular white stone carvings: the Assumption and Demetrius Cathedrals in Vladimir, the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the Nerl.

During the heyday of Kievan Rus, the first place belonged to monumental painting - mosaic and fresco. In Kyiv's Sophia, mosaics covered the dome (Christ the Pantocrator) and the altar (Our Lady of Oranta); the rest of the temple was covered with frescoes - scenes from the life of Christ, saints, images of preachers, as well as secular subjects: group portraits of Yaroslav the Wise with his family, episodes of court life. Of the later examples of monumental painting, the most famous are the frescoes of the Church of the Savior-Nereditsa and the St. Demetrius Cathedral. Original Russian works of icon painting are known only from the 12th century. the Novgorod school (the Savior Not Made by Hands, the Assumption, the Angel of Golden Hair) gained great fame at that time.

The Christianization of Russia gradually led to the decline of sculpture, whose works were associated with pagan idols.