How to Motivate Yourself to Do Your Best: Another fascinating technique. How to get employees to perform at their best

How to make a semantic core for a website

Service Computers: other Missing No data

From our book you will learn: what factors should be taken into account when compiling a SA; how to form the semantic core for your site as competently and efficiently as possible and what tools to use; how to avoid mistakes when compiling CL; where to apply SA.

This manual will be useful for novice optimizers, as well as business owners and everyone who wants to get the most out of promoting their site.

Tracing the Future 2.0. Tools for boosting personal performance. II volume

Georg Mount Social Psychology Is absent

A book about how to take the reins of your life into your own hands. The long-awaited second volume of the Internet bestseller Tracing the Future 2.0! George Mount. Tracing the future 2.0. Efficient technology event implementation. Volume 2: Tools for Boosting Personal Performance.

“Tools for Boosting Personal Performance” is the second volume of the book “Future Tracing 2.0. Effective Technology for Implementing Events”. The book that became accessible to readers in the fall of 2015, was an unexpected success. It has been downloaded from official and pirate sites more than 100 thousand times.

Such attention of readers is due to the provision of special knowledge about the hidden mechanisms of influence on upcoming events. Such information has not been published anywhere before. This "Trace the Future 2.0" compares favorably with the rest of the literature on spiritual and personal growth, as it shows the social and energy tools of public administration in general and management specific person in particular.

The book also offers ways to free yourself from all sorts of addictions, since only a free person can become the architect and designer of his own future. So, the second volume contains practice - 23 projective processes. Consciously stimulating your mental activity, you will be able to change patterns of thinking and behavior, interrupt an undesirable scenario of events, think over and implement a personal project of the future.

Using the system of new effective tools on your own, you will get rid of all forms of addictions, gain a hidden advantage and become more powerful. You will be able to secure the future for yourself and your loved ones and do it with maximum efficiency.

Virtuoso teams. Teams that changed the world

Andy Boynton Management, recruitment Is absent

This book tells about effective management and the ability to lead teams to implement fundamental change. Whether it's launching an innovative or major product or service, penetrating volatile new markets, or pursuing massive operational transformation, virtuoso teams can make a difference in a project's success.

In the arts, sciences, sports, business, politics - in virtually every field of human achievement, virtuoso teams bring unlimited benefits: they unite amazingly talented people to achieve great goals. Chapter 1

How to Lead a Great Team Characteristics of Great Teams Seven Tips for Great Team Leaders The Leader Is the Momentum of the Team Great Team Leaders Select the Best of the Best Reach for the Sky: Transforming Teams and Clients Encourage Individuality: “I” Not “We” Talent Marketplace: choosing virtuosos A virtuoso leader expands thinking and becomes a conduit for good ideas Leaders of virtuosic and traditional teams Virtuoso teams that will be discussed in this book Chapter 2 Surprise customers, surpass yourself Birth of an idea aimed at double transformation Birth of a virtuoso team: the desire to change the theater on Broadway Vision Lives On, Opportunity Arises Sondheim: Talent Attracts Talent Finding Resources and Support: The Producer's Challenge The Stars Bring Their Talents Together: Script and Vision Idea Conduit: Finding New Opportunities to Enrich the Product Picking the Best of the Best: Tony and Maria Making the Most of Performers Helping d to each other Relentless perfectionism Testing ideas Heterogeneous leadership: contrasting styles Bringing it to the audience: finishing touches The essence of managing a virtuoso team: summaries and test questions Chapter 3

Main components critical mass. How Time Scarcity Stimulates Talent: The Story of the Manhattan Project Leslie Groves: First Leader Second Leader Found: Eminent American Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer A starting point: attracting talent and building a team Separation and free flow of ideas Boiling Cauldron: Improving Personal Achievement Managing Geniuses, Crazy Ideas, and Hardest Jobs Explosion Model: How to Hold a Crazy Idea Leadership Qualities: Higher Intelligence and Humanity Conclusion The Essence of Managing a Virtuoso Team: Summary and Test Questions Chapter 4.

Changes inside and outside the team. Revolution by Order: Thomas Edison's Invention Factory The Myth of the Lone Genius early years: From Paperboy to Inventor First Steps in Entrepreneurship Wandering Telegrapher Gaining Valuable Experience Inventor Needs Connections to Enter Market Invention Factory: Effective Teamwork Menlo Park and Improving Team Ability Recruiting a Team Phonograph – Team's First Win Team Intuition Rules Finding Matches materials for incandescent lamps Development of the electricity supply system: creation of a team culture, a "community of brothers in spirit" Teamwork aimed at high score Closing Menlo Park The essence of managing a virtuoso team: summary and control questions Chapter 5.

Learn more, move faster. Roald Amundsen's team: the path of knowledge to the pole Knowledge above all First own project: "Joa" Building a powerful team Eskimos: learning from the experienced Defeat and success: any experience is useful for the leader Flexibility in choosing a goal: "reversal of polarity" Preparation and plan All or nothing: forward and only forward To the pole: to achieve the impossible Organizational details of creating a virtuoso team Management crisis and "healing" Achieve the impossible The essence of managing a virtuoso team: summary and control questions Chapter 6.

Great achievements every week. Balance between freedom and control - Sid Cesar's method of management Instant product creation: 90-minute show every week Vision: give the customer more than before Act one: realize the vision Dream team Act two: increase creativity Strong leadership drives action Team trust and close communication Virtuoso the team is a crucible for the leader The virtuoso leader comes to the fore The end of the road: the virtuoso team falls apart The essence of managing a virtuoso team: summary and control questions Chapter 7.

Talent management through trust. Miles Davis and Serial Innovation: Listen and Improvise Miles Davis: Innovator and Leader Leading Teams to Change First Team of Excellence: Amazing Talent and Amazing Ideas Emergence of a Clear Management Philosophy Second Team of Excellence: Simulation of Talent Modeling of Talent Mastery Management by Trust Third Team of Excellence : Controlled Freedom Miles Davis: Listen and Teach The Essence of Managing a Virtuoso Team: Summary and Quiz Questions Chapter 8 Hot Teams from Cold Countries Norsk Hydro: Rapid Recovery Despite Adversity Norsk Hydro: Diversified Organization Traditional Study: Teamwork Work Experience Unit 34: future opportunity for Global Growth Box 34: Reality Strikes Box 34: Brilliant Team Response Gaining a Start Mandate Leader Chosen Team at Work Shoulder to Shoulder: Dancing to the Same Rhythm Encouraging Collaboration Instead of Meticulous Control Weekly Meetings Team A Performance The Essence of Master Team Management: Summary and test questions Chapter 9 "Recharge" your team.

How to bring your team to high achievements The DeepDive Method The Importance of Effective Team Management Birth of DeepDive as a Teamwork Method Projects and Teamwork: Strategic Opportunities Description of the Method Essential Process Elements: key factors to run DeepDive in your company Conclusion.

Oksana Osadchuk Management, recruitment Is absent

The book is based on the experience of cooperation with Russian companies of small and medium-sized businesses in a wide variety of fields of activity: from private medical clinics to jewelry stores. A truly strong business, able to stay afloat even in difficult times of crisis, is built on three basic principles of personnel policy: properly selected personnel; proper training for staff; well organized workflow.

It is the observance of these three factors that allows successful firms to eradicate careless work and achieve maximum return from each department and employee, timely and correct performance of work in the right amount; stop losing profits “out of the blue” due to banal staff errors; significantly reduce the cost of wages without losing the quality of the work performed and, finally, find more free time to solve the primary tasks of business and leisure.

How to make anyone fall in love with you. Secrets of men that every woman should know

Rosa Syabitova Sex and family psychology Is absent

This book will help women learn how to choose the Man of their dreams, get to know him correctly, organize dates and go to them with maximum efficiency. At any stage of the relationship, the advice of Rosa Syabitova will allow women to understand the intentions of a man from the alarm signals that he gives, and will teach you to go through this stage as best as possible and with the greatest result.

The book is intended for all women who want to start a promising relationship with the man of their dreams.

Pushing is okay. How to get the most out of your employees

Oksana Osadchuk Management, recruitment Business recipes

The book is based on the experience of cooperation with Russian small and medium-sized businesses in various fields of activity: from private medical clinics to jewelry stores. A truly strong business, able to stay afloat even in difficult times of crisis, is built on three basic principles of personnel policy: properly selected personnel; proper training for staff; well organized workflow.

It is the observance of these three factors that allows successful firms to eradicate careless work and achieve the maximum return from each department and employee, timely and correct performance of work in the right amount; stop losing profits “out of the blue” due to banal staff errors; significantly reduce the cost of wages without losing the quality of the work performed and, finally, find more free time to solve the primary tasks of business and leisure.

Managerial genius. In the footsteps of great managers

Philip Delves Broughton Management, recruitment Is absent

The book talks about how to add value to your role in life, as well as how to get more out of yourself and others. It covers a wide range of issues that managers face on a daily basis: learning to motivate yourself, mastering the art of negotiation, managing risk, nurturing creativity, avoiding common mistakes, managing failure, managing success, getting the most out of meetings, and more.

This interesting and entertaining book is filled with exciting stories and anecdotes related to such leaders as Bill Clinton, Mark Zuckerberg, Alex Ferguson, Roger Federer and many others. For managers of any level, as well as all those who are interested in management issues and want to learn how to manage their lives and the lives of others.

Karma and reincarnation

Paramahansa Yogananda Self improvement Yoga path There is no data

Knowledge about such concepts as karma and reincarnation is very superficial and fragmented for most people. But they can explain many phenomena of our life: why do we see a world of suffering and inequality? How to deal with problems? What happens after death? Is there heaven and hell? What is the origin and purpose of reincarnation? Is it possible to get rid of constant rebirths? This book offers exciting answers to the great mysteries of destiny, but more importantly, it tells you how to make the most of every day of our lives.

The authoritative and influential spiritual leader of the twentieth century Paramahansa Yogananda explains the action of karma, death and reincarnation. Understanding these truths can bring confidence to tomorrow and inspiration for today.

Important Years. Why You Shouldn't Postpone Your Life

Mag Jay Personal growth Is absent

This book is about a decade that determines the fate of man. Investments made during this period in your own development in all areas of life will bring the maximum return. The author explains why you should not delay the start adult life for later, and tells what needs to be done at this time in a person’s life.

Published in Russian for the first time.

Get out of your comfort zone. change your life

Brian Tracy Personal growth Is absent

What this book is about Book number 1 on self-development. It has been translated into 40 languages. Purchased over 1,200,000 copies. This book made Brian Tracy what he is today - a star and a guru for all who strive for efficiency. The book presents the result of more than thirty years of studying the issues of time management.

She talks about how to achieve solving complex problems, leaving the comfort zone. Previously, the book was published by the Potpourri publishing house under the title “Leave the disgust, eat the frog!” Who this book is for The book is of interest to anyone, regardless of occupation, although the author primarily addresses those who are commonly called business people.

Why we decided to publish this book Galileo once wrote: "You can't teach a person anything, you can only help him find it in himself." The practical advice given in the book will allow you to discover reserves that you did not even suspect, and correctly prioritize your affairs, correctly plan your daily routine, and always work with maximum efficiency.

Chips of the book In the book you will find 21 practical advice which can be applied immediately. Brian Tracy's methods are quoted on the sidelines of conferences, in dozens of business books, and at coffee shops around the world. They will teach you how to manage efficiency and speak the same language as the best among us.

The big Book new gardening and gardening

Pavel Frankovich Trannua Garden Summer resident as a gift

How to get the most out of your six acre plot by growing unique methodology experienced gardener, soil scientist, you will learn from this book. The author is sure that success depends on a reasonable approach to all work in the summer cottage: the correct compatibility of plants, soil preparation without chemicals, the choice of interesting varieties, the use various methods planting and care, techniques that exclude hard work.

Everything about growing vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries from planting to harvest - in one book!

Windows IT Pro/RE №04/2012

open systems OS and Networks Windows IT Pro 2012

Windows IT Pro/RE is a professional publication in Russian, entirely devoted to the issues of working with Windows family products and Microsoft technologies. The magazine is intended for system administrators and developers. In issue: Email archiving: local or ISP? expediency, possible options and the future of archiving.

Back to the Cloud: Windows Intune 2 Microsoft updates its easy-to-use PC management service. Meet System Center Orchestrator 2012 We automate the execution of everyday tasks. Active Directory Replication Topology Efficient Management replications that go beyond site boundaries.

We work with Windows Server 2008 without errors in AD Adprep and Dcpromo errors will not be taken by surprise. Implement Networking with the Windows 7 HomeGroup Feature Best Practices and Best Practices for Small Businesses. MDOP Pack: Getting the Most Out of Your System Efficiently manage your desktops with the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack.

Full-fledged data deletion Even a broken hard drive is still a loophole for information security breaches. Discover the possibilities Windows phone Free Apps as a Windows Phone enhancement. Identity Perspective Reporting from the Gartner Summit.

Essential gardening equipment. Efficiency without extra costs

Is absent Garden Anti-crisis dacha

This book will discuss what garden equipment is needed and what you can do without without much loss. In our difficult times- it is very important to spend money wisely, but at the same time get the most out of your personal plot.

Tracing the Future 2.0. Efficient event injection technology

Georg Mount Self improvement Is absent

This is the second book by George Mount, author of the Internet bestseller Tracing the Future. This book contains the truth that you have to spend most of your life securing someone's future. Not your future. And not the future of their children.

And the future is precisely of other people, often completely unknown to you. That is not your fault. This happens because competent people with special knowledge that you do not have are acting behind your back. This knowledge allows them to influence the alternatives of the future so that their scenarios of events are embodied in reality.

But not yours. That's why you constantly have to resist pressure from your environment, superiors and the system. You are forced to follow unwritten rules and regulations. You create obstacles in your path. You are obligated to do something that you do not need at all or may even harm you.

Fulfilling other people's orders, whether you like it or not, but you are in more forced to care about someone else's future, rather than their own. How to change the situation in your favor? Get knowledge about the hidden mechanisms of influence on events in reality, which only the elite had previously possessed.

This is the subject of the first volume of the book. The second volume of the book contains practice - 23 tools for boosting personal performance. They will allow you to interrupt an undesirable scenario of events, change patterns of thinking and behavior, think over and implement your personal project of the future.

Nothing like this has been published before. Self using new system knowledge and effective tools, you will get rid of all forms of addictions, gain a hidden advantage and become more powerful. You will be able to secure the future for yourself and your loved ones, and do it with maximum efficiency.

This book is for those who are determined to take the reins of their lives into their own hands so that they can begin to win the battle for their own future.

O. P. Lidovskaya Marketing, PR, advertising Ready-made marketing solutions

How to predict and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing and advertising spending? What means can be used to measure the result of efforts to promote a product or service? The answer is in the book. It gives practical advice and turnkey solutions to plan marketing activities that can give the maximum return on investment.

Really applicable methods for evaluating the effect are outlined. various ways promotion, gives advice on the formation of a marketing budget in accordance with the goals, as well as recommendations for compiling effective advertising messages. The book is intended for specialists in the field of marketing, advertising and PR, as well as for students of relevant specialties.

Fear, greed and panic in the stock market

David Cohen Securities, investments Missing No data

In this book, the author tries to argue the point of view that in order to understand the market mechanism and get the most out of our opportunities to work on financial markets, it is necessary to understand the psychology related to this area. Therefore, now is the time to look at the psychology of the markets and try to understand in more detail huge number factors that most analysts either ignore or admit only in words without detailed study.

These factors include greed, fear, need for security, information overload, fear of math, peer pressure, over-optimism, denial of the facts, competitiveness, acceptance of technological change, and confusion about setting one's own goals.

The tests given in the book will allow investors to determine the level of their financial skills. In a world where money matters and many of us are not very good at financial matters, understanding your psychological attitude to investing will only benefit Intended for a wide range of readers interested in investment, trading and the functioning of modern financial markets.

Magazine Computerworld Russia №12/2012

open systems Computers: other Computerworld Russia 2012

Computerworld Russia is the leading international weekly dedicated to information technology. In the magazine you will find an overview major events IT industry in Russia and in the world, materials about new technologies. In this issue: Four years at the forefront At the 24th Svyaz-Expocomm 2012 exhibition, Igor Shchegolev summed up the four-year period of his work as a minister, explaining such a span of time by the fact that some of the ministry's initiatives are only now beginning to give practical results.

COBIT 5V standard published new version COBIT summarized the principles, methods, analytical tools and models designed to help businesses and IT get the most out of their IT resources. Thunderbolt to Optical More than a year ago, Intel announced the gradual transition of Thunderbolt interfaces from copper to optical, and now Sumitomo has become one of the first suppliers of such cables.

"Transformer" with four cores Tablet ASuS Transformer Pad 300, which is positioned as a gaming center and replacement mobile computer, equipped with a 10.1-inch screen and a quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3 processor. HPC Interconnect Intel has agreed to acquire Cray's assets for the development of specialized HPC interconnects.

The purchase will cost Intel $140 mln. northern capital telecommunications conference. The organizers hope that in two years it will become a Russian-scale event.

Tracing the future. Secrets of the Technology for Implementing Desired Event Scenarios

Georg Mount Self improvement Is absent

Who determines your future? Do you think you are? But don't we experience the influence, and even pressure, from our environment, superiors and the system? Aren't we forced to follow unwritten rules and do things we don't want to? And the very habits of our thinking, which often do not serve us in the best way, are “carefully” formed with the tacit approval of others, not at all. stupid people– those who know how to influence the alternatives of the future so that their scenarios of events come true.

Scenarios in which most of us are forced to play other people's games with unclear consequences for ourselves. That is why, as a rule, we ourselves do not determine our future. Other people do it behind our backs. As a result, we provide more perspective to someone else than to ourselves.

Isn’t that so? In order to start ensuring the future with maximum efficiency, first of all, for yourself and your loved ones, you need to dare to change your own patterns of thinking and behavior, think over a winning scenario for yourself, determine promotional goals, learn to do what most people have been practicing for a long time. the successful among us are to embed desired events into the general fabric of reality and to move them into life without delay through our actions.

For obvious reasons, this kind of special knowledge is not publicly available. They are published in a systematic form for the first time. And certainly this knowledge poses a threat to those who determined the events of your life. Book-training “Trace of the future. Secrets of Technology for Implementing Desired Event Scenarios” contains a system of knowledge and practical tools, using which you will have a hidden advantage, become more powerful and stronger and live your life the way you want.

Moreover, the recipients themselves are the main distributors of information. This is achieved by forming the content of the information file, which is able to attract new and new recipients of information through bright, creative, unusual idea or using a natural or trusted message.

War and Peace in the Champions League: Winning Strategy from Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid, Bayern and Manchester

Siebert Steffen Foreign journalism Sports from the inside

The book presents the stories of the most famous football clubs in the world, and also analyzes the tactical schemes of the game under the previous and current coaches of each of them - Manchester City, Barcelona, ​​Bayern and Real Madrid. In addition, the author examines specific matches in detail by examining the setups of these teams, which were chosen by the coaches in order to win the confrontation of tactics and get the most out of a particular player.

Performance Marketing: Make the Internet Work for You

Grigory Zagrebelny Marketing, PR, advertising Missing No data

Every ruble invested in advertising should generate income - this is the main business requirement for Internet marketing today. But what if the standard Internet marketing tools no longer give the expected results? Meet Performance Marketing - new method Internet marketing, integrating into a single strategy various online advertising tools that are most effective for a particular business.

Ingate Digital Agency experts will tell you how to create and implement such a strategy in order to maximize the return on advertising budgets. short time. The book is intended for specialists in advertising and marketing, business owners who want to work successfully and earn money on the Internet.

In this book, the author examines modern popular methods for assessing the effectiveness of staff training, analyzes own experience their application, giving Special attention return on corporate training in monetary terms.

Marketing without a budget. 50 working tools

Igor Mann Marketing, PR, advertising Is absent

In this very practical guide (previously a limited edition called "No Budget"), you'll find 50 effective marketing tools you can use when you're on a tight (or no) marketing budget.

The most valuable thing is that for each tool is given detailed description- who to do, what to do, how to do. This is an indispensable guide for those who want to use the resources of the company as economically as possible and at the same time with the greatest return. The book will bring the greatest benefit to the owners and managers of companies, commercial directors, marketers.

Active phase of the election campaign

Peter Meshkov Guides Missing No data

How to get the maximum result from campaigning last month campaigns? How to avoid traps that devour resources and do not give the proper return? How to distribute promotional products effectively? How to build effective work with the media, make the most of the Internet and social networks? How to conduct candidate meetings? How to increase turnout, organize the work of observers and an exit poll? The answers to these questions can be found in the final book of the trilogy "Elections: a practical guide."

The head of the company has to hire employees. But no one will care about the well-being of the company, and work as hard as he does. Of course they do meet responsible people who sincerely want to help, but they are a minority. You have to constantly motivate employees to work, but you need to do this so that they do not burn out. Here are a few tactics that will get employees to perform at their best while maintaining their positive attitude.

Tactics of "carrot and stick". Employees need to be reminded each week from Monday to Thursday that they need to work more efficiently and aim for more lofty goals. Such motivation helps to increase productivity, but it can also cause a desire to quit. Therefore, on Friday, when employees complete all the planned tasks, you need to thank them for a job well done. You can send out thank-you notes by email, and on Monday they will come to work ready for the new ones. labor exploits. Kind words give employees a sense of job satisfaction and show that you value them.

Decoy Tactics. Find out what is most attractive for each employee. You can start with money or a promotion, since that's what attracts most people. Knowing that your employee needs money, you can promise him a bonus if he increases sales or attracts additional leads next month. This not only improves the bottom line of the company, but also makes employees think about its financial well-being. The employee must be emotionally attached to his "bait". Logic is good, but playing on emotions is more effective.

Feed Tactics. Everyone wants to eat. So why not feed your employees like Google and Facebook do. If your employees don't have to leave the office to eat, they'll be more productive. Even if you are not able to provide daily meals to employees, this does not mean that you cannot pay for going to a restaurant once a month. In this case, you do not have to go to the most expensive institution. Nice cafe with a fun and friendly atmosphere better than a restaurant. In the end, you can just order a pizza to the office and celebrate with your employees the successful completion of the quarter.

Tactics of novelty. One of the most simple ways improving employee productivity is the shift working environment. You can rearrange the furniture in the office, or you can suddenly change the meeting place. For example, hold a meeting or brainstorm not in the office, but in the countryside in nature (weather permitting). Employees may come up with amazing new ideas and not feel like they are at work. The most important thing here is the element of surprise. As in the case of a cafe, this can be organized quite simply and inexpensively.

Democracy Tactics. Your employees work for you, but they are not your slaves. Everyone has feelings and everyone wants to be heard. Therefore, when making decisions regarding the future of the company, always ask for the opinion of your employees. You don't have to do as they say, but it's worth talking to them as they may offer good decision or a way out of a situation that you might never have thought of. Plus, it will teach your employees to look at things more broadly so that in the future they can make certain decisions without your participation, and you can focus on more important things.

Tactics of "Common Goals". Ask the employee to tell you about their personal (non-work-related) goals for the next 12 months and help them achieve their goals. By helping employees solve their personal problems, you have a positive impact on their productivity. Whatever they say about work-life balance, people still tend to mix life and work. And the better they live, the better they work.

Tactics "Give on give." Employees always correlate bonuses, pay raises and promotions with how well they do their job and improve their education. Therefore, before you promote someone, you need to let the employee understand what you expect from him and what else he needs to do to get a promotion. This way you motivate your employees to efficient work. And while you may not be loved for it, looking back and seeing all that they have learned and achieved, employees are generally satisfied with their professional growth.

There is another simple but very important thing which must be done. Get to know your employees better. If you take care of them as your friends, they will not only work with full dedication, but will do it with joy.

Additional materials

Comments (8)

    Yakovlev Andrey Mikhailovich , 04 September 2012, 17:33

    All these tactics are generally obvious. Only the teams are different and the nature of the work too. Let's say the experimenter can be forced to write an article in only one right way - to lock him in a room and not let him out until he writes. But from the result he has the maximum profit! I know a frame that "motivated" constant pressure and threats, it seemed to him that everything was fine. It worked in part, the company had good conditions. But then his tactics failed. The salary was already average, and his phrases like "there are many who want to take your place" did not work, everyone knew that there was a big shortage of staff. So they look at his pathetic person, mumbling something, with the air of "well, I quit, I have offers, but who do you have in stock?"

    Mikhnov Sergey [Mikhnov Sergey], 04 September 2012, 18:16

    "Kind words give employees a sense of job satisfaction and show that you appreciate them."

    has always been a supporter of kind words and exhortations. But often, until the lei arrives, the employee does not start moving normally. What can I say, often you yourself relax and begin to pay attention to a critical issue only after "thunder strikes"

    There are two exits:

    1. Periodically "cheer up" employees, resigned to the Russian nature of man

    2. Create one effective system motivation, in which employees will work as if for themselves, receiving material and other rewards depending on the overall efficiency of the company.

    While the first option...

    Pustovit Andrey , 04 September 2012, 18:34

    But no way! The maximum return is not a permanent state, and should not be so (unless, of course, 300 grams of coke per day and a bunch of amphetamines are delivered to the office in the form of a social package). The maximum return is the response of the psyche rather. To certain external factors - fear, interest, joy ... And like any bursts of activity, all this is then replaced by a certain recession (again emotional). Therefore, in my opinion, one can only talk about the maximum return on a managerial scale as giant gingerbread or giant whips (or ... lyakh, as Mr. Mikhnov clearly put it), which the management skillfully distributes in right situations(hands-on, deadlines, etc.). The rest of the time there is nothing to stir up the people.

    Sa Robert, 05 September 2012, 23:25

    I think all this will be replaced by 1 thing - a constant increase in the salary to compensate for inflation and + 1% of the salary every year - everyone will work better without these sticks and gingerbread. In the text, the button accordion, to be honest, is 10 years old, this no longer works as it is in a cafe and spending on friendship for bosses will cost a lot more than maintaining a constantly growing salary of an employee - and he was guilty - tough on FIG -> unless of course the employee is not valuable. Just the team will be normally divided into old reliable employees from whom you need to take an example and new it can be seen from the RFP ... These, so to speak, configs for the RFP infe are also nonsense, anyway, everything becomes clear within 1-2 years to everyone in all RFPs ...

    In short, in the former territory of the USSR, Western management fashions do not pass by 80-85% ... the mentality of people is different, we need to understand with our souls and not offend us with money, at least create the appearance of stability or something ... everything else will be done automatically since they were brought up for 72 years this automaton of behavior whichworked quite successfully in my opinion, everyone was happy and doing their one wants to ask why people don't want to work now? Maybe important public goals have disappeared? Previously, at least we knew where we were going, but now who knows where we are going? :)

    Sa Robert, 05 September 2012, 23:38

    And even shorter looks like this - Nothing motivates a person better than grandmas! All! then the whole thing is blah blah. Clearly and clearly stated, motivate, give a clear task and move away the boss, then we will figure it out and report on the completion of everything on time! And we won’t meet the dir nafig bonuses and allowances, but know that the project manager is our king, he must lead everything and for everyone, he is responsible, and we won’t let him down. If at least one condition of the project manager is not met, the agreement loses its force! Or we start appreciate the management team or do as you know without us! A bit harsh, but true!

How to make employees work with maximum efficiency? 7 tactics.

When building a business, each of us has a question about good employees who are ready to work with dedication, learn, develop and act. By the way, when I worked for hire, I was always responsible, bosses easily relied on me and valued me, because they knew that you could safely go about your business and leave the department of expense and currency tellers to me (once I was a bank employee and moving very fast there. career ladder, started from a laborer at the cash register to the deputy head of the cash desk and this at a fairly young age). Since then, as they say, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge...

And now I, as an employer, just have a dream to find the same active, quick-witted (without false modesty), and clearly fulfilling their duties. But, as it turned out, it wasn't there. Have you ever had this, you motivate an employee, pay generously, and he picks his nose, whines that he doesn’t succeed, or shouts that he will succeed, but if you clearly formulate the description of the employee “doing nonsense”?

We have faced this dozens of times in our team. Until they developed a strategy, on their own bumps and mistakes.

First of all, when hiring employees, you must clearly remember that this is your business and you must first of all do what is beneficial to you and the development of your business. And if you “stumble” about people who failed to submit a report on work on time or this or that norm has not yet been fulfilled, there will be no sense.

I have prepared for you a series of motivations that I hope will help you, motivate your staff and scale your business.

Tactics of "carrot and stick".

Directly, from Monday to Thursday, it is necessary to remind employees that they must work more efficiently and set themselves high and most importantly specific goals. Such motivation helps to increase productivity, but it can also cause a desire to quit. Therefore, on Friday, when employees complete all the planned tasks, you need to thank them for a job well done. You can send thank you letters by email, and on Monday they will come to work ready for new labor feats. Kind words give employees a sense of job satisfaction and show that you appreciate them.

Decoy Tactics.

Find out what is most attractive for each employee. You can start with money or a promotion, since that's what attracts most people. Knowing that your employee needs money, you can promise him a bonus if he increases sales or attracts additional leads next month. This not only improves the practical results of the company's work, but also makes employees think about its financial well-being. The employee must be emotionally attached to his "bait". Logic is good, but playing on emotions is more effective.

Feed Tactics.

Everyone wants to eat. So why not feed your employees like Google and Facebook do. If your employees don't have to leave the office to eat, they'll be more productive. Even if you are not able to provide daily meals to employees, this does not mean that you cannot pay for going to a restaurant once a month. In this case, you do not have to go to the most expensive institution. Nice cafe with a fun and friendly atmosphere - much better than a restaurant. In the end, you can just order a pizza to the office and celebrate with your employees the successful completion of the quarter.

Tactics of novelty.

One of the easiest ways to increase employee productivity is to change the working environment. You can rearrange the furniture in the office, or you can suddenly change the meeting place. For example, hold a meeting or brainstorm not in the office, but in the countryside in nature (weather permitting). Employees may come up with amazing new ideas and not feel like they are at work. The most important thing here is the element of surprise. As in the case of a cafe, this can be organized quite simply and inexpensively.

Democracy Tactics.

Your employees work for you, but they are not your slaves. Everyone has feelings and everyone wants to be heard. Therefore, when making decisions regarding the future of the company, always ask for the opinion of your employees. You don't have to do as they say, but it's worth talking to them, as they may come up with a good solution or a way out of a situation that you might never have thought of. Plus, it will teach your employees to look at things more broadly so that in the future they can make certain decisions without your participation, and you can focus on more important things.

Tactics of "Common Goals".

Ask the employee to tell you about their personal (non-work-related) goals for the next 12 months and help them achieve their goals. By helping employees solve their personal problems, you have a positive impact on their productivity. Whatever they say about work-life balance, people still tend to mix life and work. And the better they live, the better they work.

Tactics "Give on give."

Employees always correlate bonuses, pay raises and promotions with how well they do their job and improve their education. Therefore, before you promote someone, you need to let the employee understand what you expect from him and what else he needs to do to get a promotion. Thus, you motivate your employees to work effectively. And while you may not be loved for it, looking back and seeing all that they have learned and achieved, employees are generally satisfied with their professional growth.

The population of the planet for this coin is more than 7 billion people. Each of which individual personality with her characteristic cockroaches in her head. Therefore, one universal method for motivation, punishment or encouragement cannot exist. Someone needs to feel the competition, someone is ideal for the “carrot and stick” method, someone will need encouragement, and someone just needs a kick in the ass.

In my opinion, the method described below is well suited for those who are used to postponing everything for later, in other words, their favorite activity is procasting.

After I first read the article, to tell the truth, I was not entirely in solidarity with the author. The proposed GTD method seemed strange to me. Only after re-reading and thinking about each item did I come to the conclusion that everything in it still makes some sense.

The basis for this technique was the book "Stress-proof your life: 52 Brilliant Ideas for Taking Control" by Elizabeth Wilson. Its essence is to protect yourself from all sorts of distractions in the form of chat correspondence, in social networks or watching videos. The work should be structured in such a way that there is simply not enough time for it. And given that this technique contains competitive notes (with time and itself), then it should appeal to gambling personalities.

1. Decide on a clear to-do list

Be realistic, don't overcharge yourself unsolvable tasks. These tasks you will perform qualitatively throughout the working day.

2. Use a stopwatch

If you do not have a stopwatch installed, then download the Stopwatch timer to work with.

3. Set the timer interval to 5 minutes.

4. When the time is up, move on to the next problem

Agree, it looks very simple, albeit rather strange. You set a timer for 5 minutes and take on the first task on your list. After the time is up and the timer signal sounds, move on to the next task. Do not stop until the time of the last task from the list is over. If you have not completed the previous task, and the time is up, you still have to move on to the next one.

No concessions, you have 5 minutes and that's it!

5. After the end of the list of tasks, designed for 5 minutes, go to 10 minutes, then to 15, and so on in ascending order

It gets even more confusing and even weirder. But that's the main point this method. Why should such a seemingly strange method work?

Think about it, such strict time frames simply force you to get together, although they limit it. This option is not acceptable only for creative work, where freedom in time and thoughts is simply necessary. But in the case when the list of your duties consists of "official" cases, this method may be the most productive.

If you are a gambling nature, then the desire to overtake yourself next time will definitely lead you to career advancement. When you use this method again, you will also find that more and more more work you can do it in 5 minutes. Isn't this the desired progress?

It is not good to put off all the most important and unpleasant for later, do not bypass procrastination, otherwise, as a result, so many accumulated cases will fall on you that you will have no time to breathe. No one will find it tempting to do unpleasant work all day long. Such thoughts cause apathy, complete unwillingness to work, severe headache. In return, you will find other, in your opinion, “more important” cases! The thought is that unpleasant job will last only 5 minutes, not so scary. Moreover, it is likely that these same 5 minutes will turn out to be the most tedious and unpleasant, and further work will go by itself. This can still be compared with the performance of routine work in parts. I prefer to do all household chores like this, we'll do the cleaning.

To understand whether such a technique is suitable for you or not, you should at least once experience its effect on yourself. What should you try even for the sake of interest? If you think about it, such a strategy can be very helpful with routine tasks.

When it comes to increasing profits in a company, sooner or later the question of employee motivation arises. But what if the organization is not ready to allocate additional funds for this?

Sales expert Dmitry Cherednik is sure that people do not always want to get more money. To motivate them, you just need to be an attentive leader and read this article.

If the motivation of employees is insufficient, then the productivity and quality of their work will inevitably decrease. As for , she also renders direct influence on motivation: if a person considers himself a part of a close-knit team united by a common idea, then he accepts the goals of the company as his own and puts maximum energy into achieving them.

Is motivation really that important?

In fact, motivation is much more important than many people think. Dean Spitzer, in his book Super Motivation, quotes the following statistics:

  • 50% of people work just enough to keep their jobs.
  • 80% of workers can significantly increase their productivity if they want to.

Almost any company can make a powerful breakthrough in growth and development if it can maintain a stable high motivation of the staff. How can this be achieved? There are many ways of motivation, which can be conditionally divided into material and non-material.

material motivation

  • Salary increase. Practice shows that salary increase is the least effective way of motivation. Studies have shown that the motivational effect of a salary increase lasts an average of about 3 months. In addition, this incentive, for obvious reasons, should not be used too often.
  • Prizes and bonuses. Much more effective way- division of employees' salaries into a fixed part and performance-based bonuses. This is a common practice in departments involved in sales or directly interacting with customers. Employees clearly see the dependence of their income on performance, and this encourages them to work harder. Bonuses can be paid for anything, depending on current business objectives: for a completed plan, for attracting new customers, for not being late, for high sales of new products.
  • Social package. A good social package can also be attributed to material incentives. Some companies include VHI policies for employees and their families, additional pension insurance, preferential and more. Such a benefits package will not only attract more qualified employees to you, but also make them hold on to the workplace.

11 ways to motivate employees without promising them money

Intangible incentives are more diverse and, when used skillfully, can motivate employees without increasing costs. Emotional motivation is based on the recognition of the merits of a person, on a sense of one's own need and indispensability, on pride in one's work, as well as on a competitive spirit and team enthusiasm.

  1. Possibility career development. This incentive is one of the most effective, because it combines an increase in status and a salary increase. Its disadvantage is limited application possibilities. But if you "grow" your top managers from your own employees, then the prospects for promotion will make them work with great zeal and dedication.
  2. Training. If you give your best employees the opportunity additional training, attending seminars or conferences, this will also motivate them for better results.
  3. Providing additional rest. Enter a special privilege for the best workers: an extra day off or the opportunity to go home early. By the way, a small Japanese company, Hime & Company, became famous for giving its employees paid time off due to a “broken heart” (from 1 to 3 days, depending on age).
  4. Contact with management. This is another way to show the best employees that their successes are visible and highly appreciated. The Chairman of the Board of Sberbank, German Gref, monthly invites the best employees of the bank to a joint lunch at a restaurant.
  5. Hall of Fame. Well-deserved praise is a great motivator! A message about distinguished employees can be included in a corporate mailing list, published in a corporate newspaper or wall newspaper, posted on your company's website or on its social network page. The company must know its heroes!
  6. Team spirit. If each employee feels like a part of the team, feels needed and important to it, this provides a stable emotional lift. This also includes corporate field trips. Joint rest with games and fun competitions - popular remedy to unite the team and create a friendly atmosphere in it.
  7. Presentation of symbolic awards. This method has proven to be particularly effective in manufacturing plants. Commemorative cups and certificates are awarded to the best workers in a solemn atmosphere.
  8. Honorary position title. Just by renaming the position, you can make it more status and attractive. An example is the Store consultants who are proudly referred to as "geniuses". And in Artemy Lebedev's chain of cafes "Cafeterius" instead of waitresses, "cafe hostesses" work.
  9. Discounts "for your own". In many companies, employee loyalty is supported by giving them discounts on company products and services.
  10. Feedback. Give your employees a chance to have their say, either verbally at meetings or in writing with an idea box. People are pleased to know that management is ready to seriously consider their ideas, comments and wishes on the organization of work in the company. By the way, the authors best ideas can be encouraged with small gifts and public thanksgiving.
  11. Possibility of remote work and free schedule. You can encourage the best employees of the company by giving them the opportunity to work from home (if their line of work allows it). Agree, no one likes to stand in morning traffic or push the subway at rush hour.

Where to begin

Remember that different people are effective different ways motivation. Young ambitious employees may prefer career prospects to cash bonuses; and for people of age, showing respect and recognition of their services to the company can be key. Therefore, we recommend that you “keep your finger on the pulse” and periodically find out what exactly motivates your employees best.

A natural question arises: how to do this? Of course, you should not ask directly, because a significant proportion of the answers will be insincere. Besides similar questions from management can cause tension and negative emotions(“They want to motivate me somehow? I must be doing a bad job. What did I do wrong?”).

To get the most accurate and truthful picture, the question should be formulated as follows: “What motivates people to work with maximum efficiency?”. Answering a question in this formulation, each person will involuntarily describe his own deepest motivation and his most effective incentives. We advise you to include this question in a short questionnaire and place it as naturally as possible among other questions.

The questionnaire might look like this:

  1. Describe your ideal leader in three words.
  2. What motivates people to perform at their best?
  3. What do you like most about your job?
  4. What would you change about how your department works?
  5. How are a flower and a brick similar?

Such a questionnaire can be distributed to employees at the beginning of the next planning meeting and asked to answer questions within one minute. Voila! You have the key to motivate each of your employees. can take this information into account in the further distribution of tasks and organization of work.

For example, if the answer to the key question of the questionnaire includes "creative tasks", "free schedule" and "opportunity professional growth”, then such a person is unlikely to like boring routine things. He will work most brightly and effectively in the areas of PR, marketing or advertising. And if an employee indicated “stability” as motivators, “ comfortable conditions in the workplace" and "a good atmosphere in the team" - he will be able to calmly and efficiently perform routine tasks without suffering from a lack of creativity.

In conclusion, let's say that non-material motivation employees based on positive emotions and corporate spirit, can be a powerful engine for the growth of your company. And most importantly - it almost does not require cash investments. All you need is your attention to the needs of employees and your willingness to encourage their work.