The advantage of notebooks on a printed basis. “First pay for textbooks, and then pay twice as much for workbooks as well.


Lesson #1 Root. One-word words.
Fill in the missing words in the poem:
_________ words are a meaningful part.
Above the words _________________
Holds power.
____________ skillfully line of kinship -
_______________ choose the words. (Wolina)

Exercise #1

Exercise #2



word plants


Exercise #1
Find the same root words on each line. Remember that words with the same root are similar in meaning and have same root.
Teach, student, student.
Freedom, free, conquer, liberate.
Strength, strongman, athlete, strong.
Sloth, lazy, lazy, lazy.
Water, submariner, underwater, sailor.
Underline the words with the same root, highlight the root.

Exercise #2
The game "Third extra"
find superfluous word. Cross it out.
Yolk, iron, yellow.
Watchmaker, part, hour.
Compasses, circus performer, circus.
Stove, seal, stove.

In single-root words, highlight the root.
Exercise #3
Match these words with the same root. Write them down. Select the root.
Cold, chill, _____________________________________________
Light, shine, _________________________________________________
Boiling water, boil, ____________________________________________
Spruce, _____________________________________________________________
Birch, _______________________________________________________

Lesson #2 Compound words
Exercise #1
Highlight in compound words ah roots (arc) and a connecting vowel E or O between the roots (circle).

Locomotive, polisher, plane, helicopter, icebreaker, vacuum cleaner, steelworker, hayfield, mousetrap, windbreak, deadwood, book lovers, beekeepers.

Exercise #2
Find complex words in the text, indicate from which roots they are formed.

Ice drift began on the Volga. Yesterday there was a snowfall. The beekeeper showed us the apiary. Haymaking has already begun. Beautiful autumn leaves. Lumberjacks
came back home. The sound of a waterfall can be heard in the distance. The angler checked his rods. The pedestrian walked five kilometers.

Exercise #3
Point out difficult words in the text.

Seven in the department - Void
everything is in business! sharpened the question
Pustoved empty grinder
corrected the beret. filled the cauldron
Wastemaker Pustovar
looked proudly. brought up the heat.
Called: "Hurry!" kept track of everything
Thick smoke to the sky
and the cauldron is empty! V. Ivanov
What one word can replace all compound words?
Exercise #4
Compose and write compound words with the root forest. Make up a sentence with one of the words.
Timber carrier, forest park, timber rafting, lumberjack, ________________________________

Exercise #5
Sleep. Insert the missing letters. Highlight the roots and connecting vowels (circle)
Mukhed, chimney, timber rafting, water transport, agriculture, commander, stranger, pedestrian, bird catcher, musk ox.

Sincwine "5 lines" - poetic form, consisting of 5 lines.

Exercise #1
Compose and write difficult words. Highlight the root, underline the connecting vowels.
He carries weapons, catches flies, breeds sheep, the stars fall, digs the earth, cuts the waves, cooks porridge.
Exercise #2
Guess riddles, write riddles.
1. Brings a glass eye, clicks once and remembers you. ________________
2. Miracle janitor in front of you,
With gripping hands.
In one minute raked
Huge snowdrift. _____________________________
3. I will see the dust - I will grumble,
I will grunt and swallow. ___________________________
4. Not a bird, but flies.
Not a beetle, but a buzz. _____________________
5. Top hole, bottom hole,
And in the middle is fire and water. __________________
Draw the answer!

Exercise #3
Fill in the missing letters in the words.
Pulmet, eyewitness, platypus, vegetable grower, flycatcher, friendliness, shrew, vodka, digger, fisherman.

Highlight the roots, underline the connecting vowels.

Lesson #3 Ending. The base of the word.
1. Insert the missing words into the poem:
The part of the word that changes
_______________ is called.
The rest of the word
We call __________.
2. Underline the words with zero ending.
Table, fox, shore, river, soap, ringing, house, girlfriend, vase.

¬ stand

General: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise #1 Read.
Lots of garlic useful substances. Garlic juice helps heal wounds. In the past, garlic was used to treat coughs.

Write down the words that are repeated in all three sentences. Pick a base and an ending.

Exercise #2
Complete the sentences by changing the words according to the model.
Sample: Boats are sailing - the boat is sailing
I var II var
Rockets fly - rocket Gardens bloom - garden
Cars are standing - car Raincoats are hanging - raincoat
The winds are humming - the wind The crowds are rushing - the crowd
Snowdrifts grow - snowdrift Calves moo - calf

Identify stems and endings in words.

Exercise #3
Change the words in brackets according to the questions. Highlight the ending and stem in these words.
1. Good attitude (to what?)
Carefully handled (with what?) (books)

2. Make demands (to whom?)
Special demand (from whom?) (excellent student)

3. Admire (by whom?)
Look (at whom?) (butterfly)

4. Save yourself from (what?)
Avoid (what?) (death)

5. Pay (for what?)
Pay what (travel)

Sinkwine "5 lines" - a poetic form consisting of 5 lines.

Exercise #1
Write who has what cubs? Select an ending.
Example: Horse foal.

kitten at ____________ puppy at ______________
goat at _____________ piglet at ____________
bear cubs at ____________ calf at ____________
hares at ______________ squirrels at _____________
wolf cubs at _____________ goslings at _____________

Exercise #2
Fill in the missing endings using the questions what? which? which? Put the question from the highlighted word. Underline the ending and stem of the word.
The water in the stream is clear. The boy picked up a bucket full of mushrooms. A red berry looks out of the grass. There was a round window in the wall. On a good flower and a bee flies. The children were given a new ball. A good word is good for everyone. Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

Lesson #4 Prefix
1. Insert the missing words into the poem

There is ___________ before the root.
___________ is spelled
And with the help of an attachment
_______ are formed.

2. In the alphabetic text, find prefixes and select them
3. Select prefixes and roots in words:
Redistribution (divide), redistribute (divide), re-election, mix (interfere), race (race), run away (run).
¬ form
_________________________________ Similarity: _________________________________________________
Exercise #1
Name the opposite actions using prefixes from -, you -.
stick - unstick put in - take out
bring - invest -
bind - let in -
get used to - get in -
fasten - roll -
bring - fly in -
bend - crawl -
Make up sentences with some of them.

Exercise #2
What prefixes can express the beginning, and what - the end of the actions indicated by the verbs given below (for -, for -, from -, re-, for -).
Thundered, shone, worried, rustled, knocked, blossomed, laughed, sharpened.
Exercise #3
Write in two columns the words with prefixes:
under - under -
He put, moved, pillow, footboard, plantain, divided, thought, window sill, made friends, blew, duvet cover, armrest, dozed, trimmed, trimmed, choked, served.

· four
Selective dictation(write down verbs with prefixes)

The sun mercilessly burned the earth. The birch leaves withered. The horses huddled in the bushes. A blue cloud appeared. She moved quickly, as if someone was pushing her, and soon covered the whole sky. The wind blew, the dust swirled, the birches bowed, moaned, the glass in the windows trembled (According to G. Markov)

Sinkwine "5 lines" - a poetic form consisting of 5 lines.

Form new words

Exercise #1
Write down the phrases, choosing the appropriate prefix for the verb (in -, from -, under -, for -, y -, re -, on -, races -, with -)
__ run into the room, __ put up a chair, __ write a letter, __ take mushrooms, __ knit a wound, __ prick a nut, __ beat a nail, __ wrap up a doll, __ swing on a swing, __ confuse letters.

Exercise #2
Write by choosing the correct word
Car _______________ past the house.
____________ grandma is visiting us. (arrived, passed)

The plane was made by ______________.
In Moscow, passengers will do _________. (landing, transfer)

From trees _____________ leaves.
Birds ______________ to the south. (fly away, fly away)

Highlight the prefix in the words.
Exercise #3
Draw a picture for the sentence you like above, hide the prefix in it.


Lesson number 5 Prepositions and prefixes.
Write down phrases

Compare prefix and preposition:


1. What is it?

2. What is it used for?

3. How is it spelled?

4. Is it possible to insert a word between ¬ and
·, word and preposition?

5. Can it stand before a verb?
Never come before a verb.

Underline the words with the prefix do - in the alphabetic text
Exercise #1
Write down an excerpt from a poem by S. Ya. Marshak and trace the ratio of prepositions and verb prefixes. Pay attention to the merged and separate spelling. Do you remember if there are prepositions before verbs?
And then you rolled
And did not turn back.
Rolled into the garden
reached the gate
rolled under the gate
ran to the turn
Write the text by opening the brackets. Underline the prepositions, highlight the prefixes.

Old Woman's Pranks - Winters
Exercise #1
Find puns in the poem, indicate prepositions and prefixes. Determine what part of speech these words belong to.

I once climbed onto a cart, the foxes decided to bake a rabbit,
and dived into the water from it. And the rabbit from the oven jumped behind the oven.

It would depend on soap - Snowdrifts of snow blizzards swamped,
I would wash my freckles. And the truck, like a barge aground.

(Y. Kozlovsky)
Exercise #2
Correct the mistakes in the highlighted words, choose the prefix that matches the meaning.

The picture needs to be pasted onto cardboard. Try climbing this tree. A mosquito flew into the room. The dog led the boy out of the forest. Our house stands out from the neighbors by a small stream. You have to sign the application.
Exercise #3
Write by opening brackets. Underline the prepositions, highlight the prefixes.
“I would also like to draw,” said Alice at last.
- (At) a well.
- (Po) draw and (y) inject? - asked the Hare.
Draw pictures for the words:
1) prick 2) at the well

Lesson #6 Suffix

1. Disassemble the words by composition:
Palms, cheeks, backs and tummies.

2. In the alphabetic text, find and highlight the suffixes (^)


3. Insert the missing words into the poem:
__________ - main part the words
They end with ________________.
After __________ he stands
Turning a house into a home
A gun friends in a gun.
Kota Murzik in __________,
And the dog in ____________.

4. Highlight the suffixes in the words:
Wrote, heroic, drew.

Comparison of ¬ and ^.


¬ ^

Exercise #1
Find the extra word
Hut, garden, porch, tree, window, patio, bench, door.

Exercise #2
Which of the words not only name the object, but also indicate its size? What part of the word contains the meaning of the quantity:
Ladder, river, swamp, hands, pond, knife, boots, bush, domina, melon, beads, little hand, beak, shoe, string, fence, yamina, bag, grain, little book, spider, bridge.
Write in the first column the words that have an augmentative value, and in the second column the words that have a diminutive value and highlight the suffixes:
magnifying diminutive

Exercise #3
Form words with the help of suffixes -ok or -ik.

City - town, oak, wind, mushroom, ball, ball, bridge, bush.
Write words. Select suffixes. Compare words without suffixes and with suffixes. How has the meaning of the word changed?
Sinkwine "5 lines" - a poetic form consisting of 5 lines.
Form new words
class + n _________________
city ​​+ sk __________________
north + n _________________
september + sc __________________

Exercise #1
Using suffixes, form words with the meaning of very small and very large from these nouns.
Sample: man - man - man
Fist - , nose - , voice - ., ., leg - ,
hand - .., ., boot - .., ......,
eyes - ., .., hair - , .,
mustache - ., ..
Exercise #2
For the diagrams below, select from the books the words of the corresponding structure according to the model and draw a picture for the word.

· -

·^ -

Exercise #3
What does not happen, circle with a pencil:

·, ^
· about

Lesson number 7 Word composition ( morphemic analysis and synthesis)
Exercise number 1.
Write down the phrases that are acceptable in speech. Select the root.
Butter, old man, make jam, do business, do work, treat a guest, sing songs, fry a roast, write a letter, paint with paint, scream with a cry, stare with your eyes.
Exercise #2
Write in 2 columns the words with the prefix re-
a) in the meaning of repetition of action;
b) in the meaning of excessive action (very)
Re-elections, overheated, overworked, rewrote, reloaded, alarmed, overripe, outgrown, rearrangement, rechecked, transferred, oversalted, transplanted, revised, digested, rearranged, moved.
repeat very

Exercise #3
Write down the clue words and sort them out by composition:
1. I don’t argue, not white - 2. Blooms from under the snow
I, brothers, are simpler Before everyone meets spring
I usually grow (..)
In a birch grove.
3. At night at noon at dawn
He carries out his service in secret.
On the trail, on the beach
Blocks the path of the enemy. (..)


hedgehog - hedgehog

Exercise number 4
Read. What words are highlighted? Are they related words? Why? Which word is primary and which is secondary? Write down a couple of next of kin.
The fountain
I see rain
For a mile -
Throws in height!
Hey listen
Weird rain.
Why do you
Are you going up? (S. Protasevich)

rain - rain (..)

Exercise #1
Solve morphological charades and sort these words by composition.
The root is the same as in the word fairy tale,
The suffix is ​​the same as in the word cab,
The prefix is ​​the same as in the word expense. ()

The root is the same as in the word winter,
Suffix and ending as in the word grandfather. (.)

The root is the same as in the word gardener,
Prefix - as in the word transition,
Suffix and ending - as in the word loading (..)
Exercise #2
Select that part in the composition secondary word with which it is formed, write the primary word.
Sample: calf - elk
Wolf cub - __________, breeze - _________, ostrich cub - _______________,
night - ______________, leaf - ____________.

Lesson #8 An interesting root

+ -

A bow is a weapon for throwing arrows. It has a curved part.
Lukoshko - a basket of twigs. They are bent when weaving a basket.
A crafty person is deceitful, cunning. And the seaside is a crooked Coast, sea ​​bay.

+ -
Sinkwine "5 lines" - a poetic form consisting of 5 lines.
Try to make your little “discoveries”: from what words do the words outskirts, snowstorm come from? (Remember the bow lesson)
Outskirts ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Blizzard ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson #9 Morphemic (word-building) repetition
Exercise #1
Sleep. Find and highlight the prefix that repeats the words. What meaning does she attach to all these words?

The forest rang, groaned, crackled, _________________________
He listened to winter and ran away. (N. Nekrasov) _______________________
A storm covers the sky with darkness _________________________
Whirlwinds of snow twisting, __________________________
Like a beast she will howl, ____________________
That will cry like a child; __________________________
Then on the roof of a dilapidated _____________________
Suddenly straw rustles. ___________________________
The way a belated traveler ___________________________
There will be a knock on our window (A. Pushkin) __________________________

Exercise #2
In what works of oral folk art word-building repetition is used? (Russian folk songs, fairy tales, epics, riddles, proverbs).
Write out from the texts the words formed by one word-formation model.

I have already sowed, sowed flax, ______________________________
I sowed, I said
She nailed it with chabots.
Water spilled over the meadows, ______________________________
Birds flew through the gardens
One bird was left

The blue sea calmed down, despondent, ______________________________
Calmed down, dejected fast rivers,
The walking clouds have calmed down, the clouds have become despondent,
The blessed queen reposed

Exercise number 3.
Sleep. Find in the text words with the same root, highlight the root.
I will not return to my father's house,
The ever wandering wanderer
About the departed, over the pond
Let the hemp grower yearn (S. Yesenin)

And even the willows by the pond
I won't let you be weepy.
Let it rain sometimes
Cries under the clouds (L. Zubkova)

I built trenches and pillboxes
Iron and stones hewn.
And I myself from this work
He became iron and stone (Y. Smelyakov)

Word-building repetition


Exercise #1
Read an excerpt from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale. Which artistic technique used in text? Write out words with a repeating prefix, highlight it.

Pinocchio climbed up the resinous trunk to the top of the Italian pine tree, standing alone on the field, and from there, shouted, howled, squeaked at the top of his lungs.
Reception ____________________________________________________________

Exercise #2
Read the poem by V. Ivanov. What artistic technique is used. Write out single words. Select the root.

About Pan Zlodievsky
AT wonderful city Khishchensk
In a quiet street Kradevskaya
There lived a famous villain
Pan Zlodislav Zlodievsky.
And the wife is a villain,
And daughter - Villain,
And son - Villain,
And the dog is a villain,
And the kitten? And a kitten
Nicknamed - Villain.
There is also a canary
An overbearing villain.
Draw any character from the poem.

Lesson number 10 Words with evaluation suffixes.

+ -
Exercise number 1.
Write out words from the text of epics that have evaluation suffixes and highlight them (^).

He saddled the horse, settled
He put on a silk sweatshirt
He put a Circassian saddle on the sweatshirt

In it, the great power did not decrease,
And in him the heroic heart was not horrified,
At twenty-four hours
He beat this great powerhouse.
Exercise number 2.
In Russian, the suffix - in - stands out in some nouns that call medicines (aspirin, ephedrine, amidopyrine, analgin). How is this feature of the language used in the poem, excerpts from which are given?

Cunning Pharmacy
There are many pharmacies in the world,
Useful to a person.
But I want to open for you
special pharmacy

From the earthworm
He runs without looking back.
In the corner I noticed a spider -
Trembling as if in a fever.
Aspirin won't help.
The poor fellow from chills.
In my pharmacy there is "khrabrin"
For this patient

Trudolyubin saved the boy
From laziness and from nobility,
But at home they keep in reserve
Magic medicine.

Write out the words with suffixes - in -, highlight the suffix.
Exercise number 3.
Now, imagine that you are a doctor and you need to prescribe medicine for unusual patients.
Come boasters
And lazy and liars,
And dirty, with crybabies
I will save you in an instant
Come, I will cure (L. Zubkova)

To braggarts - .., lazy people - ., liars - , dirty people - ., bullies - .
Sinkwine "5 lines" - a poetic form consisting of 5 lines.

Exercise #1
Write out from the text of the Russian song words that have diminutive suffixes, highlight them.
Our hostess
She was smart
Everyone in the hut worker
Gave for the holiday
cupped doggy
Washes with tongue.
The mouse collects
Crumbs under the window.
There is a cat on the table
Paw scratching.
Doormat hen
Sweeps with a broom.
Exercise #2
What is the assessment of the suffixes in the words worker, cat. Take these words apart.
Exercise #3
Draw any character from the song.

Creative notebook “The composition of the word. Word-formation” was created with the aim of increasing the level of knowledge and skills of students in morphemics, as a result of performing exercises aimed at concentrating attention and memory.
Given in the notebook lesson planning 10 lessons ("Root", "Single-root words", "Compound words", "End. Base", "Prefix", "Suffix", "Word composition (morphemic analysis and synthesis)", "Interesting root", "Morphemic word-formation repetition”, “Words with evaluation suffixes”). Each lesson has a homework from 2-3 tasks.
The creative notebook contains a variety of practical tasks morphemic, suggesting vigorous activity schoolchildren who must not only read and write, but also draw, guess, work with a dictionary of word structure. The notebook contains exercises related to the division of words into groups, the selection of words with the same root, finding the 3rd extra, entering missing words, letters, being in the text and highlighting prefixes, suffixes; selective write-off and others. It should be noted that the content of the exercises is focused on enhancing the attention and memory of students.
To increase the amount of attention in the creative notebook, I used the method of comparing a new concept with a previously studied one, so that the features of each concept were clear. I compared the prefix and the root, the prefix and the ending, where they found common and different.
In the notebook there are exercises that are aimed at concentration and noise immunity. For example: Among the alphabetic text, find and highlight prefixes, suffixes, underline words with a zero ending.
After-voluntary attention was developed by exercises designed for doing homework, where students were involved in active mental activity, tasks are offered: the game "The Third Extra", find puns in the poem, indicate prepositions and prefixes, correct errors in the highlighted words, select a prefix that is suitable for the meaning; find schemes that do not exist and circle them with a pencil; write out words with a repeating prefix and others.
Arbitrary attention develop exercises that make you group words according to certain characteristics. For example: Write in the first column the words that have an augmentative value, and in the second column the words that have a diminutive value and highlight the suffixes.
visual memory I activated in children using schemes. For example, compound word schemes
Helped to complete the following exercises: make words according to the scheme, insert missing letters in words.
auditory memory helps to remember the material told by the teacher, other students. It is no coincidence that after getting acquainted with the rule in the creative notebook there is a task: Insert the missing words into the poem. To restore the rules in the memory of students.
Associative memory helps junior schoolchild memorize complex grammatical concepts, for this purpose, I use the “double diary” technique in the creative notebook, which helps memorize the material by establishing positive and negative associations. I used this technique when studying the word root, words with evaluation suffixes, when getting acquainted with the multi-valued root "bow" For example:

+ -
five deuce
praise punishment
holiday sadness
I developed hand-motor memory when filling in a conceptual table, where a prefix and a preposition were compared; when coloring a picture on the cover of a creative notebook that helps to remember conventions prefix, root, suffix and ending (¬
cartoons 1607 in Russian "The composition of the word"

The theme is "Kilogram".


to acquaint with a new value - mass and its unit of measurement - kilogram; develop the ability to solve problems and examples of the types studied, instill interest in mathematics.

Planned results:

students will learn to weigh objects to the nearest kilogram; compare objects by weight; organize objects, arranging them in order of increasing (decreasing) mass; use mathematical terminology when compiling and reading mathematical equalities; solve problems to determine the mass of objects based on the tasks of the studied species; control and evaluate their work and its results.


textbook, notebook printed basis, multimedia projector, interactive board, 2 identical boxes, scales, items for weighing (a box of sugar 1 kg, a pack of salt 1 kg, weights, tables with new words (mass, scales, kilograms), an image of Dunno.

Stages of the lesson.

Organizing time.

We start again

Solve, guess, dare!

We wish everyone good luck -

For work in good hour!


Verbal counting.

Guys, today he came to our class new student. Guess what his name is.

He is, of course, the most important

The mischievous is a funny naughty.

He's wearing a big blue hat

Clumsy and sloppy.

Boastful and arrogant,

And his name is ... (Dunno). (An image of Dunno appears.)

What book did Dunno come to us from? Who is its author? Have you read books about Dunno and his friends?

One happened to Dunno amazing story. He wrote it down and asks for help in sorting it out. ( individual work; 2 students solve the problem on their own).

Dunno hurried to our lesson, but trouble happened. He fell, all the number cards fell out of his briefcase. Use number cards to show which numbers are missing (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10)

A stranger asks for help. He asks to check whether he solved the examples correctly.

6 +2 = 8 7 – 5 = 3 4 + 5 = 9 2 + 7 = 10

10 – 5 = 4 8 – 6 = 2 9 – 3 = 6 3 + 5 = 8

Tell us how you helped Dunno with his problem. What did you learn from the task? What to find? How will you do it?

Do you agree with the decision? (question to the whole class)

Self-determination to activity.

Introduction to the masses.

Dunno his friends sent two parcels.

What friends of Dunno do you know? Read books and meet his comrades.

Take a close look at these two boxes and compare them. What can be said?

?! “But I still assure you that these boxes are different. What are their differences? (Difficulty??? or guess???)

There are properties that we can't always see. To discover such a property, you need to pick up objects in your hands.

What can you say now?

Easier - harder we say when we mean property, how to call it? Weight!(The word " weight")

Look at this word. What was interesting about the writing? Let's read it word by word. Read with speed.

- Who guessed what the topic of our lesson is?

Tell everyone the topic of our lesson.

What do you think we will learn at the lesson today? Express your guesses.

Children's answers:

Color, shape, size: same

One is lighter, the other is harder

Determine the topic of the lesson: KILOGRAM


Work on the topic of the lesson.

Practical work.

Introduction to scales.

1) - Guys, take in one hand textbook, and in another notebook. What is easier and what is harder? (A textbook is heavier than a notebook, a notebook is lighter than a textbook.)

2) - Now take it in one hand textbook, and in the other handle. What is lighter and what is heavier? (The textbook is heavier than the pen, and the pen is lighter than the textbook).

- Guys, who guessed what we are now comparing?(Masses of objects).

- Yes, that's right, we compared the masses of objects.

And therefore it will be correct to say that the mass of the textbook more mass notebooks, and the mass of notebooks ... ( less mass textbook)

If the mass of the pen is less than the mass of the textbook, then ... (the mass of the textbook is greater than the mass of the pen).

3) - Now take in each hand according to the textbook and compare their masses. What can be said about the masses of textbooks?

- Guys, what instrument is used to measure the mass of objects?(Scales).

That's right, the mass of objects is measured by scales.

(The word is posted on the board "scales")

Let's read this word by syllable. Read with speed.

Scales are different: ... .. (viewing slides).

Where in your life have you met Libra?

What professions use scales in their work?

Whose parents use scales? For what?

Introduction to the unit of mass, the kilogram.

Guys, Dunno was treated to an apple and he decided to find out its mass.

Dunno put an apple on one scale, and 5 strawberries on the other. The scales are on the same level, in balance. What does it mean? (weights are the same)

Let's write down: 1 yab. = 5 cells.

Now Dunno put an apple on one scale, and 2 chocolates on the other. The scales are on the same level, in balance. What does it mean? (weights are the same)

Let's write down: 1 yab. = 2 sh.

Since the same apple was weighed, we can write: 5 cells = 2 sh.

But we know that 5 > 2.

Is there a mistake here? (No, we measured by different standards)

What conclusion can be drawn? (The same measurement is needed!)

Task: Balance the scales.

Formerly people used different measures: stones, apples, etc. Then each nation had its own measures of mass. But all of them were inconvenient to use, as confusion arose. People could not come up with a single measure for a long time. And more than 200 years ago (in 1799), scientists came up with such a measure and called it - kilogram.

(The word is posted on the board "kilogram")

Let's read this word by syllable. Read with speed. What features in the spelling of this word did you notice?

In abbreviated form, this word is written down "kg". (On the board is hung out KG).

- In a box of sugar 1 kg, in a pack of salt 1 kg(children estimate the mass of objects weighing one kilogram).

- There are weights weighing 1 kg, 2 kg(examination of kettlebells)

There are other units of mass measurement: grams, tons, centners. But the main one is kilogram. There is a standard (sample) of a kilogram, it is in the museum.


What items can be weighed using the new value

The children complete the sentence.

The mass of one textbook is equal to the mass of the other textbook.


Consolidation of the studied material.

Textbook work.

No. 1 p.36 (oral)

  1. - Find out which is easier: watermelon or kettlebell?
  2. Find out the weight of the bag of flour.
  3. How can you weigh 3 kg using weights of 1kg, 2kg and 5kg? 7kg? 4kg?

No. 3 p. 37 (oral)

10 over 7

Answer: The length of the red segment is 3 cm longer than the length of the blue one.

Open your notebooks, write down the number and the words "Classwork".

We write down No. 4 on page 37, we do it ourselves, we indicate the procedure above the sign (either above + or above -).

No. 5 in writing. Let's remember what the components of addition are called, make up examples and write them down in a notebook.

We redraw the table with a simple pencil and ruler and fill it out.

Work in a notebook on a printed basis.

Determine the mass of the pumpkin. Whisper your answer into your neighbor's ear. Say it out loud. Does everyone have this answer? Write it down.

How to find out the mass of a melon? Write it down.

Write down the answer.

Swap notebooks with a neighbor. Check the correctness of the completed task. Point out mistakes

The text is just for a quick introduction to the topic in in general terms(formulas and drawings may not be displayed accurately). Displayed better in PDF file above):

Extremely useful, although unfortunately not received
still due distribution in the teaching of mathematics, materials
with a printed base, intended for filling
pupil gaps in texts and drawings. Notebooks with a printed base
(TPO) is the most valuable of these materials.
1. At present, as well as 5-6 years ago, materials from
printed base are still a new kind educational equipment.
There is a need to move to mass them
manufacturing. Of course, it is necessary to think critically
the experience that has already been accumulated.
a) For example, in Latvian SSR notebooks were recently published
mathematics. On the left half of each page of ‘these
notebooks printed examples. Right half of each page
empty. For example! (4a+36)3=….
Examples are located one per line. The student, having received
at the lesson such a notebook, imposes on the empty half
pages Blank sheet paper and against assignments writes his answers.
This makes senseless rewriting unnecessary.
conditions. The answers are written in the form
convenient for verification. The same notebook can be used
However, this benefit has limited use: it
may contain only such tasks in which we are interested
only answer. Meanwhile, in a notebook with a printed base, you can
include much more diverse tasks.
b) An interesting modification of materials with a printed base
are perforated cards designed by employees
research institute pedagogical sciences Uzbek SSR. At work
the student fastens the card with a sheet placed under it
paper and enters the missing text into the "windows". And here are the materials
can be used repeatedly, but the nature of the tasks
becomes more diverse.
Both of these types of benefits have one thing in common important property: answers
and the texts of the assignments are on different sheets, recalled by another
each other, and for reading it is required to combine them. For example, this
may be inconvenient when parsing in a result class
work. And, of course, the work done on these assignments,
cannot be used in the future (say, to repeat

82 . Task materials.

An additional disadvantage of perforated cards is
the complexity of their manufacture: each card is perforated
in my own way, p. change in shape and location
2. Notebooks with a printed base different from those described.
perforated cards so that the student, working with them, writes
their answers directly in a notebook, fills in the left for
gaps for this purpose. This alone makes the use of TPO
preferred over the types of benefits described: TVET
convenient for checking and can be used by the student to
analysis and repetition of the material, as both tasks and answers
students are located together. In addition, TPO may contain
and fundamentally different jobs that require changes to the printed
material in it. These are tasks of the same type as
when working with contour maps in geography, - assignments for
completion of drawings, underlining and strikethrough, inscriptions,
coloring, etc. In the materials described above, such tasks
impossible. True, this makes the use of TPO disposable,
which makes them more expensive. However, these costs are justified,
since TVET is incomparably richer in its didactic possibilities
and notebooks published in Latvia, and developed in
Uzbekistan cards. However, it should be noted that
TPOs are easy to manufacture and do not differ in this respect from
regular brochure.
3. Among the tasks included in notebooks with a printed basis
a significant place is occupied by those that “save students
from pedagogically unjustified copying
conditions, drawings, etc.,
It is with such tasks that a notebook with a printed
basis, compiled by K. S. Muravin (82): Here is a characteristic
task in this notebook. The coordinate grid shows
square” It is proposed to shade the area of ​​the square in
where all points are located, the sum of the coordinates of each of which
over 9.
Everything here is auxiliary,’ not essential from the point of view of
of this task, the constructions are made in advance; student may not
distracted, proceed to its implementation. Working with a drawing -
organic part of the solution, and copying it into a notebook
from a textbook would be of little value to this case operation.
4. With the help of notebooks with a printed base can be given
activity patterns.
a) In each of the components developed by our laboratory
complexes of educational equipment for notebooks with a printed basis
belongs especially important role. In particular, tasks placed
they help students learn new concepts.
Let's take the first two tasks of the notebook as an example.
with a printed basis on the theme "Rectangular parallelepiped and
and its volume.

83 . Task materials.

Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following
To find out if a body is rectangular
1) you need to count how many faces it has.
At a rectangular parallelepiped; _________
2) need to see if all are

Rice. 15 faces of the body are rectangles. Rectangular
box all faces
Task 2. Determine if this body is rectangular
parallelepiped (Fig. 15).
Solution. Let's count how many faces this body has. This
face bodies. At cuboid
__________ faces.
Answer. This body is not _________________.
I would like to draw the reader's attention to the following features.
given tasks.
Relatively few words are omitted from them: we sought
free the student as much as possible from unproductive
for the lesson of mathematics labor. Of course, not random
words, but those that will make the student once again
look at the definitions, think about the sequence
operations, etc.
Tasks represent patterns of both design and reasoning
and at the same time require the implementation of a strictly defined
activities. At the same time, students are forced to work with the definition,
which in the notebook in question was given here
or before assignments. During these (and other) tasks
the definition was remembered. As the experiment showed, no
no prior learning was required.
So, it is useful to include an explanation in a notebook with a printed basis
how and in what order
operations must be performed during which the assimilation
knowledge. This clarification is often contained in entire job cycles.
For example, when studying the topic "Rectangular parallelepiped
and its scope” students should get an idea
about volume as a number showing how many units of volume
contained in this body.
The activities necessary to master the concept of "volume
rectangular parallelepiped "is to count the unit
cubes into which the given body can be "cut".
In the course of this activity, a convenient way should be opened
Count: formula for calculating the volume of a cuboid.

84 . Task materials.

In the complex of educational equipment on this topic, the
The recalculation of unit cubes is carried out using
various items of educational equipment, including with the help of
tasks 32-34 notebooks with a printed base, which we
Task 32. Determine the volume of the body (Fig. 16).
Solution. To find out the volume of the body, you need to count how many
This body contains This body contains 4
volume units. So, its volume is _______________ ______.
Answer. The volume of the body is equal.
Task 33. This cube has one of the edges increased by three
times, and the rest of the measurements did not change. Draw the resulting
rectangular parallelepiped (Fig. 17).

Solution. To find the volume of a cuboid,
you need to calculate __________5 Answer. The volume of the body is ________,
Task 34. This cube has two dimensions increased by two
times, and the third dimension was not changed. Draw the resulting rectangle
parallelepiped (Fig. 18).
Considering a cube as a unit, determine the volume of a rectangular
Answer. The volume of a rectangular parallelepiped is equal to.
However, recalculation of single cubes, of which
the body is folded, - an irrational way to determine the volume.
There is a need for teaching aids to explain
the idea of ​​indirectly counting the number of unit cubes that make up
rectangular parallelepiped. This problem is also solved
with help various items educational equipment,
and in particular tasks 35-37 of a notebook with a printed base.
Task 35. Find the volume of this rectangular parallelepiped
(in cubic centimeters) (Fig. 19).
Solution. The volume of one layer equals cube. see total eat-*
ev ____ . The volume of a rectangular parallelepiped is _________
cube cm.
Answer _________ .

85 . Task materials.

Task 36. The length of the rectangle is 5 cm, the width is 2 cm.
How many cubes with an edge of 1 cm can be placed on this rectangle
in one layer? four layers? Draw the resulting
while rectangular parallelepipeds and determine them
volumes (Fig. 20).
Solution. In one layer on a rectangle, you can place
cubes. Four layers on a rectangle can be placed
_____ cubes-.
Answer. The volume of a rectangular parallelepiped composed
of cubes in four layers, equal to _________ cu. cm,
Task 37. Each dimension of the cube was reduced by three times
(Fig. 21).
1) Draw the resulting cube.
. 2) Divide the bottom base into squares such that
each square could put a small cube.
3) How many small cubes can fit on the bottom base
big cube?
On the lower base of the large cube can fit _____
small cubes.
4) How many small cubes can fit on the front face
big cube? —
On the front face of a large cube, you can fit
small cubes. ■
5) Considering the small cube as a unit, determine the volume of the large
Answer. The volume of the big cube is „
It is easy for students to count the number of unit cubes that make up
a given rectangular parallelepiped, if
when it is divided into cubes. It is easy for the teacher to explain that
the volume of a cuboid is obtained by multiplying
its measurements or by multiplying the area of ​​the base
to height. However, if we limit ourselves to this and immediately go to you—
numbering volumes using formulas, and train students
only in multiplying numbers, they will soon forget
all our reasoning: in their minds, counting cubes will not be connected
with the calculation of volumes by formulas. But the complex provides
gradual "removal of materialization". For example,
for some time, students must determine the volume directly

86 . Task materials.

coal parallelepiped, whose measurements are indicated, telling
and showing how to count single
cubes. Even after students have successfully computed several
times the volume by formulas, it is useful to return (and not one
times) to counting unit cubes. For this purpose, can be used
in particular, tasks similar to task 40 of the notebook
with printed base.
Task 40, Measuring a cuboid
are equal to 6, 3 and 2 units of length (Fig. 22).
1) Determine the volume of this rectangular parallelepiped.
The volume of a rectangular ^parallelepiped is equal to "
The resulting number shows _______________________ _.
2) Draw the unit of volume with which you measured
the volume of the given cuboid.
b) A notebook with a printed base makes it possible to practice
concepts and instill in students the skills to solve typical
tasks. She can also suggest ways to solve non-standard
tasks.-Here, for example, are two tasks from the same notebook.
Task 14. How many centimeters of wire went into production
frame of this rectangular parallelepiped
(Fig. 23)? Solve the problem in two ways.
First way:
1) On the ribs of the lower base, see
2) ___ cm went to the ribs of the upper base.
3) On the vertical ribs, see
,4) In total, _____ cm went to the frame.
Second way:-
1) Three unequal edges gone. ____ cm.
‘ 2) Total went to the frame, see
Task 44. Volume of the first cube is equal to the sum three
the rest (Fig. 24). What is the edge of the first cube?
Solution. According to the table of cubes (see cover1) we find,
The volume of a cube with edge 3 is
1 The table of cubes of numbers of the first hundred is printed on the cover.

87 . Task materials.

The volume of a cube with reb, rum 4 is equal to _____ g
The volume of a cube with edge 5 is _____ *
This means that the sum of the volumes of all three cubes (is equal to 27+’________ +
4- - and this is the volume of the first cube.
According to the table of cubes, we find that its edge is equal to
Answer. The edge of the first cube is
5. The use of materials with a printed base leads to
to a great time saving of the student and the teacher, allows the teacher
implement individual approach every lesson, on time
help lagging students, “load” the strong ones with additional
Here is a task that can be used with the indicated
above goals, from the same TPO on the topic "The volume of a rectangular
Task 28. According to the table, calculate the floor area
each room, and then the volume of each room. Count up
the total volume of all three rooms

A notebook with a printed base is successfully used even then,
when the problem statement associated, for example, with a drawing,
takes a disproportionate amount of time and effort compared to
with the decision process. Here is an example.
Task 7. Draw the image of the cube (Fig. 25),

88 . Task materials.

Task 8. Circle the edges of the depicted
here is a rectangular parallelepiped,
to make them turn out to be dyed in!
one color (Fig. 26).
6. An important feature notebooks with printed
its basis is its pronounced
didactic focus. C well
with a notebook, the student can
work at home. We are aware of cases where
pupils of the fourth grade completely independently completed all
tasks of the notebook "Volume of a rectangular parallelepiped".
By selecting the correct sequence of tasks and freeing
student from writing out part of the decision text (offering
this text in ready-made), we thus give him a direction
in problem solving. Such guidance is necessary for the initial
learning new concepts and operations.

89 . Task materials.


Parents complain: each school has a different list of these notebooks, and for the latest copies in bookstores, it comes to scandals. Children complain: will not workbook, moreover, the fresh year of publication - the teacher will write a comment. Again, it's a matter of price: sometimes there are 9-10 notebooks on the list, each of which costs at least 2 rubles. What if the family has many children? And why do we need printed workbooks at all, if there is a textbook with tasks for each topic? We were helped to answer these questions by the Deputy Director of the National Institute of Education for scientific and methodological work, candidate of pedagogical sciences Valentina Ginchuk .

Workbooks on a printed basis mandatory or not?

The workbook can be plain or printed. Recent teacher may recommend, but not require.

If there is a textbook, and there are tasks in it, why buy a workbook with similar tasks?

Workbook on a printed basis - one of the components of the educational and methodological complex on the subject, along with a textbook, teaching aid and etc . It proposes the author's model of studying educational material. In developing such a notebook, the author carefully thought out what tasks to offer the student to master the content of each paragraph. There are more tasks in the workbook than in the textbook, they allow you to work out the educational material in detail. For a teacher, especially a beginner, this is a good help. If the educator thinks that a printed workbook will help organize learning better, he or she may offer to buy one. There are notebooks in almost all subjects, and in some (for example, chemistry and geography) - different authors. The teacher can choose the author at his own discretion.

The teacher demanded to buy a workbook on English language and assigns homework on it. Those who did not buy, lower the rating. It is legal?

Again, the use of a printed workbook is optional. The teacher should show flexibility in organizing the educational process, in particular, offer the student to complete similar tasks from the textbook. The teacher has no right to make comments or lower the mark for the absence of a printed notebook.

If part of the class has a printed workbook and some do not, how should the teacher assign homework?

In this case, the teacher can set homework both in the textbook and in the workbook, inviting students to complete one of them of their choice.

If there is a textbook, and in addition to it, a printed-based workbook, which describes, in fact, how to learn material textbook, what then is the role of the teacher?

I would not want the role of the teacher in the classroom to be understood in a simplified way. Lesson, most which the teacher stands at the blackboard and tells the educational material, is recognized by modern pedagogy as ineffective. Modern Scientific research They prove that the learning material is best absorbed when the student works with it - reads, solves, performs tasks. The teacher in this situation is a helper. The student asks questions, if something is not clear, the teacher explains. At the end of the lesson, it is important to evaluate what the students have learned. If Petya completed the task proposed by the teacher at the end of the lesson without errors, and Vasya made mistakes, then their homework may be different. At the same time, it is important to remember that the student must learn most of the new educational material in the lesson. At home, you need to set tasks that will help consolidate the educational material.

Today, a schoolchild has textbooks in his backpack, printed workbooks, which are often no smaller than a textbook in format, plus ordinary notebooks. Sometimes a tangible burden!

One by one subject the student must carry one workbook: regular or printed.

Someone in the class has a notebook on a printed basis, but someone simply does not have the opportunity to buy it. And even if the teacher does not scold, a child without a notebook will feel flawed. What to do?

The problem will not arise if the teacher offers tasks from the textbook and workbook to choose from. On the other hand, many problems are solved in the course of communication between parents and teachers - on parent meeting the teacher can explain the benefits of a printed workbook. But the decision to buy it remains with the parents.

If teachers decide that they need workbooks, maybe give them out along with textbooks and pay for them centrally?

Mandatory today are workbooks on a printed basis in the subjects "Belarusian language", "Russian language", "Mathematics" only for grade 1, they are issued centrally and their cost is included in the price of a set of textbooks for grade 1. In all other cases, the use of printed workbooks is optional.

All parents have different list workbooks. Often there aren't enough of them. Or they are, but not of that year of publication ...

The lists are different, because teachers make them at their own discretion. Regarding the year of publication: in educational process workbooks labeled “Recommended” can be used scientific and methodological institution « National Institute Education” of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. The stamp is assigned to workbooks for the duration of the curriculum. During this time, the workbook can be republished, but only the year of publication changes. Another thing is if curricula are updated - new textbooks and new workbooks are developed for them. Updated curricula are introduced in stages: in the past academic year- 1, 5, 10 classes, this year - 2, 6, 11 classes.


“Workbooks are not a drain on money, but an investment in a child’s education”

In our country good textbooks, but in addition to the textbook, the study of any school subject also requires the availability of a methodology for the teacher, a workbook, a collection of independent and control works, a collection of problems, etc. - says Alexander Taranda, Chief Editor publishing house "Aversev", whose manuals are mainly bought by schoolchildren. - Workbooks are world experience. They do not duplicate tasks from textbooks. It's a delusion. They offer tasks for intensive multi-level work with a textbook, they give practical skills, allow you to more deeply absorb the material and save time: you do not need to rewrite the task from the textbook, it is already printed in a notebook.

- Parents complain that not everyone can afford such workbooks ...

If you take a full set of our allowances for a year of study, you get about 30-40 rubles. It is no secret that many schoolchildren study with tutors and attend electives. A month of school electives costs about the same, and for a tutor this is the cost of one lesson. Yes, there is a category of people for whom this amount may be large, but if we talk about large families they are supported by the state. On the other hand, parents should be interested in good education children. By the way, abroad a set of textbooks costs about $600. Yes, we have a different standard of living, but even if we divide this amount by 10, our benefits are still cheaper. But the cost of raw materials we have is European - there are no grounds for a book to be cheap.

I have heard accusations against you, saying that someone is lobbying for the interests of the publishing house in order to printing press was loaded...

We have been on the market for 22 years, each of our products has passed expert assessment, we are the only publisher that withdraws educational literature, which ceased to correspond curriculum. And we can say that in most cases our manuals are the best. So the accusations of lobbying interests are groundless.

Have questions about the school? Send to: 220005 Minsk, PO Box 192 or e-mail: [email protected] marked "Pedagogical Council".