Topic: Repetition of what has been learned. Work on mistakes

Greetings, dear readers of our site! Today we will talk about what is the correct work on the mistakes during trading. As we all know, one learns from mistakes, there are no people who would not make mistakes.

However, as practice shows, the market itself very severely punishes for any mistakes. The degree of these same errors is different. Some mistakes are extremely small and can easily be corrected during trading. Some mistakes are extremely gross, and lead to negative consequences.

Such oversights must be dealt with in advance, and not allowed to occur. In this context, doing the right thing comes first. Of course, critical mistakes can be avoided, and we will talk with you how to do it. I would like to start by saying that most beginners start trading without any clear algorithm. Is it right or not?

Trading without a strategy

But on the other hand, even if there is one, the average beginner rarely adheres to it unconditionally. The strategy clearly answers the questions of when to open a deal, when to close it, how to accompany it, and so on. Trading without a clear strategy is a banal game with one end, which will be negative for the trader himself. Trading without a strategy, it's like a banal guessing game that will not give you anything sensible. And that's the wrong job.

Why emotions get in the way

Another important, I would say, critical mistake of traders is precisely emotions, they are constantly causing incorrect operation. You can often hear the stories of traders that now he has already begun to earn steadily, but in one beautiful moment just put the deposit in the air. Naturally, many do not understand, but how could this even happen?

It seems that a person traded normally, and already received a profit, but here again, and he has no capital. Sounds a bit mystical! Nevertheless, there is no mysticism here at all, and emotions are to blame for everything! Just after a series of profitable transactions, the trader falls into a state of euphoria. It seems to him that now he is the king of the market, that the market will now be indebted to him until the end of his life. AT this case, a person ceases to focus on consistency. Now his main task is to get as much profit as possible. Under such conditions, no work on weaknesses will be properly carried out.

Given this fact, transactions are opened in the wrong place and with obviously big lot, lizh would cut down more money and quickly. And after the appearance of a losing trade, a person perceives it painfully, trying to quickly recoup, thereby further aggravating his situation.

Why capital is needed

In addition, I would like to note the financial component. Trading is primarily a business that requires not only skills and knowledge, but also quite impressive capital. Yes, of course, I understand that advertising everywhere tells us that trading is incredibly easy. Like, you don’t need to know anything, just take your 50-100 bucks and go get rich easy. How many years this hurdy-gurdy has been spinning, but so far no one has become rich in this way, but even vice versa. But our people are impenetrable, it seems to every person that what happened to another will never happen to me. Is this advertising system working correctly? We work on this issue every day, trying to answer key questions.

It is very naive and reckless to think so. Let's take a very interesting example! Imagine that you have capital, say $50,000, and you open a small restaurant. Will you be able to recoup it in the first month of its operation? Of course not! If you pay it back in two years, then it can already be called a good investment.

But within the framework of trading, people are really sure that they can consistently make 100% of their capital per month, and at the same time come to the market with a dozen dollars in their pocket and become fabulously rich. Damn, well, these are obvious things, you just need to turn your head on. Trading is a business, and business requires an initial investment.

Watch video review about troubleshooting

Many beginners are interested in how much a trader earns in general? And I will tell you that there is no clear answer here, because the profit in trading is floating. But it can be said that if long term you consistently earn 10 percent of the capital with low drawdowns, then you are a really cool trader!

You need to think with your head

Another important critical mistake of a trader is the fact that a person often listens to others. Each person has his own vision of the market, you, accordingly, should also have your own. No, I am not telling you that when an experienced trader tries to give you useful advice, and you should immediately send him to hell, no, I'm talking about something else. For example, if someone tells you: “Bro, sell, a hundred pounds will fall tomorrow” and stuff like that.

You shouldn’t fall for this at all, I don’t care who gives you trading recommendations and what. Learn to think with your head first. Beginners often follow the lead of other people, listen to the recommendations of some dupes, in the end, they only make things worse for themselves.

Obsession with indicators and strategies also interferes

Another specific, I would even say fatal error- this is fixation on different indicators and strategies. One has only to visit any trading forum, as it immediately becomes clear that people are very keen on finding the very grail that will allow them to earn money anytime and anywhere. True, the problem is that no indicator, no system will ever give you a 100% guarantee that your trade will be profitable.


Moreover, I can say that trading is just a game of probabilities, and nothing is certain here. It is also worth noting that trading strategy of course plays important role in the success of a trader, but not the most dominant one. You can be given a great strategy, but if you can't handle your emotions, you'll just merge with it.

Any indicator is just a tool, and it is not necessary to entrust it with tasks for which it is not designed. In addition, any indicator tries to analyze the market from the point of view of mathematics, but here it is worth understanding that the market is psychology. Another one important mistake beginners is credulity. It is the beginners who often fall for the cunning tricks of scammers who are trying to sell their obscene junk.

Here a person needs to learn to think critically and understand where is the truth and where is the lie. Competently perform work on the mistakes - this is already a big and important step in your development. Correct work over mistakes will always allow you to qualitatively and quickly eliminate all the flaws that prevent you from really trading with high quality. And remember, it's okay to make mistakes, and what's really bad is not learning from your mistakes.

Error handling system
in Russian lessons

1. Traditional form work on bugs

For example, we give the task to the class: find among the errors the words with the spelling “Unstressed vowel in the root” (“Unpronounceable consonant in the root”, “Letters and, y, a after hissing, etc.). Remember the rule.

Then the mistakes are corrected, selected test words, the conditions for choosing an orthogram are indicated graphically, similar words are selected. Orally (or in writing) a phrase or sentence is compiled with a word in which a mistake was made. This work is done to correct common mistakes.

Here is another version of the same work.

Words with missing letters are written on the board in groups. Students determine the type of spelling. And then - all the rest, as well as in the previous work.

This work is carried out according to the established scheme:

I. Spelling errors.

1. D e revya is a tree. ass e get jealous, d e jealous.

We took shelter from the sun in the shade of dense trees.

2. praz d nickname - praz de n. praz d new, holiday d equal.

There is just a holiday d Nicky, but there's more d nicknames of the soul.

II. Punctuation errors.

Did you hear the sound of the forest ? (question)

III. Speech errors(in creative works).

Them cheerful hubbub was heard from everywhere.(Instead of a pronoun them was consumed theirs.)

2. An unconventional form of work on bugs

We admit that such work is equally uninteresting for both students and teachers. Everyone is looking forward to the call. (note: the teacher comes first) even if the work is not completed. (Desperate by the end of the lesson, the teacher gives this work at home.)

To prevent this from happening, there are dozens of ways to make this work lively and interesting. Moreover, fix (or even relearn) forgotten rules.

Actually the first stage troubleshooting is prevention work these same mistakes. Since the bulk of the errors are in the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root (in national school this is a real scourge) then I do a lot of vocabulary work. It is very extensive. After all, work on mistakes cannot fall from the sky. It should be in logical connection with what we generally do in the lesson.

Everyone knows vocabulary words. They can't be tested, they can't be explained. But… not always. Here comes such an interesting section of linguistics like etymology. And spellings are checked by historical or borrowed roots (cm about homeland - currant, in e splendid - vel). Moreover, the historical or borrowed root is indicated by a dotted arc. Such work brings some revival, because. children come into contact with the history of the language.

Another take. There are many words in Russian with roots that pure form are not used and are found only in dictionary nests. These are the roots -yes-, -bav- (-bavl-), -men-, -raz- (-rage-) and others. If a mistake is made in a word with one of these roots, we arrange an auction "Who is more?". For some reason, children especially do not like the root -raz- (-rage-). But there are so many "wonderful" test words to it: zar a for, for a knowing, zar a h (ladies between the eyes), and, of course, the words are easier to choose: imitate, defeat, impress, express, express etc. As you can see, the work on the bugs has become even more interesting.

With some roots in which students stubbornly make mistakes, we carry out more such work. Root -stop- and -hundred-. There is eternal confusion here, even “iot” does not help after about. We tried to construct sentences in which all words must be with this root. Stoyan at the counter stands steadfastly while the stagnant tincture is infused during the restructuring near the annex. The second sentence looks like this: The laborer stopped at the bus stop to stop the machine. Are the offers meaningless? What do you? They have a meaning - the root stop - oh, a hundred - a.

Here are some more troubleshooting tips. They are known to you.

An error was made in the spelling "Letter b at the end of verbs after sibilants.

Let's remember the rule. Now let's write down as many proverbs as possible, sayings with verbs in hissing.

hurry up ish- make people laugh(2nd l. unit), so I received two; Seven times measure cut once(pov. incl.), and you immediately write in a notebook, and now you have to crush water in a mortar(n.f.). A record of proverbs, sayings, accompanied by such "friendly" comments, is remembered. Spelling is tracked.

With spelling errors O - E in suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives” you can work like this. Children will remember the rule. Then the teacher suggests: who will write down more words with the suffix -onok - after hissing? And who is more - with a suffix -ek-? After such a formulation of the question, such an exact task, it is difficult to write them incorrectly.

Don't miss out on the following:

1. With the words in which mistakes are made (5-7 words), make a crossword puzzle. How useful is this work? At home, the guys will work with explanatory dictionaries. There they will see how many and what meanings these words have, how they are written, how they are used in speech. Here's your work on the development of speech!

2. Make charades with 1-2 words. Here, the guys are simply doomed to consider each letter in the word in order to isolate the prefix, suffix, and maybe the whole word.

For example: 1st syllable - prefix;

2nd syllable - numeral;

3rd syllable - in the verb of the 2nd sp. units part 2nd sheet;

the whole word is a verb (you will stand).

3. You can play burim. Rhymes and poems are unexpected, funny. But spellings are remembered.

For example, suffixes -eva-, -ova-.

Namal e vat - obur e wat, overlord e wat, overnight e wat.

Conversations about vat - patent about wat.

Not Pushkin, of course, but the children did something.

Just paint in a notebook
But here the doubts begin to overcome:
You can't patent mistakes!
Have to sleep at school
In a notebook so as not to paint!

Punctuation errors do not go unnoticed. But first, let's make a small digression.

The modern Russian language has been significantly replenished with borrowed and new words. The rhythm of life has changed. He became faster. All this is reflected in what would you think? Of course, in the work on the bugs!

So punctuation. Appeal. Remember the rule of punctuation. Fixed a bug. I propose to give a similar example: write a text message to your mother (imagine: you are a student). They immediately write: “Mom! The money has arrived! I ask: why the exclamation point? Answer: laughter in the hall, so it's the students write! Another text message already with a comma: "Nastenka, let's meet today." We are redundant here.

Let's put the signs in unionless proposals. “Rejoice - they didn’t ask anything in Russian!”, “Not a lesson - boredom! Let's go to a cafe?" These are also text messages.

Punctuation marks for interjections:

"Hooray! Vacation! Freedom will welcome us joyfully at the exit!” (poor Pushkin!) or: “Yes! The teacher is sick!"

The rapid rhythm of life also affects the emergence of new words. Word creation is one of my favorite activities while working on mistakes.

In one of latest dictations almost half of the 6th grade was struck by some unknown virus: they wrote unfold about to give instead of unfold a to give. Check word unravel "dka did not help. In the dictation "Following my mistakes" again 5 people wrote about fundamentally. Then I asked to form as possible more words with this root in a suffix-free way (a way that is very popular in youth environment, especially in text messages). Here's what happened: guess, guess, guess, guess, guess, guess. It seems to be a non-literary style, but "business". Letter a well remembered.

Such not quite literary word creation helped in one more case. Some students wrote land I tr e canopy. We, of course, corrected everything, explained. Anticipating that the virus still remained, I immediately suggested compiling as much as possible compound words with the word tr I canopy, highlighting the letter I.

mind blower I canopy, base I hay, woe I haze, error I senie, new potr I canopy.

Jokes are jokes, but how much resourcefulness, the ability to master the word!

Often students make mistakes in words formed from invariable words, such as the word today. Traditionally it is written with e instead of I . We have considered the word-formation process: today's today, picked up similar example: yesterday - yesterday. But it made no impression. Recorded so recorded. Then I ask: make up similar words from thanks, despite, later (sleeves). It intrigued, caused a revival. Result: thanks I shchy, despite I shchy, look ahead I shchy, down I mitten. All words retained the suffix - I. I hope that it will be preserved in the future and in the word today.

Working on mistakes is not an end in itself and not a game of words. This is serious creative work, requiring certain knowledge and skills, as well as fiction and fantasy. certain place it also includes work on the development of speech. I mean not only the work on the construction of sentences, the replacement of unsuccessful used words etc. This goes without saying. What we are talking about, you will now understand.

One student managed to write saboka instead of dog. In his work, he repeated these mistakes then again. I still forgot how to spell. He once mentioned that tired as a dog. The class picked up: we need your dog, like the fifth leg of a dog, Azamat lives with a dog like a cat with a dog, what's on that dog he ate the dog(and probably more than one, the guys laughed). Here where the dog is buried. Now on Azamat we will hang all dogs and even down the drain we won't leave anything.

From such an abundance of "dogs" Azamat finally began to write, like everyone else: dog. And this is how you can work on a mistake: with a joke, with a laugh, but seriously.

Sometimes all the methods and techniques of working on mistakes remain useless. So it was with writing -tsya-, -tsya- in verbs. Some kind of mass psychosis was associated with this spelling. Fight fire with fire. On this mass psychosis, I also took psychic attack. At any lesson, at recess, at class hour, where in the speech there were words with this spelling, I asked what question this verb answers, what you write: -tsya- or -tsya-? Still, I prevailed. Stopped writing -ca. You can, it turns out, and so work on the bugs.

Revitalizes work on mistakes, activates the attention of students and kind smile when classifying misspelled words. It can be done like this.

I. Check! (Orff. 1–4)

II. Explain! (Almost all other spellings)

III. Remember! (Orff. 2)

IV. I don't understand! (Words with learned spellings)

V. This non-Russian Russian! (Grammatical errors)

VI. “Execution cannot be pardoned” (punctuation errors)

Tiring work gets emotional support. Ultimately, this also works for efficiency.

3. Interdisciplinary communication in work on errors

It is practically impossible to achieve literate writing and correct Russian speech only at the expense of Russian language lessons. Therefore, interdisciplinary communication is very important. Students get acquainted with the meaning, spelling of words in the lessons of mathematics, history, geography, biology. In notebooks on these subjects, among other things, vocabulary work. And essays are often written in social studies classes. Knowledge in these disciplines often helps in correcting mistakes. For example, the word square kids checked Latin word quadra, who met in mathematics. Words with roots geo- explained in terms of their education.

4. Stages of learning to work on mistakes

As you can see, working on mistakes is a creative work that requires many skills and abilities. These skills and abilities are acquired in the process of phased learning.

I stage. Initial training begins with work on the mistakes in the workbooks. Words with mistakes I write out in red ink, underlining the misspelled letter. The student writes given word to the end of the line, always underlining the same letter.

II stage. The same goes for workbooks. Write out words with missing spelling. The student must find this word in the exercise and insert the desired letter, and then write this word to the end of the line, be sure to underline the inserted letter: ug_dal.

III stage. The work gets a little more difficult. I put dashes after words with missing letters. This means that this word needs to be checked, i.e. pick up a tester for it. And if there is a comma after the word, it is - dictionary word, you just need to write it out to the end of the line.

L_snik -

P_rad, ...

IV stage. I write words with missing letters. The student inserts a letter, selects a test, immediately writes down two single-root words or two words for the same spelling, indicates and designates the spelling.

L e wilted - forest, mean e juice, l e owl. Spelling: verifiable unstressed root.

AT grove, in gu shu, at cha shu. Spelling: and, y, a after hissing.

Only after stage IV, work on the mistakes in the control and creative notebooks begins. Until then, all mistakes were corrected and recorded in workbooks and dictionaries in the column "My mistakes".

FROM punctuation errors and speech such phased work is not conducted. The guys immediately learn to graphically and orally explain the punctuation marks and correctly rebuild sentences.

5. Control over the assimilation of the material of work on mistakes

Troubleshooting is not an end in itself. It does not end with correcting mistakes, repeating rules. On the material of the words in which mistakes were made, dictations “Following my mistakes” are written, cards are made with tasks such as: open brackets, insert missing letters, indicate in which part of the word the letter is missing, mark the spelling, etc.

And in the 6th grade, I practice working with special cards “My Mistakes”, where words are written in which errors were made, with omitted letters. Periodically, children work with these words, rewriting them in notebooks and at the same time inserting the missing letters.

6. Innovative shapes work on bugs

All kinds of work on the errors, listed by me, apparently, will seem interesting. But they have one significant drawback: they are designed to memorize individual words. Hence enough low level efficiency and therefore literacy. After all, remembering how all the words are written (and there are about 120,000 of them) is almost impossible. What to do? Don't hide behind general formulas(“they don’t read much”), not to talk about “innate literacy”, not to scold the ministry (“the number of hours has been reduced again!”).

a. Adyge-Khabl,
honored teacher,
Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Lessons of generalization and systematization of knowledge

Lessons in the formation of language skills


Lessons for the formation of language skills (reinforcement) are held if several lessons are allotted for studying the material, for example, studying the topic “Generic turnover. Punctuation marks at participle turnover» 2 lessons are devoted, in the first lesson there will be an explanation of the new material, in the second - consolidation.

At the stage of checking homework, it is advisable to use a frontal survey to repeat the new material learned in the lesson, as well as cards different types.

For a solid assimilation of knowledge and development necessary skills the teacher must develop a system of various exercises that gradually become more difficult. The structure of a reinforcing lesson can include independent work, which controls the level of assimilation of knowledge. In this case, the lesson will be combined. If the spelling five-minute includes elements of repetition on previously studied topics, the lesson will also be qualified as a combined lesson.

The main stages of the lesson-reinforcement:

1. Organizing moment.

3. Fixing.

5. Homework.


Review lessons include reviewing multiple topics or a section. They are held at the beginning school year to repeat what was learned in previous classes (for example, in grade 5, repetition takes place following topics: "Parts of the word"; "Spelling"; "Noun"; "Adjective"; "Pronouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person"; "Verb"; "Adverb"; "Prepositions and conjunctions"; "Text, text theme. Styles"). Lessons of this type necessary for repetition and systematization of knowledge at the end of the study of the section, at the end of the quarter and academic year.

The structure of the lesson is as follows:

1. Organizing moment.

2. Checking homework.

3. Repetition.

4. Summing up, grading.

5. Homework.

If there are stages of lessons of different types in the lesson structure, then such a lesson is called combined (for example, if a lesson explaining new material includes a five-minute spelling rule learned several lessons ago, then this is a repetition stage, which means that the lesson combined).

7.1. Error handling lessons are held after writing dictations, essays and presentations. To prepare for the lesson, the teacher needs to systematize students' mistakes and analyze them, as well as select exercises that eliminate gaps in students' knowledge. In the lesson, generalizing tables and diagrams can be used.

Stages error handling lesson:

1. Orgmoment(1 - 2 min.).

2. teacher's word(no more than 5 min.):

a) general characteristics the quality of the work performed (bringing quantitative indicators);

b) general analysis most common mistakes(spelling and punctuation).

3. Work on mistakes(time is determined by the number of analyzed errors):

a) work on spelling errors(usually 5-6 spellings are analyzed in a lesson (in grade 5 3-4), each spelling is given about 5 minutes. Work on a spelling mistake includes 3 stages: 1) explanation correct spelling the word in which the mistake was made; 2) the wording of the rule; 3) fixing.

b) work on punctuation errors(the work includes analysis of 3 - 4 punctuation marks (in grade 5 2 - 3), each of which takes about 5 minutes. Work on punctuation errors consists of three stages: 1) an explanation of the punctuation marks in the sentence; 2) the wording of the rule; 3) fixing;

in) individual work over mistakes(individual work is needed if any mistakes were not addressed in the lesson; at this stage it is important to think about what students will do who do not need to do individual work).

4. Summarizing(no more than 5 min.).

5. Homework(no more than 5 min.).

A new meeting at the headquarters of the Doroga Junior Union began with reading letters. The first paragraphs of our textbook did not leave readers indifferent, and they also decided to speak out.

Professor Road: Well, I open the first envelope. A scientist with the characteristic surname Umnov writes to us: “Why don’t you, gentlemen, dig deeper? AT scientific world already formed new point perspective on the problem under discussion. It is this: student self-government at school is simply impossible! Students will never be able to run a school on their own. After all, they are not yet adult and conscious citizens - they simply do not have necessary experience! The school can only exist co - management, but not self control."

Fedya Pessimistov: This is what happens, our textbook should be thrown away? It turns out that there is no self-government at all ...

Vasya Activists: And “co-management”, then, does it happen? I don't think it exists anymore! By at least, I haven’t seen him anywhere, but I just learned this word from a letter from a smart Scientist ... oh, on the contrary, a scientist Umnov.

Professor Road: Yes, Vasya, among our smart scientist brother there are many who are constantly inventing new words. Scientists themselves do not have time to learn them, not like ordinary schoolchildren.

Fedya Pessimistov: I hope I won’t pull out a ticket for the exam on this very “co-management”?

Professor Road: I don't think so. I can assume that this word appeared like this. Someone, like Mr. Umnov, read the words "student self-government" and thought: "This means that the students themselves manage everything and everything." And a quiet horror seized the scientist: poor school, what will happen to it! The worker of science became thoughtful and after a minute or two exclaimed: “Eureka! Co-management is the salvation of mankind!”

Fedya Pessimistov: Gee! Really no one could explain to this scientist what was happening !? After all, he thinks that self-government is the same as arbitrariness!

Vasya Activists: Aha! Student Dictatorship! And then after these scientific discoveries a lot of interesting things going on! For example, guys come to the director and say: “We want to establish self-government.” And he answers with a cunning squint: “At school, children, there is no self-government. There is only co-management. The last, so to speak, squeak of science. So, sorry, it won’t work: you have to keep up with the times!”

Fedya Pessimistov: And our Marivanna read the first paragraphs and said, very expressively: “ Such Our school does not need self-government!” You see, without any co-management cost!

Vasya Activists: She probably calls herself that - "Our School". We were told in history about one king who also joked like that. Will wake up, it happened, in good mood, will gather all the courtiers, climb onto the throne and announce: “The state is me!”

Fedya Pessimistov: Yep, Louis. I just don't remember which number. Listen, so what are we - like courtiers, it turns out?

Vasya Activists: And the regime under which some schools live is called the "teacher's monarchy"! Come on, brother Fedor, let's patent!

Professor Road: Something, colleagues, you joke too much today!

Fedya Pessimistov: Wait, professor, the big jokes are yet to come. Our head teacher said this: “We would be glad if we had self-government, but only our students are all passive. They won't go for it."

Vasya Activists: Cool excuse, stronger than "co-management" ten times!

Professor Road: By the way, many educators say this quite sincerely. For them, this is a serious problem.

Fedya Pessimistov: Even two. The first is how, in the first five years of study, to turn normal person into a disciplined student. And the second - how to prevent it from turning back in the remaining five years.

Vasya Activists: Masha, my friend, is studying in one of the schools in our city. She also said something similar, they say, no one wants anything from us, everyone is passive ... She walked and walked, complained, complained ... And then she gathered such a school council that the school began to crackle!

Professor Road: Colleagues, stop frolicking! Let's get back to the letters. Schoolboy Nikolai Neformalov writes to us: “As soon as the students get into the school parliament, they will immediately begin to “puff out their cheeks”, and, in the end, turn into complete bureaucrats. And our Motherland is already groaning from the dominance of the bureaucracy. Why create bureaucratic structures also at school? All questions should be answered informally. If you want to spend a holiday at school, go to the director and agree on everything. Dissatisfied with the teacher - again, go to the director. And you will see that without self-government everything is solved much easier.

Vasya Activists: But what if the director does not want to meet you halfway? Or are you meeting with the director?

Fedya Pessimistov: Then console yourself with the fact that the director is also an enemy of the bureaucracy! He does not allow students to sit around parliaments and puff out their cheeks!

Vasya Activists: This Nikolai Neformalov has a cool position, by the way! You see, the school parliament is a complete formalism! For some reason, as soon as students begin to claim their rights, they are immediately labeled formalists and bureaucrats.

Fedya Pessimistov: Aha! And in addition, "folk festivals" suit! Like, we don’t need any rights, we will forever be serfs, and the tsar-father is our own director!

Professor Road: We just have a letter from the director. “I will express the opinion of the majority of my colleagues,” Anna Petrovna Strogaya writes in a firm teacher's handwriting. - School is educational institution. The main thing in it is the educational process. It is no coincidence that at the entrance to our school, children are greeted by two large posters: “Study is our main work"and" Diary - the face of the student. The educational process should be led by an experienced adult - the director, and there can be no amateur performance here. Extracurricular activities can and should be carried out by school self-government. But only in such a way that it does not in any way interfere with study.

Fedya Pessimistov: So, after all, we seem to have already agreed that the school should not set marks, but prepare for life ...

Vasya Activists: It’s just that Anna Petrovna believes that “preparing for life” and “giving knowledge” are one and the same. No seriously! I have met people who argue in this spirit: “To be ready for life means to be able to overcome difficulties. Therefore, what difference does it make what to teach! The main thing is to study difficult ." Like this!

Professor Road: So. Anna Petrovna advises schoolchildren: do not interfere in the educational process, but extracurricular work- yours. Do we accept this offer?

Fedya Pessimistov: First "co-management", now "learning process"... You first show us this "process"! So that we understand where it begins and where it ends!

Vasya Activists: It starts with the first call, and ends with the last. Came at the age of six, left at seventeen - the process is over, the result is on the face!

Fedya Pessimistov: Wu-u-u…

Vasya Activists: But seriously, we recently met with the guys from the Junior Union "Road", who publish the children's human rights newspaper "School - the territory of the law." They write a lot of interesting things about this “learning process” there. In one of the schools in the classroom, the teacher puts a bottle of Pepsi-Cola on the table and drinks a Snickers right out of her throat. The whole class salivates, but the process is on! In another school, the teacher teaches children to sit up straight: whoever bends over the desk - cracks with a ruler on the back! There was also an article about the Trudovik: he has not explained anything new for three months. He gives the guys the same task, and he grinds cutters for woodcarving on the machine. He grinds - and sells to his own students. They even calculated how much he earns from it. The guys who wrote about all this, class teacher covered the whole lesson!

Fedya Pessimistov: I wonder what topic she wrote down in the magazine?

Vasya Activists: So she wrote down: “study”! .. Relax, Fedya, it was a joke. Of course, what is supposed to be, she wrote it down. And she added: “The paragraph that we did not pass because of these hooligans, read at home. In the next lesson, we will write an independent work.

Professor Road: I wonder what Anna Petrovna Strict would say about this?

Vasya Activists: She would say something like this: “These youths, with their yellow press, insulted thousands of teachers in our country, who, with their last strength, for a miserable salary, heroically bring knowledge to children!”

Fedya Pessimistov: It turns out that if the salary is small, then you can do whatever you want with the students?

Vasya Activists: And thus to speak, that self-management should not interfere with it at all!

Professor Road: Vasily told us very important thought. Let us advise Anna Petrovna and other directors not to be afraid that student self-government will interfere with the educational process. On the contrary, the educational process can be made more qualitative if the director will rely on self-government. After all, what happens in a school where there is no student self-government? The director in most cases does not know what is going on behind the scenes. closed doors class: teach children there or do something else. Many teachers in such a school do not understand that they work not for themselves, but for children, and therefore, excuse me, they hack. And students are forced to put up with everything, because any disputes with teachers immediately affect their grades. Student self-government can radically change this situation: the quality educational process students will control. If the director really wants to give the children a good education, then he can not but listen to the opinion school board. Suppose the Council says that Marya Petrovna must not, instead of explaining new topic arrange for children to study. A wise director in response to this will certainly say: “Absolutely!” - and will make sure that next time the teacher does not confuse the lesson with a "heart-to-heart conversation."

Fedya Pessimistov: Wise director? And what, there are directors and not very ...

Vasya Activists: Fedor! How could such a thing come to your mind! You almost offended all the directors of the universe!

Fedya Pessimistov: It's good that our director can't hear me now!

Professor Road: No, colleague, on the contrary: it is very bad that the director does not hear you! Student self-government is also valuable because it helps teachers and students to establish a dialogue, to understand each other. After all, both of them are often dissatisfied with each other. Indeed, sometimes they do not hear each other, although they meet every day. And they don't have a platform where they could negotiate. If both of them have the opportunity to sort things out in a civilized manner, then teachers will not have to use force, and students will not have to write bad words about teachers on their desks.

Vasya Activists: So, student self-government helps to create such a platform for negotiations?

Professor Road: Unless, of course, this is precisely the kind of self-government that allows students to influence the solution of real school problems.


1. Have you come across the opinion that student self-government at school does not need to be developed? How was this opinion justified? What can you say?

Work on mistakes. Effective tricks and working methods

Work on the mistakes made by students in writing is the most important link in the system of teaching the Russian language. She has great value to develop the ability to independently express their thoughts orally and writing and also plays an important role in the fight against failure. Good, sound work on mistakes prevents their repetition in subsequent works.

It is no secret that this work has a number of difficulties. First, the number of hours per subject is reduced with the same volume educational material, so it is difficult for the teacher to “cut out” whole lesson the look of this work. Secondly, the variety of errors means different level student preparation. Thirdly, the different pace of work.

Students who know how to work do the work quickly, their forced idleness interferes with others. Students who work slowly, and conscientious students also belong to them, when they see that someone has finished work, they begin to rush. And this leads to negligence, to loss of interest.

How to make that part of the lesson devoted to working on mistakes interesting, what content to fill in so that it gives the desired effect and so that each student works actively, to the best of his ability and ability? What needs to be done to make this work not formal, but necessary?

There are many techniques and methods for dealing with errors. In my practice, there is such a method of work: checking the dictation, I make a list of words in which mistakes were made on a separate sheet and group them by type of spelling. Before the lesson on the board I write out in a column under serial numbers one word with each spelling, leaving the next line blank. After the guys got acquainted with their mistakes, I give those who received "5", individual tasks related to the text of the dictation (for example, find words with unchecked spellings, write them out, and then compose a coherent text on any topic). The rest of the students find spellings in the words indicated on the board and verbally explain them in detail, remember the corresponding rule and designate them graphically.

After the spellings are parsed, the students must find words in the text with similar spellings and add them to the appropriate line.

Thus, the text is commented again. And the whole class is involved. Sometimes in the middle of the lesson I spend a five-minute game. I divide the class into 3 teams, each is assigned one column on the board. Children go to the board in turn from each team at the same time. Then we check, evaluate, find errors, fix, mark the best team. Homework is also associated with the text of the dictation. Those who received "4" make up vocabulary dictation, but not from those words in which they made mistakes, but select 2-3 words with similar spellings and make sentences with them. Students who receive "3" are given the right to choose: either they perform the same task, or they make sentences with words where mistakes are made. Those who received "2" select material for the dictation from the corresponding words and enter them into phrases.

I also practice this method of working on errors: when checking control works I write assignments on cards and put them in notebooks. I compose tasks individually for each student, taking into account both the level of preparation and the spelling in which mistakes were made and which should be paid attention to. This may be some small text that the student must complete, the number of the paragraph that he must repeat.

For students who made few mistakes, I give the task from didactic material. To students who made 1-2 mistakes and did not make them, I give creative tasks. For example, write a miniature story based on pictures, using words prefixed with “zs”, or compose short story, using words with unstressed vowels and divisive ъ. introduce a number of synonyms that convey mood. And here it is observed individual approach.

AT recent times Another method of working on bugs has taken root in me is work in pairs. Pair is perfect shape for cooperation and mutual assistance. A student who wrote a dictation without errors or made 1-2 mistakes helps students who wrote the dictation badly to work on the mistakes. The student consultant checks the rules for weak students, helps to choose test words, and graphically indicate spellings.

My observations show that the guys really like working in pairs. They try to help each other, they are happy to prepare vocabulary and graphic dictations at home.

Troubleshooting is essential component differentiated learning. We need to educate everyone, and this is the only method that can give us results. We must definitely know each student, know the degree of his performance in the lesson, his capabilities in order to effectively and productively build work with him.