Articulatory apparatus exercise. Articulation gymnastics for children: description, effective exercises

Articulating organs are needed for correct pronunciation sounds. Thanks to their power, we speak in a continuous stream of speech, and do not tear out individual sounds. From an early age, a person performs many manipulations of the articulatory apparatus, due to which a speech skill develops. Sometimes the child has difficulty with the pronunciation of words. Then articulatory gymnastics comes to the rescue - a set of exercises aimed at developing speech.

Target articulatory gymnastics- development of the strength of the speech apparatus, honing the correct movements of organs important for clear pronunciation sounds, words, combining them into a single stream of speech.

Articulation gymnastics for children consists of many complexes, each of which is aimed either at general formation speech, or to eliminate speech defects. A speech therapist can correctly compose a complex. But they turn to him, as a rule, only when any shortcomings are identified.

Attention! If the pronunciation defects seem too strong to you, in addition to a speech therapist, it is worth visiting a neurologist. Deficiencies can be symptoms of serious pathologies.

If health is in order, parents can work with the child at home. Articulation exercises for children, they develop the muscles of the speech apparatus and stimulate active and correct speech.

Articular gymnastics will be useful if you follow these recommendations:

  • Articulation exercises for children should be given in game style. At a young age, the guys do not yet realize that they need gymnastics. Therefore, they will try and correctly fulfill the requests of their parents, if they are interested.
  • For each lesson you can print colorful pictures, so the interest of the baby will increase even more.
  • The child does not see his face, so it is advisable to put a mirror in front of him.
  • If the baby does not cope with the tongue exercise, he should be helped. To do this, his tongue must be directed in the right direction with a spoon or other safe object.
  • While the baby is not yet accustomed to classes, the complex should have no more than 2-3 exercises. Gradually, over time, you can add 1-2 exercises per session.

Articulation gymnastics for children should be carried out regularly. It is important to follow these rules:

  • Classes should be done every day. The best option- 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. With more stress, the baby will get tired.
  • Each exercise should be repeated at least 5 times.
  • If a static load is implied, you need to complete the task within 10-15 seconds.
  • At the beginning of the lesson, the child should be offered the most simple exercises, and then gradually translate it to more complex ones.
  • If the ward cannot finally master any of the exercises, you should not introduce something new into the complex. You need to wait until the baby can perform the exercises already present in the complex.
  • You can not enter more than 1 new exercise into the complex. For example, if a lesson consists of 2 exercises, then only one can be entered at a time, so that there are 3 in total, but no more.
  • The optimal posture for doing the exercises is sitting, arms relaxed, back straight. But if the child is not comfortable sitting, you need to let him stand.
  • The baby should perfectly see not only his own face, but also the face of the parent. Therefore, not only he, but also an adult should be in front of the mirror.
  • The parent must show how to do the exercise correctly, and then control the correct execution.

At first, articulatory gymnastics exercises can be difficult, but over time, the baby will fully master them.

Articulation gymnastics for children 3-4 years old

Kids of this age are not able to concentrate on something for a long period of time. They get tired very quickly, so you need to include 2-3 exercises in the complex. Here are the optimal dynamic activities for children under 4 years old:

  • "Snake". Tell the child to stick out the tongue and stretch it forward as far as possible. At the same time, it should be as narrow as possible, that is, it should resemble a small snake.
  • "Dough". The child should relax the tongue, laying it on the lower lip. Then you need to open and close your mouth. The tongue must be in the same position.
  • "Teeth cleaning". The tip of the tongue should slide over the upper and lower row of teeth from left to right. This exercise is repeated 2 times with the top and bottom row.
  • "Clock". The kid must use his tongue to imitate a clock pendulum. To do this, you need to slightly open your mouth, and then with the tip of your tongue touch either the right or the left corner.
  • "Swings". This exercise is very similar to the previous one, only the tongue should either go up or down, imitating a swing.
  • "Hamster". The child should puff out both cheeks, showing a hamster that is eating something. Then you need to alternately inflate either the right or the left cheek.
  • "Balloons". As in the previous exercise, the child should puff out his cheeks as much as possible. Then ask him to lightly hit them with his pen so that the air is completely expelled.

All dynamic exercises are performed in accordance with the recommendations given in the previous section. Here are some useful static activities. We remind you that in static exercises the child should sit for 10-15 seconds:

  • "Behemoth". The baby should open his mouth wide and stay in this position.
  • "Smile". Ask the child to smile strongly, but at the same time not showing teeth, and freeze in this position.
  • "Trunk". The child should twist his lips into a tube, like a duck, and freeze in this position.
  • "Pancake". It is necessary to completely relax the muscles of the tongue, laying it on the lower lip, freeze in this position.
  • "Hungry Hamster" Complete opposite exercise "hamster". The child should draw in the cheeks as much as possible.

For maximum effect, static and dynamic classes need to be changed. Alternate them, show the baby everything by your own example, in parallel, make logical associations. For example, the exercise "Trunk" can be associated with a small elephant.

Articulation gymnastics for children 5-7 years old

Children from 5 years old, if they were previously trained, are already well prepared for the exercises, so the time of classes can be extended by 3-5 minutes. The exercises from the previous complex are quite suitable for this age category but they need to be constantly updated. And you can do it with the following exercises:

"Fence". As in one of the previous exercises, the child should smile broadly. The difference is that now the teeth should be as exposed as possible.

"Sail". The child should rest the tip of the tongue on the upper teeth, freezing in this position.

"Painter". The kid must imagine that his tongue is a brush with which he must paint the sky. The tip of the tongue should be drawn across the sky from the throat to the teeth.

"Turkey". The baby should move the tongue along the upper lip to the right and left in fast pace.

"Cup". The child should open his mouth wide, lift the tongue up, but do not touch his teeth.

"Jam". The child must imagine that his upper lip is dirty with jam. You need to lick off the treat with your tongue. For more creativity and the interest of the baby, his lip can really be smeared in jam.

"Woodpecker". The child must imagine that his tongue is the beak of a woodpecker. They need to knock on the top row of teeth at a fast pace.

"Horse". The kid should “click” with his tongue, imitating the sound of horse hooves. The first time this exercise may not work out, but over time he will fully master it.

"Fungus". The kid should “glue” the tongue to the sky and remain in this position for a few seconds.

"Harmonic". First, the child must take a pose from the previous position. Then he needs to open and close his mouth several times.

At 3-4 years old, it is already possible to understand how actively and correctly the children's articulation apparatus develops, whether the child has deviations. Articulation gymnastics is a way to speed up the development of speech, to prevent the appearance of shortcomings.

But if they already exist, the best option there will be a visit with the child to the doctor. He will make individual program classes, select the best exercises, explain whether it is possible to practice at home or is it better to give the initiative to speech therapists.

Exercise for children from 7 years old

The development of articulation is associated with the constant consolidation of previous results and the development of new exercises. Therefore, new classes can be added to the previous program:

  1. "Rabbit". The child should tightly close the teeth, lifting the upper lip to slightly open the incisors. In this position, you need to freeze.
    You can alternate the exercises "Smile" and "Tubule".
  2. "Piglet". You need to stretch your lips with a tube, like a duck, and then with tightly closed lips rotate in a circle in different sides.
  3. "Fish". The child must imitate the movements of the lips of fish. To do this, he must silently clap his lips.
  4. "Evil Horse" It is necessary to depict the "snorting" of the horse. To do this, you need to inhale as much as possible. more air and forcefully exhale it through your mouth without opening it. The lips will begin to vibrate, imitating a horse. The child should open his mouth wide, and then pull his lips inward as far as possible.
  5. "Kitty". The tongue of the child should depict a cat that is angry and therefore arched its back. To do this, the baby must slightly open his mouth, rest the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth so that the back of the tongue looks up.
  6. "Prickling". It is necessary to close the mouth tightly, with the tip of the tongue tingling one or the other cheek.

The goal of articulation gymnastics is to develop correct speech. If the problems are not eliminated in childhood, then this technique is used in adulthood. Although in most cases only a doctor can help in the treatment of defects in adults.
The effectiveness of the exercises performed will be noticeable after 2-3 months of regular exercise. But at the same time, it is important that the child performs them with interest and correctly.

Perhaps the definition of "articulatory gymnastics" will be bewildering. After all, everyone is used to the fact that gymnastics is needed to strengthen muscles, for flexibility, dexterity ... That's right. The organs involved in sound production - lips, cheeks, tongue - also consist of muscles. And when they are not sufficiently developed, strong, mobile, speech turns out to be illegible, the speaker has a “porridge” of sounds in his mouth. Therefore, in the development of speech of preschoolers, articulation gymnastics for children has great value. After all, it is in childhood that it is easier and most important to develop necessary qualities muscles involved in speech.

The most childish games

What do these muscles need? Lips, cheeks and lower jaw - mobility, tongue - strength, elasticity, dexterity, sufficient length of the bridle, the ability to quickly take different positions and states. Equally important is the ability to exhale necessary strength and in the right direction. The child may well acquire all these abilities by the time active speaking begins (about 2 years old), if all this time he is engaged in articulatory gymnastics. In addition, there are various sets of articulation exercises that allow you to correct the incorrect pronunciation of certain speech sounds (hissing, whistling, [l], [r]) in children 4, 5, 6, 7 years old. So it is difficult to overestimate the importance of such activities.

In order to have as few problems with incorrect pronunciation as possible, you can start classes on the development of articulation even before 1 year old - already from the first months of a baby's life. At first, these will be the sounds that the mother shows the child. Moreover, it shows exaggeratedly, making each movement exaggerated, so that the baby gradually remembers the movements of the lips.

For example, when bathing, dressing, during games for the smallest children, you can depict:

  • water noise;
  • cackling geese;
  • fish (slap lips without sound);
  • the howl of the wind;
  • horses - clatter, snort;
  • dogs; sticking out their tongue or growling;
  • elephants extending their proboscis;
  • kitties that lap, lick, meow;
  • hooting owls;
  • ticking clock;
  • cock singing;
  • mouse click, etc.

Such classes should be carried out constantly so that the baby gets used to the fact that speech is active work lips, tongue and all other muscles involved in the process of sound production. At first, he will just watch how adults do it.

Two to four

At the age of 2-3 years, the child can already repeat the simplest exercises after the parents. From this age, classes with preschoolers should be systematic.

To make sure that everything is done correctly, the child definitely needs a mirror. And so that the kid does not consider classes boring lessons that you don’t want to do, they should take place in the form of a game. At this time, you can tell the baby fairy tales about the travels of a tongue, an elephant, brave mushroom pickers, little cooks, etc. You can clothe each exercise in a poetic form.

At the age of 3-4 years, it is already possible to control the correct execution of each movement, in older children it is important to develop clarity and smoothness.

Kids 2-4 years old are not able to concentrate for a long time and get tired quickly, even from games. Therefore, articulation gymnastics for children of this age should not last more than 10 minutes. You need to start at all with 2-3 minutes a day, with the simplest exercises, gradually learning all the new ones, as the previous ones are mastered.

During such “lessons”, alternate static and dynamic exercises in order to keep the baby’s interest in the lesson longer.

At this age, the following articulation exercises are suitable.


  • "Smile" - the child smiles, hiding his teeth behind closed lips, the position is maintained for 4-5 seconds;
  • "Pancake" - the tongue is laid out in a relaxed, flat state on the lower lip, but does not move forward (we also hold it for about 5 seconds);
  • "Hippo" - the baby keeps his mouth wide open for about 5 seconds;
  • "Proboscis" - the lips fold into a tube and stretch forward as far as possible (hold the position for up to 5 seconds);
  • "Hungry hamster" - draw in your cheeks and stay in this position for 5-6 seconds.


  • “Knead the dough” - the tongue is in the “pancake” position, at this time the child closes and opens his lips, slightly bites his tongue with his teeth;
  • “Brushing teeth” - with the tip of the tongue, the baby should run over the upper teeth from left to right, then in the same way along the lower ones;
  • “Snake (arrow)” - the tongue must be made narrow, sharp and pulled as far forward as possible, held for a few seconds;
  • "Swing" - with open mouth it is necessary to alternately raise the tongue up and lower it down. You can perform a variation: do the exercise in front of the teeth and behind the teeth;
  • "Watch" - with an open mouth, the baby alternately touches the tip of the tongue of the right and left corners of the mouth;
  • "Balls" - the baby puffs out his cheeks, and then claps his fingers on them, releasing air;
  • "Full hamster" - first both cheeks are inflated, then each in turn.

You need to start with 2-3 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 7-10. But if the child gets tired, the lesson should be stopped and the rest completed at another time.

Homework on the development of the articulatory apparatus in a baby should not be stopped if he went to kindergarten. Classes conducted by the teacher with the entire group in kindergarten may not be enough. After all, in children's team it is difficult to give enough attention to each child individually to make sure that he does everything correctly and in the right amount. Even if the baby is studying with a professional speech therapist, he will advise you to consolidate what you have learned at home.

four to seven

During this period of his development, the preschooler (or junior school student) is already ready for longer and more complex classes. A set of articulation exercises can last up to 20 minutes. The child is now able to fulfill the rather complex requests of adults, so "tricky" exercises are more suitable for this age group.

At this age, the child can be shown video lessons on the development of the articulatory apparatus (at the same time, the parents themselves can more correctly master the methodology for conducting such classes).

When teaching your child correct speech, make sure that your own speech is also correct. Children learn by copying our actions. Therefore, if parents have speech defects or they construct sentences illiterately, the children will do the same. If you yourself do not pronounce some sounds, take care of your articulation first. Achieve pure sound extraction and only after that teach your baby. Otherwise, a speech therapist will have to retrain him. And it's much more difficult.

In addition, such a situation will certainly be stressful for the child when he gets into language environment, different from the one that surrounds him at home (for example, he will go to Kindergarten). After all, for him, everything that parents do is a priori right.

So, articulation gymnastics for the age of 4-7 years is as follows.

Exercises to develop lip mobility:

  • "Elephant" ("Proboscis");
  • "Smile";
  • "Hippo";
  • "Pancake";
  • "Fence";
  • Alternation "Smile" - "Fence".

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tongue:

  • "Pancake";
  • "Swing";
  • "Knead the dough";
  • “Angry pussy” - with the tip of the tongue, the baby rests on the lower teeth, the middle of the tongue arches with a “slide”, now you need to lightly bite the “slide” with your teeth;
  • "Snake";
  • "Sail" - the child should rest the tip of the tongue against the front teeth and linger for a few seconds (the mouth is open at the same time);
  • “Malyar” - you need to “paint” the palate with a tongue in the direction from the teeth to the throat;
  • "Brushing teeth";
  • "Watch";
  • “Cup” - you need to open your mouth wide, stick out the tongue and make it round, raising the tip and sides (hold it for a few seconds without touching your lips or teeth);
  • "Turkey" - the child quickly moves the tip of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, making the sound "bl";
  • “Delicious jam” - with a wide tongue, the baby should lick the upper lip from top to bottom;
  • "Woodpecker" - with a sharp tip of the tongue you need to quickly beat for upper teeth at their base, pronouncing the sound "d";
  • "Motor" - the exercise is similar to the previous one, only you need to exhale with greater strength and pronounce "dyn-dyn".

Exercises for the development of the hyoid frenulum:

  • "Mushroom" - the tongue must be sucked to the palate (the mouth is as open as possible) and so hold for 7-10 seconds;
  • "Accordion" - the exercise is similar to the previous one, only the lower jaw must be wiggled - open with the maximum possible amplitude and cover a little;
  • "Horse" - the exercise is similar to a mushroom, only more dynamic: the tongue must be torn off, making a sound similar to the clatter of hooves.

Cheek exercises:

  • "Hungry Hamster";
  • "Fed hamster";
  • "Balloons".

When doing articulation exercises with a child at home, it should be remembered that during such games the baby should be in good mood and do it with pleasure. Classes after 4 years can be organized 2 times a day for about 10 minutes each. One of the main components of success is the systematic training and their game form. No violence and no "binding"!

Ideally, the time to complete each exercise is about 10 seconds. But you should focus on the desire and ability of the child. If he gets tired or does not want to, it is better to slow down for a while.

If some exercise does not work out even for you, do not hesitate to admit this to the baby and invite him to learn together. You can watch it on the video, try it again and decide together that you will certainly master the difficult game.

Classes for practicing articulation do not have to be just classes - elements of exercises can be included in everyday life: imitate pets, lick a spoon or plate while eating, etc.

Exercising strength

At any age, breathing exercises will be useful. After all, if the child does not develop strength speech exhalation, he will not be able to pronounce long phrases, he will get air in the process of speaking and finish the sentence either in a whisper or “excitedly”.

You can train speech breathing at any opportunity. For example, reading a book. If it contains a description of the wind, mom can depict how it blows. Coming in winter from a walk, you can blow on chilled hands. Bathing the baby in the bathroom, we blow on the foam, blow it off our hands. During lunch, you can blow on hot tea. Such games, in addition to direct benefits, will bring a lot of positive emotions to the child.

The main emphasis in the development of speech breathing should be done so that the child can make a long smooth exhalation of the same force throughout. This will help him in the future to correctly distribute the amount of air when pronouncing long phrases.

There are special exercises for practicing speech breathing.

  • "Dandelion". In the summer, on a walk, you need to find a downy dandelion and show the baby how to blow off the fluff from it.
  • "Butterfly". Cut out a paper butterfly. Attached to a thread, it flutters very beautifully, if you blow on it correctly - evenly and for a long time.
  • "Snowflake". You need to make a snowflake - fluff a small piece of fleece. When blown on it, it flies. The longer you exhale, the higher the snowflake flies.
  • "Fluff". The same, only with a feather. You can play together: the mother drives the fluff to the child, he - back to her.
  • "Ivushka". Several narrow strips of paper are glued to a pencil or stick. Making a "breeze", the baby will make the "willow branches" sway.
  • "Candle". The kid should learn how to blow out a candle (for example, for his birthday).
  • "Migratory birds". Carved figurines of small birds are placed on the table. On command (“the birds are flying!”), the adult, together with the child, blows on the birds. Whoever flies the farthest wins.
  • "Pipe". A toy in the form of a pipe or a whistle (whistles) also perfectly trains breathing.
  • "Storm in a teacup". The child blows forcefully into a cocktail tube placed in a glass of water or drink. A real storm!

Takova general technique development of the articulatory apparatus in preschool children. It needs to be adjusted based on the capabilities, health, interests of the child. For someone, instead of the “Snake”, it is better to call the exercise “Needle” or “Arrow”, with someone more attention give stretching of the bridle (especially if the baby does not succeed in the sounds [r] and [l]), someone does not differ in perseverance, then the classes will have to be divided into 3-4 visits per day and performed in very small portions.

If, despite all the efforts of the parents, by the age of 4-5 the child has not learned to pronounce all sounds correctly or confuses, for example, voiced with deaf ones, you should seek help from a speech therapist. Perhaps the baby has congenital defects of the organs of speech (palate, tongue), or he has an incorrect bite, too short a hyoid frenulum, short tongue, large lips, etc. An increased tone of the muscles of the lips, tongue, and larynx also leads to speech defects.

To correct such defects, a course may be required. speech therapy massage or even surgery.

correct, beautiful speech, colored with bright intonation, having a pleasant rhythm, will not appear in a child just like that. This is a big “invisible” work that the baby’s parents have to do in the first 5-6 years of his life, so that later he can independently enrich and improve his speech baggage at school, delighting mom and dad with their successes.

Correct speech is formed in early childhood. Unfortunately, speech therapy problems are not uncommon. To prevent the formation of incorrect pronunciation of sounds, to help the child speak faster, articulation gymnastics helps, which the mother can do with the baby on her own.

What is it - articulation gymnastics

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of exercises that is aimed specifically at developing the tongue, lips, soft palate, and facial muscles. The goal is to teach the baby to make the correct movements necessary to pronounce a particular sound.

The articulation apparatus is a delicate instrument, and it can and should be tuned to the correct sound. In the future, this will help the child to learn to read and write without problems. It is clear that social success, and hence emotional stability and mental comfort, also not least depend on the ability to speak correctly.

There are two types of gymnastics for the development of the articulatory apparatus:

1. passive, in which the direction of the correct movement of the baby's speech apparatus is set by an adult;

2. active, in which the child does exercises completely independently, without significant adult help.

In the first case, a specialist who deals with a child can help him physically. For example, correcting the wrong position of the tongue and lips, either with a spoon or with clean hands or with a special spatula. Mom can do the same on the recommendation of a speech therapist.

Lessons for the little ones

You do not need to wait for a certain age to start the first classes. Already from 3-4 months of a newborn's life, a mother should actively communicate with him, drawing attention to her facial expressions during pronunciation various sounds. You can turn the process of dressing for a walk and a baby massage into a game. When reading fairy tales or telling stories, you can pronounce sounds exaggerated, emphasizing both the sound and the movements of the muscles of the face.

You can play with an older baby by attracting him to active participation. Imitate playing the pipe or the hum of a locomotive. Learn to express different emotions with your face: the bunny was scared, and the fox was surprised. The bear got angry, and the squirrel formed. But the fish took water in its mouth, it became tasteless - it spat out and grimaced. In general, any exercise stress for the muscles of the lips, tongue and face.

How to conduct classes

game form- the only acceptable for small children. From 2-3 years old, you need to start purposeful classes with the aim of developing and staging correct articulation. If the baby pronounces some sound incorrectly, indistinctly, then you need to pay attention to this and work purposefully. If it didn’t work out on your own, and after the age of four, some sounds still don’t work out for the baby, you need to involve a speech therapist in solving the problem.

Self-conducted articulation gymnastics at home is not only acceptable, but also highly desirable. But, of course, you need to know how to do articulation exercises for children correctly. The more often and more the mother will deal with the baby, the faster he will speak, the easier and easier it will be to cope with speech defects. Regular training is the key to success.

Lesson rules:

During the day, work out the exercises three, and preferably four times;

The duration of the workout is not longer than five minutes;

One workout is two, maximum three full-fledged exercises;

If the child has Bad mood or he is sick, there is no point in classes, they need to be moved;

Start classes with simple exercises, gradually complicate them;

At each lesson, you can learn only one new exercise, all the rest should be known, we just fix them.

Classes are held in calm environment. It is better for the baby to sit, relaxed, but concentrating on the mother's face. And she, in turn, needs to cheer up the baby, even if something doesn’t work out for him, and be sure to say how good he is. It is very good if the baby will see his face in the mirror. So he can observe the work of the muscles and better understand what is required of him.

Articulation gymnastics is aimed at solving three main tasks:

1. develop the mobility of the tongue;

2. develop lip mobility;

3. consolidate the skill of holding the lower jaw in the correct position.

The language should be easy to accept desired shape and position in the mouth: become narrower or wider, fit completely behind the teeth, pull up to the pharynx. The lips should be rounded, create a gap, stretch forward, stretch to the sides. The simplest exercises are aimed at training these skills.

If the mother decided to deal with the baby herself, to prevent speech disorders or the development of the articulatory apparatus, then it is important to understand the sequence of work. With a child who does not have speech or it is slurred, you must first do static exercises, and only then move on to dynamic ones:

Static exercises are the fixation of a muscle in a certain state for 7-10 seconds. For example, pulling the tongue into a tube, creating a "cup";

Dynamic exercises- This active movement tongue or lips in a certain rhythm (7-8 movements at once). For example, lick your lips, show "watch".

Be sure to see how articulatory gymnastics for children is performed by a practitioner. Photos fixing static exercises will help you understand the correct position of the tongue and lips.

The simplest articulation gymnastics exercises for children

For proper development the speech apparatus at the beginning of training does not need to do anything special. All exercises are very simple and clear.

You need to repeat each exercise 6-7 times. Daily short workouts are more useful than long, but infrequent ones.

1. Show how hot it is around - open your mouth as wide as possible. Wet your lips - it became cold.

2. "Pity" the teeth: stroke them with the tongue from side to side.

3. Show the "fence": bare your teeth with tension, bare your teeth.

4. Roll the "ball" in your mouth: inflate your cheeks, then blow it off.

5. "Eat" the jam, which is supposedly smeared on the face. The tongue should touch both cheeks, reach for the nose, chin.

6. Imitation of a drum roll, but not with fingers on the table, but with a tongue on the upper lips.

7. Imitation of tongue movements in a cat licking its bowl.

8. “Elephant drinks water”: stretch your lips far forward, imagining that this is an elephant’s trunk, and “get some water” (sip and smack your lips).

9. "Horse": she snorts, prances (click her tongue).

10. “Where is the nut”: rest the tongue alternately on the cheeks, as if a walnut is hidden in the mouth. Do the exercise with maximum tension on the tongue and cheeks.

11. "Cup": stick out the tongue, bend it in the shape of a cup.

12. Roll the tongue into a tube.

13. "Show watch": move the tongue from one corner of the mouth to another, imitating the movements of the pendulum.

14. Show "donut" by rounding the lips.

15. Hoot like a steamship and a steam locomotive: pull the sounds “Y”, “U” as long as possible.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance that even such a simple and understandable articulatory gymnastics for children has. The description, as well as the execution, is simple, any mother can master it. Muscles with regular exercises will quickly strengthen, and motor skills will be fixed.

Most effective exercises articulation gymnastics for children

More difficult exercises aimed at solving specific tasks. The complex must be selected so that the necessary articulation processes are formed, a certain position of the tongue and lips is developed. Be sure to see how articulation gymnastics for children is carried out. Videos found in free access, will help to avoid annoying mistakes and really help your child.

Strengthen lips

The alternation of static exercises that are mastered in the simplest block will help develop the muscles of the lips: “Tube”, “Donut”, “Fence”, “Elephant”. We complicate the work, sequentially alternating all these exercises, we do 3-4 cycles.

To develop the mobility of the lips, we master several exercises:

1. "Curious Piglet": stretch out the lips and move them in different directions, then in a circle, as if a pig is sniffing the air.

2. "Nipper": bite your lips (lower and upper) with your teeth, make scratching movements.

3. Alternate stretching of the lips-tubes and a smile-fence.

4. "Fish": imitate the movement of the lips of a fish by easily collapsing the upper and lower lip.

5. Grab the nasolabial fold in the area of ​​the upper lip with the fingers of one hand, and grab the lower lip with the other hand and stretch them vertically.

6. "Duck": thumbs put under the lower lip, place the rest above the upper, stretch the lips and massage, trying to give characteristic shape duck beak.

7. Strongly drawing in the cheeks, sharply open the mouth. There should be a sound similar to a "kiss".

8. Snort like a horse by vibrating your lips with air jet on the exhale.

A static exercise strengthens the lips very well: puff out your cheeks with all your might and hold this position for as long as possible. You can take a pencil to your lips and draw shapes or letters in the air. Or pinch a napkin with your lips and not give it when mom pulls on the tip.

Strengthening the language

1. "Mushroom": you need to make the tongue stick to the sky, and hold this position for a few seconds.

2. "Evil cat": bend the middle of the tongue with a hill so that the tip rests on the center of the lower row of teeth.

3. "Wasp sting": narrow the tongue so that it looks like a thin wasp sting, and stretch it forward.

Developing the lower jaw

The mobility of the lower jaw largely determines whether the child will correctly articulate hissing sounds. The easiest thing to do is to chew with closed lips. The following exercises are effective.

1. "The chick is afraid": open your mouth wide, leaving your tongue to lie quietly - "sit in the nest." The corners of the lips should go down. Then close your mouth. Repeat 5-7 times without losing the rhythm.

2. “The monkey is teasing”: lower the jaw as much as possible, while sticking out the tongue and trying to touch it to the chin.

3. "Shark breathes": count to seven. Each count is one smooth, careful, slow movement. Lower the jaw (one), move it to the right (two), return it to its place in the lower position (three), move the jaw to the left (four), return it to the lowered position central position(five), push forward (six), return to original natural state(seven).

Starting from the age of three, the child must be brought to the level of conscious exercise. Mom should explain that classes are important, and teach the baby to control the process, that is, try to do everything right, comparing her actions and mother's in the mirror. An exercise is mastered if it is performed flawlessly, without prompting or correction.

A well-delivered speech is a guarantee pleasant experience and often success in general. Teach your child to speak beautifully and clearly, and the fruits of your labor will not keep you waiting.

What is articulation? This is a set of work of individual pronunciation organs in the formation of speech sounds. To put it simply, it is thanks to articulation that we distinguish words by ear.

Exercises for the development of articulation (articulation gymnastics) are aimed at working with many muscle groups - tongue, lips, palate, as well as chest and shoulder girdle.

Articulation gymnastics rules

  1. Perform exercises every day, it is better to do 3-4 calls for 3-5 minutes each.
  2. 1 run is 2-3 exercises, and only one of them is new, the rest are for consolidation and repetition.
  3. Perform each exercise 5-7 times.
  4. Do exercises while sitting, back straight, body relaxed.
  5. Exercises go from simple to complex, gradually.

Lip exercises

  • Smile. So that no teeth are visible, keep your lips in a smile.
  • Tube. Pull out the lips with a tube.
  • Fence. Smile, while the teeth are closed in a natural bite and are visible.
  • Bagel. The teeth are closed. The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward so that the upper and lower incisors are visible.
  • Fence - Bagel. Smile - Tube.
  • Rabbit. The teeth are closed. The upper lip is raised and exposes the upper incisors.

Lip Mobility Exercises

  • Brush. You need to bite and scratch with your teeth first the upper, then the lower lip.
  • Smile - Tube. Pull your lips forward with a tube, then stretch your lips into a smile.
  • Piglet. Move the lips stretched out with a tube to the right and left, rotate in a circle.
  • Talking fish. Clap your lips against each other.
  • Cotton. Pull your cheeks inward, and then sharply open your mouth. It is necessary to ensure that when performing this exercise, a distinct sound is heard.
  • Disgruntled horse. Send a stream of exhaled air to the lips until they begin to vibrate, and a sound similar to the snorting of a horse will be heard.
  • A deflated ball. Open your mouth wide, pull your lips inward, tightly pressing against your teeth.

Exercises for lips and cheeks

  • Charger. Bite, pat and rub your cheeks.
  • Fed up hamster. Inflate both cheeks, then inflate the cheeks one by one.
  • Hungry hamster. Pull in cheeks.
  • Mouth to lock. Beat with a fist on inflated cheeks so that the air comes out with noise.

Static exercises for the tongue

  • Chicks. The mouth is wide open, the tongue lies quietly in oral cavity.
  • Spatula. The mouth is open, a wide relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip.
  • Cup. The mouth is wide open. The anterior and lateral edges of the tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth.
  • Needle. The mouth is open. Push the tense tongue forward.
  • Slide. The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is raised up.
  • tubule. The mouth is open. The lateral edges of the tongue are bent up.
  • Fungus. The mouth is open. Tongue stick to the palate.

Dynamic tongue exercises

  • watch. The mouth is open. Lips stretched into a smile. With the tip of a narrow tongue, alternately reach for the corners of the mouth.
  • snake. The mouth is wide open. The narrow tongue is strongly pushed forward and removed in depth.
  • Swing. The mouth is open. With a tense tongue, reach for the nose and chin, or for the upper and lower incisors.
  • Football. The mouth is closed. With a tense tongue, rest against one or the other cheek.
  • We brush our teeth. The mouth is closed. Roundabout circle the tongue between the lips and teeth.
  • Coil. The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. The wide tongue rolls forward and retracts deep into the mouth.
  • Harmonic. The mouth is open. Tongue stick to the palate. Without lifting the tongue from the palate, strongly pull down the lower jaw.
  • Painter. The mouth is open. With a wide tip of the tongue, like a brush, lead from the upper incisors to the soft palate.
  • Let's lick our lips. The mouth is open. Lick first the upper, then the lower lip in a circle.

Exercises for the development of mobility of the lower jaw

  • Cowardly chick. Open and close your mouth wide so that the corners of your lips stretch. The jaw drops to about two finger widths. The tongue "sits", does not protrude. The exercise is performed rhythmically.
  • sharks. On the count of "one" the jaw drops, on "two" - the jaw moves to the right (mouth is open), on the count of "three" - the jaw is lowered into place, on "four" - the jaw moves to the left, on "five" - ​​the jaw is lowered, on "six" - the jaw moves forward, "seven" - the chin is in the usual comfortable position, the lips are closed. You need to do the exercise slowly without sudden movements.
  • Breakfast. Simulate chewing with the mouth closed and open.
  • Monkey. The jaw goes down with the maximum extension of the tongue to the chin.
  • Strongman. The mouth is open. Imagine that a weight is hung on the chin, which must be lifted up, while raising the chin and tensing the muscles under it. Gradually close your mouth.
  • Barrier. Lower the jaw down overcoming resistance (an adult holds a hand under the child's jaw).
  • teasers. Open your mouth wide and often and say: pa-pa-pa.
  • Singing lesson. Silently, lingering (on one exhale), say the vowel sounds: “a”, “I” (the distance between the teeth is two fingers), “o”, “ё” (the distance between the teeth is one finger), “and” (the mouth is slightly open).
  • In full voice. Pronounce vowel sounds with a voice: “a”, “I”, “o”, “ё”, “and”.

Many people who have absolutely nothing to do with public speaking, sometimes they still have to play the role of an entertainer, presenter or speaker, so it is important for them development of articulation and what are currently effective exercises for the development of articulation. It can be a report or a presentation, a story interesting history or any celebration. It doesn’t matter at all whether a person is related to performances, only learns this skill or performs professionally, correct articulation, in any case, will only play into his hands. Thanks to the correct articulation, all the words that are pronounced will sound clear, clear and intelligible, and the speech will be memorable and beautiful. Of course, in more this applies to those people who are directly related to performances.

We offer 10 exercises, which will help not only develop the muscles of the speech apparatus, but also significantly improve their mobility. When exercising, give Special attention that the load direction should be certain groups muscles. Before proceeding with the implementation, it is necessary to warm up the speech apparatus with the help of gymnastics. Just 5-7 minutes will be enough, but the quality of the practice will improve significantly.

Articulation is the work of the organs of speech when a particular sound is pronounced. Articulation gymnastics has several types:

Gymnastics for the cheeks:

Alternate inflation and retraction of the lips.
Distillation of air first from cheek to cheek, then from lower lip under the upper lip.
Trying to push the air out of the mouth, the tension of the lips and cheeks.
Opening and closing of the lips simultaneously with the retraction of the cheeks.

Gymnastics of the lower jaw:

Fists rest against the lower jaw and put pressure on the fists with the jaw.
Miscellaneous movements lower jaw: circular, back-forward, up-down.

Gymnastics of the soft palate:

Imitation of gargling.
With yawns, the pronunciation of vowel sounds.
Yawning with open mouth.

Lip gymnastics:

With closed teeth, a tense smile, stretching lips with a tube.
Exposing the upper lips, pulling up the upper lip, then exposing the lower teeth, pulling up the lower lip.
With clenched teeth different movements: circular, left-right, up-down.

Gymnastics of the tongue

Circular movements of the tongue in the space between the teeth and lips, alternately holding the tongue under the left and right cheeks.
The upper palate has tongue retention.
Flapping the lips of the tongue.
Chewing tongue.
Attempts to reach the tongue to the nose and to the chin.
Pulling out the tongue.
Folding the tongue "tube".

When you finished articulation gymnastics, you made sure that everything was developed speech apparatus, you can begin the main exercises to improve pronunciation.

Articulation exercises

First exercise. This exercise is aimed at developing the tip of the tongue - its activity and firmness in pronunciation. Use your imagination for this: imagine that your tongue is a hammer. To develop articulation, beat the "hammer" in the teeth, repeating yes-yes-yes. Then try to pronounce the letters "T" and "D".

Second exercise. Exercise for the release of the tongue and larynx. Its essence lies in a quick inhalation through the nose and a sharp exhalation through the mouth. Exhalation should be accompanied by the sound "fu". You can supplement this exercise by strengthening the muscles of the larynx: say the letters "K" and "G" several times.

Third exercise. The bottom line is the rapid activation of the labial muscles. It is necessary to puff out the cheeks and, through pursed lips, with a sharp pop, release the collected air, pronouncing the letters “P” and “B” at the same time.

Fourth exercise. The purpose of the exercise is to develop articulation and work out the skill before new phrase take in air. Take any passage from a work or poem and consciously take a breath before each phrase. To develop a habit, this exercise must not be forgotten. Three points should also be taken into account: breathing should be silent, keep your lips slightly open before the start of the phrase, immediately close your mouth at the end of each sound.

Fifth exercise. Proper separation of air contributes to the development of articulation. Loud pronunciation usually requires more breathing, while quiet pronunciation requires more control of exhalation. Practice saying phrases loudly and softly, so you can determine how much air you need for a particular phrase. This technique It is desirable to combine with the previous exercise.

Sixth exercise. The purpose of the exercise development of articulation- pronounce vowels in a single stream and within this stream a clear pronunciation of consonants. Select a few lines from the poem and do this: first exclude all consonants from the lines and pronounce evenly, stretching a little, only vowels. Then start inserting fast and clear consonants into the vowel stream, try to keep the vowel stream the same way.

Seventh exercise. This exercise improves diction. To complete it, you need to choose for yourself several tongue twisters with different letter combinations. To develop articulation, practice clear pronunciation. At first measuredly and slowly, then gradually increasing the pace. Control diction, expressiveness and intelligibility, follow the rhythm.

Eighth exercise. This exercise is also It is based on the fact that it is necessary to sharply emphasize its ending at the end of any word. This needs special attention. This will help you pronounce words expressively and clearly.

Ninth exercise. By doing this exercise to develop articulation, you will improve the pronunciation of sounds. It should be used for sounds that are most difficult for you to pronounce. Open a dictionary, find the letter that makes you difficult to pronounce, and read out loud all the words where there is this sound, listen to it carefully. Multiple repetitions will help improve pronunciation.

Tenth exercise. This exercise develops the acoustic and timbre properties of the voice. It consists of the development of the tongue and pharynx. Silently pronounce the letters "O", "A", "E" ten times while opening the cavity of the pharynx, and not the mouth itself.

Of course, these exercises are not the only ones of their kind and are not exhaustive. They serve only as pointers for you in the development of articulation. A large number of If you wish, you can find identical exercises in specialized literature or on the Internet. As a result, several main principles can be identified and a short summary can be drawn up:

In the development of articulation, the main thing is conscious control and systematic training.
Of particular importance is the work in front of the mirror.
When performing exercises, you need to be demanding of yourself, be able to listen (see) yourself from the side
Be sure to perform numerous repetitions of sounds that are difficult for you to pronounce, you need to do this until you feel a state of comfort when pronouncing them.
Working with emotional and muscle clamps should be given special attention.
Watching videos and listening to audio recordings of people who have perfect articulation will help speed up the process.

Using these principles in your practice, pretty soon you will get the first results. Remember development of articulation and exercises for the development of articulation are needed not only by actors, speakers, lecturers, professional presenters, singers, but also by every person, at least in order to interact with other people. Speak beautifully!