Making money helping students. Making money on YouTube

How can a student earn money?

Pocket money is needed from childhood, but not everyone has the opportunity to receive it from their parents. Well, let's take this as an opportunity to learn how to earn money yourself much earlier than your peers, as an opportunity to quickly gain experience, accumulate useful links and get through life. So, how to make money as a student?

Work for a student

  • Post ads. The work, of course, is not highly paid, but for the first experience and the first money it will do. Moreover, employment will depend on the student himself. That is, someone will need 3-4 hours a day, and someone will have to work faster, it all depends on the speed of the work. I would like to point out that posting ads is not as easy as it might seem at first. Firstly, there will be a lot of ads, and secondly, to be worn with glue, a brush and a pile of leaflets is physical work. That is why many schoolchildren, having worked like this for a couple of days, understand that they cannot stand it and quit.
  • Deliver weekly newspapers to mailboxes. For some, such work may seem easier, because you will need to work only 2 times a week - on weekends. The student will be given a plot for which he will be responsible, that is, a list of houses located in the same area. There will be a lot of newspapers, they will be heavier than leaflets, this is not suitable for everyone, since in this case it will be physically difficult for a student to earn money. It is impossible to take everything with you at once, you will have to make several visits. It can take 4-5 hours a day. Although everything will depend on the number of houses entrusted to you.
  • A promoter is a great way to make money for a teenager. This is the person who promotes certain commodity, a service in the form of advertising. Here you can already earn much more, and the work is not dusty, the main thing is that the tongue is suspended and a smile on the face. It is now a fairly common job for schoolchildren. This work differs according to the principle: room - street. Most often, schoolchildren are offered to work on the street, but you can stubbornly ask to get to the action in the store. On the streets, work usually involves handing out flyers to passers-by. To be hired, you must impress decent person, which will not throw out leaflets in the next ballot box. Schoolchildren can also stand on the streets at the desks of mobile operators and offer to connect, talk about any ongoing action. As for the premises, these are usually such promotions: a gift for a purchase, tastings, lotteries. Where can a student earn money in this area? Open the job posting newspaper and find where a promoter is needed. You can also go to an advertising agency in your city, they usually take all the promoters there so that they have a base. They will offer jobs to those who actively show themselves, strive to work and call themselves every day with questions about the action that has appeared.

How to make money on the Internet for a student

Study in the morning, training in the afternoon, sections, circles. In such frantically You still have to be able to make money. But where will a schoolboy be allowed to work in the evenings and at night? In addition, you still need to sleep sometime ... I propose to consider the option of working on the Internet for a student.

  • Surfing. The income is penny, but if there is no way out, then you need to register on sites working on advertising other projects. Type in the search engine "CAP", that is, active advertising systems. Some type "mailers" or "sponsors". The essence of the work: follow links, read letters, view sites.
  • If you often communicate on the forums, then you can always put a modified advertising link at the bottom of your message (in your signature). The student earns money when this link is clicked. To do this, you need to register in an affiliate program with the sale of links.
  • And, of course, a very profitable income on the Internet for a student is the creation of a website. Here you need to choose interesting topic, then advertise and promote. The matter is far from easy, it requires certain knowledge and skills, so work with theory to begin with.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 7 minutes


Making extra money for the school is real! There are at least 7 known interesting ideas earnings at school. They are quite feasible for a leader with entrepreneurial abilities who knows how to properly use the available resources. school resource. How to make money on training, circles, sections, additional lessons, holding events and more, read on the site

Organization of paid circles and sections

Each school has gym, a stadium, offices, sometimes a pool. This is her so-called resource for earning. Naturally, in daytime All rooms are used for their intended purpose - for the educational process.

In the afternoon, it is quite reasonable to dispose of this potential in a different way - to open paid sections and circles:

  • basketball, volleyball and so on.
  • In the offices - on fine arts, design and other developing wisdom.
  • At the stadium train fans of football and athletics.
  • On the school grounds it is quite appropriate to arrange a greenhouse for young botanists. The benefits of such an object can be multifaceted: conducting paid lessons and excursions, growing and selling crops (or supplying them to the school canteen).

Renting out premises

How else to increase the school budget? Tenants can be allowed into separate school premises. Of course, only in the evening.

What options can be considered in this case:

  1. Many commercial organizations happy to rent a gym for their employees.
  2. In the basement, you can equip or equip a dance studio.
  3. Aqua aerobics classes can be held in the swimming pool.
  4. It is not worth talking about the demand for assembly halls. Big number organizations does not have similar areas for seminars, meetings and other crowded events.

In terms of renting, the school has a lot of room for commercial thought. If desired, it will not be difficult for the director to offer a room that attracts tenants.

Organization of seminars, consultations for colleagues from other schools

Such a source of finance is suitable for an exemplary educational institution having high performance in educational process. If there are successes, then there is a methodology for achieving them. It's time to hold seminars or consultations for teachers from other schools - to share experience on a paid basis.

Of course, the seminar requires special preparation, its main stages are:

  • Drafting press releases and other graphic layouts.
  • Working out the list of participants.
  • Preparation of reports and other organizational nuances.

Staging of paid performances, musicals, organization of concerts

It is quite possible to earn money through performances, musicals, concerts.

This requires two factors:

  1. Specialists who know how to professionally stage any performance.
  2. Groups of active children ready to participate in school productions.
  • A program of cultural and entertainment events is being drawn up. In addition to performances, it can be children's parties, discos, theme nights, concerts for city dwellers.
  • Rehearsals are being held, costumes are being made.
  • Developed bright advertising.

Where to show the finished repertoire? In any neighboring school (other organizations) or near lying cities. Proceeds from performances will replenish the school budget. In addition to earning money for school, children learn to express themselves in the creative process.

Organization of meetings, trips, excursions

The relevance of this type of activity is very high, especially in the period school holidays. Any parent prefers to know where his child is in his spare time, and is willing to pay for it.

What the school is able to organize for a small fee - an average of about 250 rubles:

  1. hike along native land(possible with an overnight stay).
  2. Excursion to the sights of the city.
  3. Excursion trip to other cities.
  4. Gathering of young tourists, artists, designers, gardeners and so on.

The benefit is obvious to everyone. Children at work. The parents are calm. The school earns for its needs.

Earnings on needlework. Selling crafts made by children

At labor lessons, girls learn to sew, boys learn to make various useful things for the home. There are lessons creative development teaching children how to create crafts from the gifts of nature. If the kids' first creative attempts are not entirely successful, then the opposite is true for high school students.

Therefore, there are many options for sale:

  • Aprons and potholders.
  • Needle beds and pillows filled with fragrant herbs.
  • Wooden stools and benches.
  • A variety of original crafts made from material collected in a nearby park.
  • Postcards for any occasion.

Organization of paid additional lessons for students

The school curriculum is limited by certain limits. This refers to the list of subjects and the number of hours allotted for each of them. Extra education belongs to the category of paid classes.

What is included in their list:

  1. Courses aimed at preparing for passing the exam or GIA.
  2. Preparatory classes for future first graders.
  3. Lessons on in-depth study foreign languages.
  4. Additional lessons on various subjects(kind of way failing schoolchildren fill gaps in the curriculum).

Children often demand pocket money. But there are situations when parents cannot provide and fulfill all the whims of the child. On this basis, scandals and squabbles arise. But a student may well earn a little money himself, while not making any additional contributions. The amounts will not be too large, but it will be enough to go to the cinema. The most popular question: “How can a student earn money?” This can be done via the Internet, as well as by contacting the labor exchange. Here everyone is free to choose what he likes. Don't forget that similar work can have a lot of pitfalls. How to avoid them and make earnings real, we'll talk in the article.

Earnings without the World Wide Web

Many parents are concerned about the question: “How can a student make money without the Internet?” You need to contact the employment center so that the proposed part-time job is within the power of the child. This option is more suitable for high school students. The proposed work can be: posting ads, booklets and much more. This type of activity will not take much time and effort. The schedule can be adjusted to suit you and complete tasks at a convenient time.

In addition, you can contact the district administration. There are special youth organizations there. Their goal is to help the student earn money and introduce him to work. As a rule, work takes no more than half a day. The child is fed, supplied with all the necessary equipment and materials. The group has a leader - a foreman. Everything is under his direction. Basically, this is outdoor work (landscaping, landscaping).

Of course, you can cope without the help of any special organizations. For example, get a job as a postman or a promoter. The downside is that you have to work constantly, in any weather, the schedule cannot be adjusted to suit you.

How to start making money on the Internet?

Making money on the Internet for a student without investment is quite simple, there are a lot of proven ways. At first, the profit will be small, but over time, income can increase, depending on the rating gained and the time spent at the computer.

What do you need to take care of right now? Of course, about the method of withdrawing money. To do this, you need to have an electronic wallet. It is better to do this with the help of the WebMoney system. But since the service will ask for scanned copies of the passport, it is better that the wallet is registered to one of the parents. If you need to receive money in cash, you will have to get a bank card.

All procedures take no more than 15 minutes, but you may need the help of adults to understand all the processes.

What should be the work to interest the student

Do not forget that all schoolchildren, in fact, are children, so the work must have a number of specific qualities:

    Be completely legal.

    Have flexible schedule, since no one canceled the time for studying and completing lessons.

    Be interesting, varied, so that the student does not get tired of the process after a few days.

    Accessible to minors.

    Simple for a child to understand.

There are many ways for a student to earn money on the Internet. The main thing in this hard work is perseverance, endurance, the desire to have pocket money and not be financially dependent on parents.

Click the link - get money

One of the most common earnings in networks is the transition to links and clicks. It would seem, what could be easier? But even here there are pitfalls. Customers, as a rule, always set a timer and a captcha, which must be entered at the end of a watched video or read an article. In time, this takes from a few seconds to 3 minutes. To earn at least a little, you need to sit at the computer for days and perform monotonous actions. This is often annoying and annoying.

Another way to make money on such services is to write reviews for the viewed material. Payment in this case increases slightly, but, again, there is one thing: to get this work, it is necessary to have a sufficient rating, which a beginner does not have.

Play and earn

Very often you can hear the phrase from parents: “Stop playing computer games". But with the help of them you can earn good money. And no investment is required. So, in the famous "Tanks" you can sell equipment, equipment, entire accounts. And earn at the same time up to 10 thousand rubles. So a pleasant occupation can develop into a stable income.

Another game that generates income is farming strategies. At first it will be difficult, but soon you can get good dividends from selling virtual eggs, raising cows and poultry. A fairly popular question among children is: “How can a schoolchild make money?” This can be done using Internet portals with games. There is nothing easier than registering and enjoying the process, and after a while start earning money.

Article writing

Answering the question of where to make money for a high school student, you can safely answer - on the Internet. Various portals offer a lot of ways. But there is one reliable and proven one - copywriting and rewriting. Simply put, it's writing articles. If at school you performed essays well and competently, this type of income is just for you. You can choose the topic yourself, reveal it in a way that is beneficial to you. There is one condition - all articles must be unique. This means that you should forget about simply stealing material from another author.

It is better to work on trusted exchanges. There, the administration ensures that the customer fulfills his obligations, pays for the work at its true worth. For starters, the job may seem difficult and low-paid, don't despair, a few well-written articles, and the rating will creep up. On the initial stage the monthly amount of earnings will be 800-1000 rubles. But later, income can grow to 6,000 rubles.

What is the advantage of working?

The advantage of this work is:

    Flexible schedule.

    Expanding horizons.

    Consolidation of knowledge of grammar.

    Withdrawal of funds within 5-10 days.

Many parents, wondering how to make money for a 12-year-old schoolboy, stop at this particular version of writing articles on the Internet. Firstly, this type of earnings does not really distract from study. Secondly, you can always choose a topic that the child understands (computer games, a review of cartoons, the specifics of toys, and much more). Thirdly, an adult can always help if difficulties arise.

Disadvantages of making money online

Of course, there are other ways for a student to earn money through the Internet. It can be creating websites, working on stock exchanges, social networks, watching videos and much more. But, choosing a job on the World Wide Web, you need to know the negative points:

    Very often there are charlatans who, in the end, do not pay.

    Takes a lot of time.

    Vision deteriorates.

    Passive lifestyle.

Answering the question of how to make money for a student without investments, it is very important to understand that any work will take a lot of time. If the child is really ready for the first money, you can try options for making a profit via the Internet. There is nothing dangerous and terrible in this, the main thing is to work with the right sites and companies. High school students also have the opportunity to find a job without using the Internet. This can be the distribution of leaflets, booklets, participation in promotions and much more.

Earnings for schoolchildren on the Internet is now available to everyone. I'll tell you how you can earn a schoolboy in the summer in free time, using the World Wide Web

Hello, dear readers, in touch Khalyavskaya Victoria.

Today's students often experience acute shortage pocket money, and this is due to the fact that parents limit their children in spending. But, if you are a student, you have a big advantage over students and adults - this is a large number of free time.

In any case, sooner or later, students have a question: how can I make money? I have for you good news: you no longer need to rush from site to site in search of earning ideas for schoolchildren! In this article and on this site you will find everything you need to get a stable income.

I will tell here how standard ways earnings, and about those that are known to a few and are only gaining popularity.

1. Earnings for schoolchildren - myth or reality

Once falling for the bait of a deceiver who promises mountains of gold for trifling work, many guys simply lose faith in the possibility of earning money. Therefore, today I will share with you ways to earn money that are great for schoolchildren.

From my own experience I will say that now I know exactly how to make money for a schoolboy. Read this article to the end and you will find out what I earn on.

Without exception, all the ways to earn money described in this article have been personally tested, reviewed and put up for your review by me.

If you are good with a computer, then you can. If not, it's not scary.

Then pay attention to other ways of earning, described in the 3rd paragraph.

2. How to make money without interfering with your studies

This question sooner or later arises among all schoolchildren who would like to work, but are afraid to harm their studies. At one time I brought out several simple rules, observing which, you can easily avoid any problems whatsoever. So, first things first.

  • Working hours must be clearly defined. After returning from school, it is advisable to immediately complete homework so that it does not restrict freedom of action. At the same time, you should refrain from such "long-playing" activities as checking mail, reading messages in social network or reaching a new level in your favorite computer game.
  • Many people (not only schoolchildren) are accustomed to drinking or eating something while working at a computer. It doesn’t matter what it is – tea, coffee, sausage sandwich…

It should be remembered that while eating, blood rushes to the stomach and, therefore, drains from the brain. This makes it worse mental activity. In addition, when digesting food (especially sweet), a lot of glucose enters the body, from which a person begins to fall asleep.

From this we can conclude that you should not eat while working at a computer, especially if it requires significant mental effort. It is better to refresh yourself for half an hour - an hour before and then refrain from snacking.

By the way, over time, this quietly becomes a habit and will allow not only to work more productively, but also to avoid the appearance of excess weight.

  • Scientists have long proven that a person works most efficiently during the first hour (especially when it comes to sedentary activities). Further, the performance gradually decreases. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that after an hour of work, take a break of 15 - 20 minutes, and then continue to work with renewed vigor!

If you regularly do physical exercises, then there will be no such unpleasant side effects from working at a computer, such as poor posture. And if you do sets of exercises for the whole body, then in a couple of months you will noticeably improve the tone of the whole body.

Following these simple rules, schoolchildren can earn good money without interfering with their studies.

3. Ways to earn money for a student - 5 best ideas

All the ideas below really work. By choosing one of them as a way to earn money, you will always have pocket money and not depend on your parents, which is especially true for high school students. So let's get to the ideas.

Method 1. Earnings in social networks

Many schoolchildren spend hours on end on social networks, scrolling through the news feed, viewing the records of their favorite groups and “liking” the posts they like. But what if these hours of sitting on the Internet are channeled into a monetary channel and make money on your hobby? How can a student start making money on social networks?

Now there are many services that allow you to easily do this. Of these, the most famous is, however, payment for tasks on it is recent times fell heavily.

Method 2. Surfing - earning money by viewing sites

This way of earning, like the previous one, will not require you to have special skills and talents or investments and is suitable even for elementary school students.

Enough to commit learned movements: go to the advertiser's website, stay there for 30 seconds (you can't bypass this item - there are timers on the sites), confirm the task. To do this, you usually need to click on the colored circle that appeared instead of the timer, or count the stars.

The most popular exchanges for making money on browsing sites are and By the way, in addition to classic surfing, you can also find tasks and letters there.

Tasks are different - leave a review on an article, vote, like or repost on a social network, and others that even a grade 1 student can handle, not to mention older students or students. As for the third type of tasks, "letter" is not the most appropriate name for it. This is rather an advertising article, after reading which you need to answer a few questions. Answered all questions correctly - get paid, no - goodbye.

It would seem that everything is just wonderful: easy, fast, and you can work sitting at home in your favorite pajamas. Ideal income for a student. However, even here it is not without pitfalls - on surfing you can earn a maximum of 50 rubles in 3-4 hours. Assignments and letters are slightly more expensive, however, there are much fewer of them.

In general, for 5-6 hours of work, which includes all three types of tasks, you can get about 100-150 rubles.

Earnings on the Internet for schoolchildren is a new trend, thanks to which you can get the first money using a computer and the world wide web.

Another way to get paid online is clicks. If you want to know how to make money on clicks, then read.

Method 3. Earnings on computer games

Yes, yes, some computer games can not only require investments, but also bring tangible earnings. For example, I played the browser-based strategy game My Lands - for quite a long time. It is perfect not only for schoolchildren, but also for students.

There are four races in the game, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The essence of the game is to build own cities, develop an army and defense, attack ruins and other players. What's the point?

I explain.

In the ruins you can find a certain resource - Black Pearl (CH). It can then be exchanged for real money. You can also get CJ with the help of Salt Lakes. Each lake brings to its owner 20 CHZh per hour, i.e. about 15.000 Black Pearls per month.

For 100,000 Pearls, you get a very good income - $1000. But what if you do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time collecting CJ? In this case, you can properly develop, and then sell your city. For well-pumped cities, sometimes they offer up to $800 - $900.

Of course, My Lands is not the only game in which both students and schoolchildren can earn money. However, she has an impeccable reputation - starting from the moment of her appearance, she pays all players in a timely manner.

As you can see, even a student can earn money on games. By applying this knowledge, you can easily combine business with pleasure.

Method 4. Earnings on the Workzilla website (

It's another one good way earnings for the student on the Internet. Its peculiarity is that here you can receive money from real customers who need to translate audio into text, make an avatar for designing groups on social networks, or come up with (write) comments on websites or forums.

Let's now talk in more detail about each direction of such work.

  1. Converting audio to text (transcription)- here you are given an audio file that you must turn on in speakers or headphones, listen to it and type text on the computer. Usually this type of work is ordered here by people who need to translate an interview from an audio format recorded on a voice recorder into text. Often, journalists who interview, in order not to miss the details and not be distracted by writing in a notebook, record it on a dictaphone, and then manually type it in a Word or other text editor. Here you act as an assistant to such a journalist. For an hour of such work, you can earn from 3 dollars.
  2. Making avatars (design and photo retouching). If you have an artistic taste and a little knowledge of working in graphic programs, such as Photoshop or Illustrator, then you can work as a designer. Now it is not so difficult for a student to make money on the Internet on design, because the community of social network users is growing. On this you can earn from 5 dollars for one design unit (avatar, illustration or advertising banner).
  3. Writing comments for money. Enough simple work, for which you can receive from 5 rubles(10 cents) for one comment left on a product in an online store or an article on an information (news) site. Such comments are ordered by site owners, because they help to make the site more lively and easier to move forward. search engines, such as Yandex or Google.

So, in these 4 ways, I told how to make money for a student and the Internet.

Method 5. Work as an animator or counselor

Such work is suitable for high school students who like to work with children and have an active life position.

Animator- this is a mass entertainer for children or an assistant presenter at children's parties. I think you have seen young girls and boys dressed as clowns and fairy tale characters which help to entertain young children on holidays and birthdays.

You can also work as a counselor in children's school camps. Often a medical certificate is required for such work, but this is not a problem, it can be easily obtained from a doctor.

The main thing is your desire to work and earn.

Method 6. Promoter and courier - who are they and what do they eat with

The last four words are, of course, a joke. There will be no promoters or couriers, but they will hire them with joy. Many large companies and shops (jewelry shops, fashion boutiques and other firms) are happy to hire children aged 14-17.

The essence of the promoter's work is to distribute flyers (leaflets) to passers-by in the immediate vicinity of the advertised store. Sometimes promoters are also referred to as posters.

This type of work, of course, is not official, and therefore the payment is not the highest. You can earn (on average) about 70 to 200 rubles per hour.

The courier is a higher paid position. On it you can earn up to 1000 rubles for a four-hour working day. Couriers are usually hired by cafes and restaurants to deliver orders to their homes. Also, couriers are often required in online stores to deliver goods to customers.

If you deliver correspondence and documents, the payment will be even higher.

At the same time, the company usually does not pay for travel to public transport you need to be prepared for this. To work as a courier, it is desirable to know the map of the city well (have a navigator on your phone), as well as have a bicycle or moped.

Method 7.

Washing cars for money is the most popular part-time job for Western students. Similar activities are developing in Russia. Now many budget car washes agree to pay up to 400 rubles per hour (with a working day of about three hours). Those. during this time you can earn about 1000 rubles.

At the same time, often prerequisite is that the student is not allergic to detergents and, preferably, written parental consent. By the way, older students who are taller are preferred for this work. Otherwise, you may simply not reach the top of tall cars.

So, I have described 7 best ideas to earn money in school years. This, of course, is not all possible ways, but one of the most profitable ones I've tested.

4. The real story of a 14-year-old schoolgirl about making money writing texts

This is where the article comes to an end. You still do not believe in the possibility of earning money for a student or, moreover, a schoolchild? Think it's a scam stupid joke? In that case, let me tell you my little secretreal story about how a schoolgirl earns up to 10,000 rubles a month writing articles.

As you might have guessed, this is about me. I, the author of the article you are reading now, am a schoolgirl, a 9th grade student. How could it happen that at the age of 14 I already publish own texts on popular information sites and earn more than 10,000 rubles a month on this? I am happy to share my story with you.

So, it all started back in the 1st grade, when we, first-graders, were only taught to write essays. That's when I realized that I like to write about everything I saw. Soon my writings began to be published in school newspaper, and in the 5th grade I was accepted into the staff of journalists of my gymnasium.

Of course, there was no competition. There were always schoolchildren who envied my success and tried to get ahead of me in something. Sometimes they succeeded, but this only spurred me to new experiments.

Once, a request came to my school from the Vecherniy Stavropol newspaper. This publication organized a competition in which my article, later published in this newspaper, won. Subsequently, I regularly sent articles not only to Vecherny Stavropol, but also to the no less popular newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda.

This went on until the idea came to my mind to make money by writing articles. After several hours spent at the laptop monitor, I discovered copywriting. This became a turning point in my career.

The first and, I must say, my favorite copywriting service was the Etxt article exchange. There I studied long haul from rewriting to SEO.

I am grateful to those customers who spared no time and explained the nuances, pointed out my mistakes.

At the beginning of my career as a copywriter, I only took small orders and earned little - in best case 1000 rubles per month. Now, having accumulated great experience and having learned to write really high-quality articles, I, a schoolgirl, earn 10,000 rubles a month, and this is not the limit!

Now I am actively working and writing articles for blogs and websites. A living example is the HeatherBober website.

At the same time, I plan to create my own site, designed to be a support and mentor for aspiring copywriters.

I myself am always happy to help with advice to beginners.

I will be glad to communicate with novice copywriters!

As you can see, earnings for schoolchildren are a reality. There are many different ways, profitable and not so. You have to try, fail, fall, get bumps and bruises and bumps, get back on your feet and try again! You need to believe in yourself and own forces. You need to know exactly what you want and go for your dream.

I did it - you can too. Good luck and enjoy your work!

By the way, this site has interesting article with an intriguing title, "I invite you to familiarize yourself.

5. Video on how to make money for a student from expert Pavel Bagryantsev

Friends, at the end of our review of the methods, I recommend that you watch a video about making money for schoolchildren from the entrepreneur Pavel Bagryantsev:

Finally, I would like to say that the above methods will help you earn money in the summer, too, because you can use this free time both for making money on the Internet and for other part-time jobs.

Do not be lazy, and I am sure that by the age of 18 you will be able to become more independent from a financial point of view and not beg your parents for money for movies, cafes and other pocket expenses.

Or are you ready to start your own business? Then be sure to study the article "" and you can climb new level personally and financially.

That's all, I wish you good earnings and positive mood!

And how do you earn? Tell your story.

P.S. Don't forget to like at the end and share your opinions in the comments below.

How to make real money playing games on the Internet - 5 proven ways + TOP 10 popular games for making money online

Having your own money, not depending on the income and mood of your parents, earning money on your own - many teenagers dream of this. Often teenagers 10-16 years old try to earn money in the summer. The development of technology allows you to receive money without investment, without leaving your home and even relaxing in the village - through global network. How to do this when you are only 11-15 years old, we will tell in this article.

Today, every student can have their own money by earning it on the Internet.

Is it possible for a schoolboy at the age of 10-15 to earn money while sitting at home?

On the Internet you can find useful information, buy something you need (or not). However, the global network has long ceased to be a place where money is only spent - it is quite possible to earn money here. A student aged 12, 13, 14 and older is well versed in virtual space and may well find a job to his liking and abilities. How to make money on the Internet as a student? Is it possible to start from scratch and make a profit without investments?

Working with little income

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know from me how to solve exactly your problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

Your question:

Your question has been sent to an expert. Remember this page on social networks to follow the answers of the expert in the comments:

When you are only 10, 11 or 15 years old, even a small income is important - it allows you to feel like an adult, assert yourself and please yourself with pleasant little things that parents never have enough money for. Earnings will be useful to the student during the holidays. At the same time, you can receive money without leaving your home. To work on the Internet, it is not necessary to have any special skills.

Small amounts of pocket money can be earned by browsing websites, taking paid surveys, or leaving your reviews.

Surfing various sites

Those who like to "walk" through various sites and pages can turn such a hobby into a way to earn money. The work is essentially extremely simple and even a first grader can do it. You need to go to the Internet resources indicated in the order and stay there for some time (half a minute on average).

The main disadvantages of surfing are that it is boring, quickly gets boring and brings small income. To get 50-60 rubles you will need to spend about three hours. You can work as an Internet surfer on resources such as seosprint or wmmail. These services have been around for a long time and are trusted by users.

Paid Surveys

Some companies specialize in conducting surveys. Such firms are intermediaries - they receive an order, for example, from the manufacturer of a particular product and the characteristics of the target audience, whose opinion you want to know. If you want to make money on paid surveys while sitting at home, then it is better to register on several such sites at once.

When registering, you will need to fill out a questionnaire - the more detailed information is sent, the more likely you are to get into target group.

The first money you can earn on paid surveys
  • MYIYO (German service, payments in euros);
  • e-Research-Global (an American company that has been working with surveys for almost twenty years);

Sites for posting reviews

You can also earn from reviews. There are a large number of services that pay for the user's opinion: about cosmetics, household appliances, clothes, shoes, books, game consoles and so on. The domestic site Otzovik is especially popular - here the author of the review receives a payment for the very fact of describing his impression, plus every thousand views of the submitted text are paid.

Earnings for creative people

Creative people who have any talents and skills can earn quite solid money on the global network - of course, not immediately, everything comes with experience and reputation (rating). A teenager at 12-13, 14-15 years old cannot but try himself as an author on freelance exchanges, sell photos or complete tasks from the school curriculum.

Writing texts on freelance exchanges

A schoolboy or schoolgirl who is good at writing essays and presentations, with a good vocabulary you can register on one of the rewriting and copywriting exchanges. In the first case, you just need to rewrite the finished text in your own words to make it unique, in the second - to come up with something original. Suitable for beginners:

  1. Domestic exchange with an average level of payment. Suitable for beginners - it has an attractive design and an intuitive interface.
  2. text sale. Suitable for both authors working on orders for given topic, and for those who want to sell their unique articles and even artwork.
  3. Advego. Will be of interest to experienced copywriters and rewriters. The prices here are higher, but the requirements imposed by customers are tougher.
  4. Etxt. One of the most popular services where you can sell and buy unique content. The plagiarism checking system on this exchange is considered one of the best.

Etxt - site for beginner freelancers

Selling photos

For a website to be attractive, it must contain a photo that matches the theme. Most of the photographic materials on the network have already been copied hundreds and thousands of times, so new unique shots sell well on photo stocks: Shutterstock, Depositphotos, Fotolia. A teenager is required to have a smartphone with a good camera or a camera, plus free time and artistic taste.

Completing various tasks

Abstract, essay, homework - all this routine is well known (and not at all loved by most schoolchildren). However, if you want to complete such tasks, you can earn not only good grades.

By registering on the relevant services, you can do the usual "homework" already for money. You can try your hand at Author24,

Ways of permanent income

Maintaining your blog or website

Lead your own blog very exciting, and if it is properly promoted, it is also profitable. Of course, blog content must be interesting, high-quality and original, which means that you will have to spend a lot of time and use all your imagination to interest viewers - and advertisers. For one commercial viewing, on average, they pay $ 1.5.

Maintaining your site is much more difficult - for this you also need to have programming skills. It will take time and effort to create a portal, lead it and fill it, but you don’t have to do it alone - you can assemble a team. In order for an advertiser to be interested in a resource, hundreds of people must visit it every day. So in the first 6-8 months you will have to work hard without remuneration.

Own channel on Youtube

The principle of making money on your own Youtube channel is identical to the blogging described above. The blogger “uploads” interesting, informative or just funny videos, and if he is popular and gains hundreds and thousands of subscribers, monetization comes - again from advertisers. The competition in this area is very high, but if successful, you can earn a lot of money.

Take off interesting videos very profitable for Youtube

Using social networks to earn money

Spend a few hours on a social network, browsing the news feed, liking the posts and videos you like, reposting and joining groups - an ordinary evening modern teenager. If desired, this hobby easily gives earnings to any student without investments - small, but pleasant. Tasks can be found on VKtarget, Smmok, CASHbox and the like.

You can earn money by playing computer games

Computer games, which, according to many parents, are a waste of time, with the right approach, turn into, if not " gold mine”for a schoolchild, then a source of completely non-childish income. How can a student make money without breaking away from his favorite game?

Some students earn money by playing computer games

There are several ways to get not only pleasure, but also profit:

  1. Streaming on Twitch. From the streamer during the broadcast is required to do three things at the same time: it is unrealistic to play cool, constantly comment on all your actions in the game and at the same time remain insanely interesting. 9 out of 10 streamers earn not so much - within 15 thousand rubles a month (see also:). However, if you try and get into the TOP, then 100,000 is not the limit.
  2. ESports. The brilliant "turquoise" dream of all gamers in the world - regardless of age. A progamer earns from 7 thousand US dollars, but even without being one of these lucky ones, who are very few in the world, you can try yourself as an esportsman. This sport makes tough demands: youth ( average age- 16–23 years old, at 27 they are already “retiring”) and constant training (at least 6, and preferably 11 hours a day).

The names of famous cybersportsmen are on everyone's lips, and today the competitions gather entire stadiums of fans and supporters. Of course, you will have to start at the local level, but if you break into a popular team, you can compete for fantastic cash prizes, the amounts of which are in the millions of US dollars.

The demand for all these essentially useless "goods" is appallingly small, while the supply is growing every day. For example, it takes about two months to "pump" a character to a "commodity" level. At the same time, there are a lot of gamers who are not averse to growing heroes for sale, while players who want to immediately get a developed “subject” and are ready to pay several times less for it. For this reason, the price tag for such a "product" is very low - buyers pay 8-20 US dollars for one hero.