The best techniques for developing thinking. Thinking development: ways to train the brain

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The skills of logical and heuristic thinking affect the formation of high intellectual feelings: clarity of mind, the need for knowledge, the ability to analyze life and business situations from a scientific point of view.

It is necessary to develop the skills of independent chemical thinking, to master the methods mathematical processing analysis results and be able to draw the right conclusions.

Acquired knowledge, thinking skills do not always contribute to their reassessment and the acquisition of new knowledge and skills mental activity. Sometimes there is a reverse state, the so-called associative inhibition, which creates some barriers to understanding and applying new ways of acting. There is also such a picture when, after the assimilation of new knowledge and skills, old habitual knowledge and skills turn out to be predominant in mental work.

The acquired knowledge, thinking skills do not always contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge and skills of mental activity. Sometimes the reverse state occurs, the so-called associative inhibition, which creates some barriers to understanding and applying new modes of action due to the inertial desire to perform them in a previously acquired way. There is also such a picture when, after the assimilation of new knowledge and thinking skills, old habitual knowledge and skills turn out to be predominant in mental work.

Sometimes, in order to develop the skills of heuristic thinking, it is advisable to slightly change the conditions of the tasks encountered in school and other textbooks. So, instead of the problem Prove that the sum of the squares of five consecutive natural numbers cannot be a square natural number(No. 1269) it is useful to suggest to students the following: Can the sum of the squares of five consecutive natural numbers be the square of a natural number. In this case, students must inductively formulate the appropriate hypothesis themselves and only then prove it.

In MLM, you get the skills to think outside the box, says Williams.

Our goal here is to acquire the skill of thinking with the market, not thinking about the market.

The main purpose of the book is to develop the skills of non-standard thinking. Acquaintance with the history of physics shows that the success of an experiment is often determined by the use of new, completely unexpected, measurement methods developed especially for this case. The book contains over a hundred tasks in which it is proposed to come up with a way to measure quantities using the most primitive instruments, which, it would seem, are not at all suitable for this purpose.

Adherents direct method extremely simplified interpretation of the issue of developing thinking skills in the target language. They believe that if the meaning of linguistic signs is brought to the mind of the student not by comparison with signs mother tongue, and by showing objects and demonstrating actions and descriptions, then this already ensures thinking in the language being studied. Until these conditions are created, no manipulations with objects (making straight-line teachers something like jugglers) will help the cause, and students will still comprehend all the objects demonstrated using the signs of their native language, in some cases erroneously comparing them with signs of a foreign language. The foregoing does not mean a rejection of the use of objective visualization on initial stage learning.

Thus, the current state liberal education in technical universities does not instill the skills of independent thinking, the ability to act in the humanitarian and social field, and therefore does not contribute to the development of civil society.

The leitmotif of Poya's methodology is the idea of ​​the need to instill in students, along with the skills of logical reasoning, also strong skills of heuristic thinking.

The questions posed allow us to pause and reflect on the extent to which existing methods teaching is adapted to develop thinking skills. Educational equipment and his placement in a regular classroom is clearly not conducive to such activities. What in the classroom can at least remind you of real life situations where the problems under discussion may arise. Almost everything testifies to the priority given to listening, reading and reproducing what has been told and read. The contrast between these conditions and situations of active contact with things and people, in the family, on the playground, in general in life is striking. class not the best place to discuss issues that a boy (girl) has in conversations with others or in reading books outside of school.

This anthology on the theory of state and law, offering a variety of, sometimes extreme scientific positions on diverse political and legal problems, is designed to promote the development of independent thinking skills and proper attitude to scientific heritage. Terence's statement remains relevant: Nullum est jam dictum, quod non sit dictum prius - nothing is said that has not been said before.

The speed of performing labor operations decreases more intensively than accuracy, therefore, for older people, work is most acceptable, which requires mainly experience and established thinking skills.

But the main thing is still in another: symbolic language, not being tied to its specific software implementation, has quite independent meaning to acquire accounting thinking skills, regardless of whether the accountant uses a computer in his work or whether this is just his dream for the time being.

Hello dear friends!

The outcome of the actions performed depends on our way of thinking. The thought process is a deep and meaningful processing of incoming information in the form of a flow of thoughts, perception emotional sensations and visual images.

Of course, this happens in unique and inimitable variations, degrees of immersion and dedication to what is happening: the style and habit of thinking can be tied to logic and expediency, sometimes it can be complete nonsense or the standard of age-old wisdom. Ways of thinking affect the formation of a person in life and, of course, his success.

Psychologists distinguish between types of thinking models according to their content, namely: visual-effective form, figurative and abstract. There is also a distribution according to the nature of the tasks: a practical and theoretical way of thinking and, of course, according to the level of originality: reproductive or productive (that is, creative, non-standard) thinking process which can help find .

Have you ever caught yourself thinking that, depending on the situation, you apply different ways deal with the difficulty? Often people refine their particular style and develop other kinds and ways of thinking in order to approach problem solving more effectively.

What are the most common ways of thinking?

1. Boolean

Of course, this is the most popular way to get your brain working. Logic is characterized by consistent reflections on the topic of the event. As a result, the conclusions follow one from the other. And when all the bricks are put together, a person comprehends what is happening thanks to personal arguments.

Often this process is quite energy-intensive and takes a long period of time. The entity refers to internal dialogue with himself, trying to calculate all the options. Such a skill highly recommends itself in those aspects or skills where a person feels like a fish in water.

And at the same time, if he comes across something previously unfamiliar, then such a linear process of comprehension may be ineffective.

The all-in-one way to achieve more high performance is to combine the pros various types thinking depending on the environment in which you find yourself and, of course, the tasks that you face.

2. Geometric

There are people who can't concentrate their brains on a solution until they draw a scale, a graph, or a diagram for deeper understanding. This kind of thinking is indicated by a long-term collection of information and is expressed graphic image subject of thought.

Based on the drawn elements, the individual can more specifically and more easily predict the final result, make miscalculations, understand the risks, opportunities and prospects.

Often, people who have analytical warehouse mind. But learning to use some of the chips from their everyday life is not bad idea! Developing the scrupulous habit of using constants, primary data, and inputs, and then understanding the extent to which they change, is an important fact in avoiding strategic mistakes and strange behavior.

3. "Brainstorm"

This beautiful technique demonstrates its strengths when deciding collective tasks. But once you've mastered the technique and the specifics, you can conduct these forays into your mind in solitude and full concentration.

It may seem to you that this is a banal communication. But it's not! It is a form of sound, collaborative thinking, where informed people come together and, through joint brainpower, find the right decision. What's the advantage, you ask?

The paradox lies in the fact that the power of "reasonable thought" acts as a hidden and striking form of brainstorming. In a man who is fascinated by trying to find perfect way to solve the task, due to the presence in the room of other people who are passionate about the same process, there is an increase in efficiency.

The productivity of thinking increases, the standard ones are eradicated, and as a result we have clean water productive thinking with notes of creative solutions.

It is precisely because a person does not get hung up on one idea, but thinks through a whole lot of moves, that he has space for the birth of non-trivial options for implementing what is planned! It is useful to train this method of thinking for every person, because brainstorm applicable in ordinary, everyday matters.

4. Illumination or "sudden impact of an idea"

I will call this kind of "super speed"! Its essence lies in the process of developing interesting finds. Illumination, often, rolls like a flash. Its action is not long-term, but very productive.

A person in this state sees all the smallest details of the case with which he had a chance to face. His eyes are wide open, the world is seen in a completely different light and the right solution is found instantly!

"Eureka!" he exclaims! The critical tension in the brain and the irresistible desire to find a way out of the room without corners pushes us to discover the unknown facets of thinking in ourselves.

Similar flashes of insight are observed not only in the work of scientists, pioneers, but also in people who find themselves in conditions that require an immediate response: a threat to life, a state of passion, etc.

It was then that he decides, running away from a pack of dogs, to jump over a two-meter fence. Adrenaline, you ask? “I don’t think that he alone is to blame,” I will answer.

5. Discrete

The square-nested way of thinking has its own weighty nuances. With this way of thinking, the individual thinks and acts according to the principle of “hammering a nail with paper” and at the moment of working or translating what was conceived into reality, he absolutely does not worry that a similar action could be performed better and more efficiently.

The habit of thinking and scratching the back of the head in this way is filled with stereotypes, clichés, the inability to predict the result and consequences of one's own actions.

6. Dialectic

The dialectical way of thinking is based on the works of ancient Greek philosophers, whose philosophy asserted that if you need to achieve the truth, then only by revealing contradictions in the thoughts of the enemy and overcoming them.

The eternal search for truths and the constant comparison of contradictions in one's own judgments can be safely called the above-mentioned way of thinking, where the problem or task acts as an adversary.

Each of us has concentrated in himself the fundamental principles of the construction of thought and auxiliary ones. Training methods gray matter designed to ensure that a person finds new ways to become his highest efficiency and "inclusion" in the vast world.

How well and efficiently you important point move it aside - the speed of the reaction also depends. Truth, creative people, on the contrary, it is worth sticking to your emotional fuse, otherwise their level of motivation dries up.

Competent variation between logic and creativity, that is, what can be called the "golden mean" common sense and the maximum of your possibilities can be called daily work over itself, which has no end point of its development.

Friends, on this philosophical note, I have to end today's article.

Subscribe to update my blog and recommend it to your friends for reading. Tell us in the comments what do you think? What are you guided by?

See you on the blog, bye bye!

comprehensively developed person it is impossible to imagine without critical thinking - an element that allows him to form his own view of things and not depend on the opinions of others. It contributes personal growth and motivate people to develop. Analysis of the situation and the choice of a solution is the ability of a person, without which it is impossible to have an opinion. How to develop critical thinking?

To learn how to think critically, you need to practice all the time. You can start developing at any age. By training thinking, a person is able to reach new level development and move closer to achieving goals.

Training the mind and following the intended path is not as easy as it seems. But having defined life tasks and having developed a plan for their implementation with the help of critical thinking, a person is able to achieve success.

How to start developing thinking

For training thinking, you need to set aside time that a person usually wastes. To do this, you need to analyze the daily routine. For the development of thinking, time that was previously spent on:

  • watching TV;
  • computer games;
  • social media.

The first step to developing critical thinking is daily holding analysis. At the end of the day, it is necessary to weigh and study the achievements made during the day. The number of misses must also be taken into account. The analysis should consist in identifying the actions during the execution of which errors were made. Having identified the shortcomings over the past day, you should think about how they can be eliminated. In the end, it is necessary to draw a conclusion whether what happened brought closer to the goal or moved away from it. Based on these simple actions thinking develops, which later develops into critical thinking. Records can be kept to identify recurring activities.

It is necessary to solve 1 task per day. Hurrying to work, on the way you need to outline some main problem and try to solve it during the day. A person should strive to get as much as possible more information, contributing to the solution of the corresponding problem. To solve the problem, you need to analyze various options and choose the best one. Having determined the action plan, you need to stick to the strategy. If in the course of solving the problem circumstances change, it is necessary to promptly make changes to the plan. In the process of solving problems, one should develop intelligence, attentiveness, logic.

Development of critical thinking skills

Thinking skills should be approached critically. It is worth revisiting them if they lead to undesirable consequences. We must try to think positively and not allow negative thoughts. For, a person must learn:

Having decided to develop critical thinking, a person must draw a line between conclusions and observation. You can't argue without checking the information. Only having accurate information, you can draw conclusions. At the same time, during training, you should ensure that the sense of humor does not disappear. The ability to make fun of yourself and see the humor in situations helps to keep clear mind and unobtrusively expressing their opinion about the problem. But care must be taken if laughter is used as a psychological defense.

Self Improvement Skills

To learn to think critically, a person must care about everything. There are many unexplored things in life. Curiosity develops the mind. Through curiosity, discoveries happen, adventures happen. The one who has developed the ability to be interested in what is happening will not only develop a critical mindset, but will also make his life richer and more diverse.

Every inhabitant of the modern world must develop an objective perception of information. You can not completely trust everything that is said in the media, television advertising. It is necessary to take a sober look at reality and check the information that causes mistrust. The truth is established in the course of thinking, and not under the influence of public opinion. Not everything that is supposed to be true is true. It is necessary to learn to resist violent emotions. When they manifest, a person's mind can be obscured.

Developing a critical mindset and modern society

A person living in modern society, constantly trying to impose someone else's opinion. Be critical of information obtained from:

  • advertising;
  • the mouth of the agitators.

Information disseminated among people is not always true. It is necessary to learn to distinguish truth from lies and not to trust everything blindly.

A person must be mindful of perspectives. Any situation should be evaluated critically, and the action plan should be thought out soberly. Do not overestimate or underestimate self-esteem. It is required to soberly understand your capabilities and act on them. At the same time, self-improvement should be practiced. Reading books, playing sports, getting new information and learning skills can take a person to the next level. It happens that human behavior is dictated unspoken rules. Their knowledge leads to correct decision and behavior. In an unfamiliar situation or being in a foreign culture, it is necessary to be observant or ask those who are closer familiar with the situation. The unspoken rules the modern world needs to be studied.

The conversation is only integral part communication that occurs daily communication between people. There is an exchange of non-verbal signs. It is necessary to know and be able to apply a variety of communication in practice. If a person smiles sweetly and behaves friendly, but at the same time seeks to hurt the interlocutor when shaking hands, one should question the sincerity this person. If the listener claims that he is interested in the story, but at the same time openly yawns and shows boredom with his whole appearance, the speaker has a good reason to doubt the words.

If a person is under pressure, then in order not to make a mistake in making a decision, one should stop and think, weighing all the pros and cons. Fast decision under someone else's pressure is not always true. By learning to analyze before trusting, a person will make big step towards the development of critical thinking.

Feelings and ability to think critically

To learn to think critically, a person must strive not to give in to feelings and public opinion. Labels and stereotypes can be confusing and lead to wrong conclusions. Before acceptance important decision, you should learn as much as possible about all its aspects.

Negativity is a feeling that can confuse anyone. Often a person is too critical of himself. We must try to replace the negative with the positive. This will not only have a beneficial effect on the decision, but also increase self-esteem.

Having embarked on the path of self-development, one should not forget about universal feelings. You can't judge others without understanding specific situation and actions of another person in certain conditions. With empathy, you can make the right decision. Having condemned a person without understanding the situation, you can later regret it very much. Deciding someone's fate, you should put yourself in his place. Trying to understand the behavior of other people, you can learn to think and make decisions correctly.

Facts affecting decision, must be repeatedly checked. There should be many points for analysis. At not enough facts, the decision may be wrong. Get as much information as possible from reliable sources.

An important skill is the ability to listen. Often a person asks a question and the other simply skips over his words. Preoccupation with thoughts does not allow you to concentrate and delve into important things. This simple skill is very difficult to develop. If you listen carefully, you can get more useful and important information.

Learning to think illogically

Philosophical books describe logical thinking, as well as an example of its distortion. AT modern world creativity and originality are valued. It is necessary to understand this and soberly evaluate life examples.

During the development of a critical train of thought, the 6th sense can come to the rescue. Guesses about things, events, actions exist at the subconscious level. Intuition is not subject to logic, but it is valuable as an adjunct to decision making.

Benefits of being able to think critically

Critical thinking is believed to be natural process, the usual train of thought. However, in life situations people deviate from this . To educate and develop thinking means to improve the quality of life, to accept right decisions and achieve success in life. The course of thought forms the correct view of the world and develops logic.

The development of thinking provides many benefits. These include:

  • the ability to draw correct conclusions;
  • the ability to collect the necessary information;
  • the ability to justify and reason;
  • the ability to clearly understand the problem;
  • ability to use ideas;
  • interaction with people;
  • ability to use alternative thinking.

Having developed a critical mindset, a person begins to think in a direction, correcting his conclusions. This thinking is different from the standards and allows you to solve complex problems.

Jan 29 2016

Out of the box thinking much in demand in the field of information. Development creative thinking in adults it is useful in such professions as:

  • professions in the field of advertising and management;
  • professions of a psychologist (conducting psychoanalysis);
  • professions of a designer, artist;
  • writing profession;
  • in others creative professions.

It sometimes seems to people that those who excel in creative professions come from another world. Where do their great ideas come from? There is nothing unusual in this, they see the same reality as everyone else, but at the same time they see it in a completely different way.

They do not adjust to reality, but try to adjust reality itself to fit their ideas. It is difficult for an adult to see something unusual in an ordinary thing when Small child in the shadow of the branch can see the silhouette of a bird. This happens because in childhood everyone sees the world without restrictions, he is given the whole creative potential to know the world. But as he grows older, he loses this ability. At school we are taught the principles of general logic.

So how to develop our lost over the years creative thinking?

First of all, we recall that creative thinking is associated with the right hemisphere of the brain. Where our emotions originate is intuition. In childhood, the child is at first more developed right hemisphere, and for most adults it is left, logically abstract. How to develop creative thinking in adults?

The first thing that is required to develop brilliant ideas is a psychological attitude.

The usual gray environment dulls the perception and causes a dull mood. To make it always good, start seeing the world as if you are seeing everything for the first time. Think about the fact that you are an alien and have never been in this city, on this planet before. Hang a colorful picture in the area where you are working on ideas. It will help you focus and stimulate your perception and think more positively.

Organize the process of training the development of creative thinking on Wikium according to an individual program

A wise man once said: "The happy beggar sleeps on the doorstep of the poor rich man." At the same time, many are trying to understand what is the meaning of life? It can be said that any creative occupation, which gives you a sense of self-satisfaction, can become your meaning. Physiologically, the feeling of happiness is associated with chemical reaction brain and the release of endorphins. This neurohormone is involved in the formation positive perception and reinforcing success. Any activity, even house cleaning, for example, can bring pleasure, if at the same time you experience positive emotions.

An adult is inclined to set himself various mental restrictions. The thought that you can't decide difficult task, which you took up for the first time, leads to negative attitude and will surely doom you to failure.

It must be remembered that everything is possible in the world and it is unlimited, and only your perception can be limited. To some extent genious idea will require you to renounce everything known, from intellectual prohibitions. If the problem is still not solved, do not use bad experience as a generalization of the thought "I can never do this."

Try to work on your ideas in the same place. There is a connection of sensations, emotions with a certain situation, which sets you up for a productive mental work. In the future this situation and even certain time days will stimulate your creative process without any effort.

In order for the mind to start working creatively, it must be trained to work in different directions. The following exercises will help you develop creative thinking.

Exercise "Find another use for the subject." Take, for example, a common stool item and try to think of something else to do with it. You can turn it upside down and use it as a Christmas tree stand. You can use its smooth surface as a table. This method can also be applied to words. Take any word and come up with a non-standard phrase or metaphor with it. Present the meaning figuratively, then collapse and replace with a symbol. Try to find this symbol in the outlines of some object.

Exercise "Story from limited quantity words" . The more you limit yourself real space, the more it stimulates the development of all kinds of thoughts, how these words can be applied (as in critical situation when subconscious resources are connected). Do not be afraid to express thoughts with fantastic ideas, you should not limit yourself to only real meanings.

These are exercises that will help you develop creativity.

Exercise "Combining the incongruous" . Try to associate words with the opposite meaning in phrases. For example, hot ice, hard cotton, dark day. Such a game of association contributes to the restructuring of the mind in a different way.

Exercise "Words in reverse" . On the way to work or school, when you see the names of shops and cafes, try to read these and other names backwards. For example, a pharmacy is “aketpa”. Then try, in this way, to read not only the names, but also phrases and phrases.

Exercise "First denouement" . Another wonderful exercise contributes to the restructuring in a non-standard way. Try to start reading the book not from the beginning, but from the middle or end. Thus, the denouement will be the first in meaning, and the preface will be the last.

Studying of foreign language . The best gymnastics for the mind is learning a foreign language. If you already know some foreign language then take teach a second. Try to ensure that languages ​​do not have a similar structure (eg German, Chinese). As you study a foreign language, you will gradually begin to see the structures of your native language. This will allow you to perceive events and objects in a more multifaceted way, from the position of perception of another language. Such erudition in relation to “definitions and their relationships” contributes quite strongly to the development of non-standard thinking.

Exercise "Rephrase it" . When thinking about a particular task or idea, try to express thoughts about it indirectly, using free associations. Try to rephrase your thoughts, retell in other words.

Get yourself a notebook in which you will write down all the unexpected ideas that come to mind. Try to save every idea, even if at first glance it seems quite stupid.

Expand your horizons. If you learned some unfamiliar word in a conversation or from a book, do not be lazy to look up the meaning of the word in the dictionary. If this word is taken from a historical context, find out what it meant in those days, and with what time period it is associated, what events contributed to its occurrence. Study, for example, such words and phrases as "primus", "red October".

Thinking- is one of the most important differences human from other living beings. What is thinking? Thinking is the ability to think, analyze a situation, draw some conclusions based on observations, and also present information that a person has. A person's behavior depends very much on the way he thinks, and if so, then if we develop thinking, then we can change our behavior in different situations to become a slightly different person.

The development of thinking is an exercise in which we change the course of our thoughts about the same object or phenomenon. For example, when it is a hot summer day outside, you can think about it in completely different ways. The first, as mentioned earlier, is simply a statement of fact: "It's a hot summer day outside." Or: "Great weather." Or: "Unbearable heat." Or: "Perfect weather for going to the beach!" There are many ways to talk about a hot summer day, and each of them carries its own emotional coloring, and therefore determines our attitude to the weather outside the window and determines further behavior. The same is true of any event that occurs around us.

This is where the most a big problem- we always think in the same way that we are used to and do not even think about the possibility of looking at a familiar phenomenon from a different angle.

It turns out a very interesting situation. Thousands of people live with each other, communicate, but at the same time, everyone considers their way of thinking the most correct and only possible. At the same time, almost no one even thinks about the fact that you can think differently.

That is why it consists development of thinking it is to learn to think differently, to make your thinking more flexible.

It is very easy to start developing thinking - take some problem that has been bothering you for a long time, but you cannot find a solution to it. Think about it differently, then change your point of view again, and then again and again. In the end, you will find the way that can solve your problem.

In general, the very occurrence of a problem is usually associated with wrong thinking, the wrong approach to solving it.

Ways to develop thinking

1. Remember the children's tasks, where you need to find a way out of the maze. If you go the wrong way, you will run into a dead end, and you can only come to the exit by returning to one of the forks. In the same way, thinking should be developed.

2. Look closely at how other people think (speak or write). Try to think like each of them, maybe one of these ways you will like it.

3. You can also explore various ways thinking, described in the literature - artistic and psychological.

4. Try to put together the ways of thinking that you have learned about and based on them, create your own way of thinking, most likely, it will be closest to you.

But most importantly, do not dwell on any of the ways of thinking you have found, as each of them is suitable for successful solution only certain situations.

The meaning of the development of thinking is not to find the ideal way of thinking, but to make your thinking more plastic, as diverse as possible, because the more ways of thinking you have, the more more problems you face, you will be prepared.

It is believed that rich people and poor, happy and unhappy people think completely differently, learn to think differently, develop your thinking and, most likely, find the way of thinking that will help you become successful and happy.