Fundamentals of pedagogical activity - the essence and specificity of pedagogical activity. Slastenin V., Isaev I



Teacher of any level educational system is a representative of the largest part of the humanitarian intelligentsia. To a large extent, the fate of education, culture, and the formation of future generations depend on it.
It is difficult to imagine the development of society and the individual outside of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical activity can be considered as the most important attribute of human existence.
Outside of pedagogical activity it is difficult to imagine the continuity educational process in its spatial and temporal characteristics. “The world in time and space is put under the sign of the school” (S. S. Averintsev). And the school is inextricably linked with the phenomena of "teaching-apprenticeship". The conjugation of pedagogical activity with these relations also largely determines its value, inherently humanitarian characteristics.
Pedagogical activity is a condition for the continuity of generations. It "grows" out of the culture of its era, is consistent with this culture, is aimed at its preservation and reproduction. But at the same time, it is a prerequisite and condition for the further development of culture, the emergence of fundamentally new phenomena in it. Real teachers are always concerned not only with the transfer, transmission of existing experience, accumulated knowledge, but also with the development of the creative potential of the personality of their students, their ability and ability to overcome the boundaries of the known, traditional. This makes it possible to go beyond educational standard, to create conditions for the successful development of those who are capable not only of reproducing activity, but also of creative activity. This gives rise to special sociocultural value pedagogical activity.


In the ordinary sense, the word "activity" has synonyms: work, business, occupation. In science, activity is considered in connection with the existence of a person and is studied by many areas of knowledge: philosophy, psychology, history, cultural studies, pedagogy, etc. In activity, one of the essential properties of a person is manifested - to be active. This is precisely what is emphasized in the philosophical definition of activity as "a specifically human form of an active relationship to the surrounding world." As the psychologist B.F. Lomov noted, “activity is multidimensional”, therefore, there are numerous classifications of activity, which are based on it. various signs reflecting various aspects of this phenomenon. They distinguish spiritual and practical, reproductive (performing) and creative, individual and collective, etc. There are also various types professional activity.
Pedagogical activity is a type of professional activity, the content of which is training, upbringing, education, development of students (children different ages, students of schools, technical schools, vocational schools, higher educational institutions, advanced training institutes, institutions additional education etc.).
The goal of pedagogical activity is connected with the realization of the goal of education, which is still considered by many today as a universal human ideal coming from the depths of centuries in a harmonious way. developed personality. This is a common strategic goal is achieved by solving specific tasks of training and education in various areas.
The purpose of pedagogical activity is a historical phenomenon. It is developed and formed as a reflection of the trend of social development, presenting a set of requirements for a modern person, taking into account his spiritual and natural capabilities. It contains, on the one hand, the interests and expectations of various social and ethnic groups, and on the other hand, the needs and aspirations of an individual.
A.S. Makarenko paid much attention to the development of the problem of the goals of education, but none of his works contain their general formulations. He always sharply opposed any attempts to reduce the definitions of the goals of education to amorphous definitions such as "harmonious personality", "man-communist", etc. A. S. Makarenko was a supporter of the pedagogical design of the personality, and saw the goal of pedagogical activity in the program of personality development and its individual adjustments.
As the main objects of the goal of pedagogical activity, the educational environment, the activities of the pupils, the educational team and the individual characteristics of the pupils are singled out. The realization of the goal of pedagogical activity is connected with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of pupils, the creation of an educational team, and the development of an individual's individuality.
The goals of pedagogical activity are a dynamic phenomenon. And the logic of their development is such that, arising as a reflection of objective tendencies community development and bringing the content, forms and methods of pedagogical activity in accordance with the needs of society, they add up to a detailed program of gradual movement towards the highest goal - the development of the individual in harmony with himself and society.
One of the most important characteristics pedagogical activity - its joint nature: it necessarily involves a teacher and the one whom he teaches, educates, develops. This activity cannot be an activity only “for oneself”. Its essence lies in the transition of activity “for oneself” into activity “for another”, “for others”. This activity combines the self-realization of the teacher and his purposeful participation in changing the student (the level of his training, upbringing, development, education).
Professional activity requires special education, i.e. mastering the system of special knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the functions associated with this profession. You will acquire these knowledge and skills by studying theoretical and practical pedagogy by engaging in self-education and self-improvement in order to achieve high results activities, reach a high level of professionalism.
A person who is engaged in professional pedagogical activity can be called differently: educator, teacher, lecturer, teacher. Often it depends on the institution in which he works: a teacher in a kindergarten, a teacher in a school, a teacher in a technical school, college, university. The teacher is rather a generic concept in relation to everyone else.
They teach and educate at home (parents, grandparents, nannies, governesses, tutors, home teachers), teach and educate in kindergarten (educators, leaders of circles), teach and educate at school (teachers, class teachers, teachers of after-school groups, additional education teachers). Thus, already in childhood, a growing person becomes the object of the pedagogical activity of many people. But now the person has become an adult: he entered a technical school, college, higher educational institution, courses, etc. And here he again falls into the sphere of pedagogical activity, which is carried out by specially trained teachers and educators.
Having received a profession modern man in the course of his life, he will have to replenish his knowledge more than once, improve his qualifications, change the profile of his activity, and perhaps, for various reasons, change the profession itself. He will have to study at various courses, at institutes for advanced training, receive new or additional education. And again he falls into the sphere of pedagogical activity.
Thus, it turns out that not a single person can live without becoming the object of pedagogical activity. This is extremely necessary in any society, in demand by the whole course of the socio-cultural, civilizational development humanity, an activity of lasting value.


Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activity carried out in a holistic pedagogical process are teaching and educational work.
Educational work is a pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various activities of pupils in order to solve problems harmonious development personality. Teaching is a kind educational activities, which is aimed at managing the predominantly cognitive activity of schoolchildren. By and large, pedagogical and educational activities are identical concepts. Such an understanding of the relationship between educational work and teaching reveals the meaning of the thesis about the unity of teaching and upbringing.
Education, the disclosure of the essence and content of which is devoted to many studies, only conditionally, for convenience and deeper knowledge of it, is considered in isolation from education. It is no coincidence that teachers involved in the development of the problem of the content of education (V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin, etc.), consider experience as its integral components, along with the knowledge and skills that a person acquires in the learning process. creative activity and experience of emotional and valuable attitude to the world around. Without the unity of teaching and educational work, it is not possible to implement these elements of education. Figuratively speaking, a holistic pedagogical process in its content aspect is a process in which educative education and educative education are merged.
The identification of the specifics of the main types of pedagogical activity shows that teaching and educational work in their dialectical unity take place in the activities of a teacher of any specialty. For example, a master of industrial training in the system of vocational education in the course of his activity solves two main tasks: to equip students with knowledge, skills and abilities to rationally perform various operations and work while meeting all the requirements modern technology production and organization of labor; to prepare such a skilled worker who would consciously strive to increase labor productivity, the quality of the work performed, would be organized, value the honor of his workshop, enterprise.
In the same way, if we consider the scope of duties of the educator of the extended day group, one can see in his activities both teaching and educational work. The regulation on after-school groups defines the tasks of the educator: to instill in students a love of work, high moral character, cultural behavior habits and personal hygiene skills; regulate the daily routine of pupils, observing the timely preparation homework to assist them in learning, in the reasonable organization of leisure; to carry out together with school doctor activities that promote health and physical development children; maintain contact with the teacher, class teacher, parents of pupils or persons replacing them. However, as can be seen from the tasks, instilling the habits of cultural behavior and personal hygiene skills, for example, is already a sphere not only of education, but also of training, which requires systematic exercises.
So, of the many activities of schoolchildren cognitive activity is not limited only by the framework of learning, which, in turn, is "burdened" educational functions. Experience shows that success in teaching is achieved, first of all, by those teachers who have the pedagogical ability to develop and support the cognitive interests of children, create in the classroom an atmosphere of common creativity, group responsibility and interest in the success of classmates. This suggests that not teaching skills, but the skills of educational work are primary in the content of the teacher's professional readiness. Concerning professional training future teachers has as its goal the formation of their readiness to manage a holistic pedagogical process.


Like any kind of activity, the activity of a teacher has its own structure:
1. Motivation.
2. Pedagogical goals and objectives.
3. The subject of pedagogical activity.
4. Pedagogical means and methods for solving the tasks.
5. Product and result of pedagogical activity.
Each type of activity has its own subject, just like pedagogical activity has its own.
The subject of pedagogical activity is the organization of educational activities of students, aimed at the development of subject socio-cultural experience by students as the basis and conditions for development.
The means of pedagogical activity are:
scientific (theoretical and empirical) knowledge, with the help and on the basis of which the conceptual and terminological apparatus of students is formed;
"carriers" of knowledge - texts of textbooks or knowledge reproduced by the student during observation (on laboratory, practical exercises etc.), organized by the teacher, behind the mastered facts, patterns, properties of objective reality;
auxiliary means - technical, computer, graphic, etc.
Transmission methods social experience in pedagogical activity are:
display (illustration);
direct practice of the student (laboratory, field);
trainings, etc.
The product of pedagogical activity is the individual experience formed by the student in the totality of axiological, moral and ethical, emotional and semantic, subject, evaluative components. The product of this activity is evaluated at the exam, tests, according to the criteria for solving problems, performing educational and control actions.
The result of pedagogical activity as the fulfillment of its main goal is the development of the student:
his personal development;
intellectual improvement;
his formation as a person, as a subject of educational activity.


In a number of psychological and pedagogical works, two groups of pedagogical functions are distinguished - goal-setting and organizational-structural.
1. The goal-setting group includes following features:
mobilizing (stimulating) mental development students);
This group of functions correlates with didactic, academic, authoritarian, communication skills person.
2. The organizational and structural group includes the following functions:
So, constructive function provides:
a) selection and organization of the content of educational information that must be learned by students;
b) designing student activities in which information can be assimilated;
c) designing their own future activities and behavior, what they should be in the process of interaction with students.
The organizational function is implemented through the organization:
a) information in the process of communicating it to students;
b) various activities of students;
in) own activities and behavior in the process of direct interaction with students.
The communicative function involves:
a) establishing proper relationships with students;
b) normal, business relations with other teachers, with the school administration.
Gnostic (research) function involves the study of:
a) the content and ways of influencing other people;
b) age and individual psychological characteristics of other people;
c) features of the process and results of their own activities, its advantages and disadvantages.


So the meaning teaching profession is revealed in the activities carried out by its representatives and which is called pedagogical. She represents special kind social activities aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing for the implementation of certain social roles in society.
This activity is carried out not only by teachers, but also by parents, public organizations, heads of enterprises and institutions, production and other groups, as well as, to a certain extent, the media. However, in the first case, this activity is professional, and in the second - general pedagogical, which each person voluntarily or involuntarily carries out in relation to himself, engaging in self-education and self-education.
Pedagogical activity as a professional activity takes place in educational institutions specially organized by society: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions of additional education, advanced training and retraining.


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2. Borytko N. M., Solovtseva I. A., Baibakov A. M. Pedagogy. – M.: Academy, 2007.
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4. Grigorovich L. A., Martsinkovskaya T. D. Pedagogy and psychology. – M.: Gardariki, 2003.
5. Winter I. A. Pedagogical psychology. – M.: Logos, 2004.
6. Kotova I. B., Shiyanov E. N. Teacher: profession and personality. - Rostov - n / a, 2004.
7. Kuzmina N. V. Professionalism of the personality of the teacher and the master of industrial training. - M .: Pedagogy, 2000.
8. Lomov BF Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology. - M.: Academy, 2004.
9. Pidkasy P. I. Pedagogy: Textbook. – M.: Higher education, 2008.
10. Podlasy I. P. Pedagogy. – M.: VLADOS, 2003.
11. Robotova A. S., Leontieva T. V., Shaposhnikova I. G. Introduction to pedagogical activity. – M.: Academy, 2000.
12. Sergeev I. S. Fundamentals of pedagogical activity: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004.
13. Slastenin V. A., Isaev I. F., Shiyanov E. N. Pedagogy: Textbook. – 7th ed. – M.: Academy, 2007.
14. Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. - 4th ed. - M., 2003.
15. Yakunin V. A. Pedagogical psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003.

Everyone must be taught... A woman must be educated, because all of humanity passes through her hands; stupid - a jug without a bottom, no matter how mine, it will not acquire a bottom, but it will be clean; gifted - the mind can pick up so much bad things that it can do a lot; those in charge - to lead well; subordinates - to reasonably obey; the rich, without wisdom, they are bran-fed pigs; the poor are donkeys forced to carry heavy things. Ya. A. Comenius

Teacher B Ancient Greece a teacher is a special slave who literally escorts to school a “GUIDE” TO LEAD, ACCOMPANY.

teacher general term, used to refer to persons engaged in various types educational activities PROFESSIONALS have special training NON-PROFESSIONALS parents, small group leaders, scientific schools

Pedagogical activity is a type of professional activity, the content of which is the training, upbringing, development and education of students; the art of managing the formation of the personality of another person by means of a specialty


Essential characteristics pedagogical activity 1) spiritual character teacher deals with supreme value- PERSONALITY of the student, who is the subject of his own activities for self-development, self-improvement, self-learning; without contacting her internal forces, the needs of the pedagogical process will not be effective

Developing mechanism It is important for the teacher not only to stand in a subjective position (to realize the meaning of his activity), but also to put the Other (student) in the position of realizing the activity

2. The joint nature of the “flow of all-encompassing reciprocity” implies a teacher and the one whom he teaches, develops, educates. The essence of pedagogical activity is in the transition of activity for oneself into activity for the Other. The motive of pedagogical activity is the interests of other people.

3. The humanistic nature of pedagogical activity Humanism is a worldview that is characterized by confidence in the unlimited possibilities of self-improvement of a person, the inexhaustibility of his emotional, cognitive, adaptive capabilities. The object on which pedagogical efforts are directed is not the personality itself, but the process of its development and improvement.

The humanistic approach to pedagogical activity is the recognition of complexity, inexhaustibility, inconsistency, constant variability of a person in a person “Man is what is possible”. C. Rogers

Irreducibility - the openness of a person as a system that is biologically and socially improved thanks to the environment, communication, language; - a person cannot be reduced to any function or set of functions; – personality is always more than business, status, profession

Inexpressibility Man, as a spiritual being, is essentially completely inexpressible; man is a mystery, the significance and depth of which depends on his spiritual development.

Indefinability The inexplicability of a person in terms of external conditions and internal laws its existence; internally, a person remains free, obeying his own laws and rules

Incompleteness of personality The formation of personality has a contradictory, discrete character. The personality is not complete, much is only outlined in it. She is in a state of self-construction, searching for her own face.

Acceptance and implementation of humanistic values ​​Values ​​- virtues ALTRUISM FRIENDLY DOMINANCE ACCEPTANCE and EMPATHY TOLERANCE Values ​​- life self-realization self-determination freedom support

The humanistic potential of pedagogical activity lies in creating opportunities for continuous development and personal growth of the teacher; activities that allow you to develop and realize your creative potential

4. Creative nature 1) the teacher designs the personality of the student, 2) accepts independent solutions in unexpected situations; 3) selects and combines the most appropriate methods and forms of education; 4) produces ideas, creates new ways of pedagogical activity, corresponding to his pedagogical personality and characteristics of the audience.

Proximity to performing activity Reproduction in the individual consciousness of the results of scientific and artistic creativity(coincidence of product and process) Irreversibility Irreproducibility Unpredictability Improvisation

5. The organizational nature of pedagogical activity pedagogical activity is essentially managerial, in which the teacher acts as an organizer, manager; The teacher is called upon not only and not so much to transmit knowledge, but to organize the educational process, to create conditions for the student to improve himself.

The specifics of pedagogical activity Pedagogical activity managing the transforming process of transformation personality possessing special knowledge about the subject of his specialty establishing and developing optimal relationships between students subject-specialized human studies

EDUCATION is a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the student's achievement of the established state educational levels» . The Law on Education of the Russian Federation The process of building a person's image, the purpose of which is the ideal of the individual, the image of the goal of life that has developed in a particular culture. I. Ya. Lerner

the main task education is not to be content with the transmission of traditions and knowledge, but to improve the ability that enables a person to find unique meanings. V. Frankl

Education The mechanism for ensuring the preservation of the historical memory of the population IP Pavlov is a purposeful activity to form a system of personality traits, attitudes and beliefs.

Education from a humanistic position “ascent to subjectivity” (M. S. Kagan) “actualization of the human pupil” (I. A. Kolesnikova) qualities “in-axis - nutrition - nutrition of the spiritual axis of a person (Sh. Amonashvili) self-determination "(G. Batishchev) integrity, opportunities

purpose of education? ? ? the formation of a harmoniously and comprehensively developed personality, prepared for proactive social and professional activities in modern society.

Learning is the process of organizing and stimulating active educational and cognitive activity of students in mastering scientific knowledge, skills and abilities teaching the transfer of knowledge, skills, experience activities teaching the assimilation of experience through its perception, comprehension, transformation

DEVELOPMENT consistent quantitative and qualitative change in the physical, intellectual, emotional and value properties of the individual; occurs in the process of assimilation of values, norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior inherent in this professional community

Socialization is the process and result of the involvement of the individual in the system of social relations social adaptation adaptation to social conditions individualization is the realization by a person of his uniqueness, the ability to be himself

Professionalization as part of socialization preparation of the individual for a conscious choice of a professional path development of the professional orientation of the individual identification of cognitive and professional opportunities, interests of the individual formation of readiness for self-determination in the system of interpersonal and business relations

Cultural - humanistic function is not only to ensure the ascending reproduction of culture; BUT ALSO IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A STUDENT AS A PERSON OF CULTURE.

Prognostic - predicting the result Analysis of the pedagogical situation Purpose and ways to achieve it Determination of stages and distribution of time Anticipation of the result

Structural - design pedagogical process Selection and organization of the content of educational information Specification of goals based on the diagnosis of the needs and capabilities of students Definition pedagogical conditions(material, psychological) Planning of own actions and actions of the student

Organizational Creation of motivation for the forthcoming activity INTEGRATION AND ADAPTATION OF LEARNING MATERIAL TO THE LEVEL OF PREPAREDNESS OF STUDENTS Organization joint activities Stimulation cognitive activity and creativity of students

Communicative - building interpersonal interaction Perception of the psychological state of a partner Communicative attack ESTABLISHING PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTACT MANAGING COMMUNICATION: distribution of attention, quick response to emerging barriers

Reflexive - summing up Control of the results of the educational process Analysis and evaluation of the results obtained Determination of the direction of correction of one's activities

Gnostic (research) systematic "pedagogical intelligence" Studying the age and individual-typological characteristics of students Studying the content and ways of influencing other people Studying the process and result of one's own activity, its advantages and disadvantages

A teacher's abilities are a factor in the development of students' abilities (N. V. Kuzmina) What abilities should a teacher develop in himself? Formulate pedagogical credo(motto) of a successful teacher.

Literature on the basics of ped. activities Introduction to pedagogical activity: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments; under. ed. A. S. Robotova. - M.: "Academy", 2007. Winter I. A. Pedagogical psychology: Textbook for universities. -M. : Logos, 2005. Klimov EA Pedagogical work: psychological components. M. "Academy", 2004. Moreva N. A. Fundamentals of pedagogical skill -M. "Enlightenment", 2006. Nikitina N. N., Kislinskaya N. V. Introduction to pedagogical activity: Theory and practice. M.: "Academy", 2004.

Khutorskoy A. V. Human-like learning in the classroom - the goals and objectives of the experiment // Internet magazine "Eidos" 2008. -12 www. eidos. ru/journal/2008/071211-htm http: //elite. far. ru/index. phtml? page=book 5314000822 http: //www. ido. rudn. ru/psychology/pedagogical_psychology/ 12. html http: //www. humanism. ru/pedagogika 4. htm http: //uchebauchenyh. people. ru/books/uchebnik/soderza nie. htm

Literature on pedagogical axiology Krylova N. B. Culturology of education - M., 2000. Pedagogy of understanding: textbook. allowance / Yu. In Senko, M. N. Frolovskaya. - M., 2007. Slastenin V. A., G. I. Chizhakova Introduction to pedagogical axiology: textbook. allowance. -M. , 2003. Starikova LD History of Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education. - Rostov n / a, 2008. Reader on pedagogical axiology: Textbook / Comp. V. A. Slastenin, G. I. Chizhakova. - M. Voronezh, 2005.

Finish the sentence. . The purpose of pedagogical activity is. . . Its collaborative nature is manifested in. . . The unique nature of pedagogical activity is explained by the fact that. . . The universal nature of pedagogical activity is manifested in the fact that. . What is the essence of pedagogical activity?

? ? ? ? ? ? What is the specificity of pedagogical activity? What is the essence of the humanistic approach in pedagogy? There is an opinion that with the development of new information technologies the teaching profession will disappear. Do you agree with this statement?

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With the change in the educational paradigm, there is a gradual shift in the center of psychological and pedagogical research and applications in the field of education from activity-centered to student-centered issues. The activity approach is well suited for describing reproductive processes, and the personal approach for describing truly productive, that is, creative processes.

The result of any cognitive process is not some new single image, but a modified image of the world, enriched with new elements. The image of the world begins to form from the first moments of a person's life and is with him, constantly transforming, until the moment of his death.

In educational activity, in contrast to research, a person begins not with a consideration of the sensory-concrete diversity of reality, but with the internal basis of this diversity already identified by others (scientists, etc.), i.e. goes from the abstract to the concrete, from the general to the particular.

The full-fledged formation of an action requires the sequential passage of 6 stages, which are called "Stages of the formation of mental actions and concepts." To the greatest extent, the quality of learning activity depends on the method of constructing the indicative stage of action (OOA).

Pedagogical activity has the same characteristics as any other kind of human activity. This is, first of all:

  • purposefulness;
  • motivation;
  • objectivity.

A specific characteristic of pedagogical activity is its productivity. N.V. Kuzmina (Kuzmina N.V., 1990. P.13; see annotation) identifies five levels of productivity of pedagogical activity:
I level - (minimum) reproductive; the teacher can and knows how to tell others what he knows himself; unproductive.
II level - (low) adaptive; the teacher is able to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience; unproductive.
III level- (medium) locally modeling; the teacher owns strategies for teaching students knowledge, skills, skills in certain sections of the course (i.e., he knows how to formulate a pedagogical goal, be aware of the desired result and select a system and sequence for including students in educational activities; average productive.
IV level - (high) system-modeling knowledge of students; the teacher owns strategies for the formation of the desired system of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in their subject as a whole; productive.
Level V - (highest) system-modeling the activity and behavior of students; the teacher has strategies for turning his subject into a means of shaping the personality of the student, his needs for self-education, self-education, self-development; highly productive (Fig. 5).

The concept of self-concept

Self-concept is a generalized idea of ​​oneself, a system of attitudes regarding one's own personality.
In psychology, self-consciousness, or "I", is understood as either the process of accumulating ideas about oneself, or the result of this process.

In the first case, the researcher is interested in the dynamic aspects self-awareness:

emergence and formation of self-consciousness,

its development throughout a person's life,

the emergence and development of human self-consciousness and the history of mankind, etc.

In the second case, more consideration is given to:

the form of this experience,

its structure and organization,

its function in human life.

On the issue of classification various parties self-consciousness, or "I"-phenomenon, two criteria are important:

Self-consciousness of a person reflects the position of a person in various social groups:

"I" as a representative of a certain professional group;

"I" as a family member;

"I" as a member of certain public organizations etc.

An essential criterion for the classification of the "I"-phenomenon is the point of view from which the analysis and evaluation of oneself is carried out.

Temporary self-perspective:

"past I" - what I was before;

"real me" - what I am now;

"future self" - how I see myself in the future.

In terms of different values:

what I would like to be myself - personal values;

how my friends would like to see me - the values ​​of the reference group.

Accepting the point of view of others social environment- my idea, for example, of how my colleagues at work evaluate me ("reflexive self"), etc.

All these different aspects of the "I"-phenomenon are integrated in the personality into a single whole, into a certain system consisting of various, sometimes even contradictory elements.
There are the following functions of self-consciousness in human life:
1. "I" is the point, the perspective from which a person perceives and comprehends the world. Moreover, any individual knowledge and experience has a subjective coloring in the sense that a person correlates this knowledge with his own personality, with his own "I", i.e. this is my knowledge, my experience.
2. Self-consciousness, "I", performs a regulatory role in human life. Human behavior, unlike the behavior of an animal, is determined not only by the situation, but also by how a person perceives and evaluates himself.
The mental mechanism for the formation of self-consciousness is reflection, i.e. the ability of a person to mentally get out of the subjective point of view and approach oneself from the point of view of other people. Accumulating the experience of perceiving oneself with various points vision, in various situations and integrating it, a person forms his self-consciousness.

Self-consciousness of a person is a complex mental formation. This difficulty is due to:

the variety of those situations in which a person finds himself and in which his self-consciousness is formed (professional, everyday situations etc.);

the versatility of the very object of self-consciousness, i.e. those aspects, levels and facets of the personality that become the experience of self-consciousness (appearance, character, professional abilities, demeanor, etc.).

It is important to note that I-concept is not static but dynamic psychological education. The formation, development and change of the self-concept are due to factors of an internal and external order. Social environment has a strong influence on the formation of self-concept. The professional self-concept of a person can be real and ideal.
The term "real" does not at all imply that this concept is realistic. The main thing here is the idea of ​​the individual about himself, about "what I am." The ideal self-concept (ideal "I") is a person's idea of ​​himself in accordance with desires ("what I would like to be").
Of course, the real and ideal self-concepts not only may not coincide: in most cases they are necessarily different. The discrepancy between the real and ideal self-concept can lead to various negative and positive consequences. On the one hand, the mismatch between the real and the ideal "I" can become a source of serious intrapersonal conflicts. On the other hand, the discrepancy between the real and ideal professional self-concept is a source of professional self-improvement of the individual and the desire for its development. We can say that much is determined by the measure of this mismatch, as well as its intrapersonal interpretation (Pryazhnikov N.S., 1996; see annotation).

In the structure of human activity motivation belongs to a special place: "strong" and "weak" specialists differ not so much in their level intellect, how much according to the level and structure of motivation. A.A. Derkach experimentally proved that the effectiveness of the work of a teacher-educator depends on the presence of creative needs in the structure of motivation. In the study of N.V. Tumarova also revealed quite definite differences in the structure of motivation among masters of industrial training of high and low levels of pedagogical professionalism. Thus, the productivity of pedagogical activity largely depends on the strength and structure of the teacher's professional motivation. But not all parameters of pedagogical activity strictly depend on the level of motivation. Research by A.A. Rean (Rean A.A., 1999) show that there is no significant relationship between the teacher's motivation and the adequacy of the teacher's ideas about the personality of students. Even those who derive satisfaction from pedagogical work who consciously chose a profession, who strives to achieve high results - even they are far from a fully adequate understanding of their wards. In order to properly understand their students, the teacher needs highly developed reflective-perceptual abilities and skills.

A.K. Baimetov, studying motives pedagogical activity, all their diversity was combined into three groups:

1) motives of duty;

2) motives of interest and enthusiasm for the subject being taught;

3) the motives of dedication to communicating with children - "love for children."

According to the nature of the dominance of these motives, he identified four groups of teachers:

with a predominance of motives of duty (43%);

with the dominance of interest in the discipline being taught (39%);

with the dominance of the need to communicate with children (11%);

without a leading motive (7%).

As it turned out, the latter have the most high qualification and authority. It was found that the type of motivation affects the nature and direction of pedagogical requirements teachers to students. The versatile motivation of the teacher is characterized by a small number and harmony of requirements for the behavior of students and their assimilation of educational material. The dominance of the teacher's motive of duty leads to the presentation of a large number of requirements to students not only for the assimilation of educational material, but also of a disciplinary nature. The teacher with the dominance of the motive of dedication to the subject mainly makes demands on the assimilation of educational material. Finally, a teacher with a pronounced need to communicate with children against the background of a small number of requirements still makes more demands on the personality of students (Kukharev N.V., 1990; see annotation).
It can be assumed that the dominance of one or another motivation or the absence of it is due to the inclination of teachers to one or another style of leadership. So, A.K. Baymetov notes that the dominance of the motive of obligation is characteristic of teachers prone to authoritarianism, the dominance of the motive of communication - of liberal teachers, and the absence of the dominance of one or another motive - of teachers prone to a democratic style of leadership.
According to L.S. Podymova and V.A. Slastenina (1997) the problem of motivational readiness, susceptibility to pedagogical innovation is one of the central in the preparation of the teacher, because only suitable for purposes innovation activities motivation will ensure the harmonious implementation of this activity and the self-disclosure of the personality of the teacher.

L.N. Zakharova (1993), specifying the types of professional motives of a teacher, names the following from a wide range of factors:

material incentives;

motives associated with self-affirmation;

professional motives;

motives of personal self-realization.

Julia Kurbatova
Essay "The skill of a teacher is the basis of pedagogical activity"

essence pedagogical excellence is a kind of combination of personal culture, knowledge and outlook teacher, its comprehensive training with perfect mastery of the methods of training and education, pedagogical technique and experience.

very important role teacher in his pedagogical activity, and in particular his skill and acting skill. The social environment is of paramount importance in development personalities: the level of development of production and the nature of social relations determine the nature activities and worldview of people. Only in the process of education and training, public life and activities, the acquisition of knowledge and skills in a person on basis makings are formed abilities. Acting skill helps the teacher catch the attention of children, win them over.

Mastery -"high and constantly improved art of education and training". Teacher - master you can become with certain inclinations towards the matter of education and with constant work on yourself. The skill of the teacher is a constantly improved art of education and development, accessible to everyone teacher who works on recognition and loves children, is fluent in modern teaching methods, practically understands the issues of general and especially child psychology. Pedagogical excellence is manifested in the professional competence of the teacher, which ensures a high level of self-organization of professional and pedagogical activity.

The skill of the teacher is expressed, first of all, in the ability to organize the educational activity in order to achieve under all, even the most unfavorable conditions right level upbringing, development and knowledge of pupils. Real teacher will always find a non-standard answer to any question, will be able to approach the pupil in a special way, ignite the thought, excite him.

Art teacher manifests itself in the ability to conduct classes, develop their abilities, independence, inquisitiveness, in the ability to effectively carry out educational work in the process of development and education, to form high morality, a sense of patriotism, diligence, and independence in a preschooler.

A task teacher - master- find a way to develop positive emotions in yourself pedagogical process. It's simple tricks: change of methods of work, emotionality, activity of the teacher, interesting examples, witty remarks, etc. These techniques develop a steady, constant interest in developing activities.

The teacher is a master, owning the entire arsenal pedagogical means, selects the most effective among them. Probably mastering skill, teacher will know how to achieve best result in work, how to overcome the difficulties that arise daily in the practice of the educator.

And the difficulties there are many teachers, since the subject of education and training is difficult, and the scope activities very broad and multifaceted. teacher is constantly faced with the ever-changing world of his pupils, with the need to instantly make a decision, act. Almost a million reactions and a million influences are required from him every day.

After all teacher is not only a profession, the purpose of which is to transfer knowledge, but also the high duty of creating a growing personality, affirming a person in a person. The difficult process presupposes the presence of certain vital qualities in the teacher.

It is difficult to imagine communication that would not carry a cognitive or educational charge at all.

Efficiency pedagogical impact will be largely determined by volitional properties teacher, his perseverance, initiative, purposefulness, determination and independence. Along with these properties, it is important for him to have self-control, discipline, flexibility of behavior, the ability to foresee the reaction of students when changing pedagogical situation, willingness to restructure the methods of influence, the ability to cooperate with pupils.

Emotional responsiveness, the ability to put yourself in the shoes of a preschooler, empathy, kindness, sincere generosity along with such emotional properties as poise, self-confidence, self-control, self-regulation emotional manifestations, constitutes the necessary conditions pedagogical interactions with preschoolers.

Control pedagogical process requires teacher interest in community service, propensity for organizational activities, the ability to reflect the psychological mood of the group, the presence of a setting to achieve success, High Quality educational work, special sensitivity to interpersonal relationships the ability to design and create pedagogical situations, adequately and quickly respond to their changes, exactingness, practical orientation of the mind, criticality, responsibility. An important component large group professionally significant qualities teacher is communication - the quality necessary for enhanced implementation of any pedagogical activity. This is sociability, emotional expression, developed speech(correct pronunciation, logic, harmony of presentation of thoughts, etc., pedagogical tact, the ability to read the state of mind of the student by facial expressions, facial expressions, gestures, posture, gait. teacher- not only a profession, the essence of which is to transfer knowledge, but also the high mission of creating a personality, affirming a person in a person. In this regard, it is possible to single out a set of socially and professionally conditioned qualities teacher: high civic responsibility and social activity; love for children, the need and ability for them to give them their heart; spiritual culture, desire and ability to work together with others; willingness to create new values ​​and make creative decisions; the need for constant self-education; physical and mental health, professional performance.

CONFIDENCE - lies in basis social activity teacher, its social and moral orientation. Face teacher determine the humanistic position, the desire to carry knowledge, an intolerant attitude towards shortcomings that destroy the dignity of a person, a heightened sense of duty and responsibility, the ability to carry culture, etc.

Professional orientation of the individual teacher includes an interest in the profession, pedagogical inclinations and intentions.

INTEREST IN THE PROFESSION - expressed in a positive emotional attitude towards children, parents, pedagogical activity in an effort to acquire knowledge and skills.

PEDAGOGICAL VOCATION - is formed in the process of accumulation by the future teacher of theoretical and practical pedagogical experience and self-assessment of their abilities. The basis of pedagogical vocation is love for children, this quality is a prerequisite for many professionally significant qualities.

PEDAGOGICAL DEBT AND RESPONSIBILITY (providing assistance within the limits of their rights and obligations). Manifestation pedagogical duty is the dedication of the teacher (regardless of time and health, pedagogical tact(a sense of proportion in relations with children, in influencing them). Pedagogical tact depends on personal qualities teacher, his outlook, culture, will, civic position and professional skill.

PEDAGOGICAL JUSTICE - a measure of objectivity teacher, the level of his moral upbringing.

basis moral orientation constitute:

SPIRITUAL NEEDS AND INTERESTS (culture scientific - pedagogical thinking) . AT pedagogy has an axiom: intellect is honed by intellect, character is brought up by character, personality is shaped by personality.

Can't imagine the face teacher how standard model consisting of generally accepted virtues. Future teacher should have guidelines in the form of desired properties characteristic of professional pedagogical self-education

SOCIABILITY. A closed teacher involuntarily erects a wall of mutual understanding between himself and his students, it is difficult for him to penetrate inner world child.

SELF-CONTROL. Strong tricks are needed by the weak teachers. Emotional teacher does not get irritated over trifles, does not abuse punishments. According to K. D. Ushinsky, teacher must have infinite patience. Liveliness of reaction and emotionality in working with children should be combined with endurance and self-control.

PERSISTENCE IN ACHIEVING THE GOAL. Persistence in demands. “A drop hollows out a stone not by its force, but by its frequent fall”- proverb.


A.M. Novikov


In the previous article of this cycle (specialist magazine, 2010, Nos. 11, 12.), the educational activity of the student was considered. Let us now turn to the consideration of the pedagogical activity of the teacher, bearing in mind, first of all, the activity professional teacher: teacher, lecturer, educator, etc.

Features of pedagogical activity

Let us ask ourselves the question - is the activity of a teacher a managerial activity? Yes, definitely. The teacher guides the student, manages the process of his education. Let's make a brief digression into the general theory of control.

Fig.1. Control Theory Components

The concept of a general theory of social systems management

In social systems (where both the governing body and the managed system are subjects - people or organizations) MANAGEMENT IS AN ACTIVITY (of governing bodies) TO ORGANIZE ACTIVITIES (of controlled subjects). With regard to the pedagogical system "teacher - student (students)", this statement means that managerial activity of the teacher is to organize the educational activities of the student (students).

The main components of the structure of control theory are shown in fig. one.

Management Goals consist in achieving the required results of the activity of the student (students).

Management efficiency criteria. In accordance with the approaches of modern control theory, The effectiveness of control is determined by the efficiency of the state in which the controlled system found itself under the influence of this control. With regard to the pedagogical system, the effectiveness of the managerial activity of the teacher is determined by the effectiveness of the results of the student's activities, which he achieved as a result of pedagogical (managerial) influence. And not by the quality of filling out plans and reports, not by “prettyness” training sessions etc.

Management methods . For a fixed (with a given composition and structure) social system the following management methods:

- institutional (administrative, command, limiting, coercive) management;

- motivational management (management that encourages controlled subjects to perform the required actions);

- information management (based on the communication of information, the formation of beliefs, ideas, etc.).

Control types. From the point of view of regularity, repeatability of controlled processes, the following types of control can be distinguished:

- project management (managing the development of the system in dynamics - changes in the system, innovation, etc.);

- process management (management of the functioning of the system "in statics" - regular, repetitive activities under constant external conditions).

Since for the student his educational activity is always innovative, then in the pedagogical system "teacher - student (student)" there will always be only project management. O pedagogical projects we have already said in one of the previous articles (specialist magazine 2010, no. 1).

For control in dynamics, in turn, we can select reflex (situational) control and forward control. Reflex control is called management, in which the governing body reacts to changes or external influences as they appear, without trying to predict them or influence them. Advanced control is based on the forecast of conditions and requirements for the functioning of the system.

For the activity of a teacher, this is an essential classification. A good teacher is distinguished by the ability to stay ahead of events. As the saying goes, “to lead is to foresee.”

Control functions. Allocate four main functions management: planning, organizing, stimulating and controlling. The continuous sequence of the implementation of these functions constitutes the cycle of management activities (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Management cycle

Since these functions fit into the logic of the project organization, including pedagogical project(see the magazine "Specialist" 2010, No. 1), we will not consider them in detail here.

Forms of management . By choosing different bases of classification, they distinguish different forms management.

1. Depending on the structure of the management system, the following are distinguished:

- hierarchical management (the management system has a hierarchical structure, and each subordinate has one and only one boss);

- distributed management (one subordinate can have several bosses);

- network management (different management functions at different times can be performed by different elements of the system; in particular, one and the same employee can be a subordinate for one of his functions, and a leader for other functions).

In fact, in the systems "teacher - student (students)" all three forms of management take place:

For a student, for example, at school classroom teacher for him - an example of hierarchical management. Or in class one at a time specific subject he is subordinate to only one teacher;

For the same student, all teachers who teach all the subjects that he studies are at the same time "bosses" for him - an example of distributed control;

In student self-government, the same student can be a subordinate in one of his functions, and a leader in other functions. In addition, with a brigade organization educational process, in extracurricular activities, temporary groups can be created, where also the same student can be a subordinate in one of his functions, and a leader in other functions. These are examples of network management.

The ratio of these forms of control is an interesting pedagogical problem.

2. Depending on the number of managed entities, it is possible to single out such forms of management as:

- individual management (management of one subject) - in our case, individual education systems;

- collective management (management of a group of subjects) - in our case, group, collective forms of education.

3. Depending on whether management takes into account the individual characteristics of managed entities, the following forms are distinguished:

- unified management (when the same management mechanisms are applied to a group of, in the general case, different subjects);

– personalized management (when control action depends on the individual characteristics of the controlled entity).

Again, it is clear that the degree of accounting individual characteristics teacher in his pedagogical activity can be completely different depending on his desire, experience, abilities, as well as the size of the class, group. In addition, such well-known areas of pedagogical research as the individualization of education, student-centered education, etc., will also be included here.

Controls- orders, instructions, instructions, plans, norms, standards, regulations, etc. In our case, the teacher, as a rule, does not issue written administrative documents (except for a note to parents with an invitation to come to school), he usually has oral controls, but the essence of these controls is the same - administrative, normative.

Management principles:

Principle 1 (hierarchies). It is generally recognized that hierarchy as a division of functions in complex systems is a manifestation of the need for specialization, which specifies the functions of each element of this system and allows the most rational use of its objectively limited capabilities. The managing body can have no more than 7+-2 subordinate entities in its subordination, i.e. them there should be no more so-called Miller numbers XE "Miller number"7 ± 2. Otherwise, the division of controlled entities into several groups and the next, higher level of the hierarchy is introduced. The content of this requirement can be explained by the limited possibility random access memory of a person, his ability to analyze in the RAM no more than 5÷9 components of the component. With regard to the activities of a teacher, this principle means that when the number of students in a group or class exceeds this number, the teacher inevitably doomed to overload .

Principle 2 (purposefulness) . Any management is carried out with purpose. In particular, the goal of management in the pedagogical system "teacher - student (students)" is to educate the student (students) in accordance with the established requirements for volumes, quality and on time.

Principle 3 (efficiency). The implemented control should have maximum efficiency under the given constraints. That is, to be optimal. In particular, the achievement of a fixed goal of the system's activity should be achieved with the optimal use of resources. So, in relation to our case, the teacher must achieve the goals of education, training and development of the student (students) with optimal expenditure of time and effort. Moreover, the efforts of both the student (students), and their own.

Principle 4 (responsibility) . The governing body is responsible for the effectiveness of the activities of the managed entities and the entire system as a whole (quality, timing, resource consumption). The effectiveness of management is assessed only by the effectiveness of the activities of managed entities. That is, in relation to the activities of a teacher, this principle means that the effectiveness of his work is evaluated by the results of the educational activities of students - their upbringing, training, development, and not by how “beautifully” he conducts classes, how many classes he held, how he designed plans, reports, etc.

Principle 5 (non-intervention). The intervention of the governing body in the activities of managed entities occurs if and only if the entities subordinate to it do not ensure the implementation of the entire complex necessary functions. With regard to the activities of a teacher, this principle means the need to comply with the measure in intervention, "regulation" of the student's activities, the danger of "overregulation".

Principle 6 (openness). System management should be aimed at the maximum expedient involvement of all stakeholders (society, authorities, individuals and legal entities, social movements etc.) in the process of system development. With regard to the activities of a teacher, this principle means the openness of the pedagogical system "teacher - student (students)", the publicity of their joint activities for others.

Principle 7 (regulation of management activities) . In accordance with this principle, all management functions should be regulated. That is, both the governing body and managed entities must act and interact on the basis of rules, norms and criteria that are clearly defined and known to all parties. With regard to pedagogical activity, for example, today the evaluation criteria are kept “in their head” by the teacher, the teacher, and the student, as a rule, does not represent them.

Principle 8 (uncertainties). The uniqueness and unpredictability of human activity in specific conditions, the presence of human free will determine the uncertainty of the activity of the social system. In particular, the pedagogical process is largely unpredictable:

As from the side of the student (students), his (their) reactions to the control actions of the teacher;

So it is with the teacher himself. The teacher is a living person with his own problems, joys and sorrows, with his own moods. Therefore, his activities are also characterized by uncertainty.

Therefore, when planning any actions, the teacher must take into account the possible uncertainty of the situation, predict various scenarios for the development of joint activities with the student (students). And, in addition, in pedagogical activity always plays a significant role improvisation- the ability, in accordance with the situation, to quickly reorganize the planned actions in a new direction. Because of this circumstance, they say that pedagogy is not only a science, but also an art.

Principle 9 (feedback) is perhaps one of the most well-known principles of management. In accordance with this principle, effective control requires information about the state of the controlled system and the conditions of its operation. Moreover, the implementation of any control action and its consequences must be monitored and controlled by the governing body. This fully applies to the managerial activity of the teacher. For example, a survey at the beginning of a lesson is for the teacher, among other things, a means of feedback. Or a professor, asking students questions during a lecture, gets " feedback- as students understand it.

Principle 10 (Rational Centralization) – or, otherwise, delegation principle- argues that in any complex system there is a rational level of centralization of management: what exactly should the governing body take on, and what should be decided by the managed subjects/objects. So, for example, a lecturer can allow students to attend lectures freely, or, in the opposite case, mark all absent students. The teacher determines whether to solve certain problems on the board to him, or to call one of the students, or the students will solve them on their own in notebooks.

Principle 11 (democratic governance). It is sometimes referred to as the principle of anonymity. This principle is to ensure level playing field and opportunities for all participants in the system without any a priori discrimination. For pedagogical activity, this principle means that the teacher should treat all students equally, not openly show sympathy or antipathy for certain students, not have "favorites" and "outcasts". What, as we know, in the mass teaching practice very often not respected.

Principle 12 ( adequacy). Or what is the same - the principle of necessary diversity. This principle in systems theory was formulated by W.R. Ashby XE "Ashby U.R." \ f " a ” . It states that when creating a system capable of coping with the solution of a problem that has a certain, known variety (complexity), it is necessary to ensure that the system has even more variety (the availability of means and methods for solving the problem) than the variety (complexity) of the problem being solved. Or she was able to create this necessary diversity in herself (she could develop new means and methods for solving the problem). That is, in other words, the system must have the necessary “margin of maneuver”.

In particular, in relation to management: the management system (its structure, complexity, functions, etc.) must be adequate (respectively, the structure, complexity, functions, etc.) of the managed system. In other words, in relation to the pedagogical system "teacher - student (students)", this principle reflects the anciently known requirement that the teacher should know and be able to do more than the student (students). Among teachers, there is even such a slang principle: “a teacher feels confident in a lesson if he knows 10 times more on a topic than he tells students.”

This requirement is generally known. But in modern times:

The teacher knows and is able to do more than the student in his subject. And in other subjects studied by students, he forgot the material long ago (at a comprehensive school). Or did not study at all (in vocational school) Then it turns out that the entire teaching staff in total knows and knows more than the student. Not just any individual teacher. The question is interesting and not obvious - in connection with the introduction of the object, including the modular type of construction of the content of education, the ever-widening distribution of the method of educational projects, apparently, one subject training for the teacher, the teacher will no longer be enough, his horizons should be significantly expanded;

Today, all the educational material provided to a growing person at school, college, university is in line with a much larger flow of free information coming from TV screens, computers, the Internet, print media. Moreover, schoolchildren, students, as a rule, have much more free time than teachers to watch TV, “surf” the Internet, etc. And as a result, the student is often informed, according to at least about current events, more than an educator. He seems to "know" more. And this is a serious problem of modern education. Principle 13 ( unification). Equivalent systems should be described and considered within the framework of a single approach (both in terms of their parameters and in terms of performance criteria). This does not exclude, however, the need to take into account the specifics of each specific system. For pedagogical systems this means, for example,Nification of requirements for the student (student) from the side teaching staff schools, colleges, etc., i.e. all teachers, teachers of this educational team must apply the same requirements for students. Same Uniform state exams as unified nationwide quality requirements general education. Or as uniform requirements of state educational standards.

Principle 14 (efficiency). This principle requires that when managing in real time, the information necessary for making decisions arrives on time, that the management decisions themselves are made and implemented promptly in accordance with changes in the managed system and the conditions for its operation. In particular, the teacher must immediately respond to certain actions of the student (students). So, for example, there is a pedagogical requirement about the inadmissibility of postponing punishment.

Principle 15 ( coordinated management). This principle reflects the requirement that the control actions within the existing institutional restrictions should be maximally consistent with the interests and preferences of the controlled entities. For the teacher, the implementation of this principle is a serious creative task - after all, in every situation, the teacher is faced with the unique personality of the student, each personality is deeply individual.

Principle 16 ( pre-reflection) - when developing control actions, it is necessary to predict and anticipate possible changes in the state of the controlled system. That is, the teacher must predict the development of events, build predictive models of the activity of the student (students).

Principle 17 ( adaptability) – the managed system is dynamic, and the adopted management decisions should be reviewed in a timely manner in accordance with changes in the state of the managed system and the conditions for its operation. For example, the process of forming one or another skill in a student goes through a number of stages, stages. And in accordance with them, the influence of the teacher on this process should change.

Thus, a brief digression into the general theory of management turned out to be useful - many requirements for the teacher and his activities follow from this theory in a deductive way as special cases. general provisions. In addition, an appeal to the general theory of management makes it possible to systematize the managerial activity of a teacher. Moreover, it turns out that it is possible and expedient to transfer the results of research into the problems of managing systems of various nature to pedagogical systems.

Now, after a brief digression into the general theory of control, we proceed directly to features of professional pedagogical activity. It is clear that the object of the pedagogical profession is a person, and the subject is the activity of his development, education, and training. Pedagogical activity belongs to the group of professions "man - man". One of the most important characteristics of pedagogical activity is its joint nature: it necessarily involves a teacher and the one whom he teaches, educates, and develops. This activity cannot be an activity only “for oneself”. Its essence lies in the reflection of activity “for oneself” on activity “for another”, “for others”. This activity combines the self-realization of the teacher and his purposeful participation in changing the student (the level of his training, upbringing, development, education). But the transition of activity “for oneself” into activity “for another”, “for others” is characteristic not only of pedagogical activity. But also, for example, the activities of a doctor. What are the features of the actual pedagogical activity?

1. Above, we examined the managerial activity of the teacher, i.e. activities to organize the educational activities of the student (students). Are the features of pedagogical activity limited only to this aspect - the aspect guides learners (students) management education process? Of course not!

2. The teacher is the most important source socialization student. In the broadest sense, the teacher is an example of a Human. The student “looks like a mirror into another person” (K. Marx) and thereby debugs, clarifies, corrects the images of his Self. And in this regard, it is extremely important that the teacher be personality: personality is formed by personality, character is formed by character. We all studied at school, at the university ... Each of us had a lot of teachers and lecturers. And how many of those who are remembered, who influenced our character, interests, life choices? A. S. Pushkin dedicated the following lines to his teacher A. P. Kunitsin:

Kunitsyn tribute of heart and wine!

He created us, he raised our fire,

They set the cornerstone

They lit a clean lamp...

The brightness of the teacher's personality is determined by his ideological conviction, moral position, level of spirituality. An important role is played by the image of the teacher, including clothing, hairstyle, his charisma, his acting skills. Even when a teacher, lecturer tells the educational material, it is important not only what he says, but also as he says, how it contributes to the transmitted information their personality, their personal attitude.

Where it acts as a simple pump pumping students with knowledge, it can be successfully replaced by a textbook, dictionary, problem book, computer. In this respect, such a teacher, a walking truth, has always been a humorous figure, an object of joke and ridicule, a comic character. Chekhov's "man in a case" is terrible because it is an example of complete impersonality, feelings and thoughts that have finally disappeared.

3. The teacher must constantly learn by yourself. After all, as already mentioned, the educational activity of the student is always productive, innovative. And it cannot be imposed reproductive teacher's activity. Only productive activity for productive work. Therefore, the third feature of pedagogical activity is constant self-development.

Thus, we have identified three main features of pedagogical activity, which together make up the system. It is in the aggregate, in the complex (Fig. 3). Figuratively speaking, the teacher is "and the boss, and the actor, and the student."

Rice. 3. Classification of the main features of pedagogical activity

Forms, methods, means of pedagogical activity

Speaking of forms of pedagogical activity needs to be divided immediately. When pedagogical activity is carried out jointly with the student (students), these will be forms of joint activity, i.e. forms pedagogical process(cm. next article this cycle). When the teacher alone prepares for classes, is engaged in the design of pedagogical systems, is engaged in reflective analysis, etc. - it will be, basically, an individual form of activity. In addition, the collective form is the participation of a teacher in the work of methodological (cyclic) commissions, sections, departments, pedagogical, academic councils etc.

Methods of pedagogical activity. Recall that in the previous article of this cycle (Specialist magazine, 2010, No. ....), speaking about the methods of educational activity of the student, we divided the methods:

On the one hand, on theoretical and empirical methods;

On the other hand, on methods-operations and methods-actions.

Similarly, the methods of pedagogical activity of the teacher:

Theoretical methods-operations. These are mental operations: analysis, synthesis, etc. (Fig. 4). These methods are inherent in all types of activity without exception;

Theoretical methods-actions. These are methods for designing pedagogical systems (scenario method, planning methods, etc.), as well as methods of pedagogical reflective analysis (see. magazine "Specialist" 2010, No. 1).

Empirical methods-operations. These are methods of managing the educational activities of the student (students).

Empirical methods-actions. These will be pedagogical technologies (see the article "The concept of pedagogical technologies" - the magazine "Specialist", 2009, No. 9).

Rice. 4. Methods of pedagogical activity

At the same time, it should be noted that earlier, in the previous article of this cycle, we considered the methods of educational activity of the student separately: methods of educational activity, methods of educational activity, methods of development activity - due to novelty problem. As for teaching methods, we are moving away from the traditional division into methods of education and methods of teaching (the methods of developmental activity were never written in textbooks of pedagogy). Indeed, the basis for the traditional division was only one circumstance - the division of the teacher's activity into activities during training sessions and during extracurricular educational work. But such a division is not an argument, because the methods of the teacher's activity (as well as the forms and means) both in academic and extracurricular work are the same (Fig. 4).

Thus, in this article we examined the features, forms and methods of pedagogical activity. The means of pedagogical activity will be considered by us in the next article among other means of the pedagogical process. As for the temporal structure of pedagogical activity (phases, stages, stages), we described it earlier in the article “ Educational project as a cycle of innovation activity" (Specialist magazine, 2010, No. 1.