Ways to eliminate gaps in students' knowledge. Report on the topic "Liquidation of gaps in students' knowledge"

"Identification and elimination of gaps in the knowledge, skills and abilities of students is one of the main conditions for improving the quality of education"

Mathematics presents itself to the teacher in various ways.

Mathematics - deductive science, axiomatic method and some standards of reasoning.

Mathematics - a way of knowing the world and a means for practical activities in this world.

Mathematics is a specific technique, a set of techniques and methods for solving various problems. The opportunity to constantly train and improve this technique.

Mathematics education should adequately reflect all aspects mathematical science. And reflect not only on paper: in programs, textbooks, but also in practical work teachers. Mathematics education should be expanded through historical information, due to entertainment and practical significance tasks to be solved. In addition, it is necessary to cultivate respect for science - the hard work of the human mind.

In our time, in the conditions of the development of a market economy, when there is an unprecedented increase in information, a high level of professionalism is required from each person and such business qualities as entrepreneurship, the ability to navigate, make decisions, and this is impossible without the ability to work creatively.

I understand education in general and mathematics in particular, first of all, as management, as development guidance. I believe that in education the emphasis on knowledge and skills in themselves is not as important as the impact on the development of the child. I teach my students to think logically, think, value the opinions of others and defend their own.

The work to identify and eliminate gaps in students' knowledge is an integral part of the activity of every teacher. The timeliness and thoroughness of this work is a guarantee high results learning.

The practical teacher knows how painstaking and important this work is. If you don't give this issue serious attention, then very soon even capable students will wallow in mistakes. You can not belittle the role and let this work take its course, as they say, from case to case. It is necessary to carry out activities to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge systematically and systematically.

Difficult to isolate this species pedagogical activity from holistic process- a learning process in which everything is interconnected.

Systematic work to identify and eliminate shortcomings and gaps in students' knowledge is one of the main conditions for improving the quality of education. The teacher must use generally accepted forms and invent, implement his own means of control, the skillful possession of which prevents lag, ensures active work every student.

Goals of the work:

    formation of solid knowledge;

    training in self-control techniques;

    formation of the need for self-control;

    education of responsibility for the work performed;

    development of individual creativity students.

Tasks solved in the course of work

Controlling . Identification of the state of knowledge and skills of students, their level mental development, the study of the degree of assimilation of the methods of cognitive activity, the skills of rational educational work. Comparison of the planned result with the actual one, establishing the effectiveness of the methods, forms and means of training used.

Educational. Improvement of knowledge and skills, their generalization and systematization. Students learn to highlight the main thing, the main thing in the material being studied. Tested knowledge and skills become clearer and more accurate.

Diagnostic. Obtaining information about errors and gaps in knowledge and skills and their causes. Diagnostic test results help you choose more intensive technique training, as well as to clarify the direction of further improvement of methods and means of training.

Prognostic. Obtaining advanced information: whether specific knowledge, skills and abilities are sufficiently formed to assimilate the next portion educational material. The results of the forecast are used to create a model for the further behavior of a student who makes mistakes today of this type or having certain gaps in the system of methods of cognitive activity.

Developing. Stimulation cognitive activity students. The development of their speech, memory, attention, imagination, will, thinking.

Orienting . Obtaining information about the degree of achievement of the learning goal by an individual student and the class as a whole. Orientation of students in their difficulties and achievements. Revealing gaps, errors and shortcomings, indicate the directions for the application of forces to improve knowledge and skills.

Nurturing. Education in students of a responsible attitude to learning, discipline, honesty, perseverance, the habit of regular work, the need for self-control.

I divide the organization of work on identifying and eliminating gaps in knowledge into stages: identifying errors; fixing errors; analysis of the mistakes made; planning work to address gaps; elimination of gaps in ZUN; preventive measures.

From the 5th grade I start with students general notebooks(96 sheets) for algorithms that are taught up to grade 11 (Appendix 1).

From the 5th grade I start with students common notebooks (96 sheets) for additional work to fill gaps in ZUN, which are being conducted up to grade 11 (Appendix 2).

I stage. Error detection

It is carried out during the verification of written works, oral answers, self-control and mutual control.

Written works I do it regularly. I strictly follow the independence of execution. I consider the most effective (for detecting errors) forms of written work:

    at the beginning, for half a year and at the end of the academic year - tests with subsequent compilation of a table with the results in a special notebook, in which the mistakes of each individual and the class as a whole are clearly visible;

    individual independent work on error analysis;

    during the academic year - traditional control and previous verification and independent work, a written survey of theoretical material;

    to master the control of a “narrow” topic: mathematical dictations (“Finish the phrase”, “Fill in the gaps”, “Formulate a question”, “Compute orally and write down the answer”), “Chains” (to test the assimilation of knowledge with numbers and polynomials), mini-tests (“I agree with the statement - put “+”, otherwise - “-””). Tasks of this type allow you to quickly and, most importantly, timely detect gaps in knowledge on the topic under study, which is useful for both the teacher and the student.

Oral check ZUN is aimed at identifying typical mistakes of a particular topic and general educational skills. It is effective if it is aimed at identifying the meaningfulness of the perception of knowledge and the awareness of their use, if it stimulates the independence and creative activity of students. The quality of questions is determined by the nature of the mental actions that students perform when answering a question. Therefore, among test tasks I single out questions that activate memory (to reproduce what has been studied), thinking (to compare, prove, generalize), speech. Great importance have problematic issues which make them apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities. The quality of the oral examination depends on the selection of questions and the sequence in which they are posed. Each question should be logically complete, extremely concise and precise. I will single out two conditions for the qualitative identification of knowledge:

- no one interferes with the student (the answer is commented later);

- You can interrupt a student only if he does not answer the question, but deviates to the side.

I use oral verification techniques on various stages lesson.

Instilling skills and abilities in studentsself-control not only allows them to find their own mistakes, but also beneficial from an educational, psychological and pedagogical point of view. Forms: “Find and explain the mistake” (your own, made by a classmate, planned by the teacher), “Check the answer and understand the mistake”, “Rate your answer”.

mutual control quality and efficiency learning activities of schoolchildren helps the teacher to check the knowledge of students and contributes to the development of such personality traits as honesty and justice, collectivism. “Ask a question”, “Find a hole in the solution (as in a math fight) and ask a question” (to help the answerer find the mistake himself), “Give a review of the answer”, “Explain the solution to a friend”, mutual verification of home and test papers, rules, formulas , theorems, definitions - these are far from all forms of mutual control. It is also positive that mutual verification can be carried out in after hours. Mutual testing of knowledge activates the activity of students, increases interest in knowledge and they like it. In the course of mutual control, they reveal individual characteristics students, increased interest in knowledge. The children like the process itself, their relationships with their comrades are strengthened.

At this stage, the correctness of perception and understanding of the educational material is analyzed, weak sides in knowledge, shortcomings, gaps, errors in the work and answers of students are found. This allows the teacher to identify timely measures to overcome and eliminate them.

II stage. bug fixing

Fixing errors occurs in parallel with their identification, but not every student is able to learn the material and develop strong skills even after the classical chain: the teacher showed - the student decided himself - the teacher pointed out the errors - the student completed the work on the errors. Getting Started new topic, a student often forgets a lot of previous material. Only through repeated, prolonged, periodic repetition by each student of his "problem" topics, returning to the "weak" link in the chain of knowledge, one can achieve results in teaching mathematics. It is necessary to keep a strict record of errors in the form of a list, work with it regularly: make changes, keep the error under control until there is firm confidence in the quality of assimilation. This task is not easy, it requires patience and time. But the end justifies the means. And whoever walks this path will be rewarded academic achievements their students. Rational forms The fixing errors, in my opinion, are the following:

    The error record book contains a class list and monitoring of "handling" with all written work. Information about specific mistakes is entered in this notebook, and knowledge is learned. It is clearly visible who has what problems, who did not pass what.

    In the course of the lesson, when doing homework, I strongly recommend that students, if they could not immediately understand something, put notes in the margins (like “?”), so that later they can think or use the help of a teacher, classmate. I aim students at not leaving “incomprehensible” areas without attention.

III stage. Analysis of the mistakes made

An analysis of the mistakes made is carried out after each type of work orally or in writing, by a teacher or a student, depending on the type of activity. Conducted quantitative and qualitative analysis. A thorough analysis allows you to deeply study the gaps and achievements of individual students, highlight typical mistakes and the main difficulties of students, to study the causes of their occurrence and outline ways to eliminate them.

IV stage. Planning work to address knowledge gaps

This work is built on the basis of analysis, the results of which are communicated to students.

    The teacher outlines when, whom, for what purpose to ask and what means to use for this.

    Troubleshooting is carried out after each written work, repeated test - after an unsatisfactory mark.

    Strict control is exercised to ensure that each student completes all control and test papers(even if you missed it).

V stage.

Closing gaps in knowledge

    Analysis of work in the classroom.

    Finding out the opinion of the class about the results.

    Work on mistakes, individual and frontal, with mandatory subsequent written verification (until a positive mark is received).

    Tasks for repetition during the frontal survey and individually (until a positive mark is received).

VI stage. Prevention measures

It is difficult to treat the disease, it is better to prevent it. Mistakes are also a kind of disease. The following preventive measures contribute to minimizing them.

    The texts of written assignments should be easy to read: well-formulated, well-read.

    Active oral training of the main ZUN, regular analysis of typical mistakes.

    When explaining new material, predict the error and select a system of tasks for practicing the correct assimilation of the concept. Focusing on each element of the formula, performing different types of tasks will reduce the error to a minimum.

    Selection of tasks that arouse interest, form stable attention.

    Strong assimilation (and hence the absence of errors) is facilitated by rules that are easy to remember, clear algorithms, following which you will certainly come to the intended goal.

    Systematic accustoming to self-control allows you to achieve noticeable results. At the same time, the general mathematical culture of schoolchildren is growing, their work and answers become more literate.

Appendix 1


finding the coefficient.

    We wrote down the numerical factors in front of the expression.

    We wrote down the literal factors at the end of the expression.

    We found the product of numerical factors.

    We simplified the literal factors using the commutative and associative property of multiplication (there can be several literal factors).

    The numerical factor (it is one) is the coefficient.

Example: a)= -24 m

b) = - 96 m


direct problem solving

and inversely proportional relationships.

    unknown number denoted by x.

    The condition is written in the form of a table.

    The type of dependence between quantities is established.

    Straight proportional dependence denoted by equally directed arrows, and inversely proportional dependence - by oppositely directed arrows.

    The proportion is recorded.

    An unknown member is located.

Annex 2

Notebook of the assimilation of the topics covered.



Topic according to the program, designed for 8 hours

Lesson #1



Lesson #2

PR №2


RO #1

Lesson #3

MD №1


RO #2

Lesson #4

OSR #1


RO #3

Lesson #5

SR #1


RO #4

Lesson #6

SR #2


Analysis of CR, RO

All homework assignments are carefully checked in class.

1. Gaps on the topic covered (after the test on the topic) are eliminated in notebooks to eliminate gaps.

2. Tasks are selected according to the didactic material (given for a week).

3. The student writes a second test, a mark is put in the journal (analysis of the test).

Annex 3


Solve the system of equations:


    Substitution method.

    Addition method.

Block A Block B

Work to fill gaps in students' knowledge.
(Kioseva E.N.,
teacher of Russian language and literature)
One of the main problems that teachers of our
schools is to work with low-achieving students. underachievers
considered to be students who have weak mental capacity and
weak learning skills and skills low level memory or those with
there are no effective motives for learning. It is no secret that such students in
schools exist. To this category students did not move into the category
underachievers, systematic work with
underachieving students. I would like to stay at work with
lagging behind students in the Russian language.
"Working with lagging behind students in the Russian language and warning
academic failure"

in big and important issue dealing with student underachievement and
improving the quality of knowledge, I see two sides: the problem of warning
underachievement and the problem of filling gaps in students' knowledge.
Student underachievement is generated by many and varied
reasons that depend both on the teacher himself (his experience, training, his
methodology), and from the student himself. To eliminate causes, consequences
which is student underachievement, efforts should be directed
all teachers. Failure prevention is carried out by setting
in general.
Working with lagging students involves a mandatory individual
approach to students, and individual tasks individual students.
These tasks should be considered as additional to what is given.
The laggard has to do more work than
successful student. Therefore, these tasks should be small.
For example,
small card from didactic material.
In every class, as you know, there are students who have serious
gaps in knowledge and skills. These students experience great difficulties in
work on educational material and need constant attention to themselves
from the teacher both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Only under this condition
students can close knowledge gaps and rise to the level
The first thing that begins with individual work is the study of students,
gaps in their knowledge and the reasons for these gaps, psychological

Carefully studying my students, I see that some have an unstable
attention, it is difficult for them to concentrate on educational material, others
strive for rote memorization of rules and conclusions, others
Some students have more developed visual memory, in others - auditory, in
third motor. There are students in every class who do not
mental discipline. This also manifests itself during the presentation or
repetition of material and more in the process of independent
work. The task of the teacher is to study the individual characteristics of students and
provide them with timely assistance, facilitate their work on the educational
material. When organizing individual work with students, it is important to
their interest in studies and the desire to close gaps in knowledge, and for
To do this, it is necessary to instill in them confidence in their own strength. Need to open before
students the reasons for their lagging behind and indicate ways to fill the gaps,
It is necessary to carefully monitor the students, help them in the lesson and in
homework, mark them the slightest success. Willingness to learn
formed in the process successful work over the material, so it is important
organize individual assistance in such a way that the student
I felt constantly moving forward. Experience shows that often
even a slight advance inspires students, excites
work them more intensively and increases interest in classes, and this ensures
their successful assimilation of the material. Some people think that individual
helping students is only working with them outside the classroom. This, of course,
wrong. Individual work with students is, first of all,
constant attention each of them during the lesson: during the survey
students, in the process of presenting and consolidating the material, as well as
Group extra classes organized only in the most

Such groups should be small in terms of the number of people involved in them.
students. These are mainly those students who missed classes in
for some reason or someone who does not understand something.
How do I organize individual work with students?
First of all, I try to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each student,
I keep track of which students are lagging behind in what, which rule they make mistakes.
When doing written exercises, when checking homework
Special attention I give to those who are lagging behind: I give them individual tasks,
I work with each student on the mistakes made. When parsing errors
The main attention is paid to the typical mistakes that occur in
many students in control dictations. These errors are discussed in class.
The main thing is individual work with each lagging behind. To account for errors

I start a special notebook for the Russian language, in which a page is allotted,
where the topic of the lesson is fixed (which is difficult for children and put + or -
next to each surname). Having established what mistakes this or that
student, I give the task according to the textbook or according to the card on this rule. After
each control dictation of the word to those rules that the students already
learned, are crossed out in his card, and new words, in spelling
which mistakes were made in the dictation are entered into the card. Valuable in this
form of organization of individual homework of students in Russian
language is that it does not require cumbersome accounting. Preparation for this
work is also not time-consuming for the teacher. In my work I
apply and individual cards. Individual additional
student work has a great effect. But it takes hard work
student and teacher, since the student needs to perform additional work, and
Highly well received troubleshooting is, in my opinion, and
such a method. I write out errors from 2 - 3 control dictations with their
explanation. After the children understand the rule in a meaningful way and learn the words,
in which they made mistakes, given independent task: write
creative dictation or an essay using words and sentences with
Control work in the wake of your mistakes is very useful. Forms and Methods
individual work in the lessons of the Russian language are diverse. At
In preparation for the lesson, I plan which of the students during the survey to give for
preparation more time, and who - less, whom to ask at the table, at
When interviewing 1 student, I focus on practical part material, on
the ability to apply the rule, from another I demand an explanation of the meaning of the rule,
from 3 - to achieve a clear, consistent retelling according to the plan. As
additional material 1 - analysis by composition, 2 - explanation
word spelling,
3 - declension or conjugation of words.
An important role is played by individual work with students during
explanation of the material. It can take a variety of forms: to one
I ask students questions, I invite others to give examples,
I involve third parties in the analysis of illustrations. This activates the learning
process that involves all students and helps those who are lagging behind learn
material. The question of which of the students to offer which task, I decide
If the student is characterized by instability of attention, i.e. inattentive,
I turn to him with questions, involve him in the analysis of examples,
I suggest repeating the relevant provision to students who
memorize the material mechanically, I suggest choosing your own examples,
explain spelling or punctuation marks, retell the rule in your own
taking into account

As a didactic material during the presentation I use
examples in which students made mistakes in written work.
Spelling - difficult process. Ways to master spelling
are diverse. They arise not only from the specifics of the educational material, but
and from psychological features children. The teacher must take into account these
features and,
all kinds of student memory.
In practice, this means that in the process of explaining the teacher must
combine the word with visualization, story with elements of conversation, analysis
examples written on the board, with an analysis of examples selected
students, because the memory of children is different: visual, auditory, motor.
Consolidation of spelling material is one of the most responsible
One of the common shortcomings in teaching the Russian language
is an underestimation of auditory tasks, especially when reinforcing. Fulfilling
classroom or homework, students usually perceive
spelling visually, reinforcing it visual image only motor
perception. The sound image, as a rule, does not participate in this process. Not
it is surprising, therefore, that even successful students make mistakes in
auditory dictations for this rule. The explanation is simple: in the process
work on the material, the students were focused on the visual and
motor perception of orthograms, and during the dictation - on the auditory, that is
to the type of memory that did not participate in the work on the material. From here
it can be seen: when working on the spelling, the teacher must combine tasks in such a way
in such a way that all types of memory of students participate in the assimilation of it. With this
purpose I practice the preliminary pronunciation of individual words (words with
unpronounceable consonants, unverifiable vowels, etc.)
I also carry out an individual approach to students in preparation for
control work. I start preparing for the dictation a few days before
its implementation. Before the dictation, I inform you what needs to be specifically repeated.
I give for memorization words that are difficult and can be found in dictation,
I conduct training in the formulation of punctuation marks, parse words according to
composition. When the dictations are written, the students check them. Check
carried out purposefully, under my direction. For example, I suggest
first find and check the spelling of all nouns, then
find adjectives and verbs. After such a check, read the text again
and hand over notebooks. Sometimes, when the work is handed over, I ask what it seemed
the most difficult. Then I write difficult spellings on the board. By
fresh tracks correct spellings are better remembered
To individual work with students, I start from the very beginning of the academic
of the year. And I spend classes after school only when the student has a lot of
missed or misunderstood the material. If the student behaved in bad faith


to the completion of the task, from such I demand its secondary completion, sometimes
I leave after class. In other cases, I work individually.
with each lagging student. Practice keeping notebooks for
additional work. Depending on the nature of the errors I put in
notebook student card with the task. Do not give multiple
cards - so as not to burden students with work. Students willingly
work on their mistakes with the help of cards - tasks. Each
independent work on correcting mistakes is checked by the teacher and in
the journal must be given grades on a par with grades for


1. Believe in the abilities of the “underachieving” student and try to convey
2. Remember that it takes time for the underachiever to understand
3. Each lesson is a continuation of the previous one. Multiple repetition
the main material is one of the methods of working with "poorly successful"
4. Giving children hope that they will remember, understand the material, more often
give them the same type of tasks (with the teacher, with the class, on their own).
5. Working with "underachieving" children is a lot of work and patience.
Gradual development of memory, logic, thinking, interest in learning.
6. Don't chase large quantity new information. Choose from
of the material being studied, the main thing is to repeat it many times and consolidate it.
7. Know how to win over such children to yourself. Communication is the main ingredient
any technique. Only then will you get the result of training.
8. Learn to manage a class. Lessons should be varied, then
Students' attention will be riveted to the material being studied.
9. Once you begin to work purposefully with “underachieving” children, remember:
after some time, their group will again be divided into capable, average
10. Learn to involve "underperforming" children in learning more
strong guys. Outlined the material, interviewed the strong, put them to
let be

1. When interviewing “poorly successful” students, it is necessary to give an algorithm

set out

answer; allow the use of the plan drawn up during the preparation
homework; give more time to prepare for the answer at the blackboard;
allow making preliminary notes, use visual
2. Whenever possible, ask students leading questions that will help
3. Systematically check the assimilation of the material on the topics of the lessons, on
which the student was absent for one reason or another.
4. During the survey and when analyzing its results, create an atmosphere
5. In the process of studying new material, the attention of "poorly successful"
students are drawn to the most difficult sections of the topic being studied.
It is necessary to contact them more often with questions that clarify understanding.
educational material, to stimulate students' questions in case of difficulties in
6. During independent work in the classroom for underachieving students
it is recommended to give exercises aimed at eliminating errors,
allowed by them in oral responses or in written works.
7. It is necessary to note the positive moments in their work, difficulties and
indicate ways to eliminate them, provide assistance with simultaneous


(teacher indicates self-identified reasons)

Survey types

Material submission deadlines
Information for parents (date)
The result of the work

Individual table
student ____________________________________________________

Why is it difficult for children at school?

Every year the number of students with learning difficulties is increasing. Already from the first days of schooling, a group of students is identified who have difficulty mastering the program in basic subjects.

At the first manifestation school difficulties attention should be paid, because they begin a serious backlog of the child in school, loss of interest in it and faith in one's own strength. If at the same time he is punished - both by the teacher and the parents (with censure or harsher measures), then the desire to learn disappears for a long time, and sometimes forever. The child begins to consider himself helpless, incapable, and all his efforts are useless. Psychologists are convinced that learning outcomes depend not only on whether a person is able or not able to solve a problem, but also on how confident he is that he can solve this problem. If failures follow one after another, then naturally, there comes a moment when the child says to himself: "No, I will never succeed." Since "never", then there is no need to try! Thrown by mom or dad, among other things: “Well, what a stupid you are!” - exacerbate the child's insecurity. Not only a word, but also just an attitude that you demonstrate (even if unintentionally) with a reproachful look, intonation, gesture, sometimes tells the child more big words. Sometimes parents justify themselves: “Yes, I don’t scold him for his grade, but can he sit quietly in class ?!” The fact is that for a child it is not so important what you are dissatisfied with, for what you scold, for what you reproach - for bad marks or for bad behavior, for fidgeting in class, or for not understanding a learning task. There is only one meaning: they scold me - it means that I am bad, I am not good for anything.

1. Weak level ability development

Each child has his own level of development of memory, thinking, attention and his own limit of possibilities. Someone easily learns for one five, while someone needs to make great efforts to get a solid three. If you suspect that your child is learning poorly for this very reason, your assumption can be confirmed or refuted by child psychologist. He will conduct a series of psychodiagnostic studies and tell you whether they allow intellectual capabilities child to successfully master the school curriculum.

2. Knowledge gaps in academic subjects

Basically, this problem occurs in children who are often absent from school, or in children with slow pace assimilation of information (they do not have enough study time to understand and learn the topic, and the class is already moving on school curriculum). Gradually growing, such gaps in knowledge on the subject lead to the fact that the child needs to make more and more efforts to understand new material.

3. Exaggerated requirements for academic performance

Many parents want to be proud of the success of their child, they dream that he would receive only good marks. But what efforts should the child himself make for this, can he always meet your expectations?

High demands, especially when combined with various punishments for not meeting them, often give the child the feeling that parents love and accept him only when he is successful and has something to be proud of. And then, if the child is able to fulfill the requirements of the parents, he learns well at any cost. Including at the cost of lack of sleep, refusal to communicate with friends, hobbies, etc. This can lead to fatigue nervous breakdowns, depression, fear of making a mistake and other negative consequences.

It is even sadder if the child is not able to fulfill the requirements of the parents, according to different reasons: not enough abilities, not enough willpower to sit for hours over textbooks, etc. Then, faced with failure (low grades), the child is acutely experiencing it. Parents often exacerbate the situation with their criticism and discontent. All this is repeated from time to time, the child feels helpless and gradually ceases to believe in himself, as a result: loss of interest in learning, refusal to do homework, absenteeism, double diaries (for parents and for school), etc. .

4. Inability to subordinate one's behavior to rules and requirements

It is important to note here that there are children who do not know how and children who cannot physically control their behavior (children with hyperactivity and attention disorders, neurological diseases, etc.)

Problems caused physiological characteristics activity of the brain, as a rule, cannot be compensated only by measures of pedagogical and psychological impact, here we also need health care. In cases where we are talking about the inability and unwillingness to comply with existing requirements, our efforts will be directed to creating positive attitude to the rules, study learning motivation, the actualization of the need to be accepted and, possibly, the restructuring of the entire system of norms and rules of conduct. This may require long time and deep joint work of the child himself, his parents and the psychologist.

5. Conflicts at school (with children or teachers)

This problem is quite rare in children studying in primary school, more often parents of teenagers face it. The fact is that there is a very big difference between these two ages. To the children of the younger school age success in learning is very important, so the greatest sympathy is caused by classmates who study well and do not experience behavioral problems. The teacher for them is most often an important and authoritative person.

For teenagers, everything is completely different: for them, it is more important how they look in the eyes of their peers, whether they enjoy the authority and respect of their peers, whether they are accepted by classmates. The significance of the figure of the teacher and school success fade into the background. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of relations in the classroom, the younger student needs to become successful in his studies, while the teenager has the opposite - conflicts in the classroom can provoke a significant drop in academic performance. And only by solving the issues of concern for a teenager at school, he can focus on his studies.

Conflicts happen in any team, and if a child knows how to deal with them, then there is nothing wrong with that. The danger comes when the situation gets out of control and becomes unfavorable for the child (affects his status in the team, emotional well-being, the right to receive objective marks, etc.).

6. Lack of interest in learning

This reason rarely occurs on its own, much more often the reluctance to learn is the result of various difficulties that the child encounters in connection with school: failures, conflicts, frequent criticism teachers and parents, a constant feeling that he is worse than others, etc. That is, any of the above problems can lead to a lack of interest in learning. In this case, it is necessary to understand what is the primary problem and pay special attention to its solution.

Only by understanding what factors led to a decrease in academic performance and unwillingness to learn, you can effectively help your child. After all, in different cases it is necessary different methods help.

What can parents do if school difficultiesyet appeared?

First - do not consider them as a personal tragedy, do not despair and, most importantly, try not to show your grief and discontent. Remember: your the main task- help the child. Therefore, accept and love him as he is, then it will be easier for him at school.

Second - tune in and get ready for the fact that you have a long joint work with the child (he cannot cope with his problems alone).

Third - yours main help: to maintain his self-confidence, try to relieve him of a sense of tension and guilt for failure. If you are busy with your own affairs and snatch a moment to ask how you are doing, or scold, this is not help, but the basis for new problems to arise.

Fourth - forget the phrase "What did you get today?" Don't demand that your child immediately talk about his school affairs, especially if he is upset or upset. Leave him alone, he will tell you everything if he is sure of your support.

Fifth Do not discuss the child's problems with the teacher in his presence. It's better to do it without him. Never reproach, do not scold the child if his classmates or friends are nearby. Do not emphasize the successes of other children, admire them.

sixth – you should be interested in doing homework only when you constantly help him. Be patient when working together. After all, the work of overcoming school difficulties is very tiring and requires the ability to restrain yourself, not raise your voice, calmly repeat and explain the same thing several times - without reproaches and irritation. Typical parental complaints: “I don’t have any strength ... I exhausted all my nerves ...” usually such classes end in tears: “I can’t restrain myself, I scream, otherwise I’ll crack.” Do you understand what's the matter? An adult cannot restrain himself, but the child is to blame. All parents feel sorry for themselves, but the child is very rare ...

For some reason, parents believe that if there are difficulties in writing, you need to write more; if he does not read well, read more; if he thinks badly, solve more examples. But this tiresome, unsatisfying occupation kills the joy of the work itself! Therefore, do not overload the child with what he does not succeed.

It is very important that nothing interferes with you during classes, so that the child feels that you are with him and for him. Never demand that the child immediately start doing the task on his own. First, take everything together with him, make sure that everything is clear to him.

It is equally important to decide with which of the adults it is better for the child to do homework. Moms are usually softer - but they often lack patience, and emotions are over the edge ... Dads are tougher, but calmer. Try to avoid such situations when one of the adults loses patience, calls for a change and “for reprisal” of another.

A child with school problems rare cases will fully know what he is given at home. And there is no malice: the fact is that homework is almost always given at the end of the lesson, when the class is already noisy, and your “lagging behind” student is tired and almost does not hear the teacher. Therefore, at home, he can quite sincerely say "Nothing was asked." In this case, ask your classmates about homework.

When preparing homework, the total duration of continuous work should not exceed 20-30 minutes. Pauses after such work are required!

Do not strive at any cost and spare no time to do everything at once.

seventh - try to find contact with the teacher, because the child needs help and support from both sides.

eighth - the most important thing in helping a child is a reward for his work, and not only in words. Unfortunately, parents often forget about this. And if this is not done, the child, starting to work, may think: “There is no point in trying, no one will notice my success.” The reward is obligatory; it can be a joint walk, a trip to the zoo, to the cinema ...

ninth children with school problems you need a measured and clear regime of the day. We must not forget: such children are usually restless, not collected, which means that it is not at all easy for them to follow the regime.

If the child has difficulty getting up, do not pull him, do not rush, do not push him again; It's better to set your alarm clock half an hour earlier.

Perhaps the most hard time- the evening when it's time to go to bed. Parents strive to quickly put the little student to bed, and he, as best he can, is playing for time. Often this ends in a quarrel, tears, reproaches. And then the child cannot calm down and fall asleep for a long time ... You can give him some freedom (allowing him to go to bed not exactly at nine, but from nine to half past ten). Complete (without any learning tasks) rest on Sunday and especially during the holidays.

tenth , and lastly, the timeliness and correctness of the measures taken significantly increase the chances of success. Therefore, if you yourself cannot determine what prevents your child from succeeding in educational activities and how to help him, or if you are not completely sure of the correctness of your position in relation to the child, it is best to seek help from specialists (psychologist, teacher, speech therapist, neurologist, child psychiatrist). They will help to establish the cause of school difficulties, and suggest how to get out of this situation. And follow all their recommendations!

Teacher's individual work

to fill gaps in students' knowledge

The epistemology of human cognitive activity is due to the fact that a person, like any highly developed creature, has an instinct for self-preservation, accompanied by a sense of anxiety and fear, historically the main driving force to the knowledge of the surrounding world, society and oneself. The self-learning function of the human body is responsible for the accumulation of experience that ensures the functioning of this organism. Using the accumulated knowledge and skills, a person transforms the reality around him and thereby expands his life-supporting capabilities necessary for his existence in nature and in society. All children from birth have the ability and natural need to learn - self-learning. But despite this, the existing pedagogical system with an outdated authoritarian ideology, methods and organization of the educational process manages to kill the natural need for education in many students.

Natural education is a development that comes from within a person - self-education is a process of learning.

The main role in the development of the student is played by his personal system of managing cognitive activity. For this

First, to reduce the discrepancy in the assessment of knowledge by the teacher and students,
we give students the norms for assessing the knowledge of the acquired material in the form of:

· A score of "5" marks the answer, showing a deep understanding of the studied material.

· A score of "4" marks the answer, showing a complete understanding of the educational material.

· A score of "3" evaluates the answer, showing a partial understanding and partial ignorance of the educational material.

· A score of "2" evaluates the answer, revealing only a slight knowledge of the educational material.

· A score of "1" evaluates the answer, showing complete ignorance of the educational material.

Moreover, the correct answer is only implied, since the student can, having misperceived the material, interpret it as correct. Therefore, we leave the control of the correctness of the perceived material and the further development of students on the path of truth to the teacher. In this regard, the question arises - "How to evaluate the performance of creative tasks, for example, solving a problem?" It is necessary to evaluate in the same way, but completed creative tasks must be checked during the correction of knowledge and skills to determine the correctness of the completed task and, if possible, do not lower the mark for an incorrectly completed task.

Secondly, we divide the educational material (homework) into parts, into logical portions in accordance with the stages of concept formation (from 3 to 6). Homework, in the form of parts of a new educational material, is written down before its explanation. Practice shows that when the material is presented in the form of specific structural logical blocks, it becomes possible to significantly improve the assimilation of the studied material by students while reducing the load on them. In such a block, as a rule, the leading thought stands out, which is shown to the students. Breaking the material into blocks sharpens the attention of students during the explanation of the new. Students grasp the main idea more easily, work calmly, understand the details of new material in detail. Studying the material in blocks greatly simplifies the students' self-assessment of their knowledge and skills and makes it concrete and reliable. Since students will grade themselves for the assimilation of each block. The teacher, in turn, will see what portion of the educational material and how each student learned it.

Therefore, the explanation of the new material by the teacher acts as an explanation for the students to complete the homework. This automatically stimulates the self-education of students. We propose to assess the assimilation of each part of the educational material or the performance of certain tasks by students on a five-point system, and the rounded arithmetic mean of these assessments is an assessment of the student's knowledge of a particular educational material. This is the grade that the student claims and undertakes to defend if given the opportunity. Thus, we stimulate and practically introduce self-esteem.

Thirdly, some sanctions are put forward.

For example, in the case of a significant overestimation of self-esteem, the student is invited to defend one or two previous self-assessments at the next lesson, or this assessment is not put in the journal at all - which is even more undesirable for the student, etc.

Along with lowering grades, it is very important to encourage students, especially "weak" ones, by celebrating their success in front of the class-audience. When a student is supported, encouraged, they say: “We believe in you, you are capable, you are thinking, talented, you are strong, you can overcome yourself, you can force yourself, you will achieve ..., you will be the best”, thus we program his effective further educational activity. The naturally created scenario of cultivating a winner should systematically develop the ability and perseverance of this student in overcoming educational and life difficulties.

At the same time, the teacher should monitor the uniform frequency of students' defense of self-assessments and more often invite to defend their assessment those students who, due to bad faith, had cases of a significant overestimation of self-esteem. A number of conscientious students can be given full confidence in this matter, and as practice shows, this is fully justified. Moreover, the conscientiousness of students does not depend on their academic performance, it can be excellent students and poorly performing students.

Such activities allow maintaining students' self-esteem, and for the teacher, feedback at a fairly high reliable level.

In order for students to have no gaps in knowledge and skills, for this, each student in each lesson in the journal should have his indirect self-assessment for a specific concept. If in some cell of the journal there is no assessment, or it is very low grade, then this is a signal to the teacher and the student about specific gaps in the knowledge or skills of this student.

Since self-assessment of knowledge and skills is carried out at each lesson, an incentive is put forward for students to eliminate absenteeism, and hence gaps in knowledge. Namely: for a quarter, for a half year (semester), students give themselves a rounded grade, consisting of the sum of all points divided by the number training sessions in a quarter or half a year (semester) this subject. In this case, the students themselves calculate their final grade and make every effort to eliminate the gaps in knowledge and skills and try to prevent absenteeism for these subjects, even good reasons. They are asked to accept a credit for the missing material in order to avoid gaps in knowledge, and so that the final grade is high.

AT traditional system learning, when the teacher conducts a survey, checks knowledge, then naturally, the student tries to hide, hide his ignorance. In our technology of the educational process, the student tries to eliminate his own ignorance, his mistakes. He asks questions to the teacher, asks the students, that is, he takes the initiative. Students understand that it is not the error itself that is terrible, but its concealment, which can manifest itself in the final control. Mistakes are natural in the learning process; it is a means of learning. All mankind learns from mistakes. Therefore, the students themselves are trying to clarify, understand, find out, either with the help of classmates or with the help of a teacher, what they were not able to hide gaps in knowledge and skills in independent homework is simply not profitable for them. Moreover, in the future they will have to report either on thematic or on the final test of knowledge and skills.

Carefully verified on a large educational material data of practical pedagogical work in this system, the exercises showed that the active involvement of the student in the analysis and evaluation of his educational activities forms his conscientious attitude towards self-learning and the reliability of self-assessment of his knowledge and skills. Systematic self-assessment of knowledge and skills is of great educational importance for students, educates them in such important personal qualities as self-criticism and self-criticism, disciplines them, educates their will, character, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal, encourages them to systematically prepare for each lesson to complete tasks in a timely and conscientious manner. The students begin to effectively function a dual control system within one personality, this is a controlling and executive system, which is simultaneously the formation of a mechanism for self-awareness of self-control and self-esteem. Self-control of students gives them self-confidence in their abilities. The presence of self-control skills indicates a high level of independence.

A student who receives an unsatisfactory grade in traditional education perceives this as a punishment, and any punishment does not have a positive impact on learning activities and relationships with the teacher. Giving yourself an unsatisfactory grade is not a form of punishment for the student, but only a signal for the teacher about his not being successful enough. academic work on the this stage and involves continuing cooperation with the teacher on this topic.

During the educational process based on the democratic ideology of cooperation, a calm atmosphere, goodwill and mutual assistance are automatically created, a sense of collectivism appears, which are components of the effectiveness of training. Feedback based on self-assessment of knowledge and skills of students based on the course material completed over a certain period of time, they allow both the students themselves to systematically monitor their preparation, and the teacher allows them to provide timely assistance to students.

This technology creates motivation among students to systematically improve the quality of their education, as a result, the concept of continuing education. The more often a student participates in self-assessment various kinds tasks, the better he learns the program material. Students are relaxed, do not feel any fear in anticipation of a call, since they are independent of the teacher’s evaluative arbitrariness, they know that they will confidently protect the assessment that they have given themselves, therefore they work actively and with pleasure, the teacher’s attention is benevolently focused on correcting students’ mistakes and blunders, on stimulating good luck with learning the material. In such a lesson of cooperation, students master the self-regulation of their learning activities, everything works out for everyone, everyone understands everything, a feeling of success in learning is born.

When success becomes stable to some extent, constant in one way or another, a kind of “chain reaction” begins, releasing huge, hitherto hidden opportunities for students due to natural desire avoiding failure, they change the level of self-esteem, self-esteem, the degree of internal and external recognition of their achievements, even the most insignificant. Discipline has noticeably improved, the talkativeness of the former so-called “weak” has stopped in the classroom, and the attention and concentration of students has increased.

It is natural to believe that the proposed method of including a student in the process of analyzing and evaluating their own work does not mean that the teacher is excluded from this process. The teacher always has the opportunity to adjust the value of both current and final grades. But under this condition, pedagogical assessment does not come to students from outside, they themselves actively participate in the process of self-assessment. Success in the work of students is an indicator of the success of a teacher's work, the basis for the formation of a student's personality, this is his inner comfort, his joyful mood, the basis of mutual understanding between the teacher and students, the basis of positive motivation for learning. There is a desire among students to solve more and more difficult learning problems.

This is exactly what our organization of the educational process is set up for. By increasing the efficiency of the educational process, the curriculum of the subject is assimilated by students much faster. Therefore, there is additional time for subsequent repetition, generalization, solving creative problems and, of course, for correcting the knowledge and skills of students.

The result of the introduction of this ideology and the organization of training exceeds all expectations of its effectiveness. The teacher, as it were, opens a third eye, he sees much more in the real picture of the cognitive process of students and the specific problems of a higher order that open up for his pedagogical activity. Along with the high quality of the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, organizational, communicative, volitional and motivational components are automatically formed in students. There is a spontaneous transition from external motivation learning to internal moral-volitional regulation of self-learning. In practice, a departure is being created in the orientation of education from the average student to an individualized approach to each student. Thus, an absolutely conflict-free highly effective organization of the educational process is created, achieving a favorable ratio between communicative activity student and teacher, ensuring the effectiveness of the activities of each student, which is the main thing in determining the volume and quality of educational tasks solved in the classroom.

In the described technology of the educational process, the leading trend in the development of education is clearly manifested, which consists in the fact that the assimilation of program material from the goal of learning becomes a means of such emotional, social and intellectual development of the student, which ensures the transition from learning to self-education.

Causes of student failure: poor development of the intellect, features of higher nervous system, lack of cognitive interests and low motivation for learning, gaps in knowledge, skills of educational work are not developed, negative influence out-of-school environment (family, peers), shortcomings of the educational influence of the teaching staff and the class.

It is necessary to create a characteristic of an underachieving student, find out the reasons, outline ways to create success for these students, work in contact with the student, teacher, and parents.

The student must be able to clearly represent the visual appearance of the word, so the main assistant in acquiring this skill is reading. Pupils in grades 9-11 need to read up to 10 pages of printed text daily.

Keep a special handwritten reference book with reference diagrams, tables, notes. Write or underline examples in different colors. Highlighted in color is better remembered.

Work regularly with linguistic dictionaries, let them become your reference books.

Systematically and efficiently complete the tasks given by the teacher at home: they help to consolidate knowledge, skills and develop spelling and punctuation literacy.

From semantics to grammar. Comprehend, compare, learn to analyze, synthesize, establish patterns, build associative series, making figurative memory work.

Intensive work of thought and willpower is a necessary condition for improving the quality of academic performance.
Regularly attend additional classes to improve knowledge, skills and abilities. Don't miss out on tutoring.

In the classroom, teachers use control and measuring materials to prepare for the exam previous years, as well as demo materials 2009. The practical orientation of the work of teachers is visible: to develop strong ZUN in order to prepare students for the exam. Held current check knowledge in the form of a test survey. But tasks are used mainly of two levels of complexity (type A and B of the USE materials), based on learning opportunities the majority of the students in the class. At the lesson of social studies, students learn to write an essay, answering a problematic question, types of activities and forms of tasks in the lesson in English comply exam tickets, in the lessons of the history of Russia, test tasks are used, in the lessons world history students prepare for oral answers to ticket questions, for which work is being done to develop speech, students give reasoned answers, express own opinion based on facts. Thus, the content of the teaching material of the lessons, the organization of independent activities of students, the optimal combination of forms of organizing the cognitive activity of students, the current and final control of the knowledge of students - all this contributes to the formation of strong knowledge of learning, preparation for exams.



Annex to Protocol No. 4

Speaker: Vardasheva T.N.

Work to fill gaps in students' knowledge.

One of the main problems that the teachers of our schools have to solve is the work with low-achieving students. Low achievers are considered to be students who have weak mental abilities and weak learning skills, a low level of memory, or those who lack effective learning motives. It is no secret that such students exist in schools. To prevent this category of students from becoming underachieving, systematic work with underachieving students is necessary. I would like to focus on working with students who are lagging behind in Russian.
In the big and important problem of combating student underachievement and improving the quality of knowledge, I see two sides: the problem of preventing underachievement and the problem of filling gaps in students' knowledge.
The failure of students is generated by numerous and varied reasons, depending both on the teacher himself (his experience, training, his methodology), and on the student himself. The efforts of all teachers should be aimed at eliminating the causes that result in student failure. The prevention of failure is carried out by staging classes as a whole.
Working with lagging students involves a mandatory individual approach to students, as well as individual tasks for individual students. These tasks should be considered as supplementary to what is given to the whole class.
A lagging student has to do more work than a successful student. Therefore, these tasks should be small. For example, a small card from didactic material.
In every class, as you know, there are students who have serious gaps in knowledge and skills. These students experience great difficulties in working on educational material and need constant attention from the teacher both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Only under this condition can such students eliminate gaps in knowledge and rise to the level of the whole class.
The first thing individual work begins with is the study of students, gaps in their knowledge and the causes of these gaps, psychological characteristics, etc.
Carefully studying my students, I see that some of them have unstable attention, it is difficult for them to concentrate on educational material, others strive for mechanical memorization of rules and conclusions, and others are slow in work.
Some students have more developed visual memory, others - auditory, and others - motor. In any class there are students who do not know the discipline of mental labor. This manifests itself during the presentation or repetition of the material, and even more so in the process of independent work. The task of the teacher is to study the individual characteristics of students and provide them with timely assistance, to facilitate their work on educational material. When organizing individual work with students, it is important to arouse their interest in classes and the desire to eliminate gaps in knowledge, and for this it is necessary to instill in them faith in their own strength. It is necessary to reveal to the students the reasons for their lagging behind and indicate ways to close the gaps; it is necessary to closely monitor the students, help them in the classroom and in homework, and note their slightest successes. The desire to learn is formed in the process of successful work on the material, so it is important to organize individual assistance in such a way that the student constantly feels his progress. As experience shows, often even a slight advance inspires students, excites them to work more intensively and increases their interest in classes, and this ensures their successful assimilation of the material. Some believe that individual assistance to students is only work with them outside the classroom. This, of course, is not true. Individual work with students is, first of all, constant attention to each of them during the lesson: during the survey of students, in the process of presenting and consolidating the material, and also when explaining homework.
Group additional classes are organized only in the most exceptional cases.
Such groups should be small in terms of the number of students involved in them. These are mainly those students who missed classes for any reason or those who do not understand something.
How do I organize individual work with students?
First of all, I try to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each student, I keep track of which students are lagging behind in what, which rule they make mistakes.
When doing written exercises, when checking homework, I pay special attention to those who are lagging behind: I give them individual tasks, I work with each student on the mistakes made. When analyzing mistakes, I pay special attention to typical mistakes that many students make in control dictations. These errors are discussed in class.
The main thing is individual work with each lagging behind. To account for mistakes in the Russian language, I start a special notebook in which a page is allocated where the topic of the lesson is fixed (which is difficult for children to give and put + or - next to each surname). Having established what mistakes this or that student makes, I give the task according to the textbook or card for this rule. After each control dictation, the words for those rules that the students have already learned are crossed out in his card, and new words, in the spelling of which mistakes were made in the dictation, are entered in the card. Valuable in this form of organization of individual homework of students in the Russian language is that it does not require cumbersome accounting. Preparation for this work is also not time-consuming for the teacher. In my work, I also use individual cards. Individual additional work of students gives a great effect. But it requires hard work of the student and the teacher, since the student needs to do additional work, and the teacher needs to check.
A very good technique for working on errors is, in my opinion, such a method. I write out errors from 2 - 3 control dictations with their explanation. After the children meaningfully learn the rule and learn the words in which they made mistakes, an independent task is given: write a creative dictation or essay using words and sentences with errors.
Control work in the wake of your mistakes is very useful. The forms and methods of individual work in Russian language lessons are diverse. In preparation for the lesson, I plan which of the students during the survey should be given more time to prepare, and who should be given less time, whom to ask at the table, at the blackboard, to whom to give a card.
When interviewing 1 student, I focus on the practical part of the material, on the ability to apply the rule, from another I demand an explanation of the meaning of the rule, from 3 - to achieve a clear, consistent retelling according to the plan. As additional material 1 - analysis by composition, 2 - explanation of the spelling of words, 3 - declension or conjugation of words.
An important role is played by individual work with students during the explanation of the material. It can take a variety of forms: I address some students with questions, I offer others to give examples, and I involve others in the analysis of illustrations. It activates educational process, involves all students in the work and helps those who are lagging behind to learn the material. The question of which of the students to offer which task, I also decide taking into account their individual characteristics.
If a student is characterized by instability of attention, i.e. inattentive, I turn to him with questions, involve him in the analysis of examples, suggest repeating the relevant position, for students who memorize the material mechanically, I suggest picking up their own examples, explain spelling or punctuation marks, retell the rule in your own words.
As didactic material during the presentation, I use examples in which students made mistakes in written work.
Learning spelling is a complex process. There are many ways to master spelling. They arise not only from the specifics of the educational material, but also from the psychological characteristics of children. The teacher must take into account these features and, above all, all types of students' memory.
In practice, this means that in the process of explaining, the teacher must combine the word with visualization, the story with elements of conversation, the analysis of the examples written on the blackboard with the analysis of the examples selected by the students, since the memory of children is different: visual, auditory, motor. Consolidation of spelling material is one of the most important stages of the lesson.
One of the common shortcomings in the teaching of the Russian language is the underestimation of auditory tasks, especially when reinforcing. When doing classwork or homework, students usually perceive the spelling visually, reinforcing its visual image only with motor perception. The sound image, as a rule, does not participate in this process. It is not surprising, therefore, that even successful students make mistakes in auditory dictations for this rule. This is explained simply: in the process of working on the material, the students were focused on the visual and motor perception of orthograms, and during the dictation - on the auditory, that is, on the type of memory that did not participate in the work on the material. This shows that when working on a spelling, the teacher must combine tasks in such a way that all types of students' memory participate in its assimilation. To this end, I practice the preliminary pronunciation of individual words (words with unpronounceable consonants, unverifiable vowels, etc.) I conduct warning, explanatory dictations.
I carry out an individual approach to students in preparation for the test. I start preparing for the dictation a few days before it. Before the dictation, I inform you what needs to be specifically repeated. I give words for memorization that are difficult and can be found in dictation, I train in punctuation marks, we analyze words by composition. When the dictations are written, the students check them. The audit is carried out purposefully, under my direction. For example, I suggest that they first find and check the spelling of all nouns, then find adjectives and verbs. After such a check, they read the text again and hand over the notebooks. Sometimes, when the work is handed over, I ask what seemed the most difficult. Then I write difficult spellings on the board. Following fresh footsteps, the correct spellings are better fixed in the memory of students.
I begin individual work with students from the very beginning of the school year. And I conduct classes after lessons only when the student missed a lot or did not understand the material. If the student treated the task in bad faith, I demand that he perform it again, sometimes I leave it after class. In other cases, I work individually with each lagging student. I practice keeping notebooks for additional work. Depending on the nature of the mistakes, I put a card with the task in the student's notebook. You should not give several cards at once - so as not to burden students with work. Students willingly work on their mistakes with the help of cards - tasks. Each independent work to correct errors is checked by the teacher and grades are necessarily given in the journal on a par with grades for control work.


1. Have faith in the abilities of the “underachieving” student and try to convey this belief to him.
2. Remember that it takes time for the "poor performer" to understand the material covered. You can't rush him.
3. Each lesson is a continuation of the previous one. Repeated repetition of the main material is one of the methods of working with "poorly successful" students.
4. Giving children hope that they will remember, understand the material, give them the same type of tasks more often (with a teacher, with a class, on their own).
5. Working with "underachieving" children is a lot of work and patience. Gradual development of memory, logic, thinking, interest in learning.
6. Don't chase too much new information. Choose the main thing from the studied material, repeat it many times and fix it.
7. Know how to win over such children to yourself. Communication is the main component of any technique. Only then will you get the result of training.
8. Learn to manage a class. Lessons should be varied, then the attention of students will be riveted to the material being studied.
9. Having begun to purposefully work with “poorly successful” children, remember: after a while, their group will again break up - into capable, average and ... “poorly successful”.
10. Learn to involve stronger children in teaching "poor" children. We presented the material, interviewed the strong - put them in the "weak", and let their studies continue.

1. When questioning "poorly successful" students, it is necessary to give an answer algorithm; allow to use the plan drawn up during the preparation of homework; give more time to prepare for the answer at the blackboard; allow to make preliminary notes, use visual aids.
2. Whenever possible, ask students leading questions that will help them present the material consistently.
3. Systematically check the assimilation of the material on the topics of the lessons where the student was absent for one reason or another.
4. During the survey and when analyzing its results, create an atmosphere of goodwill.
5. In the process of studying new material, the attention of “poorly successful” students is drawn to the most difficult sections of the topic under study. It is necessary to contact them more often with questions that clarify the understanding of the educational material, to stimulate students' questions in case of difficulties in mastering new material.
6. In the course of independent work in the lesson, weak students are recommended to give exercises aimed at eliminating the mistakes they make in oral answers or in written work.
7. It is necessary to note positive moments in their work, difficulties and indicate ways to eliminate them, provide assistance with the simultaneous development of independence in learning.