How are gender roles established? Cognitive and social theories


Women's problems: how to remove pain during menstruation?

Pain and discomfort during menstruation, a common phenomenon, almost every young woman faces this problem. Many women have already come to terms with this, and do not even try to get rid of the pain during menstruation or find out the cause of its occurrence. In this article, we will talk about possible reasons painful periods, and also answer the question: how to remove pain during menstruation.

Causes that can cause painful periods

Before trying to get rid of pain, you need to find the root cause of their occurrence. Pain and discomfort can be caused by various diseases in the genitals. Most often, painful periods are observed with endometriosis, fibroids, with polyps in the uterus or with adhesions in the abdominal region. It happens that pain occurs after a woman has installed an intrauterine device. Therefore, the first thing to do with regular pain during menstruation is to go to the gynecologist for an appointment.

After examination, if no serious disease is detected, and painful periods continue, it can be assumed that their cause may be excessive contraction of the uterus, which displaces the exfoliated mucous membrane. This feature of the uterus is most often associated with an excess of prostaglandins in the body. This substance significantly enhances contractions and the degree and frequency of menstrual pain depends on its quantity.

Also pretty common causes pain can become stress and anxiety. At the same time, a woman feels weakness, irritability, deterioration of memory and attention during menstruation.

Are you ready for a baby and you want to.

Ways to help manage pain:

The easiest thing to do is to take an analgesic, antispasmodic, or combination drug that combines antispasmodic and analgesic properties. Before taking the medicine, it is better to consult a doctor and carefully study the instructions for the drug.

You can try putting a warm heating pad or a small bottle of warm water to the lower abdomen. This procedure increases blood circulation in the uterus and at the same time reduces pain from severe spasms. The heating pad can be on the stomach for no more than fifteen minutes, otherwise prolonged exposure to heat may increase the release of blood.

Hot tea with herbs (chamomile, lemon balm) or any other warm drink helps well. During menstruation, it is recommended to drink as much as possible, as this significantly improves well-being.

- "belly breathing" can relieve pain for a while and bring relief. You need to breathe as follows: put a book on your stomach and slowly inhaling, lift it up bottom belly. When the book rises to its maximum height, you need to try to hold it with your abdominal muscles for a few seconds. The exercise is done within 2-5 minutes.

To relieve menstrual cramps, you can do a lower back massage or just a light massage. in a circular motion. Can also be massaged active points on the body. For example, click on a point that is located in the center of the back and on the coccyx.

Traditional medicine offers infusions of medicinal herbs that will help relieve pain during menstruation. This is an infusion of raspberry leaves, oregano, chamomile. Infusions are best drunk warm, taking small sips throughout the day.

Is it possible to remove the pain during menstruation with the help of food restrictions?

In order for painful menstruation not to become a permanent occurrence, a woman needs to observe following rules supply:

Before and during menstruation, you can not eat a lot of meat, dairy and flour products;

Drink more vegetable juices;

Take a complex of vitamins and minerals that contains calcium, magnesium, B vitamins and vitamin A;

One day before menstruation, you can lead a fasting day or spend a fasting day.

How to overcome pain with the help of special exercises?

When the stomach and lower back hurt, it is difficult for a woman to force herself to move or do exercises. But, nevertheless, moderate physical activity can help relieve pain. Calm walking, as well as the following exercises, will help reduce pain:

Lying on your back, you need to raise your legs to the wall at an angle of 90 degrees and lie in this position for several minutes;

Lying on your stomach, resting your hands on the floor, gently raise your chest and bend as much as possible;

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and leaning on your feet, bend your stomach up, then go down.

To relieve pain during menstruation, you can combine several methods with each other. For example, do exercises and drink herbal teas, follow a diet. An extremely necessary condition for getting rid of painful periods is the absence of stress and chronic infections in the genitals of a woman.

watch the video:

Almost every woman takes painkillers during menstruation in order to eliminate painful discomfort in the lower abdomen. Physiologically, menstrual pain is not a pathology, but if they are strong, accompanied by other painful symptoms (dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, etc.), then we can talk about secondary dysmenorrhea (algodysmenorrhea).

From the point of view of physiology, pain during menstruation is not a pathology and does not always indicate the presence of any disease of the female genital area. Menstrual pain occurs because there is a rejection of part of the uterine endometrium with an unfertilized egg and some blood. The situation is reminiscent of a mini-birth, as the uterus contracts.

Primary dysmenorrhea often occurs during puberty in girls, when the cycle is not yet stable and hormones have not returned to normal. Also, the provoking factors of pain are severe stress, neurological disorders, depression. Lack of physical activity and some diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine) can indirectly affect the pain of menstruation.

There are a number of factors that exacerbate unpleasant symptoms and cause secondary algomenorrhea:

  1. Any infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, not only the reproductive system (adnexitis,), but also the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis), intestines.
  2. Adhesive process that developed as a result of a chronic course.
  3. Neoplasms of the uterus and ovaries (of various origins, polyps, fibroids).
  4. Endometriosis of the uterus or ovaries, when the cells of the uterine endometrium begin to multiply pathologically and extend beyond the uterus.
  5. vascular changes, varicose veins veins in the pelvis.
  6. Hormonal disruptions, as well as taking certain hormonal drugs.
  7. Any surgical intervention, including abortion.
  8. The intrauterine device can indirectly cause excessive pain if any infection was introduced during its installation or removal.
  9. Vitamin deficiency, lack of magnesium can cause pain not only during menstruation, but also in the middle of the cycle, and also increase premenstrual syndrome. With PMS with a lack of magnesium, mood swings, depression, and soreness during ovulation also increase.

If the intensity of pain is such that it is impossible to cope with it without medication, then you need to consult a doctor for a comprehensive diagnosis and to establish the cause of dysmenorrhea. The doctor will tell you how to get rid of pain during menstruation through drug therapy and alternative methods. It is necessary to treat dysmenorrhea in two directions: elimination of its cause and symptomatic therapy in order to relieve pain.

How to relieve pain during menstruation

After the gynecologist identifies the cause of dysmenorrhea, treatment and removal of painful symptoms are prescribed. It could be drug therapy folk remedies and non-drug therapies.

Only a gynecologist can prescribe painkillers during menstruation!

How to relieve pain with medication

Analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and antispasmodics can relieve pain during menstruation.

Papaverine, No-shpa (a good pain reliever), Spazmalgon, Spazgan, Trigan help relieve the symptoms of dysmenorrhea. They act on the muscles of the small pelvis, relieving spasms. Contraindications to their use are renal, hepatic and heart failure, lactation and hypersensitivity to drug ingredients.

Analgesics are able to reduce the intensity of algomenorrhea by acting on the central nervous system(on the centers of the brain responsible for sensitivity to pain). Pentalgin, Sedalgin, Tempalgin have proven themselves well.

NSAIDs include Nise ( a large number of reviews that it is the best pain reliever for menstruation), Ibuprofen. You can use not only painkillers for menstruation, but also rectal suppositories, for example, Naproxen, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin. The latter is aimed at getting rid of pain, however, it has a number of contraindications and side effects.

If dysmenorrhea is caused by hormonal disorders, then taking the above drugs is not necessary. It is enough to choose the right hormone replacement to relieve menstrual pain.

Remember! Painkillers should be taken only after consulting a doctor, even though many of them are available from pharmacies without a prescription.

If algomenorrhea appeared due to severe stress, neurosis, depression, other psychological factors, then along with painkillers, it is necessary to take medications aimed at correcting psycho emotional state. Both mild sedatives (for example, motherwort, valerian) and more serious therapy - antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics and other psychotropic drugs can be used here.

Even in the absence of severe beriberi, doctors often prescribe complex vitamin preparations containing beneficial trace elements for a supporting purpose: iodine, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, etc., which can also reduce the manifestation of dysmenorrhea.

How to relieve pain during menstruation folk methods

These are usually herbal infusions that should be brewed and taken warm as a tea. However, here you should pay attention to the fact that some herbs are strong allergens, some cannot be taken during lactation, so a doctor's consultation is also necessary.

Herbs, the action of which is aimed at reducing menstrual pain, include chamomile, horsetail, elecampane root, hogweed, peppermint, raspberries and a number of others. All of them are sold in a pharmacy in free access, the release form is very convenient - filter bags. The method of preparation of such funds is also simple - brew with boiling water according to the attached instructions, cool and drink for pain.

Herbal treatment can be used as an adjunct to medications.

Many women begin to remove the pain that has appeared during menstruation with the help of warm compresses. This is a common misconception. All doctors agree that it is absolutely not necessary to warm the stomach and lower back in case of pain, since this will not only not bring relief, but can also aggravate the situation. You should also not take a hot bath during this period, you should limit yourself to a warm shower.

How to reduce pain during menstruation without drugs

In addition to the above methods for eliminating the symptoms of algomenorrhea, there are also other alternative methods. These include:

  • getting rid of stress, normalizing the emotional state. This can be facilitated by taking special medications, as well as regular vacations and good rest;
  • fight with bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol, which poison the body, violate protective barriers and generally do not add health;
  • moderate but regular physical exercise tone the muscle corset (including the abdominal muscles), so the pain will decrease over time. You can do jogging, yoga, body flex, go to the gym, group fitness programs, etc.
  • Proper nutrition helps speed up metabolism, eliminates excess weight helps work gastrointestinal tract. All this together has a positive effect on women's health and promotes healthier menstruation;
  • Hiking even during menstruation can reduce the manifestation of pain symptoms;
  • proper organization of the daily routine, compliance with the regime of work, rest, sufficient sleep (at least 8 hours) prevent the occurrence of stress and feelings chronic fatigue thereby increasing the body's resistance to dysmenorrhea.


It is important to know how to relieve pain during menstruation, but it is equally important to follow preventive measures so that such pains either do not occur at all, or their course does not chain a woman to bed for several days.

  1. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, especially in the autumn-winter period. Hypothermia, first of all, strikes at the immune system, therefore it can often cause acute inflammatory processes in the form and oophoritis, as well as exacerbate existing chronic processes. As a result - very painful periods.
  2. Timely eliminate stressful situations that can lead not only to algomenorrhea, but also to more serious consequences.
  3. Regularly engage in physical activity.
  4. Once every six months, undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist for inflammation.
  5. Maintaining a regular sexual life improves blood circulation in the pelvic region, improves metabolic processes, normalizes hormones and simply improves mood.

Compliance with all these rules will make you forget about dysmenorrhea, and menstruation will be almost asymptomatic.

Exercises to reduce pain during the menstrual cycle:

Yoga to relieve painful discomfort during menstruation

Before the dawn of the 21st century, it seemed that only technology will evolve in the world of the future, but with its transformation into the world of the present, it turned out that it is still far from ideal. Even after seeing the sixth iPhone, we still continue to dress boys in blue, and girls in pink, and when they grow up, we expect “male” and “female” actions from them. However, in society new round went slow but right process revision of established standards and connections - it turned out that following him is no less interesting than following the adventures of the Higgs boson. We talk a lot about the perception of physicality, with ourselves, as well as how important it is for our common comfort and love for the diversity and uniqueness of people in a multicultural global reality. However, this process is impossible without an understanding of how the existing models of relations have developed, how ideas about the “correct” or “traditional” have been entrenched in our minds, and why changes are inevitable. We start a big conversation about gender roles - the social perception of gender - and what happens in modern world with the concepts of "man" and "woman".

Text: Alice Taezhnaya
Photo: Vera Mishurina

Stay in my skin
How Gender Roles Work

To understand how strongly our behavior is dictated by gender roles, it is enough to analyze a day in life modern man. Unless, of course, you live in seclusion, then those around you, guided by the understandable and learned experience of millennia-old patriarchy, most likely expect you to be included in the generally accepted system of values ​​and concepts. A determined son and an attentive daughter, a disciplined husband and a calm wife, an authoritative father and an affectionate mother, an enterprising subordinate and an understanding boss - we unconsciously fit into this coordinate system so as not to be strangers among our own.

The dramaturgy of comedy and tragedy is based on gender roles. Remember episode"Friends" about the male nanny: everyone becomes more comfortable when the nanny becomes a girl, and not the sentimental and often crying guy Sandy with a perfect education and amazing characteristics. Or remember what happens to Betty Draper in Mad Men when a single mother who has divorced her husband arrives in a peaceful housewife village, works hard and raises children herself.

We call unbalanced men “hysterics” behind our backs, and decisive girls with principles - “heifers with eggs”, we compete in a sense of humor using gender stereotypes, and deafeningly laugh at the same jokes Barney Stinson or Michael Scott. In our speech, we constantly choose emotionally colored and far from gender-neutral descriptions of ourselves, the people and phenomena around us, and it is these descriptions that demonstrate and reinforce the perception of one or another gender.

Who has benefited from the shift in gender roles

Can gender role
be a free choice

At the end of the 19th century, Great Britain - the main and strongest empire - and behind it the whole of Europe canonize the role of a woman in Coventry Patmore's poem "The Angel in the House", which he dedicated to his virtuous wife, and John Everett Millais will draw her idealized portrait. At about the same time and in this city, Jack the Ripper will brutally kill a huge number of London prostitutes, who had been humiliated and raped by the police for a decade before that for compulsory venereal disease tests, and Oscar Wilde will undermine his health in prison, sitting on charges of sodomy. Reactionary laws and private histories show that even now female images in culture they mask, but do not change the state of affairs. Two world wars and three waves of feminism were not enough for the system to stop reproducing itself: gender stereotypes in 2014 prevent not only taking a wife’s surname after marriage, but also calculating one’s strength in a career and earnings when meeting with the “glass ceiling”.

Are gender stereotypes alive?

If the power and influence of gender stereotypes seems to have waned over time, experiment. Open Dahl's dictionary of proverbs, collected by the middle of the 19th century, and then read the reader's comments on popular materials on your favorite site. “Husband is at least as big as a fist, but I don’t sit behind my husband’s head as an orphan.” "Do not beat your wife - and do not be sweet." "Baba is dear - from the stove to the doorstep." "The hair is long, but the mind is short." “A dog is smarter than a woman: it doesn’t bark at its owner.” "A chicken is not a bird, and a woman is not a person." "Wherever the devil dares, he will send a woman there." We no longer use most of them, but their meaning is firmly planted in the collective unconscious and crawls out into the light at every opportunity.

Dialogues between men and women on sensitive issues on forums or in comments are most often built on the basis of repeatedly lost gender roles. These scenarios were exposed by John Money and Robert Stoller, John Gray tried to popularize and explain them in "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus", the theme of gender is constantly heard in contemporary art and news, but more often than not, news even on problematic sites like Jezebel or PolicyMic is designed to spread viral content, reproduce ready-made meanings, and rarely open their eyes to the other side of the problem.

Why gender is last
and the most steadfast stronghold of tradition

The problem of gender is inscribed in the spectrum of modern existential and economic problems in which our unstable, over-consuming and competitive society is immersed. Ethnically intermarriage and migration are changing demographic composition seemingly stable communities: whether Hong Kong can be called European and Marseille Asian, and whether it is generally correct to use the terms Europe and Asia in the 21st century remains a question. Alternative sources income and modern economy with contract work and bitcoin, labor relations are being modified. But books on prosperity and life hacks continue to be bestsellers, only now the advice of Dale Carnegie is replaced by instructive biographies of tech moguls.

At the same time, both the ideal of the communist future and the American dream seem equally unattainable as a strategy for the global community. One has discredited itself with ineffective regimes with double standards, the other creates a destructive competition and objectively cannot stop another economic crisis. And if with political ideologies or professional choice people can still take risks by presenting these systems outside, then gender is one of the most basic, intimate and constant constants- seems to be the last link this man and this woman with the idea of ​​man in general.

Prejudice against career women exists regardless of the gender of the subject assessing them.

“It so happened historically” is one of the easiest ways to justify and connect a person here and now with a million long-dead anonymous people, to whom a thread of repeatedly rewritten history from textbooks, confused traces of genealogy and global cultural monuments that cannot be ignored, whether it is pyramids, bible or hollywood.

The transgender performance experiment tells a lot about the verdicts that most of us have in store for both sexes and their acceptable behavior. A biological woman, having performed a sex change operation, finds herself in a comfortable and practically invulnerable position. But the “man” who “becomes” a woman immediately raises doubts about professionalism and receives several humiliating comments about his work. Another study shows that prejudice against career women exists regardless of the gender of the subject assessing them. Comments addressed to men contain a lot of constructive criticism and positive remarks about the need to work on oneself, comments to women always have an emotional and harsh evaluative coloring with a transition to the individual.

Gender scholar Londa Schiebinger speaks of the ubiquitous tendency of young children to make choices based on the reaction of their environment:
in children, according to her impressions, parents are still encouraged different qualities and inclinations. In part, her books explain the division into male and female professions and answer, among other things, the question “why there were no great women scientists” or quite already one of the most frequently asked questions “why there are no great women artists”, which at one time well answered by Linda Nochlin. This, however, does not negate the fact that in some societies the issue of gender roles is obviously not so acute (for example, Scandinavia) and the existence of women in power, and men in the family, as well as a wide range of LGBTI relations, does not need additional argument there. .

Can the modern family save us from the trap of gender roles

As Time frightens and reassures us at the same time, there is no such thing as a typical family anymore. Indeed, if the number of divorced parents with joint custody, separated spouses and same-sex couples raising children reaches significant percentages, it is strange and illogical to be programmed for gender roles that cannot be realized in life. Most likely, a man in a sling and a woman working on maternity leave are not the main, and certainly not the last, result of changing social roles. But considering how late different forms lives in the family and society get their names (some appeared in the language a couple of decades ago), one can only affirm that the most unhurried mutations occur with gender roles. A complete rejection of them is at the same distance as the construction of a new economic system or hyperintense global cataclysm: now no expert will take the responsibility to predict the exact expiration date current situation of things.

In addition, having abandoned the usual gender roles, we will have to restructure our attitude towards daily habits, friends and relatives, swap very funny sexist jokes for something just as good, come up with a new cinema without the usual genres, characters and plots, voluntarily abandon most gender-based products and boycott jobs that pay us unevenly. We will have to put aside going to psychoanalysts that revere Freud's theories and accept the possibility that hormone therapy and body experimentation will become common practice after years of public resistance. The utopian consciousness is building up such a scenario, unlike today, in which gender can be changed almost as often as a haircut, professions as hobbies, partners as books at the head, and these books themselves at the head will have to write about something else and on another language to be of interest to us in our as yet unimagined new roles.

Question 1. Who is called a person? What is socialization?

Personality - a concept developed to display social nature person, considering him as a subject of social cultural life, defining it as a carrier of an individual beginning, self-revealing in the context social relations, communication and objective activity. By "personality" they can understand either the human individual as the subject of relations and conscious activity("face" - in broad sense words), or sustainable system socially significant features characterizing an individual as a member of a particular society or community.

Socialization is the process of assimilation by a human individual of patterns of behavior, psychological attitudes, social norms and values, knowledge, skills that allow him to function successfully in society.

Question 2. What does the position of the student oblige high school? What prevents mutual understanding between teenagers and their parents?

Students have the right to:

Per expression own views, beliefs and opinions.

Freedom to receive information.

Be listened to.

To freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

For respect for human dignity.

For receipt free education in accordance with state educational standards; on the development of their personality, their talents, mental and physical abilities.

For home schooling (for medical reasons) and for family education within the framework of the state educational standard.

On the extra help teachers in individual-group lessons, scheduled school work.

For additional fees educational services in accordance with the Charter and the School License.

For an open assessment of the knowledge and skills of the student, receiving an assessment in each subject solely in accordance with their knowledge and skills.

For advance notification of the timing and scope of control work in accordance with the schedule

Be aware of the grades given to him in both oral and written subjects.

To apply for the postponement of examinations after absences due to illness, confirmed by medical documents.

The amount of time to execute homework should not exceed 50% of the classroom load on the subject.

To rest in between lessons and during vacation time.

To participate in the cultural life of the school, events organized in it, appropriate to the age of the student.

To participate in the management of an educational institution in the manner determined by the Charter of the school (Student Council of the school).

To openly express one's opinion, make proposals for changes in educational activities on the School Student Council.

For transfer to another educational institution, realizing educational program appropriate level.

Question 3. Compare the status of the wife and mother-in-law: which is attributed, and which is achieved?

Status achieved: wife. Prescribed: mother-in-law.

Question 4. What determines the status of a person?

Social status refers to the position that a person (or social group) occupies in society.

Each person is a member of various social groups and, accordingly, the owner of many different statuses. The whole set of human statuses is called status set. The status that the person himself or those around him consider to be the main one is called the main status. This is usually professional or family status, or status in the group where the person has achieved the greatest success.

Question 5: How does prescribed status differ from achieved status?

Sociologists distinguish between assigned (prescribed) and achieved statuses. The first status belongs to a person from birth, the second is the result of the efforts made. Achievable status refers to what a person acquires through his own efforts: education, financial situation, political influence, business connections, qualifications, etc.

Sometimes status is divided into congenital and ascribed. Innate can be considered gender, age (although this is a variable, but biologically determined side of the status), ethnicity, race. Assigned status is also acquired from birth (or will necessarily be recognized by society), but is not of a biological nature. Yes, member royal family from birth acquires certain titles.

Question 6. What are the features of the status position of young people in society?

As a rule, the transition from childhood to adulthood is divided into two stages: adolescence and adolescence (early youth).

AT adolescence, as psychologists note, the need for communication, especially with peers, is especially pronounced. At the same time, at first, adolescents prefer communication with peers of the same sex, and at an older age, friendly companies already, as a rule, include both boys and girls.

Such communication plays an important role in human development: mastering social norms, ways of interacting with other people, gender roles (determined by established traditions, norms of the model of sexual behavior). There is also such a feature of adolescents as the desire to quickly move into the status of an adult. For some guys, a cigarette, a bottle of beer, or even vodka is a symbol of adulthood. They think that smoking and drinking alcohol makes them more independent, relaxed, sexy. A deep delusion that has to be paid for own health. Adulthood is, first of all, responsibility for oneself and one's loved ones, readiness and ability to constantly solve complex life problems. Most begin to understand this in adolescence. And many are no longer in a hurry to grow up.

Young people are experimenting, “trying on” various adult roles, testing themselves in a variety of activities. At this age, they often say: “I decided to try ... (do auto business, work in a computer company, create musical group, go to college, etc.), we’ll see what happens.” Youth as a period of searching for oneself, one's place in life is perceived and accepted by society as a normal phenomenon.

Question 7. What is included in the concept of "social role"?

The social status of a person gives him certain rights, imposes duties and requires appropriate behavior. The behavior expected from a person of a given social status is called a social role.

A social role is a model of human behavior that society recognizes as appropriate for the holder of this status.

Social role - a model of behavior focused on a certain status. It is also called the dynamic side of status. If the status indicates the position of the individual within the group, then the role indicates the behavior inherent in this status.

Question 8. What is gender?

Gender is a social gender that determines a person's behavior in society and how this behavior is perceived. This is the gender-role behavior that determines the relationship with other people: friends, colleagues, classmates, parents, random passers-by, etc.

Question 9. How are gender roles fixed?

Gender education starts from infancy. Parents communicate differently with girls and boys, even if they don't always realize it. Taking into account the gender, the first toys and clothes are selected. Children quite early realize their belonging to a certain gender and learn a characteristic type of behavior. So, a boy who fell during the game and hit hard, tries to hold back tears, because "only girls roar." Under the influence of the family, the immediate environment, television programs, children develop certain personal qualities, behavior patterns that will help them fulfill gender roles.

Reinforces models to a certain extent gender behavior school. For example, classes in technology lessons are different for girls and boys.

The place where gender roles manifest themselves most often and very clearly is the home. A woman and a man do housework, as a rule, miscellaneous work. Women take care of children, clean the house, cook, do laundry, etc. Men are engaged in car repairs, household appliances, in countryside- work in the yard. In general, the bulk of household chores falls on the woman.

At work, gender roles also retain their importance. The number of working women has increased all over the world. However, professional restrictions associated with belonging to a particular gender remain. This is partly due to physical features floors, but outside lesser degree and with the ideas and prejudices that have developed in society. There are professions predominantly male (pilot, steelworker, plumber, etc.) and female (educator kindergarten, seamstress, etc.). Women are less likely to occupy leadership positions, and often receive lower salaries for the same work as men.

For modern post-industrial society a change in gender role attitudes is characteristic. Women are increasingly mastering new roles for themselves - leaders large enterprises, politicians, judges, prosecutors, etc. The role range for men is also expanding, so many of them tend to spend more time with their families, are actively involved in raising children, and take on some of the household chores.

Question 10. Express your opinion, is the statement true: "The higher the status, the greater the role freedom."

This statement is true because people with a low status are not valued in society, they have a more difficult role, because respect for them is much less than for those who are higher in status.

Question 11. According to one psychologist, with biological point vision, the beginning of adolescence can be considered the loss of the last milk tooth, and the end - the appearance of the first gray hair. And what, in your opinion, is the social framework of this age stage?

The beginning of youth is, of course, a change of mood. at transitional age this happens quite often, so it's not hard to spot. The end is already the acquisition of some experience, wisdom.

Question 12. “And how boundless adolescence is, everyone knows ... These years make up a part in our life that surpasses the whole,” wrote B. L. Pasternak. Explain how you understand the words of the writer.

These lines indicate that in childhood we are formed faster and in more than at a different age, for example, at the beginning of life, a person’s moral positions, his attitude to the world around him, his knowledge base (which will later determine success) are laid down.

gender roles

gender roles- these are the roles due to the differentiation of people in society on the basis of gender. gender role- differentiation of activities, statuses, rights and obligations of individuals depending on their gender. Gender roles are a type of social roles, they are normative, they express certain social expectations (expectations), they are manifested in behavior. At the cultural level, they exist in the context of a certain system of gender symbolism and stereotypes of masculinity and femininity. Gender roles are always associated with a certain regulatory system, which the person assimilates and refracts in his consciousness and behavior.

Therefore, gender roles can be seen as external manifestations patterns of behavior and attitudes that allow other people to judge whether an individual is male or female. In other words, a gender role is a social manifestation of an individual's gender identity.

Gender roles refer to a type of prescribed roles. The status of a future man or a future woman is acquired by a child at birth, and then, in the process of gender socialization, the child learns to perform one or another gender role. Gender stereotypes existing in society have a great influence on the process of socialization of children, largely determining its direction. Under gender stereotypes standardized ideas about behavior patterns and character traits that correspond to the concepts of "male" and "female" are understood.

gender stereotype, concerning the consolidation of family and professional roles in accordance with gender, is one of the most common stereotypes that prescribe standard models role behavior of men and women. According to this stereotype for women main social roles are family roles(mother, mistress) for men - professional roles(worker, laborer, earner, breadwinner). Men are usually evaluated by professional success, women by the presence of a family and children. folk wisdom states that a "normal" woman wants to get married and have children and that all other interests she may have are secondary to these family roles. It is believed that in order to fulfill the traditional role of a housewife, a woman must develop her abilities to be sensitive, compassionate and caring. While men are required to be achievement-oriented, women are required to be people-oriented and seek close interpersonal relationships.

One of the bases for the formation of traditional gender roles is the division of labor based on gender. The main criterion in this division is the biological ability of women to bear children. In modern societies, that has long disappeared social necessity division of labor based on the reproductive ability of women, which existed in archaic societies. Most women work in the industrial sector outside the home, and men have long ceased to be only “warriors and hunters” who protect and feed their families. Nevertheless, stereotypes about traditional gender roles are very stable: women are required to concentrate on the private (home) sphere of activity, and men - in the professional, public sphere.

Important role the concept of “natural” complementarity of the sexes by Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales, who considered the differentiation of male and female roles in structural and functional terms, played in the affirmation of the gender stereotype about the consolidation of social roles in accordance with gender. According to their point of view, modern family spouses have to fulfill two different roles. instrumental role is to maintain communication between the family and outside world is a professional activity that brings material income and social status; expressive role involves, first of all, caring for children and regulating relationships within the family. How is the distribution of responsibilities between spouses based on these two roles? Parsons and Bales believe that a wife's ability to bear children and care for children determine unambiguously her expressive role, and a husband who cannot fulfill these biological functions, becomes a performer of an instrumental role.

This theory contributed to the integration into a single scheme of socio-anthropological and psychological data. However, feminist criticism has shown that the dichotomy of instrumentality and expressiveness, for all its empirical and worldly persuasiveness, is based not so much on natural gender differences as on social norms, following which constrains individual self-development and self-expression of women and men.

Traditional gender roles hinder the development of the individual and the realization of the existing potential. This idea was the impetus for the development of S. Bem androgyny concepts, according to which a person, regardless of his biological sex, can have both masculine and femininity features, combining both traditionally feminine and traditionally masculine qualities. This allows you to highlight the masculine, feminine, androgynous models of gender roles. This idea was developed further, and J. Plec in his works began to talk about the splitting or fragmentation of gender roles. There is no single male or female role. Each person performs a number of different roles (wife, mother, business woman, etc.), often these roles may not be combined, which leads to an intrapersonal role conflict.

Gender roles can be studied at three different levels. At the macro-social level it's about differentiation. social functions by gender and related cultural norms. To describe the “female role” at this level means to reveal the specifics social status women (typical activities, social status, mass ideas about a woman) by correlating it with the position of a man within this society, building.

At the level of interpersonal relationships the gender role is derived not only from general social norms and conditions, but also from the particular system being studied joint activities. The role of a mother or wife always depends on how the responsibilities are specifically distributed in a given family, how the roles of father, husband, children, etc. are defined in it.

At the intra-individual level internalized gender role is derived from features specific person: an individual builds his behavior as a husband or father, taking into account his ideas about what, in his opinion, a man should be in general, based on all his conscious and unconscious attitudes and life experience.

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Section III Gender Characteristics of the Personality

From the book Brainbuilding [or How professionals pump their brains] author Komarov Evgeny Ivanovich

Gender conflicts Gender conflict is caused by a contradiction between normative ideas about personality traits and behavioral characteristics of men and women and the impossibility or unwillingness of an individual and a group of people to meet these ideas-requirements.

From the book Our Unspoken Rules. Why do we do what we do by Wace Jordan

Gender representations Gender representations are understood as concepts, views, statements and explanations determined by the social context regarding the distribution of roles and status positions of men and women in society. Gender representations as meaningful

From the book Gender and Gender author Ilyin Evgeny Pavlovich

Gender stereotypes A stereotype is a set of traits attributed to members of a certain social group[cit. according to: 7, p. 147]. AT domestic literature the definition of gender stereotypes was proposed in the article by O. A. Voronina and T. A. Klimenkova “Gender and

From the book Differential Psychology professional activity author Ilyin Evgeny Pavlovich

Gender prejudices Prejudice in social psychology is considered as a kind of social attitudes. Prejudices (prejudices) differ from the usual social attitude, first of all, by the content of their cognitive component. Prejudice -

From the book Conflict Management author Sheinov Viktor Pavlovich

Chapter 21 Gender Roles and Sexuality by E. V. Ioffe

From the book What gender is your brain? the author Lemberg Boris

Chapter 28 Gender Stereotypes in Sports N. S. Tsikunova

From the book How We Spoil Our Children [Collection of Parental Delusions] author Tsarenko Natalia

Chapter 15 Gender specifics in information bodybuilding Features of the male and female brain Scientists have long shown interest in the peculiarities of the thinking of men and women and study the structure and functioning of their brain from this point of view.

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Chapter 3 Gender Roles When I was growing up in the 1950s, life seemed simpler. In those days, everyone had their established traditional roles: mothers stayed at home with children, and fathers worked. My mother could go to work if she wanted to, but my father was supposed to

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Chapter 4. Sex and gender stereotypes 4.1. Images of men and women in the mass consciousnessFor centuries, people have developed stereotypical ideas about the image of a man and a woman, which still apply to all representatives of one sex or another, regardless of their

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Section four. Gender specifics of behavior

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Chapter 17. Gender characteristics of crises in the family 17.1. Decreased satisfaction with marriage. E. Aleshina (1985) notes that both domestic and foreign studies show that after the birth of a child, the satisfaction with the marriage of the spouses begins to decrease. Till

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CHAPTER 4 Gender aspects of professional activity The employment of women in professional work has grown rapidly throughout the 20th century. This trend has clearly manifested itself in the developed capitalist countries, not to mention our country, where the slogan: "Who

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Gender conflicts in the school class As practice has shown, many conflicts between classmates arise because of their belonging to different sexes. To get rid of this phenomenon, as we understand, is impossible, but knowledge psychological characteristics boys and girls

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Gender differences in the sequence of brain development The most profound difference between men and women lies not in any particular brain structure, but rather in the sequence of development of various brain areas. Various areas brains in both sexes

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Instilling gender stereotypes - Do I look like a boy? - Not. But you don't look like a girl either. "Cheburashka goes to school." Edward Uspensky. Ask any 20 of your acquaintances about what truly masculine and truly feminine qualities they can name, what social