Questionnaire for parents of first-graders transcript. At what age did your child start school? Approximately how many books do you have at home

In order to get to know future first-graders and their parents better, at the first parent meeting it is advisable to conduct a questionnaire focused on obtaining information about the child, his inclinations and interests, the level of development of various skills and abilities, the characteristics of family education, the expectations of parents in connection with the admission of their son or daughter to school. One of the options for such a questionnaire is presented today on the pages of "Practice".

1. General information about the child and family

      Surname, name, patronymic, date of birth of the child

      What is the number of children in the family?

      Did the child attend preschool (if yes, for how many years)?

      How often does the child get sick, what serious illnesses and injuries did he have?

1.5. Family Composition

Mother: a) surname, name, patronymic

b) date of birth

d) place of work

Father: a) surname, name, patronymic

b) date of birth

c) education, specialty

d) place of work

Other family members

      Characteristic financial situation families

1.7. Family living conditions

2. Features of raising a child in a family, his inclinations and interests

2.1. What is your child's favorite thing to do?


2.2. With whom does the child most often spend time?

Who walks with the child most often?

Who plays with the child the most?

Who reads to a child the most?

2.3. What measures of influence on the child are used in the family (encouragement, punishment)?

2.4. What games, toys and activity materials does the child have? Where and how are they stored (is there a place specially designated for games)?

2.5. Name:

Your child's favorite toys and games:_____

His favorite fairy tales and books: _________________

2.6. What circles, sections does the child attend?

2.7. Name your child's best friends

3. The level of development of the child's skills and abilities

3.1. What self-service skills are developed in the child (independence in cleaning toys, bedding, etc.)?

3.2. How does your child help with housework?

3.3. Underline which of listed species activities the child performs most successfully: drawing, modeling, singing, designing, inventing games, retelling fairy tales and stories?

4. Step towards cooperation

4.1. How did you prepare your child for school? What results did you achieve?

4.2. What qualities and abilities of your child do you especially appreciate?

4.3. From what bad habits Are you trying to wean your child?

4.4. What would you like to know and what advice to get from the teacher (s), school director, deputy head of education, educational work, other specialists of our educational institution?

Questionnaire for parents of first graders

1. General information about the child and family 1.1. Surname, name, patronymic, date of birth of the child ___________________________________________

Home address, telephone ( if not the same as the place of registration, indicate the actual address of residence and the address of registration)


1.2. How many children are in the family? (age)_____________

1.3. The social status of the family (indicate if the parents are divorced, the mother is single, widows, large families, refugees, live by registration).

1.4. How often does the child get sick, what serious illnesses and injuries did he have? ________________________________________________________________________ 1.5. Composition of the family Mother: a) Full name ____________________________________________________________ b) Date of birth ____________________________ c) Education _______________________________________________ d) Place of work, position, phone number (work, mobile) __________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Father: a) Full name _____________________________________________________________ b) Date of birth ____________________________ c) Education _______________________________________________ d) place of work, position, telephone (work, mobile) _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 1.6. Who will meet the child after school? (if grandparents indicate their full name) _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________10. How can you help the class? ___________________________________

2. Features of raising a child in a family, his inclinations and interests 2.1. What is your child's favorite thing to do? ________________________________________________________________________ 2.2. With whom does the child most often spend time? ____ ____________________________ Who walks with the child most often? ___________________________________________ Who plays with the child most often? ___________________________________________ Who reads to a child most often? ______________________________________________ 2.3. What measures of influence on the child are used in the family (encouragement, punishment)? ________________________________________________________________________ 2.4. Name: your child's favorite toys and games: ___________________________________________________________ his favorite fairy tales and books: _________________________________________________ 2.6. What circles, sections does the child attend? ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. The level of development of the child's skills and abilities 3.1. What self-service skills are developed in the child (independence in cleaning toys, bedding, etc.)? ____________________________________________________________________________ 3.2. How does your child help with housework?____________________________________________________________________________ 3.3. Emphasize which of the following activities the child performs most successfully: drawing, modeling, singing, designing, inventing games, retelling fairy tales and stories? 4. Step towards cooperation 4.1. How did you prepare your child for school? ________________________________________________________________________ 4.2. What qualities and abilities of your child do you especially appreciate? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4.3. What bad habits are you trying to wean your child from? ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. Does your child want to go to school and why? ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. How would you rate your child's readiness for school and why? ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. How does your child perform the tasks of adults (evaluate his diligence, accuracy, organization, etc.)? ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is your child’s reaction to the remarks of adults (calm, interested, passive, aggressive, unpredictable, etc.? ____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Does your child show curiosity and a desire to learn more?
7.What features physical health you need to pay attention (food allergies, diseases of the stomach, and other organs, limitation of physical activity) ____________________________________________________________________________

So, what should you do if you care about academic success and - look more broadly - the future of the child? How to improve performance? You can start early, as soon as the child is five or six years old. Make a rating of kindergartens and schools in your area and ensure that your child is accepted into the best educational institution. At the same time, remember that the plan you outline is predictive in nature, in other words, you must take into account possible changes in your fate in it: moving to another apartment, changing jobs, re-profiling the school, etc. But you don’t need to predict what will happen in fifteen years, right? But here is Chado - the first ...


Learning to read and write

04/13/2018 07:19:06, Movsar

I will never believe that parents can have any claims against a teacher who loves children, does his job responsibly and conscientiously, tries to find contact with children and parents. Of course, parents may be different, but everyone wants a child went to school with pleasure, and to be calm and confident that the child is under the reliable control of a teacher who understands the child's soul and is able to feel it. Very, very much depends on the teacher, and especially on the first. There are a lot of talented teachers in our country, indeed: dedicated to their work, true professionals, sensitive, fair, excellent psychologists, etc., but there are also many such "specialists" who cannot get close to children, so as not to wound the child's soul and not denigrate the impression of the school years. How to explain this phenomenon? Apparently, someone accidentally or "for the company" went to a pedagogical university to take exams, or: for the sake of some circumstances, perhaps the desire of relatives, went to a pedagogical institute .... It happens in different ways in life. And now, when this happens, everyone suffers: both schoolchildren, and the teacher himself, and parents, and grandparents.

Parents of First Graders and Shy Children: How to Talk to Teachers


I liked only the second part, the first is obvious. But as for preparing for a conversation and a sense of cooperation or even formulating requirements for a teacher - very useful. It’s also good to play a fool, calling for a conversation. The only disgusting thing is that it is extremely rare to talk to a teacher like a human being, normally, as with other people.

It's been a little over a month since the beginning of the school year, and teachers in many classrooms are facing similar problems: children, usually boys, don't listen in class, do what they want, and have difficulty controlling themselves. Today, these children are called hyperactive. Can such a diagnosis be made at school? How can parents improve their child's school life? “My son went to school this year. From birth, he was a very mobile and nervous boy, and at school his problems worsened: the teacher complains that ...

Parents of first-graders long before this day chose a school for their children, bought school supplies, form, received textbooks. The whole family anxiously awaited the first school day, parents were worried about how the children would develop relationships with the teacher and classmates. Everyone wants training to be successful and bring less trouble. To the question: "How will you study at school?" - future first-graders confidently answer: "Five!". And although the very concept of ...
... As a result, even the most diligent and well-prepared first-graders fail at first. On the contrary, everything turns out terribly badly: pencils crumble and break, the pen flows, notebooks get dirty, books fall with a crash. The success of the beginning of schooling is to some extent associated with achieved level physical development child. The formation of large and fine motor skills corresponding to his age. Imagine a first-grader who has not mastered self-service skills before school, has not learned how to dress himself, fasten buttons, lace up shoes, and does not know how to handle small and fragile objects. Not only will he have to endure jokes...


I'm wondering how to understand the phrase "learned to read and count, although parents were not advised to do so"? Previously, it was really believed that the child would be taught to write and count at school, and first-graders did this. Those. children who did not know how to either one or the other were in the majority in the class and the teacher really taught the whole class. Now they teach reading and counting almost from the cradle (earlier development, sir), they also study in kindergarten. Upon admission to school, testing can include a test of the ability to read and write. And what to do?

Preparing for school: what should be able to future first grader


I'm embarrassed to ask - what will they teach in the first grade if the children know and can do all this. zadolbali poor children with their preparations, instead of games they sit and learn all sorts of garbage, and then the somatic rushes from all the cracks and begins to drag them to the doctors.

04/24/2017 05:37:39 PM, you can go crazy

We also had the same points, but they didn’t ask to read. And in the special schools testing is much more difficult, according to the profile of the school. But children usually study, prepare, so it’s not difficult for them, if, of course, the child generally has the ability for the profile that his parents chose for him)

Difficulties of first-graders: everything is just beginning. When You Need a Psychologist
... In the middle of the first grade, Savelia's mother began to complain to the psychologist: the boy is rude, does not respond to the teacher's remarks, almost into tears. A conversation with the teacher made it clear that Mathematics is difficult for Savely, he hardly counts and does not remember well. Problems accumulate and accumulate, and the punishment of adults and their severity only gets in the way. Quite often, out of ignorance, parents complicate the life of first-graders by: loading them with new circles (during the adaptation period, they can lead to overload; it is better to leave only what the child knows and can do for a long time); dramatically change relationships in the family ("You are now big, you have to wash the dishes yourself," etc.) How to help a child? In the first weeks of a first grader at school, it is important to help the child believe in ...

We continue to publish the advice of psychologist Ekaterina Murashova for parents of future first graders. Today we will talk about how to instill homework skills in a child with hyperactivity (the author uses the term " hyperdynamic child"). These recommendations are surprisingly suitable for almost all boys of preschool and younger school age and their parents. So, we talked about the fact that in addition to school preparation courses, to ...
... Such a child should not be tormented in the evening. Other children, on the contrary, get up with great difficulty, but in the evening they are active until late and can write and solve examples at six, eight, and even ten in the evening. All these things are learned only in practice, by trial and error. And it is better to do it in the preschool year. In the case of a hyperdynamic child, it is necessary to proceed precisely from his characteristics, and not from your ideas about what is right and what is wrong. "Break" small child it is almost always possible, but with severe neurological disorders, the consequences can be fatal both for the health of the child and for your relationship with him. Vitya's story: night vigils Vitya has always slept badly, since birth. He was "shaken" in the crib, wear ...


To begin with, in the West there is not even such a thing as hyperactivity. That is why we are very fashionable! Especially great way make money on it...
The normal child is active child! Who knows the world, climbs and jumps everywhere!
There are no ideal children and families, we are all wounded. Living conditions, upbringing, morals, education. The main thing is to understand and look for an approach.
I didn’t like it very much about a relative who came to help. It is written in such a tone, I am ashamed of the author's morals ...
Love your children!

09/06/2017 22:29:55, PsychologistDasha

Anything negative about the school, especially from the parents, will destroy the value of the rules and regulations. Learning to Learn Doing homework is one of the main problems that parents face, and here they usually make the first mistake - doing these tasks for the child or with the child. It is better not to even start such a practice, otherwise you will have to do this for the next 11 years. The responsibility of parents, first of all, is to provide the child with the conditions, the opportunity to do homework, create a system. The task of the child is to use this system. Set up with a child workspace(room, table) and the time when the child does homework (some do it early in the morning before school, at ...

The most common option is the organization of additional classes. This is where the school has a complete and quite legal right to collect fees from students. However, it should be noted that the possibility of such lessons and the payment for their organization should be directly provided for by the charter of the school. The most painful issue is the exclusion of students from school. Parents should be aware that the school does not have the right to exclude a child under the age of 14. According to Art. 19 of the Law on Education, a student who has reached the age of 14 can be expelled from school "for committing unlawful acts, gross and repeated violations of the charter educational institution"- in other words, for hooliganism and bad behavior. After the decision on exclusion is made, the school administration is obliged to inform ...


Hello Tell me what should I do?
When my child finished first grade, there were no problems in school. The child knows the alphabet and knows how to count, the only one who was lame in reading. I turned class teacher and asked if she could work with my child in the summer in addition. She answered yes of course I will call you and invite you. Throughout the summer, I contacted the teacher more than once, and she fed us with promises. And she invited me only in August, a week before the end of the school year, for 3 lessons.
Which did not give any result. And from other parents in our class, I learned that she invited their children to extra classes summer in June. She just ignored us. In the second grade in the 1st quarter, the child fell ill, she did not attend classes for one week. And also in the second quarter. Then we started having problems at the end of the second term, the teacher called me to school to talk with a psychologist. When I came to the psychologist, their name is the school, they began to talk among themselves, and after my child. They said that she needs to be transferred back to the first grade or left for the second year, and it is best to transfer the child to a school for mentally retarded children, since she did not know the alphabet, she has a very short memory, she cannot read and write. And he can only write off mechanically. Then they hooked me up. They said that nobody needs my child in this school, they are not obliged to deal with her and teach her, I have to do it myself. They already have more than 700 people in the school and they do not have enough time for this. Because at school free education, and for a small salary, no one will additionally deal with your child. I went home in tears. But that's where it all ended. At the beginning of the third quarter, I was again called to school, but this time to the director in the presence of a psychologist, social worker, class teacher. The psychologist again began to say that my child had a short memory and only mechanical copying that she had problems with her head. When I tried to object, they immediately interrupted me, said that she didn’t have it when I tried to object that they immediately interrupted me, saying that I had no right to do so. The psychologist said that I have no right to this. The psychologist said that because I work, I spend little time with my child. The class teacher and the psychologist exchanged phrases among themselves that they need to make room in the class, and then it will take someone there. The psychologist appointed another commission.
I always thought that teachers should teach children, give them the knowledge that they need to be respected and appreciated. I told my children about this so that they respect teachers and listen to them carefully, because teachers give us knowledge that will be useful in life. To ensure that children are literate and educated. But faced with this situation, I don't know what to think.

14.02.2019 18:57:55, Lol228008

Hello, such a situation, a 9th grade student gets into an unpleasant story, he didn’t study for a month and he was sent to an educational colony, he left there ahead of schedule, what should he do? Re-learn 9th grade? Or can you pass the exams and get a certificate?

08.10.2018 20:25:47, Angelina

These children are distinguished by slowness, accentuation of attention, instability of mood. Left-handers and the so-called right-handed left-handers have difficulty in "cortical control" over many types of activities, therefore, it is possible to demand high-quality performance of tasks from them only after years purposeful work to develop this quality. In the case of careful, competent accompaniment of such children in the first years of the beginning of education, they can cope with their own characteristics and, for many reasons, surpass their classmates. Understand in the course school adaptation, professionally help in overcoming difficulties, specific mistakes in mastering curriculum, speech therapists, psychologists, doctors will help you. They should be approached a few years before school or in the first months of first grade...

the main task parents during the period of adaptation of the child to school. Typical manifestations stress in a child. How to react if the child is angry with the teacher. What to do if you need to rush to school, but the child is in no hurry.
...Therefore, it is advisable to carry out "prevention of time troubles." To this end, when organizing the child's school preparations, it is advisable to: Provide for an earlier rise, allowing the child to wake up, have breakfast, dress, wash at his own pace. Make sure that the child packs a briefcase and prepares clothes and shoes from the evening. How to deal with the failures of the child, almost inevitable in the beginning school life? Parents often react sharply negatively to the first failures of the child. Negative assessments of adults increase the child's anxiety, his lack of confidence in himself and his actions. This, in turn, leads not to improvement, but to deterioration of results. Thus a vicious circle develops. The child's constant fears to hear negative ratings from home side...
...Unfortunately, teachers rarely know what happens to the child at home after classes, and parents have little idea of ​​what happened to the child at school. It is necessary to agree on the place and time of meetings between the teacher and parents, at which they could exchange their observations, impressions about the actions of children. During the first year of children's education, parents and teachers should become like-minded people. Article provided methodical center"Progressive Learning"...


A useful article, a lot to consider in your practice)). The only thing is that for those who did not go to kindergarten (like us, for example), this may still not be enough. The child can calmly listen to you, but is shy of strangers. And if there are any speech defects, then it’s really bad ... My daughter had small speech disorders and she was very shy, although there were no serious problems ... But I myself could not cope, so I had to be like " speech training"to the presidential school. Good courses, diction, rhetoric, work on stage - it was all there. My daughter liked it there, it became easier to communicate, the child immediately blossomed. This is to say that it is not always possible to simply explain to the child, they say, there is nothing to be shy about, everything will be fine.Sometimes it is better to turn to specialists for help so that later there are no problems with communication.But the tips are very useful, they should be taken into account.

Dedicated to the parents of future first-graders... You often hear: "We study according to Vinogradova...", "And in our class they teach according to Zankov." Unfortunately, most parents can only name the author of the curriculum, others will say “we were praised for it”, others, perhaps, will talk about specific pros and cons. But in general, an ordinary parent can hardly understand ... Elkonin-Davydov education system If Zankov teaches high speed, then Davydov follows the saying "quieter you go - you will continue." The educational system of D. B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov has already more than 40 years of history of existence: first in the form of developments and experiments, and in 1996 by the decision of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation education system Elkonina-Davydova was recognized as one of the three government systems, on a par with traditional system and the system of developing education L. V. Zankova. Goal: system formation scientific concepts, academic independence and initiative. Development in the child of the ability to think unusually and deeply Tasks: ...

Hello. I haven’t written here for a very long time, probably since the adaptation of the junior thematic one. And now he is finishing the first grade, I'm very worried about him and I can't do without the local collective mind. If grades were given in grade 1, mine would have 2 and 3, and it is not known which more. ADHD and remnants of speech therapy problems greatly interfere with learning. We take pills, we work with a speech therapist, and I see a lot of progress in a year. I see that the child, who at the beginning of the year could hardly add syllables, now ...


I can only give my personal opinion. I left the elder for the 1st grade at home, we will hand it over at the end of the year to go to the second grade.
At the beginning of the year I asked the teacher:
1. Reading - 30-40 words per minute, answer questions on the text.
2. Mathematics: addition-subtraction within 20, if Peterson - then within 100 with a transition through a dozen. Solution word problems: in one action (to find the amount, how much more / less, how much is left, etc.) and in two actions (Vasya has 5 pieces, Petya has 2 more, how many in total). The ratio of dm-cm, the concept of a curve, a straight line, a segment.
3. The world- depending on the textbook. In general: living-non-living - difference, insects, birds, animals (mammals), fish, reptiles - general information, structure, Russia is the capital, coat of arms, anthem, plants - animals, how do they differ, types of plants.
4. Russian language: write, copy, write from dictation, dictionary words, division into syllables, hyphenation rules, exclamatory, incentive and narrative sentences, exclamatory and non-exclamatory, the basis of the sentence, nouns, adjectives, verbs (in some programs, words-objects, actions, signs), prepositions with words separately, orthograms: capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, proper name, zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu, ch-chk. In some programs related words, synonyms, antonyms. Update: the spelling is a deaf consonant at the end of a word, and the sounds are soft-hard consonants, voiced-deaf, vowels.
Somewhere I could make a mistake or forget something.

Shouldn't do anything. According to the Law on Education of the Russian Federation, there is no attestation in grade 1, which means there are no grounds for not transferring. Another thing is that they can put pressure on you, here it is at your discretion, as your intuition tells you. And to leave, and at the PMPK, they usually don’t want to teach such people. I sent all the amateurs to teach excellent students, here we are finishing the 5th grade.

We were again given a questionnaire at school (we are first-graders) with a list of questions about what the child is interested in after school hours, whether he has talents and abilities, and other details. In my opinion, this has absolutely nothing to do with school, and in the light of recent trends (a student's health diary, juvenile justice, permission to process information - everything has already been discussed here) is alarming. Again, the impression that they collect information about us from all sides, but why and what they will do with it later - not ...


At the beginning in the beginning there was something similar. Only it was necessary to write where the child is engaged in addition to school, on what days and hours. Wrote. I remember several times the child was not given 2 for homework not done (the son said that he had an exam in the music room) and the teacher checked the questionnaire. The duty in the class was somehow distributed taking into account the employment of children.

we filled out.

Actually a question. Today the lesson was canceled and the psychologist came. And one more thing: should parents be informed (for example, in electronic journal)?


If the teacher fell ill, then a psychologist may well be appointed as a replacement, for example, to conduct group diagnostics, which is usually class hour carry out.

Psychologist psychologist strife. When my daughter was in preparatory classes (6 years old), she accidentally overheard the psychologist’s broadcast (she was waiting for her daughter, she was sitting at the door), who told 5-6-year-old children about highlighting, said that the child “cannot have a dad, let me listen to what - some terrible music from a series of meditative ones (after such music I would have had nightmares at night) and finished off (me) with the phrase "Put your hands on the table". I take all psychologists under control - without me, not a single psychologist will communicate with a child.Well, from the latest observations: some psychologists clearly need a psychiatrist.

09/24/2013 15:42:35, I am here

How are things going with vaccinations and various honey in schools now? inspections? Are you being warned? I am against such actions at school, we will do what we need ourselves. At what point (maybe at a family meeting of first-graders?) Should I write a waiver of all this? Thank you!


They give out a piece of paper on which everything is written about the upcoming medical procedure. At the end, you must sign. Only with such a piece of paper the child will receive medical care. Otherwise, you just need to go to the nurse. Access to the school is free.

The school nurse issues warning notes to children a week in advance. With consent, the parents sign this note. In case of refusal, they do not sign, but write a refusal. No problems!
I give my daughter all the vaccinations. But she refused the flu shot. Everything is clear. They have no right to force. Only I don’t understand why do it somewhere, then take it all to school, track it yourself, waste time on the clinic - when everything is done on time educational process?

Attended a meeting of first graders. I am depressed (Two thoughts. First - I returned 25 years ago. Second thought - everything that is invested will be lost - two years of hockey, English, music school, classes at the museum ... (and all this with burning eyes). ..there is not enough time to continue all this after " extracurricular activities", rhythms and something else, I didn’t remember .... Tell me, how do you survive ?!

How did you end up academic year? Our school has simply amazed us. Firstly, we were somehow not told on which day the study ended (we thought it was Friday, we didn’t specify, but it turned out to be Monday). And no event was organized! Those. the children drank tea with sweets together, played something like the Field of Miracles - and that's it! None of the parents were even invited! And from my point of view, the end of the first academic year should be a whole event: ((((And despite the fact that our school itself ...


And we were just great. General graduation - first, our 1st grade sang, danced, played the piano - congratulations from the teachers of diplomas, medals, then 2-3rd grade the same thing and finally 4th grade (graduates, because we only have an elementary school - they were in T-shirts with the logo school-year of graduation is very original) then they showed a performance - they were presented with diplomas gifts and then the general choir sang several songs and a sweet table. I really liked the bright and memorable spectacle :))

05/28/2004 09:36:19, KaliNa2

We canceled the trip because of the rain :-(
But they went crazy at the bottom of the birthday boy, who was on the last day of school, sort of like they noted it.
Okay, let's celebrate the beginning of the second grade, let the holiday be at the beginning of the year, and not at the end :-))

Nadia yesterday at the Ministry of Education bought new book M.M. Bezrukikh "Is the child ready for school?" M., 2001. If you haven't seen it, you MUST buy it. Unlike Ka*rina's recommendations, it is small and cheap :))). It contains a notebook for classes with children (however, some exercises amazed me. I wonder why, if a child knows all this BEFORE entering, does he even need an elementary school? :))))). But most importantly, for the first time, a "portrait of a future first-grader" and a method for determining the degree ...


I will definitely look, although I probably have almost all the books of M.M. Bezrukikh, very respected by me, from "The Psychophysiology of the Child" to "The Left-Handed Child at School and at Home". :)))
The last one - "Steps to the School", M., Bustard, 2001, in my opinion, partly repeats and supplements the chapters you listed:
1.Age features of functional and mental development children entering school;
2. Risk factors in the development of children aged 6-7 years ( Individual characteristics development);
3. Features of the development of slow and left-handed children aged 6-7;
4. Ready for schooling and early forecasting technique school difficulties in children 6-7 years old;
5. Organization individual work with children in preparation for school and the development of individual adaptation programs.

But! 256 pages! :) - and I can't imagine how it was possible for what you listed to fit on 63 pages. If only thesis...:) I will definitely look in the bookstores when I get there... The nuances and varying degrees"details".

P.S. My mailbox on Yandex disappeared without recovery: ((. No need to write there, if anything ... :), so far it only works on Rambler.

Good evening everyone! Advice is urgently needed on this issue. Today, August 29, it became known that our beloved teacher was taken away from our class (Grade 3) and ... put her in Grade 1! The teacher left the school primary school, and in such a strange way the director solved the problem that had arisen. The future of our children is an absolute fog: there is no cool hand-la free, there is no office for us ... There is talk (tomorrow at the meeting something will become clear) that from the 4th grade they will teach us like this ...


good time days for everyone!

Thanks again to everyone who responded - the story ended with nothing ...

The teacher was taken away, but they gave her a pensioner who had not worked for 5 years. They made inquiries, they say, at one time she was a strong teacher, but very tough - corporal manners: ((Ours was very sincere, although moderately strict - she kept discipline perfectly. This manner of communicating is still shocking, we'll see what happens. If we don't work together - let's go to another school... The child, however, said that "yes, it's nothing, it really can't be compared with ours" :) In general, we'll see... Thanks again to everyone!

well, wow - I would never have thought that such a coincidence happens - at first I decided that you were from our school - exactly the same situation - grade 3, yesterday it became known that the teacher was transferred to grade 1, and the children were given to another, Only now the meeting was planned for mid-September - I found out only because the teacher herself called and told. Those. The school plans that on September 1, the children will come and face the fact. And as far as I understand, nothing can be done and changed. Write a continuation of your situation - maybe it will be useful to us.

The current "army" of Tyumen first-graders has about five thousand people. But for many of them, the first academic year can be the first serious test in their lives. Children who have just left the kindergarten will have to adapt to a new environment for them - school. It happens that a child who successfully coped with all the tests and felt great during individual lessons in kindergarten, begins to experience difficulties entering the lesson system at school, "says the psychologist with ...

Until September 1, another six months, and free places in primary school many schools no longer exist. For example, in St. Petersburg, parents call roll in queues and resort to all sorts of tricks that have been forgotten since Soviet times. The reason for the excitement new order enrollment of first graders. Until now, teachers have selected them based on interviews or entrance tests. From this year, admission is conducted on a declarative basis. "We held a meeting for parents of first-graders-2004 back in mid-February ...) registration of electronic applications for admission of children to first grades for education is opened from September 1, 2015.

The basic principles for registering electronic applications for the admission of children to the first grades remain the same: parents in electronic application have the opportunity to specify no more than three educational organizations (the choice of an educational organization for the assigned territory is mandatory). Parents have the right to choose any educational organization microdistrict (on the assigned territory). The enrollment of the child in the 1st grade is guaranteed in the school in the assigned territory.

Pupils of preschool departments of schools are enrolled in the first grades of the same school only upon a personal application of their parents addressed to the director of the school by transfer. For them, registration of an application for the 1st class using the Portal of State and Municipal Services of the City of Moscow is not required, enrollment occurs automatically.


and more about gifts for teachers .... for someone else, but for us parental committee gave our teacher (she is 23 years old) and the teacher an extension (she is a little older) according to the certificate of letual for 3,000 rubles, total 6,000 rubles. Not sickly! And this despite the fact that we are one class of 1 who did not congratulate either the director or the teacher. A sharer that you gave to teachers on New Year and congratulated you director and teacher?

Dear adoptive parents! Your foster child is going to first grade this year. For your family, this is the beginning of a new milestone. How to help your child get used to school requirements, learn to communicate with classmates? How to get in touch with a teacher? What to do if there are already complaints about behavior or problems with learning? About this, and about what is psychological readiness to school, how the crisis of 7 years passes, how long the adaptation period lasts, what parents and specialists can do ...

1. Name the milestones of your life. 2. Do you think you were lucky with your parents? 3. What drinks do we humans eat with pickles? What about chocolate? 4. Who will overcome whom - dad or mom? 5. How is one log different from another? 6. Dad is an owl. Is the reverse true? 7. Curls, strands, baldness - what is it? 8. What happens in the morning? 9. Who killed John F. Kennedy? Why? 10. Date, month, year of birth? FULL NAME? 11. Name everything that moves. 12. What color is Shaquille O'Neal? 13. How do you understand the poem "Tra-ta-ta ...

According to the portal New region"[link-1], a new scandal flares up in the field of education in Yekaterinburg. Students of one of the municipal schools were given questionnaires - the institution is interested in the nuances in detail privacy wards and their parents. In the “Survey Act” form, they ask about the level of well-being, the number of citizens registered in housing, and so on. Parents are already alarmed: who needs confidential information and why, where they will go and why on earth they ...


Such acts are given at the school every year. It's just a piece of paper, a brick in a bureaucratic skyscraper. Nobody reads them, the system, which requires filling in a cloud of papers, is now, in principle, not able to process them.

Tear and throw away, what's the problem? In schools, they give out something all the time, that's how they work. But in none federal law it is not spelled out that parents are required to obey the requirements of the school and fill out questionnaires and other crap.

There is also a shop-studio Globus on the Falcon, there are skirts and a sundress of the same color.

School No. 975 invites you to take part in an event for future first-graders and their parents, which will be held on May 17 in the building of Education Center No. 975. The program of the event includes trial lessons for children, trainings for parents, as well as a presentation of the opportunities innovative methods student-centered learning. School No. 975 is known for effectively introducing innovative technologies student-centered learning that allows you to...

For the class teacher of the 1st grade, information about each child in the class is important. The best helpers in this matter are, of course, the parents. Therefore, at the first parent-teacher meeting, we propose to conduct such a survey.

Questionnaire for parents of first graders

I ask you to fill in the questionnaire, which will allow you to learn more about your child and find an individual approach to him.

1. Name of the child

2. Date of birth

3. Home address, telephone

4. Information about parents (name, age, education, place of work, position, office phone):



5. Family composition (circle):

a) complete;

b) incomplete;

c) low-income;

d) having many children;

e) a child under guardianship;

e) the child has brothers or sisters (specify)

6. There were difficulties in preschool period child development (difficult childbirth, frequent illnesses, lag in physical development)

7. Did the child attend kindergarten? From what age? Number kindergarten. Would you like to go there?

8. Chronic diseases, deviations in the organs of vision, hearing, speech defects, other features (injuries, operations)

9. What forms of encouragement are used at home?

10. What punishments are used at home?

11. Does the child have responsibilities at home? Which?

12. How does he communicate with peers? (circle)

a) initiative;

b) waits for someone to speak to him (her);

c) avoids communication.

13. How does he react to comments from adults?

a) is talking

b) crying

c) agrees, corrects.

14. What games do you prefer?

a) mobile;

b) collective;

c) individual, desktop.

15. How quickly does a child get tired in the process of work?

a) can work for a long time (up to 30 minutes), even if the work is not very pleasant;

b) can only do what he likes for a long time;

c) no, even if you like it.

16. What circles and sections does the child attend after school hours?

17. Do you enjoy going to school? What attracts the child the most: school paraphernalia, the title of "student", the opportunity to learn new things?

18. Do you think that your child is well prepared for school?

a) yes; b) no; c) more likely yes than no; d) rather no than yes.

19. The child knows (underline as necessary, add):

20. In your opinion (underline as appropriate):

a) the child corresponds to the age characteristics;

b) ahead of peers;

c) has developmental problems.

21. Do you have any questions or suggestions for teachers?

22. What else do you think needs to be reported about your child?

Thank you for your candid responses to the survey questions. The information received is confidential and is needed for a deeper study. psychological features Your child.

First parent meeting for parents of first graders

“Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and count.

To be ready for school means to be ready to learn all this.”

Wenger L.A.

The purpose of the parent meeting:

Creation of conditions for the inclusion of parents of future first-graders in the process of preparing a child for school.


Introduce parents to each other.

To acquaint with the difficulties of adapting the child to school and give recommendations on this topic.

Proceedings of the meeting

opening speech

Hello. I am very pleased to meet the parents of my new students, but the moment of our meeting is also characterized by the fact that not only you are worried, but, frankly, I am too. Will we like each other? Will we find mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my demands and help our little first graders? It is on this that the success of our joint work. In order for us to be comfortable together, let's get to know each other a little.

2. Story about the school

Let me tell you a little about myself. (The teacher talks about himself, his hobbies.)

Story about the program "School of Russia"

The class will study under the program "School of Russia". This program is affordable, gives good computing skills, teaches children to work independently. There is continuity in the content of the course of study between elementary school and middle link. Since 2011, all schools have switched to new standards. All textbooks of the "School of Russia" set have been revised in accordance with the standards, each textbook comes with a workbook.

From the first of September, everything will be different for your children: lessons, teacher, schoolmates. It is very important that at the same time you loving parents were close to their children. Now we are one big team. We have to rejoice together and overcome difficulties, grow up and learn. Learning means teaching yourself. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandparents study with children. He studies with his students and teacher. I hope that all four years our team will be friendly and united.

Can you make a clap with one hand? Need a second hand. Clap is the result of the action of two palms. The teacher is only one hand. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second hand (and it is in your face, dear parents), the teacher is powerless. From here it can be deduced first rule:

- only together, all together, we will overcome all the difficulties in the upbringing and education of children.

I bring to your attention a small test: "Test for parents"

If you answered yes to 15 or more questions This means your child is ready for school. You did not study with him in vain, and in the future, if he has any difficulties in learning, he will be able to cope with them with your help.

If your toddler can handle content 10-14 questions above then you are on the right track. During his studies, he learned a lot and learned a lot. And those questions that you answered in the negative will tell you what points you need to pay attention to, what else you need to practice with your child.

If the number of affirmative answers 9 or less, you should devote more time and attention to activities with the child. He's not quite ready to go to school yet. Therefore, your task is to systematically engage with the baby, train in performing various exercises.
On the threshold of school, perhaps the most important thing is to teach the child independence. After all, the kid will have to complete one task after another, make decisions, build personal relationships with classmates and with the teacher, and therefore bear responsibility.

It's still four months before school. How and what to pay attention to when preparing a child for school?


It is absolutely not necessary to be able to count up to 100, but this, by and large, is not particularly difficult. It is much more important that the child is guided within a dozen, that is, he counted in reverse order, knew how to compare numbers, understood which was greater, which was smaller. He was well oriented in space: above, below, left, right, between, in front, behind, etc. The better he knows this, the easier it will be for him to study at school. So that he does not forget the numbers, write them down. There is plenty of counting material around, so in between times count cones, birds, trees. Offer your child simple tasks from the life around him. For example: three sparrows and four titmouse are sitting on a tree. How many birds are on the tree? The child should be able to listen to the condition of the problem.


By the first grade, usually many children already read, at the very least, so you can play sounds with a preschooler: let him name the surrounding objects starting with certain sound, or come up with words in which it should occur given letter. You can play a broken phone and decompose the word into sounds. And of course, don't forget to read. SPEAKING

When discussing what you read, teach your child to express his thoughts clearly, otherwise he will have problems with verbal answers. When you ask him about something, do not be content with the answer "yes" or "no", specify why he thinks so, help bring your thought to the end. Learn to consistently talk about past events and analyze them. You can play antonyms with the ball. “Black” - you throw the ball to him, “white” - the child throws you back. In the same way, play edible-inedible, animate-inanimate.


Many parents think that more words the child knows, the more he is developed. But it is not so. Now children are literally "bathing" in the flow of information, their vocabulary increases, but it is important how they dispose of them. It's great if the child can screw into place compound word, but at the same time, he must know the most elementary things about himself, about his people and about the world around him: his address (separating the concepts of “country”, “city”, “street”) and not only the names of dad and mom, but also their patronymic and place of work. By the age of 7, a child may well already understand, for example, that a grandmother is her mother's or father's mother. But, most importantly, remember: after all, a child goes to school not only to demonstrate his knowledge, but also to learn.

- Documents for the school;

- Parents choose a parent committee;

- There is talk about school uniform; sportswear;

- What does the child need at school;

- Purchase of workers printed notebooks and prescriptions;

- Parents fill out questionnaires.


Check every affirmative answer one point.

1. Do you think your child wants to go to first grade?

2. Does he think that he learns a lot of new and interesting things at school?
3. Can your baby for some time (15-20 minutes) independently engage in some painstaking work (draw, sculpt, assemble a mosaic, etc.)?

4. Can you say that your child is not shy in the presence of strangers?

5. Can your child describe a picture coherently and make up a story based on it in at least five sentences?

6. Does your child know poetry by heart?

7. Can he name the given noun during plural?
8. Can your child read, at least by syllables?

9. Does the baby count up to ten forward and backward?

10. Can he add and subtract at least one unit from the numbers of the first ten?
11. Can your child write the simplest elements in a checkered notebook, carefully redraw small patterns?

12. Does your child like to draw, color pictures?

13. Does your baby know how to handle scissors and glue (for example, to make applications from paper)?

14. Can he assemble a whole drawing from five elements of a picture cut into parts in a minute?

15. Does your baby know the names of wild and domestic animals?

16. Does your child have generalization skills, for example, can he use the same word "fruit" for apples and pears?

17. Does your child like to spend time on their own doing some kind of activity, for example, drawing, building a designer, etc.

Questionnaire for parents of future first graders

1. Do you know about the introduction of the GEF primary general education from September 1, 2011? A) yes B) no

2. From what sources did you receive information about the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State educational standard)?

A) from friends

B) from funds mass media

C) at the school parent meeting

D) from the Internet

D) from other sources - _____________________________

3. Do you think that it is necessary to create conditions in schools for organizing extracurricular activities for children?

A) yes B) no

B) find it difficult to answer

4. If the school undertakes to organize the daily leisure of children in the afternoon, will your child attend these classes?

A) yes B) no

B) find it difficult to answer

5. What areas of extracurricular activities do you consider the most significant for your child? (check 2-3 items)

A) artistic and aesthetic E) spiritual and moral

B) scientific and educational G) sports and recreation

C) military-patriotic 3) general intellectual

D) socially useful I) general cultural

D) project activity K) ______________ (fill in your own)

BUT) good health E) a basic level of foreign language

B) artistic and aesthetic education G) good upbringing

C) good friends C) high marks

D) desire and ability to learn I) good level knowledge

D) general knowledge about the world around K) _____________ (fill in your own)

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