If nothing works, apathy. What to do with apathy, when you don’t want anything, but actually you need to! Video: complete indifference to everything - illness or malaise

  • wishes- the desire to possess something;
  • Motivations- Willingness to do something to get what you want.

This condition can be short-term, or it can drag on for many months, which is quite dangerous.

Causes of apathy and what to do if you don’t want anything

Before challenging apathy, you should find out the cause of its occurrence, and then apply measures. Frequent culprits for lack of desire and motivation are the following reasons:

Reasons for apathy

1 General lack of energy
3 Laziness
4 Rejection by society
8 Doing something you don't like
9 Distress
10 Causes of a physical nature
11 Asthenia, neurasthenia
15 Depression
  1. General lack of energy

Everyday routine, problems of relatives, running around at work, endless streams of information and news are exhausting, taking away all the energy without a trace.

What do we do when we feel tired? We take a mug of warm tea and wrap ourselves in a cozy blanket? No. We are going to work again, take care of the children, the household. We think about anyone or anything, but not about ourselves. It is not surprising that there is no strength left at all.

How to deal with it?

  • After work, do not turn on the TV, do not surf the Internet, do not read anything. Stop the flow of any information. Such a rest will only take away strength. It is better to walk around the city, take a bath, do something pleasant. The main thing is that you are left alone with your thoughts at least for 30 minutes.
  • Think about your past desires. Even children's. Perhaps you wanted to buy something, eat ice cream, go somewhere, but you still haven't done it. In psychology, there is such a direction as "gestalt therapy". Gestalt is something unfinished that takes energy. Finish your past affairs, fulfill your childhood dreams, and you will release the energy that prevents you from living.
  • Learn to forgive. If you hold a grudge against someone, you get upset when you think about someone. Stop doing it, you don't need this negativity at all. Let him go. Forgive both that person and yourself. Think about how it will be easier for you if you let go of this problem.
  • Hobbies are really cool! Better psychologists. During what we love, we get distracted and get positive emotions, and some even note that solutions to some current issues come to them for what they love. Remember your childhood hobbies: knitting, embroidery. Maybe you liked to make beaded bracelets? Or you liked to glue something - create Family album handmade, make paper garlands for the holiday or a decorative element. Do what you love. You will feel how you began to think about your desires, and not about the desires imposed by others.
  • Remember that everything is cyclical. Let's draw an analogy with the change of seasons in a year. Spring is the beginning of something new, beautiful, in summer we are full of strength and energy, in autumn we reap the fruits of our labors, in winter emptiness sets in. So do we. The old is gone and the new has not yet appeared. Winter for nature is a time of rest. In times like these, we force ourselves to work even harder. The onset of this period suggests that you need to gain strength for the next breakthrough, and not squander what little is left. Take a break and take care of yourself. And remember about cyclicity - everything passes, and this will pass.

Everyone must have watched the old American film Groundhog Day, where the main character has to relive the same day over and over again. This happens in life too. Every day the same work, the same tasks, calls. Sooner or later it will get boring. Any, even the most easy job, presses on the shoulders of a heavy load. You can't squeeze out a single idea or line. How then to increase productivity?

What to do?

  • Jogging. Even if you're not into running, just give it a try. Run around the house at least once. You will see, you will come running home energized and full of new ideas.
  • Change of work environment. If you work from home, transfer your workplace to another room or kitchen. If in the office, then try to find a place in the next office, for example. Create an unusual environment for yourself and inspiration will not be long in coming.
  • Changing working tools . Turn off your computer and pick up a notebook or notepad. Make the plans and diagrams you need to work on paper. The letter will help launch thought process and bring out of the stupor.
  • Try to start from the end . When working on a project, change the order of tasks. Choose the tasks that are most attractive for you and proceed to their implementation. So gradually you will do everything that is required.
  • Change your daily routine . For example, do in the evening what you usually do in the morning and vice versa. Bring to your daily plan a bit of variety. For example, if after work you clean the house, then try to at least vacuum in the morning.
  • Relax . If nothing helps at all, agree with yourself that after a couple of hours of rest and pleasant things, you will devote yourself to work. This is how you motivate yourself by “idleness” and will gladly take on any work after a two- or three-hour pause.

Yana. story-woman editor . Due to the nature of my work, I constantly read a lot of information on the Internet in search of inspiration and new trends in the women's industry. But sometimes, passing by Rospechat, I still buy a magazine to read it in the evening, smell the freshly printed paper and take a break from the monitor.

  1. Laziness

Banal laziness is one of the simplest and most harmless reasons for not wanting to do anything. But is she really that harmless?

Let's say that in order to become healthy and slim, you decide to run in the morning. In the evening you are full of enthusiasm to start right in the morning. But when you wake up the next morning, you find that running in the morning doesn't feel so good anymore. Healthy sleep- the key to health, you think. You wake up the time allotted for a run, and in the evening you already regret that you could not get up and blame your laziness for everything. The next morning, history repeats itself... Days, weeks, years pass. So laziness has become a serious obstacle to health and harmony. And now overweight on the sides, a sore back and other "charms".

And so in everything. Laziness does not allow you to complete tasks, achieve goals, live a full life.

How to deal with laziness?

  • Dream. This is part of human nature. Close your eyes and let your thoughts fly freely. Pleasant pictures, thoughts and desires will begin to appear in your head ... You still want something, you always wanted to. There is no point in resisting it.
  • Listen to good music. Favorite music can be a great motivator.
  • Write wish lists. The main thing is to do it right. When you are alone, take a pencil and Blank sheet and write down all the desires that you can think of. You need to get at least 100. According to psychologists, the first 50 desires are not yours, but imposed by society. After about 50 desires, consciousness will begin to reveal the truth to you.
  • Use visualization. Think about what you want. Stick a wish board in a visible place and place on it images of everything that you dream about. So you will see in which direction you need to move.
  • Learn to break big things into small ones. It's the same with big dreams. As soon as some goal seems unattainable, think about what you can do to get what you want, think over all the small steps on the way to your dream. You will not even notice how you have achieved what seemed impossible to you a week, a month or a year ago.
  • Leave your comfort zone. Do what you were afraid to do before. Let changes into your life and it will sparkle with new colors.
  • Track your progress. Every day or every month write down all your successes and achievements and reread this list from time to time. This will inspire you to further exploits.
  • Think back to your past successes. You graduated with honors from a school or university, received Good work. This will help to cope with despondency and disbelief in one's own strength. You succeeded once and surely you can again!
  • Sometimes it's good to do nothing. At all. Turn off the TV, computer, phone, tablet, sit on a chair and fold your arms. Let's see how long you can last. Absolute inaction will force you to do even the most unloved work.

How to overcome laziness: soft, hard and super hard way

  1. Rejection by society

Do you feel lonely and useless? Colleagues refuse to deal with you and ignore you in every possible way? Whispering behind your back? Nobody appreciates your efforts? Hands down willy-nilly, motivation is lost and self-esteem drops.

According to research, people who are rejected by society, over time, cease to adapt to social norms, keep track of your appearance. The process of self-destruction starts. There is a craving for alcohol, smoking, eating behavior is disturbed, for example, an outcast begins to abuse sweets. You lose control of yourself and your life.

What to do?

Talk to people around you, ask about the reasons for such a negative attitude. If you establish contact in a team or in a society in which you have to be long time, it does not work, it is better to completely change the environment.

  1. Neglect of physical needs

Often waking up for work because you go to bed late. You starve for half a day, and in the evening you try to finish what you have not eaten all day due to lack of time for a normal lunch break. Often snack on the run. You don't have breakfast. You work so hard and so hard that you completely forgot about the rest. Familiar situations? Neglecting your physical needs can be a serious cause of a bad mood. After all, fasting provokes a lack of sugar in the body, which makes you irritable and tired. Lack of sleep and rest negatively affects the nervous system. With such a schedule, sooner or later you will simply “break”.

What to do?

As cliche as it sounds, take care of yourself. Be more attentive to your body. Eat regularly, walk in the fresh air, relax and your mood will improve in an instant.

You have to take a serious step in life, but you are not sure of any of the possible solutions. Or vice versa, you just need to go to the store, but you don’t know what exactly you need to buy. The more situations that require decision-making that happen to you, the more energy you lose. You begin to feel tired, but not physical, but psychological.

What to do?

Keep a notebook where you make a schedule for making decisions. So you will know approximately when and what you need to decide and no longer get out. Because then, . Over time, you will get used to it and it will not seem so hard to you. Don't forget to include rest hours in your schedule.

Let's say you decide to lose weight. Become active in sports and eat right. The weight began to slowly go away, but you are still far from ideal. You were inspired to see the results and began to practice even more intensively. At some point, weight loss slows down and stops completely. It seems to you that all the forces that you expend, the restrictions that you endure are for nothing. Instead of waiting out this period, calmly continue training and dieting, you get frustrated and quit. Are you fed up and best way out for you: buy fatty and junk food and start eating, eating and eating while sitting in front of the TV. And so in everything: in work, in sports, in self-development.

What to do?

It is necessary to realize that everything does not always go straight into the hands. To get what you want, you need to spend a lot of energy and not a little time. See the higher meaning in this. Perhaps what you did not receive, you simply do not need, or obstacles on the way to what you want will give you necessary experience. What you got with difficulty will be valued much higher.

  1. Doing something you don't like

You hate your job, but every day you get out of bed to do something you hate. Why? Because you need money, you have a family, or perhaps, at some point, you were promised a good promotion.

Sooner or later you will burn out. You will be overtaken by a state of fatigue, overwork, inner emptiness. You will begin to blame everyone around you for your unhappiness. And you still ask: “why don’t you want to do anything?”. Yes, because you are doing the wrong thing!

What to do?

Listen to yourself, what would you really like to do. It seems to you that life or society requires the right things from you, and you obey people and circumstances, drowning out the cries of your own “I”. Stop doing it, find your true self. Try new things so you don't regret missed opportunities later.

  1. Distress

Stress can sometimes be beneficial. In stressful situations, the body mobilizes its entire reserve to combat the unpleasant factors that caused stress. Improves performance, attention and memory. But if stressful situation too long, our body begins to get tired of such tension. There is complete indifference to what was important. There comes a state when you don’t want anything, nothing makes you happy. Such prolonged stress is called distress. You begin to imagine your future and see little good in it.

Why is this happening?

This is due to the development of the frontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for our imagination.

  • The brain is able to fill in the gaps. If we misheard something, or missed a word in the text, our brain fills in the gaps to get the full picture. Sometimes we don’t even realize that something was missing somewhere. So it is with our thoughts about the future. The brain fills in the gaps relative to your current state.
  • We perceive our future relative to the present. If today's situation only causes negative thoughts, then it becomes more difficult to see a "rainbow" future.
  • We cannot always predict our feelings about upcoming events. It seems to us that we will be happy when we get married, our team will win, we will win the competition. But in fact, when this happens, the surge of positive emotions is not as violent as we thought. But if we are suffering now, it is difficult to imagine happiness in the future.

What to do?

  • If any events in your life make you think about how you will feel in the future, it is worth talking with someone who has already experienced such a situation. For example, you have lost a prestigious job and it does not give you peace of mind. Talk to a person who has already been fired from a good position, find out how his life turned out.
  • Stop trying to control the future. We can imagine, but we cannot predict.
  • Do not limit your gaze into the future subjective sensations. There are always circumstances that can dramatically change your life. Do not look under your feet, look around so as not to miss anything.
  • Don't dig into the past. You will not be able to remember past feelings, to determine what you liked and what you didn’t. The brain erases all memories of feelings. You will look at the past from the point of view of your state in the present.
  • Don't imagine how it will feel in the future. If you are not able to remember the experienced sensations, then there is no point in trying to predict the future.
  • Live here and now. If something serious has happened, do not engage in a deep analysis of the situation. React and act immediately. This is 100% more effective in helping to cope with difficulties.
  1. Physical reasons.

Often the state of apathy can be associated with any physical illness, disruption in work internal organs taking certain medications.

Physical reasons:

  1. Violation of the endocrine system;
  2. Oncological diseases;
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  4. Alcoholism and drug addiction;
  5. Transferred serious illnesses;
  6. Lack of vitamins;
  7. Taking hormonal drugs ("Dexamethasone", "Prednisolone") and oral contraceptives;
  8. Taking drugs that reduce blood pressure("Enalapril").

What to do?

First of all, you should contact a medical institution for a complete examination. If it turns out that apathy is caused precisely by malfunctions in the body, it is necessary to undergo treatment.

  1. Asthenia, neurasthenia.

The consequence of a serious illness (flu or pneumonia) can be asthenic syndrome. All the forces of the organisms were spent on fighting the disease. Doing the usual things requires more effort and time, and any nervous shock, even pleasant, can provoke hysteria and tears. The cause of asthenia can also be a chronic disease that leads to a breakdown: AIDS, hypotension, diabetes. A person experiences complete indifference to everything, impotence.

There is also a variety of asthenia - neurasthenia, consequence psychological trauma. The body saves strength, recovering from the experienced shock. It is rather not apathy, but irritation, frequent mood swings.

The development of neurasthenia goes through three phases:

  1. Equalizing. A person equally violently reacts to everyday trifles and to a larger problem.
  2. Paradoxical. A person is unable to respond to serious problems, but breaks down over trifles.
  3. Ultra paradoxical . Absolute fatigue and indifference. A person does not understand what is happening around, it is difficult for him to answer and react.

How to fight?

  1. Take drugs and vitamins that help improve brain activity;
  2. Start using special psychological tricks. For example, in the paradoxical phase, the Watchman exercise will help:

We lay down on the sofa, close our eyes and try to sweep away any thoughts except one. Imagine that we have a beefy guy in the form of a security guard sitting in our head, on his head is a cap with the inscription "Security". He has no sense of humor, he says only one phrase: "Goodbye!"

  1. Syndrome chronic fatigue(CFS)

Apathy can be a consequence of CFS. What is SHU? Here the opinions of scientists are ambiguous. Some believe that this is the same as asthenia and neurasthenia. Others refer to CFS as immune dysfunction or encephalomyelitis.

Unlike asthenia, the syndrome affects groups of people. It is unknown why this is happening. Common versions: undetected virus, intestinal disorders, immune problems, hidden food allergies.

Symptoms of CFS:

  1. Insomnia;
  2. muscle weakness;
  3. Body aches;
  4. Exhaustion.

Scientists agree that this is the result of fatigue. From the patient, you can achieve positive emotions, a sincere smile in relation to friends and relatives.

What to do?

Contact a specialist for a complete examination.

  1. Schizophrenia and organic lesions in the brain

The cause of apathy can be dementia, neuroinfections, Pick's disease, Alzheimer's, which leads to degradation, accompanied by the loss of any desires, except for the satisfaction of physical needs.

Apathy can also be a symptom of schizophrenia. It all starts with the emergence of crazy ideas, loss of interest in everything. It is difficult for the patient to "kill time", he ceases to take care of himself and the house, which gradually turns into a garbage dump. Then hallucinations appear, a crazy idea attracts his attention to itself and returns the patient's energy for a while.

What to do?

As soon as possible, contact a psychiatrist who will prescribe specialized treatment.

  1. Syndrome emotional burnout(CMEA)

SEV - psychological exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. To the risk group this disease are mainly citizens working with people. Some of the most devoted professionals are suffering: doctors, teachers, social workers… These people, every day, face a wave of negativity, while putting their “soul” into their work. They do not recognize the right to fatigue and rest, trying to help not only formally. Over time, the energy "leaks", develop psychosomatic diseases. The psyche tries to defend itself, “turns off” emotions, human activity becomes formal, specialists become irritated and indifferent towards their clients.


  1. persistent fatigue;
  2. Constant feeling of sadness;
  3. Ennui;
  4. Lack of self-confidence;
  5. Inability to express any emotions;
  6. Lack of desire.

The CMEA develops as follows:

1 stage . The sharp onset of fatigue, frequent mood swings, loss of interest in previously beloved work. A person tries to work through force, ignoring the alarming signals of his body, stops sleeping peacefully. The feeling of anxiety increases.

2 stage . The person stops communicating with people. Expresses a negative attitude towards others, becomes caustic and irritable.

3 stage . A person loses all contact with society, withdraws into himself, ceases to take care of himself. Develop bad habits: drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking.

How to deal with CMEA?

But it is best to prevent the development of such a state. If you feel that normal sleep has ceased to save you from fatigue, take the following measures:

  • Rest more, do not miss vacations and weekends, leave the workplace on time;
  • Don't fill your head with unnecessary information. Turn off the TV and read a good book;
  • Do what brings you pleasure;
  • More physical activity;
  • Do not use gadgets too often and for a long time;
  • Look for new experiences;
  • Learn to prioritize. Don't chase everything at once. Important things first, the rest can wait;
  • Think first of all about your health. Sleep at least 7 hours. Eat sweets and caffeine in moderation;
  • Express emotions. Man is imperfect. Be human;
  • Don't promise too much or it will poison your life;
  • Think about what you dream about and what will help to fulfill your dream;
  • Do not neglect sedatives. They will help prevent the development of CMEA.
  • Try to avoid situations that upset you.
  1. Depression

Depression is one of the most dangerous causes of apathy. Depression is psychological disorder, accompanied by a loss of interest in life, a violation of eating behavior, sleep, emotional retardation. Bad mood does not go away within two weeks. Sometimes there are thoughts of suicide.

According to experts, a person who is depressed will not necessarily look depressed. Sometimes people deliberately have fun, behave excessively in order to hide their condition. But everything they do does not bring them any joy.

Causes of depression can be:

  • predisposition to such a condition;
  • Death of someone close
  • Great exhaustion;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Prolonged stress;
  • Changes in life (retirement, divorce, job loss).

How to beat depression?

In the first six months, depression can be dealt with on your own. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Try to be distracted. Do not be alone, do something pleasant, find a hobby. After all, loneliness and idleness - ideal conditions for dark thoughts;
  2. Move more, and even better go in for sports. Physical exercise is health, harmony and endorphins. Three components good mood. But choose quiet activities, such as yoga or Pilates, as too intense training can worsen the condition;
  3. Don't set the bar too high. Demanding from ourselves the fulfillment of high goals, endless tasks, we do not allow ourselves to relax, we ourselves create stressful situations;
  4. Watch your nutrition. Do not skip meals, eat healthy and healthy foods. This will strengthen not only your body, but also the nervous system;
  5. Try to understand the reason. Think about what triggered your condition. Rethink the situation, perhaps this will help you cope with negative thoughts.

If you can't deal with depression on your own:

  1. Contact a specialist who will prescribe antidepressants and prescribe psychotherapy;
  2. Strictly follow all instructions of the doctor;
  3. Be attentive to your condition, inform the doctor of any changes;
  4. Make a plan for the next day, take every hour of your time;
  5. Set yourself achievable goals;
  6. Keep records;
  7. Leave the bed immediately after waking up;
  8. Discuss with your doctor how to deal with a possible relapse.

Unfortunately, our children can also be prone to apathy. Since they spend most of their time at school and at home, the cause of apathy should be looked for there.

Most probable causes apathy in children

  1. Lack of parental attention;
  2. Wrong approach to the child on the part of teachers;
  3. Problems in communication with peers.

How to deal with child apathy?

More attention from parents is needed. Joint trips, games, classes will benefit. With the baby, you should talk more often, have conversations. In the case of peers, organizing activities and games will help the child find mutual language with other children, more often to communicate after school hours.

And finally, a few tips from the famous coach Leonid Krol on what to do when you don’t feel like doing anything:

  • You need any desires, especially forbidden ones;
  • A tired person will not be able to take care of others, because he does not know what these "others" really need. Ask your loved ones what they want. When your care becomes precise, it becomes much easier;
  • If you decide to save the whole world, start with yourself;
  • Express emotions, even anger;
  • Delineate your territory, everyone should have it;
  • Every day, do your exercises, where there should be exercises for the development of plasticity and somersaults. Keep your back straight and your shoulders back;
  • Remember your debts, but do not forget about the time for yourself;
  • Make new acquaintances, do not hesitate to communicate;
  • How tired are you? Start doing beyond the planned work and you will understand what it is, fatigue.

Down with gloom! Apathy and laziness

Our unconscious desires are hidden from us. Therefore, we may not guess what our psyche asks for. main reason the emergence of apathy - the lack of realization of our desires.

Want nothing. I sit like a vegetable, there are no desires, no feelings, no aspirations. Complete lack of interest in life. There is not even the strength to move at all and do anything. Go to bed, and better forever.

But earlier life on fire inside. There were desires, there were aspirations, it was interesting, and life brought pleasure. Now in the soul - only emptiness. What went wrong, what went wrong? Who to contact for help, what to try?

We understand the causes of the condition and with the help of latest knowledge of our time - system-vector psychology.

Man is the principle of pleasure

What is apathy? A state of indifference and indifference to everything around. How does this even happen? Let's start to understand this from the very beginning: from what a healthy person is.

A person, in essence, is his psyche, that is, a set of desires and properties, which in system-vector psychology are combined into vectors. There are 8 vectors in total, each of which carries its own unique desires and characteristics, determining the values, aspirations, type of thinking and all other features of their owners.

Man unconsciously always strives for pleasure. Everything he does in his life, he does it out of a desire to have fun. Feeling desire for something man goes implement it. Getting what he wants, he enjoys, and then the desire doubles. Further, we make more efforts, but then the pleasure from achieving the goal is already greater.

The barrier is that our unconscious desires are hidden from us. Therefore, we may not guess what our psyche asks for. The main reason for the emergence of apathy is the lack of realization of our desires.

What are they, our unconscious desires?

To understand how apathy arises and how to deal with it, let's take a closer look at what desires a person lives in each vector.

  • Owners strive for superiority - social and material. For them, the status in society, the opportunity to earn good money for their work is important.
  • For owners, the main value is family, children and home. In society, respect and recognition are important to them. They are the best professionals, masters of their craft.
  • For representatives, the meaning of life is love, warm, heartfelt relationships. They want emotional connections with people.
  • In people with main query- knowledge of the forces that govern this world and the people around, knowledge of one's destiny, the meaning of appearing on this earth.

To understand how to treat apathy, you need to formulate the exact cause of apathy. It will sound like this: "I want and I don't get."

Reasons for apathy

1) We do not realize, and therefore do not realize our desires.

A person is disoriented and often makes mistakes, he realizes not his desires, but those imposed by society. For example, a person with an anal vector seems to feel that he wants a family, but from all sides they shout: “First you need a career, then a family! You will create a family - you will not wait for a career! And he tries, plows, to build a career. Inside, there is constant dissatisfaction. It's like you're not doing what's right for you.

A person does not know himself and is making efforts in the wrong place. It is invested - but it does not receive pleasure. Again he makes efforts - again he receives nothing. And then there is no energy for anything, and I don’t want to do anything. There is a state of apathy.

2) Bad script or traumatic experience.

A person may be fully aware of his desires, but something may prevent him from getting what he wants.

For example, in the skin vector, this could be a fail scenario. It is formed in childhood when a child with a skin vector is beaten or humiliated. As a result, the child is retrained unconsciously to enjoy not from achievements and victories, but from failures and failures. Consciously, he sets himself big goals, wants status, money, and unconsciously relaxes and calms down if nothing happened again.

When a person is unaware of such a scenario, he can beat like a fish on ice, but never achieve anything. Until the scenario for failure is understood and worked out, nothing will change. Then it gradually quenches frustration, knocks down the desire that a person not be so hurt from endless fruitless efforts.

People with a visual vector are very emotional and sensitive. Their main desire is love. With all their hearts, they strive for her - for a warm, tender relationship. But it doesn't always work out to build emotional connections. A person can suffer, try, but never get what he wants. And after the mass of pain experienced, he already resigns himself and does not try anymore. And wants nothing...

Injuries in the visual vector are also possible: there was a strong shock, for example, the loss of loved ones, and the psyche, in order to save itself, turns on a protective mechanism and blocks emotional sensitivity. Then a person experiences a complete or partial shutdown of emotions, he feels emotional emptiness. But this is a temporary state.

3) Desire gets into time trouble.

It happens that the desire is quite felt and realized, but in the data life circumstances unable to implement it. This happens, for example, with women on maternity leave, when they do not have the opportunity to do their favorite job, communicate with people, “go out”.

fading desires

When a desire is not realized for a long time, it turns into frustration, into internal tension. When frustrations (“I want and don’t get”) accumulate for a long time, a person constantly feels pain and dissatisfaction. He becomes aggressive - he begins to hate everyone, get annoyed, yell or throw tantrums, that is, "dump" his shortages on others. All this aggression begins to corrode him from the inside. This manifests itself in the form of psychosomatic illnesses and disorders.

And then, gradually, the psyche begins to curtail desires in order to save a person. This is a kind of mercy of nature. A person becomes lethargic, without energy, does not want anything, and can no longer. It just completely fades away. No desire - no life.

How can this happen, for example, in a woman with an anal vector? Her main value- this is a family, home, children. But in those situations when the family broke up or loved ones died, it comes inner emptiness, often women call this condition - emotional burnout. For whom to knit warm socks? Who should bake pies? Whom to meet after work, whom to take care of? The meaning of life is lost, emptiness inside. Gradually comes to not be so painful to live.

Complete apathy and depression

The sound vector stands separately in the hierarchy of desires. His desires are the only ones not connected with the material world. If earthly desires (in the remaining seven vectors) are fully realized by people, then the desires of the sound vector are most often not realized.

Desires in the sound vector are desires to reveal the structure of the world, what is hidden, the reasons for our birth, the meaning of life, our destiny. If these desires are not fulfilled, a person completely loses interest in anything, does not want to communicate with people, loses the meaning of any daily activities, feels physical weakness, drowsiness, calling it chronic fatigue syndrome. in the sound vector - a consequence of severe conditions, depression, it is complete exhaustion and despair from the inability to fill one's sound desires.

The sound vector is dominant, which means that if its desires are not fulfilled, then it gradually reduces the desires in other vectors (the desire for communication, family, money, love, etc.). Gradually, a person completely loses the meaning in life, can hate people, constantly strive for loneliness.

He does not want to communicate with anyone, and he needs to answer questions that others constantly ask him. A person does not understand what he wants, where to move, more often he does not want anything at all. There is a complex emotional disorder- a person is alive, but psychologically, emotionally, he seems to be dying, he lives simply on the machine, in apathy.

How to get rid of apathy and depression in order to return to a full life? Revealing the device of the psyche at the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, the sound person forgets about depression, he wakes up with a completely unbridled interest in life and a desire to live.

Apathy: what to do if you do not want anything

The advice of a systemic psychologist, : to realize your natural desires, use the pleasure principle in life, corresponding to internal device your psyche.

When a person realizes his own nature, his true unconscious desires, already at this stage, his energy is released. This makes it possible to start moving in your life not at random, but in the right direction, with knowledge of your device. Treatment of apathy is a problem to be solved.

You no longer have to get bad experiences. In addition, you will be able to free yourself from the fetters of previous experience, from obstacles that prevent your desires from being filled.

Script for failure, resentment, bad experience, procrastination (postponing for later), fears, panic attacks, phobias. All these problems are worked out at the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

System-vector psychology is a multifaceted knowledge about the human psyche, about what drives us from the inside. For people with a sound vector, the study of this knowledge is the greatest pleasure available in our time.

It's time to come back to life. This world is waiting for you - alive, energetic, waiting for the realization of your talents! Not a single person is born just like that - this world needs him, and each person is able to become happy when he is realized according to the properties inherent in him by nature. confirm this. These people were able to return to life from their depressions and apathies:

“There was a certain anticipation of new discoveries every coming day. I began to go out into the street and now I can’t sit still for a minute. A new source of energy appeared inside - the thirst for life. Understanding myself, the components of my psyche (vector) and their needs, I clearly realize that I have no right to do something other than my own business in life and be in the wrong place!!”

And you too can beat apathy. Start with a free online training "Systemic Vector Psychology", which will take place in the near future. .

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Initially, the meaning of the word "apathy" implied an extremely useful and positive state of the individual. A term borrowed from the ancient Greeks - followers of Stoicism ( apatheia - dispassionateness), was used to denote the ability of wise persons to lead a life in which there are no antimoral passions and negative affects. This is a state of a stoic way of thinking and acting, when a person does not experience joy and suffering from phenomena that cause such feelings in an ordinary mortal.

Today, the term "apathy" is synonymous with athymia and anormia, denoting the presence of dominant properties: emotional passivity, deep detachment from what is happening, a hopeless lack of liveliness. Apathy is a state of a person that can be described in words: “ I don’t want anything, not because I’m lazy, but because the whole life is uninteresting, unexciting, insipid, boring».

At the same time, the reluctance to do anything and somehow act is not at all the momentary whims of an eccentric and spoiled personality. Constant apathy is a specific status of the inner world of the individual, a special structure of the psyche. Lethargy of thinking, coldness of feelings, detachment of experiences can occur gradually or abruptly. A person does not understand the nature of such sensations, is not able to control them, that is, by conscious efforts she cannot change her perception of the world.

What is apathy? Description

In fact, the resulting apathy for life is a kind of lever nervous system used to protect and save the psyche from accumulated stress, warning of the depletion of the body's resources. The state of indifference and indifference arises at a time when, under the influence of psycho-traumatic factors, the reserves of mental energy have been exhausted. Detachment from the events of reality is a consequence of prolonged excitation of the central nervous system: in order to stabilize the work of the body, the brain initiates the processes of inhibition of functions. Such a natural mechanism is designed to prevent the irreversible depletion of mental resources. This is a specific reliable "fuse" of the body from excessive nervous tension.

However, for many people, apathy is not a single and short-term phenomenon, but takes possession of a person for a long time, makes changes in character, becoming a kind of personal property. social apathy in the form of passivity and lack of initiative, it can be a character trait of individuals at certain stages of development, manifesting itself in low professional activity and social inertia.

As such, the diagnosis of "apathy" in psychiatry is absent. In the understanding of clinicians, this is a symptom of the existence of a certain problem in the human psyche, which can be described as "total indifference." It is this sign that most accurately reflects the position of a person in this moment. It is worth noting that indifference does not apply to any specific area of ​​life: a person is indifferent to all manifestations of life.

Apathy is well conveyed by the speech construction " I do not care". That is, it is the same for a person: the sun is shining or it's raining, he won an award or lost his wallet, he will go to a friendly party or stay at home alone, he will eat a delicious steak or get soy sausages for dinner. For a person with apathy does not exist fundamental difference between joyful and sad events, achievements and failures, gains and losses. Any phenomenon, regardless of its sign: "plus" or "minus" will not cause an emotional reaction.

However, it is worth distinguishing apathy from a related anomaly - abulia, which often go hand in hand. Apathy is insensibility, and abulia is inactivity. If, with apathy, a person continues to exist, as if by inertia, without feeling any emotions, then with abulia, his urges to do something simply disappear.

The state of contemplative inactivity is a sign. Indifference to the outside world negative manifestation various somatic, neurological, mental pathologies, such as: dementia in Pick's disease, senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type, tick-borne borreliosis, HIV infection. Apathy can develop when taking certain pharmacological agents, for example: antipsychotics.

Apathy can be specific clinical symptom within depressive disorders. Apathy and depression soul mates. But if, with “pure” depression, a person is exhausted negative feelings, then contrasting concepts disappear with apathy. A person does not feel the difference between "sad - fun", "sad - joyful". In a word, everything is “no way” for him.

However, the absence external manifestations experiences in a subject with apathy does not always mean that the person has completely lost the ability to feel something. It’s just that true sensations are often hidden in the deep sections of the subconscious and are not shown on conscious level. In addition, apathy deprives the saturation and brightness of experiences, so it seems that a person has no emotions at all.

Symptoms of apathy

A person in a state of apathy is easy to distinguish from those around him, since the symptoms of this anomaly are clearly visible externally. The main essence of apathy is complete indifference to what is happening, which is manifested in a noticeable decrease in vitality. A person loses interest in hobbies, does not perform previously favorite activities, reduces the number of contacts with friends. A person loses interest not only in joyful events, but he does not show any reactions to phenomena that in a normal state cause hostility, disgust, anger.

Surrounded by people, he is distinguished by absolutely impassive speeches and indifferent behavior. Complete alienation of the individual from society is established. He tends to ignore questions addressed to him, or answers them in monosyllables. A noticeable sign of apathy: lack of sympathy for the problems of loved ones, the disappearance of empathy for the difficulties of relatives, the inability to rejoice at their successes. Often, through his fault, family relationships become hostile. At the same time, the more attention a relative pays to him, the further the person with apathy seeks to move away from him.

The person prefers to be inactive, to spend time aimlessly. A person continues to go to work or attend classes, but he does it out of inertia. He does not show any initiative and fulfills his duties, not striving to get some kind of worthy result, but performing them, if only to somehow do the job.

The posture of a person with apathy is static, as if inanimate, the head is lowered, the look is extinct. The visual symptoms of apathy are the complete disappearance of facial reactions to some phenomena. Neither sympathy, nor antipathy, nor sadness, nor joy are reflected on a person’s face. The subject's speech is devoid of any emotional modulations. In the narration, indifferent notes can be traced in relation to all objects of reality.

A sign of apathy, visible to the naked eye - the disappearance of any autonomic reactions to an event, that is, a person’s face neither blushes nor turns pale if the individual becomes a witness to an objectively disturbing situation. There is also a significant paucity of gestures, complete absence any spontaneous movements.

There may be signs of slovenliness and uncleanliness, up to a complete disregard for personal hygiene measures. Many people with apathy are observed to perform meaningless obsessive actions, for example: tapping their fingers on the table, rhythmically shaking their legs, rubbing their hands, fixing their eyes on their hands for a long time.

Reasons for apathy

Apathy- a symptom that may indicate diseases of the somatic, neurological, mental level. Before proceeding with the treatment of an abnormal condition, the following causes should be excluded:

  • schizophrenia;
  • depressive disorders;
  • diseases of the central nervous system of organic etiology;
  • dementia of various origins;
  • AIDS;
  • oncological lesions of the brain;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • endocrine dysfunctions.

Quite often, the causes of apathy are the intake of certain medications, including: benzodiazepine tranquilizers, hypnotics, tricyclic antidepressants, antibiotics, oral contraceptives. Therefore, if fatigue, drowsiness, weakness and indifference occur while taking some medications, it is necessary to consult a doctor to replace the medications.

In list psychological reasons apathy, the palm is held by the psychoanalytic concept, according to which apathy is a protective mechanism of the psyche, designed to neutralize the intense experiences of the individual. According to the adherents of this doctrine, apathy helps to temporarily reduce the importance of the desires and needs of the individual, which allows you to change the worldview, thereby eliminating the internal conflict.

Another group of psychologists believes that the cause of apathy is a consequence of excessive experiences of the individual, and its task is to reduce the intensity of manifestations of the emotional sphere. Since the process of experiencing emotions is associated with a significant expenditure of mental energy, any person has a moment when the body's resources are simply not enough for emotional reactions. Apathy is a kind of “switch” of the sphere of feelings to work in an energy-saving mode.

Other opinion, apathy is a way to prevent nervous breakdown, which restrains responsible and purposeful persons from excessive labor exploits. Often, sudden insensitivity occurs in enterprising and enterprising subjects who dare in the professional field 24 hours a day. Due to the development of indifference to what is happening, the body of a workaholic receives the necessary rest.

In some cases, it is rather difficult to establish the causes of apathy, since the culprits of a person’s vital lethargy are hidden in the deep sections of the psyche - in the subconscious. Thanks to the immersion of a person in a hypnotic trance, it is possible to establish that the causes of the current cooling to life are mental traumas of the past. That is, in personal history there was some kind of psycho-traumatic situation that caused severe suffering to the individual. Through the emergence of apathy, the subconscious mind tries to protect the individual from new mental anguish.

Psychological stress

The state of apathy, depression, when nothing pleases in life, and there is no strength for anything, massively affects people, and doctors are already sounding the alarm. Previously, it was believed that apathy is a temporary phenomenon, and it does not require special attention. However, now, more and more often, apathy turns into severe and prolonged depression that needs to be treated in the hospital.

What is apathy in a person, and how does it appear, and why does it happen

The main reason for apathy is a banal lack of energy. AT modern world we have to be on the move all the time, run all the time, hurry, and we don’t have a second to rest. For some time, the body copes, a “second wind” may open, then a third, fourth, but the resources of the body are not unlimited. At some point, our body begins to rebel and turns on a defense mechanism called "apathy".

Apathy sets in, you don’t want to do anything, and you feel constant fatigue, when you don’t even have the strength or desire to turn your head. We know what to do when the battery in our phone is dead, but what to do when the battery is dead in the body? It's even more difficult when you don't want to do anything.

Apathy against the background of emotional burnout occurs in those who take their work too responsibly. These are doctors, rescuers, firefighters, police, etc. Giving all of themselves to work, saving people and not feeling the return, people burn out. Sometimes the impotence and inability to save the one who trusted you causes disappointment in your profession or in yourself. First, this manifests itself in rudeness, and then indifference to their work.

Apathy is a pretty serious condition. Starting with indifference and detachment, aversion to life may also appear. No one is immune from this disaster, and apathy can overtake a woman, a man, and a child.

The state of apathy, if you don’t want to do anything, is not easy laziness, with which it is often confused. At the heart of apathy are psychophysiological reasons. The causes of laziness are similar to the causes of apathy, but they are not so dangerous. With laziness, a person is in harmony with himself, and he is consciously lazy, not wanting to do anything. A lazy person causes irritation, and an apathetic one causes anxiety. Laziness is a permanent state of a person that lasts continuously for years, while apathy occurs in active and cheerful people, and is of a severe nature that requires the attention of a psychologist.

Weakness, drowsiness, apathy, fatigue, causes in women

Women are physically weaker than men, in addition, they are often more emotional and vulnerable. In this regard, the causes of apathy in women can be of various origins.

Hormones play huge role in women's health. Pregnancy, menopause, PMS, cause a hormonal storm in the body, frequent mood swings, and at some point, this mood can freeze at its lowest point.

In the treatment of certain diseases, women undergo hormonal treatment. Violation hormonal balance in the body can cause a whole chain of failures that lead to apathy. Appetite is disturbed, as a rule, women begin to overeat, gain weight, and when looking in the mirror, experience severe stress. This stress is exacerbated if the treatment does not bring the desired effect. Disbelief in the future, lack of strength to fight on, leads to apathy and depression.

Unrequited love is a huge test for any person, but some women experience it more acutely. If a separation occurs, a woman feels abandoned, useless, and a wave of despair covers her. At first, this is an understandable desire to cry, and at such moments no one is eager to interrupt this flow. It is believed that in such cases it is necessary to let her cry, but without friendly support, the woman is exhausted from tears, and soon there is emptiness. Then there are no tears, but there are no other desires either.

Apathy in women can cause overwork. Especially often this occurs after the birth of a child, when chronic lack of sleep is replaced by constant fear for the child, and not very correct statements of relatives or the lack of help from the spouse, cause a feeling of inferiority. A woman tells herself that she is a bad mother, a bad wife, and all her efforts lead to nothing. Why then all this? Why cook, clean, take care of yourself if no one cares about you. Bad mood is superimposed on physical fatigue which eventually leads to apathy.

Unfulfilled dreams, shattered hopes, when everything goes upside down and a woman does not have time to comprehend what is happening around, she withdraws into herself and does not respond to external world generally.

In fact, there are many reasons why apathy occurs. Death native person, stress, job loss, and when a series of unpleasant events does not stop, a kind of fuse works in the head, which turns off all feelings and emotions.

Causes of apathy in men

Apathy can arise against the background of dissatisfaction with oneself. Men often take on an unbearable burden. They plan everything clearly, but if the plan goes awry, irritation arises, accusing oneself of being unable to cope with the situation, and as a result, all desire to do something disappears.

The constant routine, repeated from day to day, has already received its name: "Groundhog Day". A person feels trapped and cannot escape from it. Each new day is similar to the previous one. Man does not see the future, he goes in circles, and there is no end to this. Everything loses its meaning, home-work, work-home, and all the colors in life have faded. A man automatically does all the movements, actions, and slowly loses control over himself. He does not remember what day it is, whether he put on shoes, or goes to work in slippers, he is seized by indifference to everything. One day, he simply won’t get up for work in the morning and will remain lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He ceases to be aware of himself as a living person, and this is not an exaggeration. With apathetic depression, devitalization of mental alienation appears, when a person loses awareness of his own "I". The instinct of self-preservation disappears, as does the desire to exist.

If a man is too responsible, he often takes on too much. He helps everyone, of course, everyone uses it with pleasure. Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, irregular nutrition and every second responsibility leads to chronic fatigue. The word “I want” is replaced by the word “necessary”, and so on endlessly. If you always follow the circumstances, ignoring your own needs, weakness, drowsiness along with insomnia, fatigue and apathy appear over time.

Often apathy in men can be the result of prolonged stress. Unloved work, bad relationships in the family, all this accumulates over the years, and gradually drains all the strength. For his own reasons, a man cannot or does not want to change the situation and continues to go with the flow as long as there is strength.

Apathy does not start suddenly, and the first signs of this disorder can be noticed long before the person simply refuses to move.

First of all, a man gives up his hobbies. If he used to go fishing, went to a bar with friends for the weekend, then with the onset of apathy, this becomes uninteresting to him. He moves away from friends and spends more and more time alone, just staring at the wall.

Then there is absent-mindedness, lethargy, memory loss and drowsiness. Others attribute this to laziness, and the alarm begins to sound only when a person stops taking care of himself, washing, eating and reacting to the environment.

This is a severe stage of apathy, and if this state continues for more than two weeks, it's time to get down to business. A person will not get out of this state on his own and will simply wither away.

Quite rarely, a person with apathy himself turns to doctors for help. I want to lie down and do nothing, not even breathe or blink. Everything has lost its meaning and absolute indifference to own fortune, does not allow a person to realize the need for treatment.

After all, many miss the first symptoms of apathy and attribute everything to simple fatigue. They hope to sleep off, go on vacation and everything will pass. Only it is not always possible to take a break on time, and at work they can be loaded with additional urgent work.

In such cases, it is important to listen to yourself and not be driven like a "draft horse". Sometimes, for own health you can put an ultimatum to the authorities. Of course it's not the best option, but the fact is that if apathy overtakes you, you may already lose your job. Only you will be sick, unhappy and useless. Yesterday's valuable employee will turn into a pale shadow of yesterday's workaholic.

Apathy is a problem modern society, in connection with which it is more reasonable to carry out the prevention of this disorder, and not bring it to clinical condition, which International classification diseases has an index R45.3 "Demoralization and apathy".

Treatment of apathetic depression - the right approach is important

Apathetic depression is not always easy to treat. Often you need an integrated approach that combines psychotraining and restorative therapy of the body. By the time the relatives begin to sound the alarm, the patient is already exhausted both morally and physically, he simply does not have the strength, even for treatment. Weakness and prolonged fasting exhaust the body, and every movement is difficult.

In such cases, a vitamin complex is prescribed to improve physical condition patient, enhanced nutrition, and only then, psychotherapy sessions are scheduled.

When serious condition apathy, often begin treatment with hypnosis sessions. It is important to reach out to the patient, get him out of his stupor and give him the motivation to heal. In a state of hypnosis, a person is freed from his problems, and by examining all corners of a person’s memory, one can find what exactly caused the disorder and how to get out of it.

Subsequently, at psychotherapy sessions, the patient, together with the psychologist, sorts out what was wrong. It is important to correctly measure your capabilities and strengths so as not to be upset because of failures and pipe dreams. You can get out of apathy this time, but you have to learn not to get into such situations again.

It is important to be aware of your “I”, which determines all our “wants” and not ours. Being kind and sympathetic is wonderful, but we must not forget about ourselves. If the inner "I" protests, a person comes into conflict with himself, and it is important to be aware of this.

When psychotraining does not bring results, the doctor may prescribe psychostimulants nervous activity. It is better not to select medicines on your own, and amateur performance is not welcome here. Most over-the-counter drugs in pharmacies have a sedative effect. varying degrees actions. These drugs can only harm the patient. In addition, drug therapy must necessarily be combined with psychotherapy.

Scientists write that it is enough for an adult to sleep 6 hours a day, but they forget to add that these are averages. Set aside as much time for your sleep as your body needs. Don't forget about sports and proper nutrition. No wonder they say that a healthy mind in a healthy body. The body will find the necessary resources in case of another trouble, but these resources must be protected and replenished in a timely manner.

Learn to be an optimist. It sounds strange, but optimism can be learned. There is a share of optimism in every person, and with regular training you can develop the ability to see the good and believe in miracles more. Treat everyday problems with irony and a share of humor, because these are trifles that are not worth your worries.

Most often, people who themselves allowed this to happen fall under the influence of apathy. They limited themselves to only work and duties, and completely abandoned entertainment. It is always a waste of time and money for entertainment, but they are necessary for a person. Let it be a trip to the zoo, a movie, or a bike ride, but human brain need a change of scenery and emotions. Otherwise, the repeating "Groundhog Day" image will come back again.

Apathy, low performance. Causes of Chronic Fatigue

Constant apathy: what to do if you don’t want anything?

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Apathy is a term used to characterize the state of indifference to what is happening around a person. Over time, without proper treatment, it can progress. In most cases, the state of apathy accompanies some mental and nervous diseases. Outwardly, the signs of the disease are very similar to banal laziness, so it is so important to take into account all the symptoms, diagnose the problem in time and start fighting it.

Causes of apathy

Apathy can be caused by a variety of factors. Most often it is:

  • Prolonged emotional or physical stress
  • Lack or lack of rest
  • Certain chronic diseases, especially those with severe symptoms
  • Dissatisfaction with desires and needs, as well as shame for them
  • Abrupt changes in environment or condition, including pregnancy, retirement, death of family and friends, family problems, and others
  • The desire to get only the maximum result in all situations
  • genetic predisposition
  • lack of vitamins and sunlight
  • Constant reproaches and instructions from others, strong pressure from their side
  • A long wait for something scary or exciting
  • Frequent stress and anxiety
  • Taking some medicines e.g. steroids, contraceptives, sleeping pills, antibiotics and many more
  • Elderly age
  • Various types of addiction, such as alcohol or tobacco
  • Incorrect hormonal therapy and problems with the endocrine system.

These are not all the reasons for the occurrence of this condition. And not always the presence of one or two of these factors can cause this condition. It depends on them how to deal with apathy in each case, what to do to eliminate the symptoms and return the person to normal life.

A special place is occupied by autumn apathy. It is found in many healthy people in the middle of autumn, when constant rains are pouring and a person experiences discomfort, a lack of sunlight. Doctors suggest how to cope with apathy in this case. No special treatment is required. It is enough to saturate life with bright colors, do what you love or discover something new, or even change your image. And then the autumn apathy will go away without any consequences.

Signs of apathy

Recognizing apathy is not easy. Outwardly, it looks like laziness and is a frequent companion of neurosis and depression. Here are the most characteristic symptoms of this condition, noticing which, regardless of the reasons for their occurrence, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • Fatigue
  • Indifference to everything, including activities, food, things that used to cause pleasure
  • Decreased mental activity
  • Emotional decline
  • Slowness of speech and movements
  • Decreased mobility and talkativeness
  • Lack of initiative
  • Lethargy, weakness, drowsiness
  • Increased fatigue, impotence
  • Unwillingness to do something
  • Tired of life
  • Sadness and depression
  • Problems with memory and thinking.

Moreover, these symptoms can be both strongly conspicuous to others, and be invisible. In the second case, a person can commit suicide for no apparent reason or isolate himself from society.

Most often, the state of apathy is also accompanied by such symptoms as indifference to the outside world, the absence of external manifestations of emotions and feelings, inclinations and desires. In some cases, apathy is defense mechanism, for example, with unrequited love or due to the lack of the opportunity to realize oneself as a person. Sometimes it is one of the symptoms of an illness, such as schizophrenia, depression, and others.

Complete apathy

Complete apathy is characterized by the absolute paralysis of all feelings and emotions. A person is like a robot that performs all actions on the machine. He is not interested in anything, everyday duties and actions cause mental discomfort. It is very difficult to get out of this state.

Differences between apathy and laziness

If laziness is not characteristic of a person, and in addition to it there are several other signs listed above, then you need to look for an answer to the question of how to get rid of apathy. After all, it is precisely this state that is signaled by the unwillingness to do anything and take the initiative. It is worth noting several differences between laziness and apathy:

  1. With apathy, a person does not want to do absolutely nothing. It is impossible to captivate or interest him. Laziness only applies to certain aspects of life
  2. If you suffer from laziness, then you are not indifferent to the results of your doing nothing. While in apathy a person is not interested in anything
  3. Apathy is a long-term condition that can overshadow several weeks or months. The feeling of laziness occurs periodically
  4. With laziness, there is no emotional-volitional disorder, which is precisely what characterizes apathy.
  5. Apathy is a serious disease that needs treatment. There is only one way to get out of a state of laziness - by an effort of will. Only you can defeat it
  6. Laziness tends to have a specific focus on a specific action, situation, object. Apathy paralyzes the feelings and emotions of a person and makes him indifferent to everything. In the first case, a person wants something instead of work or other routine duties. For example, watch a movie, relax instead of exercising in the gym.

If a person is able to cope with laziness on his own, then the second condition needs timely diagnosis and treatment. Without the help of a specialist, it will not be possible to cope with it, even if relatives and relatives, as well as he himself will try to take any actions to eliminate the causes and symptoms of the problem, try to get out of this state

How to get rid of apathy

Before you fight apathy, be sure to visit a specialist to identify the causes of its occurrence and exclude the presence of other mental or mental illnesses. nervous character. If there is serious problems, for example, drug treatment or alcohol addiction, schizophrenia, depression commonly used drug treatment. Moreover, the main attention is paid to the elimination of the factor that caused this condition.

If a person is pretty for a long time(several months) suffers from indifference, then the question of how to get rid of apathy is solved in a hospital. It is under the supervision of specialists that the doctor will determine which measures will be most effective. It will help distinguish apathy from laziness, depression and other conditions, and help eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

Also good measures for the prevention and treatment of apathy are:

  1. Balanced diet
  2. Normal sleep (at least 7-8 hours without a break)
  3. Sufficient amount of physical activity
  4. Fulfillment of desires, the ability to at least sometimes do what you want and like, saturation of life with vivid emotions
  5. Visiting a psychoanalyst
  6. Reducing stress and fatigue in life
  7. Health monitoring, including the state of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems

Do not hold back tears, if you want to cry, do not keep emotions in yourself. Nothing terrible will happen if others see that you need rest and help. This is absolutely normal.

Also, experts, when the question arises, how to deal with apathy, recommend drinking a vitamin-mineral complex, changing jobs, environment, social circle and place of residence, doing what brings pleasure, what you want to do for hours. If laziness or indifference occurs, you should definitely analyze your condition, find out the reasons for its appearance, and only then decide how to deal with apathy.

The benevolent attitude of others and relatives, the lack of pressure on their part, accusations of laziness and doing nothing, will help in the treatment of apathy,

If you notice that you or your loved ones have a feeling of unreasonable sadness, constant laziness, a desire to be alone and indifference to everything for several days or weeks, then you should definitely consult a doctor. It is he who will be able to suggest how to get rid of apathy in your case, what to do to prevent the occurrence of this condition.

Do not self-medicate and do not think that everything will pass by itself. Apathy and depression need proper therapy. Without it, the patient's condition will only worsen over time.