Kipling radical forgiveness. Radical Forgiveness

Today I invite you to meet great way healing painful life situations through radical forgiveness method, authored by the Anglo-American hypnotherapist Colin Tipping.

First, I will talk about the author, the essence and principles of the method, and then I will suggest practically go through the healing process using the attached Worksheets (Radical Forgiveness Questionnaires, which I have translated especially for my readers). They bring an amazing effect and do not take much time. It is important to go through all stages of the process, being fully involved in it.

Colin developed the Radical Forgiveness Method, which differs from ordinary forgiveness in that it allows you to recognize true role offender ("guilty" of suffering) as loving soul who kindly agreed to help a person go through his lesson and get closer to his true essence, increase vibrations and the amount of love in his soul.

After the step-by-step process of radical forgiveness, which consists of five mandatory stages, has been completed, a person realizes that there is essentially no one to forgive him and all that remains is to thank that person for the lesson of love and the opportunity to heal.

A few years ago I came across this amazing method and now, having returned to Colin's site, I saw that over the years he did not stand still and continued to develop his method, expanding it to solve other problems. Using the same algorithm, Colin offers several options for working with a radical method - this is a radical forgiveness of other people, a radical forgiveness of oneself, a radical manifestation - a statement about the desired and a radical transformation - which removes claims to world processes. All work takes place through worksheets, questionnaires, where it is proposed to write down answers to several questions step by step or tick off your agreement with some statements.


Before moving on to the practice itself, I will talk a little more about the essence of the method and its author.

Colin Tipping has worked for many years as a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, in therapy camps for cancer patients and over the years he had to listen to thousands of heart-warming stories from the most different people, which led him to the conviction that it is hardly possible to find a person on our earth who would not act as a victim in his life under serious circumstances, let alone count how many times in small things. Who can say that he has never blamed others for his misfortunes? For most people, it's their way of life.

The archetype of the victim is rooted very deeply in each of us and has a huge impact on the mass consciousness. We are surrounded by victims suffering from severe emotional trauma, people who are subjected to violence, unfair treatment, resentment, and so on. For many epochs, we have played the role of a victim in all spheres, convincing ourselves that the consciousness of a victim is one of the conditions of human life.

In our time of spiritual awakening and liberation, people are thinking about how they can reshape their destiny and get rid of the tendency to use the archetype of the victim as the main life pattern. And many have already achieved success long ago, having gone beyond the sacrificial state.

To get rid of this powerful archetype, you need to replace it with something else that carries the same strong charge of spiritual liberation, so that it helps to overcome the attraction of the archetype of the victim and the world of illusions; something that will take you beyond your own life drama to where you can see the big picture and the hidden truth. Having comprehended this truth, we will understand the true meaning of our suffering and will be able to transform it.

Entering the new millennium and going through a qualitative leap in the spiritual evolution of humanity, it is very important for us to accept new image a life based not on fear, struggle and punitive power, but on true forgiveness, unconditional love and the world. This is exactly where Colin Tipping is working with his Radical Forgiveness method to help make this transition happen.

In order to transform something, we first need to fully experience it. This means that in order to transform the archetype of the victim, we must experience it to the end. There is no other way! Therefore, life situations where we feel like a victim are necessary for us to transform the corresponding energy through Radical Forgiveness. In order to transform such a fundamental energy structure as the archetype of the victim, many souls have to accept this archetype as their spiritual mission, and to complete this colossal task, the soul needs a lot of wisdom and love. Jesus vividly demonstrated what it means to transform the victim archetype, and now we should follow his example. Previously, we did not learn the lesson of true forgiveness, we believed that there were no victims among us, we tried to forgive, but in fact we remained firmly in the position of the victim. True forgiveness implies a complete renunciation of victim consciousness.

According to Tipping, traditional forgiveness establishes the archetype of the victim, and radical forgiveness frees us from this archetype, since it sets the task of completely changing our worldview in such a way as to abandon the role of victims. Someone who feels like a victim under very difficult circumstances and feels pain acutely will find it difficult to accept the ideas of this method. Therefore, the author wrote a whole book explaining the mechanisms of his discovery, which is called Radical Forgiveness. People who have gone through the process given by Tipping in this book have been able to free themselves and be healed by transforming their attitude towards life.

The essence and history of Jill

First general essence: you need to understand and accept that in this life, in addition to the material plane, there is life on a subtle plane, where our souls agree on the passage of certain situations for our study of them. You should not blame others for their “badness”, but look at the situation as a training one, the soul of a partner, out of love and desire to help, agreed to play the role of a tormentor while we play the role of a victim in order to show us our false attitudes, realizing that we can easily get rid of them . By perceiving partners and situations in this way, Radical Forgiveness for there are no guilty, but there are helpers, and we can only thank them for their help and sympathy. Having gone through the Tipping forgiveness process, we are freed from a heavy burden and the situation of the victim is removed.

First, Colin identified three stages: in the first, you need to write down all your feelings - immersing yourself in your role as a victim as much as possible and feeling all the feelings from this role and situation to the end. Then - look at the situation analytically, revealing what our attitudes are embedded in our feelings and possibly finding their roots in childhood, thus. realizing that our partner only mirrors them, showing us our shortcomings and what needs to be corrected and healed. The third stage is to thank our "tormentor" for his voluntary commitment to help us and radically forgive him.

Working with cancer patients, Colin came to the conclusion that for the most part the causes of the disease were insufficient forgiveness, which formed the basis of his method. At the beginning of the book, he gives as an example the story of his sister Jill, whose marriage was on the verge of divorce, when she flew to visit her brother. Jill believed that the fault lay entirely with her husband, who was in a very warm relations with her daughter from her first marriage, that is, she was jealous that he spent a lot of time with his daughter and paid a lot of attention and tenderness, but she felt abandoned and useless. Their relationship got worse and worse until the couple almost stopped talking.

Colin listened to his sister's story and immediately understood what was going on between her and her husband, that the situation is perfect as it is, that it represents an opportunity for healing. On the second day, he decided to invite her to look at the situation from the other side, so that she could see that behind the veil there was some meaningful process, a good divine plan. Colin could see that his sister was getting too used to being the victim in this situation. He suggested that she remain open to what he would say to her, as many things would seem strange to her, and explained that it was natural for us to think that all reality lies on surface, but behind the veil of reality lies another spiritual event - everything that happens to people in certain situations has a completely different meaning there and carries opportunities for healing and growth, and then what happens in reality takes on a completely different meaning.

Colin then asked her how she felt and Jill said that she was full of anger, disappointment and sadness, she felt lonely and unloved, and she could not consider her husband incapable of love, since he only loves his daughter, that is, she quickly realized her the senses. Then Colin asked her to remember if she had experienced the same feelings when she was little and Jill immediately replied that this was in relation to her father, who never took her hand, was not gentle with her and she decided that he behaves like this with everyone and does not know how to love at all. But when she saw him with her granddaughter, Colin's daughter, who even had the same name as her husband's daughter, when her grandfather played with her, put her on his knees, she was overwhelmed by a wave of resentment, he knows how to love, but not her.

In terms of radical forgiveness, Jill's husband was subconsciously trying to help heal her unresolved pain from her relationship with her father. If the sister can see the perfection in Jeff's actions, she will be able to heal from this pain and her husband's behavior will certainly change.

Jill herself saw the parallels between her current situation with her husband and past experiences with her father. They both gave love to others at Jill's expense. But Jill did not understand what was happening and why. And then Colin explained that from a spiritual point of view, the feeling of discomfort in any situation serves as a signal that we are out of tune with spiritual law and we are given the opportunity to heal emotional trauma or poisonous beliefs that prevent us from being ourselves. We prefer to give value judgments and resorting to accusations of others, and this makes it difficult to understand the meaning of what is happening and learn lessons; does not allow healing and creates even more discomfort around us, until we ask ourselves the question “What is happening anyway?”. Sometimes in order for a person to pay attention to what is happening, he needs a very strong shock or unbearable pain, it can be a serious illness, but even then many do not understand that what is happening makes it possible to heal.

In Jill's case, she needed to heal the pain that her father never showed his love for her. And it was there that was the cause of her pain and discomfort in the situation with her husband. This pain had already made itself felt many times, but Jill did not notice it until it reached this level.

Colin told Jill how it all happened - for a girl to feel that her father loves and cares for her. Since Jill did not receive this love, she concluded that she was not worthy of love and not good enough. This belief stuck deep inside and began to control her life and influence relationships with people. Life has always reflected her subconscious belief and put her in situations that prove in practice that she really isn't good enough. Life always confirms our beliefs.

Over time, children's pain is forced into the subconscious, suppressed and the person forgets about its existence. Jill carried a conviction about her badness and transferred it to relationships with men, her first husband constantly cheated on her, that is, supported her in her conviction that she was so bad that he had to look for other women better. This false self-image gets in the way of being good enough. If Jill had got rid of the belief that she was not good enough, then her husband would have stopped cheating.

If you want to find out what your beliefs are, look around - life always reflects our point of view.

Instead of realizing what was happening and healing, Jill blamed her husband every time and took on the role of a victim, and in such conditions, healing is impossible. Forgive him for his actions - for nothing! But if you look at his behavior as providing an opportunity for Jill to remember childhood pain and realize what ideas are ruining her life, thus giving a chance to understand and change them and heal her childhood trauma. In that case, he deserves credit for mirroring Jill's problem, it's not his fault that she didn't see the intended message behind his behavior. It's hard to admit and accept because we're not trained to think In a similar way. We are not accustomed to think about current situation and ask yourself “What did I fill it with?”. We are conditioned to judge, to blame, to play the victim and seek revenge; and also to think that our lives are controlled by forces that lie beyond consciousness. In fact, the Soul of the offender tried to heal Jill, she agreed to work with her in a pair, for spiritual growth. The work of radical forgiveness is precisely to recognize this fact. His goal is to see the truth behind the surface. visible events and find the love that is in every situation.

Colin went on to explain how the radical forgiveness method works, how our false beliefs are formed in childhood, how a child perceives what is happening and draws his false conclusions that develop into beliefs. The child is inclined to blame himself for everything, and if an adult does not help him remove this tendency, then he will have problems in life. His beliefs will create his reality until he understands the mechanisms of working programs and rewrites them into new script thereby curing your pain.

Each similar situation triggers memories of repressed pain and causes emotional regression, the memory of pain is stored on cellular level. We begin to act and feel like a baby in pain. This is exactly what happened to Jill. She expended an enormous amount of energy fighting the pain and the situation. After looking at the problem from a new perspective, energy is released. As soon as Jill changes her attitude towards her husband and herself, understands his mission, the feat of his soul and forgives, her heart will open to love, she will stop sending subconscious signals that she is unworthy of love. His soul will immediately respond to forgiveness and the situation will change in energy fields and immediately reflected in reality. Colin advised Jill, upon returning home, not to do anything and not to tell her husband, but just to see what would happen, how everything would work out by itself, just because her perception had changed. Yes, and she herself will become more relaxed, peaceful and will love herself more. Colin gave his sister some breathing exercises and offered to fill out his Radical Forgiveness Questionnaire.

I suggest that you do the same in relation to your pain situation and radically forgive your “offender”. What happened next with Jill and learn more about this method you can by reading Tipping's entire book Radical Forgiveness.

Attention! These sheets must be printed and filled out by hand, be honest and frank, do not skip the stages and take all the steps.

Stages of Radical Forgiveness

The tools of radical forgiveness lead through the following five steps. It is important to go through them all in turn, without gaps, especially step number two cannot be skipped. Many try to skip this point and move on to spiritual explanations. This is called a "spiritual leap", but it will not be productive. We begin with our history as a victim, recognize and accept our judgments, feel our feelings, and only then move on to spiritual perspectives.

1. Tell your story

The first step of liberation is the voicing of history, its examination and approval. To free yourself from the position of the victim, you must fully experience it. This step requires someone who will listen carefully and compassionately to your story, and accept it with honor as true position of things. With a worksheet, there is no active listener other than yourself.

In this step, we must recognize that you are in the position of a victim and see how your story looks from her mouth, this is the starting point where we are, we need to experience the pain caused by the energy block.

2. Feel what you feel

Your feelings represent your true essence. Your strength lies in your vulnerability and your desire to fully show yourself as whole person. You can't heal what you can't feel. When people take out their pain, that is the beginning of their healing.

Many "spiritual" people believe they shouldn't experience "negative" feelings, but this clean water self-denial. Our strength lies precisely in the ability to experience our feelings to the fullest and thus express our human nature. The journey to healing begins when we gain access to our own pain.

3. Destroy your story

Here we do conscious choice to take back the energy we have given to our story and begin to realize that our story is for the most part our interpretation of events based on our limited perception of reality and is an illusion, since usually everything is much wider than our eye perceives.

Analyzing, we see how our beliefs were formed that determine our attitude towards ourselves and life; that our story is fictional and serves to protect the ego from pain, reinforcing the archetype of the victim in the mind. Most of our stories are rooted in childhood, when we imagined that the world revolves around us and saw everything that happened as our own fault. At this stage, we can already get rid of injuries by simply showing our inner child from the perspective of an adult, what actually happened and what are only interpretations of our conjectures. We get rid of attachment to our history and it is easier for us to make the transition to the next stage.

4. Rewrite your history

Here we replace our "illusory" story with another one - the "story" of Radical Forgiveness. And it expresses our desire to see that what seemed to happen to us as a tragedy was in fact exactly what we wanted to experience as an experience of our soul for its evolution and in this sense, absolutely beautiful.

Through the act of acceptance, we learn the lesson of love meant for us and receive our gift.

5. implement

Now it is necessary to implement these changes at the cellular level. This means getting into the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies to become a part of us. This is similar to saving the work done on the computer to the hard drive. Only after that the shift in consciousness acquires stability.

Excellent methods for integrating these changes are “Satori” breathing (a person lies on his back and breathes intensively rhythmically to loud music), walking, physical labor, filling out worksheets, reading them aloud, etc.

No need to fill out questionnaires for several people at once, one after another, choose one and work it out carefully. Fill in the sheet until the energy accumulated around the situation or incident dissipates. This can take days or even months.

In the downloaded file you will find a questionnaire from the book Radical Forgiveness with an example of Jill's story and explanations on how to fill out the form, as well as an updated version taken from Colin Tipping's website. I recommend filling out both: you can type your answers on the printed forms, or you can take clean sheets and write on them - the main thing is that you write, not print.

My friends, forgiveness is very powerful tool healing and liberation. If you sincerely fill out these questionnaires and live your feelings to the fullest without holding back or judging them, you can actually heal your past and thus your present, because there will be no more old wounds and limiting beliefs.

Good luck in rewriting your history and changing your life for the better!

Dedicated to the memory of Diana, Princess of Wales, who, by showing the world the transformative power of love, opened the heart chakra of Great Britain and many people in other parts of the world


First of all, I want to say about my gratitude and love for my wife, Joanna, who believed in me and supported me in every possible way in writing this book, even in difficult times for us. Also, I am very grateful to my sister, Jill, and her husband, Jeff, for allowing me to publish personal history from their lives, without which this book would be much poorer. And further thank you very much Jeff's daughter, Lauren, and my daughter, also Lauren, who were most directly involved in this story - as well as to all the members of Jill and Jeff's family for reading this book and being able to see the best in each of the people involved in what happened. Thanks for the patience and support of my brother, John, who witnessed this situation. I must also speak of my indebted debt to Michael Rice, who inspired me to create the forgiveness questionnaire, and to Arnold Patent, who introduced me to spiritual law. There are many people who have made invaluable contributions to the creation of this book and to the work of spreading the ideas of Radical Forgiveness - and I say "thank you" every day to each of them. I should also thank the graduates of the Institute of Radical Forgiveness, who live by my ideas, teach people and serve as an example for them.

And finally, I want to express my love and gratitude to my parents for helping me incarnate in this world.

Preface to the second edition

I am somewhat surprised at how soon the need for a reprint of this book arose, and this circumstance fills me with humility and gratitude. When the book was first published in November 1997, I never imagined that it would have such a profound impact on people.

Traveling the world with workshops on Radical Forgiveness, I listen to people's stories, take a fresh look at many things, find new explanations for certain phenomena. Therefore, while working on this edition, I added the interesting materials and removed what seemed to me not too important, useless or even wrong.

Apart from these additions and changes, the reader familiar with the first edition of this book will hardly notice special distinctions, with one exception. I have abandoned the term "quasi-forgiveness" and replaced it with the more prosaic but less emotional term "traditional forgiveness".

The term "quasi-forgiveness" was needed to explain how ordinary forgiveness differs from radical forgiveness, but I could not bring myself to use the phrase "ordinary forgiveness" because - as I noted in the text of the first edition - forgiveness is not "ordinary". It is always an act of heroism. I tried to justify the use of the term "quasi-forgiveness" by using the analogy of quasi-tortoise soup - a wonderful dish, but it is not a real turtle soup. But, despite this analogy, the prefix "quasi-" still gives the term a somewhat disparaging connotation.

So I dropped that wording and decided to use the word "traditional" to distinguish between Radical Forgiveness and the form of forgiveness we're talking about, "What's gone is gone." At the same time, I am not very happy with the term "traditional forgiveness", but I could not think of anything better.

In addition, I have redesigned the Radical Forgiveness questionnaire. The new questionnaire is simpler and shorter than the one presented in the first edition. By the way, this questionnaire turned out to be an extremely effective tool for the implementation of Radical Forgiveness!

No less effective was new tool called "13 steps" - created after the publication of the first edition. It is an audio file. I recorded on cassettes and on CD the same questions that are in the questionnaire, but I formulated them in such a way that only one word served as an answer to them - “Yes”. You only need to answer questions - but it works. Simple yet extraordinary effective tool. A person plays the recording and achieves the same wonderful results as when working with a questionnaire. Just unbelieveble! And it takes about five minutes.

While the written word has a lot of power, some things are much better heard, like the 13 steps. You won't get anywhere just by reading them.

So instead of presenting the 13 Steps in the text, I have included them on a CD that accompanies this book, although it is sold separately. There are links to the text on the disk and it is understood that the listener has a book at hand and can refer to it at any time.

In addition, I am even more convinced than before that for the most complete assimilation of the ideas of Radical Forgiveness, some kind of integration process is very important, and, as it turned out, it is extremely effective tool is music.

The most suitable music for this purpose was suggested by Karen Taylor-Good, my friend and workshop partner (when we manage to make time together). Karen's songs are so in tune with Radical Forgiveness, she sings them so beautifully that I didn't hesitate to ask her permission to include some of them in this audio program. She willingly agreed, for which I am eternally grateful to her. I'm sure, after listening to the disc, you'll understand me.

And I've also discovered that Radical Forgiveness doesn't just work at the level of individuals, couples, or families. It turned out that this technique is no less effective for healing entire human communities.

While conducting workshops in Australia, I tested my methods in a national reconciliation carried out by natives and whites, seeking to heal the monstrous psychological trauma of the past. There I wrote and published a book called Reconciliation Through Radical Forgiveness: A Spiritual Technology for Healing Human Communities.

The purpose of this book is to give Australians the spiritual technology to forgive and reconcile each other, something they can use at home, in schools and in communities. This work is based on the same ideas presented in this book: using simple tools to release the blocked energy of the past so that the Spirit can enter into us and help us heal (forgive). Then we can build our future based on love and acceptance.

Finally, I found that my technologies are extremely useful in the field of corporate relations. Using the principles of positive forgiveness in commercial organizations contributes to increased productivity, strengthening morale, improving relationships with partners and achieving higher practical results. As soon as people realize that relationship problems at work are just opportunities for healing, all barriers between employees are torn down. Hearts are opened, and people begin to relate to each other, to customers and to the company in a new way. Our business seminars help employees achieve greater spiritual alignment to help each other more effectively achieve common goals and objectives.

That's how we live. Every day we learn something new, and grace constantly descends on us. What we wish you.

Colin Tipping August 2001


Everywhere you look - newspapers, television, and even our personal lives - everywhere we are surrounded by victims suffering from severe emotional trauma. Thus, for example, we read that at least one in five Americans experienced physical or sexual abuse. We learn from TV news that rape and murder are commonplace in our society. They thrive everywhere. Torture, repression, imprisonment, genocide and open hostilities are widely practiced throughout the world.

Colin Tipping

Radical Forgiveness Techniques: Radical Manifestation

Dedicated to my wife Joanna, who endlessly supports me and gives me strength with her love


When Colin asked me to write the foreword for his book, he had no idea that his Radical Forgiveness was a powerful tool in my own personal transformation. Indeed, it was thanks to his work that I found important answers to many questions that needed to be resolved before trying to realize my dream and realize life purpose, becoming a mentor in the field of conscious creativity.

I realized that in order to become a master in the field of conscious creativity, I first needed to heal my past and free myself from victim consciousness. I needed to find a way to let go of all my opinions, judgments, self-pity, doubts, resentment, shame, and guilt in order to deliberately attract the love, peace, and well-being that I felt so desirable into my life.

The problem, as I felt it at the time, was this:

“How to let go of mental pain and suffering, if I really have been offended like that?”

However, thanks to the Radical Forgiveness method, I got over this problem and now I fully understand why Radical Forgiveness and Radical Manifestation are so inextricably interconnected.

As a mentor in the field of conscious creativity, I hear my clients complain all the time:

“What is wrong with me, why these principles do not work for me at all?”

“Why is it outwardly easy for others, but for me - with such difficulty?”

“Why do I easily attract to me all sorts of stupid things that I don’t even think about, and not those things that seem to me really important?”

It is terribly difficult to visualize what you want over and over again, meditate on it and reinforce it with affirmations, and as a result, never achieve your desire. I think this happens for three reasons.

1. The Universal Law says that what we focus on tends to expand. This means that we get what we constantly focus on. When our unconscious thoughts conflict with the true love, passion, freedom, well-being, and integrity we crave, we inadvertently create the opposite of what we say we want.

2. We too hastily conclude that, they say, this principle does not justify itself, and we lose faith in our ability to consciously create. And then we demoralize ourselves with the thought that we are complete losers. Colin gives us a method - "Radical Self Forgiveness", which allows us to reveal this at a deep level.

3. We resist Besides that there is, and therefore we suffer a fiasco in application in practice The Law of Separation. This incredibly important Universal Law says: in order to get what we want, we must let go of our attachment to it. One would seem to completely contradict the other, but this postulate is extremely important in order to deliberately achieve what you want.

Indeed, the transition from the criterion “I am grateful that my dreams have come true” to the criterion “I am happy and satisfied, even if my dreams never come true” looks terribly discouraging to say the least. It feels like we're giving up and settling for less than we originally wanted.

And now good news: Everything is going wrong! After we have put all our creative energy into the realization of our dream, it is necessary to get rid of the needs of our ego - to give the dream a chance to realize in a certain way - and trust the Universe to show us what is most in our interests. Here lies the most amazing thing: even if the Universe does not implement anything at all, then we must learn to take for granted the fact that it nevertheless heard us, which means that “everything is very good.” We must learn to trust the Divine Order and perceive it as absolutely and unconditionally adequate to our dreams. It is very important to realize that we are not mistaken, because there can be no question of a mistake here!

When we accept the Divine Order as our primary directive, it means that we invariably operate from a position of spiritual maturity. This exalted state of Oneness automatically correlates with everything we desire for ourselves: Peace, Love, Beauty, Harmony, Wisdom, Integrity and Prosperity.

In short, when your consciousness of Love expands (and with such work it will expand), at the same time the desire to create for yourself decent life will grow to the level of passionate self-confidence and a burning desire to create for the benefit of humanity.

Imagine what this world would look like if we could attract peacefulness, love and harmony and fill the world with them? I am confident that if you follow the directions in this book and apply the tools of Radical Manifestation, the work you are about to begin will make this dream come true.

In your hands is an incredibly powerful and effective spiritual technology of personal transformation. This simple process is revealed through the Radical Forgiveness techniques developed by Colin Tipping, so this book will not only help you fulfill your conscious desires, but literally free you from the pain and suffering rooted in your past.

When your consciousness is freed from the evaluative criteria of life and the past as right or wrong, then you yourself will rightfully become a master creator.

All is well, at all times!

enise aven


Something very interesting is happening. Suddenly people around began to realize that life might not be what it is. happens with us, but what we ourselves have a hand in creating, creating it with the help of our own consciousness. Expression " creative expression" has become a common phrase even in fashion books and glossy magazines. Even religious authors recent times pondered whether the Lord wants us to be rich or not, and whether we should pray for the sending of wealth to us. And with an absolutely phenomenal, amazing speed, the film is spreading through the Internet. "Secret", in which many well-known and respected expert authors extol Law of Attraction.

At the heart of all this activity is the idea that if we understand and learn how to use law of attraction then thanks to him we can create the desired reality. There is every reason to believe that this is the case and that we all have the power to create our own reality.

True, for some reason this idea habitually fell into the category of matters subject to pure faith, and is just as habitually ignored by public thinking, which refers it to the category of "nonsense in the spirit of the New Age." However, since and the quantum physics, and others scientific disciplines their weight give it credibility and generally support it, then this idea is at least in theory, it has made its way into the minds of people, inclining them to a position of careful study of it.

However, skepticism is not limited to those who reject this idea in advance. Even those of us who desperately want to believe in it still have a certain amount of skepticism. And this happens because, despite all our efforts to create desired life by using law of attraction, we haven't been able to do that yet. This causes us deep despair and a sense of our own inadequacy. The reason for this problem is twofold.

Radical Forgiveness

Dedicated to the memory of Diana, Princess of Wales, who, by showing the world the transformative power of love, opened the heart chakra of Great Britain and many people in other parts of the world


First of all, I want to say about my gratitude and love for my wife, Joanna, who believed in me and supported me in every possible way in writing this book, even in difficult times for us. In addition, I am very grateful to my sister, Jill, and her husband, Jeff, for allowing me to publish a personal story from their lives, without which this book would have been much poorer. And a big thank you to Jeff's daughter, Lauren, and my daughter, also Lauren, who were very involved in this story - as well as to all the family members of Jill and Jeff for reading this book and being able to see the best in each of the people, involved in what happened. Thanks for the patience and support of my brother, John, who witnessed this situation. I must also speak of my indebted debt to Michael Rice, who inspired me to create the forgiveness questionnaire, and to Arnold Patent, who introduced me to spiritual law. There are many people who have made invaluable contributions to the creation of this book and to the work of spreading the ideas of Radical Forgiveness - and I say "thank you" every day to each of them. I should also thank the graduates of the Institute of Radical Forgiveness, who live by my ideas, teach people and serve as an example for them.

And finally, I want to express my love and gratitude to my parents for helping me incarnate in this world.

Preface to the second edition

I am somewhat surprised at how soon the need for a reprint of this book arose, and this circumstance fills me with humility and gratitude. When the book was first published in November 1997, I never imagined that it would have such a profound impact on people.

Traveling the world with workshops on Radical Forgiveness, I listen to people's stories, take a fresh look at many things, find new explanations for certain phenomena. Therefore, while working on this edition, I added interesting materials that I had accumulated since the first publication and removed what seemed to me not very important, useless or even incorrect.

Other than these additions and changes, the reader familiar with the first edition of this book is unlikely to notice much difference here, with one exception. I have abandoned the term "quasi-forgiveness" and replaced it with the more prosaic but less emotional term "traditional forgiveness".

The term "quasi-forgiveness" was needed to explain how ordinary forgiveness differs from radical forgiveness, but I could not bring myself to use the phrase "ordinary forgiveness" because - as I noted in the text of the first edition - forgiveness is not "ordinary". It is always an act of heroism. I tried to justify the use of the term "quasi-forgiveness" by using the analogy of quasi-tortoise soup - a wonderful dish, but it is not a real turtle soup. But, despite this analogy, the prefix "quasi-" still gives the term a somewhat disparaging connotation.

So I dropped that wording and decided to use the word "traditional" to distinguish between Radical Forgiveness and the form of forgiveness we're talking about, "What's gone is gone." At the same time, I am not very happy with the term "traditional forgiveness", but I could not think of anything better.

In addition, I have redesigned the Radical Forgiveness questionnaire. The new questionnaire is simpler and shorter than the one presented in the first edition. By the way, this questionnaire turned out to be an extremely effective tool for the implementation of Radical Forgiveness!

No less effective was a new tool called "13 steps" - created after the publication of the first edition. It is an audio file. I recorded on cassettes and on CD the same questions that are in the questionnaire, but I formulated them in such a way that only one word served as an answer to them - “Yes”. You only need to answer questions - but it works. A simple yet extremely effective tool. A person plays the recording and achieves the same wonderful results as when working with a questionnaire. Just unbelieveble! And it takes about five minutes.

Make your life happier method changing your views on events will help the technique of radical forgiveness.

After all, most people from childhood have been in a state of sacrifice, feeling themselves like that and feeding this life position with all the forces of their souls.

The questionnaire of radical forgiveness, after answering the questions of which a person takes a step towards changing his position, becomes a starting point, a start to a completely new life.

Colin Tipping - pioneer unique system transformation human consciousness. His book Radical Forgiveness has the iconic subtitle "Make Room for the Miracle." Written in simple and plain language, the book gives useful guidelines for the liberation of the soul from the accumulated negativity, throwing off heavy shackles of insults from self-consciousness and the exit of human essence from the state of the victim into a new free and happy life. Colin Tipping's book Radical Forgiveness begins with a description of the situation that has developed with his loved ones. In recounting the life of his sister and her family, Colin Tipping subtly leads the reader to radical forgiveness - milestone in the transition of self-awareness in the surrounding world to a new stage of development and attitude.

The archetype of the victim in the mind

He argues that the archetype of the victim is present in almost every personality, and its roots are born in deep childhood. And even if a person own experience did not face violence, physical or moral, which is almost impossible, then the position “man is a victim” is laid in the consciousness from the outside. After all, even the image of the Savior - Jesus Christ - is presented by people as a sacrifice made by the divine son for the benefit of the deliverance of all mankind. The stereotype of an innocent baby, who is controlled by someone from above, whose fate is influenced by everything around, but not by himself - this is the image of most people who are trying to blame the environment for their misfortunes. Colin Tipping, being excellent psychologist, reveals this personality trait.

Disgusting government leaders bad parents, terrible educators, mindless bosses, misunderstood friends, spouses who use creative personality for their dirty purposes - at least once one of these points was an explanation for the failure that has befallen each of us, if not out loud, then mentally. It seems to be easier for an individual to simply blame someone, become a victim of circumstances, change nothing, just irritate his spiritual wound, like a person with a bad tooth, who, grimacing in pain, nevertheless shakes it and picks in the hollow with a sharp game bringing pain and bliss at the same time.

How useless these actions are, it is clear to everyone. To move to a new state, you must get rid of heartache, get rid of the victim's "garment". But to get rid of this archetype in himself, says Colin Tipping, a person can only after he has experienced in himself that difficult, in his opinion, situation that prevents him from being completely happy in life. this moment own life. Radical forgiveness cannot be sincere and complete, and will not have power if this stage of self-change is bypassed.

Method of getting rid of negativity inside the mind

You can go to radical forgiveness through 13 steps - this is the saving technique of the author. Tipping in the book Radical Forgiveness details each of the 13 steps.

  1. The first of the 13 steps can be called Descriptive. He assumes detailed story a person about how he sees the situation that worries him from the position of the victim. It is necessary to loudly describe not only the events themselves, but also express the feelings that have accumulated in the soul.
  2. Further, Colin Tipping suggests closing your eyes and imagining the place on your body where negative emotions. Radical forgiveness requires you to put your hand on that part of your body.
  3. The 13-step technique for correct energy balance requires the release of emotions. Therefore, on this stage a person should not restrain himself in the manifestation of feelings: tears, screams, abrupt actions in the form of punches on a hard surface are not manifestations of weakness, but only one of the 13 steps to free consciousness. The next steps will not be based on actions, but only on honest and direct one-word answers, such as “yes” or “no”. Before starting this procedure, you should spend half a minute in silence, devoting them to thinking about and realizing your feelings. Colin Tipping argues that you should not worry if outwardly nothing changes at this time. In fact, man has already begun to overcome hard way and radical forgiveness became real.
  4. The 13 Steps to Radical Forgiveness requires agreement that every situation in life has a purpose, is created for the spiritual and physical growth of the individual. Therefore, it is required to answer: does the person agree with this provision?
  5. D
    Next, Colin Tipping asks his readers the question: Do they agree with the position that dissatisfaction with the current life situation is a signal that the inner state of mind needs healing? After all, radical forgiveness is, in fact, complete spiritual healing, cleansing of consciousness from negativity.
  6. The next step out of the 13 proposed is aimed at recognizing the fact as a fait accompli. The question is this: can the reader refuse to assess the situation, to determine whether it is good or bad?
  7. One of critical aspects the transition of the individual from the victim to the ruler of one's destiny is the "remission of one's sins". Accept yourself, stop denying any qualities in yourself and even love them in yourself - this is one of the main tasks of a person. And important step, one of 13, lies in the question: “Is it true that getting the interlocutor into resonance with those aspects that a person suppresses in himself, projecting just onto the interlocutor, greatly upsets him? Shouldn’t you think about not getting angry at the interlocutor, seeing in him a reflection of yourself, but falling in love with the repressed second “I” and accepting yourself completely?
  8. Perhaps a person has not yet fully understood what exactly he does not like about himself. Is he ready to accept and love himself all, with all the shortcomings and flaws?
  9. Radical forgiveness requires a person to understand the situation in scale. After all, if not one person is involved in it, but several, it should be recognized that all of them were subconsciously attracted by him in order to get rid of the role of the victim and reunite with true nature. Is the reader ready to accept this statement, agree that these people have fulfilled their mission, that they have opened access to inner strength, and did not try to make him bad at all?
  10. Does a person who has decided to come to radical forgiveness agree that the people involved in the situation are perfect in the same way that the individual himself is absolutely perfect? Each of the participants had their own roles, with which they all coped well.
  11. The next step of the 13 described by Tipping is based on the awareness of the feelings that have appeared inside the person after his answers to questions. So it starts new stage when he just needs to nod in approval at the moment when the old sensations begin to lose their former strength. Does the individual agree that any life situation pierces divine love?
  12. Does the person agree that after answering the questions posed, the painful acuteness of the problem has lost its relevance?
  13. The last step in radical forgiveness is realizing that the perception of the problem itself has changed direction dramatically. The energy shift took place in positive side: old story receded into the background, it no longer requires the personality of strength, nourishment, making room for new creative goals. By focusing on the truth that the individual is in the process of being freed from being a victim. Nodding at this stage means agreeing that the return in true nature takes place in state of mind personality.

You need to complete your path to establishing an internal energy balance deep breath and total relaxation. It is advisable not to try to share your discoveries in this area with anyone in the near future. It is best to mentally note the miracles of the transformation of reality taking place around from a new angle of view on reality.