The world of moral categories. Problems - what is it? Human problems

The global problems of mankind affect our planet as a whole. Therefore, all peoples and states are engaged in their solution. This term appeared in the late 60s of the XX century. Currently, there is a special scientific branch that deals with the study and solution of global problems of mankind. It is called globalization.

Scientists working in this area various areas: biologists, soil scientists, chemists, physicists, geologists. And it is no coincidence, because global problems humanity are complex in nature and their appearance does not depend on any single factor. On the contrary, it is very important to take into account the economic, political, as well as social change occurring in the world. Life on the planet in the future depends on how correctly the modern global problems of mankind will be solved.

You need to know: some of them have existed for a long time, others, quite “young”, are connected with the fact that people began to negatively influence the world. Because of this, for example, environmental problems humanity. They can be called the main difficulties modern society. Although the problem of environmental pollution itself appeared a long time ago. All varieties interact with each other. Often one problem leads to another.

Sometimes it happens that the global problems of mankind can be solved and completely get rid of them. First of all, this concerns epidemics that threatened the lives of people on the entire planet and led to their mass death, but then they were stopped, for example, with the help of the invented vaccine. At the same time, completely new problems are emerging that were previously unknown to society, or already existing ones are growing to a world level, for example, the depletion of the ozone layer. The cause of their occurrence is human activity. The problem of environmental pollution allows you to see this very clearly. But in other cases, too, there is a clear tendency for people to influence the misfortunes that befall them and threaten their existence. So, what are the problems of mankind that have planetary significance, exist?

environmental disaster

It is caused by daily pollution of the environment, the depletion of earthly and water reserves. All these factors together can accelerate the onset ecological disaster. Man considers himself the king of nature, but at the same time does not seek to preserve it in its original form. This is hindered by industrialization, which is proceeding at a rapid pace. By negatively influencing its habitat, mankind destroys it and does not think about it. No wonder pollution standards have been developed that are regularly exceeded. As a result, the environmental problems of mankind may become irreversible. To avoid this, we must pay attention to the preservation of flora and fauna, try to save the biosphere of our planet. And for this it is necessary to make production and other human activities more environmentally friendly so that the impact on the environment is less aggressive.

demographic problem

The world's population is growing at a rapid pace. And although " population explosion' has already subsided, the problem still remains. The food situation is deteriorating natural resources. Their stocks are shrinking. Simultaneously increases Negative influence on the environment, it is impossible to cope with unemployment, poverty. There are difficulties with education and health care. The solution of the global problems of humanity of this nature was undertaken by the UN. The organization created a special plan. One of his items is the family planning program.


After creation nuclear bomb, the population tries to avoid the consequences of its use. For this, treaties between countries on non-aggression and disarmament are signed. Laws are being adopted to ban nuclear arsenals and stop the arms trade. The presidents of the leading states hope in this way to avoid the outbreak of the Third World War, as a result of which, as they suspect, all life on Earth can be destroyed.

Food problem

In some countries, the population is experiencing food shortages. The people of Africa and other third countries of the world are especially affected by hunger. To solve this problem, two options have been created. The first is aimed at ensuring that pastures, fields, fishing zones gradually increase their area. If you follow the second option, it is necessary not to increase the territory, but to increase the productivity of existing ones. For this, the latest biotechnologies, methods of land reclamation, and mechanization are being developed. High-yielding varieties of plants are being developed.


Despite the active development of medicine, the emergence of new vaccines and drugs, humanity continues to get sick. Moreover, many ailments threaten the lives of the population. Therefore, in our time, the development of methods of treatment is actively conducted. Substances are created in laboratories modern style for effective immunization of the population. Unfortunately, the most dangerous diseases XXI century - oncology and AIDS - remain incurable.

The ocean problem

AT recent times this resource is not only actively explored, but also used for the needs of mankind. As experience shows, it can provide food, natural resources, energy. The ocean is a trade route that helps restore communication between countries. At the same time, its reserves are used unevenly, military operations are conducted on its surface. In addition, it serves as a base for the disposal of waste, including radioactive waste. Mankind is obliged to protect the wealth of the World Ocean, avoid pollution, and rationally use its gifts.

Space exploration

This space belongs to all mankind, which means that all nations should use their scientific and technical potential to explore it. For the deep study of space are created special programs, which use all modern achievements in this region.

People know that if these problems do not disappear, the planet may die. But why do many do not want to do anything, hoping that everything will disappear, “dissolve” by itself? Although, in truth, such inaction is better than the active destruction of nature, the pollution of forests, water bodies, the destruction of animals and plants, especially rare species.

It is impossible to understand the behavior of such people. It would not hurt them to think about what to live, if, of course, it is still possible, on a dying planet their children and grandchildren will have to. Do not count on the fact that someone will be able to rid the world of difficulties for a short time. The global problems of humanity can only be solved jointly if all of humanity makes an effort. The threat of destruction in the near future should not frighten. Best of all, if she can stimulate the potential inherent in each of us.

Do not think that it is difficult to cope with the world's problems alone. From this it seems that it is useless to act, thoughts appear about powerlessness in the face of difficulties. The point is to join forces and help the prosperity of at least your city. Solve the little problems of your habitat. And when every person on Earth begins to have such responsibility to himself and his country, large-scale, global problems will also be solved.

Too much great participation states. This is the legacy of the USSR. Oddly enough, instead of freeing education from the scourge of bureaucracy, the line of mediocrity, wretchedness and inefficiency continues. Now I'm talking not only about secondary, but also about higher education.

More about the reasons for inefficiency:

1. Lack of competitive selection of teachers in schools. This leads to the fact that both a professional in his field and a rogue who has not found another place in life can teach. Elite lyceums and gymnasiums are an exception to the rule, but they do not make up the majority of educational institutions.

Ideally, to get rid of this, you just need to privatize all schools. But since no politician in of sound mind will not do this, fearing for their rating, it would be nice to introduce mechanisms by which the parents of children could really influence personnel policy, up to and including dismissal individual people from office. This will make teachers more accountable to students. They will better understand that education is the same service sector as medicine, retail and advertising, and they themselves are employees who live off taxes.

2. Excessive state control over teachers. In universities and schools, teachers are forced not only to teach their subject, but also to report on this to the education control authorities. The demands made by these bodies are often taken from the ceiling. It may be objected that without control, teachers will completely lose their motivation to work, to which I will answer that centralized control is almost never effective, and that the basis of any open market society is self-organization, and the current quality control system generates window dressing and mutual responsibility within the educational institutions.

3. Material dependence of students on the state. This gives rise to fierce lack of rights, when employees of the city administration can, for example, request a certain number of students to attend a rally in favor of the local king. Those who refuse will be scared bad grades, deductions, non-credits, and also reproach the fact that they study at the expense of the state (without saying who replenishes the state budget). This gives rise to huge rudeness on the part of the administration of educational institutions. Sometimes they do not consider students to be people at all, they allow themselves to be rude and insult them.

The solution to this system is quite simple: reduce budget places. Yes, any politician who puts forward this as a point of his program will not gain even 1% in the elections, but it is necessary to reduce budget places. They should be no more than 10-15% of total weight students. No one will dare to manipulate full-fledged clients of an educational institution so impudently, without whose cash transfers it simply cannot survive.

4. Egalitarian orientation of education. I have already partially written about this. The state has been engaged in terrible populism for about 20 years, gradually increasing the number of state-funded places in universities. The quality of education suffers greatly from this, because, firstly, students dependent on budget money cannot really influence training programs, and secondly, education loses its value, because each resource is valuable solely because of its scarcity.

5. Call to the army. Many young people go to college just to get out of the draft. This indirectly contributes to the fact that inefficient educational establishments keep afloat, attracting people who, on the one hand, do not have a choice whether to study them or not, and on the other hand, in such a situation they did not care at all about how and who will teach them.

6. Lack of freedom to choose a training program. A student and a schoolboy are in the same idiotic position when, instead of studying areas of interest to them, they waste time and nerves on useless lectures on physical education and life.

The oldest moral categories are good and evil. These categories arose during the period of early matriarchy and originally denoted external forces favorable or inimical to man. The content of these categories varies markedly from era to era (for example, the assessment of a murder in different historical eras- from antiquity to the present - or the attitude towards usury in the Middle Ages and subsequent periods of history).

In general, in contrasting good and evil, an assessment is made of actions that contribute to or hinder the strengthening of positions community groups, development or stagnation (regression) of society.

Another moral category is the category of duty. In it at the level public opinion(consciousness) represents the totality of a person's obligations to society, and at the level of individual consciousness - the individual's understanding of these duties and acceptance of them. Demanding debt is the moral basis social discipline.

An important moral category is conscience, reflecting the ability of the individual to an emotional assessment of the actions committed and performed by her, correlated with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe proper. Conscience is the "guard post" of society in the individual consciousness. It is no coincidence that Hitler spoke of the "chimera of conscience", arguing that "conscience, like education, spoils people": manipulation of personality is possible only if the conscience is turned off. The degradation of personality has always begun with the manifestation of shamelessness.

Conscience protects society and people from undesirable actions, awakening in them a painful state called the voice or remorse of conscience. The scale of assessment of actions through the prism of conscience depends on the degree of socialization of the individual and the associated moral sensitivity.

Categories of honor and dignity of the individual reflect the recognition of the value of the individual based on the presence of some required traits: nobility, readiness for selflessness, a certain restraint and observance in relations with other people of the rules adopted by one or another reference group. These categories contribute to the approval of ideas about these important features and thus give a certain perspective. ideal personality. controlling the development of real personalities.

Honor and dignity presuppose the fixation of some inalienable features - the rights of the individual, the encroachment on which serves as a basis and justifies moral resistance. Undoubtedly, the set of essential qualities various classes, estates and other groups, and the very idea of ​​honor as a way of referring to a particular group has specific historical origins, for example, noble honor.

category of happiness captures the experiences of a person who is satisfied with his activities, his position and the prospects that open up. History knows the most various interpretations happiness. Thus, hedonistic ethics sees happiness in pleasures, religious - in suffering, consumerism - in money and things. If we proceed from the fact that a person is a creative social being, then there is every reason to believe that happiness consists in creative development personality, meaningful work and full human communication. It is clear that the achievement of this state provides continuous process life; stopping it for one reason or another immediately creates a feeling of discomfort.

Finally, a moral ideal is a representation of a perfect system of moral norms embodied in activity and behavior of the individual.

The moral ideal sets goals for moral development. In this capacity, it reflects, first of all, the imperfection of real moral practice and acts the most important factor the development of morality and the holistic implementation of its norms and requirements in the life and behavior of the individual. It is noteworthy that in the moral philosophy of Confucius (c. 551-479 BC) the knowledge of man coincides with his moral self-determination. Therefore, according to the philosopher, it is impossible to answer the question: “What is a person?” Without answering the question: “What should he be?”


AT Everyday life implementation moral standards and requirements, implementation moral ideal encounter a number of difficulties and obstacles. Some of them are connected with the low general culture of people who do not perceive certain ethical categories (honor, duty, conscience, etc.). Other difficulties are related to the fact that people belong to different social groups that have different fundamental interests and goals of their life and behavior. This leads to the fact that there is a collision and confrontation. life positions and their reflections in real practice moral life. Egoistic group and individualistic ideals and goals make general social tasks and interests recede into the background or disappear altogether from the horizon. People quite often swear by them, but act according to their specialized individual and group programs.

Finally, the bad manners of the individual is manifested in the absence of her own moral experience of general social moral requirements and norms, in the absence of sensitivity to the situation and state of mind other people and whole social groups(in ethics, this phenomenon is called paralysis of empathy, that is, empathy). A person often reasons correctly, but these reasonings acquire a demonstrative and opportunistic character (social mimicry) and do not affect the actual content of his inner world, often limited by primitive aspirations and a misperception of the essence of social life.

a huge role In the development of the moral culture of the individual, the diversity and richness of his life connections and interests, his ability not to limit himself to a narrow outlook of the immediate and practically necessary play. World fiction and artistic culture as a whole expands the horizons of the individual and reveals to her many of those vital connections and interdependencies

Universes that are closed to the everyday experience of professional specialization, restrictions social status etc. moral development can significantly change the initial dominant interests of a person and advance him on the path of mastering the riches and values ​​of world cultural experience.

NM Basic concepts: moral culture, morality, morality, ethics, good and evil, duty, conscience, honor and dignity of the individual, moral ideal.

yana: ethical categories, moral resistance.

Test yourself

1) What is the difference between moral principles and moral norms? 2) How do you understand the meaning of the moral principles of the individual? 3) How is morality different from morality? 4) What questions does ethics solve? 5) What are the reasons for the change in the content of moral categories in social development? 6) What is the moral culture of the individual? How does it differ from common culture?

Think, Discuss, Do

1. It has long been noted that people do not always appreciate
nivate the content of a particular work of art
reference (opera, song, play, film, etc.) from the point
view of morality. So, in the opera "Carmen" we are not surprised,
what main character loves a man of dubious occupations;
in film " Godfather»we are dealing with explicit glorification
leaders of a criminal clan; many are quite good
nye people enthusiastically sing "Murka", etc. What, in your opinion
in my opinion, explains the phenomenon of the retreat of morality before
art? Does a person in these cases collude?
with your conscience?

2. Using reference literature, explain the difference
individualism from selfishness.

3. Express your attitude to the practice of protecting honor
and dignity of the individual in court. Why compensation
nenny moral damage has, as a rule, monetary

4. Famous English philosopher Hobbes (1588-1679)
his book "Leviathan" emphasized the selfish
human nature, which, in his opinion, under conditions
civilization only deepens and becomes more complicated. Cooperate
the relationship of people with each other, he considered mainly
in terms of self-interest, benefits. In light of this position
it seems very strange the case when a philosopher
gave alms to a beggar and explained his action by the fact that,
they say, almsgiving not only alleviates the fate of the poor, but
and reduces his own torments caused to him by the sight

Beggar. Do you think Hobbes's explanation really belittles him? altruistic act to selfish? Or are we dealing with something else here?

Work with the source

Read an excerpt from the work of Semyon Ludwigovich Frank (1877-1950), a Russian philosopher.

Here, first of all, we come across the problem of the suitability of the human personality as the basic condition for any stable and successful social construction ... At first glance, it might seem that the problem of personal suitability is reduced to the problem of technical skill, that is, appropriate knowledge, experience and training. Actually it is not. The personal suitability of a person consists in his ability to be able to achieve goals and in his ability to really, unconditionally sincerely and conscientiously, from the depths of his spirit, believe in definite purpose and want her. Already the ability to achieve goals requires more than mere technical skill. It requires not only general mental capacity- the ability to quickly navigate in a position, to find best way out from it, the knowledge of people and the ability to deal with them, but also the corresponding moral qualities, primarily a sense of personal responsibility, courage, the habit of independent judgment. Even more important than skill, genuine desire, an internal impulse to energetic and conscientious activity, which, in turn, is determined by an internal, free-personal belief in certain ideals and values. All taken together implies a complex, subtle and deep spiritual and moral culture of the individual.

One decisive conclusion follows from this: the personal fitness of a social worker presupposes the free development of his personal inner life. Never before have slaves or people outwardly trained and “trained” for a particular job been truly productive and solid faithful workers.

<...>We come to a simple and, in essence, well-known, a thousand historical examples confirmed conclusion, which, however, social fanaticism does not want to reckon with: any genuine Vera- not only religious faith in a specific sense, but also moral faith as a source of social activities, - is possible only on the basis of free personal spiritual life, for the only soil in which it grows is the last, mysterious, spontaneous depth of the inner being of man.

Frank S. L. Personal life and social construction//Semyon Frank.

Unread. - M., 2001. - S. 261-263.

AI Questions and tasks to the source. one) Why, in your opinion, the problem of "personal fitness" is not reduced to the acquisition of "technical skill"? Explain the reason for the initial limitations of "technical skill". 2) What moral qualities necessary, in the opinion of the philosopher, for successful activity? 3) The author argues that slaves or people “trained” for a certain business cannot be good workers. Support this conclusion with examples. 4) What is moral faith? What is its role in the implementation of consistent meaningful life activity? What do you think are the dangers of losing moral faith?

The science


what is the essence scientific knowledge? Why is differentiation and integration of scientific knowledge inevitable? What social institution?

Modern man constantly enjoys the achievements of science. TV and computer, airplane and mobile phone, advances in medicine - this and much more is based on scientific research.

The development of science, its increased role in the socio-cultural life of society, production, education led to the design in the middle of the 20th century. science about science - science of science. Science of science studies the patterns of functioning and development of science, structure and dynamics scientific activity, the interaction of science with other areas of the material and spiritual life of society.

Among the problems being developed today by science and science of science, Special attention addresses the way of strengthening the role of science in social development; conducting fundamental and applied research, contributing to innovations (innovations) in versatile human activity; efficiency of participation of scientists in solving global problems.

People often do not want to admit to themselves in their personal problems ah, until these problems cause them serious embarrassment. For example, alcoholics do not consider their addiction to alcohol as something dangerous and complicating their lives, even when serious problems at work and in the family.

The first step towards solving a problem is taken by realizing the existence of the problem and taking responsibility for all its consequences. It is very difficult to do this, it is much easier to blame someone else or a combination of circumstances for your problems. In fact, it is up to us to choose how to respond to the situation - with constructive actions or destructive emotions. Sometimes, having noticed the existence of personal problems in ourselves, we strive to smooth out this feeling in ourselves. Experiencing another failure, we usually calm ourselves with the phrase: “Again no luck. Everything would be fine if it weren’t for….” But if we really want to control our own destiny, we must accept that you have a problem.

When developing problem-solving tactics, we must tackle one or at most two problems that need to be solved at the same time. The desire to change everything at once leads to failure, a person ceases to believe in his own strength. Each step towards achieving our goal should be simple enough so that our endeavors are more likely to be successful. Not worth doing the next step if the previous one does not come easily and naturally to you.

For example, let's consider the difficulties that arise in marriage. Marriage life becomes much more difficult if we cannot overcome conflict situations, are not able to control anger, we do not have elementary communication experience, we are afraid to show tenderness and attention to a partner. This situation can be helped if we work together on one of the problems, solving them one by one, for example, learning to refrain from mutual reproaches, grumbling and screaming. If spouses really respect each other, they will learn to manage many conflict situations together.

Never lose confidence in success and do not quit the business you started because of one failure or mistake. The feeling of irritation and loss of faith in success is a wave that has temporarily swept over you negative emotions and thoughts. Learn from what happened useful lesson. Think about what situation accompanied the failure, what your reaction would have been more beneficial to the cause. Think about how you would behave if you were in this situation again.

After you have overcome your problem, watch yourself from time to time to see if it has reappeared, perhaps in a modified form. Bad habits find a hundred ways and a hundred faces to return again. Only constant control will give you confidence that the changes that have taken place in your life will always accompany you.

A problem is usually understood as some kind of obstacle, controversial issue, which needs to be solved. It cannot be understood as a term or a state, it is an action. Difficulties arise in the individual universe as a result of creating an equivalent opposite intention. Problems are an integral part of survival. They will be resolved only when a person takes an unambiguous position.

Ability to confront

This concept determines the readiness of a person to turn to face something. When a problem arises, people have to be between two opposing postulates or ideas. Not everyone clearly knows which direction to move on. The problem will exist until the person makes a decision.

The intensity of the controversial issue dries up when it begins to confront. This ability is end result. A person who is not afraid to face difficulties will resolve any problem and eliminate it.

Inner Universe

To eliminate controversial issues in physical universe, first of all, you need to resolve your problems in your personal universe. A person creates them on his own, so advice is often ineffective. To reduce the intensity of the problem, it is necessary to stimulate the individual to explain it. People are only able to resolve their own internal disputes. Trying to solve someone else's problem, a person does not become a source of its solution, rather, he is only drawn into it, and after his participation ends, the problem forms again.

How to fix the problem?

To get rid of difficulties, it is necessary to understand that the presence of a problem is only a consequence. First of all, you need to eliminate the reasons why they arise. And they are always inside a person.

Psychologists distinguish two key factor that affect problem solving:

Lack of information;

An earlier related issue that has not been fixed.

Problems of humanity

Fuel and raw material issue;

Use of the resources of the oceans;

And others.

Escape is the way out?

Very often a person lives in such a rhythm when all things are done automatically. It seems that they are all fulfilled, but not in good faith. Over time, this snowball grows and leads to the fact that it accumulates a large number of problems of varying complexity and degree of importance. A person begins to feel like a driven horse, but in order to break this vicious circle, it is necessary to recognize that problems are the result of own thoughts or action. To get rid of them, you should turn to face them, and not run away.

Stop and calm down!

To resolve any controversial issue, you need to restore inner peace and try to understand the causes that led to the problem. It is necessary to think carefully and slowly, without listening to the feeling of fear that prevents you from thinking adequately. And then the image will grow by itself: all opposites will converge in one way, which will lead to a solution to the problem.

Humor and positive

Problems are troubles that make a person feel uncomfortable and sometimes panic. They can occur in all areas of life: at work, at home, in personal affairs or health concerns. Throughout life, a person has to overcome a large number of difficulties, so it is useful to learn how to perceive them correctly so that they do not darken the mood.

Problems must be perceived as a factor helping to achieve new successes. You should not ask yourself why they got it, it is better to look at them with humor and positive. It must be remembered that there is always a choice, which means that this situation, which is so difficult at first glance, is completely solvable.

Human problems are an occasion to reconsider life. Not all difficulties require a solution, sometimes it is more useful to leave everything as it is. The person decides how to act in each case. But don't forget your sense of humor. As long as there is strength to look at problems with a smile, right decisions will be located without much difficulty.

Big problem or many small ones?

Often the solution to the problem lies on the surface, but not everyone can see it. To make it easier to understand the current situation, it is necessary to realize that a big problem consists of smaller and less significant ones. This is where they should start. You should not blame other people for the failures, it is better to recognize your responsibility.

Once a person has acknowledged the existence of a problem, it is necessary to draw up a plan to solve it and consider what resources can be used. Act decisively and calmly, without panic. There is no need to be afraid to make a mistake, because it is an indicator that a person is taking steps towards the goal.

The analysis is no less important. It helps to avoid the recurrence of a similar situation in the future. It is necessary to analyze all your actions and thoughts and determine where the mistake was made. After the work done, be sure to praise yourself. This increases self-esteem and makes you believe in your own strength.

Coping with problems is work, but it is necessary in order to get even a little closer to perfection. Overcoming obstacles with honor, a person begins to respect himself even more, strives to constantly improve the quality of his life and show his best features character.