What job does not require professional words. Varieties of words in professional vocabulary

Professionalisms are words that belong to the speech of a certain speaking group, united by some production activity, specialty or profession ( medical workers, printers, lawyers, sailors, etc.). Professionalisms designate special concepts, tools or products of labor, labor processes of production. Therefore, they are sometimes called special words or technical terms.
Here are a few examples: a scalpel is a small surgical knife, usually with an arcuate blade, for operations, anatomy (lat.); veneer (German Spon "sliver") - thin metal plate, not reaching the height of the font, inserted between the lines of the set to increase the distance between them; dowels - part of the upper deck of a warship (Dutch); alibi (lat. alibi "in another place") - the absence of the accused at the scene of the crime at the time of its commission as evidence of his non-involvement in the crime; mezra - the wrong side of dressed leather, etc.
Like dialectisms, professionalisms constitute such a layer of words in the vocabulary of the national language, the scope of which is limited. However, they seriously differ from dialectisms: 1) the scope of their use is limited not territorially, but socially,
  1. they are part of the vocabulary of the literary language.
Among the professionalisms, there are also narrowly special words, for example, clay - the highest grade of clay (kaolin), used in chintz printing ( technical term), and words of wider use, for example, a dagger - a knife, a cold weapon in the form of a dagger commanders maritime and air fleet.
In a number of cases, the scope of the use of certain professionalisms expands so much that they turn into popular words. This is explained either by the wide distribution of a special object and concept, or by their metaphorical use to designate objects and phenomena of reality that they had not previously called. For example, the words harvester, globe, screen became the property of the nationwide dictionary after in our agriculture harvesting with the help of a combine has firmly entered the life, the globe has become essential accessory when teaching geography, and cinema has become one of the most popular species art. Due to metaphorical use, the words became popular among professionalisms, for example, the words: all hands on deck (cf .: “An emergency call was announced”) - originally the marine command “All up!”; fermentation (cf .: fermentation of minds) - originally biological term; sphere (in higher spheres) - initially mathematical term; soft-bodied - originally a special word for gardeners, a term for determining the ripeness of fruits; tempo (cf .: growth rates) - originally a musical term.
Among professionalisms, they stand out as words that, as lexical items known only in special use, for example: troetes (from the dictionary of carpenters) - a long nail connecting three clefts at once; print - an impression or a photograph from an engraving (from French, cf.: stamp); smelting - a piece of metal; asbestos is a fibrous white material from which fireproof products are made (this word first came to us from Greek in the form of the word lime), etc., as well as words that, with other meanings, are part of the popular vocabulary: bridge - a place on the deck from where the commander commands the ship; cap - title large print, title of several articles (typography), etc.
Professionalisms are usually used in oral speech representatives of any profession, specialty and in the scientific and technical literature.
Professionalism is also possible in journalism and fiction, but there they can be justified only as a definite stylistic device for image labor activity and industrial landscape, for speech characteristics characters. When using certain professionalisms, one should remember about rum that some of them are unfamiliar to representatives of other areas of labor activity, and, if necessary, explain their meanings in one way or another. "

The use of professionalisms, as well as the word "professionalism" in everyday speech

Research Chernyshova Irina, Novikova Dasha and Kostrova Zosya

Purpose of the work: to find out whether people use professionalisms in Everyday life.

How to work:

one). Survey using a questionnaire

2). Observations

3). Analysis of the results

four). Comparing the received data and bringing them together

Work plan:
one). Introduction - theoretical part

2). Chart Results

3).Result analysis


What are professionalisms? Professionalisms - words or expressions characteristic of the speech of a particular professional group . Professionalisms usually act as colloquial equivalents of terms corresponding in meaning.: a typo in the speech of newspapermen - a blunder; the steering wheel in the speech of drivers is a steering wheel; synchrophasotron in the speech of physicists - a saucepan, etc. The terms are the legalized names of any special concepts. Professionalisms are used as their unofficial substitutes only in the speech of persons related by profession, limited to a special topic. Often professionalisms have a local, local character. There is, however, a point of view according to which professionalism is a synonym for the concept of "term". According to some researchers, professionalism is a “semi-official” name for a concept that is limited in use - the vocabulary of hunters, fishermen, etc.

By origin, professionalism, as a rule, is the result of a metaphorical transfer of the meanings of everyday vocabulary words to terminological concepts: by similarity, for example, the shape of the part and everyday reality, character production process and a well-known action, or, finally, by emotional association.

Professionalisms are always expressive and are opposed to the precision and stylistic neutrality of terms. Professionalisms are similar to jargon and words of colloquial vocabulary in terms of reduced, rough expression, and also in that they, like jargons and colloquial speech, are not an independent language subsystem with their own grammatical features, but some small lexical complex. Due to the expressiveness inherent in professionalism, they relatively easily pass into common speech, as well as into colloquial speech of the literary language. For example: overlay - "error" (from the actor's speech), janitor - "windshield wiper" (from the speech of motorists).

Like terms, professionalisms are used in the language fiction as a visual medium.

And so, we found out that professionalisms are words characteristic of a particular profession, sometimes close to jargon.

At the second stage of our work, we conducted a survey among people of various professions. In particular, teachers.

To the diagram: 40% of the respondents said that they do not know what professionalism is, 27% guess, more than 30% of the respondents answered that they know. Some respondents assured that the word "professionalism" does not exist, but only professional vocabulary (a concept that is close in meaning). Slightly more than half claimed that they often use professionalisms in everyday life, the majority agreed that professionalisms help them communicate with people in their profession, but a few people, including a couple of teachers, said that they get along just fine in speech without them.
We also asked all respondents to give a couple of examples of professionalism related to their profession.

Here are the examples we got:

Teachers - pedagogical skills, project, non-linear learning process, class magazine, equation, music teacher - major mood, you are false (in the sense of lying), book sorter - codification (of books), coach - hooking, economist - asset, credit, debit, engineer - sunbed, riser, helmsman - fordak, tacking (overtaking), compass (instead of a compass).

From the above examples, it is clear that many (about 92%) do not perceive the word "professionalism" well. Some teachers of the Russian language assured that the words "professionalism" in given value does not exist at all. From which we can conclude that the term "professionalism" itself refers to professional vocabulary.

After conducting a survey, we came to the unanimous opinion that the term "professionalism" in household life we don't need it at all. We perfectly understand each other without him. For example, when we explained what these same professionalisms are, the example of a sailor - a compass helped a lot. People often use professionalisms and find them convenient. Professionalisms also help people in the same profession to better understand each other. Professionalism can become synonymous with ordinary words in everyday life (as, for example, a major mood means “good mood”)

In addition to common words in Russian, there are words that are used much less frequently. These include various jargons and turns used in professional speech. Professionalisms are words that are used by people of a particular profession, or simply related to a particular specialization. But, unlike terms, they are not accepted as official concepts and are not applicable in scientific activities.

Term Features

It is worth dwelling in more detail on what professionalisms are in Russian. Often these words are slang expressions. The informal nature of lexemes suggests that they are not used everywhere. Their use may be limited to a narrow circle of people: belonging to the same specialty, qualifications, working in the same organization. Often the range of concepts becomes wider over time.

Practically people of any profession have their own set of professionalisms. This is due to the need to clearly identify all processes and phenomena in working life, many of which are often undefined. Such words are formed through associations with everyday concepts. Often, for a person who is not versed in the intricacies of a particular profession, confusion may arise when meeting with words from B real life they can refer to completely different objects.

For example, the word "peasants" in legal speech designate witnesses to the crime, not villagers.

Characteristics and application

Another one salient feature professionalism is emotional coloring and expression. Many are used to denote negative working phenomena, errors in production. Their similarity with colloquial expressions is noticeable: in some cases it is almost impossible to distinguish between these concepts. They are always formed in oral speech. In some cases, the word has a terminological analogue, which is not used due to the difficulty of pronunciation, the cumbersomeness of the word.

Many examples can be cited from railway professions. Each type of transport here has its own designation, sometimes consisting of abbreviations and numbers. It is quite difficult to use them in speech, therefore, substitute concepts appear in the communication of railway workers.

For example, a tank with 8 axles is called a "cigar", and a diesel locomotive TU2 is called a "carcass" by road workers. Meet similar examples and in aviation: the AN-14 aircraft was nicknamed the “bee”.

Designations have not only technical devices, but also individual professions and positions. Dreziners are called drivers of track cars. Some of the professional words are distorted foreign designations: reading the Latin alphabet without observing the rules of pronunciation (for example, "designer" - designer).

Examples from different professions

In some works of fiction, writers also use professionalisms. This is for the image certain category people, conveying emotions and for character dialogues. Many representatives of professions do not even notice how they use the words of this vocabulary in their speech. Teachers, sports coaches, economists and designers have them. In legal and advocacy practice, the phrase “to sew a case” means “investigation with a bias towards prosecution”. Musicians and music teachers have an expression “major mood”, which carries a rather positive connotation. Rich in professionalism and language of medical workers, where compound names diagnoses are replaced by ironic, simplified words.

"Betseshnik" is called a patient infected with hepatitis B and C, "flicker" is called atrial fibrillation. The main purpose of such words in this case- make speech shorter and more capacious, and speed up the process of helping patients.

Use in speech

Professionalisms in the Russian language are little studied, linguists try to avoid this phenomenon. The appearance of such words is spontaneous, and it is difficult to find certain boundaries for them and give a clear designation. There are some educational publications in which experts try to give a list of professionalisms. Such dictionaries will help students and learners in their further work activities: quickly get up to speed and understand colleagues, do not experience difficulties in oral communication with narrow specialists.

Problems of professionalism

One of the problems is the misunderstanding of professionalism by people who do not belong to a particular one. Many of these expressions are not found in dictionaries. And those that are found in dictionaries and terminological publications, are hardly distinguished from the terms themselves and vernacular. Impossible to find precise definition professionalism can cause confusion even among the representatives of the professions themselves. And because of this - errors in work, failures. Information barriers arise when communicating between employees and qualified specialists with their guidance. It is more common for employees to use special expressions in their speech, but their meaning is unfamiliar to many managers. As a result, there is some separation of groups of workers different levels, conflicts may arise.

This methodological development for grade 6 can be used as when studying new topic, and when fixing, slightly changing some elements of the lesson. The development contains a systematic repetition of all the terms studied in the section "Lexicology"



Extended Russian lesson plan

in 6th grade on the topic:


(according to the textbook by T. A. Ladyzhenskaya)

teachers of Russian language and literature

MKOU Verkhnetereshanskaya school

Starokulatkinsky district

Ulyanovsk region

Aksyanova Guzel Saitovna

Target setting:

Learning goals.

Knowledge: give knowledge of vocabulary limited use in particular about professionalism.

Skills: form practical skill use correctly in everyday speech professionalism, “do not clog” Russian literary language an excessive amount of professionalism; improve the ability to correctly perform linguistic analyzes: morphemic, phonetic, spelling elements.

Skills: improve writing skills: orthograms (spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word, spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word),punctograms (end-of-sentence sign).

Speech development: improvement different types speech activity: reading educational texts, expressive reading, listening to the teacher and each other, the development of oral monologue and dialogical speech, letter(the number of words recorded in the lesson is 115), the development of communicative and speech skills (composing phrases, sentences, the ability to title the text, determine its topic).

  1. High speech-developing nature of didactic material.
  2. Stylistic aspect: the lesson used the artistic style and the educational and scientific sub-style of the scientific style.
  1. Development goals:
  1. development of thinking, memory, attention, imagination;
  2. creating a psychologically comfortable environment in the classroom.

III. Educational goals:

  1. educate attention to the world around;
  2. to develop interest in the Russian language, oral and written speech;
  3. bring up serious attitude to teacher and student work, to the subject.
  4. attach through proverbs and sayings to cultural heritage Russian people.

Lesson equipment:board, textbook

(T. A. Ladyzhenskaya), cards with text, dictionaries (spelling, explanatory).

Methods: teacher's word with elements of conversation, training exercises, work with illustrations, elements of language analyzes, observation of a linguistic phenomenon.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time
  1. Greetings
  2. Report of the attendant on readiness for the lesson.
  3. Creating a positive psychological mood students

II. Interview

Checking homework

Frontal survey on the topic "Lexicology"

What does lexicology study?

What sections of vocabulary did we study last year?

What words are commonly used?

What sections of non-common vocabulary are we already familiar with?

III. Studying new material

  1. Conducting the game "Guess the profession." Let's talk about professions today.

A) He showed me his watercolors and still lifes. The impression of still lifes is a bright, colorful carpet of colors that shimmer and sparkle with all the colors of the palette.

B) Leshy Rimsky - Korsakov came up with two themes. He assigned one string instruments. The second is played by four horns and cymbals. The theme of Santa Claus sounds harsh and depressing.

How did you define it?

2. The word of the teacher about professionalism. Writing in the notebook of the topic of the lesson.

3. Acquaintance with the objectives of the lesson.

4.Filling out directories:

Professionalisms are words associated with the peculiarities of the work of people of a particular specialty or profession.

5. Work in pairs.

In each of the envelopes - the name of the profession. Choose the terms used by people of a particular profession.
Musicians Military Doctors Mathematicians Historians Chauffeurs Lawyers;
opera artillery potion square emperor accumulator lawyer;
clarinet projectile bronchitis equation peasants carburetor prosecutor;
romance landing inhalation multiply voivode tire fitting judge;
violin patron inoculation equality feudalism bumper witness;
note battalion furuncle circumference reform brake appeal.

Examination. Each pair reads 1 column. The rest check the correctness of the work. Whoever notices a mistake, let him silently raise his hand.

Correct answer:

musicians doctors projectile
military mathematics bronchitis
vaccination inhalation drivers
boil square opera
lawyers multiply equation
equality potion feudalism
accumulator circumference clarinet
romance violin reform
emperor battalion carburetor
tire fitting peasants governor
historians bumper brake
lawyer patron prosecutor
judge note landing
witness appeal artillery

  1. Consolidation of the studied material
  1. Work with the textbook.

Performing exercises 67, 68.

  1. Work with text

Aunt Polya is a surgeon, and my mother is the head of the factory outpatient clinic. As soon as they meet, a conversation begins between them, in which ordinary words replaced by medical ones. Before I could get in, Aunt Polya asked me:
- Well, Alik, how is your caries?
I just shrugged my shoulders.
- I don't have any caries.
- How about your tooth? Have you had a filling already?
It was only then that I realized what was the matter: a week ago I had a toothache and they treated it at the clinic.
But, in my opinion, it is much easier instead of the words caries and put a filling to ask: "Did you cure the tooth?" But I didn't argue! You won't convince them.

Is the hero right? this story that you shouldn't use professional words at all?

V. Summary of the lesson

What words did you learn in class today?

VI. Reflection.

Continue the sentence using professionalism:

I consider this lesson...

VII. Homework

P. 15, ex. 69

VIII. Evaluation

Each profession has its own specifics, not only in the field of activity, but also in vocabulary. Terms, names of tools, work actions - all this has its own definitions, understandable only to specialists. Progress is sweeping the planet, and with the development of science, more and more new words appear. For example, it is worth noting that today there are almost 60 thousand items in the field of electronics, and in widely famous dictionary Ozhegov there are 3,000 fewer of them. It cannot be called otherwise than a terminological explosion.

Professionalisms in Russian: place and meaning

First, let's define this phenomenon. Industrial vocabulary - autonomous language system, which is a collection of all scientific and technical concepts and names. It has the most developed information function.

Special vocabulary also penetrates into the literary language, which is completely inevitable, since highly specialized words may well become common objective reasons. This includes promotion scientific knowledge, and raising the level of culture of people, and access to modern communications technology. For example, today everyone knows what apogee and perigee are, you will not surprise anyone with the expression "soft landing" or the science of selenology.

The literary language and professional vocabulary have a common word-formation basis, so the reverse cycle can also occur: an already known concept acquires a new meaning that has a narrow specialization.

Communication of specialists, all kinds scientific work, reports and production reports contain examples of professionalisms that have their own classification.

special vocabulary

First of all, it is a term (from Latin - "border"). This is the name of a word or phrase (in other words, a linguistic sign), which corresponds to a special concept. It is the terms that are included in the vast majority of neologisms that appear in recent times. An example would be professionalism in medicine.

Terminological system: its components are, in fact, all the same linguistic signs, but have already evolved from functioning as disparate (single) definitions to being combined into a coherent scientific theory.

Nomen (from Latin "family name"). This is an independent category of vocabulary, denoting a single, visible object. For example, when they show us a device and say that it is an oscilloscope, then we will represent it every time as soon as we hear this word. For non-specialists, it is impossible to imagine another device that visualizes electrical vibrations.

The most democratic concept special vocabulary are professionalism. They have received special distribution in since most of them are unofficial synonyms. scientific concepts. Examples of professionalism can be found in explanatory dictionaries, in newspapers and magazines, and in literary works, they often perform a figurative and expressive function in these texts.

Occurrence classification

There are three ways to form special words:

Actually lexical. This is the emergence of new special names. For example, fishermen from the verb "shkerit" (gut fish) formed the name of the profession - "shkershik".

Lexico-semantic. Emergence of professionalisms by rethinking already famous word, that is, the appearance of a new value for it. For printers, a hat is not a headdress, but a heading that unites several publications. And the pipe for the hunter means nothing more than the tail of a fox.

Lexical and derivational. Examples of professionalisms that have arisen in this way are easy to identify, since suffixes or word addition are used for this. Everyone knows what a reserve is (a reserve mechanism or a part for something) or an editor-in-chief is an editor-in-chief.

Features of speech and special words

Despite the seeming limitation in use, professionalisms are found in all Dry formal business style you won’t surprise anyone, therefore the professionalism in it simple function conveying the meaning of the utterance.

Concerning scientific speech, then professionalism is used here for several reasons:

For better assimilation of information through the figurativeness of special vocabulary;

They make it possible to quickly memorize the text due to the capacity of concepts;

They avoid tautologies by putting examples of professionalisms in place of terms.

For journalistic and artistic styles the use of special words occurs with the same functions:


Communicative (not only hero-hero communication, but also reader-author);

Saving speech efforts - professionalism always explains in a shorter term;

Cognitive, forming cognitive interest.

Where do special words come from?

The main source of professionalisms, first of all, are primordially Russian words that have undergone semantic rethinking. They appear from common vocabulary: for example, for electricians, a hair becomes a thin wire. The colloquial-colloquial layer of vocabulary gives the name of the hammer handle - murder, and the jargon suggested that the driver call the idle time "kimar". Even local dialects shared a definition for high road- big.

Another source of special words is borrowing from other languages. The most common of these professionalisms are examples of words in medicine. Whatever name you take, it's all Latin, except for the duck under the bed. Or, for example, a foreign printing press with a form, called a cliché, from which we have only the designation of the drawing made by it.

Any branch of production has objects that make up a system in which classes can be distinguished. Both require specific names to combine into thematic groups.

About lexical-thematic groups

Professional names contain not only knowledge about the industry, but also the attitude of the speaker to the subject. From this point of view, they are objective (as a rule, these are nomens) and subjective:

Expressing negativity or irony to the subject itself. So, a faulty car for motorists is a coffin.

Relation directly to the title. This is how the bomber became the bomber in aviation.

Even professionalism can indicate the quality of work. in construction they say about brickwork: wasteland (little mortar) or dam (uneven wall).

All these thematic groups are in certain connections, and it is they who break up reality with the help of words.

About lexico-semantic groups

They unite not only by the presence of an emotional assessment of the subject or its name, but also, if possible, interact with each other. This applies to semantic relations: synonymy, homonymy, ambiguity, metaphor. In this regard, the following groups can be distinguished:

Words that have an equivalent in common vocabulary. Their meaning can be found by opening dictionary. There are a lot of professionalisms of this order in the Russian language: mine - large inter-column spaces on a newspaper page.

Terminological synonyms. AT different areas professionalism means the same thing. For example, among motorists, builders and machine builders, scrap is called a "pencil".

Multiple words. The word "Zhiguli", in addition to the well-known meaning of the car as a trademark, has an indication of a specific camshaft in mechanical engineering.

And finally, about the jargon

Each profession has a number of words, phrases, expressions that contain a very vivid expression. These are usually informal synonyms for certain terms. They are used exclusively in the communication of specialists and are called "professional jargon".

The specificity of this vocabulary makes speech incomprehensible to a third-party person who is outside this field of activity. Many programmer professions have a tinge of jargon: a teapot, a dog, or a crib. They are already more reminiscent of slang - a social dialect common in a highly professional or even asocial environment. The function of this language is conspiratorial, it is only for "their own".


Everything related to professional vocabulary, jargon and even slang, must be constantly studied, since this is a fairly large lexical layer, which cannot be ignored, since it reflects historical processes and development of society.